One Society Under Liberalism.

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LIBERALISM: LIBERALISM (from the Latin liberalis, “of freedom�) is the belief in the importance of liberty and equal rights.Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but most liberals support such fundamental ideas as constitutions, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, free trade, and the freedom of religion.These ideas are widely accepted, even by political groups that do not openly profess a liberal ideological orientation. Liberalism encompasses several intellectual trends and traditions, but the dominant variants are classical liberalism, which became popular in the eighteenth century, and social liberalism, which became popular in the twentieth century.


Liberalism is frequently cited as the dominant ideology of modern times. Politically, liberals have organized extensively throughout the world. Liberal parties, think tanks, and other institutions are common in many nations, although they advocate for different causes based on their ideological orientation.


Meet Uncle Sam, The Icon of the Liberalism Era, Well Practicaly He Was USA Icon




Demos: People + Kratos: Authority Individualism

which holds that the primary task of government is to enable each individual to achieve the highest potential of development.







which allows each individual the greatest amount of freedom consistent with order. which maintains that all persons are created equal and have equal rights and opportunities. which postulates that individuals will not misuse their freedom but will co-operate in creating a wholesome society.


FREEDOM liberalism places the highest value on individual freedom and posts that the role of government should be quite limited.

The freedom to choose is one of the only real freedoms you have, and the most important freedom you have; you should not let other people, or the government, or the collective, choose for you, you should choose for yourself, you have the Right and Free-Will


A Businessman

A Fashinoista

Pathway of Life

A Scholar

A Rockstar

A Worker

A Bum Sadly is not as easy as that, because......

Your Life Is Depend On Your Luck

fate plays a role in one’s fortunate or unfortunate circumstances



Economic liberalism opposes government intervention on the grounds that the state often serves dominant business interests, distorting the market to their favor and thus leading to inefficient outcomes. For example, the social market economy is a largely freemarket economy based on a free-price system and private property, and includes government regulation to promote competitive markets and social welfare programs to address social inequalities that result from free-market outcomes.

The economic liberalism had similarity with the supporters of feudal privileges for the wealthy, aristocratic traditions and the rights of kings to run national economies in their own personal interests.

In the end Liberalism is inextricably connected to the rise of Capitalism Because Freedom Is Beeing Done



IN THE NAME OF MONEY Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit. Income in a Capitalist system takes at least two forms, profit on the one hand and wages on the other. There is also a tradition that treats rent, income from the control of natural resources, as a third phenomenon distinct from either of those. In any case, profit is what is received by virtue of control of the tools of production, by the capitalists - those who provide the capital. Wages are received by those who sell their labor with those tools, i.e. the workers. Critics of capitalism associate it with: unfair distribution of wealth and power; a tendency toward market monopoly or oligopoly (and government by oligarchy); imperialism, counter-revolutionary wars and various forms of economic and cultural exploitation; repression of workers and trade unionists; social alienation; economic inequality; unemployment; and economic instability.

Capitalism Is Like a Food Chain, Where The Big One Eat The Small One


Inequalities in consumption are stark. Globally, the 20% of the world’s people in the highest-income countries account for 86% of total private consumption expenditures — the poorest 20% a minuscule 1.3%. More specifically, the richest fifth:

RICH 45% 58% 84% 74% 87%

POOR of all meat and fish of total energy

of all paper of all telephone line of the world’s vehicle fleet

5% 4% 1,1% 1,5% 1%

On Top Of That, The Biggest One Will Control Everything, Incuded Our Society

In The End, The Small One Will Be The One Who Suffered...


SUPER-EXPLOITATION If “exploitation” means increasing the standard of living of the masses, tripling the life span of the average man, and bringing wealth and prosperity to all those who live under it, then capitalism is a system of “exploitation.”

Developing nations (commonly called “third world countries” or “poor countries”) are the focus of much debate over the issue of exploitation, particularly in the context of the global economy. Critics of foreign companies allege, for instance, that firms such as Nike and Gap Inc. resort to child labor and sweatshops in developing nations, paying their workers wages far lower than those that prevail in developed nations (where the products are sold). This, it is argued, is insufficient to allow workers to attain the local subsistence standard of living if working hours common in the first world are observed, so that working hours much longer than in the first world are necessary. It is also argued that work conditions in these developing-world factories are more unsafe and much more unhealthy than in the first world. For example, observers point to cases where employees were unable to escape factories burning down—and thus dying—because of locked doors, a common signal that sweatshop conditions exist. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire of 1911 was another example, but it occurred in the US, so the first world of then is the equivalent of the third world of today.


Exploit Our Resources, Until We Left With Ashes

Some exploitation of natural resources is an essential condition of the human existence. This refers primarily to food production and necessities. The exploitation of nature is often done unsustainably and is of increasing concern as the depletion of natural resources from economic growth and population growth ultimately threatens human existence. On top of that our consumerism behaviour lead this the exploitation into the worst part.


MERISM Consumerism is a social and economic order that is based on the systematic creation and fostering of a desire to purchase goods and services in ever greater amounts. The term is often associated with criticisms of consumption starting with Thorstein Veblen or, more recently by Enoughism. Veblen’s subject of examination, the newly emergent middle class arising at the turn of the twentieth century, comes to full fruition by the end of the twentieth century through the process of globalization.

The term “consumerism” is also used to refer to the consumerist movement or consumer activism, which seeks to protect and inform consumers by requiring such practices as honest packaging and advertising, product guarantees, and improved safety standards. In this sense it is a movement or a set of policies aimed at regulating the products, services, methods, and standards of manufacturers, sellers, and advertisers in the interests of the buyer. Please see the articles consumer activism and consumer protection for more on this topic.

Beginning in the 1990s, the most frequent reason given for attending college had changed to making a lot of money, outranking reasons such as becoming an authority in a field or helping others in difficulty. This correlates with the rise of materialism[citation needed], specifically the technological aspect: the increasing prevalence of compact disc players, digital media, personal computers, and cellular telephones. Madeline Levine criticized what she saw as a large change in American culture – “a shift away from values of community, spirituality, and integrity, and toward competition, materialism and disconnection.”

In many critical contexts, consumerism is used to describe the tendency of people to identify strongly with products or services they consume, especially those with commercial brand names and perceived status-symbolism appeal, e.g. a luxury car, designer clothing, or expensive jewelry. A culture that is permeated by consumerism can be referred to as a consumer culture or a market culture.

It’s Everywhere!



“Create Brand and Product To Make Them Depends”

CONSUMERIST “Keep Consume To Feel Contents”


The want to consume is nothing new. It is has been around for millennia. People need to consume resources to survive. However, consumption has evolved as people have ingeniously found ways to help make their lives simpler and/or to use their resources more efficiently. Of course, with this has come the want to control such means. Hence, the consumption patterns have evolved over time based on the influence of those who can control it. As a result, there is tremendous waste within this system, to maintain such control and such disparities

Today’s consumption is undermining the environmental resource base. It is exacerbating inequalities. And the dynamics of the consumption-poverty-inequalityenvironment nexus are accelerating. If the trends continue without change not redistributing from high-income to low-income consumers, not shifting from polluting to cleaner goods and production technologies, not promoting goods that empower poor producers, not shifting priority from consumption for conspicuous display to meeting basic needs today’s problems of consumption and human development will worsen.


Until We Left With Nothing


Ads send us the message that we should be envied by others, and to be envied and desired we need thier products. Fashion magazines do this to the extreme with ads for makeup, clothing, and more. Ads play on the knowledge that everyone wants to have an image. They tell us that by buying and using certain things we can create this for ourselves.

Obey Hitler!

Obey your favourite brand!

MATERIALISM Materialism refers to how a person or group chooses to spend their resources, particularly money and time. Literally, a materialist is a person for whom collecting material goods is an important priority. In common use, the word more specifically refers to a person who primarily pursues wealth, possessions and luxury. Sometimes such a person displays conspicuous consumption.

Materialistic describes a person who is markedly more concerned with material things (such as money and possessions) rather than spiritual, intellectual, or cultural values.

An attitude of economic materialism drives consumers to spend more of their disposable incomes and acquire more goods, which translates to economic growth as firms produce more to meet consumer demand

Materialistic attitudes drive consumers to spend more and purchase more goods. However, as people spend more on goods and services, they may save little or none of their earnings. Over the years, economists in the government and private sector have warned of serious consequences resulting from the nation’s low savings rate. The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis reported in 2007 that Americans’ personal saving rate fell from about 9 percent in the 1980s to near zero in the early years of the 21st century.


1. Equality of concern and respect is cashed-out in terms of a set of basic rights, civil liberties and economic entitlements. These rights entail accompanying responsibilities and duties.

1. One of the essential features of the culture of capitalism is masking from the consumer the effects of his or her consumption patterns 2. The exploitation of labor

2. It allows people to own private property, have the right to gain wealth and compete in the market.

3. Unequal distribution of resources and the side effects of a deteriorating environment affect global health.

3. better standard of living (for the rich maybe) 4. Inequality and exploitation on society as a whole 4. Liberalism let people to compete against each other. The competition will encourage people to participate and it will encourage people to work hard to try to collect as much gold as possible. It will also, of course, encourage cheating and other such acts, as is to be expected in any competition.

5. The great disparity in wealth among nations contribute to social unrest

US Each Individual is Rational and Has The Ability to Use His Reason to Determine Sensible Rules Whether This Freedom Can Work or Not Lies With:

“Earth provides enough to but not every


Liberalism : is the belief in the importance of liberty and equal rights.Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but most liberals support such fundamental ideas as constitutions, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, free trade, and the freedom of religion. Economic Liberalism : Economic liberalism opposes government intervention on the grounds that the state often serves dominant business interests, distorting the market to their favor and thus leading to inefficient outcomes.

satisfy every man’s need, man’s greed” Mahatma Gandhi 1869-1948 philosopher

Capitalism : an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. Mercantilism : belief in the benefits of profitable trading; commercialism. the economic theory that trade generates wealth and is stimulated by the accumulation of profitable balances, which a government should encourage by means of protectionism. Consumerism : Consumerism is a social and economic order that is based on the systematic creation and fostering of a desire to purchase goods and services in ever greater amounts.

Materialism: A tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual . Materialism refers to how a person or group chooses to spend their resources, particularly money and time. Literally, a materialist is a person for whom collecting material goods is an important priority. Hedonism: the ethical theory that pleasure (in the sense of the satisfaction of desires) is the highest good and proper aim of human life.


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