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Girl Gives Back - Kimberly Wallace
Girl Gives Back Kimberly Wallace

"For me, a world where everyone has a decent place to live isn't a dream, it's a call to action."
Organization… I am the Volunteer Engagement Associate for Black Hills Area Habitat for Humanity, an affiliate of a global non-profit dedicated to providing simple, decent, and affordable housing with a hand up, not hand out approach. In the last 28 years, our affiliate has built and repaired 164 local homes.
Journey… Two years ago, my husband and I decided to sign up for a first-time home buyers course. When Deb, the only other student, shared her story, she attributed all her hope and gratitude to Habitat for Humanity. On the last night, she said, “Do it while you’re young and take what opportunities you can.” Without knowing it, her advice changed my life. Two weeks later, I found myself the newest member of the Habitat team. Like many of my journeys, it came down to fate. I happened to be in the right place, at the right time, with the right person, and I was compelled to listen.
Motivation... Since my journey has always felt like fate, when things get tough, I remind myself I'm exactly where I'm meant to be. I believe in the Habitat mission. For me "a world where everyone has a decent place to live" isn't a dream; it's a call to action.
To keep my volunteers motivated, I abide by one rule at all times: never, ever run out of cookies! I inherited a group of construction volunteers who pretty much have one philosophy on life; no matter how big the problem or tough the solution, life is easier with a chocolate chip cookie in hand. I’ve found most people can agree on this, so I keep my office well stocked.

Memory… In my two years with Habitat, I have witnessed groundbreakings, wall raisings, dedications, and even the very rare mortgage burning. I’ve toured a construction site with Governor Kristi Noem, met Habitat International’s CEO, Jonathan Reckford, and sat in the very shack in Americus, Georgia, where the idea for Habitat for Humanity was
born. I've had the chance to celebrate a volunteer reaching 12,000 hours, to laugh, cry, and pray with co-workers dozens of times, and to meet my best friend along the way. All these amazing moments and opportunities are because of my involvement with Habitat and I am so grateful. Yet no moment is as special as the first time I met Deb's granddaughter, Leana. In that moment, I saw whom the future we are building is for, and it deepened my purpose.
Volunteer… This summer, I have chosen the Habitat mantra, love thy neighborhood. There are so many volunteer opportunities in Rapid City with some amazing organizations, but I encourage you to start small. Be a good neighbor. Pick up trash when you see it, offer to help shovel a neighbor’s walkway or mow their grass, and please
pick up after your dog. In a world that can be divisive, be the one to bring unity back to our community with small, simple acts of kindness. Then when you’re done, give me a call and I'll tell you all about the cool ways to volunteer with Habitat. BHW