Investing in the development of young children The Bernard van Leer Foundation is a private foundation based in the Netherlands. It operates internationally. The Foundation aims to enhance opportunities for children 0-7 years growing up in circumstances of social and economic disadvantage, with the objective of developing their potential to the greatest extent possible. The Foundation concentrates on children 0-7 years because research findings have demonstrated that interventions in the early years of childhood are most effective in yielding lasting benefits to children and society. The Foundation accomplishes its objectives through two interconnected strategies: • a grant-making programme in selected countries aimed at developing culturally and contextually appropriate approaches to early childhood care and development; and • the sharing of knowledge and know-how in the domain of early childhood development that primarily draws on the experiences generated by the projects that the Foundation supports, with the aim of informing and influencing policy and practice. The Foundation currently supports a total of approximately 150 projects in 40 selected countries worldwide, both developing and industrialised. Projects are implemented by project partner organisations that may be governmental or non-governmental. The lessons learned and the knowledge and know-how in the domain of early childhood development which are generated through these projects are shared through a publications programme.
Catalogue of Publications Catálogo de Publicaciones
The Bernard van Leer Foundation was established in 1949. Its income is derived from the bequest of Bernard van Leer, a Dutch industrialist and philanthropist who lived from 1883 to 1958.
Es una fundación privada con sede en Holanda, que opera en el ámbito internacional. El objetivo de la Fundación es mejorar las oportunidades de niños de 0 a 7 años que crecen en circunstancias económicas y socialmente desaventajadas, con el propósito de desarrollar al máximo su potencial innato. La Fundación ha optado por centrar su labor en la atención a niños de cero a siete años de edad porque distintas investigaciones han demostrado que, intervenciones en la etapa inicial de la niñez, son mucho más efectivas por ofrecer beneficios más duraderos, tanto para los propios niños, como para la sociedad. La Fundación lleva a cabo su objetivo mediante dos estrategias relacionadas entre sí: • un programa de apoyos a proyectos, en determinados países, dirigido a desarrollar enfoques sobre atención y desarrollo de la primera infancia, respetando el contexto y la cultura. • compartir los conocimientos y experiencias en el ámbito del desarrollo de la primera infancia, adquiridas en aquellos proyectos que la Fundación apoya, con el fin de informar, y a la vez, tratar de influir en la práctica diaria y en los procesos de decisión de políticas. En la actualidad, la fundación apoya un total de 150 proyectos, aproximadamente, distribuidos en una selección de 40 países, incluyendo tanto países industrializados como en vías de desarrollo. Los proyectos son llevados a cabo por organizaciones, ya sean gubernamentales o no gubernamentales. Por medio de un programa de publicaciones, la fundación da a conocer las lecciones aprendidas y el conocimiento sobre el desarrollo de la primera infancia, generado a través de estos proyectos. La Fundación fue creada en 1949 y sus recursos se derivan del legado del industrial y filántropo holandés, Bernard van Leer (1883-1958).
Catalogue of Publications / Catálogo de Publicaciones 1994 - 2004
Invirtiendo en el futuro de los más pequeños
1994 - 2004
Bernard van Leer Foundation P.O. Box 82334 2508 EH The Hague The Netherlands Visiting address: Eisenhowerlaan 156 2517 KP The Hague The Netherlands tel: +31 (0)70 3312200 fax: +31 (0)70 3502373 email: website: <>
Design & Production:
Bernard van Leer Foundation
Catalogue of Publications Catรกlogo de Publicaciones 1994 - 2004 November 2004
Contents How to order publications
Corporate publications / Publicaciones corporativas
Early Childhood Matters
Espacio para la Infancia
Working Papers in Early Childhood Development / Cuadernos sobre Desarrollo Infantil Temprano
Studies and Evaluation Papers
Practice and Reections / Prácticas y Reexiones
Books and monographs / Libros y monográcos
Video tapes / Cintas de vídeo
Title index / Índice por título
Order form / Formulario de solicitud
How to order publications The 1994–2004 Catalog of Publications of the Bernard van Leer Foundation lists all official Foundation publications currently in print. Publications are listed by series (starting on page 1) and indexed by title (page 98). The quickest way of ordering a publication is sending an e-mail to Always include the full title and the author’s name, as well as your full name and mailing address. If you have no access to the Internet, then please use the order form in this catalogue (page 104). Our publications are available free of charge for single copies (up to a maximum of five) to organisations and individuals working in the area of early childhood development. Restrictions may apply depending on availability. The most recent publications can be downloaded free of charge from our website <>.
Cómo solicitar publicaciones El catálogo de publicaciones de la Fundación Bernard van Leer (1994– 2004) recoge todas las publicaciones editadas, en versión impresa, por la Fundación. Se presentan agrupadas por series (a partir de la página 1) y listadas por título (página 98). La forma más rápida de solicitar una publicación es por medio del correo electrónico, dirigiéndose a Indicar siempre el título completo y su autor, así como el nombre y dirección de quien realiza la solicitud. Si no dispone de acceso a internet, envíenos por favor el formulario incluido en este catálogo. Nuestras publicaciones son gratuitas (un ejemplar por título, hasta un máximo de 5 títulos) para aquellas organizaciones o personas que trabajan en el ámbito del desarrollo de la primera infancia. Pueden darse restricciones en función de la disponibilidad de ejemplares. Las publicaciones más recientes pueden descargarse gratuitamente a través de nuestra página web <>.
Corporate Publications Publicaciones corporativas
Corporate Publications
Publicationes Corporativas
Leaet / Folleto
Annual Report 2003
General information about the mission of the Bernard van Leer Foundation and its guidelines for funding.
This Annual Report reviews the work and interests of the Foundation and those of the projects it supports in 2003. It includes a foreword on accountability by the Chair of the Board of Trustees, a financial report and a list of projects that the Foundation funded during the year.
Información general sobre la misión de la Fundación Bernard van Leer y sus principios y criterios para la financiación.
Available in English, Spanish, Dutch
2003 | 38 pages
Corporate Publications
A legacy for human kind
(also available in Dutch: “Winst voor de mensheid”)
Produced to mark the Foundation’s 50th anniversary, this publication tells the story of Bernard van Leer and how the Foundation was created. It also relates how the founder’s son Oscar gave the Foundation its current mandate and focus.
1999 | 34 pages | ISBN 90-6195-053-8 (Dutch edition ISBN 90-6195-052-X)
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters Published at least once a year, Early Childhood Matters and its Spanish counterpart Espacio para la Infancia review speciî&#x192;&#x17E;c issues pertaining to the development of young children, in particular from a psychosocial perspective. It draws on current theory as well as recent practical experience. Also included are reports on the work of Foundationsupported projects throughout the world.
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters
Young childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s participation: Rhetoric or growing reality?
Critical thinking
Early Childhood Matters 103
Early Childhood Matters 102
Young childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s participation: Rhetoric or growing reality? raises the importance of providing participative environments to children in which they can express themselves readily, knowing they will be listened to. It presents an overview of current thinking at an international level on how young children can effectively play a role in programming and in decisions that affect their lives.
The ability to think critically is widely fostered as part of the holistic development of young children. Activities that require children to engage in looking, understanding, reflecting, judging, and making choices will guide them through the many dilemmas, decisions and choices they will have to face in life.
2004 | 60 pages | ISSN 1387-9553
2004 | 44 pages | ISSN 1387-9553
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters
in changing rural realities
Following footsteps: tracer studies
Early Childhood Matters 101
Early Childhood Matters 100
This edition contains a selection of the articles produced by participants at a meeting in Alcázar do Sal, Portugal, in December 2002. Twelve participants from Foundation-supported projects in four Latin American countries (Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela) and four European countries (Scotland, Spain, France and Portugal) identified and reflected on a broad spectrum of themes and problems around growing up in these two rural environments, analysed the new rural challenges and related them to the work of their own ECD projects. They explored the important contextual realities of the environments in which they operate; explained the conceptual frameworks that underpin the responses that they have devised and put into practice; and identified a number of significant themes for programming.
Are children different at the age of 10 if they took part in a programme at the age of 4 or 5? Does a 12-year old benefit because his mother was in a parenting programme when she was an adolescent? Do people really change because they were trained in giving care in an early child development programme? This edition is based on tracer studies that have followed the “footsteps” of children, adolescents, parents and others to find out what has happened to them five or more years after they participated in an early childhood development programme. The articles include descriptions of methods, findings from the studies, and discussions on ways in which they can be used.
2003 | 38 pages | ISSN 1387-9553
2002 | 59 pages | ISSN 1387-9553
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters
Effectiveness Initiative: First fruits
e Convention on the Rights of the Child and young children
Early Childhood Matters 99
Early Childhood Matters 98
How have programmes that are aimed at the social inclusion of young children responded to realities? This edition looks for, describes and analyses ten projects across the world. Teams of investigators – specialists within international agencies as well as people from early childhood development programmes – explore how the needs of children and their families are met in different contexts. It shows the evolution of this process with examples of how distinct understandings have been generated.
This edition provides arguments, examples of work at all levels, and analyses to contribute to the discussions that are needed to elevate the Convention on the Rights of the Child to its rightful place in early childhood programming as key strategy in realising the aspirations of the Convention.
2001 | 54 pages | ISSN 1387-9553
2001 | 58 pages | ISSN 1387-9553
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters
Fathers matter too
î ˘e Effectiveness Initiative: Creating an environment for learning
Early Childhood Matters 97
Early Childhood Matters 96
Fathering has emerged as a key focus for effective work with young children. This issue offers an overview of how and why fathering has obtained this prominent focus. It draws out the key issues in fathering and discusses how these are understood and acted on. It offers a survey of what is being done, strategically and via direct work, to support fathers as they move towards the parenting roles that they and their families, cultures and societies determine that they should have.
This issue contains a collection of articles about the progress of the Foundationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Effectiveness Initiative (EI). Launched in January 1999 by the Foundation and partner organisations, the EI is a three-year investigation into what makes an effective project work. It features articles about many aspects of the first 18 months of EI work.
2001 | 47 pages | Out of print
2000 | 42 pages | Out of print
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters
Parents and programmes
Listening to children
Early Childhood Matters 95
Early Childhood Matters 94
In a discussion about parental involvement it is important to keep in mind that children depend on the love, care and security that those in parenting roles most naturally provide. This edition explores the question of where and to what extent do and should parents fit into ECD programmes. It reflects on practice around such topics as what roles do parents have and why. What helps to determine these roles? How and under what circumstances do parents complement, support – even take over – roles that are often earmarked for trained child development workers? How is their participation viewed by other stakeholders; how is it fostered; how is it constrained?
This edition focuses on participation by children of 0–7 years in the conceptualisation, implementation and evaluation of early childhood development programmes. Articles show how adults are taking the crucial steps in developing that participation: establishing environments and practices that enable young children to express themselves confidently and fully, and to develop some experiences in participation.
2000 | 44 pages | Out of print
2000 | 44 pages | ISSN 1387-9553
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters
e Effectiveness Initiative
Policy and decision makers: Translating effective
Early Childhood Matters 93
Early Childhood Matters 92
This is a joint publication with the Consultative Group on Early Childhood Care and Development, introducing the Effectiveness Initiative, a three-year investigation by the Foundation and partner organisations into what makes an effective project work.
This edition shows how people in the field and their agencies – at international, governmental, regional and country level – try to be effective to have a positive influence on the lives of young children.
1999 | 44 pages | ISSN 1387-9553
1999 | 42 pages | Out of print
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters
Real engagement by children
Culturally or contextually appropriate?
Early Childhood Matters 91
Early Childhood Matters 90
The Effectiveness Initiative is a major new project undertaken by the Foundation and a number of partner organisations to study effectiveness in early childhood development programmes. This edition reviews ideas and programmes of work that seek the views of children and that value children as contributors to, and participants in, all aspects of early childhood development.
This edition is centred on an analysis of culturally relevant approaches in early childhood development recently undertaken by the Foundation. The objective was to learn from the accumulated experiences of 11 projects. One aim was to explore how projects that work in culturally appropriate ways can pay special attention in their work with children and parents to factors such as language, cultural norms, childrearing practices and family relationships. The second aim was to highlight the ways in which projects working in different contexts handle relationships between cultures.
1999 | 42 pages | ISSN 1387-9553
1998 | 44 pages | ISSN 1387-9553
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters
Culturally appropriate approaches in early childhood development
Effectiveness in early childhood development
Early Childhood Matters 89
Early Childhood Matters 88
This edition presents a variety of perspectives and insights into an area that is of interest to many people in the field of early childhood â&#x20AC;&#x201C; culturally appropriate approaches to development work with young children, their families and their communities. The contributors range from practitioners in a variety of early childhood projects to a Turkish father building a life with his family in a new country to an applied anthropologist who has advised the Israeli government on the absorption of immigrants from the Caucasus and Central Asia.
Effectiveness is of paramount importance to all who are involved in development. In early childhood development, for example, we might ask whether it is effective to work with young children at all, and we can try to identify the sorts of benefits that result and for whom. We should also ask ourselves if we are effective in supporting work with young children: do we choose the most appropriate projects to support? And, if so, what is it that makes these projects appropriate?
1998 | 42 pages | Out of print
1998 | 38 pages | Out of print
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters was published as the Foundation’s Newsletter until 1997 From Newsletter to Early Childhood Matters
Reaching rural families
Newsletter 87 | 1997 | 24 pages | ISSN 0921-5840
Newsletter 78 | 1995 | 24 pages | ISSN 0921-5840
Good practice: programmes and primary schools
Targetting teenagers
Newsletter 86 | 1997 | 24 pages | ISSN 0921-5840
Newsletter 77 | 1995 | 24 pages | ISSN 0921-5840
Interactions across the generations
Mobility and young children
Newsletter 85 | 1997 | 24 pages | ISSN 0921-5840
Newsletter 76 | 1994 | 24 pages | ISSN 0921-5840
Children touched by violence
Children 0-3
Newsletter 84 | 1996 | 24 pages | ISSN 0921-5840
Newsletter 75 | 1994 | 24 pages | ISSN 0921-5840
e rights of children 0-7 years
Newsletter 83 | 1996 | 24 pages | ISSN 0921-5840
Newsletter 74 | 1994 | 24 pages | ISSN 0921-5840
e environment of the child
e early years: e basis for lifelong learning
Newsletter 82 | 1996 | 24 pages | ISSN 0921-5840
Newsletter 73 | 1994 | 24 pages | ISSN 0921-5840
Multicultural matters Newsletter 81 | 1996 | 24 pages | ISSN 0921-5840
Reaching children where they are Newsletter 80 | 1995 | 24 pages | ISSN 0921-5840
Participatory learning for empowerment Newsletter 79 | 1995 | 24 pages | ISSN 0921-5840
Espacio para la Infancia
Espacio para la Infancia Revista sobre el desarrollo de la primera infancia que trata temas especícos relacionados con el desarrollo de los niños pequeños, y en concreto desde su perspectiva psicosocial. Recoge perspectivas derivadas tanto de la teoría como de la práctica, con ejemplos de experiencias apoyadas por la Fundación en distintas partes del mundo. Desde 2004, Espacio para la Infancia y Early Childhood Matters (en inglés) comparten los mismos contenidos.
Espacio para la Infancia
Espacio para la Infancia
La participación infantil: ¿Retórica o una creciente realidad?
Pensamiento crítico
Espacio para la Infancia 22
Espacio para la Infancia 21
En este número se intenta ir más allá de reconocer la importancia de abrir espacios participativos a los niños para que puedan expresarse, con la seguridad de que sean escuchados. Para ello se presenta una visión general de distintas perspectivas de vigente actualidad a nivel internacional sobre cómo los niños pequeños pueden desempeñar un papel significativo en los programas y en decisiones que afectan a sus vidas.
La facultad de pensar de forma crítica es de hecho defendida como parte del desarrollo holístico de la primera infancia. Las actividades que requieren que los niños observen, comprendan, reflexionen, juzguen y tomen decisiones les orientará a través de los numerosos dilemas, decisiones y elecciones que tengan que afrontar en la vida.
2004 | 60 páginas | ISSN 1566-6476
2004 | 44 páginas | ISSN 1566-6476
Espacio para la Infancia
Espacio para la Infancia
Creciendo hoy en el ámbito rural: Retos y desafíos
Siguiendo huellas: Estudios de seguimiento
Espacio para la Infancia 20
Espacio para la Infancia 19
Con el fin de explorar y comprender a profundidad los procesos de transformación que se dan en el contexto rural y su impacto sobre la infancia, la Fundación, en alianza con ICE (Instituto das Comunidades Educativas), organizó un encuentro en Portugal para analizar qué significan estos nuevos retos para los niños más pequeños que crecen en los nuevos entornos rurales de Europa y América Latina. Esta edición pretende transmitir la riqueza del intercambio de ideas y experiencias que dieron lugar en la reunión. La distinta representativad regional, tanto europea como latinoamericana, reveló importantes diferencias contextuales y conceptuales que determinan el trabajo que cada una de las organizaciones lleva a cabo en sus comunidades.
Esta edición de Espacio para la Infancia supone la presentación en español de los “estudios de seguimiento”, un proyecto iniciado por la Fundación en 1998. Dichos estudios constituyen una técnica de investigación para conocer el impacto que la participación en un programa tuvo en la existencia de las personas.
2003 | 48 páginas | Agotado
2003 | 48 páginas | ISSN 1566-6476
Espacio para la Infancia
Espacio para la Infancia
Creando entornos de convivencia social
Iniciativa sobre Efectividad: Primeros frutos
Espacio para la Infancia 18
Espacio para la Infancia 17
Con el apoyo de la Fundación Bernard van Leer, en mayo 2001, se celebró el encuentro “La infancia en los contextos de violencia”. En esta edición se presentan diferentes estrategias de varias organizaciones representadas en el encuentro, sobre cómo hacen frente a las causas de la violencia en su contexto de trabajo habitual.
La evolución, una vez más, del proceso de la Iniciativa sobre Efectividad. En cada uno de los programas participantes hay historias de éxitos y fracasos, de oportunidades y de dificultades. Y cada una de estas historias esconde un tesoro de lecciones sobre la naturaleza humana y su capacidad para luchar contra la adversidad. Hay muchas experiencias sobre cómo los programas de inclusión social dirigidos a la infancia toman ventaja de las oportunidades para superar obstáculos en los ambientes donde se ejecutan.
2002 | 44 páginas | ISSN 1566-6476
2002 | 54 páginas | ISSN 1566-6476
Espacio para la Infancia
Espacio para la Infancia
La participación de padres y madres en programas de desarrollo infantil temprano
Iniciativa sobre Efectividad: Un entorno para el aprendizaje
Espacio para la Infancia 16
Espacio para la Infancia 15
Padres y madres, como figuras de referencia de la familia, adquieren un papel primordial en el desarrollo de sus hijos, y de forma especial, los más pequeños. En este número se muestran experiencias que responden a diferentes niveles de participación, emplazadas en diferentes contextos y culturas. En ellas, se aprecia un distinto modo de entender cómo y dónde es más productivo trabajar con padres y madres.
La Iniciativa de Efectividad es un proyecto de investigación de 3 años impulsado por la Fundación que intenta explorar qué hace que un proyecto de desarrollo infantil temprano sea efectivo. En esta edición se presentan algunos de los aspectos que han surgido al respecto a lo largo de los 18 meses de operatividad de la investigación.
2001 | 44 páginas | Agotado
2000 | 40 páginas | Agotado
Espacio para la Infancia
Espacio para la Infancia
Participación infantil
Recientes reexiones sobre la efectividad de los programas
Espacio para la Infancia 14
Espacio para la Infancia 13
Introducción al tema de la participación infantil, presentando diversas formas de aplicar el mismo concepto. Pero siempre resaltando y reivindicando la necesidad de considerar a los niños como sujetos activos de nuestra sociedad, capaces de decidir sobre su propio desarrollo y de aportar ideas y soluciones en sus familias, en sus comunidades.
Selección de artículos de especial relevancia publicados en inglés en Early Childhood Matters.
2000 | 48 páginas | ISSN 1566-6476
2000 | 42 páginas | Agotado
Espacio para la Infancia
Boletín Informativo
Selección de artículos publicados en inglés en el Newsletter hasta 1997.
Interacciones a través de las generaciones Boletín Informativo 12 | 1998 | 36 páginas | ISSN 0921- 593X
Contextos multiculturales Boletín Informativo 11 | 1997 | 36 páginas | ISSN 0921- 593X
Llegando hasta los niños, dondequiera que estén Boletín Informativo 10 | 1996 | 36 páginas | ISSN 0921- 593X
Los primeros años: La base del aprendizaje para toda la vida Boletín Informativo 9 | 1995 | 36 páginas | ISSN 0921- 593X
Working Papers in ECD
Working Papers in Early Childhood Development Working Papers are background documents drawn from eld experience that presents relevant ndings and reections on work in progress.
Cuadernos sobre Desarrollo Infantil Temprano Extraídos de la experiencia de campo que reeja el “trabajo en desarrollo”, esta serie actúa como un foro de intercambio de ideas. Los documentos surgen del campo de trabajo, evaluaciones y experiencias de formación.
Working Papers in ECD
Working Papers in ECD
Beyond shing: ’s approach to capacity development
Las Escuelas Familiares de Colombia: Una reexión con el paso del tiempo
Working Paper 32
Cuadernos Desarrollo Infantil 31
Nora Mwaura
In this Working Paper, the Kenya Community Development Foundation (KCDF) documents its experiences as a local capacity-building and grantmaking organisation and describes how it supports community-based projects in developing their organisational capacity. The Working Paper first concentrates on the value of capacity building and grantmaking as a strategy for development in general. The paper then explains KCDF’s view on the value of a holistic development approach to improving the well-being of children.
Este cuaderno presenta la evolución del progrma que la Fundación Fesco ha desarrollado a favor de la infancia y la familia en la región central de Colombia. Tomando como referencia a la familia, el proyecto Escuelas Familiares propicia procesos de interacción y diálogo en el interior de la misma y con la comunidad. De este modo se pretende construir conjuntamente alternativas de convivencia pacífica, a partir de la reflexión sobre la vida cotidiana y estableciendo compromisos entre los distintos participantes y la infancia.
2004 | 52 pages | ISBN 90-6195-072-4
2004 | 42 páginas | ISBN 90-6195-071-6
Working Papers in ECD
Working Papers in ECD
From car park to children’s park
La evaluación en programas de desarrollo infantil temprano
Working Paper 30
Cuadernos Desarrollo Infantil 29
Gerda Wunschel
Judith L. Evans con Robert G. Myers y Ellen Ilfeld
This Working Paper describes the development process of a childcare centre established in 1989 in a former parking garage in Berlin, Germany. The description of how the centre became what it is now is of interest to anyone concerned with issues of diversity and multiculturalism, as well as to anyone interested in examples of how to open the doors of childcare institution to parents and the surrounding community.
Son varios y diversos los componentes a tener en cuenta a la hora de desarrollar un programa de desarrollo infantil temprano. Tanto la preparación, la planificación, la financiación, el seguimiento como la evaluación son importantes cuando se diseña e implementa un programa. En esta publicación nos centramos en el apartado de la evaluación, no porque sea el aspecto más importante, sino porque puede orientar sobre cómo se están desarrollando todos los demás. Como tal, la evaluación constituye el instrumento inicial para saber cuál es el resultado del trabajo realizado en un proyecto. Pero también contribuye a indicar cómo se pueden mejorar ciertas prácticas o procesos, actuar como herramienta de aprendizaje o para mostrar a otros el trabajo.
2003 | 34 pages | ISBN 90-6195-068-6
2002 | 76 páginas | ISBN 90-6195-066-X
Working Papers in ECD
Working Papers in ECD
e El-barta child and family project
Evaluation of the self-employment for Gecekondu women project
Working Paper 28
Working Paper 27
Andrew Ropilo Lanyasunya and Moses S. Lesolayia; with Tobias Neeto, Paul Kamau, Mar Senbeyo and Lucy Lowa
Asu Aksoy, Sandra Schilen and Tulu Ülgen
This paper paper shows how areas in which the El-barta project works are all tied together in an integrated programme and how the organisational structure makes this possible. The authors demonstrate how the communities, with initial support from El-barta, have established their own community daycare centres and how these centres are run by the communities on a daily basis. Most importantly, this paper gives an insight into how the organisation responds to the situations that the communities face, and how it works with the communities to tackle these situations.
This paper looks at Turkey’s first micro-credit project aimed at women. It tells the story of how the Foundation for the Support of Women’s Work (FSWW) came up with the idea of the project. It describes the reasons why the women need loans, what they do with money, and how they cope with running a household and a business at the same time. The underlying message is that, given a little initial support, women living in poverty can bring about a better quality of life for themselves, their families and their environment.
2001 | 28 pages | ISBN 90-6195-060-0
2000 | 32 pages | Out of print
Working Papers in ECD
Working Papers in ECD
Valuing evaluation: A practical approach to designing an evaluation that works for you
Childrearing in Hubai Village, China
Working Paper 26
Working Paper 25
Alain î ˘omas
Zhou Yajun, Liao Yi, Susan Champagne; additional research by Wang Shuquan
Valuing evaluation is based on an evaluation workshop with participants from 11 projects, which took place in Tel Aviv, Israel, in May 1997. The workshop focussed on what evaluation means, the different types of evaluation, why people evaluate, and the aims. This practical paper is particularly useful to project staff and resource centres, and is of great interest to project directors, policy makers and academics.
This paper summarises the findings of research carried out by staff of the China National Institute for Educational Research, which runs the Foundationsupported Hebei preschool education project. The research looked into the childrearing practices of a small village in the province of Hebei in northern China. The project will use the research findings to tailor its future work to local conditions.
2000 | 24 pages | ISBN 90-6195-055-4
1999 | 40 pages | Out of print
Working Papers in ECD
Working Papers in ECD
is is me: In search of your own story
An innovation in Morocco’s Koranic preschools
Working Paper 24
Working Paper 23
Els Schellekens, Anne Frank House
Khadija Bouzoubaâ
How do you bring the sensitivities of multiculturalism accross to teachers, and therefore to young children? How can you give children a realistic view of the world in which all beliefs, skin colours, and ways of life should be respected? In 1995, the Anne Frank House produced an information pack for carers of young children, which developed themes based on the everyday experiences of children aged four to seven from different ethnic groups. This is me takes the reader through the conceptualisation of the pack, its philosophy, and its development. Designed for use both in multicultural and monocultural settings, the paper suggests ways of dealing with questions of ethnicity.
This paper tells of AFTALE’s work in developing innovative practices in working with young children, and introducing these into the traditional Koranic preschools of Morocco. It examines how the AFTALE team, which operates from the Mohammed V University in Rabat, worked with the relevant authorities and ministries to have its innovative practices adopted by the Koranic preschools.
1998 | 38 pages | Out of print
1998 | 18 pages | ISBN 90-6195-049-x
Working Papers in ECD
Working Papers in ECD
Community owned development
Samenspel â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Mothers speaking
Working Paper 22
Working Paper 21
Braam le Roux
Nanette Kieneker and Judith Maas
The Kuru Development Trust (KDT) in Botswana is a development support programme owned and controlled by the communities in which it works, the majority being San or Bushmen communities. Its activities include income generating projects, cultural activities and a training programme. It also operates a preschool project in which community members are trained as preschool teachers, and communities are supported to run their own schools. KDT looked back at the lessons it had learned over the years, and studied other programmes. This helped KDT develop a clear strategy and a vision that would guide it in its new work with the communities. The paper sets out that strategy and takes an honest look at KDTâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s approaches and philosophy, and how these have evolved through the years.
What do mothers think of the work of an early childhood project? Do they feel that their needs are being met? Do they find the work useful, or even necessary? And what if their cultural and religious backgrounds are completely different from those of the project and the environment in which they live? This paper records the views of the mothers with whom the Samenspel project works. It shows that mothers learn a great deal from playgroups and try to apply this knowledge in their daily lives and in the rearing of their children.
1998 | 32 pages | ISBN 90-6195-048-1
1997 | 40 pages | Out of print
Working Papers in ECD
Working Papers in ECD
Quality of life and child development
Empowering parents to change the future
Working Paper 20
Working Paper 19
José Juan Amar Amar
Nabil Shibly with Riad Tibi
This paper highlights some of the results of studies on families living in poverty. Part of the research has been a study on adults’ perceptions of their living conditions and on young children’s perceptions of goodness and beauty. Taking the results of the research, the paper signals a new way of understanding child development. The paper’s core message is the need to develop intervention programmes that are based on the concept of children as individuals within their particular culture.
Since 1979, a series of programmes based at the Spafford Community Centre have worked with the Palestinian population in the Old City of Jerusalem. This paper is a shortened version of a report of research carried out in two neighbourhoods that looked at the impact of programmes aimed at families with young children.
1996 | 22 pages | Out of print
1996 | 34 pages | ISBN 90-6195-045-7
Working Papers in ECD
Working Papers in ECD
Guía de promoción de la resiliencia en los niños para fortalecer el espíritu humano
Calidad de vida y desarrollo infantil
Cuadernos Desarrollo Infantil 18
Cuadernos Desarrollo Infantil 17
Edith Grotberg
José Juan Amar Amar
Guía basada en los resultados del Proyecto Internacional de Resiliencia, diseñado e implementado por la autora, y a través del cual se ha recopilado información sobre familias y niños en 21 paises.
Este documento aspira a hacer un aporte a las personas e instituciones interesadas en la búsqueda de alternativas de atención integral al niño. Se basa en la experiencia práctica de un estudio llevado a cabo en la Costa Atlántica de Colombia.
1996 | 18 páginas | Agotado
1996 | 30 páginas | Agotado
Working Papers in ECD
Working Papers in ECD
î ˘e rationale for experiential/participatory learning
Developmentally appropriate outdoor play environments for infants and toddlers
Working Paper 16
Working Paper 15
Kate Torkington
Jim Jolley
This paper provides a rationale for an active experiential learning approach to training. It attempts to condense the diverse literature on experiential learning and incorporate some relevant theoretical perspectives. The paper provides a body of theory about experiential leraning that will support personal experiences of this method. The paper is extracted from a pack entitled Enhancing the skills of early childhood trainers, available only from UNESCO, Paris.
Often in group care situations, where a preschool also provides care for infants and toddlers, the available outdoor space is very limited. When these infants/toddlers are taken outside, it is into an area which has not been designed as a high-use space for this age group. This paper advocates for alternative ways to provide safe, stimulating, rich and varied environments. The author shares some ideas and give some suggestions for designs used in the environments he created.
1996 | 30 pages | Out of print
1995 | 10 pages | Out of print
Studies and Evalution Papers
Studies and Evaluation Papers is series of background documents draws on eld experience and presents relevant ndings and reections on ‘work in progress’. e series acts primarily as a forum for the exchange of ideas. (e series was renamed Working Papers in Early Childhood Development in 1995.) Estos documentos se derivan de la experiencia de campo y presentan hallazgos y reexiones de relevancia sobre el “trabajo en marcha”. Esta serie constituye principalmente un foro de intercambio de ideas. En 1995, esta serie pasó a denominarse Cuadernos sobre Desarrollo Infantil Temprano.
Studies and Evalution Papers
Studies and Evalution Papers
Planteamientos multiculturales en la educación: Una experiencia alemana
Selecting and training community promoters in Latin America
Studies and Evaluation Papers 14
Studies and Evaluation Papers 13
Carmen Treppte
Jani Brouwer and Sergio Martinic
Este informe es la elaboración posterior a un discurso sobre educación multicultural pronunciado en la conferencia organizada por el Foro Europeo para el Bienestar del Niño, celebrada en Hamburgo en abril de 1992.
This paper has its origins in a discussion document prepared for a technical workshop held in Caracas, Venezuela, in 1990. A larger document was then prepared that included many of the reflections and suggestions made during the workshop. This paper has been prepared as an edited summary from a translation of the original text.
1994 | 22 páginas | ISSN 0925-2983
1994 | 14 pages | ISSN 0925-2983
Practice and Reflections
Practice and Reections e Practice and Reections series addresses issues of importance to practitioners, policy makers and academics concerned with meeting the educational and development needs of disadvantaged children in developing and industrialised societies. Until 1995, the series was titled Occasional Papers.
Prácticas y Reexiones La serie Prácticas y Reexiones trata temas de relevancia para profesionales, académicos y planicadores interesados en conseguir cubrir las necesidades educativas y de desarrollo de los niños que viven en situaciones de desventaja. Hasta 1995, esta serie llevaba el nombre de Occasional Papers.
Practice and Reflections
Practice and Reflections
Twenty years on: A report of the programme in Colombia
e future will be better: A tracer study of ’s Early Stimulation Programme in Honduras
Practice and Reections (Following Footsteps subseries) 22
Practice and Reections (Following Footsteps subseries) 21
Marta Arango and Glen Nimnicht with Fernando Peñaranda
Cristina Nuo de Figueroa et al.
The PROMESA project aimed to influence the physical and emotional health as well as the intellectual development of the children living on the Pacific coast of Chocó in 1976. Twenty years on describes the development of PROMESA and the way in which it has influenced the children, their families and the community. It also covers an extension to the inland areas of Chocó province and is an object lesson in how programmes must change to fit local circumstances. There were improvements at all levels: in health, nutrition, sanitation, general health, infant mortality, rates of malaria, housing, employment opportunities, income levels, community cooperation and activities. But the most striking changes were in the children and in the women who implemented the programme.
When planning development programmes for children living in a poor community with few services, then all aspects of their lives need to be addressed. This report illustrates the difference a comprehensive programme can make in the lives of the children, their families and even the community as a whole. By studying two villages, one with the programme and one without, this report shows far-reaching effects in many areas. The children who took part in the programme felt emotionally secure; they were wellbehaved and mixed well with their peers of both sexes; their health was better than the children of the control group. But above all, the programme children had internalised values and a sense of self – and they had hopes and dreams for the future.
2004 | 137 pages | ISBN 90-6195-075-9 (Próximamente publicado en español)
2004 | 72 pages | ISBN 90-6195-074-0 (Próximamente publicado en español)
Practice and Reflections
Practice and Reflections
Supporting fathers: Contributions from the International Fatherhood Summit 2003
A sense of belonging: A tracer study of ’s Parents Cooperative Kindergarten, Israel
Practice and Reections 20
Practice and Reections (Following Footsteps subseries) 19
Various authors
Miri Levin-Rozalis and Naama Shafran
The International Fatherhood Summit 2003 brought together practitioners and academics from twenty countries to discuss practical work, policy issues, the state of current research, and areas of international concern around fathers. They discussed issues such as: What are the current economic, social, cultural and political factors and trends that affect what fathers do? What does research tell us about the effects of fathering on child development? What lessons can be learned from existing experiences in addressing fatherhood issues? Supporting fathers provides a basis for further discussion and exploration on providing the best possible environment for the development of children by explicitly placing fathers within the concept of ‘parenthood’.
The years between 1977 and 1991 saw a transition of the Jewish community of Ethiopia to Israel. On arrival in Israel, they found they had to adjust to a society and way of life that was entirely different from anything that they had experienced. This report traces the progress of participants in one of the many programmes that were set up to assist the new arrivals. Some ten years after participation, it is obvious that the Parents Cooperative Kindergarten had a profound influence on the lives of the 36 children who were traced as well as on their mothers and families.
2004 | 155 pages | ISBN 90-6195-069-4
2003 | 88 pages | ISBN 90-6195-067-8
Practice and Reflections
Practice and Reflections
Resiliencia en programas de desarrollo infantil temprano: Estudio de revisión en cuatro programas de América Latina
Still going strong: A tracer study of the Community Mothers Programme
Prácticas y Reexiones 18, Varios autores
Brenda Molloy
El objeto de la presente publicación es presentar el estudio de revisión realizado en cuatro programas de desarrollo infantil temprano que trabajan con enfoque de resiliencia, llevado a cabo en 2001. Kusiska Wawa y Pukllay Wasy en Perú, Programa Yachay en Argentina y Auto-Estima das Crianças Negras en Brasil. El estudio, llevado a cabo por consultores externos, consiste en dos partes bien diferenciadas: un análisis de cómo se aplica el concepto de resiliencia desde la perspectiva de la documentación producida por los proyectos; un análisis de cómo se está aplicando la resiliencia en los programas desde la práctica.
Many early childhood programmes use home visiting as a strategy; in the Community Mothers Programme, it is the strategy. The Community Mothers are all women from the community who volunteer to visit first-time parents in their homes – once a month for one hour over a twelve-month period. This programme operates at community level that begins at or even before birth, empowers the women who implement the programme as well as the families that are visited, and helps some two thousand children a year to reach their full potential.
2002 | 130 páginas | ISBN 90-6195-065-1
2002 | 80 pages | ISBN 90-6195-064-3
Practice and Reections (Following Footsteps subseries) 17
Practice and Reflections
Practice and Reflections
To handle life’s challenges: A tracer study of Servol’s Adolescent Development Programme in Trinidad
e challenges of change: A tracer study of San preschool children in Botswana
Practice and Reections (Following Footsteps subseries) 16
Practice and Reections (Following Footsteps subseries) 15
Jean Griffith
Willemien le Roux
Can a 14-week programme for adolescents have a lasting effect on their lives? This tracer study shows that, 10 years on, 40 Trinidadians in their 20s are doing their best to meet life’s challenges. These young people, many from backgrounds of disadvantage and abuse, took part in the Adolescent Development Programme run by SERVOL. The study compares their outcomes with a similar group of people and, while the differences between the groups are small, there are some distinctions. The former trainees themselves believe that the course enhanced their parenting skills and had a positive impact on their lives.
The San people of Botswana have a way of life that is different from the rest of the country. This study of the Bokamosa Preschool Programme describes how San children cope with a national education system that is very different to the San’s own values and norms. They must also deal with pressure from their parents who mistrust a system that ‘steals’ their children yet feel powerless to make any changes. The study discusses the many factors that influence the children as they grow, and shows that if the school system is not congruent with home circumstances, children must make immense efforts to succeed.
2002 | 72 pages | ISBN 90-6195-063-5
2002 | 110 pages | ISBN 90-6195-062-7
Practice and Reflections
Practice and Reflections
In the web of cultural transition: A tracer study of children in Embu District, Kenya
A new door opened: A tracer study of the Teenage Mothers Project, Jamaica
Practice and Reections (Following Footsteps subseries) 14
Practice and Reections (Following Footsteps subseries) 13
Ann Njenga and Margaret Kabiru
Roli Degazon-Johnson
This Tracer Study, conducted in Embu District, Kenya, compares children who were cared for by preschool teachers trained in the two-year, in-service course run by District Centres for Early Childhood Education (DICECE) with those who had untrained preschool teachers. The comparison is done on the basis of academic performance and the factors affecting academic performance, such as retention, repetition and development of psychosocial characteristics. The DICECE in Embu District was established in 1986, and the study traced cohorts of children who enrolled in the first level of primary school in 1991, 1992 and 1993. These children were tracked through primary school to the classes they were in in 1999.
This Tracer Study assesses the impact of the Teenage Mothers Project (TMP) on some of the mothers and children who were participants between 1986 and 1989. The TMP took an all-embracing approach that encompassed the development of the young women, stimulation and care for the babies, support in the home and contact with the babies’ fathers. This report shows how ‘a new door opened’ for former participants in developing their resilience following the birth of their first child and arresting a negative life trend. The study also supports the position that interventions that promote parenting education, strong mother–child bonding and early stimulation can have longterm positive development impact on the child aged 0–3 years.
2001 | 108 pages | ISBN 90-6195-060-0
2000 | 120 pages | ISBN 90-6195-057-0
Practice and Reflections
Practice and Reflections
e Cynon Valley Project
ey won’t take no for an answer: e Relais Enfants-Parents
Practice and Reections 12
Practice and Reections 11
Alain omas
Elizabeth Ayre
The project started work in two communities in the Cynon Valley in Wales. Although the work started in both communities at the same time and under similar conditions, the two communities developed in completely different directions. The underpinning of this study is that communities must have the strings of development in their own hands to pull themselves and push others in the direction that they decide is important.
Relais Enfants-Parents, a small association in France, has been waging a quiet battle to bring the children of prisoners – the ‘forgotten children’ – to the fore of social, political and judicial policy. It works to safeguard the psychological and emotional development of children serving as a link between them and their imprisoned parents.
1999 | 85 pages | ISBN 90-6195-051-1
1996 | 72 pages | ISBN 90-6195-043-0
Practice and Reflections
Practice and Reflections
In search of the rainbow: Pathways to quality in largescale programmes for young disadvantaged children
We did it ourselves: Sinn Fhein a rinn e
Practice and Reections 10
Practice and Reections 9
Martin Woodhead
David Mackay
Development experts have searched for universal definitions and standards of quality. But quality is contextual. Using examples from several countries, this book argues that sensitivity to diversity and to one’s own preconceptions should be key elements informing all early childhood work.
The scattered communities of th Western Isles of Scotland are among the most physically isolated in Europe. They have also had to battle for generations to preserve their distinctive linguistic and cultural traditions. The Western Isles Community Education Project built on the experience, commitment and resourcefulness of local people, and established an independent voice for young children and their parents in the form of a network of playgroups that continous to flourish. This book relates how, if we persevere, we can do it ourselves.
1996 | 106 pages | ISBN 90-6195-042-2
1996 | 76 pages | ISBN 90-6195-039-2
Practice and Reflections
Practice and Reflections
A guide to promoting resilience in children: Strengthening the human spirit
We are your children: e Kushanda early childhood education and care dissemination programme
Practice and Reections 8
Practice and Reections 7
Edith Grotberg
Salih Booker
Edith Grotberg defines resilience as a ‘universal capacity which allows a person, group or community to prevent, minimize or overcome the damaging effects of adversity’. By investigating this construct at an international level, the project enables us to gain some understanding of the combination of factors that result in resilience in children. In this guide, Edith Grotberg has managed to turn a set of concepts into practical tools that can be incorporated into the everyday work of development projects. Thus, it also serves as an example of how theory and research can be turned into practice.
This is the story of dozens of small rural communities in Zimbabwe which are working together to give their children a chance to have a brighter future. This is also the story of the Kushanda Project and the process of development which it has helped to promote. Since 1985 the Kushanda Project has worked to provide training for ECEC teachers and to establish sustainable preschools in these locales.
1995 | 88 pages | Out of print
1995 | 88 pages | ISBN 90-6195-036-8
Practice and Reflections
Practice and Reflections
El ambiente del niño
e environment of the child
Occasional Paper 6
Occasional Paper 5
Terezinha Nunes
Terezinha Nunes
Este documento es el resultado de un proceso de análisis apoyado por la Fundación sobre las variables ambientales que median los efectos de la pobreza y la discriminación en niños pequeños que viven en condiciones desfavorecidas.
This paper is an outcome of a process of analysis sponsored by the Foundation on the enviromental variables which mediate the effects of poverty and discrimination on disadvantaged young children.
1994 | 44 páginas | Agotado
1994 | 44 pages | Out of print
Libros y monográficos
Books and monographs Libros y monográcos
Books and monographs
Libros y monográficos
Introducing tracer studies: Guidelines for implementing tracer studies in early childhood programmes
Introducción a los estudios de seguimiento: Guía para implementar estudios de seguimiento en programas de desarrollo infantil temprano
Ruth N. Cohen
Ruth N. Cohen
Introducing Tracer Studies is based on the experiences of studies that have followed the ‘footsteps’ of former participants of early childhood programmes. Participants in these programmes included children, adolescents, parents, teachers, community members, and others, and many were followed up between three and 20 years after they had completed a programme. The emphasis in this publication is on the approaches and methods that were used to study programmes, that operate in very diverse settings, have varied programme approaches, target different populations, and have their own unique aims and objectives.
Este documento se basa en experiencias de estudios que siguieron las huellas de anteriores participantes de programas de primera infancia (adolescentes, padres, maestros, miembros de la comunidad y otros), entre 3 y 20 años después de su paso por el programa. El énfasis de esta publicación radica en los distintos enfoques y métodos utilizados en los estudios de los programas que operan en muy diversos contextos, tienen diferentes grupos de beneficiarios y unos fines y objetivos únicos.
2004 | 103 pages | ISBN 90-6195-070-8
2004 | 107 páginas | ISBN 90-6195-076-7
Books and monographs
Libros y monográficos
e view of the Yeti: Bringing up children in the spirit of self-awareness and kindredship
¿Me escuchas?: Cómo conversar con niños de cuatro a doce años
Michel Vandenbroeck
Martine F. Delfos
Using the mythical creature of the Himalayas, the Yeti, as a symbol for the prejudices and assumptions that people prematurely make about each other, this book discusses bringing up children to accept and cherish diversity and helping them to thrive in an increasingly diverse world. Directed to educators and caregivers of toddlers and preschoolers, the book takes insights from Dutch-, French-, and English-language literature and provides practical examples based on European issues and context.
Apenas existe literatura sobre el arte de conversar con niños, y sin embargo, es una actividad diaria para la mayoría de las personas, y la principal de los profesionales. Por desgracia, y debido a la escasez de tiempo, se dedica poca o ninguna atención al tema durante los cursos de formación. Este libro, aparte de orientar sobre cómo manejarse en las conversaciones con niños, describe y analiza la conversación en general, y se ocupa especialmente de las charlas asistenciales y en el colegio. En ¿Me escuchas?, Martine F. Delfos describe cómo se pueden preparar y entablar conversaciones con niños de cuatro a doce años.
2001 | 261 pages | ISBN 90-6195-059-7
2001 | 164 páginas | Agotado
Books and monographs
Libros y monográficos
Introducción a la evaluación
Introduzindo a avaliaçâo
Willem van der Eyken
Willem van der Eyken
Práctica introducción a la evaluación de proyectos para la primera infancia que está basado en experiencias de campo apoyadas por la Fundación Bernard van Leer. Está dirigida a personal de proyectos y ofrece algunos principios básicos y anotaciones bibliográficas.
Uma apresentaçâo prática para avaliaçâo de projetos da primera infancia, Introduzindo a Avaliaçâo é dirigido especificamente à equipes de projetos de campo, mais do que aos avaliadores e pesquisadores. Tenta ofrecer alguns princípios gerais, e levantar questies que podem estimular os projetos a procurar novos recursos a reflectir sobre sus própias abordagens.
1994 | 50 páginas | ISBN 90-6195-025-2
1994 | 50 páginas | ISBN 90-6195-028-7
Books and monographs
Libros y monográficos
Why children matter: Investing in early childhood care and development
El porqué de la importancia de la niñez: Dedicando esfuerzos a la atención y desarrollo de la primera infancia
Bernard van Leer Foundation
Bernard van Leer Foundation
Children represent the future. Investing in them and their healthy development has benefits for society as a whole, for parents and families and, of course, for the children themselves. In this publication, the Foundation summarises the evidence and makes the arguments for investing in the early years.
Los niños representan el futuro. Al dedicar nuestros esfuerzos a ellos y a que su desarrollo sea el adecuado, beneficiamos no sólo a ellos mismos sino también a padres, familias y al futuro de la sociedad en general. En esta publicación, la Fundación resume la evidencia y proporciona los argumentos a favor de invertir en los primeros años.
1994 | 32 pages | Out of print
1994 | 32 páginas | Agotado
Books and monographs
Building on peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s strengths: Early childhood in Africa Bernard van Leer Foundation
What can be done to improve the situation of young children in Africa? This publication looks at the context in which Africaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s children are growing up. It explains why the early years are important for an individual child, for the family and community, and for society as a whole. It discusses the kinds of outcomes that early childhood development programmes should be seeking. The key message is that there are many possible approaches, but the basis must be building on what exists rather than imposing alien solutions.
1994 | 64 pages | ISBN 90-6195-030-9
Cintas de vídeo
Video tapes Cintas de vídeo
Video tapes
Cintas de vídeo
Speak Luvo, speak Jane
Bernard van Leer: Industrialist, philantropist and circus director
This film follows the daily life of two young children, Jane, aged five, and Luvo, aged eight years, who live in communities affected by HIV/AIDS. Though of interest to a wide public, this film could be of particular interest to practitioners working with families affected by HIV/AIDS, donors, local and national authorities, as well as the international community. Produced in collaboration with the American Jewish World Service and the Firelight Foundation.
Documentary about Bernard van Leer, produced and broadcast by the Dutch TV programme ‘2 Vandaag’ in December 1999 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Foundation.
2002 | 16:00 mins | English | VHS-PAL
1999 | 22:00 mins | English, Dutch, Spanish | VHS-PAL; NTSC
Documental sobre Bernard van Leer, producido y emitido en diciembre 1999 por el programa holandés de televisión ‘2 Vandaag’, con motivo de la celebración del 50 aniversario de la Fundación.
Video tapes
Cintas de vídeo
Early childhood matters
Is there life before primary school?
This video introduces the Bernard van Leer Foundation and its mission to enhance opportunities for children aged 0 to 7 who live in situations of social and economic disadvantage. Two projects are discussed that illustrate the approach of the Foundation.
This 16-minute video is a useful introduction to many of the issues faced in improving children’s education and development. Based partly on a video prepared for a presentation at the World Conference on Education for All held in Thailand in March 1990, it includes scenes from several Foundation-supported projects in different countries. Topics covered include the importance of the early years for a child’s development, the key role of parents as children’s prime educators, and the valuable contribution which communities can make to early childhood care and education. The video, made by Leo Akkermans for the Foundation, is in colour and is available with an English or Spanish commentary.
1992 | 9:30 mins | English | VHS-PAL; NTSC
16:00 mins | English, Spanish | VHS-PAL; NTSC
Índice por título
Title index Índice por título
Title Index
A guide to promoting resilience in children: Strengthening the human spirit A legacy for human kind A new door opened: A tracer study of the Teenage Mothers Project, Jamaica
Índice por título
76 4 71
A sense of belonging: A tracer study of ALMAYA’s Parents Cooperative Kindergarten, Israel
An innovation in Morocco’s Koranic preschools
Annual Report 2003
Bernard van Leer: Industrialist, philantropist and circus director
Beyond fishing: KCDF’s approach to capacity development
Building on people’s strengths: Early childhood in Africa
Calidad de vida y desarrollo infantil
Childrearing in Hubai Village, China
Children 0-3
Children touched by violence
Community owned development Contextos multiculturales Creando entornos de convivencia social Creciendo hoy en el ámbito rural: Retos y desafíos
Effectiveness Initiative: First fruits
El ambiente del niño
El porqué de la importancia de la niñez: Dedicando esfuerzos a la atención y desarrollo de la primera infancia
Empowering parents to change the future
Evaluation of the self-employment for Gecekondu women project
Fathers matter too
Folleto Following footsteps: ECD tracer studies
2 9
From car park to children’s park
From Newsletter to Early Childhood Matters
Good practice: ECD programmes and primary schools
Guía de promoción de la resiliencia en los niños para fortalecer el espíritu humano
In search of the rainbow: Pathways to quality in large-scale programmes for young disadvantaged children
In the web of cultural transition: A tracer study of children in Embu District, Kenya
Iniciativa sobre Efectividad: Primeros frutos
Iniciativa sobre Efectividad: Un entorno para el aprendizaje
Interacciones a través de las generaciones
Interactions across the generations
Culturally appropriate approaches in early childhood development
Introducción a la evaluación
Culturally or contextually appropriate?
Developmentally appropriate outdoor play environments for infants and toddlers
Introducción a los estudios de seguimiento: Guía para implementar estudios de seguimiento en programas de desarrollo infantil temprano 83
Early Childhood Matters
Introducing tracer studies: Guidelines for implementing tracer studies in early childhood programmes
Critical thinking
in changing rural realities
Effectiveness in early childhood development
8 21
Introduzindo a avaliaçâo
Is there life before primary school?
100 Title Index
Índice por título 101
La evaluación en programas de desarrollo infantil temprano
Siguiendo huellas: Estudios de seguimiento
La participación de padres y madres en programas de desarrollo infantil temprano
Speak Luvo, speak Jane
La participación infantil: ¿Retórica o una creciente realidad?
Still going strong: A tracer study of the Community Mothers Programme
Las Escuelas Familiares de Colombia: Una reflexión con el paso del tiempo
Supporting fathers: Contributions from the International Fatherhood Summit 2003
Targetting teenagers
23 69
Listening to children
The challenges of change: A tracer study of San preschool children in Botswana
Llegando hasta los niños, dondequiera que estén
The Convention on the Rights of the Child and young children
Los primeros años: La base del aprendizaje para toda la vida
The Cynon Valley
¿Me escuchas?: Cómo conversar con niños de cuatro a doce años
The early years: The basis for lifelong learning
Mobility and young children
The Effectiveness Initiative
Multicultural matters
The Effectiveness Initiative: Creating an environment for learning
Parents and ECD programmes
The El-barta child and family project
Participación Infantil
The environment of the child
Participatory learning for empowerment
The environment of the child
Pensamiento crítico
Planteamientos multiculturales en la educación: Una experiencia alemana
The future will be better: A tracer study of CCF’s early stimulation programme in Honduras
The rationale for experiential/participatory learning
Policy and decision makers: Translating effective ECD
The rights of children 0-7 years
Quality of life and child development
Reaching children where they are
The view of the Yeti: Bringing up children in the spirit of self-awareness and kindredship
Reaching rural families
They won’t take no for an answer: The Relais Enfants-Parents
Real engagement by children
This is me: In search of your own story
Recientes reflexiones sobre la efectividad de los programas
To handle life’s challenges: A tracer study of Servol’s Adolescent Development Programme in Trinidad
Twenty years on: A report of the PROMESA programme in Colombia
Samenspel - Mothers speaking
Selecting and training community promoters in Latin America
Valuing evaluation: A practical approach to designing an evaluation that works for you
Resiliencia en programas de desarrollo infantil temprano: Estudio de revisión en cuatro programas de América Latina
102 Title Index
We are your children: The Kushanda early childhood education and care dissemination programme
We did it ourselves â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sinn Fhein a rinn e
Why children matter: Investing in early childhood care and development
Winst voor de mensheid
Young childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s participation: Rhetoric or growing reality?
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