White paper on best practices in sustainable procurement of paperboard

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MAY | 2011

Best Practices in Sustainable Procurement of Paperboard Copyright Š Beroe Inc, 2011. All Rights Reserved


Abstract This whitepaper focuses on the current global trends in the sustainable measures in paperboard packaging. It also outlines the different measures of sustainability and the various steps that have to be taken to ensure sustainable procurement of paperboard packaging.

Overview The Three Aspects of Sustainability in Paperboard Packaging Business Sustainability

Social Responsibility

Cost Reduction:


Excessive Movement

Excessive Waiting


Non-value-added Transportation

Inaccurate Information

us ta in

Over Processing

Business S

So ci


Excessive Inventory


on sp Re al

i ab

Prevention of Air, Water, and Land Pollution

Conservation of Natural Resources and Energy

Reducing Landfill Waste

etting objectives and targets S to address these elements of environmental sustainability is the key for successful implementation.

Environmental Sustainability

Conforming to local, state and federal regulatory requirements

Best Practices in Sustainable Paperboard Procurement


Comply with Environmental Sustainability Measures

void procuring forest products from countries with high A incidences of illegal logging

erform life cycle analysis to understand the environmental P impact of a given product

se sustainability scorecards and checklists to ensure U compliance

a) Three Focus Areas in Sustainable Paperboard Procurement 1.

Long-term Supplier Engagement

Joint Process Improvement

Better Product Understanding

Better Price Negotiation

Seek legal counsel to ensure regulatory compliance

Cross Country Engagement

Volume Concentration

nsure post-consumer E products


Product Specification Improvement

Streamlining the Specifications Used

educe energy consumption and switch to renewable energy R sources

Light Weighting

Reduce or Eliminate Excess Packaging

Copyright © Beroe Inc, 2011. All Rights Reserved



Source: http://fsc.org, www.ence.es, strathconapaper.com




b) Sustainable Practices in Board Specifications

Greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2) from burning fossil fuels and methane from paper decomposing in landfills, contribute to climate change by trapping energy from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere. The unit of measure is CO2 equivalents.

Sustainability in Recycled Paperboard Wastewater measures the amount of process water that is treated and released to a mill’s receiving waters.

0% recycled paper uses 234,537,650 gallons

50% recycled paper would use 139,755,360 gallons, i.e. 40.41% less.

100% recycled paper would use 44,973,070 gallons, i.e. 80.82% less.

0% recycled paper uses 71,374,220 lbs. CO2e.

50% recycled paper would use 54,353,500 lbs. CO2e, i.e. 23.84% less CO2e

100% recycled paper would use 37,332,780 lbs. CO2e. i.e. 47.69% less CO2e

Sustainable Practices in Board Specifications

Wastewater volume indicates both the amount of fresh water needed in production and the potential impact of wastewater discharges on the receiving waters.

ost-Consumer Waste (PCW): PCW is increasingly being used P in paperboard manufacturing. The post-consumer waste content recommended by EPA in recycled folding cartonboard in1995 was 35%, and in 2003, it increased to 40-80%. Currently, the recommendation states that boards can contain PCR content between 35% and 85%.

Use of Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus is being increasingly used for paperboard packaging as the availability of eucalyptus is high in most of the emerging countries of paper and board production. Usage of eucalyptus satisfies both the cost and sustainability parameters. Eucalyptus can be grown cost effectively in low cost countries, such as Brazil, and it also has a short rotation period. It also allows achieving greater strength with lower density per caliper, thereby resulting in higher yield.

Recycled Content: Solid bleached sulfate (SBS) paperboard, with significantly higher economic and environmental costs, now has the option of an SBS with recycled content in the inner layer.

New Technologies: Paper recyclers are developing new technologies designed to handle, identify, and separate paper grades for recycling. One enhancement technology allows segregation of paper fibers during the recycling process according to fiber length, coarseness, and stiffness through a sequential centrifuging and screening process.

Aqueous Coatings: Aqueous coatings tend to be the most environmentally friendly. Most of the formulations use nonpolluting water as a solvent.

oya Inks: Soya ink can reduce carbon emission causing air S pollution making it a more environmentally friendly choice than traditional inks.

Alcohol-free Printing: Safety, governmental concerns, and environmental pressures have caused printers to convert to alcohol-free printing. This offers improved quality, lower costs, a safer pressroom, and improved color reproduction. Alcohol substitutes have been developed to replace the alcohol as a solution making it safer to use.

Solid Waste includes sludge and other wastes generated during pulp and paper manufacturing, and used paper disposed of in landfills and incinerators.

0% recycled paper uses 22,581,630 pounds.

50% recycled paper would use 18,265,465 pounds, i.e. 19.11% less.

100% recycled paper would use 13,949,300 pounds, i.e. 38.22% less.

Wood use measures the amount of wood required to produce a given amount of paper.

0% recycled paper uses 40,040 tons, the equivalent of about 280,280 trees

50% recycled paper I would use 20,020 tons less , the equivalent of about 140,140 fewer trees

100% recycled paper II would use 40,040 tons less, the equivalent of about 280,280 fewer trees

The number of typical trees assumes a mix of hardwoods and softwoods 6-8” in diameter and 40’ tall. An energy credit for energy that is created by burning paper – or the methane that decomposing paper creates – at the end of its life. The Net Energy takes the total amount of energy required to make the paper over its life cycle, and subtracts this energy credit.

0% recycled paper uses 324,106 million BTUs.

50% recycled paper I would use 263,698 million BTUs, i.e. 18.63% less BTU.

100% recycled paper II would use2 03,290 million BTUs, i.e. 37.27% less BTU.

Copyright © Beroe Inc, 2010. 2011. All Rights Reserved


Conclusion Sustainable practices in paperboard packaging involve three factors, such as business sustainability, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility. Sustainable paperboard packaging practices are increasingly being used due to consumer & retailer pressure, government regulations, environmental concerns, and technological advancements. Long-term supplier engagements, improvement of product specification, and environmental considerations have to be taken to ensure successful implementation of sustainability measures.


Article published by paper info, an agency based in Europe, working in the field of International Trade. http://www.edf.org

Article published in Environmental Leader is the leading daily for information based on energy, environmental and sustainability news.

Data and information from Environmental Defense Fund and ENCE.

Article published by Paperboard Packaging Council, the leading industry association serving suppliers and converters of all forms of paperboard packaging.

Report published by Paperboard Packaging Alliance, they provide the paperboard packaging industry with ongoing analysis of evolving packaging requirements and promotes the benefits of paperboard packaging and products.

Author: Raghunanda E Rao | Research Analyst

Disclaimer: Strictly no photocopying or redistribution is allowed without prior written consent from Beroe Inc. The information contained in this publication was derived from carefully selected sources. Any opinions expressed reflect the current judgment of the author and are subject to change without notice. Beroe Inc accepts no responsibility for any liability arising from use of this document or its contents.

For more information, please contact info@beroe-inc.com.

Copyright © Beroe Inc, 2011. All Rights Reserved


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