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succeeding Roberta "Robin" Russell, who has served as interim dean since July 2022. Sarker has been a professor in the Department of Informatics in the School of Economics and Management at Lund University since 2021. She is also a visiting professor in the Department of Management at the London School of Economics. Previously, Sarker was at the University of Virginia McIntire School of Commerce from 2013-21, where she held many roles including senior associate dean for academic affairs.
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the Department of Basic Science Education (DBSE). Skolnik will provide leadership, mentoring, and strategy development for the department and faculty in research and medical science specialties. Skolnik had served as professor and chair of Internal Medicine at VTCSOM/ Carilion Clinic and at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine, where he held an endowed chair. He also served as professor and chief of the section of Infectious Diseases at Boston University Medical Center.
The Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine (VTCSOM) has named Paul R. Skolnik its chair of

Tsai Lu Liu, who has served as the head of the Department of Graphic Design and Industrial Design at North Carolina State

University since 2012, is the new dean of the College of Architecture, Arts, and Design (AAD) at Virginia Tech, effective July 1. Liu joined Auburn as an assistant professor in its School of Industrial and Graphic Design in 2004. In 2011, Liu was appointed as interim associate dean for research and academic affairs in the College of Architecture, Design and Construction at Auburn.
Rebecca Persons has joined the VirginiaMaryland College of

Veterinary Medicine as a clinical instructor at the Small Animal Community Practice. The Small Animal Community Practice is part of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, one of the college’s three animal hospitals. The practice provides preventative care to small animals within a 35-mile radius of Blacksburg. Persons is no stranger to the college — after earning her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from the college in 2020, she completed an internship at the community