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AgriBiz at VT
Virginia Tech offers expanded options for agribusiness majors
By Shawn Nowlin
Virginia Tech ranks among the top ten institutions in America for agriculture degrees.
Said rankings from the National Science Foundation are based on various sources, including the number of graduates, student debt and additional factors. The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences annually graduates approximately 800 seniors across 17 majors.
This year’s school and departmental outstanding seniors were Mia Bostic and Henry Adkins (Agricultural and applied economics), Carly Campbell and Zack Morris (Agricultural, leadership and community education), Tessa Wannenburgh (Agricultural technology), Maria Dorodnitsyna (Biochemistry), McKenna Helder (Food science and technology), Noah Stallard (Human nutrition, foods and exercise), Jenna Marston and Katie Kirkpatrick (School of Animal Sciences) as well as Tex NaughtonRockwell and Jillian Burgan (School of Plant and Environmental Sciences).
Determined, bright and focused individuals like the aforementioned names are uniquely positioned to start the next chapter of their