1 minute read
Good Work
Improving stats for CF
At the end of October, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation — Virginia Chapter held its “Virginia’s Finest” campaign celebration and 2020 “Brewers Ball UnTapped” event (re-titled “un-tapped” this year, due to the COVID-response virtual affair) where “Honorees” were recognized from Roanoke, Richmond, Charlottesville, and Hampton Roads in the fundraising and fight for curing CF.
Roanoke Honorees included Kaili Crumpacker (Lucas Paving); Teddy Dalton (Long & Foster); Gray Hamlin (Carter Machinery); Gavin Hollingsworth (Hall Associates); Diane Simmons (Simply Fitness); Brittany Turman (Optum/UnitedHealth); Nathan Webster (Scratch Biscuit); and Ashley Willie (MKB Realtors). (CFF Honorees were featured in the October 2020 edition of FRONT.)
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s mission is to cure cystic fibrosis—a life-threatening genetic disease that affects about 30,000 children and adults in the U.S. (70,000 worldwide). A defective gene and its protein product cause the body to produce unusually thick, sticky mucus that clogs the lungs, leading to infections and obstructing the pancreas which stops natural enzymes from helping the body break down and absorb food. When CFF was established in 1995, most children with CF did not live past elementary school. Due in large part to CFF’s aggressive investments in innovative research and comprehensive care, today, many people with CF are living into their 40s and beyond.
“As a mother of a child with Cystic Fibrosis our mission could not be any closer to my heart,” says Holly Carroll-Owen, the chair of Roanoke’s Brewer’s Ball and Great Stride Committee Member. “The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has continued to work tirelessly to find better therapies and treatments for this devastating disease. Due to CF being a rare disease and not receiving federal funding, our local events like the Brewer’s Ball and Great Strides Walk have been a great way for us to share our stories. Campaigns like 'Roanoke’s Finest' engage our communities and place a spotlight on our local food and beverage industry as well as young professionals in the fight to make CF stand for Cure Found.”
Visit www.cff.org/Virginia for more information or to explore how you can help.
Holly Elise Carroll-Owen with sons
Executive Summary:
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation shows remarkable results in its fight for a cure.