2 minute read
There is a lot happening in the business and economic world right now as we go to press. The Fed may slow down on interest rate hikes as inflation slows, gas prices overall are trending down, used car prices are slumping and the sharp spike in housing prices appears to be flattening, as higher mortgage rates put the brakes on the buyer’s market. Job growth is still strong – and companies are still looking for workers. Meanwhile the Commonwealth is issuing grants for site preparation, looking to have more “shovel ready” plots available for prospective employers. Some of that money wound up in our region (see details inside). More site prep money could be on the way if Governor Youngkin gets his way during the current General Assembly session.
This month we take a look at the local legal landscape, involving leadership succession, a local boutique firm – and how college athletes are cashing in on NIL – name, image, likeness. We also profile two brothers that now have a pair of gourmet coffee shops in the Roanoke Valley, and our rotating corps of columnists offer plenty of wisdom as well. Happy reading.
Tom Field
Gene Marrano Publisher Editor
Monday ends successful managing partner tenure, becomes chair

By Aila Boyd
Ok... you're not going to be shivved in the
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Advisory Board
Valley Business FRONT has organized an Advisory Board comprised of a selective group of diverse business professionals who support our mission and have an interest in how our business journal best serves our local communities and region. As a sounding board throughout their term, board members have been given the task of helping FRONT understand the issues and develop coverage. You will note that the Board is comprised of experts in many different business / industry “fronts.” This is intentional, as we are reporting on all the areas that affect our regional economy and are important to you. Although the members are encouraged to keep FRONT updated on their own industries and the key players, they aren’t limited to their area of specialty, as all commercial enterprises ultimately collaborate to impact our quality of life here in this part of Virginia. An additional contribution by the Advisory Board involves direct input on the various FRONTLists we present throughout the year. In keeping with our policy of being “the voice of business in the valleys” we ask each reader to join us as an editorial partner by contacting us with your ideas. You know more than we know about your business—or you certainly should—and that inside knowledge shared with our readers will make us all better at what we do.

During Monday’s tenure, roughly 20 additional attorneys and two satellite offices—Lynchburg and Richmond— were added.