2 minute read
Small Business Tool Kit
By Bonnie Chavez
Executive Summary:
Is educational overdose a thing? It seems like every week there is a new educational platform, subscription service, Facebook group, TikTok channel, or virtual seminar. Each one with a promise of change, cure for boredom, or level up in some way.
Bonnie Chavez is the CEO of Building Beloved Communities, a local consulting firm specializing in community-centered business solutions. bonnie@building belovedcommunities.com
Keeping your educational journey on course
Every time I typed in my credit card number, I was renewed with excitement and blocking off time in my calendar to fit it all in. Eventually, I was filled with overwhelm, a few completed courses, half read books and a feeling of guilt set in. Sound familiar? If so, here are my cliff notes and hopefully, tips to aid your educational journey. 1. Your professional development and personal enrichment are the same exact thing. Yes, there are specific, professional
CEUs or coursework for degree attainment, let's set those aside. I challenge you to think of education as both personal enrichment and professional development. When you eat a meal - you are nourishing your whole body, not just your fingers or muscles. Your entire body is getting something from that meal, including joy and satisfaction from a tasty dish or lovely company. Just like a painting class can spur creativity in the boardroom. 2. Set a budget for yourself and increase it every year. Think about yoga retreats, talks at a higher ed institution, YouTube videos, libraries, online courses, community learning, whatever floats your boat. Free or paid - but set a goal. 3. Repeat tip two, in the context of a time. Make time for your learning. It can look like a block on your calendar, a lunch break, while the kids are at practice, during a commute, or early Saturday morning when everyone is sleeping - including the dogs. 4. Reward yourself when you finish. Invite your spouse or friend to dinner once you complete your course/book/ module and talk about it. Your circle wants to see you succeed and support you. So let them! 5. Be kind to yourself. The world will not fall off its axis and spin into oblivion if you don't finish that podcast on fundraising. You can always try another book, seminar, or come back to it next week. Just keep trying. We all learn differently, life happens, priorities change, and you are the best judge for what you want to learn. 6. If it does not serve you - let it go. We are all humans and if it doesn’t light you up, challenge your brain, or give you value for your precious time, move on. No regrets, no guilt, peace out. 7. Take stock of your success! Keep a running list through out the year, review it annually, see how much you grew.
Celebrate your results - once you’ve basked in your genius - start over. Learning and education are lifelong pursuits. Enjoy the journey, freely share your knowledge, and soak up what others have to offer. You’ve got this - smartie pants!