Dr. Robert H. Sandel
A Mission Prioritized By Tom Field
Virginia Western Community College president’s mission involves a rather uniquely balanced attention on three components: education, workforce, community. Three priorities. That’s the “top priority” of the current president at Virginia Western Community College. Three priorities. Not one. Go ahead. Ask him. You’re not going to hear one primary area of focus. He can’t do it. His view of the role of an educator involves three areas that are equally important. And it’s not that he’s
t JULY 2020 / vbFRONT.com
confused or indecisive. This man is as plainspoken as you can get. He leads one of the largest educational institutions in the state; but he speaks with an authority that doesn’t come off authoritarian. Along with the consistency of message, there’s a humility and impeccable character of service evident when he talks about the students in VWCC’s charge. Uncertain about the mission? Hardly. He’s been saying the same thing for over three decades. Go ahead. Ask anyone.