2 minute read
Professional Development
By Kimberly Whiter
Executive Summary:
You may be the smartest person in the room – but you may not know everything.
Kimberly Whiter is Director of Education and Support for Huddle Up Moms, the CEO for Elder Care Solutions, an eLearning Specialist, and mom of two.
Keeping an open mind during growth
In February 2021, I made the decision to enter my business, Elder Care Solutions, into the 7th Annual Gauntlet Business Program and Competition. Elder Care Solutions had been in business for a few years already. I went into the Gauntlet experience focused on establishing a growth plan for the business. I did not anticipate the changes that would ensue.
First, the networking was incredible. Suddenly, I was thrust into a rich environment composed of hundreds of other local aspiring and established entrepreneurs. Ideas were shared freely. Participants shared their unique challenges and brainstormed possible solutions with one another. Mentoring relationships were established among local entrepreneurs and business professionals. While caught up in the whirlwind of connecting with so many new people, some very special relationships were forged. I met individuals that had either business ideas that touched my professional realm or had experiences that lend themselves significantly to the growth I had in mind for my business. I had not imagined growing my team, but with an open mind, I couldn’t help but see the value in doing so. This resulted in making additions to my leadership which has secured our footing for larger markets.
Additionally, the cognitive work of building a business plan proved substantially fruitful. While we had one in place, The Gauntlet made apparent the need to include certain considerations which had not existed previously. By pouring effort into customer discovery, I had to face the fact that our current services needed some refinement and some additions. Again, although I had not intended to do so, I steered the business through a major rebranding effort and the hiring of another team member to run a completely new service aimed at helping our client families more.
Business leaders tend to function most effectively within the boundaries of our missions and goals. And while these provide structure for our efforts and growth, sometimes what is needed is an open mind so we can see the changes, big or small, that need to take place or the hard truths about what is holding us back. Business is booming for Elder Care Solutions. Our refined marketing strategies and processes are hitting the right notes. We are reaching our target clients, which means we are more able to help families. It feels wonderful to do our work to the best of our ability and provide the help that so many families need as they care for their aging loved ones. I highly suggest putting your business through an incubator program, finding a mentor, or creating a mastermind. Critical feedback about your processes, goals, mission, and plans is vital when you are growing a business.
Kimberly Whiter is CEO for Elder Care Solutions, a Platinum Winner in The 2021 Gauntlet Business Program, and an occasional columnist for Valley Business Front. Elder Care Solutions helps families with the challenges of long-term care through their two unique solutions: helping families pay for long-term care needs and helping families assess their senior living options. Visit www.eldercaresolutionsinc.com to learn more.