Emotional culture – what is it and why is it important? Workplaces have always been emotional places, but even more so during these unusual times. We all experience a wide range of pleasant and unpleasant feelings at work as we interact with coworkers, customers, suppliers, and others. When the unpleasant emotions outweigh the pleasant emotions, we experience stress – and it’s not unusual for times of change or uncertainty to be stressful. Emotional culture in the workplace refers to the emotions, attitudes, and values in a company, and greatly influences what it’s like to work there. It’s a key driver in engagement and productivity because how employees feel affects how well they engage and how well they perform.
According to the Harvard Business Review, “every organization has an emotional culture, even if it’s one of suppression. Emotional culture influences employee satisfaction, burnout, teamwork ... financial performance and absenteeism.
By Jennifer Leake Executive Summary: “Your employees’ emotions affect how well they engage and how well they perform. Pleasant feelings are productive emotions and have a ‘broaden and build’ effect causing us to think more broadly, engage more deeply and perform better. Pleasant emotions at work are consistently associated with better performance,
t MARCH 2022 / vbFRONT.com