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There’s Something
The Summer of Gorge
With the worst of the pandemic behind us people want to get out this year. In fact there are a record number of outdoor events going on at Elmwood Park and on nearby Franklin Road, so many in fact that the folks behind Roanoke’s Festival in the Park, First Fridays and the Berglund Center’s Vinyl Vault Series of outdoor concerts at the Elmwood Park put their heads together recently, working on a strategy to minimize stepping on each other’s concerts, looking for ways to find the live music that First Fridays offers from early May through October from bleeding over to the live shows at Elmwood Park and vice versa.
During a press conference last month, Molly Henry, the board president for First Fridays, talked about the new acts and old favorites (The Kings, Fuzzy Logic, the On the Border Eagles tribute band, “a huge favorite,”) that will part of the lineup this year. “We’re super excited about 2022 and we are ready to rock ‘n roll,” said Henry. The First Fridays $5 admission fees collected go to local nonprofits.
“The three [event planners] collectively are bringing 33 shows to Roanoke this summer season,” said Skip Brown with Festival in the Park, “and that’s more than we’ve ever done before.” Elmwood Park is only about 100 yards from the First Fridays bandshell on Franklin Road he noted. “What that would have done [without cooperation] is ruin her event and hers. The only solution was to come up with some type of an accommodation.”
COVID changed the equation said Brown, and now the pent-up demand for live shows has increased. The Atlanta Rhythm Section and Firefall, “great bands with huge legacy acts,” are part of the 53rd Festival lineup. 1964-The Tribute is free this year on the Festival’s closing night, a way said Brown to say “thank you” for the support over the years. Meanwhile in June the Berglund Center’s Budweiser Vinyl Vault Series brings KC & The Sunshine Band and Air Supply to Elmwood. (Elmwood Park got off to a great start this season when Jakob Dylan and The Wallflowers played during the Blue Ridge Marathon weekend.)
Wow. Of course, Dr. Pepper Park at The Bridges is jam packed with its biggest summer ever of national acts and tribute bands. Get out, catch some music, hit a restaurant or a brewpub before or after; enjoy the most normal summer since 2019. It’s a feast for the eyes and especially the ears.
By Gene Marrano
Executive Summary:
With apologies to George Costanza there’s plenty going on this summer.