2 minute read
On Tap from the Pub
By Tom Field
Executive Summary:
Public service depends on support in myriad ways.
In and out of trenches
Support is support. Right?
On the day I’m attending one of our local nonprofit events, I hear the news that MacKenzie Scott donated $800,000 to our own Girl Scouts of America Skyline. She’s the ex-wife of Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, of course—and she’s been on a run of writing checks to all kinds of nonprofit and community organizations, much to the appreciation of those stakeholders. (Then, on this latest philanthropic run, Scott also sends the Danville Regional Foundation $13 million dollars; a gift that joins other donations she’s made to NPOs serving our communities.)
Even as I’m shouting “Yes!” to myself as I’m driving home from this nonprofit event, I can’t help but think about what just transpired. My event, was the result of a culmination of hundreds upon hundreds of man(/woman)hours, working long and hard and diligently to keep the organization solvent (sometimes, just barely). Every year, these NPOs tear apart budgets and scramble for fundraising and grants to support the community out of pure desire and a servant’s heart. Every year, these NPOs seek out and depend fully on volunteers to help them operate. For many of these operations, it’s a major undertaking that demands boots in the trenches and fulfillment in just about every way—except monetary.
But with the stroke of a pen, someone provide resources that would never have happened, or would have taken years or decades to achieve.
Wow. Just wow. Right?
In a way, this phenomenon is akin to the old apples and oranges comparison. You can’t hardly fathom the two in the same light. One will say $800,000 is more valuable than a lesser amount, no matter how you slice it. Another will say you can’t dismiss the work that was performed by so many, and that has more merit.
Of course, both support mechanisms are valuable.
What transpired does cause me to go a bit introspective, though. I can only dig so deep in my pocket; so the majority of my support to our own NPOs comes from volunteering, serving, donating time, promoting the missions, and volunteering. We have such fabulous organizations serving our community, it’s a pleasure to be involved, whether it’s at the shallow or deepest levels.
Here at the FRONT, we were tickled to hit a $500,000 milestone in promotional contributions to a variety of NPOs this year. It’s not even comparable to one $800,000 check to one organization, but we certainly celebrated doing our part. And we’ll keep on volunteering!