2 minute read
What’s On/Local Events
by Karen
1st Tuesday: NHS Retirement Club, For information call Lorna: 020 8337 4121
Last Sunday of the month: Women on Wheels, 020 8547 5865. E-mail: ccst@ rbk.kingston.gov.uk
Chit Chat Sketch: Meets at Court Farm garden centre, Mondays at 2pm, Thursdays at 10am. Time subject to change, availability space limited. Book your place: 07889 897 017 or email: kkpart@outlook.com. Please bring sketch book & pencils Session £8 plus drink.
Christ Church Surbiton Hill: Midweek Communion, simple service of Holy Communion at 12.30-1pm. Open from 11am for quiet prayer, alternate Wednesdays, www. ccsurbiton.org
Cornerston Church, Tel: 0208 549 0733. info@cornerstonechurchkingston.org
Encore Singing Group: For info: gillyvor@ hotmail.com or call 020 8241 5513. All welcome, contact or pop in.
Fircroft Listening Café: Phone or text: 07598 910797. Email: listeningcafe@thefircrofttrust. org Buses 71, 465, K1, K4.
Free Healing Meditation Workshop for Stress & Anxiety: For more information on what to bring & to sign up, go to: www.georgiemacs. com
Hook Church: If you would like to pray with someone, Hook Church Brook Road, KT6 5DB is open Saturday mornings, 11-12.30pm. You would be most welcome. Info: 0208 391 0335
Hope in Depression: Free course that educates &equips adults & their supporters, with tools & proven tips about how to cope better with depression & anxiety. Every Tuesday hosted by Christ Church, Surbiton Hill via Zoom for 6 weeks starting September from 7:15-9:30pm. Expert speakers explore different aspects of mental health each week. Info & Sign up ccsurbiton.org/hidc or call 07423 144803
Kingston Camera Club: For more information visit: www.kingstoncameraclub.com
Kingston Jazz Society: Every other Tuesday 7.30-9.30pm at The Druids Head, Kingston. Listen with us, to the best of recorded jazz.
New members warmly welcomed. Contact: kingstonjazzsoc@gmail.com
Kingston Pensioners’ Forum: Contact Diane Double, Tel: 07762 663 483/020 8397 5084, email: kingstonpensionersforum@hotmail. co.uk
Kingston Philatelic Society: Info: Brian Sole Tel: 01932 220 677 or email: brian.sole@btinternet.com
Kingston Speakeasy: Contact Alick Munro on alick@munro.com or call 0208 892 9243 for date of next meeting.
Ladies Exercise Club: Keep Moving friendly & fun exercise classes for over 60s Fridays 10.15am. 1st class free, then £6/session. Call Mary, 01483 284 716 or maryedwards77s@ gmail.com
Mind in Kingston:www.mindkingston.org.uk or 020 8255 3939
Mrs Bennet’s Ballroom: At St Mark’s Church Hall, Church Hill Rd. Contact Libby Curzon, 020 8391 1215. Email: curzone@hotmail.com
Oasis: daytime group for over 60s at Emmanuel Church, Grand Avenue, Tolworth. Meetings on Wednesdays at 2.30pm, 1st February for Holy Communion, and 1st and 15th March, 5th April. There will be time for icebreakers, chat, puzzles, a 5 minute bible based talk, relevant to our lives plus refreshments. For details: 020 8390 2372 and leave a message.
Open Door: A friendship group aimed mainly at seniors, meeting in the lounge at Christ Church from 2.15-4.00pm on 2nd & 16th February.Refreshments available, full programme to be finalised. For any further information and updates please check on: www.ccsurbiton.org or call the office: 0208490 7215
St John’s Church: Community Cafe open at St John’s Chursh, Grove Lane KT1 2SU fro 10am-1pm. Come for elevenses, or early lunch with friends. Toasted sandwiches, real coffee and home made cakes to eat or take away Vegetarian & gluten free also. For more info: see website or email: parishhall@ stjohnskingston.co.uk
St Mark’s Bridge Club: Meets in Surbiton on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 12.30 - 15.30. Phone our secretary Peter on 020 8398 6811