5 minute read
What’s On/Local Events
professional or business environment. If you are interested in visiting or joining, further details are available on the Club website –www.surbitonprobus.org.uk/membership or from the General Secretary email < surbitonprobus@outlook.com >
St John’s Church: Community Cafe open at St John’s Chursh, Grove Lane KT1 2SU fro 10am-1pm. Come for elevenses, or early lunch with friends. Toasted sandwiches, real coffee and home made cakes to eat or take away Vegetarian & gluten free also. For more info: see website or email: parishhall@ stjohnskingston.co.uk
St Mark’s Bridge Club: Meets in Surbiton on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 12.30 - 15.30. Phone our secretary Peter on 020 8398 6811 to come and give it a go. If you do not already have a playing partner we will endeavour to find you one.
St Marks Church: Weds mornings 10.00-11.30 Stay and Play for Toddlers and Carers at St Mark’s Church Hall, St Mark’s Hill.
St. Matthew’s Church: Come along to the Balance Community Cafe every Wednesday 10am -2pm, for tea, coffee, cakes and light lunches, with a Bereavement Cafe meeting each month at 10.30am. Everyone welcome.
Surbiton Chess Club: Now meets every Tuesday evening at Tolworth Reform Church, 90 Elgar Avenue, KT5 9JR from 7.30pm -10pm. New members welcome. Further details & our Covid policy from: www.surbitonchessclub. co.uk/ email: enquiries@surbitonchessclub. co.uk or at twitter@SurbitonChess.co.uk/
Scottish Country Dancing: Check website: www.surbitoncaledonian.co.uk or call: 01932
784 866
Surbiton Club for the Blind and Visually Impaired: We meet every other Tuesday 2-4pm in the Methodist Church next to the fire station. Chat, entertainment and afternoon teas are served. We welcome newcomers readily. Lifts available. Further details 07443643716
Surbiton Floral Club: Tel: 020 8399 8193
Talking of Trains in Surbiton: Programme of talks at Surbiton Library Hall, each Wednesday evening through April and May 2023. presentations on Railway Subjects by
Resident Speaker Dick Crane & Guests. Class fee £50 covering 22 meetings.Details on www. talkingoftrains.co.uk More details on website: www.talkingoftrains.co.uk
The Reading Retreat: Everyone welcome! A free & friendly weekly shared reading group led by a trained Reader Leader volunteer. Nothing to read beforehand, just come along to a session to read & listen to a short written piece such as a story or poem , then join in a discussion. Tuesdays 10.30-11.30am, Alfriston Day Centre, 3 Berrylands Road, KT5 8RB. Wednesdays 2.30 - 3.30pm at Tolworth Library, 37-39 The Broadway, KT6 7DJ, Thursdays 10.30-11.30am at Surbiton Library KT6 6AG Email: libraryvolunteers@kingston.gov.uk for further info.
Tiny Tunes: www.tinytuneslive.com
Tolworth United Reformed Church, please call Roger on 07525 410 083 / 0202 8393 4270 or email jones.ra@btinternet.com for information.
Tolworth World of Dance: Dance for Fun, Fitnes & Friends Wednesday (term time) Mornings: 10.30-12.00. St George’s, Hamilton Avenue, Tolworth KT6 7PT. First time FREE, then £5/week, pay as you go. Contact Phil or Brenda: EM: philip.steventon@btinternet.com Facebook/Tolworth World of Dance. Tel: 020 8397 9649
Twickenham Jazz Club: Wednesday nights at The Cabbage Patch in Twickenham, from 7.30-10.30pm. World renowned Jazz musicians live! Please visit our website to check upcoming events: www. twickenhamjazzclub.com
Women do Craft: Christ Church, Surbiton Hill. Every 2nd Weds of the month in the lounge, 7.30-9.15pm. Catch up, chat and do craft together. Check website: www. ccsurbiton.org
These pages are for local clubs, societies and groups to have their information available to readers of A Berrylands Companion.
If your club or society is not listed on the Local Events, send in the details!!
Please send in the updated information for your club by the 8th of the month before issue month.
Clubs, Schools, Churches, & Charity events should be submitted to karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk
Hook Allotments And Gardens Association
Our friendly allotment association was founded over 50 years ago and is run by volunteers.
We provide a wide range of composts, fertilisers, seeds; gardening products at not-for-profit club prices to members.
Membership costs £5 a year and our trading facility is situated next to the entrance to the allotment plots, just beyond the rugby club pavilion, at the rear of King Edward’s Recreation Ground, Hook Road, Chessington.
Sun: 10am-12noon
Email: hooklga@outlook.com
Hook Leisure Gardeners Association
Surbiton Bird Club
Fully accessible monthly talks at St Matthew’s School, Langley Road, Surbiton, KT6 6LW 7.30pm-9.30pm
Non members always welcome, £2 for tea & cake donation appreciated! Membership includes access to Hogsmill Nature Reserve and hides
Tues16th May: Social Evening for members. Tickets are available at the door, £7.00.
Tues 20th June: Simon Ginnaw, British Coastal Birds & their Secret Life.
Tues 18th July: Andy Tucker, the Birds of Ecuador and Columbia
August: No Meeting
Field Outings: Friendly walks for beginners to experts. To confirm participation, arrange time and meeting place, and pre-arrange lifts if needed and available:
Full details Surbitonbirds.org. 020 8399 9121
Sun 28th May: Short day, Tice’s Meadow & Crooksbury
Sun 4th June: All day, Stodmarsh
Weds 7th June: Morning Midweek Walk: Fareham Heath
Sat 17th June: Nightjars
Sun 25th June: All day Rye Harbour
Full details Surbitonbirds.org. 020 8399 9121
Whilst all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in A Berrylands Companion , the publisher takes no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for the loss arising from non-publication of any advertisement.
Any errors, omissions or offers are the resposibilty of the advertiser. All artwork is accepted on the condition that the advertiser has obtained permission from any copyright holder for its use by A Berrylands Companion. Whilst every care is taken when printing artwork, we cannot guarantee an exact colour match due to variations in print processes. Bookings are accepted only on this basis. It is the advertiser’s responsibility to submit any amendments to adverts by the deadline date of the 8th. To advertise any event, or community activity in the magazine, please call: Karen on 020 8274 0096 or email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk
27. Plant - sucking insects (5)
1. Terminate gradually (5,3)
2. A Sultanate in northwestern Borneo (6)
3. Horologist (10)
4. Slightly open (4)
5. Engage somebody to enter the army (6)
6. Represents or performs as if in a play (6)
8. Come to terms with (7)
9. Shortened term for provocation (5)
13. Returning to political office (10)
15. Unusually great in size (7)
16. After sunrise and before sunset (8)
17. Strong and sharp (5)
18. Having little emotion or sensibility (6)
20. Add to the very end (6)
22. The highest point; culminate (6)
24. Compass point (4)
October Sudoku
Remember, you can pick up a copy of A Berrylands Companion magazine at the following:
Surbiton & Tolworth Library, Shan’s Pharmacy, MBE Surbiton, Park Hill Express, Berrylands Post Office, Balaclava
Church Hall, Ex-Cellar Wine Bar, Tolworth Recreation Centre, Surbiton Racket Club
Read it whilst you wait at:
Aspen Vets, Berrylands Autocare Garage, Confidental Dental Surgery, Emma’s Hair Salon, Kingston Care, Vets4Life, Business Centre Maple Road, Lib Dem Office
If you would like copies at your business please call me on: 020 8274 0096
Surbiton Historical Society

Meet at CornerHouse, Douglas Road
Tuesdays, 7.30pm, bar opens at 7pm.
Tues 6th June: One Thames or Two by Jon Cotton
Tues 4th July: Artists, Antiquaries & Collections by Julian Pooley
Tues 1st August: The Archeology of the Orpington Area by Michael Meekums
Enquiries to Membership Secretary, Mrs Ann Glover
For information on other dates and talks please contact:
Tel 020 8330 0339
Email ann.glover418@outlook.com
Deadlines for submitting new artwork for forthcoming issues of A Berrylands Companion
June 8th for July/Aug issue
Aug 8th for September issue
Sept 8th for October issue
8th Oct for November issue
8th Nov for Dec/January issue
8th Jan for February issue
8th Feb for March issue
8th March for April issue
8th April for May issue
8th May for June issue
For more information call Karen on 020 8274 0096 or send an email to karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk