2 minute read
What’s On/Local Events
1st Tuesday: NHS Retirement Club, For information call Lorna: 020 8337 4121
Last Sunday of the month: Women on Wheels, 020 8547 5865. E-mail: ccst@ rbk.kingston.gov.uk
Chit Chat Sketch: Meets at Court Farm garden centre, Mondays at 2pm, Thursdays at 10am. Time subject to change, availability space limited. Book your place: 07889 897 017 or email: kkpart@outlook.com. Please bring sketch book & pencils Session £8 plus drink.
Christ Church Surbiton Hill: Midweek Communion, simple service of Holy Communion at 12.30-1pm. Open from 11am for quiet prayer, alternate Wednesdays, www. ccsurbiton.org
Cornerston Church, Tel: 0208 549 0733. info@cornerstonechurchkingston.org
Emmanuel Church: Calling all years 6-9 to Cross Train, Fridays 7-8.30pm at Emmanuel Church. Emmanuel Restoration Station Easter Holiday Club Wed 12th- Friday 14th April for primary school children, £15. Register at emmanueltolworth.org.uk
Encore Singing Group: Mondays, 10 to 12 term time at St Matthew’s Church KT6 66JQ Pop in for a free taster or email Liz: gillyvor@ hotmail.com
Fircroft Listening Café: Phone or text: 07598 910797. Email: listeningcafe@thefircrofttrust. org Buses 71, 465, K1, K4.
Free Healing Meditation Workshop for Stress & Anxiety: For more information on what to bring & to sign up, go to: www.georgiemacs. com
Hook Church: If you would like to pray with someone, Hook Church Brook Road, KT6 5DB is open Saturday mornings, 11-12.30pm. You would be most welcome. Info: 0208 391 0335
Hope in Depression: Free course that educates & equips adults & their supporters, with tools & proven tips about how to cope better with depression & anxiety. Hosted by Christ Church, Surbiton Hill over 6 Tuesday evening sessions IN PERSON from 21 Feb - 28 Mar. Expert speakers explore different aspects of mental health each week. Info & Sign up ccsurbiton.org/hidc or call 07423 144803
Kingston Camera Club: For more information visit: www.kingstoncameraclub.com
Kingston Jazz Society: Every other Tuesday 7.30-9.30pm at The Druids Head, Kingston. Listen with us, to the best of recorded jazz. New members warmly welcomed. Contact: kingstonjazzsoc@gmail.com
Kingston Pensioners’ Forum: Contact Diane Double, Tel: 07762 663 483/020 8397 5084, email: kingstonpensionersforum@hotmail. co.uk
Kingston Philatelic Society: Info: Brian Sole Tel: 01932 220 677 or email: brian.sole@btinternet.com
Kingston Speakeasy: Contact Alick Munro on alick@munro.com or call 0208 892 9243 for date of next meeting.
Ladies Exercise Club: Keep Moving friendly & fun exercise classes for over 60s Fridays 10.15am. 1st class free, then £6/session. Call Mary, 01483 284 716 or maryedwards77s@ gmail.com
Mind in Kingston:www.mindkingston.org.uk or 020 8255 3939
Mrs Bennet’s Ballroom: At St Mark’s Church Hall, Church Hill Rd. Contact Libby Curzon, 020 8391 1215. Email: curzone@hotmail.com
Oasis: daytime group for over 60s at Emmanuel Church, Grand Avenue, Tolworth. Meetings on Wednesdays at 2.30pm, 5th April. There will be time for icebreakers, chat, puzzles, a 5 minute bible based talk, relevant to our lives plus refreshments. For details: 020 8390 2372 and leave a message.
Open Door: A friendship group aimed mainly at seniors, meeting in the lounge at Christ Church from 2.15-4.00pm on 13th April: Mary Edwards on ‘keeping fit’; and 27th April. Refreshments available, full programme to be finalised. For any further information and updates please check on: www.ccsurbiton.org or call the office: 0208490 7215
Surbiton Probus Club:Meets on the third Wednesday of every month, at noon, at Glenmore House, 6 The Crescent, Surbiton for socialising, a lunch and a speaker. Club membership is open to anyone who has retired