My full name is Lorena Garcia. I live in Terrassa. I am 14 years old. I am 1.52m tall. I usually wear jeans and shirt. I don’t jackets. I have a dog little and one little sister. I have green eyes little, my hair is curly and the color is blond. With school have glasses. Go to school Mont perdut.
The people think sometimes am stupid and my friend are very important to me.
This is Andrea, one my best friends. I'm always with her.
I have a pet, a dog is very small, has dark hair this very important for me.
In my time free i’m on facebook, messenger and I like go to cinema, go to cinema.
My defects are sometimes very silly, I do not like the opposite, I'm very quiet. I don’t like angry with my friends. I like be computer, go the shop.
My family is very important, are persons that more help, but angry times.
This is are my mother and my sister, my mother has 39 year old, my father has 41 year old and my sister 10 years old. In my house we 4 persons and one mascot. My mothers works, my father don’t works and my sister go to school.