November 9th, 2010
REUTER HALL NEWS Bringing you the happenings of Reuter Hall and the UWLa Crosse campus
We’ll Bring You:
RHAC News from your RHAC Execs
CASH CAB! Reuter Hall’s All Campus Program is back! This Thursday in Vallhalla
Upcoming Programs on campus and in hall Ideas for fund requests
A from 7-10pm Over 1,000$ in incentives including and ipod touch! Be there!
New items at the Front Desk for you to enjoy
Saturday 20th, 6-11:30pm FREE! Sign up at FD- Raffle prizes, 1st prize is Nintendo DS
ISO’s International Food TastingMONDAY 5-7 pm in Valhalla- 10 dishes from countries... 8 tickets for 5 dollars.. music and presentations on food and culture.. FRIDAY- International House of Party (IHOP) FREE! Valhalla 7-9 pm. International music and free food! All campus program Kenya Make A Difference- Sat. Nov 20th 7pm in Port o'Call. Volutourism- Kenya culture- How to make a difference in low income communities.-Trip to Kenya NEXT J-term (2012)
Drake Hall’s Super Smash Bros Tourney-
NRHH’s Trenchball- THIS Saturday at noon til 6-ish. Dodgeball on steroids. Mitchell Hall- Sweet headbands- 20$ per team to register 6 to 8.. 3 guys 3 girls. Hall can sponsor you
Reuter Hall. Reuter Hall. Reuter Hall. Reuter Hall. Reuter Hall. Reuter Hall. Reuter Hall. Reuter Hall. Reuter Hall. Reuter Hall. Reuter Hall. Reuter Hall. Reuter Hall. Reuter Hall.
November 10th, 2010
Hall Business Exec Reports
RHAC* ITS- phone number to call 608-785-8774 if having problems with GMail.
*Tom's Shoes- Whitney 17th- get coupon-
documentary at Valhalla tomorrow... TREASURER: Budget currently is... 4,477$
*NCC Elect position- train, attend 4 conferences, learn to build delegation, what to do during conferences. Elections Dec 9th. Applications to
Big Fund Request‌ Wii- System with games (wii
Nick Springer, go to RHAC Dec 9th for
sports, mario karts, just dance, wii fit) remotes, and
interview process- person will be selected that
a ceiling of 500$- system would be in cabinet under
night. Applications will be sent via email.
big TV, rent remotes and games from FD.SUGGESTION: retro gaming system-// more
*It has been decided that as a University we are
debate to come next hall council.
have taken a stand to oppose to the Arizona Law *Idea to build a shed next to the new parking structure- storage for bikes- Would have fee for storing bikes. Asked for opinions.