Field of activity
Products and services
Software engineering
Our services span the entire range of designing, implementing, testing, integrating, modernizing and supporting custom software systems. Learn more at www.dataart.com/services.
Internship Java
English proficiency, soft skills and strong technical and analytical skills
Faculty of Automation and Computer Science
Faculty of Electronics Telecommunication and Information Technology
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer science
Internship JavaScript
Internship QA Manual
Information Technology
Our own software product: Alluvio by Riverbed and Riverbed Acceleration
Our Commitment at Riverbed: We will work to prioritize diversity, inclusion, and be longing so that Riverbed will be a company where all voices are welcome, heard, and valued. We strive to build an inclusive work environment where everyone feels safe to bring their authentic self to work.
Faculty of Mathematics & Computer Science- BBU
Telecommunications and Information Technology- UTCN
.msg România face parte din msg Group, concernul de origine germană, lider în servicii digitale, cu peste 10000 de angajați și cu peste 40 de ani de activitate în industria software la nivel global.
Echipa .msg România este formată din oameni cu pasiune pentru tehnologie care, prin activitatea lor, sprijină implementarea de soluții avansate pentru inovare digitală. Investim în noile generații!
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#msgEducates este un proiect ce înglobează toate programele de training din .msg România. Este gândit în așa fel încât să vină în sprijinul studenților și al celor care doresc să își înceapă cariera în domeniul IT. Bazele acestuia au fost puse de către experți, care nu au uitat ce a însemnat viața de student. Sub această umbrelă, .msg România demarează programe care se axează pe tehnologii de actualitate și care îi pregătesc pe participanți să intre în lumea proiectelor reale
computer science
automatică și calculatoare finance informatică economică
Vino cu dorință de învățare, curiozitate și pușculița cu OOP + baze de date.
Reka Vass: reka.vass@msg.group
.msg Career Start
Noi credem cu tărie că învățarea este un proces continuu, motiv pentru care încurajăm și susținem noile generații în procesul de dezvoltare.
Programul .msg Career Start este dedicat studenților pasionați și talentați din cadrul facultăților de informatică și nu numai. Organizat după modelul proiectelor „reale”, programul de pre-employment va dura 7 săptămâni. În perioada iulie-septembrie, participanții vor avea ocazia să se familiarizeze cu tehnologii de actualitate și să învețe de la experții noștri.
Te așteptăm în echipă!
.msg Java Training
După cum intuiți deja, acesta este un program de pre-employment construit în așa fel încăt participanții să învețe…Java. În fiecare vară, alături de mentorii și trainerii noștri, studenții dobândesc cunoștințe atât practice, cât și teoretice despre 15 tehnologii și framework-uri și construiesc de la 0 o aplicație web funcțională.
Format: 6 săptămâni, teorie + practică, 8 ore/zi.
Engineering/ IT
We currently produce a wide range of innovative products—including data converters, amplifiers and linear products, radio frequency (RF) ICs, power management products, sensors based on microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology and other sensors, and processing products—designed to meet the needs of our broad base of customers. Analog Devices Cluj is supporting a broad range of industry leading high-performance linear solutions and standard products as industrial automation, instrumentation, automotive, healthcare and communication systems.
Electrical Engineering
Automation and Computer Science
Mathematics and Informatics
Software Development
Ability to work in a fast paced, team-oriented environment
Strong written and verbal communication skills (English)
Proactive work ethic with the ability to deliver results and meet challenging deadlines
Technical background in computer science, engineering or a similar qualification
Team player who also brings fun to the team
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Internship QA Engineer
Internship Project Manager
Intern Tech Support Engineer
Intern Data Engineer
Cristina Semco | Talent Acquisition Specialist
Email: cristina.semco@flutter.com
Website: https://betfairromania.ro/
Company postal address [general]: hello@paddypowerbetfair.com
UBB (Matematică-Informatică; Informatică)
UTCN (Automatică și Calculatoare)
FSEGA: (Informatică Economică)
Information Technology
Connatix, the most advanced video platform for publishers, powers the video advertising businesses of the largest media companies in the world including CBS, Time Inc, and Tribune Media. We are headquartered in New York City, with offices in Chicago- USA, Tel Aviv- Israel, London - UK, and Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Backend Developer
Frontend Developer
QA Automation
DevOps Engineer
Machine Learning Engineer
Product Owner
Facultatea de Automatică și Calculatoare
Facultatea de Autovehicule Rutiere, Macatronică
și Macanică
Facultatea de Construcții
Facultatea Electronică, Telecomunicații
și Tehnologia Informatiei
Facultatea Inginerie Electrică
Facultatea de Inginerie a Instalațiilor
Facultatea de Inginerie Industrială, Robotică
Contact internship@connatix.com https://connatix.com/careers
IT Consulting, Software Development
Our team is working on digital transformation solutions that help enterprises speed up critical business processes, improve operative decision-making and ensure information security and compliance using Enterprise Content Management, Business Intelligence, and Cloud technologies.
Babeș-Bolyai University
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Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Faculty of Economics and Business
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Faculty of Automation and Computer Science
Software Development (Backend, Frontend, Cloud)
IT Support ï ï
Migration Services
Fluent in English
Curious and proactive, with a strong interest in technology
Last year student or fresh graduate Team player Contact
Noemi Nagy – IT Recruiter
Phone: 0723 564 523
E-mail: humanresources@fme.ro
Information Technology
Products and services
Software development services
Java Internship
.NET Internship
PHP Internship
Frontend Internship
RPA Internship
QA Internship
You are a student of a Computer Science faculty
Things like OOP, data structures, algorithms, operating systems and computer programming are on your “menu” every day
Analytical skills
Passion for programming
Team player
Faculty of Automation and Computer Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Email: internship@pitechplus.com
Claudia Fericean
Phone nr.: 0740 038 377
Website: https://www.pitechplus.com/en/
Information Technology
We offer a large spectrum of tailored IT services, leveraging mainstream, niche, as well as legacy technologies.
Analytical mindset
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Proficient in English (both written and verbal skills)
Eager to learn
We are looking for students/recent graduates from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, that have knowledge/interest in developing themselves in these technologies.
ï ï
Junior Microsoft Dynamics AX (F&SCM) Developer
Junior Software Engineer in Test with German Internship programs:
Quality Assurance
Microsoft Administration & Consulting
SAP SuccessFactors
Electroglobal este unul dintre liderii naționali în domeniul soluțiilor si echipamentelor electrice, pentru sistemele de automatizări industriale, acţionări electrice şi sisteme de iluminat. Scopul nostru este să oferim soluţii pentru eficientizare energetică şi îmbunătăţirea productivităţii, propunând soluţii personalizate, adaptate business-ului.
Specializare tehnică inginerie electrică electronică automatizări robotică
Atitudine pozitivă
Dorință de învățare, curiozitate
Proiecte realizate/ participări la concursuri/ membri ai unei organizații
Departament: Fabricație/Producție
Post vacant: Electrician - Montator de aparataj Electric
Detalii minime: Asamblarea și cablarea de tablouri, echipamente electrice de joasă tensiune și аutomatizаre în conformitate cu documentația tehnică
Asamblarea de stații de încărcare pentru mașini și autobuze electrice
Departament: Soft
Post vacant: Inginer Automatist
Detalii minime: Dezvoltаre softwаrе PLC & SCADA (în mare parte Siemens)
Proiectarе arhitеcturi de sistеme de automatizаrе
Punerеа în funcțiune a proiеctelor software realizate
Departament: Logistică
Post vacant: Gestionar depozit
Detalii minime: Recepția fizică și verificarea mărfii Gestionarea și aranjarea mărfii pe rafturi Pregătirea livrării mărfii către clienți (picking, cu scanner; ambalare)
Hurry up! Every minute is precious in a safety critical domain. Curious to learn more?
We are looking forward to meeting you and offer you further details about our programs: Master Your Skills and Develop Your Skills. Bring your courage and let's work together for a safer world!
IT - Software Development Services
Air Traffic Management
Public Safety
Safety-critical systems
Unmanned Traffic Management
The Frequentis Group is an international supplier of communication and information systems for control centres with safety-critical tasks. Our software products are used in domains such as Air Traffic Management and Public Safety. To ensure the safe operation of infrastructure, a thorough assessment of the interactions between human operators, procedures and technical systems is essential. The engineering discipline that has emerged from this challenge is commonly referred to as safety management.
Frequentis Air Traffic Management helps Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) worldwide deliver safer and more secure capacity for airspace users.
Frequentis' Public Safety domain has been supplying emergency services organisations with highly reliable, easy-to-use control centre solutions.
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Faculty of Automation & Computer Science
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology
Babes-Bolyai University
Faculty of Mathematics & Computer Science
2200 + Employees globally & 150 + in Romania
#DevelopYourSkills is an internship programme that will take place between July 10 - September 1. You will join our team in the following positions: Software Developer, Test Automation Engineer, DevOps Engineer. After this, you may get a proposal for a part-time collaboration. We also organise an #ErasmusInVienna programme in collaboration with our Austrian colleagues and you can make three months of the paid internship in Vienna.
#MasterYourSkills is a programme starting on August 1 that includes unique training and induction schedule tailored to a junior's needs in the following positions: Software Developer, Test Automation Engineer and DevOps Engineer.
#DevelopYourSkills is an internship programme that allows you to acquire the needed practice for your university studies. You will develop skills in: Software Developer, Test Automation Engineer, DevOps Engineer.
Bora Victoria | 0799 983 653victoria-luciana.bora@frequentis.com
Morosan Nicoleta | 0726 119 757nicoleta.morosan@frequentis.com
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Programming skills [both, DYS and MYS programs]
English language skills [both, DYS and MYS programs] Bachelor degree before August 2022 [only for MYS program] Bring your courage and let's work together for a safer world
Information Technology
Q_PERIOR offers innovating solutions for clients in different industries, as we are one of the leading German management consultancies. For realizing this mission, we are guided by our company values: energic, proactive and personal. The Q stands for "quality", _PERIOR is derived from "superior".
Junior Project Manager with German
Junior SAP ABAP Developer
Junior SAP BI/BW Consultant
Learning & Development Administrator
Finance/Accounting with German
Fluent in English/German
Curious about technology, project management
Team player and good communicator
Open minded with a can-do attitude
Faculty of Mathematics & Computer Science (preferable german line)
Faculty of Economics and Business
Administation (preferable german line)
Faculty of Letters ( german line)
Faculty of Business
Faculty of Automation & Computer Science
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications & Information Technology
Software Development
Products and services
UX/UI Design
Web & Mobile Development
Quality Assurance
Blockchain Development
Hiring criteria
Proactive and curious approach to learning
Passion for all things tech
Analytical and problem-solving skills
Good English skills
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Faculty of Automation and Computer Science
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology
Other similar departments
Available jobs
Internships: React .NET
Employment: React Developer Angular Developer Node Developer
.NET Developer QA Manual Engineer QA Automation Engineer
Software Development
Software Developer Summer Intern
Quality Assurance Summer Intern
.Net Developer
We develop an in-house Product and Portfolio Management solution which empowers companies to execute and accelerate their business strategies.
IT Student
Programming Skills (C#, ASP.NET, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL) is an advantage
English proficiency level
Computer Science and Information Technology
Systems Engineering
Electronics, Telecommunication and Information Technology
ï ï ï
ï ï ï ï
Quality Assurance/Automation Engineer
DevOps Engineer
BI Specialist
Phone: +40 264 441 054
E-mail: contact@umtsoftware.com
Web site: www.umtsoftware.com/careers
Office address: Cluj-Napoca, 178K Calea Turzii
July 3rd - August 25th
8 weeks of training; 6h/day
Launch your career with us!
Apply before April 30th
Information Technology
Progress OpenEdge Pre-employment Training (July 3rd - August 25th)
Products and services
Consultancy & Modernization
Application Development & Testing
Application Maintenance & Suppor
Mihaela Hatagan: tel. 0760018856
Passion, curiosity and self-motivation to grow and develop
A good understanding of database, OOP and algorithms concepts
Good English skills
email: mihaela.hatagan@wayfare.ro site: https://wayfare.ro/training/progressopenedge-training/ ï ï
A proactive approach to learning
Faculty of Mathematics & Computer Science
Faculty of Economics & Business Administration
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Faculty of Automation & Computer Science
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications & Information Technology
Proudly creating game changing technology products for a wasteless, sustainable future.
Winnow develops Artificial Intelligence tools to help chefs run more profitable and sustainable kitchens by cutting food waste in half.
Driven and ambitious you will be excited about gaining experience in a fast paced organization during one of the most exciting and dynamic times in our business. Things move quickly at Winnow, and you’ll have the opportunity to help solve a variety of interesting problems. You will be working in teams that have a lot of autonomy and ownership over the solutions they build, and you’ll be expected to use your initiative to get things done whilst delivering solutions to a high quality standard.
You will need to be excited about working with our cutting edge technology and should be curious and eager to learn more about our tech stack which includes: AI, IoT, Java and modern Cloud infrastructure.
Computer Science
Information Technology
We have opportunities in the following teams: Development (backend and frontend) DevOps
Join us this Summer and you’ll look forward to:
A competitively paid, 10 week summer internship (starting 10th July)
An offer to join Winnow if you are successful on your internship which can be part time at first if you want to work whilst completing your studies
The chance to work on real projects and do real work
Working with great technology, and great technologists
The support of a buddy in addition to a manager to support you during the programme
Opportunity to interact with senior and experienced programmers
Regular constructive feedback
The opportunity to present your work to senior stakeholders and the company Founders
Working on product with a great social mission
Joining with a cohort of equally talented interns with regular social events planned
Casiana Tirla, casiana.tirla@winnowsolutions.com www.winnowsolutions.com/careers
technologies and tools.
We are involved in the full cycle of development, from architecture and design, through implementation, to deployment, maintenance and support.
Digital solutions and consulting company providing comprehensive Digital Practice, Strategy and Design, Digital Transformation, Data, Analytics & Telemetry, and Assurance.
Software Engineering Internship (Java and React)
Quality Assurance Internship
UI/UX Design Internship
Academics in information technology, computer science or other relevant technical fields
With headquarters in the United Kingdom and three different offices in Romania, Hungary and Lithuania, Zenitech is: a people-first company community of fun, innovative technology professionals
We are a dynamic global team with a focus on delivering end-to-end solutions that move our customers’ business and technological landscape forward.
Everything we do is about growth - helping our brilliant people do their best work, learn and develop, grow their skills and careers. We are a growing company with great opportunities and the work we do makes a real difference in the digital landscape.
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
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Faculty of Automation & Computer Science
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications, and Information Technology
General IT knowledge and awareness of the software development cycle
OOP fundamentals basic knowledge and understanding of its applicability in a software development environment
Basic database and design patterns
Cosmina Valean +4 0748 180 313
Zenitech career site (careers.zenitech.co.uk)