SEPTEMBER 2022 est. 1996 roundandaboutbanbury@gmail.comEmail:75747307899-LtdMagazinesAreaBestbyPublished R o u n d & A b o u t Let us transform the quality of your lawn! The Lawn Care Company You Can Really Rely On Friendly Local Business Greens & Thickens the Lawn Controls Weeds & Moss Pay as you go - No Contract Safe for Children & Pets 59748401295 Call us today! Get a FREE Quotation FREE COPY We can help with the following services: • Supply & fitting of wood burning stoves • Fireplaces (all fuels) • Chimney Lining • Chimney rebuilds • Ancillary brickwork • Chimney sweeping Our products & suppliers Suppliers & Fitters of Gas Fires, Wood Burning Stoves & Fireplace Surrounds Contact us for more information T: 0800 0282808 M: 07775707042

Email: roundandaboutbanbury@gmail.com2 ADAM 1ST CALL HANDYMAN When you don’t have time or energy to tick off those annoying jobs. * Free No Obligation Quotations * DBS Checked * Fully Adam 07768 - 398661 Tony Al len PAINTER & DEC OR ATOR • Skilled Tradesman • 40 Years Experience • C ompetitve rates • Free Estimates Specialist in Wallpaper Lining paper - Decorative and textured work Skirting, Architraves and Wood work Tiling and much more... Tel: 01295 264754 Mob: 07976 279939 Friendly, local, quality B D I PLASTERINGAllinternal and external work undertaken Polite and prompt service Ring Ian Tel: 01295 276287 Mob: 07950 720924 www.bdiplastering.comPleasevisitmywebsite ANTON’S PLUMBING, HEATING & TILING SERVICESANTON’S PLUMBING, HEATING & TILING SERVICES ANTON’S PLUMBING, HEATING & TILING SERVICES For an efficient and friendly service We cover all aspects of plumbing from a leaking Tap/ Ballcock change to a whole bathroom installation

To advertise at a price that’s right for you call 07899 757473 3 All Types of Roofing & Property Maintenance Work Undertaken Fast Friendly Service FREE Estimates ~ Fully Insured Tel: 01295 722827 17th Edition Qualified Electrician Free Quotations No job too small Contact Julian on:- 07743 948 118 (mobile) 01295 750 749 (eve) web: wires without worries 18th WYATT FORESTRY SUPPLIERS OF LOGS & MULCH LOGSPick Up Load £ 85.00 Half Load £ 45.00 Trailer Load £110.00 MULCHPick Up Load £45.00 Trailer Load £60.00 01295CONTACT~710819 25.0095.0050.00 MARTINS BOILER SERVICES OIL FIRED and GAS BREAKDOWN & MAINTENANCE FOR BOILER SERVICES 01295 ~81670915 + Years Experience Tel: FOR EMERGENCIES OR BREAKDOWNS MOBILE: 07951 686219 24 hrs BOILER & CENTRAL HEATING INSTALLATIONS, PLUMBING POWER FLUSHING AND GENERAL PLUMBING MARTINS BOILER SERVICES 01295-573526

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to provide treatments, under UK legislation, AVP will require veter nary consent prior to an appointment Physiotherapy can help: • Osteoarthritis • Improve Performance • Joint Conditions (OCD, dysplasia) • Recovery from injury/surgery • Neurological Conditions • Soft Tissue Injuries (muscle tears, tendon/ligament injuries
note: in
Email: roundandaboutbanbury@gmail.com4 CONTROLPESTBANBURYGotWasps?oranyotherpestsincludingRats,Mice,Ants,Fleas,Cockroaches,Bedbugs,Pigeons,Moles,Proofing,Squirrels,Rabbits,Antsetc...GiveIshacallon07838368700ortheofficeon01295971793KEEPITLOCAL p y py We utilise a range of therapies to ensure your companions receive the best care, whether they are recovering from injury or are in need of that extra support apollovetphysio@gmail com | www apollovetphysio co uk P ease note in order to provide treatments under UK legislation AVP w ll requ re veter nary consent prior to an appointment Physiotherapy can help: • Osteoarthritis • Improve Performance • Joint Conditions (OCD, dysplasia) • Recovery from injury/surgery • Neurological Conditions • Soft Tissue Injuries (muscle tears, tendon/ligament injuries Apollo Veterinary Physiotherapy Fully insured, qualified physiotherapist Member of the National Association of Veterinary Physiotherapists (NAVP) Pet first aid certified Supporting our companions with compassionate physiotherapy services We utilise a range of therapies to ensure your companions receive the best care, whether they are recovering from injury or are in need of that extra support |

To advertise at a price that’s right for you call 07899 757473 5 Email Web

Email: roundandaboutbanbury@gmail.com6 ? Renovations ? Extensions ? Loft and Garage Conversions ? Timber Framed Garages ? General Building and Restoration ? Driveways and Patios ? Stone walls ? Chimneys and Roofing ? Landscaping and Groundwork Please give us a call if you would like a NOWorthxfordshireindows UPVC Windows & Doors FrenchAllConservatoriesAspectsofBuildingDoors&Sliding Patios Fascias & Guttering Tel: 01869 338466 Mob: 07771 771218 Colin Payne Garden Pond Services Pond Cleaning, General Maintenance Filtration Installs & Upgrades Ponds Re-Lined & Repaired Call for any pond related enquiry Contact: Jim 07704 576839 / 01280

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Email: roundandaboutbanbury@gmail.com8 HOME S.R.D.FENCINGMAINTENANCE&PATIOSFencing~Landscaping~PatiosPaths~Decking~Drives~ShingleGuttering~BrickWalls Artificial Grass ~ Garden Clearance No Job Too Small For a FREE quote call Danny on 01295 367422 or 07989 774289 Treetops Tree Surgery Landscaping Hedge Trimming Consultancy TimothyTrainingC.Rose-Designer and Lantra Trainer Lucy E. Pointon-Rose – Coordinator Edward W. Pointon - Consulting Arborist 01295

To advertise at a price that’s right for you call 07899 757473 9 Banbur y Van and Car Hir e Ltd Unit 3 T hor pe Way, Banbur y Oxfor dshir e OX16 4SP 01295 256555 07888 747323 www.banbur yvanandcarhir hir e@banbur yvanandcarhir

Email: roundandaboutbanbury@gmail.com10 WWW.JWDESIGNANDBUILD.COM

To advertise at a price that’s right for you call 07899 757473 11 WE ’RE HER E : G row Your Commu nity At Library Car Park & Frontage The Community Fair will promote the volunteer & leisure organisations available to those in Middleton Cheney and the surrounding area, including sports, hobbies and other membership groups, as well as subscription classes. Make sure you visit to check out the possibilities. Current Covidrestrictionsatthetimewillapply. Co mmun ity Fair Sunday 11 September 2022 11am to 3pm Celebrating the successful continuation of the Middleton Cheney Community Library this event will let you know Who, Why, Where & What is on offer locally.

Email: roundandaboutbanbury@gmail.com12 • CCTV DRAIN C.DENCH PLASTERING • Plastering • Plastering over artex • Rendering For a free quote please contact Colin: 07881592787 / 01280 colindench12@gmail.com701115 To Advertise your business or event in 5,523 homes door to door covering 17+ local villages Call Mandy on 07899 75 74 73 01295 270789 Saltway Farm, Broughton Road, Banbury. OX16 CAR BOOT SALE DATES FOR SEPTEMBER Gates open at 7:30am and close at 12pm. £7 per pitch for sellers. 50p entry fee for buyers. Toilets and refreshments available on site. No advance bookings necessary - just turn up on the morning to sell. Subject to weather and field conditions OPEN MON - SAT 8.30 - 5.30 SUN 9 - 1PM DELIVERY SERVICE New Summer Menu Open Mon-Sat 9am-4pm “Last Car Boots Of The Season” Sunday 4th & 18th September Exams are coming soon – need help? Fully Qualified and Experienced Teacher Available for private tuition GCSE Physics, Chemistry and Maths A Level Physics For more details contact Ann Email: or Mobile 07824 312962 Back to school - Want to boost your grades?

To advertise at a price that’s right for you call 07899 757473 13 Call us on: 01295 268 499 or email: Did you know we deliver daily newspapers in your area? Enjoy the convenience of a paper delivered through your door every morning. Choose as many or as few newspapers each week to suit you. garagefifor£895From*afullyttedelectricdoor. Garolla garage doors are expertly made to measure in our own UK factories, they’re strong and solidly built. The electric Garolla door rolls up vertically, taking up only 8 inches inside your garage, maximising valuable space. Our expert local installers will fit your new door and they’ll take away the old one too, so there’s no mess. Give us a call today and we’ll come and measure up FREE of charge. CALL US TODAY ON: 07537 410 067 MOBILE: 07537 149 128 *Offer valid for openings up to 2.4m wide & including 2 remote controls, 55mm white slats, internal manual override.

Email: roundandaboutbanbury@gmail.com14

To advertise at a price that’s right for you call 07899 757473 15 ALL LANDSCAPINGSEASONSFENCING-DECKING-PATIOS HEDGE & SHRUB MAINTENANCE - GENERAL GARDEN MAINTENANCE TREE WORK - STUMPS TREATED & REMOVED TURFING - SLABBING - PATHS - PATIO & BLOCK PAVING RESTORATION HIGH PRESSURE CLEANING & SEALING AVAILABLE Call Adam for a FREE quotation on Of fice: 01295 368 407 Direct: 07874 220 985 Email: adamaslser T he customer is entitled to a seven day cooling of fDISCOUNTGENUINEperiodFOROAPSOffice: 01869 337171 Direct: 07874 220 985 All aspects of landscaping undertaken PATIOS - PAVING - FENCING - DECKING - PERGOLAS - DRIVEWAYS HEDGE & SHRUB MAINTENANCE - GENERAL GARDEN MAINTENANCE TREE WORK - STUMPS TREATED & REMOVED - TURFING - SLABBING PATIO & BLOCK PAVING RESTORATION Expert advice on all of your hearing needs Hearing Tests Latest Digital EarHearingTechnologyAidsInvisibleHearingAidsWaxRemovalService Strict hygiene and PPE in accordance with Covid-19 government guidelines E X PE R T A D VI C E - O VER 1 6 YEA RS EX P ER I EN C E - H C PC REGI S T E R E D Kings Sutton Millennium Memorial Hall, Astrop Road, Kings Sutton, Banbury OX17 3PG 07942 641 986 / 01295 574380 Hearing Aids EarHearingInvisibleAidsWaxRemovalService Strict hygiene and PPE in accordance with Covid-19 government guidelines. Home visits can be arranged for the housebound. EX P E R T A D VI C E - O V E R 1 6 Y E A RS EX P E RI E N CE - H C P C R EGI S TERE D ogist ww .hearingchoicesuk.comKingsSuttonEarAudiologistbasedwaxremoval One ear - £50 Two ears - £80

Email: roundandaboutbanbury@gmail.com16 We’re on the lookout for fun, enthusiastic and energetic people to join our fantastic team over the summer season. We are currently recruiting for a variety of positions to work across our busy and exciting events calendar. We are holding recruitment evenings from 1 March 2022. To register your interest, please email your CV to: Applicants must be aged 17 or over and be eligible to work in the UK. We welcome applicants with previous hospitality or customer service experience. JOIN TEAMTHE July 2022.

To advertise at a price that’s right for you call 07899 757473 17 FLEET FEET LIZ SPINK. CHIROPODIST / PODIATRIST. THE INSTITUTE OF CHIROPODISTS & PODIATRISTS HPC Registration no: CH20907 OVER 15 YEARS FORMER NHS AND PODIATRIST EXPERIENCE CLINIC AT MIDDLETON CHENEY VILLAGE HALL ON THURSDAY AFTERNOONS HOME 01295 255866~MOBILE 07860 134138 PLEASE RING FOR AN APPOINTMENT FLEET FEET LIZ SPINK. CHIROPODIST / PODIATRIST. THE INSTITUTE OF CHIROPODISTS & PODIATRISTS HPC Registration no: CH20907 OVER 15 YEARS FORMER NHS AND PODIATRIST EXPERIENCE CLINIC AT MIDDLETON CHENEY VILLAGE HALL ON THURSDAY AFTERNOONS HOME 01295 255866~MOBILE 07860 134138 PLEASE RING FOR AN APPOINTMENT FLEET FEET Painting & Decor ating Ar tex & Coving Tel: 01295 254082 Mob: 07930 928152 Please visit my website: R D DECORATING Ring Ricky 01295 711288 Fresh Flowers For All Occasions Silk Arrangements & Gravepots We specialise in Funeral Flowers If you can’t get to us we will come and visit you to discuss your requirements Burgess Farm, Middleton Cheney, Banbury Oxon OX17

Email: roundandaboutbanbury@gmail.com18 R. SOMERTONTel:01295-71149401280-700319 Answer Machine ( 24 hours ) WESTWORKS THE PLAYING FIELDS, WESTBURY NR. BRACKLEY. NORTHANTS Washing Machines, Dish Washers, Tumble Dryers, Electric Cookers, Microwaves & Vacuum Cleaners Also parts for D.I.Y. SERVICE & REPAIRSSERVICE & REPAIRS Washing Machines, Dish Washers, Tumble Dryers, Electric Cookers, Ovens & Hobs S & E Painting and Decorating All aspects of interior and exterior decorating including plastering and general household maintenance. Contact Eddie 07741 BANBURY258599 Contact Steve 07557 048160AYNHO

To advertise at a price that’s right for you call 07899 757473 19 EVENTSALLFORCATERINGPARTIES•BUFFETS•