How do bike lights work see and be seen

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How do ​bike lights​ work: See and be seen

As soon as it gets winter and it gets darker faster, it is very important to be clearly visible as a cyclist. Bicycle lighting ensures that you see the road well, but also that you are clearly visible to other road users. Legally it is mandatory to have a working white (or yellow) light at dark, twilight or in poor visibility and behind a red light. The lamps must be clearly visible and shine straight forward and straight backwards.They should be stuck to the bike or attached to the upper body to clothing or a bag. Attaching to the head, arms, hands or legs is not permitted by law. The fine for not lighting or incorrect lighting is 55, - euro. Especially in the winter months this is strictly controlled. But that is not the only thing you need to comply with. So it is also legally required to have wheel reflection on your wheels. The fine for

the lack of this is 35, - euro. Also for the lack of reflection on your pedals and the red reflector on your luggage carrier

Note:​ Absolute minimum for a bicycle used even to a small extent, however, We should be ​bike gear review​ once every year because it’s good for everyone.

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