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Adelaide Royal 2022
Venturon Starstruck 157S (P), Junior and Grand Champion Female exhibited by Venturon Livestock, Boyup Brook WA.Image courtesy Mavstar Photography. Arabar Charizard (P/S), Junior and Grand Champion Bull & Supreme Charolais Exhibit exhibited by Arabar Charolais, Balaklava SA.


Judge: Mr Alastair Day, Allendale Poll Herefords & Angus, Mundulla SA.

Promoted as the “Reunion Show” the 2022 Adelaide Royal show saw cattle return to the sheds for the first time in three years. Judging Charolais classes was Alastair Day from Allendale Poll Herefords and Angus at Mundulla. The Day Family is exceptionally well known for their livestock breeding abilities and Alastair gave comprehensive commentary throughout his judging. Exhibitors from three states contested the Charolais section.
Andrew, Anne and Harris Thompson from Boyup Brook Western Australia were rewarded for the long drive over with their class winner in the Heifer 8 to 12 months going all the way to be Junior and Grand champion Heifer. The result of an imported embryo from the Canadian “Starstruck” family this heifer was sired by SCR Triumph 213S and really had the wow factor. Venturon Starstruck 157S (P) appealed to the judge for her softness, refinement through the front end and deep body. The judge commented she “was very correct and showed a strong Charolais type”. The Starstruck line in Canada has also produced well known AI Sire Elders Blackjack 788B (P), a trait leader for growth (200,400,600) traits and scrotal size in the BREEDPLAN analysis.
Reserve junior champion heifer was Arabar Whitegold S6 sired by Challambi Pirro (P) exhibited by RF & DR Wilson, Balaklava, South Australia. This heifer won the 14 to 16 months class. Youth members, The Fogden Family won the Heifer 16 to 18 months class with Boulview Swazzie (P). This heifer was the calf at foot on their cow that competed exceptionally well in the Charolais Charbray International Virtual show last year. This heifer had tremendous depth of body and showed a really moderate maturity pattern. Joe Sfarra and Edwina Wiltshire placed second in the junior heifer classes.
Senior Champion female was Arabar Razzle-Dazzle (P) exhibited by the Wilson Family. Her dam Arabar Pearl (P) was the Reserve Senior Champion female highlighting the consistency in the Arabar herd. Both good deep bodied females with excellent shape these females both paraded with young calves. The Senior champion was sired by HRJ Bulletproof 411B (P) with Reserve cow sired by

Junior and Grand Champion Female, Venturon Starstruck 157S (P) exhibited by Anne, Andrew & Harris Thompson, sashed by Rebecca Baker and the judge Alastair Day. Junior and Grand Champion Bull and Supreme Charolais Exhibit, Arabar Charizard (P/S) with judge Alastair Day, exhibitor Duane Wilson and Richard Miller, Nutrien Studstock.
Caithness Snowy S72, Champion Purebred Export Carcass exhibited by Unity College, Murray Bridge and bred by Dr Shirley Barker, Caithness Charolais.

Winchester Joe Diffie J16E (AI)(ET)(P) who has bred well for Arabar over the years. Daniel Ferme showed DSK Kappa Refine to win the Heifer 18 to 24 months class.
In the Bull section Arabar Charizard (P/S) won the 14 to 16 months class before going all the way to claim Junior and Grand Champion Bull. At the conclusion of judging this bull was awarded the Supreme Charolais Exhibit. The May 2021-drop weighed 724 kilograms, had an eye muscle area of 119cm2, and 9 millimetres rib and rump fat. Sired by Challambi Pirro (P)(R/F) and from a dam purchased from the Waterford herd in Victoria. Mr Day commented “the champion bull was a really good, long bodied bull with a smooth front with enough muscle and very good in the sheath and testicles. A really good headed sire”.
Reserve junior champion bull was Venturon Livestock with Venturon Showbiz 161S (P). This bull was from the same imported flush as the grand champion female. At 12 months he weighed 548kg, scanned 9/7mm and had an EMA scan of 110cm2. This bull showed similar smoothness in his muscle pattern as his full sister.
Edwina Wiltshire won the 16 to 18 months class with Windjammer Shout Tha Bar (AI)(P)(R/F). A long bodied son of Cedardale Zeal 125Z (P) he placed ahead of Venturon Sandstorm S33 (P)(R/F), a son of HRJ Fan Favourite 804F. Senior champion bull was local exhibit J&S Charolais Rocket (P) shown by Joe Sfarra. A son of Elders Blackjack 788B (P) and descending from the Palgrove Dappo family this long bodied bull had an exceptionally smooth muscle pattern. Reserve Senior champion bull was Gottadowell Charolais with their Quicksilver Rupid (P)(R/F). At the conclusion of judging, Arabar Charolais were announced as the Most Successful Charolais Exhibitor.
The led steers were judged prior to the stud cattle and a Charolais purebred steer bred by Dr Shirley Barker, Caithness stud performed well, Caithness Snowy S72 was exhibited by the Unity College Murray Bridge. This steer was awarded the Champion Purebred Export Carcass. This steer was sired by Bolong Jammison and had positive EBVs for carcass attributes.