3 minute read
Technical Conference
Czech Republic 2023
...cont from page 63
The final day of the Conference saw us visit the Highlands region (480m above sea level) where the Hatlak family farm. The family have seen seven generations on this farm and before the communist regime had 19 hectares of land and 3 hectares of forest. After the communist regime the family requested the land to be returned and now farm 140 hectares with 40 to 50 breeders. Grassland is cut for silage as well as grazed and 3 hectares of potatoes are grown. Their Charolais herd started in 1993 with 7 French breeding heifers. The breeding herd is closed and they use AI extensively. Again, there is a strong emphasis on poll genetics, milk production muscling and temperament.
The herd was very impressive with superb temperaments. The bulls in the test pen all wanted a scratch and showed excellent muscle development for their age. Out in the fields we saw the replacement heifers and cows and calves. The cows on display had great volume and well developed calves at foot. From the farm there was a beautiful view across the valley. Once again, we were treated to a vast spread of cooking to ensure that we were not hungry.
The tour returned to Brno where delegates could do a tour of the city or prepare for the final dinner that night at Valec Castle. Prior to dinner we were given a guided tour of the castle and grounds including the torture rooms. The castle now operates as a hotel and the room we had the dinner in was stunning. During the meal traditional dancers and musicians entertained the delegates before the final speeches commenced.

Charolais breeders and Kamil’s team presented an awesome Technical Conference that was enjoyed by all. Delegates from Societies had time to visit during bus trips, breakfasts etc and discuss items of interest and the technical day was very informative. We had the opportunity to visit and inspect some tremendous cattle programs and the show and we all gained a better understanding of the type of cattle being successful in the Czech Republic.
These events allow cooperation and transfer of information between the official organisations of the Charolais world as well as developing networks across the globe. The exchange of information, research and genetics make our breed stronger in a global sense and I encourage Australian breeders to participate in future events.

On behalf of the Charolais Society of Australia we presented an engraved Condamine Bell to the Czech Charolais breeders as a token of our appreciation of a tremendously successful event. The hospitality and organization was outstanding and we all enjoyed the smooth planning. Special thank you to Juri and Tomas from E-Tours for all your assistance and information along the way, it was appreciated.
Looking forward to the World Congress in Canada, June, July 2024. Details will be circulated to members as soon as they become available.

From the Chair
I would like to take time to congratulate youth members on their recent success’s between Sydney Royal, WA handlers camp, Taroom Feature Show and many more shows and events in between. It isn’t an easy thing to get animals of your own out and about so a big congratulations to you all. On behalf of the Youth Committee, I would also like to thank everyone who was involved in our Calendar Fundraiser from sponsoring months and sale dates to purchasing calendars. From this generous support we were grateful to sell 84 calendars, 6 month stud sponsorships, 15 sale dates and raised a profit of $1,800. We thank everyone involved, your support goes a long way. We look forward to starting the 2024 calendars later in the year, so get your cameras out now and try to win our front cover photo!
We recently planned and sent out a survey to members that was well received. The youth committee have collated the data that was gained and we are working towards using that information to help us move forward whilst we plan what comes next. What is next? We have some exciting things on the horizon.
The committee are currently working towards our first “Charolais Youth Australia – Funding the Future” Auction which will help raise money for youth events and scholarships. Expressions of interest have been sent out to get the ball rolling as the auction is set the take place on the 15-16th of August on AuctionsPlus. Keep an eye out as there will be a range of items to suit everyone.
We are also currently in the planning stages of running an education day in late September, where we have some great ideas coming together. It will be a great day out for all ages, so watch our Charolais Youth Australia Facebook page and your emails for coming details on this!
Our committee recently spoke about what happens next for our committee and how we involve more youth members. Moving towards the end of the year expressions of applications will be sent out to youth members to grow our committee. I encourage everyone who would like to be involved to put in your expression of interest. The more ideas the better! We can’t wait to see the next few months of events unfold.
Youth Committee Chairperson
Laura Lockhart