1 minute read

Veteransville: HelpingOthers Connect& Grow

by Sheila Farr

make sure we don't just get stuck in a cycle of outreach, but instead, we'd like to focus on helping with reintegration into our community,"saysMiles.


In addition to homeless outreach and reintegration, Veteransville will offer assistance to female Veterans undergoing trauma recovery by offering quarterly retreats that focus on providing mental health counseling, on-going lifecoaching, and education in the areas of health and wellness. "It's so important to help others understand that many of our veterans arestillinrecovery. Somany ofourfemaleveteransneed help in releasing the control and experiences that had in the military, so they can transitiontocivilianlivesand still be productive. We're working to make sure that happens for as many Veteransaswecan,"saidthe Executive Director of the organization.

Plans are in the works for a fundraising golf tournament on May 27th and a festivalcalled "VetsFest" this November. "We just want to show the world what our Veterans are capable of doing. We're out here changing the world and making sure we help our veterans make healthy connections with each other andwithourcommunity," remarkedCoachBrandi Miles.

Veteransvilleisexcitedto beginpartneringwith othernonprofitsand businessesalongthe Coastinordertobring theirservicestoawider rangeofVeterans.

Inadditiontothe homelessreintegration andrecoverretreats they'replanning, Veteransvillealsooffers educationandtrainingin theareasofleadership, management,peer support,andtrauma recovery,alongwith offeringvariousclasses includingjobtraining, interviewingskills,yoga, taichi,mindfulness,and writingastherapy.

Foradditional informationabout Veteransville-orto partnerwiththem-you maycontactBrandi Milesat veteransvilleinfo@gmail. com

**Editor's note: this article is being rerun from our February issue due to its popularity and the high number of inquiries about this organization.

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