Welcome to the Party Welcome Back! On behalf of our Board of Directors, we are pleased that the 33rd annual San Diego Jazz Party is happening. Due to Covid restrictions last year, sadly, we were unable to proceed with the party. Being back is a gift, and we are excited about this year’s party and your opportunity to enjoy some of the best musicians in the world. We value your continued support to keep Mainstream Jazz alive in San Diego. How fortunate we are to have our event at the beautiful Hilton Hotel in Del Mar. We appreciate how the hotel has worked with us to help make the concert venue comfortable and enjoyable. The hotel restaurant, Coastal Kitchen, has a new chef with some tasty new dining choices. In addition, in a first for the SD Jazz Party, overhead cameras will capture the artistry of our musicians on large video screens, showcasing their performances to bring the music alive for everyone to experience. We are thrilled to welcome our repeat attendees as well as many new guests. Our Jazz Party is kept alive by our talented musicians, our wonderful guests, our trusted volunteers, and your generous donations. Without you, the Jazz Party would not be possible. This is YOUR Jazz Party, your musicians, your music, and your scholarship program. A surprise addition this year is a Saturday Late Night performance by Lizzy and the Triggermen. Not only will you be entertained by them, but swing dancing is encouraged, and we expect some energetic dancers and lots of fun. We are proud to continue our scholarship program that was established by late president, Dan Reid. The SDJP organization awards scholarships to promising young musicians in pursuit of their dreams of furthering mainstream jazz to the world. Donations to the scholarship program are tax deductible. See page 20-21 for details on this year’s recipients. We also have a unique opportunity for you. You may sponsor a musician of your choice. Sponsors receive a personal photo with their musician(s), an invitation to the Musicians’ Dinner Party on Sunday evening at the Del Mar Hilton, and recognition in the program and on the San Diego Jazz Party website. See page 17 for more details. On a sad note, we lost some dear friends these past two years including musician, Dave Stone in 2021, former president, Dave Cooper, and late president, Dan Reid, both in 2020. They were strong supporters and lovers of the San Diego Jazz Party. They will be greatly missed. Our condolences go out to those who loved them. Please help us to continue making each new Jazz Party better each year. A survey is included in the program packet, and we encourage your input. Please complete the survey and leave it at the check-in table in the survey/suggestion box when you depart. Sit back, relax, enjoy, and reflect on the timeless music of Mainstream Jazz at its finest. Mark your calendars for next year’s Jazz Party, February 24-26, 2023. Sincerely,
Sandi Joyce, President San Diego Jazz Party