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Outdoor Gear Exchange
Check out the Kelty Grand Mesa
Step into a truly unique experience at Addie & Grace. We o er chic, sophisticated women’s clothing and accessories in a welcoming environment by the designers you know and love. The stylists bring decades of expertise in the fashion industry and tailor each shopping experience to help dress you for everyday, work, travel, or special occasions.
Jess Boutique
Find dresses for every special occasion at Jess Boutique, from wedding guests to mothersof-the-bride. Let Jess Boutique help you dazzle in designers like Halston, Alice & Olivia, Monique Lhuillier, Shoshanna, Diane Von Furstenberg, and so many more. www.jessboutique.com
2-Person Tent and get a great tent for a great deal! Simple and quick to set up, the Kelty Grand Mesa 2-person tent’s ready to shelter you three seasons of the year. The easy assembly comes courtesy of a freestanding design and stands up against wind and sleet, thanks to a durable 68D polyester material. Wherever your backpacking ventures take you, the Grand Mesa will make for a discreet, lightweight addition. Sign in at www.gearx.com for 30 percent o this incredible gear.
Furchgott Sourdiffe Gallery
The gallery exhibits a diverse range of contemporary art by established and emerging artists in a variety of media. Museum quality, custom framing services include hand- nished frames, design experience, and conservation specialists. You’ll also nd a collection of handmade jewelry, glass, and ceramics plus ready-made photo frames. www fsgallery.com
Feel your best in every season at Expressions. They carry the best in women’s casual clothing in all your favorite brands, including Eileen Fisher, Ecru, Margaret O’Leary, Nic + Zoe, and more.
www expressionsvt com
Radiance Medical Aesthetics And Wellness Spa
This summer, safeguarding your skin and preventing signs of aging shouldn’t be a hassle. Radiance o ers an extensive range of top-notch SPF products suitable for all skin types and lifestyles. The latest addition, the Elta MD UV AOX Mist, is sure to impress, and it’s the perfect addition to your summer routine. This face and body sunscreen spray is made of purely mineral protection and is free of harsh chemicals. It blends seamlessly and can be sprayed upside down for hard-to-reach areas. Available for purchase at Radiance Medical Aesthetics and Wellness Spa. www.radiancevt.com
Green Envy
Shop coveted summer staples from Frank & Eileen. Find elevated essentials from your favorite brands including Ulla Johnson, Castañer, Golden Goose, Zadig & Voltaire, Kerri Rosenthal, Moussy, Veronica Beard, Brochu Walker, and more. Stop at Green Envy in Burlington, Stowe, Manchester Center, and Providence, Rhode Island. Shop 24/7 at www.shopgreenenvy.com.
A Little Something
“Beautiful, comfortable clothing for summer! Come take a peek at A Little Something’s clothing for every occasion!” www.alittlesomethingvt.com
Come shop and explore our new 6,000-square-foot agship retail store located at the Essex Experience, in Essex, Vermont. Our store is lled with goods from around the world. Working closely with artisans in India, Thailand, Nepal, and Indonesia for over 40 years. Soft cotton clothing, dresses, fun and ne jewelry, hundreds of accessories, vintage and antique textiles, home accents, and more. Call (802) 764-0758 or email nusantarashopvt@gmail.com.
Westin Designs
O ering luxury home brands along with interior design services is a fantastic combination to provide a complete and upscale experience. Luxury home brands often signify high-quality craftsmanship, unique designs, and exceptional attention to detail, which can greatly enhance the overall aesthetic and comfort of a home. Visit the showroom at 3762 Shelburne Road, Suite 5, in Shelburne from Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm.
The sun is rich and gladly pays In golden hours, silver days.
And long green weeks that never end. School’s out. The time Is ours to spend.
There’s Little League, hopscotch, the creek, and after supper, hide-and-seek.
The live-long light Is like a dream, and freckles come like flies to cream.
— June by John Updike
The staff here at Coffee Table Publishing took some wonderful photographs on their travels around our beautiful state of Vermont. We think you'll agree that summer in Vermont just can't be matched for its endless beauty. A perfect nod to nature's Art Scene.