Pregnancy secrets – things even your mom didn’t know about pregnancy

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Pregnancy Secrets – Things Even Your Mom Didn’t Know About Pregnancy

We all know that when it comes to pregnancy and raising children, no one knows it better than our mothers. But given the changes in time and our access to better technology, we surely know things that our mothers didn’t. If you’re pregnant, your mother must have already told you plenty of things you need to do and know. Whether it is morning sickness or fatigue that follows you while pregnant, we know you know it all. However, there are things you should know about pregnancy; pregnancy secrets. Read on to know what those things are.

Pre Natal Classes Pre Natal Class is, you can say, a fancy name for Childbirth Education and Preparation Class. These days more and more women are open to the idea of taking Pre Natal Classes. This is mainly because most women are afraid of the pain that comes along with child birth. These classes will help you to know the why’s and how’s of everything related to pregnancy and how to deal with the problems. Most importantly, with the help of pre natal classes, you are better prepared to give birth.

Gestational Diabetes Similar to Pre Natal Classes are Post Natal Classes. The only difference being that post natal tells you about everything after delivery – How to take care of your baby and most importantly, yourself. Plenty of problems ranging from breastfeeding issues to depression are covered. The reason why it is important to be a part of such classes is that we have partial knowledge when it comes to pregnancy. Most of our problems come from the fact that we don’t take proper care. But we can’t blame our mothers for this because clearly they are no experts in this field. Pre and Post Natal classes are conducted by a group of child birth professionals who know the inside-out of pregnancy and its issues. So if you’re pregnant, we genuinely advise you to look up these classes nearest to you. You will be thankful later on!

Postpartum Depression Yes it is possible and very likely for a woman to go into depression after the birth of her child. You can blame all the uncontrolled hormones for this. What the elder ladies of the house don’t know is that it happens. It is normal if any of these things happen to you post-delivery: You don’t develop love for your child instantly. You feel like being alone. You feel irritated and angry most of the time. You don’t eat or drink properly. You want to cry or you have no control over your emotions. As we mentioned earlier, these are completely normal things to happen after delivery. But if you’re too worried about it, it is treatable medically and naturally as well. Don’t be scared to talk to your healthcare expert about it.

Gestational Diabetes In simpler terms, Gestational Diabetes is when you develop high blood sugar in your pregnancy even if you did not have it before. In most cases it goes away a few months after birth of your child. You can prevent it by maintaining an ideal pregnancy weight and eating a well balanced diet. Consult your gynecologist if you are at a risk of developing it.


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