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Dream a little dream
Crazy dreams interrupting your sleep? Many mums-to-be experience fascinating, frightening, and just plain freaky dreams during pregnancy. And because you’re waking frequently at night (toilet trips!), you’re able to recall your dreams more vividly than ever.
While sleep is supposed to be a pregnant woman's restful refuge, wild dreams during pregnancy may mean you wake up tired. Blame those wild hormones if you like, fuelling your emotions and intensifying your dreams, but your pregnancy dreams may also be a way of coming to terms with your new role as a parent. Whether it’s a change in sleep patterns or fluctuating hormones, experts believe there are a number of dream themes that pregnant women experience. Here are a few you may have already had yourself.
Dreams about losing your baby or forgetting your baby somewhere are very common, and quite possibly linked to your fear of not being ready to be a parent, or anxiety you may be feeling related to the responsibility of being a parent. You may feel unprepared to look after a baby and fearful about the unknown.
Water is seen as a powerful theme, and could symbolise a feeling of new beginnings and new life, or a feeling of cleansing. Or it may be a representation of concerns you BUY BUMP&baby ISSUE 1 FOR THE FULL STORY