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Daddy duty
It’s usually mums who take the most time off when a newborn arrives – but dads should take parental leave, too, explains Tiffany Brown.
You often hear about the role physical closeness plays in establishing effective attachment between mother and baby in the early weeks Many dads feel a little passed over in the early days, when breastfeeding means mum tends to maintain a monopoly on the baby’s time. But there are lots of ways dads can help share the load, helping mum get a bit more rest and continuing to develop of life, particularly through breastfeeding. that important bond at the same time. What is lesser known is that fathers can Changing nappies and dressing baby also form strong bonds with their infants, gives dads a great opportunity for plenty encouraging secure attachment to both of cuddles and lots of eye contact. These parents. The first days and weeks directly activities are good for developing trust in after birth provide the first opportunity your baby. Playing with baby and using for a new family to establish itself and a variety of facial expressions helps them get to know each other. The bonding learn, while holding or rocking baby to that ensues, and the support that is shared sleep are ideal ways to get involved. between new parents, is a vital first step It makes sense for fathers to take their in your parenting journey. turn or even take the lead in transporting
No matter how much leave from work their infant in a baby carrier. Men generally your baby’s father can manage to take have broader shoulders and a stronger after you give birth (the more the better!), build to wear their babies in slings or remember, the process of packs, and keeping baby paternal bonding begins as tip close to them this way further soon as you discover that you’re expecting. If possible, have Find a fun "job" nurtures the father-child bond. A recent study showed him go with you to maternity that your baby's specialised baby massage for appointments and share all dad can be infants benefited both baby the details of the pregnancy together. Talking about birth options and ... BUY BUMP&baby ISSUE 2 FOR THE FULL STORY