Best News World n. 2 - Winter 2012

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The President whishes succes for all challenges for the new year

Ancient exhibits using latest ticketing techhnology

Connect celebrates five years of destination ticketing




Art and Music: heating up Winter with the Best Union Group

2012 dedicated to the Great Sound of Music at the Manzoni

Finest italian Wines, 100 great producers


UK USA SINGAPORE Dear Friends, We have left behind 2011, a year with hardships for the global economy that we would certainly like to forget. The conditions for making 2012 a better year for us are uncertain, both in Italy and abroad. It is at times like these that that we need to surround ourselves with people of good will who look within for the motivation and energy to work with us toward a better future for ourselves and our families. In the past year our Group has grown through internal and external actions, and it is important to note that the business secured a record number of new customers and earned revenue that was in line with expectations. I n t e r n a l l y w e b e g a n m a k i n g substantial reductions in costs that will impact those in the Group that have not shown the spirit of team work we feel is vital to our success. In 2012, more than any year in the past, the products and services of the Group will demonstrate the values that motivate us and the level of success we can achieve. Our team’s humility, willingness to listen, sincere passion for our work and solid skill set will be the factors that enable us to earn continued business with our current clients and new business from clients in the future.


L’ a u g u r i o d e l Presidente per le sfide del nuovo anno The transformation process will take time, but will lay a foundation for the way we handle business in the years to come. In order to communicate in a more effective and timely manner, we have renewed the Best Union corporate Website, and will soon renew sites for other companies within the Group. All these changes have required hard work from all people working in the Group and our colleagues throughout the company. I extend to each my personal and heartfelt thanks, and wish you and your loved ones well in the coming year. See you soon!



OMNITICKET ONLINE UPDATE: A N C I E N T EXHIBITS USING L A T E S T T I C K E T I N G TECHNOLOGY Ancient artifacts collide with the latest online technology as OmniTicket Network clients sell their exhibit tickets online during 2012. This year fans of the ancient world will be able to use leading edge Web technology to purchase tickets to an exciting selection of exhibits around the world. At the California Science Center “Cleopatra: The Search for the Last Queen of Egypt,” will offer over 150 artifacts including a 16-foot granite statue and gold coins with Cleopatra’s profile. While the exhibit runs for seven months beginning in May, the “Mysteries of Egypt” IMAX film will also be presented at the science center, and a combo ticket is offered. Look for tickets on sale now at

The Royal Ontario Museum provides a journey through the mysterious land of the ancient Maya at the exhibition, “Maya: Secrets of their Ancient World” which is on display until April 9, 2012, and focuses on the Classic Period (250 - 900 CE) of the ancient Mesoamerican culture. Tickets are available now at



News from US Market!

The Wonders of Ancient Mesopotamia Down under at Melbourne Museum, view the “Wonders of Ancient Mesopotamia” and explore over 170 artifacts from this ancient era. The exhibit will be held from May 4th – October 7, 2012. Look for tickets online now at!


UK USA SINGAPORE With the introduction of the Connect program five years ago, OmniTicket Network became a true leader in electronic “Destination Ticketing.” Since its inception, convention and visitor bureaus, marketing alliances and destination attractions have used our innovative Connect portal and related technology as real-time tools to package and sell a variety of unique destination experiences.



News from US Market!

Peak Plus Pass”, the “Super Pass” in Salt Lake, the “Now Pass” in Washington D.C., the “Experience San Antonio Pass” and a selection of other valuable products that promote our exciting destination partners in cities such as Dallas, Cleveland and more.

CONNECT CELEBRATES FIVE YEARS OF DESTINATION TICKETING (AND COUNTING!) It has been our pleasure to support destinations who want to compete for visitors in a global marketplace. Wo r k i n g w i t h w o r l d - c l a s s , innovative organizations has allowed us to offer online and onsite solutions for the sale of exciting products such as the “Big Ticket” in Bloomington, the “Pike’s

We c e l e b r a t e o u r p a s t success while looking forward to the opportunity to introduce new products and new technology as we move into the future of destination ticketing.


UK USA SINGAPORE Even in winter the programming of events at Vivaticket never stops! This year the opportunities for fans of good music and entertainment will be extensive and will be sure to satisfy even the most discerning palates. The legendary British group Radiohead has chosen Italy as the first leg of its European tour and will give their Italian fans four concerts in some of the most beautiful cities in Italy beginning in June 2012. This British group is headed by Thom Yorke four years after the overwhelming success of their live Milan show, where 36,000 tickets were sold over several days. Auditorium Manzoni in Bologna will present two Italian artists, Pino Daniele and Mario Biondi May 5th and March 13th, and in Bologna on March 23 at Paladozza, another great Italian interpreter, Fiorella Mannoia, will go up on stage to give us again the great thrills of a career spanning 40 years. Lovers of opera will be pleased on July 12th at the Theatre of Silence, in Lajatico, to see the return of opera in its most classic form with Maestro Andrea Bocelli, who is always unique and unrepeatable. Already available online is the season of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, the oldest and most prestigious European festival along with those of Bayreuth and Salzburg. In addition, the Prince Venetian Carnival will be held on February 11th, and will be dedicated to the theatricality of everyday life. Finally, we highlight the striking interpretation of The Nutcracker by the brilliant and irreverent film director and choreographer Matthew Bourne, who, with his Nutcracker, will be staged at the Politeama Rossetti in Trieste from March 7th, and is now celebrating

SPECIAL CULTURE Art and Music: heating up Winter with the Best Union Group the twentieth anniversary of its release on the British stage. In closing, be sure to stay tuned to this banner year for big events, and be sure to live every day with us at Vivaticket!

Andrea Bocelli Teatro del Silenzio 12 July 2012


UK USA SINGAPORE L O R E N Z O L O T T O AT A C A D E M I A G A L L E R I E S Great exhibitions in the Galleries of the Academy of Venice are back and will honor perhaps the least known side of one of the greatest artists native of Venice, Lorenzo Lotto. Lotto was one of the leading figures of the Venetian Renaissance of the early sixteenth century, despite being a non-conformist who stayed on the edge of the artistic culture of the time, and in the shadow of the more famous Titian. Considered a painter wanderer who often visited places far from major art centers such as Marche and Bergamo, Lotto had a complex personality, and was willing to experiment with new roads and often met with disappointments and failures, although allowing his work to be evaluated by posterity. From November 24 to February 26, 2012 we can see some of Lotto’s works never before seen in Italy. The work includes two major paintings: the Portrait of Spouses and the Madonna with Child, provided on loan by the Hermitage Museum of St. Petersburg. The exhibition is called “Homage to Lorenzo Lotto.”

The Hermitage Galler y at the Academy intends to propose a course of reading in the form of dialogue between the two works along with other Lotto paintings from European museums and the permanent collection of the Venetian museum. The present exhibition, curated by Matteo Ceriana, also includes paintings and sculptures by contemporary derivative works of the Venetian master. It is with pleasure that Teleart has the opportunity to provide the museum with all services related to the ticketing, including access control and advance sales, thus allowing art lovers from around the world to receive a priceless cultural heritage.


The style we see today blends elements of the Tuscan-Roman with the Venetian setting. The building is part of the Venetian Museums and TeleArt provides service and ticket bookings. And now thanks to the Venetian Best Union Group, this hidden palace has a new website that is very clear and easy to navigate. The website is packed with news, photos and videos, and has the ability to process reservations and connect visitors with the main social media networks. The website G R I M A N I P A L A C E demonstrates meticulous work worthy DISCOVER THE HEART OF VENICE of such a world-class cultural center, In the heart of Venice, just a stone’s and it is clear that Best Union’s efforts throw from Piazza Marco and Rialto, in the provision of services has again there is a special place, hidden for meet and exceeded expectations. three years, that has been returned to the splendor and wealth of the past. The Palazzo Grimani at Campo S. Maria Formosa hosts striking and unique temporary exhibits, while being a monument in its own right. The building is a particularly valuable innovation for the city of Venice and carries an international significance related to the unique architecture, the d e c o r a t i o n a n d t h e b u i l d i n g ’s fascinating history. In the early 1500’s Antonio Grimani gave the house to his children, and the house was then completed by his nephew John, Patriarch of Aquileia, Carrier and his brother, the Attorney of San Marco.

Art and Music: heating up Winter with the Best Union Group


UK USA SINGAPORE In the presence of Alberto Ronchi, the City of Bologna Minister of Culture, Angelo Varni, of the Foundation of the Monte di Bologna and Ravenna, Luca Montebugnoli, President of Manzoni Space Ltd and Giorgio Zagnoni, Artistic Director of the Theatre, on Dec. 9th was presented the 2012 Season of the most important cultural space in Bologna. This year three entrepreneurs have been motivated to support the efforts of the Menarini family, including Luca Montebugnoli, Gianluca Muratori and Alessandro Morandi Berselli. It seemed like a natural choice for these three entrepreneurs to boost worthwhile cultural and economic development in their city and thus they created Manzoni Space Srl with the mission to enhance an extraordinary place that can and should be a stage for new and traditional events. Manzoni Space Srl, together with Musica Insieme and the Bologna Festival Orchestra, will host a season of exciting events. The hope of all those involved is to find a common home for music festivals of any kind at Manzoni. The theater will open up the city and the world in the hope of enabling fruitful collaboration with other theaters in Bologna. Details of specific programming are listed below: Classical Music: The selection includes collaboration with the orchestra of the Teatro Comunale di Bologna. The cycle will be dedicated to the masterpieces of Romanticism with particular attention to the great Russian master. Each evening will host a solo concert and a symphony, and the violin player of 2012 will be the main instrument of the orchestra. To add to the uniqueness of the event, all the soloists will be female. Dance Events: There are three dance events that should not be missed: February 19th: the well-known company founded by Antonio Gades Carmen brings to the stage Ballet Flamenco with music by G. Bizet; April 16th: the Tango with Argentine composer Luis Bacalov featuring Academy Award Buenos Aires Querido me; May 26th: Svetlana Zakharova, considered by many one of the best ballet dancers in the world. She combines a superb technical mastery to a refined delicacy and emotional involvement

MANZONI S P A C E 2012 dedicated to the Great Sound of Music at the Manzoni

Ethnic Music: There will also be events dedicated to ethnic music such as the Grand Concert of Chinese New Year on January 29th. This event includes a unique musical experience with artists in traditional costumes and instruments. On March 10th and 11th the Opera Multimedia Gitana will be presented. And do not miss the end of the season with the Ethno Jazz Pan Orchestra.

in which the expression of movement is always elegant. Jazz and Pop: The deep, rich voice of Mario Biondi can be heard March 13th. On March 20, listen to the folk / rock music of James Taylor, the American singer-songwriter of international level. Then return to the good music and sounds of the Italian Mediterranean with Pino Daniele on May 5th. The first date, May 19th, will include the Maestro Zagnoni flanked by Italian and foreign musicians worldwide. During these extremely difficult economic times, many believe that a new solid project in Bologna will definitely bring new vitality to the city's cultural life.


UK USA SINGAPORE The authentic and traditional wines of Sardinia and Sicily, the two largest islands in the Mediterranean, are enjoying a newfound popularity amongst wine lovers. A great occasion to devote a two-part section to the OperaWine participating wineries Argiolas, Tenuta Sella & Mosca from Sardinia (Part I) and Duca di Salaparuta, Cusumano, Donnafugata, Planeta, Tasca d’Almerita from Sicily (Part II).

SICILY AND SARDINIA HOST THE BEST OF ITALY’S ISLAND WINES Sardinia, the Mediterranean’s second largest island, offers a exciting local varieties, promising territories and a viticulture that can be traced back to pre-Roman times. Probably the most widespread-planted variety is Cannonau (or Grenache) with roughly 1/3rd of all planted vines, followed by Carignano or Giro, which can produce some delicious and often lasting reds that are found in both dry and sweet styles. White wines such as Vernaccia di Oristano are often dry, sherry-like wine, while crisp, dry whites stem from Vermentino in the northern regions of Sardinia. A forerunner of modern winemaking on the island is Tenuta Sella & Mosca around Alghero.

OPERA W I N E Finest Italian Wines, 100 great producers 24 marzo 2012

Palazzo della Ragione Verona (IT)

Article written by Press O f f i c e OperaWine

Since its establishment in 1899 by the Piedmontese engineer Eduardo Erminio and lawyer Sella Mosca, the winery experimented with native (Ver mentino, Car ignano and Cannonau) as well as international varieties (Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Sauvignon Blanc), with great results. The immense 550ha winery is amongst the largest in Europe and belongs since 2002 to the Campari group, which continues to complement the peculiarity of autochthonous vines with more international ones to attract the interest of foreign markets. The success of the Argiolas winery, located 18 km from Cagliari, is built on the mantra of constant improvements and investments in various fields.


UK USA SINGAPORE conscientious. Our main objectives are to save water, improving the carbon footprint, using solar energy recycling our by-products and preserving our biodiversity”. Being it in the vineyards or the company’s olive groves, Giacomo Tachis, one of Italy’s leading oenologists, is dedicating his knowledge to the Sardinian winery striving to raise the quality and create another superstar of Italian wines. Valentina Argiolas stresses the fact that despite common opinion of “Sardinia being one of the most important potential new areas for wines, the island’s difficulty is in promoting these fantastic wines”. She is dedicated to continue “investment in research to produce high quality wines with traditional grape varieties in an international style”. Argiolas remains an ambitious family-run business in which the female influence is evident. Francesca and her sister Valentina Argiolas are actively involved in runner the vineyard, respecting the environment, using their organisational skills and introducing new communication technology. Valentina adds that, “we are aiming to become more environmentally

OPERA W I N E Finest Italian Wines, 100 great producers “OperaWine” is discovering the traditions, identity and heritage of the food and art in Italy, whilst falling in love with Italian wines. Exclusive initiatives related to Italian wine, food and culture is to encourage international operators, journalists, sommeliers, wine educators, and high profile wine aficionados alike to explore the fascinating history and context of Italian wine.

Two of his previous success stories include Tignanello and Sassicaia, thus he is aiming to add Argiolas to this list. The winery is on the right path as Turriga, the company’s flagship wine, is highly regarded for its powerful, long-lasting plum and berries notes resulting from the sultry blends of Cannonau, Carignano, Malvasia Nera, and Bovale Sardo.

Article written by Press O f f i c e OperaWine

OperaWine will be held during the Vinitaly in the wonderful location of Palazzo della Ragione in the center of Verona, on March 24th 2012. The Best Union Group, always at the forefront in the management of Trade Fairs, even on this occasion is proud to operate through its subsidiary company Teleart providing services of ticketing and access control. Vinitaly is the largest wine fair in the world with over 4,500 producers and 150,000+ visitors (including 45,000 from foreign countries). The event is held every year in Verona, Italy (46th edition: Verona 25-28 March 2012). Wine Spectator is the world’s leading authority on wine that reaches more than 3 million readers worldwide, exploring wine’s role in contemporary culture and delivering expert reviews of more than 15,000 wines each year. Wine Spectator is solely responsible for the choice of producers at the event.


FALL 2011



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