3 minute read
How to be Successful at Your Healthy New Year’s Resolution
by Expert Contributor Luigi Truono of Retro Fitness Newtown Square
So many of us make New Year’s Resolutions year after year, to go on a diet or lose weight, to start an exercise program or join a gym, or in some way change the behavior that is negatively affecting our health. We make plans, buy products and set ourselves up to succeed. But then it seems that come February or March, we’re right back to our old ways and unhealthy habits.
If you’re asking yourself “How can this year be different?” consider this: A change in your behavior is not always easy to do. But it must always begin with a change in your consciousness. Here are some tips to help you maintain a more positive mindset and begin to make a healthy change to your consciousness.
Try practicing positive mind and body affirmations every day as part of your routine. Some uplifting affirmations include: I am beautiful, I am strong, I am blessed. You can do these in conjunction with meditation and/or breathing exercises, or while you exercise. Many people swear by affirmations, and they can’t hurt. Give them a try. Maybe they’ll help build your confidence, and maybe they’ll change your life.
Next, enlist the help of a partner, friend or coach. Sharing your exercise and diet routines makes it much easier to accomplish your goals when you’re accountable to someone other than just yourself.
Tracking your progress can be an incredible motivator. Whether your goal is weight loss, weight gain, building muscle or trimming down, tracking your progress by logging your daily routine helps you see the big picture much better. You’ll be amazed when you look back to where you were last week, last month or last year.
Set fitness goals that are manageable and attainable. Setting goals that are almost impossible to achieve within a short timeframe will only lead to failure. Achieving your goals will be easier if you establish a routine and stick to it. But be aware that it takes less than 10 seconds to get distracted and decide to pass on your routine so you can do something else. Most people fail to achieve their goals only because they give up.
Go easy on yourself. If you splurge one day or you neglect your exercise routine for a few days, don’t dwell on it. You are in this for a total transformation, so it’s ongoing progress that counts.
Remember, you have only one body and you want it to last a lot longer. Pledge to improve your health by changing your consciousness and you’ll be amazed at how much you can change.
Luigi Truono Retro Fitness