THE STATUS OF ADVANCED BIOFUELS PLANTS IN EUROPE ETIP Bioenergy has recently compiled a comprehensive list of advanced biofuels demonstration and first commercial plants available in Europe. Dina Bacovsky, BEST Austria and ETIP Bioenergy Working Group 2 - Conversion Processes. Edited
report prepared by Working Group 2 – conversion processes of the European Technology and Innovation Platform Bioenergy and published last March has analysed the current and planned capacity of
advanced biofuels plants available in Europe. Based on the available public information, the report has found that the currently operational advanced biofuel plants all together provide a capacity 358,828 tons per year.
Additional capacity for 151,900 tons per year is currently under construction and plans for another 1,742,760 t/y have been announced. The technologies considered in the report include the priority value chains (PVC) as defined by
Fig. 1 - Priority Value Chains (PVC) as defined by ETIP Bioenergy
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