School magazine

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OUR SUITCASE FULL OF KNOWLEDGE The funniest magazine of the whole world! Students of 6th Primary


H Hii!! W Wee aarree ssttuuddeennttss ffrroom m tthhee CCEEIIPP M Maaggiisstteerrii.. W Wee aarree ssttuuddddiinngg tthhee 66tthh ccoouurrssee ooff PPrriim maarryy SScchhooooll aanndd w wee aarree 1111 aanndd 1122 yyeeaarrss oolldd.. AAss yyoouu ccaann sseeee,, w wee aarree 1199 ppuuppiillss ffrroom m ddiiffffeerreenntt ppaarrttss ooff tthhee w woorrlldd aanndd tthhaatt’’ss ggoooodd bbeeccaauussee w wee ccaann lleeaarrnn aa lloott ooff tthhiinnggss ffrroom m ddiiffffeerreenntt ccoouunnttrriieess ((ssoonnggss,, ggaam meess,, ffoooodd,, eettcc)).. TThhiiss ccoouurrssee,, w wee hhaavvee ddoonnee aa bbiigg pprroojjeecctt iinn tthhee EEnngglliisshh ssuubbjjeecctt:: w wee hhaavvee ppuubblliisshheedd aa m maaggaazziinnee.. W Wee hhaavvee ccoolllleecctteedd ddiiffffeerreenntt aaccttiivviittiieess tthhaatt w wee hhaavvee ddoonnee dduurriinngg tthhee ccoouurrssee aanndd aatt tthhee eenndd,, w wee hhaavvee eeddiitteedd aa m maaggaazziinnee.. H Heerree yyoouu hhaavvee oouurr ffiinnaall w woorrkk.. W Wee hhooppee yyoouu eennjjooyy iitt!!

HEALTHY FOOD TThhiiss ccoouurrssee w wee hhaavvee lleeaarrnntt aa lloott aabboouutt tthhee iim mppoorrttaannccee ooff hhaavviinngg aa bbaallaanncceedd ddiieett.. EEvveerryy ddaayy,, w wee nneeeedd vviittaam miinnss,, pprrootteeiinnss,, m miinneerraallss aanndd ccaarrbboohhyyddrraatteess w whhiicchh m muusstt bbee pprroovviiddeedd w wiitthh tthhee aalliim meennttss w wee eeaatt..

E Eaattiinngg aa ffeew w ooff eevveerryytthhiinngg iiss tthhee bbeesstt w waayy ooff hhaavviinngg aallll w wee nneeeedd.. D Doonn''tt ffoorrggeett eeaatt ffiisshh eevveerryy w weeeekk,, aanndd hhaavvee yyoouurr 55 aa ddaayy ppoorrttiioonnss ooff ffrruuiitt aanndd vveeggeettaabblleess!!

Some interesting things D Doo yyoouu rreem meem mbbeerr tthhee ppyyrraam miidd ooff tthhee aalliim meennttss??

What have we done... We have learnt vegetables vocabulary:

We have learnt vegetables vocabulary:

And fruit vocabulary:

The celebrity of the week: Jamie Oliver

Full name: James Trevor Oliver, Date of birth: the 27th of May, in 1975 Nationality: He is English, from Essex Profession: He is one of the best chefs in the world!

He started cooking when he was a teenager, in the kitchen of his parents' pub, in Clavering, Essex (England).

That’s like me! I also began to cook when I was a teenager; but in rubbish of my parents.

When he was sixteen, he didn't finish his studies at school because he wanted study in a college for chefs, to learn a lot about cooking. Then, he started to work in an Italian restaurant (where he learnt a lot about this type of cuisine). And when he went to work to another restaurant, he was 'discovered' for a very important person from the BBC channel and, he offered to him to do a TV show!

This show was become very famous in England, and Jamie sold a lot of recipes books around the whole world. He helps to young people with problems (like drug addicts, robbers...) to have a better life teaching them how to become good chefs.

Also he explains to the children the importance of eating fruits and vegetables every day, and he shows to the people how to cook healthy food in an easy way.

What a great story‌ Don’t you think?

NOW WE ARE THE CHEFS Paula and Marta’s pizza recipe: Y Yo ou uw wiillll n neeeed d::       

a pizza base tomato sauce sliced mozzarella cheese chopped onion chopped pepper tuna fish oregano

M Meetth ho od d:: Start putting the pizza base on an oven tray. Then, cover the base with the tomato sauce and sprinkle it with the mozzarella cheese. Place in it the vegetables and the tuna (or other toppings you prefer). Sprinkle with oregano. Preheat the oven at 180ºC and, when it is hot, ask to and adult to enter your pizza in it (it's very hot!). After a half an hour it could be ready to eat. Mmm...

Carlos’ green salad: You will need:     

lettuce cherry tomatoes sweet corn cheddar cheese (grated) salad dressing

M e th o d : Clean the lettuce and the tomatoes. Put them in a salad bowl, add the sweet corn and the cheese. Put the dressing on the top and serve it.

Luis' favorite breakfast: chocolate muffins You will need:        

3 eggs 250g of sugar 150g of butter 1 large glass of milk 150g of cocoa powder 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence 300g of flour 2 teaspoons of baking powder

M e th o d : In a bowl, mix the eggs with the sugar and the butter. Then, mix the milk with the cocoa, the vanilla and add it to the bowl. In another bowl, mix the flour with the baking powder, and mix it all together. Preheat the oven at 190ºC. Place the muffins mixture in a muffins tray, and place it in the oven when it is completely hot. Be very careful! Bake it about 25 minutes and they’re ready!

Silvia & Luz Maria’ frijoles: (black beans) M e th o d : You will need:      

Bring to a boil two sauce pans: one for the frijoles and the other for the rice. Boil the frijoles until they are soft, and the rice only for 20 minutes. Drain it and reserve.

100g of black beans 100g rice Fry the green pepper and the onion. Add to the pan the 1 green pepper, chopped frijoles, the cumin, salt and oregano. 1 large onion, chopped 1 teaspoon of cumin powder Serve it hot with the rice. Salt and oregano

To learn more… H Heerree yyoouu hhaavvee ssoom mee iinntteerreessttiinngg w weebbss w whheerree yyoouu ccaann ffiinndd aa lloott ooff ddeelliicciioouuss rreecciippeess.. Y Yoouu ccaann aallssoo ffiinndd ffuunnnnyy aaccttiivviittiieess aanndd vviiddeeooss ttoo lleeaarrnn m moorree aabboouutt hheeaalltthhyy ffoooodd.. P Peerrhhaappss yyoouu ccaann bbeeccoom mee aa JJaam miiee O Olliivveerr 22!!!! LLeett’’ss ccooookk!! R Reecciippeess::   TTuuttttii ffrruuttttii ssaallaadd::

 P Peeaannuutt bbuutttteerr bbaannaannaa bbrreeaakkffaasstt

A Accttiivviittiieess aanndd vviiddeeooss::

M Maattcchh tthhiiss ffrruuiittss aanndd vveeggeettaabblleess

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FFrruuiittss ssoonngg

DISCOVERIES AND INVENTIONS H Hii!! II’’m m PPrrooffeessssoorr FFrriinnkk,, bbuutt yyoouu kknnoow w m mee aallrreeaaddyy.. II’’vvee bbeeeenn w wiitthh yyoouu dduurriinngg aallll tthhiiss uunniitt aanndd II hhaavvee ttoo ssaayy tthhaatt iitt w waass vveerryy ffuunnnnyy!! W Wee hhaavvee lleeaarrnneedd aa lloott ooff nneew w tthhiinnggss ttooggeetthheerr.. W Wee hhaavvee w woorrkkeedd tthhee ddiissccoovveerriieess aanndd iinnvveennttiioonnss ttooppiicc rreevviieew wiinngg ssoom mee ooff tthhee m moosstt iinntteerreessttiinngg iinnvveennttiioonnss ooff hhuum maanniittyy.. W Wee hhaavvee hhaadd tthhee ooppppoorrttuunniittyy ttoo bbee aa sscciieennttiiffiicc ffoorr oonnee ddaayy aanndd iinnvveenntt oouurr oow wnn m maacchhiinneess.. BBuutt w wee hhaavvee nnoottiicceedd tthhee iim mppoorrttaannccee ooff tthhee iinnvveennttiioonnss iinn oouurr ddaaiillyy lliiffee;; w whhaatt w woouulldd bbee oouurr ddaayy w wiitthhoouutt aa w whheeeell?? EEvveerryy iinnvveennttiioonn iiss aann iim mppoorrttaanntt sstteepp ffoorr hhuum maanniittyy.. IInnvveennttiioonnss aanndd ddiissccoovveerriieess aarree oouurr ppaasstt,, oouurr pprreesseenntt aanndd oouurr ffuuttuurree!!

Some interesting things D Diissccoovveerriieess aarree eevveerryy ttiim mee m moorree iim mppoorrttaanntt iinn oouurr w woorrlldd.. EEvveerryy ddaayy,, tthheerree w weerree aa lloott ooff nneew w iinnvveennttiioonnss bboorrnn,, bbuutt oonnllyy ssoom mee ooff tthheem m bbeeccaam mee ffaam moouuss aanndd uusseeffuull ffoorr ppeeooppllee..

AAss w wee ssaaiidd,, oonnllyy aa lliittttllee ppaarrtt ooff aallll tthheessee iinnvveennttiioonnss bbeeccaam mee iim mppoorrttaanntt ffoorr hhuum maanniittyy.. W Whhaatt ddoo yyoouu tthhiinnkk aabboouutt tthhee m moobbiillee pphhoonneess?? AArree tthheeyy iim mppoorrttaanntt ffoorr uuss?? BBuutt w wee ccaann’’tt ffoorrggeett tthhee iim mppoorrttaanntt eevvoolluuttiioonn ooff tthhee m moobbiillee pphhoonnee.. FFiirrsstt iitt w waass aa bbooxx w wiitthh aa tteelleepphhoonnee hhoorrnn,, llaatteerr iitt cchhaannggeedd iinnttoo aa kkiinndd ooff bbiigg aanndd hheeaavvyy w waallkkiiee ttaallkkiiee.. AAnndd nnoow waaddaayyss,, aanndd eeaacchh ttiim mee m moorree aanndd m moorree,, m moobbiillee pphhoonneess aarree sslliim mm meerr aanndd sslliim mm meerr aanndd w wiitthh aa lloott ooff aapppplliiccaattiioonnss..

H Heerree yyoouu hhaavvee tthhee ssttoorryy ooff tthhee m moobbiillee pphhoonnee.. W Wee hhooppee yyoouu eennjjooyy iitt!!

The Little story of the mobile phone Nowadays, almost every person has one. With them you can talk to your family or your friends without cables, at any moment, everywhere. This way of wireless communication began when Nikola Telsa invented the radio in 1880. Then Motorola Company created a machine called Handie Talkie H12-16 to communicate with the tropes of the 2nd World War. The information travelled through radio waves. In 1980 a similar machine was created for the business people because they need to communicate at anytime. This extraordinary machine was the mobile phone. On 1981 Ericsson Company created the first mobile phone similar to the current ones. In this moment mobiles phones were very big and uncomfortable and they were mostly used in the cars. But in 1986 Ericsson could make a more modern one. From 1990 the design, the capacity, the ergonomics became better and mobile technology passed from analogy to digital. Presently mobile phones allow you to communicate very easily and also listen to music, play games, surf the Internet and many more incredible things.

TThhiiss iiss tthhee ssttoorryy ooff tthhee m moobbiillee pphhoonnee bbuutt,, dduurriinngg tthhiiss uunniitt,, w wee hhaavvee ttaallkkeedd aabboouutt aa lloott ooff iinnvveennttiioonnss.. LLeett’’ss sseeee w whhaatt w wee hhaavvee lleeaarrnneedd!!

What have we done‌ Surfing the internet in groups, we had to make a little research about some inventions. After that, we had to fill in the gaps with the inventor and the year that the invention was created. Finally, we put all the inventions of the class in a chronological order. Now, we know a little bit more about these inventions and their discoverers. That’s our work!

1. Fulton invented the first steamboat in 1803. 2. Stephenson invented the steam locomotive in 1825. 3. Densmore invented the typing machine in 1872. 4. In 1876 Graham Bell invented the telephone. 5. In 1877 Edison invented the phonograph. 6. Edison invented the electric bulb in 1882. 7. In 1885 Benz invented the car. 8. The Lumiere brothers invented the cinematograph in 1895.

Vocabulary Here you have some vocabulary that we have learned in this unit. In the class we did a memory game, now you can do it at home. Print this page and cut following these lines. Then, you can relate the names with the pictures.

Printing press


Typing machine


Mobile phone


Finish these inventions with your own ideas O Onn tthhiiss eexxeerrcciissee,, hhaadd ttoo tthhiinnkk lliikkee tthheessee iinnvveennttoorrss aanndd ffiinniisshh tthheeiirr iinnvveennttiioonnss..

…and the machine will start writing the exercises that This Little machine does your homework. Professor Memo, its inventor, says ‘Press this button and the machine

Yesterday, Doctor Dandelion announced his great discovery: This plant helps you to learn English in one day. Dr Dandelion was in his laboratory. He was

you want. David Ferré

…laboratory. He was eating a sandwich when suddenly, he began to speak in English very well! It was a miracle! Then, he saw that by mistake, he had eaten a leave of Jessica Ramos this yellow plant.

…discovered that when you put on these glasses, your memory will keep

Put on these glasses, look at a book and you learn everything in that book! Dr Barbara Brown discovered that

Thanks to Helen Candy, children can have as many sweets, ice-creams and chocolates as they want. Put water in this great machine and..……….

all the information you read.

Seidou Makeito

…machine and every water drop will convert into an ice-cream, a chocolate or a sweet! You only have to click on what you want. Miguel F. Torres

The celebrity of the week: Tim Berners-Lee

Full name: Tim Berners-Lee, Date of birth: the 8th of June, in 1955 Nationality: He is British (England) Profession: He is engineer, the father of the web!

We use internet every day but most of us don’t know who invented this powerful tool. Tim Berners-Lee is a British scientist. He was born in 1955 in London and he studied Physical Engineering. He had special parents: they were mathematic scientists and they did one of the first computers in the world. You see, an inventor family!! Tim Berners-Lee designed internet in 1991 and it was so wonderful that few years ago, many people in the word were using his invention. Telecommunications and society have done an important step with internet, now we are able to share music, information and images with only a few minutes. What a nice invention! Later, we searched some information about inventions on the web, created by Tim Berners-Lee! Thank you Tim!

Now we are the inventors! N Noow w iitt’’ss oouurr ttuurrnn.. EEvveerryybbooddyy hhaass iinnvveenntteedd aa nneew wm maacchhiinnee… … H Heerree w wee hhaavvee ssoom mee ooff tthhee bbeessttss!! PPeerrhhaappss oonnee ddaayy,, O Ossccaarr,, AAnnddrreeaa aanndd CCaarrllooss w wiillll bbeeccaam mee ffaam moouuss w wiitthh tthheeiirr iinnvveennttiioonnss!!

To learn more… H Heerree yyoouu hhaavvee ssoom mee iinntteerreessttiinngg w weebbss ttoo lleeaarrnn aa lliittttllee bbiitt m moorree aabboouutt iinnvveennttiioonnss.. YYoouu ccaann aallssoo ffiinndd ffuunnnnyy aaccttiivviittiieess aanndd aa lloott ooff iinntteerreessttiinngg ssttoorriieess aabboouutt ddiissccoovveerriieess aanndd iinnvveennttiioonnss.. AArreenn’’tt yyoouu ccuurriioouuss??

Interesting websites to learn more about discoveries and inventions:

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