Gearbox –PRM 80 & 120 Gear control brackets
040 020
050 060 070
Ref. No. 010 020 030 040 050 060 070
Part No. 212-99241/01 202-05129 217-99315 202-05208 217-99293 217-99292 217-99297
Part Name Saddle clamp fitting kit PRM Morse control bracket M8 x 20mm Countersunk set scew PRM horizontal Morse control bracket M8 Flat washer M8 Spring washer M8 x 16mm set
Qty 1 1 2 1 2 2 2
26 Prices and specifications are subject to amendment without notice. Information given is subject to our current conditions of tender and sale. In all cases please quote Beta Marine WOC ‘K’ number and Engine Type. Beta Marine will not be held responsible for incorrect supply without this information.