Brennan Hall, home of the Beta Theta Pi Foundation and Administrative Office in Oxford, Ohio.
. . . W I T H I N T H E H A L L S O F B E TA T H E TA P I While the Fraternity’s ’halls’ take many forms, the Beta home is more than just a place; it’s the heart of our existence and where our stories unfold. It’s where we create memories, share meals, and discover who we are as young leaders. It’s also where we come back to reconnect with our past and build bridges for the future. In this section we look at the profound importance of “home” to the Beta experience and examine its role as the cornerstone of brotherhood, personal growth and sense of belonging.
Join us as we explore how the Zeta Omega chapter at San Diego utilizes the Foundation’s Men of Principle Scholarship program to create a sense of home for new members. Moreover, we recognize the Kansas State chapter’s impressive, multi-million-dollar renovation made possible through their ongoing capital campaign and funded in part through a Designated Educational Area (DEA) Grant from the Beta Foundation.
CHAPTERS USED THE DEA PROGRAM IN 2022-23 Zeta Phi Chapter at the University of Missouri
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