The Beta Theta Pi - Spring 1993

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Inter Fratres

Initiation in the Frat, lithograph, 1917, by George Bellows, Ohio State '05. Keny Galleries, Columbus, Ohio. "Described as a nostalgic portrayal of Bellows' Beta days at Ohio State, revealing the artist's sensitivity to the cruelty that all too often underlays fraternity hazing. " -see feature on Bellows on page 194.

Darkness and Ligh When I was General Secretary of the Fraternity, the one facet which I consistently observed about hazing was that it almost always occurred in darkness. It was almost always hidden. From the earliest times in Beta Theta Pi, nonmembers of our cherished brotherhood have been referred to as "barbarians" and we ourselves as the true "Greeks." Now hazing has its defenders, even within our own Fraternity, and about this we must be forthright. Had it not had those defenders, it would not have existed in our Fraternity as long as it has, despite earnest and decided efforts to prevent it. Therefore, let those who would defend hazing come out into the open. Out of darkness and into light, let those who would practice it, or who would encourage their younger brothers to practice it, come forth and be prepared to practice what they preach in the light of day. Let our hazing take place in the public quadrangles of our colleges and universities . Let it be filmed and let it be presented on CNN for all the world to see, and let those brothers who do it and those alumni who encourage it, participate in it. Let the alumnus who argues, "We did it in my day," be given the first egg to cast, and let him be assisted by the undergraduate who argues, "This will build pledge

class unity," while he degrades and humiliates a pledge, for all the world to see. This will not happen, I suspect, and the fact that it will not happen exposes to light the intellectual dishonesty of those who support hazing. It will not happen because if exposed to the light, the world at large would say, "Who then are these barbarians?" Barbarians! The very title we despise. A brother about to be initiated, we say, is brought from darkness into light and not viceversa. In fact, our great ritual is filled with powerful symbols of darkness and light. Shall we be called barbarians when our own ritual teaches us that the power of the mind lifted humanity from barbarism and darkness to civilization and light? And what of our beautiful badge? We know that, so long as one wears it worthily as a true and sincere Beta, the light of the diamond shall never be dimmed. Acts of barbarism and darkness serve only to dim the light of the diamond. The defenders of hazing know this in their hearts, and that is why they will not come forth. They can only practice their practices and argue their arguments under the cover of darkness. In 1876, Beta Theta Pi ridiculed other fraternities which hazed. This was before hazing had insinuated its dark character into our Fraternity. Of the other fraternities, it was

said (The Beta Theta Pi, Vol. 3 No.9, Nov. 1876) " . .. to degrade one whom they had chosen to be bound to them by brotherly ties, by making him a butt, an object of ridicule! Surely no one but a harum-scarum foolish boy would ever dream of such a way of developing the finer feelings of man." Let us, then, be set apart from the other fraternities which continue to haze. Let us go back to the days before 1876 when hazing w· unknown in our Fraternity. Let the others choose barbarism and darkness while we choose the light. Proper discipline is not hazing, but if you eve have a question about whether or not an act which is proposed is, in fact, hazing, ask yourself this question: Would I do this, or permit it to be done, to John Reily Knox, in tt revealing light of day, surrounded by others who would be potential members? You will know what to do . Yours in


B. Hume Morris Centre '68 The Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993


TheBeta Theta Pi


What is the alumni role today? The administrative secretary addresses a topic essential to the future of the Fraternity.


Broken Pledges Pledge training is coming under scrutiny by the Fraternity and campus administrations. George Bellows: a Beta legacy One of North America's great artists got his start in the Ohio State Beta chapter. Heroes for Hope cheer young Texans Texas (Arlington) caped crusaders offer dramatic twist to concept of philanthropy.

194 200 206 210 Editor and Publisher Erv Johnson, APR, Idaho '53

Editorial Assistant Virginia Preston Contributing Editors Robert T . Howard, DePauw '37 Robert H. Kurz, Miami'58 Robert M. McClelland, West. Ontario '55 Robert C. McConaughey, Nebraska '49

Issue Deadlines Winter: November 1 Spring: February I Fall: May 1 Convention: August I The Beta Theta Pi, (USPS 052-000) official magazine of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, is owned by the fraternity, edited and published under the direction and control of its board of Trustees, published Fall, Convention, Winter and Spring for $30 one-time pre-paid subscription cost. Second class postage paid at Oxford, OH, and additional mailing offices. Copyright Beta Theta Pi Fraternity 1993. Produced in U.S.A.


SPRING, 1993 . VoL. CXX No.4. WHOLE NuMBER 838.

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Fraternal Fifties This year's class, initiated July 1, 1942 - June 30, 1943, totals 1,776. Congratulations! There's your alma mater 128 chapters and colonies submitted reports. Sure, we told you the magazine would have fresh design, incisive writing; but did we mention that we would be pro-active on major issues facing the Greek world today? Well, with alumni being nine out often of our readers, we think it's essential that you be kept informed of the fast-changing status of our Fraternity on the 143 campuses where we have undergraduate chapters and colonies. Why? First, you need to know. Second, college administrations are pressuring in an effort to keep on top of campus conduct today. Third, our younger brothers need the benefit of your maturity, your understandi ng, your support. From the opening page (opposite) to articles on "Alumni" (next page) and "Broken Pledges," (page 192), we are addressing tough issues. Also, we believe

(.) that reshaping public opinion about the Greek system depends less on combatting negative publicity, more on telling the positive side of fraternity life ("Heroes for Hope," page 200, and "Don 't get mad, get even!" page 201.) Indeed, we expect to increase this coverage even more in future issues. Concensus has it that the magazine should devote 35-40% of its contents to substantive issues. That's our commitment to you. So if you believe in the future of Beta Theta Pi and the Greek system, welcome aboard. It promises to be a rough ride at times, but it should prove to be a rewarding one.




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Batman, aka as Kris Folmar, Texas (Arlington) '93, is well known to the littler patients at Children's Medical Center and in children's wards in other Dallas-Fort Worth hospitals. Kent Jennings, 7, meets his favorite superhero, while other patients get acquainted with Betas costumed as Superman, Spiderman and other fantasy figures. The program is gaining national acclaim. Story, and Adam West's comments, on page 200.


Administrative Office 208 East High St. P.O. Box 6277 Oxford , Ohio


The Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

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Postmaster: Send address changes to: Beta Theta Pi P.O. Box 6277 Oxford, OH 45056.


Just . What IS the Alumni Role . 1n Beta Theta Pi Today?

' ' Everyone profits from example. I'm encouraged that when we have a problem, there usually is some alumnus · willing to step in and deal with the challenge., ,


The Beta Theta Pi\Sprine 1

er there will be a recurring theme on these •s in coming issues, it will be "th e ~Ilion of the college fraternity on today 's ous. " This implies many things, of course, he least of which are the complexities of raditional undergraduate chapter in the nfgreater demands by university inistrations, tighter reins by fraternities' ral management and stiffer legal strucs imposed by local, state, provincial and rallaws. !S are being required to be alcohol'erate, drug-free respecters of women. pters are being held responsible to be ?less societies ... where member education 1pplanting pledge training, and all-member fe work has replaced all-night pledge work ies. 1puses are becoming pro-active environIs where the alumnus of th e 80s is frankly eked at the emerging status offraternities, re the familiar alcohol-inspired sprees at 11ecoming are simply memories of a bye era and where alumni volunteers look :ically at each other and ask: "Well, where >~~ego from here?" ~is changing and challenging context, The a Theta Pi believes that Beta alumni, who 1prise 90% of our readership, deserve to 7 better insight into our Fraternity today ' to appreciate the probabilities of tomor'from the man in the hot seat- Adminisive Secretary Robert L. Cottrell, Miami ~rmer vice president of the Fraternity, lther Cottrell spent most of his career as an cutive with Kroger Co., the large grocery in, followed by several years as a manage11 consultant, before accepting his position h Beta Theta Pi in 1991. He and his wife ~cy have three Beta sons. They live at milton, Ohio.

at is the Fraternity's most critical need in 90s? th the undergraduate role and chapter life mging so dramatically in recent years, we st do a better job of identifying the role of mni as active participants in the Fraternity i actively recruit a dedicated corps of unteers. w is that any different than in the past? blic attitudes are changing much too 1matically today. The Fraternjty can no ,ger operate as if it is only responsible to !pter leadership, the General Convention j the Board of Trustees. Our conduct rates in a fishbowl. If an undergraduate ers to a female campus administrator in a rogatory manner, it becomes tomorrow's dlines. If a chapter rousts its pledges to do ne all-night house clearung, it's on TV's ening News the next night. If someone ngs a keg into a chapter house for a armless party," the chapter could be put on bation by the university and by the General aternity and the officers may wind up facing arges by the local police. ·e all of our chapters in tune with these new e Beta Theta Pi\Spring 1993

challenges? Not by a long shot. They're learning fast, but there still are far too many out there who think they can wink at the new rules and come through unscathed . We recognize, too, that there is something wrong with a system when a chapter knows that it can break the rules and come to General Convention, win the sympathy of its peers and have the slate wiped clean . They must learn that they must take responsibility for their actions.

need to tap that enormous potential of time and talent, maturity and experience which is just waiting to be asked. First, the Board of Trustees believes that we need to establish a volunteer structure patterned after the district chief system. Perhaps it would even duplicate the same districts. Call them "district deve lopment director" (ODD) or whatever, these alums would be organized under our director of advancement and alumni relations.

Should the alumni share that responsibility? Not entirely. In fact, we must pass the responsibility for behavior and performance back to the undergraduates. Ultimately, they are the ones who must measure up or suffer the consequences. On the other hand, everyone profits from example. And I'm encouraged that when we have a problem, there usually is some alumnus who is willing to step in and deal with the challenge.

What would th ey do ? Trustee Larry H. Lovrien, South Dakota '73, described it best. He suggested the DOD would, among other things: ( l) explain to local alumnj and alumni associations the work of the Beta Foundation, (2) funnel alumni-voiced problems and concerns to the Administrative Office, (3) visit each chapter and alumni association once or twice a year, (4) be a familiar contact man for Betas in the district and thus become the primary Fraternity representive to serve alumni needs, (5) have his finger on the pulse of alumni volunteers to work with local undergraduate chapters, participate as advisors and counselors, assist with leadership workshops and (6) assist and coordinate with the district chief in setting up and running district conclaves.

What is th e global image offraternities? Regrettably, we're told that fraternities are mired somewhere near the bottom of public opinion . We shouldn't simply despair about such a perception. On the contrary, we need to flush out the root causes and address them with positive action. /sn 't the National Interfraternity Conference supposed to do that? Well, yes and no. It probably should be doing it, but they' re not staffed to even begin to do the job. No, I think that a handful of the leading fraternities must take the leadership in telling the positive story about the Greek system. We need to develop our own public relations force with its own leadership. It should have a life of its own. Is anything in the works? Absolutely. We have a new director of communications on staff. He has outlined an ambitious positive program. We expect results will not be immediate or major, but they will be constructive and positive over the long term. You don't mean that all of our problems can be solved with good public relations ? Oh, no! That will simply lay a foundation on which good deeds will be recognized and misdeeds can be counter-balanced. No, the real human gap here is in the area of what I like to call lifetime participation by the members of Beta Theta Pi. When we agreed to wear the badge and bear the name of our Fraternity, we also understood that we were Betas for life. But only a handful of men really take that admonition to heart. Most visible are the ones who work at the chapter level as chapter counselors, financial advisors, house corporation boards and alumni association officers. Some become involved on a broader level as district chiefs or at the General Convention. But what else can alums do? That's where orgaruzationally we need to develop a broader range of opportunities. We

That's a rather ambitious undertaking? Yes, but the results could be dramatic. Having a local person in a district means that our alumni services could expand and better serve alumni associations. The number of alumni associations now stands at less than I 00. There should be twice or three times that number. Furthermore, most of our really good ideas come from the bottom up, not from the top down. A corps of ODDs would be a great source of ideas, particularly in the area of Fraternity development.

If it's such a good idea, why aren't other fraternities doing it? A handful are, and it seems to be workjng. Only now do we have authority for a full-time alumni relations coordinator on staff to embark on such a plan. So, with a DDD organization in place and a positive public relations program put into action, the future should be brighter? Brighter, yes. Easier, probably not. Today's collegian is a very different person from those of earlier generations. We are trying to do a better job of understanding him and relating to him . The chapter management consultants help us in that regard, but those of us on the gray side of 40 have to try to understand them as well. But then , that's another subject entirely.

Next issue, The Beta Theta Pi will interview General Secretary Vincent Del Pizzo, Washington (St. Louis)/Missouri '62, and ask him about his goals for the Fraternity during his three-year term since elected at th e 153th General Convention in Washington, DC last August. 191

George Bellows


painting been demonstrated so impressively as in the magnificent tribute to George Bellows, Ohio State ' 05 , completing a four-museum tour this spring. "The Paintings of George Bellows," assembled from major museums and private collections across America, is completing that 194

tour May 9 at the Amon Carter Museum in Fort Worth. The tour began at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in February 1992. It included two other exhibitions: at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City June 5 through August 30, 1992, and the Co lumbus Museum of Art in the artist's home town, October 20, 1992, to January 3, 1993.

The exhibit is 70 oils selected from the more than 600 pai ntings of Bellows' prolific yet short career. It makes no attempt to cover his significant contributions to the of interest in lithography or to examples of "Bellows on paper," abundant enough to justify yet other major exhibitions . The Fort Worth museum saw attention to Bellows oils The Beta Theta Pi/Snrino 1

By Robert T. Howard, DePauw '37, General Fraternity Historian

Beta legacy way to emphasize its claim to owning the st collection of Bellows lithographs. ne finds powerful prize-fights and polo hes; satire on such social phenomena as ment life and Billy Sunday's sawdust trail; itive portraits of the young and the old, seascapes that match the intensity of gat Sharkey 's ." ublications accompanying the exhibition uch of Bellows' career: Born in ColumOhio, August 12, 1882, raised in a solid, hodist, Republican, near-east-side family, of a respected builder, George Wesley ows was a rangy, athletic southpaw with a k for drawing by the time he reached high ol. Both talents were developed as he red Ohio State University in fall, 1901. e also brought to college the desire to w Columbus friends into Beta Theta Pi . t dream was derailed when a few in the ter couldn't quite figure how there was a e for an athlete-artist, or an artist-athlete. efore his sophomore year, however, all changed, and he was pledged and initiated representing Wooglin as a good student, a ity baseball player worth attention from the cinnati Reds, a varsity basketball regular, the principal illustrator for Makio, the book, and other student publications. 3ut he began to yearn for more art instructhan was available in state universities of day. So, at the end of his junior year, he berately skipped his final exams so he dn't return for the fall semester. Almost ediately, he was off for New York and art ol. And almost immediately, too, in that of 1904, he was just beginning to paint, as dent of Robert Henri, in William Merritt se's New York School of Art. e began rooming at the YMCA with Fred ell, Ohio State '06, and Edward Keefe, her baseball-playing art student. Occaal visitors or temporary lodgers at the Y or equent loft studios would include kwell Kent, Glenn 0. Coleman and Eugene :icher, as students in the same school ; ~rles C. Grant, Ohio State '06, a future gazine editor who one day would write him 1otably in the Beta magazine, and Charles Morgan, whose book George Bellows: nter ofAmerica, six decades later, would be ed as the most complete biography of the st. Others in that circle would become ous later in other context: Eugene O'Neill, fton Webb and whomever they might bring. Jntil he began selling his paintings, lows helped to meet his living expenses by ~ing in the choir of the Broadway Taber!e and playing with a semi-professional eball team known as the Howards. In those

IBeta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

Above: George W. Bellows, Ohio State '05 Opposite: Dempsey and Firpo. 1924. Oil on canvas. Collection of Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Purchase, with funds from Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney 31.95. Note ringsider at far left with a bald head. Sources say this attests a whimsy ofpainting himself into the crowd of the fight pictures. Wrote New York columnist Ira Berkow: "Dempsey, the defending champ, is seen flying through the ropes from a blow by Luis Firpo, the Wild Bull of the Pampas. Dazed and enraged, Dempsey would climb back into the ring and knock out Firpo in the second round. " •


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ofitCBeta gr![ days he continued to have the nickname "Ho," which he had gained at school. In just four years from beginning to paint, Bellows created memorable work in starkly contrasting fields: "River Rats," "Portrait of My Father," "The Knock Out," "Little Girl in White," "Forty-two Kids," "Club Night," "North River" and "Up the Hudson."

Left: The Beta Grip. This copy courtesy Kenneth L. Lipp, Hanover '28. Politically incorrect today, the work survives nonetheless. The original, believed salvaged from Bellows' wastebasket by his roommate, is owned by the ·roommate's nephew, General Fraternity Archivist H. H. Stephenson, Miami '39.

He took a second prize in the 1908 National Academy of Design Spring Annual and taught that summer at the University of Virginia. In 1909 he sold ''North River" to the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, was elected an associate member of the National Academy of Design, was commissioned to paint a portrait for The Ohio State University Library, and


produced four other paintings, now held by major art museums. New recognition came in 1910 when he exhibited in the Independent Artists Exhibition organized by Henri, John Sloan and others. That September, he married Emma Story. They would have two daughters, Anne and Jean. By then Bellows was labeled as one of 196

Henri's "Ashcan School," emphasizing realism and the everyday scenes of the city. Bellows exhibited 24 paintings in his first one-man show in Madison Gallery, New York, in January 1911. Later that year, he organized an exhibition of The Eight and his own work in Columbus; went to rugged Monhegan sland, off the Maine coast, to paint with Henri; painted

four large canvasses based on his Monhegan sketches, and was invited to join the America Association of Painters and Sculptors. Next year, he began accepting commissions for magazine illustrations. He became one of the organizers of the memorable New York Armory Show of 1913, which included five o his paintings and eight drawings.

Opposite: A series of drawings, known as The Beta Theta Pi Suite, were discovered in rhe attic of the Ohio State Beta house years after th e artist left th e can1pus. Far leji, this page: l Was Beatin' 'is Face crayon, ink and graphite on paper, 24 1/4 x 18 inches, 19/3. The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, MO; gift of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert 0. Peel. Left: Old Billiard Player, lithograph, 9 x 7 7116 inches, 1921. Columbus Museum of Art, Ohio; gift of Mrs. William Neil King. Below: Artists Judging Works of Art, lithograph, 14 314 x 191116 inches, /916. Columbus Museum of Art, Ohio; museum purchase: Howard Fund.

lis professional development continued at pace for another decade. About 1916, he active in printmaking through >graphy. Many of his now-famous paintings ;ared first as lithographs - sometimes in QUS experimental versions or "editions." ieorge Bellows had become one of crica's foremost artists by the time he Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

suffered a ruptured appendix on January 2, 1925, and died of peritonitis six days later at age 42. The Durand-Rue! Galleries in New York opened "Paintings by George Bellows" within a month, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art held "Memorial Exhibition of the Work of George Bellows" through October and November of that year.

The current exhibition, "The Paintings of George Bellows," was organized jointly by the Los Angeles County Museum and the Amon Carter Museum, made possible by grants from The Henry Luce Foundation, the IBM Corporation and the National Endowment for the Arts. The 261-page companion piece, made 197

Right: My Mother, oil on canvas, Frank Wadsworth Memorial collection Below right: Stag at Sharkey's, oil on canvas, Th e Cleveland Museum of Art, Hinman B. Hurlbut Co llection. Arguably the artist's most complete and memorable work on this theme.

possible by the Luce grant contains 213 illustrations, 76 of them in full color. Essays explore the evolution of Bellows' style, New York' s influence on his work, his seascapes and his portraiture. Timelin e, a publication of the Ohio Historical Society, marked its own eighth anniversary by devoting its October-December 1992 issue to the life and works of George Bellows. This 80-page special edition contains reproductions of78 ofBellows ' paintings, drawings and prints. Among these are the Bellows undergraduate drawings which have been preserved by Theta Delta chapter, now displayed as "The Beta Suite" on permanent loan in the offices of the Ohio State University Alumni Association. There also are some 30 photographs of the artist, his family, and scenes from their lives. This Timeline reproduces almost everything which appeared in the "Bellows was a Beta" show assembled by Miami University Art Museum for the Beta Sesqui-Centenary in 1989. Conspicuously missing is that lithograph of a decorous embrace, titled "The Beta G::p," oft-repeated in Beta chapter collections. The exhibition catalogue has been contrib-

Below: George Bellows, New York, 1908, at Gilsey House, on Broadway at 32nd Street

uted to the Knox Memorial Library of Beta's Administrative Office by Former General Secretary Edward M. Brown, Miami '31, and Mrs. Brown; a copy of the Time line special issue by Archivist H. H. Stephenson, Miami '39, and Mrs. Stephenson. Also, an exceptionally fine press packet, prepared by Mary K. Ellison, Columbus Museum of Art, and her staff, carries a color 198

reproduction of"CliffDwellers," and the contents can have continuing usefulness as reference material. The Knox Library's Bellows section also includes the companion piece for the 1989 Miami show plus a binder of Bellows previously published in the Magazine. The Library's copy of the Morgan biography has been missing for years. Have you seen it? The Beta Theta Pi/Spring

THANY I E. White '28, at 85, says he has retired ~a-dozen times and adds that he'll never ;e that mistake again. Now he has taken up 1ting. ~y die quickly?" he asks. "Take your time" i that's the way he lives- slowly, savoring ry minute. A long-time Weirton steelker, he has managed the Ohio University tern bookstore for 16 years. He was :basing agent for the Bethany College kstore following a stint operating his own ce supply store. Always occupied and >lved, he started writing poetry in 1924, raging five poems a day ever since, "and a have even been published," he notes. "he's enrolled in Watercolor 303, and 's really enriched the class," said his ructor, Barbara Montgomery. What's next Paul? Why, an exhibition of his art, no btl

mNELL m C. Cote '9 1 has joined the New York ce of Christopher Thomas Associates, a ·keting services firm, as a copywriter. A ve of Northport, NY, he previously worked he media development committee at the tertising Council in New York.

ORIDA Jhen B. Becker CFRE '69 has been awarded status of a Certified Fund Raising Execu(CFRE) by the National Society of Fund sing Executives. He is director of advancelt and alumni relations for the General ternity in Oxford. The designation substan~s competence and experience in philan,pic financial development.

US TON vid Hunter '85 has been honored by the

chairman and CEO of The Times Mirror Company (1968-81), the honoring committee noted, " Dr. Murphy articulated the interdependent values of academic, artistic and press freedom and responsibility. As a member of the board of such institutions as the J. Paul Getty Trust, Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the National Gallery of Art and of Allamson Carnegie, Samuel H. Kress and Times Mirror foundations, he has helped to enrich and extend collections of art and books and to animate those collections by supporting scholarly analysis and public access." The year-and-a-half celebration is dedicated to his "informed passion for the visual and written arts, his sophisticated understanding of the politics of culture and his almost mythical ability to match public needs in the arts with private funding." Prior to 1960, Dr. Murphy was chancellor of the University ofKansas (1951-60), following service as dean of the University's School of Medicine.

MIAMJ John M. Sommer '53, former trustee and General Treasurer of Beta Theta Pi, has reentered the insurance brokerage business as a principal with ISU/Insurance Agency of Colorado, Inc. Formerly president of Warren & Sommer Inc. , the Denver area's largest independent insurance agency, he joined Colorado Casualty Insurance Co . in 1983 and served as CEO until 1986.

R. Randolph (Randy) Hippler '60 is the new vice president, integrated video/audio systems, for Clover Communications, Inc., Novi , MI. Previously, he was with Communications Systems Group, Oak Park, MI, as president of the electronic systems sales and service company.

Thomas E. Thon ' 78 has been promoted to president and general manager ofWLVQ-FM, Columbus, OH. Formerly vice president, he joined Great American Broadcasting in 1978 as an account executive and became local sales manager in 1982. He and his wife Kathleen have three children.



rick B. Hayes '77 chaired the annual CASE e Conference that drew a record I ,450 .cational advancement professionals in 'Jember. District Five of CASE (Council for Advancement and Support of Education) resents a broad range of institutions, )\1ding the Big Ten universities . He is !Ctor of programs and services for the !versity of Illinois Alumni Association.

Sean Barry '89 has been named to the board of trustees of Quincy College, the oldest municipal college in Massachusetts .


1 Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

Ryan Cote Cornell '91


~ston Bar Foundation for outstanding vice to the Houston Volunteer Lawyer gram (HVLP). A sole practitioner, whose e Naomi works as his paralegal, Hunter found time last year to handle 20 cases for LP, all for persons with AIDS . "This is the >rity," he said. "Everything else gets pped. Especially if these people have kids, more important than anything else I've got ng."

nklin D. Murphy '36 is being given an 18nth 75th birthday celebration for his ofound, indeed primary, influence on the turallife of Southern California and ·ond." As chancellor of the University of ifornia, Los Angeles ( 1960-68) and

Marching Along


Patrick Hayes Illinois '77

T. H. McCasland, Jr. Oklahoma '56

OKLAHOMA T. H. McCasland, Jr. , '56 has been presented an Award for Distinguished Service by the University of Oklahoma and the OU Alumni Association for "addressing the needs of society through his devotion to enduring values and unselfish service." The independent oilman and banker, who lives in Duncan, OK, is founder ofOU's Energy Center, chairman and president of Mack Energy Co., chairman of Thomas Drilling Co., M&M Supply Co. and Enerwest Trading Co. He is chairman for the

Michael Derby South Dakota '79

Continued on page 256 199

Heroes for Hope cheer young Texans WHAM! Pow! Batman is sti ll bringing hope to a hurting world! So are Sp iderman, Captain America, The Flash and a host of other superheroes and heroines. The colorfu lly costumed comic book characters are, in fact, the men of Delta Rho chapter at Uni versity of Texas (Arlington). Along with their girlfriends, they dress as the super-heroes to visit termi nally ill chi ldren at the two large Dallas-Fort Worth children 's medical centers. Called " Heroes for Hope," the project was the

brainstorm of Chapter President " Batman" Kris Folmar '93 , who admits he ' s always been fascinated by comic book characters and their costumery. " We spend a few hours with the chi ldren whose usual day consists of lying in bed hooked up to machines or involved in some type of therapy." What started as a one-time project in April 1992 has evolved into regular vi its to the hospitals, often requested by the medical staffs. "It ' s a lot of hard work, but the look on the kids ' faces makes it all worthwhile," sa id Fred "Spiderman" Ferraro '93, who uncontested ly is the children's favorite. He swings into rooms on door frames, scampers down the hall on a ll fours, bounces onto and off of beds and climbs over the furniture. " I'm not sure the nurses like all the climbing and jumping," Ferraro concedes with a smile, " but they have complimented me on my spandex." The whole idea surfaced a week before Halloween 1991 , Kris recalled. " I had been working on a Captain America costume in my garage, and Roger Hancock ' 92 was making hi s Punisher costume. My next door neighbors heard what we were doing, and they asked if we would drop by to v isit their daughter Jenny before we went out on Halloween. " Jenny has leukemia and had to be hospitalized Halloween day, and I wondered if we couldn ' t visit her there. Roger said we'd probably cause a riot, and that's when the idea hit me. " Kris took the idea to his chapter. " Imagine trying to persuade a bunch of grown men to dress up in brightly colored body suits and run around a hospital as super-heroes. To this day I'm still surprised that they went for it." In truth, Heroes for Hope really sells itself. The chapter contacted the hospitals, and the Direc~ors of Child Life and Development at the

Left: Matt "Captain America" Everheart '94 cheers up Naomi Lopez at Cook-Fort Worth Children's Medical Center. Below: Up to a dozen super-heroes and another 15 Hero-helpers descend on a DallasFort Worth medical center to greet patients.


institutions spent long sessions with the ym men, developing a list of Do 's and Don'ts. "Some of the kids know they are going to die," Kri s noted. "You can'tjust walk up a say, 'Hi, how are you?' They may just ans' ' Oh, I just found out that I'm going to die. How are you Batman? '" Next step was to call on local businesses fo sponsorship . A costume shop donated costumes; old comic books and cash were collected. Alumnus Scott Sims '88 donated large supply of polaroid film , which enable the children to be photographed with their favorite super-heroes. "Batman don ' t wear tennis shoes," ventured one small patient. One girl, II , giggled as Spiderrnan careeneo off the furniture and tried to scale the walls. Then she touched his head gingerly. " We ' ll have to look for a little Spiderman doll," said her mother. "This has lifted her spirits. We didn't expect to be here for Chri stmas, but here we are." At Cook-Fort Worth Children ' s Medical Center, about 150 kids, ages three to I 0, wer visited by the heroes. Chris Brown, child life director, said, "The kids really enjoy it. Some get pretty excited. "The kids are sharp," Kris said . "It's a good thing I know comic books because they ask, ' Where's the batmobile?' or 'What's Robin ' real name?'" Some 15 Betas and girlfriends participate i1 each hospital visit. Among them: Matt "Captain America" Everheart ' 94, Roger "The Flash" Hancock '92, Kevin "Spiderman" Hastcoat ' 97, Pablo " Wolverine" Carreno '93 and Jeff " Wolverine" Caffey '90, Ric "Superman" Carroll '94 an Mike "Superman" Ziesmer '86, David "Green Lantern" Spade ' 95, Keith "Robin" Demma, Beverly " Wonder Woman" Nauer1 and Marcee "Batgirl" Speakman. But participation is not limited to the caped crew. Hero Helpers, clad in Heroes for Hopf T-shirts, pave the way to match up each pati with his favorite hero, then take the pictures pass out comic books and control the clamor Also, some of the Betas ' mothers have help~ stitch and glue the costumes from leotards a1 bodysuits. Has the program affected the heroes as well a the children? "Spiderman" Ferraro, a pre-me( senior, says that he now plans to specialize in pediatrics. "The looks on their faces say it all. It's taugh1 me what being a real hero is all about," " Batman" Folmar insists. "It's not about beating up bad guys but rather having courag strength and . . . hope." Added District Chief John Ault, Ohio ' 60: "I saw this project in the newspaper. It made me so proud to be a Beta. This is what it's all about." The program has expanded beyond the chapter's wildest dreams. With Kris 's graduation thi s spring, the new Heroes for Hope chairman is " Spiderman" Hastcoat, wh promises even more enthusiasm for the proje' in the months ahead.

The Beta Theta Pi/Sprin

dam West Don•t get mad


'· MEN OF TEXAS (ARLINGTON) and their ladies o be congratulated for carrying on this ic tradition, even though it has its genesis e world of make-believe," commented m West, Whitman '51, whose exploits as 1aped crusader on the Batman television 1S delighted millions. ; might say that hope is make-believe as . And the hope they are bringing to all the ng youngsters they visit is precious." ther West should know. He has been children's wards, bringing hope to over the years. ese Betas are men who bring joy and hope ~he hearts of those who have need, and : Betas are to be saluted. These Heroes !ope." appreciation that Batman was an iration to the Texas (Arlington) Betas, t noted that the old TV series is "now seen bout a half-billion people worldwide each " USA Today recently named Batman as nost popular show of the last 20 years. story from Arlington "certainly brings a 1 focus to the ideals of our Fraternity and s them stronger meaning," he continued. ergraduates "have it a lot tougher now, and Beta ideals must remain a constant ence in their daily lives. Most young Betas \Ze this and are dealing with the new sures better than other generations might :. My old friend Batman would be proud of 1. So would Bruce Wayne and (so is) Adam t." sident of Ketchum, Idaho, West recently ihed four episodes of a new TV series, 1ical Punch, in which he plays a crazed cop. "Think of the The Pink Panther Naked Gun and you're getting close," he •, he is working on a project for CBS with il Burnett. In May he will do a film, The Edge, for Oliver Stone and Michael ~ein. His book, The Batcave, is expected to shelves by Christmas. and his wife Marcelle and their two pgest children have lived near the Sun ey resort community, on the Big Wood , for the past six years.

m West, Whitman '51, is an avid skier at Valley, next to his home community of Idaho.

VICTIMS OF ANTI-FRATERNITY SMEARS by local Alderperson Lynn Smyth during fall '9 1 municipal elections, Epsilon Upsilon chapter at Ottawa's Carleton University (Canada) fought back by supporting another candidate, James Watson, 31, who sits on Carleton's Board of Governors. While not openly pro-fraternity, he was at least open-minded about the Greek system and asked the Betas to help campaign. Unleashing the local Betas' organizing talent paid off handsomely as Watson won more than 95% of the campus vote (772 votes to 33.) Forced to resign, Smyth left Canada's capital city and now works in a bird seed store in a small rural community. Since initiating its fust pledge class in November 1989, the chapter has faced three major problems. First, Smyth was running as an anti-fraternity city councillor. She had already evicted Acacia Fraternity from its house and had zoning inspectors make unannounced inspections of the Beta house. Finally, inspectors asked Epsilon Upsilon to remove its Greek letters from its house facade or face a $2,000 fine . The letters were removed, but municipal harassment didn ' t end there. Smyth tried to turn local residents against Beta by exaggerating claims that the chapter was holding wild parties, causing problems with the police. All the claims were false, but Smyth was determined to drive Beta out of her district. Second, the University is unwilling to recognize fraternities. Carleton's administration and Students' Association feel that fraternities and sororities cannot be endorsed because they discriminate on the basis of sex. Fraternities are not permitted to hold oncampus Greek Days or pledge days. This is a

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Leading Carleton's get-out-the-vote campaign were (from the left) Tom Golem '94, Sheldon LaPorte '93 and Lachlan MacRae '94. double tragedy as this large urban campus, with a student population of 22,000, has only seven residences to house I ,400 co-ed students. On the bright side, the chapter receives ample moral support from its small , but helpful, local alumni association. In fall 1990, it hosted an alumni cocktail party and published an alumni newsletter. Third, there was strong anti-fraternity bias in Carleton's student press . On the college newspaper's opinion page, a reporter wrote: "Fraternities were turning out elitist frat boys the way McDonald 's churns out Big Macs." Student newspapers perpetuated this false image, rarely mentioning Beta's philanthropies or its pro-active risk management program. Sheldon LaPorte '93, who has held virtually every chapter post from president to rush chairman and sits on the Ottawa South Community Association of Residents board, said the Betas successfully solved their first problem. By making major inroads for Watson's campaign, a campus victory helped Watson win, pern1itting the chapter to remain. Problem #2 is unsolvable so far. Problem #3 is a constant battle, but the Betas are making headway with their charitable efforts, stellar image and a 2.83 GPA. So how did Epsi lon Upsilon help Watson win? With LaPorte as the Ward 's Enumeration Head, the chapter enlisted more volunteers, put up election posters, erected lawn signs and helped get out the Watson votes. Enumeration had never occurred on the normally politically Continued on page 229

Get EVEN! 201

Alumni Associations and Activities Right: At Pasadena, from the left: Ron Orr, USC '79; Nick Kahilas, UCLA '83; Bob Ferguson, USC '61 ; John McCall, Colorado College '40; Kirk Helm, Syracuse '38, and Jim Potter, Iowa State '46.

Below right: Pasadena's "Rajjle Twins " Bill Newlon (left), West Virginia '40, and H. D. (Bud) Hunt, Colorado '39.

DENISON ALUMS Denison Betas of the San Francisco Bay Area gathered Oct. 611 f or a trio ofgolf outings and nightly fine dining. Pictured (left to right) kneeling: Bob Moore '48, Tom Parker '49, Bob Daganhardt '47, Ed Rupp '49. Standing: John Dunkel '50, Dave Reese '47, Bill Johnson '48, Howard Sha w '48, John Culver '50, Ross Morgan '49, Dave Ecker '48, Ted Tight '48. 202

84TH INDIANAPOLIS CONCLAVE Below left: Robert D. Garton, Iowa State '55, (right) president p ro tem, Indiana Senate, and Michael K. Phillips, DePauw '65, (left) speaker, Indiana House, were keynote sp eakers at the 84th Indianapolis Conclave, November 20. Flanked by the two political leaders is toastmaster Andy Buroker, DePauw '84.

COLORADO SPRINGS Beta alumni in the Colorado Springs area h formed the Pikes Peak Alumni Association with 18 alumni attending the first gathering Cheyenne Mountain Conference Resort. N elected officers are: Capt. Duane K. Little, East Carolina ' 82, president; Bradley M. Jeffords, South Dakota ' 85, first vice presid William K. Nelson, Colorado College '61 , second vice president; Bret W. Donegan, Tennessee ' 85, secretary; and WilliamS. Rhinehart, South Dakota '80, treasurer. Th group expects to confer with the Fraternity ' board of trustees, meeting in Denver April 2 30, about the !54th General Convention. CENTRAL NEW ENGLAND Central New England Betas will gather Ma 20 in the mountainside Princeton, MA, ho of William E. S. Bird, Georgia Tech '43 , an his wife Eleanor, to dedicate a recently acquired Henry Miller baby grand piano, ci 1900. Brothers will elect a new president an plan a luncheon award event. Songmaster Matthew Beach, Sy racuse '10 , will lead singing of traditional favorites, including hi "Beta Brothers Went Singing," which won first prize in the songwriting competition at General Fraternity ' s !50th anniversary. To reserve, call: Matt Beach, 508-753-8210, or Bill Bird, 508-464-5574. BRITISH COLUMBIA The British Columbia Alumni Association's annual meeting on November 5, 1992, attracted more than !50 Betas to Terminal City Club in Vancouver to hear former Pri Minister John N. Turner, UBC '49, who delighted his audience with tales of "the go old days ." He was presented an encrested Beta soccer shirt in appreciation of his presentation. Six Fraternal Fifties were recognized: John (Cut) Cunningham, Allan Johnstone, George Rush, Laird Wilson, Jim McCarthy, Fred Joplin and Bob Shewan. A fund-raising challenge, by alumni who are dentists, raised $60,000 toward a capital rebuilding program, challenging other professional groups to bett their efforts. The event was organized by Cra Campbell, UBC '80, and Hugh Wooley, UBC '83. (Craig Campbell, UBC '80, president.) PASADENA Pasadena Beta Club held its annual Christm Party at San Gabriel Country Club December 16, with 55 Betas from 27 chapters attending. ' 92 officers were recognized: H. D. Hunt, Colorado ' 39, treasurer; Roger Wi le, Oklahoma State ' 64, secretary; Ted Aitken, Duke '45 , president. Incoming officers are Greg Custer, Puget Sound ' 91 , treasurer; Robert Adam, Jr. , UCSB ' 91 , president, with Roger Wile continuing as secretary. Jim Potter, low State ' 46, conducted the Loving Cup. SOUTHERN O NT ARlO More than 60 Betas braved a cold late-Janu evening to attend the Southern Ontario Area Alumni Association's black tie dinner in Toronto. The annual function attracted 29 Tl.. ....

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·es from eton, Toronto and tern Ontario •ters plus 32 mi. Winning the tt-down for oldest was William 1, Sr., Toronto who has a Beta and three Beta dsons. A songfest Fraternal Fifty Bill followed by the Palm, Toronto '32 ing Cup. (Robert ;lelland, Western Ontario '55) ~ATER PHOENIX AREA


four regions: Ronald D. Peterson, Oklahoma State '83 , District XXIII ; William C. Pedlar, British Columbia '77 , District XXXI ; Kirk R. Stegmeyer, Michigan State ' 88, District XXXVI; and Fred H. Tilock, MD, Bethany ' 54, District XXXVII. Named assistant district chief for District XLI is C. Kevin McCrary, Colorado ' 83, who lives in Hawaii. District XXIII After earning degrees in business and political science from Oklahoma State, Ron Peterson completed his law degree at the University of Oklahoma. He is in private practice in Broken Arrow, OK. As an undergraduate he was Arts and Sciences Student Council president, a member of Blue Key and Omicron Delta Kappa and served as Beta chapter president, corresponding secretary and athletic chairman . He is president of the Beta Theta Pi Building Corporation. Married to Tonya, Peterson is active in Broken Arrow Jaycees, Civitan, American Heart Association, Salvation Army Boys/Girls Club. District XXIII: Oklahoma, Oklahoma State. District XXXI Vice president, marketing, for Princess Cruises, Bill Pedlar started his career with Holland America Cruises Westours in 1978 and joined Sundance Cruises in 1984, advancing to vice president, Sundance Tours, before moving to Princess Cruises in 1986. At Gamma Omicron chapter, he held the offices of president, treasurer, house manager and rush chairman . He has attended five General Conventions and attended three Leadership Workshops. Bill and his wife, Ann, have two children, Christopher, 4, and Kelsey, 3. Active in the Alaska tourism Marketing Council , Bill enjoys golf, tennis, racquetball and wine collecting. District XXXI: British Columbia, Puget Sound, Washington. District XXXV I A journalism graduate from Michigan State University, Kirk Stegmeyer is vice president of Exposure Marketing, Inc., Farmington Hills, MI. Previously, he was an account executive for Creative Services Group in Detroit, 198889. As an undergraduate in Gamma Psi chapter, he was vice president, rituals chairman, song chairman, IFC athletic chairman and chorister at the 14 7th General Convention. He has attended four Conventions and is chapter counselor for Gamma Psi. He was married to his wife Jennifer on April24, 1993. Beta relatives: Richard E. Stegmeyer, MSU ' 59, father, and Shawn Rowley, MSU ' 83 , brother. District XXXVI: Central Michigan, Michigan State. District XXXVII Dr. Fred Tilock was graduated from Temple University School of Medicine in 1958 and interned at St. Vincent Charity Hospital, Cleveland. After 20 years with the U.S. Navy

Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

Chiefs named for four districts

Ronald D. Peterson Oklahoma '83

William C. Pedlar British Columbia '77

Kirk Stegmeyer Michigan State '88

Fred H. Tilock Bethany '54 as a pathologist, followed by ten years as pathologist at Tri-City Hospital , Oceanside, CA, he retired from practice in 1981 . Past president of the San Diego Society of Pathologists, he spent two years as a commercial fisherman after retirement and enjoys boat building and furniture crafting. As an undergraduate, Fred was alunmi secretary. He was president of the San Diego Beta Theta Pi Alumni Association, served two terms as chapter counselor for SDSU and is a member ofSDSU Alumni Interfraternity Council. District XXXVII: Arizona, San Diego State, California (San Diego) colony.


George Brown: a winner on and off the field George M. Brown Ohio '3 1 Below: George Brown, seen here in 1954, was Beta General Convention president in 1963. Bottom: Brown was center for Ohio University in 1929


When you talk adjudication to George H. Brown, Ohio '31 , you must be specific. While he was recently honored for 50 years of law practice, he is perhaps even better known as a sports arbiter, having officiated at the collegiate and professional levels, including 19 years in the NFL. Now 85, Brown played center in football , shortstop and second base in baseball and a scrappy basketballer at Clark Preparatory School in Hanover, NH, before enrolling at Ohio University where he was All-Ohio twice and All-Buckeye in both football and baseball three times. He played on two undefeated football teams, 1929-30, and was chosen to the Ohio University's Athletic Hall of Fame. He coached football at Western Reserve University 1931-39. He first officiated on the high school level in Ohio, later moving up to collegiate ranks in the Mid-Arneria Conference, plus a year in the Big Ten before joining the pros 1932-51 . "I loved the pros," he declared. "They were great, some of the toughest guys you'll ever meet. And to work with them on a football field with all the roaring fans was a treat for me." Brown came to know the "greats" of that era - Red Grange, Don Hutson, Sarnrny Baugh, Bronco Nagurski, Paul Christman, Otto Graham. He remembers the day he called big guard George Musso for being offside three times in succession. Musso vowed he would "get" Brown, but big Dan Fortrnann stood up for the diminutive Brown. Nothing came of it. Only four officials were used in those days, compared to eight today. "So you can see," he said, "we were busy guys" For their own protection, the four always left the field together. Founding member of the law firm of Roudebush, Brown and Corlett of Cleveland, he retired in 1980, then returned to practice in 1987 when the firm was merged with Arter and Hadden. Brown still goes to the office every day he is in town. George and Ruth Brown recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. They have three Beta sons: Richard H., Ohio ' 65; Don Peden, Denison; and George M, Jr., Denison, '60, and two Beta grandsons. George, Don and Richard are all former district chiefs with the Fraternity. The Browns established the George and Ruth Brown Endowment Fund which supports six athletic scholarships annually, and they help fund OU's Home Economics Department and School of Journalism. "I felt like a little kid from the East when I came to Athens and I didn't know a soul," Brown recalled. "I had virtually nothing when I came, and Ohio University and Athens, Ohio have been very good to us ." Asked to rate the greast pro players of his day, Brown named: Don Hutson, end; Cecil Isbell and Otto Graham, passers; Dan Fortrnann, Bronco Nagurski and Joe Stydahar, linemen; George McAfee, runner; and Red Grange, defense. He noted that Nagurski was so prominent that he played both ways week in and week out,

fullback on offense, tackle on defense. "He was a raging bull!" Sometimes Brown would officiate two on a weekend, one collegiate, the other professional. "There was one weekend I Notre Dame-Carnegie game on Saturday in Pittsburgh and the game lasted so long that missed my train. So Tech rented a twcl-st:at!l plane with helmet and goggles to fly me to Green Bay that night for the Sunday contes was a hairy ride, but I made it." Brown laughed.

Basketball Three Betas helped lead Missouri to a 19-1: record and the NCAA tournament as we we to press. Center Chris Heller '93 was Big tournament MVP and had a career best 20 points against Iowa State. Going into the NCAA's, he had scored 241 points (7.5 average) and pulled down 181 rebounds (5.' average) . Guard Jed Frost '94 had contribut1

Missouri Center Chris Heller '93 named Big Eight tournament MVP 41 assists and swingman John Burns '93 saw action for the Tigers. Guard Blake Weichboldt '94 was a member of the NCAA tournament squad. .Kenyon forward Chris Donovan '95 earned All-North Coast Athletic Conference :sc•.;ultu.1 team honors as the Lords posted their most wins ( 16) since 1968 and were runnersup at t NCAC tournament. He led the squad in rebounding (168, 6.8 average), was second scoring (361 points, 14.4 average) and high in field goal percentage ( 51.2%) and throw shooting (80.2%). Westminster guard Greg Martin ' 93 ranked third in NCAA Division III assists with 211 (8 .1 average) . He also scored 250 points (9.6 average) and earned AII-SLIAC first team honors. Also seeing action for the Blue Jays was AII-SLIAC honorable mention pick Sean Vicente '93, who was second in scoring (326 points, 13.6 average) and grabbed 109 rebounds (4.5 average). His top game was 25 points versus Rhodes. Eric Eickelman ' 93 (11 points, 12.2 average) and Bob McCarthy '93 (173 points, 6.9 average) were good corltritm-1 tors at Westminster. Bryan Watkins '93 finished his career as Washington & Lee's top scorer for the straight season. He scored 243 points ( 10.6 average) and was third with 45 assists. Bryan' top game was a 26 point effort versus University of the South. After missing the first 17 games of the season due to a soccer injury, guard Steve Raze '94 returned to lead Willamette to the District 2 title and NAIA Division II playoffs. He was District 2 Player of the Week against The Beta Theta Pi/Snrino

Lawrence center Kyle Raabe '96 was econd in field goal shootlng (50.0%) grabbed 86 rebounds and scored 170 points (7.7 average). Teammate Joe DiGiorgio '96 was a good passer and ballhandler for the Vikings. Forward Brian Flanigan '96 was a valuable backup player for the 16-10 Wabash squad, coring 72 points in 17 contests played. Guard Steve Athanas '95 saw action for 16-8 Carnegie-Mellon, which posted its best record since the 1977 season.

Frost, Missouri

Steve Raze, Willamette

r scoring 28 points, including a school >rd-tying eight three-pointers. Going into NAIA semi-finals, Steve had scored 181 1ts (12.9 average). ee Betas had fine years for the 17-5 Knox ad. Co-captain/forward Gregg Meyers '93 the second-leading rebounder with 143 average) and scored 203 points (9 .2 rage). Co-captain/guard Brent Lange '93 the team's assist leader with 116. Forward tt Welch '95 contributed 142 points (6.5 rage) to the Knox cause. ~ng action for St. Lawrence were three as. Co-captain/guard Brian Phillips '93 was Jnd in assists (41) and scored 188 points ; average) . Forward Shannon McDermott was second with 15 blocked shots and red 113 points (4.5 average). Guard Rick '94 added 75 points . .T. co-captain Nikki Caruthers '95 missed :h of the season with shoulder problems but scored 125 points (11.4 average) in the II tests he played. Teammate Randy Hyun '95 ted 21 games at guard and totaled 180 nts (7.5 average).

Tennis Great Stan Smith Stan Smith, Southern California '68, was one of six winners of an NCAA Silver Anniversary Award which recognizes former studentathletes who have distinguished themselves since completing their college athletic careers 25 years ago. Now the director of coaching for the U.S. Tennis Association, he was 1968 NCAA singles champion and a two time NCAA doubles champ while competing for USC. Stan moved into pro tennis and was the top-ranked U.S. player in 1969 and 1971-73. During a 15 year pro career, he won the U.S. Open, Wimbledon, the National Indoors and U.S. Grass Courts titles.

Other Sports Three Lawrence athletes excelled in their respective spotis this winter. Fencer Steve Teget '95 posted 25 wins in epee while teammate Devin Artley '94 won 22 in the foil event. Both competed primarily against opponents from NCAA Division I schools. Hockey player Yura Letuchy '94 scored 10 goals and 9 assists as the 16-4 Vikings squad had its best record since beginning intercollegiate hockey seven years ago.

Stan Smith, Southern California '68, when he was winning major tournaments around the globe in 1974 (left), and at the Beta SesquiCentenary in 1889 (below.)

Looking for the Fraternity Directory? The General Fraternity Directory, which usually appears in each issue of The Beta Theta Pi magazine, will only be featured in the winter edition. If you need name , add res es or telephone numbers of General Fraternity officers, Advisory Board, admini strative staff, di trict chiefs, chapters and colonies, or alumni associations, please consult your issue of winter, 1993 , or telephone the Administrative Office toll free 1-800-800-BET A (2382). This decision was made in order to utilize the usual seven pages for the Directory to discuss Fraternity topics of a more substantive nature.

Your Privacy is Protected The Beta Theta Pi mailing list is not made available to anyone outside of the Fraternity, and then only for uses related to Beta Theta Pi such as alumni meeting notices. '

lan Becker earns scholarship for colonizing efforts Ian M. Becker, son of Stephen B. Becker, Florida '69, and a student at Windsor (Canada) University, has been awarded one oftwo 1992 McLaughlin Scholarship Awards, at the annual meeting of the National Interfratern ity Foundation in Washington, D.C. The Foundation noted Ian's work on a co lony of Beta Theta Pi for the Un iversity as "an outstanding accomplishment worthy of the criteria for the McLaughlin Scholarship Fund."

Help Wanted:

COLONIES Co lonies are being formed across the country. Alumni support is welcome . If you want to help, the following sites have an active group of Beta undergraduates striving to become a chapter. Contact Beta Theta Pi Expansion Director Matiin Dixon, P.O. Box 6277, 208 East High Street, Oxford,OH 45056, telephone (800) 800 2382 (to ll free) or the local al umnus below: California (San·Diego) --Mark Madson (6 19) 525-2181. Eastern Washington -- District Chief Guy Perham (509) 448-2636 or Colony Counselor Dick Phenneger, (509) 624-1933 . Florida Atlantic -- At Boca Raton, contact District Chief Jerry Loughren (813) 754-2727. Maine -- Reorgani zing Beta Eta chapter. Bill Hunt (207) 945-0288 . San Jose State-- Bill Craft (408) 983-2530. University of South Florida-- Brian Fox (813) 238-0471. Villanova -- George Herpel (215) 565-0484. Wisconsin (Oshkosh)-- Robert Schnese (414) 426-0883 . If you do not live close enough to help one of these colonies, you may wish to contact Martin Dixon concerning a prospective Beta Theta Pi coloojzation in your area. Tel: (800) 800-2382 toll free.

e Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993


1,776 Fraternal Fifties honored Recognition of living me~ber~ w?en they cele~rate the 50th anniversary of their irutJatJOn IS a Jong~standmg Beta tradition. This year's class totals 1,776, tmttated July 1, 1942 through June 30, 1943 . Fraternal Fifty cards are either. presente? by the members' chapters at special ceremomes or matled from the Administrative Office. Anyone notJ.n~ any .discrepancies in this Jist, please notify the AdmmtstratJve Office, P.O. Box 6277, Oxford, OH 45056. The Beta Theta Pi salutes these Betas who celebrated their 50th anniversary during the 1992-93 academic year: AMHERST CoLLEGE 0722 David 0 White 0723 Hugh H Arnold 0724 Edward A Baily 0725 Merritt C Bragdon 0726 Clifford P Diver 0727 Frank R Egloff 0728 John H Farnham 0729 William R Francis 0730 Bradley L Gould 0732 Eugene E Kelley 0733 LeeK Louria 0735 William C Prentiss 0737 Robert W Sucsy 0738 Philip R Theibert 0739 Edward T Tisdall BELOIT 0636 Arnold A Sio 0639 Carl M Grip 0641 Roger F Brook 0643 Robert S Monson 0645 Gordon S Perry 0647 John W Shedd 0650 Theodore R Miles 0651 Eugene H Seibert 0653 James K Aurness 0654 William H Wallace BETHANY COLLEGE 0560 Thomas R Hart 0562 Francis E Brown 0563 Donald H Cloudsley 0564 Gomer L Coble 0565 William C Dumbaugh 0568 Frank W Hoak 0570 Richard D Miller 0572 Donald 0 Nixon 0573 Ralph D Perrin 0574 Edward H Whitelock 0575 George R Dueker 0576 Andrew E Hare 0577 Edward C Lewis 0578 Edward I Taylor 0579 Charles E VanCamp Bowo01 CoLLEGE 0502 Robert H Allen 0503 Henry J Bracchi 0506 William C Geddes 0509 Ian Macinnes 0510 Dwight W Pierce 0512 FrankKSchenck 0514 Harold A Thurston 0515 William H Toomy BRITISH COLUMBIA- UNIV . OF 0 148 Arthur B Ash 0 149 Gordon A Calderhead 0150 Paul W Chutter 0151 DavidMFarr


0154 Donald E Mann 0157 Chris McGregor 0158 John W Nicholls 0159 Robert B Wallace 0160 William L Warner 0161 George K Wate 0162 David R Williams 0164 Roy E Morton BROWN UNIVERSITY 0634 Walter L Cameron 0635 Russell P Dolan 0636 Seth K Gifford 0637 Francis X Cooney 0638 Louis R Glavis 0640 Ralph E Waters 0641 Bruno W Augenstein 0643 James L Sweet 0646 Edgar Howard 0647 Lawrence Wanthouse 0650 Eugene F Mullin 0655 David A Tuckerman 0657 Kenneth A McMurtrie 0658 Walter D Kelly 0660 Philip Waldron 0661 Maurice E Carlson 0662 Alden C Goodnow CARNEGIE M ELLON UNIVERSITY 0392 Warren P Snow 0393 Marshall D Smith 0394 Robert W Wright 0395 Edwin M Wallover 0396 James F Harland 0397 Howard B Palmer 0398 William Carpenter 0399 Albert R Dismukes 0400 LaWTence W Johnson 040 I Thomas L Bailey 0406 George A Markell 0407 John L Sack 0409 William G Emerson 041 0 Gordon F Craighead 0411 William J Lewis CASE TECH 0447 William W Eicher 0448 Richard R Cook 0449 Allen T Koster 0450 GeorgeS Weaver 0455 William H Lund 0456 Theodore S Benedict 0457 Thomas A Green 0460 Richard T Betton 0461 Richard A Jamison 0462 Sheldon B Heath 0463 Bruce P Burns 0464 G W MacWherter CENTRE COLLEGE 0607 Addison Lanier

0615 Frederick H Triplett 0617 Robert A Pumpelly 0618 William HAllen 0619 John M Cochran 0621 C V Bloomfield 0623 George V Triplett 0624 Floyd A Thomasson CHICAGO - UNIVERSITY OF 0508 James M Ratcliffe 0509 Philip J Reinertsen 0510 Robert H Nelson 0512 George H Klurnpner 0513 J Robert Grimson 0516 Robert L Sherman 0517 Stanley E Warner 0520 Dennis L Heindel CJNCrNNATI - UNIVERSITY OF 0591 Wendel LAlbaugh 0592 Davis Alexander 0593 Albert L Bludau 0594 Thomas W Brotherton 0595 Neuberne H Brown 0597 Earl T Cogan 0598 Sam Cone 0599 James D Cook 0600 Frank M Foster 0601 Stanley H Foster 0602 Donald G Fraasa 0603 Jack E Garlich 0604 Kenneth E Gregg 0605 James L Gray 0607 Robert L Hoffman 0608 Robert Munz 0611 James M Robinson 0612 David E Ryan 0613 Cecil M Scholfield 0615 James E Shriner 0616 Lincoln J Stokes 0617 Albert E Strasser 0619 Wendell M Thomas 0620 Charles R Crozier 0621 Thomas B Avril 0622 Donald H Hattersley 0624 James L Sawyer 0685 D Thomas DeMar 0686 Druce P Henn COLGATE UNIVERSITY 0720 William F Bogle 0721 Ernest C Bowler 0722 Richard C Devenney 0723 James G Gates 0726 George L Thomas 0727 J R Brant 0729 H David Leslie 0732 William J Veeder 0735 William E Sebald 0736 James D Bruner 0740 Morgan E Dawson 0742 William C Ferguson 0743 Richard M Hannah 0744 Richard R Harder 0746 Robert N Johnson 0747 Thomas R Kennedy 0750 Charles E Reinitz 0751 John B Smith 0752 William T Sprole 0753 Donald E Weeks 0754 John L West 0755 Samuel B Wood CoLoRADo CoLLEGE 0436 James R Creighton 0437 J 0 Edy 0438 William F Goodner 0439 Wallace E Howard 0440 John V Smedley 0443 Robert S Sturgis 0446 William E Glass COLORADO MrNES 0407 William K Alkire

0409 Rodney L Samuelson 0410 James E Heppert 0411 William Allen 0415 Kenneth H Matheson 0418 Lee M Yarberry 0421 George C Wishart 0422 John H Mason 0423 Arthur F Hewitt 0424 Robert A Land COLORADO - UNIVERSITY OF 0592 Leland S Johnson 0595 David F Pate 0598 Ralph D Hill 0600 John W Ziegler 0602 Edward T Robinson 0603 Jay H Wooldridge 0604 Charles W Streamer 0605 Robert L Jacobsen 0607 John S Fabling 0608 Chester A Latcham 0609 Stanley B Paynter 0612 Harold R Bowes 0613 Robert K Miller 0614 James A Johnson 0620 John R Paddock 0622 James D Murphy 0623 Gareth H Tanner 0624 Alastair M Duthie 0628 James W Johnston COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 0570 William M Clifford 0574 Robert J Roman 0575 Bruce L Schalk 0577 Harry W Fritts 0578 Alfred L Sauter 0581 Robert W Minners 0582 Allen E Byers CORNELL UNIVERSITY 0792 William W Kaelber 0795 Arnold W A very 0796 John V Calhoun 0797 Paul W Christensen 0799 Warren K Hinsch 0801 John G Lanning 0802 James F Lardner 0803 Norman 0 Mason 0804 James C McCullough 0807 Paul L Russell 0809 John R Siebenthaler 0810 Theodore M Sprague 0812 Richard A Ulrich 0814 James F Cox 0815 Alfred S Frank 0816 R F Schluederberg 0849 Roger W Krakow 0852 Frank B Throop 0867 Gordon F Craighead DARTMOUTH COLLEGE 1196 C H Schumacher 1197 David M Spencer 1198 Robert F Collins 1199 Raymond M Hicks 1200 Arthur B Jopson 1204 Robert J Stumm 1205 F R Williamson 1206 Herbert A Brandt 1207 Cyrus G Allen 1208 John W Allen 1210 William C Bates 1211 John L Carroll 1212 Andrew P Carstensen 1213 Douglas A Donahue 1214 Russell B Kenworthy 1215 Gregg C MacDonald 1217 Murray Sams 1218 WilliamASchmitt 1219 Richard M Seybold 1220 Arthur C O ' Brien 1221 Charles P Lesh 1223 Richard Wetherill

1225 James M Coleman 1227 Robert A Glass 1228 William W Graul 1229 Clark V Judge 1231 Clayton R Sikes 1232 Gene J Bokor DAVIDSON COLLEGE 0513 Bryant B Skinner 0514 Alfred B McNair 0515 William R Sengel 0516 W Franklin Rawle 0517 William R Smith 0518 WilliamS Joyner 0521 Joseph L Knowles 0522 Willard L Lemmon 0523 Lucius L Daughe~ 0524 Robert W Powell 0525 Nathaniel W Garris• 0527 W Erskine Gallant 0528 H Newton Spencer 0529 C Vincent Long DEPAUW UNIVERSITY 0884 James C Fenstermak 0885 Charles H Westfall 0886 William C North 0887 S Craig Walker 0890 Richard P Best 0891 James W Clark 0892 William W Carpent 0893 Robert J Myers 0895 Darrell E Winning 0896 Rayman D Watson 0899 John B Stevens 0901 Joseph H Clark 0902 JohnS Hayden DENISON UNIVERSITY 0610 Dexter C Tight 0611 Howard G Shaw 0612 David E Reese 0613 G W Weidemaier 0614 William L Burns 0615 Edward E Rupp 0616 Richard H Gravett 0617 Senour Hunt 0618 C Robert Daganharc 0619 Charles F Wright 0620 Howard N Sims DENVER - UNIVERSITY OF 0606 Franklin P Barnhill 0607 Stanley G Detrick 0611 Harold C Littlefield 0612 Robert E Mahony 0613 Leroy J Marx 0614 John P McCullough 0615 John F McHugh 0617 Dean E Peterson 0620 John T Willson 0621 Richard C Cockrell 0624 George W Littrell 0625 Gerald P Peters DICKINSON COLLEGE 0467 Benjamin S Collins 0469 John D Hopper 04 70 Charles A Langner 0471 George L Richards 0472 V J Schafmeister 0473 Robert C Slutzker 0475 John H Harris 0477 Herbert G Wing DuKE UNIVERSITY 0081 John S Lanahan 0082 Norman H Bertels 0085 Henry H Swope 0087 Harold E Gypson 0088 Bradford L Nicholson 0089 Robert F Kibler 0090 WW McMahon

092 Leonard H DeYore )93 George L Haines 1094 F H Hennighausen •095 Richard R Harkness 1096 Donald M Bernard 1098 Theodore E Sandberg J099 William A Davis •101 John E Reyle 'I 03 Donald P Kay 1104 Jose M Marquez 1105 Albert M Tieche 1108 De Forest Hoge 11 09 Thomas B Hill 1110 Theodore C Weeks

0590 Neal Woodruff 059 1 James H Gallivan 0592 Kenneth H Wanderer 0593 A Currie Maimon 0594 William M Buckley 0596 Joseph N Johnson 0599 John M Hartman 0600 William H Brigham

INDIANA UNIVERSITY 0885 William R Chattin 0886 Robert C Fresen 0887 Harold J Tavener 0889 Everett R Roeder 089 1 WalterS Mcintosh 0892 Robert D Maish 0893 W H Sparrenberger 0895 John R Stanley 0896 John L Cullison 0898 Norman R Edwards 0900 William H Hadley 090 1 Leonard R Reel 0902 Kenneth J Brown 0904 Charles D Hunt 0905 Roy R Cook 09 10 William HOlds 0911 William A Kunkel 0912 Richard A Brickley 09 13 Roland BRust 0914 Frank B Throop 0916 William S Zaring 09 17 Carl W Shelley

Ji ll Paul R Eastman •11 2 Raymond S Tompkins IRIDA - UNIVERSITY OF 1306 Edgar B Johnson 1309 William S Belcher 13 15 Patrick F Duncan 1317 Maurice W Hart 131 8 Harry C Higgins 1322 Orner E Lannom 1323 Donald E Newton 1325 Robert D Toy 1326 Lamar Winegeart 1327 T Warren Wooten 1328 Hugh M Richards 1330 Robert H Gibson )331 Benjamin T Shwnan

:>RGIA TECH !41 6 Melville S Dixon !420 Joseph L Askew !42 1 Emanuel M Bond !422 Charles P Holcombe !423 Sam B Lowe !424 John F McNally !425 James M Jenn ings )427 Judson E Moses )428 Donald P Yarrington )429 Herbert T Stuckey )43 1 McClellan Berston )432 Howard K Gray )435 Walter S Adams )437 Robert K Geiger )439 Jarrell B Goodwin )440 Earl C Follett

IOWA - UNIVERSITY OF 0670 Robert L Lu ndstedt 067 1 Aubrey D Daedlow 0672 Robert H Boege! 0673 John L Albert 0674 Ned R Nelson 0675 F Donald Sokol 0677 Donald L Morrison 0678 Arthur R Below 0679 Donald H Sitz 0680 Erling P Larson 0681 William H Romine 0682 William D Ryan 0684 Robert H Daneke 0685 Glen H Suiter 0686 George G Hotchkiss 0689 Edward P Higgins 0690 Robert S Watson 069 1 Robert A Lothringer 0692 Charles A Schorr 0693 Jack H Mehrhoff 0696 Lee F Meis

NOVER COLLEGE )5 07 JohnD Eldon )508 Will iam H Kitch )511 Thomas V Hull

IHO - UNIVERSITY OF )563 Frederick A Meech )564 Donald B Anderson 0565 Jon R Rummel 0566 Robert J Wachter 567 Dale E Rullman 569 George R McDonald 570 Bill J Hawkins 571 Lenus G Carlson 0572 Joe W McClaran 0573 William L Sahlberg 0575 Richard G Gardner 0576 James E DeK!otz 0577 R Wallace Browne 0578 Clarence W Dinsley 0580 Samuel H Butterfield 058 1 Thomas L Cartney 0582 L R Meech 0583 Earl E Hayes 0585 Wi lliam M Raymond 0587 Robert D Linderman 0588 John R Jasper 0589 Reed Clements 0590 Lee F Miller

IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY 0443 Howard E Schory 0444 Paul E Pooley 0447 Robert Dilts 0448 Emerson P DePuy 0449 William W Robison 0450 Will iam K Lambert 0451 William M Buck 0452 James W Potter 0453 Alex D Matheson 0454 Robert L Zimmerman 0455 James F Forester 0459 G Joseph Craven 046 1 Stanley P Wilcox 0462 Robert W Stafford 0463 Donald W Elk 0465 Allan R Packer 0466 David B Easson 0467 Albert M Haske ll 0468 Earl E Maxwell 0469 Joseph K Stringer 0470 Robert T Bridge 0471 Roger W Krakow 0472 Robert W Miller 0473 John H Evans 0475 Frank N Latenser 0476 Harry L Cununings

.fNOIS - UNIVERSITY OF 0580 John R Schnebly U584 James H Healy 0589 James C Bresee _.,"~- .. 0. 0


JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY 0460 L William Bluemle 0461 Charles B Crow 0462 Daniel D Whitcraft 0463 Fitzhugh J Dodson 0465 John B Crow 0466 Roy M Dunham 0468 E Horace Siegler 0472 Malcolm 0 Schetky 0473 Robert T White 0474 William M Crowell 0476 B Herold Griffith 0477 Clark A Whitehorn KANSAS - UNIVERSITY OF 073 1 Earl C Sifers 0732 Luther Welsh 0733 Max G Falkenstien 0734 Donald W Diehl 0735 Albert N Murphey 0736 Payne H Ratner 0737 Edward B Surface 0738 James E Roderick 0740 Carl SNelson 074 1 William T West 0742 Robert L Timmons 0743 M Daniel Chase 0745 James P Calkins 0747 Robert B Anderson 0748 Otto R Stites 0750 Charles F Spencer 0751 Dan N Kreamer 0753 Jack D Dunne 0754 Wi lliam A Conboy 0755 JessE Stewart 0757 Robert P Shirley 0758 Robert J Piller 0759 Robert F Ellsworth 0760 Leland S Bohl 076 1 Wende ll K Nickell 0763 Robert H Malott 0764 Albert L Chase 0766 C Monroe Proctor 0767 Wi lliam E Read 0768 Ogden S Jones KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY 0442 Daniel B Lovett 0443 Edward W Marx 0447 Kenneth R Chapman 0449 Richard L Proffitt 0450 Richard V Collins 045 1 William H Richards 0452 Wes ley D Ennis 0453 Robert K Petro 0454 Robert B Castor 0456 Glover S Colladay 0457 Otto H Trechter 0458 Ross L Laybown 0459 Charles C Halbower 0460 Manford E Peck 046 1 Robert W Jackson 0463 James W Faubion 0464 Ralph C Johnson KENYON COLLEGE 044 7 Harvey B Harrison 0449 Raymond D Ashman 0450 Richard C Shell 0451 H D Worthington 0452 George M Hull 0453 Walker M Bagby 0454 Richard F Dunn 0455 Joseph D Dury 0457 Don W McCoy 0458 James M Shivas KNox COLLEGE 0628 John R Forester 0629 Wi llard T Stanforth 0630 Robert W Bennett 0631 Michael V Best 0632 Frederick C Boss 0633 John B Cecil

0634 Willard E Franklin 0635 Mason G Ouderkirk 0636 Richard M Skinner 0638 William F Suhring

LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY 0202 Carl F Giordana 0204 Vernon A Wilk 0206 William T Devine 0208 Richard G Rowe 0209 Robert I Campbell 0210 William R Chapman 0213 Richard A Gaedke 02 14 Keith W Hardacker 0216 Richard W Scheller 0218 Norris M Sanders 0219 Harvey E Campbell 0220 Budford L Curry 0222 James B Reed LEHIGH UNIVERSITY 0377 Ralph J Fittipaldi 0378 Charles E Bosserman 0379 Henry F Stokes 0381 Coleman T Clark 0382 T Read Fulton 0383 PeterS Given 0384 Donald M Keesling 0385 D M McWilliams 0386 T H Niewenhous 0387 Wi lliam N Packard 0388 William W Pockman 0389 George J Bleul 0390 Robert A Delong MIT 0371 Walter E Borden 0373 Donald P Kahn 0374 Thomas S Markey 0376 Russell L Law 03 77 Donald T Axon

MAINE - UNIVERSITY OF 0672 G L Rothermel 0674 William R Lawry 0675 Wallace B Carter 0678 David Richards 0679 John L Hewes 0680 George E Hansen 0681 Charles A Jellison 0682 Louis E Lipphardt 0684 Eugene E Scheuchzer 0686 Theodore P Pope 0689 John W Steves 0691 John R Mooers 0692 Howard S Jones 0693 James E Creighton MIAMI UNIVERSITY 07 11 William K Wallace 0766 Robert S Knight 0767 George B Hubler 0769 Howard L Coffman 0770 D Thomas DeMar 0771 Eugene M DeMar 0772 G Richard Hardin 0773 Richard E Heckert 0774 Raymund A Kathe 0775 Conrad Leslie 0776 Thomas H Mark 0779 Hiram A Parks 0780 Richard H Raymond 0782 Carlos Ray Standafer 0783 Leonard A Visci 0785 Druce P Henn 0786 Glen W Kessler 0787 Gordon R McPherson 0788 John R Kistler 0789 Robert L Penny 0790 Lowell E Smith 079 1 Robert M Spence ley 0792 Robert E Landaker 0795 Paul R Pavlinek 0796 John W Cullen

0797 Ralph A Hill 0798 James G Moses 0799 Jack E Tom 080 I R Lee Geckeler 0803 Edgar A DeMar 0805 John P Pogue 0806 John E Sauer 0893 Warren K Hinsch

MICHIGAN- UNIVERSITY OF 0856 Harry M Gustafson 0887 Morton R Hunter 0888 Manuel L Del Valle 0889 Arthur E Summerfield 0890 Dewey l Doyle 0891 Harry W Sawns 0894 S H Massingham 0895 John E Laursen 0897 William N McCoy 0898 Richard H Moon 0899 Wayne H Morse 0900 Cameron Lombard 0902 S Hillary Williams 0903 Ra lston Hayden 0905 L Vance Kleinstiver 0907 William H Hedges 0909 W Benjamin Holmes 0910 John W Shockley 0912 James S Kerr 0913 Robert H Bennett 0914 William H Teesdale 09 15 George M McCallum 0916 Donald L Davie 0917 Richard E Forrestel 09 18 Craig M Rowley 09 19 Harry N Wieting 0944 Paul W Vieth MINNESOTA -UNIVERSITYOF 0663 Wi ll iam S Norton 0664 Arthur P Flynn 0666 Wi lliam F Perry 0667 Clifford L Polski 0668 John A Snarenberger 0669 Bruce C Winslow 0670 Donald C Hoglund 0673 W R Dakan 0674 Edgar H Derrig 0675 Jack A Hammond 0676 Edward J LaFave 0679 Donald J McGlynn 0680 Hugh J Morris 0681 John R Snyder 0683 J ScottLedy 0684 Will iam F Appel 0685 John S Barry 0686 John B Brainard 0687 Milton A Christensen 0688 Martin W Croze 0689 Samuel M Dean 0690 Quentin A Dunnum 0691 Donald R Hansen 0692 Harlan D Hedtke 0693 Richard L Jesperson 0694 James A March 0695 George T Martin 0698 Kenneth A Tessmer 0699 Norman L Trout 0703 John W Lauterbach 0704 Gordon L McKinlay 0705 Oliver B Rekow 0706 Richard A Tickle 0708 Wayne T Windahl 0709 Ward W Olmsted MISSISSIPPI- UNIVERSITY OF 0330 Robert J Bemacchi 0332 John B Shelby 0335 Cooper B Gordon MISSOURI - UNIVERSITY OF 0872 Kenneth D McKenzie 0873 Edward R Ritchey 0874 Jack D Kerr

2 7

0876 Robert C Schofield 0877 Jolm L Chapman 0878 Ray M Robinson 0882 James D Casteel 0884 Benjamin B Morris 0885 Dale Ceamal 0886 Robert A Raidt 0887 Harry L Gilmore 0888 Paul Russell Shy 0889 Dudley A Robnett 0890 John G Baker 0891 Frederick J Tuerk 0892 L Harvey Davis 0894 Robert 0 Jones 0895 William L Whitehead 0897 Robert B Bothwell 0898 William F Ekern 0899 Robert F Traylor 0900 Jack L Williams 090 I Oliver F Hook 0903 Ernest W Schmidt 0905 Robert W Butcher N EBRA SKA - U NIVERSITY OF

0668 Robert C Holland 0669 E L Neuswanger 0670 George W Williams 0671 Burton W Folsom 0673 W H Weingarten 0674 Richard D Howell 0675 Robert C Smith 0678 John C Clemens 0680 Hugh F Atkinson 0681 John M Coen 0682 B. Wesley Bacon 0683 Kenneth R Peters 0684 Richard P Smith 0685 Paul F Bonnell 0687 Richard E Buck NORTH C AROLINA-UNIVERSITY OF

0528 Howard Y Dunaway 0529 James F Warwick 0530 Victor S Bryant 0531 Nere E Day 0532 George W Davis 0534 Frederick S Hill 0536 James M Johnston 0537 Harold H. Keith 0541 Dan S Williamson 0542 Guy H Andrews 0543 George A Bush 0546 J Eric Johnson 0547 Thomas M O ' Shea N ORTH D AKOTA - U


0354 Kay M Baukol 0356 Franklin B Griffith 0357 Duane A Houkom 0358 Edson G Larson 0359 Donald A Loepp 0361 Herbert H Paulson 0362 E Christopher Dahl 0363 Amos A Flaten 0364 Jerome C Froiland 0365 Paul H Gislason 0366 John V Haxo 0367 Robert G Lander 0368 Donald COlson 0370 Burton L Green 0372 Gerald 0 Sveen N ORTHWESTERN U


0743 Harry M Gustafson 0744 John R Long 0745 John J Hockberger 0747 Anthony R Brookman 0754 Daniel S Gridley 0755 William E Barnes 0757 Raymond S Woodard 0759 Thompson M Lewi 0760 John H Teeter 0762 Robert S Baker 0763 David M Bellack


0766 Robert T Lundy 0767 Walter J Miller 0769 Lawrence W Zonsius 0771 James D Richards 0775 Robert A Peck 0776 Robert W Scholler 0777 George E Wise OHI O STATE U NIVERSIT Y

0706 William K Wallace 0707 George M McClure 0709 Theodore K Hobert 0710 Jack D Potts 0711 Guyon A Smith 0712 William L Wagner 0713 Harris D Willis 0714 Jerome U Rhees 0715 Curtis Sohl 0716 Thomas W Brehm 0718 Donald E Day 0719 James F Groff 0721 Thomas L Magee 0723 David H Putnam 0724 Robert E Roof 0727 Robert L Smith 0728 David E Tilton 0729 Chapline F Welday 0730 William B Bartels 0731 James C Gorman 0732 Carl Arend 0734 Robert W Carlson 0738 James R Larimer 0739 Frank R Sinclair 0740 William D Woods 0875 R F Schluederberg

0596 Benjamin E Bell 0597 John R Castle 0598 John C Coogan 0599 James W Canon 0601 Ralph M Tolson 0602 James R Gill 0603 H. Dale Cook 0606 John N Dew 0610 Merle L Dinkins 0612 Robert C Millspaugh 0615 Mark L Douglass 0617 Richard E Gibbens 0618 Charles 0 Thompson 0619 George G Andrews 0620 Jolm D Houston 0621 Shelby R Gibbs OKLAHOMA STATE U NIVERSITY

0388 George E Malzahn 0391 George D Schedler 0393 David E Hi lies 0395 John A Reid 0396 Clive E Murray 0400 William M Geiger 040 1 FmTest R Kraemer 0402 Tom Diehl 0403 Harlan T Deupree 0404 Donald F Marshall 0406 Derry B Ebert 0407 Richard N Knoblock 0408 Ralph M Lain 0410 Jerry C Smith 0414 Rolin E Wilcoxson 0415 L Sterling Wortman OREGON - U NIVERS ITY OF


0718 J U Rhees 0743 Edwin F Jones 0744 David E Blalack 0745 Marvin E White 0746 Charles A Rhoads 0747 Walter K Gibbs 0748 Edward L Novak 0749 E C Weatherhead 0753 John R Balmer 0754 Fredrick J Schmid 0755 James P Mackey 0759 Homar L Johnson 0761 Robert A Siebler 0763 John HTinker 0766 Richard P Mott 0768 John J Bollinger 0771 Max V Baughman 0772 William E Sprague 0773 Maxon U Davis 0774 John P Hlinka 0775 Gerald E Ramsey 0776 William C Bachelor 0777 Robert D Borges 0778 James E Rambo OHI O WESL EYA N U NIVE RSITY

0704 Morris Hollenbaugh 0707 Dale R Minton 0711 Robert S Mauck 0712 Robert H Hunter 0714 Hugh I Troth 0715 Henry D Briggs 0716 Jack E Pocock 0717 William I Chenault 0718 James E Williams 0719 Donald E Smith OKLA HOMA - U NIVE RSITY OF

0582 Jack C Felber 0584 Charles R Coe 0585 Ralph R Linney 0587 Jack C Ware 0588 Rufus Y Bandy 0589 Jess E Dew 0591 J Wallace Feild 0593 Frank G Gatchell 0594 Robert B Jones

0511 Samuel G Crowell 0513 Robert C Jackson 0516 Jules F Bittner 0517 Donald S Blair 0519 James H Elliott 052 1 Curtis P Lindley 0522 John H Miller 0523 Craig R Norton 0524 William R Reed 0525 Frank B Smith 0526 Edward P Walters 0527 Jack Warrens 0529 Granville D Abbott 0530 Stanley A Boyd 0533 Theodore P Loud 0535 John E Monro 0539 Gerald R Wolfsehr 0540 John D Macy 054 1 Marion T Rushing O REGON STATE U


0349 E Edward Bonham 0350 Donald F Holden 0351 David L Hall 0352 Philip T Fortner 0353 Anthony Molatore 0354 Donald A Samuel 0355 Richard F Mundy 0356 David G Whitlock 0357 Richard C Morrow 0358 George G Skou 0359 Samuel D Backus 0361 Niles E Konstad 0362 Peter E Petersen 0363 James M Struck 0364 Arthur E Svendsen 0368 Barclay K Barnett 0371 John D Chenoweth 0372 W Duane Appelman 0373 John V Mack 0374 WilliamS Cobb PE

0519 Raymond H Robb 0520 Thomas R Snell 0522 Henry A Caldwell 0526 John J Edwards 0532 Robert M Goss 0534 Ted B Maxwell 0538 Paul W Vieth 0539 Rodney K Young 0540 Donald P Kay 0541 Peter C Johnson 0571 D Thomas DeMar P ENNSYLVANIA - U NIVERSITY OF

0769 Franklin S Chase 0770 Thomas B Crews 0774 William H McGill 0775 Adolph J Tokarczyk 0777 George F Crawford P URDUE UNIV ERSITY

0535 Fred M Hudson 0538 Donald E Brewer 0539 Charles C Pingry 0540 Lowell R Hedberg 0543 William E Poston 0545 Elbert H Neese 0546 John P Brebner 0547 Samuel J Fleager 0548 William E Snow 0550 Robert G Pitcher 0552 Howard R Meeker Jr 0553 Ceci l K David 0554 David J Stambaugh 0555 John H Culling 0556 Duncan H Looney 0557 Earl S Dye 0558 Charles A Gillespie 0559 Edward R Pierce 0560 Lawrence W Howe 0561 Mac L Sullivan 0562 John W Hinner 0564 Edwin B Cole 0565 Charles K Pfrangle 0566 George B Lanman 0567 Richard B Swenson 0568 Carl J Christensen 0570 Carl M Plochman 0574 William S Mignin 0575 Harry M Chambers 0576 George F Sommer 0577 Robert P Wright 0578 Carl J Winkler 0580 Ward S Carlson 0581 Alvin L Sadler 0582 Robert R Hare 0584 Ray E Huffaker 0585 William A Strickland 0586 William L Cline 0587 Richard H Haase 0588 Harold Morgan R UTGERS U NIVERS ITY

0530 Frederick 0 Hund 0531 Harold M Heritage 0533 Joseph J Benjamin 0536 Zale Dillon 0537 Alfred C Evans 0538 George E Gallant 0539 Arthur J Hedges 0540 Charles H King 0541 William GLister 0542 Douglas H Pike 0543 Harold E Prout 0544 Daniel Safford 0546 Wallace F White 0548 Robert E Burrowes 0549 Thomas L Franklin 0550 Leroy R Hamilton


0513 E Timothy Giles 0514 Robert G Jones 0517 William P Henkel 051 8 C Blair Miller


0361 John N Evan 0362 Joseph P Trotzig 0363 Thomas W Littlejohn 0364 Robert N Brainard

0365 Burdette Anders01 0366 George R Farmer 0370 Stanley R Sebring 0371 GeorgeS Smith ST. LAWRENCE U


0633 Robert E Ingmire 0634 Robert T Finlay 0635 Robert C Bullock 0636 Richard H Burkha 0637 Richard M ElithafJ 0638 Evan Evans 0639 John Ford 0641 Robert H Griffiths 0643 James W Logan 0645 Donald T O'Brien 0647 Weston H Caswell 0650 Robert W WithingL 0651 Thomas F Green 0653 Walter J Weigel 0654 Norton G Wilcox STANFORD UNIVERSITY

0468 John H Terry 0472 Douglass P Grahan 0473 James A Keister 0474 David R Porter 0476 George E Zillgitt 0477 David F Pate 0478 Clark M Hunter 0480 Richard L Narver 0482 Robert E Sears 0483 David P Smith 0484 Arthur T Weaver 0485 Floyd E Weaver 0486 James V Wilkinson 0487 Bernard L Woody 0488 Edwin M Anderson 0490 Richard H Hamilt01 0491 CarlL Hoag 0492 Robert H Keenan · 0493 Carl B Mason 0494 Roy E Naftzger 0495 Paul G Nieto 0496 William R Phillips 0498 Barrett H Weber 0501 William H Hombacl 0502 Frederick E Supple STEVENS

0393 Roger D Cannon 0394 Robert H Stockfisch 0395 Myles Williamson 0396 James A Hom 0397 Ernest H Pauli 0399 John M Tully 0403 Henry A Jatczak 0405 B D Moorhead S YRACUSE U NIVERSITY

0767 Jay K Thomas 0769 Durward E Harrell 0770 Richard D Spier 0773 Leonard G Reichhar> 0774 William F Wein 0775 Charles H Bark 0776 Theodore A Stolte 0778 Joseph A Edinger 0781 William B Gebbie 0782 Frederick E Mider 0784 Donald L Burton 0785 John H Grimm 0786 Dean E Helm 0788 Charles N Lee 0789 Richard C Legge 0790 John C Naatz 0791 Alvah M Merwin 0793 Alan D Campbell 0794 Daniel F Dobson 0821 Theodore P Pope T EXAS/A USTIN - U


0528 Dale Fair 0530 Albert L Guidera

!531 William R Hodge 1532 Thomas R Humphrey !535 Thomas S Miller !537 A Y Olds J 40 Robert G Schleier

lONTO - UNIVERSITY OF !320 Robert E Reid J321 Joseph C Dickson J323 Malcolm E Wallace )328 John A Northcote J329 Donald R Mason _ANE UNIVERSITY )339 Thomas A Patrick J340 Walter J Amoss )341 Donald M Bradburn J342 James J Bryan )344 LaWTence C French J345 Edwin K Hacker J346 Jack T Jackson l347 Daniel B LeGardeur )348 L N McCullough )349 John L McCorkle )350 David B Martin )351 William P Parkhouse ·B53 Edward W Ochsner )354 Fisher E Simmons )355 Samuel P Stone )357 Edward D Fischer J358 George N Lewis J359 Richard 0 Werlein

:/BERKELEY }599 James C Reilly ~600

Bertram V Hartford ~60 1 Ernest H Gunther 603 William D Wolfe )604 Kenneth J Staniford 0605 John L Williams il607 John N Echtemach il609 Harry R Agler il610 John W Higson 0611 William R Selby il614 John J Chambers 615 Harry E Waldemer 616 William H Hooper 617 Peter R Wells .:/Los ANGELES 269 Phillip L Hoffman 270 Michael J Marienthal 027 1 Donald J Ragno 0272 Richard A Bardrick 0273 James G Duff 0276 Donald M Tippett 0277 Richard C Bennett 0280 Charles S Bailey 0281 Robert H VanScoyoc 0282 Leslie M Paullin 0283 Stanley F Harkins 0284 Samuel F Neely 0285 Horace A Johnson 0286 Frank Foellmer 0287 Thurlow T Weir 0291 Bruce K Campbell 0293 Tom Oughton 0294 Robert W Rand 0295 Harland B Johnson 0296 Frank J Manaut 0297 Hubert C Grigsby 0298 Marshall E Welboum 0299 Robert B Smith 0300 Eugene Day 0301 Robert K Overpeck 0302 James R Stimmel HO COLLEGE 0405 Robert A Litke 0406 John T Lenahan 0407 Levan Bedrosian 0408 Robert J Disney 0411 GeorgeS Wooster 0412 John T DiSarro :~e Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

0414 Frank J Breunig 0415 William M Murray 04 17 Francis A Czech

UTAH- UNIVERSITY OF 0604 Parley W Newman 0605 Conrad E Jarman 0606 Clyde Sowers 0607 Joseph M Fitzpatrick 0608 Sidney W Foulger 0609 Robert R Groesbeck 0610 David B Dee 0611 John T Hyde 0612 John C Adamson 0613 John W Horsley 0614 WilliamS Brown 0615 Robert C Brown 0616 Lester R Domy 0620 John L Piers 0621 Scott A Herdti 0622 John M Scowcroft 0623 Alfred W Knudson 0624 William J Wood 0626 Jay W Glasmann 0628 Max G Halliday 0630 Robert H Bischoff 0632 Byron H Na isbitt 0633 Richard A Sweet 0636 George V Hinckley 0637 Gordon C Wirick VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY 0560 William H Kittrell 0561 Frank M Bauer 0562 W Faxon Payne 0565 William M McCabe 0566 Thomas W Wright 0568 Thomas W Pardue 0569 Antoni M Diehl 0573 W M Bryngelson 0574 Harold F Brigham 0575 Robert H Moore 0576 Grant Davis 0577 John M Stewart 0579 William F Russell 0581 Howard W Shelton 0582 Bennett B Doubleday 0585 Robert L Hamilton 0587 Marion L Smith VIRGINIA- UNIVERSITY OF 0855 Claiborne W Fitchett 0856 J Stuart Hume 0857 H Lockwood Frizzell WABASH COLLEGE 0642 William R Chattin 0657 Charles A Bookwalter 0661 WilliamS Freeman 0662 George D Welch 0663 William L Fisher 0667 Chris Schrader 0668 Thomas H Neff 0669 C G Gudbrandsen 0670 James A Goode 0671 Leroy C Voss 0672 Spero Gregory 0675 Robert R Ragan 0676 Thomas B Jennings 0677 William 0 Hedge 0678 Francis W Bacon 0680 Warren L Niccum WASHINGTON & JEFFERSON CoLLEGE 0726 James G Hawkins 0732 Frederick H Williams 0733 Arthur W C Kratzert 0734 Russell L Condit 0735 James H Coleman 0736 JohnS VanKirk 0737 James W See! 0740 John C Meloy 0741 Charles E Eddy

0742 James P Jacob 0743 William W Reese

WASHINGTON & LEE UNIVERSITY 0387 Addison Lanier 0388 R E Bartlebaugh 0389 John C Homickel 0390 John J Kelly 0391 William W Terry 0392 Charles S Powell 0393 Willard H Miller 0394 Landon G Robinson 0397 George B Hall WASHINGTON (ST. LOUIS) 0543 Carl 0 Kamp 0544 Kenton McGee 0545 Ralph B McReynolds 0547 James L Hight 0548 Theodore R Martin 0550 Fred A Lamberton 0552 Williams B Ittner 0553 Raymond T Peters 0554 James B Orthwein 0555 Donald G Shuri g 0556 Carl T Schloemann 0557 Gordon F Jaques 0558 Richard M Beste 0559 WalterS Clinton 0560 Charles J Ritzen 0561 John L Brown 0563 RobertS Vosburgh 0564 Frederick J Sudekurn 0568 Robert C Bartlett 0570 Mayo E Brown 0575 Robert H Lund 0577 John H Stitt 0578 Francisco R Gotay V WASHfNGTON- UNIVERSITY OF 0590 Donald L Altenburg 0591 John K McArthur 0592 William A Gissberg 0593 Dean H Brokaw 0595 Colin 0 Dykeman 0596 Robert F Graham 0598 Edward M Hawes 0599 Harold S Keeney 0600 Robert C Kercheval 0604 Robert W Pitt 0605 Charles D Plum 0606 Eugene T Raymond 0607 D M Sibold 0608 Richard L Shannon 0609 Martin L Sorber 061 0 Richard A Thurston 06 11 Robert A Trager 0612 William E Tremper 0613 Thomas J Wetzel 0616 John F Barman 062 1 Stanley E Sutcliffe WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY 0468 David D Webber 0469 Robert E Gleason 0470 Joseph F Lyts 0471 Philip H Schmidt 0472 Donald M. McDonald 0473 William S Wayland 0474 William G Eaton 0475 Darius N Keaton 0476 Earl J Noland 0477 Earl H Crow 0480 Glen E Parker 0481 Richard W Wagner 0482 Robert B Hood 0483 William R Hayden 0484 Joseph H Stansfield 0485 Donald R Hollingbery WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY 0699 James B Wayman 0700 Wesley A Bailey 0701 Jackson W Begoon

0704 Kenneth W Steere 0706 Charles L Getz 0707 Kimball lgleheart 0708 Herbert L Jamison 0709 Carl E Loughry 071 0 George Lundberg 0711 Robert F Lutz 0712 Edwin J Moore 0713 Donald E Scott 0714 John F Snow 0715 Wi lliam A Thorpe 0716 Louis A Trilsch 0717 Elliot J VanVleck

WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY 0533 Donald B Hall 0534 J David Bailey 0535 Thomas A Knotts 0536 R Thomas Linger 0538 William R Statler 0540 James G Coffey 0542 Harry A Goodykoontz 0543 John R Padden 0544 Robert D Londeree 0545 Amo W McGraw 0546 Robert B Israel 0547 William M Taylor 0548 Robert L Lanham 0549 Thomas R Deem 0550 George C Burnette 0551 James W Word 0552 E Davisson Hardman 0553 Edward P Stansbury 0554 James C Stafford 0555 William C Morgan 0558 Robert W Taylor 0559 John P Boyle 0561 John W Kenney 0563 Ronald E Thompson 0564 Carl Dean Scott 0632 Theodore C Weeks WESTERN RESERVE 0548 Robert E McCorkle 0550 Robert G Chelton 0551 Waldo E Roberts 0552 Roderick B Ward 0553 Joseph G Glasser 0555 Edward S Toolis 0556 John S Ely 0557 Charles E Johnston 0558 Warren F Fryburg 0559 H Ward Singer 0561 Frank D Beale 0563 Robert V Mannion 0564 Frank R Barry 0566 George R Plagenz 0567 Robert R DeMent WESTMINSTER COLLEGE 0604 James R Ernst 0606 C Henry Lasley 0607 Richard G Tennant 0608 Robert G Metcalfe 0610 Walter J Taylor 061 1 Joe B Clarke 0612 Richard D Ebersole 0613 Walter W Ross 0614 David E Blough 0615 George W Perry 0617 John A Fredrick 0619 James G Middleton 0620 Baker 0 Terry 0622 Donald M Bertram WHITMA COLLEGE 0464 Richard T Baker 0466 Coleman P Wyckoff 0470 Dennis M Donohue 0471 LouisE Hagberg 0473 Robert B Maland 0474 Joseph B Purcell 0475 Eugene K Richardson 0476 Jack W Rowland

0477 Franklin J Thompson 0478 Samuel J Farmer 048 1 John D Hamilton 0484 Stephen M Ringhoffer

WILLIAMS COLLEGE 0341 Harry M DePan 0342 J Dudley Brown 0343 Richard A Burton 0344 John V Cracknell 0345 Robert A Durkee 0346 Albert E Jeffcoat 0348 Stephen H Rowan 0349 Douglas D Royal 0353 Robert F Gleckner WISCONSIN- U IVERSITY OF 0762 Harvey L Minton 0763 James J Higgins 0764 Arthur R MacLaren 0765 Roy COlson 0766 John W March 0767 Herbert L Schmidley 0768 John E Owen 0770 Gerald W McElroy 0771 Joseph P Miller 0772 Grant C Boardman 0773 Raymond Helminiak 0774 William F Huffman 0778 John M Potter 0780 Melvin G Apell 0873 Richard W Scheller 0886 William H Wallace WITTENBERG UNIVERSITY 0563 Philip J West 0564 Richard A Naille 0565 Hamlin A Smith 0566 Robert C Bell 0568 Jack M Bowie 0570 Asa H Bean 0572 George H Velt YALE UNIVERSITY 1597 John S Burke 1598 John B Davis 1599 Donald L Deming 1600 Arch R Dooley 1601 John M Glynn 1602 J Taylor Greer 1603 Joseph F Grinnell 1604 Joseph G McCabe 1605 Kenneth McDonnell 1612 Theodore R Robertson 161 7 A W VanSinderen 16 18 WilliamS Whitney 16 19 Robert K Zelle 1620 John S Athens 1622 Pierre Chappell 1623 Nicholas P Christy 1625 Edward R Cunniffe 1626 Richard M Emerson 1627 James C Gibbens 1628 Robert A Hendrickson 1629 John C Moore 1630 JohnS Voorhees 1631 Edward C Wynne 1632 Hogan L Yancey 1636 Donald E Blanchard 1637 Dana Danforth 1638 A C Fergusson 1640 Gordon B Hurlbut 1641 Albert H Kelsey 1642 D L Leavenworth 1645 Peter W Morton 1648 William M Walker 1649 Henry M White


There'syourAima Mater

Thanks to the efforts of 128 chapters and colonies of Beta Theta Pi, these undergraduate reports are provided. All of th e reports have been edited so that all can be included in the limited space available. Ifyour chapter is not

represented, y ou are encouraged to call this to the attention of the chapter officers and alumni advisors. Th e editor relented more than three weeks to accommodate late reports, so there can be few excuses for any omissions.



In January the pledges of Beta Beta chapter at Mississippi and the pledges of Delta Theta were initiated together in a beautiful ceremony. Alumni from Alabama and Mississippi participated. While Delta Theta had a few fall pledges, we plan to change that this spring. If any alumni know of potential rushees, please contact us . In December, Delta Theta and Kappa Delta sorority invited Tuscaloosa Boys Club of America over so that Santa could distribute the gifts purchased by the brothers. In midJanuary, members. helped raise money for cerebral palsy. After fall semester, we were third in the All Sports trophy. Basketball and bowling are going strong. We hope to improve on our great third place fmish last year. We currently are trying to improve communication with our alumni . If your address has changed or you have not been getting the letters we are sending, please write us at P.O. Box 4095 , Tuscaloosa 35486 and enclose your correct address .

Under President Josh Moreland ' 94 and Vice President Patrick Brown ' 94, the first order of business in 1993 was to initiate 20 outstanding men. A good winter rush, under Chairman Ryan Chandler '95 , pledged 10 men. Delta Zeta captured the campus football championship behind M. Scott Hill '92, T. Scott Dobbins ' 93 and William Horton '95 , putting us again in the running for the AllSports Trophy. The basketball team, champions three years running, looks for another great season under Mark Smith ' 93 , Ronnie Huffman ' 93 and Jay Greeson ' 94 . In scholarship, Delta Zeta finished well above the allmen's fraternity average for the 25th year in a row. We enjoy annual parties such as Halloween Ball, Mystic Dragon, Crazy Horse, and Beta Lei- a week-long party in the spring. We also have planned socials with the best sororities on campus and other band parties. The chapter is treating the alumni with an annual golf tournament this spring- an excellent chance for alums to see the recently remodeled house with new furniture, carpet and newly tiled first floor. They also will have a chance to visit with the active brothers at the annual A-day football game. Besides helping out with Adopt-a-School, Project Uplift and the Wesley Terrace Retirement Home, we are always looking to improve relations with the community. Delta Zeta looks to another productive year with new officers and our ever-present chapter counselor, Dr. _Edward B. Taylor, Davidson '42. (Michael B. Carr '94, corresponding secretary)

ARIZONA · Delta Beta initiated 16 men. The spring semester is in good hands under the leadership of Rush Chairman Michael Baumann ' 94 and Pledge Educator Mark Seaman '94. The chapter has had many long-lasting traditions in honoraries, including having a brother in the Senate for the last five years. This year, Lon Gallagher '94 is the Beta leader. For the first time we have two, James Roybal '94 and Rodney Glazener '94, in the senior honorary- Bobcats. Others are involved in Spring Fling (a student-run carnival) and as Orientation leaders. Beta is on top of intramural standings, posting three intramural championships: football , indoor soccer and co-ree soccer with Pi Beta Phi. We are determined to defend our title in intramurals and the All-Greek rugby tournament. Some positive news came last fall. We may be offered University land to build a house of the size needed to support this chapter. Finally, we thank all alumni who attended Homecoming and our initiations. (Derek J. Oldham ' 93 corresponding secretary)


BALL STATE With a new year and a new semester, Delta Iota continues to be one of the strongest houses on campus . Among new officers are Joel Spieth ' 94 president; David Gilbert '94, treasurer; Joseph Hummel '94, pledge educator, and Christopher Ruszkowski '94, alumni relations. We thank President Jeffrey Hazel ' 93 and Treasurer D. Michael Shepard ' 94 for their leadership last year. Mike Shepard was elected IFC vice president and chief justice of the Judicial Review Board. House Manager Christopher A. McFarling ' 93

put forth his best effort to make certain repa and improvements to the house before sprin rush. Even so, Delta Iota is in dire need of a new addition, and the chapter and alumni ar planning to raise funds for this endeavor. We hope to pledge at least 15 men during spring rush, a hard task as there are only 110 rushees this semester. Our relationship with the Muncie communit) still is strong. Last year, we worked with Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Muncie, started an annual canned foods drive with Chi Omega sorority entitled "All I Want for Christmas" and expect to improve on this relationship under Philanthropic Chairman Gary Szymczt '94. Coming up : a blanket drive and our 13th annual Beta Bouts, which supports the Munc Police athletic league. As always alumni are welcome anytime. (Lee Bobb ' 94, corresponding secretary)

BETHANY Psi chapter accumulated a 2.6 GP A for fall semester, second highest among the fraternities. The fall semester was a good one, but w have higher expectations for the spring. We plan to earn the highest GPA on campus this spring and win the coveted Woolery Cup, which goes to the outstanding fraternity hou on campus. The semester also brings home J1 Previdi ' 94, who went overseas to study at Oxford University. Spring semester also should be excellent in sports. Whether it's varsity or intramural sports, Betas are respected. The Psi ' s are in position to win the Intramural Sports Cup, already holding championships in football an volleyball. We look forward to soccer, basketball and softball seasons . In varsity sports, we take a leadership role. JeKimmick '94 is captain of the baseball team, along with five other returning starters. Roger Furbee ' 94 and Derek Scavbicky '94 will be captains of the 1993 football team. Four Psi members are on the golf team and three, on th lacrosse team. Spring semester means rush and new pledges. With the help of all the actives and our alumni Psi is looking better than ever. (Christopher M. Edwards '94, alumni relations)

BINGHAMTON Epsilon Psi, still energized by its successful charter petition, continues to strive in pursuit of excellence. Fall was our most active semester in chapter history. We held our second annual Greek Feud to benefit the National Lupus Foundation. This "Family Feud" style game, involving every sorority an• many fraternities on campus, was hosted by local television personalities from WSKG TV· 40 and raised $200. Other philanthropic event! a clothing drive for the Salvation Army, the annual Hop-Scotch-Athon for cystic fibrosis with Delta Phi Epsilon. Fall semester saw five men initiated. We are confident that with a strong rush we will obtain our largest pledge class this spring. House President Frank Serigano '94-active, vocal and committed has ensured Beta ' s The Beta Theta Pi/Sprintd

Far left: Bowling Green's new initiate, Frank Zamcheck, and the six other founding fathers, class of 1962, of Delta Delta chapter 30 years ago. Left: At the Arizona-Washington football gam e last fall were, from th e left : David Lamp, Arizona '94; John Burchfield, Arizona '92; Chapter Management Consultant Steve Proctor, South Dakota '91 ; and Alex Cobb, Arizona '92. •ess for next year by reclaiming our old .;e, the infamous "60 Floral." parties have been the biggest ever. We . great mixers with a number of sororities, a party at the Rathskeller and a terrific date y at the house. Athletically, Epsilon Psi icipated in every intramural sport. Our ndar for spring is full, with mixers with 1rities and intramural basketball and ball. ~r spring semester, all of the founders and has will have graduated. The chapter tks them and wishes them good luck in all r endeavors. bert M. Gottheim '93, external secretary)

IWLING GREEN ta Delta is in its 30th year at Bowling Green University. · spring initiation took on added significe as Frank Zamcheck '62, took his place :he rolls of Delta Delta. Zamcheck, a of Beta Theta Pi at Bowling Green, : called to serve in the Navy in Vietnam 1r to being activated with his contemporarIt was an honor to welcome Frank into brotherhood. : interior of the house has undergone a ·c face-lift since fall. Much of the house been painted and wallpapered by house and, with the aid of our alumni Jciation, much of the fumiture has been laced. 24 will be the 30th anniversary of what become a tradition at Bowling Greeen500, our major philanthropy. Beta 500 is cart race sponsored and run by the thers with participation from virtually every · and sorority. The popularity of the ....- - a.uvuu'""' " trails only intercollegiate tball on campus-annually draws more than 00 people, allowing us to make a substandonation to the Ronald McDonald House ' •"·~-+hn •·~~• Ohio. a successful fall semester, we rank in the 10 for the All-Sports championship. We making a strong push for our best finish in !rS with our strongest sports, basketball and leyball, in the spring. new executive board is excited to be ding the house in new directions, including ~ard the Sisson Award, while maintaining best of our past. uistopher R. Stewart '94, corresponding )

!lUTia Omicron began the new year by e Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

initiating 20 worthy men. Because of a large graduating class, we expect they will take an early leadership. We congratulate James M. Strilesky '72 on his appointment as a General Fraternity vice president. We thank him for the help and guidance he has provided over the years as our District Chief. Our GPA for last year was 3.01 on a 4.00 scale, which means we once again are in good academic standing and can strive realistically for the Sisson Award. John Krotez '94 is planning our annual Walk for Joe- a canvas for the Heart Fund-with the UBC Phrateres. Steven Rowles ' 94 organized the second term social program: annual Dairy Party and our infamous Beat the Clock party, hoping to match last year's success when we had the band "54-40" playing. Gamma Omicron is well on its way to winning the IFC sports award for the I Oth consecutive year. Sadly, Songfest- one of the many events dominated at UBC- has been cancelled indefinitely. Gamma Omicron had won the event more times than any of the other fraternities combined. We thank alumni for their continued support and assistance. We hope to see you at the house for the annual Alumni Pizza Night. (Michael D. Armstrong '93 , first vice president)

CALIFORNIA Spring semester looks promising for Omega Betas. President Alldrew Lee '93 , assisted by Michael Troncelliti ' 93 , have planned well. Academically, the house GPA has improved to around 3.0. Our annual Alumni Dinner is being organized by Gabriel Arechaederra '93 . In the past this night has been fun and we encourage alumni to contact the house for more information. In sports, we have three on the National Champion Rugby Team, Jason Schwarz ' 94, Shap Roder ' 94 and Christian Can·igg '94. Justin Williams '95 is practicing for a second season with the Golden Bears football team. (Andrew Lefevre ' 95 , secretary).

review . Delta Sigma is in a race for our 9th consecutive IFC sports trophy and stands near the top in academics with an average hovering around a 3.0. Due to other priorities this year, namely housing, we are foregoing Songfest but will participate in philanthropic activities. The new year brought a great Beta-Tri Delt ski trip to Mammoth Mountain. Sixty people enjoyed incredible snow at the mountain resort. Fall quarter also was filled socially with exchanges with Kappa, Theta and DG, all of which were huge successes. Winter quarter was capped off with a formal in Laughlin, NV, and spring quarter features Beta Palm Springs as usual. The chapter is in good spirits after initiating II excellent men in January. Address inquiries about the house to Beta Theta Pi, Student Activities, U.C. Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717. (Alldrew P. Hill '93 , president)

U.C.L.A. As Gamma Nu is now fully affiliated with U.C.L.A. , we look forward to a great year. Our status among Greeks and the entire U.C.L.A. community could not be better. Our quest for our second Sisson Award is well underway. Activities include participation in worthwhile philanthropies, such as operation Clean Sweep, where members from rival U.S.C. Beta Theta Pi, and the members went onto the streets of South Central L.A. and collected over 1,000 pounds oftrash. We also participated in the Tree People philanthropy. We currently are third in the race for the IFC trophy, and our basketball and soccer teams should boost us even higher. Several members play on the U.C.L:A . rugby and lacrosse teams. Many house improvements include reconstruction of the water-damaged library and our refurbished pong room, including a new pool table. New plumbing, wiring and tiling have been installed under the direction of House Manager Michael J. Frisch '94. Gamma Nu also initiated I 0 men t~is winter and plan a super spring rush. (Joshua S. Uranga ' 95 , secretary)

CALIFORNIA (IRVINE) Members of Delta Sigma soon will be able to say, "I ' ll meet you at the house! " In September, the Beta house will open up for 24 members. The house, located on the east side of the campus, needs a few finishing touches to be in "move in" condition. The University lease has been dispatched to the housing committee, headed by David Young ' 85 , for

CAL POLY Fall ' 92 was very successful for Epsilon Delta. We continue to be one of the leaders at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. New leadership is coming from President Eric Bowman ' 94 and Vice President Brad Williams ' 94. We were triumphant in IFC football and also hold the IFC trophies for basketball and 211

softball. A trip to the play-offs in darts added to our point total and put us in third place. Heading into basketball as two-time defending champions, things look good. Socially, we had several festive exchanges and exciting date parties. We've already been busy winter quarter with the all-Greek Ski Trip and a three-way exchange. The fun looks to continue as Social Chairman Ted Haberfield '94 works on imaginative ideas for the rest of the year. Fundraiser Russell Livingston '95 is planning a horseshoe tournament. Fall quarter, we collected food cans and donated them to a local welfare organization. Philanthropy Chairman Daniel Jenkins '94 is working on the first annual Kickball Classic. With widespread Greek support, it looks to be an eventful weekend. (Jonah Mitchell '94)

CALIFORNIA (RIVERSIDE) Epsilon Sigma has undergone major changes within the past months, most being administrative in nature, others in activities that will strengthen an already strong brotherhood formed nearly three years ago. Epsilon Sigma eliminated the Judiciary Committee and formed a Brotherhood Committee to enforce by-laws as well as create activities that will bond the brothers together. We also amended some original by-laws, eg. placing scholarship chairman within the Executive Body so that this all important position may incorporate its goals with those of the chapter. This winter, we admitted eight men, including two legacies, Ronald Travisano and Raymond Perez. In sports, the chapter excelled in flag football (2nd place) and co-ed softball with Gamma Phi Beta (3rd place). Kudos to Dean Haidl ' 93 for excellent coordination of sports this year. In short, Scot's Week 1993 promises to be an entirely different story! (Robert Y. Kim '93, corresponding secretary)

CALIFORNIA (SAN DIEGO) COLONY In just a year-and-a-half of official recognition ·at UCSD, the colony is quickly becoming a major presence among the other 16 recognized houses on campus. Much of this success is due to the strong turnout for the fall rush, and the spring rush will bring membership up enough to be granted a charter this summer in Denver. While widely recognized on campus for philanthropy, academics and choral abilities, the colony pulled a major coup d' etat when it unexpectedly rocked UCSD's interfraternity football league, beating houses with 80-plus members . With a strong start, this tightly knit group is negotiating with the University in hopes of acquiring a house. The members stress, however, that their foremost priority is gaining chapter status. (Thomas Schreck '94 corresponding secretary)

CALIFORNIA (SANTA BARBARA) Fall quarter proved to be a success for Epsilon Pi as we pledged I 0 men. Congratulations to new President David Aronowitz '94 and thanks to outgoing President Michael 212

Right: UBC's Steven Merritt '93 and John Mohammed '91, canoeing in Northern British Columbia. Far right: Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo)

Ghielmetti '93 for all of his hard work. To recap the fall and winter quarters, Philanthropic Chairman Christopher Abel '93 and Tri-Delta sorority held the annual Chili CookOff in which most of the Greek community participated. Proceeds went to the Let Isla Vista Eat Foundation (a local philanthropy). Alumni Chairman Todd Marshburn '93 created the first annual Dad's Day Golf Tournament, held at the Sandpiper Golf Course, which was a gr<.:at success, and many hope this will become a regular festivity. Beta also continued to do well in intramural sports, reaching the finals in basketball and volleyball and winning floor hockey and indoor soccer. Academically, we placed in the top three among fraternities and hope to earn a fourth straight Sisson Award. We look forward to the Miami Triad party and to closing the year with the Las Vegas Formal and the famous Beta Bedrock social in May. (Jay C. Marquand ' 93, corresponding secretary)

CALIFORNIA STATE (CHICO) Although hindered by financial problems and our continuing struggle to obtain a use permit for our house, Epsilon Iota looks forward to a bright spring. Under the leadership of Michael Sweeney '93, president, and Stephen Pawlacyk '93, vice president, we again posted a 2.5 GP A, highest of any fraternity on campus. Chico Betas dominate intramural athletics, looking to get the Greek Cup for a fifth time in the past six years. The chapter initiated 10 pledges and expects a strong spring rush led by Owen Fighter '95. We welcome our new chapter adviser, Robert Geiser '89. Under his direction, we hope to rise above our problems and have a successful spring semester. (Scott Edwards '95, corresponding secretary)

CARLETON Since our last update, there is exciting news from Epsilon Upsilon. Fall pledging produced I 0 enthusiatic new brothers. In our first year in intramural hockey, the team was slow to find success but rebounded to become a possible playoff contender. The biweekly ski trips produced considerable attendance and will continue until the end of the season. We are preparing for the annual Ottawa Civic Hospital Bed Race which has proved to be great fun and rewarding with regard to philanthropy. (William H. Cooper '94, corresponding secretary)

CARNEGIE MELLON This school year can be deemed successful1 Gamma Iota for a wide variety of reasons. House improvements, renovated bathrooms and new living room decor, welcomed the brothers. Fall rush brought 11 pledges, and, thanks in part to Rush Chairman Jeffrey Gregor '94, a large spring pledge class is expected. The chapter also made true on ils pledge for academic excellence, achieving a 3.05 GPA, well above the all-male and all-fraternity averages and in the top five of all Greek organizations. In athletics, the brothers are second to none. Twenty-seven brothers, including 15 starters helped lead the Tartans to a 7-2 finish . CoCaptains Matthew Pielert ' 93 and Andrew Helms ' 93 finished successful sports careers. On the intramural scene, Gamma Iota is a favorite to win the basketball title in all divisions. With spring comes Carnival. Buggy has been reborn through the intense work of Joel Rubano ' 93. Confidence is evident in the brotherhood as we return to competition after one year absence. (Todd Zmich '95, corresponding secretary)

CASE WESTERN RESERVE Early in the fall semester, a chapter retreat, planned by President Geoffrey Langos ' 93, addressed the goal to begin building up a chapter whose membership had fallen to 14 actives. The members followed up on that retreat and had a successful semester. The highlight was fall rush. Strong efforts patience brought in 19 men, and 14 were initiated. The chapter also had an excellent GPA of3.1. Lambda Kappa Beta also has many involved i athletics and honorary societies. Joining Todd McMillen '95 on the cross country and track teams are Pledges Colin Zupancic, Niles Shah Brian Casselberry, Roland Estwick and Brett Hutchinson. Thomas Sonnanstine ' 94 runs track with these men. Joining President David Gray '94 on the wrestling team are Pledges Chaminda DeSilva and Brian Chambers. Donald Suh '94 is co-captain of the tennis 1 team, and Shawn Chartrand '94 plays golf and hockey. GeoffLangos, G. Bradley White '94, Don Suh, Steven Robinson ' 94 and Dave Gray are in Order of Omega. Brad White and Geoff Langos are on the executive committee of IFC. No other fraternity holds more than one of these positions. (Todd R. McMillen '95, secretary) The Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1

Far left: District 33 leadership and soccer tournament was sponsored by Epsilon (Centre) in Danville, KY Teams from Louisville (winner) and Eastern Kentucky participated. Left: The wedding of Don (Juice) Juszozyk, Wright State '88, Cincinnati '91, and Laura P. Peterson saw the gathering of a host of Wright State, Guelph and Cincinnati Betas on October 17, 1992. The couple reside at Loveland, OH. Both are employed at General Electric.

CINCINNATI ine men. gratulations to the new executive boardD. Desmet '94, president; Michael T. '94, vice president; Jeffrey D. Hughes secretary; Jeffrey D. Heck '94, treasurer; tt J. Slocum '95, scholarship chairman; hael J. Stanziola '95, rush chairman; rey S. Fielstra '94, pledge educator; lrew D. Woodliff '94, house treasurer; and m D. Hix '93, risk manager. ilon Gamma continues its leadership with · resident assistants, three orientation 1tors and six brothers in Order of Omega. also improved in sports. Our All-Campus cing moved from 12th place to 5th in just semester. will host the annual Father/Son/Alumni Tournament and Pig Roast. This year . be special as it marks the 10-year iversary of our colonization. We look "'ard to seeing alums at this event and also ur fall initiation. D. Hughes '94, corresponding retary)

week kicked off 1993 for Epsilon, and the leadership of Rush Chair Hugh '93, 17 men were pledged. 1ew loan program was established this year money from the Helm Fund to help v members more easily meet their financial jgations. Each year the chapter may borrow 600 from the endowment so that pledge and iation fees can be paid promptly to the Fraternity while members pay off dues Epsilon is improving after just a bit last spring. Several brothers 4.0s in the fall term, and the pledge GPA came in near 3.0. We expect to be contenders for the Yerkes Cup. 1letically, Scott Fielding '93 leads the tennis m, which boasts two other Betas, Thuan Vu and Pledge Brett Gentzel '96. Eric liland '93, Kyle Reardon '93 and HaoLe ; return as leaders of the golf team. In ramurals Beta looks to be a force in tennis and softball and to make a )ng showing in the Delta Xi Basketball at Eastern Kentucky. l proudly announce that Dr. Barton Ramsey is new chapter counselor and John (Jack) Miami '49, financial adviser, with •"'"".,"'" from Melvin Veatch '49. 1,,.u ... ul11'-'<•uy,

~ Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

At the end of fall quarter, we were a leader among big houses on campus with a very respectable GPA. We initiated 12 men. Congratulations to Steve Shamsi '93 and William Weston '93, fall rush coordinators. New officers are Craig Kronenberger '94, president, replacing Brian Angle '93, J. Lance French '94, vice president; D. Shane Dailey '94, social chairman; Brett Shatz ' 95, treasurer; Brian Ruck '95, assistant treasurer; Adam Filly '95, recording secretary; Michael Bauer '95, corresponding secretary; Gregory Franks '94 and Christopher Glahn '94, house managers; Darin Parkinson '94, kitchen manager, and Jerry Warren '95 and L. Ward Pratt '96, risk managers. We hope to win the Intramural Trophy, no stranger to our house considering it is currently in our possession. Congratulations to Intramural Chairman Lyle Green '93 and the entire chapter for supporting our teams. We also are striving to earn another Sisson Award. Congratulations to Steve Shamsi for placing in the top five finalists for Homecoming King. Looking to the future, things are better than ever, academically and socially. (Michael Bauer '95, corresponding secretary)

CLEMSON Delta Nu celebrated the first anniversary of its return to Clemson with another productive semester. The graduation of only one member in December, coupled with the pledging of nine undergraduates in the fall and 13 in the spring, ensured that chapter membership is once again on the rise. All intramural sports teams, except water polo, made the playoffs. Richard Magnus '95 won a spot on the varsity football team as a reserve place-kicker. The Homecoming display was among the finalists in the annual competition. The chapter's leadership benefited the community as well. The number of philanthropy projects reached its highest level ever. Most significant was a relief drive organized by the Betas and the American Red Cross for the victims of Hurricane Andrew. With the help of Delta Delta Delta, $750 in donations and a fully loaded cargo van of relief supplies was collected. Throughout the remainder of the semester, brothers participated in philanthropies which benefited HOSPICE, a local children ' s home, Adopt-a- Highway Program and a city/university recycling program. A contingent of brothers traveled to the University of South Carolina to help the Betas

there carry out rush activities. An alumnus is attempting to purchase the chapter house. Thomas Hudson '76 has plans to donate a large sum toward renovations, once the sale is completed. Though still on probation, the brothers look forward to a productive spring as we seek to complete our petition for reinstatement of the charter in time for the General Convention. (Todd A. Steiner '94, corresponding secretary)

COLGATE We look forward to a new pledge class of30 men. Dry rush is going well, due to a strong relationship between Rush Chairmen Richard McCready '95 and Nicholas Hereford '95 and Social Chairman Brian Roelke '93. They have developed a great social calendar-Commando Party, South of the Border Night and the illustrious Beach Party. President Stephen Henry's particular taste in music and food are the toast of the campus. He has created the perfect balance of time-honored tradition and new-age experience. Other members of the executive board are Michael Gray '94 vice president external, Gregory Donovan '94, vice president internal; Stephen Polakoff '94, treasurer; Ellison Patten '95, secretary; Julian Farrior '93, alumni secretary; Michael Rickels '95, scholarship chairman; Joel Eisenbaum '94, philanthropy chairman, and Stephen Johnson '93, house manager. The brothers welcome all Betas at anytime. Just call ahead and ask "for two doors down." (Ellison C. Patten '95 , secretary)

COLORADO MINES Fall pledgeship is over and six new members have joined our ranks. Many of the new initiates have been elected to offices within the house and are performing well. Our intramural teams are doing well, currently leading all fraternities in IM points. Our flag football team brought home the championship, and our track team ran away from the competition, winning by over 40 points. The basketball team is playing tough and should finish on top. Improvements have been made to the house and it is looking very good. A basketball hoop, complete with the coat of arms in the middle of the key was installed on the back patio. Also on warm days members can eat on the new deck in back. The annual basketball marathon for charity will be held in the late spring, and we want to beat last year' s total of $2,000. The General Convention is being held in Denver, and we look forward to meeting our Beta brothers from 213

DePauw Betas undertook a mission to Ecuador. From the left are Jemie Phillips '89, Jody Werner '94, Tucker Waugh '93, Joe Wilferth '93, Charles Michael '94, Joe Hicks '94, Todd Strader '86 and Billy Montgomery '90. Front: Jim Burnside '90.

around the country. Feel free to drop by to see our house and have a good time if you attend the convention or are in the Denver area.

COLORADO STATE Epsilon Kappa has been recognized by the University as the "Most Outstanding Chapter," our third year in a row claiming this title. We also are proud of winning a third straight Sisson Award. We thank District Chief Walter B. Hultin, Denver '65, and Chapter Counselor John Kaliszewski, South Dakota '71, for their support and guidance. Despite an all-time low rush season, we gathered the largest pledge class on campus with 24 men. We initiated 15 new members. Our future is most promising. In sports, last year we won second All-Around Intramural Champion and are well on our way again. Our coed flag-football squad, led by Timothy Scatturro '95 and J. T. Miret '94, took the championship, and our inner-tube water basketball team remains undefeated in sports history at CSU. Lastly, we remind you all of the !54th General Convention in Denver. It is incredibly exciting to be so close, especially since we are so new. We invite anyone wishing to see our newly acquired house and share our Beta friendship to stop by anytime. Special thanks to all of the brothers who made our house possible, especially House Managers David Wells '93, Robert Eikel '92 and Brett . Smith '93. (David A. Braun '95)

COLUMBIA President Francois Furstenberg '94 led a large contingency and rushees to Madison Square Garden to watch the new York Knicks defeat the Miami Heat. Other rush events included a spaghetti dinner and a sorority mixer. Vice President Peter O'Connell '95 is helping reestablish interest in the physical aspects of the house. Future projects include new windows and flooring. New furniture graces the second floor, and the plumbing is being repaired in the third floor bathroom, with help from Giles Giovanazzi '94. Matthew Murphy '93 starred in a soon-to-be released Suzanne Vega music video. Murphy and Miguel Javier '93 also are actively training to retain the crown in the obstacle course in Greek Olympics. Beta won the overall title in the Olympics last year as well. This year Furstenberg, DeFilippis, Brian Shaklee '93, Stephen Iaconis '93 and L. Albert Andres '94 are all in contention for the football championship, and Corey McCaslin '93, Khari Freeman 214

'93 and Bruce Wacha '94look to place onetwo-three in the Jello Wrestling Competition. Several Betas have taken their musical interests to new heights. McCaslin, Iaconis and Richard Brenders '94 have formed The Three Kings. Heavily influenced by Heavy Metal, they plan to tour after McCaslin returns from his solo career. DeFilippis on drums, and Thomas Schultz '95 on guitar, form the backbone of a yet unnamed band. (Matthew J. Murphy '93)

CORNELL Beta Delta is in transition. While Beta is gaining a stronger name on campus, many problems·exist. Financial difficulties have plagued the chapter, stemming from shrinking numbers. A small pledge class was initiated in the fall, and nine pledges are on the roster, but the chapter fell short of its goal. However, under strong and committed alumni support, Beta Delta is surviving these difficult financial times. We are revamping the rush program, under the strong leadership of William Nahmias '95, and hope to break out of the red with strong fall ' 93 and spring '94 pledge classes. The chapter earned a 3 .I GP A for both spring and fall semesters, 1992. In athletics, Beta Delta earned 7th place in Greek intramurals last year. Participation on the crew and lightweight football teams kept several brothers active on the varsity level. In addition, the chapter now has three Navy midshipmen in its brotherhood-Brandon Bigelow '94, William Nahmias '95 and Philip Spiller '95, bringing new athleticism and spirit to the house. The Castle Campaign, to raise funds thfough alumni support, continues as Phase I of the house renovation has neared completion. The chapter has reached required standards on housing and fire codes, due to the persistence of past-President F. James Christie III '93. This project continues under President Matthew L. Shafiroff '94. The house truly has come out of its period of negligence during the 1980s and is looking more beautiful than ever. (Philip D. Spiller, Jr. ' 95, secretary)

DENVER Alpha Zeta looks forward to hosting the !54th General Convention. In preparation, we plan extensive work to the floors and walls of the house. Fall semester was exciting, with improvement as the focus . We advanced academically from sixth place, overall, to fourth. With a 3.002

cumulative GPA, the chapter was above th Greek, All Male and All Fraternity average Four men had perfect 4.0s, and 18 are on tl Dean's List. With varsity athletes on the basketball, swimming, tennis, lacrosse, ski. rugby and soccer teams, the house is the athletic leader on campus. In intramural sp1 the Beta teams won volleyball, 1st and 2nd places in 3-on-3 basketball, and 2nd place i softball. Numerous brothers are in other campus activities, including junior class president, senior class president, more members on SOAR than any other house, Geneva Glen chairman and four counselors Travis S. Tyler '91 Phi Beta Kappa, IFC judicial and social representative and Ski C vice president. There are currently 68 meml with 11 new initiates. The house is strong full of enthusiasm. A more detailed report of the current stan · and events of the house was mailed out in tt recent newsletter. We hope that the alumni: reaching the excitement level that the house about hosting the General Convention. Feel free to contact President David A. Flom '95 regarding any questions or involvement. Thr alumni are always welcome for a visit, and increased support is needed as the chapter is striving to thrive and improve. (David A. Ft. '95, president)

DEPAUW Delta moved closer to a possible third straig. intramural championship by finishing first ir intramural golf, tennis and football. In addition, the chapter finished in the top five among the 14 campus fraternities in academt keeping well above the All-Men's and AllGreek averages. Many members left campus for DePauw's Winter Term, performing various internships and activities. Several brothers and alumni journeyed to Valladolid, Ecuador for a uniqu and unforgettable mission trip, building churches and schools. Delta also continued its tradition of campus involvement with Richard Godfrey '95 on th Committee of Academic Operations, Matthe Pisano '95 on the Greek Judicial Board and Robert King '93 Admissions Counselor. Campus leadership is another tradition whicl is evident with Henry Nadjeski '93 vice president of the Ambassadors Club, Jeffrey Bohmer '95, IFC secretary and Jason George '95 Intramural president. The most pleasing news is the achievement o pledges who are involved in varsity football, varsity baseball, Management Fellows and Media Fellows. The future of Delta is in gooc. hands. (Thomas Nolasco '95, corresponding secretary)

DICKINSON Having just initiated 15 new brothers, the chapter looks forward to new success in dealing with continued frustration from an anti-fraternity administration. Many members participate in varsity sports such as lacrosse, track, baseball and tennis. In addition, we field many intramural teams yea1 round. Alpha Sigma continues to enjoy the

in fraternity housing at Dickinson where ;ually the College owns all the residence ;. We are proud to report that our continmaintenance of the property, the Todd se, has led to a semestrial stipend for lltenance. Unique to our campus this has 1 a continued source of respect from the ege. peration with the Student Senate allows the 1ter to sponsor many all-campus events, 1 as the upcoming motivational speaker. nts such as this help promote fraternitypus relations. Our annual pole-sitting event n raised money for charity. We will tsor several philanthropies, including our ·iy blood drive as well a new addition to fund-raising calendar. thosted a successful Alumni Weekend this fall and currently are planning our Alumni 1ker. (Alexander Elmore '94, president)

STERN KENTUCKY began the year by initiating seven brothers, we pledged eight. omplishrnents in 1992 include 1st in Delta 1 Fratman, 1st in Theta Sink or Swim, most ina! Greek Sing, 2nd overall Greek Games 3rd in Chi-0 Olympics. v members of the Executive Council are L. tin Cobb ' 95, president; Michael Custer vice president; Michael Swanagin '95, surer, and Richard Doyle '94, secretary. .Chard W. Doyle '94, secretary)

STERN WASHINGTON COLONY h winter quarter off to an excellent start, all nbers and pledges are working toward our r-long goal which is, of course, for this ~ny to obtain chapter status at the !54th aeral Convention. : colony extends a heartfelt thanks to hard E. Phenneger, Washington '58, the .v.U. Beta Housing Board, and the rest of alumni for helping us celebrate our first r anniversary living in our beautiful new LSe.

§istent efforts by Dylan Slatton '94 has the thers feeling very enthusiastic that we will ~e a strong and successful new pledge class. 1demically, the colony is consistently over a 1GP A, but scholastics are being stressed re than ever. With the never ending efforts rian J. Krestian '95, we are confident that will soon be # 1 on campus in the "cultiva1 of the intellect." Jasketball, the Beta Dragons are 4-0. th fun and innovative ideas from Leslie .1tley '94, our social calendar is continually ~ked, including our first Pater Knox Night ifebruary 7. Steven Amsbury '94 has been ;ontact with area alumni and we are hoping an exciting and successful night. eryone is pitching in to help with Cheney ireach, Wishing Star Foundation and the iversity Itself. We also will be involved in a 'tball marathon, teeter-totter marathon and a iversity-wide basketball marathon, with 1ceeds going to charity. Our sights are set 1h for Convention, and with the strong dership of President Shane K. Couch '94, ;e President Steve Amsbury and Alumni t! Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

Adviser/President Richard Phenneger, we are confident that all of our goals will be accomplished. (Troy T. DeLatte '94, secretary)

FLORIDA The brothers returned from break ready to build on last semester's achievements. Upon returning to school, 14 of our fall pledges were initiated. Under the leadership of President Daniel Shantz '95 and a young and energetic executive council, Gamma Xi has committed itself to becoming the dominant force on campus. Our most remarkable achievement in the fall semester was in scholastics. After failing to win the Sisson last year due to grades, we made a commitment to bringing up our grades. With a cumulative average of2.927 we moved from 25th to 5th place among all fraternities . A commitment to excellence also can be found on the athletic field. Currently, we are 4th place out of the top 12 houses on campus. Optimism is high for a top-three finish. Gamma Xi is striving to broaden its base by furthering involvement in campus activities. Currently four men are involved with IFC, three directors and administrative vice president (Steven Kiker '95 , secretary)

FLORIDA ATLANTIC COLONY The chapter may have begun the fall semester with just five brothers but acted with the heart of 500. In just one semester, the colony has nearly tripled its size; and with a successful spring rush, we will be in position to apply for our charter at the !54th General Convention. The five brothers, led by founder Stefan Gefter, '92, accomplished one of the biggest rush turnouts (second only to the current ' 93 rush) in Beta history, 12 pledges with 11 initiated. In spring rush, the old and newly initiated brothers had their best rush ever, 17 pledges, thanks to Rush Chairman Robert Billoni '92. This marks the second semester in a row that Beta has had the highest pledge turnout. Beta had the highest GP A of any fraternity this past semester and has won this award three out of the past four semesters. (John Candusso II ' 93 , corresponding secretary)

FLORIDA STATE This year has been one of the best in our chapter's history. We moved into a new fraternity house, located on campus with the rest of the fraternities . Rush was a success. Our pledge class is double its usual size. Our alumni banquet went very well. Also, our presence in intramural sports finally is being felt. (Thomas Sheldon ' 92, corresponding secretary)

GMI-EMI Delta Eta ushered in the new year by hosting a pledge party with Theta Phi Alpha sorority. We have eight pledges in A-Section and seven in B-Section. The pledge project for A-Section is to renovate the garage. The changes and modifications include replacing and strengthening the ceiling to allow better use of the attic, added shelving and improved storage

areas. It also will incorporate safety improvements, such as building a cabinet around the breaker boxes. Last spring and summer, saw major work on the armex portion of the house. Both rooms were completely redone, including bathrooms. Future plans may involve improving the upstairs portion of the house. By the way, our current capital campaign fund is progressing well. In Intramural sports, our soccer team took first place in its division, and our chapter continues to make a strong showing in every sport. (Samuel P. Amdahl '96, corresponding secretary)

GEORGE MASON Epsilson Mu initiated two new members last semester and hopes to add some quantity to the always high quality of rush this spring. Rush Chairman Thomas Bums '94 organized a fine rush week, including an all-you-can-eat pizza night, bowling and basketball. Betas continued their success in intramural football. Not only was the team undefeated for the season but unscored upon as well. Winning the intramural crown qualified our team to play at the National Championships in New Orleans. With the planning of Spencer Jones '93, the team managed the trip from Virginia to New Orleans and was accompanied by a strong supporting contingent of non-playing Betas. Academically, Nathan Green '93 was selected to the prestigious Golden Key Honor Society. Epsilon Mu started spring semester off with the 1st annual Dingo Party. It was a great chance for Betas and friends to get reacquainted after the winter break. Hopefully the party will become a tradition. We are updating our alumni addresses and phone numbers. With the diligent work of Alumni Chairman Peter Bridge '92 and the cooperation of our alumni, much of the missing information is being obtained. We urge all alumni to send us their addresses if they have not been contacted. (Robert Boyce '93 secretary)

GEORGIA Fall quarter at Epsilon Epsilon was not only exciting, but productive as well. To mark the 1OOth year of Georgia football, the chapter made sure there was something going on socially at every home game. The chapter is in good standing financially and has begun to put money away for a new house. Thanks to efforts by former Treasurer Sean Taylor '93, we have paid off all of our debts . As a result, more funds have been available for rush, social, philanthropic and other needs. As far as our house goes, two more rooms have been renovated, thanks to a few recent initiates. Plans are underway to resurface the driveway. Scholastically, Epsilon Epsilon was second overall in grades but we hope to move back into first next quarter. Under Gregory Mann '95, Beta fielded three football teams, three basketball, a volleyball and a bowling team. And, we eagerly are awaiting spring and the many activities it brings.


Soon after the new year, Beta initiated eight and began work on winter rush. We look forward to a fine pledge class, as the Student Government president already has pledged. We thank the alumni for their support this year. (Brian M. Rapp '94, secretary)

GUELPH With a new semester ahead of us, Epsilon Zeta initiated seven new members. With Andre Boulay '95 heading winter rush, we expect another fine pledge class. Continuing in the chapter's tradition, we had several road trips fall semester, including a pledge-organized trip to Bowling Green. We thank the brothers there for their hospitality and friendship. With a somewhat hostile University government at Guelph, Greek organizations have a hard time establishing themselves on campus. Nevertheless, a new local sorority, Delta Sigma Chi, has started with the help of Epsilon Zeta. With the help of Stephen Marsland '94, Douglas Langford '93, William Pollock '93 and several others, we are sure that they will succeed and strengthen the "Greek connection" at Guelph. Our annual Alumni Smoker, organized by Christopher Evans '93, was a success. Thanks to all alums in attendance. We are putting together a house corporation to facilitate purchase of a new house. Special thanks to Chapter Counselor E. Randall Lewis, Western Ontario '82, for all of his effort, support and advice. (Paul Butters '93 secretary)

HAMPDEN SYDNEY With a GPA of over 3.0, Zeta once again distinguished itself as the best among the averages for fraternities, and well above the average for all men. In intramurals, Zetas continue a winning tradition. With a 10-0 record and first place finish in football, a strong third-place finish in soccer, and basketball and baseball teams that will be competitive in the spring, our hopes are high for winning the Intramural Cup. We continue involvement with Adopt-AGrandparent program, Farmville Area Community Emergency Services and Beta Hoop-A-Thon to benefit United Way. Steward J. Carlisle '93, Andrew B. Cook '93 and Timothy O.C.M. McGuill '93 started on the football team; Thomas M.W. Ekman ' 93 captained and Christopher R. Dodson '94 started for the soccer team; and Eric F. Early '94 captained the golf team. Robert H. McBride '93 served as University Honor Court chairman. With the continued contributions of the actives and support from alumni, the future looks bright. We seek to again win the Dean's Award for the most outstanding fraternity and the Fraternity's Sisson Award. (Jeffrey G. Overand ' 95, secretary)

HANOVER Iota enjoyed a successful first term and is off to an excellent start in the new year. Marred by a number of problems a year ago, the chapter made a fast recovery on the way to a flawless 216

school year with high hopes in quest of the Sisson Award. We won Homecoming, taking every competition but one. In November, U.S. Senator Richard G. Lugar, Denison ' 54, was on campus to deliver a convocation regarding foreign relations. A reception was held at the house, honoring Senator Lugar for all of his distinguished accomplishments and service he has given to our state and country. Winter rush went well, considering the small number of men going through. Iota has 13 new pledges. Brothers assisted the Red Cross blood drive, helping those who gave blood, including fellow Betas who also donated blood. Entering our 40th year on campus, we are proud to be a part of the outstanding Beta tradition at Hanover and always are eager to see returning alumni. (Jeffrey M. Phillips ' 95)

HAWAII Beta spirit at Epsilon Rho is at an all time high with the excitement of receiving the Sisson Award in our first year as a chapter. Again, our chapter leads by excelling in academics, sports and brotherhood. Our young chapter enjoyed the best rush season yet, thanks to Rush Chairman Ethan Tweedie '92, and we initiated 11 men. Our basketball team continued to dominate the interfraternity league and advanced to the semifinals. Our football team crushed Tau Kappa Epsilon 14-2, and our softball team placed third in the community softball league. Travis Sims '92, led the varsity football team to its first WAC championship and an upset victory over Illinois in the Thrifty Holiday Bowl. He finished 6th in the nation in total yards rushing while earning a 3.24 GPA. Adam Loeser '95 made the fmals in the one and three-meter spring board at the NCAA Austin Cup diving competition. Philanthropy included the Hawaii State Beach Clean Up, Hawaii Bloodbank Drive and fundraising for Hawaii Public Radio. We also volunteered for Cerebral Palsy of Hawaii, Muscular Dystrophy and Hawaii Family Stress Center. Led by Craig Haner '93 and Jason Shimizu '93 with 4.0 GPAs, the chapter attained a 3.01 GPA. Our alumni continue to strengthen our chapter, having formed the Phi-Kai-Phi House Corporation. We hope soon to have the first Beta house in the Pacific. Alumni who would like to help should contact Christopher Tarr ' 93, (808) 951-5709. (Frank P. Cho ' 94, corresponding secretary)

IDAHO Through changes in University policy and accusations of hazing, the men of Gamma Gamma have worked hard over the past year to stay on top. Many new social programs are in the making and some already have been executed with success. New measures to get involved with the Moscow community are underway and with great rewards. The house is providing coaches for five youth basketball teams and applications for soccer coaching have been sent in.

New philanthropies are being developed to enhance Beta ' s image in the city of Moscov and on campus. Beta athletes again are making their mark. William (Billy) Simms ' 93 completed his fi year on the football field for the Vandals an will graduate with above a 3.9 GPA. Also o note are the two varsity tennis players curre1 living in the house. Niren Lall '95 , playing fourth singles, and Michael Musgrove '95, seeded in the eighth position. Both are excellent students. Ten new members were initiated in Februa1~ They have outstanding leadership skills and will become a great asset to the house. Amo1 them are legacies William Stowe and Jake King. The actives owe a lot to our outstanding alumni . The support that has been provided through our times of need this year is to be commended. With members keeping the hou on track and alumni to stand behind us, the Betas will remain a strong fraternity on the Idaho campus.

ILLINOIS Success often creates complacency but at Sigma Rho it serves as our stepping stone to remain on top. Our 90th year has led us to an increased awareness of chapter history. Through Jeffrey R. Schwab ' 92 and Historiar Matthew R. Voss '93, publication of a Sigma Rho history was completed. Homecoming '9: saw the return of some 110 alumni, notably tl class of '53 holding a 40th year reunion. Continued efforts to increase contacts with alumni helped to reestablish the Sigma Rho Bulletin which informs of happenings in Urbana-Champaign. Stop and see how our national landmark house at 202 E. Daniel has returned to its original spendor of 1912. Academically, we rose again above the allmens and all-fraternity averages. Plans are to remodel study room and file systems. The newly initiated 15 men of the '96 pledge class produced a class GPA of nearly 4.0/5.0. Beta athletes include five men on the nationally-ranked soccer team. Others compete in varsity wrestling, baseball, lacrosse and rugby Athletics also have made strong ties with Sigma Rho ' s philanthropic efforts. Several brothers coach the youth ofUrbana-Champaig through the local YMCA and park districts. Brothers are in executive positions in Student Alumni Association, Greek Risk Management Committee, IFC and Judicial Board. Our greatest focus is the Sisson Award. A recent all-house retreat identified those overlooked obstacles of many years, coupled with a renewed commitment to academics, campus involvement and dedication to each other. (Donald B. Ross ' 94 secretary)

IN DIANA Pi continues excellence in grades, social activities, intramurals and active participation in community service. In February, we initiated most of our fall pledge class. Pi held its first annual Operation Restore House in late January. Under James Raisch The Beta Theta Pi/Spring 19 .

we spent an afternoon cleaning, painting fixing all that was possible. (S with our corporation board are promisand plans were made for restoration of the se. We have added a new position to the se, kitchen steward. Chad Sorrick ' 95 helps 1 our daily meals. nk Guthrie '94 and Joseph Bird '94 a.nized our annual Spring Formal and nan Orgy. After February 14, Pi will have a ' president. Scott Long '93 will be hard to ace. He has done an incredible job. (Daniel mell '94, corresponding secretary)

A 1ha.Beta continues to enjoy the success .ch has set it apart for the last 126 years. We an the fall semester by welcoming 24 .lity pledges. The brothers traveled to rby Cedar Rapids to help Habitat for manities Foundation. The work consisted of j)entry and general cleaning in low income tsing for those less fortunate. ha Beta finished first semester with a 2.73 A, fourth overall at Iowa. Of the 24 pledges, ee qualified for Phi Eta Sigma and II scored •ve a 3.00. Challenged by such a fine pledge ss performance, the brothers have set their hts on an all-house GPA of 3.00. : encourage all alumni to leave the weekend \.1.ay 1-2 open for the annual Alumni Golf ;ekend. This event has grown steadily over 1past few years and this spring's event is e to be the best thus far. (Chad Roethler , corresponding secretary)

WA STATE e spring semester began with the activation 13 new Betas, a good group which will 1tribute to the continuing improvement of ·chapter. r alumni board is taking a very active role. ns are to renovate the basement and first or. Work will take place during summer, 94. Using chapter recommendations and 1as of the alums, gutting and rebuilding will lvide a more convenient floor plan and ger chapter room. The project is estimated at 00,000, of which $100,000 still needs to be sed. ! are again participating in Veishea, this year th the women of Delta Delta Delta. Between r two houses, we won every major award t year, so this year looks very promising. te to a campustown riot last year, the ebration has been revised to ensure ~ryone's safety. Greek Week also is lcbrated in the spring. This year we are rticipating with the women of Kappa Kappa trnma and the men of Phi Delta Theta. 1e to declining numbers in formal rush, our ;h chairs have a tough job ahead of them. We Qourage all alumni to send the names of od prospects to Luke Horak, 2120 Lincoln gy, Ames, IA 50010. (ChrisM. Klemesrud 4, corresponding secretary) ~HNS HOPKINS

tpha Chi anxiously awaits formal installation April 24, coinciding with Homecoming. We pect ISO to 200 alumni and guests. President e Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

Jonathon Ko ' 93 said, "This is a great milestone in Alpha Chi's history ... and my greatest moment as a Beta." Spring rush traditionally has been the larger of two rush periods. This year, it has been extended by increasing the period from one week to two weeks. Headed by Jon Masotta ' 95, the longer rush permits the adding of the traditional Buffalo Wings Night and Pizza and Poker to unique events such as Maryland Crab Feast and Pool Hall Night. The success of rush could be.exponentially increased if we had a house. Richard Bell ' 93 has been on a relentless search for that perfect chapter house. We have enough funds pledged by alumni to acquire one, but further generosity would allow more latitude in Richard's search. A house is a vital component of our overall structure and would fmally make the chapter complete. Until one is found, we enjoy use of a row house, rented by several brothers. Last year, Betas volunteered in the Hopkins Admissions Phonathons to prospective high school students. It was a tremendous success with 2,006 calls being made over 44 days . Brothers used anecdotal recaps, insights and experiences at Hopkins to help persuade the students to choose this University over another. This philanthropy project even resulted in some of this year's rushees having been contacted before ever setting foot on campus. The brothers are enthusiastic about the annual Pre-Admit and Post-Admit Phonathons. The goal is to call over 3,000 students this year. A Winnebago road trip to the Denver Convention is in the formative stages. (Raphael Yook '93, secretary)

KANSAS Fall, 1992 marked the beginning of a new era for Usher Mansion, bringing many exciting times and welcome visits from alumni . The highlight was the dedication in October when 48 Alpha Nu pledge classes were represented. The Chancellor's Trophy for scholarship remained at 1425 Tennessee as it has for 128 out of 132 of the past semesters. Our 3.22 GPA easily topped the other fraternities. The '94 pledge class led the charge with a 3.44, one of the top GPAs in our history, with six of the 14 pledges of '93 turning in 4.0 GPAs. Despite winning Wheat Meet for the seventh straight year and a good finish in football , fall brought a slow start for intramurals. Nevertheless, we hope spring sports will give us a lift and we can retain the All-Sports trophy which we won the last two years. Other activities include a third straight year in Rock Chalk Review. Selected as one of five groups to participate in this campus-wide philanthropy/ musical production, the chapter is proud of its involvement in this KU tradition. Another philanthropy, the 15th annual Loren Isaac Memorial Softball Tournament, benefited the American Cancer Society. As in the 118 years previous, Turkey Pull, Alpha Nu's annual winter formal , was a night to remember. Rush efforts for next year's pledge class are underway, under Peter Johnston '94 and Matthew Michaelis ' 94. We welcome rush recommendations from alumni, and they

should be turned in immediately. Rush is a year-long process and the bulk of the class will be signed in May. We thank our alumni for their generous support and dedication. (John Gollier ' 93, president)

KANSAS STATE The chapter placed third out of 25 fraternities with a 2.98 GPA. The men of 500 Sunset continue to be active in many campus activities, including Student Senate, National Society of Professional Engineers and the National Collegiate Meat Judging Team. Entering spring semester, Betas started in second place by 43 points in intramural standings. Leading the way were champions Kyle Kugler '93 in table tennis, Jude Oxler '94 in tennis, and the volleyball team won its division and advanced to the semifmals. Gamma Epsilon will be represented by Adam Green ' 95 on the Cats baseball team. We closed fall semester with a Christmas party to prepare for the stress of finals week. Spring semester opened with the Miami Triad, a popular party known throughout campus. Scott Bingham ' 95 and Jason Kanak '95 organized a very successful rush party in January. Although there was a very good tumout with 17 rushees, Scott and Jason would greatly appreciate your input or comments on attracting additional rushees. Please feel free to contact them at (913) 537-5088. (Phillip Roberts '95 , corresponding secretary)

KENTUCKY Under President C. David Solomon '94, Vice President Joseph Batistoni '94, Secretary Michael Phelan '95, Treasurer Michael Biddle '95, Pledge Educator Tim Niebel '95 , House Manager E. Kyle Lucus '95, Officer-at-Large Theodore Blanford ' 94 and Rush Chairman Michael Haas ' 95, the chapter is gearing for the future. The new year brought the initiation of an outstanding fall pledge class. Under the guidance of Christopher Gladwell ' 94, the initiation was one of our best. On campus, Dave Solomon and Mike Biddle are cocaptains of the Kentucky boxing team; Danny Board '94 is a member of IFC Risk Management; Robert Thome '93, public relations chairman, is a writer for the Kentucky Kernel and Albrecht Stalimer '93 and Christopher Price '93 have petitioned the UK Student Government Association for funds to begin the UK crew team. A major emphasis is on grades. A study room has been set up in the basement and quiet hours have been implemented during weekdays. Opportunities for relaxing and socializing stem from our annual Back-to-the-Beach and Kamikaze parties, along with many other social events. With a strong executive council and many dedicated brothers, Epsilon Omicron will remain a leader on campus. (Michael Phelan '95, secretary)

KENYON The fall semester was filled with successes and firsts : our first semester in recent memory when the chapter is solvent celebrated when 217

brothers, dates and parents gathered for a catered meal and lots of holiday cheer on December 12. Brett Brownscombe ' 95 organized Big Brother/Big Sister activities, while Auriel Rivera ' 95 helped ring in the celebration of the new Snowden Multicultural Center. Kevin Kropf ' 93 continues as leader of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and David Soltis '94 is the only Greek in the Senate. Others helped in planning the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Week activities, junior class activities and are members of the improvisational group, Fools on the Hill. Daryl Chajon '95 and Michael McPharlin '95 were a part of the Conference Champion and play-off qualifying soccer team. Twenty-three Betas played on the football team which beat rival Denison 23 -20, much due to the 171-yard rushing of James Reed '93. Other seniors ending their careers with a big win over the Big Red include Joseph St. Julian, John St. Julian, Brian Bortz, Steven Kehl, Richard Gonzales, Peter Horn and Kevin Kropf. Christopher Donovan ' 95 has averaged 12 points and eight rebounds for the Lords basketball team which, at this point, has won I 0 of its last 12 games and is second in the NCAC. Rush is in full swing and popular activities include bowling and a cookout at the Temple. Turnouts have been high, and a great class is expected. Todd Stewart '94 and the executive committee have worked hard to keep up our strong traditions. (Kevin C. Kropf '93, secretary)

KNOX Just as the new year presented itself to Xi chapter, 14 men were pledged. The house has undergone improvements, including installation of new carpeting, new furniture for the common areas and new washer and dryer. During upcoming pledging, new paint, paneling and other general improvements will be made. ·On the philanthropy front, we again have taken Knox-Galesburg Symphony as our primary benefactor. We will donate money and provide manpower as movers for the symphony equipment. Also we have given to the March of Dimes and other worthy charities.

LAWRENCE As the year progressed it did nothing but improve. We activated two members and obtained 12 pledges. One pledge is president of Lambda Sigma and another is editor of The Lawrence Review, a newly formed conservative journal. Ten pledges participate in varsity sports. lntramurals are going well. With Beta in second place, the intramural race is a close one, but the chapter is confident it can claim the Supremacy Cup. Gamma Pi is moving up in the ranks of scholarship as well. We aren't on top yet, but that is our goal. We plan to achieve this by rushing academically proven freshmen and transfers . Philanthropically, the year began with the annual Thanksgiving Dinner. The dinner's purpose is to give the elderly in 218

Appleton a place to celebrate Thanksgiving. Over 20 guests enjoyed a complete Thanksgiving meal right down to the cranberry jelly. Other projects include helping with construction of a major exhibit at Appleton Children' s Museum. About 75% of the house helped build a major display on dinosaurs. Brothers also are participating in the Lawrence at Risk Youth program. Betas helped found College Republicans and The Lawrence Review. Beta also has six Residence Life Advisers, more than any other fraternity on campus. Mark Calvert ' 95 is preparing a new chapter song for debut at General Convention, and a new piano will be placed in our living room. With help from alumni, we hope to have it ready by May 19 when Chorister Shelby Molter, Miami ' 54, will be in Appleton to address the Fox Valley Beta Alumni Association. Lawrence has scheduled the closing of our chapter house this summer, the first of five houses to undergo major refurbishing by the University. (Steven D. Teget '95, corresponding secretary)

LEHIGH With rush coming to a close, Beta Chi anticipates at least 16 pledges. Lehigh/Lafayette Weekend was a complete success with many alumni returning to share in the festivities . Beta Chi is at the forefront of a changing

' ' Lehigh chapter applauded by University Administration for participation in newly formed campus escort service. ' ' University social policy. We took part in the newly formed Campus Escort Service. Kenneth Ishler '94 is on the board of Fraternity Management Association (FMA). Michael Grippaldi '95 serves on the Inter-Judiciary Committee, and is a member of HUG (Healthy University Guide) along with James Kennedy ' 93 . William Rossi '93 is a member of GAMMA (Greeks Advocating the Mature Management of Alcohol). Charles Wiltraut ' 93 is a peer educator for AIDS and helped bring the AIDS quilt to Lehigh. Beta Chi has six men on the Lehigh ice hockey team. Martin Forrest '93 is co-captain, and Walter Piekarski '93 is vice president of the team. Matthew Goodrich '93 is a Lehigh swim team senior leader. Last semester's grades were good but could still use some improvement. We are working toward an overall 2.76 house GPA. (Matthew Samson ' 94, president)

LOUISVILLE Initiation of four new brothers boosted membership to 30 men. With the pledging of five quality men for spring, the future looks bright for Delta Pi.

Beta' s presence is being felt more than ever campus, with brothers holding positions on Student Council, Student Senate and Studen Activities Board. James A. Howard ' 92 serv as Student Government Association presider Congratulations to Christopher J. Kappesser ' 95 and John G. Cook ' 95, recently elected vice president and secretary of IFC. In sports, Beta stands a solid fourth out of 1· fraternities, with three second place finishes and nine out of 14 top finishes . Scholasticall we gathered a 2.52 fall semester GP A. Although this satisfies the General FraternitJ grade requirements, we will not be fully hap1 until realizing a 3.0 cumulative, and a new scholarship policy was enacted to encourage better grades. As always, Betas everywhere are welcome anytime to stop by and enjoy tb brotherhood we share at Delta Pi.

LYNCHBURG COLONY Zeta colony has adjusted well the last few months, working diligently with the Adminis tration and other fraternities in establishing harmonious Greek life on campus. Earlier thi school year, we were formally recognized as colony, the long-awaited aspirations of our founding fathers . We have survived some rough times, and if it were not for the leadership of Michael T. Stem '92 and Stephen B. Poretz '93, Beta Theta Pi might have been a fond memory instead of the leading Greek organization on campus today. Each brother must complete 48 hours of philanthrophy per year. Last May, Zeta received both the Lynchburg College and Th~ Governor's Award for our philanthropic contributions. Three men have been initiated by Hampden Sydney. We appreciate all the guidance of oUJ sponsoring chapter over recent months. We pledge to continue to strive for our goal o earning our charter at General Convention in August. Our petition is prepared, and Lynchburg has formally recognized us, so we will continue to set new goals which will ultimately improve the colony and merit chapter status in Beta Theta Pi. (Patrick T. Allen '93 , corresponding secretary.)

MCGILL After a successful fall term, which saw the initiation of five men, Epsilon Nu began the winter semester with great expectations. Winter rush commenced with a series of events, including a Habs game and a Casino night under the leadership of Michael Parrish ' 94. Last term, our intramural teams proved to be a powerful force in competition. With teams entered in basketball, co-ed volleyball, soccer, ice hockey (the Buffaloes) and softball , the Epsilon Nus made it to the playoffs and semifmals in several events. With recent assaults against females on campus, the brothers have become immersed in an outreach program sponsored by the Sexual Assault Center of McGill University to help combat the situation. A representati ve of the center recently gave a workshop at the The Beta Theta Pi/Sprin2 199"

Alpha chapter officers celebrate their 1992 awards from the 153rd General Convention. From the left: Miami University chapter's Christopher Phenner '94, James Wilson '93, Housemother Barbara Smith and Todd Weaver '93, after receiving the chapter's third consecutive Sisson Award, Virginia Tech Award for achieving a 3.0 GPA and North Dakota Award runner-up for the chapter newsletter.

1se with CBC TV in attendance to film the [ for a documentary. lanthropic Chairman Adam Long '94 has rked with the Starlight Foundation to a Skate-A-Thon at a downtown rink I a Ski-A-Thon at Mt. Tremblant to raise ney for needy children. Again, Betas have :elled in the classroom, pushing the chapter 'A above 3.0. November heralded the return 12 alumni, along with Kenneth S. Stephen, ronto ' 77, Walter E. H. Massey II, M.I. T. and J. Ross Peters, British Columbia '58, an Alumni Mixer. It was a great success everyone reminiscing about days past and ging Beta tunes. : hope to see more alumni in the future. lternities still face much negative publicity. 1wever, by pulling closer together, we look :ad with tenacity and enthusiasm to · past levels of excellence. (John C. 1rke '94, corresponding secretary)

r Beta Eta, 1993 is our year on Maine 'llpus. We have petitioned to have our arter reinstated. We are working to make the back into our chapter house, cupied by Chi Omega sorority, which has great care of it. But we are now ready to :)aim our home, and we're pushing full ahead to accomplish this goal. Eta holds the second spot in academics wng fraternities . Last semester, we were -st, so we are placing special emphasis on · our top rank for spring. )der the direction of David Taylor ' 94, we ve held rush functions : broomball, floor on ice with street shoes, as well as alumni speakers. Maine's hockey ach will speak to rushees about fraternity · We took first place in our division for basketball and advanced to the We are looking forward to Homecoming and welcome all Betas to join us in our ·st Homecoming (October) after our official (Andrew B. Gilmore '94, president)

::Ita Omega continues on our road to .cellence in all fields - intramurally, socially td academically. We continue our tradition of lising above the rest," only this semester !th more men and more Beta spirit. initiating nine new members, the I 0old chapter has reached " 300" in the llbook. J. Timothy McMullen, San Diego ate '86 leaves as chapter counselor, replaced Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

by Steven N. Reid ' 89. Delta Omega also sends out a hearty congratulations to its former colony- the rechartered Alpha Chi chapter at Johns Hopkins University. The spring social calendar is expanding beyond the boundaries of College Park. This month, the ladies of Alpha Chi Omega, from the University of Virginia, join us for what we hope will become an annual social event. We are working hard to finish in the top five in intramurals, tops in academics and be involved in a successful philanthropy. We extend an invitation to any chapter or colony to come and visit us. (Philip L. Blum ' 95, vice president)

M.I.T. In November, the M.l.T. water polo team traveled to Washington & Lee to defend the NCAA Division III Eastern Championship. Javier A. Nazario '95, the team's star diver, led the Beavers' offensive thrust with four goals in the tournament. Many other members are participating in various varsity and intramural athletics. In December, the house hosted the annual Christmas soiree, organized by the pledges. In addition to members of the house and their guests, many alumni from the area attended. The holiday celebration was a huge success. Also in December, the house was visited by its Chapter Management Consultant, who met with the officers to discuss house policy and procedure. The risk management program and alcohol policy were reviewed, and the chapter received a stellar evaluation. The yearly work week was planned by Ethan Close '95. Extensive repairs were made to the main house and the annex. As springtime approaches, the brothers look forward to the alumni ' s annual return. As in the past, the alumni will be receiving invitations. Michael Schmanske '94 will be handling all related correspondence. Mike also is exploring the possibility of holding another alumni function in honor of William I. Koch ' 62, winner of the America ' s Cup. Further announcements will be forthcoming. (Neil A. Best '95, secretary)

MIAMI Alpha recently went through numerous changes. A new administration was elected, and 21 pledges were initiated. The officers are Christopher Phenner '94, president; Christian Conway ' 94, vice president; Justin Sheperd '94, treasurer; Charles Garrison '95, rush chair; Jeffrey Schneider ' 95, scholarship chair;

From the Lynchburg Tribune This is a love letter. On behalf of the students, teachers and parents of Perrymont Elementary School, we wish to let the community know we fell in love with the men of Beta Theta Pi. On Friday, Oct. 25, the Betas came to Perrymont School, set up all the outdoor events fo r the school Octoberfest. Th ey manned all the games, gave out prizes and offered loads ofpraise and encouragement all afternoon. Sometimes, they even tied shoe laces f or little people. Throughout the Octoberfest, people kept asking, "Who are those great guys? Wh ere did they come from ?" As an alumna of Ly nchburg College it gave me great pleasure to say, "They're the Betas fro m Ly nchburg College! " To the community we wish to say, these young men represent the majority of Lynchburg College students. They are caring, enthusiastic and very responsible citizens. To the Beta men we say, "Thank you so much fo r making Octoberfest a huge success. We couldn't have done it without y ou." Perrymont now has a new slogan. It doesn 't get any better than Beta. Bettty W. Smith , teacher

Brian Rappel '94, social chair, and John Gibson '94, sports chair. We have formulated a new pledge program that emphasizes academics and lore education. The house performed well in academics, especially the senior and junior classes. Also, David Scholtz ' 94, Edward Bell ' 94 and Patrick Sullivan ' 94 left for the Semester at Sea program to gain an international education . Roger Grothaus '94, Dave Scholtz, James Cunningham ' 94 and Jesse Opdycke '94 played varsity soccer. Two pledges are involved in varsity sports - Curt Rosenthal , soccer, and Dean Styne, baseball. In intramural hockey the Alpha team placed first in the "A" division. And we took part in the second annual Thanksgiving dinner for the Oxford hungry. (Eric W. Schramm '94, corresponding secretary)

MICHIGAN Lambda chapter is experiencing many changes this term. Raymond E. Peterson '94 is our new president, succeeding Douglas Schmitt '93 . Our TV room has been completed. Kevin Lewand '94 and Robin Mitra ' 94 worked on the room over Christmas Break. James Bunn '94 and David Bober ' 94, social chairs, have set up many events, ranging from graffiti parties to St. Patrick's Day 6-ways with strong houses on both sides of the Greek system. Also, they have parties planned with Tri-Sigmas from Eastern Michigan and with Alpha Chi Omegas from Michigan State. Spring semester is crucial for rush. Sadly, many older members will move out and a class of seniors, graduate. We are counting on Jonathan Marsh ' 94 to satisfy our needs by bringing in good men. We could not have picked a better person for the job. Sports are another stronghold of Lambda. We started out in first place but slipped to seventh . We hope for strong performances from our A 219

Mississippi's 1992 pledge class traveled to the Alabama chapter for initiation on January 16, 1993.

basketball team and from our talented racquetball team to help us vault higher in the rankings, possibly a top five-fmish, which would be the highest that we have placed in a long time. Internally, socially and athletically, Lambda is making great strides. (Matthew A. Collins '95)

Well done, MTSU Betas! Middle Tennessee Betas were congratulated by MTSU Administration for their involvement "above and beyond all other fraternities" in National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week. way to winning our third consecutive Fraternity of the Year A ward and our second Sisson Award. We will cap the semester with our fifth anniversary celebration, which coincides with Alumni Weekend. The guest speaker will be former General Secretary B. Hume Morris II, Centre '68. (Timothy R. Draper '94, corresponding secretary)

MICHIGAN STATE Gamma Psi ha.s been very productive. Many house improvements have been made. Participation was great. Our main project was the painting and general maintenance of both our bathrooms. Rush was encouraging this semester. We obtained 15 pledges, after hosting over 80 rushees. Much of the success goes to Rush Chairman Scott Friend '94, who finished his last rush as executive vice president. Our current executive board is getting ready to hand responsibilities to our new board after elections in early February. Allen Lanstra '93, president, helped bring the house together. In general, Gamma Psi is doing well. Athletically we are among the top, and socially we are doing well. (J.C. Ford ' 93, secretary)

MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE A productive Wisdom Week created a renovated chapter room, followed by the initiation of 23 men. Initiation was made special by the attendance of many past presidents. Despite small numbers, we netted II quality men in spring rush, placing second on campus. Academically, Epsilon Theta placed second among all fraternities . Under Robert Bibb '94, our academic program is undergoing great improvements. Our basketball and soccer teams are undefeated. We are the leading point-holders in intramurals and hope to win our first-ever All Sports Trophy. Epsilon Theta is also the proud winner of the Sportsmanship Award for intramurals. The tradition of singing in our chapter is going strong. The new initiates are a tremendous group of singers. Later this semester, we will compete in the campus All Sing competition and hope to win first place for the sixth time in seven years. Philanthropies include our ongoing assistance to the Children's Discovery House and March of Dimes. Betas make up over half of the executive board of the IFC. Several brothers also hold prominent positions on the Student Government Association. Considering these factors , we are well on our 220

mendations well ahead of rush in mid-Augus Five home football games are scheduled for 1 1993 season, including an October 23 game with Alabama. Alumni are welcome to stop l the house any time to meet the brothers and t see the renovations. Homecoming is Novemb 13, and alumni are encouraged to attend the annual house corporation meeting at the hou (Jason M. Vega '96, secretary)

MINNESOTA The men of Beta Pi no longer feel that belonging to a small house means that we have to act like a small house. The chapter has not been a large house for decades; but since the beginning of this year, we' ve seen signs indicating an end to that part of our existence. The chapter is more organized than ever, which has allowed us to host more social events, thus generating names for rush. Our fall 15-man pledge class proved to us that Beta Pi does not have to sacrifice quality for quantity. We had a fall formal for the first time in two years. We hosted the District 25 Conclave. Our level of organization has allowed us to use what little money we have more efficiently, which has raised the level of support and trust of our alumni . Most importantly, being organized allowed us the ability to raise our house GPA above the average of past years. Rush is the major goal for spring trimester and summer. The highlight will be a Rush Weekend when interested freshman men are invited to live at the house for three days. In three years, we hope this chapter will be among the strongest fraternities at Minnesota. (Scott J. Allen '96)

MISSISSIPPI The reestablishment of Beta Beta chapter has been successful. Thirteen pledges were initiated in conjunction with Delta Theta's initiation at Alabama. Through the hard work and determination of Arthur Hays ' 96 during spring rush, the chapter rose to 20 members strong. Regaining possession of the house on June I is exciting. Substantial repairs are needed to make the house attractive for fall rush. The house corporation is conducting a fund-raising drive to defray the cost of phase one of the restoration. Alumni may send contributions to P.O. Box 8018, University, MS 38677. Summer rush parties have been plarmed and alumni are encouraged to attend. For dates, places and times of summer rush parties, call Art Hays or President Tony Schiele ' 96 at the house. Alums are encouraged to send recom-

MISSOURI The fall semester was another successful one . for Zeta Phi. Although the chapter failed to achieve a 3.0 GPA for the fust time in years, Zeta Phi's 2.98 still led all fraternities. In intramurals, Beta opened a commanding lead this fall, and it appears likely that we wil run away with this year' s competition. The basketball team, coached by Samir Armaly '9 has high hopes as its season begins. The pledge class of 34 men appears to be on the right track toward initiation. Although the 2.82 GPA was well below Zeta Phi standards, their compensating personal characteristics, campus involvement and athletic ability have made up for their lack of scholastic performance. This spring brings a chance for the brothers to repeat their Greek Week championship of last year. Chairman Craig Reynolds '93 is confident that working with the talented Delta Gammas will ensure another triumph. (Andre' Heger '94, corresponding secretary)

MISSOURI (KANSAS CITY) Academically, Epsilon Lambda has won the IFC award for highest GP A 23 semesters in a row. We achieved this award fall semester with a 3.2 GPA. Many members are involved in athletics. Beta, are on UMKC' s NCAA division I sports teams as well as on campus-sponsored intramural teams, and we have dominated Greek Week six years in a row. In addition, the chapter proudly boasts of an alumni flag football team that won the 1992 National Flag Football Championship in New Orleans. We have had members in executive positions of the Student Body for five years, including three past presidents. Betas are on the Medical School Council of Evaluation, and serve as president and vice president of Greek Council. The fall pledge class consisted of 20 members. The brothers have been working to keep in touch with our alumni and other Betas of the Kansas City area. We have set aside the first Monday morning of each month for our alu coffee/tea.

nes K. Turnbo '97, secretary)

CAROLINA chapter started spring semester by ating 12 new members. The house is in 1t shape following major renovations last r. Because of its new look, everyone makes ore conscientious effort to keep the house m and neat. However, the roof has eloped some minor leaks that could turn • major problems. tin, we are performing well in intramural . Our recreational team, the Beta Hogs, yet to win a game; however, both the Blue White teams are undefeated in the '!petitive league. are starting a new alumni relations gram, which will include a semester tsletter and an annual alumni weekend.

IRTH DAKOTA I, '92 began with refurbishing, both in 1cture and membership. The Gamma Kappa pter room and smoker had an extensive <eover,and a new computer was installed. I semester brought a fine pledge class, 22 ·ng was a huge success, highlighted the pledge class of' 41 receiving Fraternal recognition. President Jon Bradbury '93 ; a member of the distinguished Royal Jrt during Homecoming Week. These strious men, along with over 60 alumni, tie this year's Homecoming one of the best. tigh point of last semester was the NCAA ·sion II Cross Country National Championps in Slippery Rock, PA. The UND Fighting ux were led by David Farley '92, Joseph ~arty '94 and James Blomquist '94 to an h place finish. In intramurals, the chapter is ond in overall points with our strongest as coming this spring. ~s upport of our alumni has allowed us to iertake many projects. We look to the >sibility of expanding the main house in place of the annex. (Timothy R. iswenger '94, secretary)



THWESTERN ••recent months house unity has become mger than ever, and out-of-house members te renewed their support. With President Walsh '95, house unity and achievement

Northwestern Reunion fl{ho chapter alumni plan a reunion for ~ raduates of 1973-1976 in Chica~o. lJuly 1-5. Activities planned include ~a ttendance at a Cubs ~ame, a rinr/lake ;cruise, a party at the chapter house and !Picnic/fireworks extrava~an:Za in Grant !f'ark . For information about hotel 11 ccommodations, etc., contact K~· Je D. !Pence, Esq., The II 0 Tower, Suite 11616, 110 S.E. 6th St., Fort Lauderdale, IJ; L 3330 I, (305-525-2300) or (305-58414824) or Robert D. Kowatch, 'J.D., i6515 Wickemood Dr., Dallas, T\:

e Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

are going great. Thanks to a generous donation from our alumni, improvements were made in the kitchen, enabling us to pass the stricter health inspection. Scholastically, the chapter remains a leader. The house cumulative GPA is 3.09, well over the school average, and one of the highest in the Greek system. John Becker '93 was published in The Journal of Organic Chemistry for work over the past two summers. Daniel Groebe '95 was admitted to Tau Beta Pi, the engineering honors society . Winter rush was excellent. We have II pledges and nine positive outstanding bids, who will probably pledge this spring. Rho staged a successful clothing drive, collecting clothes door-to-door and donating them to ACORN-Shelter. Also, we help out one day at a downtown shelter for homeless women with children. In intramurals, Rho remains very active with four teams in three sports. After making the play-offs, our football team was defeated in the semifinals. Our hockey team does well, and in basketball intramurals, one of our teams is undefeated and has a good chance of winning the championship. Over the past year, Rho has had some difficulties. Now we feel we have been able to put these behind us. The chapter has come out of this stronger and more unified than before. (Thomas Nygard '95, secretary)

OHIO The big news at Beta Kappa is our involvement in the workings of Ohio University. Christopher S. Brownfield '95 has been elected vice president of programming on Greek Council, and William J. Ihlenfeld '94 has been elected IFC executive vice president. Winter quarter began with the initiation of 12 men, and four new pledges are receiving training from R. Scott Summers '93. This is an unusually small number of pledges, but the number of rushees on campus was down. Beta Kappa Messenger, our alumni newsletter, was one of our biggest projects. It came out in mid-January and has received many compliments . Brian D. Clancy '93 , William Ihlenfeld and J. Ryan Pigman '94 helped with the letter. We hope to continue the newsletter to bring alumni closer to the chapter. Our social calendar is packed for winter. A band played in our basement which proved interesting and will be repeated . We will join Alpha Delta Pi sorority for Siblings Weekend, and we are having a Fathers Weekend. Our Sweetheart Formal is under the direction of Lute H. Harmon '93 . (Jon R. Pigman '94, corresponding secretary)

OHIO STATE Actions speak louder than words, something that Theta Delta takes very seriously. This is best illustrated by our involvement in IFC. Recently, six members were chosen to the governing body: Thaddeus Haddad '95 , vice president; Michael Harvey '95, rush coordinator; Jason Camp '95, community service director; Kurt Wagner '94, Chapter Review

McGill Betas congratulated Epsilon Nu was congratulated in December for the chapter's role in a date rape forum on the McGill campus in December. Their positive involvement in helping to understand and resolve this problem is laudable. Committee (CRC) chairman; and Todd Eppert '94 and Thomas Webber '95, serving on the CRC. In rush, we have a fall pledge class of 14 men, a winter class of 16 and another strong class for spring. This is of extreme importance as approximately 30 men graduate in June. Also, we recently helped a fellow chapter, Theta, at Ohio Wesleyan. The power of brotherhood led to a successful meeting which helped to strengthen our relationship among brothers and helped with the building up of the fraternity. Headlining spring events is the annual Theta Delta Roundup for actives and alumni at the Columbus Athletic Club. Other events include Greek Week, when we are paired with Delta Delta Delta, and the second annual Beta Three-on-Three Basketball Tournament to benefit local charities. Our goal is to double last year's total of 23 teams, including entries from each of the Ohio Beta chapters. (Michael C. DiBlasi '94 and Thaddeus M. Haddad '95)

OHIO WESLEYAN Theta continues to drive toward obtaining the level of excellence for which it once was well known. We earned a GPA of3.10, highest on fraternity hill and well above the all-men's average. Rush was extremely successful as 13 men pledged out of 140 rushees with II fraternites from which to choose. There are six graduating seniors; and with the activation of all 13 men, the chapter will have the largest number of actives in II years. This will be the third consecutive year for a net increase in members. For the second consecutive year, Theta won the Clean Rush Award at Ohio Wesleyan-no alcohol or other violations. We are in second place overall in intramurals, and are agressively moving toward first place in basketball and indoor soccer. Our philanthropy program raised nearly $10,000 with the American Heart Association Walkathon and other fund raisers. Several members spent many weekend hours building homes for Habitat for Humanity, and others participate in Big Brother/Little Brother. In addition to the mini-reunion for the 1972-78 brothers, an increasing number of alumni have visited the house and have shown an interest in becoming more involved. Planning for a major reunion in 1994 is in the works, and more information will be available soon. (Andrew C. Cooper '94)

OKLAHOMA The fall pledges posted a second-place finish in


Far right: San Jose State colony is proud of its new chapter house. Right: Oklahoma State Beta's 1992jlagfootball team earned 17th place at the national championships in New Orleans. Front: Bryan Stack '93, Scott Kirkland '93, Scott Akin '93, Jason Whitworth '95, Jeff Phillips '93 and Eric Newberry '92. Back: Brandon Brown '93, Cameron Greenhagen '92, Michael Wilson '93, Daryl Dempsy '93, Lance Barlow '94, Tyler Penrod '94 and Wayne Miller '92.

grades and all but two will be initiated. This spring, 90% of our senior class will graduate. Senior Dinner, a formal affair honoring the senior pledge class, hosted by the rest of the brotherhood, was held and younger members and pledges listened to stories and advice from the nostalgic seniors. Basketball dominates intramurals and soccer; wrestling and softball are just around the comer. With six teams entered in the A and B leagues of basketball competition, Beta expects to have a team in the finals of both leagues for the second year in a row. Seventeen Betas were elected to Student Congress, making 800 Chautauqua the home of the largest group in congress. Gamma Phi claimed two spots on the IFC executive council. Betas also had a hand in the formulation of the new Greek Social and Alcohol Policy. More than 100 alumni joined the actives at the Donor Dinner to discuss the future and honor the late OU Regent, Dr. Vic Williams '66. Funds were raised to create a scholarship in his name and for some much needed repairs to the 75-year-old house. We thank all alumni contributing to Donor Dinner, and, as always, we welcome your letters and phone calls regarding rush or any aspect of Beta life at OU. (David Kendrick '94)

corresponding secretary)

OREGON Prior to winter break, Beta Rho shared its holiday spirit with the children of the local family shelter. This traditional philanthropy actually began Civil War Weekend when, in teams of four, we pushed a bed the 40 miles to Oregon State, where the Ducks proved victorious over the Beavers. With donations from local businesses, the chapter raised over $1,500. We commend the competent organization of Michael F. Donnelly '95. While still in the Christmas spirit the brothers fulfilled a tradition of serenading the sororities with carols. Beta Rho placed second overall in division one football. The talented team, including quarterback Andrew G. Spear '92 and receiver T. John Duff '96, dominated the IM fields throughout the season and was disappointed in its close defeat on the turf of Autzen Stadium. The basketball team is undefeated. The house finished fifth in grades and continues to be unparalleled in involvement on campus. Beta Rho thanks the class of '67 which generously gave us a VCR in appreciation of its alumni reunion fall term. All alums are always welcome. The brothers are happy to host or assist in any alumni reunion. (Russell E. Massine '94, corresponding secretary)

OKLAHOMA STATE Gamma Lambda is having an outstanding year. · After another successful summer rush, the chapter signed 32 promising pledges. We have planned many new and exciting philanthropy projects. Our most popular event is the StripOff with Gamma Phi Beta sorority. The money and clothes received from this event are donated to the Salvation Army. Gamma Lambda captured the All Sports trophy for the fourth consecutive year- the first fraternity to do so. The flag football team attended, for the first time, the National Flag Football Championship in New Orleans. Among 100 teams, Beta captured 17th place. The chapter continues to improve its pledge program, headed by Bradley Parson '95. A speaker from the National Interfraternity Council, Inc. presented new ideas to the entire Greek Life concerning the revision of a summer rush system. House Mom Bea Arhens has shed more light on the house with her position as president of the Mom' s Club campus-wide. Lastly, alums are encouraged to come by on basketball weekends for a free buffet at 1207 West University. (Jonathan Westrom '95, 222

OREGON STATE Gamma Mu members did well last term with a GPA of2.79, eighth of25 fraternities. For spring term, a three-on-three basketball tournament will open to all teams wanting to enter. A sponsor will give prizes to the winners, and all proceeds will go to the Children's Farm Home. In intramural sports, we have won all of our games in both basketball and water polo and hope to defend our All-Fraternity Water Polo Championship. We also feel that we will do well in the basketball tournament. Gamma Mu Betas are working very hard on rush. With informal rush, we hope to obtain freshmen residing in residence halls. In formal rush, we want to get an early start contacting incoming freshmen for next year. We thank our alumni rush adviser for getting our rush efforts organized. We truly appreciate any names of high school students interested in Oregon State. If you are ever in Corvallis, please stop by. (Scott Kirkland '95, secretary)

PENNSYLVANIA Phi has had another excellent year, receiving a

sixth consecutive Sisson Award and our thil straight Virginia Tech Award at the 153rd General Convention. A successful blood dri was held, and candy was distributed to local children for Halloween. In sports, the chapte ranks second in intramurals, the only t-r<>tPrrul to make the playoffs in every event. Many brothers and pledges represent Penn in intercollegiate athletics on the football, lightweight football, crew and water polo teams. There have been many improvements on house. The roof was replaced, and one of the bathrooms is being remodeled. Thanks to Pa Eustace '87, the pool table was refelted and new bumpers were purchased. Plans are underway for a basketball court in the backyard and possibly a renovation of the kitchen. Ties with alumni are improving as more pre1968 alumni are regaining contact with the house, as evidenced by the increased turnout for the annual Phi Dorg Golf Tournament am Banquet. Fall rush was extremely successful as Phi gained 17 pledges. With help from alumni an the strength of the current pledge class, Phi will continue its tradition of excellence. (Steven J. Slone '95, corresponding secretary


Alpha Upsilon looks back at an impressive semester. With a full house of 40 actives, the house boasts high standings both academicall and socially. Fall rush was strong, producing some 300 hopefuls to this chapter alone. Rush Chairmet I Daniel A. Neumann '93 and Thomas H. Delaney ' 95 pledged 10 men. Alpha Upsilon boasted a 2.78 GPA which moved Beta up from 15 to 12 out of 56 fraternities. Also, with 11 men achieving Dean's List, we are in second place. William D. Bucy '94, Nicholas N. Scott ' 95 and Michael C. Baringer '95 are on the socce1 team. Steven H. Krombolz ' 94 and Grant J.Yoder '95 play on the PSU lacrosse team, and Ronald B. Caldwell '94 runs cross-countr · and track. J. Kevin Gutowski ' 95 is on the Penn State cheerleading squad, and Gilbert L. {Chip) Baird III '94 plays rugby. c Alpha Upsilon is enthusiastic about participat· ing in the Penn State Dance Marathon. Although it is the fust time we have taken pa11 in this infamous activity which raises over a million dollars for cancer, we are very optimistic. Chip Baird heads the overall committee.


mited •bout tho future, bohind tho ership of Mark B. Lamm ' 94. (Scott W. :n '94, corresponding secretary)



most significant event of the winter for the 1ding fathers of the Theta Prime colony their initiation into Beta Theta Pi. We look :1ard to petitioning for charter at the 154th era! Convention. 'nks to the Rush Committee and Matthew ell '94, the colony obtained 11 men as its official pledge class. Under Robert cman '94, the pledges have begun learning 1 lore and the true meaning of brotherhood ugh a variety of activities including ·munity service, pledge retreats and nading. gratulations to Alan Erera ' 93 who most ly will graduate at the top of the engineerclass with a perfect 4.33 . Fourteen of our 1rothers competed in varsity athletics, le many others excelled in club and amural sports. President Peter Bailey '94 le All-Ivy honorable mention in football. tt Miller '94, Kenneth Kreidl ' 94 and Chris erman '94, excelled in football, tennis and stling, respectively. rard Wierzbicki '94 organized a Halloween iUme party with the Pi Phis, tailgates >lving other fraternities and our regular as Only nights. Michael Gaito ' 94, working t the Nassau Presbyterian Church Crisis "stry, organized an early morning foodcing drive which provided holiday meals over 200 homeless families. Plans include r-school tutoring in Trenton and inner-city sing renovation in association with Isles,






· colony aspires to be the first Greek 'mization on campus to have a house. 'ortunately, due to prohibitively high real "te prices in the Princeton area, it has been a ;ouraging task. Nonetheless, we are ..rnistic that with some help from the ,teral Fraternity, plans will be underway to , or lease a house by convention time. (Josh pson '94, secretary)


,GET SOUND ta Epsilon appeared to be in trouble. In. f five months, Delta Epsilon has completed

:building of a new pledge class of 25. hin this class are eight varsity athletes i·esenting the always strong men ' s soccer n , the baseball team, tennis, cross country ning, skiing and football. ,· house received a face-lift through :msive painting and recarpeting. A new pool e graces one of our recreational rooms. ally, and of great importance, is the !rgence of the new alumni organization. · thanks to Michael Brustkern ' 62 And ;hael Mayes '64 for serving as the execu: committee of this fine organization. : chapter is enjoying much success from the 1 executive council which functions closely h the alumni board . Relationships have matically improved with our administration, Nell as with sororities. Although we did not ~e in the top two of any intramural l

Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

activities, we took many thirds and were competitive at all levels. We congratulate the recipients of this semester's Big Brother/Little Brother academic scholarship. Finally we would like to share the terrific success we reaped with a great risk management program. Of members identified as "at-risk," nearly 80% were academically pulled-up last term, increasing the current house GP A cumulative average. (M. Dennis Schmidt '94, vice president)

Mahoney '93 , Chad Tessier ' 93 and Paul Herger '95 provide good balance for the lacrosse squad. The annual Christmas Dinner for the needy went over exceptionally well under the direction of Michael Dunn ' 94 and Adam Spence '94. This spring we will stage a yard clean-up. Thanks again to all alumni who give so generously. (Matthew Oakes '94, corresponding secretary)



The term of President J. Tobias (Toby) Fox ' 93 was highlighted by an efficient running of Beta Mu with the help of his officers. The stability of Toby's administration was transferred to former Vice President Scott Nordland '93 . Christopher Siderio '93 is president of Purdue ' s Building Construction Technology Club. Others include a varsity baseball player, an all Big-Ten water polo player, semiprofessional skier, varsity golfer, student government jurist and many more. The winning of the AllFraternity Intramural Trophy in 1991-92 was a victory followed by a strong performance fall semester. Fall victories include tennis, racquetball, handball and softball. Robert Conrad ' 93 took first place in the Interfraternity Golf Tournament. The house is well equipped to handle the influx of new members. Renovations this year ranged from new carpeting in the halls and dining area to new windows. (John C. Tyrpin ' 94 coordinating secretary)

Epsilon Beta, on campus for less than nine years, rivals Sigma Chi for the top spot in academics, is third in Sports Banner competition, has an unrivaled social calendar, has many men involved in other on-campus organizations and initiating one of the largest pledge classes. Spring rush, led by Ronald Barker '94, looks promising. We thought the false allegations over the Sweet Lupe incident would destroy our rush, but it proved to promote more interest. With that behind us, the dedication of President Jason E. Baker ' 94 has proved to be an inspiration to the chapter. This semester was a milestone for our alumni as well. Dr. Fred Tilock, Bethany ' 54 our former chapter adviser, has been promoted to District Chief. Replacing him is Michael Wilson '89. In addition, David C. Morris, '89 has been appointed Chief of District 27. This semester also saw the passing of one of our founding alumni, Richard C. Lewis, Oklahoma State '34. Many Betas were in attendance at the memorial to sing Beta songs and perform the Loving Cup ceremony. Should anyone have any correspondence or recommendations for fall rush, write 5566 Lindo Paseo Dr., San Diego, CA 92115 . (Bradley Abbott ' 94)

RUTGERS Despite a relatively slow rush, Beta Gamma gained five pledges. As a young chapter, our biggest accomplishment has been the amount of work done on the house. The brothers have put many long hours of hard work into restoring it. Scholastically, Beta Gamma continues to build on good performances each semester. In intramurals the chapter is competing for the coveted Keller Cup and finishing strong in many events. Under President Brian Nutt ' 94, the chapter is planning mixers with sororities, fund-raisers and food drives. We are excited about the annual-Kai-High Weekend in April. (Thomas A. Francis '94, corresponding secretary)

ST. LAWRENCE Academically, Beta Zeta stands alone. Several brothers achieved Dean's List which requires a GPA of3 .5 or higher. A double major in Economics and French, Sean McCarthy ' 93, is number one in his class. The athletic scene is dominated by Betas. At almost every sporting event, you will find a Beta wearing a Saints uniform . We all know how demanding it is to participate in a college sport, but to compete in three! Shannon McDermott ' 94 plays wide receiver in football , forward in basketball and rounds out the year on the mound in baseball. The baseball team with Paul Metcalf ' 93, Marc Conley ' 93 , Theodore Peck ' 93 and McDermott is gearing up for another stellar season. Michael

SAN JOSE STATE COLONY Fall semester was very busy, beginning with an outstanding pledge class. Thomas Zolezzi, Southern California '82, donated new brassplated letters for the house, which now looks complete. Throughout the semester we received continued support from other fraternities, sororities and the University's Greek adviser. In a small way, we are returning that support. Betas were involved with Alpha Omicron Pi's Mr. Fraternity and placed in the finals. We also participated in Alpha Phi and Delta Zeta' s philanthropies as well as those of other fraternities. In addition, we helped Habitat for Humanity, which helps build houses for lowincome individuals. (Jeffrey Burdsdall ' 93 , president)

SOUTH CAROLINA With the opening of a new semester Upsilon has much to look forward to. Rush came quickly and we were ready, obtaining an average pledge class. Soon after rush ended, we met with District Chief David C. McCollum, Georgia Tech ' 85 to look at our progress. Much to our delight it was determined that our chapter is improving.


Gamma Tau chapter at USC hosted its second annual"Operation Clean Sweep" before th e USC-UCLA fo otball game and included the UCLA chapter as well. More than 100 men helped clean the neighborhood and, with the Los Angeles Conservation Corps and United Neighborhood Council, collected 1200 pounds of trash.

Spring events include our Dance of the Dragon Formal, a mountain weekend in North Carolina, Greek Week, which is being completely redesigned and promises to be a unique and exciting experience, our annual Pole-Sit philanthropy, and, of course, a few mixers and a road trip or two . We look forward to seeing you at the General Convention in Denver. (Brent A. Carter '94, secretary)

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Gamma Tau had an outstanding fall pledge class of 15 which became active this spring. Five brothers were starters on U.S.C. ' s water polo team, which finished third at the National Championships. Daniel Leyson ' 93 was I st team All-American. Our annual Alumni Chili Party preceding the USC-Washington State Homecoming football game was a great success, and we saw many alums. Daniel Greenbaum '90, who played in the Barcelona Olympics for the U.S. Volleyball Team, was in attendance. In relations with the University, we are in top standing. Greek Life came by our Inspiration Week and had only positive responses. The highlight of the semester was the joint Operation Clean Sweep with the U.C.L.A. chapter. We got together the day of the USCUCLA football game (we won't discuss the outcome), and cleaned up a segment of the riot zone near campus. The community was very appreciative. The brothers look forward to spring and a strong rush. We had our fifth annual Beta Boxing fund-raiser in March. Gamma Tau wishes all Betas the best and hope we will see many of you this summer in Denver.

SOUTHERN METHODIST Gamma Omega recently finished a rewarding rush. Fourteen outstanding men have pledged. The chapter is alive again after a tough first semester. We recovered from the troubles in the fall and regained our charter. Our many philanthropies include working with the Association of Retarded Citizens of Dallas, Habitat for Humanity and Bowling for the Scotttish Rite Hospital. We also are holding our annual Three-on-Three Basketball Tournament for charity. Last semester Gamma Omega had a full social calendar. The chapter is doing well in intramural sports. Already having a good football season, we now expect to field an excellent soccer team. President Jason Jackoniski '93 is very motivated as the chapter enthusiastically


strives to make Beta the best once again at Southern Methodist. (Quino Martinez '94, corresponding secretary)

softball. However, because of extensive construction on campus, many GC sports h. been cut. Socially, Beta will be a major part of a GC effort to make the campus more of a fun pia a GC-sponsored block party in March, and Boken (spring festival) events such as Batt!' the Bands and assistance with GC-sponsorc mixers . Philanthropically, the chapter lent its suppo1 St. Jude' s Children's Hospital Telethon and March of Dimes Walk-a-Thon. Plans are underway to organize next fall ' s rush and to assemble a large contingent for General Convention in Denver. (Joel Keller ' 94, corresponding secretary)



The colony began the semester with 10 new initiates in late January. A new era of Beta spirit exists after the installation of our new officers. Better communication has been established, along with a rigorous member and pledge study program, and our financial matters are in order. Spring rush was difficult, after a year of the Greek system being scrutinized. Nevertheless, we inducted the two finest men on campus into our colony. Academically, we have seen the greatest improvement yet with a 2.69 GPA overall. Even with our 2.51 last year, we were ranked four out of 16, and anticipate it to rise with the new figures. The drastic reconstruction of our scholarship program can only have positive effects. Academically, our final goal will be achieved when we have the highest GPA on campus, from which we are only .21 away. Athletically, we have shown tremendous improvement. Last semester we ranked in our division of flag football, and ranked overall six of 16. We anticipate a busy spring social semester. Our Homecoming teams of Sigma Delta Tau and Sigma Chi are ready to bring home the first place trophy as we did in Greek Week last semester. Our annual Shipwreck social with Tri-Delta will be on an island in the Gulf of Mexico . A wedding social with Alpha Delta Pi and our first formal were in March. An annual Alumni Brunch is slated for Homecoming Week. Our service project for the Tampa Bay Boys and Girls Club has our name all over town. Our first big philanthropy - the Beta Regatta, in which the fraternities will race up the Hillsborough River in man-constructed rafts is planned for April. (Heath R. Miller ' 96, corresponding secretary)

Beta Epsilon began the fall semester by plac third in Homecoming with Alpha Chi Omeg thanks, in large part, to David Lloyd ' 95 an Matthew Smith '94 . Although a new program of deferred rush at Syracuse led to one of the smallest pledge classes in recent memory, a revised pledge program produced a more unified class. What should become a new tradition is the Dunbar Center Christmas Party. Some 30 fi• to seven year-olds from an inner-city youth organization were given a Christmas Party with stories, games and a visit from Santa (Christopher Martinez ' 95) . Many thanks to Beta Phi for their assistance. Spring semester has surpassed our best expectations. With only 300 rushees visitingt fraternities, Beta Epsilon emerged with 12 fi men, third largest class on campus. We participated in Dance Marathon and loo~ forward to a great 30 hours with Alpha Phi. We organized a 5K race, under the leadershif of David Lloyd, to benefit several charities i1 central New York. In athletics, we are aiming for the AllUniversity swimming title for the second consecutive year and hoping to avenge last year' s championship loss in water polo. (Michael C. Marge '95 , corresponding secretary)

STEVENS Sigma is pleased to have 10 new initiates, the first time in many years that so many have been initiated at one time. Chaper activities during spring semester include the usual sports and Greek Council events, as well as the charitable and unusual. In sports, Sigma's push for a first place finish in GC pool will have been completed by the time you read this article. Sigma hopes to improve on its previously strong showings in GC basketball, GC softball and intramural


As 1993 begins so does a new era for Delta Kappa. Many problems, both internal and external, that have hampered our ability to grow have been recognized and are being addressed. President Christopher Lingerfelt '94 and Vicl President Eric Weaver ' 94 are working hard I provide organization and motivation. The chapter welcomes Bo Young ' 82 as chapter counselor. Several alumni, led by Bruce Cole ' 82, have worked closely with us deal with critical issues . Over the last few years, alumni involvement has dwindled. NO\ e we are planning several alumni functions to 5 open new channels of communication. We want alumni to see and be proud of their chapter. While rush did not go well, we pledged thrr,e quality men. Rush Chairman David Preston ' 95 is planning an informal spring rush and 1 conducting workshops on different rushing The Beta ThetaJ>i!Snrinl!

Texas Tech Betas

lexas Betas earn kudos

Epsilon Eta looks forward to hearing from you. (Peter J. Prokell '93 , secretary)

<as (Austin) IFC praised the Beta tpter for "participating in cleaning Humane Society, helping at the Rib 1kling Affair benefitting Texas :ntal Health and Mental Retardation ater and raising money for Extend:are." miques. Scholastically, Brent Midyett '96 implemented mandatory study hours and is <ing into time management seminars and tdemic Big Brothers for younger members. ancially, under Assistant Treasurer Michael 'tt '95, bills are being paid timely and the ounting system has been computerized. : interior of the house has been repainted modifications made to the basement to vide sleeping facilities. Thanks to all who ·ked over the summer to get the house in pe after the University work crews finished. :house is rented from the University, and Nersity officials have suggested that our tse, along with others, will be demolished in coming year and a Greek Park raised on site. We are waiting for confirmation and I distribute information as it becomes ilable. : chapter is co-sponsoring a representative \lternative Spring Break, a project to help he rebuilding efforts in Southern FL. We ) participate in the All Campus Event's lunteer Challenge. This group assigns ticipants to work with local charities and Nides them with much needed assistance. ita Kappa works with the Volunteer nistry Center to help underprivileged 1ilies. (John G. Briggs '96, secretary)


many obstacles to overcome, the election of the new executive committee has put a spark of life back into the chapter. President Jason Fowler '94, Vice President Brooks Meltzer '95, and Treasurer Brian Vogt '95, along with the other officers, are returning the chapter to greatness. A major goal facing this 106-year-old chapter includes increasing our numbers by focusing on a strong spring rush. Although spring pledge classes are typically small, we hope for a class of at least 10. We are beginning an all out effort to make fall '93 rush the best ever. Anyone knowing of Beta-quality men attending the University of Texas, please contact us at (512) 474-BETA. Beta Omicron is improving the relationship with our alumni. Concerns with housing and the housing budget have left relations somewhat strained in past years; but with a new group of actives in control, we are hoping to make a fresh start. Reducing the debt on the house and making house expenses more affordable is a top priority. We thank District Chief Robert M. Tinstman, Pennsylvania State '50, and Thomas P. Singer, San Diego State '88, for helping Beta Omicron get back on its feet. (Jason Derr '94, secretary)

TEXAS A& M !NNESSEE TECH silon Phi enjoyed a very successful fall nester and looks forward to an excellent ing. The third annual Miami Triad Party s a great success, and the Thanksgiving mer and the Christmas Party were both ;cessful. e men were initiated in January, and already y are taking leadership positions, along with er newly-elected officers: Mark D. Noe '94, sident; Bradley J. Ungurait '93, vice sident; Jason D. Jones '93, treasurer; and ~man (Chip) Taylor '84, secretary. lanthropically, we co-sponsored a Battle of Bands to raise money for the Cookeville scue Mission, a local shelter for the meless. We also look forward to Dragonfest, enefit the same cause. Activities include a ·cart race and flag football tournament. l also invite our alumni and any other Betas stop in to "tilt a chair and loaf awhile." )bert C. Spirko '93, corresponding secrey)

:XAS !the beginning of the spring semester Beta nicron finds itself at a cross-roads. lhough past semesters have left us with ~ Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

Epsilon Eta is still a dominating force in the young Greek system at Texas A & M. Under President Jason W. Reneau '93, we have fresh goals as well as leadership to achieve them. Maxwell Hartman '94 led us to a stunning victory in Songfest. Our group did a Vietnam theme, United We Stand, and received the only standing ovation as well as the overall first place Victory Cup. We managed to keep our overall GPA number one out of the large fraternities. Also, Clinton Cobb '94 has kept us in the top three in the pursuit of the AllUniversity Intramural Cup that we previously won twice. The chapter is looking for a charity that we feel good enough about to make into a tradition. Last semester concluded with a Christmas Party for our adopted little brothers from the Boys Club. It was rewarding but Tyson Dunn '92 has decided to try something on a grander scale. We will hold a Chris Wall (Country Music star) concert to benefit the Brazos Valley Food Bank. Rush attracted 15 men to add to the rich leadership we have discovered in the 22 young men of the fall pledge class. Matthew Slay '93, alumni secretary, has big plans. Our alumni are very important, and

Greater participation between actives and alumni has been the major goal of Delta Rho. The spring semester's active-alumni events will bring us even further in strengthening the bond between old and new. Our finances are shaping up with the help of Edward L. Wenzel '72 and Jeffrey C. Irion '75. After a slap in the face at convention and sitting in the "sin bin," we reconstructed our budgeting system. A period of no extracurricular spending helped. Many thanks to Ed and Jeff for helping us resolve this matter. The chapter was presented a 12-week open rush this spring by the IFC. We are very inexperienced in this type of rush, but Rush Chairman Wendell Prewitt '94 has hammered out a program that should bring us a great pledge class. Our community service project, Heroes for Hope, is spreading a little happiness (and Beta magic) to some very unfortunate children. Members dress in costumes of comic heroes and visit local children's hospitals. We also take pictures of the children with their favorite character and pass out comic books. (Paul E. Dietert '94, corresponding secretary)

TEXAS TECH Gaining momentum! This is the best description for Delta Mu. Throughout the year, the men have found a niche on campus as the Gentlemen and the Scholars by remaining unrivaled in reputation and unsurpassed in grades. Betas have become a positive force on campus with participation in Greek events and community service projects. Many alums commended the monthly newsletter, El Conquistador, and efforts are underway to improve the letter. We thank Thomas Nabors '77 for continuing to make the newsletter possible. If you would like to start receiving a copy, call Tom at (214) 252-8551. Gregory Jones '74 is helping to improve our finances . Greg maintains the Delta Mu Alumni Fund and would like to hear from more alums in supporting the chapter. We thank Greg and the many alums who have generously added to the fund, many on a regular basis. The chapter began a new project for all Texas alums - a business card directory - with some initial success. This will be a continuing project to raise funds. If you would like to help, either by acquiring a directory ($25) or donating your business card, please call or write the house, c/o Business Card Directory, 2316 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 7940 I (806) 762-3440. (Lester Rivera '92, external vice president)

TOLEDO From January 18, 1992, the date of our installation, the brothers felt that there was no stopping us from becoming one of the Beta ' s great chapters, along with UT's best. But within life ' s trials and tribulations we were


dealt a bad hand, losing our president elect, John K. Daggett ' 92 to cancer. Needless to say, the chapter was left in disarray, forgetting about our goals, mourning the loss of John. A new leader stepped forward, Craig Fagginato '93 was elected president and began rebuilding the chapter's spirit and sense of pride. Epsilson Tau took great pride in serving the Toledo community, participating in Touch-up Toledo, helping the Salvation Army during the holidays with its annual Kettle Drive, decorating the children's floor at MCO with the sisters of Tri-Delta and donating blood. We took part in the first Fraternal 50s celebration in February. Honoring Dr. James A. Brunner, Ohio State '46 and other eligible recipients in the Toledo area is the least we can do in recognizing these brothers for their irreplaceable dedication to Beta Theta Pi. Among other accomplishments was a successful showing at Homecoming, building a float with Sigma Phi Epsilon. We made strong appearances in intramurals, making it to the finals in volleyball and the semifinals in football , while pulling off an early season defeat to last year's finalist in soccer, we plan to do very well in our chapter' s best sport in the tournament. (Brian G. L'Heureux '93, secretary)

TORONTO Through the never-ending support, encouragement and criticism of our alumni, Theta Zeta has maintained its superb standards in terms of rush, socials, academic achievements, philanthropy and the condition of our house. Owen Williams '50, G. Scott Falconer, Western Ontario '84, and other alumni, both older and more recent, have proved invaluable as always . Through the spirit and motivation of Alexander Kotyck '93, the actives and our fall '92 pledge class, we now boast 15 newly initiated brothers, the largest total on campus. Our spring prospects also are excellent with solid new rush, excellent socials, philanthropy · events and very high morale. We feel we will have no trouble in meeting the requirements for a fourth Sisson A ward. Resting on our laurels is not part of the Beta philosophy, and Theta Zeta is no exception. We will continue striving for increasing levels of excellence. We encourage all Betas to come and visit. (Scott G. Mackey '95, corresponding secretary)

TULANE This is a do-or-die year for Beta Xi. Tulane's "spring rush only" rule for freshmen has affected many fraternities . This rule permits only one freshman rush during the spring semester instead of both fall and spring semesters. Instead of having an average of 30 pledges a year, we have averaged 12 a year since the rule was passed. This has hurt our finances as well as the strength of our brotherhood. We are grateful to the alumni that have helped us financially through these hard times. Our brotherhood has held strong and will grow stronger with our 12 spring pledges. Erik


Latimer ' 95 was elected on the IFC Judiciary Committee this year. Our standing with Tulane has improved dramatically, compared to four years ago, thanks to many achievements of our brothers. We are striving to achieve our financial goals. We have all been working hard to save our chapter and will continue to as long as we are Betas. The Beta Theta Pi house at 7100 Zimple Street will stand strong with the support of our alumni and the strength and unity of our brotherhood. (Peter Kim '94, secretary)

UTAH Among the other fraternities on this fine campus (which includes our rival Sigma Chi) Beta truly stands alone. One of the great accomplishments was our victory in the annual Songfest competiton. The winner is often invited to perform at a music hall or the University. The brother participating in this event did such a superb job that we were invited to perform again. This time we were asked to perform for some high schools as an outstandintg example of what the Greek system has to offer. Our chapter strength lies in our diversity and the fact that these individuals are all close friends. That such a diverse group can communicate on a level of understanding and respect allows our chapter to formulate many good ideas that help our chapter be unique and strong. We initiated 31 men and have a winter pledge class of 13. The chapter continues to be very consistent in pledging the individuals in which it has interest. As spring quarter draws near, we hope that the new officers can do as fine a job as the current slate. President Richard Heninger-Potter '93 has done a superb job in unifying the house and the officers. He is seen as a friend first and as a president second. Gamma Beta has made leaps and bounds concerning the upkeep of the house. With added support and encouragement from the alumni, we have seen an improvement in the level of respect that the actives have for the house. Much thanks go out to the alumni for their timeless efforts. (Jason T. Beane '94, secretary)

VAN DERBILT Thanks to Douglas Cooper '93 and H. Granville Smith '94, 20 fine men were pledged. Our total numbers now have reached over 90, making Beta one of the largest houses on campus. Pledge education is going well under Jordan Berman '93. The house continues to be the focus of our attention. House Chairman James Culler '94 spent many hours preparing for the remodeling job in the basement. Plans include a new television, speakers, carpet, wood paneling and new bar stools. These changes certainly will make the basement a more hospitable place for us to "hang out." We are planning our Spring Formal in New Orleans. We have swaps planned with virtually every sorority on campus, as well as several semi formals .

Under Joseph Vitale '93, the Brotherhood Committee has discussed risk management, promotion of brotherhood events and procedural issues such as voting. Alumni support is picking up. We invite all Beta Lambda or Nashville area alumni to gi· us a call or stop by the house anytime. We a proud of the work we have accomplished an would like our alumni to witness our progre: Recent alums remain active in the General Fraternity. Tutors-in-Residence William Morrow '92 and Jon Peede '91 are at Alabat and Ole Miss. G. Scott Smith '92 has served this year as a Chapter Management Consulta and next year will become Director of Expansion. They certainly prove that "Once Beta, Always a Beta, Everywhere a Beta." (John M. Perry, Jr. '93, secretary)

VILLANOVA The colony has been making great strides in recent months toward the ultimate goal of receiving a charter. Whether we are granted one at the !54th General Convention or have wait until next year, the brothers are very excited about the future. We anticipate a large rush and pledge class, thanks to the publicity of our philanthropy project last fall and the rush campaign we undertook. Anthony DiSandro '95 and Willia Dealy '95 look forward to organizing a successful rush. Pledging begins February 8, and John Glynn '95 and Christopher Lund '9 plan to continue the strong pledge program o last fall. In intramural and IFC, basketball seasons are underway. Beta got off to a 2-0 and 1-0 start, respectively. Beta fared well in the IFC tournament last year and hopes to go further i the play-offs this year. Athletic Chairman Douglas Looney '94 is scheduling practices a well as organizing brother games of football and basketball. We appreciate the continued help of our adviser, Dr. George L. Herpel, Vanderbilt '4 (Michael R. Okenquist '94, corres. secretary)

VIRGINIA Omicron enjoys widespread prosperity in academics, athletics and service. Unfortunately, the condition of the house diminishes the glory of these achievements. Plagued by plumbing, roofing and general structural decay, the residence requires a concerted renovation, as the city of Charlottesville officially recognized last fall. We completed substantial repairs over winter 1 break, but a lack of funds continues to hampet the spirit of commitment. Fortunately, Omicron ' s landlord, Wooglin Corporation, ha contributed substantially with a capital campaign to raise over $50,000. Aside from this issue, Beta is unrelenting in its leadership of Virginia ' s Greek community. Beta remains at the forefront of rush, scholarship, athletics and service. In addition to the 15 fall pledges, spring rush promises further success as a lengthy "rush list" foreshadows. Athletically, Omicron has- I 0 varsity athletes, f and contributes to the varsity football , The Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1

stling and cheerleading squads. : chapter hopes to repeat its two champion's - soccer and basketball. !demically, our 3.0 GPA remains near the of the Greek community and we continue :on tribute record numbers of brothers to the ~n's List. Omicron's Beta Hoopathon, a 24lr basketball marathon to benefit the March )imes, and heavy participation in Madison use's Big Sibling Program confirm our !ication to serving the community. (Andrew Schroeder '95, secretary)

GINIATECH aha Phi's biggest challenge is filling the 1es of20 graduating seniors- approxitely one-third of the chapter. As a result, the 1thers are focusing more heavily on rush n ever before. spite several new rush innovations, the ~pter recognizes that the best way to attract ality people is to be a leader in the Greek ;tern on campus. The chapter was in the top ee fraternities with a 3.0 GP A. First place ishes in basketball, team handball and · ball aided Alpha Phi in capturing the IFC !-Sports Trophy for the 15th time in 17 ars. The chapter won IFC's Strongest otherhood Award this past year. 1sides rush, our biggest challenge is in social ·a irs. The community and the University ve expressed much hostility toward 1ternities at Tech. New regulations and idelines make it increasingly hard for iternities to have any parties at all. As a suit, we have attended town meetings and !t with University officials to compromise on 1olution to the problem. Alpha Phi has begun 'schedule more functions for brothers and eir dates only. ~rtainly many challenges lie ahead but we are mfident that the chapter will overcome these .Jstacles to our continued success. (Paul ndrukonis '93 , corresponding secretary)

!ABASH uring fall semester, Tau achieved many goals . well as set standards for the future. Carl foessner '93 made All Conference for the ittle Giant soccer team. Eric Schoettle '93, !ichael Warren '93 and Sean Lyons '95 were 1-ICAC in football. Andrew Dorrel '94 and 1son Shelton ' 95 were ICAC honorable ention in football. Co-captains Johnathan urk '93 and V. Eric Verduin ' 93 hope to ~ain lead the Wabash swimming team to the :~tiona) finals. Pledge Brian Flannigan, an utstanding basketball prospect, provides Tau a fpresentative on the hardwood for the first me in many years. mdrew Dorrel and Sean Lyons will serve as hapter president and vice president, respecvely. The brothers averaged 2.9 GPA. We !so look to the seven Tau Betas named to the lean's List for academic guidance. letas participated in a wide variety of hilanthropic activities: Trike-A-Thon for a harity, raking leaves for retired and current rofessors, a Christmas Party for underprivi!ged children. We also sponsor a Biddy lasketball team. ihe Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

The chapter is looking forward to the initiation of 17 pledges. (John Butz '95, historian)

WASHINGTON (ST. LOUIS) Things have been pulling together quite well for Alpha Iota. Most positions are occupied by sophomores with the exceptions of president, treasurer and social chairman, Michael Jordan '93, Jeffrey Showacker '94 and Carlos Acebey '94, respectively. We have looked at our mistakes and have learned from them. Our alumni have been generous, spending many hours helping us "rebuild." We all appreciate the new furniture, carpets and television they helped us acquire. At the time of this writing, rush was still in progress. We estimate a pledge class of 10 or 15 . Much effort was invested in rush this year, as always. Rush Chairmen Joel Huff '95, Jason Goldstein '95, Chad Towers '95 and Christopher Hugill ' 95 did a great job. Our revised pledge program will be headed by Mario Negri '95, Todd Greenbaum ' 95 and Andrew Forman '95. All in all this year has been a turning point for us in all regards. We helped erect a home for a family in need, and we sponsored a program on rape education. (Douglas J. Holdener '95, secretary)

WASHINGTON Midway through the first full year of the changes at Beta Omega has brought high spirits. The Pledge Dance was held at the Seattle Center in late October. Tequila Surmse was held at the house, and exchanges were held with many fine sororities, including roller skating with the DGs and a cruise with the Pi Phis. Bam Dance was held at the house with the Cowboy Beat playing. About I 0 men are going through rush right now, with most of them living in dorms. Many rushees attended the Barn Dance and the ice skating exchanges. All pledges returned from Christmas break. Most were excited to start the quarter and get initiated. They have been going regularly to study tables and attending all their classes. Their grades were excellent, posting a 3.1 cumulative. Philanthropy will be rewarding this year with our annual Downhill for Dollars. Last year the house raised over $6,000 for Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. This year we hope to better this amount by $2,000.

WASHINGTON STATE Gamma Theta has worked hard to uphold its scholastic standards. This spring, we have an Alumni/Scholarship Dinner to honor those of scholastic achievement as well as our Fraternal Fifty members. We adopted a highway litter patrol program and several YMCA Little Brothers. We are planning a canned food drive later this spring, which we hope will become an annual event along with our Miss Beta 500 Contest. Spring contains many social events, including the annual Daffodil Formal at Whitefish, MT. Again, we welcome our mothers and show off

our $35,000 in renovations, thanks to our alumni. We look forward to a large showing at the General Convention in Denver. (Brian J. Kenyon '94, corresponding secretary)

WASHINGTON & JEFFERSON At this writing, Gamma has had a good start to our !50th year of continuous existence. We continue to excel in scholastics, campus leadership and fraternity tradition. We thank Edward W. Fox ' 67 , William H. Hamilton '40, former General Secretary B. Hume Morris II, Centre '68, President Gupton A. Vogt, Westminster ' 31, District Chief David J. White ' 77 and all other proud Betas attending our celebration. The celebration began at the Club Intemationale, but continued for the next two days at the house. The cooperation and support of everyone involved showed true Beta spirit. Fall semester was eventful. We won our seventh consecutive Greek Week title and look forward to strong basketball and volleyball intramural teams. We welcomed four new members to our executive committee- Scott Adams '94, president; Aaron Byrnes '94, vice president; Mark Costa ' 95 , treasurer, and Brian Dolan '95, corresponding secretary. Fall rush was successful, and we look forward to another strong pledge class. Through hard work over the summer and recent fund-raisers, we erased our debt to the General Fraternity. We continue strengthening our alumni relations. Especiallly we look forward to Carnival Weekend and the return of many alums. (Brian Dolan '95, corresponding secretary) WASHINGTON & LEE Alpha Rho can look back proudly at its achievements thus far. Two seniors were awarded prestigious honors for their leadership and academic achievements on campus . President David R. Schiminger '93 was inducted into Omicron Delta Kappa in January, James P. Selway III '93 was tapped by Phi Beta Kappa. Michael Hill ' 93 and Bryan Watkins '93 dominated the soccer and basketball teams, respectively. The pledge class participated in a lip-sync contest, raising money for multiple sclerosis. Fall term was extremely productive. Alpha Rho invites all alumni to Lexington for Alumni Weekend in May. Those who have not seen the renovated house are urged to make the trip. June will be a time of change. Not only will the chapter graduate 17 fme gentlemen, but it will be forced to part with Housemother Ruth Miller and District Chief Roderick B. (Rod) Hastie, Auburn '82. Mom Miller, we are happy to say, will be getting married. This is the second housemother we have lost to marriage in as many years. (Michael R. Hill '93, secretary)

WEBER STATE As Delta Omicron enters its 21st year, it does so with an feeling of excitement. Scholastically, we earned a 3.33 GPA, surpassing the All-Greek and All-Men's averages. Athletically, our flag football team went 9-0 during regular season and represented 227

Weber State at the Utah State Intramural Championship. Socially, we held a Beta Bowl-a-Thon fundraiser, with proceeds exceeding $600. We also held successful exchanges with all sororities on campus. As we approach the elections for next year's officers, we bid Steven R. Cranford '93 a fond farewell. So, once again, knowing that with our six new members, we can successfully keep the traditions of Beta Theta Pi and Delta Omicron alive. (Shon P. Brakey ' 95 , secretary)

WESLEYAN Despite non-recognition by the University, because we are all male, and various other outside pressures, Mu Epsilon remains strong. In sports, the brothers became Intramural Floor Hockey Champs. Intramural basketball continues to elude us, but we are confident that softball will again put team Beta on top. The Wesleyan hockey team stands in a tie for fust place in its division. It is led by three Beta veterans, Jeffrey Tribbles '93, Jeffrey Bruno '95 and Mark Sughroo '95. The lacrosse team, featuring tri-captain Matthew Grinnell '93, is gearing up for a new season and looking forward to a banner year. Several brothers made improvements on the house. The second and third floors were painted in stylish white and black, giving the interior a new, crisp look. An unoccupied room was transformed from a storage room into the newest common space, the Wooglin Club, filled with a couch, donated by our alumni, and several chairs. Spring rush has been transformed into one of the best organized processes in our recent history. Our candidates are strong and plentiful. (Thomas Cowhey '94)

WESTERN ONTARIO Delta Alpha started the spring semester where it left off the previous autumn-on a positive note. Ten promising men comprise our newly initiated class. The efforts of John W. Jentz '93 and Mark T. Poland '93 resulted in a large and enthusiastic spring pledge class. The house has received a much needed face-lift. Most of the work required is cosmetic. After several house projects fall semester, Delta Alpha is restoring the house to its original beauty. Under Colin S. McCallum ' 93 , Delta Alpha sponsored London Big Brothers, community workshops and recreation for deprived children, and campus late night patrols. Pledge activities, such as food-drives and charity events, will occupy the coming months. The Southwestern Alumni Association Black Tie Event had an impressive turnout. Alumni Affairs Officer Kent Sinmaz '95, President Peter Koladich '93 and 14 others enjoyed the company of their brothers. We thank alums for all the time, travel and donations which made our 40th anniversary so successful. (Victor E. Kushrnaniuk '94, corres. secretary)

WESTMINSTER In preparation for our !25th celebration, Alpha Delta brothers again met the high expectations that had been set for them by our predecessors.


Westminster Betas praised by Diabetes group Fund raising efforts during 1992 Tag Days by Alpha Delta chapter at Westminster were praised by the American Diabetes Association. The chapter raised $700 for the charity. Starting the year with a solid pledge class, the house set high goals in every aspect from the classroom to the intramural field . Through hard work and strong camaraderie it appears we have met our goals but still see room for improvement. The chapter has positioned itself for another Academic Supremacy Trophy by its GP A first semester. We are in first place in intramurals with our strongest sports still ahead. We have experienced worthwhile philanthropy projects and have leaders in every important position on campus. Alpha Delta is applying this optimism to plans for our !25th anniversary. The committee has been working for several months and plans are being finalized for the weekend of April23-25. (Drue Duncan '95)

WEST VIRGINIA With the election of new officers, this semester has gotten off to a great start. Formal rush began February 1, and we anticipate another strong pledge class. The brothers are participating in intramural athletics and doing extremely well. With the enthusiasm being put forth, we should place high in the rankings. Along with intramurals, enthusiasm is being put into academics as well. With hard work our grades are meeting the standards of Beta Theta Pi. Our social calendar is respectable, but we look forward to this summer. (Matthew Nalbone '95 , secretary)

comprising the majority of the lacrosse and rugby teams. Hans Notemboom is captain of the lacrosse team; David Ebel '93, captain of the tennis team, and M. Parks Dempsey '93, captain of the rugby team. The house fielded two I.M. football teams and is hoping for a bJ at the I.M. basketball championship. The hou remains active on the debate team and school newspaper staff. Gamma Zeta is on its way to winning the Sisson Award, and is looking forward to a strong spring rush. If ever in Walia Walia, please stop by the -kai- lodge at 925 Isaacs Street. (Cyrus Weinberger ' 95, secretary)

WICHITA STATE Delta Gamma achieved success in athletics an campus and community involvement. Unfo nately, we fell slightly in academics. Another reason for excitement is that the renovation funded by our alumni association is now underway. We already have new windows, a new roof and three remodeled restrooms. This summer we will probably have our front room remodeled and a new study room created. In Shocktoberfest activities, David Clark '93 was one of five semifinalists in the Man ofthe Year Award. Also, Dave was chosen as one of five Senior Honor Men on campus. We are on our way to our 11th straight AllSports Trophy after our second straight undefeated season in softball and second place finishes in football and volleyball. We worked with Big Brothers and Big Sisters, the Adopt-a-Highway Program and the Mennonite Housing Project. In addition, we donated money from our annual Beta Bash to the American Cancer Society. Members have been elected president of four organizations. Shad Rockstad '95 won by a landslide in the Student Goverrunent Association election; S. Todd Senseney '94 is president of IFC; Dave Clark is president of the Student Alumni Association and Jerad Widman '95 is president of Phi Eta Sigma. We look forward to spring semester under the leadership of President Jeffery Johnson '94. (Jerad Widman ' 95, vice president)



As the semester begins, we are looking forward to winning the Sisson Award. Another mark of excellence is our fine relations with Whitman College. More Achievement of Excellence A wards were presented to Gamma Zeta by the college than to any other fraternity on campus. These awards consisted of excellence in College Relations, Community Service and Philanthropy, Alumni Relations and Membership Recruitment. Some major improvements were made on the house, namely a fully paved basketball court. Rush Chairmen Matthew Bishop ' 93 and William Meyer '93 produced an excellent pledge class, integrated into the house by Pledge Trainer John Cullen '94. Former President Hans Notemboom '93 was a solid leader who left the house in fine condition for his successor Edward Bell '94 and Vice President Jake Freeman 93. Beta is well represented on athletic teams,

Gamma Sigma has the best grades among campus fraternities, an accomplishment that we worked diligently to gain. After coping with the ill effects of the recently opened Goudy centralized dining commons, the chapter has sought alternative means to preserve our brotherhood. No longer being able to eat together in our house each day, we' ve established Wednesday night dinners, a semiformal event, features a different guest speaker each week. Thursdays, we organize lunch for members and friends in our house. We appreciate the effort by our alumni in hopes 1 of preventing the establishment of centralized dining. We encourage continued intervention in hopes of again enjoying meals together. New chapter officers include Jeffrey Booth '93, president; Mark Fischer '94 vice president; Andrew Robinson '94 secretary; Frederik Jaderholm '94, assistant treasurer; Daniel Murphy '95, social chair; Eric Heringer '95,

stant social chair; Holmes Pierce '94, chair; Thomas Lucas '94, house Jager; Adam Halverson '94, historian; Jud ine '94, IFC representative; Steve Raze '94, )larship; Matt Blaine '95 and Chad Ruetle , philanthropic; Allen Vestergaard '95, 11mural representative, and Brian Gurst '95 , ate representative. m's Weekend, a house trip to Canada, mteer opportunities with Special Olympics, I of the World activities and other events are igned to increase unity in the house.


.SCONSIN 12 truly was a year of change at Alpha Pi. st, a successful fall rush produced 10 men. : success of fall semester shows that tking together, we have what it takes to put · fraternity on top at Madison. : have an excellent group of new officers to d us. By concentrating more energy toward 1se leadership, philanthropy and student dership, we are strengthening our house. th the continued support of our alumni, we te the ability to reach new heights. (Eric J. )!beck '94, corresponding secretary)

ISCONSIN (OSHKOSH) COLONY e colony participated in Homecoming events s year. With all the members helping out and ·d work from key members, the entire affair s successful. Next is Winter Carnival. an Eiden '94 was voted Alpha Xi Delta 1eetheart for 1992-93. The sorority picks a teetheart every year from all of fraternities. e colony held its first Alumni Mixer on ;cember 2. It was a good chance for the embers to meet with area alums. Thanks to >Se who attended. ~sident Roy Smalley '95 is planning a retreat ~ old and new officers to give new members sight from the older members. (Brett Krause '5, corresponding secretary)

(ITTENBERG inter started off strong for Alpha Gamma. 1r new pledge, finance and rush programs are

derway on a good note. In addition, the GP A

r fall improved over last spring. -tr successful philanthropy project at Fulton ementary School continues under the tidance of Vice President Michael DeAmicis 14. The brothers participate in intramural •sketballl as well. .ur new alumni association of younger alumni, :aded by Peter Tarbell '84, Timothy Kroger 2 and John B. King '85, works well, with the 'tive chapter and nicely complements the 1rps of older alumni led by Andrew Nicholoff 8, and James Patsiavos '51. celebrate Beta's !26th birthday at 'ittenberg on January 18, the members, led by esident Michael Graham '94, marched across tmpus and paid homage in song to our !25th 1d lOOth anniversary plaques. (Jason M. obichaud '94, corresponding secretary)

RIGHT STATE 10 January 15-16, our winter officer/chapter

~treat was beneficial. We talked about rush,

iedge education and alumni relations and set he Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

goals for the remainer of the year. Later, John Walter '94, Peter Cindric '94, Jeff Nolasco '94, Adam Wojtowicz '95 and Robert Boldman '95 took part in the annual United Cerebral Palsy Star-a-Thon by manning phones at WDTN-TV. The chapter plans the annual Service Auction to benefit Multiple Sclerosis in mid-May. The auction has been successful since its beginning three years ago. The chapter's 15th annual Alumni/Fall Banquet was a great success. Richard R. (Misty) Shoop, Denison '41 was presented with a composite of himself and the Beta Campanile to show our appreciation for his dedicated service to the Fraternity and to our chapter. We plan to have numbered copies made. Anyone interested should contact Larry Fisher '84, chapter adviser, through the chapter. In addition to the composite, pitchers and mugs of the anniversary banquet also can be purchased by contacting the chapter. Again, we ask Delta Phi and Dayton area alumni to help us re-create our alumni listing which was erased from our alumni relations disk. Please let us know your current address and phone number and inform other alumni of the situation. All information can be sent to Beta Theta Pi, Inter Club Council, Wright State University, Dayton, OH 45345 . (Nicholas A. Hosford '95, corresponding secretary)

YALE Our big success fall semester was the purchase of our house, thanks to the efforts of Gregory Lindberg '92 and Jeffrey Clark '93. The General Fraternity also deserves a big "thank you" for encouragement and financial support. Chapter leadership passed from the executive board, composed of many of the founders, to the new executive board led by President Ty Howton '94. Under Michael DelaCruz '94, the chapter Big Sib program (working with local youths) is well underway. We have reestablished the old Yale Beta newsletter, The Fi Ki, under Thomas Newell '94. Pledgemaster Neil Fulton '94 successfully led nine new members to initiation in February. On the social scene, Phi Chi threw the first-ever Beta Bam Bash. Due to the success of the fall semi-formal , we are planning a winter semi-formal. The swimming and diving team, led by Scott Finneran '93, Michael O'Connor ' 94, Jason Rosenbaum '95, and Aaron Dennis '95, is undefeated and looking to an Ivy League championship. Jason Ringer '95, hopefully, will lead the undefeated Yale squash team to another championship. Other Beta athletes compete on the basketball , hockey and powerlifting teams. Betas on the baseball, track, skeet and sailing teams look forward to successful spring seasons. Rugby players William (Butch) Barbieri '93 , Scott Upton ' 93 and Parag Phadke '95 look forward to their spring tour through England and Ireland. The brothers rallied behind Yale Student Body president fmalist, Reuben Advani ' 94, in support of his campaign. Michael Romanelli '95 and Rodrigo Bustamante '93 starred in campus plays, and we expect a great performance from Thomas Allen '94 in his lead role in a spring play. (Samuel Herring '94, seer.)

DON'T GET MAD ... GET EVEN! Continued from page 201 apathetic campus, so it was a major feat. Signing up voters helped the new candidate. His campus win was a big personal success. Even today, Watson often phones the Beta house to check on the brothers. Like most Beta chapters, Epsilon Upsilon is known for its philanthropic activities. Each term, it is involved with at least two charities. Since receiving its charter at the 152nd General Convention, the chapter has been involved with more than 15 charities and fund-raisers , such as volunteering at a local soup kitchen, raising $300 for the Yellow Ribbon Gulf Forces Support Group, helping Ottawa Food Bank with door-to-door canned food drives, taking part in the 30-hour World Vision Famine Relief, assisting community clean-up days and raising $700 in pledges for a "Winterlude" bed race to benefit a hospital. In an Alumni Run for Access, brothers pulled a two-ton truck for five kilometer sand raised the most money of any society in the region. Carleton University's Student Association started a volunteer foot patrol service, and 2,000 students will use the service this year. "Beta has made a Jot of inroads by getting involved with the foot patrol," LaPorte said. About 90% of the service's customers are female, and they use its 24-hour safety hotline and receive escorts to their cars or public transportation. It' s no wonder, with all this volunteerism, that this fledgling chapter, which gained Provisional Colony status in 1989 and was granted its charter in 1991 , won a Sisson Award at the 153rd General Convention. Although there are six fraternities near the 40year-old campus, Beta is the only one with its own house. Within walking distance of the campus, the house is home for five Betas and a meeting place for 36 actives. Epsilon Upsilon pledged 10 men in fall ' 92, and LaPorte '93 , Thomas Golem '94 and Lachlan MacRae '94 estimate that six to eight men will be pledged in this spring ' s rush. They run a very tight ship as the chapter surpasses the obligations of the Fraternity ' s risk management policy. The chapter has banned any sale of alcohol in the house and holds regular seminars on anti-racism, date rape, alcohol awareness, hazing & liability and fire inspection . We can learn two major lessons from Epsilon Upsilon ' s experience. First, if a local unprincipled politician smears your chapter unfairly, don ' t get mad, get even. Support a candidate who is at least neutral and unleash Beta' s considerable organizational skills and energy to get out the vote. Second, if your campus admini stration doesn' t recognize Greek societies, then participate in highl y visible philanthropic work, not only to qualify for a Sisson Award but to obtain otherwiseimpossible-to-get favorable local publicity. And, of course, wear your letters every day on campus and especially during photo opportunities with charitable organizations. Story and photo by Robert M. McClelland, Western Ontario '55.


Betas and friends build Beta Leadership Fund to new high The Beta Leadership Fund, which underwrites numerous essential undergraduate educational and leadership programs in the Fraternity's 142 chapters and colonies, continues to grow every year. A total of7,713 alumni and friends donated to the BLF in 1992 with contributions of $446,562.59. This is the fifth consecutive year of BLF net income growth. Among the beneficiaries of the program are the recipients of academic scholarships totaling $48,000, 12 tutorsin-residence on fellowships of $24,000. 200 sophomore fellows attending the General Convention, more than 400 participants in the Regional Leadership Workshops, already held in Atlanta and Des Moines this year, as well as the work of chapter management consultants who travel to the chapters to provide on-hands assistance and the Fraternity's expansion program, which recently established a colony at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, bringing to ten the number of colonies working toward charters. 230

John Reily Knox Society

Dragon Club

These Betas contributed $1,000 or more to the Beta Leadership Fund:

$500 - $999 donors to the BLF include:

Stephen Bechtel Jr., Colorado '47 Thomas Brennan, Ohio State '51 Harry Drackett III, Arizona '66 Michael Feinstein, MIT '82 William Graham, Duke '56 Gordon Gray, Case '31 Claude Grimm, West Virginia '39 Ronald Helman, Michigan State '55 Harold Hook, Missouri '53 Paul Jackson, Chicago '48 Graham Monroe Jr., Georgia Tech '56 Mansfield Morse, Bowdoin '45 Richard O'Connor, Michigan '54 John O'Donnell, Southern California '59 Larry Seeman, Minnesota '26 Kenneth Stephen, Toronto '77 Bill Wagner, Florida '60 Keith Williams, Westminster '50 Edward Williams, Westminster '82

Top Ten Chapters Number of donors Miami Missouri Nebraska Cincinnati Georgia Tech DePauw Ohio Indiana Oklahoma Ohio State

257 207

185 180 165 161 156 145 140 138

Henry Anderson, Northwestern '30 Stephen Becker, Florida '69 A. Richard Blair, Dickinson '54 Carl Blaurock, Colorado Mines '16 W. Joseph Blood, Penn '46 Robert Bradley, Depauw '35 James Bradshaw, Toronto '53 Norman Brockbank, Utah '62 Joseph Carter, Penn State '40 Thomas Cassady, Cincinnati '76 William Corlis, Beloit '37 James Denbo, Michigan '63 David Dewhurst III, Arizona '67 James Fissell, Arizona '70 Alan Forrester, Ohio State '62 William Gossett Esq, Utah '25 Albert Halverstadt, Davidson '30 James Harris, Vanderbilt '68 George Heekin, Cornell '29 Max Hollingsworth, Idaho '34 Larry Homer, Kansas '56 Eugene Jackson, Oklahoma State '50 Edward Joullian III, Oklahoma State '51 Carl Kroch, Cornell '35 H Lauren Lewis, South Dakota '37 Robert Lott, Depauw '42 Lloyd McAninch, Kansas State '39 Chris McDowell, East Carolina '84 George Moss, Southern Methodist '58 Robert Neff, Ohio Wesleyen '53 Elmer Nordstrom, Washington '26 Jeffrey O'Hara, Ohio '69 James Peters Jr. , UCLA '58 R. Keith Porter, British Columbia '42 Morton Pry, Ohio '41 John Rhodes, Kansas State '38 Dr. Kevin Schewe, Missouri '79 L. William Seidman, Dartmouth '43 Kenneth Smith, Oregon '3 7 Lee Smith, Penn State '64 Robert Stafford, Iowa State '46 James Strilesky, British Columbia '72 Franklin Vann, Oklahoma State '51 Gupton Vogt, Westminster '31 Henry Willard II, Yale '25 Col. Arnold Wyss, Oklahoma State '30

l839 Club he BLF's $250 - $499 donors include: eyuos Abbott Jr., Ohio '58 harles Atkinson, W&J '29 lhn Ault III, Ohio '60 /illiam Bedle, Rutgers '56 . David Beiser, Depauw '59 !mer Benhardt II, Missouri '69 1mes Blackford MD, Ohio State '60 orrest Braden, Kansas State '32 !avid Brennan, Ohio State '53 lhn Brinkley, Cincinnati '60 mthony Brookman, Northwestern '47 ck Brown, Cincinnati '67 ~harles Brown, Missouri '61 ohn Burchfield, Michigan State '5 7 ames Byram Jr., Alabama '76 'chard Carpenter, MIT '64 M:anning Case Jr. , Western Reserve '38 larry Cooper Sr., Missouri '50 Jlenn Corlett, Ohio '65 ·.. John Davies, Chicago '48 lobert Davis, Southern California '56 i,dward Davis, Mississippi '39 oseph DePinto, Miami '67 tussell Dean, Cincinnati '41 tobert Dineen Jr. , Brown '63 erbert Doan, Cornell '45 V1ichael Downer, UCLA '77 . homas Edwards Jr, Hampden-Sydney '90 Dliver Elliott, Wichita State '42 :. William Englefield, Ohio '52 Dr. Goodman Espy, Georgia Tech '57 tobert Faris, Penn State '60 ·erold Fine, Oklahoma State '66 Arthur Forbriger Jr., Cincinnati '53 ~hilip Fowler Jr., Southern California '72 :<evin Foxx, Oklahoma '78 :::harles Gilb, Idaho '50 fames Gilbert, Washington University '43 fames Goddard Jr., Ohio '54 :::harles Green, Kansas State '48 Wilbur Griffith, Oklahoma '31 Kenneth Grispin, Rutgers '70 David Hall, California '47 William Hall Jr., North Carolina '74 Harry Henry, Hanover '39 Harold Herre Jr., Carnegie Mellon '70 Burnham Holmes, Illinois '32 James Horn, Stevens '46

:Tho> Rl>ts• Theta Pi/Sorinl! 1993

James Huffman, GMI- EM! '48 William Huffman, Wisconsin '50 David Hume, Virginia '42 M. Stephen Huss, Purdue '70 Lauren Hutton, Carnegie Mellon '72 John Jacobs, Georgia Tech '39 Boyd Jefferies, UCLA '52 Bernard Johnson, UCLA '48 Ralph Jones, Mississippi '35 Roger Kaiser Jr. , St. Lawrence '75 R. Royal King, Washington and Jefferson '60 Jonathan Kubo, Michigan State '84 John Kuhl III, UCLA '47 Thomas Levensailor, Vanderbilt '76 Stephen Lewis, West Virginia '71 Jack Little, Idaho '58 George Lowe Jr. , GMI- EM! '75 Loyd Mahan, Whitman '51 Frank Manaut, UCLA '47 Jack Maxwell, Case '49 John McDaniel Jr., Georgia Tech '42 John Meloy, Washington and Jefferson '46 H. Kent Mergler, Cincinnati '63 Thomas M illigan, Wabash '5 7 Hamilton Mitchell, Dartmouth '38 Edward Montgomery, Colorado '25 Richard Moore Jr., Oklahoma '63 Cruse Moss, Ohio '48 John Mueller, Michigan '63 Edwin Mulligan, Carnegie Mellon '3 7 Roy Naftzger Jr., Stanford '46 Bruce Nordstrom, Washington '55 Blake Nordstrom, Washington '82 Brandt Norquist, Washington '61 Raymond O ' Brien, Missouri '48 Louis Odette Jr. , Toronto '46 Sture Olsson, Virginia '42 William Palm, Toronto '32 Robert Payne, Utah '64 Gabriel Petre, Ohio Wesleyen '4 7 Ted Porter, Oregon State '18 Nicholas Powell, Tulane '74 Morton Prime, Hanover '55 William Prugh, Beloit '66 James Purvis, Maine '77 Russell Quick, Depauw '36 Mitchell Rates, Miami '78 Travis Reed, Southern California '56 Alverden Riker, Westminster '59 Hope Ritter Jr., Cornell '43 Edwin Rodgers Jr., Georgia Tech '66 William Rush, Cincinnati '67 Herbert Sandberg, Denver '49

Donald Sander, Rutgers '32 Marc Schulman, Denver '76 Roger Selfe, Ohio '70 R. Daniel Settle, North Carolina '69 James Shreck, Nebraska '68 Gerald Siegel, Nebraska '52 Edmund Siess Jr. , Western Reserve '41 Russ Silvestri, Southern California '83 Edward Smith, Denison '35 Kenneth Smith, British Columbia '59 Rush Smith Jr. , Georgia Tech '71 Vernon Squires, Williams '56 Gerald Stephens, Wisconsin '55 Fred Strandskov, Rutgers '73 Col Charles Stribling, Missouri '49 Richard Sutter MD, Washington Univ. '31 Robert Tallman, Nebraska '37 Arthur Tatman, Case '42 John Thomson, South Dakota '74 Lester Thurston, Maine '20 Raymond Tomassene, W&J '51 Christopher Tomev, Western Ontario '87 Lynn Townsend, Michigan '40 Dr. Mark Visk, Missouri '73 Michael Vorst, Depauw '67 James Wachs, Cincinnati '55 Herschel Weber, Denison '35 Malcolm Welty, Kansas '26 Robert Wertz MD, Miam i '61 Thomas Wertz, Io wa '75 David White, Washington and Jefferson '77 Owen Williams, Toronto '50 R. Jamison Williams, Michigan '29 J. Steven Wilson, North Carolina '66 Joseph Wimberly III, Georgia Tech '56 John Winfield, Ohio '44 Joel Winker, Westminster '59 Peter Zimmermann, Maine '77

Top Ten Chapters Total dollars Miami Missouri Georgia Tech Cincinnati Ohio Ohio State Westminster Nebraska DePauw Oklahoma

$13 ,909 $12,041 $9,694 $9,666 $9,511 $9,459 $9,100 $8,863 $8,321 $7,498 231

Beta Leadership Fund

Arizona State I Mark Andrews '80 Galen Croxton '80 Bradley Davis ' 80 Jeffrey Novak '89 Jeffrey Novak '92 I Charles Quintralllll

' 83

Giving by Chapter Alabama Ronald Blanton ' 84 Thomas Boardman '84 3 James Byram Jr. '76 2 Daniel Clutton '80 David Finney '75 2 Michael Fowler ' 70 1 Stephen Grenyo '69 Thomas Guzik Jr. '90 John Hodges Jr. '66 James Hutchens ' 72 David Hymer '8 1 C. Scott Jackson '79 Charles Newton '69 Carl Parsons Jr. '72 Scott Peter ' 84 2 H Brant Sanders '66 Donald Southard Jr.

'67 Joseph Tronca le '65

2 David Wylie '74 Amher st 1 William Co lby Jr. '60 1 E. Kent Damon '40 George Hamilton '36 2 Harry Henke Ill '52 David Hildreth '39 2 Frank Hunter ' 24 John Kuniholm '50 Lee Lou ria '46 G. Vicary Mahler ' 53 J. Paull Marshall '34 2 John Minnick '35 1 Theodore Mixer '50 Alfred Schrashun '45 R. John Theibert '45 FT. Vom Baur ' 29 George Woody MD


Robert Romero '89 I Bruce Taylor ' 79 Daniel Wayne ' 82 A ub u rn Darrell Ayers '89 J. Alan Bannister ' 84 Robert Batson '70 Craig Bolier '91 2 Joel Bragg '74 Kenneth Brandon '85 1 John Brown ' 65 2 Stockton Colt Jr. '68 Joseph Craven Jr. '77 2 Brooks Darby '68 Clifford Darby ' 87 C. Grant Davis '75 Charles Evers Jr. ' 84 Thomas Fuller '62 1 William Griffin '87 1 Richard Hale '67 2 Timothy Hargrove ' 75 Chester Harvey '71 Roderick Hastie ' 82 2 Hi ll man Holland '73 John Hughes ' 77 1 Dr. William Johnston

'71 1 James Kelly Jr. ' 84 Donald Kelly Il l ' 86 Jeffery Larson '79 Aaron Lippincott '87 Christopher Little '87 Mark Love '82 Andrew Mathews '83 2 James McAdory Ill '72 Kim McGrady ' 89 Keith McWilliams '83 Matthew Minor '79 Dr. Michael Mueller

'79 1 Fred Newman Ill ' 81 1 Wi ll iam Owens Jr. ' 69 Terry Parsons '73 Robe1t Pumphrey '79 Micheal Smith ' 85 James Stevenson Jr.

Arizo na 1 James Barnebee '90 2 David Belding '68 Paul Borrelli '91 Wi lliam Brown Jr. '66 Edward Chandlee liJ

'70 2 Philip Dering II ' 59 4 David Dewhurst Ill ' 67 5 Harry Drackett III '66 2 Richard Fishel '69 4 James Fissell '70 Lawson Flanagan '68 Tucker Hoffmann '69 John Hosfield Jr. '66 Gary Laughl in '64 Alton McCormick Ill

'90 1 Robert McLaughlin '91 1 Thomas Mitchell '67 2 Michael Mitchell '69 Michael Murphy Jr.

'65 1 Ph ilip Ostrom '65 Michael Patterson ' 92 Robert Phillips ' 92 Harold Poe '64 Brian Rink ' 88 Vincent Ross ' 86 David Sawyer ' 70 2 Thomas Swanson ' 65 1 Le lie Wallach '66


'71 1 Charles Tatum '75 Wi ll iam Thurston '80 Thomas Turner Jr. '66 Bryan Upton ' 88 Norwood Utter Ill '73 David Vicker ' 86 Mark Walter '87 Ball State Jay Albertson '83 Harry Blowers II '71 Robert Bott '68 2 C. Christopher Brandt

' 76 Clark Cable ' 84 John Campagna ' 76 Charles Colip '74 Wa1Ten Condon '67 Richard Craig '67 Mark Crooks ' 84 William Daugherty '74 Terrence Deters '80 Ronald Elisha '67 Brian Everhart ' 80 2 Robert Galliher '52 I David Greene '69 William Groome Jr. ' 72 George Harris '76 Timothy Hartgrove '73 Rex Heil '74 David Henke '71 Mark Hesterrnan ' 75 Stewart Hewitt ' 72

Michael Hickey '71 Claude Hudson '69 James Hummel II ' 89 Alan Hutchison ' 68 Joseph Kempler ' 72 Myron King ' 78 David Kintner ' 74 Paul Knauff '67 Rex Kovert ' 78 Douglas Lamothe '90 2 Fred Layman '70 1 James Lintzenich '75 Steven Longstreet ' 80 Mark Major '91 Richard Meyer '66 Gregory Moore '78 George Morris '67 Kevin Phares ' 77 1 Ronald Reinking '65 2 Steven Riddle '80 1 John Rohleder '76 I John Schaller ' 85 Phil lip Shambaugh '75 Gregory Silver '71 Gregory Smith '87 Thomas Teusch ' 67 William Thompson '67 Charles Tooley '71 James Ungurait '66 Craig Welti '76 Timothy Whitaker '87 Jeffery Wills ' 80 Steven Wi lson '76 Richard Yarian '71 Baylor Luis Flores '84 Glenn Gibbs ' 83 Beloit Norman Albright '53 John Beeby '36 Robert Brolin ' 28 4 William Corlis '37 John Cramer ' 50 Alan Croft '70 Lemuel Dennis Jr. '67 Joseph Du Plain '37 Bruce Dunning '45 Mark Dutton '78 Robert Fergusson ' 33 Thomas Georgeson '70 Frank Hamlin Jr. '34 Bruce Hampton '76 David Hilgers ' 59 Paul Hodgson MD '43 Charles Jackson '61 Walter Johnson 0 James Karr ' 51 Richard Kelly '34 Clarence Kettler '42 Wi ll iam Kimes '58 Gary Knappenberger

'65 Robert Lang '65 Fred Leeson '32 George Lenard ' 80 Ward Lidbetter '37 1 Dominick Maino OD

'73 Booth Malone '39 Malcolm Martin ' 49 Glenn Martin '57 Matthew Marvin '37 John McEnroe ' 67 William McWethy '39 Robert Michelson '67 Nathaniel Miles Jr. ' 38 William Nethercut ' 12 Richard Nethercut '49 Richard O ' Hair '67 Oliver Osborne '41 James Parker ' 60 3 William Prugh '66 Allan Schneider ' 48 Llewellyn Shippee '31 M. Kent Side! ' 72 Robert Sio '48 Lyle Smith MD '46

Paul Soraparu ' 53 James Steckel '61 Richard Tower '24 John Turner ' 52 Robert Volger '37 James Waring '59 David Zirkel '76 Beth a n y Richard Boyd Jr. ' 61 Donald Brinkworth ' 44 Paul Bruhn '33 David Butz '60 1 William Clipp '63 2 Donald Cloudsley '48 2 Dr. Charles Coltman Jr. '52 1 Stanley Cowen '64 1 Richard Crosset Jr. '49 James Daub '40 John Davis '56 2 Hugh Devine Jr. '61 2 Quentin Dressler '64 Kermit Espey '31 Thomas Fabek '48 2 Donald Fannin '49 A. Dale Fiers ' 29 James Godish '73 2 Carl Groppe Jr. '56 Ivan Hampton '75 William HandJan '48 Howard Hartman ' 67 Thomas Hawk MD '57 Glen Hetherington '88 Michael Hornack '68 Rodney Hurl MD '52 Walter Jacobs '33 2 Edward Kemp Jr. '54 Wayne Kirk '53 Forrest ](jrkpatrick '27 Rodney Lake '73 Nicholas Lentino '55 S. Dean Lesiak '74 Philip Mack DDS '56 2 Robert Mackenzie '77 Jim Moy le '74 Richard Newcomer '67 Olin Philips ' 32 Alexander Pollock '32 Frank Pollock II I '83 Lester Raub '41 James Ravasio ' 83 Kenneth Rygler '64 Edward Schempp '67 Russell Shoup '33 Rickey Snyder '76 J. Virgil Thompson ' 35 2 Fred Tilock MD '54 Kenneth Toth '78 Richard Ward If '68 Craig Waugh Jr. '34 Paul White '28 E. Glen White '53 Daniel Wolcott Jr. '68 Harry Wolfe Jr. '49 William Young '47 Jeffrey Yourkovich '9 1 James Zimmerman '63 Bish o p 's Erik Rubbens ' 89 Bowd oin Thomas Aldrich '88 Hubert Coffin '38 Paul Costello '51 Michael Fiori '74 Robert Garrett liJ '59 1 Jon Gibney '63 2 Everett Giles '41 Stanton Griffing ' 72 George Griggs Jr. '44 Charles Hartshorn Jr.

'41 1 Michael Hutchinson '75 2 Robert Jurgenson ' 45 Preston Keith '54 Paul ](jngsbury Jr. '57

3 Robert Dineen Jr. '6: Robert Elsner Jr. '48 Richard Fallon '45 1 Alan Forster '62 2 Thomas Garrity Jr. ·: 2 Frederick Gifford '5i George Gilbert ' 30

Eben Lewis '41 Robert Linnell '53 Daniel Looney '83 Wendell Mick '66 5 Mansfield Morse '45 John Redman MD '73 William Simonton '43 Jack Swenson '55

Benjamin Harley Jr.

'41 Arthur Hatch Jr. '44

Bowling Green

1 Edgar Howard Jr. '44 1 Fred Leighty ' 37 2 Kenneth Lindsay Jr. '56 Robert Mawney '3 1 1 Kenneth McMurtrie

2 Brian Bacik '68 Edward Behm '67 William Bennett '73 Anson Berry ' 79 Glenn Browning '65 Robert Cooksey '76 Thomas Davis '86 Scott Emery '91 James Enyart '63 Frank Fedorovich '76 William Ferrington '66 Mark Gagyi '70 Thomas Gilmore '90 David Gustwiller '91 2 Edward Janoch ' 83 Thomas Kashmer '66 Roman Kent '87 Jeffrey Levinson ' 81 John Lower ' 73 Charles Mallue Ill '69 1 Harry McGinness Ill '66 Michael Mervis '73 Roderick Millhof '84 Allen Petrich '68 Brent Sk illings '85 Joseph Strathman '75 Jack Taylor '74 Joseph Virzi Jr. '83 William Weldon ' 70 John Yacos l.ll ' 70

'44 1 Philip Meyer MD '71 Jeffrey Miller '73 Abbott Mongeau '41 1 Brent Orrico '71 1 Norman Pierce '33 2 Paul Rhodes ' 35 Thomas Rockwell '41 Teffi Smith '68 William Taylor !l '46 John Volkhardt '39 Joseph Weisberger '41 Russell White '44 William Wilde Ill '64 · C alifornia James Allen '48 John Alving '87 Richard Bates ' 47 Jeffrey Better '82 John Boyle '52 Gerald Brush '43 William Burrows '65 Richard Case '48 George Crist Jr. '67 1 Howard Daschbach lil

'78 1 Ra lph Dewey '43 2 Donald Dickey '50 Greg Doerschlag '55 1 Anthony Ell is II '51 2 Joseph Feigenbaum '82 1 Stanley Freeborn Jr. '40 Thomas Garvey Jr. '56 1 Bruce Goedde Jr. ' 79 2 Donald Goodell '43 1 William Gorrill '34 Gordon Gottsche ' 89 2 Donald Graham Jr. '36 Gordon Greenlee '59 3 David Hall '47 H. William Harlan '62 2 Robert Hanigan '49 George Hill III ' 59 Alander Hogland '43 Carl Holmes '34 Bradford Hovey '47 Stanley Johnson '47 Delbert Jones ' 40

British C olumbia

2 Keith Allan '63 1 G. Bruce Anderson ' 89 2 Mark Annable '85 1 Kelvin Arthur '34 2 W.L. Craig Campbell ' 80 2 Jack Carlile '43 Alexander Charters '38 John Clark MD '59 2 Ronald Douglas '71 2 Robert Felix ' 59 1 Douglas Graham '67 1 Peter Herman! ' 62 2 Arthur Hughes '59 2 Gavin Hume '64 2 Larry Kancs '73 Albert Kirby '36 Gordon MacGregor '75 2 Maurice McGinley ' 54 1 John McHugh ' 38 Cameron McLachlan

'73 2 George Morfitt '58 Robert Murray '43 2 Will iam Pedlar '77 4 R. Keith Porter '42 Eric Ricker '61 Wi lliam Rion ' 58 2 Gregory Simmons '80 Howard Smillie '58 3 Kenneth Smith '59 4 James Stri lesky ' 72 2 John Turner '49 2 Andrew Younger '45

Walter Jones Jr. '44 Gregory Jones Ill '84 John Keating '29 Michael Klement '57 Baldwin Lamson MD

'38 Kenneth Lewis '41 Christopher Liebes ' 84 George Lindahl '71 Michael Long '82 2 Edward Lyon ' 52 Robert Maze '89 1 Stacy Mettier Jr. '48 2 Henry Musto '62 Michael Neal '64 Fred Payne Jr. '50 Michael Phelan ' 56 J. Thornton Posey '35 John Ricker MD '35 1 Frank Rue '39 2 Henry Schaffner Jr. '53 2 John Schommer ' 53 2 Kermit Seefeld '67

B rown Gordon Allen '50 George Ball ' 48 Walter Barney '36 2 John Blish '59 David Borst '40 Anthony Caldamone MD'72 John Clendenning Jr.

' 61 2 Robert Clifford '40 'O'L



- ·-

Jrant Settlernier ' 54 9arnabas Smith ' 58 Warren Spieker Jr. '66 Richard Staniford '55 Wyman Taylor '43 Harry Terrell Jr. ' 49 Capt Robert Thorson John Tormey ' 52 llric Unruh '67 Robert Viney ' 39 Timothy Watterson ' 75 Edward Welch ' 44 Charles Wheeler lil '38 Robert Whelan ' 76 Scott Wilcott '60 John Williams ' 46 Jess Wilson Jr. '40 W. Harney Wilson '44 Jonathan Wyatt '23 James Wyatt Jr. ' 31

I. Irvine James Bredenkamp '80 Scott Brunner '31 William Caldarelli '87 Bryan Cramm '79 Curtis Crockett '84 Derek Daw ' 86 IThomas Dunning '84 Robert Gerstley '88 John Gunderson '90 Thomas Inman '84 Christopher Murphy

5 Gary Pierot ' 79 IJohn Pontillas '90 Jeffrey Ruzicka '80 Thomas Schaffer '89 John Thompson '85 James Welsh '78

!1. Poly Thomas DeTurk '89 Tor Gronborg ' 91 bico State Jason Dewberry '90 Jeffrey Farrer ' 91 Kenneth Rae '87 Geoffrey Talbot '91 arleton · Frederick Nieto '92 Jllrnegie Mellon P. Jan Anstatt '63 Jack Barbin '68 George Baur Jr. '49 Roger Beal '44 William Becker '35 Michael Behl ing '87 Stephen Berry ' 78 Joseph Betz '41 L. Barry Biagini '6 1 Wade Biggs Jr. '59 Thomas Bright ' 42 Scott Calvert '72 John Chesley Jr. '43 Victor Clay Jr. '50 George Clay ' 74 Jay Coats '63 Daniel Cogan ' 67 Domenick Colangelo l6 Thomas Coulter '33 H. Nelson Crooks ' 43 Robert Crossman '50 Robert Cunkelman '80 Robert Dawson '4 1 Edward Dawson '66 Harry Deitz '5 3 F. Warren Dickson '46 William Dilks '34 William Dougherty Jr. ~8

Robert Dubs ' 57 Robert Dudas '8 1 Edward Ede III ' 59

I Kenneth Erickson ' 62 2 Albion Fenderson '34 2 Martin Finegan ' 72 James Funkhouser '25 Glenn Giacobbe '80 Robert Greiner ' 36 James Hackett lii '82 Robert Hammond '58 I Robert Henrich ' 57 3 Harold Herre Jr. '70 I Mark Hoover '70 I Kenneth Humphreys '59 3 Lauren Hutton ' 72 Mark Imhoff ' 91 2 Roger Jaussi ' 81 I Dale Johnson '66 Robert Johnston '42 James Kamm ' 65 Charles Kauffeld '49 I William Kiselick '83 2 William Knoell '47 Walter Kritsky ' 79 John Kronenberg ' 33 Eugene Labbett ' 66 James Latta '36 Robt. McCutcheon '43 2 Timothy McGuire ' 60 Laurence McMahon Jr. ' 73 2 Guy Mellick ' 63 John Minor Jr. ' 78 I Jere Moter ' 69 3 Edwin Mulligan '37 Donald Nelson '58 J. Rodger Nesbit '40 George Nieman ' 61 Dennis O'Connell '76 Jack O'Savage II '9 1 Charles Panasewicz

'72 William Patula '67 2 Stephen Peck '69 Kenneth Petrosky ' 70 Dr. Albert Plantz ' 59 James Plugge ' 56 I Edward Rhodes Jr. '34 2 Charles Richardson '42 Thomas Riley '42 James Riley ' 71 William Sauvary ' 35 Paul Schucker Jr. '48 Grant Scott lll ' 70 William Shaffer ' 38 2 H. Robert Sharbaugh '48 Donald Shaver ' 50 Warren Snow '45 Ivan Sturman '5 1 James Sward ' 57 Bruce Taylor ' 45 Joseph Troy Jr. ' 50 Mark Uram ' 78 2 Charles Van Wart '55 Charles Vaughan Jr. '5 1 George Wargo ' 73 Wallace Weber Ill ' 83 Henry Werronen ' 65 John Wesner Jr. ' 58 Lawrence White ' 72 Robert Whiteside '44 Robert Wright ' 45 Richard Yates ' 78 Nicholas Yourst ' 74 Edward Zaunick ' 78 Case Theodore Abrahamson ' 71 Jerry Adamic ' 72 James Allison ' 57 R. Barry Ashby '59 John Baird ' 32 Arthur Bazeley ' 45 Stephen Beach '25 2 Howard Black '48 George Bowles ' 30 Frank Brooks ' 35

fhe Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

2 David Cook '50 Leland Courtney ' 62 Scott Cousins ' 80 Richard Crossland Jr. ' 65 James Davis ' 35 Frederick Fischer ' 53 Charles Fluke '41 2 Walter Forsythe '40 Joseph Genco ' 60 Gene Gilly ' 79 David Glaser ' 57 Robert Gordon ' 26 5 Gordon Gray ' 31 Paul Greenlee '49 John Gregory '50 2 William Heidloff ' 26 2 W. Kern Hendricks ' 63 William Hinkle ' 79 Arthur Holden Jr. ' 35 Charles Hollis '67 George Hornfeck ' 64 Maynard Isheim '43 LeVar Jensen '5 1 Carl Johnson Jr. ' 42 2 James Kewley ' 66 2 William Kieffer ' 63 Elmer Kitinoja ' 53 Gregg Knepley ' 69 Robert Kovach '79 Ronald Kraus ' 62 Gordon Lambillotte ' 56 I Herbert Lensner ' 37 I Karl Lieberman ' 81 2 Elmer Lindseth '23 2 Frank Linsalata ' 63 Owen Logee '66 Albert Marrer ' 53 2 George Martin '49 Robert Mattoon '42 3 Jack Maxwell '49 I Ramsey McFerran ' 55 I Jack McNaughton ' 65 I Lewis Moore ' 33 Mark Morgan '74 Robert0'Grody '40 William Owens '65 Joseph Pam pel '54 I James Parker Jr. ' 3 1 2 Lee Penkowski ' 59 John Phipps ' 49 Thomas Rebernak ' 66 Hugh Riddle ' 38 Philip Rockwood '37 Philip Rowberg Jr. '70 Neilton Saari ' 78 Theron Sayle '34 James Schi ller ' 55 Roy Schubert ' 63 David Sheppard ' 68 John Slobada '66 I Glenn Snow '44 2 Howard Sorber '41 Robert Sords ' 48 Edwin Speh Jr. ' 38 Robert Sproat ' 60 2 Stephen Stack '56 William Stief Jr. ' 64 2 Joseph Strouse Jr. '54 3 Arthur Tatman '42 2 Carl Tinstrnan Jr. '43 James Tripp ' 56 Joseph Viland '59 Edward Vitcha ' 39 2 William VonBehren '25 Gardner Vose '29 I George Weaver ' 45 Charles Wiley ' 58 Alfred Willard Jr. ' 38 Case- Western Reserve Aaron Bernhardt '88 David Bode '84 John Buell ' 89 Boris Calderon ' 88 Brian Christian ' 88 Robert Georgi ' 91 Ori Hampel ' 88

Amit Hampel ' 91 Cary Hughes ' 91 Colin Kilbane ' 83 Patrick McNamara ' 85 David Smith ' 84 Central Michigan Kenneth Breen ' 89 William Hanley '9 1 Randall Helman ' 83 Grant Kersten Jr. ' 87 Oren Lane ' 85 Edward Smith ' 87 Centre I John Bahe '70 Jonathan Blanchard ' 88 Jack Bosley Jr. ' 72 James Boyd ' 73 2 James Brown '21 I Isaac Buchanan Jr. '45 Kevin Campisano '89 Tom Duncan ' 69 Winfield Gabhart '42 2 Michael Goains ' 89 Jackson Godbey ' 41 William Irvine ' 37 Henry Krauss Jr. ' 76 Harrington Lackey Jr. '88 Patrick Laughlin ' 85 Norman Lemme ' 65 2 William Luxford '34 W. Grier Martin ' 63 Wallace McBrayer ' 50 Charles Metcalf '35 Ralph Mitchell '34 Milton Moore Jr. ' 42 George Nowatka ' 84 Greg Pike ' 71 Harry Riggs Jr. ' 52 J. Peter Smith ' 60 Loren Sommerfield ' 90 Joel Stokes Jr. '48 William Tyrrell '69 Timothy Verhey ' 85 Samuel Vogt ' 82 I Kirk Vollmecke '85 2 Joe Wallace ' 37 2 Edward Walter Jr. ' 67 I George White ' 78 Chicago 3 S. John Davies ' 48 L. Harvey Davis ' 48 2 Barton Eaton ' 59 Joseph Gabriel '49 J. Robert Grimson ' 46 2 Charles Grosscurth ' 3 1 2 Peter Gunnar ' 47 I Robert Horan ' 53 5 Pa:Ul Jackson ' 48 Robert Kronemyer ' 39 Ernest Krug ' 61 Calvin Leavitt ' 32 Stephen Lewellyn '44 2 Robert Lindblom '50 I Robert Milnikel ' 50 Ross Netherton Jr. ' 39 Charles Otstot ' 50 2 James Ratcliffe '46 I Louis Welsh '41 Donat Wentzel ' 56 David Wilder '48 2 Lawrence Williams ' 51 Cincinnati 2 William Albertson ' 57 Robert Ames '33 Denis Back ' 73 Gregory Back '74 William Baetz ' 35 Robert Barsan ' 70 2 Thomas Bauer ' 61 I David Beckner ' 50 I. Michael Bender ' 86 Gregory Berger ' 74 Preston Black ' 82

Carl Bohn Jr. ' 71 Joseph Bohn '71 2 Elroy Bourgraf ' 54 2 William Brewer ' 52 2 Robert Brickweg ' 70 3 John Brinkley ' 60 3 Jack Brown ' 67 George Brockmann ' 49 Joseph Carlin ' 8 1 Stephen Carr '65 Raymond Casanta ' 89 Mark Casanta ' 92 4 Thomas Cassady '76 Paul Cirino ' 90 Sam Cone '48 David Connell ' 64 Walter Conner ' 32 Myers Cooper n ' 51 2 Daniel Danzl MD ' 72 I David DeVore ' 34 3 Russell Dean '41 Thomas Dugle ' 71 2 Harold Edwards '28 Christopher Edwards '89 James Eilers ' 51 Harold Elliott ' 68 John Erhardt ' 49 John Evans ' 62 Harry Feucht Jr. ' 69 I Dean Fite '35 I William Fleming ' 35 3 Arthur Forbriger Jr. ' 53 I Frank Foster ' 50 2 Stanley Foster '46 I Richard Friedman ' 63 Joseph Fries ' 86 John George '82 2 George Gibbs ' 68 2 Myron Gire Jr. ' 60 2 John Goering ' 56 Carl Gracely '33 Olen Grandle ' 34 Russell Gray Jr. ' 40 2 Kenneth Gregg '47 2 Robert Gruen ' 36 Kirk Hall '79 Jeffery Harrington '79 James Heathcote ' 56 Edward Heidt '40 I Wallace Holzman Jr. ' 58 Robert Holzman ' 60 2 Harry Hopkins ' 51 Stephen Howard '74 2 James Hughes ' 39 I Terrence Hunek ' 75 Timothy Inboden ' 86 Alexander Ipiotis '82 Peter Jacobs ' 89 David Kerka ' 88 H. Ellis King '42 2 Steven King ' 71 Geoffrey Kleb ' 61 2 Donald Knab '44 I David Koch '87 Robert Kreimer Jr. '37 I Raymond Kunkel ' 89 I Jeffrey Leland '69 2 David Lindenbaum ' 71 Jeffrey Lloyd '89 Michael Lohman ' 79 Martin Longmire ' 53 Lowell Lumley '54 Henry Meier '53 2 John Melville ' 32 3 H. Kent Mergler ' 63 Keith Mi llay ' 75 Timothy Miller '83 Don Mi lls MD ' 50 Michael Miyasato ' 78 James Moore MD '49 Jerome Morgan Jr. ' 59 Patrick Morton ' 63 Douglas Moseman ' 69 2 David Nordhoff ' 61 William Norris ' 59 R. David North ' 68 Gregory Ott '89

1- Wooglin Club ($50-$99)

2 - Mystic Circle ($1 00-$249)

3-1839 Club ($250-$499)

4- Dragon Club ($500 - $99)

5- John Reily Knox Society ($ 1,000 or more) 233

Beta Leadership Fund

Giving by Chapter 2 Clark Oyler '49 Robert Palmer '63 Stephen Parent '92 Roger Parry '57 Howard Perkson Jr. '65 David Pfeifer '92 Gregory Pike '80 Stuart Press '85 Thomas Radcliffe '67 Michael Ragozzino '88 Edward Rooch ' 73 Robert Runyan ' 42 3 William Rush '67 Randall Sanders '69 Mark Sass ' 82 Dennis Schimpf '9 1 Ceci l Scholfield Jr. '44 John Scoarste '90 William Sellers Jr. '45 Jack Shadle '62 2 Howard Shaw Jr. '52 Ewart Simpkinson '19 George Sistrunk '36 Michael Slater '78 John Spoelker Jr '9 I Thomas Stark '90 Wallace Steele '49 I W. Bonfoey Stevens '23 I James Stevens '60 I Paul Stroebel '45 I Robert Swartzel Jr. '73 Richard Tanner '70 Robert Thompson '5 0 Robert Tingley '42 John Turnau '77 James Vockell Jr. '67 3 James Wachs ' 55 I Willard Warriner '41 Richard Weyls '83 I Christopher Wheat '72 2 Robert White '38 Lowe Wiggers Jr. '39 .2 Steven Wilson ' 66 I Michael Wright '87 2 A. Jerome York ' 67 I Stephen Ziegler '64 Robert Zoller '81 Clemson I Wi lliam Addis '85 George Alexander Jr. '83 2 Douglas Armistead '71 Grant Baker '75 Barry Bazen '88 Brent Bobo '82 Kelley Cloninger ' 92 Jon Dohner ' 86 James Dwane '89 Michael Gothie Jr. '88 2 Richard Hines '72 2 Kenneth Jackson '76 I William Jones II '86 John Lippard '89 Timothy Mertz '79 Stanley Metz '75 David Nicoletti '88 I Reginald Plummer IV '86 Randal Rogers '76 Robt. Scarborough ' 73 Dr. Thomas Stoddard '80


Michael Stokes ' 78 Mark Wollenhaupt '89 Herbert Young Jr. '57 I 2LT Allen Youngblade '89 Colgate 2 Kenneth Ambach ' 87 George Banitch '42 I Wi ll iam Barton MD '76 Edward Benhoff '57 Warren Blanchard ' 46 Sebastian Brancoli '88 Kenneth Broad '88 William Burke ' 84 Lawrence Connell '77 G. Arthur Cooper '24 Kevin Craig ' 77 2 S. Douglas Cu lp ' 80 John Cushman ' 89 John Dabney ' 92 Craig Dana '64 James Ditzler '42 Mark Dubow '78 Peter Dugan '88 Leslie Edgcomb IJI '72 Jon Eisberg ' 72 Charles Estill '39 Kevin Fall is '77 I Bruce Fein '84 2 E. Philips Fletcher '33 Paul Formichella '76 Pierce Foster '55 George Gallagher '83 John Garone '8 1 2 William Goodspeed '36 F. Hollis Griffin '78 Robert Gunther '72 2 Earl Hamilton '43 2 John Hatcher ' 54 I David Hedley IJI '91 John Higgins '69 Jamieson Hopkins '78 Brian Horey '82 Robert Irwin III ' 49 James Jolly ' 48 Thomas Joyce '43 Henry Kirkendall IJI '83 Daniel Kowalewski '88 2 Norman Learned IJI '81 William Mauke III '79 Steven Mojo '7 1 William Neisel '33 James Nicholls IJI '4 1 Christian Olivier ' 93 Carl Phelps '6 1 2 Bunn Rhea '50 John Rice '88 I Dr. Dion Richetti '83 2 Richard Robbins Jr. ' 54 I Stephen Rock '85 William Ross '32 2 Craig Rossi ' 54 Robert Rouse '83 Mark Sales Jr. '61 Thomas Schafer '62 Michael Schiavo ' 87 Mark Schweitzer '81 William Sebald '45 Will Shaw '78 David Shealer '88 Gary Shedl in '85 Jacob Si lver '77 James Simes '62 John Smith '46 Randolph Smith '68 Jeffrey Soule '75 Wi lliam Sprole '46 2 David Tanen '85 2 Robert Thorburn '43 Phil ip Tomlinson '32 Henry Towers ' 44 G. Scott Tutschek ' 53 Gustave Varrelmann Jr. '26

Clother Vaughn Ill '55 Asa Voak '35 Ralph Webber Jr. '44 Walter Williams '89 George Wilson Jr. '47 William Witkewicz '74 Colorado College Cedric Adams Jr. ' 58 Albert Bevan Jr. '59 Charles Brinkman II '51 2 Edward Butterworth '56 Carl Chilcott '34 Thomas Creigh '78 Russell Curry Jr. '74 I Joseph Dillingham '35 2 William Eagleton ' 43 William Edwards ' 48 Harrison Fisher '50 David Garrett Jr. ' 41 2 Laurence Greene Jr. '45 Robert Hamel '62 Steven Hoch '77 Charles Johnstone ' 38 Robert Kelly ' 35 Robert Larson '4 7 Joseph Leonard '87 2 Peter Marshall ' 73 Carl Maynard Jr. ' 34 2 Donald McGilvray Ill ' 72 Donald McKee '52 F. Joyce Miller '30 2 Thomas Paterson Jr. '35 Boku Prince ' 87 Robert Selig Jr. '62 I John Sickle ' 54 2 William Smith Jr. ' 52 I Craig Sutherland '72 2 Keith Thorp Jr. ' 50 Robert Turner '38 Robert Wi lliams '47 Colorado Mines I Frederick Aldrich ' 43 Harry Beckmann '34 2 Chris Bement '88 I Jack Bessee ' 49 4 Carl Blaurock '16 David Bradfield ' 57 Frank Brown '49 Gregory Buchenroth '75 Dorrance Bunn Jr. '55 Donald Caindec ' 62 Brewster Conant '50 James Criswell '74 Marshall Crouch Ill '67 I James Curzon '53 Robert Deister II '78 Richard Doran '64 I Charles Downing '62 I Mathew Dubois '90 2 Robert Earlougher ' 36 2 Richard Egen '60 Willard Ellis '45 Maxwell Euwer '25 John Feeley '64 Charles Flournoy '8 1 Michael Foley ' 82 Harry Gaddis Jr. '38 Joseph Gates '56 2 Richard Gaugler ' 79 2 W . Tyler Geiger '79 2 Edward Gibbon Jr. '68 I Edward Goldmann '8 1 Stephen Grynberg '84 2 Brantley Halstead ' 79 John Hays ri '68 2 Richard Hickman '65 Van Howbert II ' 51 Charles Lrish ' 50 2 Benson Joseph ' 58 Robert Kewley ' 39 James Krebs Jr. ' 69

Michael Long ' 72 Timothy Lyons '80 2 Joel Mascitelli '68 2 James Mattern '86 I Daniel McAuliffe '74 I Philip Moldenhauer ' 75 John Olsson '87 Christopher Papadakis '88 George Parker '42 I Frank Pool Jr. '69 2 Mark Reeves '90 Robert Rehtmeyer '42 Raymond Ruehle '52 John Rump '32 Michael Sargent '60 William Schiele '4 1 David Scriven '69 David Sewell Jr ' 90 Robert Shanley '42 Charles Shirley '8 1 2 Marshall Silver '64 Samuel Smith '62 James Springer '40 S. Y Stennis '38 2 Richard Thomas '64 I Spencer Tit ley '51 I Joseph Titzer '85 2 A. H Tonkin '34 2 Charles Vasilius '81 John Walker Jr. '67 Michael West '69 Steven Wheeler '80 Thomas Wh ite ' 66 Colorado State Randall Howard '90 Robert Lawson '90 Scott Simons '89 Colorado I John Allen Jr. ' 42 I William Alsup Jr. '60 2 Arthur Alt ' 62 Kenneth Anderson '70 2 Francis Bain '30 I Chris Bartlett ' 28 5 Stephen Bechtel Jr. ' 47 Kenneth Berger '87 2 Eugene Bowes '38 2 Henry Bradford '61 I Thomas Bradshaw '28 2 Robert Braun '37 I John Bubb ' 85 2 John Cheney ' 65 Richard Counley ' 41 Kent Franke ' 70 2 Charles Freed '29 2 Donald Gardner ' 50 I David Gorham '58 Bradley Greiner '84 Steven Gunzburg '66 Robert Hall '41 2 Mark Hemmeter '85 2 David Henderson ' 45 Arthur Hiner III '51 2 Thomas Hirtle ' 55 2 Edward Hannen '47 2 Wi lliam Hooker '57 William Hover II '39 Harry Hunt ' 39 I David Hunt '88 2 James Hutchinson ' 57 2 Drake Johnson '85 I James Johnston '47 William Johnston '51 Thomas Keaveny '85 2 Alan Keeffe ' 81 Jeffrey Leikin '81 James Lincoln '52 2 Bryan McCollam '88 C Kevin McCrary '83 William McCuskey ' 82 Mark Melbye ' 85 3 Edward Montgomery ' 25 I Rick Morgan '89 Robert Muth '54

2 H. Peter Nagel '35 Kenneth Niles '61 John O'Ryan '43 Frederic Pannebaker '34 John Parker ' 6 1 Elmer Peterson Jr. '36 Edward Peterson '85 Joel Rand '83 Mark Reid '82 Harold Sears Jr. '52 Jeffrey Segal '87 Richard Senty '48 2 David Stewart '83 Edwin VanCise '37 James Warren '59 Melvin Weaver '59 Edward Wood Jr. '70 Columbia I George Abodeely Jr. '62 Mark Ambrosino '90 Russell Baccaglini '62 Russell Baccaglini '92 Edward Barnes '79 James Cooney '49 James Coyne '53 Cliffo rd Curran '27 Burr Curtis MD '32 William Daley '67 George Doan '49 Christopher Dom ' 86 2 Harry Ekblom '49 Nicholas Fortuin '6 1 James Freese '65 Harry Fritts '46 Charles Garrison ' 55 Richard Goldstein '76 Foster Gunnison Jr. '49 I Gordon Hamilton Jr. '50 Carl Hamrnergren '45 Daniel Hovey '55 Paul Kastin '66 Gayle Kirkpatrick '90 Howard Kitt '63 I William LaRosa MD '47 Salvatore Lanuto '74 Christopher Layton '89 Edwin Long '44 Stephen Mairs '61 Robert Martling '56 Thomas McAndrews '58 James McLoughlin IV ' 78 Albert Michell '49 2 John Miner '48 2 Alfred Minervini ' 40 Kenneth Miskow '59 Eric Munro ' 49 2 Henry O'Brien ' 51 I John Oplinger '52 E. Joseph Osburn '59 Ernest Petrulio '5 1 Thomas Powers '51 Andrew Puchany '74 Dr. Anthony Reso ' 54 Walter Richters '44 Kevin Roach '77 Walter Roath '38 John Roper '61 Thomas Saxon IJl '87 Harold Snyder MD '26 Peter Stevens '70 Edward Vassallo '65 Addison Wi lson '26 Cornell Chris Adams ' 79 C. Monroe Albright '38 2 David Biddle '57 2 H. Donald Bliss '42 I Robert Brenner MD ' 52 James Buck '62

Chauncey Burtch '41 Laurits Christensen · Peter Clark '75 Jeffrey Cohen '90 Jacques Crommelin ' John Curtis '62 2 Joseph Davidson Jr. '42 I Richard Davis ' 50 Eric Degenfe lder '86 3 Herbert Doan '45 Craig Duncan '7 1 Scott Duncan '84 Charles Dye '87 Thomas Eschweiler •, Joseph Fiorito Jr. '92 Thomas Fischer '54 Sidney Frick '37 Charles Hall MD '6 1 John Haughwout '44 4 George Heekin '29 I Warren Hinsch ' 49 Roy Hughes Jr. '45 H. Harris Hunt '83 Jerry Jensen '69 E. Michael Keating ·~ 2 Roy Kitamura '6 1 I Christian Kolmodin '89 4 Carl Kroch '3 5 John Kruse '41 Henry Lang Jr. ' 49 Joseph Littleton '42 David Lonsdale '67 Jeffrey Maggard '91 Joseph Mansur '77 I Norman Mason '46 2 Bert McCulloch ' 71 John McDaniel III '82 Thomas McGlynn '80 H. Benjamin Mitchell '36 2 William Neckerman '3 1 I Gary Nielsen '82 James O'Connell '88 2 Bruce O'Pray '68 Douglas Onsi '90 Hiram Pan '88 Robert Quinn '90 2 Aaron Retzer '72 3 Hope Ritter Jr. '43 I Peter Rohr '72 Albert Rohr ' 74 Charles Ruth '59 Laurence Saidman '84 Craig Seaman ' 75 Howard Simons '38 I Julio Sosa Rodriguez '44 Richard Stacy '45 Dr. John Stewart '72 Mark Su '9 1 Kenneth Sudol '83 Robert Tollini '69 I Willes Travis '3 5 2 Thomas Tung '87 2 Gustavo Vollmer '42 2 Frederick Wick '57 I Louis Williams ' 56 Bruce Wolfeld '85 Dartmouth 2 Frank Aldrich '45 I Mark Bandeen '83 2 Cambridge Beckel Jr. '36 William Brooks '71 Theodore Brush '44 Robert Burton Jr. '64 Roger Butler '77 Michael Campanale '90 2 Howell Chickering '34 R. Michael Daley '60 Richard Dunham '53 Carl Erdman '3 7 Clifford Fuller '42 Peter Gardner '46

The RP.tst ThPh• PiJ~ ..... ; ....... 1 oo

ames Gifford '67 farry Gilmore Jr. '34 , t. Gen. E Godfrey ' 54 M. Russel Goudey ' 29 ~udolf Haerle ' 24 loseph Hoover ' 39 fohn Horner ' 41 :::hester Johnson ' 31 Mininder Kocher '89 >aul Krupka ' 79 :Jregory Lasonde '85 Stephen Lentine ' 77 Gregg MacDonald ' 45 'vfichael Maguire '86 Robert Marr ' 30 Frederic Mayo ' 37 Henry McCarthy ' 31 1-lamilton Mitchell ' 38 .Mark Myers ' 77 George Neiley Jr. ' 39 Francis O ' Brien '48 Charles Odegaard ' 32 John Olejniczak '83 John Olson '89 Earl Owen '44 Thomas Parks ' 69 David Pendleton '50 Robert Riggs Jr. '44 · eff Sassorossi '75 Louis Schott '44 L. William Seidman IWelles Seller ' 40 Richard Shaw ' 39 Parke Sickler ' 51 Michio Soga ' 79 M. Carter Strickland Bernard Taracevicz Jr. Anthony Terrace ' 50 E. Blair Warner ' 38 Joseph Whitworth '9 1

tvidson !Joseph Barnwell '43 IRichard Barnwell '5 1 IJames Boulware III '53 , Chalmers Davidson ' 28 IRobert Davidson ' 62 1 William Gammon ' 70 I Milton Gee Jr. ' 60 Thomas Goode '45 Albert Halverstadt '30 I David Long III ' 58 I Dr. James Martin '57 John Marvin ' 33 James McNeely '3 1 1 Charles Nanney ' 58 William Naylor ' 72 Francis Pepper Jr. ' 52 1 Oscar Richardson Jr.

2 Garland Still Jr. ' 53 William Vinson '48 Robert Waugh ' 62 John Welch Jr. ' 32 E. Grainger Williams

J David Yocum Jr. '44 ~pauw

Dr. Stewart Adam ' 71 Joseph Allen III ' 30 Joseph Allen IV ' 59 David Allen ' 61 Robert Bayer ' 48 Warren Beebe ' 55 G. David Beiser ' 59 K. Roald Bergethon ~

Michael Best ' 79 Richard Bigelow '69 Charles Bokar '76 Donald Bolazina ' 84 Albert Bosch '89 Charles Bowers II ' 72 Robert Bradley '35 Thomas Branning '8 1

John Breck ' 75 James Brown '26 Wi lliam Brown '64 Andrew Buroker '84 Thomas Campbell '59 Hugh Chapman Jr. '39 2 Faris Chesley '60 I John Claycombe '48 Newton Crenshaw '85 Jeffery Davis '84 Kenneth Dawalt ' 33 Michael Deimund '92 A. Trent Detamore '70 Frederick Donal dson '72 William Doty MD '72 James Downey '66 James Duncan IV '88 Ronald Eich ' 70 Steven Eich '74 Blair Faber '82 Kurt Faires '81 Christopher Finch '86 I T. Bruce Fox '69 I Kevin Frai ley '88 2 Thomas Galliher ' 76 2 Arthur Gardner '40 2 Donald Gates ' 45 Robert Gibson M.D. ' 50 2 Charles Gilbert MD ' 56 I Charles Gi lbert '87 James Gipe '4 1 John Grayson '63 Robert Gross ' 69 Thomas Grossman MD '7 1 I Steven Guild '85 Richard Hallett Il '89 2 Charles Harbottle '39 I Joseph Harrison Jr. ' 8 1 Edward Hays Jr. '86 Robert Heil '47 John Heise Til ' 74 William Hester '56 Dennis Himan '66 Philip Hoag ' 57 Jeffrey Hodge ' 80 Donald Holcomb '49 Bruce Holladay '83 Daniel Horner Jr. '90 I Joseph Jessup '76 I Frank Karoly '89 2 Albert Killham '58 2 John Kimberling '47 I Michael Kinney MD '77 I David Leighty ' 63 I Michael Lewis '87 Richard Lohmeyer Jr. '87 4 Robert Lott '42 James MacDonald '70 C. Wendell Martin '39 David Mathias '89 I Raymond McCallister Jr. '56 I Michael McCracken '79 Charles McDonald ' 70 Jeffrey McLaren '88 Thomas McShane '77 W. Sti les Meredith '76 Wi lliam Mereness '39 James Moser '84 Joel Myers '85 I Myron Nichols MD '42 2 William North MD ' 46 I Gene Palmer ' 44 Harry Parrish '35 James Pennington '32 F. Garret Ptleeger ' 67 T. Stephen Phillips '63 Mark Phi llips '86 John Plum '54 John Prestwich '47 3 Russell Quick '36 Donald Rehm '43

he Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

Ronald Richards '82 I V. Eugene Ritz ' 36 I Dean Robb '73 2 Robert Rohn '40 Ned Rule MD '61 Walter Sampson Jr. '58 H. Tuck Schulhof '58 Richard Schulte '69 I Will ian1 Seaman '30 I Richard Sheppard '9 1 2 Wendell Simpson ' 37 Vernon Soukup ' 47 Charles Southwick ' 70 2 Joseph Sparks ' 37 John Stevens '48 Randolph Stokely '67 J. Arthur Sunkel ' 52 J. Alan Sward '5 1 John Tedford MD ' 5 1 2 Richard Tewksbury Jr. '72 Ernest Thayer ' 53 Fred Thomas ' 34 R. Field Triebel '5 1 2 Edward Unterberg ' 58

Chapter management consultants traveled more than 50, 000 miles to assist chapters in 1992, thanks to support from the Beta Leadership Foundation. 2 Paul VanRiper '38 I Douglass Vines '68 3 Michael Vorst '67 Thomas Walker ' 60 Earl Watson '33 Robert Watson '44 Robert Weissmi ll er '40 Kenneth West '86 Oliver Wh ite ' 51 James Widman '51 Jack Wiley '74 John Williams Jr. '55 Don Wi lls '6 1 Don Wright '39 Malcolm Wright '51

Denison 2 Stanford Ackley ' 63 Benjamin Ackley ' 79 2 Walter Alpaugh Jr. ' 44 2 Edward Appelquest '43 Charles Ashbrook Jr. ' 54 Anthony Biggio DDS ' 63 I Donald Blackburn ' 32 2 Bradley Blum '76 I George Brown Jr. '60 Ben Callaway ' 50 Penn Cobb '63 Morton Cook Jr. ' 66 2 Wi ll iam Cornell ' 38 I George Dall as Jr. '53 T. Clifford Deveny '82 Robert Dold '60 Paul Ebaugh '35 James Ehrman '68 Larry Fairchild ' 57 2 William Findley ' 57 I R. Kent Galey '68 Clay Graham '77 Charles Hall '46 George Howard Jr. ' 29 Thomas Howenstine '66 I Brian Hughes ' 81

Senour Hunt ' 46 Jack Jones '42 Jeffrey Kane '77 Thomas Kothman '69 Lawrence Kovacs '77 Richard Kraetz Jr. '77 Christopher Lacy '90 2 Richard Lugar '54 Thomas Maddux IV ' 82 Robert Marquardt ' 50 J. Tucker Marston '56 I Wi ll iam Mason '77 2 Emil Massa MD ' 49 Charles McCune '48 Christopher McKinney '77 Benjamin Miller '90 William Palmer '44 Barry Porter '59 Edwin Poulton Jr. '81 John Ragatz '62 2 David Reese '62 I David Richards ' 45 I Terry Ripich '66 Stanley Risch ' 68 George Roderick ' 3 1 Taylor Roth '50 George Roudebush 0 William Ryno ' 54 Richard Sauer MD '32 James Schulte ' 40 Richard Seils '67 Howard Shaw '48 Robert Sherwood '49 2 Richard Shoop '41 2 Richard Shoop MD '66 John Sloan '73 3 Edward Smith '35 2 Jeffrey Sommer '87 Richard Strup ' 74 2 Samuel VanVoorhis ' 40 James Wahle '58 Edward Walsh '40 Stuart Watterson Jr. '50 3 Herschel Weber '35 2 Edward Weber '53 Coll ins Wight '39 Robert Willis ' 50 Gerald Wischmeyer '63

Denver John Bailey '64 Franklin Barnhill '46 John Bolinger ' 79 James Bramley '7 1 I CMDR Phi lip Briscoe '73 David Butler '57 Robert Buzbee ' 57 J. Stephen Caples ' 34 Sebastian Cassetta ' 72 Timothy Clave '76 Thaddeus Coates '55 Richard Cockrell '49 Harry Cooper '26 Wi ll iam Cormack '40 James Cullen '67 Herbert Daniel ' 35 John Delaney '60 William Douglass II '35 2 Darrell Earhart '60 I Robert Edmiston ' 47 William Flaherty ' 53 George Fraker III ' 52 Thomas Gardner '32 George Gleason '48 James Grant Jr. '45 John Gray ' 49 2 Edward Greene Jr. '27 James Hall ' 37 Daniel Haskell ' 68 Roy Henry '60 William Hill Jr. '77 Robert Hughart '45 Charles Johnson '90

2 Daniel Kellogg '41 John Leander Jr. '82 Edward Lehman '46 Randle Loveland '72 Edward Maker '47 I Walter McWilliams Jr. '85 Elwood Meyer ' 42 2 Richard Meyer '5 1 J. Stuart Moore ' 50 William Muller '43 John Patton '78 Edwin Perrott lfl '51 John Raeder '60 John Rennick '64 Thomas Reyburn '65 2 Fin lay Robinson ' 28 I E. Tweed Robinson '56 2 Kent Robinson ' 89 3 Herbert Sandberg '49 Eugene Schaetzel '36 3 Marc Schu lman ' 76 Frank Scott '4 1 2 Robert Shattuck MD '26 John Steel ' 71 Frederick Stinchfield '73 Tod Thorpe '86 I Frank True ' 38 I Donald Vil min '63 2 Joseph Wagner '43 I Richard Webb '37 I James Whitfield Jr. ' 63 Wi lliam Woodman Jr. '70 Michael Wornick '8 1 David Wyatt '36 Dickinson 2 James Abraham ' 73 4 A. Richard Blair ' 54 Mark Boland '78 Donald Bonney ' 29 Alan Bott ' 52 Cli ffo rd Carey '69 John Clark '35 Arthur DiMarco ' 70 George Dipple ' 50 Mario Einaudi '89 Herbert Ferris '53 Jackson Gibbs ll '83 Y. Duke Hance '42 Edwin Hann ' 31 Justin Harris ' 36 David Kah lenberg '90 Gordon Kamka ' 62 Charles Kane Jr. ' 72 David Ki melblatt '84 K. Richard Knoblauch '56 Harold Koch ' 29 2 Charles Langner Jr. '46 Brian Latimer '85 George Lee Jr. '7 1 George McCahan .'3 1 David Meade '62 Barclay Morse ' 69 Robert Moyer '89 Ronald Naditch ' 59 Ronald Page '6 1 2 John Person Jr. '40 Dr. John Podboy '66 Wi ll iam Quay ' 35 David Reel '92 I Walter Semke II ' 73 2 George Stehley lll 0 L Holland Taylor '45 Wi lliam Taylor ' 52 I Edwin Tompkins Jr. '53 Robert Varney MD '68 2 Wentworth Vedder '51 2 Robert Waidner ' 32 Bruce Walton '69 John Watkins ' 49 Herbert Wing '48

Duke WiHiam Anderson ' 53

1- W ooglin Club

($50-$99) 2 - Mystic Circle

($ 100-$249) 3-1839 Club

($250-$499) 4 -Dragon Club

($500 - $99) 5 - John Reily Knox Society

($ 1,000 or more) 235

Beta Leadership Fund

Giving by Chapter 2 David Ballard DDS ' 43 S. Richard Bauman ' 53 Dan Bellinger ' 55 Stephen Blake ' 84 Wallace Boston Jr. ' 76 Edward Bott Jr. '77 Dr William Bryant '54 Edward Cunliff '45 Charles Deleot Ill '67 Peter Denker '58 Kenneth Derrick '54 Don Dettmering '63 Steven Dunne '4 1 Paul Eastman '48 James Edwards Ill '79 W. Paul Flynn '48 John Freeman ' 66 Alden Gorham Jr. ' 52 5 William Graham '56 2 Glen Gray '69 Miles Gullingsrud Jr. ' 63 Michael Hanley '82 Gordon Hasse Jr. ' 66 Lynn Holcombe Jr. '44 Charles Howard Jr. ' 55 Gene James '54 I Peter Kanaris '82 2 James Kanski '88 Dr Leroy King '59 I Charles Kuebler '59 2 Michael Kusturiss '45 Wilmot Losee Jr. '58 2 Thomas Lowe ' 57 John Lynch ' 58 I John-Michael Maas ' 89 2 Hubert McCain '73 Thomas McNamara '52 John Melville ' 69 I Oliver Niess Jr. ' 57 2 Dr Calvin O' Kane '45 Ray Olds Jr. '55 I Larry Parsons '60 David Place ' 75 I Louis Randle Jr. '54 2 Jack Ray ' 49 2 James Risk III ' 63 William Robinson '44 Chris Rolleston '90 William Sammons '65 Charles Schad! Jr. '67 Norb Schaefer Jr. '52 William Schaffer ' 53 John Schmitt '55 J. Ralph Seaton '53 John Sherrill '50 Frank Sherrill III '51 Richard Siderowf ' 59 Brian Simpson '84 Dr Thomas Todd '54 Dr Kenneth Towe ' 56 I David Tuthill '52 2 Stephen Upham Jr. '43 I Richard Watson ' 59 I Richard Williams '80 I John Woodworth '50 East Carolina I William Johnston '83 I Capt Duane Little '82 4 Chris McDowell '84 Timothy Morris ' 82 Russell Patrick '8 1


2 Paul Puckett '89 I Edwin Rice '90 I Kevin Turner ' 82 David Zucker '85 Eastern Kentucky I Richard Atchison '92 Richard Case Jr. ' 73 I G. Michael Conway ' 75 I Walter Cornett ' 90 I Allen Davis III ' 73 I Frank Denney '89 Douglas Devlin '78 Dennis Doggett '73 Rodney Gaines ' 73 Mark Hudson ' 76 Mark Klein '8 1 Patrick McNeil '8.0 Richard McQuady ' 77 William Secara ' 77 Richard Spencer '73 J. Kevin Stengel '80 Wm Turner '73 John Wallingford ' 77 William Wethington '72 I Douglas Wilson ' 78 Emory Robert Beale '89 Bradley Dansby Jr. '52 Aaron Gottlieb ' 77 2 Rufus Kirkland '58 John Klobasa '72 David Linnan ' 76 William Marger '81 Richard Maxwell DDS ' 52 2 Robert McCulloch ' 79 I George Miller MD ' 56 John Newman Jr. '65 2 William Parks Jr. ' 68 Christopher Silk '92 Richard Souviron DDS '58 2 Alan Teplis MD '78 Ned Watts Jr. '59 Florida 2 Mark Ahrano '37 2 Herbert Allen Jr. '62 I Donald Asher Jr. '53 Robert Backoff II '64 Jack Bailey ' 57 2 Christian Bauer '66 4 Stephen Becker '69 Richard Blair ' 57 Philip Bliss ' 76 Thomas Boyle ' 69 Lee Bransford Jr. ' 35 Thomas Brown '55 Pierce Bullen '56 R Robert Burrow ' 82 2 Thomas Buser '77 2 John Carter '5 0 William Clarke '39 Chris Clinton '83 Mark Dash '79 Cree Dawson '61 Derrick DeCarlo '88 John DePalma ' 92 John Dipietro ' 77 Thomas Dunn '66 Donald Dutcher '41 Phillips Easterling ' 56 Richard Egen Jr. '88 2 Donald Ernst '39 Michael Frketic ' 76 2 Michael Gable '67 I John Gatz '54 2 Robert Gesemyer '76 Michal Glenn ' 66 George Haldeman Jr. '45 Dean Hartman '9 1 Robert Hendry ' 50 Mason Heydt '70 D. Douglas Hill ' 72

2 J Richard Hirte '69 Randall Holcombe ' 72 William Jesse '76 Raymond Johnson ' 72 Jacob Jung '59 Lawrence Klimas '70 Nicholas Klimas '80 Jeffrey Klink '69 2 John Knowlton ' 35 I William Koska '68 Orner Lannom Jr. '49 Talbert Lauter '70 Oscar Lewis '43 David Littlejohn ' 69 Jerome Loughren '79 Walter McEldowney '3 1 Todd Merrill ' 91 2 William Moore Jr. ' 55 2 George Morgan '33 James Myler ' 57 Allan Nielsen '65 Jackson Parmer '52 Jerry Peters '82 Dr. Roger Phillips '28 James Pickering '69 2 H. William Pipkin '58 Michael Polstein ' 73 Ronald Prati ' 60 Joseph Proudfoot IV '70 Charles Putnam '38 John Reynolds ' 55 George Schell '72 G. Ryan Scholz '70 M Wade Schwall ' 71 Lee Scott '49 I James Scott Jr. ' 70 2 N. Gary Shultis ' 69 Larry Simmons ' 75 John Skipper '44 Russell Small '78 Ivan Smith '29 Willis Stephens '32 2 A. Courtney Stewart '3 0 Charles Sutton '7 1 Frank Taylor Jr. ' 35 Herbert Todd '45 Richard Townsend '72 Richard Tressler Jr. '85 2 Clark Vitulli '68 Robert Vosloh ' 57 William Wade '64 Jeffrey Wade '86 Fred Wagner Jr. '47 5 Bill Wagner ' 60 I John Ward '60 I James West III '87 2 Eric Wickstrom '80 I David Willing ' 57 2 T. Warren Wooten ' 49 Florida State I Christopher Bobber '73 Steven Colman '80 Jeffrey Craft '88 Edward Culbertson ' 77 Bryan Deck ' 91 Charles Klein '72 James Klima '88 I William LeHeup Jr. '82 Frederick MacMartin Ill '9 1 David Mathews '82 James McDonald '90 Edward Mower '91 Maj Terry Newton '74 David Ryan '91 James Schmidt '72 Thomas Sechrest ' 71 Matthew Thomas '91 I Capt Clifford Wyllie ' 77 GMI-EMI I Douglas Alvear ' 92 Dennis Aman ' 78

Robert Atkins ' 71 Raymond Benner ' 64 I David Biddlecombe ' 75 2 David Boboltz '79 2 David Bojanowski '90 Brian Braglia ' 75 Walter Brockman '68 Donald Brockman '65 Henry Brockman ' 73 I Bradley Buczkowski '8 1 David Cabush ' 91 Alexander Cisar '67 2 James Clelland '78 Steven Cok '8 1 2 W. Pau1Commons ' 77 2 Gary Crosby '69 Walter Czop Jr. ' 89 2 William Davis '71 2 Alfred DeBuhr '69 I Carl Dion ' 73 Richard Dixon '65 Robert Ferer '89 Gary Forrer ' 78 Pierre Gauthier '78 James Giffin '73 Kenneth Godzina '77 I Michael Hintz '74 3 James Huffman ' 48 I Todd Jenks '84 John Katona ' 74 Marc Kidder '72 Kenneth Kleiber '78 James Kos ' 77 Roy Koskinen '60 Michael Leu '69 3 George Lowe Jr. ' 75 Kenneth Marks '90 2 David Martin '69 John Maxgay '89 I James McMillin '92 2 Ronald Meegan '69 2 Robert Meling '75 Sam Oweis '87 Roger Peterson ' 73 Kenneth Pike ' 69 Robert Salyer '70 Gary Schultz ' 74 Dean Smith '92 Karl Steinmann '69 Albert Steurer '75 Roy Streetz '83 Thaddeus Stump '78 Jeffrey Synor '78 2 Robert Trygstad ' 77

The average gift to the Beta Leadership Fund in 1992 was $57.90. Richard Tupek '80 James Valicevic ' 69 Mark Whippie '89 Jeffrey Williams '84 George Mason Ian Bailey Jr '9 1 Rohit Dhanda '87 William McClintock m ' 90 Daniel Mullin '88 2 M. H. Peter Sirh '90 I Timothy deCamp '89 Georgia Steven Butz '89 Andy Jabaley '90 Bradley Johnson ' 90 Jeremy Miller II ' 92

Alan Rudolph '88 Scott Russell '88 Ernest Ward Jr '88 Tony Woodard ' 90 Keith Zgonc ' 90 Georgia Tech John Abner Jr. '53 2 Robert Anderegg ' 72 Samuel Anderson '85 Richard August ' 52 Jeffrey Baggett '8 1 Robert Bailey '46 2 Keith Ballenger '86 I Charles Bamford ' 60 William Bird ' 43 Bradley Bolster Jr. '87 C. Clinton Bolte ' 67 Colen Bright Jr. '67 James Buhls ' 49 I John Burson Ill ' 55 2 Randolph Cabell ' 53 2 Robert Cannon '51 I Charles Cansler III ' 88 I Julian Clark Jr. '54 2 Richard Codding ' 66 Philippe Combier '78 Paul Cone ' 77 Frank Conway IV '89 John Cooper Jr. '64 Dr William Corbett ' 55 John Crane ' 81 Dan Curtis '70 Mark DeVoe '84 Wilson Dreger III ' 54 Eric Eaton '84 Kevin Edwards '82 Harry Emmert ' 37 3 Dr. Goodman Espy ' 57 2 Paul Espy '65 2 James Ewart III '68 I John Gay III ' 54 I John Gentry ' 79 Jarrell Goodwin Jr. '44 I Theodore Haile '75 2 Newton Hardie Jr. '56 I Alton Hartley ' 71 David Harvey '58 William Hemp '82 James Hickerson '56 William Hickson Jr. ' 61 John Holder ' 62 Michael Horowitz ' 87 Robert Howell '81 George Humphrey tn '64 2 Thomas Hunt '58 Frank Irizarry ' 82 3 John Jacobs '39 Glenn Jardine ' 77 James Jennings ' 48 Eugene Johnson '34 Pierce Johnson Jr. '55 I Ervin Keener '28 I Benjamin King ill ' 50 2 James Kirkpatrick ' 56 I Dr Fred Knickerbocker ' 66 Jan Koenig '75 2 J. Peter Labouisse ' 64 I William Lakenan Jr. ' 63 W. Stanton Lanier '86 2 Capt Richard Lee ' 59 Franklin Lee ' 71 Stephen Lehrer '90 Mark Leinmiller '83 John Lester '88 D. Patrick Livingston ' 61 I John Long Jr. '8 1 2 Michael Lowry '87 Herron MacDonald ' 40 2 Lynn Maddox '64 2 Thomas Mayes Jr. ' 54 I David McCollum '85 3 John McDaniel Jr. ' 42 Michael McGannon '88

Patrick McGinn '89 William McKinney · Homer Meier '35 Eugene Miller Jr. ' 31 Robert Miller Jr. '62 Mark Mitchell ' 84 5 Graham Monroe Jr. ' Glenn Moore Jr. '67 Gregory Morgan ' 71 I Kent Morrisey '88 I Robert Morrison '61 I Joseph Mount ' 91 2 Charles Neill Jr. '44 F. Scott Orr ' 78 William Papa '83 Jonathan Parker '59 Emory Phillips Jr. '4. Edward Pieper '41 Gary Piligian '82 James Pines ' 38 Paul Pruitt ' 79 Lee Purser '88 William Reger ' 51 Edward Rempe HI '5• Richard Reynolds IV '82 I John Rittelmeyer Jr. ' 58 Stephen Rives Jr. '65 James Roberson '51 Gregory Robinson '8~ 3 Edwin Rodgers Jr. ' 6! I Richard Rodgers '71 2 Richard Rosselot ' 56 I Thomas Ruck Jr. '82 Robert Sanders Jr. ' 7-f Jeffery Sanders '80 Ross Schlueter '80 Stephen Sheetz ' 82 I Douglas Simpson '8 1 3 Rush Smith Jr. '71 2 Jack Smith Jr. '72 2 Laurence Smith '74 2 Charles Snow '68 Richard Sparks Jr. '83 Nathan Stark 0 Douglas Staszesky '81 William Steele ' 57 R. Mark Stephens '79 2 Col Pat Stevens ' 33 I Jake Stewart Jr. ' 61 Robert Street '45 C. Lynn Strickland ' 5E Neal Stubblefield '79 Don Summerville ' 78 Bruce Tassan ' 76 Edward Taylor III '71 Phillip Thomas '47 2 John Thompson '59 Harris Thompson Jr. ' 75 I Thomas Traylor ' 54 2 John Underwood Jr. '26 Donald Varner ' 71 Dewey Waddell ' 56 Kyle Webb '82 James Wheaton Jr. '75 Maurice White Jr. '42 Hal Wightman 11 ' 59 3 Joseph Wimberly III '56 I Christopher Wyman ' 92 2 Pierce Yates ' 45 Bret Yetter '81 Lawrence Young '76 Randall Zaic '80 Guelph 2 Dean Demizio '88 Hampden-Sydney Christopher Boyer ' 91 3 Thomas Edwards Jr '90 John Hungarland '92 Andrew Laymen '92 James Mitchell '9 1 Marcus Reddy '9 1

ThP R.Pto Thoh• P H~ ... ..:-- tnn

Michael Snyder '91 Keith Whyte '92 nover Robert Albrinck Jr. '77 Wenzel Augustian Jr. ,stephen Brown '67 James Buzzelli '58 .Mark Caesar '91 Joseph Courtney '9 1 J. Kenneth Cozier '58 Dean Craft ' 70 Jackson Cravens '50 Donald Dhonau '58 Steven Dills ' 72 John Eldon Jr. '45 John Foster '34 Edward Gamier '38 John Gill '43 Kenneth Green '72 Patrick Groshong '91 George Hall '38 Thomas Hamilton MD ~

W. Smith Hamrnelrath

1 John Harms '64 Glen Hastings, M.D. I Harry Henry '39 Mark Hershman '67 Jack Heskett '44 Kenneth Hilger '52 Robert Jefferis Jr. ' 79 Richard Johnson '23 David Johnston '55 Woodfm Jones '51 Philip Joseph '56 Ross King '62 William Kitch '49 Harold Layne Jr. ' 62 Elmer Love '43 Joseph Luchi '77 Loren Martin MD '34 Paul Martin '36 Randal Master '82 Scott Mcintyre '85 Glenn Mitchell Jr. '58 Robert Muhlhauser Jr.


James Pease Ill '68 Charles Pecher '73 J. Scott Penley '82 Morton Prime '55 Harold Raidt '33 Brian Rex ' 66 Samuel Satchell '76 John Shogren '60 James Smith '58 Joel Tassin '69 Herman Timm '43 Terry Vukovits '79 James Wilson '79

Gary Doty ' 63 Xavier Durant '44 Jack Ellsworth '30 Wayne Fuller '49 John Gibb '35 3 Charles Gi lb '50 Warren Gochenour Jr. '31 2 James Golden '59 Darren Gould '91 Robert Hansen '60 Talmage Hawkins ' 43 Robert Helmick '60 James Hemingway '75 4 Max Hollingsworth '34 Kent Hove '61 Donald Howse '65 Ronald Iverson '65 Roy Jump ' 35 David King '66 Charles Knox '43 Graham Knox ' 58 Frederick Kopke '54 3 Jack Little '58 I Ralph Litton Jr. ' 54 I Randall Litton ' 61 Christopher Mader '90 Kevin McEntee ' 88 Colin McLeod III '74 2 John McMurray '70 Jeffrey McQueeny '65 2 Richard Merrill '53 Frank Morgan '75 James Morrow '40 Norman Nelson '68 Charles Newhouse Jr. '54 Arthur Oppenheimer '68 L. Ross Parsons ' 39 William Payne ' 55 Wellington Pierce Jr. '53 I Stanley Pierce ' 58 I Maurice Rana ' 75 I Charles Rank '62 2 Frank Reed '33 I Darryl Richardson '91 Steven Saad '74 Stanley Schmidt '49 Steven Severn '76 Frank Shrontz ' 53 Raymond Siddoway '4 1 Paul Stegner '73 I Ronald Stone ' 69 2 Carl Straight '34 John Turner '59 William Vaughn Jr. ' 71 Andrew Vickers ' 85 Gary Westergren '58 David Wiggum ' 78 Grant Yee ' 64 Boyd Yee '66

louston Kevin Augelli '87 Louisito Brotamonte



tla ho Scot Anderson ' 77 James A sa ph '58 Arthur Becher ' 50 Byron Belknap '29 Sherman Bellwood '38 Edward Benoit '42 Walter Bithell '64 Clifton Bowyer '84 Christopher Boyd '89 Samuel Butterfield '46 Harold Carlson '3 1 Ralph Carpenter '50 Elmer Chaffee '37 Robert Champlin ' 87 Leland Chapman '28 Stephen Comstock ' 74 Walter Coon Ill '69 G. Joseph Corlett '73 Robert Culbertson '51

2 I

2 2 2 I I 2 I 2 I

Leverett Adams Jr. '41 Richard Allan '45 Charles Apple Jr. '41 Robert Baujan ' 52 William Becker '82 Larry Bell ' 66 Barry Benson ' 69 Fredrick Bercher ' 55 Robert Bowditch '35 Jack Branta '75 Eugene Brown '41 William Buckley ' 47 William Cameron '20 Brian Carley ' 76 Jerry Carson ' 62 Allen Cassens ' 58 John Champion ' 72 Mark Cloud ' 78 Robert Corley ' 88 Philip Cothern '79 John DeWolf ' 30 Ernest Dom Jr. ·29 Roger Drew ' 50

i he Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

Robert Easter ' 77 David Eberspacher '75 Warren Ely '50 2 Frederick Figge Jr. ' 56 I David FitzPatrick '76 William Folger ' 38 James Frazier '42 2 Garland Fritts ' 52 Lawrence Gahan ' 60 Earle Gillis Jr. '4 1 Joseph Goleash Jr. ' 65 Joseph Gutgsell ' 72 Michael Hanson '87 J. Andrew Harden '83 2 George Hargitt Jr. '41 I Byron Harman '60 Wade Harrison '27 Dr. William Henebry ' 54 I Robert Hickerson Jr. '56 3 Burnham Holmes '32 I George Howard III '56 Donald Hui singa ' 67 2 Valentine Jobst Ill ' 26 R. Curtis Johnson '44 John Jones '50 Michael Jurgensen '76 Michael Kensick ' 9 1 William Kindorf III ' 74 Andrew Klapperich '82 Robert Kraft '44 David Kruger '93 Jerry Krumbholz '52 Robert Kumaki ' 82 Michael Langan '82 Richard Leng '68 David Leverenz ' 89 Thomas Loew '58 2 John Manczak '70 Robert McBride ' 53 Leslie Meier '82 David Michelman '65 David Mulliken '42 2 Vernon Netherton '47 William Nieman ' 64 Kent Noble '65 Pliny Norcross MD ' 38 Thomas O'Malley '80 2 Frederick Phillips '52 2 Michael Phillips '88 I Richard Redeker '82 I William Rich ' 63 I Dr Dennis Rook '69 2 Steven Sample ' 62 2 Frederick Schnell '32 2 A. Dean Skadberg '6 1 Tom Stanford '68 2 Dan Steinman ' 79 Steven Sullivan ' 84 George Taylor IV ' 68 Michael Teska '88 Donald Toeppen ' 39 Charles Torman ' 70 Paul Uhler1hop '58 John Veirs '51 Willian1 Velde ' 74 Will iam Walker ' 92 Edward Wanderer '40 Donald Wanderer '49 Mark Weston ' 63 2 Gregory Weltman '75 Randall Willrett ' 78 Richard Wolfley '41 Riley Woods ' 31

Indiana I William Abshire ' 70 John Allman '43 William Ball '50 William Ball III ' 84 Duard Ballard II ' 71 Paul Barada ' 67 Michael Bero '90 Roger Bickel '82 W. Bradley Blair ' 65 Richard Bolds '62 David Brockett ' 73 William Brown '49

Alex Brown '85 John Browning '52 I Thomas Campbell Jr. '48 William Chattin '44 W. Edwin Clapham '30 2 Charle Compton ' 45 I Brian Cooke ' 89 I Todd Cress ' 91 Jeffrey Crum '90 John Cullison '46 James Dailey '57 Ronald Davis ' 65 2 Edward DeHority JR '52 2 Jack Deckard MD '73 Christopher Decker ' 91 Robert Dunn ' 78 I Byron Elliott ' 20 I William Elliott '68 2 David Enge lman ' 54 l Carl Eveleigh Jr. ' 52 2 Jerry Ferguson '63 John Foley '59 Robert Foster ' 50 Howard Gilliom '49 Don Hanna ' 62 2 Jack Harri s '52 Daniel Hayes MD ' 74 Neil Hercules ' 43 David Hess ' 63 James Hetland ' 80 2 Jack Hienton '71 2 Thomas Highland Jr. ' 63 Rembrandt Hiller Jr. '40 I William Holland ' 83 John Horton Jr. ' 67 Kyle Hoskins '90 2 Michael Hostetter MD '65 James Huff '41 Patrick Hurrle ' 72 Needham Hurst ' 55 William Hurst ' 59 2 Stephen Johnson '65 Thomas Johnson '92 William King Jr. '49 Frederick King '59 Kurt Kreyling '42 Dr. William Kunkel '47 Albert LaValle '90 2 C. Vane Lashua '68 James Leffler ' 36 Fredrick Logan Jr. ' 74 W . Randall Long ' 66 E. Lee Lurton '66 Lewis Lytton '72 I Frank Malsbury II '69 2 Seth Mason ' 49 Ralph Mason ' 81 Larry Mattern '64 William Mayse ' 39 Perry McCart ' 62 John McClain '86 Michael McClurg ' 62 2 Co le McCombs ' 64 Thomas McGrain ' 38 I Leland McKeeman Jr ' 50 2 Frank Mellinger '41 Ronald Miller MD ' 61 Ralph Montgomery ' 57 Roger Montgomery ' 57 Donald Morris ' 54 Brent Morris '83 Daniel Morris ' 86 2 Steven Mowrer '64 2 John Moynahan '43 Gregory Mueller ' 82 Jeffrey Myers ' 71 Jonathan elson ' 82 Jack icewander DDS '72 I William Nixon '54 I John O ' Donnell Jr. ' 65 Richard Osborn ' 64

2 Michael Painter '67 James Parsey ' 78 I Eric Pauga ' 89 2 Stanley Pequignot ·65 Darrell Perry '89 Paul Pfenninger ' 45 Steven Pfenninger ' 74 2 James Piper '43 I William Pipp '73 Bernard Pippenger II ' 58 W. Robert Porter ' 35 2 Robert Prox Jr. '49 2 William Pugh ' 60 I Thomas Riehm ' 69 Richard Santoro ' 71 l. Winfield Scott '33 William Scott ' 37 I James Seidensticker '52 I Geoffrey Smith ' 68 I John Stanley MD '46 I Ronald Steele ' 66 I Dr. Sydney Stevens ' 64 John Stevens '75 David Stowe ' 67 Eric Sutphin ' 89 James Taff '80 Tyrel Taylor DDS '70 Nikolaos Vlahos ' 90 2 Edwin Walmer '52 Gregory Waples ' 84 Malcolm Webb '89 2 Richard Wiethoff MD ' 70 Christopher Wolfla '87 Daniel Wratten '90

Iowa Kent Anderson ' 80 W. Dean Ankrum ' 58 Thomas Bergstrom '64 Lora! Blinde ' 79 William Burfeind ' 65 James Callahan ' 51 Eric Carlson ' 85 I David Duncan '43 2 Steven Eggimann '70 William Ellwood '3 1 Jon Erikson '77 Nile Falk ' 69 Scott Ferguson ' 90 John Ficeli '67 2 Daniel Finnane IV ' 83 Louis Genung '37 Thomas Ghrist MD '5 1 Stephen Givens ' 77 Carl Gnam ' 26 Norris Gould ' 50 Dan Hintz ' 50 Larry Hite '69 Brad Holmstrom ' 87 Kurt Huneke '7 5 Kris Jaenicke ' 80 Todd Johnson ' 90 Robert Jowett ' 53 Patrick Kirby ' 66 Lance Krieg '73 Erling Larson Jr. ' 46 Mark Laughlin MD ' 78 Philip Lundeen '82 2 Larry Martin ' 65 I Dennis Matthias '64 Donald McBride ' 52 Jack Mehrhoff '46 William Moore ' 35 William Morrison ' 35 2 Kenton Moss '74 I E. William Munsell '49 Ned elson ' 44 Peter Nelson ' 86 Verle Nietzel '31 Gerhard oil ' 23 James Nunn ' 55 2 Kenneth Oldt ' 69 2 Roger Overton ' 77 Jay Peterson MD ' 64 I 2 I 2 I

1 - Wooglin Club ($50-$99) 2 - Mystic Circle ($1 00-$249) 3- 1839 Club ($250-$499) 4 - Dragon Club ($500- $99) 5- John Reily Knox Society ($ 1,000 or more)


Beta Leadership Fund

Giving by Chapter Timothy Reardon ' 85 Stephen Richards ' 70 2 Keith Roth ' 54 I James Sabin '59 Dennis Samuelson '62 Richard Shepley '67 Brian Shepley ' 69 Jack Stiverson '44 2 Dr. John Swanson, Jr. '78 Scott Swanson '80 John Thomason '50 Marc VanBell ' 90 3 Thomas Wertz ' 75 John Whaley ' 75 2 Charles Wheeler ' 79 Donald Willis II ' 78 David Worsley '69 Iowa State I Leland Andrews '36 2 Robert Arnold ' 53 Robert Bachtell '86 Michael Beda '69 2 Carl Boat '55 Samuel Bonson ' 52 John Bray Jr. ' 55 Michael Brown '78 2 Michael Buckmaster '84 Robert Buffington '45 Paul Crockett ' 32 2 Kenneth Culp Jr. ' 69 I Dennis Curtis '80 2 Keith Davis ' 70 Richard DeBuse II ' 78 I Dale DeButts ' 48 I Brian DePrez '88 2 James Dingle '87 2 Brent Doane ' 86 I Michael Dubes '66 2 Arlen Duesenberg ' 52 David Durlam ' 69 I Michael Dwyer '84 I Donald Elk ' 48 I Loren Enke '42 Evan Evans '71 John Flanders ' 39 John Gehring ' 76 Dr Paul Gerding '79 John Gillotti ' 73 Gerald Griffith ' 31 Frank Griffith '43 2 John Guernsey '52 I Rodney Hall '79 2 Harry Harris '38 Albert Haskell Jr. '49 Roger Heit '65 William Heller ' 76 John Henningsen ' 78 Artie HHey '66 I Douglas Hoefer '8 1 2 John Hollowell '49 Thomas Hoopes '62 Casey Hotchkiss ' 75 Paul Hughes ' 48 Daniel Huiskamp '77 John Jervis ' 53 Wayne Jipsen ' 77 Anton Johnson '40 Jerrie Johnson ' 59 Larry Johnson ' 61 Loren Kahle '24 Ryan Lester '92 2 Seeley Lodwick ' 42


Raymond Loehr '74 Loren Lohman '67 George Lorenzen ' 50 Lee Maddocks ' 52 La Maxwell '42 2 John Mengel ' 47 Richard Miller '40 2 Roy Miller Jr. '43 I Richard Mitchell ' 36 Forrest Myers ' 36 Alvin Nunnikhoven '78 David Olson ' 69 Frank Parks ' 51 Douglas Perentis ' 82 2 Gale Peterson Jr. ' 66 I Todd Peterson ' 90 Paul Pooley ' 43 Larry Prohaska ' 89 Scott Pulkrabek ' 89 Christopher Rech ' 88 George Robison ' 49 2 James Rooker ' 54 2 F. John Roost ' 47 I Howard Sample ' 60 2 Ronald Sande '64 I Rick Schmid '79 Howard Schory Jr. ' 45 2 Richard Shelton ' 62 I John Skyrrns ' 78 I James Smith '56 I John Smith ' 71 I Douglas Sommer '72 Lauren Soth ' 32 4 Robert Stafford '46 2 Henry Tate '36 D. Robert Thomas '36 Thomas Thomsen ' 64 Harry Toom ' 27 Charles Victor '70 Lee Ward '82 Larry Weber '55 I James Wheeler MD '49 Douglas Wilson ' 78 I Robert Zimmerman '46 Johns Hopkins I David Allan ' 63 George Armstrong Jr. ' 32 I John Austin '68 Edwin Bachmann Jr. ' 48 James Cage ' 48 2 J. Douglas Campbell '63 I Norio Endo ' 56 Donald Fritz '50 Andrew Frommelt ' 39 B. Herold Griffith '47 Richard Hall ' 60 H. G Hemming ' 39 Wray Hoffman '41 Robert Homlar '63 C. Thomas Kisker '58 Michael Levin '64 Lawrence Naughton II '60 Firmadge K. Nichols Jr. ' 39 I John O'Connor '54 Marshall Pilert '41 Wilfred Potter ' 52 James Rickards '73 Malcolm Schetky '46 I Jon Shakour ' 57 I George Steuart Jr. ' 29 2 Denis Tyras MD '65 William VanNortwick ' 74 John Warthen ' 54 John Webster ' 26 Kenneth Young Jr. ' 56 Paul Zavell ' 51 Kansas John Adams ' 82 Charles Aldrich '62 Larry Aldrich '72

2 Frank Allbritten Jr. '35 I Harlan Altman Jr. '43 Warren Arnspiger ' 53 2 Hubert Bell ' 55 I George Benson lil '65 Daniel Bolen ' 81 2 Donald Brada MD '6 1 I George Bunn Jr. ' 40 Preston Burtis Jr. '41 J. Walker Butin '44 2 Richard Butin MD '76 Francis Carr '49 John Case MD ' 34 Morris Chaney '91 M. Daniel Chase '46 Aric Cleland '87 Michael Coleman ' 80 Robert Cordill ' 62 John Curzon ' 79 Jon Dawson ' 80 2 Floyd Doubleday lil '33 2 Edward Downs '34 I Robert Ecoff Ill ' 74 Kent Erickson ' 78 Forrest Faulconer DDS '63 Keith Fevurly '73 2 Chris Fevurly ' 76 John Fletcher '42 Hugh Gillin ' 50 2 Robert Gallier II ' 62 Dean Halderson ' 69 William Halverhout ' 51 Jay Hardy ' 56 2 W. CHartley '44 Max Hom ' 36 William Hom '74 4 Larry Homer ' 56 Ronald Horwege ' 66 2 Dr. Daniel Housholder ' 66 2 George Hurd ' 32 2 Roger Jackson '69 Howard Johnson ' 59 I Allen Kaufman MD ' 77 Lloyd Kirk '55 2 David Kirkman '63 2 George Lemon '37 Robert Longino '78 2 Timothy Metzler ' 78 2 Nation Meyer '43 2 Franklin Murphy '36 J. Stewart Newlin '32 J. Clyde Nichols '36 Ralph O'Neil ' 44 Kevin O'Toole '89 J. Thomas Payne ' 66 2 D. Bruce Peterson '68 Charles Peterson ' 76 I Lee Phillips lil '53 2 C. Phillip Renick '36 I David Robinson MD ' 35 I John Robinson Jr. '72 Lawrence Schwartz Jr. '59 2 Lloyd Scott Jr. '42 Richard Sengpiehl ' 59 Samuel Sheldon ' 79 2 John Shuss '72 David Shuss '76 2 Mark Sinning MD '75 Steven St Peter '89 John Stewart '40 2 John Stewart III ' 58 Christopher Tankersley ' 72 John Tulloch MD ' 66 Sidney Walker Jr. ' 45 David Walther ' 78 2 John Wassmer ' 51 James Waters ' 72 3 Malcolm Welty ' 26 George Wine Chase ' 72 2 David Wittig '77

Kansas State Col Donald Adee '60 William Arnstein Jr. ' 52 I Brad Arnstein ' 90 Todd Arnstein '90 John Aycock ' 32 Mark Babb ' 32 H. Duane Babcock '48 Thomas Barnes ' 69 2 Charles Barrows '15 2 H. James Bartels '44 Thon Basom ' 77 David Bisagno ' 81 Douglas Blackwood ' 71 I Todd Bleakley '77 3 Forrest Braden ' 32 2 Joseph Brady ' 50 Robert Castor '4 5 Glenn Channell ' 51 Craig Collins '81 Thomas Conlon '58 Loren Conrad '6 1 William Copher Jr. '81 2 Stephen Cotner '80 Matthew Dassow ' 89 Shawn Devlin ' 85 John Dietrich ' 39 Dr. David Dobratz ' 87 Wilbur Enns '28 David Exline '81 Robert Floersch ' 43 Buddy Frye '58 Terry Garrett '78 David Gast ' 76 I Kenneth Goodyear ' 77 I John Gossett '3 5 3 Charles Green ' 48 I Randall Groves '78 2 David Gruver '47 I Don Hampton '63 I Thomas Hamer '89 Richard Heath '72 Ronald Holm '66 2 Horace Holmes ' 34 2 V. Richard Hoover ' 47 Steven Huff ' 63 John Irvine ' 64 Fred Isernhagen '66 Christopher Jarvis ' 70 2 Gilbert Johnson ' 55 A. F Keeth '49 William Kelly '42 James Kilkenny ' 46 Kenneth Knapp '66 Michael Kramer ' 86 Dr Kenyon Kugler '63 Charles Kugler ' 66 Ross Laybourn ' 46 James Lee III '75 Michael Lee '85 2 David Lupfer ' 43 I Thomas Martin Jr. ' 61 I Stewart Mayott ' 82 4 Lloyd McAninch '39 2 John McClung Jr. ' 37 I Harry McDonald III '69 Ralph McFillen ' 64 H. Taylor Merrill ' 62 Quinn Miller '88 David Mitchell ' 91 I John Noffsinger ' 73 I J. William Oswald '79 2 Cruise Palmer '38 James Parker '59 2 Perry Peine '44 Stephen Peirce ' 66 Kenneth Peirce II ' 86 Sidney Platt ' 39 William Prentice '36 Paul Purinton '63 Royce Rearwin '32 Roger Reitz '55 Leland Reitz ' 59 John Reppert ' 63 4 John Rhodes ' 38 2 Patrick Robinson ' 78

Richard Rogers ' 43 2 Michael Schafer '62 Paul Schilling ' 62 John Shaver '40 Shane Sigetich '89 Douglas Skaggs '89 I N. Rahn Smiley '49 2 Clarence Smith '37 Seth Smith '89 2 Dale Somers ' 68 I Joseph Spalding '47 2 Warren Staley '64 Kevin Steinert '91 2 Paul Swartz '64 2 Arthur Teichgraeber ' 78 Roger Timken '70 Brent Tracy '85 2 John Umberger '35 2 Glenn Utt Jr. '49 2 John VanAken '36 I Robert Waters ' 42 Trevor Watson ' 51 Scott Way '72 Monte Wedel ' 83 Mark Weeks ' 84 Percival Westmacott '41 James Whelan '70 Robert Wilson '33 Dennis Winget ' 55 Phillip Wright ' 58 Kentucky I Judson Devlin ' 85 Aaron Herskowitz ' 91 LT Gregory Washington ' 90 Kenyon 2 Frank Ake ' 34 Ray Allen ' 59 I Raymond Ashman Jr. '49 Edward Brouse ' 42 2 David Brown '48 James Clark '33 C. Carlos Dague ' 80 Robert Doepke '36 Jay Ehle '38 Raymond Fair '49 2 Richard Fischer '60 2 Michael Gibbons ' 74 Alfred Gollwitzer Jr. '78 James Harris ' 92 2 Robert Hillyard ' 45 I George Hitler ' 29 2 Fredrick Holdridge ' 50 George Hull '50 2 Robert Hunter ' 63 2 William Jenkins '40 John Kenney Jr ' 90 Robert Kuehn '44 Richard Levengood '76 I William Lowry Jr. ' 56 Robert Medonis Jr. '89 Dennis Murray ' 79 Thomas Ottenjohn ' 53 John Ritz II '87 John Seaman Jr. ' 54 Richard Shell '46 Lawrence Shipman '87 Kreig Spahn '86 Patterson Travis '61 Charles Tuller '25 F. Richard Weaver '44 I George A. F. Weida ' 58 Ernest Williams ' 31 Knox Richard Agnew '29 Richard Allen '31 Wilfred Arnold Jr. ' 34 David Arnold ' 37 Robert Beattie ' 67 Christopher Bejbl '86 Thomas Chulibrk ' 61

I Jesse Dabson '83 2 Homer Dewey Jr. ' 4 Gustav Dixon ' 65 2 Robert Engstrom ' 42 2 Gerald Gill ' 53 Gregory Godziela '8 Donald Harmon '88 Scott Harrod ' 33 James Harsch '51 Richard Hegg '73 Harold Holstrom Jr. '66 George Irwin ' 30 2 Thomas Jensch '65 George Johnson '61 Thomas Johnston ' 52 Wallace Kemp '34 Robert Koeber '37 Edward Kucera ' 70 John Lui '90 2 James Luke '87 I Thomas Maibach '64 Demetrius Marines ·~ J. William McVey r()( Merle Minks ' 39 Louis Naffziger ' 40 David Norton '42 I Theodore O ' Connell Jr. ' 50 Nicholas Panos ' 57 James Roberts '57 2 Ray Seidel '60 John Shipman '87 William Smit ' 80 I Louis Spiegler ' 32 I Peter Spink '50 2 Robert Stafford ' 3 7 2 Edmond Stoffi ' 20 Joseph Strasburger '3• John Suster '36 William Todd '39 Mark Umlauf '81 William Walger '42

Lawrence Rev Steven Ailes '72 I David Berganini '59 J. Steven Bergerson '65 I Walter Bissell Jr. '54 Joel Blahnik ' 61 Frederick Brendemihl '54 2 David Brown ' 69 Robert Campbell '46 2 Craig Castle '58 I Thomas Clement ' 59 Francis Cook Jr. '49 Robert Curry '45 Irving Curry III '55 David Cusic ' 66 2 Evan Dever Jr. ' 45 Charles Fisher '58 Rev. Davis Fisher ' 64 2 Edwin Galloway '43 Richard Galloway ' 46 Robert Gerrie ' 55 Martin Green Jr. '63 John Gregg '43 F. James Grist ' 50 Kenneth Haines ' 44 Kenneth Hall ' 31 Howard Hamann '63 I Dr. Frank Harnrner Jr. '42 John Harkins ' 50 Keith Herrick '4 7 Robert Hlavacek '45 R. Leslie Johnson '68 Christian Johnson ' 82 Jonathan Knopp '64 Alvin Lang '30 Donald Larson '48 Roger Lyons ' 37 George Magaw '44 Ronald Maxwell '56 Palmer McConnell ' 27 2 John McConnell ' 56 Harvey Minton Jr. '44

The Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

Marshall Pepper '54 James Platt '48 Timothy Pruett ' 76 John Reeve '34 . Keith Ridgway '42 Dr James Roahen '66 Harvey Ross Jr. ' 37 Donald Schalk '37 Robert Schaupp '51 David Schnackenberg

Daniel Smith '85 2 Hugh Spilsbury Jr. ' 49 Kenneth Stevens '84 John Suwak '87 Kevin Tilton '79 Edward Tulskie ' 82


2 Michael :Adams ' 77 Robert Cook '85 Robert Fuller '81 I Robert Klein '48

Rev. James Simmon ~

Donald Smith '49 William Stiles '57 James Stoa '69 Kristofer Swanson '87 Donald Vorpahl '55 Paul Wilber Jr. '50 high Henry Adams '52 Christopher Barry '88 John Berdan '49 Jacob Blosser '79 William Bodner III '83 A. Bruce Borgeson '49 Rick Bossard '78 Helmut Brandt '53 Matthew Brogowski I Thomas Brown Jr. '84 Gilbert Cowan Jr. '58 Henry DeMeli '34 A. Graham Delany '40 Andreas Dianna '86 Stephen Dill '78 I Kinsey Ditmore '87 James Driscoll '83 John Emmitt '80 I David Etzel Jr. '66 John Farrell '69 Eric Fernando '90 Ralph Fittipaldi '44 Eric Glasofer '71 Thomas Grogan '76 John Guravage '88 William Hahn '49 Robert Hess '64 Mark Hopkins '89 James Huston III '69 David Jenkins '63 Howard Judd Jr. '54 · Frederick Juer '39 Charles Kaesemeyer

5 George Karr Jr. ' 59 Frederick Kieshauer

'2 Richard Kloiber '90 Edward Kottcamp Jr.

6 Thomas Kruzshak ' 73 Clay Lewis '37 Alvin Lewis Jr. '54 Edward London '85 Rodney Longman '57 John Maccagnan '90 John McDonald '88 Dennis Meckler '75 Peter Messikomer '90 Leslie Minnich Jr. '89 John Mishko Jr. '83 Eugene Murphy '56 Francis Paquin '69 William Peters '79 S. Clifton Pruett '44 Francis Rehnert ' 47 Paul Reiber Jr. '44 Millard Robinson Jr.

59 Gerald Romig Jr. '60 John Roper Jr. '34 Jonnie Rushatz '68 Clark Russell '67 John Saunders '68 Leonard Schick '37 William Scott ' 41 Donald Sites '80

Stewart Wessel ' 92


I Denis Miller ' 72 I William Schmitt '74 2 Scott Sheffield '71 Robert Slater III '86 Michael Whitman '88 Phillip Wright '84 MIT I William Austin '58 I Norman Bedford '38 I R. Gordon Black '56 Brian Boardman '9 1 2 Ellis Braman ' 58 I Matthew Breitenberg

' 76 2 Kendall Bryan '88 3 Richard Carpenter '64 A. Robert Chinchillo

'64 2 Neil Cobelli '73 Mark Cooper '9 1 2 Robert Danner ' 47 J. Warren Davis '54 I Anthony DiPesa Jr. '86 I Karl Duff'S? I Harry Easton Jr. '36 5 Michael Feinstein '82 I Arthur Haines '54 Paul Haines Jr. ' 78 2 Thomas Hauer '79 I L. Walter Helmreich

'40 I Lawrence Hoover '57 Richard Horttor '62 David Houston ' 23 2 Donald Kahn '46 John Kerins '80 2 John Kern '50 Robert Kersey '57 David Korkosz '62 Daniel Kramer ' 83 Robert Labarre '83 John Lacy '42 Roger Lacy '79 Louis Lee ' 52 Ira Lohman Jr. '38 Allan MacLaren '60 2 Thomas McEvoy Jr.

Bennett Silverman '88 Amasa Smith '29 Kenneth Stone '72 2 Donald Taber ' 25 John Toland '47 J. David Wargo ' 75 Robert Wargo ' 77 Alfred Wechsler '55 Richard Whiting '26 Albert Wilson Jr. '38 Stephen Yeretsky '59 Maine Edward Ames '50 Neil Bearce '40 William Bennett ' 63 Richard Berry '37 2 Richard Berry Jr. '65 James Boardman '36 Wayne Bonney '60 2 Robert Buchanan '44 2 Francis Burger 0 Richard Chase ' 41 2 F. Chandler Coddington '54 2 Harry Easton III '52 Merrill Eldridge '38 Gordon Fait Jr. '52 Charles Gero Jr. '62 Frank Haines Jr. '48 George Hansen Jr. '44 Ripon Haskell '48 Stanley Hill '63 Brian Hogan '63 Henry Hooper '56 Carl Hurd '33 Everett Ingalls Jr. ' 43 Charles Inman '43 Frederick Jones Jr. '44 Jeffrey Jordan ' 80 J. Barrie Kelby '69 Michael Koza '89 Andrew Lally '83 David Lamb '62 John Langley '66 Herbert Lewis '33 Robert Lincoln '50 2 Peter Madigan '8 1 Scott Marshall '88 Jeffrey Martin '70 Robert Maybury '6 1 Jay Miele '82 Kenneth Miller '8 1 George Nystrom ' 41 Roderic O'Connor '29 George Oldreive '39 Paul Perry II '85 3 James Purvis '77 Lawrence Robinson

'74 Dr. Robert Saisi '52 Frederick Sampson Jr.



I William McEwen Jr.

Norris Savage '41 I Charles Simpson '52 George Sweetnam Jr.

'45 Michael McGovern '89 Ronald McKay '54 Robert Mentle '88 David Milich '82 Robert Minshall '74 Michael Monsler '64 Kim Mosley '77 Christopher Mottes '90 George Motzenbecker

' 49 Jeffrey Murray '7 1 Daniel Nadler '72 Walter Netsch Jr. '43 Edmund Peakes '44 William Preece Jr. ' 71 2 Eric Raefsky '76 Michael Rechtin Jr.

' 89 Tom Rooze '85 Alexander Ross '61 William Santos ' 87 John Seagle ' 55 John Sell '91 Stanley Shursky '74

1'he Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

' 69 I Calvin Talmage Jr. '82 I Allan Tarbell '41 I Robert Thomas '49 3 Lester Thurston '20 I Frederick Townsend Jr.

'70 George Treat '41 Mark Tremblay ' 78 Will iam Wells '31 Owen Wentworth '39 Lowell Weston '36 Robert White '53 Andrew Widdoes ' 50 Alan Wilson '73 3 Peter Zimmermann '77 Maryland Donald Alcorn '84 Christopher Corcoran

'87 William Froh '84 John Greensfelder '91 Rhondey Harford '89

Douglas Kornreich '9 1 Michael Mandelblatt

'85 James McCaskill '89 William Rowe Jr. '92 Mark Slaney '92 Craig White '88 Michael Wood '90 McGill Ian Pilarczyk '9 I Richard Priest '88 Miami Cedric Adams III '8 I William Alderman Jr. '44 John Alderman '70 David Alexander ' 79 Thomas Amstutz '66 James Anderson III '63 John Baker '39 2 Robert Baldwin Jr. '55 James Ball '71 Curt Balogh '75

More than 400 active members took part in regional Beta Leadership Conferences, supported by the BLF. 2 Jeffrey Barefoot ' 74 2 Peter Barnhart '66 Carl Bathory '47 Preston Baxter 0 R. Andrew Bell '67 2 Frank Bendle '62 Charles Bennett '7 1 Robert Biehn '60 Larry Binkley '58 Charles Bishop ' 55 Herbert Bissell '32 2 Thomas Bosma DDS '76 2 Kenneth Boyer ' 72 I Jonathan Brant '75 I John Brereton '4 1 2 Edward Brown '3 1 Lucien Brown Jr. '4 1 David Brown Jr. '75 George Budig '58 Cary Cain '7 1 James Campbell '63 2 Kenneth Carlough '72 I David Chadwick ' 71 2 Charles Chrysler '52 Richard Clark '82 Thomas Cleverdon '67 2 John Codner '53 I James Colley '79 David Condit '70 I Laurence Connor '60 2 Philip Conover '68 Charles Con sal us '55 2 Robert Cottrell ' 54 2 Richard Cottrell '80 Steven Covault '76 2 Michael Curran '80 James Cushman ' 58 I Arthur Darling ' 27 3 Joseph DePinto '67 Elwood Denton '34 I John Deyo '69 I Martin Dixon II '90 2 John Dolibois '42 David Doyle ' 72 Richard Dudley '75 2 Terry Faulk '68 I Thomas Fey '68

William First '52 Vaden Fitton '82 Jay Fry ' 52 Charles Garrity ' 40 Raymond Gates '66 Lee Geckeler '48 Donald Gerber '5 I William G ill '7 1 Robert Golseth '59 William Gorie Jr. '31 Gary Goshorn '73 Joseph Govan 0 2 John Gray '66 2 John Groom '58 Robert Gross '32 Robert Haines Jr. '67 Joseph,Hall V '70 Jack Hayes '55 James Haywood '74 William Hefferan III

'47 I James Heidrich '33 I Richard Heimsch '65 Ronald Helman '55 J. Peter Hieronimus '53 I Thomas Hollencamp

'27 2 William Holmes '51 I David Holton '52 2 Thomas Hook ' 81 Jack Howell ' 40 James Hunt '70



2 I

2 I I I

Mike Iannotti '92 Robert Irie '40 Charles Isaly '66 Jack Jeneson '60 Henry Jung ' 55 William Junk '38 Ronald Kacic '59 Raymund Kathe '45 Harold Kelch MD ' 52 Howard Kenley III '67 Barry Kent '58 Kenneth Killian '80 Edward Kniep III '63 Richard Kniep '67 E. Phillips Knox '68 James Kotschwar '69 Harry Kuder '55 Ronald Kurz '62 Thomas Leech '40 William Lewis '37 Thomas Loeb '68 Mark Mahler '74 Kenneth Markovich



2 2

2 2 2 I

2 2 I


Peter Matty ' 67 Robert Mautz '37 Wallace McCallum '59 John McClure '67 Donald McGinley '53 Stephen McKenney '74 John McShane '87 Bradford Miller '75 James Minear '35 John Minter '48 William Moore '76 Thomas Moorhead '69 Raymond Morris ' 38 James Moses '46 Nick Mourouzis ' 59 Kenton Musselman '74 Charles Nail '35 James Neef '53 Jeffrey Newton '77 James Nolan '44 Richard Nowling ' 57 Frank Oram '38 Roy Ostberg '62 Steven Otey '79 Donald Paynter '68 James Payton '69 James Pearson '49 John Weld Peck '66 Robert Penny '47 Joseph Petras Jr. ' 72 Thomas Pierce '77 Timothy Pistell '69 Brooks Powell '36

I- Wooglin Club ($50-$99) 2 - Mystic Circle

($1 00-$249)

3-1839 Club ($250-$499) 4 - Dragon Club ($500 - $99) 5 -John Reily Knox Society

($1 ,000 or more) 239

Beta Leadership Fund

Giving by Chapter 2 Glenn Pryor ' 77 3 Mitchell Rales ' 78 John Rawlings '64 Stephen Retzsch ' 76 2 James Richardson ' 53 2 Richard Rivers '67 I S. Jerry Roberts '67 James Robertson MD '66 I Thomas Robinson ' 50 William Ross ' 68 James Ruch '87 Jack Saidel ' 59 2 Robert Schneebeck '55 Brad Scholtz ' 91 Walter Shafer ' 50 Elwood Shaffer '36 Steven Sieracki '90 Thomas Skoulis ' 79 Arden Smith ' 34 Paul Smith Jr. '42 Lowell Smith '45 Willard Smith ' 50 Steven Smith ' 62 Thomas Smith ' 69 James Snider ' 77 I Frederick Soller ' 50 2 John Sommer '53 James Sommer ' 57 William Stevens '65 Kenneth Strader ' 58 I John Suckow ' 81 I Bruce Susong ' 54 2 Delmar Swan '43 Roger Sweet ' 57 I Howard Thiele Jr. ' 52 2 Carl Tinstman Ill ' 67 Stanley Tipton ' 71 Herbert Todd ' 34 Mark Triffon ' 79 I W. Bradfield Trucksis '75 Ralph Tschantz '75 Donald Turner ' 50 -2 David Ulmer ' 70 Gary Valvo ' 75 Robert Vincent ' 58 Leonard Visci '48 2 Richard Vogt ' 57 2 Douglas Wagner ' 78 Albert Wald '41 Gregory Wallingford ' 80 Paul Wallingford '83 Taylor Walsh '28 Howard Walters ' 58 John Walther Jr. ' 74 David Warren ' 58 Conrad Weinrich ' 55 Col. Hewett Wells ' 64 Daniel Weltner MD ' 57 3 Robert Wertz MD ' 61 2 James Whaley ' 77 I Gordon White ' 68 Lawson Whiting ' 90 I John Whitlock Jr. '48 2 George Wick ' 78 Roger Wickenden '48 Karl Wiepking ' 39 Herbert Wiepking '41 2 James Wilson ' 52 Syl vester Witt '37 Ashford Wood ' 56 David Workum ' 50


Lee Workum Jr. '52 Charles Wright '27 Michael Yukevich ' 92 Michigan I Burl in Ackles Jr. ' 34 Raymond Aldrich ' 90 John Baker ' 51 David Barbour ' 62 Dennis Barron ' 82 I Philip Beach ' 57 2 Julius Beers '40 Kevin Beyer '79 2 John Bloodgood '60 Douglas Boyink MD ' 71 Daniel Chappelear ' 59 I S. Thomas Cleveland ' 57 Richard Conover Jr. ' 53 I James Davidson Jr. ' 68 Mark Davidson ' 68 2 Dwane Deem ' 50 4 James Denbo ' 63 2 James Detwiler DDS ' 67 I Matthew Downing '90 I Karl Edelmann MD '86 2 Clifford Galen ' 60 Robert Gillow ' 56 2 Arthur Gnewuch ' 62 I James Graf ' 66 2 F. Allen Graham ' 54 Peter Greb '89 Robert Greene Jr. ' 60 Harold Harrington ' 51 Dale Hartka ' 68 I David Hartt ' 65 2 Harlan Hatcher '4 7 David Hissong ' 91 2 Douglas Jeffrey Ill '69 Russell Jones Jr. ' 36 Mason Kauffman '75 James Kerr '46 Alan Killeen ' 58 William Klingbeil ' 46 John Kundtz '83 Joseph Lichtenberger ' 92

Twelve chapters, supported by BLFfunds, benefited from the Tutors-inResidence program. Christopher Litre! ' 87 James MacRitchie ' 66 Mark Malton '78 George Martin ' 29 2 Thomas McCain ' 59 R. Bruce McClelland ' 56 Victor Mix ' 61 I Wayne Morse '48 3 John Mueller '63 I Timothy Murphy ' 75 5 Richard O' Connor '54 Thomas Oyler ' 37 John Park ' 37 2 Thomas Patterson ' 60 2 Donald Porter ' 52 Edward Replogle ' 38 Glenn Robertson ' 56 J. Griswold Ruth ' 33 Paul Sangster ' 61

Shawn Trahey '91 Charles Walter Jr. ' 59 Daniel Washburne '83 Gerald Weaver '78 David Williams '69 Todd Wilson '72 Loren Winn li ' 73 Robert Wolfe ' 62 Kirk Wooldridge ' 85

2 Will Scott '43 David Shuart ' 50 Michael Sidon ' 90 Peter Speer ' 91 Sheldon Stem ' 78 3 Lynn Townsend '40 I Don Watters ' 64 Donald West Sr. ' 18 David Whitman ' 90 Lawrence Willcox '86 3 R. Jamison Williams ' 29 Robert Winters ' 60 Jeffrey Wood ' 84 Gary Wright ' 89 John Yaczik '88 Lee Yambura ' 71

Middle Tennessee I Herbert Blair ' 86 2 Robert Ervin ' 88 2 Ronald Graham '88 Raymond Jones '90 2 Eric Stringer '88 Carl Vaughan J r '89

Michigan State 2 Robert Assaley ' 66 Duane Bailey ' 51 Craig Baker ' 87 2 James Bays ' 73 2 Charles Beranek ' 55 Bryan Best ' 89 2 George Bloch DDS ' 57 John Bozman ' 67 Brent Bradley '87 I Robert Bumgarner '75 I Paul Buonaccorsi '64 3 John Burchfield '57 I Robert Cantrell ' 62 Dennis Condon ' 53 2 Robert Cook ' 62 I Kenneth Croy II '77 Jack Cvengros '51 I Rex Decker ' 72 2 Alan Dominick ' 66 I Thomas Doonan '62 Paul DuFault ' 83 David Earl ' 62 Will iam Federhart ' 53 George Fetzer ' 51 Christopher Gage ' 68 Michael Gaschler '80 Burton Gerber '55 Scott Gildner '81 James Granger ' 54 Philip Gundel ' 59 Richard Handlon ' 66 David Hanson ' 85 2 James Hayden '60 5 Ronald Helman ' 55 R. Randolph Hippler ' 60 Bruce Hubal '63 2 Wayne Inman '68 I Scott Inman '86 2 William Jordan '62 Todd Kilgus ' 90 W. Thomas King ' 73 Rodney Kinghorn ' 74 David Kirkpatrick '82 2 James Kohl ' 66 3 Jonathan Kubo ' 84 I Jeffery Livesay ' 84 James McCarthy ' 64 Kevin Meade '86 Robert Miller '63 Jordan Mitchell '90 James Mitropoulos ' 79 David Molenaar ' 76 John Monville '57 I Kenneth Niemi DDS ' 69 John Owen Jr. '54 Edwin Paquette ' 75 Laurence Pate ' 50 James Perry ' 54 John Raul ' 68 Dan Reason ' 57 Guy Rodgers '55 Donald Roelofs ' 54 Markey Rogers '67 Shawn Rowley '83 Michael Samuel '83 Ronald Silagy ' 84 I Daniel Springer ' 87 2 A. Ross Thompson ' 55

Minnesota 2 Donald Anderson '50 I Merlin Anderson '61 Harry Atwood ' 31 John Avery MD '64 Nicholas Bartsch '64 Robert Bezoier '23 William Boughton '58 Scott Brady '89 Alvah Bull '27 James Bull '36 2 William Burgum '35 2 Conway Burton ' 44 G. Charles Champlin '60 I Louis Chappuie '60 Charles Christensen ' 58 C. David Cooper '6 1 H. Goodman Curtis '46 Samuel Dean '46 I Willard Donoho '80 I Robert Dougherty '66 2 Patrick Fallon ' 68 2 William Fitzke '40 George Fulford Jr. '60 Roger Gilles '60 James Golseth MD ' 34 Thomas Greenman ' 41 George Hall ' 33 I Robert Hawes '47 2 Paul Hetland '56 Jeffrey Isenberg '70 William Johnson '40 Delmont Johnson '62 James Keeler '88 2 Bruce Kelley '50 Scott Kohs ' 79 I Michael LaJoie ' 73 2 Robert Lacey '40 Francis Lampert '46 Wade Larkin ' 38 Bertram Leach '52 Steven Lennartson ' 69 2 Charles Lewis '40 I Samuel Lewis '47 I John Lind ' 31 2 H. Archie Marshall '29 I Donald McGrath '55 Robert McKinlay '52 Leon Mears ' 29 2 George Merrick '49 I Robert Morse ' 91 Robert Moulton '39 William Norton '45 John O' Connell '90 Bradley Obert '89 Karl Palmer ' 51 Paul Pasqua ' 73 James Pearson ' 54 Edgar Pelava '86 George Petra borg '52 H. Ward Randall ' 36 2 Oliver Rekow Jr. '48 Michael Roloff ' 85 John Rovick ' 62 Edwin Seder ' 40 5 Larry Seeman '26 I John Shirek '47 2 E. Walter Slibeck ' 70 Wilber Smith ' 49

H. Nippert Smith '54 Robert Spaeth '38 Kenneth Tessmer ' 46 James Thorp '57 2 Richard Tickle '48 I William Toles '69 I Sylvester Tunis ' 39 W. Stephen Wherry '67 John Wherry ' 71 I Harold Wytie Jr. '51 Mississippi 2 Walter Austin '58 Robert Bell '85 Charles Burke '53 John Cate '59 Robert Collins '70 I William Cope '47 3 Edward Davis '39 2 H. Stephen Davis ' 57 I Marlin Duff'84 I William Duffey '47 Lawrence Durant '84 Ralph Elston '60 Thomas Ethridge '70 H. Clark Ethridge '74 Me Fennell ' 82 Warren Forsythe '53 John Glenn ' 81 2 Kenneth Good '89 2 A. Burnell Gustafson '41 Kenney Hanks ' 84 I Dr. James Hardin '70 Dr. Michael Harrison '68 Scott Harrison ' 87 3 Ralph Jones '35 2 David Jourdan Jr. ' 50 James Langmesser '69 Robert Lewis Jr. '69 Charles Llano DDS '69 John Meyer '70 Charles Morse '75 Arthur Murphey Jr. '53 James Peden Jr. '66 Clarence Pierce Jr. ' 50 John Ramey '34 James Rankine '75 2 Lee Shelton Jr. '72 I David Sullivan '80 Eric Tschirhart '88 Edward Waller '83 Maj. Buford Wells '75 Jesse White Jr. '66 James Williams '63 Donald Wood Jr. ' 89 Jeffrey Young '83 Missouri I Rodger Alleman '55 I Gary Allman ' 64 Clay Anderson M.D. '86 Michael Astrachan '88 Ralph Babb Jr. ' 71 John Bagley '59 John Baldwin '39 John Barbie '71 Donald Barbour '60 I Joseph Bartmess '81 2 William Bates '49 I Charles Bell '35 Lt. John Bell ' 85 3 Elmer Benhardt li ' 69 2 Richard Berkmeyer ' 66 Dr Robert Berry '58 William Birkeness '83 Ray Boccardi '90 Carl Bolte Jr. ' 51 Thomas Botts ' 63 Eric Braverman '87 2 Herbert Brett II ' 32 2 Thomas Briggs ' 67 Harry Broadhead Jr. '39 3 Charles Brown '61 I Sam Brown ' 72

Charles Brown Jr. ' 8 Michael Bruhn ' 77 Charles Buckner Jr. '21 Willard Butts Jr. '74 Benjamin Capshaw ' Mark Casteel '81 2 Hon John Cave '38 Bertram Clark Jr. ' 28 Michael Clark ' 68 Dr Jeffrey Coggan '8 2 W. Thomas Coghill '50 I Dr George Comfort ' 3 Harry Cooper Sr. '50 2 Harry Cornell Jr. '50 2 Peter Cortelyou ' 69 2 Steven Cox ' 68 Steven Craig '77 Bill Davis ' 81 2 Dr Vincent Del Pizzo '62 I Patrick Dexter '73 Brian Dickens '84 Kerry Douglas '68 2 Jeffrey Dritley '78 2 Darrell Dryer ' 77 Harold Duke III '90 Thomas Dunscombe J '56 2 George Ekern '53 David Evans '75 2 William Fenner '47 I Matthew Flanigan '84Steven Fox ' 79 Jack Frazier '86 Paul Fuchs ' 82 Claude Funkhouser Jr. '44 I Richard Gee! '71 2 Loren Golitz MD '63 David Grana '67 Eugene Hamilton '36 Paul Hamilton Jr. '50 Nick Hamilton '74 2 Steven Hanlon '82 Dr Douglas Hatridge ' 70 2 Sam Hawkins '64 J. Michael Hayes ' 66 Dr Robert Healy '64 Steven Henderson '81 John Hillhouse '69 Patrick Hinchey '90 I Dr Ralph Hook '47 5 Harold Hook ' 53 Thomas Horton '73 Michael Hughes '86 Joseph Hurley '49 Joseph Hurley '68 Edward Jayne '44 2 William Jeffries '37 Daniel Jensen '85 Dean Johnson '71 Larre Johnson '71 Jack Jones Jr. '28 Robert Jones '47 W. Gail Jones '6 1 Brian Jurgensmeyer '87 2 Richard Kammerer '80 David Kelley ' 59 Victor Kieffer lii ' 75 2 James Kienker '69 Richard King '66 2 John Kinmonth '50 2 William Kircher ' 59 David Knight ' 59 Donald Knoesel ' 62 Gregory Knudsen '87 Steven Koehly ' 77 Keith Koenigsdorf '77 2 Sidney Kollme '60 I Craig Lalumandier '89 I James Lawler ' 60 Charles Leech Ill '64 Hon Stephen Limbaugh '51 I John Maughmer ' 77

The Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

Christopher McCombs

Missouri - Kansas City

Dr Wilbur McDonald

Lt. Thomas Mooney ' 92

Dr Wallace McDonald


<William McFadden '44 Harold McKemy '51 Kendell McManamy David McNeel '82 Michael Meierhoffer Glenn Milburn '27 William Miller '33 Richard Miller '70 David Miller '73 Bradley Miller '77 Dr Robert Morrison '53 Donald Nee! '66 David Neptune '67 David Newman '57 Joseph Novinger '85 Raymond O'Brien '48 !Robert Osher '59 Michael Palmer '59 •Sam Pearson Jr. '37 John Phillips ' 68 l William Plummer Jr. 7 Merton Powell ' 49 Ramon Powell '57 Jon Powell '78 John Powers '87 I Paul Pritchard ' 66 I Philip Rahm ' 30 John Raines '87 Jeffry Recob '72 Thomas Reese ' 49 Dr Jeffrey Reese '80 Henry Robertson Jr. I David Ryan '65 Dr Kevin Schewe '79 William Schwartz '61 Robert Selsor '82 Duncan Sensenich '87 Dr Robert Shamberger I John Shanklin '34 Robert Silver '64 Donald Smith ' 74 . Ray Smith '87 David Spence '80 Charles Spener Jr. '56 S. Bradley Squires ' 79 Dr Robert Steele '59 Dr Paul Stockmann ' 79 William Stone ' 65 Col Charles Stribling 9 William Strop '60 Dr George Strother ' 39 John Tanurchis '65 Robert Tee! '45 Robert Thompson '72 Robert Thomure Jr. ' 76 Daniel Throckmorton ·9 Jack Tootle ' 42 James Towler ' 84 Robert Toy ' 86 Morton Truog ' 35 Brent Turner '80 Dr Jonathan Valuck

l3 Dr Mark Visk ' 73 Mark Vogt ' 76 Stephen Walsh '72 James Walters '72 Robert Walther '69 Matthew Waterman l5 Wm West ' 70 Dr Charles White ' 26 Van Wilks '62 Charles Wolfers '45 Charles Wooten ' 60 James Young ' 59

Gary Aksamit '60 W. Dale Andersen '34 John Anderson '59 Oscar Anderson '44 Lawrence Arth ' 65 Hugh Atkinson Jr. ' 45 Neil Atkinson ' 50 Glen Avery '55 2 Samuel Baird '66 I Edward Barrett '49 I John Barry '38 I James Begley '35 Allen Birk ' 49 Dennis Bloom ' 70 Donald Bradford Jr. '7 1 I Ronald Brodrick '40 I Robert Brown DDS ' 69 I James Brownell '48 2 John Brownlee Jr. '39 2 Roy Broyhill ' 40 Lester Buckley '77 Thomas Busch '75 I Michael Campbell '73 I Terry Carpenter ' 62 2 Bruce Christenson '70 Randolph Clark ' 58 I John Clemens ' 47 2 Douglas Cotner '65 Horace Crosby ' 37 Richard Cullen ' 47 Harold Day Jr. ' 35 2 John Dean ' 49 I James Deitemeyer '70 John Dittman '84 Thomas Eggleston '36 Houghton Elias MD '33 I Richard Elliott MD ' 67 James Findley '66 I Hugh Follmer MD ' 52 I John Folsom MD ' 40 I Willard Folsom '42 2 Lowe Folsom '43 2 Burton Folsom '49 James Fowler '80 Dr. Luther Frerichs '72 James Gage '84 Daniel Gass '90 2 James Gleason '65 I Byron Goulding '34 Daniel Grace Jr. ' 56 2 Scott Greenwood MD ' 74 William Greer '51 2 W. Grant Gregory '63 Ronald Hagman '79 Brian Heacock ' 72 2 Norman Hedgecock ' 73 2 Robert Hicks ' 47 Jon Hinrichs ' 64 2 Jon Hoffmaster ' 70 2 Robert Holland ' 46 I Douglas Homolka DVM '68 Lorenz Hopfer ' 32 Walter Homing Jr. ' 57 2 Robert Howey '53 Stanley Huffman Jr. '43 Robert Hummel ' 64 James Humphry ' 65 John Hyland ' 41 2 Paul Hyland '49 John Hyland II '72 Calvin Johnson '58 Harold Johnson '61 Charles Jolitz '3 7 William Kampfe '57 Donald Kehr ' 75 John Klose '38 Mark Kratina '73 Robert Kretz '6 1

he Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

2 Harold Kube '32 Robert Kube '41 Kent Lacey '75 John Lahiff ' 64 James Langford '70 2 Jerry Marples ' 60 William Marsh '3 7 Lee Marshall '66 Robert Martens ' 74 2 Thomas Martin ' 73 Jay Mayne ' 76 John McCabe ' 62 William McCleery ' 31 John McCollister ' 70 Michael McGahan ' 75 D. Bruce McKeag ' 68 James McKenney Jr. '62 2 John McNabb '71 I R. C Mead '65 I Verner Meyers ' 34 I Maynard Miller ' 35 2 George Miller '48 2 Michael Milroy '62 I Donald Mohlman Jr. '72 David Morrison ' 74 Neil Moseman '83 George Nelson ' 71 David Nikunen '83 Walter Nolte '34 Mark Omtvedt '84 George Otterson Jr. '62 Rex Patterson '38 Todd Patterson '76 James Penney ' 65 Lloyd Peterson '49 Carlton Peterson '61 2 P. Gary Pettet! '67 I William Pohlman ' 62 I Richard Reische '5 7 I James Rembolt '65 I Kenneth Rice ' 80 2 Harry Rinder '42 Joseph Roth ' 36 I Harry Rudolph ' 32 2 Harold Salisbury '47 William Schaumberg '44 Douglas Schuring '81 Constantine Sgourakis '93 3 James Shreck ' 68 3 Gerald Siegel ' 52 Richard Smith '46 Jay Snell ' 62 John Stebbins ' 56 John Stewart '42 Roger Stewart '48 Donald Stokes ' 62 Duane Sullivan '71 I Gregory Sutton ' 75 2 William Swanson '45 3 Robert Tallman '3 7 I Charles Thompson '52 I Dom VanCleave '65 Thomas Varney Ill 'S ! Stephen'Visek '55 John Wachter '39 William Waddell '27 Michael Walla '81 Kenneth Wayman '51 I Lauren Whisenand Jr '89 I William Wiese '49 William Wiley lv '71 Steven Williams ' 75 Kerry Winterer ' 72 Thomas Woods Ill '69 John Wright '45

Claudius Brinn '77 Chester Brown Jr. '6 1 I Richard Cantwell Ill ' 73 I Frank Chamberlain Jr. '32 John Come '68 2 Stephen Cumbie '70 Clyde Dillon Ill '80 John Drescher Jr. ' 82 2 Michael Elliott '80 2 Marion Follin '30 John Garrett '37 Dr. Gregory Georgiade '70 Thomas Glascock ni ' 62 I Manning Goldsmith Ill ' 78 I Steven Grubbs '74 Michael Grubbs '80 3 William Hall Jr. ' 74 Nathaniel Hayes III '87 Donald Heaton ' 74 2 William Herr '45 W. Frantz Herr ' 74 2 James Johnston Jr. '46 James Johnston Ill '77 J. Edward Kale '70 Constantine Kokenes '67 Mark Landis '81 William Leake Jr. '65 David Lewis '89 William Lindsay '70 Jeffrey Linker ' 77 Russell Lukey ' 53 I George MacBain IV '78 John Markham Jr. '67 John McMurry Jr. ' 76 Dr. Donald McPhaul ' 68 2 T. Randolph Merrill '70 2 Dr. Stephen Mitchell ' 73 Bryan Morris '83 2 Gus Moysakis ' 74 2 Edward Newsom '80 2 James Niver ' 76 2 Charles Parker MD '70 2 Ashmead Pipkin '60 I Charles Rainey Jr. '75 I Robert Rascoe ' 64 I William Reid Jr. '36 2 James Ross '40 Thomas Sager ' 72 3 R. Daniel Settle '69 I Robert Sevier MD '62 James Sheppard Jr. '69 I Fuller Shuford '58 2 Paul Stoner Jr. ' 60 2 James Stovall '67 I Timothy Stump ' 79 I William Tate Jr. '7 1 I David Taylor '89 I Nello Teer Jr. '36 J. Eric Wagoner ' 73 Charles Warren '64 Thomas Watson Jr. '63 Richard White '42 I Dan Williamson '46 3 J. Steven Wilson ' 66 Jack Wiser '87 I Frederick Woltz ' 76 2 Howard Woltz Ill '78 William Woody '70 Oscar Yokley Jr. ' 51

North Dakota North Carolina William Allen '90 William Baldridge '58 Thomas Bass Ill '38 William Black '52 Samuel Blythe ' 54 I Scott Boone '76 2 George Bradham II '3 0

I Lawrence Arason '55 Van Barkus '82 2 Harrison Barnes Jr. ' 59 Leonard Bjorklund '3 7 Robert Boggs '53 Alfred Bromm Jr. '73 David Byzewski '91 Orison Chaffee Jr. ' 53

I George Dixon '58 2 Richard Droen '63 Ardean Espegard '77 I Dr. Raymond Frie z ' 37 Franklin Griffith '45 Douglas Gurel '89 Robert Heller ' 56 Junius Holte ' 27 James Hutchings '72 K. L Jacobi '2 7 Aivar Kalnins '58 Glenn Knudsvig '60 Chad Krick ' 89 2 Robert Lander '46 Edson Larson ' 46 Ronald Larson '7 5 John Lee '54 Donald Loepp '48 I William MacMillan '36 Dale Mathiason ' 75 I James McCullough '64 2 Maurice McFarlin '42 2 Gordon Norman '58 Fred Ophus '59 Daniel Pesavento '87 Jack Pflugrath ' 59 Orval Raabe '3 1 R. WRuff '52 John Sakariassen ' 52 Kenneth Stavheim '76 Gary Stout '83 2 John Sutherland '32 I Gerald Sveen '47 I Thomas Thomas ' 58 David Wagner '65 2 Harrison Wilder '28 Northwestern Dennis Alerding '90 4 Henry Anderson '30 Alfred Andrea '43 Franklin Ayres '62 2 Robert Ballance '26 2 Roderick Barr '52 I Michael Belsley '92 Roy Bergmann '63 Dale Bem1an '55 R. William Breece '64 Jeffrey Brook Jr. '44 3 Anthony Brookman '47 I Leland Brown '3 0 2 Richard Brown '42 Laurence Buckmaster ' 37 I Donald Burst ' 42 David Callaway '86 Thomas Deans '68 Donald Dew ' 48 Charles Eggers ' 49 Lee Enz '57 Lawrence Franks MD ' 65 2 Norman Freeman '35 T. Bondurant French '75 Edward Gericke '54 Edwin Gill ' 36 2 Leroy Glasner Jr. '49 Gregory Gordillo '83 Robert Grant Jr. '3 7 W. Brewer Grant '37 Earl Grubbs '75 Paul Gudonis '76 Cary Halpin ' 85 Henry Hanmer '25 William Hetherington '48 William Heusner Jr. '49 Herbert Higgins Jr. ' 49 2 James Highland '63 2 Ernest Hough Jr. '35 I Thomas James '42 George Kemp Jr. '39 Charles Knudsen Jr. '5 1 I Karl Koons Ill ' 82 John Kowalski ' 83

1 - Wooglin Club ($50-$99) 2 - Mystic Circle ($ 100-$249) 3-1839 Club ($250-$499) 4 - Dragon Club ($500- $99) 5- John Reily Knox Society ($ 1,000 or more) 241

Beta Leadership Fund

Giving by Chapter Bernard Kroviak '69 Kenneth Larsen ' 4 7 Jon Larson '57 Eugene McCall '49 Garvin McClain MD ' 57 Charles McNally ' 54 Brian McTier ' 78 2 George Miles ' 25 2 Glenn Miller ' 33 James Miller '3 7 I Walter Miller ' 49 2 Mark Morton ' 66 I Merrill Mundy '30 Robert Mundy II '59 John Nelson '57 George Nerrie ' 61 Frank Nicholas ' 48 Donald Olson '42 Stanley Paulsen '57 Richard Pilcher '56 Tim Powell '64 Richard Press ' 74 John Prince '89 D. Mark Purdy ' 74 Robert Ramsay '28 John Rashke '64 2 Raymond Rensis Jr. '49 2 Gilbert Reubold '33 Sheldon Reynolds II ' 81 James Richards '46 2 William Robb III '66 I Alan Rosenberg '74 William Schaab ' 50 I John Scott Jr. '49 2 Rudy Small '44 Jay Standish ' 49 Dan Sterner '55 2 Charles Teare '28 I Willard Thayer '48 2 Frank Thompson '41 Robert Vanderhye '68 Frank Weatherwax ' 40 Todd Weisrock '89 Robert Willig Jr. ' 74 Frank Witherell Jr. ' 46 2 James Young ' 66 Ohio State Robert Amspoker ' 64 Christopher Beck '79 Jack Bell '38 Edward Berthold '59 3 James Blackford MD '60 I Charles Boardman '40 I William Bockelman '89 I John Boggs '49 I Christopher Brady '72 5 Thomas Brennan ' 51 3 David Brennan '53 I Harold Brown Jr. ' 62 Stewart Brownstein '73 I William Buckham ' 67 2 John Burkhart '63 I Alden Bush Jr. '38 Robert Butler '62 Duncan Campbell ' 58 Joseph Chinnici Jr. '64 James Clark ' 63 Mark Combs ' 75 Richard Cordray ' 48


John Decker ' 51 James Devlin '53 Dale Dickerson '48 George Drake MD ' 50 Craig Dynes ' 76 James Eaton '64 David Edwards '5 1 Donn Ellerbrock '70 Norman Ervin '24 Robert Evans '3 1 Richard Fassett MD '6 1 I James Findley '54 I Alan Fisher MD '66 4 Alan Forrester '62 Michael Gaffney ' 75 2 Charles Gilchrist Jr. '48 2 James Gorman Ill ' 49 I Lawrence Green '68 James Hauser ' 57 David Heisel ' 71 Hubert Hendrix '30 Robert Hilgert '59 Matthew Hower '88 I George Jacoby '54 2 John Jenkins Jr. '50 Robert Johnson '39 2 Dr. Parke Johnston '44 I Charles Johnston '51 M. B Kauffman ' 38 Robert Kelley '34 William Kennelly '58 William Kilkenny ' 68 William Kraker ' 51 B. Scott Kraushar ' 76 George Krieger '5.0 James Larimer ' 49 James Lawrence ' 70 Charles Lawson '8 1 2 Ruskin Lawyer Jr. '62 I Everett Laybourne '32 Hall Liles Jr. '60 Dalton Lowe ' 73 2 William MacDonald Jr. '40 I Jeffrey Macklin ' 72 I David Mader '48 I Theodore Magnuson '49 2 John-Anthony Marquardt '79 James Martin MD '52 Michael Matthews '82 I Larry Metzger '55 2 Robert Meyers '50 2 James Miller ' 37 I James Mitchell '86 Thomas Moore '67 2 Moyne Morgan '41 2 John Myer II ' 73 David Neff ' 74 John Niermeyer '61 I Theodore Ongaro MD '62 Eugene Pashuck Jr. '71 I Theodore Pattison Jr. '40 2 James Phillips '44 I Larry Plum '68 I John Poffenberger ' 57 I Thomas Quigley Jr. '64 I Robert Reuting Jr. ' 70 Douglas Rhoades '86 James Rice '64 William Saunders '50 2 John Schiff Jr. '65 Thomas Schreiber ' 77 I George Shellabarger ' 30 Guyon Smith Jr. '45 G. Richard Smith '60 Gordon Snider MD '50 Stanley Southard ' 3 7 Richard Springer ' 66 Paul Staubitz DDS '7 1 Robert Stevenson '48 2 Robert Stewart '34 2 James Streicher '62

Frank Stroebel MD '55 2 Phillips Sturtevant '36 James Sutherland ' 33 John Taggart '53 Ralph Talmage '7 1 Thomas Tate Jr. '53 Wells Teachnor Jr. '50 Daniel Thomas '79 Mark Vanek '73 Alan Veatch '79 William Ventress ' 45 2 Andrew Verdin Jr. ' 59 Roger Vincent ' 69 2 Alan Vovk '70 George Walker '5 0 2 John Waterman ' 38 Edward Watson '38 2 Carl Weiffenbach ' 57 Frank White '52 Alan White '72 Richard Widdoes DDS ' 53 2 Albert Wiggins Jr. '57 2 Keith Wilson '42 I Donald Winters '58 I Thomas Wittich ' 81 George Wright ' 32 Charles Wright ' 62 David Wright ' 67 Eric Zeiher '75 Ohio 3 Deyuos Abbott Jr. '58 Stanley Adams ' 73 2 Robert Albright '60 I Jack Andrish '65 2 Richard Apgar '68 3 John Ault III '60 George Baillie Jr. ' 45 David Barr '67 Frank Baumholtz ' 39 Joseph Bell '40 2 Andrew Berger ' 79 David Blalack ' 45 Robert Borges '49 Randall Bothmann '67 James Breckel '68 2 Richard Brown ' 65 Brian Cain '9 1 Charles Calhoun '48 Ronald Calhoun ' 72 Martin Carbone '88 John Carmichael '89 I William Cherrington '33 Edwin Chubb Jr. ' 57 James Clegg '69 James Coen '72 I Walter Coleman '60 2 Guy Connors '77 I Dennis Conrad ' 75 3 Glenn Corlett ' 65 I Terrence Cosgrove '79 2 David Covert '60 David Currie '63 Jeffrey DePalmo '79 William Dreher MD '64 Michael Easley '57 Robert Ebert ' 75 William Eikenberry '28 Richard Ell is ' 55 3 F. William Englefield '52 I Peter Fine ' 74 Robert Finney '65 2 Joseph Fisher ' 70 I Oakie Ford '62 I Joyce Fuller ' 28 2 John Gainor Jr. ' 78 Christopher Gallic '84 2 Robert Gam '40 3 James Goddard Jr. ' 54 2 Roy Goodwin '60 William Greskovich '85 Dennis Griffin '68 Patrick Guanciale ' 73

William Haffner ' 54 Raymond Hanacek ' 59 James Hensler '83 Charles Herms Jr. '73 Jack Heuser ' 49 Gerald Hoff' 55 John Holden Jr. ' 65 Peter Hood '61 Kent Houser ' 77 Donald Hunt ' 61 Thomas James ' 71 David Johnson ' 61 2 Mark Jones '79 Douglas Katterhenry ' 70 Byron Kelly ' 56 Thomas Kennedy '50 John Kessel ' 74 C. Frederick Kittle '42 John Kline '41 2 Michael Kress '65 Paul Kurtz ' 78 Michael LaBeau ' 67 Thomas Lee '54 Steven Lesser '75 Rex Maiden '58 2 William Manning ' 39 Paul Mason '31 J. Burton Mayes '39 2 Thomas McConnaughy '64 I Charles McGinnis '38 2 William Messenger ' 72 Rick Miller ' 69 Lawrence Milligan '41 2 Edward Milsom III ' 62 John Mitchell '50 2 James Mitchell ' 61 David Moore '56 William Morison '49 3 Cruse Moss '48 Robert Noll ' 69 I John O' Brien '40 2 Gerald O'Connor '49 4 Jeffrey O' Hara '69 Robert Parker '57 Thomas Payne ' 60 Walter Perry Jr. ' 57 Bruce Peterson ' 72 Thomas Pillifant IV

'92 Daniel Pintaric Jr. '67 L. Roger Plauche ' 61 Alan Prescott ' 78 Harry Price '49 4 Morton Pry '41 Jerry Rhinehalt '61 2 Lawrence Rice '3 3 Clayton Riley ' 50 Ronald Roberts '66 2 Robert Roeser '66 I Richard Rood '60 I Philip Rose '68 2 Anthony Rotolo ' 54 James Rutkoskie '60 Richard Sabol '77 Edward Schott ' 49 William Schwitzgebel '44 R. Gordon Scott '60 3 Roger Selfe '70 2 Joe Shafer ' 37 Terry Shilling '65 Thomas Skinner '64 William Sprague MD ' 48 2 J. Ray Steiner '48 Maurice Steiner '48 2 Edward Stocklen ' 33 I Robert Sutter '42 2 Thomas Thon ' 78 I Paul Tomstrom '66 Jeffrey Trattner ' 86 2 Harry Waddell ' 33 I James Wallace Jr. '68 lthamar Weed '36 2 James Whitaker '68 I John Williams '47 Marlyn Wilt '49

I Hubert Winebrenner Jr. '59 3 John Winfield ' 44

Ohio Wesleyen I J. Geoffrey Allen ' 82 William Anthony ' 45 Dr. Douglas Austin '59 Paul Belden '64 Robert Best '44 Eugene Busler '35 Robert Canright '52 David Carver ' 58 I George Chatterton Jr. '56 Michael Christie ' 78 Stephen Coleman ' 71 2 George Conrades ' 61 Jeffrey Davis '8 1 Burton Elder MD ' 33 Bruce Elder ' 62 Thomas Farahay '49 Hal Fausnaugh ' 48 Robert Fenwick Jr. '48 Craig Ferrer '78 Charles Hall '46 William Harrah '43 Richard Hindman '47 Derek Hoffman '82 Earl Holbrook ' 39 John Jewitt SR '13 James Johnson '47 ~ Dwight Kane ' 29 James Kestle ' 24 Paul Kisseberth '54 A. Peter Knoop ' 80 I Donald Kom '42 2 James Manchester ' 65 2 Keith Marden Jr. '80 I Dudley Mason '37 2 Robert Mauck '48 David Myers '38 4 Robert Neff' 53 I William Niblock Jr. ' 65 Peter Oven '82 3 Gabriel Petre '4 7 William Pfister '48 I William Plavcan MD '55 I William Rowland ' 68 Jack Salerno '76 2 Michael Shade '74 I Tom Shank '52 Stephen Sherwood '70 I C. Dee Simpson '54 2 Norman Slenker ' 51 Mark Sommers '78 Ned Speasmaker '50 John Strout '38 Ferenc Szasz ' 62 Thomas Tatham ' 56 Vernon Thomas 0 David Watt '59 William West MD ' 39 James Wyant '50 2 Robert Wyant '50 Oklahoma I James Akright ' 37 I Samuel Allen III '50 Robert Allen '48 2 Gary Baer ' 60 2 J. Forrest Barnwell ' 53 I Robert Beall ' 79 I Jerry Beeson '67 I Benjamin Bell '46 James Berry Jr. '44 Robert Berry ' 70 Bruce Bickford '75 W. Anderson Bishop '75 Leslie Boring ' 34 William Broach '58 2 Earl Brown Jr. ' 38 Chris Brown ' 71 Paul Brown ' 77 John Burns '86 Otis Burris ' 52

Thaddeus Calinson ·, Kenneth Carpenter'( I Dr. John Coker ' 72 2 Michael Cole ' 73 I John Conger '67 I William Cook ' 38 Mark Curnutte '76 Jerome Dilling Jr. '6' John Ecton ' 88 James Eddleman ' 25 Dr David Emmott '7~ Robert Felton '85 Jack Fleming ' 36 Zane Fleming '74 3 Kevin Foxx '78 2 Thomas Fraley Jr. M.D. '56 I Robert Frantz '42 J. Douglas Frantz ' 66 Dr. Bennett Fuller '8/ I Charles Gotwals Jr. ·: 2 James Gotwals ' 72 3 Wilbur Griffith ' 31 I John Harlan '50 I Walter Hart ' 38 2 Jerry Hassebroek '67 Kim Hauger ' 77 I William Hemphill '45 2 James Hicks ' 82 John Hillis '82 Ted Hine ' 50 G. Elden Hoffman '71 Carl Holliday '76 P. Jack Hoopes '73 Bradford Hoopes ' 76 Glenn Hunter '64 James Ivester '82 Melvin Jaquier ' 38 I W. Bradley Johnston '69 Greg Jones ' 82 I Jackson Kinnebrew '6 2 James Kinnebrew ' 64 John Klabzuba '74 2 James Langdon ' 73 Kenneth Lisle Jr. ' 73 Charles Long ' 60 Wilfred Martin Jr. ' 48 2 George Mason ' 54 William McGee '52 I Kevin McGee '75 I Thomas Metcalf ' 66 2 J. Steven Miller '72 Robert Millspaugh Jr. '50 3 Richard Moore Jr. '63 I Steven Moore '68 2 John Morton '43 John Munger '78 Robert Myers '36 2 Thomas Norris '56 2 R. Marc Nuttle '7 1 Kevin O'Halloran ' 75 2 Lt Col John Orr USAF (Ret) ' 34 2 Fred Patrick ' 64 I Christopher Pierce '75 David Pittman Jr. '85 Ernest Plath ' 61 Louis Priebe ' 63 Scott Rahhal ' 85 2 John Randolph '77 I John Reid '50 Richard Reid '60 2 Gene Richards ' 57 I William Richardson Jr. ' 63 I Rob Robertson '84 2 J. Hugh Roff ' 53 George Rollow ' 74 2 Dickson Saunders '41 William Simpson '37 N. Bert Smith '41 I Col. Robert Smith '48 2 James Snyder ' 51 I Donald Sobocinski '52 I Thomas Swineford '63 I Garland Talley ' 74 2 Richard Thomas ' 50

The Beta ThP.tll Pi/Snrinn 1 oo~

ee Thompson Jr. '54 ,rthur Thompson '66 hn Tippit ' 38 .ance Tolson '82 ~ i ch ae l Tolson '82 •teven Tolson ' 84 ~avid Upthegrove ' 8 1 ruce Varner '7 1 lfichael Vick ' 75 o hn Waldo ' 74 toscoe Walker Jr. '42 lichard Walton '50 .Vill iam Warner Jr. '49 . W Weeks '74 \lbert Welsh '53 )avid Welsh ' 79 Ni lli am Wendt ' 52 fhomas Wi ll iams ' 7 1 ~oy Wi ll iamson Jr. ' 56 :::harles Will iamson W'illiam Wi lson ' 89 ) r. Chalmers Wood fohn Yeager '62

ahoma State Richard Abernethy ' 53 'Douglas Akers ' 92 Robert Anthis '53 Donald Aspenson ' 89 John Badger ' 29 Will iam Bake ' 51 Terry Bard ' 88 Harris Bateman 0 Bruce Belanger ' 85 Kenneth Black '8 1 James Boatsman '66 !Thomas Butler ' 69 !Jeffrey Cato '90 Darrell Chance '90 •Vincent Compton ' 8 1 Danny Conklin '57

'vfore than 200 sophomore f ellows will ~arn leadership qualities from outstanding .Betas such as len. Richard G. ~ugar, Denison '64, and Ambassador Glenn ; olden, Oregon ;51, at the I 54th General Convention, fu nded by the ELF.

Hays Cross '42 Oran Dale 0 Donald Davis '62 Joe Drummond ' 71 Michael Duggin ' 72 Jerold Fine ' 66 W . D Finney ' 23 John Finney Ill ' 65 Donald Frank '43 Wi lliam Fraser '84 Kenneth Gallagher ' 35 Terry Gillum ' 57 Knox Glass Jr. '39

2 John Grant '64 James Griffith ' 50 Billy Halcomb '54 Danny Halcomb '83 James Harkness ' 52 Bill Hayton ' 50 Thomas Hendrickson

' 64 I Arthur Hensley Ill '67 Burl Ho lmes II '7 1 4 Eugene Jackson ' 50 John Johnson '7 7 Lee Jonas ' 79 4 Edward Joullian Ill '5 1 Richard Knoblock '46 Henry LeForce ' 63 K. John Lee '84 Harry Leonard '68 Edw in Lindly ' 43 Louis Linxwiler Jr. '53 William Loney ' 52 Dr David Lundy '68 John McLaughlin '84 Tracy Morgan '79 Philip Morton '53 J. Douglas Nickles '72 David Ni les '79 2 John Potts Ill '73 I George Reed '82 G. Stuart Reeves '6 1 2 Linden Richards '33 Murray Rickman ' 43 H. Randy Roark '64 I Robert Roark '68 2 Steven Robert '83 Carter Rohde '42 2 Will iam Ross '52 Ma lco lm Rosser IV '77 David Schedler ' 59 Harland Schug Jr. '50 Carl Shafer '5 7 Stanley Skaer MD '7 1 2 Bruce Snyder '6 1 2 Richard Speairs '41 Bradley Swanson '88 Jimmy Tarter '64 Eri c Tate ' 87 Darrell Teague '8 1 John Th isler Jr. '76 Austin Troxel Jr. '63 4 Franklin Vann ' 51 I James Waterfield ' 56 I Carl Wickizer ' 54 I Ro lin Wi lcoxson '44 I George Will iams '5 1 I Wil son Wi ll iams '66 Robert Willi s '35 2 Douglas Wil sey ' 70 Michael Wright '7 1 4 Col. Arnold Wyss ' 30 I Glen Yahn ' 32

Orego n 2 2 I

Richard Acarregui '64 John Akers ' 54 Albert Alford Jr. '60 John A ll en Jr. '37 Mo rris Arntson Jr. '59 James Barlow ' 50 Fores Beaudry '67 C. Bradley Bogue '37 Nathan Bradford Jr.

2 2 '41 2 Arthur Cannichael Jr. ' 62 2 Thomas Chapman 0 Brooks Claridge ' 36 John Craig II '4 1 2 Willi am Crist '68 I Robert Crites '52 Daniel DePaepe ' 85 2 Thomas Dimmi ck ' 37 John Erving '92 Gene Estes '59 Warren Finke '43 2 Rolph Fuhm1an '43 I Ripley Gage '49 2 John Galloway ' 72 2 Mack Graves '65

'be Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

2 Jeffrey Grayson '64 Barclay Grayson '92 David Grosz '60 John Hare '33 William Harrow '39 2 Theodore Hay '28 I John Herman '60 James Hurd '38 Ernest Jaqua '5 1 Peter Jone '78 George Kilborn '42 Charl es Kitchel ' 49 Karl Koch Il l '65 Larry Lai sue '78 Edward Leonard '41 Jerry Lewis '63 James Long ' 33 Raymond Lung '5 0 Thomas Lyon '54 Roger Marsh ' 50 2 Stephen McAul iffe ' 71 Jeffrey McA uli ffe ' 83 Kenton McCreight ' 58 John McGowan '40 I Walter McKinney Jr.

'50 Chri stopher Miller '90 I Donald Milligan '62 2 Thomas Montgomery MD '29 Edward Morgan ' 32 2 Dav id Morri s MD ' 37 Craig Norton '46 2 Robert Petersen ' 60 I Michael Ploghoft ' 71 Jerome Pool '57 Gerard Rastell o '47 2 James Rathbun '41 I Michael Ross '6 1 Kenneth Sca les '32 2 M iles See ley ' 70 Haro ld Sex ton MD '36 Edward Si egmund '3 1 4 Kenneth Smith '37 Hal Socolofsky '28 Ronald Sogge ' 54 I Hugh Springer '60 I Frank Stanek ' 64 2 Bruce Stephenson '43 I Denni s Tripp '65 Todd Welch '85 Sherman Wetmore '41 Nick Winter '75 Charles Wintermute

'39 J. Robert Volland '59

Orego n State 2 Jack Alli son '49 Steven Anderson ' 79 Stephen Bilheimer '27 Leland Bolt ' 22 2 Jeffrey Brant '82 2 Philip Buehner II '39 Steven Burnet '63 Michael Butler ' 79 Gerald Chadbum '53 Robert Charles '76 A lton Chase '38 Ronald Church '74 Roy Cook '63 Robert Cotner ' 60 Thomas Cox '55 Roy Cyphers '60 Randall Cyphers ' 88 John Davies '32 Charles Dawes '27 F. Mason DeNeffe '39 Wilson Dockery ' 35 John Dukehart ' 63 Robert Dunn '50 Gary Dysart '6 1 James Ednie '57 James Edwards ' 38 Frederick Eldridge '33 Donald Francis ' 43 2 Peter Francis '67 Richard Frederick ' 58 Terry Gardner '70

Robert Geddes '30 2 P. Leon Giles '64 I Larry Goedeck '65 David Grant '78 Warren Greene '58 John Hayes '44 Thomas Hayes Jr. ' 73 Daniel Hodge '74 Charle Hutchinson '38 Robert Inga ll s ' 37 Karl Jensen '87 2 C. E. Johnson '4 1 I Jame Joyce '4 1 Casey Keller '76 2 James King ' 65 I Walter Kinney '38 Niles Konstad '46 O liver Larson Jr. ' 5 1 C lori n Layton '22 George Long MD '50 John Mack '49 Dean Mall on '85 Patrick Maney Jr. '72 Lorian Marl antes '65 Gregory McKinney ' 78 Robert McKinstry '58 2 Leonard McManus '40 I Parley Merrill IV '66 Mark Mill s '84 John Mitchell ' 38 Joseph Mitchell ' 38 Dav id Oehling '63 Lawrence Pagter ' 48 John Palmer ' 56 2 H. Dean Pape '42 Michael Parsons '63 I James Pope ' 67 3 Ted Porter ' 18 Joe Reid Jr. '68 Les lie Richards ' 34 Lewis Ri echers '35 Peter Roake ' 62 Robert Robey '59 Donald Royse '65 Wade Sa llee '74 Paul Scea '2 1 Douglas Schmitt '88 Milton Schu ltz '55 I Frederick Siri '49 2 George Skou '46 2 Larry Slaughter '69 Charles Smith '59 Stephen Smith '69 Gregory Spahr '76 George Steele ' 45 John Taylor ' 35 Thomas Thurber '65 Charles Tilton '30 Denni s Tower ' 68 Warren Ulrich Jr. '5 1 Robert Utzinger '43 Nicho las Utzinger '69 Wallace Weisenbach

'86 William Winslow '41 Sammy Wi seman '89 Dav id Worthington ' 76 Michael Youngquist

' 63 Thomas Yragui '78

Penn State I Henry Adams Jr. '67 Harry Albert '56 John Arno ld ' 79 Daniel Balena '79 W. James Ballantyne

'43 William Bemus Jr. ' 50 2 H. Lloyd Beyer '35 Darryl Bierly ' 61 Jerome Bierly ' 69 Richard Boehmer '76 2 Peter Bossis '73 Frederick Briggs Jr.

'68 Thomas Bri ggs ' 71 John Brown '47 Robert Brown Jr. '78

Mark Carbeau '82 I Stephen Carrochi ' 73 4 Joseph Ca rter '40 2 Wi lliam Clark '66 2 Robert C larke '8 1 Robert Cole '74 Dani el Coli Jr. '84 Francis Collins '75 Mark Cornea l ' 77 2 Ralph Cryder '57 I Donald Daugherty '38 Jack Dienna ' 34 Ronald Engleman Jr.

'88 3 Robert Fari s '60 I Charles Fegley Ill '57 I David Feight '64 2 Ma lcolm Finger '50 ed Finkbeiner '57 2 Terry Fry ' 72 2 G. Barrett Garbarino

'61 Rex Gedney '80 I Daniel Gifford ' 6 1 2 Mark Giubi lato '8 1 Robert Gold '83 2 Harold Gordon Jr. '38 Robert Goss '49 2 Alfred Gri eshaber Jr.

' 67

2 2 I I I


Eri c Haaij er '83 Wi ll iam Hacker ' 42 John Hanson ' 53 Robert Harris '54 Jo eph Heck II '84 Ri chard Herr '34 Robert Hopkins ' 69 Robert Hunsicker '43 Thomas lmswiler ' 55 Robert Jones '46 Donald Kay '47 John Keller '43 W. Thomas Kelly '42 Carl Kerchner '45 Harry Krider ' 32 Richard Langdon '49 Robert Latshaw '3 7 J. Mauser Lerch '2 7 Stuart Leyden ' 75 Brady Lyons Jr. ' 64 Scott Maierhofer '83 Joseph Manzo ' 68 Stephen McDermott

'79 2 Raymond McDonald Jr. '59 2 Charles McKillips '39 I C. Blair Miller ' 46 Nathan Morri son Ul

'65 I Edward Myer '57 John Pasuit '66 Scott Patterson '82 Michael Paul '66 Theodore Phillips '73 I James Pringle '60' I Preston Ray Ill '72 2 Scott Remmey '83 I Robert Rinehimer '33 Ira Romberger Ill ' 5 1 Mark Rull o '9 1 I Robert Schenck ' 70 I Robert Schwartz Jr. ' 85 2 Philip Selker '83 I Harry Shank '54 Kevi n Sharpe '89 La Shi ffe r Jr. '60 4 Lee Smith ' 64 Terence Sm ith '88 John Spangler Jr. ' 52 Howard Spencer '63 John Surotchak ' 66 2 Lester Thurston Jr. ' 48 2 Robert Ti n tman '50 Joseph Toma ino ' 69 John Urban Jr. '60 Wi ll iam Vollrath ' 78 John Walton '45 Ronald Wareham '67

1 - Wooglin Club ($50-$99) 2 - Mystic Circle ($ 100-$249) 3 - 1839 Club ($250-$499) 4 - Dragon Club ($500 - $99) 5 -John Reily Knox Society ($ 1,000 or more) 243

Beta Leadership Fund

Giving by Chapter John Warnock '40 William Warrick '49 Stephen Weeks '74 2 Paul Weitz Jr. ' 54 2 Irvin White ' 54 I Lawson Whiting '64 Daniel Wilhelm '79 David Woodend '8 1 Thomas Woods ' 66 John Wright '83

Penn Ross Allen ' 40 Harry Alsentzer Ill ' 50 John Alsentzer ' 54 Howard Altman '84 Thomas Andrews Jr. '42 William Andrews '48 4 W. Joseph Blood '46 2 Edward Bou ' 53 William Carney ' 82 Gordon Carrigan Jr. ' 23 Joseph Clausen Jr. '44 2 John Cline ' 53 Thomas Collins '56 William Conners '84 2 Peter Cook ' 32 2 Robert Dempsey ' 53 Mark Denbo '92 2 Donald Dunning ' 31 Thomas Emerson ' 66 Damian Evans '90 Robert Flood Jr. ' 52 John Foster ' 39 David Friedrichs '59 Michael Fuchs '90 Michael Hartman ' 90 Thomas Huber '56 Fred Keeler '49 Frank Knight Jr. '41 James Knisely '24 George Laws Ill ' 80 Harrington Leedom '30 Ralph Luddecke Jr. '37 I Dr. Josiah McCracken ' 36 Edgar Miller II '49 Jeffrey Mobcd ' 84 B. D Moore ' 38 John Murphy '59 George O' Maley Jr. ' 34 2 Samuel Parke ' 27 Alan Pike '84 William Price '40 Erne t Prudente ' 89 Paul Schickler Jr. ' 46 Sevill Schofield Jr. ' 48 Andrew Semovitz ' 92 C. Frederick Shultz '45 Harry Smith '40 2 Erwin Steubner '27 Christopher Stone ' 81 John Summers '46 Thomas Taylor Jr. '43 Robert Tiffany ' 55 2 George Tom1ey ' 57 Thomas Weaver '48 James West '47 I Richard Wiedemer ' 41 2 W. Cooper Will it ' 36 I Howard Woolley ' 34


I J Hillman Zahn '42

Puget Sound William Bates ' 67 S. Thomas Berg '69 Scot Carley ' 91 Michael Chappelle '78 I Chri Craney ' 70 2 Lowell Daun ' 68 Kevin Davis ' 86 Dougla Doxsie '83 Bradley Foltz ' 79 Gary Hagstrom ' 68 Craig Haines ' 69 Robert Harper ' 66 Donald Harris '70 I Albert Hogue II '80 2 R. Benson Jones ' 74 2 George Lamb MD '70 Karl Leaverton '78 Clarke Leaverton '80 James Lentz ' 78 2 Douglas MacPherson ' 77 Gregory Marshall '85 2 Gordon Martin ' 7 1 I Jonathan Michael '89 Claude Morgan 11 '82 Mark Nelson '87 Peter Northrup '75 Steven Pohlman '76 Stephen Reed '74 Gary Rubin '89 Curtis Sargent '80 Robert Schwarz ' 72 Michael Shannon '75 Robert Sinclair ' 77 John Skidmore '78 2 Christopher Smith Jr. '77 2 Curtis Spillers '80 David Swartley ' 92 John Wettlaufer '85 Purdue Albert Arbogast ' 29 Erwi n Baizas '90 Robert Baldwin IV '88 Richard Bond 11 '79 Michael Bowman '59 Thomas Brazina '85 Douglas Brownfield ' 84 John Bush '75 Jay Carpenter '76 H. Clifford Carroll '34 John Cartmell '44 2 Fred Clifton ' 35 Edwin Cole ' 45 James Corliss '61 Robert Cunny '46 2 John Daus Jr. '49 I R. J Doeppers '50 Daniel Dongs '75 George Ell is Jr. '79 Norman Ellsworth ' 64 Eugene Enlow '63 William Espich '64 Lewis Essex ' 58 Michael Essex ' 84 Thomas Gerding '52 Donald Gwinnup ' 51 Donald Gwinnup Jr. '75 Kevin Hall ' 8 1 Howard Harman Jr. ' 51 Jacob Harman ' 51 Edward Harris '67 William Hayt Jr. '42 John Hitz ' 35 I Charles Hoover ' 51 3 M. Stephen Huss ' 70 I William Irish ' 71 I John Jacks '54 I Thomas Jessup ' 69 Richard Johnson ' 39 Jerome John on '70 David Jones ' 77 Jeffrey Joslin ' 79

Samuel Joyner '59 John Kendrick '4 7 Floyd Koogler Jr. '5 1 I William Kozmin '76 2 Steven Krein '73 I Thomas Lugar ' 55 2 Thomas Lupfer ' 79 Edmund Lynch '36 Stephen Main ' 73 G. Thomas Market ' 73 Grant Martin ' 67 Charles Martin '90 Ralph Mason Jr. '60 Victor Mayfield '42 John McConnell '57 Ronald McMurry '5 1 John McRoberts ' 89 2 Howard Meeker Jr. '48 I Douglas Meeker '82 Dona ld Meier MD '42 2 John Merrell ' 50 John Merrell ' 82 Steven Morehouse '64 William Moss '8 1 William Murray '40 Philip Nelson ' 56 Michael O' Neall '66 Michael Osterling ' 75 John Persinger ' 84 Richard Petersen '56 Mark Peterson '83 David Pittman ' 69 2 James Pray ' 38 Richard Price '62 William Qualls III '66 Jon Readnour '68 Donald Reid ' 90 G. Merrill Rice '90 2 Richard Roski MD '71 William Rowe '35 Arthur Rush Jr. '39 Stuart Russell ' 73 Theodore Schwenke '55 I Stephen Shepard '54 James Shrack '57 John Simmons ' 53 2 Thomas Small '55 George Sommer '48 2 James Sprong '54 Carl Stanley '50 Richard Stevens '65 Robert Stewart '45 Warren Sullivan Jr. '40 Mac Sullivan ' 46 2 Richard Swenson '49 2 Charles Thompson '47 Robert Tobey ' 50 Jeffery Toth '73 W. Bryant VanAken '43 Michael Walker.'83 2 Richard Wand '6 1 David Webster '60 Frederick Wendland '90 I Kent Whitaker '86 Scott White '84 Paul Whitehair Jr. '77 I Truman Williamson Jr. '35 Richard Wahlberg '7 1 Cary Wood ' 89 Robert Yeo '35 John Young ' 56 2 David Young '58 I James Zei ler '32 Rutgers 2 Vincent Abbott '53 Richard Abidin '60 Howard Anderson III '53 I Frank Aponte ' 73 I William Barton '61 3 William Bedle ' 56 Barton Blum ' 54 James Blwnenstock '73 John Boehm ' 81

Louis Bowers '52 Theodore Bragg Ill '86 2 Frederic Buswell Jr. '45 I Lyle Cady Jr. '72 John Caleca Jr. '73 2 Richard Carter '69 Richard Casparius ' 80 2 James Cerone '53 Harry Conway '4 1 Robert Cosgrove ' 87 Michael Costello '70 Thomas Couse '58 Wi ll iam Cranmer '41 Michael DeM ucchio '29 I George Delanoy '54 John Dwight '66 William Evans '49 Richard Feauve '73 Theodore Filmont '59 2 Charles Freeman Jr. '30 Leo Friedman '52 George Gall ant '49 2 Thomas Gegan ' 82 2 John Golden '59 3 Kenneth Grispin '70 Anthony Guidi '62 John Herdje '8 1 Richard Hitt '44 James Holdsworth '79 Robert Hubbard '50 2 John Huss '57 I Thomas Jaeger '65 2 LCDR Jonathan James '78 2 John Jeniec '71 I Lawrence Kahn '8 1 J. David Kall '57 2 Warren Katz '80 Marc Krnec '74 I Edward Kohler ' 58 2 Robert Kunz '7 1 Eric Larson '85 Neal Lesher '57 John Lewis '42 I Robert MacArgel '57 2 David MacLeod '84 I Thomas Maclin '58 Ronald Magnusson '7 1 Michael Mancuso '83 Richard Marcon '66 Allen Marsteller '70 James Math ieu '75 Craig Matthews '65 Timothy McCarthy '65 W. John McGugan ' 55 Thomas McLaughlin '56 2 Charles Mi ller '67 2 Jonathan Miller '77 Ulysses Molina '88 2 H. Drayton Monk '36 John Nakamura '82 Nicholas Namias ' 85 Dean Pashaian '83 Thomas Pasternack '59 2 Giulio Perillo '68 John Petrino '82 Peter Reist '86 Wesley Reynolds '41 Dayton Robbins '36 I Peter Rodriguez '78 2 Gary Roth ' 78 Chri stopher Roth '83 Robert Russo ' 79 3 Donald Sander ' 32 2 Mark Scerbo '81 Hon Thomas Shebell '58 Richard Sickles ' 35 William Siefring ' 71 Paul Sipp Jr. '45 Jonathan Slater ' 91 Charles Snyder '7 1 Peter Stelljes '64 Donald Stevens ' 53 Robert Stohrer ' 66

3 Fred Strandskov '73 Steven Susskind '87 Robert Sweel '64 Wi lliam Tighe '54 Bedell Tippins lll '70 William VanDerveer '32 I Salvatore Vitello '84 John Weinpahl '85 Anatoli Wel ihozkiy '69 Jeffrey Willard '82 C. Robert Wyss '59

1992 gifts to the Beta Leadership Fund totaled $446,562.59, marking jive straight years of net income growth. Marshall Zimmerman '79 San Diego State I Jeffrey Hammond '92 Kevin Kelly '90 Todd Lackner '90 2 David Morris '88 I Gerald Nolan '88 Nicholas Reichart '90 Mark Yurosko '91 South Carolina Allan McLeland '89 South Dakota Robert Arthur ' 50 Mark Barnett '76 I Todd Bloch '89 2 Donald Boyd '73 I Wi ll iam Brown ' 42 2 Bernard Brown Jr. '50 The Rev. Kenneth Brown '67 2 Robert Brown ' 69 Marty Cavanaugh '82 2 Martin Chaney '63 Francis Clinton '66 John Conway '56 Denver Dillard '68 Wi lliam Donaldson '58 Ernest Edwards '57 Mitchel Gaffer '82 Gary Gange '62 Stanley Gidley '30 Ga len Gillette '58 David Gross '7 1 2 Scott Grotjan '92 Karl Hanson ' 32 Curtis Hargis ' 82 Stephen Hayes '80 2 Hanley Heikes '42 Mark Hemmingson '7 5 Darrel Hinkelman '68 Richard Hodgson '38 Kenneth Hoppel '33 Bradley Jeffords '85 Steven Jensen '77 2 Dale Jorgenson Jr. '83 I John Kaliszewski ' 71 I Nicholas Karst '83 2 Dan Kirkham '58 Jon Knutson '79 Charles Kunstle '73 Robert LaFollette '9 1 I Orlan Larson '72 4 H Lauren Lewis '37 I Robert Lewis ' 79

Buron Lindbloom 1\. '53 I Brent Lindbloom '8 William Lockwooo 2 John Matson '53 John Maynes '68 Scott McGregor '74 Brett McGregor '79 Marvin McNickle '3 Stephen Mi ller '79 James Moeller '56 John Mogen '7 1 N. Dean Nasser '70 Kermit Olsen '62 Richard Padmos ' 55 William Paul MD '4 William Perrenoud '. Mark Peterson '73 Stephen Proctor Jr ' 9 Q. A Quigley '43 Theodore Rabey ' 43 John Reince '86 I Donald Schoenhard J '92 Lawrence Skoglund '7 1 I Jeffrey Small '86 2 George Smith Jr. '36 I John Stengle '70 James Stotz '84 I John Stringer '53 I Jon Swanson '76 I John Thayer '65 2 John Thietje '6 1 3 John Thomson '74 Paul VanBuren '60 Michael Walton '82 Anton Wegner '59 Michael Wilson '79 Lawrence Wirth '65 University of the Sout I Paul Adair '67 I John Clemens Jr. '72 I David Dye MD '64 I Robert Granger ' 77 William Johnston Ill '75 David Mathews '82 Robert Newman '73 John Picton '68 Albert Polk III '67 Luther Sharp Jr. '57 Herbert Sparks Jr. '81 2 Thobum Taggart Jr. '53 Robert Thomas '6 1 Southern California 2 Henry Aiassa Jr. '84 Ralph Allen '6 1 2 Anthony Allen '84 I J. Todd Anderson '82 Daniel Andes '49 I Michael Arrigo '80 2 Donald Ayres Jr. '54 William Birnie '47 2 Richard Browne '53 Thomas Callister '67 Eric Carlson '89 James Chapel Jr. '79 Harold Cou lston Jr. ' 63 I Eugene Curzon Jr. '52 3 Robert Davis '56 Kelly Davis '79 2 Ralph Dion '78 I Bert Du Mars '64 William Fedde '83 Gary Ferraro '74 I Lawrence Folks '73 2 Charles Forbes Jr. '5 1 3 Philip Fowler Jr. '72 I Michael Furtney '60 I Louis Gabelic ' 51 Don Gibbs '56 Walter Gorrell ' 58 Robert Green '66 Michael Gunn '68 Scott Hayward '8 1

ThP RPt?. Th.otQ DH~--:- ... '11\A

laniel Hightower '77 'om Hodge '81 larold Hodson '46 ohn Hubanks '60 lifford Hughes '49 }eorge Hunt '52 ohn Hunter Jr. '76 lichard Irvine '63 laul Jenkins '50 3rent Jones '80 fhomas Joyce '74 \ lee Kaminsky '65 edward Karagozian Jr. >eter Kenney '63 !)avid Kilpatrick '73 Oaniel Lane '56 t ic hard Lanni ' 57 !bert Leland ' 76 enry Louis '73 David Lusk ' 49 Nicolas Martin ' 71 Gregory Martin '77 1:1. Scott McArthur ' 62 Michael Morris '9 1 James Nollan ' 68 John O' Donnell '59 John Orr '70 Ronald Orr '79 Steven Paradis ' 78 "Paul Parrish Jr. '52 Mli ll iam Paynter '5 1 Charles Pieper '64 Wi ll iam Poland '7 1 James Post ' 50 •William Pratt ' 73 Russell Randall '77 Travis Reed '56 IJames Rittermal '55 IHugh Robertson III '71 !David Robin son '59 T homas Scully '62 ' Nei l Sherman '72 John Short Jr. ' 61 Russ Si lvestri '83 Daniel Slater '88 James Smith '88 ' Gary Spencer ' 66 William Steele Jr. ' 49 William Stevens ' 58 Theodore Tafe ' 56 Robert Tarnofsky '77 · Perry Tamofsky '82 Dickran Tevrizian Jr. 2 Dennis Towle '66 Laughlin Waters Jr. '77 James Wisda '69 Robert Witt ' 73 Richard Wortley '52 George Wren '57 Thomas Zolezzi '83 outhern M ethodist Thomas Benson '76 Wi ll iam Bowen Jr. ' 8 1 Mark Bradford '8 1 J. Bricker Bums ' 6 1 Charles Cabe '65 Charles Cassis '87 Thomas Cook lll '63 A. L Dent ' 69 Ernest Dittrich lJl ' 67 J. Keith Evans '67 Bert Getz Jr. '89 John Gram! ' 62 A James Grant '62 Charles Griffin Jr. ' 87 William Grumbles Jr. 71 John Guyton Ill '8 7 Thoma Hutchison '7 5 Gary Jansson '70 Bryant Jensen ' 62 Gary Johnson ' 64 Donald Mannino '73 Paul McKay Jr. ' 58 George Moss '58 Don Pearce '65




n!.IO--: - ~

Christopher Peeler DDS '74 2 Charles Porter ' 74 Carl Reinauer '88 Frank Roby '75 I Edward Rotenberg ' 83 2 Khent Rowton ' 66 I Jeffery Skinner '81 Timothy Smith ' 90 2 Stephen Tatum '76 James Toole '64 Ray Vaughters Jr. ' 65 Donald Wilcox '68 Wi lliam Zeitz '77 S t . L awr e nce Wi ll iam Aber ' 67 Roger Allen '59 Gregg Asplundh '86 Donald Beaman ' 49 Todd Becraft ' 78 Daniel Bellotti '73 2 Benjamin Blackford '35 Steven Blackmore '83 Jeffery Brainard ' 76 Wallace Brown '63 Keith Bruno '8 1 Richard Burkhart '46 2 John Burry Jr. ' 53 2 Thomas Cashin '44 John Cerrito '75 George Clark '3 5 Thomas C lay '60 William Connors '78 2 Lloyd Cox Jr. '52 Lawrence DeMellier Jr. ' 62 Richard DiG ia '79 Richard Dodd MD '56 2 Daniel Dy '85 2 Richard Elitharp '47 2 Norman Elitharp ' 50 2 Gordon Evans '54 Wayne French '67 George Gaffney '49 Robert Gates ' 86 2 George Giese Jr. '63 John Gill is ' 58 Phillip Goldsmith '58 2 John Gomell '62 Peter Guille Jr. '63 Charles Gulbrandsen ' 49 I Jeffrey Haidinger '78 Ledyard Hale II ' 43 Thomas Hayes '35 J. Norman Herby '50 2 Richard Hoffman ' 45 I Robert Ingmire '44 Valdemar Jacobsen ' 53 Michael Joyce '70 3 Roger Kaiser Jr. '7 5 Dean Kamvaki s '90 2 Richard Keller '60 Marc Koolen '72 Joseph Kozloski ' 77 Robert Krause ' 50 Christopher Lake ' 90 2 James LoScal zo ' 75 2 Archie McAll aster ' 50 I Kevin McGrath ' 77 Bernard McKinnon '5 7 Edward McLaughlin ' 70 James Me lino '79 James Michaelson ' 66 2 Joseph Minniti ' 54 I J. Gerald Minniti '84 Michael O'Keefe '75 Myron Ohmann '39 Robert Parker '4 7 Charles Purcer ' 63 Edward Redpath '65 Richard Robins ' 45 Thoma Romoda '65 Charles Roth '84 Daniel Ruge '48 R. Ridgely Sanders '47


2 2


I 2 I I

Jeffrey Scuteri '77 Richard Seeler '41 Edward Sharkey '59 Thomas Sheldon '65 Harriman Sherman '38 C Daniel Shulman '62 John Simpkinson ' 60 Robert Simpson ' 64 John Spader '45 Dr. Allen Splete '60 Ronald Stafford '57 Robert Story '56 Frank Stritter ' 59 Timothy Stritter '61 Pau l Swancott '55 David Torrey ' 53 Leon Trombley '5 0 Michael Urbonas '72 Peter VanDeWater '58 Albert Walters '35 Edward Walthart '3 1 Donald Waltz ' 85 Richard Weaver '62 Homer Wilson Ill '73

Stanfo rd 2 Jules Barsotti '45 I Frank Bauman '43 I Richard Bowers '60 I Scott Clark Jr. '34 Kenneth Downey '53 I Wi ll iam Edwards '51 2 Richard Giddings '34 2 Clarence Graham Jr. '40 I Chester Hinshaw ' 63 I John Hurlbut Jr. '6 1 I James Kurtz ' 35 I W. Richard Macintosh '5 6 2 James McClatchy '46 1 Richard Mellen ' 59 2 Mitchell Milias '62 Charles Mitchell ' 64 3 Roy Naftzger Jr. '46 John Pagen Jr. '44 Harry Rodda '59 William Rumbley '4 1 2 Robert Smelick '64 I Barton Stebbins ' 19 Jon Symon '57 Mark Triska ' 79 Richard Uihlein '67 William Vaughey Jr. '59 I G. Russell White ' 32 I George Zillgitt ' 43 Stevens Richard A bradi '80 Robert Benn ' 5 I Roger Bond ' 58 I Theodore Casselman Jr. '26 Fred Chew ' 72 I Peter Crespan '74 Walter Daniel son Jr. ' 51 I Robert Dauer '65 Paul Demyanovich ' 75 Frank Doyle '60 George Fieser '50 I Paul Frazza ' 80 3 James Hom '46 Andrew Hornick '70 Will iam Howind '49 Steven Huettner '80 Thomas lliadis ' 80 Theodore Jovanis '69 Paul Jovanis ' 69 Paul Kaley '79 Gary Kilb '88 2 Kenneth MacWatt ' 31 Michael Matlosz '74 Shiro Matsuoka ' 55 Will iam Miller ' 27 Bill Miller ' 79 Melvin Murphy Il l ' 68 Robert Pari si ' 71

Donald Peacock '60 Robert Pearson '49 Raymond Plitnick '71 John Quitzau Jr. ' 54 Louis Sandler '70 Henry Snyder ' 50 I Clement Stankiewicz ' 66 Ronald Stockton '69 Ronald West ' 71 Michael Wolk ' 75 Syracuse I Charles Adams '52 Mark Alexander '8 1 Axel Amaya '82 Carroll Anstaett '46 Dr. John Barnell '33 Matthew Beach ' 70 Robert Becker '80 Arthur Bennett '54 Marc Benshetler '82 2 K. Brooks Bernhardt '36 Stephen Clark '9 1 Peter Conlon Jr. '73 Henry Cook Jr. '62 Charles Crosby III ' 81 2 George Culbertson Jr. '5 0 Harold Culver '48 John Cutsumpas '85 John Dailey Jr. '64 Dav id Delavan ' 39 Marshal Dix '49 I E. William Donahoe '54 I F. Douglas Doscher '64 2 Michael Falcone ' 57 2 Lloyd Fix '40 Richard Freyberg Jr. ' 37 William Galbus '52 2 Herbert Gerhardt Jr. ' 54 Wi ll iam Gilman Jr. '36 Barry Goldstein ' 73 Norman Gross '69 John Ha ll '58 G. Clifton Heidel ' 56 F. Kirk Helm ' 38 George Hudak ' 67 Robert Hummel '85 I Jonathan lafel iece '74 2 Raymond Ianni '85 David Jureller ' 80 2 James Knight '66 John Laidlaw ' 29 Louis Manfredi '42 James McCrohan ' 72 1 James Mervi lle '42 2 Jack Milton ' 51 John Moore II '52 Thomas Moriarty '73 Jeffrey Mount '86 Ian Munn '75 Maurice Petersen ' 49 John Polek '55 John Purves ' 53 I Francis Rice ' 56 2 Douglas Ritchie '77 Kevin Roughgarden '88 Ronald Sacchi ' 84 Thomas Schneider II '84 Frank Shaughnessy '57 William Stratmann '52 Edmond Suss MD '25 William Tuthill '69 I Robert Vincent ' 58 2 George Wainwright '28 J . Daniel Wojcik '60 Ten nessee Uless Arnold ' 91 Steven Atkins '83 Allen Ballauer ' 70 Ramsey Bl anks '70

Harvey Branam Jr. ' 71 Clarence Burchfield IV '88 Bruce Cole '82 Robert Crawford ' 77 Charles Daniel s ' 75 Jeffery Dore '76 2 Joseph Ford '8 1 Mark Frye ' 82 2 Henry Gamer Jr. '69 George Hill II ' 70 Melvin Jones Ill '83 Richard Kaniss '76 Gary Logston ' 75 Thomas Mitchell ' 74 Terry Montgomery ' 75 William Ptlager ' 71 Dennis Poly '73 William Stanbery II '8 1 I Jeffrey Wallace '85 I Mark Whitler ' 73 Isaac Wright Jr. '70 Tennessee Tech John Devine '88 David Smith ' I I Samuel Swi sher ' 89 Texas A&M Robert Hicks ' 90 Timothy Underwood '90 Edwin Valicek Jr '9 1 I Glenn Walters '91 Jon Wilkins ' 87 Texas Tech Brad Ault ' 93 Fredrick Bennett II I ' 75 I Robert Craig Jr. ' 73 J. Taylor Denton '83 Michael Hale '77 Kenneth Keys III ' 87 James Lint Jr. ' 88 Wendell Mead '88 James Meyer '90 Jeff Motley ' 74 George Perry Jr. '76 Robert Poitevent '8 1 Patrick Regan '7 1 Joseph Rutledge ' 76 R. Bryan Sedway '83 2 R. Dean Stalcup '71 I John Sudduth ' 78 Charles Tims ' 75 Texas A rlingto n Kenneth Barton '75 2 William Bond Jr. '83 I Comer Gi lmore Jr. ' 70 I Terry Long ' 77 2 Duane Markley ' 85 I David McDonald '83 Jun Ramos '92 Richard Ramsey ' 86 Jarred Torrance ' 77 George Zampikos ' 77 Texas 2 Arthur Ballard ' 64 2 Mark Barcklow '76 John Barnard Jr. '49 John Bates '86 2 C linton Broday ' 35 Robert Buford Jr. ' 59 2 Henry Campbell Ill '62 Samuel Chase '75 2 Charles Claiborne '70 Alton Cook Jr. ' 59 David Cook ' 69 Everett Coon Jr. ' 79 I Richard Coughanour '20 Jeffrey Danford '84 Jes e Flick ' 36 Page Foshee '77 D. R Franks '42 Richard Freeman ' 77

1 - Wooglin Club ($50-$99) 2 - Mystic Circle ($1 00-$249) 3 - 1839 Club ($250-$499) 4 - Dragon Club ($500- $99) 5 -John Reily K nox Society ($ 1,000 or more) 245

Beta Leadership Fund

Giving by Chapter John Funk '62 Bob Gerdes ' 52 Willis Gilmore Ill ' 85 Ralph Greenlee '33 William Hanover '63 Reuben Harrison ' 91 William Helmbrecht lli '77 Paul Hull '30 Billy Hullum '62 2 Stanley Hupfeld lii ' 66 I David Jaicks '47 2 Stephan James ' 68 Eric Jordan '81 George Keith '49 Thomas Kemp '43 Michael Knapp '89 John Lenker Jr. '64 Leslie Lentz Jr. '66 John Lynch '89 Scott Marvel '85 Nathaniel McClamrock lii '63 Mark McConnell Ill '9 1 James McDugald lli '64 I James McMullen Ill ' 54 I Thomas Miller '46 Lawton Mitchell Ill '75 Claude Montgomery II ' 51 Richard Moxley '90 2 Charles Murray '68 Robert Nash '45 Alan Parkinson '40 Mark Rowe '90 Frank Ryburn Jr. ' 36 Stephen Schmerbeck '88 Thomas Sellers '80 Steven Senevey MD '62 Mark Smith '9 1 David Stanley '76 Robert Sternberger ' 48 Leon Taylor ' 55 2 Carl Taylor '74 I James Templeton ' 54 2 Michael Townsend '62 I Timothy Tyner '80 Ralph VanDuzee Jr '90 Arthur Waldron '51 Toron to 2 Alan Banfield '50 I John Beament '48 F Richard Black ' 59 Steven Bohme '88 4 James Bradshaw ' 53 I John Carson '53 2 Wallace Cox '38 William Dawson '48 2 John Deadman '53 2 Donald Dickson '60 Kevin Everingham '92 I Lawrence Harper ' 55 I John Jarrett '85 I Jeffrey Jennings '69 2 Ross Johnson ' 31 Robert Kawamoto '91 Alexander Little ' 31 2 Bruce Lounds '66 2 John Lowndes Q C ' 49


2 Ross Lumsden '35 I Ross Marsh '90 James McLachlin '48 I David McMurtry ' 63 2 Damian McNamee '85 Barstow Miller 0 3 Stanley Neal '62 3 Louis Odette Jr. ' 46 3 William Palm ' 32 I Richard Pearsall '53 2 Keith Pilley ' 47 2 Edwin Pooler '49 2 John Purdy '48 2 Paul Read '44 I Charles Sheard MD '39 2 David Shelley '59 5 Kenneth Stephen '77 2 Burton Tait '62 2 R Kirk Thornton '52 2 Gordon Tyndall ' 55 2 Lawrence Ward '64 3 Owen Williams '50 2 John Woodrow '49 2 Donald Yeomans '47 T ula ne Jeffrey Ahlin '65 Herbert Ashe Jr. '76 I William Bradburn III '38 Donald Bradburn MD '46 H. John Bremermann '44 Thomas Bucker '78 Charles Calhoun '34 Walter Carroll Jr. '45 John Counce II '49 2 Robert Dale MD ' 60 I Edward Davidson ' 24 I David Dupuy ' 38 I J. Everett Eaves '44 Gordon Ewin '44 I William Fitzpatrick '32 2 Robert Flowerree Jr. '42 Harry Frazer Jr. ' 50 I Lawrence French '46 2 William Gaudet '56 Rene Gelpi '27 Leonard Gessner '53 C. Alfred Hecker '63 WolfHellmers '42 I Marlin Hoge MD '35 I Arthur Hyatt ' 52 2 John Kerrigan '53 I Charles Lake II ' 65 Floyd Lewis '46 William Light ' 3 1 Angus Lind ' 66 Steven Little '76 Christopher Maher ' 77 Anthony Martinez ' 68 George Mayer '36 Max Morelock ' 39 Edward Munson Jr. '40 Stephen Murphy '29 2 Michael Owens '79 3 Nicholas Powell ' 74 I Richardson Powell '77 2 Harry Quarts ' 74 Robert Redman ' 78 James Reid ' 41 2 Robert Reily '49 I Claude Rives III ' 39 Brian Roche '91 Clifton Saik '76 2 Terry Schnuck ' 75 I Michael Schornstein ' 77 Jonathan Siegel ' 88 George Sotiropoulos '78 I R. S Stahel '59 Rudolph Viener III ' 56 Plauche Villere Jr. '63 2 K. Erik Weinstock '83

I Paul Winder ' 53

UCL A I Peter Abbott '59 Marc Angelillo ' 90 Charles Bailey '46 Byron Batcheller '52 Emile Bayle III ' 78 John Bell '38 William Bishop '69 Malcolm Brown '44 llichard Brubaker '49 Daniel Bryant '82 William Bums ' 65 2 Mac Burt '25 I Walter Calmette Jr. '87 John Carmichael ' 90 Jeffrey Cavignac ' 80 James Chambers ' 51 Thomas Charbonneau ' 59 I Paul Clark '51 2 Gordon Coats '47 2 James Collins '48 R. Eshaw Cranfield '34 J. Howard Culver '42 Gary Dahl '75 2 Gary Davidson '57 Alan Davison '63 2 Eugene Day '47 3 Michael Downer '77 I Earle Dugan '49 John Edwards '48 Donald Ellis '53 Howard Enstedt '56 Gerald Evans ' 54 Ronald Field '8 1 Frank Foellmer ' 46 Roy Gaunt '49 Frank Gerstenberger '85 David Goshert ' 65 2 Donald Grandi '65 I Kempton Hall '38 I Raymond Hammeras '49 2 Michael Hammett '80 William Hervey Jr. ' 32 Campbell Holmes '31 John Howitt '75 Gage Illo '49 John Ireton Hewitt ' 61 3 Boyd Jefferies '52 Thomas Jensen '47 3 Bernard Johnson '48 2 Donald Johnson '50 I Richard Jones '47 I Peter Kolliner ' 69 3 John Kuhl Ill '47 Walter Kuhl '45 Charles Lutz Jr. '43 3 Frank Manaut '47 2 Alan May Jr. '56 I Walter McBee Jr. '52 Richard McNiven '89 Richard Miller '50 Lynn Montjoy Jr. '52 James Murphy IV ' 67 Sam Nee1 '27 I Bruce Nordlund '56 2 Philip O'Neil ' 36 I Brian O'Neill '89 K. Gary Olesen ' 58 Leslie Paullin '4 7 Steven Payonzeck '90 4 James Peters Jr. ' 58 Shaun Piazza '88 Frederick Port ' 63 Charles Rapp '90 Kent Redmond '38 Robert Reeves ' 76 I Alexander Roedling '89 Burt Rogers '48 David Seares '66 Bruce Sellery '45 Austin Sellery '44 2 John Simpson '60 Paul Skinner ' 28

2 Stanley Smith '57 Herbert Sockman ' 53 2 R. Tod Spieker '7 1 Edwin Steen Jr. '48 Eric Strutt '34 2 Donald Titus ' 5 1 James Titus '51 2 Roland Underhill '59 2 Alexander Vail '43 I John VanDam '35 2 Ashby Vickers '30 2 Richard VonHagen '31 2 Robert Walker '53 Stephen Walker ' 69 David Webb '73 Stephen Williams '72 Charles Woodcock '44 Kevin Young ' 85 Cal. Santa Barbara Marco Bronzini '91 Union I Wi ll iam Bailey '33 David Beardsley '70 Harry Benedict ' 57 James Benfield ' 75 William Brockwehl '35 Frederick Comstock Jr. '52 Arthur DeMania ' 59 Burton Delack '36 Donald Earl '34 Harold Geary '32 William George ' 33 Brien Gidlow ' 69 Richard Heiden '70 David Hei lberg '75 2 Arthur Klein Jr. ' 67 John Komoroske '71 Richard Kosnick ' 59 Robert Litke '46 William Magnotta '87 John McCabe '56 Lyle Meredith ' 32 Gennaro Mota Jr. '57 David Mosher '79 H. Louis Muller '52 William Nearpass ' 7 1 Christian Rasch ' 76 Ronald Rubin '76 Robert Smolka Jr. ' 76 Michael Strolla '91 Frank VanCura '59 Utah 2 Sherman Alldredge '75 Gerald Anderson '54 llichard Battison '69 James Bell ' 52 Kurt Bemhisel '74 I C. Dennis Borup '65 4 Norman Brockbank ' 62 2 llichard Campbell '52 I Phillip Connell '9 1 llichard Cornia ' 69 Douglas Davis '84 John Day ' 73 2 David Dean ' 59 I Mark Dibble ' 74 James Donohoe Jr. '66 I Elmer Dudman Jr. '54 2 Ezekiel Dumke Jr. ' 50 I Edward Eardley ' 33 I Gene Eardley MD ' 38 2 llichard Elggren '67 2 James Elliott Jr. '71 Lynn Ellsworth '64 2 John Firmage Jr. ' 55 John Fitzpatrick ' 38 David Freed ' 71 Kary Froscheiser '80 William George '73 4 William Gossett Esq '2 5 Mont Gowers ' 36 K. Dean Gubler ' 75 J. Bradley Gunnell '88 Joseph Hammond Jr.

'39 2 C. Charles Hetzel '63 W . Keith Heyman '50 2 Barry Higgins '74 2 Hugh Hintze ' 36 Roger Hobbs '91 Douglas Holmes '54 John Hopkins '35 Robert Hunt '38 2 Richard James '41 2 John Jarman '43 2 Gordon Jensen ' 79 Ramon Johnson ' 59 John Jones '32 Robert Junk '36 John Kennevick '84 I Lawrence Knowles '60 I Marian Lowell '42 2 Roger Lund '76 I llichard Lyon '50 James Martin '59 James McNamara '54 Scott McNei l '68 Richard Middleton '55 I Anthony Middleton Jr. '61 2 John Miller '67 Bruce Miya '71 I Edward Moreton Jr. '80 Robert Myrick ' 63 3 Robert Payne '64 G. Roger Pearson '65 Arthur Ralph '64 Thomas Rees MD '46 William llichards '50 Craig Rogers ' 38 Richard Rounds '51 Melvin Rowe '53 2 D. Brent Scott '51 I Jeffrey Scott '80 I Robert Sears '36 I Sherman Smith ' 36 William Snow '49 I Robert Stagg '67 2 Stanley Stephenson '4 1 I Richard Sweet '49 Andrew Sweet '78 Arthur Swindle '65 Dr Henry Ure ' 40 John Ware ' 64 Robert Warnock '48 Dean Weaver ' 55 Dave Wilkinson '83 John Zarian '84 V anderbilt I William Allen Jr. '45 George Anaya ' 86 2 James Baker ' 77 W. Stuart Barr '38 William Batts Jr. ' 41 William Brown '62 John Burnett ' 50 Samuel Caldwell ' 32 John Canby '5 1 2 Herbert Carmichael MD'42 2 Ralph Cash MD '36 J. Ross Cheshire ' 34 Joe Chiles Jr. '75 Martin Combs ' 50 Ronald Cordell '71 Bruce Dahrl ing II '61 Harold Deal Jr. ' 54 Charles Dixon '65 Marshall Eldred '27 Phillip Englert '71 Wallace Evans III '74 Dr. Howard Foreman ' 47 Miles Frankl in ' 64 Bruce Fredericks '89 2 Jeffrey Garber ' 73 Clifton Garrott ' 60 2 John Gilbert ' 88 Robert Gillespy III ' 75 Stephen Guion '74 4 James Harris ' 68

2 Clay Hartmann '91 Fletcher Harvey Jr. : Aubrey Harwell Jr. •. James Haynes '40 2 George Herpel '43 William Holman '79 Donald Howe '79 Rodney Jones '76 James Killebrew '50 William Kling '49 Richard Korsmeyer • 3 Thomas Levensailor '76 I Robert Littlefield '73 Philip MacKethan ' 9( Harry Maring ' 76 S. Rees Mitchell '78 Joe Moore ' 50 Robert Moorman Jr. '57 2 Joseph Murphy '48 J. Roger Nelson '50 William Newman Jr. '71 Lewis Oden Jr. '30 Jeffrey Ottum '76 Todd Powell '89 Alexander Read Jr. '2. Kurt Reiger '78 Henry lliffe '58 I Edmund Rogers ' 29 I George Roulhac '36 2 William Sanderson '3! I James Seabury Til '87 Scott Smith '92 Larry Spalding '64 David Spell '89 J. Lindsay Stradley '71 C. Will iam Stricker '78 I Jason Strong '91 John Tarkington Jr. '51 William Tettelbach '81 Edward Thoenes '74 Robert Thomison '75 William Wade Jr. '52 Robert Waite Jr. '32 Gregory White '70 Thomas Wilson '32 Carter Wilson Jr. '37 2 George Wilson ill '70 Vir ginia Walter Adams ' 17 Harrison Blair ' 33 I Channing Brown Jr. ' 49 I Dewitt Casler III ' 71 I George Cochran '34 Mark Cohen ' 85 2 Oswald Cooper ' 19 Richard Dougherty fll '91 Nicholas Durant '90 2 Frank Dusch Jr. '49 2 William W. Green '90 I Charles Hagan Jr. ' 35 3 David Hurne '42 John Hundley ' 89 Robertlanacone ' 92 James Johnson ' 51 Gregory Joyce '90 Douglas Keating '90 Thad Lampton Jr. '32 John Lee ' 53 C. Coleman McGehee ' 47 Jeffrey Miles ' 82 Robert Nix '85 3 Sture Olsson ' 42 Lawrence Palmer Jr '90 2 John Paradee ' 85 Dane Parker '90 William Parrish III '51 Christopher Perkins '90 2 Kelly Raybourne ' 90 Matthew llichardson

'hristopher Robinson :.. Anthony Salgado oeorge Seibels Jr. '37 ~I ifton Sevachko '80 ohn Shippee '85 ohn Smith ' 18 lv'illiam Spencer '85 ames Thomson '50 ginia Tech )r. Stephen Awe '77 ~- Bill Beach ' 73 ames Chapman IV '79 ~awrence Cohen '88 ::harles Comer '7 5 rian Cory '78 ~oger Davey '79 ~obert DeVito '81 onald Douglas '68 3eorge Forbes Jr. '90 Robert Garrison '72 Louis Haley '79 C. Wayne Hildreth '77 Joseph Hotter Jr. '78 S. Wayne Kay '73 ~effrey Kellam '85 Robert Kirby Jr. '85 James Kurz '56 Kevin McCartney '89 Howard McComas IV Will iam Mclnteer ' 77 Edward Miller Jr. '86 Douglas O'Leary '77 •Stephen Paine '74 David Sheba! ' 84 Richard White '45 Richard Winters '90 William Wisegarver Ill 7

abash ' Wi ll iam Andrews '69 John Barr '73 John Batchelder '65 Richard Bigler '36 Roger Billings ' 30 Thomas Bi ll ings '63 ' Gregory Birk '77 ; Carroll Black '66 George Blackmore '34 Robert Brandt '77 Robert Breshock '79 Michael Brown ' 76 Dr. Robert Bruce '69 J. Kevin Burns '77 Joseph Cassell '71 John Collins '76 Harold Coons ' 32 Gerard Costello '79 James Cottingham ' 57 Gary Dillon '68 David Dumser '74 Paul Dzurovcik ' 85 Jack Engledow '53 Ross Faires '58 Paul Fertig '41 John Flanagan '66 Donald Fobes ' 34 Michel Fortier lll '67 Richard Futter Jr. '76 Richard Gillespie ' 54 Charles Goddard Jr. ;7 Charles Goering '51 J. Douglas Graham ' 74 Marvin Gunnarson ' 56 W. Patrick Haney ' 62 Charles Hankey '70 John Herrin Jr. '66 Preston Hiestand '42 Tracy Hill '66 Robert Hobson '57 Frank Horuff ' 34 Whitfield Hughes Jr. §0

.... . , .ol"

• -

Timothy Hulett ' 79 Eli Jackson Ill ' 78 Timothy Johnston '55 Lee Jones ' 60 Ralph Kinton '33 Thomas Klingaman '52 2 David Lahey '60 Peter Lanman ' 79 2 Walter Lippard Ill '61 I George Littell '21 William MacDougall '51 Joseph Mayberry '39 2 Richard McCreary Jr. ' 39 D. Jeffery Michell '67 3 Thomas Milligan '57 Lance More ' 91 Thomas Neff '48 Robert Ragan '49 James Renshaw ' 79 I Andrew Renz '83 2 Stephen Rogers '77 Eric Rowland '86 Robert Scircle '50 2 Robert Smith '36 I Roger Smith ' 36 I John Thomas MD '60 J. Thomas Trent '76 Robert Walsh Jr. '78 Clifford Williams ' 74 John Williams '84 Dr. Donald Wise '51 Washington and J efferso n 3 Charles Atkinson '29 John Bagnato '65 Wayne Bayer '73 Charles Boyd Jr. '31 William Clarke ' 39 James Coates ' 32 Robert Condon '89 Gordon Core ' 71 H. Louis Custer '49 Dehner Dague '49 Scott Daily '38 Frank Davis Jr. '38 P. James Doak '45 2 Mike Dorner ' 74 Charles Eddy '46 Alan Evelyn '75 2 Robert Eypper ' 51 Charles Finley ' 51 Matthew Graves '90 James Jacob '46 Jay Jenkins MD ' 57 I Joseph Kerestly '38 3 R. Royal King '60 2 George Knight DDS ' 61 Matthew Lerch '90 Ralph Lottes 0 John Lutz '41 2 John Mantonya '44 Rev Warren Martin ' 43 Robert McCombs '45 Dr Robert McConnel '58 2 Dr Charles McConnel ' 62 Dr James McNinch '43 3 John Meloy ' 46 Robert Miller '48 Thomas Musso ' 76 Herbert Nichols '58 2 John Paull Jr. '43 I Rev William Perdue ' 37 I Vincent Petraglia DO ' 70 Dr Stephen Priebe ' 77 Robert Relick ' 72 Dr George Roark '46 James Rowley '49 Richard Siegrist '41 Joseph Slezak MD ' 59 Alfred Smith ' 49 John Stewart ' 40 •nn~

Gary Swegal ' 76 Thomas Taylor Jr. ' 40 3 Raymond Tomassene '51 David Trask ' 65 James Wallover '43 Robert White '69 3 David White ' 77 Frederick Williams Jr. '46 James Wilson ' 45 Washington & Lee Billy Ayers '40 John Beagle '36 James Boswell '57 C. Thomas Burton '66 LTC Willard Copp '57 William Dalton ' 56 Robert Flagler ' 89 Samuel Frazier ' 66 Martin Galt lii '64 Todd Garliss ' 91 Franklin Gruesser ' 45 Charles Hart Jr. ' 91 Thomas Honaker Ill ' 74 Farris Hotchkiss '58 Roland Hyatt Jr. ' 36 2 Seymour Ingraham '45 Charles Kannapell Jr. '86 2 Dr John Kelly '46 Robert Lambert Jr. '43 2 Charles Long Jr. 0 Alexander Maish '43 David Noble '58 Robert Pfaff ' 55 Charles Phillips Jr. '68 I Harry Redenbaugh ' 39 2 A. Lee Reeser '36 John Sadler Ill '76 Edgar Shannon Jr. '39 William Shannon '41 2 Chadbourne Smith '47 Wood Sparks ' 67 Henry Staehling '36 Gerry Stephens ' 50 2 Robert Williams Jr. '50 Washington University 2 Philip Alderson ' 66 I Theodore Armstrong ' 32 Gerald Bailey '41 Newell Baker '50 John Barsanti Jr. '49 Robert Baumgartner '39 2 Gene Beare ' 3 7 Curtis Beck '75 Robert Becker ' 3 7 Norris Benedict '50 I James Bierman ' 67 2 Jesse Bodine '49 2 David Bouchein ' 59 I Donald Breckenridge ' 51 Robert Brown '69 I Edward Cannady MD ' 27 I William Cassilly ' 42 Jere Clamp '52 2 Dr. Ferdinand Del Pizzo '58 I Thomas Donohue ' 74 I Willard Duetting ' 34 Charles Duncker ' 56 Francis Edwards '41 Frank Falvey ' 26 S. T Ferry ' 31 Seneca Ferry II ' 61 Robert Gartside ' 39 3 James Gilbert '43 W. Kenneth Haisty ' 62 2 Robert Harmon ' 49 I J. David Hennigan '42 Robert Hetlage '52 2 Thomas Hurster ' 50

Franklin Jackes Jr. '59 Lawrence Jones '34 William Kahmann '44 Carl Kamp Jr. '46 Michael Kearney '62 Thomas Kingsley ' 51 Everett Kling '49 George Kramer '66 Amo Krause ' 35 2 Howard Kuehner '40 2 Hem1an Kurrus Jr. '42 Michael Lesko ' 70 John Martin ' 3 7 Ross Martin ' 80 I Sidney McClanahan '56 2 Kenton McGee '45 James McPherson ' 67 2 Frederick Meloan ' 60 2 John Miefert Jr. '69 William Nebe ' 42 Donald O'Neill '43 Walter Pattee Jr. ' 36

7, 713 alumni and friends supported the education of young men via the Beta Leadership Fund in 1992. Arthur Reimers Jr. ' 49 Brian Ribando '66 Javier Rive '88 2 Richard Roberts ' 5 I John Rosebrough '37 William Rosenthal '55 Roy Russell Jr. '39 C. Gerald Schaaf ' 38 Robert Schinner '57 2 Donald Schlapprizzi '57 2 Carl Schloemann ' 46 2 Arthur Schneithorst '35 I John Shiell '42 I Jon Shuman ' 72 2 William Sippy '47 2 Lloyd Smith '36 2 Kenneth Steiner '48 Lawrence Stem Jr. ' 48 3 Richard Sutter MD '3 I I Rene Tegtmeyer '56 Jerry Vaughan ' 69 John Vessa ' 78 Kenneth Werley '41 Edwin Winkelmeyer '48 I James Worrall ' 36 I Thomas Young MD '37 Theodore Young ' 50 Robert Zwart '57 Washington I Donald Anderson ' 53 I Robert Armstrong ' 59 2 Homer Bergren '33 I Donald Blackaller ' 62 Gregg Blodgett ' 75 2 Joel Bloomer ' 61 Donald Braman ' 91 Dean Brokaw '46 John Brown ' 63 Herbert Byrne '57 William Carlton '82 William Carlyon ' 74

Calvin Chandler ' 63 Jeffrey Chandler '89 Robert Conner '43 I Thomas Crowley Jr. '89 Kenneth Davis ' 80 Michael DeForge ' 84 Bert Dougherty '59 Donald Douglas '22 Donald Drake 0 James Eckmann '50 I Barden Erickson ' 52 I Charles Fancher '42 2 T. Robert Faragher ' 34 Robert Farr ' 51 2 George Fliflet '41 I Neal Fosseen '29 I George Fraley DDS '55 Glenn Francis '22 2 Donald Gaiser MD ' 55 Gordon Gering '60 Darin Getty '89 2 James Greely ' 36 I Jack Greenewald '44 I Robert Griffiths '67 I Ned Hall '36 Robert Hanson ' 54 Reed Henry '85 2 Peter Hill ' 66 I Thomas Jacobson '50 2 Mark Jaques '73 Neil Jaques '75 Berti! Johnson '63 Lewis Jones ' 41 2 Dwight Kipp '41 I Michael Kleinheinz ' 85 Andrew Lampkin '89 Raymond Lee '52 David Leuckel Jr. '83 Craig Manseth '88 John Martin '48 Robert Mason '40 Stuart Matzke '81 I Kenneth Mcintosh '46 I Walter Meredith Jr. ' 38 I W. Walters Miller ' 32 I Max Mi ller '50 2 John Miller '57 I Thomas Morberg '69 2 Jeffery Moseley ' 81 Daniel Nelson ' 65 Donald Newberg '66 4 Elmer Nordstrom ' 26 3 Bruce Nordstrom ' 55 3 Blake Nordstrom '82 2 Peter Nordstrom '84 Robert Norman ' 62 3 Brandt Norquist ' 61 I Hunt Paterson ' 37 Glenn Paulson ' 65 John Peiguss ' 86 Scott Pinckney ' 61 Christopher Popich ' 74 2 Kjell Qvale '42 Eugene Raymond ' 45 Michael Rice '66 I Walter Robinson III ' 63 I Harmon Rulifson '58 William Shannon '36 I Phillip Sheridan '57 2 Christian Sievers '58 Richard Slytield '52 Douglas Smith ' 75 Martin Sorber ' 48 Dwight Sorenson '57 Leslie Steiner '48 Scott Stevens ' 73 Samuel Summers '74 Dr William Sweet ' 30 John Tate Jr. '50 2 Frederick Thies '47 2 Frederick Vogel ' 69 James Walker ' 55 Dewey Wilson ' 22 Richard Wilson ' 78 Vincent Wintermute

I - Wooglin Club ($50-$99) 2 - Mystic Circle

($1 00-$249) 3 - 1839 Club ($250-$499) 4 - Dragon Club

($500- $99) 5 - John Reily Knox Society

($1 ,000 or more) 247

Beta Leadership Fund Giving by Chapter ' 90 I James Woodford '31 2 Rich. Worthington ' 38 George Yantis Jr. ' 39 Washi ngton State Roger Aldrich '70 Joseph Angelo '39 2 Otho Behr ' 37 Steven Bendzak '88 William Berry ' 61 John Bigelow '52 Thomas Bohman '78 I Jeffrey Broom ' 69 2 Clarence Cannon ' 26 Eric Carlson '86 A. Ralph Carlton '32 Stanley Church ' 31 David Clevenger '45 Robert Crossland ' 68 Walter Davis '36 I John Dobie '37 I Donald Ellingsen ' 59 I Bruce Ellingsen ' 62 I Guy Fisher ' 57 2 Jeffrey Fisher '80 Ronald Foisy ' 56 2 Carl Franklin '31 Will iam Gallwas ' 91 Robert Gehlen ' 48 Bryan Grenon ' 90 Howard Hallgarth '49 Vincent Hiden ' 26 2 Joe Hill ' 39 I Kevin Hylton ' 78 I James Johnson ' 50 Thomas Kelley ' 65 William Kilian '73 Carl Lippert ' 69 Robert Littlejohn MD ' 40 Gary Marks ' 73 Earl Martinson ' 36 Garrild Matters '43 Duncan McAllister ' 82 Melvin Melin ' 62 2 E. Rodriguez Mellado ' 60 I Robert Miller ' 56 Robert Miller ' 61 Louis Nielsen MD ' 60 Rodger Noel ' 66 James Nowak ' 39 James O' Banion ' 72 Stanley Olin ' 66 2 Craig Olson ' 67 I Robert Page '86 William Pearce ' 32 Col Guy Perham ' 50 Thomas Prenguber '71 Clifford Rankin ' 43 Douglas Reed ' 68 Frank Rider '60 Kenneth Robertson Jr. ' 74 Donald Semrau ' 58 David Spak ' 91 Willi am Steiger ' 58 Steven Storaasli ' 73 2 Alan Strohmaier ' 75 Kenneth Webb ' 33 2 Kenneth Webster ' 72 Robert Wendt ' 59 Dr. Richard Wendt ' 62 Wil son Williams '34 Stephen Zografos ' 84


Weber State Robert Brueckner '72 Dr Craig Farr ' 72 Craig Hensley '86 2 Dirk Hilpert ' 89 I Brian Motes '89 I S. Michael VanMeeteren '76 W Roy ·VanOm1an '64 Michael Walker '83 Steven Welker ' 77 Maury Wheatley ' 82 Wesleyen Lt Col Jonathan Abel ' 54 I William Benson '38 2 Phi lip Bonnet MD '32 Raymond Brock '49 2 Harold Buckingham Jr. ' 52 I Thornton Burnet ' 39 I John Burns ' 40 2 Dean Richard Cavanagh ' 68 I John Clark Jr. ' 55 Robert Cook Jr. '49 Robert Cooke ' 66 John Cooper ' 60 Jerome Daniels ' 53 Colin Danzis ' 59 Sherwood Davis ' 38 David Ditmore ' 51 2 John Easton Jr. ' 58 John Giammatteo ' 81 John Keables '52 Jason Klein '90 David Knapp '49 I Martin McDonough '83 Clyde McKee Jr. '52 John Mixsell ' 27 I Stephen Moody 3949 ' 70 Lincoln Parker ' 85 John Raymer ' 60 Robert Reymond '52 Howard Rich ' 26 James Sherburne ' 50 I Alan Simpson Jr. ' 35 I Kenneth Steele ' 27 I Charles Twichell ' 50 2 Frederick Young '54

$24,000 in academic scholarships were awarded last year by the Beta Leadership Foundation to outstanding young Betas and to a Beta's daughter. West Virginia I Denton Adams '44 2 John Allen ' 61 Stephen Annand ' 69 William Barker '43 2 Edgar Barrett Ill ' 52 I William Bennett ' 76 I James Bibby Jr. ' 35 Dr Charles Bonnesen

'59 2 John Boyd '62 I James Boyd '68 2 Donald Boylan '49 2 Jackson Browning '42 I Gregory Campbell '69 John Chase ll1 ' 53 John Chinn ' 55 Edwin Crooks ' 41 James Easton ' 76 Mark Egloff '85 James Fanok ' 75 2 Randy Fazio '79 James Ferguson ' 53 Richard File ' 73 James Fredlock ' 51 2 William Goldsmith '53 I Stephen Griffith '33 5 Claude Grimm '39 2 William Gul liford ' 39 I Thomas Gu ll iford '68 Robert Haden ' 60 2 Thomas Haden ' 65 Donald Hall '45 Karl Haller '38 Robert Hamilton '49 Wi ll iam Hess '47 Joseph Hughart Jr. '50 Mark Hughes ' 85 David Jacobs ' 65 I Charles James '76 I Charles Kane '52 I Perry LaCaria '70 I Robert Lanham ' 48 I Richard Laughlin ' 50 I John Leatham ' 68 3 Stephen Lewis '7 1 I Gerald Mcinerney MD '54 Wi ll iam Mi lby '85 I Michael Moore MD ' 45 I Dr. Will iam Morgan ' 46 Robert Murray IV ' 90 Robert Orders '54 Mark Pack ' 88 James Palmer '92 John Pratt ' 82 I Richard Ralston ' 30 I William Raney ' 70 2 Joseph Roberts '44 John Saladini '68 Carl Scott '46 2 Winfield Shaffer ' 50 I William Smith '50 I Rupert Snooks ' 22 Harry Spears ' 53 Robert Spessard '57 William Stadler '58 Harry Stansbury Jr. '40 Paul Storck '42 John Sullivan Jr. 0 Robert Swisher '67 2 Benjamin Tracy Jr. '39 Douglas Velegol ' 89 Ralph Wallace Jr. '44 Raymond Wenstrom ' 68 Thomas Wilkerson '67 2 Al len Williams ' 39 James Wilson ' 55 John Wurtzbacher ' 71 Mark Zatezalo ' 74 Western Michigan Donald Rogers '80 Gary Weinert ' 83 Western O nta r io I John Anderson ' 62 Harold Bettger ' 36 John Boyne ' 56 John Brooker ' 56 Mark Conran ' 78 2 George Dembroski '56 I Howard Erskine '56 2 William Etherington ' 63

2 Alexander Faust ' 84 I Charles Farret ' 69 I John Galloway '80 2 Douglas Hammar ' 58 I Dr. Robert Haynes '53 2 Paul Kiteley '69 2 Michael Knight '68 2 Kevin Knight ' 75 I Stephen Krupey '90 2 Ernest Lewis ' 82 2 Peter Lige '67 Wi ll iam Logie ' 91 Gary Lyon ' 79 2 Ronald McNeill ' 63 2 Wi ll iam Melvin '75 2 Richard Mignau lt '79 I Michael Myers ' 66 Joseph Papa lia ' 77 Dale Procunier '76 Graham Rattray ' 88 2 Douglas Reid ' 58 2 Paul Romanson '72 2 Larry Saunders ' 70 I J. David Spence '68 2 Roy Steel Jr. '56 Alan Stubbs '76 3 Christopher Tomev '87 2 Kenneth Winger ' 6 1 2 Warren Wolfenden ' 70 Western Reser ve David Agle '54 Paul Andraso '65 2 Larry Bastoky '67 I David Becker DDS '68 James Bodish '53 Philip Braddock '40 Julius Bugner ' 48 Earl Cailor '23 I Robert Campbell ' 36 3 Manning Case Jr. '38 Alfred Cheselka ' 52 2 Clarence Chinn '56 Wayne Clevenger ' 65 Mario Corsi '49 Charles Curtiss DO '56 John Diehn '55 Thomas Digby MD ' 63 Edward Drwal ' 77 John Ely ' 48 2 Louis Fernandez '45 D. Patrick Fisco '77 2 Warren Fryburg Jr. '48 James Fuller Jr. '39 Carl Gerber '43 Bradley Hull Ill '3 7 Charles Johnston '49 Terrence Keane '73 2 Donald Kellel1lleyer ' 61 2 Charles Klein MD '54 Donald Klingenberg '67 Fred Lafferty ' 52 Robert Larson ' 81 William Loveless '7 1 Donald MacKay DDS ' 61 Henry Mayhew Jr. ' 47 I Andrew McLandrich '48 William Mil ler ' 53 John Mish Jr. '61 2 G. Rider Neff ' 29 Thomas Netherton '46 Frank Pace Jr. '69 Robert Partridge '49 2 Anthony Pedela ' 65 2 Frederick Reading ' 60 I Michael Reedy ' 64 2 Leonard Reeve '44 I Theodore Robinson Jr. ' 38 Theodore Rowland '48 2 Dann Scheiferstein '77 Earl Schreiner '47 2 Stanley Serwatka Jr. ' 67 3 Edmund Siess Jr. ' 41

2 H. Ward Singer '48 John Stamm '57 Thomas Stecky ' 71 2 Col. Charles Stevenson '44 2 John Telich Sr. ' 49 2 W. Jay Tims '64 I Robert Tylicki '76 John Weedon '55 Westminste r I James Baker Jr. '49 I Jack Barnes '41 Edward Binshadler '40 James Bland '39 Steven Bowen ' 82 Bernard Bridgewater '55 I John Brunner '45 David Burg ' 82 Kirk Carpenter '65 Joseph Carter ' 31 Nick Cave ll '68 2 Joe Clarke Jr. '45 I C. Donald Close '32 2 Laurence Condie '65 William Cottingham ' 70 I William Craig II '66 Robert Cross '36 2 Gerald Donna '6 1 I C. David Duffy ' 62 I Thomas Dugle ' 69 I Charles Edgerton '53 2 Willard Folsom ' 65 James Furner ' 64 2 William Gilbert ' 78 2 Julian Glass Jr. 0 Walter Glenn '32 David Gray, D.O. '79 John Grove ' 65 I Robert Guthrie CLU '4 1 Douglas Hazel ' 81 William Henderson ' 65 Richard Hodgson '81 Cory Hohnbaum '87 2 Carl Holm '58 I Richard Hosto '61 Roger !del ' 84 2 CPT Terry Jenkins ' 82 2 George Johns Jr. '45 I Wi lliam Johnson '45 Sewell Kauffman '41 Maurice Kemp '28 Thomas Kokjer '78 Jonathan Ley '81 Charles Looney '40 Charles Madison '3 8 Bradley Marcks ' 90 John Marsh '49 I Richmond McCluer '43 I William McCrary Jr. '44 Michael McGrath ' 81 John Michel '72 Wade Nash '65 Bret Ohlhausen ' 84 Bradford Pittenger '77 Theodore Planje Jr. '68 Robert Price Jr. ' 65 Michael Rankin '80 Donald Reece '63 I John Reese ' 77 2 Harry Richardson ' 37 3 Alverden Riker '59 I Ben Rollert Jr. ' 53 Henry Schuppert '79 Wayne Schurter ' 57 Jeffrey Scott '74 2 Horatio Spencer Jr. ' 35 C. Richard Stanley '51 Daniel Stanley Ill '67 John Steinbeck m '85 James Stoffer ' 50 Baker Terry '46 George Toney '35 2 Eric Tremayne ' 67

2 Leonard VanDyke' I Barclay VanDyke •; 4 Gupton Vogt '31 I Warren Wackman '; I J. Leonard Walther ' George White '34 James Wilder f11 '88 5 Keith Williams '50 5 Edward Williams '8: James Williams '86 Hugh Williamson Jr. ' 64 2 J. Gordon Wi lson '5. William Wilson '81 3 Joel Winker '59 I Jeffrey Winter ' 82 2 Chris Wolff Jr. ' 36 David Woosley '81 Earl Wright ' 56 Tyke Yates '34 W hitm a n 2 Cedric Akau ' 77 Peter Allen ' 87 Vincent Amen '38 Eskil Anderson '35 Roy Batey '52 Robert Benke '92 2 Theodore Bums MD '57 I George Cable '36 Robert Campbell '38 Thomas Charrey '26 John Coleman Jr. '73 George Corley '53 Clinton Corliss '34 2 L. Da le Courtney '41 I Robert Davenport '47 Roger Dudley ' 36 Douglas Duff ' 48 John Enbom '62 Robert Evans ' 30 Russell Fagg ' 83 2 Gregory Fergin '75 Geoffrey Ferguson '7( I Benjamin Flathers ' 39 2 John Forsyth '29 I Fay Gamer '40 Gordon Gilbert Jr. '51 2 David Griffith '62 I Frank Hagerty ' 50 I Lewis Hale '70 Patrick Harrison '83 2 Robert Hazen '41 David Holcomb '77 James Hunt '79 Scott Jennings ' 82 David Kennedy ' 61 George Kennett '40 Arthur Lang! ie ' 89 Larry Lawson '86 Curtis Leslie '70 Dr. Robert Luther '55 3 Loyd Mahan '5 I I William Mays ' 54 Kenneth McClenahan ' 49 Bradley McMurchie ' 84 2 George Moore ' 61 Michael Neilson '78 Herbert Nelson '41 Phyl Payne '43 John Pennington '49 John Porter '57 Francis Powell Jr. ' 34 Brian Purnell ' 80 Bruce Rinne '73 Stephen Sander ' 64 Clayton Sauers '47 2 George Shields ' 50 Walter Shuham '39 Lawrence Stone ' 77 David Stol111 ' 50 Edward Sturn '49 Carl Swanson '47 Willis Taylor MD ' 44 Richard Thorson MD ' 55

!lilies VanOppen '49 idmund Violetta '38 'im Washburn '60 Lichard Woo '62 .arl Wood '24 erold Wood '58 lruce Woods '79 Vjlliam Zavin II '65 hita State tussell Axtell Jr. '69 >ennis Bearden '82 Clyde Bevis '51 iJark Bolar '86 ~ichael Bolton '78 oseph Borlase Jr. '59 ~orman Cash '54 rhaddeus Coffindaffer

Jeffrey Jones '7 6 · I Kent Krafve '80 I Keith Lawrence '53 Ralph Litchfield '60 Barry Melin '88 Theodore Mertz '51 CoL Donald Miller

'57 I Michael Olsen '69 William Opray '68 Richard Page ' 49 J. Keith Palmer '71 I James Peyton '51 I Stanley Ryals '49 I Barry Smedstad '68 2 Dennis Smith '60 2 Dr. John H. Stalnaker

'41 Jon Straumfjord MD

:raig Coffman '76 Steven Cohlmia '74 cee Cornell '26 r Donald Cowgill '64 ::had Craghead '87 leffrey DeGraffenreid

'48 Russell Tripp '50 James Vannice '71 Ronald Walker '60 Tony Willie '90 2 A. Norton Younglove

Charles Gross '75 Kenneth Gruenwald

'42 I Michael Haas '74 John Hahn '49 Russel Hall '29 Jeffry Hampton '84 Curtis Harper '84 Dr John Harrington ' 62 Leonard Helminiak '42 2 Jacob Hilpertshauser

'51 2 Mark Hilpertshauser '80 Jeffrey Holtshopple '79

I Frank Youngman III

lames Egbert '57 Brian Eklund '90 Robert Elliott '63 Oliver Elliott '42 Scott Fields '82 Mark Gardner '67 James Greenleaf '73 Roy Hale '57 Danny Harvey '87 Kenneth Havener Jr.


Bill Henline II '68 Brent Kendall '84 omas Kreiling '64 Jeff Logan '82 James Mader Jr. '42 James Mann '56 iE. Paul Maynard '62 Charles McBride '84 James McClure '73 IJames Morgan '89 IJohn Patterson '61 !Wallace Peckham Jr.


IP. M Perdaris '74 .' Marshall Porter '88 !Robert Ralstin '52 !Robert Razook '72 !Richard Rentsch '80 Tom Schwinn '71 !David Seacat '87 JJoseph Sieverling '83 Gaylord Smith '69 ' Shane Snyder '89 ' Stephen Spangler '90 I Donald Towner '68 Vern Vanruer '55 Bradley Waite '73 Brian Wells '87 Dale Wiggins '61 Forrest Wills '56 Stephen Wilson ' 79 William Woolley '86 James Zielke '86 7illamette Winser Acton '47 Jeffrey Adams '89 David Ashby '68 Mark Beasley '71 Nicholas Bokides '75 Ralph Bolliger '53 E. Herbert Carlson '51 Austin Chambers '55 Edwin Cone '41 Walter Coram '79 F Michael Farra '63 Alan Goudy '51 Richard Gusey '55 Dale Gustafson '56 Douglas Houser Esq.


Williams Theodore Brooks '40 Richard CholmeleyJones II '45 William Collins '59 Howard Dodd Jr. '45 2 Robert Guyett '58 2 E. Stewart Jones '32 2 E. Stewart Jones '63 George Kelsey Jr. '54 James Kidd '63 I Gilbert Klemann M.D.

'34 Harris Lindsay '55 Thomas McMahon Jr.

'39 Peter Nielsen '50 I Robert Salisbury '58 2 Robert Schumo '40 2 John Shepard '48 I Vemett Slater '30 3 Vernon Squires '56 Stuart Young '57 Wisconsin 2 Robert Ableman '53 John Albrecht '57 I Bradley Armstrong

'63 2 Richard Bayerlein '50 James Benda ' 73 James Bosley Jr. '78 Thomas Burgess '63 G. Wyatt Cable '3 1 Robert Cahill '56 I Anthony Canepa Jr.

'77 I Jay Capouch '67 James Carroll ' 49 F. Willis Caruso '88 I Dennis Christensen

'69 Brian DeNoble '59 Richard Decker '77 Thomas Detienne '52 2 William Dietrich '62 2 David Easton '66 Darnel Edelman '90 David Egelhoff ' 71 Thomas Eggers '55 Charles Elliot '59 John Evans '69 Christopher Flood '87 Kenyon Forrest '54 Phillip Frensz '54 John Galloway '48 Curt Garmager '64 W. Richard Gerhard

' 52 Charles Giesen '68

e.Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993


2 2

Gregory Howey '64

132 chapters and 10 colonies of Beta Theta Pi are the beneficiaries of contributions to the Beta Leadership Foundation.

3 William Huffman '50 Bruce Huibregtse '76 2 Dr David Huibregtse '76 I John Hurd '67 I Thomas Jones '70

'51 ~obert Dwerlkotte '75


2 2 I


2 I

2 I I I


Gary Keil '77 Elvin Konen ' 47 Charles Krueger '60 Garrison Lincoln '29 Alan Lindstrom '51 David Lowell '54 Richard Lund ' 64 Timothy Lynch '76 James Mack '70 Edward Matkom '88 Charles McGinnis '27 David Mcintyre '62 Samuel McKay '54 Thomas Means '56 Richard Meyer '57 Boyd Miller '87 George Moore Jr. '49 Robert Morbeck '43 Ronald Murphy ' 53 Richard Oakford '56 R. L Oetting '36 Robert Paul '64 David Perrigo '80 Randy Pfingsten '74 Ervin Plesko '51 Charles Reinbolt Jr.

'34 2 Benjamin Reynolds '37 Robert Rishel '77 Arthur Rowe '67 Kenneth Russell '54 Philip Samp '50 William Schneider '55 Robert Schnese '83 Mark Schultze '83 Richard Schwane '69 2 Timothy Semmann '84 I Steven Shambeau ' 71 Douglas Soutar '40 Lester Soyka MD ' 52 3 Gerald Stephens '55 Sidney Stevens '34 Walter Stewart '33 Gregory Stillman '84 Harold Stupecky '29 2 William Sullivan Jr. '51 C. Thomas Sylke '82 Robert Tasker ' 66 2 John Teetaert ' 67 Michael Terry '77 Odin Thorpe ' 71 2 Stephen Tse ' 55 I David Urnhoefer '72 I William Wenzel '42 Richard Westerman

'40 2 James Wimmer Jr. ' 58 Dennis Winberry ' 75 I Albert Winegar ' 54 2 James Woodburn '47 Gary Zimmerman '65 Philip Zimmerman '68 Wittenberg I Dr William Barkley


William Barrett '67 Asa Bean ' 45 John Beard Jr. '32 Dr. Thomas Beattie '75 Scott Beatty '77 Richard Bellows '82 Donn Bichsel '60 Fred Bigelow ' 40 Paul Brule '72 Joseph Brumm '49 Robert Bulkley '42 Charles Bush ' 71 William Coombs '42 Richard Creveling '68

Thomas Dyke '42 James Fabian '84 Christopher Fay '88 Richard Fisher '62 I William Fritsche Jr.



2 I I


John Geils '50 Edward Glanz '84 Robert Griffith '37 Frederick Hains '70 Robert Hamilton '48 Gerald Hamilton '50 E. Mark Hammond '69 Scott Hanhart '8 1 Ben Havilland '48 E. Robert Hawken ' 51 Don Hay '61 David Hume '84 Wilbur lschie '71 Frederick Kenan MD

'33 Philip Keyser MD '76 2 Lester Kishman '28 2 John Kunst Jr. '63 I Charles Lang '67 Thomas Lindner '50 George Martello ' 78 Jerry Maxson '57 Howard McClure '30 John Miles MD '35 David Miller '56 Eldon Miller '61 Rand Miller '61 Herbert Miller '62 Douglas Miner '67 Phillip Morris '40 Andrew Nicholoff ' 48 Bruce Osborne ' 77

2 James Patsiavos '51 Norman Pearson '52 A. John Pelander '73 Tyler Phillips '60 Gene Pierre '67 Edward Raymond '37 Ti Raynewater '92 Robert Renkes '74 Franklin Roelle Jr '52 Herbert Schaefer Jr '40

2 I



Wendell Schick '77 Dr. Paul Schildt '34 Robert Schweizer '71 John Schwemlein '68 Stuart Shanor ' 59 William Simon ' 24 Hamlin Smith '47 Donald Stebing '49 John Stefanik '70 James Strawn ' 73 Scott Strawn '76 Warren Trimble '48 John Turner '33 David Tursan ' 63 James VanHorn '60 Robert Young '38 Howard Young '39

John Venning '32 Pau!Wen~orth '57 2 Thomas Wheeler ' 58 I Lawrence White '38 4 Henry Willard II '25 I Robert Wilson '42 2 Stewart Wright MD '57


2 Mrs. Mickey Preston I Mrs. Robert Dean '00 Mrs. Jeanette Johnson Mrs. Maree Kirchner Mrs. Lee Phillips Mrs. Lillian Simon

Wright State Kevin Denlinger '90 Jerry Durst II '90 Ronald Grove '86 John Hosford '92 Thomas Hughes ' 80 Bryon Reynolds '91 Wm. Wagner Jr. '82 Yale I Lyttleton Baldwin ' 28 Harvey Bennett ' 40 Christopher Beutler '67 Maxwell Brace Jr. '37 Brewster Breeden ' 39 Francis Burgweger Jr.

'64 Allison Choate '26 James Cloud '52 Hugh Collins ' 29 Arnold Dana II '47 Ronald Davis '44 I William Doggett Jr.

'56 2 C. Jan Dyke '56 I Alexander Fergusson

'45 Chester Finn '40 Donald Fobes '32 Hugh Friedmann '55 Franz Gimmler '57 John Greene '34 I J. Taylor Greer '45 2 William Greer Jr. '51 Dudley Harde ' 27 2 Jack Heed '55 Theodore Hellman '68 2 Jack Howard '28 Allan Johnson '35 Howard Jones ' 55 Carl Keil '33 Thomas Kuhn '68 John Lawrence Jr. '50 2 Joseph Lee Jr. '43 Clarence Lunt Jr. '24 Thomas Mason '62 Peter Moffitt ' 47 Edward Noyes II ' 40 2 Perry O' Neal '52 Robert Page ' 56 2 Allen Perry '29 Nathan Pierpont Jr. '50 Daniel Pollack ' 64 Arnold Porter MD '36 George Proud Jr. '49 I Robert Reiffel M.D.

'68 John Ripley ' 42 I Arthur Russell ' 50 I C. Newton Schenck '44 H Edward Sears '65 I Howard Selby '41 2 Robert Shapiro '56 Charles Shipley Jr. '39 Alexander Slaughter

'60 John Sloneker '44

2 H. Gordon Smith '41 William Taylor '47 John Troutman '65

1 - Wooglin Club ($50-$99) 2 - Mystic Circle ($1 00-$249) 3-1839 Club ($250-$499) 4 - Dragon Club ($500- $99) 5- John Reily Knox Society ($1 ,000 or more) 249


c ·~


Cf) (.)


Louis M. Linxwiler Oklahoma State '29


.AMHERST Duvall, Edward Ellwood '49 died Jan. 14, 1992 at his home in South Egremont, MA. His career was with Jennifer House, the wellknown mail order/retail outlet in Great Barrington. He served on the Egremont Planning Board, as a town auditor and coached Little League for more than I 0 years. He enjoyed playing golf, tennis and bridge. Eastman, Lucius Root, '34 died at his home in New York City on July 13, 1991. As an undergraduate, he was active in both athletic and social affairs. He played freshman and varsity soccer and held many positions of honor and responsibility in the student body. He spent most of his life in the fields of philanthropy and venture capital. He served in the OSS in World War II, and held posts in the commercial world during his early years after college. Beta relatives: father-Lucius R., Jr., Amherst 1895 (deceased); brother-John H., Amherst ' 33 (deceased); George P., Amherst 1884 (deceased), Alexander C., Amherst 1896 (deceased), Rufus P., Amherst 1899 (deceased), Henry K. , .(lmherst ' 01 (deceased), John, Amherst '02 (deceased), Gardner P., Amherst 'IS (deceased), Philip Y ., Amherst ' 19 (deceased, Forest P., Wesleyan '26, John R., Duke '44, Paul R., Duke '48, Hal P., Amherst '52, Rolfe, Amherst ' 59. Hamlin, Franklin Clark '43 died Jan. 27, 1992 in Watertown, NY. His college career was interrupted by World War II when he served as an Army infantryman. A career in county and state government led to his being a recognized authority on government administration, particularly in public health. In 1972, he became director of an in-service training program with the Office of Local Government at Cornell in Ithaca, where he made a major contribution to the development of talent for public administration jobs in New York State. Hemingway, Edward Dwight '28 died March 15, 1991 at his home in Myrtle Beach, SC. He had a long career with Sun Oil Co. in Pennsylvania from 1945 until his retirement in 1970. From 1928 to 1942 he was in the sales department of Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. , from 1942 to 1945 he was with the U.S. Air Force, discharged with rank of captain. Teitrick, Reed Becht ' 34 died Nov. 3, 1991 in Carlisle, PA. Employed by U.S. Fidelity and Guaranty Company, he held various executive positions until his retirement 44 years later. He served in the Army during World War II, mainly in Europe. During his business career and following retirement, he gave freely of his time to a number of civic affairs. He was a member of Carlisle Second Presbyterian Church and Carlisle School Board for 20 years. He· served on several state commissions, attended national conferences and wrote articles on education, religion and politics. He was treasurer of Samaritan Fellowship, an organization to help needy people. In summer, 1991 , he was honored for his meritorious service. Zeit, Wray Grayson III ' 53 died Dec. 31,

1990 in Washington,.PA. After Army service, he practiced law in Washington until his death. Concerned about improving the quality c life for others, he served on the board of the Washington Humane Society and was activ, many civic affairs . Beta relatives: father-Wr G. , Jr. Amherst ' 27 (deceased); uncle-Samu D., Amherst ' 33 (deceased).

• BETHANY Giesey, Wilbur Edward '34. Beta son: Thomas A., Bethany '60. Philips, Olin Higbee '32 died Nov. 29, 1992. Beta father: Eugene N., Bethany '04 (deceased) Wylie, Joseph Clark '37 died·Jan. 21, 19~ .BOWDOIN Geddes, William Charles '46 died in January 1992 in Arlington, VA. Perkins, Roderick Lawrence '21 died Jul) 10, 1992. .BROWN Hangen, Wells '71. Human remains dug~ in Cambodia last year have been identified a. those of Hangen, an NBC correspondent who disappeared 23 years ago while covering the war in Southeast Asia. He was one of five television journalists believed executed by the Khmer Rouge following their disappearance in the Cambodian Jungle on May 31, 1970. His body was one of four dug up from a riverbed during a U.S. -Cambodian excavation last March. Due to unavailable medical records, positive identification was delayed pending a DNA blood test. The five had been driving along a highway covering a battle when one vehicle was hit by a grenade that killed three CBS journalists. The Khmer Rouge marched the five into the jungle 25 miles south of Phnom Penh. They were never heard from again. When excavated from a riverbed in a rice field, two were found with their hands tied behind their backs. Hinds, Ralph Winthrop, Jr. '52 died Jan. 9, 1993 in Oconomowoc, WI, where he was president and general manager of Foremost Metal Products, Inc., and most recently president and general manager of Yankee Enterprises, Inc. He contributed to the community as president of the Oconomowoc PTA, charter member of the YMCA, founder of Boy Scout Troop 162, member of VFW Post 2260 and executive board member of the Waukesha County Republican Party. He was a highly decorated veteran of W orlc War II (EuropeanTheater). Huse, Wesley Fay ' 31. Taylor, William Edward II '46 died Aug. 8, 1991 . • U.C.L.A. Clark, Sidney Edward '29. Wray, Park Quigley III '65. • CARNEGIE MELLON Creveling, John William '29 died Jan. 4, 1993.

ireen, James Cooper '23 died Dec. 5, 2. He was active in the St. Louis Beta ta Pi Club. Beta son-in-law: Richard B. esby, Washington (St. Louis) '54.

:ASE {usbaum, William Card '45 died Dec. 7, '2 at his home in Creve Coeur, MO. He was :president of science and technology, St. 1is Regional Commerce & Growth ociation, since 1986. In that post, he served 1umerous educational and community ros, including the Missouri Advanced :hnology Institute. He previously was vice sident, technology, and advanced planning, ~merson Electric Co., where he worked 28 rs. He also served on the boards of Junior ievement, Boy Scouts, St. Louis Commu1 College District, St. Louis Magnet School ;trict, Whitfield School and First Church of rist Scientist in Creve Coeur, where he was mgtime member. Beta brother: David R. ·ece, Case '41.

CENTRE Sullivan, Richard John '39. Tapp, G. Hambleton '22 died in October 92. ICHICAGO

IMerisalo, Carl Bernard '52 died Dec. 27, &2. 1

Mongerson, John Jeffrey '43.

I CINCINNATI I Cordes, William Albert '24 died in July

92 at his home in Indianapolis, IN. His ath marked the end of a five generation mily dedicated to building and construction I the greater Cincinnati area. His grandfather .unded the Cordes Lumber Co. in 1884, .nich is still in operation. His father estab.hed the H.W. Cordes and Sons Architectural

nn. A 1917 graduate of Wyoming High School, :finished his education at M.I.T. and joined s father's architectural company. During lorld War II he was employed with the fright Plant. He retired to Indianapolis in cent years. Cordes passed his badge twice at the Beta mse in Cincinnati-once to his son, William . Cordes, in 1946, and second to his youngest epson, Kenneth L. Burton, in 1953. He is 1rvived by his wife of 49 years, Clara Burton ordes, who is active in Beta Nu Mothers and randmothers Club, son William, Cincinnati iO, two stepdaughters and another stepson. y William T. Cordes, Cincinnati '50.) Crane, Paul Willard, '26 died in Seattle, t A. A former vice president of Cincinnati ;fi!acron, his research pioneered auto safety lass and products made with Nylon and 'eflon. His career included direction of lastics research at the Du Pont Co. and !chnical management of the world's first uclear reactor at Hanford, W A, during World Var II. In retirement, he was a consultant to ile government of Taiwan in its national -esearch and development program and nanaged a vineyard on his 200-acre farm near i"ho Rota ThPt!O Pi/SnrinP 1993

Loveland, OH.He was a long-term board member of Bethesda Hospital, was chairman of the Cincinnati Chamber Music Society and a staunch supporter of Beta Nu chapter. Grassmuck, Louis Benjamin '30 died Dec. 31, 1992 in Cincinnati, OH, where he owned and operated Lange Jewelers. He was former president of Sertoma International, charter member of the Hyde Park Country Club, past president of Greater Cincinnati Retail Jewelers' Association and member of Hyde Park Community Methodist Church .

became director of geophysics in Denver. He was a member of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Australian Society of Geophysicists, American Association of Petroleum Geologi sts, Denver Mining Club and Denver Region Exploration Geologists Society.

• COLUMBIA Emmert, John Barrett, ' 13 died Oct. 9, 1990. Jeffreys, Kenneth Loyal , ' 34. Webersinn, Arthur William, ' 32.



Cousens, John Allen '55 died June 14, 1992 in Chapel Hill, NC. Haupt, Erik Howard, '55 died Dec. 14, 1992 in Sandisfield, MA. Walthour, Marshall Bugher, ' 55, died Nov. 9, 1992.

Atwood, Allen Albert, Jr. '48 . Beta father: Allen A. , Corn ell ' 17 (deceased). Hillas, Kenneth MacLean '48 died Jan. 2, 1993 at his home in Penobscot, ME. Beta father: James R. , Corn ell '19 (deceased). Wade, Leonard Everett ' 28.



Blaurock, Carl Albert '16, the first American to climb all 69 mountains over 14,000 feet in the continental United States (of which 54 are in Colorado) and last surviving charter member of the Colorado Mountain Club, died Feb. I at the age of98. Blaurock, who lived in Aurora, made his first big climb in 1909 when he was 15, scaling Pikes Peak with his father and uncle. He climbed his last summit, Notch Mountain, in 1973 when he was 79. To celebrate his ascents, he often would perform a headstand upon reaching the summit. He did that, he said, because it got his feet higher than anyone else's who had ever climbed the mountain. He helped write a book about his life, A Climber's Climber. He climbed mountains across the U.S. , as well as in Mexico and Switzerland. Blaurock also was the oldest living alumnus of the Colorado School of Mines. He earned an honors degree in metallurgy in 1916. He later went into business with his father, supplying gold and silver to dentists. In addition to climbing, his hobbies included outdoor photography, playing piano and flying his own plane. He was a veteran of World War I. Hilton, Jon Ray ' 67- See Denver. Montgomery, Edward Edmunds '25.

• COLORADO COLLEGE Terry, Willis E. '46 died April 15, 1992 in Glenview, IL

• COLORADO MINES Johnson, Donald Marquis, ' 29, died Sept. 24, 1992 in Dayton, OH. He worked for Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation, now LTV, for over 35 years, first at the Cleveland mill and later at the Cincinnati and Dayton offices. He was a life member of the American Society for Metals. Schnepfe, Robert Norman, ' 56 died Oct. 28, 1992 in Denver, CO. He was a geophysicist with Pearson, DeRidder & Johnson in Golden and a senior geophysicist at Phelps Dodge Corp. in Douglas, AZ before joining the Conoco Minerals Department in 1978 and

Bates, John Wesley, Jr. '41. Moore, James Biggs, ' 32.

• DAVIDSON Rose, Augustus '28. Beta relatives: Charles G., Jr. , Davidson ' 33, Charles G. III, Davidson '61. Stevens, Joseph Blackburn ' 32. Beta brother: Wilkin R., Davidson ' 34 (deceased). Witherington, Dexter Thompson '45 . Beta father: Isham F. , North Carolina '11 (Deceased).

• DENISON Crowe, Richard Gordon ' 54 died in February 1992. Culver, John Howard ' 50 died Jan. 20, 1993 at his home in Palm Desert, CA. Beta stepfather: William H. Joy, Jr. , Yale ' 33 (deceased) . Fergusson, James Gordon ' 53 died July 29, 1992. During his career he worked for Esso Research and Engineering, Standard Oil of New Jersey, International Petroleum Co., and was former president of Fettica, Esso ~hemical's company in Central America. In 1971 , he was appointed CEO for Building Products of Canada. He continued working with Exxon until his retirement in 1982. Beta twin brother: Douglas M. , Denison ' 53. Smith, Edward Malcolm '35 died Oct. I, 1992 in Lake Lure, NC. A founder of the Gorman-Rupp Co. in Mansfield and Bellevill e, OH, he was credited with many inventions in the medical and mechanical engineering fields during a 28-year career. Beta brother: H. Wayne, Denison '32 . Tani , John Jacob ' 69 died Sept. 25, 1992. Director of management systems for Wilson Sporting Goods International, he was past presi dent of the Chicago chapter of the Japanese American Citi zens League. Witte, William Thomas '45 died Jul y 16, 1992 in Maumee, OH, where he practiced dentistry for 42 years. He was a World War II Army veteran . Beta sons: William T., Bowling Green ' 74, Craig R., Ohio ' 77. Yo he, Robert Spencer ' 56 died March 3 I, 1990 in Dothan, AL. During his career in the 251

Lewis, William Warren '44. Link, H. Milton '35 died Oct. 28, 1992 in Hendersonville, NC. He was a prominent real estate developer of Naples and Vero Beach FL and president and general manager of the Moorings Development Co. He started his career as a landscape architect, building an enviable reputation for landscaping, beautification and city management, extending far beyond the state of Florida. His projects include several large estates, hotels and apartments in Cuba and the Bahamas . • DENVER He held city management positions, was Dennehy, R. Augustin '84. Beta father: director of several banks and prominent in Raymond A, Bowdoin '55. civic affairs. He was named superintendent of Gardner, Thomas Gibson '32 died Sept. 24 parks for Miami Beach in 1941 and is credited in Denver, CO. with the establishment of the park system and Hilton, Jon Ray '67. Beta brother: James the beautification of its parks and streets. M., Colorado ' 65. He became city manager of Fort Lauderdale Tilly, James Lewis, '42, died Aug. 16, 1992 in 1952, resigning in 1954 to establish his own in Denver, CO. When he was 14, he became nursery and landscape firm, Gardens, Inc. the youngest business owner in Colorado with · A member of the Florida and National Tilly's Trading Post. He was a member of the Association of Real Estate Boards, he was a 1Oth Mountain Division Ski Troop based at director of the Coral Ridge National Bank and Camp Hale near Leadville in 1941. During the Broward National Bank, both of Fort World War 11, he was a captain with the OSS. He parachuted behind enemy lines in Burma to Lauderdale, president of the Broward Chapter of the Florida Nurserymen and Growers organize and train natives to fight the Association and served as state president in Japanese. His wartime exploits were portrayed in the 1957. During World War 11 Link, served in the 1959 movie Never So Few, starring Frank Army Corps of Engineers and was commisSinatra, and described in a 1979 book, Behind sioned a second lieutenant in 1944. He was a Japanese Lines, by Richard Dunlop. He mason, active in Boy Scouts of America and returned to the U.S . in 1945 and worked for the Pentagon. He practiced law in Denver after was president of the Southwest Florida Council and also of the Gulfstream Council in receiving his degree in 1952. He was a West Palm Beach. He received the Silver member of the Denver, Colorado and American bar associations, the Colorado Defense Beaver Award, was a trustee of Moorings Lawyers Association and was honored as a Presbyterian Church in Naples and First fellow of the American College of Trial Presbyterian Church in Vero Beach. Retiring Lawyers. His hobbies included photography, to Hendersonville in 1979, he was a member golf and computers. of the Hendersonville Shrine Club and First Congregational Church. Beta nephew: Robert . DEPAUW C. Petrie, Florida '41. Arnold, Willard Leverne '29 died Dec. 25 , Marchese, Anthony Thomas '64. 1992 in Sarasota, FL. He was a vice president Sharp, Charles Frederick '35 died Jan. 12, of merchandizing with Marshall Field & Co. 1993 at his home in Coconut Grove, FL. After for 40 years before moving to Florida 32 years graduation, he was associated with R.B. ago. Raylton & Company in Chicago and later Swift & Co. Moving to Miami in 1938, he . FLORIDA joined National Airlines as one of the original Aikin, Dean ' 29. three employees in South Florida. He served in Belcher, William Stansel '46 died Oct. 24 World War II in the Field Artillery and Air in St. Peters~urg , FL. He was a knowledgeable Transport Command overseas. He held the probate lawyer and lectured extensively rank of major and was awarded the Bronze throughout the state on probate and homestead Star and ·French Croix de Guerre. After the matters. He was a member of the Academy of war, he rejoined National Airlines and became Florida Probate & Trust Litigation Attorneys vice president. In 1962, he became president and American Judicature Society. He was state and later chairman of Woodlawn Park chairman of the American College of Trust & Cemetery. He was a leader in the interment State Council and a member of the St. industry, having served as president of the Petersburg, Florida and American Bar American, Southern and Florida cemetery associations. He was a member of St. associations. Petersburg Yacht Club, Squires Club and St. He was a charter member and past Thomas Episcopal Church and was chancellor president SKAL International, former of the Diocese of Southwest Florida, 1973chairman of the Salvation Army of Dade and 1990. He was an Army pilot during World the Coconut Grove Civic Club, a member of War 11. the Downtown Kiwanis Club, former director Cockrell, Thomas Preston ' 43 died May 20, of Flagship National Bank of Coral Gables, 1992. past president of Riviera Country Club and Dickey, Ralph Davis '27 died Nov. 1, 1992. member of Coral Gables Country Club, Royal Gordon, James Caldwell '54. Palm Tennis Club, The Miami Club, Aviation Air Force, he served as chief radar observer, disaster preparedness officer and flight commander. His awards included the Distinguished Flying Cross with Two Oak Leaf Clusters, Air Medal with 16 Oak Leaf Clusters, Air Force Commendation Medal, Vietnam Service Medal with Five Bronze Stars, Air Force Outstanding Award with Two Oak Leaf Clusters and the Vietnam Campaign Ribbon.


Executives Club and a lifelong member of t First Presbyterian Church.

GEORGIA TECH Bohannon, Joe T. Jr. ' 36 died Sept. 9, 1992. Hughs, Edwin Fennell, Jr. ' 47 died sever years ago. Beta brother: Dan T., Georgia Te '53. Mosley, Austus Leod, Jr. ' 50 died Dec. 5 1992 in Summerville, SC. His business care was in garment manufacturing, mostly highend dress shorts. He was plant manager and director of engineering along the way. Hew an Army veteran of World War II. Beta son: Austus III, Louisville '76. Underwood, John Launcelot '26 died Sep 28, 1992. HANOVER Bryngelson, Ivan Carl ' 27.

INDIANA Campbell, Earl Keith '35 died two years ago. Fasone, Rod '92 died Dec. 10, 1992. Keane, Daniel Benedict '49 died Feb. 13, 1993 in Bradenton, FL. He was treasurer of ti H.C. Christians Co. of Chicago, director of fmancial planning and management for Diebold Co. of Canton, Ohio and taught accounting at Northwestern University and University of Minnesota before moving to Florida four years ago. He was a member of Saints Peter and Paul the Apostles Catholic Church, the Financial Executives Institute and the National Associa tion of Cost Accountants. He coached Little League and was active in Boy Scouts. An Army Infantry veteran of World War II, he received the Purple Heart with two Oak Leaf Clusters and the Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster. McPeak, Robert Jackson '33 died Oct. 18, 1992.

IOWA Nichols, Robert Frank ' 50 died Nov. 10, 1992. Beta brother: John D., Iowa '4!. O'Brien, George Kessler '41.

IOWASTATE Ogg, Wallace Elmer '30 died Nov. 13, 1992 at his home in Ames, IA. He began his career as a county extension agent in Davis County and as an Extension Farm Management Specialist in northwest Iowa, 1938-44. He served in the Navy, 194446. He joined Iowa State University faculty as assistant professor in 1947, was promoted to associate professor in 1949 and to professor in 1952. He became professor emeritus in 1974. He was a national leader in areas of Extension educational efforts for many years. He was the author of many popular articles in bulletin and pamphlet form and in popular Extension publications. Ogg was the leader of a USDA market development team in Europe as the Common Market was starting in 1959. He served as a consultant to the Agricultural Development

mcil on agricultural development at ferences in the Philippines, India, Iran, anon and with the Food and Agricultural ;anization in Rome, 1963.

Build, Philip White, '36. amilton, Charles Edwin '62.

:=owell, James Leonard '29 died Oct. 18, 12 in Ventura CA. He was a micropaleon~gist and stratigrapher with Shell Oil mpany for 32 years in the Long Beach, ntura and Bakersfield offices. He was a mber of Saticoy, Bakersfield and the mtecito Country clubs, American Associa1 of Petroleum Geologists, Coastal ologica\ Society, Society of Micropaleonogists and the Community Presbyterian urch of Ventura. Edwards, John Perry '38 died Nov. 17, n. Beta relatives: father: John A., Kansas 95 (deceased); son Robert A., Kansas '68. 'McEvers, Robert Darwin '51. Beta atives: father-John H., Idaho ' 15 (deased); brothers-Richard M., Kansas '53, nn H., Kansas'48 (deceased). Teichgraeber, James Albert '49 died Nov. '1992.

KANSAS STATE Floyd, Harry Thomas '28. Beta brother: tgene S., Kansas State'24 (deceased). Kendall, William Richard '32. KENYON Paskins, Robert William '38 died Oct. 2, 189. Williams, Ernest '31.

I KNOX · Engstrom, Robert Harold '42, died Dec. 24, ~92 in Lubbock, TX. He served as a major in e Air Force during World War II. In 1953, ! co-founded Darr Equipment Co. , the aterpillar tractor dealership for Northeast exas and the State of Oklahoma. The )mpany grew under his direction from an rigi nal employment of 43 to over I ,000, .•coming one of the largest Caterpillar ealerships in the country. He was chairman d CEO of Darr at the time of his death. He 1as a member of Saint Michaels and All tngels Episcopal Church and a director of The alesmanship Club of Dallas, Metropolitan "MCA, Town North YMCA, Stemmons lorthwest Bank, First National Bank of Irving nd Northwood Club. Beta nephew: Bruce S. Vagner, Texas Tech '76. Holly, Harold Edward '32. Young, Earl Percy '37. LAWRENCE Bjornson, Richard Walter '59 died July 16, 992. LEHIGH Baker, William Hewitt ' 40. Conover, Peter White '53. Sahlin, Robert Chandler ' 13 . fhe Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

.MAINE Cook, Harold Edgar, Jr. '24. Hinds, Ralph Winthrop, Jr. '52-See Brown. Lawry, Otis Charles '42. Beta father: Otis C., Maine' 16 (deceased). Matthews, Robert Burnett '23.

• MIAMI Howard, John Samuel '30. LeBuhn, Thomas Alan '82. .MINNESOTA Bezoier, Robert Alexis '23. • MISSISSIPPI Condon, Robert Morris '48 died Sept. 10, 1992. Moore, Willard Anson '35 died Nov. 24, 1992. • MISSOURI Brownell, Frederick Adelbert '38. Beta brother: Thomas S., Kansas '38. Clark, David Jay '67. Beta relatives: brother-Michael B., Missouri '68; brother-inlaw-Joseph G. Slonecker, Missouri '73. .NEBRASKA McCue, Allen Porter '39. Beta nephew: Jerald L. Reid, Co lumbia '78. Reische, Richard Charles '31 died in April 1992. He retired as personnel director of Pegler & Co. , now Pegler-Sysco Inc. of Lincoln, NE. • NORTH CAROLINA Rose, Augustus '28-See Davidson. .NORTH DAKOTA Greenlee, Warren Elwood '48. Landgraf, Leonard Max '37. Lee, Myron Fredrick '54 died Aug. 14, 1992. Markert, Mark Anthony '76 died Nov. 29, 1992. Beta Brother: David 0 ., North Dakota '76. • NORTHWESTERN Cook, Robert Sargent '29 died Jan. 12, 1993 in Charlottesvi lle, VA. His career as an architect was primarily connected with design of various buildings for Worlds Fairs, including a Century of Progress Exposition under Louis Skidmore, the Texas Centennial Central Exposition and the Petroleum Industries Exhibition at the New York World 's Fair. He was a member of the American Institute of Architects and Virginia State Chapter of the American Institute of Architecture. At retirement he was staff architect with Bailey and Gardner in Orange, VA. Cook worked with Virginia Metal Products in Orange in several different capacities, including Manager of Product Planning, National Sales Manager and Director of Engineering. He was a member of Orange Presbyterian Church, Orange Rotary Club and Woodberry Forest Golf Club and was past president of

both the Cleveland and Los Angeles Beta alumni associations. Devonald, David Higgan II '49, died Oct. 4, 1988.

•omo Emblen, Donald J. '32 died May 6, 1992. Ray, Carl Judson '27 .

• OHIO STATE Sims, Dan Williams ' 50 died Nov. 29, 1992 in Columbus, OH, where he practiced architecture, even in retirement, for over 40 years. He was in the Air Transport Command of the U.S. Army Air Corps duringWorld War II and a commercial pilot for Pennsylvania Central Air Lines. He was a member of Ascension Lutheran Church. Beta father: Ray, Ohio State' 11 (deceased). • OKLAHOMA Devonald, David Higgan II '49-See Northwestern. Hewett, Henry Arthur, Jr. '45. Klein, William Henry ' 42 died Jan. 30, 1993 in Albuquerque, NM. He was a registered engineer in New Mexico and Okl ahoma. He was active in the New Mexico construction industry for many years and was a member of many engineering honoraries. His community involvement included active membership and former president of The Executive Association of Greater Albuquerque, The American Subcontractors Association, Ballut Abbyad Temple, Shrine Clowns, Royal Order of Jesters, Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and was a former deacon and elder of the La Mesa Presbyterian Church. He served in the Arnry during World War II, discharged as a major. Williams, Charles Victor II ' 68 . Beta brothers: Thomas B., Oklahoma '74, Lance A., Oklahoma '78 . • OKLAHOMA STATE Kirchner, Ralph Radford ' 15, died Dec. 26, 1990. Lewis, Richard Clayton ' 34 died Jan. 28, 1993 in San Diego, CA. He operated a commercial art studio in Chicago in the 1940s and 1950s. He began painting signs as a child and paid his way through college with hi s talent. After two decades in business, he closed his art shop in 1960 and took his talent on the road. He traveled to numerous cities across America to paint landmarks in each city. When he wasn't painting or writing, he wrote musical pieces, including songs for both the city of San Diego and the San Diego Chargers. He continued to paint historical landmarks and eventually produced a book of historic San Diego scenes. He was named in Who's Who in America in the 1960s. Linxwiler, Louis Major (Linx) '29 died Dec. 12, 1992 in Phoenix, AZ. He became a Beta at Oklahoma A & M College in 1927. He was recruited by a major oil company and worked in the Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado area for several years before accepting an Army request that he assume command of a Civilian Conservation Corps camp in the 253

Petrified Forest, Arizona in 1935 . Much of the original infrastructure of that National Park was completed under his direction. Linx continued to serve the "CCC ' s" until the early World War II years, when he was forced to retire because of an injury. He progressed to the rank of captain and was the last Arizona Sub-District commander before the CCC was disbanded for the war effort. After leaving the Army, Linx entered credit management and was highly regarded nationally for his innovations, principally Family Debt Counsellors, a non-profit debt counselling service, founded in Phoenix, AZ, but now all over the world. He trained most of the early managers for the very rapid expansion of"FDC," and was recognized by Who's Who in the West twice. The annual award given to the outstanding employee of one of the over 150 locations is named the "L.M. Linxwiler Award." At its last annual meeting, the National Association of these companies presented a special award to Linx - one which thanks him for having been responsible for helping literally millions of people face and overcome difficult financial times in their lives. Linx lived Beta principles all of his life and left the world a much better place for having passed through it. (By his son Louis M. Linxwiler, Jr., Oklahoma State '53.) Pitcher, Edgar Roy, Jr. '49. Richards, Linden Jay ' 33 died Nov. 14, 1992 in Tucson, AZ. He joined Continental Oil Co . in 1937 and moved in 1948 to Calgary, Alberta, Canada where he was president of Hudson's Bay Oil and Gas Co. While in Calgary he was CEO and chairman of Quintana Exploration and Petroleum Co., and Total Oil Co. He was also director of Filtrol Corp., Norcem Energy Resources Corp., Canadian Society of Christians and Jews, Calgary Cancer Society and the Canadian Overseas Services. Sandy, Lee Morris '45 died Oct. 27 in Oklahoma City, OK. An optometrist, he established the Sandy Eye Clinic in Blackwell, operating it until his death. He was a member of Trinity Lutheran Church, Oklahoma and American Optometric associations, Ponca City Country Club, Blackwell Golf Course, Oklahoma Senior Golf Association, U.S. Golf Association Associate, Elks Club, Fellow, American Academy of Optometrists, Ameri can Optometry Foundation and American Academy of Optometry. Beta nephew: Gordon S. Prather, Oklahoma State '54. Williams, Carl Quentin '29.

. OREGON Bunn, Thomas McConnell '28. Osborne, Bion Chase '43. Standifer, Steven Larry '79. Beta father: Larry W., Willamette '54. Yates, William Arthur '49.

. OREGON STATE Meiners, Henry Cito '37 died Dec. 26, 1992 at his home in Palos Verdes Estates, CA. He was with Union Oil Co. of California for 40 years . He held two U.S. Patents for 254

processing petroleum. A Fellow of the American Institute of Chemists and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, he was a registered professional engineer in California. Affiliations included the Palos Verdes Estates Breakfast Club, Sierra Club and Palos Verdes Neighborhood Church. Dr. Meiners' listings appear in American Men of Science, Who 's Who in California, 2000 Men of Achievement, American Men and Women ofScience, Who 's Who in the West, Who's Who in Commerce and Industry, Dictionary of International Biography and Who's Who in California Business and Finance. Thompson, Steven Ray ' 79 died Jan. 27, 1991. Torrey, Dan Howard '50. Wilson, William Harlan '50.

• PENNSYL VAN lA Pettit, N. Allan '12 died many years ago .

and the Anderson Board of Public Works. H was the first president of the current Beta house at Purdue in 1927. Steele revered his Beta experience and was truly an inspiration to his Beta grandsons: William P. Atterholt, Wisconsin '82, James D. Atterholt, Wisconsi '84.

. RUTGERS Herget, Walter Clyde, Jr. '42 died April2 1992. Moore, Warner Richard '26. Noble, Alan Crosby, ' 28. Schroeder, Raymond '24.

• ST. LAWRENCE Eggleston, John Leslie ' 14. Beta brother: G. Harry, St. Lawrence' 10 (deceased). Loconti, Michael Anthony '63. Monetti, Arnold Ernest '25 died May 28, 1992 at his winter home in Naples, FL Rieck, Verner '50. Stefanowicz, Chester Henry '54. Walthart, Edward Pidgily '3 1.

• PENNSYLVANIA STATE Caughey, Robert Hunter '34. Finch, William Stephen '43. Beta .uncle: Paul M. Hittner, Pennsylvania State ' 14 (deceased). Latshaw, Robert James '37 died Dec. 13, 1992. Beta brother: Joseph W ., Pennsylvania State '35 (deceased). Walter, Charles Carpenter '38 died Nov. 8, 1992 in Douglaston, NY. His career as an advertising executive led to the development of Roadway Safety Service Inc. in 1974 and to develop and market the Fitch Inertial Barrier System, a highway safety device used around the world . During World War II, he served in the Army in Italy, where he received the Legion of Merit and a Medal of Valor. While in the service, he also received a commendation for his invention of a sight for antiaircraft guns.

• PUGET SOUND Anderson, Paul Dennis '67.

• PURDUE Crosby, Hewitt, Jr. '39 died Jan. 22 , 1993 in Williamsburg, VA. He worked for the Washington Gas Light Co. for 37 years before retiring in 1977 as field operations superintendent. He served in the Army Air Forces during World War II. Past commander of the Washington Gas Light Lodge ofthe American Legion, he was active in Junior Achievement and served on the Fairfax County Hazardous Materials Board. Eibel, Fred Joseph, Jr. '29 . Beta relatives: sons-Frederick R., Purdue '56, James A. , Io wa '58; Grandson-Fritz L., Indiana '86. Kelsey, James Robert 28. Steele, James Hugh ' 28 died Dec. 19, 1992 in Anderson, fN, where he owned Steele's Glass Co. for 39 years. He was a charter member of Anderson YMCA, life member of Anderson Area Chamber of Commerce, past president of Anderson Lions Club, 50-year member of Mount Moriah 77 F&AM Lodge, served on the Anderson Board of Public Safety

• sTEVENS Williams, George Edward '27 died April 17, 1992 in West Caldwell, NJ. Prior to his retirement in 1971 , he had been senior trust officer and vice president of First Fidelity Bank in Newark. Between 1940 and 1970, he was known as the Number One Volunteer in Social Service projects and president of its council of 104 agencies. He served as chairman of the Salvation Army's Advisory Board and was involved with Fuld Neighborhood of Newark, a settlement home for children. He was active with the New Jersey Symphony, serving on the board and as vice president.

• SYRACUSE Belden, Jerry James '35. Laidlaw, John Emery '29 died Nov. 9, 1992 in Hudson, NY. He retired as president and owner of Joslen Tobacco Co. and was previously employed with RCA and Lifesaver Inc . As an undergraduate, he was president of the Men's Senate and of Beta Epsilon chapter and a member of Phi Kappa Alpha and Alpha Kappa Psi honoraries. He was a member of the rowing team and loyal in his support of collegiate rowing as an alumnus.


. TEXAS Davenport, John Nigel '54 died Jan. 9 at his home in Houston, TX. A renowned jazz historian, he interviewed and was friends with many of the world's great jazz figures, including Woody Hermann, Louis Armstrong and Herb Ellis. Over the years he was instrumental in many benefits for jazz musicians and was a prime mover in establishing the Houston Jazz Heritage Society. An Emmy Award-winning newsman, Davenport was most recently host of Channel 8's, J.D.'s Journal and classic jazz disc jockey on KTSU. Moving to Houston in 1971, he became news director of KPRC Radio but returned to television as news director of The Beta Theta J>i/Snrino 1 Q


OU-TV. In Los Angeles he worked for C News, where he covered the Watts riots the trials of cult murderer Charles Manson Sirhan Sirhan, the man convicted of ~ssinating Robert F. Kennedy. Davenport 1ame an ABC News correspondent after tk on PBS' Washington Week in Review, ich he originated. His television career (an in Washington, where he won Emmy's 1965 and 1966 for co-writing and producing ;umentaries on the judicial system. He was ·ee-Iance writer and adjunct professor at iversity of Houston, Clear Lake.

Elkhart, IN. For 13 years he worked at Goshen Rubber and retired from T &M Rubber where he was treasurer and general manager for 23 years. He was active in the First Presbyterian Church serving as an elder, deacon, trustee and Sunday School teacher. Beta brother: John I., Wabash '35 (deceased). Long, James Otto '68 died Dec. 29, 1992. Beta brother-in-Jaw: Richard E. Murbarger, Wabash '37. Smith, Robert Matthew '36. Beta son: R. Brentson, Wabash '66. •

ffO RO NTO Ander, Ralph Eric '45 former president of as Polar Company Limited and Longtime mber of the Toronto Cricket, Skating & rling Club, died Jan. 25, 1993 in Toronto, ~.

TULANE 1Pratt, Howard Charles, Jr., '45. I UNIO N

Kelsey, James Robert '22. Beta brother: arren G., Union '19 (deceased). Shoenfelt, Joseph Evan '66. Wells, Robert Eddy '36.

IUTAH Rose, Frank William '31 died April 12, 192 at his home in Hillsborough, CA. After rning his law degree from Georgetown niversity in Washington, DC, he worked for e Federal Public Housing Authority there :fore moving to San Francisco as deputy rector of the regional office in 1940. He ttered private Jaw practice in San Mateo in )48, and was appointed to the Superior Court . 1960. · Rounds, Richard Frank '51 died Sept. 3, 992 in Pleasanton, CA. VANDERBILT Cummings, Joseph Greer '38. Beta :latives: sons-Joseph G., Vanderbilt '70, tichard L., Vanderbilt '74; brother-Allen B., :. , Vanderbilt '37 (deceased); Robert G. Lord, 'anderbilt '70. Trabue, Nelson Thornton '44 died Jan. 9, l992 in Nashville, TN. He established the first <ansmission specialty shop in Nashville in 965, later franchising it as Mr. Transmission. le sold the franchise in 1968. He then •Stablished the former Trabue Transmission nd sold it to the Mr. Transmission franchise pl978. Trabue was a founder of Cumberland eights Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center nd Friendship House in Nashville. He also 1elped found Nashville chapter of the Better Business Bureau. He was a member of .'l!ashville Rotary Club, Belle Meade Country ;tub and St. George's Episcopal Church. WABASH Gordon, Frank Harvey '28 died Oct. 13, 1992. Hoke, Gordon '37 died Oct. 25, 1992 in f}le Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

WASHINGTON (ST. LOUIS) Simmons, Frank Havelock '20 died Oct. 28, 1992 in St. Louis, MO.

WASHINGTON Havilland, Ben '53-See Wittenberg. Satoris, Fred Pence, Sr. '24 died Aug. 12, 1992 at his home in Seattle, W A a few days after his 90th birthday. He graduated from the School of Business Administration and worked in the Seattle area for many years. He served as an officer in the Navy during World War II and Korea, retiring as a captain. Beta son: Penn Satoris, Washington '64.

• WASHINGTON STATE Angelo, Joseph Michael '39 died Nov. 13, 1992. Hurley, Thomas Gail '39 died Dec . 17, 1992 in Bellingham, WA. Beta brother: Joseph S., Washington State '49. McNichols, Robert James '50, Senior U.S. District Judge, died in December 1992 in Spokane, W A. Appointed to the federal bench in 1979 by President Carter, he was the senior jurist for the Eastern District of Washington. McNichols became one of the first federal judges in the nation to rule that Federal Sentencing Guidelines, enacted in 1987, were unconstitutional. The guidelines establish fixed prison sentences. His fondness of the Jaw and loyalty to the bench lasted until his death. • WASHINGTON & JEFFERSON Coates, William Wilson '29 died Jan. 9, 1993. Prior to his retirement, he was employed as a district traffic superintendent for Bell of Pennsylvania in New Castle. Beta brother: James L. , Washington & Jefferson '32. Howard, William Absalom '50 died July II, 1992. Jacob, James Archibald '22. Beta father: William C., Washington & Jefferson 1882 (deceased). O'Connell, Joseph Downey ' 12 died in 1965. • WASHINGTON & LEE Whitley, Ralph Davis '34. Beta brother: Rhodes M., Washington & Lee '23 (deceased) . • WESLEYAN Benson, William Rogers ' 38 died Oct. 21, 1992. • WESTERN RESERVE Wilson, Rudford Kyle '25 died July 12, 1992 in Shaker Heights, OH. He was an active

member of the Cleveland Beta Alumni Association. • WESTMINSTER Hall, Berkeley Smith '28. Beta son: Berkeley J., Missouri ' 57. Spencer, Horatio Nelson, Jr. ' 35 died Jan. 24, 1993 in Vero Beach, FL. • WEST VIRGINIA King, Walter Harris '28 died Nov. 28, 1992 in Columbus, OH. His career was with the Hope Gas Company in Weston, WV . During World War II, he served in the Navy with a CB Unit in the South Pacific. He was a member of First Presbyterian Church of Weston, the Masonic Lodge and a former member of Weston Rotary Club. Beta relatives: brother-Orr R., West Virginia '20 (deceased); Phillip H. Taylor, Jr., Denison '80. Oesterle, Richard Carl '37 died Nov. 7, 1992. He was owner and president of Oesterle Auto Glass and Paint Co. in Parkersburg, WV. He was a member of Trinity Episcopal Church, Mount Olivet Masonic Lodge 3, Scottish Rite Bodies, Nemesis Shrine, Parkersburg Court 156 Royal Order of Jesters, BPOE 198, Parkersburg Chapter of Bass Masters, Ducks Unlimited and Quail Unlimited. He was an Army veteran of World War II. . WHITMAN Gibbons, Ralph Joseph '30. Beta relative: William L. McCown, Whitman '64. Lytel, Robert Burchfield '27 died in 1992. Beta brother: Richard E., Whitman '28 . Morgan, Edward Paddock '32, the veteran broadcast journalist and writer who reported for ABC, CBS and the forerunner of the Public Broadcasting Service, died Jan. 27 at his home in McLean, Va. His evening radio program of news and commentary, "Edward P. Morgan and the News," was sponsored by the AFL-CIO and broadcast by ABC for more than 12 years. When he won the George Foster Peabody Award, broadcasting's top honor, in 1956, he was cited for his skill and brillance and the public acceptance his program had gained. He also won the Sidney Hillman Foundation, Alfred I. du Pont and George Polk Memorial awards and the Missouri Journalism Medal. Morgan began his career in 1932 as an unpaid sportswriter at the Seattle Star. He worked in journalism for two decades- for United Press, the Chicago Daily News and Colliers Weekly- before joining CBS as a radio and television broadcaster. He was with the 5th Army when U.S. troops captured Rome in 1944, and he was in London when it was under bombardment by the Germans. He reported from the Middle Easy as a freelance writer after the war, then moved to CBS and Washington, where he covered a range of assigrnnments that included the White House. CBS named him director of radio and television news in 1954 and he joined ABC as a commentator the next year. He took a leave of absence from ABC in 255

1967 to become chief correspondent of the Public Broadcasting Laboratory, the experimental programming that later evolved into PBS. His premiere broadcast for PBL in 1967, a three-hour program on racial problems in the United States, was regarded as a landmark in public television. He retired as a columnist for the Newsday Syndicate and as an ABC commentator in 1975 . In recent years, he had continued lecturing and writing, including work on an autobiography. His earlier writing included Clearing the Air, a book of commentary. He was a trustee of Howard University and a member of the American Civil Liberties Union, the Federal City Club, the International Club and the National Press Club.

• WI CHIT A STATE Carlisle, Gregor (Greg) Lance '89, the outstanding pledge of fall ' 85, and one of Delta Gamma's outstanding leaders from the 80s, died of brain cancer Dec. 6, 1992, in Wichita, KS . He attended Wichita State on a golf scholarship and four academic scholarships. He was treasurer, intramural chairman, vice president and president of the chapter and was on IFC, Mortar Board, Order of Omega and Ambassador for the Student Alumni Association. He was president of three campus organizations during his senior year: Beta, Student Alumni Association and Order of Omega. He was selected a Senior Honor Man and a finalist for Greek Man of the Year. After graduating in finance, he became head golf pro at Pine Bay Country Club and later head pro at McConnell AFB Golf Course. In 1991 , he was named head pro at Hidden Lakes Country Club in Wichita. In 1992, he began a sales career with Business Systems, Inc. In March 1986, he met his future wife, Ronnie Dillman, a Gamma Phi Beta from Wichita State. Their daughter, Alysa "Blake" was born in 1990. In memory of Greg, a group of alumni will name a room at the house in his honor- The Par Five Carlisle Room. Also, a memorial has been established for brain cancer research. Jones, Charles Edward ' 30, died Dec. 23 , 1992. He enjoyed success in his legal practice and business. "He was always very proud of the fact that he and Mark Adams were in business together so many years and never had a disagreement they couldn 't work out. They trusted each other completely," said his son. "He was an old-time attorney. Everything had to be correct. He was no ambulance-chaser." Son of a Kingfisher, OK, railroad station agent, he enrolled at Wichita University. He also graduated from Michigan University law school, but returned to Wichita to practice. "While at Wichita University, he met my mother, Nina Kirby Jones," Chuck Jones said. Jones established a practice with Adams, and they quickly became known for their legal expertise in oil and gas, real estate, manufacturing and broadcasting. The fum grew to Adams, Jones, Robinson and Menchken, then Adams, Jones, Robinson and Malone. 256

The partners also branched into the businesses they represented. In 1945, Jones helped found the Commercial Savings Association, now Columbia Savings, and served for many years on its board. He was also an original stockholder in KAKE radio, and stayed on board when it acquired a television station. Rawlings, Stephen Mark '80 former center for the Shockers from 1976-79, died of a heart attack Dec. 10, 1992 in Paul 's Valley, OK. Although football took a major portion of his time during college, mark was active in the house, in Big Brothers/Big Sisters and various student Christian organizations. "Mark was a very outgoing, likeable, and boisterous individual," said Jeff Dewey '81. "He had the physical build of an offensive lineman, but with a kind-hearted personality, and was a friend to all who knew him." He was a non-drinker, but, at Beta parties, he was as spirited as anyone could be. Those in the house undoubtedly remember his one-legged air guitar routine and other familiar antics." Following graduation, he began a sales career in radio at KEYN/KQAM in Wichita. He later became sales manager for KRZZ radio in Wichita until 1989. While living in Wichita, he was a major supporter of the Wichita State University Alumni Association and the WSU football program. In 1989, he and wife, Kelly, formed Washita Broadcasting and bought a radio station in Pauls Valley, OK, and moved there that same year.

• WISCONSIN Braatz, Clayton Oscar '28 died April29, 1992 at his home in Lake Wales, FL. Glanville, Frederick Stevens '32. • WITTENBERG Green, William Hurd '41. Havilland, Ben '48, an Air Force policy specialist who worked on the sale of American equipment overseas, died Dec. 22, 1992 at his home in Washington, DC. He joined the Air Force Department in 1959 and worked for it in Paris as well as this country. At the time of his death, he was working at the Pentagon. He received the Air Force's Meritorious Civilian Service Award and a Certificate of Achievement. He practiced law in Seattle before joining the Air Force Department. Havilland served on active duty with the Navy in the China-Burma-India theatre during World War II. He then served in the Marine Corps Reserve for 14 years before retiring in 1959 as a major. He was active in the Boy Scouts, receiving a district award 9f merit, an outstanding service award and the Silver Beaver award. He was the author of the book Earthquakes and Cities. Kuhhner, Raymond William ' 30 died in 1988. . YALE Alley, Roger Blackstone '30. Lewis, Robert James '21. Seely, Fred Loring '40 died Sept. 4, 1991.

MARCHING ALONG Continued from page 199

Security Corp. and Security National Ban of Duncan. In addition, he serves on the Boa of Visitors for OU's College of Engineering, on boards for the OU Foundation and the 0!.. Library Association and is a former member and chair of the OU Alumni Council. He is a trustee of the McCasland Foundation, which has provided significant support to Duncan civic projects, state service groups and OU.

SOUTH DAKOTA Michael P. Derby '79 of Derby Outdoor Advertising is the 1992 winner of the Black Hills Advertising Federation's Silver Medal Award, presented to those who have made outstanding contributions to advertising and contributed to furthering the industry's standards, creative excellence and responsibil ity in social concern. WASHINGTON John N. Nordstrom ' 58, chairman of the west coast's large retailing firm bearing his name, has been honored as SwedishAmerican of the Year (1992) by Vasa Order of America on Swedish-American John Nordstrom Day at Skansen in Washington '58 Stockholm. Brother. Nordstrom's grandfather came to the U.S. with $5 in 1887, rose seed capital of$13,000 from working the Alaska gold rush and started a small Seattle shoe shop, which has grown to annual retail sales of more than $3 billion. WASHINGTON (ST. LOUS) J. B. Orthwein '46 has acquired the remaining 49% interest in the New England Patriots, making him sole owner of the NFL franchise. A St. Louis resident, Orthwein said he eventually wants to own an expansion team in St. Louis. He bought Victor Kiam's 51% interest in the Patriots in the spring of 1992 and completed the acquisition by purchasing the remaining shares from Fran Murray, bringing to a close the running feud between Kiam and Murray . WILLAMETTE E. Herbert Carlson '51 , principal process specialist at Monsanto ' s Muscatine (IA) plant, has been appointed manufacturing technologist. Dr. Carlson joined Monsanto as a senior research chemist at Dayton in 1955, became senior market analyst in the Organic Chemicals Division in St. Louis, MO in 1964 and moved to theW. G. Krummrich plant in Muscatine as senior chemist in 1970. He earned an MS and PhD in chemistry from Carnegie Tech and has been chairman of the local American Chemical Society since the mid-1970s.

ters-to-the-Ed it or , TWO- WAY COMMUNICATION is essential to fe of a magazine, particularly The Beta •Pi, which addresses important issues to all members. Your letters are welcome y topic. Just address: Editor, The Beta 1 Pi, P. 0. Box 6277, Oxford, OH 45056.

; . . . Lawrence! a Nu (Kansas) chapter is duly proud of the sion and renovation of its house, the John er Usher mansion. Plans, however, do not de moving it to Manhattan, Kansas, home nsas State University. The house will · in in Lawrence. R. Catlett, Kansas '76

and other letters pointed out our mistake

Thank you for forwarding the winter 1993 issue of The Beta Theta Pi. I very much enjoyed reading the article about the sesq uicentennial celebration at W&J. Howard J. Burnett, President, W&J Congratulations. You have taken the baton and moved on in great fashion. I enjoyed reading the winter issue and regard every aspect as real quality. We're all proud of the magazine, and I know we'll have cause to continue to be proud. Hugh E. Stephenson, Jr., M.D., Missouri '43 Congratulations on the winter issue. Keep up the good work. In the listing of chapters, please spell out the Greek names of each chapter instead of trying to use English letters as direct replacement for Greek letters. Carl W. Maynard, Colorado College '34

~ "House of Usher" article, a correction

h was called for on the proof but for some Jn went unheeded. Your Kansas-born Jr regrets the error, which was not tded in the material submitted by District f Brian Wells, Wichita State '87. --Editor

ing us honest :he first time in memory, my winter issue •ed before spring. A most interesting eye1ing look. (Meanwhile) lean on local ·rts Fred Brower and Bob Howard to avoid 1appenings like moving the House of Usher lanhattan, or calling Paul Van Riper "a ter GF President" (he was General ·etary) or that the Del Pizzo brothers are mly members of the same family to serve rustees (not to go unnoticed by Advisory neil's Lee B. Thompson, Sr., Oklahoma Lee B. Thompson, Jr., Oklahoma '54). on W. Folsom, Nebraska '49

... and criticism Regarding the article on the "Beta Leadership Fund and Telemarketing in the winter issue, I am one of the 7,500 who was called each year. Will Green may feel that he is monitoring the program but was apparently not around when I was called each time. The caller obviously was not a Beta. Their canned presentation had hints of hard sell, and when I said that I have a problem that has not been solved, I was given lip service, not action. This issue is one of policy, but it goes deeper, and I would be interested in seeing if others feel I am out of line or the Administrative Office is out of line. Daniel E. Worden, Wisconsin '62

winter issue mentioned Cornell alumnus l Kroch '35 and the library he donated to nell University. As an undergraduate Beta ta, I have used the Carl Kroch Library msively (lately). Access to rare documents manuscripts has increased dramatically. I a 1623 folio of Shakespeare's plays two ..s ago. Five years ago, before the expansion, would not have been possible. ndon Bigelow, Cornell '94

Thank you for your letter. As both a Beta alumnus and a fund raiser, I share your concern about the use of outside counsel for solicitation. All callers were instructed to handle calls truthfully and courteously. I am concerned that this was not the case for you. This year's program was designed to solicit those who made a gift by telephone last year but not responded by mail in 1992, and those who had been donors but had not responded in over a year. Due to the volume of calls, it was too large an undertaking for our small staff; however, we expect that, if we continue, we will convert to Beta undergraduate callers . -Steven B. Becker, Florida '69, Director of Advancement and Alumni Relations

U scholars

Retirees' Exchange

mk you Brother Kroch

ere were more San Diego State University as (16 earning a 3.3 GPA or better) on the ernity honor roll for spring 1992 than any er house. You include many accounts of a successs; how about articles on the nner in which some universities treat .ernities in an unfair manner? A letter from eta alumnus regarding mishandling of ;ernities can have a pronounced influence. rrick J. Groff, Oregon '50

1dos ... :ant to compliment you on your first issue 1 thank you for your article on my work in }ansion. Several interested alumni have _ady called me regarding expansion. ;rtin P. Dixon, Miami '90 e Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993

As you requested in the winter issue, I am a (ham operator) and operate amateur radio station HI3/W4DT, Dominican Republic, and desire communication with other Betas worldwide. Also interested in swapping houses and vehicles, 1-4 weeks, my Dominican home. G. Arthur Torrence, Purdue '39

POBL #10301-D, 7907 NW 53rd St., Suite 163, Miami, FL 33166 And ... In your winter, 1978, and winter, 1985, editions, you did articles on Glen W. Strawsburg, Colorado College '38. Glen and I are engaged, and the date has been set for October 2 at Church of St. Matthew, San Mateo, CA.

Samantha Finney

SEND RUSH PROSPECT INFORMATION TO: Auburn: Oct 4-8; Josh Moreland (presidenl), 930 Lem Morrison Dr., Auburn, AL 36830 (205) 821-1594 or (205) 82 1-1839 Ball State: Douglas Lambert, 1110 Weslem Ave., Flossmoor, lL 60422 (708) 798-4855 and Joel D. Spieth (pre ident) 14618 Beacon Blvd., Cannel, IN 46032 (317) 848-4761 Binghamton: Rush Chairman, P.O. Box 2000, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY 13902 (607) 7716077 Bowling Green: Sept. 1-30; James Alexander, 52 1 Ridge Sl., Bowling Green, OH 43403 (419) 352-6695 British Columbia: Sept. 6-30; Darren Soy, #208- 2893 West 41 st Ave. , Vancouver, BC V6N-3L5 (604) 263-5944 California: Aug. 15-Sept. 15; M. Craig Milias (vice president), 2175 Oak Knoll Ave. , San Marino, CA 91108 (818) 441-3421 Cal Poly: Feb. 22-28 (spring)-Sept. 28-0ct. 4 (fall); Eric Greidanus, 1252 Foothill Blvd., #2, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 (805) 542-9684 California (Riverside): Sept.-Jan; Daniel Sosa, 3847 Canterbury Rd., Riverside, CA 92504 (909) 689-5944 California (Santa Barbara): Sept. 29-0ct. 2 (spring ru h or pre-rush events wi nter); Trevor Merszei , 6807 En go, Isla Vista, CA 931 17 (805) 685-6981 California State (Chico): Sept. 2 1-28; Owen Fighter, 230 C Walnut # 121 , Chico, CA 95926 (916) 343-6489 Carnegie Mellon: Todd Zmich, 2 195 Elmwood Dr., Westlake, OH 44145 (216) 871-2385 Case Western Reserve: Aug. 23-Sept. II; Steven Robinson, 6337 Morris Rd., Hamilton, OH 450 II (5 13) 868-0005 and Rajeev Polasani, 1203 Oak Creek Rd, Mahomet, IL 61853 (217) 586-5271 Centre: Informal rush fall semester, formal rush early January; Hugh B. Sproul, 951 East Beverley St., Staunton, VA 24401 (203) 885-7622 Clemson: Aug. 16-20 (second week of January and third week of August); Adam Williams,441 FairlaneCt., Severna Park, MD 2 1146 (41 0) 647-5037 Colorado Mines: Aug. 22-28; Cra ig Suellentrop or Kevin Stang, 170 1 W. Campus Rd., Golden, CO 80401 (303) 278-7361 Columbia: Sept. 7-0ct. 15 (spring rush first month of spring semester); Alan E. Scott, 2 Brook Rd., Apt. 5, Salem, NH 03079 (603) 898- 1022 Denver: Sept. 11-18; Seth Levin, 6030 94th S.E. Mercer Island, W A 98040 (206) 236-0783 Dickinson: Sept.-Oct. (sophomore year) ; Brennan Torregrossa, 30 Wellesley Rd. , Swarthmore, PA 1908 1 (2 15) 544-7264 East Carolina: Sept. 15-19; John Whitley, P.O. Box 7 192, Greenville, NC 27835 (9 19) 752-4805 Eastern Kentucky: Sept. 1-15- Jan. I 1-1 6; Martin Cobb(president), 2271 Chrisman Mill Rd., Nicholasville, KY 40356 (606) 885-3066 Eastern Washington Colony: On-going; Rush Chairman, 305 College Ave. , Cheney, WA 99004 (509) 235-8 199 Florida: Aug. 22-27; Richard Yudhishthu, 13 Fraternity Row, Gainesville, FL 32603 (904) 374-9240 or 377-9271 Florida Atlantic Colony: Fall; Robert Billoni , 2430 N.E. I Oth Terr. , Pompano Beach, FL 33064 (305) 9412047 GMI-EMI: First three weeks of July and first three weeks of October (year round); Rush Chairman, 23575 Fenton Rd ., Fenton, Ml 48430 (313) 629-9946 Georgia: Sept. 1-8 (summer rush functions); Michael Pinkerton, 255 Hollyberry Dr., Roswell, GA 30076 (404) 998-3896 Georgia Tech: Sept. 15-25: Richard Aguiar, 764 Fowler St., NW, Atlanta, GA 30313 (404) 892-6935 Guelph: Sept. 9-0ct. 1- Jan. IO-Jan.23 ; Stephen Marsland (president), RR # I Cave ll Ave. , King, ON, LOG-I KO (416) 833-5582 Hampden-Sydney: Year-long ; Jeffrey Overand, 15395 Autumn Ln. , Dumfries, VA 22026 (703) 6706100

Continued on next page 257

NEWS FROM HERE AND THERE At home on the Boards

David R. Zimmer Michigan '68

' ' Beta was a central focus of much of my non-academic time.''

Whether he 's powering along on a wind surfing board or sitting on a pressure-packed board of directors, 46-year-old David R. Zimmer, Michigan ' 68, is equally at ease. He learned the latter as a member of Lee Jacocca's team that embarked on the historic Chrysler Corporation turnaround in 1979. Today, he employs those skills to change the direction of Core Industries, Inc. , as president, CEO of the Bloomfield Hills, Michigan specialty products manufacturer. " We're delighted to attract David Zimmer. He has a world of experience," a Core director was quoted in Crain 's Detroit Business. Zimmer's task is formidable . Sales have declined; earnings, dropped. Cutting staff and costs and selling off unprofitable operations are at the fore -front of his strategy. Zimmer recalled his work as rush chairman and alumni secretary for the . Michigan chapter. "I resurrected Lambda News that hadn't been published for years, and it significantly increased communications with alumn i. Alumni are a great asset of the fraternity system that actives need to take advantage of by getting them involved. " With an MBA from Harvard, he went to Ford Motor Company in 1970, Chrysler in the 1980s. He was with Iacocca at Congressional hearings and spent many days in Washington working with the Loan Guarantee Board and the Department of Treasury. In 1990, he headed creation of the first manufacturing/product joint venture in the US auto industry New Venture Gear, Inc. - by Chrysler and General Motors, which proved very successful. Zimmer, his wife Donna and four daughters live in Birmingham, MI. He is a trustee of the Detroit Science Center and Judson Center.

Life is "clean and green" for Don Miller, Westminster '56, now that he is back down to ea11h after 28 years as KMOX traffic reporter. " Clean and green" is how Miller described an uninterrupted flow of traffic from his vantage in the skies over St. Louis before retiring in December. During those 28 years, reported the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, his log book shows more than 30,000 hours of helicopter flying time, but the numbers fail to mention countless times he assisted police in surveillance, pursuit and capture of robbery and stolen car suspects and the landings to render first aid to acc ident victims spotted from the air. A Marine in World War II and Korea, he earned two Purple Hearts. After 19 years in the Metropolitan Police Department, he resigned to sign up with KMOX. His approach: "I ' m a motorcycle cop, only I'm not riding a motorcycle anymore, I'm riding a bird. And I' ll tell you what I've seen." He figured anything would be better than working the midnight shift as a police officer. Now 68, Miller may have served longer than any other aerial traffic reporter, and he has seen some interesting angles from alonft once he landed briefly on top of the St. Louis Arch; often his flight path took him over local hospitals where nurses sunbathed on the roofs. Three times he has crashed, suffering a broken arm, legs, feet, back and pelvis. Once he failed to release a tie-down; as he lifted off, the copter tipped over and landed upside down in the Mississippi River. Most exciting, recalls ex-cop Miller, were the times he assisted police chases . "You're right on top of the guy and he's losing police, and you ' re telling them where he is." For the future, Miller expects to fill in when his replacement is on vacation. Otherwise, he plans to stay on the ground.

George Seibels: Birmingham's tireless public servant "\\'herever you are, whatever you do, make that place better for you being there," declares George G. Seibels, Jr., J 'irginia '37. Many believe he has lived his motto to the fullest. A four-year football letterman and perpetual dean's list student, he was chapter president. After ~avy service, he entered politics in 1952, worked on many political campaigns and became a Birmingham city 258

councilman in 1963 and mayor, 1967-75. At the center of the civil rights movement, he oversaw the first black to wear a Birmingham police uniform, completion of the Birmingham Airport and rnitalized the city budget. After two terms, he was three terms in the State Legislature. Retired, he continues to campaign for candidates and issues and serve myriad charities. (William JJ'. Green, Virginia '90)

RUSH (ContinUi

Hanover: Sept. J 6---open spring rush; I Wilson, 213 FairwOO< Jeffersonville, IN 4' (8 12) 288-9632 Hawaii: Aug. 18-~ 18- second week of. third week of Feb.; Stone, P.O. Box 90 Honolulu, HJ 96835 Iowa: Aug. 17· Travis lies and Tr. McKay, 816 N. DubL St., Iowa City, LA 52 (319) 339-1979 or(: 351-2944 Iowa State: Marcl Aug. 20; Mark Steven Luke Horak, 2120 Line Way, Ames, lA 501 (515) 292-8080 Kansas: Sept.-July; ter Johnston, 370 I Q Creek Ct., Lawrence, 66047 (913) 841-0169 Knox: Jan. 10-. Jarrod Jarvis, 1815 W. F1 man, Carbondale, IL621 (618) 457-7030 Lawrence: Term fond week ofTerm 11; Sc Delaney, 5026 Pine L< Rd ., Rhinelander, ' 54501 (715) 362-6378 Lehigh: Jan.-Fe Stephen Campbell , Garnet Rd. , We Roxbury, MA 021 (617) 323-8256 M.I.T.: June 1-Se !-{rush parties across t country). Rush Week 1: week of Aug.; Kevin Fr or Benjamin Jordan, I Bay State Rd., Boston, M 02215 (617) 267-5333 Miami: Oct. 15-Ja 20; Charles Garrison, 6: N. Taylor, Kirkwood, M 63122 (314) 965-4882 Michigan State: Fe 6-Dec. 18; Glen Meil 21271 Larkspu Farmington, MJ 4833 (313) 474-7456 Middle Tenness~ State: Bernard \\ 1 Ratterman, 304 E. Lytle St Mu.rfreesboro, TN 3713 (615) 896-9778 Minnesota: May-Oct Chad Erpelding, 1625 Urn versity Ave. , SE, Minne apolis, MN 55414 (612 623-3778 Mississippi: Aug. 16 21; Arthur Hays, P.O. Bo: 8018, University, M~ 38677 (601) 234-8982 Missouri: Feb.-Sept Brian Butler, 520 Colle~ Ave., Columbia, MC 6520 I (314) 874-0099 Missouri (Kansa' · City): June-Aug.- Dec.· Feb. ; Mark Winchell, 109 E. 29th St. , Kansas City,

The Beta ThPt<> Pii.Sinrinn 100


H (Continued)

Betas make the Wright Decisions

64108 (816) 531rth Carolina: Aug. pt. 15- Jan. I 0-28; n White, 3305 ble Ct., Raleigh, NC ! (919) 787-5603 rth Dakota: Aug. pt. 3; Christopher and and Ryan hell,2600 University Grand Forks, ND , (70 I) 772-6076 orthwestern: First of school in Jan.leek of school spring ,r; Matthew Walsh, . Scoville, Oak Park, 302 (708) 383-6590 k la h oma : MayRush Chairman, 800 uqua, Norman, OK J (405) 321-8950 regon State: March• Kevin Ricker, 9670 Vlarilyn Ct., Tigard, 224 (503) 639-0375 ennsylva nia : Oct.~ov.; Eliot Rudnicki, Burnwood Dr., field, CT 06002 242-8915 ri nceton: Nov 16eter Bailey, 3033 W. Jhurst Dr., NE, SeWA 98105 (206) 5182 n Diego State: Sept. Andrew Butts, 5566 J Paseo Dr., San Di:A 92115 (619) 265uth Carolina: Aug. ept . 3; Andrew d, I 02 Colonial Ct., y, sc 29642 (803) .)424 uth Dakota: Sept. 7teven Stalzer, 429 N. 1, Vermillion, SD 9 (605) 624-8729 tevens : Sept.-Oct. ; 1ael Lee-Lun, 812 le Point Terr., ken, NJ 07030 (201) 502 yr ac u se: Dane ·z, 123 Burnham St., ark, NY 14513 (315) 8422 l enn essee : David ton, 310 Quail Dr., on City, TN 37601 ) 926-9557 'ennessee Tech: Fallrrg; Bradley Ungurait, East 15th St., Apt. 3, eville, TN 3850 I ) 526-3054 t' exas: Feb. 1-Sept. I; Romano, 23 17 Shoal ck Dr. , Austin, TX J5 (512) 477-9637 •' exas (Arlingto n): 1-Dec. 31-open rush 1-Aug. 30, formal rush . 1-15; Wendell Pruitt, Summit Ave., ArlingITX 76014 (214) 7231

tinued on page 262

What are the chances of three Betas unknowingly tracing the same circuitous path from Ohio to Michigan to Tennessee? Of all three serving as key members of the same executive management team? Dan Hayes, Jr., Ohio State '58; Gerald P.Yates, Ohio ' 59; and R. Barry T illotson, Ohio '59, found their way to Dow Coming Wright (DCW), a 500-employee Arlington, TN maker of metal orthopaedic devices . Today the trio takes separate paths as the parent company plans a divestiture. Hayes earned degrees in chemical engineering and business before joining Dow Corning Corp. in 1959 and was promoted to president of DCW, a Dow Corning subsidiary, in 1985, where he now is CEO . Yates graduated in chemistry, went to the parent company in 1959. He moved to DCW in 1979 and is director of human resources. At Beta Kappa chapter, he was chapter secretary. Tillotson earned bachelor's and master' s degrees in business, proceeded to Dow Corning in 1969 and arrived at DCW in March, 1992. He is director, commercial management, business development and planning. A ll serve on DCW's executive board, fac ing dramatic cha llenges. With the FDA 's concern for silicones in the body, DCW took center stage with the parent corporation as breast implants were scrutinized. Primari ly a metal orthopaedic manufacturer, DCW's ORTHOLOC (Reg.) advantim (TM) is one of the major knee implants commercially available today. Financially, DCW has grown from 200 employees with revenues of $30 million to 500 people with sales of $110 million since 1985. Last year, Dow Corning decided to divest its orthopaedics business. DCW expects to be under new ownership by June. Hayes has had to not only lead the company but also work with a long list of prospective buyers anxious to acquire DCW 's healthy market share. Meanwhile, Yates has been concerned that employees' incentives remain with the company through divestiture. Tillotson is liaison be-tween DCW and the firm handling divestiture. As th.:: three Betas approach the June deadline, they will choose separate paths. Hayes and Yates plan to remain in the orthopaedics field, intending to become a part of the new ownership. Tillotson expects to return to Dow Corning Corp. By Louise C. Hall, Communications Department, Dow Corning Wright

From th e left: DCW's Bany Tillotson, Dan Hayes and Jen y Yates.

Beta T heta Pi/Spring 1993

Bethlehem•s Barnette


Smack in the middle of the "fight to beat back Friends of unfair competition by foreign steelmakers" is Jamaica new chairman and CEO of Bethlehem Steel Corp., Curtis H. Barnette, West Virginia ' 56. Below: Maj. Gen. "We live in an ever-changing business DonaldS. Dawson, environment," he said, pointing to today's tough competitive world. "Our strategy is clear Missouri '30, USAF Ret., chairman of the - concentrate on steel, restructure our American Friends of business and rebuild our financia l strength." Jamaica, presented He cited recent moves on the internationa l awards for outstandscene. " We fi led 84 cases against dumped and subsidized products. You name it - Germany, ing service at the 11th Annual Jamaica Italy, France, Brazil - the foreign governCharity Gala at New ments are improperly subsidizing losses." York 's Waldorf "Curtis Barnette is a proven leader in our Astoria Hotel, industry," acknowledged Bethlehem's retired November 7. From CEO Walter F. Williams . "He is eminently the left: H. E. qua lified to lead Bethlehem in the years Ambassador Richard ahead." Bernal, Jamaica's Student Body President and Phi Beta Kappa at ambassador to the WVU, Barnette studied on a Fulbright U.S.; Maj. Gen. Scholarship at England's Manchester UniverDawson; William R. sity, spent a couple of years in Germany as an Rhodes, honoree from Army intelligence officer, earned his law Citicorp; Gordon degree at Yale, then stayed in New Haven as a Stewart, honoreefrom lawyer and law instructor before joining Sandals Resorts lnt 'l; Bethlehem in 1967. As senior vice president Ambassador Glen A. and general counsel, he was top negotiator in Holden, Oregon '5 1, contract talks with United Steelworkers in U.S. ambassador to 1986 and hammered out the 1989 contract. Jamaica, and Hon . "I' m happy to tell you I'm not the ch ief John Junor, minister negotiator next year," he told a local reporter. of tourism, Jamaica. Even so, his time is well occupied with boosting the vintage steelmaker back to a prosperous footing .............--..after a series of unprofitable years recently. To accomplish this, he is selling off unprofitable divi sions, eliminating one of every four jobs and modernizing plants. " I think Bethlehem is a terrific company," he added. 259

NEWS Continued from page 259

Leadership Development Advisor Jerry M. Blesch, Centre '60, discusses "Personal Leadership" with participants in the Great Lakes Regional Workshop, Indianapolis.

Participating in the Southeast Regional Workshop, Atlanta, were (from the left) Edward C Friedrichs, W&J '52, Advisory Council; William G. Colby, Jr., Amherst '60, banquet speaker; and Stephen Johnson, Indiana '65, keynote speaker.


Workshops train chapter officers and alumni advisors

Horton chosen California's "Officer of the Year"

In Indianapolis ... Midwest Betas gathered in Indianapolis, IN , November 20 for a rewarding weekend at the Great Lakes Regional Leadership Workshop. All Workshops have certain highlights; this one was no different Most exciting was the large number of advisors attending for the first time. The advisor program, facilitated by Todd Johnson, Iowa '90, was a total success. Like all workshops today, attendees were offered a track of their choice. While everyone participated in the risk management case study, other leadership areas specialized in rush, pledge education, finance and alumni affairs. As a result, four impressive plans have since been mailed to all of the chapters concerned. Of all chapters attending, Delta Pi Chapter, Un iversity of Louisville, was impressive with II registrants who led many discussions and sang at the Saturday evening banquet Robert T. Grand, Wabash '78, General Fraternity vice president, was keynote speaker, and Craig Fagginato, Toledo '93, was undergraduate speaker. Steve Becker, Florida '69, and Shelby Molter, Miami '54, led spirited singing, and Matt Yandra, a Central Michigan pledge, joined them for some memorable harmonizing. Photos by John P. Pogue, Miami '49. - Jerry Blesch, Centre '60

District Chief John M. Horton, Indiana '67, whose Beta District 41 includes California (Irvine), California (Riverside), Hawaii and Nevada - Las Vegas, has been chosen California's Officer of the Year by the American Legion. Selected from 3 I top officers in 31 districts, John was nominated for his work with the Riverside County Sheriffs Department's Emergency Services Team (EST) and the Jurupa Target Team. "This award may have my name on it," he said, "but no one can win an award like that unless they have tremendous support." A 17-year veteran ofthe Sheriffs Department, John headed EST 1988-92 . The team is recognized as one of the premier Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) teams in the U.S. The Jurapa Target Team, also under his leadership 1988-92, was an undercover drug unit whose officers infiltrated drug dealers' operations, then shut them down. During three years, the team posted I ,267 drug arrests, served 30 I drug-related search warrants and seized narcotics worth $16 million. Currently assigned to train patrol deputies, John is president of United States Tactical Advisors, a SWAT consulting firm which is hired to train tactical teams throughout the U.S. and South America. Last September, he traveled to New Orleans, where he trained a SWAT team for the U.S. Customs Service. When not on duty with the Riverside Sheriffs Department, enjoying time with his wife Traci and their two grown children, Jason and Stacy, or working with his Beta chapters, John is a part-time instructor on the faculty at Riverside Commuity College, teaching ... what else, criminal justice.

... and at Atla nta The Southeast Regional Workshop in Atlanta, GA, February 19-21 attracted more than I 00 undergraduate chapter leaders and more than a dozen alumni advisors from chapters located in the states of Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida as well as a delegation from Western Ontario chapter. Keynote speaker on Sunday morning was Stephen Johnson, Indiana '65, while Fund Trustee William G . Colby, Jr. , Amherst '60, and Harry Beaudry, Vanderbilt '93, shared the podium as after-dinner speakers on Saturday night The final regional workshop, until the Leadership Academy scheduled for August 24, prior to the General Convention in Denver, was held in Des Moines, lA, March 5-7.

John Horton, (center) indiana '67, was honored as California's "Officer of the Year."

Still flying Royce Rearwin, Willamette '33, and Ken Rearwin have donated the Rearwin Skyranger to the Liberal (KS) Air Museum. Officials reported that the single-engine airplane, now on display, has been repainted and minor maintenance performed to put it into airworthy condition. Brother Rearwin is a resident of Santa Barbara, CA.

RUSH (Continu Toledo: Oct. 21 Brian Co nroy , 1 Femhill Dr., Toledo, 43607 (419) 531-038 Vanderbilt: Se . week of Jan.- info rush all fall, upper rush in September; C! top her Siemens, 4235 96th Pl., Tulsa, OK 74 (918) 299-7029 Villanova: Se Oct- Jan.-Feb.; Anth DiSandro , Box 3: Kennedy Hall, Villan PA 19085 (2 15)698-1 Virginia: Mid Se Mid-Oct. - spring r end of Jan .; Sarg McGowan , Bo x 10 Dahlgren , VA 22 (703) 663-3438 Virginia Te• Spring-Fall; William H 12324 Da ncre st [ Clarksburg, MD 201 (30 I) 428-3427 Washington ( Louis): Deferred (ge ally freshmen) No Feb.- upperclass fi month of school; J• Huff, 28 N. Dearborn : Indianapolis, IN 46" (3 17) 236-1 170 Washington Jefferson: Jan. !-Feb Christopher Belt, 12 West Dr. , Butler, I 1600 I (412) 586-9509 Washington & Lo Sept.-Oct. ; Will Conr. 22 Saunders Hollow R Old Lyme, CT. 06371 Weber State: Sprir Fall; Randy MiddlebrQ( P.O. Box 8303 , Ogdt UT 84408 (80 I) 4 79-79 Wesleyan: Mid-Oc Mid-Nov.; Thorn Cowhey, 530 Beach I St., Rockaway Beach, 11694 (718) 474-605 7 West Virginia: Oc Oct; Timothy Freese, 2. Belmar Ave. , Morga town , WV 26505 (30 296-2382 Wichita State: Apr Aug.- Dec.-Feb.; Jer; Widman, 1845 N. Hi side, Wichita, KS 672 (316) 682-4121 Willamette: Jan Alan Vestergaard (IJ representative), 8659 S1 I 75th St., Beaverton, 0 97007 (503) 649-7788 Wright State: Sepi Oct- informal mid wio ter quarter; Dani• Bennett, 2716 Rebecl Ave. , Springfield, Ol 45503 (S 13) 399-1197 Yale: Early fall seme: ter; Todd Sadowski, 3 Lynwood Pl., New Havet CT06S ll (203)772-316

The Beta Theta Pi/Sprine 9l


It's the 1993 Leadership Academy scheduled for two full days just ahead of the I 54th General Convention in Denver - the first conference that not only helps define the needs of the chapters but also explains to undergraduate officers and alumni volunteers how to do their jobs. While there will be special sessions for each of a wide range of activities - from the duties of presidents, treasurers, rush chairs, risk managers, new member trainers to chapter counselors, financial advisors, chapter operations - there also will be seminars on vital issues, such as how to confront uncomfortable topics, how to communicate more effectively, how to do budgeting and collect receivables, how to improve your alumni relations, how to make your community service more effective. Song leaders track In addition, there wi ll be an opportunity for chapter song leaders to work with the Fraternity Song Leader Shelby L. Molter, Miami '54, who will train the songsters on the use of the new Fraternity Songbook, wh ich will be printed just prior to Convention. Professional facilitators Director of the Academy will be General Secretary Vince Del Pizzo, with Jerry M. Blesch, Centre '60, Beta's leadership development advisor, and Mary Peterson, highly regarded leadership consultant and director of student affairs at the University of SPONSOR A YOUNG LEADER! Want to sponsor a young Beta leader's attendance at the 1st Annual Leadership Academy? Your check for $175 will cover his registration and room chat·ge for the three-day training workshop. Simply send your check with any specific instructions to Beta Theta Pi Foundation, P.O. Box 6277, Oxford, OH 45056.

Clip and mail this Leadership Academy Inquiry Coupon

Iowa, serving as key facilitators. This intense, comprehensive two-day Academy convenes at 9:00am, Tuesday, August 3, and runs through I 0:00 pm, Wednesday, August 4. The Convention will begin the following day in the same hotel. Priced reasonably Growing enthusiasm for the Academy has bolstered estimates of attendance to 400 registrants - 300 undergraduates and I 00 alumni volunteers. Location

Hyatt Regency Denver, Colorado


August 3-4, 1993


$175 per person (includes room shared with three others, meals, registration $370 per person (room, board, registration) for both Academy and Convention

Plan now to attend the Denver Leadership Academy

Check out the exceptional value in participating in both the Leadership Academy and the General Convention as a complete package. Great speakers What better way to learn how to better manage or advise your chapter? Meet some of the great Betas of our generation, including U. S. Senator Richard G. Lugar, Denison '54, and U.S . Ambassador Glen Holden, Oregon ' 51. Hear from gifted speakers such as James Driscoll, Wichita State '62, dramatically discuss " Lions of Life," and Harold Hook, Missouri ' 53 , eloquently define "Seven Ports of Life." The blend of this intense Academy will set the stage for participants to return to their chapters, energized by their experiences, motivated to excel. To reserve your place at the 1993 Leadership Academy, complete the form below.

Join the Leadership Team Have you heard what's going on before this year's convention? Learn ab?ut Beta'~ Leaders.hip Ac~d~my to be held at the Hyatt Regency Tech Center in Denver, Colorado. Relevant educational sessiOns, advtsor trammg tracks and seminars on vital issues will be held Tuesday through Wednesday, August 3-4, 1993.

0 Yes, I want to receive more information on being a small group discussion leader for the Leadership Academy. .......... _ o ... ....... T .... .... ...... o;Jc., ... ;.,., 1001.


lt•s Convention time. See you there!

Enjoy your own special Rocky Mountain High and experience the biggest and best-ever !54th General Convention in beautiful and historic Denver, Thursday through Sunday, August 5-8. Special attention has been paid to venues and programs for alumni participants and their guests -- tours, fine dining, socializing and more. For more information, simply complete the form below and mail today to: Administrative Office, Beta Theta Pi, P. 0. Box 6277, Oxford, OH 45056. Or telephone toll free: 1-800-800BETA (2382.)

Clip and mail this Convention Inquiry Coupon

This may be the best convention you ever attended! Meet old friends and discover new ones at the !54th General Convention. Events will be held August 5-8, 1993, at the Hyatt Regency Tech Center in Denver, Colorado. All Betas -- alumni and undergraduates -- families and guests are welcome.

Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ School _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Year Roll N o . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Social Security N o . - - - - - - - - - - - Address

City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State/Prov - - - - - - Z i p / PC _ _ _ __ Home Phone (


Work Phone


Unconditionally, you'll have a great time! 264

: FALL 1994, Beta Theta Pi Foundation &

nistrative Office will relocate to atop a ed knoll just one mile from the current f 45 years. Standing at the entrance to the wo-story home on the hill, Betas in 15 JS will gaze down a long vista, across a ting pond, and view the Beta Campanile, d by the Fraternity on the Miami ~rsity campus in 1939. ,:raternity's Board of Trustees announced 1rch that construction will begin next fall elocation will take place in September, . The 17 ,000-square-foot structure will 1renovated country manor house as one of the new office. Currently, the rnity offices in Oxford, Ohio, are in an ! at 208 East High Street and another 1y, at 10 University Avenue. ; is a major step forward for us," noted rt L. Cottrell, Miami '54, the Fraternity's iJ1istrative secretary. "The Board of :ees believes that this will take us well .he next century." ded on the Miami campus in 1839, Beta 1 Pi was the first college fraternity to be 1lished west of the Allegheny Mountains. I 0 years, the Fraternity operated without ltral office; however, in 1949, under the tion of Adminstrative Secretary Ralph N. 'Miami '40, the current location was ed as an office for him and two part-time oyees. Today, 25 full and part-time l)nnel are on staff. More are anticipated as 1t trends indicate that fraternities must rely : and more on paid professional staff, 1ding specialists in financial management, mi development, leadership training, risk agement, public relations, chapter agement and other management skills. are particularly pleased to keep the tes - to be renamed "Beta Theta Pi 1dation & Administrative Center" - in ounding community," added Mr. Cottrell. Cincinnati-based architectural firm of rhis, Slone, Welsh, Crossland Architects, has called for remodeling the existing two{ home as the east wing of a traditional ~-part plan, which will resemble a large or house with flanking wings connected to :enter building by arches. The finely iled Greek Corinthian columns from the ting home will be repositioned at the new ance to form a portico proportioned after mas Jefferson's Monticello. ttioned so that the main entrance faces the 1 Campanile on campus, a walkway and k bridge over the new pond will carry the t-line toward the bell tower and symbolize Fraternity's role as a bridge between ege and life beyond. axis established between the Campanile the entry continues through the lobby and pives to a gazebo in the sheltered garden ind the building. At the rear, the garden is 1gned to include the major symbols found e Beta Theta Pi badge. Three stars are Taved into the walkways at the three garden ries to the building. A crescent-shaped 1ath of holly bushes surrounds the diamond ,ern inlaid into the floor of the gazebo. de, sculpture niches in the lobby next to the Beta Theta Pi/Spring 1993



Archives entrance provide display space for a bust of John Reily Knox and a carved wood coat of arms. The Archives is designed to the exact proportions of the badge - an eight-sided Grecian shield. The curved lines of the badge will carry through in carpet borders around the room. At the top of the curving staircase from the lobby, the library-boardroom also repeats the shape of the badge on a smaller scale. Voorhis, Slone, Welsh, Crossland specialize in public buildings - schools, churches, libraries . Recent award-winning designs include the Westover Retirement Community and the Berkeley Square Retirement Community, both in Hamilton, Ohio. Groundbreaking for the new office is scheduled for October 23 , approximately three days after the official legal closing of the purchase with the current owner, G. Coe Potter, Miami '62. Upon relocation to the completed offices in the Fall of 1994, Beta Theta Pi's current quarters are expected to be acquired by the Alpha Chapter House Corporation, owner of the undergraduate Beta Theta Pi chapter house, next door.

INDEX IOLUME 119 3rd General Convenm outside back cover inter, bott, Granville 200, . 6

iministrative Office 13

:l.ministrative Office lrsonnel 202 :lministrative Office aff 5 :lministrative Secrery- New 5 n.lers, John 20 itken, Theodore 278 labama 142 lexander, Brian 196 llen, Patrick 158 'lpha Chapter 22 lpha Chapter Hall of !llle 22 lpha Chapter Spring mquet 22 lumni Associations l, 278 lumni Commissioner's 3port 94 merica's Cup- Bill och 198 outside front wer Spring, rchivist's Report 100 rifran, Bustamil 69 rizona 142, 216 shcroft, John 8 tchison, Richard 139 uburn 142, 216, 81 .uditor's Report 90 .ult, John 71 .ustin, Miles 73 .yres, Bradley 192 agbey, William 206 ailey, Kathy 163 aird's Manual 279 aker, Ernest 138 all State 142 arber, Dean 140 arstow, Lorraine 164 arstow, William 164 ates, William 8 ennett, Jim 76 •eranek, Charles 190 >erry, William 206, 102 !eta Book Corner 68 ieta Dragon-Solid lrass 201 !eta Fund Trustee-New 0

leta Leadership Fund 30 leta Leadership Vorkshops 1991 193, 71 leta Leadership Norkshops 1992 267, 280 !eta Sports Roundup 74, .95, 214 leta Update inside front !over Spring, inside 1:-ont cover Spring, !}side front cover >pring , lethany 143 Jillings, Roger 13 3ishop's 143, 216

Black, Carroll 212 Blackburn, Donald 136 Blair, Herbert 105 inside back cover Convention, Blazer, Cedric 136 Blesch, Jerry 71, 193, 280, 82, 77, 103, 106 Bline, Joseph 192, 128 Bloch, George 138 Boalt, Keith 163 Board of Trustees Report 87 Bolen, Daniel 210 Bolte, Carl 8 Bond, Kit 8 Born, Richard 136 Borrelli, Paul 207, 208, 280 Bosley, James 184 Bostert, Russell 26 Bowling Green 143, 216 Boyd, Richard 10 Brant, Jonathan 23, 157, 107, 108 Brenton, Daniel 107, 108 British Columbia 142, 217, 143 Britson, Brian 74 Brock, Jerry 12 Brooks, Rhys 158 Brooks, Seth 57 Browning, Paul 206, 207 Brundage, Dave 197 Buckner, Robert 190 Bullock, William 12 Bunnell, Gene 164 Bunnell, George 164 Burkert, George 186 Buxton, Todd 106 Cal Poly 144, 217 California 144 , 217 California (Irvine) 48, 144 California (Riverside) 145, 217 , 267 outside front cover Convention California (Riverside) , Installation 2 76 inside back cover Spring, California (San Diego) Colony 145 California (Santa Barbara) 145, 217 California State (Chico) 10, 145, 218 Campbell, Tom 278 Canadian Expansion 101 Cannon, Finley 164 Carleton 146, 218 outside front cover Convention , Carleton Installation 191 Carlson, Steven 139 Carnegie Mellon 218 , 146 Caron, Mark 74 Carr, Christopher 212 Carter-Amondsen, Ruth 56 Case Western Reserve 146, 147,218 Cassady, Thomas 133 , 147 201, 206, 85 , 79, 77, 80, 81, 87 , 104 inside front cover Convention, inside front cover Convention Central Massachusetts Assn 197 Central Michigan 219 Centre 219

Chadd, D 75 Chapter Counselor of the Year, Award 104 Chapter Management Consultant, Position 76 Chapter Management Consultants, New 5, 208 Chapter Publications Awards 105 Childs , Robert 56 Chumley, Keith 140 Cianciola, Charles 210 Cimoroni, Craig 202, 207, 140 Cincinnati 147, 219 Clark, Jeff 277 Clemson Colony 219 Clendening, Carl 20 Clifton, Carr 213 Coats , Brad 26 Colarusso, Anthony 106 Cole, Charles 165 Colgate 148 Collins, Bob 278 Collins, John 276 Colorado Mines 148, 219 Colorado State 149, 219 Columbia 149 Community Service Awards 105, 106 Companion, James 136 Conner, Leslie 12 Conrades, George 1, 2 Convention Candids inside front cover Convention, outside back cover Convention, inside back cover Convention , Convention Golf and Tennis Awards 106 Convention Photographers 127 Convention Roster 113 Convention Synopsis 78 Cook, Jeffrey 10 Corlett, Glenn 211 Corlew, Edward 81 Cornelius, William 205 Cornell 149, 220 Correction-Donald L Cedarblade 184 Correction-Ronald W Mattison 51 Correction-Thomas S Howard 53 Correction-Wayman J Thompson 55 Cottrell, Nancy 23 Cottrell, Philip 23 Cottrell, Robert 5, 23 , 193, 197, 202, 203, 23 , 22 , 79 Covington, John 22 Crabill, Clark 208 Crabill , Susan 208 Crafts , Betty 81, 104 Craig, David 141 Craig, Joe 20 Craig, Thomas 277 Cramer, Donald 70 Cromer, Donald 1, 72 Curtis, Chuck 147 D'Angelo , Michael 260 D'Orazio, Derek 192, 118 Daganhardt, Bob 20 Davis, C 103 Davis, Mike 260 Dawson, Donald 11 , 57,

132 Dawson, Virginia 132 DePauw 150, 220 Deeb, Edward 131 Degitz, Dave 214 Del Pizzo, Ferdinand 79 inside back cover Convention , Del Pizzo, Vince 280 Del Pizzo , Vincent 70, 200, 267, 276 Denison Betas 20 Denver 220 Desert Storm F-15 Fighter 6 Desert Storm Veterans 81 Desmarais, Gregory 277 Detienne , Tom 173 Dickinson 150, 220 Directory 60, 175, 254, 109 District Chief Reports 15 District Chief-Emergency Meet, ing 201 District Chiefs Appointed 206 Dixon, Martin 202 , 71 , 207, 88, 104 Dow, S 105 , 106 Drew, Paul 207 Drugs-Four years of College, Down the Tubes 50 Drummond, Alex 6 Drummond, Gentner 6 Drummond, Kate 6 DuKarm, Jason 204 Dubes, Michael 137 Duffy, Mike 214 Duke 220 Duke, Harold 161 , 161 Duke, Kathryn 161 Duncan , Debbie 202, 207 Dunlap, David 140 East Carolina 221, 150 Eastern Kentucky 150, 221 Easton, John 191 , 192, 200, 206 , 79 , 77, 87, 87 Eberly, Jeannine 163 Ecker, Dave 20 Edelmann, Karl 11, 137, 211 Editor's Note 12, 190, 204 , 78 Editor's Report 98 Elbogen Photography 4 Elliott, Oliver 13 Ellis, Jason 140 Elmore, Kyle 141 Emory 151 , 221 England, Sanford 56 Enright, William 164 Erving, John 163, 193 Etherington , James 3 Etherington, William 1, 3 inside back cover Fall, Evans, Christopher 104 Ewing, Clive 49 Fabek, Thomas 10 Faber, L 270 Falkiner, Charles 158 Fedde, Bill 278 Fein, Bruce 148, 207 Ferguson, Bob 267 Ferguson, C 278 Ferrer, Rob 158 Fertig, Paul 13

Fey, Bonnie 22 Fey, Ralph 22 Fey, Thomas 22 Fine, Michael 200 Flores , Michael 10 Floriani, Peter 86 Florida 151 , 221 Florida Atlantic Colony 151 Florida State 151 Folsom, Burton 55 130, 269 , 79 outside front cover Convention, Folson, Margaret 128 Fortkamp , Jonathan 195 Fraternity Officers Elected 192 Frey, Russell 21 0 Frieda, Gene 34 Frieda, James 140 Fullriede, Rich 26 , 196 GMI-EMI 151 , 222, 86 Gallman , Jason 195 Geddes Award 104 Geleta, Robert 206, 207, 278, 280 General Convention153rd outside back cover Spring , General Secretary's Report 85 General Treasurer's Report 89 George Mason 132, 152 , 222 Georgi, Robert 147 Georgia 152 Georgia Tech 30, 152, 222 Gibson, Vernon 212 Gilb, Charles 278 Gilman , Bill 278 Giovenco, Ralph 260 Glaser, Bryce 200 Glaser, Mitchell 141 Gleason, Allison 21 Gleason, Thomas 21 Goering, Charles 13 Goldberg, Jeffrey 157, 108 Goldsmith, Stephen 73 Collier, John 141 Gott, David 164 Grand, Robert 280, 87, 105 , 128 Grant, James 138 Gravett, Dick 20 Gray, David 147 Green , William 5, 202, 207 Greenbaum , Dan 76 Greenberg, Mark 213 Greene, Edward 200 Greene, Mace 200 Griesen, Charlie 173 Griffin, Richard 147, 106 Grover, Neel 75 Gruber, Thomas 138 Guelph 153, 222 Gunnell, J 202, 207, 230, 89 Gunther, Ernest 200 Gupta, John 202 , 207 Gupta, Rajeev 267, 276 Gutierrez, Eric 140 Gutting, Paul 165 Haberer, John 3 Haddon, Ri chard 190 Hager, Andrew 265

Haldeman, H 103 Hall, Chuck 20 Hall , Donald 165 Hamilton, D 192, 128 Hampden-Sydney 153, 222 Hancock, Roger 141 Hanover 153, 222 Hansen, Tom 197 Harman, Rick 13 Hasbrouck, John 189 Haskell, Charles 213 , 213 Hatcher, J 148 Hatkin , Steven 140 Hauck, Russell 211 Hawaii 153, 223 outside front cover Convention , outside front cover Convention Hawaii Installation 200 Hawken, Philip 260 Hazelwood , Jeffrey 260 Hedley, David 148 Heeke, Angus 137 Heeke , Richard 137 Helm, Kirk 278 Helman, Ronald 211, 79 inside back cover Convention , Help Wanted 14, 194, 209 Hemingway, Ernest 76 Herr, John 190 Hetherington, Rae inside back cover Fall, Hinton, Wesley 105 Historian's Report 99 Hobart, Jim 136 Hobart, Richard 136 Hoium, Vernon 138 Holmes, Burnham 78 Hoppel, Ronald 137 Hornsby, Derek 196 Horton, John 79 Housemother of the Year Award 104 Houser, Douglas 212 Houston 154, 223 Houston, John 165 Howard, Robert 22, 203, 207, 279, 78, 99, 127 Howard, Thomas 53 Huffman, James 126, 86 Huffman, Martha 86 Hultin, Walter 71 Hundhausen , Christopher 192, 128 Iannotti , Michael 140 Idaho 154, 223 Illinois 154, 223 Indiana 154, 223 Indianapolis Alumni Assn 73 Indonesian Honor 69 Investment Funds History 135 Iowa 155, 223 Iowa State 155, 224 Iowa-125th Anniversary 34 Iran Hostage Rescue 68 Irvine, Richard 12 Itano, Kelly 141 Jirus, John 59 Johnson, L 11, 76 Johnson, Todd 9, 202 , 207, 208 , 34, 88 Johnston , Dave 215 Jones, Clifford 106, 127

Jordan, Kathy 193 Jordan , William 193, 207 , 87, 97, 104, 128 Kadoboski, Mark 277 Kaliszewski, John 272 Kalt, Jeff 137 Kansas 156, 224 Kansas City's Bert Bates 8

Kansas State 156, 224 Kearney, Michael 173, 86 Kellner, Ted 173 Kelly, James 271 Kentucky 156 Kenyon 224 Keynote Address 82 Kim , Michael 106 Kimes, Robert 210 Kissling, Arthur 274 Knepley, Gregg 136 Knight, Frank 164 Knight, Nancy 164 Knoesel, Donald 206 , 207 Knox 156, 225 Koch, William 198 outside front cover Spring, Kramer, Kevin 260 Kuehn, Ron 147 Kyle, James 68 LaPorte , Sheldon 101 Lamb, David 68 Langenbeck, Dick 20 Langhammer, Jay 74, 195 , 214 Lavelle, Neal 147 Lawrence 157, 225 Layman, Andrew 158 Le, Tao 139 Leary, Tim 197 Lehigh 157, 225 Lepito, John 158 Lepore, Marc 158 Lesser, Steven 138 Lewellen, John 140 Lewis, H 269 Lewis , Mark 10 Lewis, Mary 269 Liff, Bryan 267, 276 Lindberg, Greg 141 Link, Sharon 173 Lipton, Thomas 9 Lively, F 52 Lloyd, Bruce 135, 267 , 278 , 280, 79, 87, 89, 94 Lloyd, Charles 94 Lloyd, Maryann 94 Logan, Gene 184 Logie, William 5, 9, 202, 203, 88 London Free Press inside back cover Fall, Lonergan, Robert 140 Lorentsen, Kristy 202, 207 Los Angeles Beautiful 166 Louisville 157, 225 Loveland, John 12 Loving Cup Ceremony 128 Lovrien, Larry 132, 173, 192, 277, 79 , 77, 105 Lower, Gary 210 Lugar, Richard 24, 57, 73 , 148 Lynchburg Colony 157 M.I.T. 159, 226

Macintyre, Bruce 158 MacKay, Barry inside back cover Fall, Mackey, James 138 Mahan, Ginny 128 Mahan, Loyd inside back cover Convention, Maine 226 Maino, Dominick 10 Malone, F 211 Manning, Robert 139 Marangi , Kirk 278 Marching Along 10, 136, 210 Marten, Bobbi 193, 280 Martin, Mel 147 Martineau, Steven 104 Maryland 49, 50, 158 , 226 Massey, Walter 206, 101, 106, 127 Maughan, Carl 71 Maurer, John 13 May, Albert 133 McCarty, Curtis 163 McClane , John 137 McClelland, Robert 3 inside back cover Fall, McClung, John 2, 6, 7, 68, 130, 174, 185, 198, 213, 98 McCollum, David 206 McConaughey, Robert 4, 72,134,205 McConnell, Robert 101, 106 McDonald, W 141 McGill 158, 226 Mcllraith , Don inside back cover Fall, Mcivor, Donald 174 McKinnon, Daniel 11 McKnight, Elizabeth 213 McMillin, Thomas 12 McMullen, James inside back cover Convention , McMurtry, Todd 81, 88 McNally, Christopher 227 McPeek, Ken 147 McPeek, Nancy 147 Mead, Robert 13 Meadows, Bill 75 Mears, Leon 69 Memory and Our Mystic Shrine 51, 183, 268 Miami 159, 227 Michigan 159, 227 Michigan State 159, 227 Middle Tennessee State 159, 227, 105 Mignault, James 101 Miller, Carol 202, 207 Miller, David 195 Miller, Gregg 11 Miller, Richard 103 Minnesota 160 Minnesota's Homecoming 160 Missouri 160, 228 Missouri (Kansas City) 160, 228 Missouri President Magrath 8 Mitchell, James 158 Moffatt, Lee 106 Mohr, John 26 Molter, Shelby 279, 280 Moore, Douglas 200

Moore, Justin 141 Moore, Scott 30 Morris, B 103 inside back cover Convention , Morris, Betty inside back cover Convention , Morris, David 206, 207 Morris, William 204 Moses, Sam 213 Mount, Joseph 106 Mountjoy, Lynn 184 Muscare, Nick 147 National IFC 157 Neal , Stanley 70 Nebraska 160 Nebraska's Mountain Bike Chall, enge 161 Newland, Gregory 141 Nieto, Fred 191 Nordstrom, Blake 193 North Carolina 228 North Dakota 161 Northcutt, Birgit 202 , 207 Northcutt, Lucy 163 Northwestern 161 Nuccio, Benjamin 140 Nuccio, Steve 267 Numez, Matthew 141 Ocelot Award 9 Ohio 162 Ohio State 162, 228 Ohio Wesleyan 162, 228 Oklahoma 162 Oklahoma State 163, 229 Oliver, Tim 75 Olrich, Scott 280 Olson, Bryan 140 Onofrio, M 140 Operation Clean Sweep-USC 166 Orben, Bradford 106 Oregon 163, 229 Oros, John 173 Orr, Ronald 280, 103 Osuna, AI 197 Oxford Cup Presentations outside front cover Winter, Oxford Cup RecipientSamuel M, Walton 130 Oxford Cup-Jamie Whitten 132 Paez, Juan 140 Parker, Tom 20 Partridge, Jeff 88, 106 Pasadena Beta Club 267, 278 inside back cover Spring, Paxton, Brenda 202, 207 Peabody, Andrew 141 Peixoto, Mario 213 Pennsylvania 164, 229 Pennsylvania State 164, 229 Pepper, Steve inside back cover Fall, Perham, Guy 193 Persinger, Dick 202, 207 Peters, Richard inside back cover Spring, Peterson, Mark 71 Pfenninger, P 210 Phi Chapter Class of '41 164 Pierpont, Nathan 277 inside back cover Spring, Piester, David 106 Pingry, Charles 165

Preston, Mickey 7, 202, 207 Preuss, Sasha 265 Prime, Morton 207, 94 Proctor, Stephen 208, 207 Ptasienski , Mike 196 Puckett, Paul 202, 203, 277, 888 Puget Sound 164, 258 Puget Sound 30th Anniversary 258 Purdue 24, 165, 258 Raclaw, Todd 22 Radi, Douglas 88 Ramsey, Thomas 128 Rarick, Jack 147 Rathburn, Cindy 202, 207 Raymond, Miner 20 Raze, Steve 214 Readers Write 69, 73, 133 inside back cover Spring Reading, Thomas 10 Recognition Banquet 104 Reed, Stephen 12 Reese, Dave 20 Reese, Jay 96 Reeves, G 211 Reichert, Nicholas 128 Reinhard, Philip 210 Reneau, Jason 140 Reports of District Chiefs 15 Rethrnan, Tom 26 Rhinehart, Mary Ellen 202, 207 Rhode Island Colony 165, 258 Rhodes, John 132, 57 129, 133 outside front cover Winter, Rice, Michael 108, 105 Rich, Joshua 141 Riley, Tom 267 Risk, Charlotte 202, 207 Risk Management Director-, Todd B. Johnson 208 Risk Management-Crit. Situation 201 Roberson, Christian 192 Robinson, Sam 20 Rock, John 227 Rogers, Craig 169 Roosevelt, Tweed 213 Rose, Harold 278 Roseberry, Andy 202, 207 Rupp, Ed 20 Rush Chairmen Summer Addresses 275 Rush County (Ind.) Alumni 155 Russell, 1'y 163 Rutgers 165, 258 Rygmyr, Adam 88 Rygmyr, Adym 9, 207, 202 SUNY Colony 167, 260 Salvation Army 163 Sample, Steven 1, 4 San Diego State 165, 259 San Jose State Colony 174 Sanders , H 206 Schaub, William 193, 79, 106 Schoettle, Eric 195 Scholarship Awards 1991-1992 139

;holarship mmissioner's Report 7

;hott, Steve 195 ;hulkins, Tom 20 ;hweinberg, John 74 ;ott, Tom 211 : ribner, Charles 265 3chrest, Thomas 137 3nour, Robert 165 anseney, J 190 eymour Library-Henry [ 26 halala, Donna 173 haw, Howard 20 hen, Francis 141 hoop, Richard 84 ·1side back cover onvention, hoop , Sally 128 hryer, Davis 165 hula, Dave 196 immons, Wayne 102 inger, Thomas 117 isson Awards 80 kala, Bruce 88, 106 lade , Jim 213 lade, Sherman 169 livkoff, Mark 141 mith, Barbara 23, 207 mith, Christopher 140 mith, Matthew 260 mith, Sherman 169 lnodgrass, Thomas 128 iohngen, Brent 192, 128 ioileau , J 30 iong Activities Direcor-, Shelby L. Molter :79 iophomore Fellows 'rogram 103 >outh Carolina 259 >outh Dakota 166 >outh Florida Colony l67, 259 >outhern California 166 )outhern California New 'resid , ent-Steven B >ample 4 )outhern Methodist 167, !59 )pace Systems Com'tlander- , Donald L :::ramer 72 'pieth, Joel 141 )t. Lawrence 258 5t. Louis Man of the Year-, William E. ::ornelius 205 otephen, Kenneth 191, 101 , 127 Stephenson, H 23 , 202 , 07, 100 Stephenson, Hugh 84, 79

Stern, Michael 158 Steukel, Jason 147 Stevens 167, 259 Stevenson, George 26 Stewart, John 201 ·Stewart, Wayne inside back cover Fall, ·S tidolph, David 7 Stolen Season 68 Stone , Richard 127 •Strawman, David 174 'Swain, Enos 52 •Swanson, Mark 10 Swartley, David 105

Syracuse 260 Tabor, James 164 Taylor, Connie 137 Taylor, John 137 Teddy Roosevelt Expedition 213 Telford, Pete inside back cover Fall, Tennessee 260 Tennessee Tech 168, 261 outside front cover Convention, Texas 168, 261 Texas A&M 168 Texas Tech 168, 261 There's Your Alma Mater 142, 216 Thomas, Donald 165 Thomas , Richard 134 Thomas, Tim 74 Thomas, William 141 Thompson , Jack 277 Thuerbach, Ken 10 Tight, Ted 20 Tinstrnan, Robert 12, 206, 128 Toledo 169, 261 outside front cover Convention, Toledo Installation 204 Toronto 169, 262 Trainor, Alicia 164 Trainor, Robert 164 Traw, Bret 192 Treleaven, Lewis 11 Tulane 262 Thrner, H 13 , 13 Thrner, J 13 Tutor-in-Residence Commissioner's, Report 98 Tutors-in-Residence Program 192 UCLA 217, 144 Ueberroth, Peter 4 Undergraduate Interfraternity, Institute 157 University of the South 166, 259 Utah 169 Vanderbilt 169, 262 Vaughan, Thomas 139 Verduin, Eric 215 Villanova Colony 170, 263 Virginia 263 Virginia Tech 170, 263 Vittoria, Edward 277 Vogt, Gupton 71 126, 87 inside front cover Convention, Wabash 170, 263 Wabash Alumni Assn 25 Wainhouse , Dave 197 Wainwright, George 260 Walden, John 213 Walton, Samuel 129, 130 outside front cover Winter, Ward, Michael 11 Warren, Mike 195 Washington 170 Washington & Jefferson 171 , 264 Washington & Lee 171 Watterson, Stu 20 Weaver, Donald 212 Webb , Christian 141 Weber State 171 Wells , Brian 206

Wesenberg, Jack 98 Wesleyan 171 , 264 Wessels , David 174 Western Ontario 171 , 264 Western Ontario-'63 Grads inside back cover Fall, Westminster 264 Whalen, Kevin 197 Where Do We Get-Where Do We Se, nd outside back cover Fall, White, Carolyn 202, 207 White, David 277, 206, 207 White, Jeffrey 95 White , Kurt 157 Whitman 172, 264 Whitman 75th Anniversary 265 Whitman Choral Cup 105 Whitten, Jamie 129, 133, 132 outside front cover Winter, Whitten , Rebecca 133 Wichita State 172, 265 Wichita State Singing Award 105 Wickstrom, Karl 215 Willamette 172 , 265 Williams , Christopher 139 Williams , Getchel 165 Williams , Steele 139 Willis, D 206 Wills, Melissa 202, 207 Wilson, Benjamin 207 Wilson, Pete 4 Wisconsin 172, 266 Wisconsin (Oshkosh) Colony 173 , 266 Wisco n si n Renovation Ceremony 173 Wittenberg 266 Wright, David 206, 207 Wright State 174, 266 Wylie, Bradley 191 Yale 174, 267 outside front cover Convention, Yale Reinstallation 277 Young, David 48 Young, Marvin 13 Yukevich, Michael 140 Zeleznick, Frank 147 Zito, Donald 280 Zuroberge, James 4 vom Baur, F 136

Obituaries Ackerson , Charles 272 Adams, Robert 187 Aiken, Robert 186 Akers, Daid 185 Alexander, Ralph 58 Allen, Charles 271 Allen, Robert 187 Anderson, Daniel 269 Arendt, Eric 51 Arger, George 58 Arthur, William 187 Astrup, Bert 273 Ault, Robert 271 Austill, Daniel 183 Auten, Bradley 183 Babcock, William 53 Bacon, David 55 Bakewell, Henry inside back cover Spring, Bakewell , Robert 188 Baldridge, Henry 55 Baldwin , 0 53 Bandelin, John 274

Bane, Robert 274 Bankston, John 57 Barber, John 59 Barnes, Walter 186 Barr, Leslie 268, 273 Barrow, John 54 Batdorf, Richard 2 73 Bausewine, George 52 Bayles , George 273 Bean, James 271 Beard, Arthur 51 Beck, John 272 Beckwith, Kenneth 59 Bein, Louis 52 Beld on, Dunham 184 Bennett, George 273 Bentley, Harvey 70 Berkey, Harrison 273 Berson, Robert 272 Beveridge, Arthur 57, 189 Bigelow, Albert inside back cover Spring, Billow, Elmer 271 Binkerd, Alfred 268 Black, Stanley 183 Blackie, William 272 Blanton , Charles 53 Blessing, Michael 54, 58 Boden, Marston 27 0 Boldt, Kyrle 273 Bolton, John inside back cover Spring, Bookhammer, Robert 56 Bosley, James 184 Boss, Ralph 268 Bowman, Robert 187 Bracher, All en 271 Bracken , Alexander 183 Brand, Franz 183, 274 Breeding, William 268 Brewster, James 70 Brink, William 187, 189 Brinkmeyer, Theo dore 184 Britt, John 269 Britton , George 268 Britton, John 56 Brock, John 269 Brown, George 272 Bubb , Harry 184 Bucher, Paul 185 Bullis, John 189 Bulwinkle, Alfred 184 Burkert, John 271 Burnham, Charles 51 Burrell, Beverly 271 Butterfi eld, Robert 51 Cadwell, James 273 Campbell, Eldon 53 Campbell, Fred 59 Campbell. Robert 51 Campbell, Thomas 268 Campbell , Wade 274 Campbell , William 271 Carden, Jeffrey 183 Carmichael, Duncan 187 Carter, D 59 Carter, William 269 Carter-Amondsen, Malcolm 55

Carty, Frederick 268 Cezar, Joseph 185 Chapman, Edward 271 Chappel, DeWitt 56 Chase, Samuel 188 Chesbro , Robert 57 Chessman, Wesley 183 Christensen, Maurice 270 Clark, John 53 Clark, Robert 185 Clemow, Edgar 54 Cobb, William 70 Cochran, Paul 184 Coffindaffer, Taylor 59 Cohen, Philip 59 Conine, James 54 Conine, Michael 274 Connor, Samuel 70 Cook, Jerome 56 Coombs, Layton 274 Cooper, Harry 53 Cooper, John 51 Copeland, Preston 59 Cords, Carl 57

Cote, R 186 Courtney, Thomas 273 Cox, George 56 Cragg. Peter 190 Crail , Robert 187 Crampton, Henry 268, 274 Cravens, Joseph 269 Crawford, Robert 186 Crews, Michael 185 Crichton, Howard 268 Gronwall, Merrill 70 Crossen , David 58 Grosset, Walter 56 Crouch, Charles 270 Culp, Leland 53 Currie, Robert 186 Curry, Curtis 186 Dailey, Billy 271 Dain, Joseph 270 Darnkroger, Paul 54 Damon , James 269 Darr, Wilber 274 Davis, Charles 269 Davis, Hubert 51 Davis , Roger 271 Davis , Thomas 268 DeBuys , William 57 DeHority, Robert 271 DeV!ieg, Donald 268 Deering, Joseph inside back cover Spring, Denny, George 57 Dessinger, Corliss 53 Dibble, Henry 59 Diekroeger, Jules 59 Dietri ch , Richard 52 Dines, Anselm 52 Daisy, Edward 53 Donaldson, Howard 58 Dorman, Matthew 273 Dougherty, Richard 188 Douglass, Jean 59 Downes, Edward 273 Driscol, John 273 Drozdzdinski , Ron 183 Drumheller, Richard 54 , 59

Dry, Morris 54 DuMont, Bruce 184 Duncan, William 272 Dunkel, Harold 268 Dunphy, Alan 53 Duntley, John 187 Dutton, James 57 Dye , Robert 27 0 Eastman, Forest 273 Edwards, Leonard 269 Ehle, John 59 Eldred, Robert 58 Elliott, A 59 Emerson, George 273 Engelbert, Steven 270 England, Heber 56 Evans, H 186 Evans, Maurice 54 Evarts, Prescott 70 Ewin, James 190 Fairbar!k, John 274 Farley, Preston 187 Farrelly, Frank 57 Farrens, William 58 Fenstermaker, William 188 Ferlita, Nelson 53 Finlayson, Birdwell 272 Fischer, Dale 187 Fite, Robert 272 Flegel, Earl 56 Fleming, William 70 Flett, David 188 Flint, Lawrence 268 Floyd, Charles 271 Font, Pierre 27 0 Foster, William 270 Franklin , Roger 57 Fraser, Donald 187 Freihofer, Robert 184, 268 Frye, Jack 269 Fullerton, William 270 , 271 Gaiser, Louis 59 Galbraith, John 58 Galloway, Edwin 59 Gammel, Beardsley 58 Garvey, William 70

Geddes, Donald 55 Geehr, Albert 189 Geiger, Adam 186 Gilkey, John 59 Gill, James 186 Gilmore, Harry 58 Girdler, Joseph 186 Godbe, Norman 269, 272 Goddard, Robert 272 Goggin, John 59 Goodall, John 51 Goode, Frank 269 Goodenow, Royal 270 Goodman, John 59 Gordon , Frank 53 Goslin, !val 272 Graves, Robert 269 Gray, Robert 184 Gray, William 52 Green, Albert 271 Green, Thomas 53 Greer, Samuel 271 Grice, John 58, 59 Grimmer, Matt 190 Grove , Harry 59 Guthrie, Albert 56 Hagen, George 273 Hagist, Edgar 58 Hall, Christopher 269 Hall , Frederic 188 Hall , Stanton 273 Halley, Davi d 274 Halton, Edward 51 Hamill , Davi d 270 Hammond, David 269 Han er, Donald 58 Harrington , George 270 Hartford, Robert 58 Harvey, Robert 53 Hasbrouck, William 186, 188 Hatfi eld, Howard 56 Hatten, Richard 185 Hauser, John 184 Hayes, Philip 183 Hendry, John 53 Herndon, Vernon 183 Hickox, Charles 70 Hickox, Hugh 270 Hin es, Charles 70 Hirtl e, Allen 54 Hitz, John 274 Hodges, Murray 186 Hollister, Robert 188 Holloran, Jam es 273 Holt, Harry 186 Honsberger, Ralph 189 Hopkins, William 268 Hornback, Edward 59 Horner, Carl 58 Horr, George 183 Horton, Ri chard 186 Hough, Norman 53 Houghton, Wilfred 190 Houser, John 268 Hous ley, Richard 58 Hovey, James 59 Howbert, John 268 Howe, James 58 Hubbard , James 58 Hudelson, Ben 269 Huggins, Rollin 54 Hulan, LeRoy 272 Hummel, Louis 269 Hunt, Charles 53 Hunt, William 269 Hunter, George 54 Hus ter, Jam es 271 Hutchinson, Thomas 51 Huyett, Sterling 268 Hyde, Douglas 270 Ikard , Frank 57 li es, Walter 268 Irvine, Robert 55 Iverson, Sidney 271 Jackson, Robert 70, 53 Jahr, Clifford 274 Jeffery, Roy 56 Jermain, Leonard 56 Jervis , Stanley 184 Jewett , Donald 56 Johns, Edgar 58 Johnson , Luther 183

Johnson, William 269 Johnston, Philip 269 Johnston, Stanley inside back cover Spring, Jones, Howell inside back cover Spring, Jones, Roland 58 Kalber, Swisher 184 Kane, Lawrence 70 Kapp, Jerome 274 Keezel, Robert 269 Keil , John 59 Kellerman , George 185 Kellogg, Clark 273 Kennedy, William 269 Kerman , John 189 Kettler, Charles 58 Keyes, Allston 186 Kilrea, Walter 70 Kimball , Charles 56 Kimes , Thomas 186 Kirk, Frank 272 Kittredge, William 59 Klein, Donald 271 Knebel, Lewis 268 Kaffenberger, Arthur 269 Kohler, Robert inside back cover Spring, Kahn, Richard 184 Kokomoor, Franklin 269 Koll , Robert 268 Koonse , Maurice 54 Krause, Walter 58 Krimmel, John 188 Kring, Valbert 273 Kuen , Samuel 271 Kuhn, Philipp 189 Kull , Walter 271 Land, Kaye 59 Lane, Jeffrey 54 Langdon , Richard 59 Larsen, Paul 186 Lawrence, Ewing 57 LeFevre, Fred 52 LeForce, Henry 271 Leahy, William 184 Lefl er, Charles 186 Lehnhard , Jack 57 Lehnhoff, Henry 271 Lehrer, David 274 Lembke, Glenn 188 Lester, Bertrand 59 Liedtke, William 51 , 57 Lincoln, Hawley 274 Linker, Zebulon 271 Logan, Gene 184 Long, Garth 273 Loomis, Maurice 54 Loveland, Washington 189 Loveless, John 184 Loyd , Thomas 270 Lucas, Albert 51, 53 Lueders, David 271 Luscko, Peter 56 Luthy, Martin 59 Lyon , Edward 56 MacDonald , Stephen 272 Mack, Julian 54 Mackedon , Francis 52 Maclean, Norman 184 Maier, F 268 Mann, Clarence 186 Markey, Edward 56 Martin, Roger 273 Martini, Walter 269, 271 Marvin , Kellogg 59 Mason, Warren 184 Masters, John 274 Matiez, William 271 Matthews , James 185 Mawhinney, Edwin 186 Mazzei, Joseph 268 McAfee, William 274 McCague, William 54 McCallister, William 59 McClelland, John 186 McClelland, William 273 McClendon , Henry 53 McConnell, David 269 McCoy, Sean 271 McDell, Barry 183 McDermott, John 57 McDonald, Richard 273

McDowell, John 58 McGettigan, Arthur 56 McGruer, James 59 McGuire, Hugh 268 Mcilwain, Riley 271 McKee, William 53 McKernan, Peter 52 McKinney, John 53 , 57 McLaughlin, Harry 269 McMillan, William 271 , 274 McNaught-Davis, Eric 59 McVie, Alex 57 Mears, Gilbert 187 Meek, John 59 Messick, Charlton 58 Mettee, Carroll 270 Miller, Clarence 273 Miller, Harold 59 Miller, Hubert 187 Miller, Joseph 273 , 271 Miller, Stanley 18 7 Miller, Verlin 58 Millnan, Thomas 58 Mills, John 271 Mills , William 271 Minner, Jack 58 Moler, Arthur 185 Montgomery, David 183 Moran, Willard 56 Morgan, Marshal 187 Moriarty, John 184, 188 Morris, George 56 Morris, John 59 Morris, Robert 59 Morrow, John 59 Morse, Milton 58 Mossuto , Sammy 58 Motter, David 268 Muffly, Harry 59 Murch, Clyde 51 Murphy, James 59 Myers, Lee 53 Nagle, John 52 Nagler, Rand 53 Neal, Robert 274 Neely, David 274 Neill, Eugene 58 Nelson, Bernard 54 Nelson, Marion 273 Newell, George 185 Newman, John 268 Newman , Robert 57 Nicholson, John 54 Nivison, Robert 186 Noble, Paul 271 O'Brien, Miles 270 O'Leary, Paul 188 Oedekoven , Karl-Heinz 187 Oldre, Kelmer 271 Olney, Elbert 52 Olney, Richard 183 Orr, Uriah 59 Otterstrom , Ralph 272 Ottman, Jere 186 Ozias, James 56 Pace, Lawrence 57 Pannabaker, Howard 51 Parker, William 188 Parrish, Isaac 272 Patterson , Craig 273 Patton, Robert 52 Pavalunas , Matt 56 Pearce, James 269 Peck, Girvan 70 Peck, Willard 271, 274 Peeler, Leonard 272 Pennington , Jess 58 Peoples, John 271 Peters , William 55 Pfuetze, Max 270 Phillippi, John 54 Pickens, Kenneth 183 Pinkham, Erick 274 Poenisch, Paul 59 Porter, Cheairs 2 72 Potts, Claude 268 Pratt, Carol 59 Pratt, Sylvester 186 Price, John 185 Price, Laurance 54 Proctor, Edward inside back cover Spring, Pyle, Howard 53

Quackenbush, Paul inside back cover Spring, Quick, Charles 186 Radcliff, William 55 Randels, Karl 185 Ransdell, Dwight 271 Ray, John 189 Read , Eaton 183 Reed , Dean 271 Reed, Robert 269 Reeve, Harold 187 Reid , Ralston 272 Reiffenstein, Kenneth 271 Reinhardt, Julian 53 Rench , Joseph 269 Rhine , Edward 51 Rice, Charles 54 Rice , John 56 Rich , Albert 269 Rich , Thair 272 Riner, James 58 Riser, David 58 Roberts, Leonard 272 Roberts, Richard 269 Robertson, William 70 Robinson , Bartlett 268 Rogers , Bruce 59 Root, Clayton 268 Root, David 270 Ross, Walter 54 Roth, Milo 271 Roudebush , George 213 Rowland , Thomas 187 Ruddy, John 54 Ruehmling, George 52 Ruesch, Robert 57 Rupp, Edson 53 Russe , Henry 186, 270 Russell, Blair 271 Russell, Edward 57 Rynders , Frank 272 Sampson, Bernard 59 Sanford, Robert 53 Sangster, Alexander 274 Sawyer, Roger 186 Sayers, Joseph 57 Scallin, James 56 Schade, John 271 Scheinost, Eddie 58 Schick, George 52 Schiller, Robert 59 Schnaiter, Jesse 269 Schroeder, Jacob 270 Schultz, Steven inside back cover Spring, Schuttera, Paul 186 Schwanenfluegel, Felix 184 Schwartz, Donald 268 Schwenker, Carl 188 Scott, George 185 Scott, Merrill 186 Scott, Rowe inside back cover Spring, Scrobel, William 186 Selders, Loyd 270 Sergeson , Daniel 273 Shank, Thomas 58 Shaw, George 54, 58 Sheline, James 268 Sherman, Allen 58 Sherman , John 271 Shillinglaw, Richard 57 Shoemaker, Dennis 55 Shorett, Lamonte 58 Shoumate, Belford 188 Shurley, Harry 269 Sievers, Verne 58 Sisson, John 55 Sitterle , C 269 Smith, Everett inside back cover Spring, Smith, Horace 57 Smith, Robert 186 Smith, Wilbur 273 Smith, William 190 Smithers, LeRoy 187 Smoyer, Thomas 271 Snyder, Cyrus 189 Snyder, Samuel 189 Sollers, James 270 Southworth, John 271 Spaugh, Ralph 187 Spofford, Charles 55 , 70

Staffeld, Stanley 268 Stafford, Elliot 274 Staley, Jack 58 Stanley, Richard 183 Stavrum, Thomas 59 Steele, Richard 53 Stepp, Thomas 52 Stevenson, Bruce 273 Stevenson, Lorn 271 Stewart, John 268 Stewart, Marcus 53 Stockton, Richard 185, 269 Storck, Robert 59 Stork, Richard 187 Stout, Warren 57 Stowe, Seymour 59 Strand, Harold 188 Strang, Edward 59 Strehlow, Robert 53 Stude, Fritz 270 Stults, Newton 184 Sulcer, Dana 184 Sumner, Karl inside back cover Spring, Swing, James 268 Szatanski, Edward 56 Talcott, Morris 70 Tallman, Gene 54 Tangeman, James 52 Taylor, Frank inside back cover Spring, Tebbe, Carl 70 Tharp , Arthur 271 Thatcher, George 268 Thomas, Robert 52 Thompson, George 53 Thompson, Wayman 55 Tight, Dexter 184 Tilhonen, Laurence 52 Tilson, Paul 70 Timberlake, William 271 Tolle, Stanley 59 Tollzien, Ward 186 Torgeson, Arthur 53 Townes, Edgar 189 Trotter, William 58 Trotzig, Elmer 57 Truitt, Birney 188 Thrner, Harry 55 Thttle, John 59 Tyree, Joseph 57 Ullman, Miles 274 Valentine , John 52 Van Dervort, James 52 Van Marter, LaVerne 187 Van Voorhis, Daniel 185 VanWestrum, Colby 56 Vermillion, Edward 53 Villard, Vincent 59 Voight , Leonard 268 Von Eschen, Ellis 59 Wade, John 274 Wagner, Harold 268 Wakefield, Frank 273 Wallace, William 58 Walton, Charles 271 Walton, Samuel 213 Warden, Charles 274 Warriner, David 272 Watt, Gordon 51 Webb , Clarence 190 Webster, Howard 184 Weir, Homer 269 Welch, Victor 184, 188 Welsh , Madison 184 Wendelburg, Loren 53 Wetherald, Robert 51 Wharton, Armistead 270 White, Charles 273 Whiting, William 55 Whitlock, Robert 54 Wickhem, John inside back cover Spring, Wightman, A 273 Willcutt, Frederick 270 Williamson, Caleb 58 Wilson, Charles 274 Wilson, Larry 185 Winn , John 184 Wise , Ralph 183, 185 Wolcott 272 Wolcott, Bob 273 Wood, James 189

10d, Marion 270 10d, Ronny 187 10d, Thomas 59 10ldridge, Robert 57 vkes, John 54 ride, William 51 ung, George 271 /Ullggren, Oliver 271 vely, James 270

fOLUME 120

ella, Carlos 164 kles, Burlin 56 iams, Scott 130, 131 ~uiar, Richard 164 dn, Scott 222 labama 145, 210 lkire, John 164 lpha Chapter Hall of 1me 21 lpha House 97 lumni Associations 14, 202 lumni Commissioner's 3port 93 lumni Role in Beta heta Pi, Today 190 merican Friends of maica 259 mes, Robert 140 nderson, Henry 68 ngle, Brian 164, 185 rchivist - Wanted Partime 182 rchivist's Report 92 .rizona 145, 210 nold, David 18 •ssistant General 'reasurer's, Report 91 ltlanta Area Alumni 03 mburn 145 210 outside ack cover Spring, ~uditor's Report 80 ~ult, John 144 ~ura Photographic mtside back cover inter, \utry, Jean 108, 126 label, Thomas 141 lader, Mark 67 lagby, John 138 ~ailey, Jason 164 3aldwin, Christopher l85 all State 145, 210 danks, Thurston 64 anta, Betsie 9 arlow, Lance 222 arnette, Curtis 259 arnhart, Peter 109 arry, Andrew 109 arry, Sean 199 Barsi, Joe 167 atman outside front cover Spring, Becker, Ian 205 ecker, Stephen 9, 143, 79, 119, 9 ehlmann, Brian 164 Bellamy, Mark 164 Bellows, George 189, 194 inside front cover Spring, Eelt, Christopher 131 !Bennett, James 185 !Bernal, Richard 259 !Berry, William 64 Beta Book Corner 65 Beta Leadership Fund 1' 230 J Beta Leadership Fund 1 and, Telemarketing 143

Beta Leadership Workshop 185 Beta Leadership Workshops 1992-93 262 Beta Sports Roundup 66, 166 Beta Sportswear 62 Beta Theta Pi Foundation and, Administrative Office outside back cover Fall , Beta Theta Pi Jewelry inside back cover Convention, Beta Theta Pi New Foundation and, Administrative Office inside back cover Spring, Beta Theta Pi Sportswear & Gifts 97 Beta Update inside front cover Fall, Beta's Newest Chapters outside front cover Fall, Betas make the Wright Decisions 259 Bethany 210 Bettger, Howard 185 Binghamton 1, 145 210 outside front cover Spring, outside back cover Spring Birtch, Grant 144 Bishop, Steve 66 Bishop's 146 Blair, Herbert 85, 73, 9 Blair, Steve 164 Bledsoe, Scott 60 Blesch, Jerry 144, 137, 107, 91, 262 Bloom, Lawrence 164 Board of Trustees Report 86 Bolar, Mark 65 Borchers, Benjamin 141 Bordine, Corey 65, 3 Bark, Reid 140 Borrelli, Paul 108 Bowling Green 146, 211 Boyd, A 148 Bradbury, Jon 164, 141 Brant, Jonathan 128 Bravaldo, Donald 185 Breeze , William 144 Bremner, Norman 185 Brenner, Darren 142 British Columbia 146, 211 British Columbia Alumni Assn 202 Britson, Brian 66 Broken Pledges 192 Brooks, Seth inside front cover Winter, Brown, Brandon 222 Brown, George 204 Browning, Paul 130 Bryan, Scott 164 Buck, Adam 164 Buck, Joey 64 Bulvony, Matt 129 Burchfield, John 211 Burdette, Christopher 85 Burnett, Howard 131 Burnside, Jim 214 Buroker, Andrew 202 Burr, Patterson & Auld Company 260 inside back cover Spring, Burry, John 138 Butman, David 24 Cal Poly 147, 211, 212

Calhoun, Charles 11 California 146, 211 California (Irvine) 146, 211 UCLA 211 California (Riverside) 147, 148, 212 California (San Diego) Colony 6, 147, 212 California (Santa Barbara) 147, 212 California State (Chico) 147, 212 Caplinger, Robert 39 Carleton 147, 212 Carlson, E 256 Carnegie Mellon 147, 212 Carnegie Mellon Wartime Betas, Gather 203 Carolan, Edward 164 Case Western Reserve 148, 212 Cassady, Betsy 137, 77 Cassady, Danny 137, 77 Cassady, Jenny 137, 77 Cassady, Karen 137, 77 Cassady, Thomas 137, 108 87, 86, 77, 76 , 75, 74, 73, 69 inside front cover Convention, outside back cover Convention Cassady, Todd 137, 77 Cecil , Stephen 164 Central Michigan 213 Central New England Alumni Assn 202 Centre 148, 213 Chaikin, Brian 164 Chandler, Daniel 60 Chapter Counselor of the Year, Award 109 Chapter Management Consultants, - New 9 Chapter Publications Awards 109 Chase, Michael 114 Children's Burn Awareness, Program 6 Cincinnati 148, 213 Classified 182 Clearwater Alumni inside back cover Fall, Clees, Joseph 10 Clemson 6, 213 Cobb, Alex 211 Colby, William 7, 262 Colgate 148, 213 College Costs - Want to trim 139 Colorado Mines 148, 213 Colorado Springs Alumni Assn 202 Colorado State 214 Columbia 148, 214 Community Service Awards 108 Comstock, John 63 Convention Basketball Awards 125 Convention Candids 127 9 outside back cover Convention, inside front cover Convention, Convention Minutes 72 Convention Photographer 8 Convention Report 8 Convention Roster 111 Convention Synopsis 70 Convention Tennis Awards 109

Convention Volleyball Award 108 Cordes , William 251 Cordova, Fabian 108 Corlett, Glenn 11 Corlis, William 110 Cornell 214 Costa, Mark 130, 131 Cote, Ryan 199 Cottrell, Nancy 94 Cottrell, Robert 137, 94, 73, 190, 9 Courage, Johnathon 90 Craft, Bill inside back cover Fall, Craul, Philip 18 Cronstedt, Jean 18 Culver, John 202 Daganhardt, C 202 Dartmouth 148 Davenport, Scott 164 Davis , R 142 Dawson, Donald 126, 259 DeFriese, Jon 164 DePauw 149, 214 Del Pizzo , Ferdinand 109, 110 Del Pizzo, Vincent 130, 136, 110, 76, 74 Delo, David inside back cover Fall, Demelis , Michael 164 Dempsy, Daryl 222 Denison 149 Denver 214 Derby, Michael 199, 256 Dickinson 214 Dimma, William 12 Director of Advancement & Alumni, Relations - New 9, 79 Director of Expansion inside back cover Winter, Directory 42, 175, 95, 205 District 33 Alumni Cookout 144 District Chief Reports 15, 168 District Chiefs Appointed 137, 203 Dixon, Martin 6 inside back cover Winter, Dlugonski, Peter 130 Dlugosh, Jason 31 Dobler, James 110 Dobler, Janie 110 Dolan, Brian 131 Dolibois, John 110 outside front cover Convention, Dolibois , Robert 127 Dolibois, Winnie 110 Don't Get Mad-Get Even 201 Donaldson, John 60 Donell, David inside back cover Fall, Donnelley, R.R. & Sons 2

Donohue, Christian 140 Draheim, Eric 24 Driscoll, James 185 Dunkel, John 202 Dunlap, W 110 Dunlap , William 110 Eadie, Jonathan 164 East Carolina 149 Eastern Kentucky 149, 215 Eastern Washington Colony 34, 149, 215

Easton, John 184, 87, 78 Ecker, David 202 Edelmann , Karl 11 Editor and Director of, Communications - New 89 Editor's Note 145 , 164 198 inside front cover Spring, Editor's Report 89 Ellingsen, Donald 12 Emory 149 Emry, Michael 164 Enyart, James 146 Enz, Lee 138 Erving, John 9, 164 Everheart, Matthew 200 Expansion Report 6 Fagan , Christopher 6 Feddersen, Paul 164 Ferguson, C 202 Fielding, Scott 185 Finsel, Stuart 146 Fite, Dean 10 Fix, Lloyd inside back cover Fall, Florida 215 Florida Atlantic Colony 150, 215 Florida State 150, 215 Folmar, Christopher 189 outside front cover Spring, Folsom, Burton 110, 74 Folsom , Margaret 110 Fox, Edward 130 Fox Valley Alumni 144 Frame, Mark 65 Fraternal Fifties 1992-93 206 Fraternity Officers Elected 136 Frawley, Robert 132 Frederick, Tony 261 French, Jack 144 Frey, Donald 18 Frey, Douglas 18 Friedrichs, Edward 262 Frost, Jed 205 Fund Trustee Report 7 Fund Trustees 184 GMI-EMI 150, 215 Gallo, Tony inside back cover Fall, Galloway, E 144 Gardener - Wanted PartTime 182 Garner, Julie 260 Garton, Robert 202 Gemma, Jerry 85 General Convention Highlights, of 153rd inside front cover Fall, General Convention154th 186, 264, 7 General Officers , New 136 General Secretary's Report 75 General Treasurer's Report 78 Gentile, Marc 164 George, Jason 148 George Mason 150, 126, 215 Georgia 150, 215 Georgia Tech 150 Gherardini , Jeff 66 Ghoshal, Ritwick 164 Gillespie, Jack 144 Goetzke, Frederic 24 Goldblatt, Brett 142 Goldstein, Jordan 40

Golem, Thomas 201 Goodrich, Glenn 164 Goto , Leo 5 Grand, Robert 64 , 87 Grant, Douglas 185 Green, William 65, 143 Greenhagen , Cameron 222 Gregg, Clifford 134 Gregg, John 134 Griffin, Charlene 110 Griffin, Richard 70, 110, 76 , 69 9 Grinnell , Matt 68 Guelph 150, 216 Guild , Philip 253 Gunderson, Steve outside back cover Convention, Gunnell, J 60, 141 Gutierrez, Eric 164 Haas, Heather 142 Haas , Walter 142 Hahn, William 132 Hamilton, Charles 253 Hamilton, D 64 Hammond, Clean 11 Hampden-Sydney 151, 216 Hanover 151, 216 Harris, Robert 18 Harwood, Todd 164 Hashmi , Arouj 185 Hatfield , Mark 74 , 69 outside front cover Convention , Hawaii 151, 216 Hayes, Dan 259 Hayes , Patrick 199 Heller, Chris 204 Helm, F 144, 202 Helman , Ronald 21 outside back cover Spring, Helms, Andy 167 Help Wanted 13, 174, 205 Heroes for Hope 189, 200 outside front cover Spring, Herring, Samuel 142 Herron , John 21 Hethrington, Dave 167 Hicks , Joe 214 Hill, John 138 Hippler, R 199 Historian's Report 93 Ho, Frank 141 Hodge , Chad 164 Hoek, Dan 164 Holden, Glen 107, 259 Home on the Hill inside back cover Spring, Hook, Harold 107 outside front cover Convention , Hopkins, Celwyn inside back cover Fall, Horn , David inside back cover Fall, Horton, John 137, 262 Horton - California's Officer of, the Year 262 Hoshar, Thomas 132 Hotchkiss, Farris 12 Housemother of the Year Award 108 Houston 151 Houston Alumni Association 144 Howard, Robert 21 , 134, 93 , 89, 195 Howbert, Van 53

Hundhausen, Christopher 50 Hunt, Harry 202 Hunter, David 199 Hutchman, Robert 164, 141 Hutton, Skott 164 Idaho 151 , 216 Illinois 150, 151, 216 Indiana 152 Indianapolis Alumni Assn 202 Ingram , Grant 66 Inter Fratres inside front cover Spring, inside front cover Spring , Iowa 152, 217 Iowa State 14, 152 , 109 Isaly, Charles 70, 69 Jackson, Christopher 185 Jackson, Theodore 18 James , Craig outside back cover Convention, James , Michael 131 Jennings, Kent 189 outside front cover Spring, Jochim, Ryan 31 Johns Hopkins 1, 152 , 125, 217 outside front cover Spring, Johnson, L 129, 136, 89 Johnson, Stephen 262 Johnson, Todd 65 Johnson, William 202 Johnston, Donald 132 Jones, Richard 137 Jordan, Kathy 88 Jordan, William 88, 887, 86 outside front cover Convention Junor, John 259 Juszozyk, Donald 213 Kaduboski, Mark 142 , 109 Kahrilas, Nicholas 173, 202 Kaminsky, Frank 164 Kansas 152, 217 Kansas - House of Usher, Rises Again 132 Kansas State 152, 217 Kasa, Thomas 164 Keegan, Brian 164 Kelley, Sean 185 Kentucky 153, 217 Kenyon 153 , 217 Keough, Donald 3 Kern, C 261 Kessler, Micah 164 Keynote Address 74 Kibler, William 144 Kimes, Robert 141 King, Edward 128 King, H 52 King, Joe 138 Kinkade, John 174 Kirkland, Scott 222 Kline, Huber 18 Knickles, Vernon 144 Knox 218 Ko , Jonathan 125 Krach, Carl 183 Kurtz, George 185 Kurtz, Georgia 185 Kurtz, Jerry 185 Kurtz, Paul 185 Kurtz, Penn 185 Kurtz, Tim 185 LaLance, Robert 4 LaPorte, Sheldon 291 Labus , Theodore 142 Lake, Jason 140

Lamp , David 211 Langenderfer, S 164 Langhammer, Jay 66 , 166 Langos, Geoffrey 164 , 141 Lasting Moment outside back cover Spring, outside back cover Spring, Lawrence 153 , 218 Lawson, Bill 144 LeFlore, Byron 138 Leadership Academy 263 Leadership Academy (1st Annual) 188 Leadership Advisor's Report 91 Lee , Collin 141 Lee, Windham 164 Lehigh 218 Lehigh Centennial 132 Lembicz, Michael 141 Leonard, Kirstin 185 Leonard , Nancy 185 Leonard, Ryan 185 Leonard, Timothy 185 Letters to the Editor 129, 257 Letuchy, Yura 67 Leukenhaus, Scott 31 Librarian - Wanted PartTime 182 Ligon, Thomas 138 Linxwiler, Louis 254 Lipton , Thomas 9 Logan , Edward 108 Logie, William 64, 165 Long, Jerry 66 Lanzo, Lee 10 Lopez, Naomi 200 Lopez, Robert 164 Lorentz, Pare 65 Louisville 113 , 218 Loving Cup Ceremony 24 Lovrien, Larry 87 , 84 Lowe, Randall 164, 185 Lugar, Richard 107 Luke, John 1, 1, 4, 4 Lynchburg Colony 218 M.I.T. 154, 219 MacRae, Lachlan 201 Mack, Robert 131 Madosky, Barry inside back cover Fall, Maine 6, 153 , 219 Manning, Tim 158 Marching Along 10, 138, 199 Marco, Rex 142 Marconi, Andrew 160 Marcum, Joseph 138 Marriott, David 35 Marten, Bobbi 10 Martin, David 164 Maryland 41, 40, 154, 219 Massey, Walter 110, 9 Massine, Russell 141 Mayfield, Les 14 McCall, Brian 141 McCall , John 202 McCasland, T 199 McClelland, Robert 12, 63 , 133, 90 McClung, Edie 137 McClung, John 4, 8, 136, 137, 70, 90, 89, 86, 72 McConaughey, Robert 2 McConnell, Robert 9

McCoy, Sean 58 McCready, Mark 4 McGill 153, 154, 218, 221 McKinley, Robert 137 McLaughlin, Robert 164 McLeland, Allan 60 McMillin , Alvin 174 McMullen , J inside back cover Fall, McMurray, William 185 , 133 McQuown, Rick 24, 144 Memory and Our Mystic Shrine 52, 170, 250 Menzies, Donald 185 Merritt, Steven 212 Meyer, Nation 132 Miami 154, 219 Michael , Charles 214 Michigan 154, 219 Michigan State 154, 220 Middle Tennessee State 154, 108, 220 Mignault, James 87 Miller, Donald 258 Miller, Richard 107, 91 Miller, Wayne 222 Minielly, Craig outside back cover Winter, Minnesota 220 Minnillo, P.J. 164 Mississippi 155, 220 Missouri 155 , 109, 220 Missouri (Kansas City) 155 , 220 Mohammed , John 212 Molter, Shelby 73 Montgomery, Billy 214 Moore, Justin 164 Moore, Mark 185 Moore, Robert 202 Mootz, James 164 Morgan, Ross 202 Morris , B 64 , 130, 107, 74 9 Morris, David inside back cover Fall, Morrow, William 60 Mourouzis, Nick 165 Mulford, Jean 52 Murphy, Franklin 199 Muskovich , Mike 144 Musselmann, David 141 Nabb, Jason 31 Nagel, Keith 164 Neary, Bryan 31 Nebraska 31 , 155 Necciai, Brian 141 Neumann, Daniel 164 Newberry, Eric 222 Newlon, A 202 News From Here and There 258 News from here and there 184 Nicholas , Ryder 60 Nielsen, Josh 167 Nordstrom, John 256 North Carolina 221 North Dakota 155, 221 Northwestern 155, 221 Northwestern Reunion 221 Nuccio, Steven 142 Nugent, Shane 137 O'Brien, Jack 4 O'Toole, Robert 10 Ohio 156, 221 Ohio State 156 221 outside back cover Spring, Ohio University News Services 185

Ohio Wesleyan 156, 221 Oklahoma 156, 221 Oklahoma State 156, 222 Omicron Delta Kappa 185 Order of Omega 164 Oregon 156, 222 Oregon State 157, 222 Orr, Ronald 107, 202 Orrill, Jay inside back cover Fall, Orthwein, J 256 Oxford Cup Recipient Harold S, Hook 127 Oxford Cup Recipient John E, Dolibois 127 Oxler, Jude 153 Palm, William 203 Pankey, Michael 10 Parker, Kenneth 18 Parker, Thomas 202 Partridge, Jeff 3 Pasadena Beta Club 144, 202 Passanissi , John 164 Patek, Dean 185 Patrick, Fred 71 Patterson, Richard inside back cover Fall, Pearson, Paul 118 Peck, John 138 Pedlar, William 203 Peede, Jon 60 Pennsylvania 157 , 222 Pennsylvania State 157, 222 Penrod, Tyler 222 Peterson , Hans 185 Peterson, Laura 213 Peterson, Ronald 203 Peterson, Todd 164 Phenneger, Dick 34 Phenner, Christopher 219 Phillips, Jeff 222 Phillips, Jemie 214 Phillips, Michael 202 Philpot, Richard 138 Phoenix Area Alumni Assn 203 Pickard, Robert 185 Pielert, Matt 167 Pikes Peak Alumni Assn 202 Pillifant, Thomas 164 Pogue, John 144 Poole, James 61 Posey, J 144 Potter, James 202 Powers, Scott 138 Prayer Breakfast 128 Prentice, Andrew 65 Priebe, Louis 11 Prime, Morton 93 Princeton 223 Princeton Colony 6 Privacy Protected 206 Procter, Steven 211 Proctor, Stephen 65 , 211 Prokell, Peter 164, 142 Puckett, Paul 65 Puget Sound 157, 223 Purdue 157, 223 Quigley, John 11 , 11 Radi, Douglas 65 Rank, Steve 164 Raze , Steve 205 Rea, Jack 130 Readers Write 14 Rearwin, Ken 262 Rearwin, Royce 262 Recognition Banquet 108 Redmon, Gant outside back cover Convention,

~se, David 202 we, John 10 b.nert, Francis 13 2 iter, Mark 141 neau, Jason 164 ode Island 1, 157 tside front cover .nter, ode Island Colony 108 odes, John 72 .odes, William 259 Joni, Bruno 164 :e, Michael 164 ·hbins, Rex 84 outside mt cover Convention, 1herts, Ronald 165 tse, Charles outside ck cover Convention, 1senfeld, Evan 131 \thenberger, Jim 260 1we, David inside back .ver Fall, 1pp, Edward 202 1sh Chairmen Summer tldresses 2 57 1ssell, William 12 1tgers 223 ygmyr, Adym 65 ample, Steven 144 m Diego State 158, 223 Jose State Colony 6, )8, 222, 223 .m toni, Chris 130 ipio, Richard 11 atterly, Eric 140 chaefer, Thomas 132 chaefer, William 131 challer, John 65, 138 chaub, William 9 chaupp, Robert 23, 112,

cheele, Sam 164 cheele , Stephen 140 chlueter, John 141 chnese, Robert 144 choettle, Eric 167 1cholarship Awards 992-1993 140 Jcholars hip :ommissioner's Report 8

>chuenemann, Kyle 164, .42 ;eibels, George 258 >elway, James 142 >haw, Howard 202 lhea, Ryan 164 lhepard, D 140 )hoop, Richard 74 :>hart, Steven 261 )ilveus , Michael 138 i>immons, Chris 164 ~ims, Travis 166, 167 'inger, Sara inside back ~over Fall, Singer, Thomas inside back cover Fall, Sisson Awards 108 inside front cover Convention, Skoyles , A 185 ·S mith, Barbara 219 •Smith, Betty 219 ·Smith, G 9, 185 Smith, Stanley 206 'Snow, George 164 •Sohngen, Brent 61 Sommer, John 199 'Song, Moses 141 'Sophomore Fellows !Program 107 South Carolina 158, 223 South Dakota 158

South Florida Colony 6, 158, 224 Southern California 158, 224 Southern Methodist 158, 224 Southern Ontario Alumni Assn 202 Spirko, Robert 64 Sports 204 Squire, C 185 St. Julian, Joseph 141 St. Lawrence 157, 223 St. Peter, Steve 132 Stack, Bryan 222 Staff Positions Change 136 Steckel , Jason 164 Stegmeyer, Kirk 203 Steiner, Kenneth 65 Stephenson, H 92 Stephenson, Hugh 109, 126, 126 Stevens 159, 224 Stevens, Ron 193 Stewart, George outside front cover Winter, Stewart, Gordon 259 Stewart, William 52 Stidolph, David 12 Stone, Richard 90 Strader, Todd 214 Stratman, Erik 141 Strilesky, James 136 outside front cover Convention, Stromberg, Craig 164 Sturges, Sharman 110 Subramanian, Anand 185 Sumner, Melissa 77 Swanson , Kristofer 144 Swindle, Jason 164 Syracuse 159, 224 Szwalek, Damian 131 outside front cover Winter, Tanner, James 185 Taracevicz, B 164 Telemarketing - Clearly an Earful 143 Tennessee 108, 224 Tennessee Tech 159, 108, 225 Tennessee Tech Installation 64 Teplica, David 6 Texas 159, 225 Texas (Arlington) 3 7, 159, 225 Texas A & M 159, 225 Texas Tech 158, 225 There's Your Alma Mater 145, 210 Thomas, Ronald 185 Than, Thomas 199 Tiemeyer, Nathan 140 Tight, Dexter 202 Tillotson, R 259 Tilock, Fred 110, 203 Tinstman, Carl 77 Tinstman, Lela 77 Tinstman, Robert 77 Tobolsky, Frank 11 Toledo 160, 225 Toole, Padraic 130 Toronto 160, 226 Torres, Russell 164 Traber, Chris 164 Traw, John 61 Tritley, Matthew 164 Tulane 29, 160, 226 Tutor-in-Residence

Commissioner's, Report 95 Tutors-in-Residence 1992-93 60 Tyler, Travis 164 UCLA 146 Undergraduate Address 84 Union 160 University of the South 158, 108 Utah 160, 226 Van Riper, Paul 133 Vanderbilt 160, 108, 226 Vaughan , Thomas 21 Veatch, M 144 Veatch, Melvin 114 Vedder, Charles 140 Vicente, Michael 185 Villanova 160, 226 Villanova Colony 6, 161 Virginia 226 Virginia Tech 161, 227 Virginia Tech Award 109, 108 Vogt, Grace 109 Vogt, Gupton 130, 109, 127, 87 9 Wabash 161 , 227 Wagner, S 18 Wallner, Phillip 152 Walter, Aaron 23 Walter, Ashley 3 Walter, Carol 3 Walter, Charles 138 Walter, John 1, 2 Walter, Lindsay 3 Walter, Shane 23 Walter, Tony 223 Warner, David 164 Washington 35, 162, 227 Washington & Jefferson 227 Washington & Lee 162 , 227 Washington (St Louis) 227 Washington (St. Louis) 161 Washington State 162, 227 Washington and Jefferson, Sesquicentennial 130 outside front cover Winter, Waugh, Tucker 214 Weaver, Todd 141, 219 Webb, E 18 Weber State 162, 227 Wells, Brian 132 Wellshire Inn 5 Werner, Jody 214 Wesenberg, Jack 3, 94 , 74 Wesleyan 162, 228 West, Adam 201 West Virginia 163, 228 Western Ontario 162, 228 Western Ontario 40th Anniversary 133 Western Ontario Alumni 185 Westminster 163, 228 Westvaco Corp 4 Whaley, Kevin 67 Where Do We Get-Where Do We Se, nd 51 White, David 130 White, George 141 White, Irvin 18 White, Paul 199 Whitman 163 Whitman Choral Cup 108

Whitworth, Jason 222 Wichita State 163, 228 Wichita State Singing Award 108 Wick, Albert 18 Wick, Frank 18 Wilder, Ronald 164, 140 Wile , Roger 144 Wilferth, Joe 214 Willamette 163, 228 Williams, Chris 164 Williams , Owen outside back cover Winter, Williams, Ray 185 Williams , Steele 164 Wilson, Charles 65 Wilson, James 219 Wilson , Michael 222 Wink, Christina 9 Wink, Stephanie 9 Winkler, Scott 164 Winter, Mike 164 Winter, Wint 132 Winters, Robert 18 Wisconsin 163, 229 Wisconsin (Oshkosh) Colony 6, 163, 229 Wittenberg 163, 229 Wollman, Craig 6 Wortzel 164 Wright State 164, 229 Wynner, Robert 142 Yale 164, 109, 229 Yates , Gerald 259 York University Board Chairman , -William Dimma 12 Young, William 10, 138 Zaloom, George 14 Zamcheck, Frank 211 Zimmer, David 258 Zmich, Ronald 141

Obituaries Aikin , Dean 252 Aitken, John 53 Allen , James 55 Alley, Roger 2 56 Ander, Ralph 255 Anderson, Alton 172 Anderson , Donald 52 Anderson , Paul 254 Andrews, James 55 Angelo, Joseph 255 Armstrong, John 59, 173 Arnold, Earle 59 Arnold , Willard 251 Atwood, Allen 171, 251 Avant, John 171 Bach , Charles 56 Bachman, Donald 55 Bachman, G 171 Bachman, John 55 Baker, Albert 52 Baker, Larry 56 Baker, William 253 Balch, William 54 Baldwin, William 59 Ballard, Robert 54 Barlow, A 58 Bateman , Harris 57 Bates, John 251 Bauer, John 170 Baxter, Preston 172 Baxter, Richard 1 73 Beckenbauer, William 174 Becker, Robert 170 Belcher, William 252 Belden, Edward 52 Belden, Jerry 254 Bell, Robert 56 Benson , William 255 Bird, Melban 58 Bird, Sidney 170 Bl'ornson, Richard 253 B anding, Robert 61 Blaurock, Carl 251

Bohannon, Joe 252 Bollinger, Joseph 58 Boomer, John 56 Braatz, Clayton 256 Brayton , Alembert 171 Breazeale, Maurice 172 Brown, John 58 Brown, Edwin 55 Brownell, Frederick 253 Brownlee, Alden 55 Bryngelson, Ivan 252 Bunn, Thomas 254 Bunyard, Phillip 172 Butler, William 53, 56 Campbell, Earl 252 Campbell , Robert 174 Carlisle, Gregor 256 Carlyle, David 58 Carpenter, Hubbell 55 Carpowich, Charles 173 Carter, William 55 Cassner, Glen 172 Castel, Peter 58 Caughey, Robert 254 Chambers, William 170 Chandler, Robert 170 Chapman, Thomas 173 Cheek, James 57 Cheney, William 53 Chisholm, Robert 61 Choy, Oliver 54 Claiborne, Martin 58 Clark, David 253 Clark, Donald 174 Clark, Sidney 250 Clarke, Herbert 170 Clayburgh, Mark 172 Cleary, Richard 53 Clever, Clifford 171 Coates, William 255 Coble, Robert 170 Cockrell, Thomas 252 Collins, James 57 Collins, Robert 173 Collisson , Henry 54 Colton, John 58 Condit, Charles 56 Condon, Robert 253 Conley, Charles 171 Conover, Peter 253 Cook, Harold 253 Cook, Robert 253 Cooke, John 59 Cordes, William 251 Cormack, William 54 Cornell, Norman 174 Cornish, John 173 Cornwall, John 56 Cousens, John 251 Cowell, James 253 Cozart, William 170 Crane, Paul 251 Creveling, John 250 Crosby, Hewitt 254 Crowe, Richard 251 Crowley, Robert 172 Culbertson, William 57 Culver, John 251 Cummings, Joseph 255 Cutler, Charles 55 Daggett, John 56, 58 Dahlstrom, Berti! 173 Dale, Oran 57 Dallas, Jack 57 Daugherty, Donald 173 Davenport, Horace 171 Davenport, John 254 Davis, Henry 59 Davis, Thomas 52 Day, Horace 172 DePew, Thomas 53 Deedrick, William 171 Dennehy, R 252 Devonald, David 253, 253 Dickey, Ralph 252 Dickinson, Charles H 171 Dingwall, James 53 Ditson, Christopher 170 Dobson, Mason 52 Drake, Donald 173, 173 Dubes, Scot 171 Duvall , Edward 250 Dyer, Herbert 172

Early, Ellis 59 Eastman, Lucius 250 Eddy, William 58 Eden, Barry 174 Edwards , John 253 Egan, Thomas 173 Eggleston , John 254 Ehrbar, Robert 55 Eibel, Fred 254 Ellingson, V 52 Ellison, Jam es 59 Emblen, Donald 253 Emm ert, John 251 Engstrom, Robert 253 Epps, Richard 174 Evans, Rees 58 Faison, Stuart 59 Fasone, Rod 252 Faulkner, Kent 58 Fergusson, James 251 Fife, William 174 Finch, William 254 Fischer, Richard 57 Fishburne, Junius 59 Fisher, Gary 58 Fisher, Robert 59 Fisher, William 173 Flanders, William 172 Flather, Verne 52 Flenniken , Cecil 54 Flood, Paul 58 Floyd, Harry 253 Fly, George 171 Foerster, Darryl 52 Franklin, Roger 59 Freda, Thornton 55 Freeman , Gale 172 Freiwald, Carl 172 Freyer, John 171 Fulton, David 173 Gaiennie, Louis 173 Gamble, John 173 Gardner, Thomas 252 Garmon , Gregory 52 Garst, John 53 Geddes, William 250 George, Wallace 54 Gere, B 58 Gibbons, Ralph 255 Giesey, Wilbur 250 Gilfillan, Charles 171, 174 Gillespie, Howard 55 Gillie, Percy 59 Glanville, Frederick 256 Glass , Julian 59 Gordon , Frank 255 Gordon, James 173, 252 Grabenhorst, Geoffrey 58 Graham, Edward 172 Graham , Howard 54 Giassmuck, Louis 251 Green , James 250 Green, Karl 57 Green , William 256 Greenl ee, Warren 253 Gregg, Clifford 170, 134, 73 Greif, Jack 171 Gulick, Floyd 57 Gulka, Thomas 172 Haines, Frederick 56 Haley, Ora 170 Hall , Berkeley 255 Hall, John 55 Hall ey, William 17 Hamilton, Roger 58 Hamilton, Samuel 173 Hamlin, Franklin 250 Hampton, Howard 55 Hangen, Wells 250 Hansen, Donald 56 Hanson, Richard 52 Harkness, Russell 170 Harris, Jack 55 Hart, William 54 Harwood, Wallace 58 Hauck, Russell 56 Haupt, Erik 251 Hausladen, Joseph 59 Havilland, Ben 255, 256 Hawkins, Leland 52 Hayn es, Walter 61 Hazlett, Richard 55

Heald , Glen 173 Heil, Frank 59 Hemingway, Edward 250 Henke, Harry 59 Henkle, Roger 56 Henry, William 53 Herget, Walter 254 Hewett, Henry 253 Higgs, William 170 Hillas , Kenneth 251 Hilton, Jon 251 , 252 Hinds, Ralph 253 Hintz, Marc 55 Hladky, Donald 55 Hoar, Carl 57 Hodgden, Walter 173 Hogan, Samuel 57 , 172 Hoke, Gordon 255 Holly, Harold 253 Holt, James 56 Honeywell, Jesse 171 Hard, Thomas 56 Horn, Richard 58 House, James 59 Houston, George 53 Howard, Curtiss 53 Howard, John 172, 253 Howard, William 255 Howbert , John 53 Hughs, Edwin 252 Hunting, David 172 Hurley, Thomas 255 Hursh , Neil 172 Huse, Wesley 250 Husted, Stanley 61 Hyde, Douglas 55 Ingram , George 59 Ives, Dermod 171 Jackson , William 58 Jacob, James 255 Jacquin , Wentworth 173 Jeffers, William 58 Jeffreys, Kenneth 251 Jennell , William 56 Jewett, Douglas 58 Johnson, Donald 171 , 171, 251 Johnson, Gordon 55 Johnson, Hiram 170 Johnson , Rudolph 58 Johnson , S 171 Johnson , Walter 170 Jon es, Charles 256 Jones, Walter 171 Jones, Winfield 55 Keane, Daniel 252 Keeble, Charles 58 Keeler, Howard 174 Keeling, Daryl 170 Keer, Frederick 61 Kelsey, James 254, 255 Kendall, William 171 , 253 Kinder, Harold 52 King, Robert 52 King, Snyder 61 King, Walter 255 Kinnee, Richard 171 Kirchner, Ralph 253 Klein, William 253 Knerr, Barclay 172 Kramer, Alexander 58 Kreamer, John 171 Krowka, Edwin 112 Kruse, Ralph 58, 59 Kuhhner, Raymond 256 Laidlaw, John 254 Lamkin, Robert 172 Landgraf, Leonard 253 Lashar, Conrad 61 Latshaw, Robert 254 Laughlin , Joseph 54 Lawry, Otis 253 LeBuhn, Thomas 253 Lee, Myron 253 Leec h, Raymond 17 2 Leide , William 174 Leonardt, Alexander 172 Levis, Frank 172 Lewis, Richard 253 Lewis, Robert 256 Lewis, William 252 Liggett, Roy 55 Linch , Louis 173

Lindemann, Weiman 55 Link, H 252 Linxwiler, Louis 250, 253 Little, Albert 56 Loconti , Michael 254 Lombard, Willard 170 Long, Charles 174 Long, James 255 Lorentz , Pare 59, 5 Lottes, Ralph 59 Loudon, Chester 170 Lyche , Torris 174 Lytel, Robert 255 Mack, Harry 53 Mackey, Jack 171 Malone, Robert 170 Marchese, Anthony 252 Markert, Mark 253 Marrow, James 53 Marsh, Robert 52 Martin, Phister 52 Mason, John 61 Mathias, Henry 53 Matthews, Robert 253 Maytham, Robert 53 McBaine, TUrner 170 McClure, William 56 McCormick, Charles 171 McCue, Allen 253 McEvers, Robert 253 McHale, John 52 McNichols, Robert 255 McPeak, Robert 252 McPheeters, Robert 53, 59 Meierhoffer, Walter 172 Meiners, Henry 254 Mennel, Mark 59 Merisalo, Carl 251 Messick, Donald 174 Miller, Bruce 59 Miller, Charles 56, 174 Miller, Dwight 172 Miller, Leland 59 Mitchell, William 56 Moeller, Arthur 55 Monetti, Arnold 254 Mongerson, John 251 Montgomery, Edward 251 Montgomery, W 52 Moore, George 173 Moore, James 251 Moore, Joseph 55 Moore, Warner 254 Moore, Willard 253 Morgan, Edward 255 Morrell, Lester 52 , 170 Moser, Richard 61 Mosley, Austus 252 Moyer, James 171 Mulford, Willard 52 Myers , Richard 61 Nelson, Howard 172 Nichols, Robert 252 Noble, Alan 254 Nusbaum, William 251 O'Brien , George 252 O'Connell, Joseph 255 Oesterle, Richard 255 Ogg, Wallace 252 Oliver, George 53 , 170 Orcutt, Daniel 53 Orr, Thomas 171 Osborne , Bion 254 Otis, Merrill 53 Owen, Robert 53 Owens, William 53 Parker, Isaac 174 Parkinson, Robert 52 Paskins, Robert 253 Patterson , L 56, 56 Peeler, Leonard 59 Penn , J 59 Perkins , Roderick 250 Pettit, N 254 Philips, Olin 250 Phillippi, Ross 59 Phillips, Philip 55 Piper, Charles 170 Pitcher, Edgar 254 Pollock, Charles 171 Pratt, Howard 255 Price, William 59 Primm, Bruce 55

Quackenbush, Howard 57 Raffo , Dillon 54 Rail, Edwin 57 Rathbun , Sanford 56 Ratterman , Lawrence 172 Rawlings, Stephen 256 Ray, Carl 253 Reckman, William 57 Reed , Robert 56, 5 Ree der, Max 57 Regen , Clair 171 Reinhart, Charles 58 Reische, Richard 253 Reynolds, Edward 59 Rice, William 57 Richards , Linden 254 Richardson , Frank 171 Richey, Robert 171 Rieck, Verner 254 Rietz, John 56, 5 Roberts , Leonard 59 Robins , George 53 , 59 Rodgers , James 173 Rollins , Walter 61 Rose , Augustus 251, 253 Rose, Frank 255 Ross, Clarence 57, 5 Ross, Robert 53 Ross, William 174 Roudebush, George 53, 5 Rounds , Richard 255 Roy, H 59 Rudin, George 58 Russell, William 171, 173 Ryan, William 58 Sahlin, Robert 253 Sammon, Daniel 52 Sampson, Irwin 52 Sanders, Robert 172 Sandy, Lee 254 Satoris, Fred 255 Schlegel, James 171 Schnaiter, William 173 Schnepfe, Robert 251 Schroeder, Raymond 254 Schutte , Louis 172 Schwartz, Richard 57 Schwensen, Mert 55 Scott, Reynolds 170 Sedillo, Wilfred 55 Seely, Fred 256 Seese, Donald 174 Seiter, Norman 58 Sharp, Charles 252 Sharpe, David 59 Shields, William 57 Shoenfelt , Joseph 255 Showacre, Robert 59 Simmons, Frank 255 Sims, Dan 253 Slackford, Edward 57 Smith, Edward 251 Smith, Robert 255 Smith, Stephen 59 Spangler, Robert 54, 56 Sparks, Edward 57 Spencer, Horatio 255 Stainsby, James 58 Staley, Frank 170 Standifer, Steven 254 Stark, Nathan 54 Steele, James 254 Steere, Edward 53 Stefanowicz , Chester 254 Stehley, George 54 Stephens, Robert 171 Stevens , Harvey 52 Stevens , Joseph 251 Stevens , Robert 54 Stevenson, Henry 170 Stewart, Charles 52 Stone, Roger 170 Strop, Charles 56 Strough, Robert 52 Stuart, John 173 Stuetzer, Herman 53 Sullivan, John 174 Sullivan , Richard 251 Sumpter, William 59 Swanson, Dale 172, 174 Tani, John 251 Tapp, G 251 Tarbell, Eaton 170

Taylor, William 250 Teichgraeber, James 253 Teitrick, Reed 250 Terry, Willis 251 Thies, Donald 170 Thomas, J 170 Thomas, Vernon 57 Thompson, C 170 Thompson, Steven 254 Tilly, James 252 Tilson, Martin 173 Todd, James 173 Torrey, Dan 254 Trabue, Nelson 255 Traver, Alan 53 Traylor, Melvin 173 Trenholm, George 172 Uhler, Robert 172 Underwood, John 252 Urbach , Frank 172 VanSant, John 174 Wade, Leonard 251 Walker, Paul 59, 61 Walter, Charles 254 Walthart, Edward 254 Walthour, Marshall 251 Walton, Samuel 56 , 5, 8 Warrick, Robert 59 Wasson, Myron 170 Watson, Carl 170 Webersinn , Arthur 251 Wells, Robert 255 Wentworth, Harold 172 Wenzel, Herman 61 Wherry, Tom 56 Whetstone, Richard 57 Whitacre, Halford 171 White, Herbert 55 Whitley, Ralph 174, 255 Whitney, Bruce 59 Whitney, Elan 174 Williams, Carl 254 Williams, Charles 57, 253 Williams, Ernest 253 Williams, George 254 Williams, Walter 59 Wilson, MacLaren 57 Wilson, Rudford 255 Wilson, William 254 Winn , John 53 Witherington, Dexter 251 Witte, William 251 Wahlberg, Thomas 57 Wolfert, Frederick 58 Wray, Park 250 Wright, William 56 Wylie, Joseph 250 Yates, William 173, 254 Yohe , Robert 251 Young, Earl 253 Young, John 55 Zeller, Joseph 171 Zeit, Wray 250 Zoerb, Stephen 171

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