The Beta Theta Pi - April 1942

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GoRDON S. SMYTH, Penns ylva nia '18, Editor-in-Chief 6334 Greene St., Germantown, Pa.


GEORGE H. CASEY, Bowdoi n '19, Athletic Editor 4 Mountain View Park Rd Cape Elizabeth, Me.

Dr. H Sheridan Baketel, Dartm outh '95, 155 Van Wagenen Ave., jersey City, N.J.

Karl W. Fischer, Indiana '25. 1525 Park Ave No. 2, lnd•anapohs. Ind.

Gurdon G. Black, WaJhington 'EJl, 10 Dromara Rd ., Clayton, Mo

A. } Gustin Priest, ld«ho '18, 2 Rector St., New York, N.Y.

Roderick M. Grant, Beloit '22 , 706 William St., River Forest, Ill.

Harold }. Baily, AmhtrJt '08, 32 Liberty St., New York. N Y.

Stanley R. Church, W aJhington State ·31, c/o Secretary of State, Salem, Oreg.

Earl Chapin May, WiJconJin '98, 220 Madison Ave. , New York, N.Y.

L. Thad Byrne, Statt '25, N. 4214 Washington, Spokane, Wash.

Irvin H. Wensink, Lawrtnct '29. Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, Md.

Edwin P. Gerth, Knox '18, MinntJota '21, ciS Po•t St., San, Calif.

Richard Young, St. Lawrence '40, Van Homes· ville. N.Y.


is the Magazine Endowment Fund of Beta Theta Pi A payment of TEN DOLLARS secures membership in this fund dedicated to the memory of WILLIAM RAIMOND BAIRD and gives the subscriber the fraternity magazine for life. Make checks payable to James L. Gavin, General Treasurer, and send to the Editor, Gordon S Smyth, 6334 Greene Street, Germantown, Pa.

"Masonry and Oddfe/Jowship have their friends and utpporlers Lei our beloved fraternity ils loJJers."

WILLIAM BURNHAM Wooos, in December, 1843


The first college fraternity magazine, founded December 15, 1872 by Charles Duy Walker and published continuously since.


Editor's Foreword

In order that there may be available in the May issue sufficient space in which to present the inspiring record of the 1,500 and more Betas serving with the Armed Forces of the United Nations, two familiar paragraphs are omitted from the annual printed record of our chapters.

The usual data has been gathered concerning the Betas who did not return to college last F&Jl, and every one of these men is being added to The Bij•a 8ij•a IIi: mailing list at the address given by his chapter secretary The paragraph listing those who have died since the last report is also omitted, although the data furnished is made a part of the fraternity's archives: most of those deaths already have been reported in our columns, and we are endeavoring to complete the printed record on the others.

As for the chapter reports that comprise the 1942 Yearbook of the Fraternity, this record of chapter membership, achievements and activities tells the story of a strong and vigorous fraternity whose undergraduate members are maintaining Beta standards, contributing largely to their alma maters and steadfastly supporting their Couhtries

To the chapter secretaries who cooperated in the preparation of the issue, we express our appreciation for a fraternity service well done. A special measure of thanks goes to the sixty-five secretaries whose work earned for their chapters a place on the 1942 Honor Roll.

The best reports, listed in the order of their receipt, came from M I.T., British Columbia and Lawrence. Also qualifying for the Honor Roll, both on the score of promptness and excellence, were the reports from Columbia (first report received), Maine (second), Dickinson (third), Knox (fourth), Wittenberg (fifth), Iowa State (sixth), Westminster (seventh), Yale (eleventh), Oklahoma, Ohio, Kansas State, Johns Hopkins, Lehigh, Utah, South Dakota, Stevens, Tulane, Bethany, Michigan, Cornell, Florida, Texas, North Dakota, Colorado, Case, St. Lawrence, Washington State and Oregon State.

To complete the largest Honor Roll during our editorship, we recognize Chicago (eighth), Centre (ninth), Hanover (tenth), Colorado College (twelfth), Colorado Mines, Miami, Mississippi, West Virginia, Beloit, Ohio Wesleyan, Rutgers, Pennsylvania, DePauw, Oklahoma State, Wesleyan, Washington & Lee, Washington & Jefferson, Kenyon , Western Reserve, Washington (St. Louis), Northwestern, Purdue, Cincinnati, Davidson, Carnegie Tech, Ohio State, Bowdoin, Pennsylvania State, Virginia, Union, Kansas, Wabash, D enison, Toronto and Idaho.

Washington & Jefferson's name appears on the Honor Roll for the tenth consecutive year; Dickinson and Pennsylvania, ninth year; Knox, eighth; Lehigh, Wesleyan and Toronto, seventh, and Pennsylvania State, for the sixth consecutive year.

THIS MAGAZINE, B eta I; beta Pi, is the official of theBeta Theta Pi Fraternit):, an of college men now m its one hundred and thud year. It IS owned by the Fraternity, and IS ed1ted and published under the direction and control of its Board of Trustees. It is issued October, November, December, January, February, March, April, and May Price $1.00 per annum in advance; single cop_ies 35 cents. life subscription $10.00, obtained through membersh1p m the Baud Fund, the magazme endowment fu nd of the Entered as second class matter at the post office at Menasha, Wisconsin with publication offices. 450-454 Ahnaip St., Menasha, Wisconsm Edttortal O'f"• 6334 Grunt St , , Pennsylvania , to which contributions and changes of addreu shoul be sent. Printed by George Banta Publishing Company, Menasha, W1sconsm.


f I


G amma Eta Ch apter seniors who will enter Military and Naval Service upon their graduation in May.



Editor-in-Ch i ef and Publisher , GORDON S SMYTH, Pennsyl vani a ' 18 6334 Greene Street, Germantown, Pa.



THE PROGRAM by which Beta chapters cultivate and select worthy material to add to our membership has long been one of the most important functions of our chapters. The life blood of the fraternity depends upon the practice which we know as rushing At a time when this program is morb important than it has been for the last generation, our chapters must recognize that rushing in time of war offers new problems and demands new techniques.

Rushing now is more difficult and its problems more numerous for many reasons. First, of course, is the reduction of the number of available men due to the demands of the armed forces and the calls of industry With fewer men available, competition will be increasingly keen both from rival fraternities and the colleges which face the necessity of filling large dormitories.

The first rule for a Beta chapter in building its rushing program is to be constantly on the alert for desirable material. In this day of accelerated college programs, when new men will enter college not once or twice a year, but rather three or four times during the year, it behooves Beta chapters to be constantly awake to their opportunities Active rushing programs should be conducted at the

opening of each semester, term, or quarter when new men are matriculating If we have had the idea· that we pledge and initiate once


a year only, then it is time to revi se this notion at once In addition , many of the best men are those who are added after the regular rushing season is concluded, so the rushing


committee should be working at all times.

Increased competition will mean that it is even more important than in the past to make contacts as early as possible. This is a time when alumni and alumni clubs can be of great service. The chapter which is able to contact its prospects before they reach the campus has the jump on the rivals in the rushing program. An alumnus can render no greater service to a chapter than to put the undergraduates in touch with the desirable prospects for pledging-AND it is important that this be done as early as possible. In rushing, as in war, "the side there first with the most" has an important advantage.

Alumni, do not limit your recommendations to your own or nearby chapters. Look over the good college and fraternity material

in your own community and send the names to the chapters when the men will enter college, be this M.I.T., Stanford, North Dakota, Hanover or Cornell. In each chapter list in this issue, the rushing chairman is indicated -send your recommendations to him at the earliest possible moment. If this is not convenient, address your letters to the General Secretary, G Herbert Smith, Administration Building, Greencastle, Indiana, and he will forward the recommendations to the chapters concerned. Let's have your recommendations as far in advance as possible- now, if you know of good material.

Beta Theta Pi continues to build men and to develop the leadership that our nations need. Do your part to keep our chapters strong during this war for freedom!


THE TABLE of figures which accompanies this article is the scholarship record of eighty-two chapters of Beta Theta Pi for the past eight years, as compiled from data published by the committee on scholarship of the National Interfraternity Conference. Scholarship averages for other chapters are made available in standard form by the institutions in which they are located. The upper figure in any chapter's record is its standing among Interfraternity Conference fraternity chapters on its campus, indicating in which fifth it stood. The lower figure is the index rating used by the Interfraternity Conference and by the Association of Deans of Men. The index figure indicates the standing of a chapter above or below the all-men's average of the institution in which it is located, calculated in terms of hundredths of the spread between the all-men's average and a perfect grade.

This table shows the contribution of each of these eighty-two chapters to the scholar-

ship average of the general fraternity for these eight years-showing which chapters were scholastic assets and which were liabilities. During these eight years the general average of the fraternity has not once fallen below the composite all-men's average-a record which no one of Beta's normal rivals has been able to maintain. However, Beta's good average has been declining alarmingly in recent years.

This is the record-













2 60




In the list of national averages of member fraternities of the National Interfraternity Conference for 1940-1941, Beta Theta Pi ranks twentieth among fifty-nine nation-


als. Above it are eleven Jewish fraternities and Acacia, Alpha Gamma Rho, Alpha K:appa Lambda, Beta Kappa, Kappa Alpha Order, Phi Mu Delta, Pi Kappa Phi and Sigma Pi. Just below it are Phi Delta Theta and Phi Kappa Tau.

The superior record of Beta scholarship over a long period of years has had a double significance for the fraternity. It has signified that Beta undergraduates, as a rule, have shown a proper respect for the development of the intellect. But also it has had a logical bearing on what kind of young men became Betas and, therefore, what the general character of the fraternity would be Had the scholarship reputation been generally low, many pledges out of whom good Betas have been made would likely have gone elsewhere, and their places in Beta Theta Pi would have been filled by undergraduates who cared little about intellectual superiority. Such losses of the more serious-purposed types of students would soon have been reflected in chapter personnel by changes in prevailing attitudes and objectives These differences would in turn be reflected in chapter leadership and in delegate attitudes in general conventions It is not illogical to say, therefore, that to a considerable extent the very nature of Beta Theta Pi has been and will be influenced by its scholarship reputation.

For this reason it is desirable that we should know which chapters have been carrying themselves as well as other chapters, which chapters have barely carried them-

selves, and which chapters have had to be carried by others. For 1940-1941 special commendation is deserved by the following

chapters which ranked in the top place on their respective campuses: Colorado College, Colorado Mines, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Oklahoma, St. Lawrence, South Dakota, Westminster and Willi.ams. Commendation should also go to the following chapters which ranked in second place from the top: Beloit, Bethany, Denison, DePauw, Illinois, Miami, North Dakota and Wabash.



NoTE: The upper figure in each chapter's yearly record is its standing among National Interfraternity Conference fraternity chapters on its campus, indicating which fifth. The lower .figure is its index rating above or below the all-men's average on its campus.

A. RAY WARNOCK, Illinois '05 Scho/anhip Commissioner of Beta Theta Pi ·
Chapter 33-34 34-35 35-36 36-37 37-38 38-39 39-40 40-41 Amherst 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 4 7 4 1 -1 -5 -8 -9 -6Beloit . . .. 2 2 3 3 4 5 3 2 4 4 7 2 -2 -4 5 7 Bethany 4 2 3 4 3 1 1 2 -4 -1 -1 --4 4 5 11 13 -Bowdoin 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 4 -20 -25 -14 -21 -5 -9 - 13 -6
460 BETA THETA PI for APRIL Chapter 33-34 3+-35 35-36 36-37 37-38 38-39 39--40 40--41 Brown 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 20 18 19 17 13 5 5 British Columbia Standard data not available California .. Data not available until 1938-1939 2 1 3 1 6 -5 U.C.L.A 3 3 4 5 4 3 4 4 -5 -1 1 - 19 -10 -10 -10 -8 Carnegie Tech. 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 14 22 21 20 23 18 -11 Case 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 -3 1 1 8 5 5 7 4 Centre 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 5 13 16 3 4 2 3 3 -12 Chicago .. .. Has been firs t on campu s past five years Cincinnati 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 20 32 2 2 14 6 11 Colgate 2 2 1 1 3 4 4 3 14 -3 -1 4 -3 -6 -9 -7 Colorado 1 1 2 3 2 1 4 3 1 5 3 -7 3 -1 -13 -8 Colorado College 4 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 -5 -1 6 -2 9 11 12 9 7 Colorado Mines 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 24 19 9 14 15 14 4 3 Columbia 1 1 2 4 3 5 4 3 5 13 5 -9 -13 -24 - 22 -17 Cornell Data not available until 1939-1940 2 3 4 -6 Dartmouth ... . ..... . .. 4 5 3 4 5 5 5 4 -5 -8 2 -2 -8 -9 -8 -5 Davidson 4 4 3 3 5 2 2 -4 -15 8 4 -14 7 17 Denison . 1 1 1 4 5 3 1 2 16 12 9 -12 -10 3 9 4 Denver 4 4 2 4 3 2 2 2 3 3 6 -2 - 2 1 -1 9 DePauw . 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 8 12 16 14 20 Dickinson· . 3 4 1 1 5 4 4 5 6 3 12 17 -10 -1 1 -1 Duke ... 2 2 4 11 13 3 Florida .... .... . 1 1 2 4 5 2 1 2 10 8 2 -1 4 -13 6 10 5 Georgia Tech 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 4 7 19 -3 8 14 5 -5 - 6 Hanover 1 1 3 2 4 4 4 3 6 13 -7 -2 -3 -5 4 -3 Idaho ... 3 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 -4 2 2 -1 -6 7 12 3 Illinois 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 37 22 22 25 17 17 19 22 Indiana • • • • • • • 0 • • • 1 1 5 5 2 1 2 1 22 17 -10 -1 2 3 4 2 17 Iowa 5 4 4 2 3 2 5 2 -18 -19 -11 -6 -11 -7 -19
EIGHT YEARS OF BETA SCHOLARSHIP 461 Chapter 33-34 34-35 35-36 36-37 37-38 38-39 39-40 40-41 Iowa State 2 4 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 -5 IS 24 2 2 4 13 Johns H opkins Standard data not available Kansas 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 28 22 30 26 20 19 Kans a s State. Standard data not ava ila bl e K enyon 3 2 3 4 1 1 3 3 -6 4 -4 -3 9 10 -8 - 1 Knox 2 1 5 5 2 4 3 7 9 - 21 -1 2 2 - 9 - 6 La wrence ... .. .. . . .. .. 3 1 4 1 3 -1 10 -6 7 -3 L ehigh 5 3 3 4 5 4 3 3 -1 6 -6 -5 -11 -17 -14 -9 -8 Ma ine 5 4 4 3 2 5 5 4 -10 -4 -9 -3 8 -15 -17 -3 M I.T . .. . ....... . .... 1 3 2 3 2 3 3 4 7 -4 2 -4 2 -6 - 5 - 11 Miami .. . .. . . . . . . ..... 1 3 4 2 4 2 1 1 5 -1 1 6 1 6 9 8 Mi chigan ...... .. .. . .. 4 2 4 4 ? 5 4 5 -4 5 1· -4 5 -15 -4 -11 Minnesota ... ... . . .... 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 -10 -10 4 3 7 5 3 2 Mississipp i . .. . . . . 5 4 4 2 2 1 3 -5 2 - 2 15 13 22 9 Missouri 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 19 15 18 20 9 2 -3 7 N ebraska ..... 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 -1 5 -1 7 6 6 2 - 9 North Carolina 1 2 2 3 5 5 22 10 12 5 -11 - 12 North D akota 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 1 8 11 10 2 - 2 -1 -3 11 Northwestern .. ... . . .. 5 3 3 3 3 5 2 3 -7 1 -3 -3 - 2 -5 3 2 Ohio 0 2 3 3 3 2 4 2 4 4 -5 -4 -5 1 -8 -5 -11 Ohio State . . .. . 3 2 2 3 3 1 4 2 -3 6 2 -5 -1 6 -7 -1 Ohio W esleya n 3 2 2 4 3 5 4 4 -1 3 2 -6 -4 -11 -4 -6 Oklahoma 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 5 8 22 21 16 17 11 Oklahoma State 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 -5 3 18 15 19 3 18 12 Oregon 2 2 4 1 1 2 -5 -4 -12 5 -1 - 2 Oregon State 2 1 2 3 3 3 2 3 16 22 14 6 7 6 8 11 P ennsylvania Standard data not ava il ab le Pennsylvania State 1 2 2 2 4 5 4 5 4 -3 -5 -4 -12 -21 -12 -17 Purdue ........ . ..... . 2 2 4 2 4 4 3 3 6 6 -2 5 -3 2 -1 3
462 BETA THETA PI for APRIL Chapter 33-34 34-35 35-36 36-37 37-38 38-39 39-40 40-41 Rutgers .. . . . . .. . ..... . 3 5 5 3 4 3 2 3 -9 -18 -15 -8 -13 -10 7 -1 St. Lawrence 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 17 20 20 27 25 19 17 South Dakota 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 -9 - 6 -8 -5 1 3 7 14 Stanford 4 4 2 2 3 2 2 2 -11 -6 -3 -2 -8 6 6 8 Stevens 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 7 23 10 26 11 17 8 1 Syracuse 0 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 -7 --4 -10 -16 -11 -3 -3 Texas 4 4 4 5 5 2 4 3 6 6 2 -3 1 6 1 4 Toronto Standaq:l data not availab le Tulan e 4 2 5 3 4 3 4 -3 15 -7 4 -6 7 -1 Union ... . .. ... . . . . . .. 2 2 3 5 5 3 5 4 8 -3 -9 -22 -22 -5 -24 -14 Utah 3 4 3 3 2 1 3 7 -3 --4 --4 -1 7 -12 Vand erbilt 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 5 - 6 5 8 .8 5 2 -3 -8 Virginia Standard data not available Wabash 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 29 20 19 16 12 5 4 7 Washington, St. Louis . 1 2 2 3 3 1 9 10 12 4 6 Washington, Seattle 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 5 1 -9 -16 -3 Washington & Jefferson 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 10 -5 -2 3 3 9 2 2 Washington & Lee 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 -10 9 6 22 21 11 15 Washington State 1 4 2 1 1 4 3 4 7 -10 -5 3 9 -7 -3 -6 Wesle,'an 3 3 3 3 4 5 3 4 -1 -2 - 2 -2 --4 -6 -2 - 6 Western Reserve 5 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 - 24 -8 3 5 1 -1 1 -1 Westminster 3 2 5 3 1 3 4 1 3 - 2 -2 2 -2 -7 -9 14 West Virginia 3 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 -7 -1 --4 3 8 3 11 -1 Whitman 4 3 1 5 5 --4 2 7 -6 -19 Williams 3 5 5 2 2 1 1 1 -6 -1 0 2 9 -2 4 9 15 Wisconsin ....... .... 4 4 2 5 3 3 2 3 -4 -5 -4 -11 '---3 -1 7 7 Wittenberg 2 5 4 2 1 4 5 5 19 -3 -1 16 14 , -1 -9 9 Yale Standard data not availab le

The Chapters in the Fratet:_nity's One Hundred and Third Year

BETA THETA PI shall have for its obiects the promotion of the moral and social culture of its members, the establishment of confidence and friendly relations among the universities and colleges of the Unit ed States and Canada, in securing unity of action and symp athy in matters of common interest among them, and the building up of a fraternity that recognizes mutual assistance in the honorable labors and aspirations of life, devotion to the cult ivation of the intellect, unsullied friendship, and unfaltering fidelity, as obiects worthy of the highest aim and purpose of associated effort.

Amherst College . Beta Iota District II


652. Robert Caldwell Black, '42 A B., 995 5th Ave., New York, N.Y

Amherst, Mass. 18 Boltwood Ave.

653. Clinton Hamlin Blake, Jr., '42 A.B., Berkshire Downs, Great Barrington, Mass .

654. William Leland Bonnett, '42 A B., 32 Crescent Ter , Brooklyn, N.Y.

656. Robert Kidder Green, '42 A.B., Coulter Ave., Pawling, N.Y.

657. Eric Pratt Hamp, '42 A.B ., 69 N. Arlington Ave., East Orange, N.J.

658. Albert Fox Houghton, '42 A B., 3411 N Shepard Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. President.

659. John Ijugh Liedtke, II, '42 A.B., 2119 S. Madison Ave., Tulsa, Okla. Rushing Chairman, Vice President.

665: Samuel Ray Cutler, '43 A.B., 442 W . School La., Germantown, Pa. 666. Winthrop Cummings Ellis, '43 A.B , 90 DeForest St., Watertown, Conn.

667. Herbert Paige Gray, '43 A.B., 43 Prospect St., Melrose, Mass.

668. David Willard Pennock Jewitt, '43 A.B., 2680 W. Park Blvd., Shaker Heights, Ohio.

Charles Henry Olmsted, Jr., '43 A.B., 745 Burnside Ave., East Hartford, Conn.

Francis Healy Pogue, '43 A.B., 235 S. Arlington Ave., Springfield, Ohio.

Thomas Marshall Stone, '43 A.B., 3535 Norwood Rd., Shaker Heights, Ohio. 674. James Mary Tisdall, '43 A.B , 453 Hillside Ave., Holyoke, Mass.

Philip William Blon, '43 A B., Fairways Apts., Pelham Manor, N Y. Treasurer 677. Harrison Greenwood Taylor, Jr., '42 A.B., 16 Willard Ave., Worcester, Mass. 678. Franklin Clark H amlin, '43 A.B., 130 Mullin St., Watertown, N.Y. 679. Myron Sinclair Lewis, '42 A.B., 332 S. East Ave., Oak Park, Ill. 680. Joseph Nicholas Rizzo, '43 A.B., 9 Acres, Huntington, N .Y. 681. Charles Menner Anderson, '44 A.B., 257 Greenway Rd., Ridgewood, N J. 682. Andrew Case Bailey, '44 A.B., 27 Warren St., Needham, Mass. Secretary. 683. Heman Baker Chase, '44 A.B., 45 Commercial St., Provincetown, Mass. 684. Peter Robinson Coffin, '44 A.B., Edgewood Farm, Wakefield, R.I. 685. Clifford Cutler David, '44 A.B., 42 W. School La , Germantown, Pa

Wallace Hallowell Dickson, '44 A.B., 515 Clapier St , Germantown, Pa.

687. Henry Frederick Dunbar, Jr., '44 A.B., 67 Keene St., Providence, R.I.

688. Alexander Chadbourne Eschwieler, III, '44 A.B., 2659 N . Terrace Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.

689. Harry Blakely Harvey, Jr., '44 A.B., 9 Euclid Ave., H_,.astings-on-the-Eudson, N.Y. Left college.

691. Richard Selden Jones, '44 A.B., 1904 Dorothy Ave , Louisville, Ky

692. Richard Franklin Kerr, '44 A.B., 110 Woodward St., Newton Highlands, Mass. Left college.

693. David Henry Kinley, Jr., '44 A.B., 3406 Warden Dr., Philadelphia, Pa.

694. George Caldwell Nicoll, '44 A.B., 7 Washington Ave. , Andover, Mass.

695 Francis Pierre Meishner Cordell Reeh, '44 A.B., Hotel de Bernice, Fontainbleau, France. Left col. lege.

697. David Hall Stauffer, '44 A.B., 102 College Ave., New Brunswick, N.J.

698. William McClellan Steinback, '44 A.B., 218 Logan St., Lewistown, Pa.

699. John McGill White, '44 A.B., 59 W. Central St., Natick, Mass. Left college.

700. Theodore Tuttle Peck, '42 A.B., 3008 Carlton Rd., Shaker Heights, Ohio

701. Whitaker Thqmpson Deininger, '44 A.B., 246 Griffen St., Phoenixville, Pa.

* * *

702. John Printice Denio, '44 A.B., Ox Bow Rd., South Lincoln,

703. Charles Frederick Mas on, '43 A.B., 45 Prospect St., Bernardsville, N.J.

704. John Davis Brewer, Jr., '45 A.B., 37 Warren Ave., Plymouth, Mass.

705. Charles Randall Brown, '45 A.B., 33 Nottingham Rd., Rockville Centre, N.Y.

706. RuJJell Cameron, '45 A.B., Box 173, Easthampton, Mass.

707. Robert Lee Craven, '45 A.B., 18915 Birchcrest Dr., Detroit, Mich.

708. Prescott Gould, '45 A B., 234 Hollywood Ave., Douglaston, L.I ,.N.Y.

709 William Charles Hopkins, '45 A B , 8411 S. Paulina St., Chicago, Ill.

710. William Walbridge Daelber, '45 A B., 43 Dorchester Rd., Rochester, N.Y.

711. Emory William Drauthoefer, Jr., '45 A.B., 3481 N . Summit Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.

712 Donold Woodbury McNeish, '45 A.B., 35 Clarke Rd., Winthrop, Mass.

713. John Adams Malcolm , '45 A.B., Merion Manor, Merion, Pa.

714. Deane Henderson Phillips, '45 A.B., 49 Winnie Rd , Delmar, N.Y

715. Alfred Howard Schr,uhun, '45 A.B., 634 Atkinson Ave., Detroit, Mich :

716. Louis Henry Schutte, Jr., '45 A.B., Cornwall, Conn.

717. Samuel Black Sterrett , '45 A.B., Reno Rd. & Upton St., Washington, D C.

718. Roscoe Hohn Th eibert, Jr ., '45 A.B ., Hudson, Ohio.

719. R aymond Frederick Smith, '45 A.B., 74 Nonotuck St., Holyoke, Mass. Left college.

Nos. 700-701, initiated Apr. 18, 1941; Nos 702-718, initiated Nov. 7, 1941; No. 719, initiated Jan. 15, 1942.

Rushing season: Not yet decided.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Francis H. Pogue, Harrison G. Taylor, Eric P. Hamp.

College activities: Basketball, ]. M. Tisdall, capt.; Baseball, 1; Swimming, 2; Glee club, 6; Choir, 5; Intramural mgr., Eric P. Hamp; Amhent Student, 2; Touchstone, 2; Dramatics, 4. Chapter fund : Frank M. Lay fund ($1,500), for high scholastic attainment.

Beloit College Chi

District XV


584 Charles Fraser Bacon, '42 B A., 9652 S. Hoyne Ave., Chicago, Ill. Left college.

585. John Jay Tyrrell, '42 B.A., 632 Church St , Beloit, Wis Vice President.

586. Philip Edwin Nethercut, '42 B.S., 1615 Mountain Ave., Wauwatosa, Wis.

587. Collin Francis Allen, Jr., '42 B A., 8217 Knox Ave., Skokie, Ill.

588. Robert Henry Kline, '43 B.S., 115 College Ave., Dixon, Ill.

589. Paul Gibson, Jr., '42 B.S., 1521 Post Ave., Rockford, Ill.

590. Donald Albert Anderson, '42 B.S., 104 Welty Ave. , Rockford, Ill.

592. John Alan Friedholdt, '42 B A., 42 Washington St., Mayville, Wis. Left college.

595 Adolph Dubs, '42 B.A , 4945 Ainsle St., Chicago, Ill. President.

597. Stewart Ferguson Taylor, '43 B S., 212 W Howard St., Portage, Wis.

Beloit, Wis 810 College St.

598. Richard Dean Pettibone, '43 B.S., 698 Blackthorn Rd ., Winnetka, Ill. Rushing Chairman.

599 Charles Howell Gedge, '43 B.A., 15117 E. Vernor Hwy., Grosse Pointe, Mich.

601. John Gregory Martin, '43 B A., 320 Sherman St., Rockford, Ill.

602. King Hamilton Braman, '43 B.A., 2506 E Fernwood Ave Milwaukee, Wis. / 603 . Paul Edmund Hodgson, '43 B.S., 1730 N . 70th St., Wauwatosa, Wis. Secretary.

605. Stanley Studstrup, '42 B A., 5920 W Superior St., Chicago, Ill. Left college.

607. Paul Jackson Barnard, Jr., '42 B.S., 2426 Benderwirt Ave , Rockford, Ill.

608. John Joseph Barry, '42 B.A., 1319 Brummel St., Evanston, Ill.

609. James Stevenson Bullis, Jr., '43 B.S., 4217 Lomo Alto, Dallas, Texas.

610 Thomas Adam Eggebrecht, '43 B A., 1122 Kavanaugh Pl., Wauwatosa Wis.

611. Lyle Richardson Smith, '43 B.S., Pleasant Hill, Tenn. '

612. Edward Dwight Gates, '43 B A., 933 N 35th St., Milwaukee, Wis.

614. John Reed Long, '44 B.S., Briar Rd ., Golf, Ill.

615 William Demo Cisna, '44 B A., Salem, Wis Treasurer.

616. Vincent Franklyn Strawbridge, '44 B.A., Green Valley, Ill.

617. Thomas Duffey Schmidt, '43 B.S., 2512 Harlem Rd., Rockford, Ill.

618. Bernard Jay Sn yde r, '4 3 B.A., 717 11th Ave., Fulton, Ill.

619. Edward R ichard Wild, '44 B.A , Fair Acres Farm, Palatine, Ill.

620 Howard Edwin Parliament, Jr. , '44 B A., 107 Linden Ave., Glencoe, Ill. Left college

621. Robert Lyle Plumb, '44 B.A., 1656 S. Linwood Ave. Evansville Ind.

622. William Cushman Little, '43 B.S., 1117 W 22nd St:, Cedar Fal'ls, Iowa

623. R alph Hunter DeSha, '44 B A., 655 Asterman Ave., Deerfield, Ill

624. Humphrey Irwin Martin, '44 B.A., 7630 Paxton Ave., Chicago, Ill.

625 Donald MacFarlane Patterson, Jr ., '4 5 B.S , 162 Villa St., Elgin, Ill.

626. Robert Elsner , Jr. , '45 B A., 3417 N Hackett Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.

627. Albert Smrth Holmes, '4 5 B.A., 22 42 W. Church St., Evansville, Wis.

628. Robert Ch arles Kepner, '45 B.S., 326 11th St , Rochelle, Ill.

629. Bruce Baker Du nning, '4 5 B.S., 1701 S. 8th St., Maywood, Wis.


630. Joseph Clifford Turner, Jr., '45 B.A., 1336 Gilbert Ave., Downers Grove, lll. 631. Donald James Taylor, '45 B.S., 212 W. Howard St., Portage, Wis 632. E'!'lery Theodore Carlson_, Jr., '45 B.S., 818 Washington St., Lockport, III. 633. Rrchard Eugene Burow, 45 B.S., 2156 Bayard Park Dr., Evansville, Ind. 634. Robert Foster Corey, '45 B.A., 1116 Bushnell St., Beloit, Wis. 635. Manderson Lehr Miles, '45 B.A., 105 S. East St., Mt. Carroll, Ill.

Nos. 617-621, initiated Nov. 29, 1941; Nos. 622-635 initiated Feb. 28, 1942. Rushing season: Sept. 21-0ct. 1, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Philip E. Nethercut.

College activities: Chamberlin Science (honorary), Donald A. Anderson, Paul R. Gibson, Philip E. Nethercut; Turtle Mound (senior), Collin F. Allen, Jr.; Junior class, Richard D. Pettibone, treas.; Sophomore class, Vincent F. Strawbridge, treas.; Round Table, King H Braman, bus mgr., 7; Players, John ]. Tyrrell, bus mgr., 4; Shakespeare soc., 9; Debate, 3; Football, 4; Basketball, Charles F. Bacon, co-capt., 3; Swimming, 3; Track, 3; Tennis, 2; Wrestling, 2; Golf, Paul R. Gibson, capt., 2. Chapter award: Thompson memorial trophy, to honor the Beta who has contributed most to chapter life, awarded by chapter vote at the final meeting of the year, members of all classes being eligible for • selection, Douglas R Morton. Chapter paper: Chi-Eye, semi-annually.

Bethany College Psi

District VII


515. Irvan Druid Roche, '42 B.S., 439 Marietta St , Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, Pa.

517. Paul Leslie Bowers, '42 A.B., R.D. 1, Wellsburg, W.Va.

Bethany, W Va. Cramblet & Ross Sts.

519. George Wilson Albee, '43 A.B., 517 Brussels St., St. Mary's, Pa Vice President, Rushing Co-Chairman.

520. Isaac Ralph Burbridge, '43 B.S 102 Euclid Ave., Dravosburg, Pa President.

521. George Weirick Callendine, Jr., '43 B.S., 20 N. Front St., Wheeling, W.Va.

522. Charles Bortz Cluss, '43 A B., 15 Eggleston St., Uniontown, Pa. Treasurer.

524. Joseph Richard Hunger, '42 B S., 36 Main St , Point Marion, Pa.

525 Stewart Fawcett Moore, '43 A.B., 110 N Front St.,, Wheeling, W Va

527 : Donald Carle Wells, '43 A.B., Bethany, W.Va.

528. Jack Carleton Baumgartner, '44 B.S., 432 S. 6th St., Clarksburg, W.Va.

529. Arthur Parker Beard, '44 B.S., 32 N. Front St., Wheeling, W .Va. ·

530. Donald Thompson Boyd, '44 A B., Wood Creek, Spring Valley Rd , Huntington, W.Va. Rushing Co-Chairman.

531. Donald Arthur Brinkworth, '44 A.B., 914 Vickroy Ave , Johnstown, Pa.

532 Archie Ernest Conn, Jr , '43 A.B., Point Marion, Pa. 533. Gerald Glenn Ferguson, '43 A.B., 3661 Beaumont Dr., Holidays Cove, W.Va. 535. William Charles Halley, '44 A.B., 820 6th St., Elizabeth, Pa. 536. Roy William Heckel, Jr., '44 A.B., 114 Bonvue St., North Side, Pittsburgh, Pa. 537. Theodore Pomeroy Herrick, Jr , '44 A.B., 27671 Lake Shore Blvd., Euclid, Ohio. 538. Donald Roy Hillstrom, '43 A.B., 2002 Duquesne Ave , McKeesport, Pa.

539. Charles Seaton Huhn, '43 B.S., Liberty St., Smithfield, Pa. 540. Alfred Frederick Swearingen, Jr., '43 A.B., 3073 Pinehurst Ave., Dormont, Pa.

541. John Robinson Weimer, '44 B.S , Bethany, W.Va

542. William Lewis Young, '44 A.B., 810 Commerce St., Wellsburg, W.Va. Secretary.

543. Byron Stanley Henderson, Jr., '44 A.B., Waynesburg Pike, Moundsville, W.Va.

544. George William Hottel, '44 B.S., 329 Cedar Ave., Steubenvi1le, Ohio

545 Raymond Rappaport, Jr., '44 B.S , 79 Maple St., Maplewood, N.J. ·

546. Richard Steele Roberts, '44 B.S., Spartan School of Aeronautics, Barracks 9, Tulsa, Okla. Left college. ,

547. George Wilmont Stratton, Jr., '44 A.B., 213 Monongalia St., Charleston, W .Va., Left college.

548. John Miller Epler, Jr., '45 A B., 9236 245th St., Bellerose, N.Y. ·

549. George Maxwell Hoak, Jr., '45 A.B., 146 61st St., Niagara Falls, N.Y.

550. Robert Edward Hudson, Jr., '45 A B , 131 Alwine Ave., Greensburg, Pa

551. William Way11e Humbert, '45 A.B., 603 E. Chestnut St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio.

552. John Theodore Jones, Jr., '45 A.B., 184 River Madison, Ohio

553. Joseph Elmer LaBarre, '44 B S , 1800 Main St., Wellsburg, W.Va.

554. James Thomas MacPherson, Ill, '45 B.S., 1601 Main St., Wellsburg, W.Va.

555. John Richard' Sole, '45 A.B., 114 Alexander Ave , Clarksburg, W.Va.

556. Everett Ellison Stewart, '45 A.B., 1330 Pocono St., Swissvale, Pa.

557. Thomas Chester Watts, Jr., '45 A.B., 11 College St., Poland, Ohio.

558. Jack Allen Wright, '45 A.B., Brookdale Rd., Stamford, Conn

559. Robert Beighley Wright, '45 A.B , 101 Ben Lomond St., Uniontown, Pa

Nos. 543-547, initiated Nov. 15, 1941; Nos. 548-559, initiated Feb. 22, 1942

Rushing season: Sept. 18-25, 1942.


College activities: Alpha Psi Omega, 1; Pi Gamma Mu, 1; Student board of governors, 2; Interfraternity council, 2; Intramural athletic council, 1; Bethanian, 2; Choir, 6; Radio club, 2; International relations club, Donald R. Hillstrom, pres., 8; Football, 3; Basketball, George W. Hottel, mgr., 4; Track, 4; Dramatics, 1; Twenty club, 2; Moo Moo Moo, 3.

Chapter fund: $1,400, Davis loan fund, instituted by Clemens H Davis, '96, for loans to members to extent of $500 upon recommendation of an alumni committee.

Chapter cups: Kent scholarship cup, Paul L. Raub, senior with highest four-year scholastic average; Kelly scholarship cup, Arthur P Beard, freshman making highest one-year average.

Chapter paper: Old Psi, quarterly.

Bowdoin College District I Beta Sigma 1900

418 Robert Harrington, '41 B S., Pleasant St , Brunswick, Maine.

Brunswick, Maine

14 McKeen St.

430. Basil Philip Babcock, Jr , '42 B S., 24 Hawthorne Ave., Auburndale, Mass Left college.

431. Robert Lawrence Bell, '42 B.S., 41 Chestnut St., Everett, Mass.

433. Richard Freeman Gardner, '42 A.B., 80 Orchard St., Auburn, Maine.

437. Richard Curtis Hanson, '42 B.S., 264 Grove St., Wollaston, Mass. Left college.

438. Paul Vernon Hazelton, '42 A.B., Summer St., Saco, Maine.

439. George Byron Kaknes, '42 B S., 296 Stevens St., Lowell, Mass.

440. James Mills Lewis, '42 B S., South St., Marian, Mass Left college.

442. George Edward Smith, Jr., '42 B.S., 22 Sherman PI., Woburn, Mass.

443. William Arthur Beckler, Jr , '43 A.B , 55 Johnson Ave., Winthrop, Mass.

444. Elmer Sidney Bird, '43 A.B. , 281 Harvard St., Cambridge, Mass. Left college

445. Charles Monroe Boothby, '43 B.S., 103 Lewis Ave., Walpole, Mass.

446. David John Brandenburg, '43 B S , 11 Overlook Ter., Larchmont, N.Y.

447. Philip James Clough, '43 B.S., 280 College St. , Burlington, Vt.

448. John Congdon, '43 B S., 1305 E. Superior St., Duluth, Minn Left college.

449. Donald Thornton Devine, '43 B.S., 27 Parkview Ave., Lowell, Mass.

450. John Walker Hoopes, Jr., '43 B.S., Locust La., Kennett Square, Pa.

451. Howard Laurence Huff, '43 A.B., 40 Salisbury St., Holden, Mass

454. John Bowers Matthews, Jr., '43 A.B., 40 Concord St., Malden, Mass Vice President.

455. Nelson Elder Moran, '43 B.S., 51 Sheffield Rd., Melrose, Mass . f

456 Robert Warren Morse, '43 B.S., 309 Rockland St., Abington, Mass. President.

457. Millard Hussey Patten, Jr. , '43 B S., 73 Middle St., Hallowell, Maine.

458. Wendell Lacount Plummer, '43 B.S., 15 Highland Ave., Stoneham, Mass.

459. William Kirk Simonton, '4 3 B.S., 2400 Willard St., Wilmington, Del.

460. Laurence Henry Stone, '43 B.S., 36 Vernon St., Saco, Maine. Secretary.

461. Robert Levritt Tyrrell, Jr., '43 B.S., 314 Broadway, Methuen, Mass. Left college.

462. Albert William Warren, Jr., '43 A.B., 95 Newton St., Weston, Mass. 464. James George Zelles, '42 B.S., 175 Springvale Ave., Everett, Mass. 465. Walter Thomas Daniels, '44 A.B., 34 River St., Dalton, Mass

466. Norman Eugene Duggan, '44 B.S., 47 Clinton Ave., Hastings-on-Hudson, N Y 467. Robert Edwin Dys inger, '44 A B., 198 Adams St., Delmar, N.Y

468. William Fisher Flynt, '44 B.S ., 107 Winthrop St., Augusta, Maine. Left college.

469. Frederick Millemon Gilbert, II, '44 B.S., Box 715, Walpole, N.H · 470. George Eastman Griggs, Jr., '44 A.B , 4 Marquand Pl., Pelham, N.Y Rushing Chairman

471. Albert Stoneman Long, Jr., '44 A B., 314 Ridge Ave , Winnetka, Ill.

472. Allan Bruce MacGregor, '44 A.B., 46 Groveland St , Haverhill, Mass. Left college.

473. Richard Weeks Morse, '44 B.S., 94 Edmunds Rd., Wellesley Hills, Mass. Treasurer.

474. Robert George O'Brien, '44 B.S , 141 S. Elm St., Bradford, Mass.

475. William Nash Perkins, '44 B.S., 1060 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Left college.

476. Richard Woodbury Sampson, '44 B.S., 16 Rockwood Ter., Auburndale, Mass.

477. Walworth Simpson, '44 B.S., 55 Chapel St., Augusta, Maine.

478. Peter Bingham Sprague, '44 B.S., Shore Rd ., Ogunquit, Maine Left college

479. Robert Hiram Waterman, '44 B.S., 35 W. Elm St., Yarmouth, Maine.

480. Jo hn J oseph O'Connor Andersen, '45 B S., P O. Box 33, Harrisville, R.I.

48 1. Sh eldon Carbee, '45 B.S., 90 Rich ardson Rd ., Melrose, Mass.

482 Joh n Abbot Curtis, '45 B S., Puffer St., Ashburnham, Mass.

483. Dean Crowley Cushi ng, '45 B.S., 202V,A N Main St., Concord, N H.

484. B radford Winslow Dra ke, Ill , '45 B S., 225 Prospect St., Stoughton, Mass.

485. Robert Earl G ordon, Jr ., '45 B.S., 30 Abbott St., Pittsfield, Mass. Left college.

486. Fr'!nk Bri:t Hauserman , '45 B.S., 21260 Stratford Ave., Rocky River, Ohio.

487. Hr ester Rrchard H ornberger, Jr ., '45 A B., Peddie School, Hightstown, N.J.

488. Murdoch M atheson John son, II , '4 5 B.S., Worcester St., Natick, Mass.

489. R-obert Gu rnee Ju rgenson, '45 B S., 270 Veranda St., Portland, Maine.

490. G eorge J ohnson Kern, '45 B.S., 314 Stevens Ave., Portland, Maine.

491. D onald Nash Koughan, '45 B.S., Peaks Island Portl and, Maine

492. Mansfield Kenneth Morse, '45 B.S., 7 Millett Rd., Swampscott, Mass.



Frederick. Gunner Pierce, Jr., '45 B.S., Box 911, Holden, Mass. Left college.

Jeffrey Rrchardson Power, '45 B.S., 6 Beach St., Ogunquit, Maine.

Etfrl William Ricker, '45 B.S., 102 Lewis Ave., Walpole, Mass.

Leroy Elmer Sweeney, Jr., '44 B S., 74 Greenwood La Waltham Mass

JY/i //iam Thoma.r Talcott, Jr., '4 5 B.S., 59 Cottage Ave., Win'throp, Mass.

Donald Eugene Thomas, Jr , '45 A B., 12 Cambridge St., Attleboro, Mass Left college.

Harry Beresford Walsh, '45 B.S., 19 Saranac St., Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. .

Donald James Whelley, '45 B.S., 4 Cromwell PI., Utica, N.Y.

Christopher Lees Yates, '45 B S , 38 Putnam Ave., Cambridge, Mass.

Nos. 480-501, initiated Oct 31, 1941.

Rushing season: May 8 -9,· 1942; also throughout the summer session; .and, in t he fall, dates to be determined.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Richard F. Gardner. College activities: Senior class, Robert L. Bell, pres.; Freshman class, William T. Talcott, Jr., vice pres.; Quill, Paul V. Hazelton, asst. ed.; Orie nt, 1; Bugle (yearbook) , Ch arles M. Boothby, bus. mgr., 1; Glee club, 4; Chapel choir, 1; Football, Robert L Bell, capt , 8; Freshman football, 5; Freshman basketball, 6; Masque and Gown, 8; Baseball, 2; Track, 1; Mathematics club, 5; Classical club, 4; Student council, Robert L. Bell, pres., 1; Freshman swimming, 2; Golf, 1; Ski team, 1 ; Political forum, 1; B.C.A , 3

Chapter cup: Albert S Long, Jr , for highest grades in the freshman class.

Chapter paper: Bowdoin · Beta, semi-annually.

University of British Columbia Gamma Omicron District XXII . 1936

59. Robert Hetherington Parkinson, '41 B A., 894 Bute St., Vancouver, B C.

Vancouver, B C. 1650 Cedar Cres.

60. Robert Keith Porter, '42 B.Comm., 4524 W. 13th Ave., Vancouver, B.C. President

72. Hugh Livingston, '43 B.Ap.Sc., 2922 W. 15th Ave., Vancouver, B.C.

80 Donald Neville Fergusson, '42 B.S.A., 3271 W. 27th Ave., Vancouver, B.C.

89. William Peter Tenant McGhee, '43 B A., B S.F., Port Alice, B.C. Left college

92. Paul Thomas Cote, '42 B A., 2005 W. 43rd Ave., Vancouver, B C. Vice President.

93 Kelvin Orr Fleming, '41 B A., 5788 Cypress St., Vancouver, B.C.

Austin Frith; '42 B.A., 2124 W. 48th Ave., Vancouver, B C.

Kenneth Lucille Keith, '42 B.A., 4177 W . 11th Ave. , Vancouver, B.C. Secret ary.

Robert Giles Shewan, '42 B.A., 3660 Kingsway, Burnaby, B C. Rushing Cha irman

Robert Nelson Murray, '42 B.C0mm , Yahk, B

B.Ap.Sc., 4605 W. 9th Ave., Vancouver, B.C.

Robert Frederick Binnie, '45 B.Ap.Sc., 4477 W . 12th Ave., Vancouver, B.C.

Harold Holton Burke, '44 B.A., 3853 W. 23rd Ave , Vancouver, B.C

Jame s Charlton Chatwin, '43 B A., 5925 Balsam St., Vancouver, B.C.

James Waldon Coutts, '44 B Comm., 2906 Silver Ave., New Westminster, B C. Left college.

130 John Ritchie Cunningham, '44 B.Comm., 3214 W. 23rd Ave., Vancouver, B.C.

131. Allan Murray Eyre, '45 B.Ap.Sc., 4606 W. 9th Ave., Vancouver, B C.

132. Donald Bruce Fields, '43 B.Comm., 633 Linden Ave , Victoria, B.C.

133. Douglas Andrew Haggart, '44 B.S A., 47 14 W. 2nd Ave., Vancouver, B.C.

134. Douglas Lascelles Jack son, '43 B.A., 2954 W. 38th Ave., Vancouver, B.C.

135. Alan Donald John stone, '44 B.Comm., 2030 Whyte Ave., Vancouver, B.C.

136. Thomas Ridley Keenlyside, '44 B.S.A., 6188 Angus Dr., Vancouver, B.C.

137. George Arden Low, '43 B.A., 1117 McClure St., Victoria, B.C.

138. James Ashton MacCarthy, '43 B.S.A., 2912 Kingsway St., Burnaby, B C.

139. Ronald Niel MacKay, '44 B.Ap Sc., 4574 Belmont Ave., Vancouver, B.C.

140. James William Morton, '44 B.A , 833 14th Ave., New Westminster, B.C.

141. James Arthur Rae, '45 B Ap Sc., 1982 Inglewood Ave., West Vancouver, B.C

493. 494. 495. 496. 497. 498 499. 500. 501.
C. 104. Jack Cameron Carlile, '44 B Ap.Sc., 6942 Marguerite St., Vancouver, B C. 105. Charles Lawrence Cotterall, '42 B.Comm., 4743 Puget Dr., Vancouver, B.C. 106. Guy Rufus Landon Curwen, '42 B.Comm., 15 Hazel St., Chilliwack, B.C. Treasurer. 109. George Thomas Hutchinson, '42 B.A., 6536 Sperling St., Vancouver, B.C. 110. Cornelius William Keller, '43 B.Comm., 1588 W. 49th Ave., Vancouver, B.C. 111. John Edwin McDonagh, '43 B.A., 3870 W. 37th Ave , Vancouver, B C. 114. Robert Mead Sinclair, '43 B A., 2142 W. 51st., Vancouver, B.C. 115. Theodore Kenneth Stevenson, '43 B A., 3469 W. 43rd Ave., Vancouver, B C. 116 John Merritt Wallace, '44 B Ap.Sc , 1757 W. 40th Ave., Vancouver, B C. 120. Clement Vernon Barlow, '43 B.A., 6892 Marguerite St., Vancouver, B.C. 121. Robert Oakland Bentley, '42 B S A., 2536 W. 6th Ave , Vancouver, B C. 122. Charles Arthur Carncross, '44 B.Ap.Sc., 1485 Douglas Rd., Vancouver, B.C. 123. Robert John Dpnald Morris, '42 B.A., 919 Victoria St., Nelson, B.C. 124. Douglas Lewis Walker, '42 B.A., 3569 W. 25th Ave., Vancouver, B.C. 125. Stanley Francis Avis, '45

142. Donald Hugh MacRae Ross, '43 B A., 1108 Park Dr., Vancouver, B C.

143. George Edward Rush, '44 B.A., 2406 W. 3rd Ave., Vancouver, B C.

144. John Edwa rd Sparks , '43 B.A., 6975 Angus Dr., Vancouver, B.C.

145. W illiam Shottm Wate, '44 B.A., 6926 Laburnum St., Vancouver, B.C.

146. William Dodge Welsford, '43 B.Comm., 3230 W. 23rd Ave., Vancouver, B.C.

147. William Laird Wilson, '44 B.Comm., 4397 W. 9th Ave., Vancouver, B.C

Nos. 125-147, initiated Nov. 23, 1941. Rushing season: Oct 1-15, 1942.

College activities: Ubyssey News, 1; Canadian football, 1; Ice hockey, Jack Carlile, mgr., 1; English rugby, Charles Cotterall, mgr., 1; Boxing, 2; Soccer, James MacCarthy, mgr., 1; Debating, 1; C.O.T.C., 40 (including 3 commissioned officers); Alma Mater soc., Keith Porter, treas., Robert Morris, L.S.E. Chapter funds: Permanent house fund, $1,500, donated by graduating men, also promissory notes; fund managed by the alumni of the chapter.

Brown University District II Kappa 1849

585. Russell Walter Sloane, '42 B.S., 452 Taunton .• Buffalo, N.Y.

586. Arthur Wilbur Stevens, '42 A.B., 179 Benefit St., Providence, R.I.

587. Leonard Mathewson Sweet, '42 A.B., 123 Lexington Ave., Providence, R.I.

588. John Doyle Wallace, '42 B S., 236 Montgomery St., Fall River, Mass.

589. George Lincoln Rockwell, '42 A.B., Boothbay Harbor, Maine. Left college.

Providence, R.I. 41 George St.

590. Francis Lincoln Sutton, '42 B S., 374 N. Front St., New Bedford, Mass. President.

592 Richard Phillips Cook, '42 A.B , 879 Hope St., Prqvidence, R.I.

593. Richard Henry Hollrock, '42 B.S., 87 Pennsylvania Ave., Crestwood, N.Y. Vice President.

595. Lawrence Joseph Morin, '42 A.B., 151 Garden St., Fall River, Mass.

597 Robert Kenneth Rockwell, '42 A.B., Boothbay Harbor, Maine. Left college.

598. Henry Clay Adams, '43 A.B., 107 Broadway, Pawtucket, R.I. Left college.

599. James Francis Battey, '43 B S., 1925 Broad St., Cranston, R.I

600. Leighton Teeterick Bohl, '43 A B., 32 Henry St., Cranston, R.I.

601. Robert WiLliam Radway, '43 A.B., 450 Oakland Ave., West New Brighton, N.Y.

602 . Robert Vincent Moesch, '43 A.B., 308 N. Park Ave., Buffalo, N.Y.

606. Stanley Eastman Cate, '43 A.B., 307 Hope St., Providence, R.I.

607. Carroll Edward Adams, Jr , '44 A.B., 107 Broadway, Pawtucket, R.I S ecretary.

608 Thomas Hubbard Davenport, '44 A.B., 36 Union St., Thomaston, Conn. Rushing Chairman.

610. Arthur Edgecomb Hatch, Jr., '44 A.B.; 17 McBride Ave., White Plains, N.Y.

611. Paul Palmer Henson, Jr., '44 A B., 149 Main St., H yannis, Mass. Treasurer.

612 William Francis Lawton, '44 A.B., 79 Central St., Palmer, Mass.

61 4. Franklin Dorr Volpe, ' 4 4 A.B., Webcomet Rd., Arlington, Mass.

615 . Ch arl es Marr i ner Col e, '43 A.B., 209 Chapel St., Saylesville, R.I.

616. Ch arle.r Echeverria, '42 B S., Wellfleet, Mass.

617. fohn Don ald Foley '42 A.B., 211 Harrison St., Boonton, N.J.

618 . T h om as For sy the , '42 A.B., 30 Post Rd., Warwick, R.I.

619 John Ste phen Lennon , '44 A.B., 45 Trenton St., Pawtucket, R.I.

620 Vi fl cent Se bastia n Luca, '42 A.B., 94 Kipp Ave., Lodi, N.J.

621. Harr y D a z,is Po g.ron , '42 A B , 45 Fortin Ave., Pawtucket, R.I.

622 . John R ossit er Hess, III, '43 A.B., 29 Oriole Ave., Providence, R.I.

623. Willi am Woodrow Lowe, '42 A.B., 2914 Greene Pl., New York, N.Y.

624. Rob ert Trail/, '43 A.B., 124 Jastram St., Providence, R.I.

625. Aust i n Basse tt Thompson , '44 A.B., 182 Main St., Williamstown, Mass.

626. Ch arl es Austin Willi ams, II, '44 A.B., 431 W . Main St., Kent, Ohio.

627 Don ald Ed ward Andersen , '45 A B., 76 Manor St., Hamden, Conn

628. Bryant W ebst er Bl o od, '45 A.B., 8 Willowbrook La., Worcester Mass.

629 R aym o nd Fr ancis Carmichael, '45 A.B , 37 Oldham St., R.I.

630 R o bert Fran k Cashen, '45 B.S., 135 Adelaide Ave , Providence, R I.

631. Ri chard Gordo n Fallo n, '45 A B., 110 Alexander Ave., White Plains, N.Y.

632. G eo rf(e Heb er Main, '45 A B., c/o Lieut. Main, U S.S Brazos c/o Postmaster San Diego Calif

633. Jer ald M artin Simons, '45 A.B., 187 Montague Pl., South N.J. ' '

N os. 615 -62 1, initiated Oct. 6, 1941; Nos 622-624, initiated Jan 12, 1942; Nos 625-626, initiated Feb 3, 1942; Nos. 627-633, initiated Feb. 28, 1942.

Rush i ng seaso n : Not yet d ecided

Members of honorary schol astic societies : Phi Beta Kappa, J. Donald Foley. College activities : Cammarian club (senior), ). Donald Foley; Erasmian soc., Robert K. Rockwell; Br own D <V Iy H erald, ). Donald Foley, ed. chm. ; Sir Brown, ). Donald Foley, ed., Carroll Adams, asst. ed ., William W. Lowe, bus. mgr.; Sock and Busfin, Wilbur Stevens, chm., 6; Aesculapians (pre-med), Lawrence Morin, pres , 3; Brown Network, Vincent Luca, pres , 4; Yacht club, Paul Henson, treas., 4; Newman club, John Wallace, pres., 3; Brown brokers (musical comedy), 3; Chemistry club, 2;

468 B E T A T H E T A P I f 0 r A P R IL

Christian assn., William Lawton, cabinet; T rack, 1; Band, 3; Football, 2; D ebate, 1; Baseball, 2; Basketball, 1; Squash, 1; Fencmg, 1; Glee club, 3; Brown union bridge club, 1. Chapter paper: Kappa News.

University of California Omega Berkeley, Calif. District XXIII 1879

541. Robert James Hogan, '42 A B., 101 Ricardo Ave., Piedmont Calif. Vice President.

2607 Hearst Ave.

543. William Parkinson Bradford, '42 A.B., 513 Boulevard Way: Oakland, Calif. President.

544. Douglas Lee Kennedy, '42 A.B., 1320 39th St., Sacramento Calif.

545. Edward Russell Rice, III, '42 A.B , Belvedere, Marin Co., Calif.

546. James Hixson Barstow, '42 A B., 1233 Alhambra St., Fresno, Calif.

547. Chester Alwyn Kemp, Jr., '4 2 B.S., 1340 Lombard St., San Francisco, Calif. Tr easurer.

554. Robert Charles Clark, '42 A.B., 360 Vassar St., Berkeley, Calif

556. Wyman Leroy Taylor, '43 B.S., 129 Guilford Rd. , Piedmont, Calif

557. William Halsey Banker, '43 A.B., 6169 Harwood Ave., Berkeley, Ca-lif.

558. Kenneth Alston Williams, '43 A.B., 2624 Forrest Ave., Berkeley, Calif.

560. Gordon Woolfolk Bell, '43 A..B., 100 Stonewall Rd ., Berkeley, Calif.

561. Ralph Bosworth Dewey, '43 A.B., 820 Oxford Rd., Berkeley, Calif.

563. Gerald Fenwick Brush, '43 A B., 3801 Jackson St., San Francisco, Calif Secretary.

564. Alander Franklin Hogland, '43 A.B., 3535 Washington St., San Francisco, Calif.

565. Robert Carey Hill, '43 A.B., 728 S. Windsor Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.

566. Frank James Wright, '43 A.B., 1931 Marengo Ave., Los-Angeles, Calif.

568. Roy Starbird, Jr., '43 A.B., 31 Northampton Rd ., Berkeley, Calif.

569. Robert Charles Berwick, '43 A.B., 376 Castaneda Ave., San Francisco, Calif.

570. George Wolff, Jr., '43 A.B., 10 lOth Ave., San Francisco, Calif.

571. James Redmond Waddell, '43 A.B., 45 Manor Dr., San Francisco, Calif

572 . Clark Hawthorne Grant, '43 A.B., 260 San Leandro Way, San Francisco, Calif.

573. Ralph William Ready, '43 B.S., 2 Hillcrest Ct., Berkeley, Calif.

574. Philip Keith Hayes, '43 A B., 90 Inverlieth Rd ., Piedmont, Calif.

575. Donald William Davis, '43 A.B., 80 Santa Clara Ave., San Francisco, Calif.

576 Robert Leete Farquhar, '44 A.B., 822 Santa Barbara Rd., Berkeley, Calif.

577. Donald Eliot Goodell, '43 A.B., 1070 E 37th St., Long Beach, Calif.

578. Warren Harney Wilson, '44 A.B., 3959 J St., Sacramento, Calif.

579. Richard Mercer Davis, '44 A B., 80 Santa Clara Ave , San Francisco, Calif.

580. Walter Parker Jones, Jr., '44 A.B., Box 5882, R R. 7, Sacramento, Calif

581. Joseph Charles Hunt, '44 A.B., 110 Monte Ave., Piedmont, Calif.

582. Noble Hamilton, Jr., '44 A.B., 3163 Washington St., San Francisco, Calif. R ushing Chairman. 583. Thomas William Carlson, '44 A.B., 1618 Grand Ave., Piedmont, Calif. 584. Walter Treat St. Goar, '44 A B., 104 Walnut St., San Francisco, Calif. 585. Wilfred Laurier Durkee, '43 A.B., 2456 Hilgard Ave., Berkeley, Calif Left college.

586. Paul William deFremery, '44 A B., 2741 Baker St., San Francisco, Calif. 587. Thomas Earle Barber, '44 A B., 2925 Russell St., Berkeley, Calif. 588. Edward George Welch, '44 A.B., 4115 Merra St., Oakland, Calif. 589. David Winslow Hall, '44 A.B., 67 King Ave., Piedmont, Calif. 590. William Norman Pennington, '45 A.B., 133 Romona Ave , Piedmont, Calif 591. Robert Martin Wilson, '45 A B., 3959 J St., Sacramento, Calif. 592. Ben Scott Foster, '45 B.S., 5455 Carlton Rd., Oakland, Calif.

593. Sam Farrington Stone, '43 A B., 845 33rd St., Sacramento, Calif. 594. Robert Lockin Jones, '44 A B., 2704 Derby St., Berkeley, Calif. 595. Wakefield Baker, Jr ., '45 A.B , 2750 Broadway, San Francisco, Calif 596. Arthur Warner Middleton, '45 B.S., 2514 Green St., San Francisco, Calif.

Nos. 585-596, iflitiated Feb. 7, 1942.

Rushing seaso n: Au g. 18-25, 1942.

College activities: Skull and Keys (senior), William P. Bradford, Robert ]. Hogan, James H. Barstow, Alander F. Hogland; Winged Helmet (junior), Wilfred L Durkee, pres., 7; Tri-Une ( sophomore), Walter T. St. Goar, pres., 4; Football, 2; Basketball, 2; Track, 2.

Chapter funds: $10,000 Wheeler-Bentley fund for needy and worthy members of the chapter.

Chapter cup : Guy C. Earl scholarship cup, Richard M. Davis, highest grades in freshman class.

Chapter paper: Omega News, annually.

University of California at Los Angeles Gamma Nu District XXIII 1926

207. Charles Doe Shores, '42 B S., 645 Hale St., Palo Alto, Calif.

216. Edward Glenn Smyth, Jr., '42 B S., 356 Whiting St., El Segundo, Calif.

218. Thomas Dominick Soriero, '42 A B., 2425 6th Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

220. John Howard Culver, '42 B.S., 2801 Menlo Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

22l . Walter Everett Switzer, Jr., '42 B.S., R.R. 1, Box 22, Pasadena, Calif. President.

Los Angeles, Calif. 581 Gayley Ave.


Beverly Hills, Calif. Rushing Chairman.

249 Arthur John Hughes, Jr., '44 B.S., 867 Hyperion, Los Angeles , Calif.

250. Malcolm Walker Brown, '44 B.S., 1256 Upas, San Diego, Calif.

251. Robert Mattison f?.odman, '44 B S., 318 N. Citrus Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

252 . Marvin Alonzon Lee, '44 A.B., 1228 Arlington Ave., T1:>rrance, Calif.

253 William Miller Crawford, '44 B.S., 958 Magnolia Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Left college.

254. B ru ,·e Morley Sellery, '45 A.B., 1467 S. Oakhurst Dr Los Angeles , Calif.

255. Charles Arthur Woodcock, '45 B.S., 1925 Gramercy Ave., Torrance, Calif.

256. Howard Robert McCreery, '45 A.B., 2210 Manning Ave. , West Los Angeles, Calif

257. Austin Roy Sellery , '45 B.S., 1467 S. Oakhurst Dr., Los Angeles, Calif.

258. Walter Edgar Kuhl, '45 A.B. , 200 S. Vista, Los Angeles, Calif.

259. Peter Smoot, '43 A.B , 4565 Dundee Dr., Los Angeles, Calif

260 Byron Dou glas Fahy, '44 1101 S Norton, Los Angeles, Calif.

261. Elbert Ralph Jaycox, '43 A.B., 956 Hyperion Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

262. Dwight Oliver King, '44 A.B., 9019 Hargis St., Los Angeles, Calif.

263. Ch arles Alvin Lutz, Jr., '43 B.S., 38 Leonard Ave., Freeport, N.Y.

264. Donald Scattergood Smith, '44 B.S., 527 San Vicente Blvd., Santa Monica, Calif.

265. Clarence Edward Boyle, '43 A.B., 1430 Kelton Ave., West Los Angeles, Calif

266. Quentin Lombard Clark, '45 A.B., 619 S. Orange Dr., Los Angeles, Calif.

267. Jack Irvine Morgan, '45 A.B 171 S. Hoover St., Los Angeles, Calif.

268. Stewart Gibson Hoover, '43 A.B., 637 Addison Ave., Palo Alto, Calif.

Nos. 251-255, initiated Oct. 13, 1941; Nos. 256-268, initiated Mar. 6, 1942.

Rushing season: Sept. 1-0ct. 15, 1942; Feb 1-Mar. 1, 1943; other indefinite periods.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Eta Sigma, Robert V. Hine.

College activities: Blue Key (senior), Howard Culver, Glenn Smyth, Clifford C. Dancer, Robert V Hine, Marvin A. Lee; Interfratermty council, Howard Culver, sr. secy.; Daily Bruin, 3; Golf, Howard C'Uiver, capt.; Wrestling, Glenn Smyth, capt., 2 ; Baseball, 3; Football, 1; Tennis, 2; Track, 1; Basketball, 4; Religious conference, 3; Scabbard and Blade, 2; Phi Phi, 3; JuniDr council, 2; Sophomore council, 3; Freshman council, 5.

Chapter cups: Armien R. Handy memorial trophies, Charles K. Johnson, highest grades in sophomore class; Donald S. Smith, highest grades in freshman class.

Carnegie Institute of Technology Gamma Iota District

VII 1920

332. David Wade Ellis, '42 B.S. , 5546 Pocusset St., Pittsburgh, Pa

335. Thomas Bowen Riley, '42 B S., 2236 Almont St., Pittsburgh, Pa.

337. James Edward Marlier, '43 B.S., 1314 Main St., Follansbee, W.Va

Pittsburgh, Pa. 5549 Forbes St.

338. Richard Christian Wilson, '43 B.S., 513 Willow Dr., Mt. Lebanon, Pa. Vice President:

343. Charles Cleves Richardson, '42 B.S., 4318 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo. /

344. Thomas Brigh t, '42 B.S., 134 Oliver Ave., Emsworth, Pa.

345. Frederick Krumrey Lacher, '42 B.S., 207 Delafield Rd., Aspinwall, Pa.

346. James Arthur Curry, '43 B.S., 1827 Tonapah St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Secretary

347. Thomas Mercier: '43 B.S., 5549 St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Left college.

348. Horatio Nelson Crooks, 43 B.S., 1011 Qumcy St., Parkersburg, W Va. Pres ident.

349. William Collins King, '43 B.S., 208 Gladstone Rd ., Pittsburgh, Pa.

351. Reed McCutcheon, '43 B.S., 404 S. Lang Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.

352. Wtlford '43 B.A., 143 W. Swissvale Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa

353. Charles Wtlliam Lange, 42 B A., 717 Pressley St. , Pittsburgh, Pa.

354. Osborne Chesley, Jr., '4 3 B.S., 220 Lingrove Pl., Pittsburgh, Pa.

356. Joseph Smith, II, '43 B.A., 40 Passaic St., Hackensack, N.J.

357. John Wtlltam Sant, 43 B S., Park Blvd , East Liverpool, Ohio

470 SETA THETA PI for APRIL 222. Robert Edward Hummel, '42 A.B., 345 S. Doheny Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif Left college. 223. Thomas Gantt Baggot, Jr., '42 B.S., 11920 Hartsook St., North Hollywood, 231. John Nelson Echternach, '43 A.B., 1727 Benedict Canyon Dr., Beverly Htlls, Calif.. 232. Donald Delber Wells '43 A.B., 201 S. Linden Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. Left college. 233. Clifford Chester II, '43 A.B., 10077 Westwanda Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. Treasurer. 234. Guy Scott Freutel, '43 A.B., 504 N College Ave. , Aledo, Ill. Left 235. Alexander Lennox Vail, '43 A.B., 808 N. Alpine Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. 236. Robert Van Norden Hine, Jr., '43 A.B., 122 S. Maple D r., Beverly Hills, Calif. 238. Richard Warren Daily, '43 B.S , 453% Westminster, Los Angeles, Calif. 239. Robert Joseph Thomas '43 A.B., 677 S. Lorraine Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Secretary. 240 James Guy Van Jr., '43 A.B., 246 S Irving, Los Angeles, Calif. Left college 243. Bradford Pierce Hovey, '44 A B., 752 Mariposa Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Left college. 244. Charles Kobler Johnson, '44 A.B., 348 S Almont, Beverly Hills, Calif. 245 John Douglas Dancer, '44 A.B., 10077 Westwanda, Beverly Hills, 246. James Franklin Taylor, :44 A.B., Robleda & Burke, Los Altos, Calif. Vrce Presrdent. 247. John Henry Kuhl, III, '44 A.B., 200 S. Vista St., Los Angeles, Cr..lif. 248. Max Edward Willardson, '44 B S., 250 S. Roxbury,


William Gilbert _Lloyd, '44 .B.S., 7272 112_th St., Forest Hills, N.Y. Left college.

Joseph Harold Dtckson, Jr., 44 B.S., 107 Lincoln Ave. Edgewood Pa. Rushing Chairman

Robert Lewis Mellers, '44 B S., 822 S. Taylor Ave., Oak'Park, III. ' ·

Walt r Frederick Rosseau, '44 B.S., Jeppson Ave., Worcester, Mass ·

Arthur Idris George Reppun, '43 B.S., 2890 Komaia Dr., Honolulu, T.H. Left college.

Joseph Lewis Campbell, '42 B S., 2269 Spokane Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Raymond Antonio Fisher, Jr , '44 B A., 436 Locust St , Edgewood, Pa.

James Arthur Voelz,' 44 B S., 1807 E. Olive St., Milwaukee, Wis.

Kenneth Donald Macdonald, '44 B.S., 315 Sherman St., Boonton, N.].

Harry David Mcintyre, '43 B S., Box 241, Irwin, Pa.

Roger Edwin Beal , '44 B.S., 17 Vick Park A, Rochester, N Y

Harvey Harrison Haines, II, '44 B.S , McMurray Rd., Bridgeville, Pa. Left college.

Dw1ght Roger Loper, '43 B.S., 4520 Abbot Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Treasurer

Webster Newton Jones, Jr., '43 B.S., 562 Briar Cliff Rd., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Herbert Alec Asten, '44 B.S., 1500 Kenilworth Ave., Charlotte, N.C. ·

Milford Charles Tassler, '43 B S., 5549 Forbes St., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Paul Thornton Wines, '42 B.S., 144 John St , Ridgewood, N J.

Wa yne Ear/Johnson , '43 B.S., 480-25 Ave. N ., St. Petersburg, Fla.

Julius Allyn Johannessen, '43 B.S , 917 W. Moreland, Phoenix, Ariz.

Walter Paul Benter, Jr., '45 B.S., 3219 Grover Ave., McKeesport, Pa.

Richard Herron Goldsborough, '45 B S., 1217 S Negley Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa

Bruce Sennett Taylor, '45 B.S., 986 Avondale Ave , Cincinnati, Ohio.

George Stuart MacLeod, '45 B.S., .3300 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, Ill.

Paul Edward Sprowls, '45 B.S., 305 Main St., Claysville, Pa.

John Clark Lorenz, '45 B S., 655 Locust St., Coshocton, Ohio.

Robert Succop Whiteside, '44 B.S., 5667 Beacdn St., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Stuart Smith Williams, '45 B.A., Hillcrest Farm, Allison Park, Pa. r

Everett Charles Hoffman, '45 B.A., 806 W. Washington St., New Castle, Pa.

Robert Wesley Pogue, '44 B.S., 529 Gilmore Ave., Trafford, Pa.

Robert fames Riddell, Jr., '45 B.S., 905 Bigelow St., Peoria, Ill.

Richard Wright Charles, '45 B S., 6520 N 9th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Jerome Moss, Jr., '45 B.S., 66 Lincoln Blvd , Long Beach, N.Y.

Earl Keeney Wallace, Jr., '44 B.S., 5806 Murrayhill Pl., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Nos. 363-371, initiated Apr. 26, 1941; Nos. 372-375, initiated Oct. 12, 1941; Nos. 376-390, initiated Feb. 21, 1942; No. 391, initiated Mar. 7, 1942.

Rushing season: Dates not determined, probably about the last week of August, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Tau Beta Pi, H. Nelson Crooks.

College activities: Dragon (senior), Charles C. Richardson, Thomas B. Riley; Student council, Charles C. Richardson, pres.; Junior arts class, Wilford L. Thunhurst, secy. ; Sophomore arts class, Raymond A. Fisher, Jr., pres.; Freshman arts class, Everett C. Hoffman, pres.; Thistle (annual), H. Nelson Crooks, ed., John W. Sant, bus. mgr , 10; Tartan, 3; Technical, 2; Scottie, 2; Glee club, 7; Kiltie band, drum major, 3; Chapel choir, 1; Scotch and Soda, 2; Swimming, 2; Soccer, 2; Rifle, 1; Boxing, 3; Wrestling, 1; The Cut, 8; Delta Skull (junior), 5; Scimitar (sophomore), 7; Scabbard and Blade, 5. Chapter paper: Gamma Iota Thistle, annually.

Case School of Applied Science

Lambda Kappa Cleveland, Ohio District IX 1905 2111 Abington Rd.

376. Earnest Arnold Furrer, '42 B S., 2111 Abington Rd , Cleveland, Ohio. President.

377. Robert Alfred Sturges, '43 B.S., 2256 Woodmere Dr., Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

379. Manly King Haskins, Jr., '43 B.S., 1446 Roycroft Ave., Lakewood, Ohio.

380. Carl Gustavus Adolphus Johnson, Jr., '42 B.S., 1305 Bonnieview Ave., Lakewood, Ohio.

382. Philip H Peters, Jr., '42 B.S., 16623 Fernway Rd ., Shaker Heights, Ohio.

383. Edward George Rapp, '42 B.S., 3329 Silsby Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

385. David Reece Nusbaum, '42 B.S., 1580 Rydalmount Rd , Cleveland Heights, Ohio

386. Robert Irving Strough, '42 B.S., 423 Rose Blvd., Akron, Ohio.

388. Robert Criswell Baird, '42 B.S., 219 Shawnee Path, Akron, Ohio.

389. Robert Alden Mattoon, '44 B S , 4650 Broadale Rd., Cleveland, Ohio.

390. Homer Alden Humiston, '43 B.S., 24915 Lakeview Dr , Bay Village, Ohio

391. Dustin Jones Redmond, '42 B.S., 3411 Superior Park Dr., Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

392. Richard Hivling Stokes, '43 B.S., 725 Grant St., Troy, Ohio

393. George Frederick Sowers, '43 B.S., 2914 Huntington Rd , Shaker Heights;--Ohio. Secretary.

394. William Thomas Prior, '43 B S., 3333 Warrensville Center Rd , Shaker Heights, Ohio.

397. James Earnest Louis, '43 )3.S., 18137 Clifton Blvd , Lakew?od,

398. Richard Everett Brown, /43 B.S., 2439 Traymore Rd., Umvemty Hetghts, OhiO. Vrce PreJtdent.

399. Ned Landis Lamprecht, '43 B.S., 19319 Riverwood Ave., Rocky River, Ohio.

358. 359. 360. 361. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369 370. 371. 372. 373. 374 375. 376 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391.

Ernest David Heppert, '43 B.S., 24 5th N.E., Barberton, Ohio. Trea.r!lrer.

Maynard Carl Isheim, '43 B S., 2121 Overbrook Rd., Lakewood, Ohto.

Carl Clinton Tinstman, Jr., '43 B.S., 53 Yatew St., Forty Fort, Pa.

Charles Ray Ott, '42 B.S., 264 Harbor St., Canneaut, Ohio. . .

Robert Erwin Linn '43 B.S., 3258 Berkshire Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohto.

James Cameron Jr., '43 B.S., 2474 Euclid Heights Blvd , Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

Glenn Warren Snow '44 B S., 2013 Mayview Ave , Cleveland, Ohio

James Thomas OweC:, '44 B.S., 333 Grant St., Geneva, Ohio. . .

John Newton Bazeley, '44 B.S., 2699 Wadsworth Rd ., Shaker Heights, OhiO. . .

Walter Benjamin Collins, '44 B.S., 2124 Mount Vernon B!vd., Cle':eland Heights, OhiO.

Robert Fox Tuve '44 B.S., 2510 Newbery Dr., Cleveland Heights, OhiO.

Robert Charles Kempf, '42 B.S., 1027 Denman St., Coshocton, Ohio

Donald Lester Dasbach, '44 B.S., 19947 Purnell Ave., Rocky River, Ohio.

Robert Homer Taylor, '44 B.S., 151 Overlook Dr., Alliance, Ohio.

Robert Edward Diener '44 B.S., 2825 E. Derbyshire Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

Gomer Harold '43 B.S., 3411 Superior Park Dr., Cleveland Heights, Ohio

f>.rthur Tatman, '43 B S., 57 Ridge Rd., Willoughby, Ohio

Joseph Vandan Vermillion, '44 B.S., 15315 Plymouth Pl., East Cleveland, OhiO.

David Mervin Cowan, Jr , '44 B.S., 1479 Sherbrook Rd., South Euclid, Ohio

Richard Thomas Scantlebury, '44 B.S., 522 W . Walnut, Ashland, Ohio.

Richard William Meyer , '43 B.S., 300 Whittemore St , Toledo, Ohio

Thomas Richard Charlton , '43 B.S., 396 Madison Ave., Akron, Ohio

Robert Lawrence Callaghan, '43 B S., 141 Union St., Bellevue, Ohio.

Lawrence Russell For bes, '4 3 B S., 78 Chestnut St., Elyria, Ohio.

George John Keto, '43 B.S ., 1330 W. 3rd St., Ashtabula, Ohio.

Richard Hu me Horton, '44 B.S., 361 Long Beach Park, Bay Village, Ohio.

Robert Adolph Radefeld, '45 B S , 1337 Nicholson Ave , Lakewood, Ohio.

Wayne E verett Barrett, '45 B.S ., 3222 East Fairfax Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

Arthur fames Bazeley, '45 B.S , 2699 Wadsworth Rd., Shaker Heights, Ohio.

John Ch arles '45 B.S., 2792 Front St., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.

Ro bert Lyon H awkins, '45 B S., 45 Villa Beach Park, Cleveland, Ohio

William Card Nusbaum , '45 B.S., 1580 Rydalmount Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

Frank James Opatrny, Jr., '45 B.S ., 16401 Fernway Rd., Shaker Heights, Ohio

Bradle y Junior Pettibone, '45 B S., 1293 Brockley Ave., Lakewood, Ohio

H oward Frank Black , '45 B.S., 1575 Rydalmount Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

Bruce Maynard Reese, '45 B S., 125 Morgan St., Barberton, Ohio.

Robert William Sharp, '45 B.S., 2549 Whitlaw, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.

Robert Otto Sords, '45 B.S., 2323 Shaw Ave., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.

Milton Roy Spielman, '45 B.S., R D 2, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.

Richard Austin Thomas, '45 B S., 389 Fairmount Ave , Warren, Ohio.

Cl arence Cal vin VanArsdale, Jr., '45 B.S., 1012 Chestnut Blvd., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.

Wayne Douglas Wells , '45 B S., 168 E. 315 St., Willoughby, Ohio

Charles Joseph Wirls, '45 B.S., 17812 Clifton Blvd., Lakewood, Ohio.

No 423, initiated Sept. 18, 1941; Nos 407, 424-446, initiated Feb 6, 1942.

Rushing season : Unrestricted.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Tau Beta Pi, Robert I. Strough, David R. Nusbaum, David Heppert, Edward G. Rapp, George F. Sowers.

College activities: Case Senate, Earnest A. Furrer, pres ; Senior class, David R Nusbaum, pres.; Care Alumnus, David R. Nusbaum, student ed.; Case News Service, Edward G. Rapp, dir., 6; Case Tech, 6; D ifferen t ia l (yearbook), 5; Glee club, 13; Band, 7; Orchestra, 4; Wrestling, 2; Football, 4; Swimming, 2; Basketball, 1; Track, 2; Collegiate Who's Who, 4; Blue Key, 4; Lambda Rho Epsilon (debating and speakers bureau), George F. Sowers, dir., 4; Theta Tau, 6; Alpha Chi Sigma, 5; Honor Keys, 5.

Chapter cups: Cornelius G. Sheid honor key cup, Robert C. Kempf, Earnest A. Furrer, David R. Nusbaum, Edward G. Rapp, Dustin Jones Redmond, George F. Sowers, for campus activities recognized by the award of the Case honor key; Freshman scholarship cup, Robert Diener, for highest grades in freshman year.

Chapter paper: Lambda K ap pa Log, annually.

Centre College Epsilon

District XI


581. Winfield Scott Gabhart, Jr., '42 A B., 202 E Lexington St., Harrodsburg, Ky

586. Albert Clark Antle, '42 A B., 1040 E. 2nd St., Maysville, Ky

587. Monte Scott Harkins, '42 A.B., 240 Lexington St., Danville, Ky.

589. Harry Osborne Dudley, Jr., '43 A.B., Flemingsburg, Ky Treasurer.

590. D avis Monroe Howerton, Jr., '42 A.B., 1508 Hilton St., Ashland, Ky.

Danville, Ky.

115 N. 5th St.

401. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 41 4. 415 416. 417. 418. 419. 420 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446.


Thomas Cooper Coleman, III, '43 A.B., 2155 Alta Ave., Louisville, Ky.

Hl!ghes,, '43 A.B., 1212 Castlewo.od Ave., Louisville , Ky.

Fredenck Pierce lively, 43 A.B., 684 S. 44th St., Louisville, Ky. Pr esident.

Grover Cleveland Reid, Jr., '43 A.B., 923 College St., Trenton, Tenn.

Robert Harry Norris, Jr., '43 A.B., 914 S. Green St., Glasgow, Ky.

Earl Robert Muir, Jr., '43 A.B , 2541 Dell Rd., Louisville Ky.

Joseph Sherill Calvin Leech, '44 A.B., 104 Brown St., Gl;sgow, Ky. ,

David Tuck Potter, Jr., '44 A.B., 409 Jarvis La., Louisville, Ky.

Alexander Fible Courtenay, '44 A.B ., 217 E. Magnolia St., Louisville, Ky. S ecretary

Charles Curtis Jones, '44 A.B., 1010 Green St., Glasgow, Ky. Left college.

Howard Sidney Hilborn, '44 A.B., R F.D. 2, Willoughby, Ohio.

Richard Fulton Simpson, '44 A.B., Upper River Rd ., Louisville, Ky

James Harcourt Nutter, Jr., '44 A B., 312 Pleasantview, Louisville, Ky Left college.

Vernon Vaughn Knuckles, '44 A.B., Beverly, Ky.

John Thomas Higgins, '42 A.B., 165 Lawrenceville Rd ., Trenton, N J. Vice President.

lloyd Addiso11 Lanier, '45 A.B., Lexington Ave., Danville, Ky Left college.

Brice Terry Leech, '44 A.B., 104 Brown St., Glasgow, Ky.

John James Briscoe, '45 A B., Post Hdq., Fort Knox, Ky.

Isaac Hugh Buchanan, Jr., '45 A.B., Bulan, Ky. .

William Hancock Breeze, '45 A.B , Brooksville, Ky.

Hugh Lyle D uerson, Jr ., '45 A B., 535 Poppy Way, Louisville, Ky

Rudolph Hart Mcintyre, Jr., '45 A.B., 2317 Meadow Rd., Louisville, Ky.

Martin Luther Claxton, Jr., '44 A B , 936 Cherokee Rd., Louisville, Ky.

Nos. 604-606, initiated Apr. 24, 1941; No. 607, initiated May 16, 1941; Nos. 608-614, initiated Feb. 14, 1942.

Rushing season: Sept. 16-20, 1942. (Rushing chairman to be appointed).

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Omicron D elta Kappa, F. Pierce Lively. College activities: Senior Pitcairn club, F Pierce Lively; Sophomore class, Joseph S. C. Leech, secy.; Old Centre (annual), F. Pierce Lively, ed., 2; Glee club, 1; Football, 3; Basketball, 2; Dramatics, 2 Chapter paper: Epsilon Bark , semi-annually

University of Chicago

District XIV

Lambda Rho


464. Eugene Reed Later, '42 A.B., 8249 Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill.

467. John Bennett Zurmuehlen, Jr. , '42 A B., 200 S. 1st St., Council Bluffs, Iowa.

471. Gregory Dexter Hedden, '42 B S., 6710 Merrill Ave., Chicago, Ill.

472. John Jeffery Mongerson, '43 A.B., 7209 Yates Ave., Chicago, III.

Chicago, Ill. 5737 University Ave.

475. Edwin Hamilton Armstrong, '43 A.B., 7936 Rogers, Wauwatosa, Wis. President. 476. Jerome Paul Scheidler, '43 A.B., 520 N. McKinley Ave., Muncie, Ind. 477. Robert Grove Kraybill, '43 B.S , 5720. Woodlawn Ave , Chicago, Ill. 478. Edward Henry Senz, '44 B.S., 402 W. LaRue, Streator, Ill. 479. James Anderson Willott, '44 B S , 80 N. Euclid, Pasadena, Calif. 480. Richard Ray Taylor, '44 B.S , State Sanatorium, Norton, Kans. 481. John Maxwell McBride, '44 A.B., 1182 Garfield, Topeka, Kans Tr easurer.

482. John David Taylor, '42 B.S., State Sanatorium, Norton, Kans . 483. Charles Webb Sutton, '44 A.B., Anstead, W Va.

484. Don ald Eugene Theis, '44 A.B., 3014 Forest Ave., Great Bend, Kans . Left college.

485. Hugh Samuel Bonar, Jr., '43 A.B., 916 N. lOth St., Manitowoc, Wis Left college

486. Richard Lieber, IV, '44 B.S., Carmel, Ind. Secut ary.

487. Lucien Walter Fitzgerald, Jr., '44 A B., 6121 Woodlawn Ave , Chicago, Ill. Left college

488. George Dana Johnson, '44 A.B., 1029 Plymouth St., Abington, Mass.

489. Alexander Randolph, '44 A.B., Parker, Ariz.

490. Jack Berger, '44 B.S., 1006 Home Ave., Oak Park, Ill.

491. John Avery Crawford, '43 B S , 651 Chestnut St., Meadville, Pa

492. Robert Ray Miller, '43 A.B., 6415 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, Ill. Vice President.

493. Harry William Fischer, '43 B.S., 6233 San Bonita, St. Louis, Mo. Rush ing Chair man.

494. Stephen Lewellyn, '44 A.B., 2338 E. Main St., Elwood, Ind

495. Loren Charles Marsh, '42 A.B., 524 Riley Rd., Muncie, Ind.

Nos. 478-492, initiated Mar. 28, 1941; Nos. 493-494, initiated Oct. 27, 1941; No. 495, initiated Jan 19, 1942

Rushing season: First six weeks of the Autumn Qua rter . College activities: Interfraternity council, John B. Zurmuehlen, Jr., vice pres. ; Puls e, 3; D aily Maroon, 1; Dramatic assn , 6; Blackfriars, 14; Student publicity board, 2; Chapel union, 5; Radio workshop, 4; Skull and Crescent (sophomore), 2; Iron Mask (junior), 2; Track, 4; Swimming, 2; Gymnastics, 2; Fencing, 1; Hockey, 2; Tennis, 1.

591. 593. 594. 595. 596 597. 598. 599. 600 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613 . 614.

Chapter funds: $10,000 Raymond C. Dudley fund for "loans to assist deserVing male students at the University of Chicago, preferably those who are members of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity."

Chapter cup: William Kimmel freshman scholarship cup, John M. McBride and Edward H Senz, highest grades in freshman class.

Chapter paper: Pho enix, when published.

University of Cincinnati Beta Nu 1890 Cincinnati, Ohio 2630 University Ct. District XI

474. William Kemeys Cook, '42 Bus Ad., 519 Shafer Blvd., Dayton, Ohio

Ballard Flanders Smith, '41 Bus.Ad., 642 Berkeley Rd., Indianapolis, Ind

John Henry Doerner, '42 C.E., 322 Howell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Robert Manning Eichelberger, '42 Bus.Ad., 1020 Harvard Blvd , D ayton, Ohio.

Harry Ellis King, '42 Com.E , 418 Resor Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.

William John Parchman, '42 Bus Ad. , 2250 N Bend Pd , Cincinnati, Ohio.

Stuart Clifford Plettner, '42 M E., 123 Custer Ave , Evanston, IlL

Robert Clay Sale, '42 C.E., 422 Lake St., Park Ridge, IlL

Robert Edward Tingley, '42 M.E., 45 Woodcrest PL, D ayton, Ohio.

Norwood James Utter, Jr., '42 Bus.Ad., 3917 Madison Rd ., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Everard Leland Webber, '42 Bus.Ad., 902 W. Crescent Ave , Park Ridge, IlL

John Henry Hallock, '43 Bus Ad , 1339 Ault View Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Gordon Bishop Ingram, '43 Bus Ad., 6207 Edwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio Vice President, Rush-

ing Ch ai rma n.

Joseph Robert Mullenix, '42 Bus Ad., 722 2nd St., Marietta, Ohio

Robert Gordon Smythe, '43 C.E., 647 E 44th St., Indianapolis, Ind. ,

John Thomas Bade, '44 Bus.Ad., 1121 Olivia La., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tr ea surer

Wallace Holly Cook, '43 B.A., 200 Forest Dr., Itasca, IlL

Ezra Thomas Franklin, Jr., '44 M.E., 1212 Lake Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind.

James Robert Fuller, '44 Bus.Ad , 231 N.W. I St., Richmond, Ind. Secr eta ry.

William Richey Graf, '43 B.A., 2934 Vernon Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Charles Tomlinson Griffes, '44 Bus.Ad., Manhasset Woods Rd , Plandome, N.Y. President.

Charles Evan Knab, '44 Bus Ad , 1147 Harvard Blvd., D ayton, Ohio

Ernest William Steinforth, '44 Bus.Ad., 3309 Nash Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Charles Herbert Munz, '43 B.A., 3654 Middletown Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Howard Charles Weber, '44 Com.E., 615 Bommer Rd Cincinnati, Ohio.

Allan Thompson Ratcliffe, '45 Bus.Ad., 1520 S Florence Ave., Tulsa, Okla.

Willi am Carl Beckner, Jr., '44 B.S., 1990 Kinney Ave , Cincinnati, Ohio.

Rodney Sawyer Bryson, '44 A.B., 1204 Edgehill Rd ., Fort Mitchell, Ky.

John Robert Crozier, '45 A.A., 2206 Madison Rd. , Cincinnati, Ohio. Inactive.

Richard Edward Diederick, '45 M.E. , 126 S 22nd St., Richmond, Ind

William Gerald Ezell, '44 Com.E., 1027 Valley Rd., Charlestown, W.Va.

George Garratt J ohns, Jr., '45 Ch .E , 4504 White Oak St., Baltimore, Md.

Edwin Ferdinand Karges, Jr., '45 A.E., 808 Sunset Ave., Evansville, Ind.

Donald Ralph Kn ab, '44 A.B., 444 1-Pitts Ave. , Cincinnati, Ohio .

Lloyd Roy Kuhn, '45 Bus .Ad., Cleaves-Warsaw Pike, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Robert Nathaniel Montgomery, '45 A E , 3317 Jefferson Ave ., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Harry Thomas Porter, Jr , '44 M.E., 6 Sylvan La., Wyoming, Ohio.

Lewis Palmer Sale, Jr., '45 Bus.Ad., 42 2 Lake St., Park Ridge, Ill.

Paul George Stroebel, '45 C.E., 12 Intervine PL, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Richard Erwin Terrell, '45 A.E., 239 E. Broad St., Elyria, Ohio .

J ohn Frederic Van Pelt, '44 A.B., 6616 Wooster Pk., Mariemont, Ohio. In active.

Allen Hei skell Whaling, '44 A.B., 439 Warren Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.

G eorge Carl Moore, '45 A A., 3111 Burnet Ave , Cincinnati, Ohio

Ro bert St anley Lambert, Jr (A P), '44 Bus.Ad., 3780 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio

R obert Carll-lagerstrom, '46 Com .E., 915 Western Ave., W aterloo, Iowa. Left college.

H arrison H umphreys G regg, '45 Ch .E., Kershaw, S C.

Charfp Ray Kiesewetter, '45 B.A., 2630 University Ct., Cincinnati, Ohio.

G eorge Ro bert Bruckman, '46 Ch.E., 102 4 Clifton Hills Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Samue l Ashy Fuller, '46 Ch .E., 52 25 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind.

James Alfred I-lolt son, '4 5 A.E., 10 Drake Ave., Dayton Ohio.

William .'WcAda ms Jord on, '46 M.E., Signal Hill, Springfield, Ohio.

D avid Bryon Kee, '46 Bus.Ad., 580 Mulberry St., Daytona Beach, Fla.

J ohn Lamp recht, '46 Com.E., 193 19 Riverwood Ave., Rocky River, Ohio.

Fred Rrchard Lanenbeck, '45 B.A., 720 Hermosa Ave., Cinci nnati, Ohio

Bates L owery, '45 B A., 5936 Pandora Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Clark Allan Oyler, '46 Bus.Ad., 1340 Leders La., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Louis Jacob S chneid er, Jr., '43 B.A., 434 Warren Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Berber/ Ridgely Todd, '45 Ch.E., Avon Park, Fla.

Mile s Jo hnston Todd , '46 M.E., 4920 Stewart Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio.

490. 501. 502. 506. 507. 509. 510. 513 514. 515. 522 . 523. 524. 526. 529. 532. 533
534. 535. 536. 540. 543. 544 545. 546. 547. 548. 549. 550 551. 552. 553. 554. 555. 557. 558. 559. 560. 561. 562 563. 565 . 566. 567. 568. 569 570. 571. 572. 573. 574. 575. 576. 577. 578. 579 580. 581.

582. William Ward Ventress, '45 B.A., 2020 Williams Ave., Norwood, Ohio.

583. Donn Edward Young, '45 Ch.E , 153 W. Pike St., Clarksburg, W.Va.

No. June 2, 1941; No. 566, affiliated Oct. 1, 1941; No. 567, initiated Dec. 19, 1941; No. 568, mttrated Jan 31, 1942; Nos. 569-583,- initiated Feb. 28, 1942.

Rushing season: Aug. 15-Sept. 30, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Tau Beta Pi, John H . Doerner; Beta Gamma Sigma, Robert M. Eichelberger; Omicron Delta Kappa, William]. Parchman, Harry E. King,]. Robert Mullenix; Phi Eta Sigma, Alan H. Whaling. -

College activities: Sigma Sigma, 3; Sophos, 2; Cincinnatian (annual}, William]. Parchman, bus. mgr., 6; Cincinnati News Record, 1; Glee club, 2 ; Basketball, Harry E King, capt.; Swimming, 3; Golf, 2; Freshman football, 1; Ulex, 7; Y.M.C.A., 5; Scabbard and Blade, 1; Kappa Kappa Psi, 1; Pershing Rifles, 4; Debate, 1; Mummers, 1; Interfraternity council, E Leland Webber, pres.

Chapter cups: Beta Nu scholarship cup, Frederick H. Burke; Gerald D. Hall freshman cup, Alan H. Whaling.

Chapter paper: Beta Nus, annually.

Colgate University

District III

Beta Theta


672. LeRoy Bald, '42 A.B., 3502 Grantley Rd., Baltimore, Md. Pt- es ident.

673. George Palmer Banitch, '42 A.B., 1 Walden Pl., Montclair, N.J.

674. Donald Alexander Burns, '42 A.B., 215 Oakridge Ave., Summit, N.J.

675. Alfred Leo Diebolt, Jr., '42 A .B., 66 Court St., Plattsburg, N.Y.

Hamilton, N.Y. 80 Broad St.

676. James Storms Ditzler, '42 A B., 574 Front St., Jamestown, N.Y Treasurer. Left college.

677. Truman Riddle Fowler, '42 A .B., 63 Kingsbury Pl., St. Louis, Mo.

681.. Joseph Thomas McCourt, '42 A.B., 83 Buena Vista Ave., Yonkers, N.Y Left college.

682. Herbert Irving McCoy, '42 A.B., 49 Harvard St., Montclair, N J.

683. LeRoy Sante, Jr., '42 A.B., 308 Orchard Ave., Webster Groves, Mo.

684. Henry John '42 A.B., 62 Prescott Ave., Grant City, N.Y.

685. Charles Slocum Gardiner, Jr., '43 A.B., 1521 Park Hill Dr., Cleveland, Ohio.

686. Bruce Alexander, '43 A.B., 9 The Fairway, Upper Montclair, N.J Treasurer, 2nd semester

687. Richard Francis Cleary, Jr., '43 A.B., 50 Kendall Ave., Maplewood, N.J.

688. Thomas Edward Cottrell, '43 A.B., 44 Fisher PI., Red Bank, N.J. 689. Frederick Sanford Cushing, '43 A.B., 1007 W. Water St., Providence, R.I. 690. David Williamson Gates, '43 A.B., 716 Hillsdale Ave., Akron, Ohio.

691. Judson Snyder Griffin, '43 A.B., 12 Stratford PI., Binghamton, N.Y. 692. Earl Leeper Hamilton, '43 A.B., 222 S. Cassingham Rd., Columbus, Ohio 693. Richard John Harpending, '43 A.B., 118 Morningside Dr., Elmira, N.Y. 694. Robert Albert Johnson, '43 A.B., 78 Forest Dr., Orchard Park, N.Y. Vice Presid ent 695. Thomas Stephen Joyce, '43 A .B., Applebrook Farm, R.F.D. 1, Asbury Park, N.J. Left college. 696. Carl

Ave., Montclair, N.J. 703. Charles Edward Pierson, '43 A.B., 11 Irving Pl., Nutley, N.J. 705. Robert Daniel Settle, '43 A .B., 9 Westover Rd. ; Fort Worth, Texas. Rushing Chairm an. 706. Robert Illingworth Thorburn, '43 A.B., Brookside, N.J. 707. Allan Murray Cartier, Jr., '44 A.B., 514 Carleton Rd., Westfield, N.J. 708. Charles Edward Gauer, Jr., '44 A .B., 1009 Belfield Ave. , Drexel Hill, Pa. 709. Edwin George Holloway, '44 A.B., 2302 Asbury Ave. , Evanston, III. 710 Brayton Covert Nichols, '44 A.B., 5830 Stony Island Ave., Chicago, III. Left college. 711. William Halsey Plummer, '44 A B., 217 Holly St., Cranford, N J. 712. Richard Lloyd Packman, '44 A.B., 68 Douglas Rd. , Gl en Ridge, N.J.

713. Charles Hord Ray, '44 A.B., 1535 S Center St., Terre Haute, Ind.

714. Edward Bought-an -Sullivan, Jr., '44 A.B., 66 Bangor S.t., Springfield, Mass.

715. Henry Deen Towers, '44 A.B., 115-11 Curzon Rd., Kew Gardens, N.Y.

716. Ralph Bickerstaff Webber, Jr., '44 A.B., 66 Pleasant St., Newton Center, Mass.

717. Willard Malcolm Wight, '44 A.B. , 207 Terry Rd., Hartford, Conn.

718. George Washington Young , III, '44 A.B. , Ferris Hill Rd , New Canaan, Conn.

719. Charles West Hall, Jr , '44 A.B., 202 Burns St., Forest Hills, L.I., N.¥_ Left college.

Nos. 707-718, initiated Dec. 13, 1941; No. 719, initiated Dec. 20, 1941.

Rushing season: March 25-29 , 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Herbert I. McCoy. College activities: Konosioni, Alfred L. Diebolt; Student senate, Le Roy Bald ; Banter, Richard H. LaBonte, ed.-in-chief, 2; Maroon, 2; Glee club, 5; Band, 1; Track, Alfred L. Diebolt, capt., 2; Football,

Alfred Kallgren, Jr., '43 A.B., Hamilton, N.Y. Secret ary. 697. Richard Cortis Kennard, '43 A.B., 71 Overbrook Rd., Montcl air, N.J. Inactive 698. Richard Hammill LaBonte, '43 A.B., 718 Forest Ave., Wilmette, III. 699. Robert Raymond Lacey, Jr , '43 A.B., R F.D. 2, Johnson City, N.Y. 700. James Thomas Leftwich, Jr., '43 A B., 87 Belleview

5 ; Basketball, 2 ; Baseball, 3; Tennis, 1 ; Swimming, 1 ; Wrestling, 2; Boxing, 2 ; Hockey, 2 ; Golf, 1 ; Skiing, 1; Cross country, 1; Dramatics, 2; Maroon Key, 4.

Chapter funds: Mothers' fund, for house improvements, founded May, 1940; Beta Theta endowment fund, founded Oct., 1935.

Chapter cup: Dr. John Greene memorial scholarship cup, Edward B. Sullivan, Jr., highest grades in entering pledge class.

Chapter paper: The Adelphian, annually:

Walter Ernst Bliss, Jr., '42 LL.B., 1616 12th St., Greeley, Colo.

Richard Brown Paynter, '43 LL.B , 514 Custer St , Brush, Colo

Homer Olwin Woodbury, '42 M.A , 840 13th St., Boulder, Colo.

William Gene Griffith, '42 B.S., 1940 Colorado Blvd., Denver, Colo.

James Angus Philpott, Jr., '42 B.S., 2037 Ash St., Denver, Colo. Left college.

Charles Ward Watts, '41 B.S , LaSalle, Colo.

Macgregor Folsom, '41 A.B., 1046 Ogden St., Denver, Colo

John Thomas Allen, Jr., '42 B.S., 500 Circle Dr., Denver, Colo.

James Rae Summer, '42 B.S., 5656 E. 6th Ave , Denver, Colo.

Ira Elbert Tanner, Jr , '42 A.B., 801 Grant Pl., Boulder, Colo.

Alvin Frederick List, Jr., '42 B.S., 422 Brandywine Ave., Schenectady, N.Y.

Lawrence Frank Mack, '42 B.S., 214 W. Abriendo St., Pueblo, Colo.

Leonard Edward Morrison, '42 A.B., 1793 Holly St., Denver, Colo.

Jack Dean Moyers, '42 A.B., 665 S. Gaylord St., Denver, Colo.

Cameron Kenneth Merrifield, '41 A.B., Rocky Ford, Colo.

Tschudy Fitz-Randolph Dungan, '41 B.S., 1324 Grandview St., Boulder, Colo.

Wayne Sterling Curlee, '42 B.S ., 415 Columbine St., Sterling, Colo.

Thaddeus Hovendon Walker, '42 B S., 105 W. 12th St., Casper, Wyo.

William Brown Paynter, Jr., '42 B.S., Brush, Colo.

Brqfe Harding Van Druff, '41 B.S., 168 Kooline Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa. •

William Lucius Paddock, '43 A.B., 845 11th St., Boulder, Colo. President

William Frank Schulte, '43 B.S., 733 Filmore St., Denver, Colo. Left college.

Robert Maunsell Fenner, '43 B.S., 1309 Oak Ave., Evanston, Ill. Treasurer.

William Craig Light, '43 A.B., 801 Baseline Rd., Boulder, Colo.

William Topliff Secor, '43 B.S., 257 Pratt St., Longmont, Colo.

Richard Baxter Weber, '43 B.S., 656 Milwaukee, Denver, Colo

John Tedford Liggett, Jr., '43 B.S., 306 W. 16th St., Pueblo, Colo.

Robert Reily Knowles, Jr., '43 B.S., 420 Delmar Pl., Sterling, Colo. Vice President.

Reed Russell Hannon, '43 B.S., 1748 Williams St., Denver, Colo.

Donald Glen Brotzman, '43 A.B., Merino, Colo.

Richard Ernest Dudgeon, '43 B.S , 751 Madison St., Denver, Colo.

William Robert Heath, '42 A.B., 582 Garden Ave., Webster Groves, Mo Left college.

Robert Louis Edgar Hover, '43 A.B., 1439 Franklin St., Denver, Colo. Left college.

John Roland O 'Brien, '44 A.B., 600 Oakland Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa. Left college.

Autrey Raymond Croke, '44 A.B., 675 Humboldt St., Denver, Colo.

Louis Ireland Hart, Jr., '44 A.B., 1840 12th Ave., Greeley, Colo.

Richard Thompson MacCracken, Jr., '44 A.B., 1060 Vine St., Denver, Colo. Rushing Chairman.

Robert Bruce Holmes, '44 A.B., 809 E. 3rd St., Eureka, Kans. Secretary.

Harold Dale Wolaver, '44 A.B., 142 W. 1st St., Loveland, Colo.

Thomas Stephen Everist, '44 A.B., 37 MacDonald Dr., Sioux City, Iowa.

John Everett Griffith, '44 A.B., 1940 Colorado Blvd., Denver, Colo.

John Henry Kinkade, '44 A.B., Kersey, Colo.

James Maxwell Burger, '44 A.B., 1029 11th, Boulder, Colo.

John Champion Berry, '44 A.B , 2817 Rogers Ave., Fort Smith, Ark. Left college.

William Thomas Doar, Jr., '44 A.B., New Richmond, Wis.

Rob ert William Doll, '42 B.S ., 1312 Pine, Boulder, Colo .

Ed ward Gale MacArthur, '43 B S., 1850 13th Ave., Greeley, Colo. Left college.

Rich ard B everly Cheek , '44 A B., 527 S. 58th, Omaha, Nebr Left college.

Frank Pascoe Gardiner, '44 A.B., 1685 Steele St., Denver, Colo. Left college.

Thomas Wayne Kerrigan, '44 A.B., 3421 Warren Ave., Cheyenne, Wyo.

Ro bert Leslie Peugh, '44 A.B., 311 Crescent Blvd., Hutchinson, Kans.

John Richard Toops, '42 B S., 2217 Forest St., Denver, Colo.

Ro g er Wi nks Gray, '42 A.B., 400 E Cherry, Watseka, Ill.

Bmc e K yle Kemp, '45 A.B., 1515 E. 9th Ave., Denver, Colo.

R oy Preston Lee, '45 B.S., 839 S. High St., Denver, Colo.

John D avidson Cuaz, '45 A.B., 2055 Bellaire St , Denver, Colo.

D avid Allen Henderson, '45 A.B., 1909 13th Ave., Greeley, Colo.

Richard Ellsworth Brown, '43 B.S., 5811 Holmes St., Kansas City, Mo.

University of Colorado District XX Beta Tau 1900 Boulder, Colo. 1111 Broadway St. 470. 471. 483. 486. 494. 497. 503. 506. 508. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 516. 518. 519. 521. 522. 528. 531. 532. 533. 534. 535. 536. 537. 539. 540. 541. 542. 547. 549. 551. 552. 553. 554. 555. 556. 557. 558. 559. 560. 561. 562. 564 565. 566. 567. 568 569. 570. 571. 572 573. 574. 575. 576.

577. Kirk Stratton, '44 A.B., 735 Race St., Denver Colo.

578. Gerald Phillips Anderson, '44 A.B., 3317 Ave., Omaha, Nebr.

579. James Otis Walker, '45 B.S., 105 W. 12th, Casper, Wyo.

580. Thomas Hawkins Clark, Jr., '45 B S., 2133 4th St., Boulder, Colo.

581. Hubert Ulric Waggener, '45 A B., 4625 E. 25th Ave. , D enver, Colo.

582. Frederick William Kohler, Jr., '45 A.B., 3147 Larimer St., Denver, Colo.

583. Charles Tiffany Karpf, '43 A.B., 203 N. 62nd St., Omaha, Nebr.

584. RIChard Scott Farr, '45 A.B., 1312 9th Ave., Greeley, Colo.

Nos. 564-567, initiated Apr. 11, 1941; Nos. 568-584, initiated Jan. 23, 1942.

Rushing season: Sept. 11-14, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, H. Olwin Woodbury; Sigma Tau, Tschudy F. Dungan; Tau Beta Pi, John T. Allen, Jr.

College activities: Interfraternity council, John T . Allen, Jr., pres. ; Coloradan (annual), 3; Silver and Gold, 6; Window, 1; Delta Sigma Pi, 1; Alpha Chi Sigma, 1; Phi Delta Phi, 4; Pi Gamma Mu, 2; Football, 4; Basketball, 1; Swimming, 2; Baseball, 1; Skiing, 4; Scimitar (sophomore), 8; Sumalia (junior), 4.

Chapter paper: Beta Taurus, annually.

Gamma Delta District XX 1914

Colorado College

342. Warren Carter Caldwell, '42 A.B., Box 656, Estes Park, Colo.

355. Gordon Meyers Wheeler, '42 A.B., Lordsburg, N.Mex.

360. Richard Wilson Hughes, '42 A.B., 2577 Cherry, Denver, Colo. Secretary .

361. Charles Harold Kistler, Jr , '42 A B., 39 E. Montgomery Ave , Ardmore, Pa.

362. Jack Loss, '42 A B , 1175 lOth St., Colorado Springs, Colo.

369. Frederick Beal Zaugg, '42 A.B , 1520 W Kiowa, Colorado Springs, Colo.

372 Lloyd Edson Worner, Jr., '42 A.B., 714 Woodlawn Pl., Mexico, Mo.

376. Robert Tredway Clark, '43 A.B., 817 E. San Miguel, Colorado Springs, Colo.

377. Donald Charles Cushman, '43 A.B., 1330 Greenwood Ave., Wilmette, Ill.

378. William Roderick Gammon, '43 A.B., Ramah, Colo. President.

379. John Lamson Jennings, '43 A.B., 2884 Broxton Rd., Cleveland, Ohio.

Colorado Springs, Colo. 106 E. San Rafael St.

380. Richard Lincoln Johnston, '43 A B , 1431 Oak St., South Pasadena, Calif.

381. Maurice Hollis Keesling, '43 A.B., 1102 Norfolk Blvd , Whittier, Calif. Left college.

382. Richard Heald Leach, '43 A.B., 1363 Gaylord St., Denver, Colo.

383. Robert Linlithgow Livingston, '43 A B., 4 Sutton Pl., New York, N.Y.

386. Hans Gerhardt Nelson, '43 A.B., 1121 N. Tejon, Colorado Springs, Colo.

389. Resigned.

391. Bruce Edward McCall, '43

Colorado Springs, Colo. Left college.

James ' Woodrow Lo-;vry, '44 A.B., 314 E. 70th Ter., Kansas City, Mo. Left college.

Robert Franklin Malone, '44 A.B., 1211 N. Tejon, Colorado Springs, Colo

William Courtney Myers, '42 A.B., 1832 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Willis E Terry, III, '44 A.B., 1336 N Prairie St., Galesburg, Ill.

David Glenn Wyer, '44 A B , 4650 S Fremont Ave., Minneapolis, Minn

413. Donald Irving Brothers, '43 A.B , 815 N. Hancock, Colorado Springs, Colo Rushing Chairman 414. Thaddeus Dulaney Garrett, '44 A.B., 1436 Elizabeth, Denver, Colo. Left college .415. Richard Mortimer Gl over, '43 A.B , 221 E. Broadway, Newton, Kans.

416. Robert Rayner Griffin, '44 A.B., 607 Race St., Denver, Colo.

417. Robert Weare Howe, '44 A.B., 2129 Summit Ave., Sioux City, Iowa.

418. Harry Gro ve Robert Knapp, '44 A B., Lisbon, N.Dak.

419. John William Lee, '44 A.B., 601 Ogden St., Denver, Colo ·

420. Rodney Andrew Parvin, '44 A.B., 5354 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, Ind.

421. David Coumbe Brewer, '4 5 A.B., 5101 Belmont Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.

422. Wilson Marshall Cross, '45 A.B , 155 W. Jefferson Rd., Pittsford, N.Y.

423. Laurence Whitridge Greene, Jr ., '45 A.B , 5325 E. 17th Ave , Denver, Colo

424. Frederick Allen Hastings , '45 A.B., Devon, Pa.

425. William Guy Hopkins, '45 A B., 2007 Elizabeth St., Pueblo, Colo

426. Harry Frank Howard, '45 A.B., 2034 Roanoke, Colorado Springs, Colo.

A.B., 1625 Laurel, South Pasadena, Calif." Vice President. 392. Frank Ernest Palmer, Jr., '43 A.B., 231 Beattie, Sterling, Colo. 394. Robert Boyd Johnston, '43 A B., 5564 Northumberland St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Left college. 396. Donald Franklin Cameron, '43 A.B., 2724 N. Clinton, Fort Wayne, Ind. Left college. 397. William Harold Eagleton, '43 A.B., 2341 Forest St., D enver, Colo. 400. John Houghton Letts, '43 A.B., 3975 S. Fox St., Englewood, Colo. 401. William Marksheffel Calvert, '44 A B , 1604 Wood Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. Treasurer. 402. Thomas Abram Davis, '43 A.B., Portland, Colo. 403. Roland Bishop Dickison, '43 A.B., 723 N. Weber, Colorado Springs, Colo. 404. Sidney Jones Flook, '44 A.B., 1307 E. 60th St., Chicago, Ill. 405. Frederick Clinton Howard, Jr., '44 A B , 2034 Roanoke,

427. William Robert Jones, '43 A.B., 2712 Gunnison, Colorado Springs, Colo.

428. William Earl Kistler, '4 5 A.B , 39 E. Montgomery Ave., Ardmore, Pa

429. Eugene Morgan Young, '45 A.B., 1431 Monterey Rd., South Pasadena, Calif.

Nos. 413-420, initiated Nov. 16, 1941; Nos. 421-429, Feb. 27, 1942. Rushing seas011: Sept. 10-17, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Richard H. Leach, Frederick B. Zaugg. College activities: Associated Students, Lloyd E. Worner, Jr , pres.; Junior class, Richard H. Leach, pres.; Sophomore class, Willis E Terry, pres.; Red Lantern (senior), Gordon M. Wheeler, Lloyd E. Worner, Jr.; Interfraternity council, 2 ; Nu gget (annual), Roland D ickison, bus. mgr., 2; Tiger, 2; Band, 3; Orchestra, 2; Football, 1; Basketball, 3; Track, Donald Cushman, capt., 7; Golf, 2; Tennis, 2; Koshare (dramatics), 5; Debate, 4; International relations club, 4; "?" club, 8; Sigma D elta Psi, 2; Alpha Kappa Psi, 5; French club, 3; Growlers club, 6. Chapter cup: Gamma Delta alumni cup, William G. Hopkins, highest grades in freshman class. Chapter paper: Gamma Delta Comet, annually.

Colorado School of Mines Beta Phi District XX 1908

341. Stanley Winfield Parfet, '42 E.M., 1850 Ford St., Golden, Colo

344. Walter-John Hillabrant, '42 E M., Wattis, Utah.

349. John Walter Hyer, '42 E.M., 369lafayette, Denver, Colo.

351. Everett Fessenden Davis, '42 P.E., 86 Churchill Ave., Palo Alto, Calif.

353. Charles Franklin Lathrop, '42 G.E., Reed Apts., Golden, Colo.

355. Robert Witt Winsten, '42 E.M., 3625 Washington St., Indianapolis, Ind.

356. Lee James Talbott, '42 E.M., 22 E. 56th St , Kansas City, Mo.

Golden, Colo. 1701 Arapahoe St.

357. Robert Hudson Shanley, '42 E.M., 150 Roycroft Ave., Long Beach, Calif. Vice President.

358. Joseph Landrey Fusselman, '42 P.E., 1704 S. Utica, Tulsa, Okla.

360. Robert Theodore Rehtmeyer, '42 P.E., Pasadena Dr., Aspinwall, Pa. President.

361. Alfred Henry Bebee, Jr., '42 E.M., Independence, Colo.

364. Frantz Russell Lupton, '42 P E., 2057 Clermont, Denver, Colo. Treasurer.

367. Robert Harris Gallaher, Jr. , '43 P.E., Excelsior, Minn.

368. Hall Stewart, '43 P.E., 1420 N. Franklin St , Danville, Ill.

369. Frederick Charles Aldrich, '43 P E., 321 Termino Ave., Long Beach, Calif.

371. John Warren Gableman, '43 P.E., 1625 Ash St., Denver, Colo.

372. William Fletcher Shelton, '43 P E., 2720 Forest Ave., Great Bend, Kans. Rushing Chairman.

373. George Warren Parker, '43 E M., 421 S Downing St., Denver, Colo.

374. Phillip Fisher Banta, '44 P.E., 9 Crest La., Swarthmore, Pa.

375. Warren John son Mason, '43 P.E., Reed Apts , Gold en, Colo

378. Donald Lee Cedarblade, '44 P E., 935 S Williams, Denver, Colo.

379. Robert Earle Zimmer, '44 E.Met., Cresta Rd ., Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Colo.

381. Robert Estes Johnson, '44 P.E., 2501 Colfax, Evanston, Ill.

382. T odd Clement Storer, '44 P.E., 420 W. 20th St., Pueblo, Colo. Secretary.

383. J ames Cannon Woodruff, '44 P.E , 102 Pawpaw St., Watervliet, Mich

384. Thomas Albert Warburton, '44 E.Met., Boncarbo, Colo.

387. Ro bert D ouglas McPhee , '42 E.M., 580 Franklin St. , Denver, Colo.

388 K enneth Conrad Heald, '45 P.E., 100 Gladstone Rd , Pittsburgh, Pa.

389. Jo hn William R oy Crawford. '45 P.E., 1515 S. Madison, Tulsa, Okla.

390. John Powell Babcock, '45 P.E., Chicago Rd., Paris, III.

391. Atexander Austin Briber, '45 E.M., 5045 E. 17th St., Denver, Colo

392 Willard Ellis, '45 P.E., 2243 York St., Denver, Colo.

393. Ja mes Elmer Brown, '44 E.M , 205 Mt. View Ave., Bluefield, W.Va.

394. Ch arles Peter Meyer, '45 P.E., 101 Lawncroft Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa

395. James Robinson Buckley, '4 5 P.E., 2539 S. Cincinnati, Tulsa, Okla.

396. J ohn Charles Howbert, '45 E.M., 1877 Gaylord Denver Colo

397. Rich ard Franklin Zimmerly, '45 P.E., R R. 4, III. '

398. Geor g e Thomp son Peart, '45 E.M., 250 S. Eudora St., Denver, Colo.

399. R alph Vernon Compton, '45 E.Met., Box 224, Cokedale, Colo.

400 Cli nto n Wray Greg!(, '45 M.E., 2709 S. Lafayette, Englewood, Colo.

401. George Wall Gl eason, '45 P.E., 302 W. 18th St., Pueblo, Colo.

402. Joseph Edward Krabacher, '45 M.E., 790 Wadsworth Ave., Lakewood, Colo.

403. Harold Louis McKune, '4 5 M .E., 1310 Wadsworth Ave., lakewood, Colo.

No. 387, initiated Oct. 13, 1941; Nos. 388-403, initiated Feb. 2, 1942. Rushing season: S ept. 1-8, 1942 (Not limited).

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Tau Beta Pi, Robert H. Shanley. College activities: Football, 1; Basketball, Lee ]. Talbott, capt. ; Wrestling, 1; Fencing, John W.

478 B ETA THETA PI f 0 r A P RIL

Gablernan, capt. and rngr.; Publications board, John Hyer ; Prospector (yearbook), Joseph L. Fusselman, ed., Alfred .H, Bebee, bus. mgr.; Oredigger, 1.

Chapter awards: Outstanding freshman, Robert E. Zimmer; Outstanding freshman ath lete, Donald L. Cedarblade.

Chapter paper: Crucible, annually.

Columbia University Alpha Alpha District V 1881

523. John Hugh Clark, '42 A.B., 143-38 37th St., Flushing, N.Y.

New York, N.Y. 550 W. 114th St. 524. Wesley Nelson Fach, '42 B.S., 1022 E. 2nd St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 525. Wilbur George Hasslinger, '42 A.B., 98 Highland Pl., Ridgefield Park, N.J. Left college. 527. George August Minervini, '42 A.B., 62 Wendover Rd., Yonkers, N.Y. 528 Frederick Charles Spannaus, Jr., '42 A.B., 180 Kneeland Ave., Yonkers, N.Y.

Robert Benedict Brady, '42 A.B., 94 Walker Rd. , West Orange, N.J.

William Norris Maxon, '42 A.B., 3 Vista Way, Port Washington, L.I., N.Y.

534. Lawrence Francis Cooney, '42


541. Clarence Walter Stone, '43 A B., 304 S. 1st Ave., Mt. Vernon, N.Y.

545. Felix Eugene Demartini, '43 A.B., 949 Slocum Ave., Ridgefield, N.J.

546. Kenneth George German, '43 A.B., 7th St & Central Ave., Garden City, N.Y.

547. Walter Henry Richters, '44 B S , 550 W. 114th St., New York, N.Y.

548. John Keith Spitznagel, '44 A.B., 3012 N. Talbot St., Indianapolis, Ind. Vice President, Rushhzg Chairman: 1

549. John Persson Bartels, '42 B.S., 3224 83rd St., Jackson Heights, N.Y.

550. John Livingston Cooper, '43 A.B , 6 James St., Montclair, N.J.

551. George Edwin Crawley, Jr. , '44 B.S., Merriewold, N.Y.

552. Robert William Scht;bert, '44 B S., 3341 Reservoir Oval, New York, N.Y.

553. Dat,id Rice Williams, '44 A.B., 29-55 215th Pl., Bayside, N.Y.

554. John Robert Bickford, '44 A.B., 313 Nichols Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y.

555. Theodore Herbert Grimm , Jr. , '44 B.S., 196 Rooseville Ave., Newark, N.J. T1·easurer.

556 Philip Herm an Willkie, '42 B.S., 1010 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. Left college.

557. Harold John Wehmann, '42 A.B., 918 Manhattan Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y.

558. James Gray Benson, '45 A B , 3401 Ave. J, Brooklyn, N.Y.

559. David Ransom Covell, II,' 45 A.B., 82 Floral Pkwy., Floral Park, N.Y.

560. Carl Kinsey H ammergren, '45 A.B., 199-11 lOOth Ave., Hollis, N.Y.

561. Frederick William Heh re, J r., '45 A.B. , 17 Elizabeth Ave., Arlington, N.Y.

562. Edwin Tutt Long, '45 A.B., "Ronicrest," West Redding, Conn. S ecretary.

563 No rbert Alfonse Lo rentz, Jr. , '45 B.S., 381 Terrace Ave., Hasbrouck Heights, N.J. Left college

564. Robert Anthony Prochazka , '45 B.S., 63 Hawthorne Ave., East Orange, N .J.

565. Kenneth Clifford Rasmussen, '45 A.B., 125 W. 5th St., Bayonne, N.J.

566. Felix von Schwanenflueg el, '45 B.S., 21 Central Ave., Lawrence, N.Y.

567. Robert H omer Young, '45 A.B., 614 Melish Ave , Cincinnati, Ohio.

Nos. 549-555, initiated Apr., 21, 1941; Nos. 556-567, initiated Dec. 13, 1941.

Rushing season: Oct. 19-26, 1942.

College activities: Blue Key, Harold Wehmann; Sachems (senior), Wilbur Hasslinger; Radio dub, 2; Senior advisory board, Robert Brady; Varsity "C", 3; Baseball, Harold Wehmann, .rngr., 1; Football, Walter Richters, asst. mgr., 3; Crew, 2; Track, 3; Swimming, 3; Fencing, 1; Varsity show, 5

Chapter cups: Richardson-Cleghorn trophy, senior having done most for the chapter, S. Willis Hughes; Baker scholarship cup, highest scholastic average in the chapter, ]. Hu ston Westover; Freshman sophomore, junior and senior scholarship cups, highest average in each Robert Schubert, John Higgins, Robert Brady and]. Huston Westover, respectively.

Chapter paper : Alpha Alpha Annual.

Cornell University Beta D elta

District .JV 1879

718 Joseph Francis Davidson, Jr., '42 M.E., 2581 Brentwood Rd , Bexley, Columbus, Ohio.

721. Robert Tarr Edmunds, '42 Chem.E.; Paris Rd., New Hartford, N.Y.

722. William Nicholas Kruse, '42 Chem.E., 112 Forest Rd., Davenport, Iowa.

724. Joseph Cook Littleton, '42 E.E., 31 E 5th St., Corning, N.Y.

727. Robert Warren Sailor, Jr., '42 E.E., 210 White Park Rd , Ithaca, N.Y.

728. Peter Swan Stutz, '42 A.B., 964 E. State St., Ithaca, N.Y.

730. Charles Lenwood Aderholt, '43 A B., 3430 81st St., Jackson Heights, L.I., N.Y.

731. Bruce Beh, '43 Chem.E., Greenlawn, L.I., N.Y.

536 Andrew
, 339 Broadway, Newburgh, N.Y.
Granville de Sherbinin, '43 A
324 E. 41st St., New York, N.Y.
Richard William Dorgan, Jr., '43 A.B., 213-32 43rd Ave., Bayside, L.I., N.Y. President.
. William Mackenzie Webb, '43 A.B., 328 Westview Ave ., Leonia, N.J.
John William Higgins, '43 A.B., 177 E. 4th St., Brooklyn,
Ithaca, N.Y.
100 Ridgewood Rd

732 . Herbert Donald Bliss, '42 A.B., Lake Rd., Youngstown, N.Y.

733 Malcolm Leonard Blue, '43 B.S., Poland, N Y.

73 4 Knox Breckenridge Burger, '43 A.B , Chappaqua, N.Y. Rushing Chairman

735. James Blaine Dunkel, Jr., '43 A.E., 424 Mt. Vesson Blvd , Royal Oak, MICh. Left college.

737. Robert Blakely Murphy, '43 M E., 701 Sumner Ave., Syracuse, N.Y.

738. William H ugh MacKinnon, '43 B.S., 15 E. Kirby St., D etroit, Mi ch. . .

739. William Edwin Mclaughlin, '43 M.E., 3911 Vaux St., Pa. V1ce Prestdent.

740. Thomas Otto Nobis, '43 C.E , R F.D 1, D avenport, Iowa. Prestdent.

742. Allan Leander Spafford, Jr., '43 Chem E., 406 Ave. D , Cloquet, Minn. Treasurer.

743. Robert Johnston Talbert, '43 A.B., 180 Sheridan Ave., Teaneck, N.J.

744. Mario Cuniberti, '42 M.E., California, Md.

746. John Allen McDougal, '43 M E., High St., New Lexington, Ohio

747. Hope Thomas Martin Ritter, Jr., '43 A.B., 101 N. 11th St., Allentown, Pa.

748 Gustavo'Jose Vollmer, '42 C.E , Sur 4 No. 8, Caracas, Venezuela, S.A.

749. Thomas Lincoln Eschweiler, '44 A.B. , 2659 N. Terrace Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.

750. John Livingstone Haughwout, '44 A.B., 20 Glenwood Rd., Upper Montclair, N.J.

751. Robert Fisher La ird, Jr., '44 A.B., Guildford Manor, Salem, N.J.

752. Joseph Louis Martin, '44 A.E., 1281 Sheridan St., Camden, N.J.

753 Robert Austin Moody, '42 A.B., 635 Oneonta St., Shreveport, La.

754. Tohn Nash, II, '44 B.S., 2830 Lee Rd ., Shaker Heights, Ohio.

756. William Arthur Rielly, '44 A .B., 13 Proctor Blvd., Utica, N.Y.

758 Louis Anthony Viviano, '44 A.B., 1346 Evergreen Ave., Plainfield, N.J.

759. Roy Glen Wiggans, Jr ., '44 A.B., Forest Home, Ithaca, N.Y.

760. Platt Kissam Wiggins, '44 A B., 25 Kilmer Rd., Larchmont, N.Y

761. John Lamson Jennings (r .::\), '44 A.B , 2884 Broxton Rd., Shaker Heights, Ohio. Left college.

762. Cl yde Higbee Loughridge, Jr., '43 M.E., 1248 Ramona Ave., Lakewood, Ohio. S ecretary.

763. Julio Andres Sosa Rodriguez, '44 C.E., Hda. Sosa-Chacao-Caracas, Venezuela, S.A.

764 Alexander Raymond Treleaven, '44 M E., 3556 79th St., Jackson Heights, L.I., N.Y.

765. John Feli x Tunnicliff, '43 C.E., 223 Forest Rd , D avenport, Iowa.

766 Rob ert Nichols Adair, Jr ., '45 A B., Edgemont Ave., Maysville, Ky.

767. Prentice Cush ing, Jr., '45 E E., 828 Park Ave , Albany, N.Y.

768. Dale Mel11in Dassler, '45 M .E., 307 Arbor La., Webster Groves, Mo.

769. H erbert Dow Doan, '45 Chem.E., 1018 W. Main St., Midland, Mich.

770. Robert Jolley Douglas s, '45 A.B., 198 Thames St., Groton, Conn.

77 1. Perry Townley Egbert, Jr ., '43 M.E., 408 S. Albany St., Ithaca, N.Y.

772. Charles Robert Fetter , '45 Chem.E., 88 Chestnut St., Milburn, N.J.

773 H arry L ewis Hilleary , Jr. , '4 5 Chem.E., 466 Pasadena Ave , Webster Groves, Mo.

774 D m1id Jackson HopU'ood, '45 A.B , 3192 Sycamore Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

775. Roy Ellis Hughes, Jr., '45 C.E., 4407 Ellicott St. N W., Washington, D .C.

776. Richard Fredrick Koppe, '45 A B., 48 Wistaria Dr., Dayton, Ohio.

777. J oseph Treadway Nash, '45 A.B., 2830 Lee Rd., Shaker Heights, Ohio.

778. Robert Edward O'Rourke, '45 M.E., 424 Hanshaw Rd ., Ithaca, N Y.

779. William Frank Pearson, '45 M.E., 206 N Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, N Y.

780. H arry Lawrence Priest, '44 A .B., 11 D rury La., Great Neck, N.Y.

781. William Wade Shepard, '45 A.B., 2567 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.

782. Richard Thomas Stacy, '45 M E., 1225 Park Ave., Piqua, Ohio

No. 761, affiliated Oct. 6, 1941; Nos. 762-765, initiated Nov. 29, 1941; Nos. 766-782, initiated Feb 21, 1942

., Rushing season: Indefinite, perhaps this summer.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Tau Beta Pi, W. Nicholas Kruse, Joseph C. Littleton, Thomas 0. Nobis.

College activities: Sphinx Head (senior), Joseph F. D avison, Jr , W. Nicholas Kruse, Joseph C. Littleton; Cornell Widow, Knox B. Burger, ed.-in-chief, 2; Cornell Almanac, Robert ]. Talbert, ed.; Cornell Enghzeer, 1; Orchestra, 4; Men's glee club, 5; Men's instrumental club, 1; Sage chapel choir, 1; Honorary musical club, 1; Student council, 1; Interfraternity council, 2; Engineer's council, 1; Wrestling, Joseph C. Littleton, capt., 3; Football, 3; Baseball, 2; Basketball, 1; Track, 5; Varsity crew, 5; 150 lb. crew, Joseph F Davidson, Jr., mgr., 4; Soccer, 1; Swimming, 1; Polo, 1; Lacrosse, 1; Skiing, 1; Hockey, 1; Fencing, 1; Golf, 1; Cheerleader, 1; Freshman camp counselor, 1; Gargoyle, 3; L'Ogive, 3; Chi Epsilon, 1 ; Eta Kappa Nu, 1; Pyramid, 1; Atmos, 2; AI-Djebar, 5; A.S.M E., 4; A.S.C.E., 3; A .I.E.E., 2; A.I.Ch .E., 4; Aleph Semach (junior) , 1; Red Key (junior), 5; Book and Bowl, 1; Phi Delta Phi, 1; Pi Tau Pi Sigma, 1; Scabbard and Blade, 1; Sigma Delta Chi, 1; Le Cercle Francais, 1; Camera club, 1: Cosmopolitan club, 3; Crew club, 6; Delta club, 1; Football club, 2; Newman club, 2; Retort and Beaker, 4; Officers' club, 11; Pershing Rifles, 1; Polo and Riding club, 3; Ski club, 1; Wrestling club, 3; United religious work, 3; Radio guild, 2; Committees, 23.

Chapter award: Freshman scholastic key, William W . Shepard.

Chapter paper: The Beta D elta News, five issues per year.


Wilson, '42 A B., 117 Woodside PI., Fort Thomas, Ky.

Gordon Davidson Bingham, '43 A.B , 698 Crescent Blvd., Glen Ellyn, Ill. Left college.

Ormand Birkland, Jr , '43 A.B., 71 Stonebridge Rd ., Montclair, N J

Robert Dana Brown, '43 A.B., 5830 Stoney Island Ave., Chicago, Ill. Vice President. Left college.

Albert Nathaniel Drake, '43 A.B., Lake Rd ., Short Hills, N .J. Left college.

1156. James Davis Elleman, '43 A B., 102 N. 15th St., Richmond, Ind

J oseph Kent Hutchinson, '43 A.B , 2241 Forest View Rd. , Burlingame, Calif Sec retary.

George Horning Lowden, '43 A.B., 421 Walnut St., Roselle, N .J. Left college.

Jack Dale Mack, '43 A.B., 995 Adams St., Denver, Colo.

John Coit '43 A.B., 73 Wayne Ave , White Plains, N Y

1161. Resigned.

1162. Richard Robinson Morner, '43 A B., 160 Walnut Ter., SP{ingfield, Ohio

1163. Frank Peter Slingluff, '43 A.B., 2220 Wyoming Ave., Washington, D.C.

1164 Ellis Smedley Ward, Jr., '43 A B., Ridley Park, Pa.

1165. Charles James Webb, II, '43 A B., 7th St & Chelten Ave., Oak Lane, Philadelphia, Pa R ushing Chairman.

James Olsen, Jr., '43 A.B. , 356 Eugenia St., Lombard, III.

H arry H odges S emmes, '43 A.B., 202 Primrose St., Chevy Chase, Md. Left college.

Melvin Medford Fenichell, '43 A B , 1457 Nostrand Ave. , Brooklyn, N.Y.

Thomas Montgomery Ho well , Jr., '42 A.B., 2708 Lakeview Ave., Ill. Left college.

Lewis William Seidma n, '43 A.B., 2861 Bonnell Rd., Grand Rapids, Mich.

James Gale Bril!, gs, '44 A.B., 9 West Hill La., Wyoming, Ohio.

Theodore Todd Brush, '44 A.B., 121 Allenwood Rd. , Great Neck, N.Y.

Lafayette Hardwick Caldwell, Jr., '44 A.B., 523 Fleetwood Dr., Lookout Mountain, Tenn

Paul Trowbrid ge Carroll, '44 A.B., 166 Stanberry Ave Columbus, Ohio.

Marshall Clark, '44 A.B ., 61 Soundview Ave., White Plains, N.Y.

Robert LaHuis Coith, '44 A.B., 667 Reilly Rd ., Wyoming, Ohio.

William Hunter Ferguson, '44 A.B., 3910 S Gilpin Ave., Denver, Colo. Left college

Charles Edward Fos ter, '44 A.B , Cole Rd ., Montclair, N J

Stephen Windsor Holmes, '44 A.B., 3 Lakeview Rd .,Winchester, Mass

Donald Chalmers McCreery , Jr. , '44 A.B., 2133 E. 7th Ave., Greeley, Colo.

Donald Earn es t May, '44 A.B. , 447A Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N .Y .

Robert Jack son Myers, '44 A B., 9 West Hill La., Wyoming, Ohio

Earl Tracy Owen , '44 A B , 3000 Rivermont Ave., Lynchburg, Va

Philip Edward Penberthy, '44 A.B., 723 Scyburn Ave., Detroit, Mich.

Robert Jenninl!,s Ril!,gs, Jr., '44 A.B ., 214 Woodward Blvd., Tulsa, Okla.

West Shell, Jr., '44 A.B., 15 Reilly Rd ., Wyoming, Ohio.

John Mohler Sh i llenberger, Jr., '44 A.B., 5 Elmwood Blvd., York, Pa.

Donald Maxwell Smith, Jr. , '44 A.B., 416 N . Ridgewood Rd ., South Orange, N.J. Left college.

Arthur Ellsworth Summerfield, Jr., '44 A.B., 2952 Parkside Dr., Flint, Mich.

Joseph Richard Vancisin, '44 A.B ., 1044 Hancock Ave., Bridgeport, Conn.

William Cave- Welch, '44 A B., 46 S. Kensington Pl., Springfield, Ohio.

Charles Von Sick/en Mottola, '44 A.B., 1385 E. 22nd St., Brooklyn, N.Y.

Charles Oephriam Fox, Jr., '44 A.B., 286 Post Rd., Darien, Conn

Nos 1168-1169, initiated Feb. 18, 1941; Nos. 1170-1192, initiated Nov. 23, 1941 ; Nos. 1193-1194, initiated Apr 1, 1942

Rushing season: May 26-June 1, 1942.

College activities: Casque and Gauntlet (senior), ,Harold J . Eckardt, Lloyd J . Emslie; Dragon (senior), W alter B. Elcock, Richard C. Nehring, Henry E. Pogue, William G. Temple; Paleopitus,

THE CHAPTERS IN 1942 481 Dartmouth College Alpha Omega District I 1889 Hanover, N H. 1131. Thomas Shipman Blankley, II, '42 A.B., 144 Argyle Rd., Brooklyn, N.Y. 1132. John Henry Dills, '42 A.B., 67 Ely Ave., Pelham Manor, N.Y. T reasurer . 1133. Harold Joseph Eckardt, '42 A.B., Sterling Rd ., Rye, N.Y 1134 Walter Benjamin Elcock, '42 A B., 152 Brighton Rd., Atl anta, Ga. 1136. William Holden Gray, '42 A.B., 111 6th Ave., Pelham, N.Y. Webster Ave. 1137 Warren Baxter Jones, '42 A.B., 2200 E Kerrington Blvd., Milwaukee, Wis. 1139 Theodore Lawrence Locke, '42 A.B., 5210 Washington Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. 1140. George Dunlap McClintock, Jr., '42 A.B., 4950 DuPont Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. 1141. Richard Charles Nehring, :42 A.B ., 117 Cassills Ave., Bronxville, N.Y. 1142. Henry Edgar Pogue, IV, '42 A.B , 82 Henry Ct., Fort Thomas, Ky. President 1143 Ralph Arthur Radin, '42 A B., 534 Elder La., Winnetka, III. 1144. Richard Morrison Riggs, '42 A.B , 214 Woodward Blvd ., Tulsa, Okla 1145. Clifford M Roberts, Jr., '42 A .B., 433 Bolsover Rd ., Minneapolis, Minn. 11 46 William Geddes Temple, '42 A.B., 210 Vine St., Denver, Colo. 1147. Frederick Washington Cassidy, Jr., '42 A.B., Intervale Rd. , Roslyn Heights, L.I , N.Y. 1149. Lloyd John Emslie, '42 A.B., 790 Colonial Ave., Pelham Manor, N.Y. 1150 Warner Culbertson
1166. 1168. 1169 1170. 1171. 1172. 1173. 1174. 1175 1176. 1177. 1178. 1179. 1180 1181. 1182. 1183. 1184. 1185 1186 1187. 1188. 1189 1190. 1191. 1192. 1193 1194.

Lloyd J. Emslie; The Dartmouth, George D. McClintock, eire. mgr.; Green Key (junior), 2; Glee club, 7; Football, 1; Soccer, John H. Dills, mgr., 2; Basketball, 4; Tennis, 2; Skiing, 2; Lacrosse, 3. Chapter paper: Alpha Omega, annually.

Davidson College

Phi Alpha District VIII 1858

452. Edward Bunker Taylor, '42 B.S , Southport, N.C.

453. James Robert Bryant, Jr., '42 B S., 2320 Briarwood Rd., Charlotte, N C.

456. William Mitchell Shaw, Jr., '42 B.S., 322 Hawley St., Fayetteville, N.C.

459. Press ley Robinson Rankin, Jr., '42 B.S., Mt. Gilead, N.C. Vice President

461. Benjamin Jackson Philips, Jr., '42 B.S., 4034 Post St., Jacksonville, Fla.

464. Albert Curry Winn, '42 A.B , 126 Capers St., S.C. President.

465. James Baldwin Howell, '42 B.S., Ellerbe, N .C.

467. Joseph Clarendon Barnwell, '43 B.S., Brookwood Dr , Burlington, N.C.

468. John Marvin Mebane, '43 B.S., 803 N. Front St., Burlington, N.C.

469. Bartlette Burkhead Walker, '43 B.S., Mt. Gilead, N.C.

470. Donald Cl air Caterson, '43 B.S ., Montrose, Pa.

D avidson, N.C. Box 646

471. Craig Richard Schmidt, '43 B.S., 1205 Main St., Shelbyville, Ky. Secretary, Rushing Chairman.

472. Robert William Raney, '43 B.S., 1820 Fair Park Blvd., Little Rock, Ark.

473. Morton LeBaron Church, Jr., '43 B.S., 1626 Queens Rd . W., Charlotte, N.C.

474. James Parker McCrary, '43 A.B., Lonoke, Ark.

475. Paul Haywood Efird, Jr., '42 B.S., 224 Hermitage Rd., Charlotte, N.C. Treasurer

476. Frank Noell Mebane, Jr., '43 B.S., 926 Alameda Ave. , Orlando, Fla.

478. Charles Mebane Robinson, '44 B.S., 704 S. Lee St., Gastonia, N C.

479. DeWitt Dewey Phillips, Jr., '44 B.S., 1034 Kenilworth Ave., Charlotte, N C.

480. Charles Woodfin Upchurch, Jr., '44 B.S., 1735 Brandon Rd., Charlotte, N .C.

481. David Matthew Yocum, Jr., '44 B.S., ElDorado, Ark.

482. Staley Frank Garrison, Jr., '44 B.S., 805 N. Front, Burlington, N C.

483. William Elliot White, Jr., '44 B S., 219 S Main St., Graham, N C.

484. Robert Brownlee Welsh, '44 B.S., 1915 Sterling Rd. , Charlotte, N C.

485. Robert Gale Cushman, '44 B.S., 18 36 Ingleside Ave., Jacksonville, Fla.

486. Harold Finley Tucker, Jr., '44 B.S., 15 48 Lancaster Ter., Jacksonville, Fla.

488. Crawford Wheeler, Jr., '44 B.S., 51 Glen Byron Ave., Nyack, N.Y.

489. Paul Mauney Neisler, Jr , '44 B.S., Kings Mountain, N C.

490. Sam Gaines Stubbins, '44 B.S., 1134 Glenview Rd ., Birmingham, Ala.

491. George Logan Roseborough, Jr., '44 B.S., 14th & Beach Ave., Atlantic Beach, Fla. Left college

492. Rufus Woody, Jr ., '44 A.B., Forrest City, Ark. Left college.

493. Edmond Clayton Philips , '44 B.S., 4034 Post Rd., Jacksonville, Fla.

494. Paul Brown Welch, Jr., '44 B.S., 1034 Almeria Ave., Coral Gables, Fla.

495. Milton Ste venson Thurst on, '42 B.S., Taylorsville, N.C. Left college.

496. William Bret •ard Rogers, '43 B.S., ElDorado, Ark. Left college.

497. , G eorge Evander Wilson, Jr., '44 B S., ElDorado, Ark.

498. G eorge Lym an nuckley, '44 B.S., 6907 Henley St., Philadelphia, Pa.

499. Henry Carl Rowland, '42 B.S., 1715 Winthrop Ave , Charlotte, N.C.

500. William Alexander Ranson, '45 B.S., 620 Hermitage Ct , Charlotte, N.C.

501. Allan Wh itworth Bosch, '44 B.S., 824 S. National Ave., Springfield, Mo .

502. Grayson Letcher Tucker, Jr., '4 5 A.B., Laurel, Miss.

503. John Lewis Sherrill, '45 B.S., 1853 Overlook Ter., Louisville, Ky.

504. D exter Thompson Witherington, '45 B.S., Mt. Olive, N .C.

505. Lloyd Wilson Pritchett, Jr., '45 B.S., 704 W. Davis St., Burlington, N.C.

506. Thomas Hendricks Byrd, Jr ., '45 B.S., Clay St., Shelbyville, Ky. ·

507. Lo uis Broyles Crayton, Jr. , '4 5 B S., 811 Queens Rd , Charlotte, N C.

508. Donald Grant Bryant, '45 B S., 2119 Morrison Blvd., Charlotte, N C.

509. Thomas Jackson Goode, '45 B.S., 7th St., Charlotte, N.C.

510. Rmh Sp encer Smit h, '45 B S., Jackson Rd., Gastonia, N.C.

511. Charles George Rowland, '45 B.S., 124 Pine St., Sumter, S C.

512. Go rdon D onald Lipscomb, '45 B.S., Fairmont Pk., Gastonia, N .C.

Nos. 490-494, initiated Apr. 24, 1941; Nos. 495-498, initiated Oct. 18, 1941; Nos. 499-512, initiated Feb. 21, 1942.

R11shing season: S ept 16-21 , 1942 (tentative).

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Albert C. Winn; Omicron Delta Kappa, Albert C. Winn.

College activities: D avidsonian, Albert Winn, asso. ed., 7; Quips and Cranks (annual), 5; Scrips and Pranks , 2; Glee club, 4; Band, Jackson Philips, pres ., 7; Symphonic band, 6; Orchestra, 1; Dance orchest_ra, 3; mgrs:, 2, 2; Golf, Robert Bryant, capt., 3; Tennis, 1; Baseball, mgrs., 3, 2; Forensic council, 2; Dramatics, 4; Scabbard and Blade, Jackson Philips, vice pres., 3; Sigma Delta Pi, Paul Efird, _pres., secy., 5; Eu_manean, E. B. Taylor, pres., ]. P. McCrary, vice pres., 3; Phdanthroptc, 1; Stgma Upsilon, 2; Internat10nal relations club, 1; Cercle Francais, 2; Beaver club, 1;


Y.M.C.A. cabinet, 2; Phi Mu Alpha, Jackson Philips, pres., 6; Pi Gamma Mu, 3; German club, 3; Eta Sigma Phi, 2; Student elections board, 1; Cheerleader, 1; D club, 3; Rille team, 3.

Chapter cups: Ben B. Taylor cup, W Holt Barnwell, most worthy Beta; E. Grainger Williams cup, Charles M. Robinson, highest grades in ff eshman class; Robert Ramsey memorial award, William A. Ranson, most worthy freshman.

Chapter paper: Sword and Shield, annually.

Denison University

District IX

Alpha Eta


544. Cyrus Dudley Roberts, '42 A.B., N. Main St., Granville, Ohio Secretary.

545. Jack Seaman Jones, '42 A.B., 316 W. Elm St., Granville, Ohio. Vice President.

Granville, Ohio Fraternity Row

546. Franklin Miles Dippery, '42 A.B., 620 S Washington St., Van Wert, Ohio. President.

547. D avid Gilbert Marquardt, '42 A.B., 53 Birchwood Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Treasurer.

548.' Frank Loy Irvin, '42 A.B., Berkshire Rd., Gates Mills, Ohio.

552. Robert Vern Howard, '42 A.B., 213 Woodland Ave., Massillon, Ohio.

553. Thomas Marion Landfear, '42 A.B., 86 Harriman Ave., Bedford, Ohio. Left college.

560. Hall Ellsworth Packard, '42 A B., 820 Hazlewood Ave., Birmingham, Mich.

561. Robert Francis Hannaway, '43 A.B. , 1248 Northwest Blvd., Columbus, Ohio. ·

562. John Barclay Ellor, '43 A.B., 174 Kilburn PI., South Orange, N.J.

563. Dexter Ward Holt, '43 A.B., 145 Bridge Rd., San Mateo, Calif.

564. Carl Hutchinson Clendening, Jr., '43 A B., 318 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rushing Co-Chairman.

565 Joe Louis DiTirro, '43 A.B., 5961 Wayfield Rd., Cleveland, Ohio.

566. Robert Clark Gray, '43 A.B., 61 E. Dixon Ave., Davton, Ohio.

567. Joseph Deafner Craig, '43 A B., 504 East St., Washington Court House, Ohio.

568. Robert Fielding Gibson, '43 A.B., 2521 Moundview Dr., Cincinnati (Norwood), Ohio.

569. John Garrett Rucker, Jr., '43 A B., 22234 Francis Ave., Dearborn, Mich.

570. Richard Marks Stitt, '42 A.B., 334 Genesee Ave., Warren, Ohio. Rushing Co-Chairman.

571. David Eugene Bright, '43 A.B., 3251/2 Western Ave., Toledo, Ohio.

573. Ralph Herbert Cook, '42 A B., 1131 W Main St., Newark, Ohio.

574. James Albert Myers, '43 A.B., 687 Sunnyside Ave , Akron, Ohio.

575 . Urban Kozak Hubona, '43 A.B., 2904 W. 25th Pl., Chicago, Ill. Left college.

576. Charles DeWitt Hall, '44 A B., 133 Elmwood Ave., D ayton, Ohio.

577. Richard Frederick Marquardt, '44 A.B., 53 Birchwood Ave., Dayton, Ohio.

578. Robert Greenbury Neff, '44 A.B., 1570 Hollywood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.

579. Walter George Alpaugh, Jr , '44 A.B., Route 5, Compton Rd., Lockland, Ohio

580. Miner Raymond, III, '44 A B., 3417 Mooney Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio

581. Harris D ahl Willis, '44 A.B., 231 North St., Washington Court House, Ohio.

582. William Francis Arthur.Palmer, '44 A.B., 234 University Blvd., Toledo, Ohio.

583. Edward Bannister Appelquest, '43 A.B ., 160 Highwood Ave., Leonia, N.J.

584. George Matthew McClure, Jr., '44 A.B , 1473 Cardiff Rd. , Columbus, Ohio.

585. Milton Scott Pruyn, '44 A.B., 1 78th Ave., Forest Hills, L.I., N.Y. 586. Hugh Emmett Irwin, '44 A.B., Paul Rd., Churchville, N.Y. 587. Thomas Arthur Schulkins, '44 A.B., 435 14th St., Santa Monica, Calif. 588. Samuel Everett Knapp Chapman, '44 A.B., 5813 Valley View, Cincinnati, Ohio. 589. William Thomas Witte, '44 A.B., 7111 South St., Waterville, Ohio.

590. D at'id Owen Richards, '45 A B., 379 Westland Ave., Bexley, Ohio. 591. William James Rucker, '45 A.B., 22234 Francis Ave., D earborn, Mich. 592. Edtvard Nicholas Dekker, '45 A.B., Richmond Rd., Bedford, Ohio. 593. Richard Hackney Ward, '45 A.B., 3521 Cornell Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio.

594. Louis Joseph Hummel, Jr ., '45 A.B., 3352 Gano St., Cincinnati, Ohio.

595. Robert Hope MacKeever, Jr., '45 A.B.; 3173 Portsmouth Ave , Cincinnati, Ohio.

596. Don ald Mead Tippett, '45 A.B., 131 S. McCadden Pl., Los Angeles, Calif. 597. Moses Allen Lane, '45 A.B., 131 Palmer Ave., Bowling Green, Ohio.

598. Robert Taylor Klingbeil, '45 A.B., 231 Lochmoore Blvd., Grosse Pointe, Mich.

599. Allan Campbell Wight, '45 A.B., 132 E. Monument, Dayton, Ohio.

600. Ja y Flood Shaw, '45 A.B., Park Hotel, Coshocton, Ohio.

601. Louis Franklin McClaskey, '45 A.B., 632 Fourth St., New Philadelphia, Ohio.

602 . Charles Dean Browne, '45 A.B., 2240 Valley Vista, Louisville, Ky.

603. John Cellarirts Shepard, '45 A B., 901 Harvard Blvd., Dayton, Ohio.

604. John Howard Culver, '45 A.B , 220 S. Pearl St., Granville, Ohio.

605. Henry Allen Dormeyer, '45 A.B., 1621 Courtland Ave., Park Ridge, Ill.

606. John Hannaway, '45 A.B., 1248 Northwest Blvd., Columbus, Ohio.

607. Gly nn Thomas Price, '45 A.B., 6127 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, Ill.

No. 588, initiated May 25, 1941; Nos. 589-607 initiated Mar 14, 1942. Rushing season: Sept. 15-18, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Omicron Delta Kappa, Jack S. Jones. College activities: Men's Council of D.S.G.A., Jack S. Jones, chm.; Y.M.C.A., M. Scott Pruyn, pres ;


Junior class, Robert C. Gray, pres.; " D " assn., Jack S. Jones, pres.; The Denisonian, Cyrus D. Roberts, bus. mgr., 8; The Portfolio , Franklin M Dippery, ed., 2; Glee club, 6; Football, Jack S. Jones, capt., Dexter W. Holt, mgr., 7; Basketball, Joseph D . Craig, mgr., 4; Y.M.C.A. council, I7; Masquers, I; Denison university players, 2; Blue Key (junior), 3; Pi Mu Alpha, I; Pi Delta Epsilon, 3; The Adytum (annual), 2; Engineering society, 4. · '

Chapter fund s: $2,570.22, association general funds; $7,888.47 Flory and Pease trust fund, loans for members of the chapter in financing their education; $I,617.46, Alpha Eta trust fund, extraordinary expenses; $5,874.07, Annetta Rai nier Jewell bequest, for general purposes of the association; $386.10, building fund, for repaying outstanding debts on new chapter house.

Chapter cup : The Alpha Eta efficiency trophy, Ira M. Price.

Chapter paper: Alpha Et a's Shrine, quarterly.

Alpha Zeta District XX 1889

University of Denver

529. Harold Melvin Agnew, '42 A.B., 757 S. Vine, Denver, Colo. Graduated.

530. William Russell Jones, '42 A.B., 350 S. 3rd St , Brighton, Colo

534. Elwood H arlan Meyer, '42 A.B., 1065 Gaylord St., Denver, Colo

537. J ames Lewis Tilly, '42 A B., I985 Hudson St., Denver, Colo Left college.

540. George H enry Howes, Jr., '42 A.B., 777 Steele St., Denver, Colo

542. Robert Dudley Blackman, '42 A.B., 342I S Grant St., Denver, Colo. Left college

544. J Thomas Eskridge, '42 A.B., I050 Fillmore St., Denver, Colo. Left college.

547. Robert Roy H ogan, '42 A.B , 840 Rood Ave., Grand Junction, Colo. Left college.

549. Expelled.

550 . Joseph Warren J ackson, Jr., '43 A .B., 875 S. Williams St., Denver, Colo.

551. John Peck Mayer, '43 B.C.S., Il83 Albion St., D enver, Colo.

552. William Archbald Muller, '43 B.C.S ., I055 Lafayette, Denver, Colo.

Denver Colo.

2060 S. Gaylord St.

553. J oseph Grant Wagner, '43 B.C.S., 802 Prospect St., Fort Morgan, Colo. T.reasu1·er.

556. Walter Oliver Cass, '43 A.B ., 22 43 Eudora St., Denver, Colo.

55,7. William Hugh Davis, III, '43 A B., 440 S. Broadway St., D enver, Colo. Left college.

55 8 Lewis Haynes Mahony, Jr., '43 B S., 1226 S Race St., Denver, Colo , Vice President

560. Eugene Kinney Ogie r, '43 B.C.S., 1035 Adams St., Denver, Colo.

561. Stanley Sam·uel Outwater, Jr., '43 B.C.S., 1074 S. Williams St., Denver, Colo.

562. Bernard J ohn Schorr, '43 A.B., I745 Niagara St., Denver, Colo. Left college.

563 Joel Walker Schackelford, II, '43 B S., I 42 5 Ash St., Denver, Colo. Left college.

564. Frank Chapin Stiles, '43 A B., 667 S York St., Denver, Colo

565. Richard Wesley Downar, '42 A.B., I250 R. St. , Gering, Nebr.

568. John Stanley Swartz, '43 A.B., 201 S. Logan St., Denver, Colo.

569. Oliver Hutchins Bown, '43 A.B., SIS Marion St., Denver, Colo. Presiden t.

572. Paul Albert Bergren, '44 A.B., 961 Downing St., Denver, Colo.

573. Whitney Preston Gould, '44 A.B., 435 Humboldt St., D enver, Colo.

574. Duane Winslow Hughart, '44 B C.S., 1655 Cook St., Denver, Colo Left college.

575. William Glasser Thomas H yer, '4 4 A.B., 369 Lafayette St., Denver, Colo

576. Roy Travis Johnson, III, '44 A B., Sterling, Colo. Left college.

577. McClain Johnston, '44 B S., 1550 Sherman St., Denv<':l", Colo.

578 D avid Ramsey Kerr, '44 B S., 1955 S. Williams St., Denver, Colo

580. Charles Edwin Lenicheck, '44 A.B., 2868 Birch St., Denver, Colo. Secr et ary .

581. Frederick Sherman Mahony, '44 B.S., 1226 S. Race St., Denver, Colo. Rushi ng Ch airm an

582. Robert J oh n Mann, '44 A.B., 2053 Clermont St., D enver, Colo.

583. Norval William Robison, '42 A.B., 227 W. Beaver St., Fort Morgan, Colo. Graduated.

584. Robert Eugene Stevens, '44 A B., I166 Monaco Blvd., Denver, Colo.

585. Robert Avery Strieby, '44 A B., 493 Franklin St., Denver, Colo

586. John Carl Twombl y, '44 B.S., 63I State St., Fort Morgan, Colo.

587. Charles Eugene Wilson, Jr., '44 B.S., I506 E. 8th Ave., Denver, Colo.

589. Chand l er Albert Punshon, '44 B.C.S., I024 Lafayette St., Denver, Colo Left college.

590. Wi lliam Gresham West, '44 A B., 868 S. Pearl St., D enver, Colo Left college.

591. Frank Henry Weick, '44 A.B., IISO S. York St., Denver, Colo.

592. William Farrington Wilbur, '44 A.B., SOI Marion St., Denver, Colo.

593. James L es lie Butcher , '43 B.C.S , II79 S. University Blvd., Denver, Colo.

594. Raymond Ross Childers , '43 B C.S., I275 Grape St., Denver, Colo.

595. James Grant, J r , '45 B C.S., 24 Monroe Dr., Williamsville, N Y.

596. A rthu r Everett H olch, J r., '45 A B., 620 Bellaire St., Denver, Colo.

597. R ober t Patrick Hughart, '45 B.S., 1655 Cook St., Denver, Colo

598. Ge orge Mathew Mullin, '45 B C.S., 1349 High St., Denver, Colo

599. Ca rl Glen Nyman, '45 B.C.S., 2884 Albion St., Denver, Colo.

600. John H aro ld Robison, '44 A.B., 227 W. Beaver, Fort Morgan, Colo.

601. Neil Duane Sanborn , '45 B.S., 3055 Albion St., D enver, Colo. ;


Nos. 589-592, initiated Apr 21, 1941; Nos. 593-601, initiated Feb. 1, i942. Rruhing season: Aug 27-Sept. 3, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, George C. T wombly, Jr.; Omicron Delta Kappa, Harold M Agnew, pres., Lewis H Mahony, Jr.

College activities: The Clarion, 2; Senior class, Harold M. Agnew, pres.; Sophomore class, Frederick S. Mahony, pres .; School of Engineering, Lewis H. Mahony, Jr., publicity mgr.; Band, 1; Orchestra, 2; Dramatics, 2; Speech, 2; A.I.E.E., 1; A.I.Ch.E., 2; Delta Chi, 2; German club, C. Edwin Lenicheck, pres., 3; International relations club, 5; Mu Beta Kappa, 2; Phi Beta Sigma, 6; Phi Epsilon Phi, 4; Pi Delta Theta, 3; Pioneer ski club, ]. Thomas Eskridge, pres., 10; Sigma Pi Sigma, 1; Interschool council, Robert R. Hogan; Football, Robert R Hogan, capt., 1 ; Basketball, 2; Track, 2; Wrestling, 1 ; Baseball, 1; Tennis, 2.

Chapter cup: William Eastman Spandow memorial cup, Frederick S. Mahony, scholarship, college activities, and best Beta spirit ·in the freshman class of 1941.

Chapter paper: The Denver Dragon, annually.

DePauw University Delta

District XII


829. Robert Wenda! lnebnit, '42 A.B., 142 Manor Ave., Elkhart, Ind. Treamrer .

831. Roger Stroud Holcomb, '42 A B., 866 Lorena Ave., Wood River, Ill.

832. Max William Biggs, '42 A.B. , 52 Lincoln Ave., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.

833. Robert Irvine Landis, '42 A.B., 265 Marshall St., Gary, Ind.

834. David Lucius Wann, '42 A.B., 1612 S. 4th St., T erre H aute, Ind

835. William Edward Balch, '42 A.B., 3608 Winthrop Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.

836 Joseph Sidney Prewitt, '42 A.B., 39 N. Graham St., Martinsville, Ind.

837. Robert Webster Lott, '42 A B., Elmwood, Ill.

838. Edwin Franklin Snider, '42 A.B ., 808 McDonald St., Sewickley, Pa.

839. Ellis Bailey Gregg, '42 A.B., Kershaw, S C.

842. Roland Drew Miller, '43 A B., 2028 Davis Ave., Whiting, Ind.

843. Richard Alvin Stark, '43 A.B., 5306 Kenwood Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.

844. Norval Franklin Zimmerman, '43 A.B , 7319 Madison St., Forest Park, Ill.

845. Donald Marvin Rehm, '43 A.B., 819 Dobson St., Evanston, Ill.

846. Allan Delker Vestal, '43 A B., 344 Whittier Pl., Indianapolis, Ind Vice Preside nt.

847. Walton Wallace Shreeve, '43 A B., 703 W. Charles St , Muncie, Ind

849. Walter James Wright, '43 A.B., 430 Lincoln Ave., Lima, Ohio

Greencastle, Ind 415 Anderson St.

850. James Montgomery Winning, '43 A.B ., 1514 S. Grand West, Springfield, Ill. President.

851. Ray Willard Moehring, '43 A B., 514 N. Front St., St. Mary's, Ohio.

852. Ray William Schalk, '43 A B., 9029 S Damen, Chicago, Ill.

853. Neil Hercules, Jr. , '43 A B., 415 N Webster St., Kokomo, Ind Left college.

854 Marvin Bruce Kishler, '43 A.B., 124 S.' Perry St., St. Mary's, Ohio.

855. William Bernard Fischer, '43 A.B., 2047 Grace St., Chicago, Ill.

856. Robert Frederick Reckman, '44 A.B., 2362 Ravine St., Cincinnati, Ohio.

857. Robert Tanner Watson, '44 A.B., 91 Winner Ave., Columbus, Ohio

858. Gene Loran Palmer, '44 A.B., 229 E. Indiana Ave., South Bend, Ind.

859. John Albert Jenkins, '44 A B., 938 N. Kenilworth, Oak Park, Ill.

860. James Ira Ball, Jr., '44 815 N 5th Ave., Maywood, Ill.

861. Robert Kingsbury Clark, Jr., '44 A B., 207 North St., Peoria, Ill. 862. Theodore Allen Hermeling, '44 A.B., 30 -W. Penning, Wood River, Ill. Rushing

863. George Mason Clark, '44 A B., 406 W. Pennsylvania St., Urbana, Ill. Left college Chairman. 864. Charles Robert Geiser, '44 A.B., 5719 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.

865. Frederick Burton Hobe, '44 A.B., 10320 S. Oakley Ave., Chicago, Ill.

866. Frank Coombs Donaldson, '44 A.B., Ulen Addition, Lebanon, Ind. S ecretary.

867. Malcolm Dick Minnick, '44 A B., 6008 Michigan Rd ., Indianapolis, Ind.

868. John Gordon Maun, '44 A.B., 544 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, Ill.

869. Hugh Poynter Nicholas, '45 A .B., 1802 Summit St., Little Rock, Ark. 870. Don Victor H arris, Jr., '43 A.B., 606 W. Ohio St., Bluffton, Ind.

871. Thomas Charles McDonald, '45 A.B., 1212 N. Franklin St., Danville, Ill

872. Homer Earl Capehart, '45 A.B., 5265 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind.

873 . D01zald Richard Gates, '45 A.B., 187 E. Pearl St., Coldwater, Mich.

874. Charles Ammerman, Jr., '45 A B , 860 Big Bend Rd., Kirkwood, Mo.

875. Arthur Randall Moler, '45 A.B., 3071 Daytona Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio

876. Lawrence Derland Whiting, Jr., '45 A.B., 2625 Longview, Louisville, Ky.

877. Arthur Ralph Huber, '45 A.B., 3470 Pine Grove Ave., St. Louis, Mo.

878. Richard Andrew Kerr, '45 A.B., 62 Division St., Coldwater, Mich.

879. Robert Frederick Heil, '45 A.B , 410 S. Jameson Ave., Lima, Ohio

880. R Fullerton Place, '45 A.B., 58 S. Rockhill Rd., Webster Groves, Mo.

881. William Alan Kramer, Jr ., '45 A.B., 914 Keystone Ave., River Forest, Ill.


81l · fohn Decker Steele, '4 5 A.B., 123 W. Jackson Rd., Webster Groves, Mo. S, Robert Kern Michael, '45 A.B., 415 S. Pine St., Centralia, Ill.

Nos. 868-869, initiated Sept. 28, 1941; Nos. 870-883,-initiated Mar. 14, 1942.

Rushing season: Op en all year.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Eta Sigma, Robert W. Inebnit, Drew Miller, Robert F Reckman, Robert T. Watson, Gene L. Palmer, John A. Jenkins

College activities: Gold Key, Max W. Biggs, Roger S Holcomb; The DePauw, Richard A. Stark, city ed., Allan D Vestal, campus ed ., 6; Mirage (annual), Norval F. Zimmerman, Drew Miller, asst. eds., 1; B oulder, 1; Choir, 3; Band, 1; "D" assn., 12; Football, Norval F. Zimmerman, head trainer, Hugh P Nicholas, prof. trainer, asst. trainers, 3, 9; Track, 3; Tennis, 1; Basketball, 5; Baseball, James M. Winning, asst. mgr., 4; Intramural mgrs., Richard A. Stark, James W. Wright, head mgrs., 4; Debating team, 3; Duzer Du, 3; Sigma Delta Chi, 2; Delta Omicron Chi, 9; Alpha Phi Omega, 5; Alpha Delta Sigma, 1; Chemistry club, 3; German Club, 3; Xi Xi Xi, 7; Tusitala, 2; Phi Mu Alpha, 2; Student exec. brd., 1; Toynbee, 1.

Chapter awards: Eugene C Shireman award to send one deserving freshmen to the General Convention each year; Worth Merritt award to outstanding sophomore as voted by chapter from three sophomores ranking highest scholastically.

Chapter paper: D elta Yelp, annually.

Dickinson College Alpha Sigma District VI 1874

436. Edward Roger Jackson, '42 Ph B., 412 Laurel Rd., Yeadon, Pa.

Carlisle, Pa. 402 W. High St.

43 7. John Edward Martin, III, '44 Ph.B., 205 Emerson Ave., Aspinwall, Sharpsburg 15, Pa.

438. Frank Orhtmer Nagle, Jr., '42 B.S., 1360 Garden Rd., Overbrook Hills, Pa.

441. Young Duke Hance, '42 Ph.B., Prince Frederick, Md.

443. John Benjamin Danner, Jr ., '42 A.B., 296 Jefferson St., Media, Pa.

444. William Daniel Grafton, IV, '42 A.B., Mercersburg, Pa.

445 Henry Jordan Stojowski, '42 B S , 150 W. 76th St., New York, N.Y.

446. Laurence Stuart Jackson, '43 B.S., 8 Wyndcrest Ave., Catonsville, Md. President.

447. Raymond Elliot Richard, '43 B.S., 98 Church Ave., Forestville, Conn.

448. William Henry Kenety, Jr., '43 Ph.B., 98 Raw St., Fitchburg, Mass. Vice President.

450. Edwin Eldridge Lippincott, II, '44 A.B., 82 W. Marshall Rd , Lansdowne, Pa Secretary.

451. William Fellows Gale, '44 A.B., 220 Valley Rd., Merion, Pa

452. Richard Foulk, '44 B S., W. Jersey & Maple Ave., Woodbury Heights, N.J.

453. Robert Earl Bull, '44 Ph B., 4th St., Nescopeck, Pa

454. Robert Tomlinson Wheeler, Jr., '44 B S., 219 -Richey Ave., West Collingswood, N.J. Treasurer.

455. Robert Lord Curry , '44 A B., Concord Rd., Media, Pa

45 6 fam es Robert Griel, '44 Ph B., R D. 1, Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, Pa Rushing Chairman.

457. Edward Henry S woyer, '44 Ph.B , 132 3 N. Main St , Honesdale, Pa.

458. Paul Reppel/e B eckert, '4 4 Ph B., 18 Willowbrook Ave , Lansdowne, Pa

459. Uoyd Holland Taylor, '45 B S., 813 Eldridge Ave., Collingswood, N.J.

460. Pau l Black H arris, '45 B.S., 132 N. 32nd St., Camp Hill, Pa.

461. William Stin e Keown, '45 A.B., Crystal Lake & Hopkins Ave., Haddonfield, N J

Nos 455-456, initiated June 7, 1941; Nos. 457-46 1, initiated Feb. 27, 1942.

Rushing season : D ates not determined as yet; probably last two weeks in S eptember, 19 42. Members of honorary scholastic societies: Omicron D elta Kappa, Henry ]. Stojowski College activities: Raven's Claw (senior), J ohn B Danner, Jr., Y Duke Hance; Dickinsonian, 5; Microcosm (yearbook), 4; Band, 2; Orchestra, 2; Dramatics, 6; Alpha Sigma Gamma, 2; Mohler scientific club, 4; Tau Delta Pi, 1; Belles Lettres, 2; Interfraternity council, 2; Skull and Key (junior), 1; Student senate, 2; French club, 2; Football, 3; Basketball, 2; Track, Y. Duke Hance, mgr., 4; Baseball, 4; Soccer, 1; Swimming, 2.

Chapter cups: Karl W. Fischer scholarship cup, Raymond E. Richard, highest grades in sophomore class: The Chief's cup, Samuel ]. McCartney, person doing most for chapter; Seniors' cup, Robert T. Wheeler, Jr., most outstanding freshman.

Duke University

District VIII

Gamma Rho Durham,


7. Robert D eane Aufhammer, '42 A.B., Thorndale, Pa.

8. Frank Warren Baker, '42 A.B., Washington Court House, Ohio. Vice President, Rushing Chairman.

11. Chester Elliott Blodget, '42 A.B ., Leominster, Mass. Treasurer.

12. John Coolidge Colley, '42 A.B., 30 Prospect St., Reading, Mass.

14 George Baker Gundlach, '42 A.B., 4875 LeBlond, Cincinnati Ohio

15. William Morton Ludwig, '42 A.B., 144 S. Mulberry, Chillico'the, Ohio.

University Dorms.

16. John Alexander McMahon, '42 A.B., 865 21st Ave. N., St. Petersburg, Fla.

17. Frederick.Edward Neaves, '42 A.B., 641 Gerard, Long Branch, N.J.

19. Fred Achilles Surlas, Jr., '42 A.B., 208 E. Vine, Mt. Vernon, Ohio.

21. John Russell Woolley, Jr., '42 A B , Monroe St , ·west Long Branch, N.J. President.

23. Edward Albert Sargent, '42 A.B , 327 Beech St., Arlington, N.J.

25. Samuel Somerville Beckel, '41 A.B., 627 Moore St., Huntington, Pa.

28. Edgar Joseph Jenkins, '43 A.B., 5231 8th St. N.W., Washington, D.C.

29. Harvie Branscon:b, Jr., '43 A.B., Hope Valley, Durham, N.C. Secretary.

32. Wdham Johnson Coyle, 43 A.B., R.F.D. 6, Carlisle, Pa

34. Daniel George Cook, '43 B.S., 1269 Ramona Ave., Lakewood Ohio.

35. David Leon Ballard, '43 A.B., Ellerbe, N.C. '

37. George Willard Sterner, '43 A B., 94 Inlet Ter., Belmar, N.J.

38. William Harold Slocum, '43 A.B , ll20 Lancaster St., Petersburg, Pa. Left college.

39. Ernest Beniamin Nuchols, '42 A.B., Cumberland, Va. Left college

40. Kenneth Sihler Shepard, '44 B.S., 1214 Lake Shore, Evanston, Ill.

41. Russell Vernon Allman, '44 A.B., 1605 W Boston Blvd , Detroit, Mich

42. Lucius Holmes Tippett, '44 A.B., Calle 11 entre 8Yl0, Allmen dares Habana Cuba

43. William Day DeWitt, '44 B.S., 2814 Kensington, Richmond, Va.' '

44. Foster Kinne Ingalls, '44 B.A., 334 Murray, Englewood, N.J.

45. John Rodger Eastman, '44 B.S , 39 Edgewood Bronxville, N.Y.

46. Robert Alonzo Hinshaw, '44 B.S , 202 Twin Oaks, Akron, Ohio.

47. Joseph Warren Grossenheider, '44 A.B., 301 Arbor La., Webster Groves, Mo.

48. William Harry Robinson, '44 A.B., 904 Morgan Rd., Palmyra, N.J.

49. Edward Schlief Bott, '44 A.B , 1317 Pennsylvania Ave , East St. Louis, Ill.

50. Lynn Montanye Holcombe, '44 A.B., 123 W. 7th St., Roselle, N J.

51. David Williqmson Robbins, '44 A.B., Riverton Rd. , Riverton, N.J.

52. J...eonard Charles Everson, '44 A.B., 796 Wright, Schenectady, N .Y.

53. Robert Douglas Morrison, '44 A.B., 12 Hillside, Larchmont, N.Y.

54. Beniamhz Clark Masters, '44 A B., 8ll Fair Oaks, Oak Park, Ill.

55. Morris Esty Greiner, Jr. (r), '43 A B , 1920 Marianna, Wellsburg, W.Va.

56. Robert Joseph Prudhome, '44 A.B., Glenwood Heights, Wheeling, W.Va

Nos. 38·54, initiated Apr. 26, 1941; No. 55, affiliated Sept. 25 , 1941; No. 56, initiated Dec. 16, 1941.

Rushing season: February, 1943.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, John A. McMahon, Samuel S Beckel; Omicron Delta Kappa, John A. McMahon; Phi Eta Sigma, John A. McMahon, Leonard C. Everson. College activities: Red Friars (senior), John A McMahon; 9019 society, 2; Beta Omega Sigma, 6; Dean's list, Robert D. Aufhammer, Harvie Branscomb, Jr., Leonard C. Everson; Panhellenic council, 3; Civilian pilots training corps, 3; Naval Reserve officers training corps, 1 ; Freshman advisory council, 5; Toombs, 2; Bench and Bar, 2; Glee club, 3; Choir, 4 ; Band, 1; Duke players, 3; Chronicle, 2; Chanticleer, 1; Baseball, 1; Soccer, 4; Cross country, 2; Track, 2; Tennis, 1; Swimming, 5; Football, 5.

Universitv of Florida

Gamma Xi

District XIII 1930

213. Ivan Knowlton DeBlieu, Jr., '40 B.S.Ch.E., 819 Nira St., Jacksonville, Fla.

Gainesville, Fla 1351 W. Masonic St

244. John Cotton Brown, '42 LL.B., c/o Dick Brown, 1900 N.W. 13th St., Miami, Fla.

250. Paul Scott Linder, '42 B.S.I.E., 1235 Catalonia Ave., Coral Gables, Fla. Vice President.

251. Carl Moho Squires, '41 A.B., 627 Aledo, Coral Gables, Fla. Left college.

252. Donald Coyner Wilson, Jr., '42 B.S A., The Parkstone, 1415 Parker Ave , Detroit, Mich. President

253. Wilford Perry Wilson, Jr., '42 A.B., 1561 Alford Pl., Jacksonville, Fla

258. Richard Kenneth Penn, '42 B.S.I.E., 13ll Mineral Springs Rd., Reading, Pa Inactive

267. Louis James Atkins, '43 B.S., Blountstown, Fla.

268. Frank Osborn Bryant, Jr., '43 B.S.B.A., 4502 Lawnview Ave., Jacksonville, Fla.

273. Orrin Damon Pacetti, Jr., '43 B.S., 1001 S.W. 23rd Ave., Miami, Fla.

274. Frank Vernon Quigley, Jr., '43 B.S.B.A., 1221 Biarritz Dr., Isle of Normandy, Miami Beach, Fla. Treasurer.

276. Rob Samuel Smith, '43 B.S.B A., 3691 Hedrick St., Jacksonville, Fla.

277. Roy Wakefield Smith, '43 B S.B A., 3691 Hedrick St., Jacksonville, Fla.

278. James Henry Strack, '43 A.B., 611 W. Colonial Dr., Orlando, Fla.

279. Ralph Garey Grassfield, Jr., '44 B.S.B A , 4702 Ramona Blvd., Jacksonville, Fla.

280. Robert Harold Hull, Jr., '44 B S., 941 Lakeside, Lakeland ," Fla Left college.

281. Forrest Kilgore, Jr., '44 B.S.B.A., 1410 E. Livingston Ave., Orlando, Fla. Secretary.

282. Oscar Herman Lewis, '43 B.S B.A , 307 Pueblo Trail, Lakeland, Fla.

283. William Warren Lewis, Jr , '44 A B., 514 Margaret Ct., Orlando, Fla.

284 James Ralph Overstreet, '42 B.S.A., Havana, Fla.

285. Jack William Pollner, '43 B.S B.A., 413 Patten Hts , Lakelalld, Fla.

286 Joseph Vincent Ridgely, '42 A.B., 345 12th Ave N.E , St. Petersburg, Fla


2&7. John Raab Skipper, '44 B.S., Sebring Fla. Left college.

288. Thomas Preston Cockrell, '43 B.S., 2800 Post St., Jacksonville, Fla.

289. William Walter Gay, Jr., '42 LL.B., 433 2nd St. N., St. Petersburg, Fla.

290 Harold Charles Gordon, '44 B.S.B.A., 1101 E. Gonzalez St., Pensacola, Fla

291. George Eugene Sebring, '44 B S., 219 Hickory St., Sebring, Fla. Rushing Chairman.

292. Robert Everitt Smith, '44 B.S., 29 N. Brown St., Orlando, Fla.

293. Frank George Yinshanis, '41 B.S.B.A., 32 Willow St., New Britain, Conn. Left college.

294. Charles Varderman Berry, '44 B.S., 912 Platt St., Tampa, Fla. Left college.

295. Charles Jasper Copley, Jr., '45 B S M.E , Old Saugatuck Rd., East Norwalk, Conn.

296. David Billie Giddens, '45 B.S., 819 Hancock, Lakeland, Fla.

297. Ira Barnett Harrhon, '45 B.S.B.A., 2232 College St., Jacksonville, Fla.

298. George William Haldeman, Jr., '45 B.S , Rt. 3, Box 94A, Lakeland, Fla.

299. A/lick Wyllie Inglis, Jr., '45 B.S., 2200 College St., Jacksonville, Fla.

300. Sidney Upson Jones, '45 B.S.I.E., 911 Catalonia Ave., Coral Gables, Fla.

301. Francis Jacob Myers, '45 A.B., 418 Almeria Ave., Coral Gables, Fla.

302. Richard Buhrman Royce, '45 A.B., 3580 Royal Palm Ave., Coconut Grove, Miami, Fla.

303. Guy Mason Wachtstetter, '45 B.S , 1333 Monroe St., Hollywood, Fla.

Nos. 288-293, initiated Apr. 20, 1941; No. 294, initiated Apr 27, 1941; Nos. 295-303, initiated Feb 22, 1942.

Rushing season: Dates not yet announced.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Eta Sigma, John C. Brown; Alpha Zeta, Donald C. Wilson, Jr., James R. Overstreet.

College activities: Blue Key, John C. Brown, James E. Garland, Carl M. Squires, Frank G. Yinshanis; Interfraternity conference, Carl M. Squires, pres.; Alligator, John C. Brown, ed , 4; Orange Peel, 2; Band, 3; Debate team, 1; Florida Players, Donald C. Wilson, Jr , pres , 6; Intramural board, 3; Alpha Phi Omega, Preston T . Cockrell, pres., 8; Fourth estate club, John C. Brown, pres., 4; Gator pep club, 1; White Friars, Paul S. Linder, pres., 7; Cavaliers, 2; Bacchus, 4; National Undergraduate Interfraternity conf., Carl M. Squires, secy.

Chapter awards: Miami alumni scholarship award, Harold C. Gordon; Peyraud extracurricular award, Robert E. Smith; Robert G Nelson award, Edward L. Myers.

Chapter paper: Gamma Xi Bark, annually.

Georgia School of Technology District XIII




323. Edward Miller Pieper, '42 B.S , 2125 Hord Ave., Jennings, Mo.

337. John Henry Heubeck, '42 B.S., 20 Hopkins Pl., Baltimore, Md.

340. Robert Stanley Kempton, '42 B.S., 362 Hanover St., Manchester, N.H.

Atlanta, Ga. 764 Fowler St. N.W

341. George Steel Kehr, '42 B.S., 3204 Sycamore Rd., Cleveland Hts., Ohio. Secretary.

343. Bmce Masterton, '42 B.S., 118 W. Tunnell St., Santa Maria, Calif.

344 Warren Stephen Figg, '43 B.S., 407 41st St., Savannah, Ga.

346 John Benton Ewald, Jr., '42 B.S., 3511 Davenport St., Washington, D.C.

347. Thomas Witt Fitzgerald, Jr , '42 B S , 112 5th St N.W., Atlanta, Ga

351. Henry Gray Mayo, '42 B.S., 1130 Elm Ave., Portsmouth, Va.

353 John Frederick Rogge, '42 B.S., 88 Chestnut St., Binghamton, N.Y.

355 . William Henry Hermes, '42 B.S., 21 Jefferson St., Bradford, Pa. President.

356. Robert Peter Hermes, '42 B.S., 21 Jefferson St., Bradford, Pa. Treasurer .

357. Baird Funk Bottenfield, '42 B.S , Overlook Rd., Fairfield, Ala Vice President

360. Preston Etheredge Berry, '43 B.S., 512 Georgia Ave., Norfolk, Va.

361. Norman Claflin Draper, '43 B.S., 120 Cherokee Dr , Knoxville, Tenn. Left college

362. Jack Guild Bruda, '43 B.S., 990 Geary St., San Francisco, Calif.

364. John Evans Schott, '43 B.S , 1707 E 8th St., Charlotte, N.C.

365. John William Bier, '43 B S., 316 E. Big Bend St., Webster Groves, Mo.

366. Sydney Walker McCabe, '43 B.S., 1620 Edgewood Cr., Chattanooga, Tenn.

367. George Moane Arnold, '43 B.S., 6032 Westwood Ter , Norfolk, Va Left college.

368 Macon Crawford Pippen, '43 B.S., 1725 27th St., Birmingham, Ala.

370. Don Kenneth Carll, '43 B.S., 1045 Buckingham Ave., Norfolk Va.

371. Hillyer Seaton Smith, Jr., '43 B.S., 1080 Clifton Rd., Atlanta, Ga.

372. Samuel Jr., '43 B.S., 262 Rumson Rd., Atlanta, Ga. Rushing Chairman.

373. John Eh McDamel,.Jr., 43 B.S.: 548 LaClede Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Left college.

376. Walter 43 B.S., 16 Fontane St., Berlin, Germany. Left college.

377 Robert McA!ptne Maxwell, 43 B.S., 102 Crescent Rd., Norris Tenn.

378 William Leckie Mattox, Jr , '43 B.S., 567 Peachtree Battle Ave , Atlanta, Ga

379 Dan Miller Edwards, '43 B.S , 806 W Duval St., Lake City, Fla.

381. St uart Lathrop Pierson, '44 B.S., 215 Rosemont Ave. Webster Groves Mo

382 Willi am Edward Stockton Bird, '43 B.S., Beeching St., Worcester,

383. D anr el Ch arles Jorgensen, '43 B.S., 901 Excelsior Ave., Hopkins, Minn.

488 B E T A T H E T A P I f 0 r A P R IL

'43 B.S., Dahlonega, Ga.

397. John Paul Lackey, '44 B.S., 2 Maple St., Greensboro, N.C. Inactive.

398. Howard Burton H<Jdgden, Jr., '43 B.S., 700 Daytona Ave., Daytona Beach, Fla. Left college.

399. Hazen Larmceston Short , '44 B.S., 607 E Myrtle St., Independence, Kans

400. James Albert Bowen, '43 B.S., 1092 St. Augustine Pl. N.E., Atlanta, Ga. Left college.

401. Erie Bingham Renwick, Jr. (B H), '43 B.S., 176 Whitney Ave., Portland, Maine.

402. James Emest Abshire, Jr., '44 B.S., 1818 Hixson Rd., Chattanooga, Tenn.

403. Joseph Samuel Pitchford, Jr., '44 B.S., 221 Webster Ave., Portsmouth, Va

404. Herbert Lee Abercrombie, Jr., '43 B.S , 12 N. Broad St., Porterdale, Ga.

405. Daniel Penton Piei'Son, '44 B.S., 215 Rosemont Ave., Webster Groves, Mo.

406. Pierce Allen Yates, '44 B.S., Flintstone, Ga.

407. Harold Dixon Touchstone, '44 B.S., 800 College Ave., Monroe, La.

408. Nelson Dyer Abell, Jr., '4 3 B.S., 1003 S Grand Ave., Monroe, La.

409. Earl Adam-Bohner, Jr., '43 B S., 818 E. High St., Jefferson City, Mo

410. Arthur Charles Allen, Jr., '43 B.S., 41 S. Munn Ave., East Orange, N.J.

411. Stephen Packard Aichel, '44 B.S., 4012 McGirts Blvd., Jacksonville, Fla.

412. Richard Patreus Clarson, '44 B.S., 1372 Avondale Ave., Jacksonville, Fla.

413. Charles Barry Neill, Jr., '43 B S., 855 North Ave., Atlanta, Ga.

414. Edwin Fennel! Hughs, Jr., '44 B.S., 1116 Riverside Dr., Gainesville, Fla.

415. John Dewey Weaver, Jr , '44 B.S., 115 Middle St., Rocky Mount, N C.

No. 381, initiated Mar. 23, 1941; Nos 382-397, initiated Mar 30, 1941; Nos. 398-400, initiated Oct. 26, 1941; No. 401, affiliated Mar. 8, 1942; Nos. 402-415, initiated Mar. 1, 1942.

Rushing season: June 5-15, 1942.

College activities: Yellow Jacket, RobertS. Kempton, bus. mgr., 6; Blue Print (annual), 4; Technique, George S. Kehr, mgn. ed., 3; Engineer, Bruce Masterton, ed , 3; Bull Dog club, John W. Bier, secy., 3; Glee club, 4; Alpha Chi Sigma, Maurice H. White, Jr., pres., 4; Pi Delta Epsilon, 5; Skull and Key, 3; A.S.M.E., 3; A.I.Ch.E., Bruce Masterton, pres., 4; Georgia Tech Alumnus, Samuel N. Hodges, ed , 2; Debating club, John W. Bier, pres., 2; A.S.C.E., 1; Student council, 2; Golf, 1; Football, 1; Basketball, Henry G . Mayo, mgr., 2; Band, 1; Phi Phi, 1; Industrial management soc., 2. Chapter cups: Daniel P. Pierson, scholarship cup and cup for most representative freshman. Chapter paper: The Jolly Greek, semi-annually.

Hanover College

District XII



471. Charles Harold Tageson, Jr., '43 A.B., 1718 Lake Ave., Whiting, Ind.

Hanover, Ind. 10 Campus Dr.

472 Frederick Virgil Carmichael, '43 A.B ., 103 W. Washington, Monticello, Ind. Left college

473. Edward John Wershay, '42 A.B., 1535 Davis Ave., Whiting, Ind. President

474. Richard Silas Neff, '42 A B., 221 W. Central Ave., Bluffton, Ind. Vice President.

479. Elmer Phillip Love, '43 A.B., 4115 E. lOth St., Indianapolis, Ind.

481. Joseph Russell Laughlin, '42 A.B., 519 Central Ave., Lafayette, Ind.

482. James Franklin Biddle, '44 A.B., Loon Lake, Colum!;,ia City, Ind.

490. John Bernard Williams, '44 B.S., 6660 Madison Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.

491. James Richard Stone, '43 A.B , 1241 N Lockwood Ave., Chicago, Ill.

492. Thomas George Hamilton, '44 A.B., 933 Emmons Blvd., Lincoln Park, Mich. Secretary.

493. Jack Jf7 ilbur Heskett, '44 A.B., Silver Hills, Indianapolis, Ind

494. Kenneth Robert Nelson, '44 A.B., 1315 Shannon Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.

495. Oliver Hickman Ogden , '44 A.B., 1632 Wakeling Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

496 Thomas William Shanklin, '43 A.B., 14 Ruth St., Hammond, Ind. Rushing Chairman.

497. Herman Robert Timm, Jr., '43 A.B., 1529 Amy Ave., Whiting, Ind. Treasurer

498. D<Jnald Edward Wendland, '44 A.B., 1219 Greenleaf Blvd., Elkhart, Ind.

499. Daniel Oskamp Whallon, '44 A.B , 103 Wentworth Ave., Wyoming, Ohio.

500. H01·ace Blessing Smith, '44 A.B., 1114 13th Ave., Altoona, Pa. ·

501. William Watkins Harnett, '45 A.B., 238 19th Ave., Paterson, N.J.

502. Frederick Henry Johnson, '44 A.B., R.R. 2, Lynn, Ind.

503. Charles William Brock, '45 A.B., 8957 Manor Blvd., Allen Park, Mich

THE CHAPTERS IN · 1942 489 384. Earle Russell Stall, Jr. '43 B.S., 11 Sumner St., Greenville, S.C. 385. Maurice Hamilton Whi!e, Jr., '42 B.S., Olive Branch, Miss. 386. Preston Ricketts Weaver, '43 B.S., 922 City Road, Rockville, Md. 387. Robert Hunt Street, '43 B.S.., 212 S. Crest St., Chattanooga, Tenn. 388. Henry Baker Caulkins, Jr., '44 B.S., 11 Bluff View, Chattanooga, Tenn. 389. Robert Carl Elder, '43 B.S., 1334 Holly St., Alexandria, La. 390. Grover Latham Howard, Jr., '43 B S., 55 S.W. 20th St., Miami, Fla. 391. John Roberts Spalding, '43 B.S., 530 E. College St., Griffin, Ga. 392. Jesse Albert Sanders, Ill, '43 B.S., 4666 Southern Ave., Dallas, Texas. Left college. 393. Arthur Clayton Wiggins, Jr., '43 B.S., 421 N. Garnett St., Henderson, N.C. 394. Leroy Whitaker, Jr ., '43 B.S., 220 W. 2nd St., Waynesboro, Pa. 395. Wrllram Clyde Young, '43 B.S., House 95, Village One, Sheffield, Ala. 396. Jonathan Clark Rogers, Jr.,

504. Ralph Clifford Conver, '45 A.B., 215 Jefferson St., Albion, Ind.

505. James Louis Miller, '45 A.B., 504 Union St..' Winchester, l?d.

506. Benjamin Mark Moore, '45 A.B., 303 W. Tipton St., Huntmgton, Ind.

Nos. 492·499, initiated Mar. 8, 1941; No. 500, initiated June 9, 1941; Nos. 501-506, initiated Mar. 7, 1942.

Rushing season: Sept. 15-22, 1942.

College activities: Student council, Joseph R. Laughlin, pres ; Senior class, Edward ]. Wershay, treas.; Freshman class, Charles W. Brock, pres.; Triangle, 1; Revonah (annual), 3; College choir, 3; Glee club, 2; Interfraternity chorus, 6; Football, 4; Baseball, 1; Track, 6; Basketball, 1; Debate, 1; Student Christian assn., 2; Men's dormitory council, 2; Bat club ( upperclass honorary), 5; Student stage, 1; Band, 2; Interfraternity council, Richard S. pres., 3.

Chapter cup: George H. Prime freshman cup, James Louis Miller, best all around freshman in pledge class.

Chapter paper: Iota Rock, annually.

University of Idaho

Gamma Gamma

District XXI 1914

495. Dean Melvin Elder, '43 B.A., 627 Government Way, Couer d'Alene, Idaho.

Moscow, Idaho 727 Elm St.

496. Edward Louis Benoit, '42 B.A , 137 7th Ave. E., Twin Falls, Idaho. Vice President

499. Armour Axel Anderson, '42 B.S., 537 5th Ave. E., Twin Falls, Idaho.

504. Colin McLeod, Jr., '42 B.S., 1604 S. Kimball, Caldwell, Idaho.

505. Boyd Burnall Brown, '42 B S., Nyssa, Oreg. Treasurer.

506. Richard Lee Snyder, '42 B.S., 127 Elm St., Moscow, Idaho.

509. Alfred Leonard Blandford, '43 B.A., 120 Tyler, Twin Falls, Idaho.

510. Thomas Robert Sneddon, '43 B.S., Montpelier, Idaho. Rushing Chairman.

514. Joseph Clements Ryan, '43 B A., 138 Walnut St., Twin Falls, Idaho.

515. John Thomas Hawley, '42 B.A., 203 Main St., Boise, Idaho. President.

H6. Spencer Williams Hess, '43 B.S., Montpelier, Idaho.

517. Denton R Siddoway, '43 B.S., Teton City, Idaho.

518. Louis Larson, '43 B.S., 1207 McKinley Ave., Kellogg, Idaho.

519. Frederick Lukens, '43 B.A., 327 E. 1st St., Moscow, Idaho.

521. Robert Maxfield Robinson, '43 B.S., 716 E. Rockwood, Spokane, Wash.

522. Archie Kenneth Dodds, '43 B.S., Box 452, Kimberly, Idaho.

523. Bruce Adna Boyd, '43 B.S., 7229 N. Chase, Portland, Oreg. Secret<Uy.

524. Sherman Cameron King, '44 B.S., 1121 Hays, Boise, Idaho.

525. Herbert Walter Larsen, '44 B S., 813 Shoshone N , Twin Falls, Idaho.

526. Arthur Stucky Chapman, '44 B.S., 812 S. Main, Colfax, Wash.

528. Archie Milton Larson, ]f., '44 B.S., Route 3, Weiser, Idaho.

529. Grant Bean Siddoway, '44 B.S., Teton City, Idal10.

530. Leonard Milton George, "44 B.S., 40 S. 1st W., Preston, Idaho.

531. Dean Edgar Miller, '44 B.S., 624 S. Kimble, Caldwell, Idaho.

532. Keith Roy McCarthy, '44 B.A., Grace, Idaho.

533. Ross Ralph Miner, '44 B.A., 3530 Texas St., San Diego, Calif.

535. Albert Willis Paulsen, '44 B.S., Wilder, Idaho.

536. Burke Hudelson, '44 B.A., c/o Veterans' Administration, Boise, Idaho.

537. Robert Bmce Sahlberg, '44 B.A., 303 8th Ave. N ., Twin Falls, Idaho.

538. Jimmie D avid Farr ell, '43 B.A., American Falls, Idaho.

539. John Leydon McCormack (r Z), '43 B.S., Colonial Court, Lewiston, Idaho.

540. Richard Thomas Baker, '44 B.A., Grangeville, Idaho.

541. Charles Sinclair Knox, '43 B.A., E. 308 James St., Colfax, Wash.

542. Robert Richard Hampton, '44 B S., 511 4th Ave. N., Twin Falls, Idaho.

543. Xavier Edmund Durant, '44 B.A., Weippe, Idaho.

544. fames Franklin Bolles, '44 B.A., 321 N. Howard St., Moscow, Idaho.

545. Randolph Clements, '45 B.A., 1020 7th Ave., Lewiston, Idaho

546. Richard Snow Beier, '45 B.A., 4612 Harvard Rd., College Park, Md.

547. John Russell LeMoyne, '45 B.A., Box 102, Hagerm an, Idaho.

548. Dale Newell Greeley, '45 B.A., 2124 College Ave., Caldwell , Idaho.

549. Albert George Beno it , Jr ., '4 5 B.S., 143 19th Ave. N., Twin Falls, Idaho.

550. Morris Edwin Swanson, '45 B A. , 221 N. Miller, Burley, Idaho.

551. Robert H arry Blandford, '45 B.S., 120 Tyler, Twin Falls, Idaho.

552. Talmadge Porter H awkins, '43 B.S., Filer, Idaho.

553. Arthur Charles Blomgren, Jr., '45 B.S., 1509 N. 18th, Boise, Idaho.


Nos. 535-538, initiated Apr. 24, 1941; No. 539, affiliated Sept. 28, 1941; Nos. 540-541, initiated Oct. 18, 1941; Nos. 542-544, initiated Dec. 6, 1941; Nos. 545-553, initiated Feb. 28, 1942. Rushing season : D ates not yet selected.


Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Edward L. Benoit: Phi Eta Sigma, Edward L. Benoit, Dean M. Elder, Sherman C. King.

College activities: Silver Lance (senior), Edward L. Benoit; Blue Key, 4; Argonaut, Armour A. Anderson, bus. mgr., 5; Gem of the Mountains (annual), Edward L. Benoit, bus. mgr., 5; Pep band, 4; Phi Mu Alpha, 4; Football, 2; Baseball, 3; Fencing, 1; Debating, 3; Rifle team, 1; Scabbard and Blade, Armour Anderson, capt., 8; Pershing Rifles, 6; Hell Divers, 3; Intercollegiate Knights, 2; Jr. Knight, 1; Alpha Theta Delta, 6; Delta Sigma Rho, 3; Publications board, 2; Alpha Kappa Psi, 3; Phi Alpha Delta, Lawrence Duffin, pres., 2; Sophomore holly days, Dean Miller, chm.; Homecoming, Boyd B. Brown, chm ·

Chapter cup: Freshman scholarship plaque, Randolph Clements, highest grades in the freshman class.

Chapter paper: The Round Robin, quarterly.

University of Illinois Sigma Rho Champaign, Ill.

District XIV 1902 202 E. Daniel St.

513. Ross Calvin Reed, '42 B.S., 734 Regan St., Rockford, III.

514. Robert Harlow Johnstone, '42 B.S., 510 W. Park, Urbana, Ill.

515. John Theodore Holmstrom, Jr., '42 B.S., 1401 Browns Rd., Rockford, Ill. Treasurer.

516. Donald Leroy Manion, '42 B.S., 3017 2nd Ave. N., Great Falls, Mont

517. David Harold Miller, Jr., '42 B.S , 403 Bradley Ave., Toulon, III.

518. James Robert Gimblett, '42 B.S., 5844 Nottingham Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Left college

520. Robert Eisner, Jr , '42 B.S., 1001 W. Park Ave., Champaign, III.

521. Trent Allen Shepard, '42 B.S., 310 Virginia Ave., Normal, III.

523. Donald Calvin Miller, '42 B.S , 319 W. Main St., Geneseo, Ill. Left college.

525. Raymond Keir Morrison, Jr., '42 A.B., 424 Buell Ave., Joliet, III. Left college.

526. George Hill, Jr., '42 B.S., 633 N. Marion St., Oak Park, III.

527. Edward Emmett Murphy, III, '43 A.B., Moonlight Ranch, Colorado Springs, Colo. Vice President.

528. Morris Louis Myers, '43 B.S., 912 W. Illinois St., Urbana, III.

529. Robert Arthur Eagle, '42 LL.B , 1231 42nd Ave., Rock Island, III.

530. Kenneth Elgin Herron, '43 B.S., 2013 Wood, Shelbyville, III.

531. Richard Frank Anderson, '43 A.B., 547 Moss Ave , Peoria, Ill. Secretary.

532. Thomas Joseph Tyrrell, '43 B.S., 205 S. Vine St., Urbana, III.

533. Gordon William Yapp, '43 A.B., 608 W. Green, Urbana, III.

534. Howard John Landstrom, '43 B.S., 711 Lafayette Ave., Rockford, Ill.

535. Ralph Burnett Clark, '43 B.S., 406 W Pennsylvania, Urbana, Ill.

537. William Joseph Kiefer, '43 A.B ., 224 .ellsworth St., Rockford, Ill. Left college.

538. Donald Graham Mcleod, Jr., '43 A B., 1328 Franklin, Columbus, Ind.

539. Donald Lawrence Hillier, '43 B.S., 5021 Seebaldt Ave., D etroit, Mich.

541. William Cooke McBride, '43 A.B., S. Maple Ave., Aledo, Ill.

542. Jack Arthur Streed, '43 A.B., 2323 11th Ave., Moline. III.

543. Lewis Williams Taggart, '43 B.S., Cuba La., Collinsville, Ill. President.

544. Raymond Junior VonSpreckleson, '43 B.S., 5119 Norway Dr., Indianapolis, Ind.

545. Charles Marzolf Gervig, '43 B.S., 525 S. Douglas, Belleville, Ill.

546. Francis Albert Boyle, '44 B.S., McNabb, Ill.

547. Harold Dow Swain, Jr., '44 B.S., 601 Roosevelt Ave., Kewanee, Ill.

548. Robert Curtis Johnson, '44 A.B., R R. 3, Box 144, Danville, Ill.

549 Richard Thomas Hargitt, '44 B.S., 6522 Itaska, St. Louis, Mo.

550. James Flatt Goodman, '44 B.S., R.R. 2, Champaign, III. Rushing Co-Chairman.

551. David George Burlison, '44 B S., 502 Michigan Ave., Urbana, III.

552. James Webster Wilday, '44 B.S., 312 E. Virginia, Peoria, Ill.

553 Robert Howard Allan, Jr., '44 B.S., 145 Pine St., Jacksonville, III.

554. Daniel Clark Anderson, '44 B S., 547 Moss Ave., Peoria, Ill.

555. Wayne Gottlieb Broehl, '44 B.S., 103 Northwood, Peoria, Ill.

556. Ellis Eugene Vance, '44 B.S., 708 Washington, Clinton, III.

557. James Oliver Taggart, '44 A.B., Cuba La., Collinsville, III. Rushing Co-Chairman.

558. Arthur Raymond Hall, Jr., '44 A.B., 1107 Sherman, Danville, III.

559. Maurice Stephenson Gould, Jr., '44 B.S., 419 E. 57th St., New York, N.Y.

560. Willis Lemle Ogden, '44 B S., Annawan, III.

562. Ross Mattis Camp, '44 A.B., 2218 Wyoming Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C.

563. Patrick 0' Keefe Humphreys, '43 B.S., Cambridge Court Apt. B, 406 W. Main St., Fairfield, Ill. Left college.

564. Robert Achert Doisey, '44 B.S., 310 Glenn Rd., Webster Groves, Mo. Left college.

565 Geor ge Mason Clark '44 B.S., 406 Pennsylvania Ave., Urbana, Ill.

566. William Bemard Judson, '43 B.S., 1410 Grove St., Evanston, Ill.

567. Richard Perrie Still, '43 B.S., 326 S. 3rd St., DeKalb, III.

568. Warren Franklin G oodell, '45 B.S., Loda, III.

569. Edward Pratt Wood, '45 B.S., 1831 Evergreen Ave , Alton, III.

570. John Hal Connor, Jr., '45 A.B., 605 Lincoln Ter., DeKalb, Ill.


571. Erwi n Risle y Brigham, '45 B S., 1114 W. California, Urbana, Ill

572 J oh n Lo ga n St ables, '45 B S., 1031 Maple St., Mt. Ve;non, Ill.

573. Richard M ann Allan, '45 B.S., 145 Pine St., Jacksonville, Ill. .

574. Rob ert H en ry Sanborn , Jr ., '4 5 B S., 105 E Chalmers, Champaign, Ill.

575. Ro be rt L eR oy Bit z er, '45 A.B., 119 St Louis Rd , Collinsville, Ill.

576. John D avid Ch archolla, '45 B.S , R R 1, Churchville, N Y.

Nos. 563-564, initiated June 2, 1941; No. 565, affiliated Feb. 16, 1942; Nos. 566-576, initiated Feb 28, 1942.

RJIJh i ng seas on : Ju n e 8-10 , 1942 . .

Members of honorary scholastic societies : Phi Beta Kappa, Donald C. Miller; Alpha Zeta, Franc1s A. Boyle ; Phi Eta Sigma, Donald C. Miller, Morris L. Myers, Francis A. Boyle, Harold D. Swain, Jr , Robert C. Johnson, RichardT. Hargitt, Warren F Goodell, Edward P Wood.

Coll ege activities : Mawanda (senior), John T. Holstrom, Robert H. Johnstone; Sachem (junior), 2; Kappa Delta Pi, 1 ; Skull and Crescent, 2 ; University disciplinary com , Donald C. Miller; D aily Illini, 3 ; Ill io, 2 ; Glee club, 5 ; Football, Robert H Johnstone, mgr., 1; Track, William C. McBride, jr. mgr , 1 ; Polo, Donald L. Hillier, jr. mgr ; Basketball, 1 ; Swimming, 1 ; Fencing, 1; Golf, 2; Theater guild, Thomas]. Tyrrell, jr mgr ; Dramatics, 4; Debating, 1 ; Y.M C.A., 4

Chapter awards: Wooglin plaque, Earle H. Gillis, senior making outstanding contributions to chapter; Brown plaque, Harold D. Swain, freshman making outstanding contributions to chapter_

Chapter paper: Si gma Rho Bull etin, monthly.

Indiana University Pi

District XII 1845

816 James Woodbridge Henley, '42 A B , Carthage, Ind

817. Hugh Best McAdams, '42 B.S., Boswell, Ind.

818 Cl ifford Allen Wiethoff, '42 A B., 722 Ewing St., Seymour, Ind.

823. Charles William Sembower, '42 A B., 702 Ballentine Rd , Bloomington, Ind_

825. Kurt William Kreyling, '42 A.B., Cambridge Arms Apts., Evansville, Ind.

829. Cornelius Francis Sterling, '42 B.S., 918 High St., Ft. Wayne, Ind

832- Geo rge Preston Gregory, '43 B S , 502 Woodlawn Ave. , Bloomington, Ind

833. Carl eton Scott Smith, '43 B.S., 2002 Shenandoah Rd., Toledo, Ohio. Presid en t

834. Robert William Turgi, '43 B S., 433 N Main St., Newcastle, Ind

835 All en Gl en Brown, '43 B S., 40 West 55th St., New York, N.Y. T r easurer

836. Robert Marshall Raber, '43 B.S., 3033 Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, Ind .

838. Anson Miller McAdams, '43 A.B., Boswell, Ind

839 Hubert Anthony Scheidler, '43 B.S , 520 N McKinley Ave , Muncie, Ind

841. Horace William Cook, '43 B.S., 501 S Fess, Bloomington, Ind

843. James Glenn Piper, '43 B.S., 143 Montclair Ave., Montclair, N.J.

844. Max Opliger Rose, '43 B.S., 205 Silver St., Bluffton, Ind.

850 R ichard O scar M orris, '42 B.S , Lebanon, Ind Left college.

Bloomington, Ind. 919 E. lOth St

851. W illard V i nc ent Alb rig ht , '44 A B , 1405 W 14th St., Bedford, Ind Vice Pr esident

852. J ose ph W illiam Sibbitt, '44 A B , 851 E Boone St., Frankfort, Ind

853. R ichard B ruce 0 ' B ryan, '44 A B , 1041 Cottage Ave , Columbus, Ind.

854. T homas Ed Gr een, '44 A B., 3547 Central Ave., Indianapol is, Ind

85 5. T aylor Wilson, '44 A.B., 132 1 N . Meridi an St., Indianapolis, Ind. Left college.

856. Richard J oseph T hornton, '44 B S., 604 Ft. Wayne Ave , Indianapolis, Ind. S ecreJa ry.

857 G eorge R eed, J r., '44 B S., 604 Ballentine Rd ., Bloomington, Ind.

8 58. G eorge D al ey R evi ngt on, J r., '44 B.S., 41 4 Harrison St., Monticello, Ind.

859. D onald Charl es M cCl ell an d , Jr ., '44 A B., 1021 Highland, Lafayette, Ind. R u shi ng Chairm an

860. Charl es Edwi n Oswa ld , '44 B S., 400 S Kentucky Ave., Evansville, Ind.

861. Mark A l bert Woodwar d , '44 B S , 636 Pierce St., Gary, Ind

862. L yle O berli n T aylo r (A H), '43 A.B., Hamilton, Ind. Left college.

863 N orman Edward Egge rs , '42 B S., 15 48 Amy Ave , Whiting, Ind.

864. J ohn Robert A ll man, '44 B S., 801 University Ave., Muncie, Ind

865. J eJJe Ernest Esch ba ch, '43 B S., W arsaw, Ind

866 J erome N orbert Matt h ews, '44 A B , 401 Smithfield, Pittsburgh, Pa.

867. D al e E verett B ell es, '44 A.B., 601 Taft St. , Gary, Ind .

868. T homas D el mont Car p enter (B M) , '42 B S., 1725 Franklin St., Columbus, Ind

869. J ohn Robert Moynahan (T) , '43 B.S., 5679 W ashington Blvd., Indianapol is Ind.

870. Winfield R il ey J ones, '44 A B., Bicknell, Ind '

87 1. William L ogan Esarey, '4 5 A.B., 924 Atwater Bloomington Ind

872 B eniamin Frank l in R i chason, '4 5 A B., 214 n'th St., Logansport, Ind

873. Leonard Park Edwards, '4 5 A.B., 1318 Central Ave., Columbus, Ind.

874. R ichard Starr, '45 A B., Highland PI. , Bloomington, Ind

875. Robert Carl McAdams, '45 B.S., Boswell, Ind.

876 G eorge Edwa rd G al braith, '4 5 B S., 651 E. Market St., Huntington, Ind


877. Francis Anthony Hanley, '45 B.S., 11 Wiltshire Rd., Muncie, Ind

878. Robert Louis Nuffer, '45 B.S., 3106 Kenwood Blvd., Toledo, Ohio.

Nos 850-861, initiated Mar 14, 1941; No. 862, affiliated Oct. 14, 1941 ; Nos. 863-867, initiated Oct. 15, 1941; Nos. 868-869, affiliated Feb. 23, 1942. Nos. 870-878, initiated Mar. 1, 1942.

Rushing season: Apr. 23-27, 1942, for new summer semester, and S ept. 5-10, 1942, for the fall semester as usual.

Members of honorary scholastic societies : Phi Eta Sigma, James W. Henley, George P. Gregory, Willard V. Albright; Phi Beta Kappa, James W. Henley; Beta Gamma Sigma, Richard 0. Morris. College activities: Football, John Allman, soph mgr., 1; Track, 2; Indian a D aily Studen t, 1; University theater, John R. Allman, soph. mgr.; Interfraternity council, Donald C. McClelland, secretary in charge of rushing; Pershing Rifles, 3; Delta Sigma Pi, 1; Sigma Delta Psi, 1.

Chapter funds : Herman F. Lieber fund, for needy and worthy members; Arthur B Stonex memorial library fund.

Chapter cup: Scholarship cup awarded to freshman with highest grades in his initiation class, William L. Esarey..

Chapter paper: Pi Bulletin, three times a year.

Alpha Beta District XVII 1866

The State University of Iowa

594. Robert Wayne Scott, '41 A.B., 408 8th Ave., Vinton, Iowa. Inactive

599. William Burdick Richardson, '42 A.B., 1616 Terrace Ave., D avenport, Iowa

601. Owen Marsten Hintz, '42 A.B., 303 1st Ave. N.E., Oelwein, Iowa.

603. Richard Gordon Jamison, '42 A.B., 128 1st Ave. N E., Oelwein, Iowa

Iowa City, Iowa 816 N. Dubuque St.

604. Martin Joseph O'Connor, '42 A.B., 625 Oakland Ave., Iowa City, Iowa. Pr esiden t.

606. Robert BJorn Wells, '42 A.B , 2414 Thayer St., Evanston, III.

611. Edgar Obediah Hicks, '42 A B., 103% W Burlington St., Iowa City, Iowa Inactive.

621. Clifford Henry Crowe, Jr., '42 B.S.C., 119 3rd Ave. N.E ., Clarion, Iowa.

622. Louis Frank Jilly, '42 B.S., 1300 Pershing Blvd., Clinton, Iowa. Inactive.

623. David Carmichael Duncan, '43 A B., 218 Forest Rd ., Davenport, Iowa

624. Laurence Bogart Buffington, '42 A.B., Glenwood, Iowa. Inactive.

625. Samuel Kenworthy Lane, '43 A.B., 1600 18th Ave., Rock Island, Ill. Rushing Chairm an

627. Paul Dent Bordwell, '43 A.B., 11 E. Bloomington St., Iowa City, Iowa.

630. Ward Ralph Swanson, '43 A.B., 611 Pleasant St., Rockwell City, Iowa. Tr easurer.

632. James William Bell, '43 A.B., 1205 Melford St., Evanston, Ill. Left college.

633. Bernard Lawrence Swords, '42 B.S.C., 2110 Summer St., Burlington, Iowa.

635. James Francis Frazier, '43 B.S.C., Nevada, Iowa

638. George W'ard Kelly, '44 A.B., 17655 Manderson Dr., Detroit, Mich

639. William Orr McCallister, '44 B.S., Old Marion Rd., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Left college.

640. Richard Van Metre Corton, '42 M.D., 709 W . 3rd St., Waterloo, Iowa.

641. Lynn Calhoun Gray, '44 A.B., 846 Court St., Rockwell City, Iowa

642 Philip Willis Tone, '44 A B., 412 Ashland Ave., Park Ridge, Ill. Secret ary.

643. John Barrett Foley, '44 M.D., 1301 8th Ave. N., Fort Dodge, Iowa.

644. Ralph Warren Gearhart, Jr., '44 A B., 349 21st St., Cedar Rapids, Iowa

645. Howard Clark, Jr., '42 B.S. in Pharmacy, 723 N. 3rd St., Burlington, Iowa Vice President.

646. Paul Hubert Hannon, '42 A.B., 1628 Floral Ave. , Fort Dodge, Iowa.

647. J<Jhn Edward Hurley, '43 A.B., 4411 Kingman Blvd., Des Moines, Iowa.

648. Dan Horne Stoelting, '44 A.B., 2502 Iowa St., Davenport, Iowa.

649. Robert Ferguson Durian, '42 B S C., P O. Box 400, Fort Dodge, Iowa

650. Arthur Luxley Brooks, '42 B.S.C., 309 N . 18th St., Fort Dodge, Iowa.

651. Thomas Scott Douglass, '42 B.S.C., 1112 Oakland Dr., Muscatine, Iowa.

652. Merb Robert Warren, '44 A.B., 2008 5th Ave. S.E., Cedar Rapids, Iowa

653. David Danforth Wilder, '44 A.B., 952 34th Ave., Rock Island, Ill.

654. Robert Wilbur Brooks, '43 B.S C., 309 N 18th St., Fort Dodge, Iowa.

655. Robert Jobe Cole, '45 D.D.S., 598 E. Lasey St., Galesburg, Ill.

656. Robert Solomon Adams, '45 A.B., 1233 Clarendon Rd., Cleveland, Ohio

657. Henry Smith Rrtdolph, '45 B S., 12th St., Aledo, Ill.

658 John Herbert Hauptli, '45 B.S , Mt. Carmel Rd., Dubuque, Iowa.

659. John Robert Charles McCarthy, '44 A.B., 1302 Willson Ave., Webster City, Iowa.

660. Marion Robert McCaulley, Jr., '45 A.B., Box Q., Lake City, Iowa.

661. Tom Davis ()lin , '45 A B., 205 Warwick Rd., Kenilworth, Ill.

662. Richard Wayne Kelling, '45 A.B., 1532 Washington St., Davenport, Iowa.

663 Wyatt Eugene Earp, '45 A.B , 5715 Walnut Hill Dr., Des Moines, Iowa.

664. Albert Walter Seeburger, '45 A.B., 1224 44th St., Des Moines, Iowa.

665 . Donald Wayne Weagley, '44 A.B., 510 Grand Ave., Ames, Iowa.

666. Don ald Mcintire Day, '45 A.B., 527 Bluffs St., Council Bluffs, Iowa.

667. R ichard William Hall, '45 A.B., 402 8th Ave , Vinton, Iowa.

668 Daniel Frank Paul, Graduate, 1200 25th St., Rock Island, Ill.


Nos. 638-646, initiated Mar. 15, 1941; Nos. 647-650, initiated May 25, 1941; Nos. 651-668, initiated Feb. 28, 1942.

Rushing season: September, 1942. .

College activities: A.F.I. (senior), Martin]. O'Connor; Eta Sigma Phi, 1; Union board, David C. Duncan, Martin ]. O'Connor; Interfraternity council, 1; Junior prom com ., 1; R.O.T.C., Clifford H. Crowe, It. col.; Highlanders, Clifford H. Crowe, drum major; Cadet officers club, Clifford H. Crowe, vice pres., 4; Basketball, 2; Football, 2; Tennis, 1; Wrestling, 1; Boxing, 1; Rifle team, 1; Dramatics, 1; Radio, 1; Concert, band, 1; Hawkeye (annual), 2; Frivol, 1.

Chapter cup: Freshman scholarship trophy, Richard V. M. Carton, 1941; John H Hauptli, 1942.

Chapter paper: The Iowa Wooglin, annually.

Iowa State College Tau Sigma

District XVII 1905

366. LysleJohn Nyweide, '42 B.S., 1103 Newell Ave., Muscatine, Iowa.

369. Louis William Feldman, '42 D V.M., 1013 Wilson Ave., Ames, Iowa.

374 Robert Leedom Stelzer, '42 B.S., 5107 Underwood, Omaha, Nebr.

375. Charles Rollin Buffington, III, '42 B.S., Glenwood, Iowa.

376. Frank Champion Murphy, '42 B.S., 134 N . East Ave., Oak Park, Ill.

377. James Calvin Walton, '42 B.S , 1563 N. Broad St., Galesburg, Ill.

379. LaVern William Maxwell, '42 B.S., 2551 N. Broad St., Galesburg, Ill.

380. Seeley Griffiths Lodwick, '42 B S., Sedan Farms, Sedan, Iowa.

381. George Lewis Wales, Jr., '42 B S., 206 N. 37 St., Omaha, Nebr. •

383. Thomas Taggart Carder, '42 B.S., 611 Corning St., Red Oak, Iowa.

387. Benjamin Greene Kinnick, '42 B.S., 5024 Hamilton St., Omaha, Nebr.

395. Robert Ash, '42 B.S., 419 9th St., Ames, Iowa.

396. William Henry Moorhouse, '43 B.S., Glidden, Iowa.

398. John Richard Swanson, '43 B.S., 615 Fairacres Rd., Omaha, Nebr.

399. Franklyn Wilson Wood, III, '43 B.S., 824 N. Howard St., Wheaton, Ill.

400 Ord Lawrence Campbell, '43 B.S., Bloomfield, Iowa.

401. George William Russell, '43 B S., 312 F Ave. W., Oskaloosa, Iowa.

402. Orville Arthur Olson, Jr., '43 B.S., 850 S. 55th St., Omaha, Nebr. Treasurer.

403. John William Buoy, '43 B.S., Council Grove, Kans.

404 Myron Orson Brower, '43 B.S., 2234 Mulberry Ave., Muscatine, Iowa. Vice President.

405. William Howard Holbrook, '43 B.S., 1067 37th St., Des Moines, Iowa.

407 Ned Harry Steel, '43 B.S., 5202 Burt St., Omaha, Nebr.

408 Carl Gustav Swanson, III, '43 B.S., 703 M St., Aurora, Nebr.

409. Robert Louis Tower, '43 B.S., 825 Euclid Ave., D es Moines, Iowa.

410. Robert Lawrence Chase, '43 B.S., 1055 44th St., Des Moines, Iowa. President.

411. Bertram Leon Ruggles, '42 B S., 231 S Riverside, Ames, Iowa.

413 Roy Everett Miller, Jr., '42 B.S., 333 16th Ave., Seattle, Wash.

414. Kirk Cutler McGui re, '44 B.S., 1019 Brookridge St., Ames, Iowa.

415 John Herbert Hickey , '44 B S , 48 11 California St., Omaha, Nebr Left college

416 John Arthur Hav ercam p, '43 B S., 104 W. 9th St., Muscatine, Iowa. Left college.

417. John Hoke Hart, '44 B S , Gruver, Texas.

4 18. R obert Franklin Mall, '44 B.S., 549 S. Lincoln Ave., Aurora, Ill.

419. J ohn Richard Birch, '44 B S., 1612 E. Menlo Blvd., Milwaukee, Wis.

420. H erman Tracy B ailey, '44 B S., 946 West St., Ottumwa, Iowa. 42 1. Thor nt on Arnold Wilson, Jr ., '42 B.S., 201 W. Ashley, Jefferson City, Mo.

422. Ross Patton Apgar, '4A B.S., 615 West St., Marshalltown, Iowa.

423. Georg e Wentz Meierstein, '44 B.S., 2514 Pierce St., Sioux City, Iowa.

424. Merle Ora Evers , '44 B.S., 1013 Wilson Ave., Des Moines, Iowa

42 5 Edwin Busk Co ve rt , '44 B S., 55 4 S 25th Ave , Omaha, Nebr. Secretary.

N os 414-424, initiated May 4, 1941; No. 425, initiated Nov. 24, 1941. Rushing s eason : Continuous for duration,· Sept. 13-17, 1942


Members of honorary scholastic societies: Tau Beta Pi, George L. Wales, Jr., Carl G. Swanson, III, Robert L. Tower ; Phi Kappa Phi, George L. Wales, Jr. College activities: Cardinal Guild, Louis W. Feldman, Jr , vice pres., 2; Science council, Leon Ruggles, pres.; Agricultural council, Seeley G. Lodwick, pres.; Memorial union student bd., Benjamin G Kinnick, pres., 2; Y.M.C.A cabinet, Orville A Olson, fin. dir., 2; Iowa Engineer, George L. Wales, Jr. , asst. ed.; Io wa Agriculturalist, Seeley G Lodwick, dept. ed., 1; Ames Forester, 1; Green Gande r, Frank C. Murphy, cartoonist; Engineering council, Benjamin Kinnick; Student defense council exec. com., 3; Dramatics lead, 1; Prep-soph. ball, Herman Bailey, chm ; Swimming, 2; Football, 2; Cheerleaders, Leon Ruggles, head, 1; Religious emphasis week, Seeley G . Lodwick, chm.; Style show, Kirk McGuire, mast. of cer.; Veishea selection com., Seeley G Lodwick, chm , 2; Phi Mu Alpha, 1; Scabbard and Blade, 4.

Iowa 2120 Lincoln Way

Chapter Mother Jones trophy, Herman T. Bailey, best grade improvement in freshman class; Schuler memonal trophy, Merle Evers, best grades in freshman class; Tau Sigma achievement trophy, Thornton A. Wilson, best all-around freshman.

Chapter paper: Tri-Serp, annually.

Johns Hopkins University Alpha Chi District VI 1877

429. John Waldo Ratcliffe, '42 A.B., 2243 E. 26th St., Tulsa, Okla. Secr etary.

430. John Hubble Wilkins, '42 A.B., 1320 19th St., Tulsa, Okl a. Pres ident.

434. David Corbin Streett, '45 A.B , 712 Park Ave., Baltimore, Md. Left college.

436. Resigned.

Baltimore, Md. 2721 N. Charles St.

438. Charles Hankes Weiland, '42 A B., 320 Avon, Aurora, Ill. Treasurer, Rushing Chairman.

439. Walter Abram Terpenning, '42 A.B., 704 E. Porter St., Albion, Mich. Vice President.

440. Francis Dewey Carlson, '42 A.B., 17 Marshall Pl., Ossining, N Y.

441. Earl Alexander Coddington, '42 A.B., 808 Portland St. S.E., Washington, D.C. Left college.

442. Daniel Denwood Friel, '42 B.E., Queenstown, Md.

443. Kenneth Lynn Swiger, '44 A B., 336 S. 24th St., Clarksburg, W.Va.

James Earl Applegate, '44 A.B., 2945 Lischer Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.

James Dracy Carlton, '44 B.E., Park Heights, Cumberland, Md.

James Randall Cantrell, '44 A.B., 1623-A Emerson St., Honolulu, T.H.

James Gardner Kuller, '45 B.E., 1931 Park Ave., Baltimore, Md.

William Craig Schwartz, '45 A.B., 3889 N. Front St., Harrisburg, Pa.

449. William Harvey McLean, '45 A.B., 258 E. Maxwell St., Lexington, Ky.

450. Charles Richard MacLellan, '45 A.B., 2807 Mt. Holly St., Baltimore, Md :

451. Donald Roy Chambers, '45 B.E., 137 Aspen St., Floral Park, N.Y.

452. Marlin Ulrich Zimmerman, Jr., '45 B.E., 215 S. Aurora St., Easton, Md

453. John Britton Irwin, '45 A.B., 24 Melrose Ave , Mt. Vernon, N.Y

454. Peter Service Kerwin, '45 A.B., 129 Woodland Ave., Ridgewood, N.J.

Nos. 438-440, initiated May 30, 1941; Nos. 441-454, initiated Dec. 2, 1941.

Rushing season: Undecided.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Omicron Delta Kappa, Charles H. Weiland, Walter A. Terpenning; Tau Beta Pi, Daniel D. Friel.

College activities: Student council, Walter A. Terpenning, pres., Daniel D. Friel, W. Craig Schwartz; Senior class, Daniel D. Friel, vice pres.; Sophomore class, James R. Cantrell, vice pres. ; News-Letter, Walter A. Terpenning, make-up ed., Charles H Weiland, feature ed., James E. Applegate, news ed.; Barnstormers, Francis D. Carlson, pres., 3; Playshop, 1; Musical club, 4; Debating council, Charles H. Weiland, pres., 1; A.I.Ch.E., Daniel D. Friel, pres.; Pi Delta Epsilon, 2; Tudor and Stuart club, 3; June Week com , 1; Y.M C.A. freshman exec. com., 2; Tennis, 1; Badminton, 2; Lacrosse, 1.

Chapter award: Dragon award for efficiency in the chapter, C. Richard MacLellan, James R. Cantrell, George S. Robertson, '31.

University of Kansas Alpha Nu · District XVIII 1872

674. Robert Earl Woodward, '42 A.B., 912 S Santa Fe, Salina, Kans. Left college.

675. Thomas Tudor Walton, '42 A.B., 6601 Wenonga Rd., Kansas City, Mo.

676. James Richard Surface, '42 A B., 924 S. 9th, Salina, Kans.

Lawrence, Kans. 1425 Tennessee St. 677. Donald Sum.1er Mitchell, '42 B.S., 701 Lincoln St., Coffeyville, Kans.

678. Lloyd William Scott, Jr., '42 B.S., 3157 Westover Rd., Topeka, Kans. (eft college.

682. Robert Heizer O'Neil, '42 B.A , 315 Woodlawn, Topeka, Kans. Vice President.

684 Robert Dick Pierce, '42 A.B., 2322 W. 20th, Topeka, Kans. Left college.

685. Fred Curry Eberhardt, '42 A.B., 735 S. Santa Fe, Salina, Kans. President.

686. Donald Eugene Johnson, '43 B.S., 863 S. 9th, Salina, Kans.

687. William Clark Cavert, '43 A.B., 317 N. 11th, Independence, Kans.

688. Frank Dakin Arnold, '43 B S., 919 Neosho , Emporia, Kans.

689. William Biklen Pendleton, '43 A.B., 745 Tennessee, Lawrence, Kans. -

690. Thomas Madison Lillard, Jr., '43 A.B., 3143 Shadow La., Topeka, Kans.

691. Guy Spencer Burtis, '43 A.B., 510 W. Chestnut, Garden City, Kans.

692 Merle Dodge Morris, '43 A.B., 3315 W. 15th St., Topeka, Kans.

693. Harlan Cribbs Altman, Jr., '43 B.S., 1001 N. Washington Ave., Wellington, Kans.

694. Donald Boyd Pollom, '43 A.B., R.R. 5, Topeka, Kans.

695. Edward Nation Meyer, '43 A.B., 510 East Ave., Hutchinson, Kans. ·

696. William Ray! Cole, '43 B.S., 111 E. 16th, Hutchinson, Kans. Treasurer.

697. Glenn Murray Dunne, Jr., '43 Sp., 312 N. Broadview St., Wichita, Kans

698. Richard Roy Chubb, Jr , '43 B.S., 1739 Chouteau Ave., Springs, Kans. Rushing Chairman.

699. Herbert Hughes Virden, '43 A.B., 1250 W. 63rd St., Kansas C1ty, Mo.

700. Charles Ashton Ray!, '43 B.S., 100 W. 19th St., Hutchinson, Kans.


701. Vance Leo Hall, '43 A.B., Downs, Kans. .

702 Donald Regnier Welty, Jr., '43 A B., 1539 Dewey Av_e., Bartlesville, Okla.

703. Dean Albert Phillips, '43 A.B. , 2915 Voelkel Ave., Left college.

704. William Roderick Jones, Jr., '44 B.S , 202 N. Broadview, Wichita, Kans

705. Clarence Hess Engle, Jr., '44 A.B , 1515 College Ave., Topeka, Kans.

706. W CHartley, '44 B.S., 608 E. 9th St., Baxter Springs, Kans.

707. Tom Lomax Schwinn, '44 A.B ., 210 E 7th St., Wellington, Kans. Left college.

708. John Harrison Kreamer, '44 A.B., 519 E. Division St., Downs, Kans. .

709. Thomas Worty Ballinger, '42 B.S., 3308 Calle Fresno, Santa Barbara, Calif. Left college

710 James Walker Butin, '44 A.B., 115 S. Evergreen, Chanute, Kans.

711. Arthur Hunt Nelson, '44 A.B., 625 W. 16th St., Lawrence, Kans.

712. John Parker Fletcher, '42 B.S., 6522 Pennsylvania Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Secretary.

713. Frederick Herbert Olander, Jr., '44 A.B., 235 Ward Pkwy., Kansas City, Mo.

714. R alph Thomas O'Neil, '44 B.S., 315 Woodlawn, Topeka, Kans.

715. William Edward Brownlee, '44 A.B., 120 W. 18th, Hutchinson, Kans.

716. John Morley Shelton, '45 A.B., 2720 Forest, Great Bend, Kans.

717. Richard Paul Royer, '45 B.S., 912 N . Cedar, Abilene, Kans.

718. Sidney Carr Walker, Jr., '45 A.B., 6420 High Dr., Kansas City, Mo.

719. Harry Clifford Walton, Ill, '45 A.B. , 6601 Wenonga Rd., Kansas City, Mo.

720. Cy ril Thomas Faulders, Jr. , '44 B.S., 620 W. Pine St., ElDorado, Kans. Left college.

721. Judson Charles To wn ley, '45 A.B., 1421 Plass, Topeka, Kans.

722. Joseph Tomlinson McKinney, '45 B S., 123 N. Fountain, Wichita, Kans.

723. Robert Dietz Buehler, '45 A.B., Seneca, Kans.

724. Charles Ned Cushing, '45 A.B., Downs, Kans.

725. William Eugene Mowery, '45 A.B., 22 Crestview Dr , Salina, Kans.

726. Robert James Farley, '45 B.S., 213 E. 6th, Hutchison, Kans.

727. R ichard Lee Dreh er, '45 A.B., Luray, Kans.

728. Frank Ransom Bennett, Jr., '45 A.B., 312 W. 3rd St., Ottawa, Kans

Nos 711-713, initiated Sept. 9, 1941; Nos. 714-728, initiated Mar 14, 1942. Rushing season: Undecided as yet.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Fred C. Eberhardt. College activities: Sachem (senior), James R. Surface, Robert E. Woodward; Jayhawker (annual), James R. Surface, ed., 3; Glee club, Donald S. Mitchell, vice pres., 2; Football, 2; Basketball, 1; Track, 4; Baseball, 1; Dramatics, 1; Debate, 2; Y.M.C.A. cabinet, 1; Intramural board, 2; Relays com., 3; Delta Sigma Rho, Donald S. Mitchell; Quill club, 1; Scabbard and Blade, 2; Pi Epsilon Pi, 1.

Chapter award: Alpha Nu highest scholarship plaque (each semester), Fred C. Eberhardt, Arthur H. Nelson.

Chapter paper: The Alpha Nu, annually.

Kansas State College Gamma Epsilon District XVIII 1914

382. Percival Thomas Westmacott, '43 B S., Chase, Kans. Treasurer. Left college.

387. John Austin Walters, '42 B.S., 1127 Thurston Ave., Manhattan, Kans.

388. William Gibbons Kelly, '42 B.S ., 100 H yde Park Dr., Hutchinson, Kans.

389. Ethan Potter, '42 B.S., Peabody, Kans. Vice President.

Manhattan, Kans. 500 Sunset Dr.

393. Robert Glenn Waters, '42 B.S., 317 S. Jefferson St., Junction City, Kans. Rushing Co -Chairman.

397. David Arthur Lupfer, '43 B S., R F D. 3, Larned, Kans

398. Robert Edward Schreiber, '43 B S., 701 N. 6th St., Garden City, Kans. Secretary.

399. Ralph Eldon Sechler, '4 1 B.S., 622 5th Ave S.E., Jamestown, N.Dak. President. Left college.

400. Robert Carl Floersch, '43 B S., 322 N 16th St., Manhattan, Kans

401. Henry Dean Porter, '43 D .V .M. , Mount Hope, Kans.

403. Patrick Henry Sauble, '43 B.S., Cedar Point, Kans. Left college.

404. Richard Dean Rogers, '43 B.S., 1031 Poyntz, Manhattan, Kans.

406. John Daniel Bender, '43 B.S., 305 Tuscany Rd., Roland Park, Baltimore, Md. Left college.

407. Ernest Lowe McLain, '43 B.S., 1924 Nebraska Ave., Kansas City, Kans.

408. Alfred Simpson Hawkinson, '43 B S., 214 W. Sutherland, McPherson, Kans. Rushing Co-Chairman

410. Hans von Unwerth, '42 B.S., 435 W. 35th, Kansas City, Mo Left college

411. Robert Cooper Pickett, '44 B.S., 1119 Thurston Manhattan Kans.

412. Roger Philip Smith, '44 B.S., 1801 Poyntz Ave.', Manhattan: Kans .

413. H James Bartels, '44 B.S., Inman Kans .

414. William Henry Luttgen, '44 B.s.; 315 N. Fountain, Wichita, Kans.

415. Emory Metz Wright, Jr., '44 B.S., Route 4, E. Crawford St. Rd. , Salina, Kans .

416. James Wolford Miller, '44 B.S., 1421 Humboldt Ave., Manhattan, Kans.

417 Clarence Kendrick Brown, '43 B.S., 401 E. Morrison Ave. , Salina, Kans.

418. Perry Cushman Peine, '44 B.S., 409 N. 17th St., Manhattan, Kans

419. Kermit Bentson, '44 B.S., 520 N . Broadview, Wichita, Kans.

420. Richard Carl Hedrick, '42 B.S., 1101 N. Prairie, Hutchinson, Kans.

496 B E T A T H E T A P I f 0 r A P R IL


Roger Dean Lehman, '42 B.S., Protection, Kans.

Eugene Broadie Foncannon, '42 B.S., Ashland, Kans.

William Hays Ransopher, '44 B.S., Clyde, Kans.

Stewart Dean Reed, '44 B.S., Lindsborg, Kans.

Harry Gilbert Corby, Jr., '44 B.S., 6011 Mary Lea Rd., Merriam, Kans.

Elmer Levi Kistler, Jr., '44 B.S., 8 Houston, Manhattan, Kans.

Bums Edward Hegler, '44 B S., 1125 N. Summit, Arkansas City, Kans.

James David Sh arpe, '44 B.S., c/o Sharpe Orchards, Council Grove, Kans.

James Edward Leker, '44 B.S., 331 N. 14th, Manhattan, Kans.

Charles Sherman Holtz, '44 B.S., 419 Denison, Manhattan, Kans.

D a11id Henry Gruver, '44 B.S., Augusta, Kans.

John Patrick Kilkenny, Jr., '45 B.S., 513 N. 16th, Manhattan, Kans.

John Arthur McLain, '45 B.S., 1924 Nebraska Ave., Kansas City, Kans.

Edgar Burton Johnson, '45 B.S , 1312 N 24th, Kansas City, Kans.

Franklin Hays Fenton, '45 B.S., 322 N. 17th, Manhattan, Kans.

Hugh Cleveland Kershner, Jr ., '45 B.S., 424 N. 16th, Kansas City, Kans

John Alan Bradbury, '45 D.V.M., 512 W 3rd, Coffeyville, Kans

George Craig Bachman, '45 B.S ., 1428 Coolidge, Wichita, Kans .

Hugh Warring MacLean, '45 B.S., 1506 Western, Topeka, Kans.

James Eugene Swafford, '44 B.S., 815 Crawford, Fort Scott, Kans.

Da vid Ad1ian Holtz, '45 B.S., 419 Denison, Manhattan, Kans.

Nos. 423-430, initiated Oct. 25, 1941; Nos. 431-441, initiated Mar. 1, 1942.

Rushing season: Sept. 10-14, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Alpha Zeta, Ethan Potter; Sigma Tau, R. Eldon Sechler, Robert E. Freshman Phi Kappa Phi, Charles S. Holtz, William H. Luttgen, Emory M. Wright, Jr , H. James Bartels, Robert C. Pickett, Roger P. Smith

College activities: Blue Key, Ethan Potter; Freshman Y.M.C.A., Hugh C. Kershner, Jr., pres.; Colleg ian (weekly), 2; Royal Purple (annual), 1; Kansas State Engineer, 1; Band, 2; Track, 1; Swim. ming, 1; Freshman football, 2; Freshman basketball, 1; Dramatics, 2; Eta Kappa Nu, 1; Scarab, 6; Pax, 5; Alpha Mu, 3; Dynamis, 4; Steel Ring, 3; Radio club, 2; Scabbard and Blade, 4; Block and Bridle, 2; Wampus Cats, 3; Alpha Phi Omega, 1; Cadet officers club, 1; Klod and Kernel, 1.

Chapter award: Freshman scholarship award, Robert C. Pickett, highest grade average in the freshman class

Chapter paper: The Sphinx, annually.

College Beta Alpha District IX 1879


403. Edward Good Brouse, '42 A.B., Stolle Rd., Elma, N.Y. President. 404. William Flynn, '42 A.B., 149 Scottswood Rd., Riverside, Ill. Vice President. 407. Burt Crockett Johnson, '42 A.B., 44 St. James Pl., Buffalo, N Y. 408. Thomas Kenneth Kingery, '42 A.B., 809 Pine St., Winnetka, Ill.

Gambier, Ohio South Leonard Hall 409. John James McCoy, '42 A.B., 1093 E. Circle Dr., Milwaukee, Wis. Treasurer. Left college 410. Charles Francis Schaefer, '42 A.B., 1209 Chicago Ave., Evanston, Ill. Left college. 411. William Beye Smeeth, '42 A.B., 729 N. Elmwood Ave., Oak Park, Ill. Secretary. Left college 414. Robert Louis Baxter, '43 A.B., 626 Lafayette Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. Left college. 415. Charles Canfield Cheseldine, '43 A B., 2208 Arlington Ave , Columbus, Ohio. Left college. 416. Heath Edwards, '43 A.B., 1332 Harlem Ave., Rockford, Ill. Left college.

417. Earl Henry Lormor, Jr., '43 A.B., 598 Linwood Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. Left college.

418. Richard Almer May, '43 A.B., 311 Depew Ave., Buffalo, N.Y Left college.

419. Clair Blaine Owen, Jr., '43 A.B., 5619 Hillcrest Rd., Downers Grove, Ill.

420 William Cochrane Straus, '43 A.B., 322 Birch St., Berea, Ohio.

421. John Collins Watts, '43 A.B., 140 N. Portage Path, Akron, Ohio.

422. Fredrick Wehrly Wright, '43 A.B , 866 Remington Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Left college.

423. Jo hn Edward Ake, '44 A B., 81 Stockridge Rd , Akron, Ohio. Left college.

424. Peter Warner Cloud, '44 A.B., 533 Madison Ave., Glencoe, Ill.

425. Robert Jo seph Derham, '44 A.B., 149 Dover Rd., Manhasset, L.I., N.Y.

426. Frazer Lee Ford, Jr , '44 A B., Lovers La., St. Joseph, Mo.

427. John Roger Jewitt, Jr., '44 A B., 26 Waldamere Ave., Willoughby, Ohio. Rushing Chairm an 428. William Kyle Kindle, '44 A.B., 1354 Madison Ave., Columbus, Ohio.

429. Walter Dain Khuns, '44 A.B., 304 North View Rd., Dayton, Ohio Left college.

430. Robert Otto Kuehn, '44 A.B., 4427 N. Farwell Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.

431. Jack William Rogers, '44 A.B., 1116 Hull Ter., Evanston, Ill.

432. Edward Flint Seaton, '44 A.B., 103 Barber Ave , Peoria, Ill.

433 . Fredrick Richard Weaver, '44 A.B., 31 Sherman Ave., Mansfield, Ohio. 434. Frank Joseph Winter, Jr., '44 A.B., Box 1000, Ferguson, Mo. Left college.

435. Theodore Alvan Hyde (B T), '44 A.B., 24 Chapin Pkwy., Buffalo, N.Y. Left college.

421. 422 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441.

Nos. 423-434, initiated June 8, 1941; No. 435, ai:liliated Sept. 24, 1941.

Rushing .reason: Sept. 17-19, 1942.

College activities: Senior council, 1; Senior class, Edward G. Brouse, pres. ; Collegran, Wm. C. Straus, ed.; Publications, 3; Glee club, 3; Dramatics, 4; Literary societies, 6; Football, 4; Swimming, Wm. B. Smeeth, capt , 4; Track, Thomas K. Kingery, capt., 2; Baseball, Burt C. Johnson, capt., 1; Golf, Edward G Brouse, capt., 1; Cross country, Thomas K. Kingery, capt., 1; Lacrosse, 1.

Chapter badge: Given for the highest grades in the freshman class of previous year, Peter W Cloud.

Chapter paper: Beta Alpha Bulletin , annually.

Knox College District XIV Xi


555. Daniel James Roberts, '42 A.B., 1451 Avers Ave , Chicago, Ill. Left college.

563 Frederick Austin Mudgett, '42 A B., 1510 Laurel Ave., Waukegan, Ill.

564. David Norton, '42 A.B ., 7344 Pershing Ave., St. Louis, .Mo.

565 William Frank Walger, '42 A.B., 2106 Grace St., Chicago, Ill.

566. Robert Harold Engstrom, '42 A.B., 1019 Wheaton Pl., Wheaton, Ill.

567 Samuel Shepard Blane, '42 A B., 526 W. Jackson St., Petersburg, Ill.

569. Duane Dunn Adleman, '4 2 A.B., 515 Mary, Peoria, Ill.

572. Elwyn Donald Seifert, '42 A.B , 300 Tenney St., Kewanee, Ill.

573. Vernon Covington Clark, '42 A B , 314 Southcote Rd., Riverside, Ill.

575. Thornton George Embree Freda, '42 A.B , 37 Highland Pkwy., Rochester, N.Y

576 James Oakes McKee, '42 A.B., Rio, Ill.

578. John Dowling Campbell, '43 A.B., 416 6th St., Rochelle, Ill. Vice President.

579. Edward James Petrick, '43 A.B., 419 N. Northwest Hgwy., Park Ridge, Ill.

580. James Ferris VanGieson, '43 A.B., 1259 N. Broad St., Galesburg, Ill.

581. Robert Reed Allison, '42 A B., 113 Buffield Ave , Galesburg, Ill.

588. James Fulton McKoane, '43 A.B., 435 S. Crescent, Park Ridge, Ill. President.

589. Richard Arthur Ruth, '43 A.B., 1740 N. Cherry St., Galesburg, Ill.

590. Thomas Strobel, '43 A.B., 2419 S Albany Ave , Chicago, Ill. Treasurer

591. Richard Charles Hiatt, '43 A.B ., Beecher, Ill.

592. Maurice Mortimor Hopwood, '43 A.B., 128 S. Greenwood Ave., Park Ridge, Ill.

Galesburg, Ill . 304 S. Cedar St

594. William Wallace McKoane, '44 A.B., 435 S. Crescent Ave , Park Ridge, Ill. Rushing Ch airman.

595. Howard Clayton Knotts, '44 A B., 1303 S. 6th St , Springfield, Ill. Secretary.

596 Robert William Castendyck, '44 A B., 412 W. 11th St., Sterling, Ill.

597. Robert George Cadwallader, '44 A.B., 216

608 Duncan McN eil Simp son , '44 A.B ., 901 Touhy, Park Ridge, Ill. Left college 609 Richat·d Frank Smaus , '44 A.B ., 48 09 Montgomery St., Downers Grove, III. 610. Robert Leslie Walton, '45 A.B., 1563 N. Broad St., Galesburg, III. 611. Charles Jacob Ruth, '4 5 A.B ., 1740 N. Cherry St., Galesburg, 111. 612. Jo hn Heaney T erry, '45 A.B., 1336 N. Prairie St., Galesburg, 111.

613 Armand Joseph Ferr an d, '45 A.B., R F.D 2, Birmingham, Mich.

61 4. Joseph Raymo nd Seib el, '45 A B., 6195 Main St., Princeton, Ill.

615. Rich ard lvor Peterson, '45 A.B., 407 N Elmwood Ave , Oak Park, Ill.

616. Robert Gordo n Miner, '45 A B., 10226 S. Hoyne Ave., Chicago, III.

617 Rich ar d Ward Ho rton, '45 A B., 221 Waldron St., West Lafayette, Ind.

618. T homas Scott McClanahan, '45 A.B., 121 7th St., White Bear Lake, Minn.

619 John Malcom Roe, '45 A.B., Chana, Ill.

620. Wesley Ro bert King, '45 A.B., 217 S. 5th St., Geneva, Ill.

Nos. 603-604, initiated Apr. 1, 1941; Nos. 605-608, initiated May 17, 1941; No. 609, initiated Dec. 15, 1941 ; Nos. 610-620, initiated Feb. 22, 1942 . Rushing season: Sept. 13-20, 1942.

College activities: Friars (senior), D aniel F Laffey ; Student council, Fred A. Mudgett, pres.; Junior class, John D . Campbell, pres.; Sophomore class, William W. McKoane, secy.-treas.; Board of athletic Vernon C. Clark, vice pres., Daniel J Roberts; K council, 9; Key club (sophomore), 1; Knox Sr washer, Howard C. Knotts, asst ed , 3; Honor scholars, 2; Football, Vernon C. Clark, capt., 5; Basketball, 1; Track, 3; Swimming, William F. Walger, capt., 4: Dramatics, 11; Glee club, 10; Rifle team, 1.

A.B., 1404 E.
'44 A B.,
Grove, Ill. 604. Theodore
'44 A.B.,
Downers Grove, Ill. Left college. 605. Manlieus Thomas Blane, '44 A.B., 526 W . Jackson St., Petersburg, III. 606 Kenneth Joseph Donovan , '44 A.B., 109¥2 N. Mill St , Pontiac, Ill. 607 Francis Nels Olson , '44 A B., 1377 N. Ch erry St., Galesburg, Ill. Left college
N. Cook St., Barrington, Ill.
James Neil Doyle, '44
Main St., Galesburg, Ill.
William Andrew Bowling, '42
244 W South St., Galesburg, Ill.
Donald Howard Jenkins,
5319 Blodgett Ave., Downers Grove, Ill.
Frederick Peter Mignin, '44
503 W Lincoln St., Wheaton, 111.
Gardner Stuart Howland, '44
, 4704
Ave., Downers
Willard McCollum,

Chapter fund: $2,000 Ralph Joy loan fund for needy and worthy members of the fraternity. Chapter cup: Robert F. Midkiff memorial cup, John H. Terry, for scholarship and activities. Chapter paper: Xi Torch, annually.

Appleton, Wis.

169. Harry LeRoy Haslanger, Jr., '44 A.B., 2125 Riverside Ave., Marinette, Wis. 170. George Gibson Magaw, '44 A.B., 5421 N. Hollywood Ave., Whitefish Bay, Wis. 171. Harvey Lee Minton, '44 A.B , 1030 N. Circle Dr., Milwaukee, Wis.

172. Robert Ray Perschbacher, '44 A.B., 431 Chestnut St., West Bend, Wis.

173. Robert Gates Wi/lmert, '43 A.B., 2971 N. Newhall St., Milwaukee, Wis. Rushing Chairman.

174. Charles Philip Dowsett, '43 A.B., 559 S. 5th St., Watseka, Ill.

175. William Kellogg Harkins, '44 A.B., 206 N. Lawe St., Appleton, Wis. Left college.

176. Robert Hilliard Smith, '44 A.B., 4135 N. Bartlett Ave., Milwaukee, Wis

177. Paul David Patrick O'Brian, '43 A.B., 516 Grant St., Wausau, Wis

178. Roger Neal Christiansen, '44 A.B., 5409 N . Idlewild Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.

Robert Walton Cooper, '44 A.B., 314 N. Lawe St., Appleton, Wis.

Allan Arthur Fraser, '44 B.S., 548 N. Division St., Appleton, Wis

Kenneth Nathan Haines, '44 A.B., Sawyer, Wis.

John Gibbons Lynch, '44 A.B., 201 Grace Ave., Elmhurst, Ill.

Kenneth Charles Ruppenthal, '44 A.B., Bangor, Wis.

Ray Lawrence Storms, '44 A B., 1012 Hickory St., Waukegan, Ill.

Bernard Michael Murphy, '44 A.B., 1943 N. Summit St., Milwaukee, Wis.

Frank Lehman, '43 A.B., 414 Russell St., Madison, Wis.

Wallace Carl Utnehmer, '44 A B , 813 S. Webster St., Green Bay, Wis.

John Smith, '44 B.S., 214 W. Hancock St., Appleton, Wis.

Robert Lee Curry, '45 B.S., 220 Lake St., Horicon, Wis.

190. Evan John Dever, Jr., '45 A.B., 206 Highwood Ave., Highwood, Ill. 191. John Hammill Draheim, '45 A.B., 116 W. Wisconsin Ave , Neenah, Wis. 192. Ramsey Forbush, '45 B.S., 302 E. Lawrence St., Appleton, Wis. 193. William Sill Hay, '45 A.B., 4115 N. Stowell Ave., Shorewood, Wis.

194. Robert John Hlavacek, '45 A.B., 1822 Kenilworth St., Berwyn, Ill.

195. Daniel Bartholomew Scully, Ill, '45 A.B., 332 Maple Ave., Highland Park, Ill.

196. Benhard William Tessin, '45 A.B., 904 Metoxen Ave., Kaukauna, Wis. 197. Robert Cliffton Whitaker, '45 A.B., 145 S Gretta Ave., Waukegan, Ill.

198. LeRoy Earl Zick, '45 A B., 1376 Scott Ave., Winnetka, Ill. Nos. 173-176, initiated Apr. 4, 1941; Nos. 177-184, initiated Oct. 12, 1941; Nos. 185-187, initiated Nov. 17, 1941; Nos. 188-198, initiated Feb. 15, 1942.

Rushing season: Date still undecided by college officials.

College activities: Mace, 1; Executive com., 1; Student Body, Gerald ]. Grady, pres.; Lawrentian, 3; Contributor, 1; Sunset players, 5; A cappella choir, 11; Football, Paul D O'Brian, mgr., 7; Tennis, 4; Basketball, John B. Gregg, ingr., 3; Track, 7; Wrestling, William G Diver, capt., 5; Swimming, 4; "L" club, William G. Diver, pres., 9; Forensics, 4; Eta Sigma Phi, 1; Fencing, 1; Boxing, John C. Messenger, capt., 5 ; Orchestra, 1.

Chapter funds: Ted Bolton scholarship (junior), $50.00; Ralph Waldo Tippet scholarship (sophomore), $75.00; Founder's scholarship (freshman), $100.00.

Chapter paper: The Crescent, published December and May.

499 Lawrence College Gamma Pi District XV 1936 Appleton, Wis. 720 E. John St. 119. John '42 A.B , 117 N. Park Ave., Appleton, Wis. 135. Ralph Wh1tmore Colvm, '42 A.B., 803 E. Alton St., Appleton, Wis. 139. John Cowen Messenger, '43 B.S., 2403 Virden St , Alton, Ill. 145. William Greenlaw Diver, '42 A.B., 2920 Burlington Ave., St. Petersburg, Fla. 146. Frank Jorgen Hammer, Jr., '42 A.B., 533 N. Rankin St., Appleton, Wis. 148. Harold Keith Ridgway, '42 A.B., Rosendale, Wis. 149. James Laurence Benn, '43 A.B., 8035 Phillips Ave., Chicago, Ill. Treasurer. 151. John Baxter Disher, '43 A.B., 1011 Prospect Ave., Iron Mountain, Mich. 153. Andrew William Galvin, '43 A.B., 25 Burton Ave., Waukegan, Ill. Vice President. 154. Gerald John Grady, '43 A.B., 229 Webster St., Port Washington, Wis. President. 155. John Bendinger Gregg, '43 A.B., 105 E. Delaware Pl., Chicago, Ill. 156. Thomas Hamilton Hay, '43 A.B., 4115 N. Stowell Ave., Shorewood, Wis. 157. Wesley James Morris, '43 A.B., 1223 N. State St., Appleton, Wis. 158. John Penniman Myers, '43 A.B., 224 E. 15th St., New York, N.Y. 159. Harry Waldemar Pearson, '43 A.B., 310 Ridgeland Ave., Waukegan, Ill. 160. Albert Klumb Wickesberg, '43 A.B
Alton St., Appleton, Wis. Secretary. 163. Edwin John Galloway, '43 A.B., 109 S. Park Ave., Fond duLac, Wis. 165. Mark Norman Hanna, '42 A.B , 4064 N. 18th St., Milwaukee, Wis. 167. Clyde Alan Rhodes, '43 A.B., 44 S. Loudoun St., Winchester, Va. 168. John Peter Boon, '44 A.B., 1053 E. Nawada St.,
, 832 E.

334. Richard Henry Brenneman, '42 Min.E., 111 N. George St., Pottsville, Pa.

335. Robert Brune, '42 B.S., 1112 Albemarle Rd ., Brooklyn, N.Y.

338. Nelson Raymond Clark, Jr., '42 I.E., 320 Waiola Ave., La Grange, Ill.

339. Robert Field Forshay, '42 B.S., 2 Park Pl., Hempstead, L.I , N.Y.

342. William Dean Gorman, '42 B.S., 217 Swarthmore Ave., Swarthmore, Pa.

345. Joseph Peter Larkin, III, '42 B S., 51 Highland Ave., Jersey City, N.J.

346. William Henry Lindsay, Jr., '42 C.E., 322 Springfield Ter , Haddonfield, N.].

347. Frank Frederick Roberts, '42 Met.E., 259 9th Ave. , Bethlehem, Pa.

348. Robert Samuel Struble, '42 M.E , 7006 Flaccus Rd., Ben Avon, Pa.

349. Charles Garland Thornburgh, Jr., '42 A.B., Kings Highway, Rosslyn Farms, Carnegie, Pa.

352. John Carl Lampert, '42 Ch.E., 426 Broad St., Carlstadt, N.J.

353. Elbridge William Palmer, '43 B.S., 1244 Watauga St., Kingsport, Tenn. Pres ident.

356. John Harvey Blake, Jr., '44 B.S., 63 Brixton Rd., Garden City, N.Y.

357. Dudley Coles, '44 C.E., 41 Manchester Pl., Newark, N.J.

358. John Joseph Deach, Jr., '44 E.E., 380 N. 19th St., Pottsville, Pa.

359. Evan Jones, II, '44 Met.E., Howe Rd., Wilson, Clairton, Pa. Left college.

360. Donald Randolph Lowry, Jr., '44 M.E., 12 Gateway Dr., Great Neck, L.I., N Y Vice President.

361. Alan Cameron Mermann, '44 A.B., 120 W. Stanton Ave., Baldwin, L.I., N .Y. Rushing Chairman.

362. Bruce McKenzie Peacock, '44 M.E., 816 Prospect Ave., Bethlehem, Pa.

363. Samuel Clifton Pruett, Jr., '44 Met.E., 852 Garrison Ave., Teaneck, N.J. Treasurer.

364. Paul Lesl ie Reiber, Jr., '44 Met.E ., 6675 Woodwell St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Secretary.

365. Richard Bell Seals, '44 A.B., 39 Linwood Ave., Newton, N J.

366. Wilson Persh ing Snyder, '44 A.B., 246 North St., Minersville, Pa.

368. John Alexander Davis, Jr., '45 Met.E., 101 Lincoln St., Glassport, Pa.

369. Edmu nd Jacques Do wning, '45 A.B., 50 Wegman Pkwy., Jersey City, N J.

370. John Robert Gi ven, '45 M E., 64 Hawthorne Ave., Glen Ridge, N J.

371. Robe rt Pau l Lampert, '45 A.B., 426 Broad St., Carlstadt, N.J.

372. John Jacob L ot z, '4 5 C.E., 6746 N . 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

373. George Wallace Meyer, '45 A.B., 6233 Dieterle Cres., Forest Hills, N.Y

374. Fred William Williams, Jr. , '45 A.B., 336 Earle Ave., Lynbrook, N.Y.

375. K enneth Bert rand Wiss, '45 B.S., Oaklawn Rd., Short Hills, N.J.

376. Frank Winter, '45 Ch.E , 18 Princess St., Bellmore, N.Y.

Nos. 368-375, initiated Mar. 7, 1942; No 376, initiated Mar. 10, 1942.

Rushing season: Undecided, but probably around May 19-25 and Sept. 14-20, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Joseph H. Quinn; Tau Beta Pi, Robert S. Struble; Omicron Delta Kappa, Robert S. Struble.

College activities: Brown Key, 1 ; Civil engr. soc., 3; Mech. engr. soc., 3; Wrestling, Robert S. Struble, mgr., Richard H. Brenneman, capt.; R. A Lewis cup for outstanding freshman wrestler, Frank Winter; Football, E. William Palmer, mgr.; Lacrosse, 4; Soccer, 2; Cyanide, 2; Pi Tau Sigma, 1; Band, 1; Glee club, 4; Mustard and Cheese, 4; Track, 1; Tennis, 3; Brown and White, 1; Met. engr. soc., 3; Alpha Phi Omega, 3; Alpha·Kappa Psi, 1.

Chapter cups: W. C. Sheetz, Jr., cup, not yet awarded, for the highest ideals and the best all-around Beta; T. M. Girdler scholarship cup, Joseph H. Quinn.

Chapter paper: Beta Chi News, quarterly

University of Maine

Beta Eta District I 1879

612. Charles Sherer Gardner, '41 B.S., 133 Main St., Orono, Maine.

Orono, Maine College Ave.

625. John Alexander Friday, '41 B.S., 823 Woodlawn Ave., Schenectady, N Y Left college.

626. Otis Charles Lawry, '42 B.S., 14 West Ave., Fairfield, Maine. Treasurer, Rushin g Chairman.

628. Edward Pomeroy Barrows, '42 A.B., Newport, Maine. Vice President.

629. Robert Morris Healy, '42 A.B., 115 Sewall St., Augusta, Maine.

630. Elden David Hall, Jr., '42 B S , 180 Main St., Farmington, Maine

633. John Clifford Barrows, '43 B.A., 79 Ridgewood Rd ., Glen Ridge, N.J.

63 4. Francis William Burger, '42 B.S., 57 Sadler St., Lynn , Mass.

635 Miles Boggs Mank, II, '42 A.B., 18 Murray St., Augusta, Maine. President

640. George Donham Bearce, Jr., '43 A B., School St., Bucksport, Maine. Secr etary.

641. Everett Palmer Ingalls, Jr., '43 B.S., 143 Hawkes St., Westbrooke, Maine.

642. Charles Priestly Inman, '43 A.B. , 40 Middle St., Orono, Maine.

643. Edward Alfred Robinson, '43 B.S., 860 Palmer Ave., Bronxville, N .Y.

647. Lyman William Jacobsen, '43 B.S., 21 Eden St., Bar Harbor, Mair.e.

650. Gordon lver Erikson, '43 A B., 480 Burncoat St., Worcester, Mass.

651. Wallace Flagg Warren, '43 B.S., Box 84, Amherst, N.H.

652. Clifford Henry Sinnell, '43 A.B., 4 Woodmont St., Portland, Maine.

Lehigh University District VI Beta Chi 1891 Bethlehem, Pa. University Campus

653. Erie Bingha;n Renwick, J; , '43 B.S , 176 Whitney Ave., Portland, Maine Left college

654 Whrte Clements, 44 B.S., 11 Hudson St., Bangor, Maine.

655. Fredrrck Sawtelle Jones, Jr., '44 B S., 21 Phillips Cir , Lynn Mass

656 David ThomaJ, '44 B.S , 131 Neal St., Portland, Maine. '

657. Robert Duncan Buchanan, '44 B.S., 9 Elm St., Caribou, Maine.

658. Norman Cabot Walker, '44 A B , Box 57, Kennebunk, Maine

659. Richard William Dodge, '44 B S., Church Rd., Brunswick, Maine.

660. Albert Holman Wilson, '44 B.S., 32 Lawn Ave., Portland, Maine.

661. Fred Alden Raclif/e, '44 B.S , 22 Millen St., Belfast, Maine

662. John Lewis Savage, '44 A.B., 339 N . Main St., Brewer, Maine.

663. Harry Sanborn Thomas, Jr., '44 B.S., R.F.D. 2, Farmington, Maine.

664. Leslie Clarence Brewer, '44 B S., 9 Michigan Ave., Bar Harbor, Maine.

665 Clarke Harris Wertheim, '44 A.B., 280 Manning St., Needham, Mass

666. Winston Bruce Ireland, '44 B.S., R.F.D. 4, Fort Fairfield, Maine.

667 Austht Rodney Keith, '44 A.B., 10 Boynton St., Bangor, Maine.

668 Gordon Bearce Smith, '43 A.B., 10 Maple St., Skowhegan, Maine

669. Weston J?radford Haskell, Jr., '43 A.B., 77 Woodcliff Rd., Wellesley Hills, Mass.

670. Elmer Rrchard Knowles, '43 A.B., High St., Wilton, Maine.

Nos 652-670, initiated Oct. 18, 1941.

Ru.rhing season: Feb. 3-16, 1943.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Tau Beta Pi, Otis C. Lawry; Alpha Zeta, Lyman W. Jacobsen.

College activities: Senior class, Edward P Barrows, pres ; Scabbard and Blade, 5 ; Maine Masque, 8; Interfraternity council, 1; Student senate, 1; Prism (yearbook), 1; Debating, 2; Pale Blue Key, 2; Band, 5; Intramural athletic assn., 1; Football, Edward P. Barrows, capt., 2; Senior Skulls, 1; "M" club, 4; Athletic assn., 1; Men's embassy com., Miles B. Mank, II, pres., 2; Baseball, 1; Track, 4; Tennis, 2; A.S.C.E., 1; A.S.M.E., 1.

Chapter paper: The Alumni Letter, semi-annually.

Beta Upsilon District I 1913

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

330. Charles Nash Cresap, '42 B S , Wallbrooke Cir , Scarsdale, N Y.

331. Donn Warren Barber, '42 B.S., 55 Locust Ave , New Rochelle, N.Y.

333. Paul Wilson Sommer, '42 B.S., 130 Edge Hill Ct., Peoria, III.

334. John Lou Crandall, '42 B.S., 1035 5th Ave., New York, N.Y.

335. Walter Andrew Netsch, Jr., '43 B.Arch., 6807 Paxton Ave , Chicago, III.

336. Daniel George Hulett, '42 B.S., 47 Woodbridge St., South Hadley, Mass.

337. Richard Roberts Hughes, II, '42 B.S., 189 Sutton Manor, New Rochelle, N .Y.

339 Earle Gardiner Foote, '42 B S., 3412 N. 28th, Tacoma, Wash. 340. William Arthur Horton, Jr., '42 B.S., 361 Long Beach Pkwy., Bay Village, Ohio. 341. Robert Clements Evans, '42 B.S., 109 Claremont Ave., Arlington, Mass. 343. Jacob Van Dyke, '43 B S , 2101 S. Warson Rd , Clayton, Mo Left college. 344. John Willoughby Lacy, '42 B S., 261 Nahanton St., Newton Centre, Mass.

345. Lee Ashby Benson, Jr., '43 B.S., 325 Woodlawn Rd., Baltimore, Md. President.

346. Sidney Alden Wingate, ' 13 B.S., Hdq. 2nd Army Corps, Jacksonville, Fla.

347. Elgar John Pennington, '43 B.S , 2322 Swift Blvd., Houston, Texas

348 Charles Clark Loomis, '43 B.S , 2941 Robin Rd , Memphis, Tenn.

Brookline, Mass. 241 Kent St.

349. Robinson Lacy, '43 B.S., 261 Nahanton St., Newton Centre, Mass. Vice President, Rushing Chairm an.

351. James Pond Buchanan, '44 B.S., 1005 E. College Ave., Appleton, Wis. Co-Secretary.

352. Maurice Redmond Evans, '43 B.S., Skymeadow Dr., Stamford, Conn.

353. Robert Ellsworth Storrs, '44 B.S., 225 High St., Lockport, N.Y.

354. Robert Day Buck, '44 B.S., 1438 Beacon St., Waban, Mass

355. Miguel Negrin, '44 B.S., 22 E. 68th St., New Yo_rk, N.Y Left college.

356. Franklin Christian Loesch, '44 B.S., Montrose, Colo Treasurer.

358. Robert Daniel Peck, '44 B.S., Sharon, Mass. Co -Secretary.

359 John Bernard Breymann, III, '44 B.S., 2911 Gulf Ave , Pass-a-Grille Beach, Fla

360. Lewis Kimmell Johnson, '43 B.S , McAlpin, W.Va.

361. Richard Arthur Richards, '42 B.S., 18 Withington Rd., Scarsdale, N.Y.

362. Charles Edward Arnold, '45 B.S , 518 W. Summit Ave., San Antonio, Texas

363. Robert Frederick Danner, '45 B.S., 119 Waban Ave., Waban, Mass.

364. Thomas Merritt McEvoy, '45 B.S , 10 Elk Ave., New Rochelle, N Y

365. William Howard Brett, III, '44 B.S , 3245 Chadbourne Rd., Shaker Heights, Ohio.

366. John Upton, Jr., '44 B.S., 6001 Powhatan Ave., Norfolk, Va.

367. Warren Murdock, Jr , '45 B.S., Norfolk La., Glen Cove, Long Island, N.Y.

368. Edmund Wallace Peakes, '45 B.S., Westland Ave., Weston, Mass.

369. William Robert McEwen, Jr., '45 B.S., 422 N Main St., Wellsville, N.Y.


No. 361, initiated Nov. 11, 1941; Nos. 362-369, initiated Feb. 14, 1942.

Rushing season: Sept 15-28, 1942.

College activities: Technique (annual) , Donn W. Barber, ed.-in-chief, 4; Senior open house com., Daniel G. Hulett, chm.; Architectural soc., Walter A. Netsch, Jr., pres.; Lacrosse, Robert C. Evans, capt:, 2; Football, 3; Freshman basketball, 1; Freshman wrestling, 1; Student-faculty com., 1; Beaver club, 2; Gridiron, 3; Scabbard and Blade, 2; Sophomore prom. com., 1.

Chapter paper: Tech Atom, three times a year.

Miami University


Alpha District XI

676. Charles Edward Garrity, '42 B.S., 814 W. High St., Springfield, Ohio.

705 James Edward Canright, '42 A.B., 648 Glendora Ave., Akron, Ohio. Treasurer.

706. William Howard Condit, '42 A.B., 45 Patterson Rd., Dayton, Ohio Vice President

707. John Ernest Dolibois, '42 A.B., 703 Carlysle St., Akron, Ohio. President.

Oxford, Ohio 200 E. High St.

708. Lewis Hansen Evans, '42 A.B., 400 E. Chestnut St., Oxford, Ohio. Rushing Cha i rman.

709. Norman Francis Heydinger, '42 A B., 2225 Townley Rd., Toledo, Ohio.

710. Paul Vergon Smith, '42 A.B., 225 Baldwin Ave., Findlay, Ohio. Secretary.

712. Aaro John Eliel Alapoti, '42 A B., 1439 W 38th St., Cleveland, Ohio

717. Daniel Andrew Schisler, '42 B.S., 513 So'uth St., Vermilion, Ohio.

718. Thomas Haynes Johnson, '42 B.S., 357 E. Ford Ave., Barberton, Ohio.

719. Rollin Thomas White, '42 B.S., 245 Parris Ave. S.E., Grand Rapids, Mich.

723. Leroy Eldon Scherry, '42 B.S., 17 W. Church St., Xenia, Ohio

724. Thomas Robinson Ashton, '43 B.S., 228 Custer Ave., Youngstown, Ohio.

725. John Frederick Berg, '43 B.S., 270 Storer Ave , Akron, Ohio Left college

726. Philip Henry Girard, '43 A B., Box 83, Hudson, Ohio.

727. Edward Everett Hale, '43 A.B., Bennett Ave., Saugerties, N.Y.

728 Charles Dugan Hess, '43 B S., 220 1st St., Coldwater, Ohio.

729. George Thomas Hill, '43 B.S., R.F.D. 2, Piqua, Ohio.

730. Joseph Benjamin Miller, Jr., '43 A.B., 510 Mechanic St., Wapakoneta, Ohio.

731. Robert Joseph Normand, '43 A.B ., 1359 Edanola Ave., Lakewood, Ohio.

734. John James Uram, '42 B.S , 311 Richter Ave ., River Rouge, Mich.

737. William Franklin Stover, '42 B S., 340 Hay Pl., Coshocton, Ohio

738. Lewis Delmar Swan, '43 A.B., 249 N. Galloway St., Xenia, Ohio .

739. John Pelver Snyder, '41 B.S., 12 Technical SS, Barracks 751, Scott Field, Ill. Graduated.

740 Robert Preston Calv ert Elliott , '43 B.S., 1944 Parkway Dr., Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

741. William H Evans, '43 B.S., Wellington, Ill.

742. Ch arles Arthur Moos, '43 B.S., 1052 lOth St., Lorain, Ohio. Left college.

743. Charles Grant Walker, '43 B.S., 1032 Pennfield Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio

744 Robert John Wall, '42 B.S., 130 3 S Main St., Findlay, Ohio.

745. Wayne Junior Albers, '44 B.S., 801 1st St., Sandusky, Ohio.

746 William Eli jah Alderman, '44 A.B., Bonham Rd., Oxford, Ohio

747. Carl Elmer Bathory, '44 B S , 229 Lodi St., Elyria, Ohio

748. John Lords Bell, '44 B.S , 333 Delaware Ave. , Dayton, Ohio.

749. Jack Beneke, '44 B.S., E. Chestnut St., Oxford, Ohio.

750. Richard C Berry , Jr ., '44 B S., 27 Fairhill Rd., Westfield, N J

751. Charles Edward Carroll , '44 B S , 1412 Columbus Ave ., Sandusky, Ohio.

752. Robert Dils Crooks, '44 A.B., 1011 Quincy St., Parkersburg, W.Va.

753. Robert Edwin Davis , '44 A B., 233 Windsor Ave., Urbana, Ohio

754. William Frederick Fey, '44 B S., 115 Cascade Ave , Elyria, Ohio

755. Newton Halse)• Johnson , '44 B S., 2133 Collingwood Blvd., Toledo, Ohio

756. James Robert Killpack, '44 B.S., 17409 Fernway Rd ., Shaker Heights, Ohio.

757. Harr y T aylor Magill, '44 B.S., Bonham Rd. , Oxford, Ohio.

758. William Childs Patton, '44 B.S., Camden, Ohio.

759. William Jones Robis on, '44 B S., 102 Elm St., London, Ohio

760. William Michael Summers , '44 A.B., 12 Willow St., Newton Centre, Mass.

761. Carl Gleason , '43 B S., 424 Kenyon Ave., Elyria, Ohio.

762. Robert D aniel Harris, '44 B.S., 1748 Eastham Ave., East Cleveland, Ohio.

763. James Hoffmann Nolan, '44 A B , 1295 Warren Rd., Lakewood, Ohio.

764. Kenneth Aiken Hawkins, '42 B.S , 50 Woodcrest Ave., Dayton, Ohio.

No. 739, initiated Mar. 23, 1941; Nos. 740-760, initiated Oct. 10, 1941; Nos. 761-764, initiated Dec 14, 1941.

Rushing season: Feb. 1-6, 1943 (tent ative).

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Paul V. Smith, John J Uram; Omicron Kappa, Aaro ]. E: Alap?ti, James E. Canright, John E. Dolibois, Edward E. Hale, Paul V. Smtth, John]. Uram; Pht Eta Sigma, Aaro]. E. Al apoti, Wayne]. Albers, William E. Alderman, Jack


Beneke, James E. Canright, Robert E. Davis, John E. Dolibois, William F. Fey, Philip H. Girard, Harry T. Magill, Paul V. Smith, John ]. Uram. College activities: Recensio (annual), Joseph B. Miller, ed., Edward E. Hale, bus. mgr., 8; Miami Student, 5; M-Book (freshman handbook), 2; Glee club, 6; Football, 7; Baseball, 4; Basketball, John J. Uram, capt., 5 ; Track, 8; Cross country, 4; Tennis, 4; Golf, John ]. Uram, capt., 3; Dramatics, 6; Y.M.C.A. cabinet, 7; Les Politiques, 4; Phi Mu Alpha, 2; Phi Sigma, 4; Psi Chi, 1; Sigma Delta Pi, 2; Sigma Gamma Epsilon, 1; Sigma Pi Sigma, 2; Delta Sigma Pi, 7. ' Chapter paper: Alpha Bulletin, semi-annually.

University of Michigan

Lambda Ann Arbor, Mich.

District XIV 1845 604 S State St

830 Donald Carnegie Stevenson, Jr., '42 A.B., 817 Berkshire Rd ., Grosse Pointe, Mich President.

831. Charles Martin Boynton, '42 A.B., 132 Marquette Ave., South Bend, Ind. Secret My

832. Culver Louis Kniskern, '42 B.S , 604 S. State St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

833. Horatio Sawyer Earle, II, '42 A.B., 689 Virginia Pk., Detroit, Mich.

834. William David Angst, '42 B.S., Montreal, Wis. Vice President.

835. William Gould Slocum, Jr , '42 A.B., 160 Prospect St., East Orange, N.J. Treasurer.

837. Herbert Ford Whipple, '42 B.S., 938 Lapeer Ave., Port Huron, Mich.

843. Robert John Sundquist, '43 B S , 1817 Jefferson St., Muskegon, Mich.

844. Donald Corbly West, Jr., '43 B.S., 227 Tuttle Pkwy., Westfield, N J.

845. James David McCalmont, '43 A.B., 227 Stanley Ave., Park Ridge, Ill.

846. Charles Stuart Kennedy, Jr., '43 A.B., 700 Virginia Pk., Detroit, Mich.

847. Paul Gordon Schick, '43 A B., 339 Danner Rd ., North Canton, Ohio

848 Will Sapp, Jr., '43 A.B., R.F.D. 1, Novelty, Ohio. Left college.

849. Don Mitchell Pearce, '43 A.B., 615 Spruce St., Marquette, Mich.

850. Richard Douglas Wirth, '43 B.S., 14519 Rytland Rd., Detroit, Mich.

851. Charles Freeman Alexander, Jr., '43 B.S., 520 E. 54th St., Kansas City, Mo.

852. William Scott Trowbridge, Jr., '43 A.B., 429 Hamilton Pl., Ann Arbor, Mich.

853. Milton Frederick Coulson, Jr., '43 A.B., 290 Beryn Rd ., Birmingham, Mich.

857. Harvey Kline Littleton, '43 B.S., 31 E. 5th St., Corning, N.Y.

858. James Nower Holland, '43 A.B., 440 Kearsarge, Laurium, Mich.

859 Robert Alden Orndorff, '42 A.B., Delavan, Ill.

861. George Matthews Snow, '44 B.S., 305 Rosewood, East Grand Rapids, Mich.

862. John Allen Hooper, '44 A.B., 9 Robinson Ave., Danbury, Conn. Rushing Co-Chairman

863. Robert Richardson Buell, '44 A.B., Box 111, Ogden Dunes, Gary, Ind.

866. Jame$ Hill Herbst, '44 A.B., 973 Oxford, Birmingham, Mich.

867. William Hayward Klingbeil, '44 A.B., 231 Lochmoor Blvd., Detroit, Mich.

868. Robert Murray Finlayson, '44 A.B., 78 Hillcrest Ave., Yonkers, N.Y.

869. Edward Brown Adams, '43 A.B., 6010 Central St., Kansas City, Mo. 870. Frederic Waldorf Marble, Jr ., '44 A.B., 2616 Carey, Cheyenne, Wyo. 871. Robert Brown Reinhart, '44 A.B., 1023 W. Park, Midland, Mich. 872. Alvin George Sherman, Jr., '44 A.B., 216 Lakeland, Grosse Pointe, Mich. 873. Warner Lewis Forsyth, Jr ., '44 A.B., 680 Wimbleton Dr., Birmingham, Mich

874. Julius Baker, '44 A.B., 1005 Worden Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Rushing Co-Chairman. 875. William Douglas Burton, '43 A.B., 13200 Washburn Ave., Detroit, Mich. 876. Carroll William McConnell, '43 A.B., 22 Union, Grand Rapids, Mich. 877. Thomas Edward Coulter, '45 A.B., 214 Merriweather, Grosse Pointe, Mich. 878. William Hill Somers, '45 A.B., Main St., Sharon, Conn.

879. John Cameron Vyn, Jr., '45 A.B., R F D. 1, Spring Lake, Mich.

880. Robert George Hargrove, '45 B.S., Church and Kinterra Rd , Wayne, Pa.

881. Robert Earl Wendling, '4 5 A.B., 1441 Belle Ave., Lakewood, Ohio.

882. Byron Smith, Jr ., '45 B.S., 603 Napoleon, Valparaiso, Ind.

883. Stephen Fiske Selby, '45 B.S., 515 Ethyl St., Grand Rapids, Mich.

884. Thomas Schick, '45 A.B., 339 Danner Rd., North Canton, Ohio.

885. Millidge Davis Jr., '45 A B., 504 Burson Pl., Ann Arbor, Mich

886. Robert John Saxton, '45 B.S., 301 Wildwood, Ann Arbor, Mich.

Nos. 869-874, initiated Nov. 5, 1941; Nos. 875-886, initiated Mar 7, 1942

R11shing season: Not yet determined.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Eta Sigma, Charles M Boynton, Robert ]. Sundquist, Donald C. West, Jr., George M. Snow; Tau Beta Pi, Donald C. West, Jr., Robert]. Sundquist. College activities: Michigamua (senior), Donald C. Stevenson, Jr., William G. Slocum, Jr.; Druids (senior), Charles M Boynton; Michigan Daily, 2; Michiganensian (yearbook), 1 ; Interfraternity council, Donald C. Stevenson, Jr., pres., 1; National Undergraduate Interfraternity conf., Donald C. Stevenson, Jr., pres.; Men's judiciary council, William G. Slocum, Jr., pres. ; Track, Charles M. Boynton, sr. mgr.,


2; Wrestling, 1; Hockey, 1; Baseball, 2; Sphinx, 4; Triangles, 3; Scabbard and Blade, 2; Michigan union, 3; Michigan union opera, 18; Mimes, 5; Michigan Technic, 2 Chapter awards: Stephen Spaulding scholarship, consisting of the income accrwng from an ment, awarded annually to the most deserving Beta, Charles M Boynton; Davis best Beta cup, WI! ham

G. Slocum, Jr.; Spaulding freshman scholarship cup, George M. Snow Chapter paper: Lambda New s, quarterly.

University of Minnesota Beta Pi Minneapolis, Minn. District XVI 1889 1625 University Ave. S.E.

572. George Custer Brandt, '43 Ch.E., 2089 Commonwealth Ave.-, St. Minn.

588. Elwood Madison Graham '43 LL.B. 2855 Ottawa Ave., Mmneapohs, Mmn. Inactive.

589. Maurice Wilsdon '43 LL.B:, 2855 Ottawa Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Inactive.

590. Robert Henry Humphreys, '44 D.D.S., Bismarck, N.Dak.

596. Richard Carlton Warner, '43 E.E., 6450 N. Albany, Chicago, Ill.

597. John Ward Watson, '43 LL.B , 3500 Humboldt St. S., Minneapoli_s, Mi!ln. lna_ctive.

598. Richard Burch Weigel, '42 B.A., 124 Prospect Ave., Minneapolis, Mmn. Vrce Presrdent.

601. Conway Clement Burton, '43 Chem.E., 360 24th Ave ., San Francisco, Calif.

604. Robert Lewis Linderberg, '42 B.A., 4140 Garfield Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn.

605. Henry Phillip Huff, Jr., '42 A. E., 3107 Wheeling St., El Paso, Texas.

609. John Fredolph Alden, '43 B.A., 1559 Fairmont Ave., St. Paul, Minn.

611. George Robert Benton, '43 B.A., 5001 3rd Ave S., Minneapolis, Minn.

612. Edwin Stevens Dygert, '43 M.E., Wayzata, Minn

613. Robert Burke Fleming, '43 M.E , 5043 Dupont Ave S., Minneapolis, Minn

614. William Hampe Flynn, '43 B.A., Caledonia, Minn. Treasurer.

616. Robert Eustice Orvis, '43 B A., Schaeffer Rd., Edina, Minneapolis, Minn.

618. Patrick Fincher Koenigsberger, '43 B.A., Mankato, Minn.

619. Douglas Miles McNee, '43 B.A., 2921 E. 1st St., Duluth, Minn.

620. Warren Rodger Stanchfield, '43 B.E., 5137 Xerxes S., Minneapolis, Minn. Secretary.

621. Charles Edward Cashman, '43 B.A., 249 E. Main St., Owatanna, Minn. President.

622. Thomas Roger Nail, '43 B.S., Deerfield, III.

623. Dale Quam Stephenson, '42 M .E., Two Harbors, Minn.

624. Richard Comfort Treat, '43 B A , 6450 N. Albany, Chicago, Ill.

625 Patrick Francis Koughan, '43 B A., 4908 Garfield Ave S , Minneapolis, Minn

626. John Richard Barton, '44 B.A., 2095 Carroll Ave., St. Paul, Minn.

627. William Hughes Clapp, '44 B.A., 378 N. Mississippi River Blvd., St. Paul, Minn.

628 Ca rl William Cummins, Jr., '44 B.A., 2227 Princeton Ave., St. Paul, Minn.

629. John Bigelow Custer, '44 M E., 1040 Laurel Ave., St. Paul, Minn.

630. Gale Wallace Freeman, '44 B.A., Zumbrota, Minn.

631. John Rob ert Goff, '44 B.A., 154 Fairview Ave S., St. Paul, Minn

632. Hurbert Lee Gurnee, '44 B.A., 2006 Marshall Ave , St. Paul, Minn.

633. Joh n Stan ley Loeffler, '44 C.E., 1723 Lafond Ave , St. Paul, Minn.

634. Miles William McNally, '44 B.A., 5030 Dupont Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn.

635 . Pa u l Gordon Rockwood, '44 B.A., 2191 Stanford Ave., St. Paul, Minn.

636. Richard Warren Steiner, ·44 B A., 1962 Portland Ave., St. Paul, Minn

637. John Lewis Townley , Ill, '44 B A., Fergus Falls, Minn.

638. Burton D aniel Reinfrank, '44 B.A., 1434 Summit Ave., St. Paul, Minn.

639. John Watson Greenman, '44 M E., 727 Fairmount Ave., St. Paul, Minn

640. William Jo uph Hickey, Jr., '44 B.A., 728 Goodrich Ave., St. Paul, Minn

641. Neil Hursh , '44 B.A., Long Lake, Minn. Rushing Chairman.

642. Robert Edmund Kidder, '43 Ch .E., 16842 Greenview Ave., Detroit, Mich

643. Frederick Andrew Collatz, '45 B.A., 2218 Hoyt Ave., St. Paul, Minn.

644. John Thomas Cooney, Jr , '43 B A. , 1665 Wellesley Ave., St. Paul, Minn.

645. Eugene Elmer Engelbert, Jr ., '44 B.A., 270 S. Mississippi Blvd., St. Paul, Minn.

646. William Raymond Fay, '44 E.E., 221 S. Broad St., Mankato, Minn.

647. William Knight Foulke, '44 A.E., 4925 Aldrich Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn.

648. William Da niel Kelly, '44 B.A., 2215 St. Clair, St. Paul, Minn.

649. Paul Dorsey S nyder, '44 B.A., 1474 Goodrich Ave., St. Paul, Minn.

650. William Ross St ewart, '45 B A , 1615 S. 5th Ave., Sioux Falls, S Dak.

Nos. 626-637, initiated Apr. 19, 1941; No. 638, initiated May 26, 1941; Nos. 639-643, initiated Oct. 17, 1941; Nos. 644-650, initiated Jan 24, 1942.

Rushing season: About Jan. 4-9, 1943.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Beta Gamma Sigma, Richard B. Weigel.

. College activities: Sophomore class, Miles W. McNally, pres.; Junior class, Robert B. Fleming, treas.; Skr-U-Mah, Robert E. Orvis, bus. mgr.; Gopher (annual), Richard B. Weigel, bus. mgr., 3; Minnesota Daily, 2; Grey Friars (senior), Richard B. Weigel, George C. Brandt; Union board of governors, William L. Dunsworth, pres. ; Phoenix (junior), 2; Football, 1 ; Swimming, George C. Brandt, capt.

Chapter paper: Beta Pi News L etter, annual.



University of Mississippi

Beta Beta District XIII


245. Robert Belton Holland, '39 B.A., '42 M.A., Meridian, Miss. Inactive.

296. Henry Cottrell Stapleton, '39 B.A., '42 LL.B., Clinton, Miss. Inactive.

302. Robert Morris Moss, '42 B.S., Abbeville, Miss. Vice President.

311. Robert Lee Crawford, '43 B.S.C., Vardaman, Miss. Left college.

314. Frank Ellis Smith, '4 1 B.A., '43 M.A., Greenwood, Miss. Left college.

315. Erin Milton Dillard, '43 B.S., Highland Cir., Tupelo, Miss President.

317. William Arthur Lengquist, '42 B.S.C., 427 N Prospect St., Rockford, Ill.

318. Homer Lawrence Hazel, Jr., '43 B.S.P.E., 606 Birch St., Marshall, Mich.

319. William Howard Hazel, '42 B.S P.E., 606 Birch St., Marshall, Mich.

University, Miss. Fraternity Row

322. Thomas Jefferson Griffith, Jr., '44 B.A., Ackerman, Miss. Secretary, · Rushing Chairman.

323. Beverly Bay Bowers, '42 B.A., Randolph Field, Texas. Left college.

324. Gerald Byro n Hogsette, '4 1 B.S., 2029 N .W. 26th St., Miami, Fla.

325. Felix LAmar Sudduth, '43 B.A., 517 N Robins St., Tupelo, Miss.

326. Lee Dixon Cochran, '44 B.S., Doddsville, Miss. Treasur er.

327. John Henry Fox, Jr ., Faculty, S. 8th St., Oxford, Miss.

328. Harley Max Greenich, '43 B S.P.E., 42 Race St., Coldwater, Mich.

Nos. 322-326, initiated Mar. 31, 1941; No. 327, initiated Oct. 23, 1941; No. 328, initiated Mar. 6, 1942.

Rushi ng season: Sept. , 1942 (exact date not yet set).

College activities: Beta Beta Beta, E. Milton Dillard; Alpha Epsilon Delta, E. Milton Dillard; Honor Roll, Robert B. Holland; Mississippi Literary Review, Frank E. Smith, ed.; Mississippian, 1; International relations club, 1; Interfraternity council, 1; Intramural com., 1; Dance com., 1; Gym dance com., 1; Hermaean literary soc., 1; Omicron Delta Kappa, 1; Cardinal club, 1 ; Graduate club, 3; M club, 4; Moaks, 2; Phi Delta Phi, 1; Odom prize in history, Robert B. Holland ; Colonel Rebel, Homer L. Hazel, Jr.; Football, Homer L. Hazel, Jr., capt., 4; Basketball, 2; Baseball, 3; Grey Team, Blue-Grey football game, Homer L. Hazel, Jr.

Chapter cup: Lloyd Evans Thatcher scholarship cup, A. Burnell Gustafson, highest grades in active chapter.

Chapter paper: Beta Beta News , semi-annually.

University of Missouri District XVIII Zeta Phi 1890·

776. Robert Mark Seelen, '41 B.S , 234 S Moniteau, Sedalia, Mo 795. Edwin C Miller, '42 B.S., Christian College Campus, Columbia, Mo. President .

Columbia, Mo. 520 College Ave.

797. Lloyd Edmonston Jones, Jr., '42 A.B., H.Q 76 th F A Brigade, Fort Lewis, Wash. S ecretary.

799 Robert Nichols Johnson, '42 B.S., 825 N. Moffett, Joplin, Mo. Vice President. 805. Eric Martin Meding, '42 B.S., 1130 Dover Pl., St. Louis, Mo. 810. John Kingsbury Warner, '42 A.B., N. Hickory St., Nowata, Okla. 813. David Hyde Glenn, '42 B.S., 1308 E. Broadway, Columbia, Mo. 814. John Courtland Mills, III, '42 LL B., 721 E. Illinois, Kirksville, Mo. Treasurer 816 Charles Rickert Fillmore, '43 B.]., Unity Farm, Lee's Summit, Mo 819. Hugh Edward Stephenson, Jr., '43 A.B., 1326 Wilson, Columbia, Mo. 821. Wood Nicholas Taylor, Jr., '44 LL.B., Bernie, Mo 822. Herbert Nelson Ekern, '43 B S., Ekern's Fjord, Mexico, Mo 823. Chester Leland Brewer, '43 A.B., 215 S. Glenwood, Columbia, Mo. 824. Joseph January Shy, Jr., '43 B.S., 1503 Calhoun St., Chillicothe, Mo. 825. George Adolph Kurz, Jr., '43 B.S., 238 Bristol Rd., Webster Groves, Mo.

827. Harry Kramer Wieman, '43 B S., 702 W. Pratt St., DeSoto, Mo.

828. Charles Robert Boyd, '42 B.]., Owensville, Mo

829. Harry Lawrence Ice, Jr., '42 B.S., Christian Church, Oklahoma City, Okla.

830. Maurice Boyd, '42 A.B., Coxmill Rd ., Hopkinsville, Ky.

831. William Carlson Elam, '43 A.B., 1007 Ashland Ct., St. Joseph, Mo.

832. William Denson McFadden, Jr., '44 B.S., 268 Plaza Dr., St. Louis, Mo.

833. James Gibson Birt, '44 A.B., Gower, Mo.

834. Ernest Boyd Hueter, '42 B ]., 2600 Green St., San Francisco, Calif

835. Robert Irvine Taylor, Jr., '44 A B , 1128 Sunnybrae Ave., Dyersburg, Tenn.

836. Herbert Cain Casteel, Jr., '44 A.B., 902 E. Oak, Princeton, Mo.

837 Thomas Joseph Hall, Jr., '42 B.]., 404 S. Pennsylvania Ave., Roswell,

838. Clayton Edgar Smith, Jr., '44 B.S., 2702 Faraon St., St. Joseph, Mo. Rushrng Chatrman.

839. Charles Oliver Davis, Jr., '44 A.B., 412 W. Quincy, Pittsburg, Kans.

840. Arthur Robert McQuiddy, '42 A B., 514 S Kentucky St., Sedalia, Mo.

841. Claude Funkhouser, '44 B.S., 2015 Francis St., St. Joseph, Mo.

842. William Byron Black, Jr., '44 B.S., Parklane Hotel, Kansas City, Mo.

844 Hugh Stewart Finlayson, Jr., '44 A B., 716 Noble Ave., Akron, Ohio.



Robert Eugene Francis, '44 A.B., 7337 Terrace, Kansas City, Mo.

Ray Delaplane Mering, Jr , '44 B S., Blue Springs, Mo.

Richard Melton Webster, '44 A B., 1307 S. Garrison Ave., Carthage, Mo.

Charles Bernard Miller, '44 A.B., 41 W. 58th St., Kansas City, Mo.

John Dinxess Van Dyne, '44 B.S., 1321 W. Broadway, Sedalia, Mo.

TJVarren Thomas Clark, '43 B S., 1307 Mitchell Ave., St. Joseph, Mo.

Ninian Murry Edwards, Jr., '44 LL.B., 6205 McPherson Ave., St. Louis, Mo.

Gilbert William Arney, '45 B.S., Princeton, Mo.

Jerome Frederick Kircher, Jr., '45 B.S., 41 Picardy La., St. Louis, Mo.

Luther James Luckett, Jr. , '45 LL.B., 1101 S. Broadway. Leavenworth, Kans.

Lester Jacob Miller, Jr., '45 B.S , 1015 S. Western, Mexico, Mo.

Alfred Henderson Rogers, '45 B.J., 1183 S. Main St., Carthage, Mo.

John Carleton Jones, '45 B.J., H Q. 76th F.A. Brigade, Ft. Lewis, Wash.

Robert Munsell Sweeney, '45 B.S., Salisbury, Mo.

Gail Bliss Hood, '42 B.S , 707 Porter St., Joplin, Mo.

Benjamin Franklin Dobyns , '45 B.S., Shelbina, Mo.

J Ray Corliss , '43 B.J., 344 Monte Vista Ave., Piedmont, Calif. Left college.

William Miles Oakerson, Jr., '43 B.S., 812 E. High, Jefferson City, Mo.

Frank Barnes Long, Jr., '45 A.B., 723 W. 7th, Sedalia, Mo.

Charles Vincent Wolfers, '45 B.S., 918 College Ave., Maryville, Mo.

Ralph Clifford Hook , '45 B.S., R.F.D. 2, Lee's Summit, Mo.

Edward Joseph Hurley, '44 B S., 210 W. Broadway, Sedalia, Mo.

Samuel Weat•er Bates, '45 B.S., 301 E. Walnut, Shelbina, Mo.

Joe Garrison Handley, '43 B S., 412 S. Halliburton, Kirksville, Mo.

Loran Oney Shaffer, '45 B.S., 828 Seneca Rd., Joplin, Mo.

Edwa1 d Randolfh Jayne, '44 LL.B., 1 Baker Apts., Kirksville, Mo.

Robert Le e Tee, '45 B.S., 117 S. Pennsylvania, Webb City, Mo.

Nos. 848-871, initiated Mar. 6, 1942.

Rushing season: Sept. 9-16, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Wood N. Taylor; Phi Eta Sigma, Wood N. Taylor, Lloyd E. Jones, Jr., William D. McFadden, Claude Funkhouser, J. Gibson Birt, William Arney, Frank B Long, Jr.

College activities: Blue Key, 2; Q E.B H. (senior), Wood N. Taylor; Mystical Seven (senior), Lloyd E. Jones, Jr.; Student government assn., Wood N. Taylor, pres.; Missouri Showme, Ernest B. Hueter, ed.; Savitar (annual), 1; Football, 2; Baseball, 1; Polo, 1; Tennis, 1; Dramatics, 2; Debating, 1.

Chapter awards: Berry McAlester trophy, J. Gibson Birt, highest grades in the chapter; Thomas S. Barclay cup, William D. McFadden, highest grades in freshman class; Sidney A. Maestre trophy, William M Birt, chapter's most valuable man.

Chapter paper: The Zeta Phi, quarterly.

University of Nebraska Alpha Tau District XVII 1888

582. Oswin Keifer, Jr., '42 B.S., Bostwick, Nebr. Graduated.

585. Frank Joseph Vette, '42 B.S., 4654 Woolworth, Omaha, Nebr.

587. Sidney Nelson Held, '42 B.S., 2101 Park Ave., Lincoln, Nebr.

591. Leon Weston Davis, '41 B S., 907 N Burlington, Hastings, Nebr.

594. John Robinson Cockle, '42 A.B., Stratford Apts., Omaha, Nebr. Vice President.

595. John William Stewart, '42 B.S., 2418 Lake St., Lincoln, Nebr. President.

598. George Marquardt Cockle, '42 A.B., Stratford Apts., Omaha, Nebr.

599. Willard Whitmore Folsom, '42 B.S., 2310 Woodsdale Blvd., Lincoln, Nebr.

601. Harry August Rinder, Jr., '42 B.S., Columbus, Nebr Treasurer.

605. Ernest Dean Miller, '42 B.S., 909 Baldwin, Harlan, Iowa.

606. William Thomas Edwards, '42 B.S., 1132 S. 52nd, Lincoln, Nebr.

612. Gene Elliott Bradley, '43 B.S., 830 S. 18th St., Lincoln, Nebr.

613. LeRoy Keith Howard, '43 B.S., 721 N. 58th St., Omaha, Nebr Secretary.

615. Stanley Mellor Huffman, '43 B.S., Elgin, Nebr.

Lincoln, Nebr. 1515 R St.

616. Harvey '43 A.B., 1908 W. Charles St., Grand Island, Nebr. Rushing Chairman.

618. Lowe Ricketts Folsom, 43 B.S., 2310 Woodsdale, Lincoln Nebr.

620. William Brooks Huffman, '43 A.B., Elgin, Nebr. '

621. Robert Dean Lichty, '41 B.S., 407th School Squadron, Sheppard Field, Wichita Falls, Texas. Graduated.

622. Thomas Cochrane Woods, Jr., '42 A B., 2475 Lake St. Lincoln Nebr.

624. Paul Eugene Dinnis, '43 A.B., Lewiston Nebr ' '

625. Richard Alvin Peters, '43 B S., 4822 Omaha, Nebr

632. Bert Parsons Allen, '43 B.S., 534 S. 53rd St., Omaha, Nebr.

633. John Milton Peters, '44 B.S., 1310 S. Ridgewood Rd., Omaha, Nebr.

634. H arold R aymond Salisbury, '44 B S., 614 N lOth St., Beatrice, Nebr.

506 845. 846. 847. 848. 849 850. 851. 852. 853. 854. 855 . 856. 857. 858. 859. 860. 861. 862. 863. 864. 865. 866. 867. 868. 869 870. 871.

635. Frank Joseph Mattoon, '44 B.S., 803 N . lOth St., Beatrice, Nebr.

636. Bill Brake McBride, '44 A.B., 4012 Harney St., Omaha, Nebr.

637. William Uoyd Schaumberg, '44 B.S., 2224 Lake St., Lincoln, Nebr.

638. John Augustin McCarthy, '44 A.B., 5624 Emile St., Omaha, Nebr.

639. James Dennis Bell, '43 A.B., 905 York Ave., York, Nebr.

640. William Latta, Jr., '44 B.S., Tekamah, Nebr.

641. Robert Powers Munson, '44 B S., 305 W. Montgomery St., Creston, Iowa

642. Joseph August Sonneland, '44 A B., 1020 W. 2nd St., Grand Island, Nebr.

643 John Wilcox Edwards, '44 A.B., 1132 S. 52d St., Lincoln, Nebr.

Nos. 633-639, initiated Mar. 29, 1941; Nos 640-643, initiated Oct. 31, 1941.

Rushin g season: Sept. 12-15, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Sigma Tau, Oswin Keifer, Jr.

College activities: Innocents (senior), John W. Stewart; Senior class, John W. Stewart, pres.; Baseball, 1; Basketball, 1; Tennis, 2; Swimming, 2; Golf, 1.

Chapter funds: $100 Hubert Arnold award, given annually to a partly or wholly self-supporting member with high scholarship; $100 Joseph P. Roth fund, for emergency aid to any needy and worthy member.

Chapter cups : Class cups, awarded on general outstanding work for the chapter-Senior cup, Walter Kiechel, Jr.; Junior cup, John R. Cockle; Sophomore cup, Richard A. Peters ; Freshman cup, Harold R. Salisbury; 460 bowl, John M. Peters, highest freshman scholastic average; Intramural cup, John W. Hyland, outstanding contribution to intramural sports.

Chapter paper: Alpha Tau, annually.

University of North Carolina

Eta District VIII


455. Hugh Stanley Hole, '42 A.B., 912 N. Angere St., Greensboro, N.C.

480. Wilmer Webb, '42 B.S., 1268 Oxford Rd., Atlanta, Ga.

482. Richard Lawrence Cowhig, '41 B.S., 1811 E. 5th St., Charlotte, N .C.

484. David Settle Reid, III, '42 B S., 524 N. Spring St., Winston-Salem, N C.

486. Donald Lee Sager, '43 A B., 228 Virginia Ave., Danville, Va.

489. Richard Allan White, '42 A.B., 3259 Daleford Rd., Shaker Heights, Ohio.

490. William Lacy Felts, '42 A B., 700 Clement Ave., Charlotte, N.C.

491. Thornton Sanders Woodall, '43 A.B , 1577 N Decatur Rd ., Atlanta, Ga.

Chapel Hill , N.C. 114 S. Columbia St.

492. Robert Tombs Cozart, Jr., '44 A.B ., 1204 E. Ash St., Goldsboro, N .C. Vice President.

493. Lucian Latham Davis, Jr., '44 B S., Gainesville, Fla. Left college.

494. Daniel Louis Garan, Jr., '44 B.S., 7519 Oakman Blvd., Dearborn, Mich. Left college

495 . George Greg ory Glamack, '41 A.B. , Johnstown, Pa. Graduated .

496. Francis James Heazel , Jr., '40 A.B., Hendersonville Rd ., Asheville, N.C. Graduated.

497. Edward Davis Joel, '43 B S., 480 Park St., Montclair, N.J. Left college.

498. Byron Hannibal Matthews, '44 A.B., 1101 Maryland Ave. N .E., Washington, D .C.

499. David Holland Rankin, '44 A.B., 322 Eastover Rd. , Charlotte, N.C. Rushing Co -Chairman.

500. Charles David Richmond, '44 B.S., 207 E. High St., London, Ohio

501. Olive r Allison Ryder, '44 A.B., 112 S. Columbus St., Alexandria, Va.

502. William Lawrence Sharkey, '44 A.B., 1320 W. State St., Trenton, N.J.

503. Zachary Taylor Smith , II, '44 A B., 134 Taylor St., Mt. Airy, N.C.

504. William Bernard Soyars, '44 B.S., 52 West End Blvd., Winston-Salem, N.C. Treamrer.

505 Robert Gray Stockton, '44 A.B., Kent Rd ., Winston-Salem, N.C. Pr esident

506. Walter Robert Wertheim, '44 B S., 280 Manning St , Needham, Mass.

507. William Thomas Williamson, '44 B.S., Oaklawn Ave., Winston-Salem, N.C.

508. George Edgar Matthews '43 A.B., 1308 Goodview Ave., Fayetteville, N C. S ecretary

509. Rene Sheldon Davis, '44 A.B., 3601 Lowell St. N W ., Washington, D.C.

510. Benjamin Oliver Townsend, '44 B S., Dresden Apts., Connecticut Ave., Washington, D.C. Left college.

511. James Robert Karl Bishopric, Jr ., '45 A.B., Highland Dr., Leaksville, N .C.

512. fohn Franklin Davis, Jr., '43 B S., Route 3, Box 121, Greensboro, N.C.

513. William Emery Gray, III, '45 A B , 44 Lenox Pl., New Britain, Conn

514. William Franz Herr, '45 A B., 1020 Marietta Ave., Lancaster, Pa.

515. James Eugene Holmes, Jr., '43 B.S., Highland Dr., Leaksville, N.C. Rushing Co-Chairman.

516. John Edward Markham, '43 A B., 405 N Gregson St., Durham, N.C.

517. Robert Laine Otte, '45 A.B., 2 Hilltop Dr., Great Neck, N.Y.

518 Stephen Dalrymple Reynolds, '45 A.B., 2501 Woodbourne Ave., Louisville, K y.

519. Eugene Gray Smith , Jr., '43 B.S., 134 Taylor St., Mt. Airy, N.C.

520. William Benfield Thomas, '43 B.S., 1241 S. Hawthorne Rd ., Winston-Salem, N .C.

Nos. 492-507, initiated Apr. 19, 1941; No. 508, affiliated Apr. 19, 1941; Nos. 509-510, initiated Nov. 9, 1941; Nos. 511-520, initiated Feb 21, 1942.


Rushing season: Oct. 3-11, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, William H. Seeman. College activities: Honor roll, Wilmer Webb, Karl Bishopric; Junior Jo?n E. Markham, treas.; Sophomore class, L. Latham Davis, treas.; Yackety Yack (annual), DavidS Re1d, bus. mgr.; Tar and Feathers, 1; Football, 2; Track, Richard White, capt., 4; Swimming, 2; Boxing, 1; Intramural mgr., William Thomas; University party, 2; Carolina political union, 1; Minotaurs (sophomore), David Rankin, pres., 2 ; Sheiks (sophomore), 2.

Chapter award: Plaque for highest grades in freshman class, Robert G. Stockton.

University of North Dakota Gamma Kappa District XVI 1922

312. Don Vernon Smith, '42 B.S., 506 3rd St. N.W., Mandan, N.Dak.

313. Kent Forbes Westley, '42 B S , Cooperstown, N Dak

314. Oliver Edgar Austinson, '42 LL.B, Fertile, Minn Treasurer

317. Vernon George Lager, '42 M.E., 514 S 5th St., Grand Forks, N.Dak.

318 Marcell Quinton Clayburgh, '43 LL.B., 411 N. 25th St , Grand Forks, N Dak.

323. Neal Copeland Perkins, '42 B.S., 411 Belmont Rd ., Grand Forks, N.Dak.

324. Walter Albert Craychee, '42 B.A., 304 1st Ave. N.E., Mandan, N Dak.

325. James Edward Hoesley, '42 B.A., Crystal, N.Dak.

327. Maurice Thorp McFarlin, '42 B.S., 215 E. 5th St., Crookston, Minn.

331. William Theodore Heisler, '42 B.S.C., 206 3rd St. N.W., Mandan, N.Dak.

Grand Forks, N.Dak. 2600 University Ave.

333. Edward King Lander, '43 B.A., 715 Belmont Rd ., Grand Forks, N.Dak. Secretary.

334. Harry Leonard Nelson, '43 B S.C., Sheyenne Apt., Valley City, N D ak.

335 . Gordon Roger Peterson, '42 B.S.C., 211 7th Ave. N.W., Mandan, N.Dak.

336. Luke Jacob Braxmeier, '42 B A., 204 3rd Ave. N.E , Mandan, N.Dak.

337 Charles Reinhold Jacobi, '44 B A., 1110 Almonte Ave., Grand Forks, N.Dak.

340. Arlo Grant Skjelset, '43 B.A., Drayton, N.Dak. Vice President.

341. Ardon Bernett Iverson, '43 B.S C., 321 Chestnut St., Grand Forks, N.Dak.

342. Howard Malcolm Kirst, '43 B.S.C., LaMoure, N.Dak. Rushing Chairman.

344. Warren H arvey Patterson, '43 B.A., Mohall, N Dak President.

345. William George Barney, '44 M.E., 804 Cottonwood St., Grand Forks, N.Dak.

346. RichMd George Bjorklund, '44 B.S.C., 4017 Raleigh Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.

347. John Albert Ford, '44 B S.C., University Apartments, Grand Forks, N.Dak.

348. Robert Eugene Friesz, '43 B S.C., 502 3rd Ave N.W., Mandan, N.Dak.

349. Leon Alerton Sayer, '43 B S.C., Cooperstown, N.Dak. Left college

350. Harold Lawrence Aretz, '44 Ph.B., St. Louis Park, Minn.

351. Don Clarence Hoglund, '45 Ph.B., 4051 Woodale Ave., St. Louis Park, Minn.

352. Elmer Irving Malone, '45 Ph.B., 3028 Monterey Ave., St. Louis Park, Minn.

353. Philip Arthur Olson, '45 B.A., 501 Lincoln Dr., Grand Forks, N.Dak.

No. 344, initiated Apr. 7, 1941; Nos. 345-349, initiated Oct. 12, 1941; Nos. 350-353, initiated Mar. 15, 1942.

Rushing season: Sept. 23-28, 1942 ( approx .).

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Eta Sigma, Edward K. Lander, Warren H. Patterson, pres.

College activities: Iron Mask, Edward K. Lander; Blue Key, Edward K. Lander, Warren Patterson; Dakota Student, Edward K. Lander, rew. ed., Warren H. Patterson, news ed.; Dacotah (annual), 1; Y.M.C.A., Edward K. Lander, pres., 3; Junior class, Edward K. Lander, treas.; Debate, 1; D ramatics, 1; Madrigal club, 1; Scabbard and Blade, 1; Band, 2; Sigma Delta Chi, 2; Kappa Kappa Psi, 1; Beta Alpha Psi, 1; Delta Sigma Pi, 1; A.I M.E., 1; Football, 3; Basketball, 2; Track, 1.

Chapter awards: Dr. John S. Lundy scholarship award, Donald D D ahl; Best Beta cup, John T Ahlroth; Freshman scholarship award, Charles R. Jacobi; Bovine Scoop, Ellsworth A. Iverson.

Chapter paper: The Arrow, annually.

Northwestern University Rho District XV 1873

615. Edwin Stuart Braden, Jr., '41 B.S., Ridgeview Hotel, Evanston, Ill. Inactive.

652. James William Knoernschild, '41 B.S., 2425 Park Pl., Evanston, Ill. Inactive.

654 JJoyd Bernard Norlin, '41 M M., 300 E. 27th St., Sioux Falls, S Dak.

665. James Michael Furlong, '42 B.S., 2710 Agatite St., Chicago, Ill. Left college.

668. James Douglas Goddard, Jr., '42 B.S., 953 Foster Ave., Chicago Ill.

669. Richard Earl Jager, '42 B.S., 1232 Jarvis Ave., Chicago, Ill. '

672 John Green Davidson, '42 B S., 910 Oakton St., Evanston, Ill. Left college.

674. Gene Gordon Mundy, '42 B S., 1306 Mulberry St., Mt. Carmel, Ill. Treasurer.

676. Donald Albert Olson, '42 B.S., 2151 Touhy Ave., Chicago, Ill.

677. Donald Owen Burst, '42 13.S., 41 Berkshire, Richmond Heights, Mo. President.

Evanston, Ill. North Campus


682. Bayard Taylor Stevenson, '43 B.S., 15232 Broadway, Harvey, III. Left college.

Thomas Albert Elliott, '43 B.S., 2001 Stevens Ave., Elkhart, Ind.

Clarence Charles Hasse, "43 B.S., 813 Logan St., Hammond, Ind. Rushing Co-Chairman.

Robert Jackson Long, '44 M.E., 702 Jefferson St., Beardstown, III.

Thomas Martin James, '42 B.S., 346 Golden Ave., Lemon Grove, Calif.

Arthur Raymond Seder, Jr., '42 B.S., 314 Oxford Rd., Kenilworth, III Left college.

Wayne Wilson Scranton, '43 B.S., 1930 Orrington Ave., Evanston, III.

George Wesley Mattox, '42 B S., 317 Crescent St., Shenandoah, Iowa

John Kenneth Spiller, '42 B.S., 2328 N. 7th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Secret:uy.

Perry Lewis Winsberg, '43 B.S., 7618 N. Ashland St., Chicago, Ill.

William Vern Richards, '45 B.S., 915 Park Ave., Pekin, Ill.

Rudy Ernest Schmalz, '45 B S., 1457 Underwood Ave , Wauwatosa, Wis.

John Lewis Bach, Jr., '44 B.S., 1242 E. 9th St., Des Moines, Iowa.

George LeRoy Rothermel, Jr., '44 B S., 335 Ridge Ave., Kenilworth, III.

Ronald Arthur Trumble, '44 B.S., 528 N 19th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Rushing Co-Chairman.

William Earl Johns, '43 B.S., 3750 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, III.

Robert John Jake, '44 B.S., 3735 W. Sarnow St., Milwaukee, Wis.

704. Charles Norman Fifer, '44 B.A., 1010 Linden Ave , Wilmette, Ill.

705. MacLaren Andrew Wilson, '43 B.S., 1703 Fulton Rd. N .W ., Canton, Ohio. 706 Charles Casper Johnson, '43 B S., 221 Elm Ct., Rhinelander, Wis. Left college. 707. William Howard Kemp, '44 B S., 6811 Euclid Ave., Chicago, Ill. 708. David Alton James, '44 B.S., 346 Golden Ave., Lemon Grove, Calif.

709. Willard Kinyon Thayer, '44 B.S., 335 Douglas Ave., Waukegan, Ill.

710. Kenneth Hamilton Hanson, '43 B.S., 1432 Catalpa Ave., Chicago, Ill.

711. Frederick William Barteldes, '44 B S., Route 1, Box 200, Platte Canyon Rd., Littleton, Colo

712. Theodore Richard Mann, '43 B S., 1109 Curtiss St., Downers Grove, Ill.

713. Gordon Caldwell Anderson, '42 B S., 4420 N Major Ave., Chicago, Ill. Vice Pr es ident

714. Jeffrey Jabez Brook, Jr., '44 B.S ., 7100 Maple Ter., Wauwatosa, Wis.

715. John Fitzpatrick Barnett, '44 B S , 571 Drexel Ave., Glencoe, Ill.

716. Graham Eld en Heniken, '43 B.S., 8229 Dante Ave., Chicago, Ill.

717. Richard Walter Brahm, '44 B S., 6044 N. Maplewood Ave., Chicago, Ill.

718. William Metheany Moore, Jr., '43 B.S., 42nd & Forest Manor Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.

719. John Cozzens Ramsay, ·43 B.S., 4435 Pauline St., Chicago, Ill. Left college.

720 Warner Bryant VanAken (B M), '43 B.S., 65 E. Chicago, Coldwater, Mich. Left college

721. Robert Ellsworth Bulkley (A r), '43 B.S., 41 Maple Dr., Youngstown, Ohio.

722. William Lawrence Co rlew (A Z), '43 B.M., 1440 Wadsworth St., Lakewood, Colo

723. G eorge Harry Je.nkins , III (B N), '44 B.S., 731 Monroe Ave., River Forest, Ill.

724. Harold Raymond Hudson, '44 B S., 632 Lorena Ave., Wood River, Ill.

725. John Tabor McDonald , '44 B.S., 404 Grant Pl., Park Ridge, Ill.

726 James Edward Fairchild, Jr , '45 B.A., 2256 Holly St., Denver, Colo.

727. Henry Clay Cleveland, Jr ., '45 B.S., 640 165th St., Hammond, Ind.

728 . Allan Franklin Conwill, '43 B.S ., 306 Crescent Blvd., Hutchinson, Kans.

729. Richard Charles Benn ett, '46 B.S., 1126 Longwoo d Ave , Los Angeles, Calif.

730. Ernst Fredrick Wilhelm Beck , '45 B A., 711 Logan Ave., Hammond, Ind

731. John Pope Forester, '45 B S , 415 N. Washington, DuQuoin, Ill.

732. Maurice Henry Hofmeister, Jr., '46 B.S., 559 Columbus Ave., Benton Harbor, Mich.

733. John Arthur Quimby, '46 B S , 913 N. 6th St., Sheboygan, Wis.

734. Jack Warren Harvey , '43 B.S., 122 Callan Ave., Evanston, Ill.

735. Alfred George Antbea, '43 B.S., 2403 60th St., Kenosha, Wis.

736. Will ia m Franklin Oren , '45 B S., 710 W Washington Ave., South Bend, Ind.

737. Jeremiah David McAuliffe, '43 B S , 6542 N Artesian Ave., Chicago, Ill.

Nos. 716-719, initiated June 15, 1941; No. 720, affiliated Sept. 22, 1941; No. 721, affiliated Oct. 20, 1941; No 722, affiliated Oct. 27, 1941; No. 723, affiliated Feb. 9, 1942; Nos 724-737, initiated Mar. 1, 1942.

Rushing season: Sept . 7-12, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Eta Sigma, John L. Bach, Jr., Jeffrey ]. Brook, Jr., Charles N. Fifer.

College activities: Deru (senior), Lloyd B. Norlin; Sophomore class, Richard W. Brahm, pres.; Freshman class, William F. Oren, treas .; Purple Parrot, 1; Daily Northwestern, 4; Lynx (junior), 1; Purple Key (sophomore), 4; Football, 3; Basketball, 3; Tennis, 1; Swimming, 3; Waa-Mu (musical), 16; Sextant (naval), 2; Track, 3; Debaters, 2

Chapter paper: Rho's Rhomer, semi-annually.

Ohio University Beta Kappa District X 1841

657. Howard Byron Duff, Jr., '42 B S C., 311 E Ridge Ave., Ridley Park, Pa. 659 Frederick Kittle, '42 A.B., 173 Lancaster St., Athens, Ohio.

Athens, Ohio 23 S. Congress St.


660. Albert Llewellyn Lloyd, '42 B.S.C., 166 E. Lucius A_ve., Ohio.

661. Edwin James Maddy, '42 B.S.C.,_ 228 1st Oh10.

664. Neil John Sharkey, '42 B.S.]., Kmg Ave., Manon, Oh10.

666. Richard Martin Thompson, '42 B.F.A.P.A.A., R. 1, Dayton, Oh10: Left college.

667. Jack Carpenter Biddison, '42 B.S.C., 187 E State St., 4thens, Oh10.

669. Robert Julius Wilson, '42 B.S.]., 202 E. Pearl, Wellsv1lle, N.Y.

672. George Alfred Fehndrick, '42 B.S.C., Vance

673. Daniel Paul Davies '42 B.S.C., 53 Spruce St., Gallipolis, Oh10. Left college.

677. Hughie Wesley '42 B.S.Ed., Washington Court House, Ohio.

679. Richard Quentin Sponseller, '43 B.S.C., 729 Maryland S.W., Ca':Jton, Oh10.

680. Robert Marshall Finley, '43 B.S.]., 316 Thompson Ave., ¥ast L1verpool, Oh10. Presrdent.

681. Robert Clinton Kenney, '43 B.S.C., 4V2 Stewart, Athens, Oh10.

683. Brinton Taylor Darlington, '43 B S., 483 Vermont St., Olean, N.Y

684. Bud Morgan Burke, '43 B.S.C., 503 S. Vine St., Marion, Treasurer.

689. Richard Jay Smith, '43 B.F.A., 724 12th N.W., Canton, Ohw. •

690 Stanley Ermine Ruf, '43 B.S C., 2415 Forest Pk., Fort Wayne, Ind. Vrce Presrdent.

691. Robert Lee Wall, '43 A B., 1075 E. 286 St., Wickliffe, Ohio.

693. William Walter Duvendeck, '43 B.S., 5503 3rd St., Portsmouth, Ohio.

695. Randall Colby Guthrie, '43 B.S.]., R 2, Coshocton, Ohio.

696. William Crawford French, '43 B.S., 2 California Ave., Charleston, W.Va.

697. John Daniel Williams, '44 B.S.C., 2147 Oak Hill Ave., Youngstown, Ohio.

698. George Robert Reed, '43 B.S.C., 125 S. Water, Urichsville, Ohio.

699. Ned Sowers, '44 B.S.C., 327 Buckeye, Crooksville, Ohio.

700. Andrew Theodore Szalay, '42 B.S.C., 8837 Buhl Ave., Detroit Mich. Left college.

701. Frank John Szalay, '42 A.B., 8837 Buhl Ave., Detroit, Mich.

702. Paul Edward Gordon, '44 A.B., 38 Race St., Athens, Ohio.

703. Jack Andrew Wiegman, '40 M.A., 1367 Shaw View, East Cleveland, Ohio.

704. Joseph Bernard Vargo, '42 B.S C., 9508 Manor Ave , Cleveland, Ohio.

705. Richard Long, '43 A B , 1609 Maple Ave , Zanesville, Ohio.

706. Robert Louis Queisser, III, '44 B.S.C., 3307 Dellwood Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Secretary, Rushing Chairman

707. Charles Henry Mark, '43 B.S.C., R. 1, Frankfort, Ohio. Left college.

708 Thomas Edward Ashton, '44 B S.C., 527 E. 5th Ave., Lancaster, Ohio.

709. Dale Whitman Collins, '43 B.S.E.E., 202 Sheridan Rd., Niles, Ohio.

710 Vernon Dale Hacker '44 A.B., 119 N. Ardmore, Dayton, Ohio

711. John Edward Hines, '44 B.S C., 314 Monroe St., East Liverpool, Ohio.

712. Jack William Houpt, '44 B.S., 132 S High, Marion, Ohio.

713. Wendell Eugene lloyd, '44 B.S.Ed., 736 2nd Ave., Gallipolis, Ohio.

714 Robert Thomas Morgan, '44 B.S., 640 2nd Ave., Gallipolis, Ohio.

715. John Allen Winfield, '44 B.S.C., 522 Prospect St., Girard, Ohio.

716. Richard McDougal Ph illips, '45 B.S., Amesville, Ohio.

717 John Warren Stack, '45 B.S., 22 S Congress St., Athens, Ohio.

718 . Jerome Ul ysses Rhees, '45 B.S., 324 W. North St., Sidney, Ohio.

719. Ronald Farrow Moist, Jr., '45 B.S.C., 507 Haymond Hwy., Clarksburg, W.Va.

720. William Valentine Szalay, '45 B.S.Ed., 8837 Buhl Ave., Detroit, Mich.

721. Charles Et an Johnson, Jr., '44 B.S.C., 16 S Mountain Rd., Millburn, N.J.

722. Robert Edwards Fairchild, '45 B.S., 1200 W Henry, Olean, N.Y.

723. Russell Edward Drummond, '45 B.S., 645 12th Ave., Huntington, W.Va.

724. William Cullen Schwit zgebel, '44 B.S.J.E., 355 Arlington N.W., Canton, Ohio.

725. Willi am Mackay Smith, '45 B S , 1602 Avery St., Parkersburg, W.Va.

726. Don Ted Torreson, '45 B.F.A., 1679 Wyandotte Ave., Lakewood, Ohio.

727. Bruce Redmon Diers, '45 A.B., 1445 Kumler Ave., Dayton, Ohio.

728 Jacob Emanuel Hedenquist, '45 B.S.C., 480 Orchard Grove; East Liverpool, Ohio.

729. Tony Cramer, Jr. , '45 B.S., 3630 Brentwood Ave , Cincinnati, Ohio.

730 William George Sprague , '45 B.S., 1861 Hastings Rd , East Cleveland, Ohio.

731. John Williams Purdy, '45 B.F.A., 21 W. Whitney Rd ., Shelby, Ohio.

732 . George Wallace Baillie, Jr , '45 B.S.E.E., 845 Homewood Ave., Salem, Ohio.

733. Christopher Stefan, '45 B S.Ed., 332 Lansdale Ave., Dayton, Ohio.

Nos 695-705, initiated Mar. 9, 1941; Nos. 706-707, initiated June 10, 1941; Nos. 708-715, initiated Nov. 9, 1941 ; Nos. 716-733, initiated Mar. 15, 1942.

Rushing season: Open rushing all year.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Eta Sigma, Thomas E. Ashton, pres., Vernon D. Hacker, secy , Jack W. Houpt, hist., John W. Stack.

College activities: Kappa Delta Pi, 2; Sigma Delta Chi, 3; Delta Phi Delta, 1; Torch (senior), Frederick Kittle, Frank J . Szalay, Jack A. Wiegman, Richard M. Thompson; J club (junior), 2; Men's union planning board, 1; Campus affairs com , 1; Junior prom, Robert Finley, chm , 3; Student grille com., 1; Interfraternity council, D. Paul Davies, secy.; Athena (yearbook), Thomas Ashton, assoc. ed.,


4; Varsity quartet, 1; Glee club, Hughie Backenstoe, student dir., 6; Band, 2; Orchestra, 2; Ohio Boosters, 2; University theater, 1; History & Gov't. club, 1; L'Cercle Franc;aise, 1; Chemistry, 3; Town Hall council, 1; Freshman advisers, 5; Varsity "0," 4; Football, 7; Basketball, 3; Managers, 3; Track, 3; Cross country, 2; Pershing Rifles, 3; Beta Pi, 5; Freshman class com., 1. Chapter awards: Senior plaque, Frank C. Baumholtz, outstanding senior; Pledge scholarship plaque, Jack Wiegman, Frank Szalay, Paul Gordon, pledges with highest scholastic averages. Chapter paper: Wooglin's Call, issued bi-annually. ·

Ohio State University

Theta Delta District X


612. George Lee Haverfield, '41 A.B., 1980 W. 3rd Ave., Columbus, Ohio.

614. Adnah Baird Heffron, '41 A.B., 93 Elm St., London, Ohio.

621. George Edward Brownewell, '41 B S., 2445 Elm Ave., Columbus, Ohio Inactive.

Columbus, Ohio 165 15th Ave.

623. Robert Judy Hanger, '41 B.S. in Agr., 361 Northwood Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Inactive.

624. Ralph Sterling Harper, '41 B.S., Guernsey Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Inactive.

631. Stuart Hershey Clawson, '42 I.E., 332 E. Main St., Lancaster, Ohio.

633. George Richard Michael, '42 B.S., 264 E. N. Broadway, Columbus, Ohio.

636. Robert Byron Morrisoq, '41 B.S., 713 Convers Ave., Zanesville, Ohio. Inactive.

638. Phillip Gifford Patch, '42 I.E., Arden Rd., Columbus, Ohio.

639. Lewis Allen Rankin, '42 B.S., 55 13th Ave., Columbus, Ohio.

640. John David Schwenker, '42 B.S., 1840 Oak St., Columbus, Ohio.

645. William Hastings Gilmore, '42 B.S., 2321 Onandaga Dr., Columbus, Ohio Left college.

646 Max Dale Reeder, '4 2 B.S in Agr., 1051 Urlin Ave., Columbus, Ohio.

647. Doran R Strouse, '42 Ch.E., 2480 16th St N.W., Washington, D.C.

649. John Thomas Bonner, '43 B S., 108 W. Royal Forest Blvd., Columbus, Ohio

651. William Joseph Clifford, '42 B.S., 61 W. Patterson Ave ., Colurnbus, Ohio.

652 Richard Becker Fuller, '43 C.E., 628 Wayne St., Sandusky, Ohio

654. William Edward Hunt, '43 B.A., 2534 Brentwood Rd ., Columbus, Ohio.

656. John Irvin Jones, Jr., '42 B.S., 2360 Bryden Rd., Bexley, Ohio.

657. Herbert Henry Kouns, '43 B.S., 1491 Madison Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Inactive.

658. Arthur Delbert Lynn, Jr., '42 B.A., Portsmouth, Ohio.

660. Richard Charles Troutman, '43 B.A., 4045 Kenny Rd ., Columbus, Ohio

661. Charles Taylor Wheeler, '43 B.S., 1767 Cambridge Blvd., Columbus, Ohio. Vice President .

663. John Kaufman Bridgeman, '43 B A. in Agr., 147 Lafayette St., London, Ohio Inactive.

666. Benjamin LeFever Pfefferle, Jr., '43 B.A., 194 Winthrop Rd ., Columbus, Ohio. President.

667. Raymond Rhoads, Jr.;'43 B.S., 1161 Lincoln Rd ., Columbus, Ohio.

669. Floyd Ellsworth Walker, '43 B.A., 1207 E. 11th, Huntington, W.Va.

670. Robert Martin Bennett, '44 B.S., 1951 Indianola Ave., Columbus, Ohio

671. William Robert Blesch, '44 B S., 62 E. Markison St., Columbus, Ohio.

672. James Swain Boardman, '44 B.S., 2000 3rd Ave , Columbus, Ohio Inactive

673 Joseph C Daugherty, '43 B S., 421 E. 4th St., Uhrichsville, Ohio.

674. Owen Halton Dickerson, '44 B.S., 4387 Aldrich Pl., Columbus, Ohio.

675. Jack Ward Po/kerth, '44 B.A., 1750 Arlington Ave., Upper Arlington, Ohio

676. Parke Brewster John ston, '44 B.S. in Agr., 634 Glenway Ave., Wyoming, Ohio.

677. Charles William Miller, '44 B.A., 189 Northmoor Pl., Columbus, Ohio

678. Robert Johnson Murphy, '44 B.S., 1842 Arlington Ave., Upper Arlington, Ohio

679. James Wallace Phillips, '44 B.S., 802 Melrose Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Treasurer.

680. Robert Frederick Rauch, '43 B.A , 228 E Allen St., Lancaster, Ohio

681. Thomas Sowers Summers, '43 B.S., 1446 Eastwood Ave., Bexley, Ohio.

682. Robert Sadler Thomas, '44 B.S., 1311 Worley Ave. N .W., Canton, Ohio Left college.

683. Keith Wilson, '43 B.S., 4528 N. Haven Ave., Toledo, Ohio.

684. William Augustus Yardley, '44 B.A., 219 17th Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Rushing Chairman.

685. Franklin Gruesser (A P), '43 B.S., 2186 Yorkshire Rd., Columbus, Ohio.

686. Charles Gordon Bolon, '44 B.A., 2468 Elm Ave. , Bexley, Ohio.

687. Clif Robrecht Ferguson, '44 B.S., 57 Leland Ave., Columbus, Ohio.

688. John Arnold Gast, '43 B.S., Prospect, Ohio.

689. John Lange Hutson, '44 B.S., West Salem Rd., Columbiana, Ohio. S ecretary .

690. John Matthews Koch, '44 B S., 72 N. Remington Rd., Bexley, Ohio.

Nos. 670-684, initiated Apr 25, 1941; No. 685, affiliated Oct. 20, 1941; Nos. 686-690, initiated Nov. 3, 1941.

Rushing season : Sept 21-28, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Eta Sigma, Stuart H. Clawson, William E. Hunt, Robert F. Rauch.

College activities: Sphinx (senior), Robert J. Hanger, A. Baird Heffron, Phillip G. Patch, Lewis A. Rankin; Bucket and Dipper (junior), 2; Romophos (sophomore), 3; Student senate, Lewis A. Rankin, pres., Jack W. Folkerth, soph. secy.; Fraternity affairs office, Robert ]. Murphy, soph. secy ;


Student activities office, James W. Phillips and Robert M. Bennett, soph. secys.; Makio ( yearbook), John A. Gast, soph. secy. ; Strollers, Robert F. Rauch, bus. mgr., William A. Yardley, publicity dir.; Sophomore class, Robert J. Murphy, pres.; Ohio Staters, Inc., Phillip G. Patch, pres.; Upper class council, James W. Phillips, pres.; Y.M.C.A., 4; Band, 1; Cheerleaders, 1; Debating, 1; Dramatics, 3; Freshman football, 1; Freshman swimming, 2; Freshman basketball, 2; Polo, 1; Track, 1; Fencing, 1.

Chapter cups : "Billy" Graves scholarship cup for freshman ranking, Jack W. Folkerth; Sophomore cup for greatest success in sophomore activities, Robert F. Rauch

Chapter paper: Theta Delta Dragon, bi-annually.

Ohio Wesleyan Theta District IX 1853 Delaware, Ohio 54 W. Lincoln Ave.

671. Robert Mandis Johnson, '42 A.B., 1005 W. Elm St., Lima, Ohio. President.

673. Donald Walter Korn, '42 A.B., 131 N. Market St., Lisbon, Ohio

679. Harold Theodore Leuliette, '42 A.B., 2 Woodhill Dr., Maplewood, N.J. Vice President.

680. William Orville Harrah, '43 A.B., Maple St., Smithfield, Ohio. Treasurer, Rushing Co-Chairman.

683. Frederick Kellog Johnson, '43 A.B., 376 Sandusky St., Ashland, Ohio.

684. Robert Eugene Crail, '43 A.B., 301 N. Collett St., Lima, Ohio

685. George Joseph McCabe Newhard, '43 A.B , 202 W. Main St., Cary, Ohio.

686. Robert William Brentlinger, '44 A.B., 324 N. Charles St., Lima, Ohio. Secretary.

687. William Merryman, '44 A.B , Main St., Smithfield, Ohio.

688. Robert Mulvane Best, '44 A.B., 124 1st St., Newcomerstown, Ohio. Rushing Co-Chairman.

689. Howard Montrose Anderson, Jr., '44 A.B., 7759 S. Constance Ave., Chicago, Ill.

691. William Bundy Bartels, Jr. , '44 A.B., 77 Royal Forest Blvd., Columbus, Ohio.

692. Richard Adams Gregg, '45 A.B., 11 12th St., Columbus, Ohio.

693. Robert Miller Copper, '45 A.B., 529 W. William St., Delaware, Ohio

694. William Hiram Foster, '45 A.B., Smithfield, Ohio.

695 William Gene Freeman, '45 A.B., 710 Clinton Pl., River Forest, Ill.

696. Robert Stark Barr, '45 A.B., 637 E. Lincoln Way, Lisbon, Ohio.

697. Charl es Baldwin Gatesman , '45 A.B., Route 2, Howell, Mich.

698. Charles Bathrick Ordway, '45 A.B., 244 W. Territorial Rd., Battle Creek, Mich .

699. William Samuel Anthony, '45 A.B., 27 Brett St., Brockton, Mass.

700. John Raymond Megirian, '45 A.B., 3540 82nd St., New York, N.Y.

701. Paul Revere Miller, '43 A.B., 267 E. Main St., Norwalk, Conn.

Nos. 691-700, initiated Feb. 21, 1942; No. 701, initiated Mar. 6, 1942. Rushing season: Op en.

College activities: Phi society, ]. R. Megirian; Phi Mu Alpha, 2; Pi Sigma Alpha, 1 ; Pi Mu Epsilon, 1; Sigma Pi Sigma, 1; Bible club, 3; Singers club, Frederick Johnson, pres., 2; Calendar com., 1; Athletic boosters com., 1; Dramatics, 2; Band, 5; Football, 5; Basketball, 2; Century club, 2; Transcript, 3: Radio workship, 1. Chapter cup: Hiram M. Perkins scholarship cup, J. R Megirian, highest grades in freshman class Chapter paper: Theta Review, annually.

University of Oklahoma Gamma Ph i

District XIX 1907

448. Roscoe Walker, Jr., '42 LL.B., Williams Addition, Pawhuska, Okla.

449. Edward Wayne Wilson, '43 LL.B., 425 Elm, Norman, Okla.

452. Jack Ewing Wilson, '42 LL.B., 425 Elm, Norman, Okla.

471. Charles Clay Roberts, Jr., '43 LL.B., 506 Cleveland, Pawnee, Okla Treasu rer

476. John Thomas Spradling, '43 LL.B., 1123 Huntington, Oklahoma City, Okla.

480. Nathaniel Bert Smith, '43 B.S., 325 W. 17th, Oklahoma City, Okla

481. William Earl Tankersley, Jr., '42 B.S., 1824 N .. Indiana, Oklahoma City, Okla .

486. Earle Grant Hastings, Jr., '42 A.B., 1323 20th St., Tulsa, Okla. Left college.

491. Robert Smith Frantz, '42 B.S., 1302 W. York St., Enid, Okla.

494. Thomas David Hedley, '42 A B., 1205 Sunset Dr., Wewoka, Okla.

495. Jack Mitchell Glamann, '43 B.S., 902 S. Jefferson, Wellington, Kans.

496. Thomas Hartwell Conner, Jr., '42 A.B., 1912 S. Gary PI., Tulsa, Okla.

497. Robert Calhoun Askew, '42 B.F.A., 1175 Walnut, Muskogee, Okla

499. Francis Campbell Sneed, '42 A B., 402 Ferris, Lawton, Okla.

500. James Bell Quinn, '42 A.B .', 431 N.W. 20th, Oklahoma City, Okla

501. Joe Worthington Durkee, '43 A.B., Box 191, Vandalia, Ill.

502. Joseph Marcus McLaughlin, '42 B.S., 6702 Lakewood Blvd., Dallas, Texas.

505. Robert Luckan Murphey, '42 B S., 438 W 22nd, Oklahoma City, Okla.

Norman, Okla. 800 Chautauqua Ave

508.!es '42 B.S., E. 17th Pl., Tulsa, Okla. Left college.

512 . Wilham Lloyd H1xon, III, 42 B.S., Bnnker Rd., Barrington, Ill.

514. Robert Wallace King, '43 B.S., 301 N.W. 19th, Oklahoma City, Okla. Secretary.

515. Roger Keith Gray, '42 B.S., 401 0 St. S.W., Ardmore, Okla. Left college.

516. John Wayland Morton, '43 B.S., 1521 Keeler Ave., Bartlesville, Okla.

517. Robert Lee Lunsford, III, '43 A.B., 302 North Ave., Cleveland, Okla.


518. Jack Herschell Marsee, '42 B.S., Dustin, Okla.

519. Jack Stanley Schaller, '43 B.S , 430 S. 13th, Muskogee, Okla.

521. Cecil Tolbert Hardeman, Jr., '43 B.S., 428 E. Creek Ave., McAlester, Okla.

522. Charles Roodhouse Barr, '42 B.S., Oxford Hotel, Enid, Okla

523. Frederick Leon Coogan, Jr., '42 B.S., 1506 N. 4th, Sayre, Okla.

525. Harry Herman Diamond, Jr., '43 B.S., 300 Country Club Dr., Holdenville, Okla.

526. John Rogers Pollock, Jr., '42 B.S., 420 K St. S W , Ardmore, Okla.

527. Billy Frank Short, '43 B.S., Marietta, Okla

528. Arthur Graham Hays, '43 B.S , 2705 Oklahoma Ave., Muskogee, Okla

529. James Garnett Shouse, '43 B.S., 315 N 12th, Muskogee, Okla. President.

530. Robert Davis Blinn, '42 A.B., 2046 N.W. 22nd, Oklahoma City, Okla.

531. James Pierson Neal, Jr., '43 B.S , 600 S. Macomb, El Reno, Okla. Left college.

532. John William Jones, Jr., '44 B.S., Idabel, Okla. Left college.

533. foe Basolo, '44 B.S , 401 E. Miami, McAlester, Okla.

534. Samuel K enneth Viersen, Jr., '44 B.S., 1724 E. 8th, Okmulgee, Okla.

535. Ross Wallace Coe, Jr ., '43 B.S., 419 0 St. S.W., Ardmore, Okla. Vice President.

536. John Ft ·an cis Nickel , Jr. , '44 B.S., 401 N. 7th, Clinton, Okla Rushing Chairman

537. Thomas Foster Bartlett, '43 A.B., 325 E. 14th, Oklahoma City, Okla. Left college.

538. Joel Francis Buchanan, Jr., '42 B.S., 125 D St. S.W Ardmore Okla.

539. William Henry Klein, '42 B.S., 1915 N.W. 17th, o'k!ahoma City, Okla

540. Samuel Godfrey Shackelford, Jr., '44 B.S., 901 S. Barker, El Reno, Okla.

541. Howard Tom Baugh, Jr., '44 B.S ., 711 N.W. 18th, Oklahoma City, Okla.

542. William Mullins Parker, '44 B.S , 525 N.W. 30th, Oklahoma City, Okla.

543. William Price Huckin, Jr., '42 B A. , 2600 Boston, Muskogee, Okla

544. John Benjamin Baumert, '43 B.S., 528 E. Seneca, McAlester, Okla.

545. George Leiper Gibbons, '44 B.S., 6500 Lenox, Oklahoma City, Okla.

546. John Richard Ellinghausen, '44 B S., 628 S. Poplar St., Sapulpa, Okla.

547. Louis Reginald Rook, '43 A.B., 607 N 4th, Sayre, Okla.

548. Tom Rucker Lunsford, '44 B.S., 302 N. "C" Ave., Cleveland, Okla.

549. Everett Edward Berry, Jr., '44 B.S., Wynona, Okla.

550. Stratford Berry Tols·on, '44 B.S., 816 Grandview, Pawhuska, Okla

551. Charles Stephen Burton, Jr., '44 B.S., 1111 N.W. 20th, Oklahoma City, Okla.

552. Kenneth Lee Spence, '44 B.S., 315 E. 12th, Pawhuska, Okla. Left college.

553. Kenneth Oliver Wilbanks, '44 B.S., 700 N. Burgess, Holdenville, Okla

554. David Harrison Turner, '44 A.B., 401 E. lOth, Holdenville, Okla.

555 Joseph Eggleston Johnson, Jr., '43 A B., 718 S. 4th, McAlester, Okla. Left college.

556 Earle Payne Miller, '44 B.S., 1634 E. 31st, Tulsa, Okla. Left college.

557. James Doyle Berry, '44 B.S., 614 S. Independence, Sapulpa, Okla.

558. Erdice Broat"kway Muldrow , '44 B.S., 611 N. Custer, Weatherford, Okla. Left college.

559. William Howard Sims (r H), '43 B S., 7330 Pershing, St. Louis, Mo.

No 532, initiated Mar. 19, 1941; Nos. 533·553, initiated Apr. 6, 1941; Nos. 554·558, initiated Oct. 6, 1941; No. 559, affiliated Oct. 13, 1941.

Rushing season: Aug. 28·31, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Eta Sigma, Roscoe Walker, Jr., Edward W. Wilson, Charles C Roberts, Jr., Robert S. Frantz, Jack M. Glamann, Thomas H. Conner, Joe Basolo, Samuel K. Vierson, John F. Nickel, Jr.; Tau Beta Pi, Charles A. Houston, William H. Klein; Sigma Tau, William H. Klein, Jack M. Glamann.

College activities; Scabbard and Blade, 14; R.O T.C., 24; S ooner "Who's Who," 1; Phi Phi, 1; Toga, Robert S. Frantz, pres., 1; Checkmate, Robert S. Frantz, secy, 1; Who's Who in American Colleges, 1; Men's government assn., 1; Y.M.C.A., 12; Band, 4; Sigma Gamma Epsilon, 3; St. Pat's council, 2; Kappa Kappa Psi, 1; Alpha Chi Sigma, 1; Sooner Yearbook, Charles C. Roberts, bus mgr., 1; Sooner Shamrock (engineering), Robert W. King, bus. mgr., 1; Pi Tau Sigma, 1; Tau Omega, 1; Track, 2; Basketball, 1; Football, 2; Interfraternity council, 3; Junior honor society, 8; "0" club, 1; Skeleton Key, 1; Oratory, 2; Thalian, 2; Phantom Mask, 1; Dramatics, 1; Senate club, 13, Covered Wagon, 2; State Bar Journal, 1; Pick and Hammer, 1; Ad club award for freshmen ( 10 outstanding), 2; Alpha Epsilon Delta, 1; Phi Rho Pi, 1.

Chapter awards: Ralph Gordon Thompson

memorial, John F. Nickel, best all-around freshman; Efficiency cup, Harry P. Frantz, graduating Beta who has done the most for Gamma Phi.

Chapter paper: Gamma Phi News Letter, quarterly.

Oklahoma State College

Gamma Lambda

District XIX 1923

327. Anton Baird Richert, '41 B.S., 913 N.W 24th St., Oklahoma City, Okla.

337. Hays Hamilton Cross, '42 B.S., 1400 W. 9th Ave., Stillwater, Okla. Left college.

338. Wilbur Lahman Simank, '42 B.S., 1306 College Ave., Stillwater, Okla.

341. Donald Newell Boydston, '42 B.S., 314 Washington St., Sand Springs, Okla.

Stillwater, Okla 1207 College Ave.


343 . Carter Lee Rohde, '42 B.S., 6808 Normal Blvd., Ill.

345. Monte Kemp, '42 B.S., 215 W. 9th Ave., Bristow, Okla. Left college.

346 Donald Miles Frank, '42 B S , 1733 S. Cheyenne Ave., Tulsa! Okla

347. Murray Leonard Rickman, '43 B.S , Route 1, Tulsa, Okla. Vrce Presrden t, Rushrng Ch arrman.

349. Willi am W yche Munn, '42 B.S., 1610 Main, Enid, Okla.

350 . Richard Philip Wilbur, '43 B.S., 315 Knoblock St., Stiiiwater, Okla.

351. James George W alker, '43 B S., Deer Creek, Okla. Left college

352 H arold N ewby Craft, '42 B S., 512 Main St., Stillwater, Okla.

354. Theodore Rolland Landgraf, Jr., '43 B.S., 1220 Bixby, Ardmore, Okla.

355. James Claud Netherton, Jr., '43 B S , 422 N.W. 35th Ave., Oklahoma City, Okla. Pres ident

356. Benton Franklin Murphy, Jr., '4 2 B.S., Flatt River, Mo.

357. Howard Nelson Hall, '44 B.S., 1616 S. Detroit, Tulsa, Okla.

358. William Edward Payne, '44 B S , 83 College Cir., Stillwater, Okla. Secretary.

359. Julien Jacques Dedman, '44 B.S., 1315 E. 18th St., Tulsa, Okla. Left college.

360 James Albert Kenny, '44 B S , 315 Knoblock, Stillwater, Okla.

361. Edwin Curgus Lindly, Jr., '42 B S., 1515 College Ave , Stillwater, Okla.

362 . George Fredrick Tongue, Jr., '44 B.S., 4505 Livingston, Dallas, Texas.

364 Joe Kilby Bass, '44 B S., Caddo, Okla Left college.

365. Louis Andrew Ross, Jr , '43 B.S., 712 Elm St., Duncan, Okla Tre as urer.

367. James Walter Bur roughs, '44 B.S., 512 W. Merrick, Henryetta, Okla.

368 L ynn Randolph Wa rren, '44 B S , 455 Boulevard, Shreveport, La.

369. Vi ctor O wen Wilson , '42 B S., 603 S. 30th St., Muskogee, Okla.

370. W illiam R i chard Mill er, '43 B.S., 17 32 S. X anthus, Tulsa, Okla.

371. W illiam Ch es t er Larrabee, '44 B.S., 1744 College Ave. , Stillwater, Okla

372 Edm u nd Dow Sim an k , '44 B S , 1306 College Ave. , Stillwater, Okla.

373. W alt er W atu n Weber, '44 B S , 515 N 17th St., Muskogee, Okla

N os. 367- 368, initiated May 4, 1941; Nos 369-370, initiated Nov 2, 1941; Nos. 371-372, initiated Dec. 14, 1941 ; No. 373, initiated Jan 31 , 1942.

R ushi ng seaso n: Sept. 7-10, 1942 (tentative).

Members of honorary scholastic societies : Phi Eta Sigma, Murray L. Rickman, Hays H. Cross, Donald M. Frank, William E. Payne ; Sigma Tau, Wilbur L. Simank, Victor 0 Wilson

College activities : Alpha Kappa Psi, 2; Blue Key, 2; Hell Hounds, 4; Math club, 2; Glee club, 3; "0" club, 2; Mu Kappa Tau, 1 ; O' Coll egian , Donald Boydstoru, ed ; Track, 1.

Chapter cups: Scholarship cup, Vernon E. Netherton, highest grades in pledge group ; Scholarship plaque, Murray L. Rickman, highest grades in chapter. ·

Chapter paper: G am ma La mb d a Peace Pipe, semi-annually

Universiry of Oregon Beta Rho Eugene, Oreg. District XXII 1909 1009 Patterson St.

437. Donald Edwin Turner, '41 B B.A , Heppner, Oreg.

James Hosford Rathbun, '42 B.S., 68 N.E. 41st St., Portland, Oreg.

John Currin Veatch, II, '42 B S., 3000 S W. Montgomery Dr , Portland, Oreg Inactive

William Carberry Loud, '4 2 B.B A., 564 Lincoln St., Eugene, Oreg

Louis Scott Torgeson, '4 2 B.S., 1009 Patterson St., Eugene, Oreg. T ream r er .

William John Regner, Jr., '42 A.B , 2537 N E 56th Ave., Portland, Oreg.

459 W arren Wayne Finke, '43 A B., 3606 N.E Klickitat Ave , Portland, Oreg R us h ing Ch air man.

461. Rolph Bowlby Fuhrman, '43 A.B , 990 W . 4th St., Sixes, Oreg Vice President.

462. John Robert McKinney, Jr., '43 B.S., 1024 1st Ave., Payette, Idaho. President.

465 William Earl Snell, '43 B S , 219 W Lincoln St , Salem, Oreg

466 Paul Douglas Beard, '43 A B , 5410 S.E Belmont St., Portland, Oreg.

471. Justin W arren McKibben, Jr., '4 3 B.S., 2522 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, Calif.

473. Bruce Edwin Stephenson, '43 B.B.A., 2434 N .W . Overton St., Portland, Oreg.

474. Bion Chase Osborne, '43 B.S., 2614 N .E. 17th, Portland, Oreg.

475 Quentin Earl Sidesinger, '43 B.S , 1026 N W 20th St., Portland, Oreg

477 Frank Richard Davis, '43 B B.A , 2624 N E. 15th Ave , Portland, Oreg.

478. Raymond Lee Farmer, '44 B S , 565 Cottage St., Salem, Oreg

480 Rich ard Franklin Igl, '44 A B , 629 N. 3d St., Klamath Fal ls, Oreg S ecretary.

48 1. Roger Jayne, Jr., '44 B B A , Reedsport, Oreg.

482. W illiam Jerome Macy, '44 B S., 708 Baker St., McMinnville, Oreg.

483. John N orman Matschek, Jr., '43 B.B.A., 3239 N.E. 36th Ave., Portland, Oreg.

484. Charles Edward N elson, '44 LL.B., Oregon Yacht Club, Portland , Oreg.

486 Richard Emmett Rathbun, '44 B S , 68 N E. 41st Ave. , Portland, Oreg.

48 7 Joseph Berchmans Skibinski, '44 B B A., 2752 N E. 53d Ave., Portland, Oreg

489. R obert R Buck, '44 A.B., 768 E. 13th, Eugene, Oreg. Left college.

490. D ean Garland Cro well , '44 B.S., 1480 N . Bay St., N orth Bend, Oreg. Left college.

491. Perry A ndrews Jo nes, '44 B.S., 281 4 N .E. 23d Ave., Portland, Oreg.

492 Rob ert Po x M oll er, '43 B S., R.F D 3, Box 208, Hood River, Oreg.


493. James Whitham Newquist, '44 B S., 440 N.W. 17th Ave., Camas, Wash.

494. Do_najd William Pleier, '42 B.S., 2305 N.E. Mason, Portland, Oreg. Left college.

495. Wrlllam Parker Lyon, Ill, '44 B.S., 2037 San Pasqua! St., Pasadena, Calif.

496. Merlin Edward Nelson , '43 B A , Route 6, Box 647, Salem, Oreg.

497. Charles David Fortmiller, '45 LL.B., Charmont Apts., Santa Monica, Calif.

498. Eugene Kenneth Jackson, '45 LL.B., Lexington, Oreg.

499. Kimball Charles Kaufman, '45 B.S., Forest Hills, Route 1, Oswego Oreg

500. Robert Joseph Koch, '44 B.S., 8006 S.E. 30th Ave., Portland, Oreg.'

501. Glen Crawford Macy, '45 B.A , 708 N Baker St., McMinnville, Oreg.

502. Donald Reed Mayne, '45 LL.B., 2321 N.E. Weidler, Portland, Oreg.

503. Reed Herrin Nelson , '45 B.S., 260 W. Lefelle, Salem, Oreg.

504. Richard Eugene Sheah an , '45 B.A., 1039 Montrose St , South Pasadena, Calif

505. James Emmett Wirrick (r Z), '43 B.S., Dee, Oreg.

Nos. 489-494, initiated Apr. 26, 1941; Nos. 495-496, initiated Oct 12, 1941; Nos. 497-504, initiated Jan. 18, 1942; No. 505, affiliated Jan. 10, 1942.

Rushhrg season: Sept. 20-23, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta .Kappa, Robert W. Dent.

College activities: Friars (senior), James H. Rathbun, Louis S Torgeson, William J Regner; Student body, Louis S Torgeson, pres ; Order of the " 0 ," James Rathbun, pres , 10; Oregan a (annual), 1; Glee club, 6; Band, 2; Football, William J. Regner, capt., 5; Baseball, 2; Basketball, 1; Track, 4; Tennis, 1; Swimming, Charles E. Nelson, capt., 4; Golf, 2; Dramatics, 1.; Debate, 2; Rally squad, 1; Skull and Dagger, 1; Scabbard and Blade, 4; Phi Delta Phi, 2; Asklepiads, 1; Sigma Delta Psi, 1; Interfraternity council, 1.

Chapter cups : Goodman trophy, awarded to all-around freshman, William A. Gissberg; C. Leslie Schwering cup, awarded to man with highest grades for first two years, Wayne S. Nelson

Chapter paper: Beta Rose, annually

Oregon State College

Gamma Mu

District XXII 1923

286. Franklin Korell Tourtellotte, '41 B.S., 6723 S.E. 29th Ave , Portland, Oreg

287. Walter Henry Korell, '41 B.S., 2435 S.W. Broadway Dr., Portland, Oreg.

300. James Samuel Booth, '42 B.S., 107 N. 31st, Corvallis, Oreg

Corvallis, Oreg. 330 N. 9th St.

301. Harry Dean Pape, '42, B S., 315 N.E. Laurelhurst Pl., Portland, Oreg Treasurer.

303 Richard Clement Paulsen, '42 B.S., 221 Kensington Ave., Astoria, Oreg

307. George Ross Kilborn, '42 B S., 2345 N.E. 26th Ave., Portland, Oreg.

309. Pierre Dubois Mead, Jr., '42 B.A., 535 N. Cowls St., McMinnville, Oreg.

312. John Lyman Hardy, '43 B.S., 2400 E. Market St., Apt. A-44, Harrisburg, Pa. Vice President.

313. Donald Sachse Francis, '43 B.S., 3655 N.E. Merges Dr., Portland, Oreg.

314. John Henry Kilbuck, '43 B S., Eugene St., Hood River, Oreg President.

Franklin Laughlin Yoakum, '43 B S , 472 Vernon St., Oakland, Calif.

Earl Bothwell Kent, '43 B.S., 737 Pacific Ter , Klamath Falls, Oreg.

Victor Emery Gibson, '-42 B S., Route 3, Box 547, Salem, Oreg.

James Goodwin Roberts, '43 B.S., 4429 N.E. Irving St., Portland, Oreg.

Robert Wallace Utzinger, '43 B.S., 572 Jerome Ave., Astoria, Oreg.

Edmund Goddard Fearey, Jr , '43 B S , 703 3rd St., Astoria, Oreg.

323. James Walter Bunzow, '43 B.S., 928 S.E 54th Ave., Portland, Oreg

324 Forest John Pugh, '44 B.S., 719 S lOth St , Caldwell, Idaho Secretary.

325. Harold Copper Haroun, '44 B.S., 3442 S.E. Morrison St., Portland, Oreg.

326 Gordon Warren Bentzen, '44 B.S., 3315 N.E. 50th Ave., Portland, Oreg

327. John Folsom Hayes, '44 B.S., Route 1, Box 176, Brooks, Oreg.

328. Lloyd Esmond Cooley, Jr., '43 B S., 3036 Sellwood St., Milwaukie, Oreg.

329. Edgar"Worden Whitlock, '44 B.S., 1351 N.E 46th Ave., Portland, Oreg.

330. Glen Lee Warren, '44 B S., 751 Jackson St., Corvallis, Oreg

331. Gereau Francis McDonough, '43 B.S., 11 Seaside Dr., Tiburon, Calif. Left college.

332 Albert Thomas Barnhold, '43 B.S , 1268 Ceres St., Fontana, Calif Left college.

333. Everett Eliot Cobb, J.r., '44 B.S., S. E. Taylor St., Portland, Oreg.

334. Robert Edward Pooley, '44 B.S., Route 5, Hood River, Oreg Left college

335. Walter John Wanke, '43 B.S., 340 12th St., Sparks, Nev. Left college.

336. Oscar Fred Holm, '44 B.S., 3244 N.E. Ave., Portland, Oreg. Rushing Chairm an.

337 George Wagner St eele, '45 B.S., 2101 N Portland Ave., Portland, Oreg.

338. John Boyd Lawrence, '44 B S., N.E. Knoll St , Portland, Oreg.

339. Robert Lawrence Fendall, '44 B.S., 1214 Kincaid St., Eugene, Oreg

340. Robert Louis Lamborn, Jr , '44 B.S., Mendocino Ave., Berkeley, Calif.

341. B ruce Hardy Russell, '45 B.S., Route 8, Box 1234, Portland, Oreg. Nos. 330-336, initiated Apr 26, 1941; Nos. 337-341, initiated Feb. 15, 1942. Rushing season: Sept. 26-0ct 1, 1942


Members of honorary scholastic societies: Sigma Tau, Edmund G. Fearey. College activities : Coop. managers assn., Harry D. Pape, dir.; Glee club, 2; Track, 1; Skung, 1; Golf, 1; Rally com., 1; Scabbard and Blade, 1; Pi Tau Sigma, 1; Pi Mu Epsilon, 1; Gamma Epsilon, 1; Sigma Delta Psi, 1; Kappa Kappa Psi, 1; Band, 1; Junior class, Donald S. FranctS, pres.; Football mgrs., 2; Alpha Delta Sigma, 1; Kappa Psi, 1. Chapter cups : President's cup, John H. Kilbuck. Chapter paper: The Beta Diamond, annually.

University of Pennsylvania District VI Phi 1880

689. Ray John Billingham, '42 B.S.Econ., 760 Prospect Ave., Hartford, Conn.

690. John Adrian Bosman, '42 B.S.Econ., 37 Park Rd., Maplewood, N.J.

691. Thomas James Fernley, II, '42 B.S.Econ., R.F.D. 4, Norristown, Pa. Left college.

692. George William Hain, '42 B.S.Econ , 939 Highland Dr , Dearborn, Mich.

693. Warren Gerard Hirt, '42 B.S.Econ., 9727 llOth St., Richmond Hill, N.Y.

694. Robert Ambrose Lennox, '42 B S.Econ., 1029 Kenmore Ave., Buffalo, N.Y.

696. Stewart McCracken, '42 A.B., 16 S. Suffolk PI., Ventnor, N.J.

697. Edward Charles .McDonald, '42 B.S.Econ., 75 Prospect St., East Orange, N.J.

698 Edward Orne McHenry, Jr , '42 B.S.Econ , 305 Berkeley Rd , Merion, Pa.

699. Henry Anthony Soleliac, Jr., '42 B.S.Econ., 131 Walnut Ave , Wayne, Pa.

700. Vernon Daniel Stanford, '42 B.S.Econ., 66 Kenwood PI., East Orange, N.J.

701. Warren Fred Tischler, '42 B.S.Econ., 745 N. Webster Ave., Scranton, Pa.

702. William Louis VanAuken, '42 B.S Econ., 306 Luther Dr., San Antonio, Texas.

704 Josiah Hillman Zahn, '42 B S.Econ., 1210 S 52nd St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Philadelphia, Pa. 3529 Locust St.

705. William Bradford Hastings, '42 B.S.Econ., 165 Farmington Rd., Longmeadow, Mass. Left college.

711. Dick Wallace Brokaw, '43 B.S.Econ., 166 W. Main St., Shelby, Ohio.

713 Howard Barney Hosmer, Jr , '43 B.S.Econ., 36 Margaret Ave , Lawrence, N Y.

714. John Joseph Keating, Jr., '43 B S.Econ., 630 E. Aliens La., Philadelphia, Pa.

716. John Edward Oatis, '43 B.S.Econ., 3837 Sulphur Springs Rd. , Toledo, Ohio.

717. Robert .Maurice Schaller, '43 B.S.Econ , 530 N. Washington St., Wilkes Barre, Pa.

719 Alan Robert Scott, '43 B.S.Econ., 1300 S 58th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Treasurer

720. Robert Chauncey Snyder, '43 B.S.Econ., 388 Voorhees Ave. , Buffalo, N .Y.

721. Gordon DeWitt Stevens, '43 B.S.Econ., 40 W Elm St , Greenwich, Conn. Vice President , R u sh in g Chair man.

724. Paul Ulrich Weaver, '43 A.B., 3 N. Carver St., Warren, Pa. Left college.

725. Willard LeslieButts, Jr., '42 B.S.Econ., 820 N . Moffet St., Joplin, Mo. Left college.

727. Gordon Shedd en Clausen , '44 B.S.Econ., 1 Lodges La., Cynwyd, Pa.

728 Thomas Wood Andrews, '43 B.S M.E., 308 Berkeley Rd , Merion, Pa.

729. Willi am Leo Byrnes , '44 B.S.Econ., 8 Fieldmont Rd , Belmont, Mass.

730. Joseph Roberts Clausen, Jr., '44 B.S.Econ., 1 Lodges La., Cynwyd, Pa.

731. Herbert K urtz Cooper, Jr., '44 A.B., S. Broad St., Lititz, Pa.

732. Robert Dex ter Frey, '44 B S.Econ., 649 State St., Lancaster, Pa.

"733. Richard Walbridge Garlichs , '44 B S.Econ., 2109 Lovers La., St. Joseph, Mo.

734. James Edward Hall, '44 B.S.Econ., 1915 W. Wood St., Decatur, Ill.

735 J ames Hmry Hance, '42 B S.Econ., 22nd and Marion Sts., St. Joseph, Mo.

736. Norman Heath Heav en, '44 B.S Econ., 292 Bunker Hill Ave., Waterbury, Conn

737. Don ald W alton Hed ge s, '43 B.S.Econ., 412 Old Orchard Rd ., Excelsior Springs, Mo. Secret ary.

738. Thaddeus Alfonse Barszcz, '43 B.S.Econ , 67 3rd St , Passaic, N J.

739. James Cri ville Lurba, '44 B.S.Econ., 3630 Everett St. N .W., Washington, D.C.

740. Willi am Edward Lut z, Jr., '44 B.S.Econ ., 125 Biddle, Warren, Pa Left college.

741. John Fra ncis W allace Meagher , '44 B S Econ , 458 Clinton Ave , Brooklyn, N.Y.

742. Ch arles Gilbert Rodman, '43 B.S.Econ., 397 7th Ave., North Troy, N.Y. President.

743. Cyrus Jewett Sharer , '44 B.S.Econ , 23 47 Woodmere Dr., Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

744. Fran k White side Hood, '44 B.S.Econ., 3223 Queen La., Germantown, Pa.

745. R i chard Alvin Peters (A T), '43 B.S Econ., 4822 Cass St., Omaha, Nebr. Left college.

746. Thom as H enry McCabe, fr , ,'44 B.S.Econ., 1008 Rd ., New Kensington, Pa.

747. Edward Woodw ard Bowre, 45 B.S.Econ., 12 Milton Way, Mawthorne Ct., Wheeling, W .Va.

748. Edwa rd G 1·over Ch apin, Jr., '45 B.S.Econ., 549 Wyoming Ave., Kingston Pa.

749 W illi am Fr ed erick Cl emen ts, '45 B S Econ., 411 W. 56 St., Kansas City, Mo.

750 R obert M avi s Falls, '45 B.S Econ., 3364 Daleford Rd ., Shaker Heights, Ohio.

751. Ed ward Paul K en nedy, Jr., '45 B.S.Econ., 1567 Oak Hill Rd , Shaker Heights, Ohio.

752 D avid Jo se ph M ahoney, Jr , '45 B.S Econ., 4350 Astor Pl., The Bronx, N Y.

75 3. R og er Sherm an Miller , '45 B.S.Econ., 7122 Penarth Ave., Upper Darby, Pa.

754. E hrman B urkman Mitch ell , Jr ., '45 A.B , R.F.D. 2, Beaufort Lodge, Harrisburg, Pa.

755 Ro bert JJVoo d Moore, '45 B S.Econ , 138 Pennsylvania Ave , Easton, Pa

756. H ughes Gr egory Morto n, '45 B.S.Econ., 1822 Clay St., St. Joseph, Mo.

757. J ame s T h o mas Nix, Jr ., '41 M D., 2140 Carrolton Ave., New Orleans, La.

758 . D onald K endig PoliS , '45 B.S.Econ., 3340 Elsmere Rd., Shaker Heights, Ohio.


759 John Roth Roberts, Jr., '45 B.S M E., 135 Township Line, Jenkintown, Pa.

760. Frederick Bissell Sang, '45 B.S.Econ., 91 Lincoln Ave., Lockport, N .Y.

761. Robert William Safrin, '45 B S.Econ., 6652 Lincoln Dr., Philadelphia, Pa

762. Jerome Hayes Scott, '43 B.S Econ., 2638 Lockridge Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 763. Fra r;cis Bowman Shipley, '45 A.B., 41 Kerr St., Uniontown, Pa.

764. Charles Frederick Sh ultz, '45 B.S.Econ., 506 Carlisle St., Hanover, Pa.

765. Bartlett Kneeland Simps-on, '45 B.S.Econ., Ft. Benning, Ga.

766. Frederick Herman Lewis James Wandelt, IV, '45 A.B., 33-16 81st St., Jackson Heights, N.Y.

Nos. 727-744, initiated May 2, 1941; No. 745, affiliated Oct. 13, 1941; No 746, initiated Oct. 26, 1941; Nos. 747-766, initiated Mar. 6, 1942.

Rushing season: Nov. 25 -Dec. 15, 1942 (subject to change by the university).

College activities: Friars (senior), Warren G. Hirt, John A. Bosman, Warren F. Tischler; Sphinx (senior), Stewart McCracken, George W. Hain, Edward C. McDonald; Senior class, Warren G. Hirt, pres.; Undergraduate council, Warren G. Hirt, pres.; Freshman class, F. Bowman Shipley, pres. ; Pennsylt,ania Pictures, Charles G Rodman, Jr., ed.; Phi Kappa Beta (junior), 3; Christian assn., 6 ; Mask & Wig club, Charles G. Rodman, Jr , bus mgr., 6; Penmylvanian , 6; Record (yearbook), 3; Glee club, 1 ; Kite and Key (senior), 2; Cheerleader, Alan R. Scott; Baseball, George W. Hain, capt., 2; Track, T . James Fernley, mgr.; Soccer, 3; Wrestling, George W. Hain, mgr., 2; Intramurals, Vernon Stanford, mgr ; Badminton, 1; Debate council, 1; Basketball, Henry A Soleliac, capt., Joseph R. Clausen, asst. mgr., I.

Chapter fund: $125, Phi chapter fu.nd, a revolving fund to be loaned to deserving undergraduates.

Chapter cups: Beta Theta Pi Club of Philadelphia scholarship cup, for freshman whose grades show greatest improvement, not yet awarded; The Chief's cup, presented by District Chief William C. Scheetz, Jr., awarded to member best fulfilling the ideals of the fraternity, not yet awarded; Phi chapter loving cup, inscribed annually with name of chapter president, Warren G. Hirt; Lehigh plaque, inscribed annually with name of rushing chairman, Willard L. Butts, Jr.

Chapter paper: The Phi Dorg, annually.

Pennsylvania State College District VI

Alpha Upsilon 1888

State College, Pa College Campus

468. Edward Hart Bair, '42 B.S., 353 N Main St., Greensburg, Pa. 469. Charles Franklin Bowman, Jr., '42 A.B., 1002 Marietta Ave , Lancaster, Pa. President. 470. William Hubert Hacker, '42 A.B., 226 S. West St , Allentown, Pa Treast1rer.

471. Robert Brooke Jeffrey, '42 B S., Belmont Cir., Linden Pl., Uniontown, Pa Vice President.

473. James Alexander Leyden, Jr , '42 A.B., 14 Eastview St., Pleasantville, N.Y 474. William Oliver Meyers, '42 A.B., 1240 Piermont Ave., Dormont, Pa 476. Wilber James Ballantyne, Jr., '43 B.S., Royal York Apts., Pittsburgh, Pa. 477. Samuel Parker Chase, Jr., '43 B.S., Hill Farms, Annville, Pa. Rush ing Co-Ch airman . 478. William French Christoffers, '43 A B , 44 Birch St., Kane, Pa 482. Richard Smith Peifly, '43 A.B. , 132 N . 11th St., Allentown, Pa. 483. George Ellery Potter, Jr., '43 A.B , 3101 Pioneer Ave., Dormont, Pa 485. Robert Zimmerman Torrance, '43 B.S., Export, Pa. 486. William Stone Whyel, '43 B.S., R.F.D 2, Uniontown, Pa 487. Richard Miller Steinhilber, '42 A.B., 671 Preston St., Philadelphia, Pa.

488. William Stephen Finch, '43 B.S., Amman Ave., Brookline, Pittsburgh, Pa.

489. Arnold Robert Daniels, '42 A.B., 2530 N. Sacramento Ave., Chicago, Ill. 490. John Hoffer Detweiler, Jr., '43 B.S., 3516 Rutherford St., Paxtang, Pa. S ecretary.

491. Robert Levinus Hunsicker, '43 B.S., 821 Chew St., Allentown, Pa.

493. Robert Raymond Glenn, '44 B.S., 433 Hillcrest Ave. , State College, Pa.

494. George Henry Hemingway, '44 A.B., 209 4th St., Warren, Pa.

495. John Harper Jackson, Jr., '44 B S , 434 Teece Ave., Pa 496. James Milholland, Jr., '44 A.B., 6378 Jackson St., P1ttsburgh, Pa. R ushrng Co-Chatrman.

498. Roland Wilton Sutherland, '44 B.S., 106 Shady Dr. W., Mt. Lebanon (16), Pa

499. Richard Henry Juve, '44 B.S., 124 Clemmer Ave., Akron, Ohio.

500. Howard Wray Stiner, '44 B.S., 1245 Warren Rd., Lakewood, Ohio.

501. Robert Dickey Blair, '45 B.S., 116 S. Harrison Ave., Bellevue, Pa.

502. Playford Boyle, Jr., '45 A.B., 95 Stockton Ave., Uniontown, Pa.

503. John Beaver Brown , '45 B.S., 633 Warm Springs Ave., Huntingdon, Pa.

504. Stephen Aven Herbe rt, Jr ., '45 B S., 31 Sagamore Rd., Bronxville, N Y.

505. Carl Martin Kerchner, '45 B S., 601 Maplewood Ave., Ambridge, Pa.

506. William Carl Larson, '45 B S., 4871 Rolling Hills Rd., Baldwin Manor, Pittsburgh, Pa.

507. Clifford Meade St. Clair, '45 A.B., 215 Blair St., Johnstown, Pa

508. John Hud son Walton, '45 B.S., 211 Paxtang Ave., Paxtang, Pa.

509. J?obert Sn yder Watson, '45 B.S., 225 Morrison Ave., Greensburg, Pa.

510. James Rodger Zook, '45 B.S., 320 Jefferson Dr., Mt. Lebanon, Pa.


Nos. 499-510, initiated Mar. 21, 1942.

Rushing season: Dates not decided as yet.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Eta Sigma, Stephen A. Herbert. College activities: Lions Paw (senior), Robert B. Jeffrey, William 0. Meyers; Skull and Bones (senior), Robert B. Jeffrey, William 0. Meyers; Parmi Nous (junior-senior), Charles F. Bowman, Jr.; Blue Key (junior), 6; Friars (sophomore), 1; Druids (sophomore), 1; Liberal Arts student council, William 0 Meyers, pres ; Chem.-Phys. student council, Robert B Jeffrey, pres.; Freshman class, Clifford M. St. Clair, pres.; All-college cabinet, 2; Swimming, 1; Tennis, 1; Lacrosse, 2; Track, 1; Golf, 1; Tennis, Charles F. Bowman, Jr., capt.; Boxing, William 0 . Meyers, mgr ., 1; Wrestling, Robert Z! Torrance, 1st asst. mgr., 1; Basketball, Richard S. Peifiy, 1st asst. mgr., 1; Swimming, John H. Jackson, Jr., - 1st asst. mgr , 1; Soccer, Roland W. Sutherland, 1st asst. mgr., 1; Tennis, George E. Potter, freshman mgr., 1; Baseball, William F. Christoffers, freshman mgr , 1; Blue Band, James A Leyden, Jr., drum major; Glee club, 3; Interfraternity council, 1; Scabbard and Blade, 3; Fre5hman activities: Baseball, 2; Track, 1; Football, 1 ; Golf, 1.

Chapter cups: The Chief's cup, presented by District Chief William C. Scheetz, Jr., to be awarded annually to member best fulfilling the ideals of the fraternity, 1941, Thomas ]. Robinson; Sophomore scholarship cup, awarded annually to the sophomore with the highest scholastic average for his first two years of college, 1941, Robert Z. Torrance.

Chapter paper: W oog-Lines, semi-annually.


Beta Mu 1903 West Lafayette, Ind. 150 Littleton St.

William Hart Hayt, Jr., '42 B.S.E.E., 1330 Hayward St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Vice President.

Walter William Frank, '42 B.S.M.E., Holman and Elizabeth Sts., Hammond, Ind.

Willis Thurman Wells, '42 B.S and B.S.M.E., 1200 Dewey Ave., Bartlesville, Okla. Inactive.

Vernon Christopher Hossellman, Jr , '42 B S.M.E , 1506 Lowell Ave., Lima, Ohio.

Thomas VanNatta Cherrington, '42 B.S., 2109 Robinwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Rushing Chairman

Robert Forest Thompson, '42 B S.M.E., R.R 8, Columbus, Ind.

Ira Cadwallader, '41 B.S C.E., 302 Columbus Ave., Fostoria, Ohio Inactive.

Egbert Moore Tingley, Jr., '42 B S E.E., 221 N Cuyler Ave., Oak Park, Ill.

Victor Rex Mayfield, '42 B.S.E.E., 1616 Frazer Ave., Canton, Ohio. President.

Frank A Mcilvaine, '42 B.S., 5870 Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, Ind.

Gerald Boyd Horn, '42 B.S.Ch.E., 468 Sturges Rd., Fairfield, Conn.

Albert DeVere Silva, Jr , '42 B.S.Ch.E., 2316 Lafayette Ave., Columbus, Ind

Robert Paul Stambaugh, '42 B S.Ch .E , 738 5th, Columbus, Ind

Frank Arnold Farnsworth, '42 B S E.E., 319 Cumberland Ave., Park Ridge, Ill. Treasurer.

Jordan McCarty, '42 B S.M E., Lyman Rd ., Lafayette, Ind

Gordon Reinhold Bloomquist, '42 B.S.P.S.E., 436 Grant St., Gary, Ind.

Wamer Bryant VanAken, '42 B.S., 65 Chicago, Coldwater, Mich.

John Sterling McCarthy, '42 B S M E., 345 Gray, Webster Groves, Mo.

Donald Walter Meier, '42 B.S Ch E., 910 Elmwood, Wilmette, Ill.

Alonzo Aldrich Neese, '42 B S M.E., 1302 Bushnell, Beloit, Wis

George Andrew Corbus, '42 B.S.Ph., 616 Chapel, Ottawa, Ill.

Howard Olson, B.S.C.E., 1152 Yellowstone Rd ., Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

Wliltam Farwell Fletcher, 43 B.S.M E., 910 Oakwood Ave., Wilmette, Ill.

Leslie John Woehlke, '42 B.S .M.E., 2160 N. 71st St., Wauwatosa, Wis.

Thomas McDonald, '43 B.S.E E., Box 113, Speed, Ind

William Edward Musselman, '42 B.S.Ch.E , Poland Manor, Poland, Ohio.

Vincent Albert Snyder, '42 B S P E., 2202 Maine Ave., Massillon Ohio.

William Hugh Wooden, '43 B.S.T.I.E., Barskin Apts., Martinsvdle, Ind.

William Mortan, B.S.Ch.E., 3612 E Washington St., Indianapolis, Ind. Secretary.

Larden Vmcent Hoffman, 43 B S.M.E., 541 Liberty St., Franklin, Pa.

John Prescott Wiske, '43 B S.M.E., R R. 5, Old State Rd., Evansville, Ind

Da vis Maxwell Shryer , '43 B S Ch E., 135 S. Main St., Henderson, Ky.

John Spic er Swenson, '43 B.S P S.E., 1003 High St., Logansport, Ind.

Jchn Warren Wright, '43 B.S.P.E., 130 J St., Linton, Ind .

Donald Edward Thomas, '43 B.S E.E., 1135 Robertson St., Wauwatosa Wis.

Charles Eden Cole, '43 B S.M.E., 402 E. 6th St., Anniston, Ala '

Ma_lc?lm Wayne MacDonald, '43 B.S.M.E., 1602 W. Easton St., Tulsa, Okla.

Wrllram Cha rles R eckman , '43 B.S.M.E., 2362 Ravine, Cincinnati Ohio.

Getchel DeWitt Williams, '42 B S , 3 Clifton Ct., Regina, Sask., Canada.

LeRoy Wilbur Moore, '43 B.S M.E , Hotel Duluth, Duluth, Minn.

John Vernon Hou ston, Jr. , '43 B.S.Met.E., 2311 Arthur Ave., Chicago, Ill.

Frank T afe Hemler, '43 B.S.M.E., 1841 Page Ave., East Cleveland Ohio

Francis Thomas Meakim , '43 B S P.E., 1220 E. 64th St., Chicago, ill. ·

Robert Carl Johnson , '43 B.S.P.E., 712 Connecticut St., Gary, Ind. Left college.

472. 474. 476. 477. 478. 480. 481. 482. 483. 485. 487. 488. 489. 490. 492. 493494. 495. 497. 498. 499. 501. 502 503 . 505. 506 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514 515. 516 517. 518. 519. 520. 521. 522. 523. 524. 525.
District XII

526. Raymond EdU'ard Stoelting, '43 B S.P.E., 4801 Wentworth, Indianapolis, Ind.

527. Robert A nderson Senour, '44 B.S.Met.E., 4133 Ivy St., East Chicago, Ind.

528. fohn Sherwood Fifer, '44 B.S , 915 N. Salisbury, West Lafayette, Ind.

529. George Barclay Farnsworth, '44 B S., 319 Cumberland Ave , Park Ridge, III.

530. Frank Dri v er Brandel, '44 B.S.M.E , 22 Spruce St., Jamestown, N.Y

531. Donald Robert Hall, '43 B.S.M E , 100 S. Pearl St , Hagerstown, Ind.

532. Theodore Edwin Nordquist, '43 B S.M E , 444 Grant St., Gary, Ind.

533. Barton Cook Wood, '43 B S E.E., 636 Washington Rd., Grosse Pointe, Mi<;h.

534. Jack Clarence Bliss, '43 B.S.P.E., 2030 E. 22nd St., Euclid, Ohio.

Nos. 509-512, initiated Apr. 12, 1941; Nos 513-526, initiated Dec. 6, 1941; Nos 527-534, initiated Mar. 14, 1942

Rushing season: May 1-10, 1942,- Sept. 2-11, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Tau Beta Pi, William H . Hayt, Gerald B. Hom, Donald W. Meier.

College activities: Debris (yearbook), William H. Hayt, ed., 2; Interfraternity presidents council, Victor R. Mayfield, pres.; Union show, Willis T. Wells, William H. Hayt, producers, 11; P club, 3; Gimlet, 3; Eta Kappa Nu, 2; Kappa Psi, 1; Pi Tau Sigma, 3; Phi Lambda Upsilon, 2; Catalyst, 3; Activities bureau, 2; Sigma Delta Chi, 1; Iron Key, 1; Skull and Crescent, 1; Dolphin club, 3; Basketball, Gerald B. Horn, jr mgr., 1; Senate, 3; Band, 1; Scabbard and Blade, 1; Glee club, 1; Wrestling, Malcolm W. MacDonald (Midwestern A A.U. champion, 1941-1942; Big Ten conference champion, 1942; Mississippi Valley A.A U champion, 1941-121 lb class); Intramurals, Walter W. Frank, sr mgr ; Golf, 2; Football, 4; Pistol team, 1; Swimming, 2; Freshman activities : Tennis, 1; Football, 4; Baseball, 1; Track, 4; Basketball, 1; Exponent, 1; Union, 5; Senate, 2; Band, 2; Golf, 2; Swimming, 1. Chapter paper : Beta Mu Link, bi-monthly.

Rutgers University Beta Gamma District V 1879

484 William Calleson Hale, '42 A.B., 51 Mine St., New Brunswick, N.J.

490. Leonard Calvin Briggs, '43 B.S., 6 Irving Pl., Summit, N.J

New Brunswick, N.J. 50 Union St.

491. Peter Cartmell, '43 B.S., Windmill La., Rumson, N.J. .

492. Robert Goodwin, '43 B.S., 30 Beechknoll Rd., Forest Hills, L.l. , N .Y. Rushing Chairman.

493. Raymond Clarence Hartung, Jr., '43 B.S., 415 Colonial Rd , Ridgewood, N.J

494 Kenneth William MacDonald, Jr , '43 A B , Munroe Ave , Wyckoff, N.J.

495. Charles McKinley Morris, Jr., '43 A B., 210 Howard St., New Brunswick, N J. 496. Ralph Leroy Taylor, '43 B.S., Marlborough Ave., Plainfield, N.J. 497. Donald Kenneth White, '43 B.S., 1054 E. 29th St., Brooklyn, N .Y . President . 498 William Layton Prout, '43 B S., 248 Liberty St., Long Branch, N.J 499. Elwyn Lyle Young, Jr., '43 B.S., 1715 Pacific Ave., Atlantic City, N.J. 500. Charles Lawrence Zukaukas, '43 B S., 365 2nd Ave., Long Branch, N.J. Vice President. 501. William Henry Bowne, Jr., '44 B.S., 2000 New York Ave., Brooklyn, N .Y. Secretary. 502. Harold Russell Conners, '44 B.S., 129 Poultney Ave., Buffalo, N.Y.

503. Livingstone Taylor Goodman, Jr , '44 A.B., Maple Ave., Wyckoff, N.]. Treasurer.

506. Allan Lee Walker, Jr., '44 B.S., 3755 77th St., Jackson Heights, N .Y.

507. Ripley Watson, Jr., '44 B.S., 40 Hickory Dr., Maplewood, N.J.

509. Herbert Weller Irwin, '43 A.B , 58 S. Spruce St., Ramsey, N.J.

510. Alexander Newell McClees, '43 B.S., 13 Beekman Ter., Summit, N.J.

511. Robert Thomas Hess, '44 B.S., 215 Howard Ave., Passaic, N.J.

512. Raymond Barlow Lippincott, Jr., '44 B.S., 89 W. Front St., Red Bank, N.J

513. Ed-tuin Robert Marks, '44 A.B., 109 Chestnut St.; Danville, Pa.

514. Ernest Joseph Nedvins, '44 B.S., 765 Washington St., Dorchester, Mass.

5-15 Vincent Thomas Murray , '44 B.S , 449 Ogden Ave., Teaneck, N J.

516. Frank Alexander Armstrong, '45 B.S., 176 Suffied Cir., Birmingham, Mich

517. Frederick Grant Buswell, Jr , '45 B.S , 269 Poplar Ave , Hackensack, N.J.

518. Harry McCarthy DePan, '45 B.S., 243 Glen St., Glens Falls, N Y.

519. William fabez Eva1u; Jr., '45 B.S., 405 Osborn Ave., Westfield, N.J.

520. Louis Gruninger, III, '45 B.S., 4934 N. Mervine St., Philadelphia, Pa.

521. Harry Brown Hartung, '45 B.S., 415 Colonial Rd., Ridgewood, N.J.

522 Frank Dunham Irving, Jr , '45 B.S., 247 Prospect St., Westfield, N.J.

523. Donald Ross MacNeill, '45 B.S , 215 Nassau Blvd., Garden City, N.Y.

524. Arthur Sutphin Meredith, '45 B.S., 361 William St., Somerville, N.J

525. Willi am David Ritchie, '45 B.S., 651 River Rd., Rahway, N.J.

526. Paul Louis Sipp , Jr., '45 B.S., 381 Spring Ave. , Ridgewood, N .J.

527. Donald Stanley Tracy, '45 B.S., 107 Coolies Ave., Allenhurst, N J:

528. Charles Georg e Whinfrey , Jr., '45 B.S., 69 Doughty Ave. , S_omerv!lle, N.J.

529. George Mackenzie Williams , '45 B.S., Loantoka Way, Mad1son, N .J.


Nos. 509-514, initiated Dec. 6, 1941; Nos. 515-529, initiated Mar. 7, 1942. Rushing season: Unrestricted, S ept. 20 on Members of honorary scholastic societies: Alpha Zeta, Raymond C. Hastings, Jr. College activities: Interfraternity council, Donald K. White, pres.; Junior class, Kenneth W. MacDonald, Jr., pres.; Sophomore class, Harold R. Conners, pres.; The Targum, 2; Football, 3; Crew, 5; Lacrosse, 3; 150-lb. football, 2; Swimming, 1; Soccer, 1; Scarlet Key, 1; Crown and Skull, 3; Scarlet Letter (annual), 4; Pi Gamma, 1; Scabbard and Blade, 1; Delta Phi Alpha, 2; Beta Iota Lambda, 1. Chapter paper: Betas on the Banks, semi-annually.

St. Lawrence University Beta Zeta District III


558. Richard MacDonald Babcock, '42 B.S., 36 Oakwood Ave., Glen Ridge, N.J.

Canton, N.Y 16 University Ave

559. William Theodore Buschmann, '42 A.B., 39 Highland Ave., Port Washington, N.Y.

560. Louis Thomas D 'Avanzo, '42 A.B., Orange Turnpike, Sloatsburg, N.Y.

562. Herbert Foster Gunnison, '42 B.S., 47 Brewster Rd. , Scarsdale, N Y.

565 Russel Mackay Johnston, '42 B.A., 1806 Caton Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. President, Treasurer.

567. Thaddeus Bronislaw Lewkowicz, '42 B.S., 931 Francis Ave., Schenectady, N.Y.

568. Austin Kelley Pink, '42 B.S., 114-16 Park La. S., Kew Gardens, N.Y. Secret ary

571. John Keller White, '42 B.S., 200 Horton Highway, Mineola, N.Y.

573. William Childs Bartlett, '42 A.B., 75 E. Pierrepont Ave., Rutherford, N.J. Vice President.

574. Albert Burr Craft, Jr., '42 B.S., 296 Little Plains Rd., Southampton, N.Y. Rushing Chairman.

575. George Eaton Fitts, '42 A.B., 67 Warren Rd., Framingham, Mass. Left college.

577 Lester Albert Dority, '42 B S., 1614 Seymour Ave., Utica, N.Y.

578. Richard Cleland Austin, '43 B.S ., 7 The Fairway, Upper Montclair, N.J.

579. Fred Joseph Cannastra, '43 B.S , 525 Pennsylvania Ave., Schenectady, N.Y.

581. Kent Van Horn Faulkner, '43 A.B., 36 Warfield St., Upper Montclair, N J

586. Robert Elmer Hauser, '43 A.B., 131 Whitesboro St., Yorkville, N.Y.

587. Roland Turner Phillips, Jr., '43 A B., 61 Stanton St., Rockland, Mass.

588. Richard Neil Dono van, '43 A B., Phoenix, N.Y

589. Robert Victor Erick.ron , '43 B S , 137 Beechview Ave., Jamestown, N.Y.

590. Jacob Edward Gunther, '43 A.B., 3 Wilcox Ave. , Middletown, N.Y

591. Gerald Don ald Soule, '43 A B., Van Hornesville, N.Y.

592. Thom as Harrell Cashin, '44 A.B., 20 S. White St., Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

593. Gordon Murray Christie, '44 A.B., 429 77th St., North Bergen, N.J

594. Charl es R ollin Clark, '44 A.B., 48 E. Main St., Canton, N .Y. Left college.

595. Louis Ralph DeRitter, '44 A.B., 610 S. Washington St., East Rochester, N Y.

596. Norman Hebard Eaton , '44 B.S., Andover, Mass. .

597. John Harry Fitzgerald, '44 A B., 327 1st Ave , Frankfort, N.Y. Left college.

598. Robert Livingston H eaton, '44 B.S., 33-74 162nd St., Flushing, N.Y.

599 Harry Martin Helfrich, '44 B.S ., 138 Reid Ave., Port Washington, N.Y.

600. Roy Benjam in J effery, '44 B.A , Upper Floyd Ave., Rome, N.Y. Left college.

601. David Starr Jordan, '44 B.A., 48 W Church St., Fairport, N.Y.

602 G arth E merson Kaufman , '44 B.A., 630 E. 24th St., Brooklyn, N.Y

603: Delong Orcutt Kellogg, '44 B.A., Lake Mahopac, N .Y.

604 Richard Traver Maher, '44 B.S., 131 George St., Saratoga Springs, N.Y.

605. Edric Robert Mason, '44 B.S., 123 Maplewood Ave , Newark, N.J.

606. Francis Christy Mathison, '44 B.S., 38 Warwick Rd., West Newton, Mass.

607. Robert Ridgely Sanders, '44 B.A ., 156 E. 5th St., Oswego, N.Y.

608. Donald Cushing Shakeshaft, '44 B.A., 100 Howard Ave. , Rockville Centre N.Y.

609. William Grant Tullar, '44 B.A., 698 W. Englewood Ave., West Englewoo'd, N.J.

610. Platt Monroe Wheeler, '44 B.A., Hamilton, N.Y.

611. Jack Bo swo rth Elli ott, '44 B.A., 3 Lake View Pk., Rochester, N.Y.

612 Theodore How ard Ricketts, '44 B.A., 234 Crossman Ave., Jamestown, N.Y Left college.

613 John Dutcher Mason, '44 B.A., 123 Maplewood Ave., Maplewood, N.J.

614. Douglas R eay Vanderbilt, '44 B.A., 46-12 Fayette Pl., Great Neck, L.I., N.Y.

615 Lawrence Edward Eschen, '43 B.A., Sloatsburg, N.Y.

616. Joseph Anthony Kistner, '43 B.A., Van Wagner Rd ., Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

617. Rich ard Er nest Murphy, '43 B A., 2509 2nd Ave. W., Hibbing, Minn.

618. Gene Jos ep h R ea l e, '42 B.A., 8118 12th Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y.

619. Robert Albert Cook, '45 B.A., 119 Crestwood Ave., Crestwood, N.Y.

620. Guilford Whitney Forb es, '45 B A., 282 West End Ave., Ridgewood , N.}.

621. Clayton Dudgeon Lovejoy, '45 B.A., 1 Clyde Ave., Jamestown, N.Y

622 Richard Nolan O' Keefe, '45 B.A., 878 State St., Carthage, N.Y.

623 . Robert Edward Parker, '45 B.A., Lacona, N.Y.

62 4. William Wallace Park er, '45 B.A., Lacona, N.Y.

625 . Richard Swa im Robins, '45 B.A., 6 Buck St., Canton, N .Y.

626 J ohn Peter Sp ader, '45 B.A., 921 Stuart Ave., Mamaroneck, N.Y

627. J ames Pe11tz St ainsby, '45 B A , 79 Sherman Ave , Glens Falls, N.Y.


628. William Edward Vogel, '45 B.S., 96 Columbus Ave., Hartsdale, N.Y. 629. Richard Edward Wheele¥, '45 B.S., Madison County Home, Eaton, N.Y. 630. Stuart Herbert Wright, '45 B.A., 67 Corman Ave., Lynbrook, L.I., N.Y. 631. Ellsworth Grant Waters, Jr., '44 B.S., 11 Goff St., Plattsburg, N.Y.

Nos. 588-610, initiated Mar. 29, 1941; No. 611, initiated Nov. 7, 1941; No. 612, initiated Feb. 1, 1942; Nos 613-631, initiated Mar. 14, 1942.

Rushing season: Sept. 18-Dec . .5, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Thaddeus B. Lewkowicz.

College activities: Kixioc (senior), James A. Jameson, Russel M. Johnston, Thaddeus B. Lewkowicz; Thelomethesian (student body), Kent V. Faulkner, secy.-treas.; Freshman class, Clayton D Lovejoy, secy.treas.; Varsity club, Robert E. Hauser, vice pres.; Hill News, Jacob E. Gunther, bus. mgr., 13; Laurentian, Austin K. Pink, bus. mgr., 11; Gridiron (annual), Richard C. Austin, ed., Robert E. Hauser, asst. ed., 9; S carlet Saint, Garth E. Kauffman, bus. mgr., 6; Chapel choir, 3; Band, 6; Football, Louis T. D'Avanzo, capt., John K. White, mgr., 7; Basketball, William C. Bartlett, capt., 3; Wrestling, Robert C. Lewis, mgr., 4; Baseball, 3; Tennis, Richard W. Seeler, capt. , 4; Golf, 1; Skiing, 2; Dramatics, 3; Debating, 1; Pi Delta Epsilon, Russel M. Johnston, secy.-treas , 5; Gamma Sigma Epsilon, 3; Alpha Mu Gamma, 1; Sigma Pi Sigma, 3; Pi Mu Epsilon, 2. Chapter paper: The Pier, annually.

University of South Dakota District XVI

Gamma .Alpha 1912

308. Cortland James Kelly, '42 LL.B., 916 University Blvd., Mitchell, S.Dak.

309. Charles Beckwith Colgan, '42 B.B.A , Edgemont, S.Dak.

310. Charles Edward LaGrave, '42 B A., 3834 Country Club Blvd., Sioux City, Iowa.

312 Hanley Harrison Heikes, '42 B.B A., 228 Forest St., Vermillion, S.Dak.

313. WiJiiam Charles Paxson, '42 B.B.A., 1027 W. 15th St., Sioux Falls, S.Dak.

320. Rodney Lee Cool, '42 B A., Platte, S.Dak.

321. Jay Charles Swisher, '43 B.B A., Vermillion, S.Dak.

322. Walter Floyd Flint, '43 B.B.A., 220 Warren St., Mankato, Minn President.

323. Q A Quigley, '43 B.A., 4017 Pleasant St., Des Moines, Iowa.

325. Harlan John Bushfield, Jr., '43 B.B.A., Miller, S.Dak.

328. Robert Neff Williams, '43 B A., Groton, S Dak.

330. Theodore Warren Rabey, '43 B.A., Aberdeen, S.Dak. Treasurer.

332. Melvin Robert Quast, '43 B.B.A., Menno, S.Dak. Left college.

333. Clifford France Scott, '43 B.B.A., 306 E. 18th St., Sioux Falls, S.Dak.

334. Kenneth Eldon Relf, '42 B.A., Flandreau, S.Dak. Left college.

335. Robert Dale Steiber, '44 B.A , 1628 S 5th Ave., Sioux Falls, S Dak.

336. John Quigley, '44 B.S., 4017 Pleasant St. , Des Moines, Iowa.

337. James Walter Ryan, '44 B.B.A., 517 W. 3rd St., Sioux Falls, S.Dak. Left college.

Vermillion, S.Dak. 221 E. Main St. 338. George Alexander Washburn, '44 B.A., St. John's College, Annapolis, Md., Left college. 339. William Morrison Barton, Jr., '44 B.S., Vermillion, S.Dak. 340. Bruce Walborn Jewell, '44 B.F.A., Pine Crest Farm, W. 12th Rd., Sioux Falls, S.Dak 341. John Peter Weisensee, '44 B.A., 715 N. Spring Ave., Sioux Falls, S.Dak.

342. Wayne Leland Peterso111 '44 B.B A., 106 W. Elizabeth St., Pierre, S.Dak.

343. Thomas Theodore Steens/and, '44 B B.A , Parker, S Dak. Vice President.

344. Charles Henry Burke, '44 B.B.A., 403 Highland Ave., Pierre, S.Dak. Rushing Chairman.

345. Terrence McFarland Williams, '43 B.A., Gettysburg, S.Dak. Left college.

346. George Felt Menke, '42 B.B.A., 1506 S. 1st Ave., Sioux Falls, S.Dak.

347. Robert Henry Frei, '44 B.B A., Wagner, S.Dak.

348. Wayne Aloysius Carmody, '43 B.S., 719 N. Walts Ave., Sioux Falls, S Dak.

349. Elgin Shirley Scobell, '44 B.A., Wagner, S.Dak.

350. Warren Charles Anderson, '43 B.A., VermiJlion, S.Dak. Left college.

351. Peter William Johnson, '45 B.S., Vermillion, S.Dak

352. William Thomas Francis Paul, '45 D.D.S., 519 S. Mill St., Lead, S.Dak. Secretary.

353. Ruuell Ford Heikes, '45 B.S., 228 Forest St., Vermillion, S.Dak.

354. Joseph Fretkick Kirby, '45 B.S., 1205 S. 4th, Sioux Falls, S.Dak.

355. Robert Harrison Fifield, '45 B.A ., 404 Grand Ave., Pierre, S.Dak.

356. G odfrey Meyer Roberts, '45 B.B.A., 421 N Huron Ave., Pierre, S Dak.

357. Andrew lf/endel[Jogue, '44 LL.B., Parker, S.Dak

358. Robert Merrill Barkley, '43 B.B A., R.F.D 4, Sioux Falls, S.Dak

359. James Harvey Johnson, '45 B.A., Platte, S.Dak.

Nos. 334-347, initiated Mar. 9, 1941; Nos. 348-350, initiated Nov. 25, 1941; Nos 351-359, initiated Mar. 2, 1942.

Rushing season: Sept. 1.5, 1942, on.



Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Rodney L. Cool; Phi Eta Sigma, Rodney L. Cool, Peter W. Johnson, Theodore W. Rabey, Robert N. Williams College activities: Interfraternity council, 2; Coyote (annual), Cortland J. Kelly, bus. mgr., Robert N. Williams, asst. ed., 2; Volante, Rodney L. Cool, bus mgr , William M Barton, asst. bus mgr., 3; Wet Hen, Theodore W. Rabey, bus. mgr , 2; Dakotans (senior), Charles E. LaGrave, Walter F Flint; Band, 2; Orchestra, 2; Football, 3; Basketball, 1; Track, 3; Playcrafters, 2; Advanced R.O T.C., 10; Law assn., 2; Phi Delta Phi, 1; Rifle team, 2; Pershing Rifles, 3; KUSD (radio station), Charles E LaGrave, dir., Kenneth E. Relf, chief eng., Thomas T . Steensland, chief announcer, 4; Scabbard and Blade, 3; Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges, 2; Strollers, 2. Chapter cup : Jostad-Markey scholarship cup, awarded each year to active member having highest scholastic average, Rodney L Cool; Putnam Spaulding memorial trophy, awarded each semester to freshman with highest scholastic average, Peter W. Johnson

Chapter paper: G amma Alpha Exh aust, semi-annually.

Stanford University Lambda Sigma District XXIII 1894

422. John Hancock Burns, '42 B.S., 3424 N E. Beakey, Portland, Oreg

424. Jess Knight Hazlett, '42 A.B., 27 Crestmoor Dr., Denver, Colo.

425 . David Macaulay, Jr., '42 A.B., 1320 39th St., Sacramento, Calif. President.

426 James Angus McKellar, '42 A B., 145 E. Mariposa St., Altadena, Calif.

428. Dudley Allen Smith, '42 B.S., 135 Cross Rd , Oakland, Calif.

431. Eugene Francis Kern, Jr., '42 A.B., 2765 Union St., San Francisco, Calif.

432 Fred Ernest Carnie, Jr., '42 A B., 1601 13th Ave , Sacramento, Calif.

433. Jon Dowling Relfe, '4 2 B M S , 3217 Bayo Vista Ave , Alameda, Calif.

434. Frank Anthony Bauman, '43 A.B., 1830 N E. 11th Ave , Portland, Oreg.

435. Earl Brix Fenston, '42 B.M.S., Box 534, Route 3, Fresno, Calif.

436. Laurence Royce Grannis, '42 A.B., 622 S. Oakland Ave., Pasadena, Calif.

Palo Alto, Calif 55 7 Lasuen St.

437 William Hull Kroener, '43 B.M.S., 617 Via del Palma, Whittier, Calif. Rushi n/!, Cha 'rman.

438. Roger Montgomery Laverty, '43 A.B., 617 N. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif.

439. James Briggs McClatchy, '42 A B., 3729 Huntington Blvd., Fresno, Calif.

440. Morgan McGilvray, '43 A.B., 804 N. Alpine Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. Treasur er.

441. William Wallace Messick, '43 B.S., 816 S. Lake St., Pasadena, Calif

442. Joseph Evarts-Proctor Morin, '42 A.B., 406 N . Marengo, Pasadena, Calif.

443. Robert Scott Mostow, '43 A B, 10551 Ashton Ave., West Los Angeles, Calif. S ecretary.

444. Richard Harrison Reel, '43 B S., 1575 San Pasqua! St., Pasadena, Calif.

446. Philip George Shean, '43 A.B., 510 N. Elm Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif.

447. Nathan Russell Vail, '43 A.B., 808 N. Alpine Dr , Beverly Hills, Calif

448 Waldron Edward Wilson, '43 A.B., 3525 Clay St., San Francisco, Calif.

449. Frank Counsel Winter, '43 B.M.S., 1500 Mel wood Dr., Glendale, Calif. Vice Pre sid ent.

451. Pau l Vernon Ammen, '42 A.B , 320 Hampton Rd., Piedmont, Calif

452. Clinton A/mar Campbell, '43 A.B., Vega, Anderson Island, Wash.

453. Lewis William Boies, '42 A.B ., Turlock, Calif.

454. Ch arl es D ixon H am ilton ( Z <I>), '43 A B , Hundley Dr., St. Joseph, Mo

455. Fred Held Ho well, '44 B S., 17 lOth St., Petaluma, Calif

456. Jere Dean McWethy, '44 A.B., 521 Loring Ave.;- West Los Angeles, Calif.

457. John Pressley Phillips, '43 A B., 410 N Van Ness, Fresno, Calif. Died.

458. Willard Wallace Smith, '44 A.B., 135 Cross Rd ., Oakland, Calif.

459. Georf!.e Woodbury Stimson, '44 B.S., 610 Woodland Rd ., Pasadena, Calif.

460. Kenneth Munroe T aix, '44 A B., 1488 Hanchett Ct., San Jose, Calif.

461. Roderick D avid Wheeler, '44 A.B., 1321 University Ave., Palo Alto, Calif.

462. Richard Eugene Stark (B P), '42 A.B., Box 217, Lindsay, Calif

Nos. 451-4 53, initiated May 15, 1941; No. 454, affiliated Oct. 6, 1941; Nos. 455-461, initiated Oct. 26, 1941; No. 462, affiliated Jan. 12, 1942.

Rushi 11g season: Jan.-F eb. 1943.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Robert B Jessup, F. W. Weeden; Tau Beta Pi, William W. Messick, Richard H . Reel. College activities: Student body, James A. McKellar, student mgr.; Men's council, Jess K. Hazlett; Cardmals, Jess K. Hazlett, pres .; Interfraternity council, Frank A. Bauman, secy.-treas.; Interfraternity board of con tro l, Eugene F Kern ; Rally com , 1 ; Scabbard and Blade, 1 ; Phi Phi (senior), 3; Football, 3; Baseball, 1; Track, Eugene F. Kern, capt., 3; John H . Burns, capt., 6; Rugby, Roger M. Laverty, 5; l; 2; Block S, 1; Circle S, 5; Tarver scholarship (exchange scholarshtp selected by mterfraterntty board), Joseph E. P Morin ·

Chapter fund: Each initiate pays into the building fund an amount proportionate to his time spent in the house, with $100 maximum for three years.

Chapter paper: Lambda Sigma Lell er, quarterly


Charles Guilford Terry, III, '43 M.E. , Hewlett Bay Park, Hewlett, L.I., N.Y.

384. David Aland Verner, '43 M.E., 276 Whittier Ave., Floral Park, L.I., N.Y Vice President.

385. G eorge Anthony B alko, Jr ., '44 M.E., 456 84th St., Brooklyn, N .Y.

386. John Sleater Jaquith , '44 M.E., 21 Overlook Rd , Caldwell, N.J.

387. Alb ert Edward Krug, '44 M.E., 204 N Monroe St., Ridgewood, N .J.

388. John Russel Bridgeman, '45 M E., 24 Hickory Dr., Maplewood, N.J.

389. Edwin .IJ.nthony May, '45 M .E., 127 Hope St., Ridgewood, N .J.

390. Bertram Reinagle Roome, Jr., '45 M E., 127 Midland Ave., Arlington, N J.

391. George Curry er Weber, '4 5 M.E., 35 Ashton Pl., Glen Rock, N J.

Nos. 385-386, initiated Apr. 25, 1941 ; Nos. 387-391, initiated Feb. 13, 1942 .

Rushing season: Two weeks in October (tentative).

Members of honorary scholastic societies: T au Beta Pi, Arthur E Francis, Thomas G Sofrin. College activities: Gear and Triangle, 2; Link (annual), 1; Stute, 1; Sophomore class, Charles G. Terry, III, historian ; Dramatic soc., William G. Mixer, vice pres., Warren V. Westin., head of costume dept., John S Jaquith, asst. stage mgr., Edward B. Rodie, head of lighting dept., 5 ; Glee club, Arthur D. Prior, vice pres., Lawrence W. Egan, bus. mgr., 4; Soccer, Arthur E Francis, mgr., 3; Basketball, Lawrence W. Egan, asst. mgr., mgr.-elect, 3; Baseball, 2; Lacrosse, 2; Fencing, Thomas G. Sofrin, capt., 3; Rifle team, David A. Verner, mgr., 1; Band, 2. Chapter fund: $200, for Sigma house fund reserve.

Chapter cup: Freshman scholarship cup, George L. Theiss, Jr., highest grades in freshman class. Chapter paper: Sigm a Ch apter Alumni Letter, monthly.

Syracuse University Beta Epsilon District IV 1889

702. Darrell Fleming Terpe, '42 B S., 68 Columbia Ct., Barberton, Ohio.

711. Robert Kessler Welter, '42 B.S., 2649 James St , Syracuse, N.Y.

Syracuse, N.Y. 711 Comstock Ave.

713 Robert Charles Courboin, '42 B.A.E , 481Ft. Washington Ave., New York, N.Y Pr es ident.

714. Robert Cyril Chesbro, '42 B.S., 306 Strathmore Dr., Syracuse N.Y. Vice President

715. Philip Cole Ross, '43 B.A.E., 156 S. Main St., West Hartford, Conn. S ecretary.

716. Louis Leno Manfredi, '42 B.S., 583 W. 215th St., New York, N.Y

717. Robert Ostrander Beadle, '43 B.S , Richfield Springs, N.Y.

718. Robert Baldwin Cushman, '43 B.S., 120 Rock Island St., Gouverneur, N.Y.

719. · James Michael Daly, Jr., '43 B.E.E., 508 Ostrom Ave., Syracuse, N.Y.

721. Charles Merwin Freeman, '43 B.S., Partridge Rd , Delmar, N.Y.

722. Richard Seale Harriman, Jr., '43 B.S., 1136 Lancaster Ave., Syracuse, N.Y

725. Ralph Sheldon Crear, Jr., '42 B.S., New Scotland, N.Y.

726. Edward George Gratzer, '42 B.S., 248 Nichols Ave., Syracuse, N.Y.

727. George Blakeslee Dale, '43 B.A., 15 Salisbury St., Little Falls, N .Y. Rushing Co-Chairman.

728. William George Harvey, Jr , '43 B.M.E , 2222 S. Geddes St., Syracuse, N.Y.

729. Bernard Victor Szyman, '43 A.B ., 42 Elm St., Claremont, N H

730. Paul Conant Cabot, '42 B S., 7 LaSalle Rd., Upper Montclair, N.J T reasure r

731. B ryce Nesbitt Batz er, '43 B.A.E., 512 Robineau Rd., Syracuse, N.Y

732. Robert Grant Hitchings, '44 B.S., 527 Robineau Rd ., Syracuse, N .Y.

733. Paul McCormick, '44 B C.E., 132 Circle Rd ., Syracuse, N .Y.

734. Robert Walter Bayley, '44 B.A., 839 E. Alton St., Appleton, Wis

735. Eugene Rushbrook B all, '44 B A , Boulder Crest._Jamaica, N.Y

736. Edtvard Anthony Kriete, '44 B.S., 4552 193rd St., Flushing, N .Y.

737. Gordon D avis Cerow, Jr., '44 B S., 516 Riverside Dr., Clayton, N.Y.

738. Harry Kenneth Ransier, '44 B.S., 208 Rich St., Syracuse, N .Y.

THE CHAPTERS IN 1942 523 Stevens Institute of Technology Sigma District V 1879 Hoboken, N .J. 812 Castle Point Ter 362. Robert Gustav Biederman, '42 M E., 537 W. 121st St., New York, N .Y. 363. Frank Williams Farrelly, '42 M E., 104-67 lllth St., Richmond Hill, N.Y. 364. Arthur Eugene Francis, '42 M .E., 183 Ostrander Ave., Syracuse, N.Y. 365. William Gloster Mixer, Jr., '42 M.E., 1626 Elwood Ave., Flint, Mich 366. Sanford Thayer Potterton, '42 M .E ., 49 Prospect St., Jersey City, N .J. 367. Warren Charles Westin, '42 M .E., 933 Herbert St., Philadelphia, Pa. 372. Thom as Guye Sofrin, '42 M.E., 165 E. 90th St., New York, N.Y. 373. Richard Wallace Horn, Jr , '42 M.E., Long Hill Rd. , Great Notch, N.J 375. Royal Vale Heath, Jr., '43 M.E., 124 Fulton St., Lawrence, L.I., N .Y. Rush ing Chairman. 376 Harold Stevenson Newins, Jr., '43 M.E., 2658 Pearson Ave., Gainesville, Fla. 377 Arthur Douglas Prior, '43 M E., 211 Gramercy Pl., Glen Rock, N .J. President. 378.
Edward Bruce Rodie, '43
.E., 161 Woodside Ave., Ridgewood, N.J. Treasurer.
Lawrence William Egan, '43 M
136 Highgate Ter , West Englewood, N J. Secretary.
Robert Dennis Sullivan, '43 M.E., 3 Casper Ct., Jersey City, N.J.
Edwin Delos Wetmore, Jr., '43 M.E., 130 W. 57th St., Bayonne, N.]


739. D avid Thorpe Squires, '44 B A., 314 S. Goodman St., Rochester, N.Y.

740. Ch ar les Gregory Weeks, '44 B S., 119 Elm St., Fayetteville, N.Y.

741. Norman Michael Alfe, '44 B.A., 156 Parce Ave., Fairport, N Y.

742. Bri gham Phelps Thom son, '44 B.A., 16 Baldwin St., Johnson City, N Y.

743 Rob ert Earle Graham (B Z), '43 B.A., 1806 W Genesee St., Syracuse, N.Y. Rushing Co-Chairman.

744. Rudolph Edward Zurich, '42 B.S., Torrington Rd , Litchfield, Conn.

745. Arthur Milton Be veridge, '43 B S , 144 Russell St., Worcester, Mass. Left college.

746. John Howard Wood, '43 B.S., 124 W. 5th St., Oswego, N .Y.

747. Mathew Grant K11app, Jr., '44 B.S., 5 Fernbank Ave., Delmar, N .Y.

748. Geor ge Roberts Nicholson, '44 B S., 1057 Bloomfield Ave., Akron, Ohio.

749. Norm an Gladding Michael, '44 B.S., 191 46 Mitchell Ave., Rocky River, Ohio.

750. Fr ederick Killea Baker, '43 B.S., 23 Mulberry La., Bowling Green, Media, Pa.

751. Dale France Timberlake, '43 B S., Box 326, East Pike, Indiana, Pa.

752. Ed win Louis Shuttlewo rth, '43 B.S., 371 Main St., Burlington, Vt.

753. John Davis Salem , '44 B.S., 509 Loder Ave., Endicott, N.Y.

754. Ge orge Warren Dou glas, '44 B.S. , Canada St., Red Creek, N.Y

755. Charles Wilson Sanders on, '44 B.S., M C. 3, 107 Albany, N.Y.

756. Ge orge Cook H eitzman, '45 B.A., 211 West Ave., Syracuse, N.Y.

757. Wesley Adelbert D anie ls, Jr. , '45 B A., Chaumont, N.Y.

758 Bradfo rd Churchill Lo veland, '45 B.S., 1021 Westcott St., Syracuse, N.Y.

759. Paul Butler Mahoney, '45 B.A., 913 Bellevue Ave., Syracuse, N .Y .

760. Frank Dunnin gton B eale, '45 B.S., 2919 Attleboro Rd., Shaker Heights, Ohio.

761. William Joseph Morris, '45 B.S., 34 Wyomissing Hills Blvd ., Wyomissing Hills, Reading, Pa.

762. Stuart Earl Eg an, '45 B.S., 411 University Ave., Syracuse, N.Y

763. Howard Ray Level, '45 B.S., 240 Elk St., Syracuse, N .Y.

764. Roger Williams, Jr., '45 B.S., 12 4 Pelhamdale Ave., Pelham, N.Y.

765. Robert MacGregor Morse, '45 B.S., 930 Prospect Ave , Rumford, Maine.

Nos. 730-742, initiated Apr. 5, 1941 ; No 743, affiliated Oct. 13, 1941; Nos 744-749, initiated D ec. 14, 1941; Nos. 750-765, initiated Mar. 21, 1942.

Rushing season: Sept. 15 -0ct. 5, 1942

College activities: Beta Alpha Psi, Robert C. Chesbro; Taba.rd, 1; Sigma D elta Chi, 1; Sigma Pi Sigma, 1 ; D aily Orange, 3; Ononda gan (yearbook), 2; Football, 2; Cross country, 2; Baseball, Charles M . Freeman, asst. mgr., 2; Soccer, 1; Track, 4; Swimming, Robert Cushman, asst. mgr , 2; Emergency campus police, Robert C. Chesbro, chief, 6; Orange Key, 1; R O T.C., Robert C. Chesbro, cadet col., Paul C. Cabot, cadet capt., 13; Scabbard and Blade, 5; Basketball, Richard S. Harriman, asst. mgr., 1; Band, 1.

Chapter awards: Hamlin scholarship award, Robert G H itchings, 1941-32, George C. Heitzman, 1942-43: Rapp-Stierwald junior key award, renamed the Dalton Hardy memorial award, Philip C. Ross, 1941.

Chapter paper: Beta Bark, annual.

University of Texas District XIX

Beta Omicron 1886

449. Joseph Harry Corby, '42 B.S., Calvert, Texas.

453. William Clifford Hogg McDugald, '42 B S., 1701 Enfield Rd , Austin, Texas.

454. Howard Russell McFarland, '42 B S., 48 15 Waneta St., Dallas, Texas

464 Lawrence Skelley, '42 B.S., 1510 Windsor Rd ., Austin, Texas.

468. D avid Calvin Campbell, '42 B.B.A., 2701 Wabash St., Fort Worth, Texas. Treasurer.

Austin, Texas 1801 Lavaca

470. Winston Harwood, Jr., '43 B B A., 321 E Harrison St., Harlingen, Texas Rushing Chairman

471. J ack Bruce Howard, '42 M A., 543 Garrity Rd ., San Antonio, Texas.

473. Quincy Joe Lee, '43 B S., 2000 Oldham St., Austin, Texas

475. Robert Lee Bobbitt, Jr., '45 LL.B.., 103 Park Hill Dr., San Antonio, Texas.

477. Forrest Gober, '43 B.S., 1102 Colorado St., Coleman, Texas

478 Henry Pope Hodge, Jr., '45 LL.B., 1601 Monroe St , Wichita Falls, Texas. Secretary.

479. Paul Bradfield Horton, '44 LL.B , 3628 Beverly Dr., Dallas, Texas.

480. Virgil Lee Humphrey, '45 LL.B., 1505 Grant St., Wichita Falls, Texas.

482. Almer Jasper Mann, '43 LL.B., 1810 Victoria St., Laredo, Texas. Left college.

483. Glenn George Mortimer, Jr., '44 B.A., 120 W. Lynwood St., San Antonio, Texas. Left college.

485. Robert Hudson Rustin, '42 B.A., 609 Park PI., Austin, Texas

486. Earl Bowen Austin, Jr , '44 B S., 5254 Goodwin St., Dallas, Texas. Left college.

487. D alton Raymond Franks, '43 B.A., Dublin, T exas.

489. Horace Thomas Chilton, Jr., '45 B S., 4306 Red River St., Austin, Texas.

490. Lester William Sander, '42 B.B.A., 177 S. Bassett St., Madison, Wis. President.

491. James Alford Constantin, '42 B.B.A., Old Bullard Rd ., Tyler, Texas.

492 Raymond Austin Corcoran, '44 LL.B., 3625 Meadow Lake La., Houston, Texas Left college.

493 . John Hamilton Garner, '44 B.S., 431 5 Gl enwood Ave., Dallas, Texas.

494. John Henderson Hall, Jr., '44 B B.A., 2225 Wi nton Ter. W., Fort Worth, Texas


495. Henry Howard Happel, Jr., '45 B.S., 2208 Mimosa La., Houston Texas.

Richie Higgins Holman, '46 LL.B., 2511 San Gabriel St., Austin: Texas.

Henry Conrad Huper, '42 B.B.A., 1806 Collins St., Wichita Falls, Texas ·

Claude Douglas McDonald, Jr , '43 LL.B., 4811 Park La., D allas, Texas Left college.

Clarence William Muehlberger, Jr., '45 LL.B., Cherokee St., Wichita Falls, Texas.

John Henry Tubb, Jr., '44 B.B.A., 207 W 5th St., Sweetwater, Texas

Robert Perry Russell, '43 B.B.A., 111 E. Elm St., Coleman, Texas.

Arthur Sprinkle, Jr., '47 M.D., 2616 H arris Blvd ., Austin, Texas

Errol! Warren Allen, II, '45 B.S , 1500 N. Pennsylvania St., Oklahoma City Okla

510. James Anderson, Jr ., '43 LL.B., 1659 South Blvd., Houston, Texas. '

511. Joe H ans l ey Bander, Jr ., '47 LL.B., Route 4, Longview, Texas

512 Edtvard Coe Davis, '45 Ch .E., 1111 E. Taylor St., Harlingen, Texas.

513 . Raymond Swezey Edmunds, '44 B.B.A., 3710 Euclid Ave., Dallas, Texas.

514. John Allen Gould, '44 B.S., 1811 Lucile St., Wichita Falls, Texas.

515. William Dow Hamm, Jr , '47 LL.B., 3412 Piping Rock La., Houston, Texas

516. Archibald Roane Harwood, Jr ., '45 B.B.A., Harlingen, Texas .

517-. Glenn Weston Howeth , '44 B.A., 1647 Ardath St., Wichita Falls, Texas.

518. George Franklin Joh1zston, Jr., '44 P.P.E., 223 N Belmont Pl., Wichita, Kans.

519. Walter Thomas Klopp, '4 5 B.B.A., 83rd & Loveland Dr., Omaha, Nebr.

520. Bill Lee Luph er, '45 M .D., 3309 Beverly Rd ., Austin, Texas. Left college.

521. Edward Cullee Mann, '45 M D., 1810 Victoria St., Laredo, Texas

522. Robert Lawre n ce N ash, '45 LL.B., 6 Midland Gardens, Bronxville, N.Y.

523. Ashley Horne Priddy, '44 M E., 1012 Harrison St., Wichita Falls, Texas

524 Gaston Anderson Shum ate, III , '46 B.S., 5406 Vanderbilt St., Dallas, T exas

525. Lewis Dale Steph ens, '43 B.B.A., 3312 Kessler Blvd., Wichita Falls, Texas.

526 Richard Enlow Welch, Jr., '45 B.S., 232 Lincoln Dr., Glencoe, Ill.

Nos. 506-507, initiated May 4, 1941; No 508, initiated Nov. 25, 1941; Nos 509-526, initiated Feb 15, 1942.

Rushing seas·on: Sep t. 14-16, 1942 (p robab ly).

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Eta Sigma, Edward C. D avis, Gaston A. Shumate. College activities: Friars (senior), Jack B Howard; The D aily T exan, Jack B. Howard, ed.; Cowboys, 4; Silver Spur; 2; Alcaldes, 4; Rogues, 1 ; Sigma Delta Chi, J ack B. Howard, pres.; Pi Sigma Alpha, 1; Pi Tau Sigma, 2; T he Cactus (annual), 1; Round-Up, 2; Basketball, 1 ; Debate squad, 1. Chapter cup: J. W. Beretta scholarship cup, awarded to best pledge scholar, Gasto n A. Shumate, Ill. Chapter paper: Beta Omicr on St ar, semi-annually.

University of Toronto

Theta Zeta District IV


290. Gordon Grosvenor Caudwell, '42 M.D., 94 Lome Cres., Brantford, Ont.

291. Ross MacKay Brown, '42 B.A.Sc. , 36 Parkdale Rd., Toronto, Ont.

294. James Drummond Grieve, '42 B.Comm., 314 Oriole Pkwy., Toronto, Ont.

295. Graham Morden Neilson, '42 B A.Sc., 97 Old Forest Hill Rd., Toronto, Ont.

299. Douglas Wigharn Knowles, '42 B.A.Sc., 194 Grenadier Rd ., Toronto, Ont.

302. Peter Sydney Cragg, '43 B.A.Sc., " Donnybrook," Snowden Ave., Toronto, Ont.

303. John Francis Greenan, '44 B.A.Sc., 59 High Park Blvd., Toronto, Ont. Pre sident.

Toronto, Ont. 126 St. George St.

304. Harry Sommerville Banfield, '43 D D .S , 82 Wells Hill Ave., Toronto, Ont. Ru shing Chairman.

307. Harlan David Keely, '43 B.A., 53 Wembley Rd., Toronto, Ont. Left college.

308. Arthur Mowat Wilson, '44 B.A.Sc., 435 Russell Hill Rd ., Toronto, Ont. Vice President.

309 Charles Alexander Frederick Moes, '46 M.D., "Donnybrook," Snowden Ave., Toronto, Ont.

310. Donald Meyers Wallace, '43 D.D.S., 1045 Church St., Windsor, Ont.

311. Allan Bell Rosser, '44 B.A.Sc., 17 Martin Rd., Toronto, Ont. Treasurer.

313. James Bryce Lillico, '44 B.A., 515 Hunter St., Peterborough, Ont. Secr etary.

314. Dat'id Burn et Rogers, '44 B.A.Sc., 11 Fleming Pl., Peterborough, Ont. On active service.

315 . Paul Dunco mbe Read, '44 B.A., 47 Lome Cres., Brantford, Ont.

316. Louis Lawrence Odette, Jr ., '46 M.D., Tilbury, Ont.

317. Herbert Har vey Todgham, Jr ., '45 B.A Sc., 962 Windermere Rd ., Windsor, Ont.

318. Ronald Franklin William Sedgewick, '44 B.A., R.R. No. 1, York Mills, Ont.

319. Ralph Eric Charles Ander, '45 B.A.Sc., 118 St. Leonard 's Ave., Toronto, Ont.

No. 314, initiated Mar. 8, 1941; Nos. 315-319, initiated Nov. 22, 1941. Rushing season: Sept. 25-0ct. 10, 1942.

College activities: Normal college activities suspended for the duration of war.

Chapter cups: Clarence L. Newton cup, Ralph E. C. Ander, highest mark in freshman fraternity

Constantine Mims, Jr., '42 B.B.A., 1901 St. Maria St., Laredo Texas
Howell Francis Stewart, '45 M .D ., 606 W. Main St., Texas. Vice President.
Philip Donald Windrow, '48 M .D ., 2004 Rosario, Laredo, Texas.
Dat1td Starr Thayer, '41 B A., 621 W. 19th St., Houston, Texas. Left college.



history examination; James A. Kinnear memorial trophy, highest scholastic record, not awarded this year; Francis Wilkinson golf trophy, not competed for this year.

Chapter paper: Theta Zeta Owlette, annually.

Tulane University Beta Xi

District XIII 1908

257 Donald Pearson Claypool, '41 B.S., Morehead, Ky. Left college.

258. J ames Perkins Ewin, Jr., '42 C.E., 2520 Prytania St., New Orleans, La.

277 Robert Blouin Oliver, '43 LL.B ., 2004 Island Dr., Monroe, La. Left college.

280. Harold Van Buskirk Cummins, Jr., '42 B.S., 310 Audubon St., New Orleans, La.

281. William Joseph Eckart, Jr., '4 2 B.E.inArch., New Iberia, La.

282. Robert Edmund Flowerree, Jr., '42 B.A., 30 Farnham Pl., New Orleans, La.

286 Ralph Maynard Campbell Merriman, Jr , '4 2 B.B.A., 217 Shawnee Dr., Erie, Pa.

290. Roy White, Jr., '42 B.S., 1726 Pine St., New Orleans, La.

291. John LeRoy McGee, '42 LL.B., Hammond, La.

292. Leon Miller Trice, Jr., '42 B B A., 1800 Marengo St., New Orleans, La.

293. Miguel Angel Vales, '42 B S., Apartado 315, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico

294. David Frank Dixon, '43 B.B A., 1707 Palmer Ave., New Orleans, La Left college.

295. William Otis Hudson, II, '42 C.E., 1915 Peniston St., New Orleans, La.

296. Rene Joseph LeGardeur, III, '43 E.E., 1715 Valence St., New Orleans, La.

297. Allen Walker Martin, III, '43 B.A., 902 Virginia Ave., Bogalusa, La.

298 . Edwin William Stockmeyer, '43 B.B.A., 476 Walnut St., New Orleans, La.

New Orleans, La. 1040 Audubon St.

299. Edmund Randolph Vales, '43 B.B A , 1918 Napoleon Ave., New Orleans, La. President.

300. Robert Milton Williams, '43 B.S., N. Line St., Metairie, La. Left college.

301. Wayne Gorman Anderson, '44 B.A., Shenandoah, Iowa.

302. Earl Putnam Bartlett, Jr , '44 B.B.A., 2822 Jefferson Ave., New Orleans, La.

303. Herbert John Bremermann, Jr., '44 B A., 1715 Nashville Ave., New Orleans, La.

304. Walter Hugh Brent, '43 B.S., Hammond, La.

305. Lyle Francis Carriere, '44 B.A., 5527 Hurst St., New Orleans, La.

306. Robert J ames Conroy, '44 B.A., 715 Pine St , New Orleans, La.

307. J ames Everett Eaves, Jr., '44 B.A., 5229 Prytania St. , New Orleans, La.

308 . Gordon Overton Ewin, '44 B.A., 2520 Prytania St., New Orleans, La. Secretary, Rus h ing Chairman

309. Mason Pilcher Gilfoil, '44 B A., Lake Providence, La. Vice President.

310. James Hiram Kostmayer, '44 B A , 2336 Octavia St., New Orleans, La.

311. Herbert Heinrich Land, Jr., '44 B.E. in Arch., 502 McKinley Ave., Monroe, La.

312. Edward Russell Meadows, '44 B.S., 3825 Crescent Rd , Birmingham, Ala. Treasurer.

314. Paul Shaner Noble, '44 Mech E., Marrero, La Left college.

315. William Thomas Patton, '44 B.S., 19 Rosa Park, New Orleans, La.

316. Nigel Ewing Rafferty, '44 B B.A , Pass Christian, Miss.

317. St. John Francis Smith, '42 B.A., 6032 Garfield St., New Orleans, La.

319. J ohn Yer ger Ta ylor (B T), '42 Mech.E., 20 Newcomb Blvd., New Orleans, La.

320. Wolf Karl Helmers, '43 B.B.A., 1500 Hy. Clay Ave., New Orleans, La. Left college.

321. D an iel Webster Sp11.rlo ck, Jr ., "43 B.S., 521 Wilkinson St., Shreveport, La.

322 . Fr ,mcis Pearce Bradburn, '45 B.S., 420 Broadway, New Orleans, La.

323. Walter Carroll, Jr ., '45 B S., 7724 Burthe St., New Orleans, La.

324 Glenn Matheny Gardner, '45 B B.A., 417 Hillary St., New Orleans, La.

325. Jo seph Allen Guilbeau, Jr ., '4 5 B.S., New Gulf, Texas.

326. Rufm Caro l/ton H arris, Jr , '45 B S., 1776 State St , New Orleans, La.

327. Edmund Butts Martin, Jr., '4 5 Ch E., 4118 Saratoga St., New Orleans, La.

328. John Allan McLellan, '44 B.A., 143 0 State St., New Orleans, La.

329. Oscar James hfcMillan, Jr ., '44 Ch .E., 1831 Napoleon Ave., New Orleans, La.

330 J ames Hu gh Miller, Jr. , '43 E.E., 5650 Marshall Foch St., New Orleans La.

331. Louis LeCorgne Moise, '45 B.A., 7328 Nelson St., New Orleans, La. '

332. L ee Franci s Murphy, Jr., '45 Mech.E., 15 Rosa Park, New Orleans, La.

333 Humb erto Quirarte, '42 B S., 118 S Costitucion, Chihuahua, Mexico.

334. J ohn Gano Winter Robertson, '45 B.A , 616 Conti St., New Orleans, La.

335. Ston ewa ll Boulet Stickney, '45 B.S., 2013 Dauphin St., Mobile, Ala.

336. Stewart McGehee Williams, '45 B S., 7900 Nelson St , New Orleans, La.

337. H arvey Eugene lVind es, '45 B.A , 15 30 Jefferson Ave., New Orleans, La.

338. Robert Moore Woolfolk, Jr., '45 Ch.E., 4100 Fontainbleau Dr., New Orleans, La. No. 319, affiliated Oct 1, 1941 ; Nos. 320-321, initiated Dec. 5, 1941 ; Nos 322-335 and 337-338, initiated Mar. 1, 1942; No. 336, initiated Mar. 9, 1942. Rmh i ng season : Sept. 19-30, 19 42 (tentative).

Members of honorary scholastic Omicron Delta Kappa, James P. Ewin, Jr. College activities: Alpha Chi Sigma, 2; Alpha Alpha Alpha, Gordon 0. Ewin, secy., 4; Kappa Delta Phi, 1; Gargoyle (arch.), 1; Phi Phi, 1; "T" club, 3; Football, 2; Tennis, 4; Basketball, 1; Track, 2; Panhellenic cuuncil, 2; Sophomore commerce class, Earl P Bartlett, Jr., vice pres.; Senior engineering

class, James P. Ewin, Jr., pres.; Engineering student body, James P. Ewin, Jr., pres.; University student council, James P Ewin, Jr., pres ; E.T A., W. 0 Hudson, II, pres., 2; A.S C.E., W. 0. Hudson, II, southeastern conference pres., 2; Sophomore Y.M C.A., William T. Patton, pres., Gordon 0. Ewin, vice pres.; Greenbackers, 3; T U R.K., 3; 13 club, L. Francis Murphy, Jr., vice pres., 3; Glee club, 10; Operetta, 6; Festival choir, 2; Band, 2; Ja mbalaya (yearbook), 2; Tulane theater, 2.

Chapter cups: Pledge award, Edmund B. Martin, Jr., judged on basis of pledge work, scholarship, campus activities, and fraternity interest-consists of key for pledge and annually inscribed plaque for house; Scholarship award, M. Pilcher Gilfoil-annually inscribed plaque.

Chapter paper: The Hound, annually.

Union College Nu District III


366. John Bundy Shaw, '42 A B., 689 2nd Ave., Troy, N.Y.

367. Donald Robert Brockwehl, '42 C.E., 71 Clinton Ave., Lynbrook, N.Y.

368. Joseph William Mudge, '42 A.B , 27 Hillcrest Ave , Westfield, N.J

Schenectady, N.Y. 21 Union Ave.

370. Robert Kenneth Killian, '42 A B., 506 New Britain Ave., Hartford, Conn. Left college.

372. Andrew Edward Reilly, Jr., '42 A.B., 46 Ridgebrook Dr., West Hartford, Conn. Treasurer.

373. John Lockwood Grow, '42 B.S., 27 Murray St., Binghamton, N.Y. Pr esiden t.

375. William Dix Hill, '44 B.S., 414 Park St., Fulton, N Y.

376. Suspended.

377. Joseph Francis Furlong, '42 B S., 109 Pembroke Pl., Kew Gardens, N.Y.

378. Robert David Forrest, '42 A.B., Poland, N .Y. Vice Pr es ident. Left college.

379 Donald Francis Quigley, '43 A B., 39 Washington Ave. , Coxsackie, N.Y.

382. Waldo Earl Goodrich, '43 A.B., 34 Eileen St., Albany, N.Y.

383. Walter William Hochuli, '43 A.B., 1056 Dinsmore Rd., Winnetka, Ill. S ec retary.

384. Robert Andrew Smolka, '44 A.B., 304 Lisbon Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. Left college.

385. Robert William Withington, '44 A B., 900 Salina St., Watertown, N.Y Rushing Chairman.

386. Paul Walter Myers, '44 A.B., 1063 Dean St., Schenectady, N.Y.

387 . Bernard Travers Duquette, '42 A.B., Bieber-Isaac Clothing Store, Binghamton, N.Y. left college.

388. Dat•id Alfred Tilly, '44 B.S., Poland, N Y

Earl McMullen, Jr., '42 A.B., 2190 Grand Blvd., Schenectady, N.Y.

Walter Le.rter Galuszka, '44 A.B., 86 Van Block Ave., Hartford, Conn.

Robert Oliver Rodgers, '43 A.B., 91 Oakwood Ave., Troy, N.Y.

Henry Walter Hochuli , '45 B.S., 113 Chester Ave., Bloomfield, N.J.

Edward Leon Bates, Jr., '45 B.S., 863 North St., Pittsfield, Mass.

John Aloysius McCarthy, Jr., '45 B.S , Lebanon Springs, N Y.

No. 388, initiated Mar. 8, 1941; No. 389, initiated Apr. 10, 1941; Nos. 390-391, initiated Oct. 30, 1941; Nos. 392-402, initiated Feb 21 , 1942.

Rtt.rhing season: Sept. 15-22, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Robert D . Forrest. College activities: Student council, Robert K. Killian, pres., 6; Senior class, Joseph F. Furlong, pres.; Freshman class, Edward L. Bates, pres.; Idol , Joseph F Furlong, exec. staff; Glee club, John L. Grow, mgr., ]. Bundy Shaw, leader, 4; Football, 9; Baseball, Andrew E. Reilly, capt., W. Earl Goodrich, asst. mgr., 2 ; Basketball, Robert D. Forrest, mgr., Walter W. Hochuli, mgr.-elect; Track, 2; Intramural mgr , W. Earl Goodrich.

Chapter paper: Nu Chapter News , annually.

University of Utah

Gamma Beta

Salt Lake City, Utah

District XX 1913 153 South 13th East

489. Edwin Quayle Cannon, Jr., '42 A.B., 44 Walker St., Cambridge, Mass. left college.

505. Samuel Grover Rich, Jr , '4 2 A.B., 37 Virginia St., Salt Lake City, Utah.

517. Richard Williams James, '42 A.B., 1441 East 1st South, Salt Lake City! Utah.

520. Richard Parkinson Smoot, '42 A.B., 1486 East 13th South, Salt Lake Ctty, Utah.

522. Lehi Ferdinand Hintze, '42 B.S., 339 South 13th East, Salt Lake City, Utah. .

523 Joseph Thomas Tyree, '42 A.B ., 1297 4th Ave , Salt Lake City, Utah.

530. John Leonard Mortensen, '42 A.B., 1108 Gilmer Dr., Salt Lake City, Utah. Left college.

iam LAmont LAsser, '45
394. Dean Carlton Eger, Jr., '45 A.B.,
Ave., Albany, N.Y. 395. Henry Walter Turner, Jr ., '45 B.S.,
Ave., Johnson City, N Y. 396. Alden Opie, '45 B.S.,
397. Benjamin Webb Wiltsie, '4
A.B., 31 Thomas St., Johnson
2204 S. Main
101 Hill
St., Binghamton, N Y.
5 A.B., 24 Chestnut St., Binghamton, N.Y.
James Calhoun Fluker, Jr., '45 B.S., 47 Larchmont Ave., Waban, Mass.
Elton Bartlett Harvey, Jr ., '45 B S., 1181 Main St., Hartford, Conn.
Ralph Millard Van Duzee , '45 B.S., 12 Abbotsford Pl., Buffalo, N.Y.

543. Frederic Carruth Becker, '42 A.B., 2583 Brinker Ave., Ogden, Utah.

548. John Young Whitney, '42 A.B., 579 24th St., Ogden, Utah. Left college.

549.. Sherman Hatch Smith, '42 B.S., 1504 Lake St., Ogden, Utah. Left college.

SSO. Robert Barlow Barker, '43 B.S., 270 South 12th East, Salt Lake City, Utah. President.

551. Richard Bruce Pyke, '42 A.B ., 171 1st Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah.

552. LeRoy Earl Beane, '42 A.B., Magna, Utah.

553 Thomas Upton Ramsey, '42 A B., Dodson, Mont. Left college.

555. Charles Raymond Varley, '43 B.S., 908 South 11th East, Salt Lake City, Utah S ecretar y.

556. Madan Erwin Lowell, '43 B.S., Alderdale, Wash. Left college.

560. Henry George Richardson, Jr., '43 B.S., 1443 Harvard Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah.

561. Alvin Irving Meyersahm, '43 B.S., 666 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah.

562. John Howard Andrews, Jr., '43 A.B., 2675 Taylor Ave., Ogden, Utah Treasurer

563. Clair John Boyle, '43 A.B., 2825 Adams Ave., Ogden, Utah.

564. George Richard Monsen, '43 A.B., Fillmore, Utah

565. John Granville Leonard, Jr., '43 A.B., 2573 Fowler Ave., Ogden, Utah.

566. Sidney Wickliffe Lowery, '43 A.B., 1543 Garfield Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah .

567. Robert Coulam Jackson, '43 A.B., 1561 Michigan Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah.

568. John Walter Jarman, '43 A.B., 1169 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah.

569. Clisbee Blaine Kimball, '43 A.B., 1764 Laird Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah.

571. Eugene Morgan Wixon, '43 A.B., 217 South 1st East, Brigham City, Utah.

574. Earl John Taylor, '44 B.S., 32 North 2nd East, Spanish Fork, Utah.

575. Rob ert Guy Wilton, '43 A B., 251 South 9th East, Salt Lake City, Utah.

576. Rob ert Burton Ward, '43 A.B., 1228 East 6th South, Salt Lake City, Utah. Left college.

577. Blaine Victor Glasmann , Jr ., '43 A B., 1444 Marilyn Dr., Ogden, Utah.

578. H arold Lindsay Ansell, '44 A.B., 1766 Princeton Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah.

579. James Edward Li ndsay, Jr ., '44 A B., 1175 28th St., Ogden, Utah. Left college.

580. Jerry McCanne Clark , '43 B.S., 1116 East 3rd South, Salt Lake City, Utah. Left college.

581. Elliot Lee Pratt, '44 A.B., 125 South 13th East, Salt Lake City, Utah.

582 Richard Lowe Stine, '44 A B., 1221 25th St., Ogden, Utah. Vice President, Rushing Chairman.

583. Parry Edward Thomas , '44 A.B., 1025 27th St., Ogden, Utah.

584. Harry Wolsey Deffebach, '44 A.B., 130 South 3rd East, Salt Lake City, Utah.

585. Garth Keith Holbrook, '44 A.B., 483 7th Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. Left college.

586. RoyalL Tribe, '43 A.B., 724 23rd St., Ogden, Utah.

587 Ralph TaJ •lor Stewart, Jr., '44 A B , 1426 Princeton Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah.

588 Joseph Keith Williams, '44 A.B , 841 Washington Blvd., Ogden, Utah

589. Joseph Baer Fetzer, '44 A.B., 303 East 1st South, Salt Lake City, Utah.

590. James Colman Stewart, '44 A.B., 623 South 9th East, Salt Lake City, Utah

Nos. 574-581, initiated May 18, 1941; Nos. 582-588, initiated Nov. 16, 1941; Nos. 589-590, initiated Feb. 22, 1942.

Rushing season: Jan . 25-29, 1943.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Lehi F. Hintze. College activities: A.S.U U., Robert B. Barker, treas.; Sophomore class, Earl J. Taylor, treas.; Scabbard and Blade, 8; Officers club, 10; Utonian (annual), 2; Pe n, John Y . Whitney, asst. ed. ; Chronicle, 3; Junior prom com., 1; Vigilantes council, 2; Debate, 4; Presidents' council, 2; Intercollegiate Knights, 5; A.S.C.E., 3; Kappa Gamma Psi, 2; Dance com., 1; "U" days, 1; Homecoming, John Y. Whitney, chm., 2; Theta Tau, 1; Glee club, 3; Band, 1; Football, 1; Track, 2; Polo, John L. Mortensen, capt., Parry E. Thomas, mgr., 3; Tennis, 2 ; Ski, 4

Chapter cups: For highest scholastic average, Edwin Q. Cannon, Earl]. Taylor; for greatest scholastic improvement, Robert T. Jellison, LeRoy E. Beane, Earl J. Taylor.

Chapter paper: G amma Bee, annually.

Vanderbilt University

District XIII

Beta Lambda


481. John William Fristoe, Jr., '42 A.B., 219 S. 8th St., Mayfield, Ky

Nashville, Tenn.

210 24th Ave. S.

485. William Simon Mills, Jr., '42 A.B., 1487 Clairmont Pl., Nashville, Tenn. Vice President

486. Rueben Nathaniel Burch, Jr., '42 A.B., 1601 W. lOth St., Miami, Fla. Inactive.

487. Sam Wilson Cayce, '44 B.E., 304 22nd Ave. N., Nashville, Tenn.

488. William Frierson Edmunds, '44 LL.B., 2401 S. Main St., Hopkinsville, Ky. Inactive.

492. Robert Ardell Sammons, '42 A.B., 651 W. Washington St., Jonesboro, Ark.

493. John Elliott Baker, '45 M.D., 700 E. 7th St., Hopkinsville, Ky. Inactive

494. Ernest William Eberling, '45 M.D., 3607 Bellwood Dr., Nashville, Tenn. Inactive.

496. Williams Smith, '45 M.D., Woodmont Blvd., Nashville, Tenn Inactive

498. James McAden Peebles, '42 A.B., 905 W. 7th St., Columbia, Tenn. Left college.

499. Murrell William Anderton, Jr., '42 A.B., N. Jefferson St., Winchester, Tenn. Left college.

501. Fred Henry Carmichael, '43 A.B., 401 24th Ave. S., Nashville, Tenn.

502. Stephen Byrd Longino, Jr., '43 A.B., 504 N Davis St., Sulphur Springs, Texas.



528. Jack Leroy Fralick, '44 B E., 19709 Roslyn Rd. , Detroit, Mich. Left college.

529. Joseph Gaylon Murphy, '44 A.B., 220 Carden Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Left college.

530 Gayle Preston Geron, '44 A B., 436 Eustis St., Huntsville, Ala

532. Buford Kershaw Harmon, Jr , '44 B.E., Murfreesboro Rd., Nashville, Tenn

533. Bartlett Johnston, '44 B.E , 2116 11th Ave S., Birmingham, Ala.

534. Everett McCord Clayton, Jr., '44 A.B., Allendale Dr., Nashville, Tenn.

535. Arnall Peery, '44 A.B., 1117 S. Main St., Columbia, Tenn.

536. William House Dale, '44 A.B., 205 W. 8th St., Columbia, Tenn.

537. Bernard Joseph Rohling, '44 A.B., 307 22nd Ave. N. , Nashville, Tenn.

538. John Albert Key, Jr , '44 A.B., St. Louis, Mo. Left college

539. John Wallace Hall , Jr., '44 A.B., Meadowbrook Village, Plainfield, N.J. S ecretary

540. James William Cherry, II, '45 A.B., 208 Mockingbird Rd , Nashville, Tenn.

541. Fred Samuel Hamilto11, '44 A.B., Fayetteville, Tenn.

542. Malcolm McCarty Cant rell, '45 A B., 319 W. Holmes St., Huntsville, Ala.

543. Jack Allen Lehnhard, '45 B.E , 728 College Hy., Evansville, Ind.

544. Marvin Brindley Small, Jr., '45 A.B., 1121 4th Ave., Gadsden, Ala. 545. William Marshall Hughes, Jr., '44 A.B., 208 Westover Rd., Kansas City, Mo. 546. Allen Douglas Berry, Jr., '45 A B., Berry La., Nashville, Tenn 547. William David Morgan, '44 A B , 2115 Pierce Ave., Nashville, Tenn

548. Louis Carmine Lawrence Pugliese, Jr., '45 A.B., 604 Backusburg Rd., Mayfield, Ky.

549. William Trousdale Allen, Jr., '45 A.B , 308 E. Main St., Gallatin, Tenn 550. Jack Brock, '45 A.B., 353 Haynes St., Memphis, Tenn. 551. William Oliver Floyd, Jr., '45 A.B., Hampton Rd., Nashville, Tenn. 552. James Nollner Stone, Jr , '45 B.E., Hillsboro Rd., Nashville, Tenn. 553. Thomas Bidwell Walker, III, '45 A.B., 216 Wilson Ave., Nashville, Tenn. 554. William Bowers Anderson, Jr., '45 B E., 2131 S Main St., Hopkinsville, Ky 555. William Victor Crosby, '45 A B., 1715 Cedarhill Dr., Royal Oak, Mich. 556. Hugh McClain Richardson , Jr., '45 B.E., 318 Fairfax Ave., Nashville, Tenn. 557. William Arrington Wickliffe, '45 B.E., Cherry St., Greenville, Ky. 558. Thomas Alexander Patrick, Jr., '44 A.B., Mulberry Ave., Fayetteville, Tenn.

Nos. 538-539, initiated Apr. 14, 1941; Nos. 540-558, initiated Feb. 8, 1942. Rushing season: Not decided yet.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Omicron Delta Kappa, James M. Peebles; Alpha Omega Alpha, William L. Johnston.

College activities: Student council, 1; Student union, 1; Honor council, Vance M. Thompson, secy.; Panhellenic council, 1; Intramural board, H. Rainey Frierson, secy.; Sophomore honor roll, 3; Junior class, William B. Carlen, pres.; Sophomore engineers, Jack L. Fralick, vice pres.; Freshman class, Thomas B. Walker, pres.; Student Christian assn., 4; Owl club, Harry E. Richter, vice pres., 4; Ace club, William H. Dale, pres., 2; Skull and Bones, 4; Junior bar assn., Robert M. McRae, treas., H . Rainey Frierson, sgt.-at-arms, 5; Calumet club, 4; Gargoyle club, 2; Camera club, 1; A cappella choir, 2; Junior athletic assn., John M. Allaman, ex officio officer, 3; Band, John M. Allaman, pres., John P. Jones, pub. mgr., B. B. Kerr, drum major, 4; International rel ations club, Robert M. McRae, secy.-treas., 5; Commodore (annual), Fred H Carmichael, bus mgr , Robert M. McRae, asso. ed , H Rainey Frierson, staff head, 4 ; Masquerader, George W. Holcomb, asso bus. mgr., 3; Hustler, 2; Football, James M. Peebles, alt. capt., William S. Mills, mgr., 4; Freshman football, 3; Track, 2; Baseball, 1; Tennis, Richard P Shillinglaw, capt., Sam W. Cayce, mgr., 2; Fencing, 1; Wrestling, 1 ; Golf, 2. Chapter cup : Awarded to the outstanding freshman, Bartlett Johnston Chapter paper: The Dragon, annually.

503. Henry Covington McGrede, Jr., '43 A.B., 711 College St., Sulphur Springs, Texas. 505. Harry Earle Richter, '43 A.B., 301 N. Madison St., Athens, Ala. 508. George Whitfield Holcomb, Jr. , '43 A.B., Golf Club La , Nashville, Tenn Rushing Chairman. 509 John Mack Allaman, Jr., '43 A B., 1212 N 25th St., St. Joseph, Mo. 510. Thomas Frederick Tipler, Jr., '43 A.B., 711 Raleigh Ave., Sheffield, Ala. 512. John Paul Jones, '42 A.B., R R. 5, Memphis, Tenn 514 Bryon Broough Kerr, Jr., '43 A.B , 453 E. Main St., Murfreesboro, Tenn 515 Vance Maynard Thompson, .Jr., '43 A.B., McCrory, Ark. 516. Charles Burdick Mills, III, '43 A.B., 4948 Oliver Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. 517. Richard Perkins Shillinglaw, '43 A.B., Jackson Blvd., Nashville, Tenn. 518. Harry Washington Fritts, '43 B.E., 304 Kingston Ave., Rockwood, Tenn Left college. 519. Robert Malcomb McRae, Jr., '43 A.B. , 503 N. McNeill, Memphis, Tenn. Treasurer. 520. Horace Rainey Frierson, '43 A.B., R.R 1, Columbia, Tenn 521. Thomas Wardlaw Steele, '43 A.B., 108 Wardlaw Pl., Ripley, Tenn. President. 524. William Benton Carlen, Jr., '43 A.B., 605 Dixie Ave., Cookeville, Tenn 526. George Lloyd Herpel, '43 A.B., 229 S Bemiston St., Clayton, Mo 527 Nelson Thornton Trabue, '44 A.B
Craighead Ave
Nashville, Tenn. Left college.
, 222

804. Thomas Grasty Bell, '41 B.A., Valley Pk., Staunton, Va. Vice President

805. Henry Taylor Wickham, II, '41 B.A., 1834 Park Ave. , Richmond, Va.

813. Sture Israel Gordon Olsson, '42 M E., West Point, Va.

814. John Henry Neff, Jr , '42 B.A., University Cir., Charlottesville, ya.

815. William Sinclair Judkins, '42 B.S., 200 Churchwarden Rd ., Baltimore, Md

817 . William Massie Smith, '42 B.A., Greenwood, Va.

818 Joseph Percival Whittle, '42 B.A., 1600 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va.

819. John Parrish March, '42 M.E., 7152 Lower River Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio.

820. Walter Francis Scott, Jr., '42 B.A., 3560 Altamont Rd ., Birmingham, Ala.

821. David Cady Hume, '42 B A. , 1327 Union St., Schenectady, N Y.

823. Edward Howard Goodwin, '42 B.A., 200 Nassau St., Williamsburg, Va.

824. Clinton McClarty Harbison, Jr., '42 B.A., Winchester Pk., Lexington, Ky.

826. James Edward Millan, '42 B.A , 321 Vandeveer St.,

827. Conrad Grove McCown, '43 B.S , 814 Carpenter La., Phi!adelphta, Pa. Rushrng Charrman.

828. Ben jamin Weems Dul any, '43 B.A , "Oakley," Upperville, Va. President.

830. D Maxwell Ellett, '43 B.S.M.E., 400 N. Allen, Richmond, Va.

831. Lewis Frazier Bell, '43 B A. , Valley Pk., Staunton, Va.

832. Charles Cecil Hall, Jr., '43 B A , N. Harvie St., Richmond, Va

834. Edward VanZile Scott, '43 B.A., 3560 Altamont Rd. , Birmingham, Ala.

837 D avid Humphreys March, '44 B A., 7302 Lower River Rd ., Cincinnati, Ohio

838. William Archer Rutherford Goodwin, Jr , '44 B.A., 200 Nassau St., Williamsburg, Va: Left college.

839. Jacquelin Marshall Harrison, '44 B.A., Three Chopt Rd ., Richmond, Va. S ecreta ry .

840. Richard Bayly Buck, '44 B.A., 12 Overhill Rd., Baltimore, Md. Treasur er. ·

841. Ro bert Stewart Bo yd, '43 B.A., 215 N Washington St., Winchester, Va.

842. William Charles Jon es (r H), '44 B A , Sajo Farms, Norfolk, Va.

843. Robert Lee Nutt, Ill , '44 B.A., Lynnhaven, Norfolk, Va.

844. John David Varner, '45 B.A., 3030 Wheeling St., El Paso, Tex

845. Randolph Burwell Cardo z o, '45 B A., 2345 W. Grace St., Richmond, Va.

846. James Matthias Jordon , III, '45 B.A., 52nd St., Virginia Beach, Va.

847. George Fitzgerald Neff , '45 B A., University Cir., Charlottesville, Va

848. Edmond Teliston Mudge, Ill, '45 B.A., Ruxton, Baltimore, Md.

849. Henry Marston Smith , '45 B.A., Greenwood, Va

850. Lockhart Spears, '45 B.A M E., Paris, Ky.

851. James Moultrie Lee, '45 B.A., 527 E. 44th St., Savannah, Ga.

No. 841, initiated May 7, 1941; No. 842, affiliated Oct. 18, 1941; Nos. 843-851, initiated Jan. 17, 1942.

Rushing season: Undecided as yet.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Omicron Delta Kappa, John H. Neff, Jr College activities: T.I.L.K.A. (senior), John H. Neff, Jr , Edward H. Goodwin, Clinton Harbison, Jr., C. Grove McCown; Eli Banana (senior), Henry T. Wickham, Charles C. Hall, Jr., William M. Smith; Imp (senior), E H Goodwin, Clinton Harbison, Jr.; "Z" (senior), John H. Neff, Jr., Charles C. Hall, Jr.; Washington, 1; Raven, 2; College officers, John H Neff, Jr., vice. pres ; Football, William Smith, mgr., 3; Track, 3; Boxing, Benjamin Dulaney, asst. mgr. ; Trigon, 3; P.K., 8; German club, 13; Lambda Pi, 6; Skull and Keys, 11; "V" club, 7.

Chapter cup: Awarded to the member who has done most for the chapter, William Hudgins.

Chapter paper: Alumni Lett er, three times a year.

Wabash College T au

District XII 1846

607. John Richard Scott, '42 A.B., 938 E. 58th St., Indianapolis, Ind.

609. William Pettis Hall, '42 A.B., R.R. 1, Box 40, New Augusta, Ind .

611. Joseph Ballard Pritchett, '42 A.B , 220 E. Monroe, Princeton, Ind.

615. Barnes Calwell, '42 A.B., 5538 Pennsylvania Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.

616. RIChard Uglow Byerrum, '42 A.B., Batavia Rd., Warrenville, Ill.

617. Howard Thomas Craven, '42 A.B., 606 S. Jackson St. , Auburn, Ind .

Crawfordsville, Ind 513 W. Wabash Ave.

622. Emery Williams, Jr., '43 A.B., 3239 N. Illinois, Indianapolis, Ind . Left college.

623. Rtchard Merrell Freeman, '43 A.B., 709 W. Main St., Crawfordsville, Ind

624. Robert Verner Ormes, '43 A.B., 13 Mills PI., Crawfordsville Ind . Pre sident.

625 . William Blundell Fisher, '43 A.B., 1231 Grant St., Evanston', Ill.

627. Robert Glen Fisher, '42 A B., 314 Illinois Ave., Monticello, Ind.

630 Miller Davis, Jr., '43 A B.,- 1633 S. 6th St., Terre Haute, Ind

633. John Jacob Bullock, '43 A.B., 317 S. 5th St., Goshen, Ind . Vice President.

636 D avid Blai_r Noland, '44 A B., 735 E 39th St., Ind ianapo lis, Ind Left college.

637. Donald Kirchhoffer, '44 A B., R R 17, Box 82, Indianapolis, Ind. Secret ary, Rushing Chairman.

University of Virginia Omicron District VIII 1855 Charlottesville, Va. Rugby Rd.


638. James Insley Osborne, Jr., '44 A.B., 414 Crawford St., Crawfordsville, Ind.

639. Joseph Jerome Littell, Jr., '44 A B., N Crows Nest, Indianapolis, Ind

640. Howard John Baumgartel, Jr., '42 A.B ., 235 E. 33rd St., Indianapolis, Ind. 641. John Merle Coulter, '44 A.B., 1316 E. 54th St., Chicago, Ill. Treasur er. 644. Stanley Edmund Hines, '44 A.B., 407 S. Main St , Auburn, Ind 645. James Edward Millholland, '44 A.B., 5157 Winthrop Ave. , Indianopolis, Ind. Left college 646. John Howard Ingram, '43 A.B., 6611 McCook Ave., Hammond, Ind. 647. Richard Carroll Ragan, '45 A.B., 358 N. Broadway, Yonkers, N.Y

Theodore Roosevelt Bullock, '45 A.B., 317 S. 5th St., Goshen, Ind

Benton Jr., '45 A.B., 168 Forest Ave., Oak Park Ill.

William Horace .I.J.llerdice, Jr., '45 A B., 145 E. 44th St , Indianapolis, Ind. 651. Edward Joseph Boleman, Jr., '45 A.B., 42 W. 42nd St., Indianapolis, Ind.

652. Richard Gorman Hall, '45 A.B., 318 W. Columbia, Davenport, Iowa.

653. Jack Livengood Weber, '45 A.B., 1432 Kensington Blvd., Fort Wayne, Ind.

Nos . 644-645, initiated Apr. 27, 1941; Nos. 646-653, initiated Feb. 21, 1942.

Rushing season: Open.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Richard U. Byerrum.

College activities: Senior council, Robert G. Fisher; Senior class, Willi am B. Calwell, pres.; Sphinx club, 3; Interfraternity council, Joseph B. Pritchett, pres.; Bach elor, Robert V. Ormes, ed., 2; IVabash (annual), Richard M. Freeman, ed., 2; Band, 2; Dance orchestra, 2; Scarlet Masque, Donald Kirchhoffer, bus. mgr., 5; Blue Key, Richard U. Byerrum, pres., 2; Tau Kappa Alpha, 1; Alpha Pi, 4; Board of publications, 1; Debate, 1; History club, Robert V. Ormes, pres., 4; Lettermen's club, 7; Football, 5; Basketball, 1; Track, 4; Pi Delta Epsilon, 3; Glee club, 1; French club, 2.

Chapter cup: John M Coulter, highest grades in freshman class.

Chapter paper: Tau's B ar k, twice a year

Washington University

Alpha Iota

1869 University Campus

St. Louis, Mo. District XVIII

450. Herbert Francis Killinger, '43 B.S., 7 Fair Oaks, St. Louis, Mo.

463. Warren Murch Jolley, '42 B.S., 261 8th St., Wood River, Ill.

466. Ceylon Smith Lewis, Jr., '42 A.B., 1500 W. Okmulgee, Muskogee, Okla. President.

468. William Sutter Cassilly, '42 B.S., 704 S. Berry Rd ., Webster Groves, Mo.

470. James David Hennigan, '4 4 LL.B., 8140 Gannon, University City, Mo. 471. Robert George Stolz, '42 B.S., 2611 Arkansas, St. Louis, Mo


St., Wood River, Ill.

Clark Garrison, Jr., '43 B.S., 6061 Pershing Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Secretary. 488. Richard Weir Devi'ne, '43 B.S., 530 Sunnyside, Webster Groves, Mo. 490. James Brackett Gilbert, '43 B.S., 5822a Westminster Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 492. Gary Bedford Wood, '43 A.B., 433 Woodlawn Ave , Webster Groves, Mo. 493. Robert William John Kreuiter, '43 B.S., 309 S. Fillmore St., Edwardsville, Ill.

495. Harry D eWitt Nelgner, Jr., '43 B.S., 6709 Leona, St. Louis, Mo.

497. Henry Frederick Niedringhaus, '43 B S., 484 Lake Ave., St. Louis, Mo

498. Robert Carpenter Bown, '43 B.S., 1119 Art Hill Pl., St. Louis, Mo.

499. James Cash Sisk, '43 A.B., 6047 Oleatha Ave., St. Louis, Mo.

500. John Adolphus Leschen, II, '43 B.S , 4915 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, Mo.

501. Milton Eugene Warren, '42 A.B., 665 Cherry St , Springfield, Mo.

502. John Jamison Cole, '43 LL.B., 37 Ridgemoor Dr., Clayton, Mo. Inactive.

503. Paul John Fullerton, '43 B.S., 5616 Pershing Ave., St. Louis, Mo.

504. Herman Terrance Kurrus, Jr., '42 A.B., 1405 Belmont Ave., East St. Louis, Ill.

505. John Abner Cotter, '44 B.S., 2019 Erie St., North Kansas City, Mo

506. Rexford Henry Caruthers, '45 LL.B., 4549 Westminster Pl., St. Louis, Mo. Rushing Chairman.

507. Robert Barrett Huette, '44 A.B., 7376 Kingsbury Blvd., University City, Mo.

508. Robert Carl Ausbeck, '44 B.S., 165 S. Oak Park Ave , Oak Park, Ill.

509. Nolan Lawrence Stinson, '44 B.S , Graeser Rd., Creve Coeur, Mo.

510. John Joseph McEnerney, Jr., '42 B.S., Route 1, Dundee, Ill.

511. Max Duncan Seibel, '42 B.S., 1109 S. Main St., Princeton, Ill.

512. Sidney John Adams, Jr., '44 B.S., 426 S. Kirkwood Rd., Kirkwood, Mo.

513. Arthur Robert Carpenter, '44 B.S., 3811 Melba Pl., Normandy, Mo.

514. Thomas Peter Courtney, '44 B S., 823 W. 6th St., Sedalia, Mo

Leo Ingersoll Miller, '42 A .B., 7305 Pershing, University City, Mo. 477. Roy Van Arsdel Whisnand, '4 2 A.B., 4562 Parkview, St. Louis, Mo. Vice Pre sid en t. 479. William Shields Nebe, '42 B.S., 7746 Gannon Ave., University City, Mo. Tre asurer. 480. Charles Louis Mattes, Jr., '42 A.B., 639 N. Taylor Ave , Kirkwood, Mo. 481. Allen Lapham Lindow, '4 2 B.S., 2314 E. Stratford Ct., Milwaukee, Wis. Left college. 482. Frank Peyton Gaunt, Jr., '42 A.B., 447 W. Jackson Rd , Webster Groves, Mo. Inactive. 483. Drury Earle King, '43 B.S., 1020 43rd St., North St. Petersburg, Fla Left college. 484. Victor Barcroft Kieffer, Jr., '43 A.B., 6900 Cornell Ave., University City, Mo. 485. Harold Numan Jolley, '43 A.B., 261 8th


515. Logan Tomkins MacMillan, '42 B.S., 415 S. Kirkwood Rd., Kirk:"'ood, Mo.

516. George Edmund Burton, '44 A.B., 4713 Woodland, Western Spnngs, _111. •

517. Augustus Benjamin Jones (A P), '42 A.B., Army and Navy Hospttal, Hot Spnngs, Ark.

518. Robert Hill Lewis, Jr (A P), '43 B.S., 425 W. Jackson Rd., Webster Groves, Mo.

519. William Mudge Kahmann, '44 B.S., 877 Tuxedo, Webster Groves, Mo.

520. Charles Richard Nash, '44 B.S., 233 Hickory St., Edwardsville, Ill.

521. Edwin Louis Winkelmeyer, '45 B.S., 9429 Old Bonhomme Rd., St. Louis County, Mo.

522. Alan Bryan MacMillan, '44 B.S., 415 S. Kirkwood Rd., Kirkwood, Mo.

523. Robert James Cassilly, '45 B.S., 704 S. Berry Rd., Webster Groves, Mo.

524. Joseph William Widmer, '45 B.S., 26 S. Elm Ave., Webster Groves, Mo.

525. Care/ton Irvin Bruns, '45 B.S , 1163 Clay St., St Charles, Mo.

526. Robert EdwtUd Bates, '43 B.S , 445 N. Harrison Ave., Kirkwood, Mo.

527. Charles Yale Pfoutz, '45 B.S., 364 Gray Ave., Webster Groves, Mo.

528. Robert Louis Johanning, '45 B.S., 326 Gray Ave., Webster Groves, Mo.

529. Robert Grafton McElwain, '45 B.S., 7818 Delmar Blvd , University City, Mo.

530. Charles Raymond Clifford, Jr ., '45 A.B., 7396 Flora Ave., Maplewood, Mo.

531. Hugh Travis Moore, '46 LL.B., 5115 State Line, Kansas City, Mo.

532. John Porter Parker, '46 LL.B., 219 Hickory St., Edwardsville, Ill.

533. William Blair Hutton, '46 LL.B., 444 Somerset Ave., Webster Groves, Mo .

534. Milton Edward Meyer, Jr., '44 B.S., 136 S. Kingshighway, St. Charles, Mo.

535. William Samuel Krebs, Jr., '45 B.S., 343 N. Gore Ave., Webster Groves, Mo.

536. William Francis Schierholz, Jr., '43 B.S., 5430 Bartmer, St. Louis, Mo. No. 516, initiated Oct. 20, 1941; Nos. 517-518, affiliated Oct. 6, 1941; Nos. 519-536, initiated Feb. 9, 1942.

Rushing seasons: June 8-10 and Sept. 28-30, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Omicron Delta Kappa, Ceylon S. Lewis, Jr.

College activities: Thurtene (junior) , 2; Lock and Chain (sophomore), 1; Engineers' council, Logan T. MacMillan, pres., 5; Hatchet, William S. Cassilly, ed., 5; University chorus, 2; Band, 2; Quadrangle club, Ceylon S Lewis, Jr., pres., ·Clark Garrison, Jr., bus. mgr., 12; Football, 2; Baseball, Robert W. Kreuiter, co-capt., 2; Track, 1; Tennis, 1; Thyrus (dramatics), David ]. Hennigan, pres., 10; Y..M.C.A., 6; Press club, 3; Tau Pi Epsilon, 4; Kaabah, 2.

Chapter cups and awards: The Founders cup, Gary B. Wood, scholastic improvement; Van Ornum badge, Charles L. Mattes, Jr., best all-around Beta in chapter; Charles H. Dunker, Jr., cup, Robert C. Brown, best sophomore in chapter.

Chapter paper: Alpha Iota News, three times a year.

University of Washington District XXII Beta Omega 1901

481. Lawrence Harold Heath, '41 B.S., 113 E 4th, Olympia, Wash

483. Donald Stanfield Means, '41 B.A., Mercer Island, Wash. Graduated.

495. Samuel James Corisis, '41 B.A., Sillman Hotel, Spokane, Wash.

Seattle, Wash. 1617 E. 47th St.

496. Charles Edward Fancher, '42 B.A., 4710 University Way, Seattle, Wash. Treasurer.

497. Peter Fisher, '42 B.A , 4014 Brooklyn Ave , Seattle, \Vash

498. Thomas Simon Galbraith, '42 B.A., Gig Harbor, Wash President.

507. Robert Lombard Kummer, '42 LL.B ., 1407 38th Ave., Seattle, Wash.

513. Robert Mayo Sanders, '42 B A., 3431 W Blaine, Seattle, Wash. Left college.

516. Richard Tower Yantis, '42 B.A., W. Bay Dr., Olympia, Wash.

519. Raymond Hutt Meredith, '42 B.A., Raymond, Wash. Vice President.

520. Roy Edward Anderson, '43 B.A., 417 Olympic Way, Olympia, Wash.

521. Eugene Richard Anderson, '43 B.A., 708 33rd, Everett, Wash.

524 George Victor Fliflet, '41 B.A., 1340 Shannon St., Salt Lake City, Utah

526. Walter Brown Harrison, '43 B.A., 5201 E. 43rd, Seattle, Wash.

527. Ulic Martin Henehan, '43 B.A., 2235 Crescent Dr., Seattle, Wash.

528 . Eugene Kirsten, '42 B.A., 1800 Shelby St., Seattle, Wash. Left college.

532. John William Scott, '43 C.E., 4208 43rd N.E., Seattle, Wash.

534. Dwight Burr Smith, '43 B A , 914 24th N , Seattle, Wash.

535. John Wendell Sweet, '43 LL.B , 704 N. Washington Ave., Centralia, Wash Rushing Chairman

537. Arthur Robert Anderson, '42 B.S., 1639 21st, Seattle, Wash.

538. Robert Gerald McLaughlin, '43 B.A., 1615 E. McGraw, Seattle, Wash. Left college

540. Andrew William Olson, '43 LL.B., 1009 N.E 5th Ave., Camas Wash.

542 Harold Osceola Willits, '43 LL.B., 11538 Fremont Ave., Seattl;, Wash.

545 Keene Bettinger, '44 B.A., 8615 21st Ave S.W , Seattle, Wash.

546. Art hur R aymond Bo ag , '43 B.A , U.S. Naval Air Corps, Corpus Christi, Texas. Left college.

547. Ellrot Wardell Burdett, '44 LL.B , 4009 Price St., Seattle, Wash.

548. Robert Earl Connor, '43 B A., 2528 1st Ave W., Seattle, Wash.

549. James Lynch Currier, '42 B.A., 5724 17th Ave. N.E., Seattle, Wash. Secretary.


Robert Langan Graham, '44 B.A., 2710 E. 54th, Seattle, Wash. Left college.

Jack Alfred Greenewald, '44 B.A., 2808 33rd St., Seattle, Wash.

Robert Lang Haas, '44 Ch.E , 370 Wheeler St., Seattle, Wash.

Robert Stuart Hoonan, '42 B.A., U.S. Naval Air Corps, Corpus Christi, Texas. Left college.

Joseph Clifford Jensen, '43 B A ., Arlington, Wash.

Herbert Edward Joachims, '44 B.A., 5125 Multnomah, Portland, Oreg.

Jack Alfred Kriebel, '44 B.A., 6018 27th Ave. N.E., Seattle, Wash.

Robert Arthur Leach, '43 B.A., Arlington, Wash.

Warren Easton Milligan, '43 B.A., 3771 N E Bryce St., Portland, Oreg

Kjell Hammond Qvale, '42 B A., U.S. Naval Air Corps, Corpus Christi, Texas. Left college

Edward Carlton Sander, '44 B.A., 5772 E. Green Lake Way, Seattle, Wash.

Williard Car/is Spratt, '44 B A., 2205 Bigilow Apts., Seattle, Wash.

James Neil Webb, '44 B.A., Camas, Wash

Hobart lvor Moses (2: P), '42 B.S., 1555 N.E. 37th St., Oklahoma City, Okla.

James Aloysius Forney (B -¥), '42 B.A., 6415 Broad St., Brookmont Park, Md. Left college.

Roy Arthur Anderson, '44 B.A., 8615 32nd Ave. S.W., Seattle, Wash.

Wright Hamilton Arnold, '45 LL.B., 1869 Shelby St., Seattle, Wash.

Gerry Dewey Austin, '45 B.S., 1233 21st Ave., Longview, Wash.

George Robert Bird, '44 B.A., Route 1, Box 355, Renton, Wash.

Charles Leonard Burchfield, '45 B.A., 315 W. 3rd St., Vancouver, Wash.

Donald Percy Campbell, '45 B.A., 110 W. 29th St., Vancouver, Wash.

Edward Frederick Carlberg, Jr., '45 B.A., Route 2, Box 568, Kent, Wash.

Robert Clive Corbett, '45 B.A., Eatonville, Wash.

Richard Daugherty, '45 B.A., 301 W. 3rd St., Aberdeen, Wash.

James Alexander Eberhardt, '45 B.A., 1225 2nd Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah.

Richard Burton Grass, '45 B.S., 1571 Hellman Ave., Alta Lorna, Calif

Howard Leslie Graul, '45 B.S., W. 1038 Kiernan Ave., Spokane, Wash.

Quentin Rowland Koenig, '44 B A., 3635 Magnolia Blvd., Seattle, Wash.

Jack Claire LaRue, '45 B.S., 2601 W. Viewmont Way, Seattle, Wash.

Jack Eugene McCorkle, '45 B.A , Route 1, Box 306, Kelso , W ash.

llewellyn Dana Morse, '44 B.A., Route 1, Box 185, Marysville, Wash.

Robert Collins Munger , '45 B.A., 4911 Laurelcrest La., Sea"ttle, Wash.

Arvid Stanley Peterson, '45 B.S., 1513 42nd Ave. S.W., Seattle, Wash.

Frederick Lewis Provo, '45 B.A., Kinzua, Oreg.

Robert Smith, '44 B.A., 513 S Diamond St., Centralia, Wash.

Eugene Harry Swanzey, '43 B.A. , 5615 W. Winthrop, Seattle, Wash.

William Homer Taylor, '45 B.S., Birch St., Shelton, Wash

Robert Heermans Van Eaton, '45 B.A., 2518 Washington St., Olympia, Wash.

William John Wichman, '45 B A , 2520 43rd W., Seattle, Wash.

Nos. 545-562, initiated Apr. 9, 1941; Nos. 563-564, affiliated Nov. 3, 1941; Nos. 565-588, initiated Jan. 14, 194J.

· Ru.rhing season: Unannounced.

College activities: Oval club (senior), Laurence H. Heath, Raymond H. Meredith, Thomas S Galbraith, DonaldS. Means, George V. Fliflet; Malamutes (underclass), 6; Purple Shield (underclass), 3; Interfraternity council, 1; Managerial council, Raymond H Meredith, pres.; Student board of control, 1; Big "W" club, 14; Spiked Shoe club, Eugene Swanzey, vice pres., 5; Football, Raymond W. Meredith, sr. mgr., 5; Track, 5; Baseball, :.3; Crew, 3; Swimming, Thomas S. Galbraith, sr. mgr.; Glee club, 1; Varsity boat club, 3; Ski team, 1; Rifle team, 1; Kappa Beta Phi, 4. Chapter paper: The Trident, every two years.

Washington State College Gamma Theta Pullman, Wash. District XXI 1920 704 Linden Ave.

386. Ray Milton O'Day, Jr., '42 A.B., 312 LeJeune Way, Birmingham, Ala.

390. Edwin Freeland Knettle, '42 A B., Pomeroy, Wash.

391. Earle Milton Baldwin, Jr , '41 B.S , D.V.M., 1123 Broadway, Helena, Mont.

394. Colver John Matters, '42 B.S., 155 Capitol Apts., Olympia, Wash.

396. Carl Lawrence Nicholson, '42 A B., E. 504 21st Ave., Spokane, Wash.

407. Oliver Raymond Dinsmore, Jr., '43 B.S., 114 W. 20th, Olympia, Wash. President.

409. Lawrence Fredrick Turnbull, '43 B.S., 527 O 'Farrell Ave., Olympia, Wash.

410. Gordon Holmburg Taylor, '43 B.S., W 1403 13th Ave., Spokane, Wash.

411. Edward Richard McDonald, '43 A.B., 2910 N. 27th St., Tacoma, Wash.

412. Garrild Harris Matters, '43 A.B., 155 Capitol Apts., Olympia, W ash. Treasurer.

413. William Henry Townsend, '41 D.V.M., A.C.M. Club, Great Falls, Mont.

421. Francis Wesley Rish, '41 A.B., 1112 Jefferson Ave., Yakima, Wash.

422 . Robert Sylvester Race, '43 B.S., Box 1888, Ketchikan, Alaska.

423. Joel Marion Johanson, '43 B.S., Newport, Wash. Vice President

424. Robert Carrol McClure, '42 B.S., 373 N. Oak, Colville, Wash.

550. 551. 552. 553. 554. 555. 556. 557. 558. 559 560. 561. 562. 563. 564. 565. 566. 567. 568. 569. 570. 571. 572. 573. 574. 575. 576. 577. 578. 579. 580. 581. 582 . 583. 584. 585. 586. 587 588.


Robert Theodore Coffman '44 A.B. , 1216 S. Union, Tacoma, Wash.

George Arthur Davison, .• '44 A.B., 203 6th Ave. E., Twin Falls, Idaho.

Martin Albert Woodward, '42 A.B., S. 828 ESt., Spokane, Wash. Lemyrt Dix Knettle, Jr., '44 A.B., 219 36th St. N., Seattle, Wash.

David McGaughey Morgan, '43 B S., Coulee D am, Wash. S ecretary.

Harry Charles Fletcher, '44 B.S., 2400 Lafayette St., Bellingham, Wash.

Walter Lovell Bogart, Jr. , '43 B.S., 1618 W. Spokane, Left college. . . George William Dyson, Jr., '44 B S., 1966 Pacific Ave., San FranCISCo, Cahf. Rushmg Chatrman.

John Gordon Sillman, '43 A.B., 203 W. 19th Ave., Spokane, Wash.

John Alfred Syverson, '44 A B., Route 5, Spokane, Wash.

Orin Ercel Hollingberry, Jr., '44 A.B., 2006 Indiana, Pullman, Wash.

Henry George Russell, '44 B.S., 1207 W Shannon, Spokane, Wash.

Patrick Joseph Gerald R yan, Jr., '44 A.B., Box 218, Bothe!, Wash. Left college.

Robert Jerome Whisler, '44 B.S., Route 1, Box 453, Centralia, Wash.

Wesley IJVillard McCabe, '43 A.B., Box 66, Tekoa, Wash.

John Harmon Rice, Jr , '43 A.B., 21 S. Franklin, Wenatchee, Wash. Left college.

William Christian Pritchard, '45 A.B., 108 Olson St., Pullman, Wash.

William Berry Junker, '45 B S , E. 350 17th, Spokane, Wash.

Garth Edward Driver, '45 B.S., 2314 S. Columbia, Olympia, Wash.

Ewing Maine Johnson, Jr., '45 B.S., 6th St. & Highland Ave., Lewiston, Idaho.

Robert Lee Rennick, '45 B.S., 336 N. Alberta, Portland, Oreg.

Robert Whitcomb Pi/key, '45 B.S., W. 202 19th, Spokane, Wash.

John Russell Nicholson, '45 B.S., E. 404 21st Ave., Spokane, Wash.

Alan James Kronschnabel, '45 A.B., 116 S. Wilson, Wenatchee, Wash.

Verne Elton Stephens, '45 B.S., 623 N. Morgan St., Portland, Oreg.

Norman Keith D river, '44 A.B., 530 Highland Dr., Wenatchee, Wash.

Wilmot Joseph Miller, '45 A B., 1233 21st North, Seattle, Wash.

Robert Franklyn Morgan, '45 A.B., 208 W. 1st, Aberdeen, Wash. Left college.

John Norton Waters, '45 B.S., Coulee Dam, Wash.

Robert Gray S tevenson, Jr., '45 A.B., P O. 346, Sacramento, Calif.

James Alfred Thompson, '45 A.B., 5253 18th N.E., Seattle, Wash.

Harold Edsel Hodge, '43 A.B., Cheney, Wash.

Da vid McKay Clevenger, '45 B.S., Coulee Dam, Wash.

Ph illip Sterling Colfer, Jr., '45 A.B., 5554 Renrith Rd ., Seattle, Wash.

Orman Wellington Young, Jr ., '43 A.B., E. 3123 30th Ave., Spokane, Wash.

Nos. 431-439, initiated May 17, 1941; Nos. 440-443, initiated Oct. 18, 1941; Nos. 444-462, initiated Feb. 22, 1942.

Ru shing season: Sept 22-28, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Tau Beta Pi, David M. Morgan. College activities: Crimson Circle (senior), Ray M. O'Day, Jr.; Evergreen, 2; Football, 2; Baseball, 2; Track, 1; Golf, 1; Band, 1; Orchestra, 1; Gray "W" club, 3; Intercollegiate Knights, 2; Scabbard and Blade, 1; Advanced R.O.T.C., 4; Senior class, Carl L. Nicholson, pres.; Freshman class, James A. Thompson, treas.

Chapter cups: Freshman efficiency cup, Robert T. Coffman; Freshman scholarship cup, Robert T. Coffman

Chapter paper: Gamma Theta News, annually.

Washington and Jefferson College Gamma District VII 1842

665. Jules Henri LeBlanc, '43 A.B.,,204 Volmer St., Toronto, Ohio.

671. Robert Elliot Clark, '42 B.S., Langloth, Pa. Inactive.

Washington, Pa. 166 S. Wade Ave

672. Noel Alexander Calhoun, Jr., '42 A.B., 405 Reynolds Ave., McKeesport, Pa. Secretary Rushing CoChairman. '

673. Edwin Richard Wash, Jr , '42 B.S., 12 E. 3rd St., Lewistown, Pa

674. Gilbert Merwin Watt, '42 A.B , 1035 Marietta Ave., Lancaster, Pa.

675. Thomas Waitman Morgan, '42 B.S., 47 N. Main St., Johnstown, Ohio. President.

676. Ray Lester Cathcart, Jr. , '42 B.S., 301 Kings Highway, Carnegie, Pa. Vice President. Graduated

681. Thomas Addison Goodwin, '42 B.S., 32 Maple Ave., Woodsdale, Wheeling, W.Va.

684. John Howard Wilson, '42 738 Washington Ave., Carnegie, Pa.

687. James Irwin Wallover, '43 B S., Midland, Pa.

688. John Jacob Paull, Jr., '43 B.S., 1600 Pleasant Ave., Wellsburg, W.Va.

689. Donald Core Tangeman, '43 B.S., 3450 Observatory Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio

690. Robert Alfred Cronberg, '43 B.S , 4319 N. Francisco Ave , Chicago, Ill.

691. Robert Seipel Meermans, '43 A B., 506 Winter Ave., New Castle, Pa.

692 Harvey D onald McClure, '43 A B., 1134 Lake Rd., Erie, Pa Treasurer.

694. Harry Winfield Taylor, Jr., '43 B.S., E. Wheeling St., Washington, Pa.

695 . Robert Claude Waltz, '43 B.S., 13503 6th Ave., East Cleveland, Ohio.

427 428. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450 451. 452. 453 454. 455. 456. 457. 458
459. 460. 461. 462.

Mill St., New Salem, Pa.

717. Thomas McKennan Cummins, Jr., '45 A B., 155 Washington Ave., Wheeling W.Va. 718. Edward Bradley Hastings, '45 A B., 261 Atlanta Dr., Mt. Lebanon, Pa. ' 719. David Se ymour Lewis, '45 A B., 817 Lincoln Ave., Erie, Pa.

720. William Jame.r Chamberlain, Jr. , '45 A.B., 747 Putnam Ave., Trenton, N.J.

721. Donald Elsworth Sloan, Jr., '45 A.B., Emlenton, Pa

722 Ja mes Porter Doak, '45 A.B , West Middletown, Pa.

723. Warren Keith Martin, '43 A.B., 1719 Ridge Ave., Sharpsville, Pa.

Nos 707-709, initiated May 12, 1941; Nos. 710-723, initiated Feb. 7, 1942

Ru.rhi ng season: Unannounced.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa , Thomas W. Morgan

College activities: Crest (senior), Noel A. Calhoun, Jr., Thomas W. Morgan; Interfraternity council, 1; Student council, 1; Pando.ra (annual), 2; Glee club, 8; Band, 1; Buskin club, 3; Football, John B. Mantonya, soph. mgr., 2; Freshman football, 2; Senior cheerleader, Robert C. Waltz; Basketball, 3; Swimming, 1; Freshman swimming, 2; Track, Jules H. LeBlanc, jr. mgr., 2; Kera (junior), 2; College church elders, 4; Moffat debate forum, Jules H. LeBlanc, jr mgr., 3; Student service union, 7; Tennis, 3; Eta Sigma Phi, 4; Pi Delta Epsilon, 2; Phi Chi Mu, 1; Phi Sigma, 2; Alpha Kappa Alpha, 4. Chapter paper: Gamma Nostra, semi-annually.

Ge,orge Frederick Parton, Jr., '42 A B , 3 Westway, Bronxville, N.Y 342. Jack Barrie, '42 B S., 1132 Helfenstein Ave., Webster Groves, Mo. 343. Henry Harper Woods, Jr., '42 A.B., W. Jackson Rd., Webster Groves, Mo. 344. Robert Francis Shultz, '42 B S., 1415 Birchard Ave., Fremont, Ohio

345 Benjamin Evans Jasper, '42 A.B., 600 Stonegate Ter., Glencoe, Ill.

346. William Henderson Jasper, '42 A B., 600 Stonegate Ter., Glencoe, Ill.

347. Frank Linton La Motte, Jr., '42 A.B., Cowpens Farm, Towson, Md.

348. Charles Hanna Lanier, '42 A.B., Box 474, Lethbridge, Canada.

349. Edgar McLouis Peter David Boyd, '42 A.B., 1913 McKean Ave., Baltimore, Md

350. Robert Fishburne Campbell, Jr., '42 A.B., 6 Pearson Dr , Asheville, N.C.

352. Paul Baker, Jr., '42 A.B., 896 22nd St., Ashland, Ky.

353. Ralph Scott Taggart, '43 B.S., 6 Jacqueline Dr., Downers Grove, Ill.

358. Robert Parker Tyson, '43 A.B., Wing Lake Rd ., Birmingham, Mich. Rushing Chairman

360. Thomas Carlyle Wilson, Jr., '43 A.B , 2028 Coventry Rd., Columbus, Ohio. President.

361. Robert Sanders Leake, '43 A B , 14 Caroline Ave., Fort Thomas, Ky

362. Houston Magill Kimbrough, '43 B.S., 1321 Ferris Ct., Spokane, Wash. Secretary .

363. John Webster McGehee, Jr., '43 A.B., 3 Main St., Reidsville, N C. Treasurer.

364. Robert Lee Michael, '43 A.B., 111 South St., Jackson, Ohio.

365. Louis Walls Shroyer, III, '43 A.B., Loch Raven, Md. Left college.

366. Stuart Moore Faison, '44 A B., 323 S. Main St., Lexington, Va.

367 . Byron Parmer Redman, Jr., '44 B.S., 2452 Tremont Ave., Columbus, Ohio.

368. Frank Nichols Jarvis, '44 B.S., 1196 Chaffield Rd., Columbus, Ohio.

369. Clarence Freeman Johnson, Jr., '44 A B., Library Plaza, 1637 Orrington Ave., Evanston, Ill.

370. Donald Hardie Putnam, '44 B.S., 1219 Bath Ave., Ashland, Ky.

372. · Thomas Leete Stilwell, '44 B.S., 20850 Byron St., Cleveland, Ohio.

373. Herman M Carr, Jr., '44 B.S., 225 Argyle Cir., Gadsden, Ala.

374. William Houghton Davidson, '43 B S., 4108 Ingomar, Washington, D C.

697. James Robinson McNinch, Jr., '43 B.S., West Alexander, Pa. 699. John Butcher Mantonya, '44 A.B.. 256 Mill St., Utica, Ohio. 701. Frank William Long, '44 B.S., 997 E. Maiden St., Washington, Pa. Rushing Co-Chairman. 702. Douglas Kinder Mcilvaine, Jr., '44 B.S., 82 Wellington Ave., Short Hills, N.J. 703. James '44 A B., 13 McClane Ave., Washington, Pa. 704. John Franklm Jackson, 44 B.S., New Waterford, Ohio. 705. Alexander Richard Roman, '43 B.S., 1342 Marlowe Ave. , Lakewood, Ohio. 706. John King McClenahan Stevens, '44 B.S., 231 White Plains Rd., Tuckahoe, N.Y. 707. Ira Curtis Matheny, '44 B.S , 250 Pennsylvania Blvd., Mt. Lebanon, Pa. Left college 708. John Randolph Hood, '42 B.S., R.D. 1, Connellsville, Pa. 709. George Thomas Pettibon , '44 B.S., 474 Heller St., Rochester, Pa 710. Thomas Richard Geisinger, '43 A.B., Rosslyn Farms, Carnegie, Pa. 711. Wallace Putnam Cathcart, '4 5 A.B., 301 Kings Highway, Carnegie, Pa. 712. Warren Sh errill Reditzg, '45 A.B , 302 Overdale Rd , Forest Hills, Pa. 713. Robert Lacey Stewart, '45 A.B., 713 Penn Ave., Midland, Pa. 714. Robert James Wilson, '45 A.B., 519 National Bank of Tulsa Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. 715. Robert Edward Johnson, '45 A.B., 342 Van Buren St., Jamestown, N.Y. 716. Robert Allen McCombs, '45 A.B.,
Washington and Lee University District VIII Alpha Rho 1856 Lexington, Va 101 N. Jefferson St. 331.
Richard Worthington Smith, '41 A.B., Monroe Park, Lexington, Va. Left college.


375. Chadbourne Bryan Smith, '45 A.B., 201 Plant Ave., Webster Groves, Mo.

376. Ernst Lovell Becker, '4 5 A B., Box 63, Route 6, Amberely, Cincinnati, Ohio.

377. Abner Lin wood Holton, Jr ., '45 A.B., Big Stone Gap, Va.

378. William Clarence Hood, '45 A.B , 2409 Moore St., Ashland, Ky.

379. William Vestal Richards, Jr., '45 A.B., 20 E. Dickson, Dayton, Ohio.

380. William Corwin Mowris, '45 A.B., 328 Seneca Pkwy., Rochester, N.Y.

381. Arthur Jefferson Biddison, '45 B S., 1611 E. 21st St., Tulsa, Okla.

382. John Call Ware, '45 A.B., 1232 E. 28th, Tulsa, Okla.

383. H'enry Everard Young, '45 A.B., 18 S. Pleasant Ave., Norwalk, Ohio.

384. Howard Kendall Gibson, '45 A.B., 8215 Dorchester Ave., Chicago, Ill.

385. Seymour Morton Ingraham, '45 B.S., 156 Summer St., Bristol, Conn.

386. James Bentley Wayman, '45 A.B., 6 Gramatan Gardens, Bronxville, N.Y. Left college.

No. 374, initiated Oct. 15, 1941; Nos. 375-386, initiated Feb. 12, 1942. Rushing season: Sept. 14-19, 1942 {prob ab le).

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Paul Baker, Jr , RobertS. Leake, Robert F. Campbell, Jr.; Phi Eta Sigma, Paul Baker, Jr., Robert F. Campbell, Jr., Robert F. Shultz, Stuart M. Faison, Robert S. Leake, Thomas C. Wilson, Houston M Kimbrough.

College activities: Sigma (senior), R. W. Smith; Academic school, Edgar Boyd, senior pres.; Trouba. dours, Edgar Boyd, pres.; Ring Tum Phi, 6; Calyx (annual), 4; Swimming, B. E. Jasper, capt.; Wrestling, C. H. Lanier, co-capt., C. F. Johnson, Jr., jr. mgr.; Lacrosse, Edgar Boyd, capt., 6; Football, 1; Track, 2; Tennis, 2; Fencing, 2; Rifle team, 1; Tau Kappa Iota, 4; Chi Gamma Theta, 8; Sigma Delta Chi, 1; Cotillion, 3; "13 " club (junior), 2; White Friars (sophomore), 4; Pi Alpha Nu, 3; Societas praemedicas, 2; Christian council, 2; Forensic union, 1; Lee dinner forum, 1; Freshman dormitory councilors, 3.

Chapter cups: Eddie Ladd cup for outstanding freshman, Thomas L. Stilwell ; Scholarship cup for outstanding grades in freshman class, Frank Jarvis.

Chapter papers: Marching Along in Beta Theta Pi, annually; Alumni Letter, quarterly.

Wesleyan University Mu Epsilon District II 1890

653. Lawrence Cutler Bangs, Jr., '42 A.B., 157 D avis St., White Plains, N.Y.

657. Arthur Raymond Garland, '42 A.B., 144 Greenridge Ave., White Plains, N.Y.

659. Robert Rowen Landsiedel, '42 A.B., Chestnut Hills, Wilton, Conn.

660. Richard Wendell Leighton, '42 A.B., 11 Island Rd., Cape Elizabeth, Maine.

663. Donald Thompson Steward, '42 A.B., Allen Ave., Meriden, Conn.

664. Richard Godfrey Billard, '43 A B., Rowayton, Conn. T reasure r.

Middletown, Conn. 184 High St.

665. Robert Lewis Clark, '43 A.B., 126 Ayers Ct., West Englewood, N .J. Rushing Chairman.

666. Robert George Clinch, '43 A.B., 4 Perkins Ave., Reading, Mass.

668. Don ald Howes Johnson, '43 A.B., 882 Park Ave., Cranston, R.I.

670. William Fisher Lynch, II, '42 A.B., Brandywine Glen, Chadd's Ford, Pa.

671. Richard Louis Lyons, '43 A.B., 24 Vale Rd., Reading, Mass. President.

673 Frederic Walter Jr., '43 A.B., 5 Franklin Ave., White Plains, N.Y.

674. John Randolph Mitchell, '43 A.B., 59 Lynnwood Rd ., Scarsdale, N.Y. Vice President.

675 Albert Edward Pels, Jr., '43 A.B., 191 Union St., Montclair, N J.

676. John Richie, Jr., '43 A.B., 1032 Dinsmore Rd ., Winnetka, Ill.

677. Clinton Babcock Yeomans, '43 A.B., 20 Sycamore Rd., Hartford, Conn.

680. Peter Edgell Russell, '42 A.B., 42 Puiva Rd., Honolulu, T.H.

682. Stephen Clarke, '44 A.B., 29 Skennard Pl., Yonkers, N.Y.

683. Harvey Buswell Harrison, '44 A.B., 1237 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N.Y.

684 Robert Lawson Henderson, '44 A.B., 277 Chatterton Pkwy., White Plains, N.Y.

685. John Hunton Moss, Jr., '44 A.B., 86 Front St., Binghamton, N.Y. Secret ary.

686. John Butler Pratt, '44 A.B., 180 Longview Ave., White Plains, N.Y.

687. John Jr., '44 A B , 272 West End Ave ., Ridgewood, N.J.

688. John Gibson 44 A B., 26 Wedgemere Ave., Winchester, Mass.

689. Ch arles Merrrl Stone, 44 A.B., 186 Whitefield St., Guilford, Conn.

690 : Livinpton De Water, II , '44 A.B., 89 Elm St., Fairfield, Conn.

691. Wrlltam Wallace, Jr., '43 A B., 140 W. 5th St., Oswego, N.Y. Left college.

692. Wrllram Clark Gordon , '4 5 A.B ., Granby, Conn.

693 William Mervine, '44 A B , 45 Temchiff Rd., Scarsdale, N Y.

694. R aymond Prerce Clayberger, Jr., '45 A.B ., 54 Park Ave., Bronxville, N.Y.

695. Ch arles Lanier Griswold, '45 A.B., Wolf Rd .;Erie, Pa.

696. Char.Jes Wilbert. Snow , /r ., '45 A.B., Newfield St., Middletown, Conn.

697. Macl'Y_fonres '45 A.B ., 110 White Plains Ave., Bronxville, N .Y.

698. Wrllram Wrley Whrtton, '45 A.B., 95 Silver Lake Rd., Staten Island, N.Y.

Nos. 689-691, initiated May 7, 1941; No. 692, initiated Jan. 14, 1942; Nos. 693-698, initiated Feb. 17, 1942.

Ru.rhing season: Sept. 19-30, 1942.

College activities: Argus, R. 1. Clark, ed., R. L. Lyons, asst. ed., 5 ; 0//a Podrida (annual), F. W. Mellor, bus. mgr., 4; Football, A. R. Garland, mgr.; Basketball, D . H. Johnson, capt., John Richie, mgr., 3; Soccer, 2; Cross country, 3; Tennis, 1; Golf, 1; Track, 3; Baseball, R. W Leighton, mgr., 3; Swimming, 1; Fencing, 2; University senate, F W Mellor, ]. W Smallwood, R. L Clark; Glee club, 4; Cardinal Key, 1; Dramatics, 4; Honors college, 3; College bodies corns., 4; Theta Nu Epsilon, 2; Mystical Seven, 1; Skull and Serpent, 1.

Chapter fund: Baird fund for the assistance of needy and worthy members of the chapter.

Chapter cup: Clark W Davenport scholarship cup, R. L. Clark, highest grades in chapter.

Chapter paper: Mu Epsilon News, annually.

Western Reserve University Beta District IX


501. Lawrence Herman Tober, '42 A.B., 2106 Vega Ave., Cleveland, Ohio

502. Victor James Robison, '42 B.S., 44 S. Osborne Ave., Youngstown, Ohio.

506. Henry Junior Hofacker, '42 A.B., 438 N. Bever St., Wooster, Ohio.

509. Walter Nels Swensen, '42 A B., 103 Columbia Rd., Arlington, Mass.

516. Carl Edward Gerber, '43 B.S., 1899 Reyburn Rd., Cleveland, Ohio.

517. William Oliver Bannerman, '43 B.S., 1528 Lauderdale Ave., Lakewood, Ohio.

518. Jack Earl Hecker, '43 A.B., R.F.D. 2, Uniontown, Ohio.

Cleveland, Ohio 11255 Bell.Bower Rd.

520. Robert Beach Messenger, '43 B.S., 328 North Ave., Massillon, Ohio. Left college.

521. Algernon Mount Borland, '43 A.B., 3rd Ave., Manor, Pa.

522. Robert Russell Culp, '43 A.B., R F.D 2, Willoughby, Ohio Left college.

526. Gerald Austin Doyle, Jr., '44 B.S., 1077 Maplecliff Dr., Lakewood, Ohio. Vice President, Rushing Chairman

527. Robert Mills Krewson, '44 A B., 11018 Lake Ave., Cleveland, Ohio

529. David Barry Dickson, '44 A.B., Broadmeadows Farm, Petersburg, Ohio.

530. Charles Stanley Stevenson, '44 A.B., 2534 Noble Rd., Oeveland, Ohio.

532. Leonard Richard Reeve, '44 B.S., 13616 Madison Ave , Lakewood, Ohio. Treasurer.

534. Henry Edwards, Jr., '43 B.S., 223 N. Main St., Amherst, Ohio. President

535. Robert George Carman, '44 A.B., 9817 Hilgert Ave., Cleveland, Ohio . Secretary

536. Albert John Dahlquist, Jr , '44 A.B., 17410 Lake Ave., Lakewood, Ohio.

537 Robert Louis Zeigler, '45 A.B., 15 Orchard Ave., Willoughby, Ohio.

538. Paul Da vid Goll, '45 B.S., 613 14th St., Beaver Falls, Pa.

539. Oliver Kenneth Pollock, '45 B S., 5 Routh St., Wilmerding, Pa.

540. Jack Robinson Eldredge, '45 B.S., 117 Water St., Chardon, Ohio 541. Lorenz Otto Kilmer , Jr , '45 A.B., Port Clinton Rd., Oak Harbor, Ohio. 542. Richard Gurley Phelps, '43 A.B., 15602 Oakhill Rd., East Cleveland, Ohio. 543. Martin Louis O' Donnell, '44 A B., 12816 Thornhurst Ave., Garfield Heights, Ohio 544. Vernet Linwood Ruoff, Jr ., '45 A.B., 1532 Wagar Ave., Lakewood, Ohio

545. Robert Fuller Beverstock, '44 A.B., 2680 N. Moreland Rd., Shaker Heights, Ohio.

Nos 535-545, initiated Feb. 20, 1942

Rushing season: 0 pen. College activities: Warion (junior-senior), Lawrence H. Tober; Tribune, 2; Red Cat, 3; Football, 7; Hockey, 1 ; Gym team, 3 ; 01eer leader, 1 ; Reserve rostrum (debating), 3; Vigilantes, 2 ; Y..M.C.A., 4; Foil and Mace, 2; Choir, 2; Student council, 1; German club, 2; Biology club, 3; Senior class, Victor

]. Robinson, vice pres.; Sigma Delta Psi, 1; Delta Sigma Rho, 1; Morley chemistry dub, 1; Phi society (scholastic), 4.

Chapter paper: Beta Crescent, semi-annually.

Westminster College

Alpha Delta


515. Robert Baxter Guthrie, '41 A.B., McCredie, Mo. Left college.

502 Westminster Ave.

Fulton, Mo. District XVIII

529. John T Johnston, Jr., '42 A.B., 323 S. Rock Hill Rd., Webster Groves, Mo. Secretary.

533. Lorenz George Schuessler, '42 A.B., 720 Court St., Fulton, Mo.

534. George Robert Sido, '42 A B , 7143 Kingsbury, St. Louis, Mo. Rushing Co-Chairman.

537. Marshall Baker Conrad, '42 A.B., 20 S. Gore Ave., Webster Groves, Mo. President.

538. James McCutcheon Huston, Jr., '42 A.B., 1079 Purdue, University City, Mo. Vice Pre sident.

540. Marshall Collis Rhodes, II, '43 A.B., 514 E. Argonne, Kirkwood, Mo.

543. William Tuthill Bellamy, Jr., '42 A.B., 260 S. Redman, Marshall, Mo.

544. Henry George Jakobe, '43 A.B., 101 Main St., Bonne Terre, Mo.

546 Louis Robert Holekanlp, '42 A B , 233 W. Jackson, Webster Groves, Mo.


548. Ralph Edwin Schulenburg, '42 A.B., 15 Algonquinwood, .Webster Gro.ves, Mo.

550. George Walter Arbuthnot, '42 A.B., goz N. Moffet, Joplm, Mo. Rushrng Co-Ch arrman.

552. Robert Weems Barnes, '43 A.B., Oak Ridge Dr., Neosho, Mo. Treasurer.

553. Finis Lee Barrow, '43 A.B., New Bloomfield, Mo.

554. Richmond Harold McCluer, '43 A.B., Westminster Campus, Fulton, Mo.

555. William Denny Painter, '43 A.B., 313 Edgewood Dr., Clayton, Mo.

556. Clifford Floyd Zelr,Jr., '43 A.B., 7417 Byron Pl., Clayton, Mo.

557. George Clinton Goller, '43 A.B., 7230 Henderson Ter., Normandy, Mo.

559. James William McCubbin, '43 A.B., R.R. 2, Fulton, Mo.

564. Ralph Gupton Buckner, '44 A.B., 6675 Washington, University City, Mo.

566. William Schutz Drochelman, '43 A.B., 7 Southmoor, Clayton, Mo. Left college.

569. Robert Henry Batts, '4 4 A.B., 231 W. Jefferson, Kirkwood, Mo.

571. John Boles MacCubbin, '44 A.B., R.R. 2, Fulton, Mo. .

572. William Henry McCrary, Jr., '44 A.B., 1221 W. 59th St., Kansas Ctty, Mo.

574. Charles Francis Ernst, Jr., '44 A.B., 2025 Briargate, Kirkwood, Mo.

575. Walter Arthur Jr., '44 A.B., 3429 Halliday Ave., St. Louis, Mo

576. Thomas James McCown, II, '44 A.B., 3537 Sidney St., St. Louis, Mo.

577. Henry William Endres, Jr., '44 A.B. , 8100 Olive Blvd., University City, Mo.

578. Joseph Nashe Glenn, '44 A.B., 770 Radcliffe Ave., University City, Mo.

579. Andrew William Kurrus, Jr., '44 A.B., 732 Veronica Ave., East St. Louis, Ill.

580. William Howard Reese, '44 A.B., 208 Alameda Rd., Kansas City, Mo. Left college.

581. Louis Dimitar Kacalieff, '42 A B., 1305 Iowa St., Madison, Ill.

582. George William Johns, Jr., '45 A.B., 36 Algonquinwood, Webster Groves, Mo.

583. John Marshall Guthrie, '45 A.B., McCredie, Mo.

584. Richard Ernst Holekamp, Jr., '44 A.B., 233 W. Jackson, Webster Groves, Mo.

585. William James Yount, '43 A.B., 3201 Gene Field Rd., St. Joseph, Mo.

586. Richard Moreh Mitchell, '44 A.B., 6022 Westminster, St. Louis, Mo.

587. Ray Morris Robinson, Jr ., '44 A.B., 418 W. 68th Ter., Kansas City, Mo.

588. Charles Edward Gibbs, Jr., '45 A.B., 319 Centennial, Bowling Green, Mo.

589. Joseph Milto11 Johnson, '45 A.B., 1220 E. 17th Pl., Tulsa, Okla.

590. William Farrand Booth, '45 A.B., 13 Jefferson Rd., Webster Groves, Mo.

591. Theodore Johnson Honig, '45 A.B., 421 S. Elm, Webster Groves, Mo.

592. William Harvey Johnson, '45 A.B., 1220 E. 17th Pl., Tulsa, Okla.

593. James Keough Dunavant, '45 A.B., 2 Algonquinwood, Webster Groves, Mo.

594. Joh n Leonard Walther, '45 A.B., 2438 Woodson Rd , Overland, Mo.

595. John White Brunner, '45 A.B., 101 S. Rock Hill Rd. , Webster Groves, Mo.

596. David Elder Shartel , Jr., '45 A.B., 603 S. Jefferson, Neosho, Mo.

597 Charles Murra -v Me/lies, '45 A B., 7337 Ravinia Dr., St. Louis, Mo.

598. Ralph Randall Linney, '45 A B., 2053 N.W. 21st St., Oklahoma City, Okla.

599. Joseph Earl Davis, '45 A.B., Naylor, Mo.

600. Charles Richard Stoffer, '45 A.B., 1341 S. Trenton, Tulsa, Okla.

601. Re x Hancock , Jr., '45 A B., Laddonia, Mo.

Nos. 579-581, initiated Apr. 3, 1941; Nos. 582-601, initiated Feb. 15, 1942.

Ru shing sea sons: Last week of May, 1942; week ending Sept. 21, 19 42.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Omicron Delta Kappa, Robert B Guthrie, George R. Sido, Louis D Kacalieff

College activities: Skulls of Seven (senior), George R. Sido; Student council, Marshall B. Conrad ; Senior class, Louis D Kacalieff, vice pres.; "W" club, Finis L. Barrow, pres.; Glee club, 1; Dramatics, 6; Track, George R. Sido and Finis L. Barrow, co-capts., 5; Basketball, Robert W. Barnes, capt., 4; Golf, George W Arbuthnot, capt., 3; Swimming, Clifford F. Zell, capt., 4; Pi Kappa Delta, 5; Alpha Phi

Omega, George R. Sido, pres., 5; Y.M.C.A., Clifford F. Zell, pres., George R. Sido, vice pres., 6; Intramural mgr., Robert W. Barnes; Phi Rho Epsilon, Marshall B. Conrad, vice pres., 4; Mu Alpha Theta, 2; Zeta Sigma Pi, James M. Huston, pres., 4; American chemical soc., 1; Cheerleader, 1; Debate, 2; Zeta Tau Delta, Robert B. Guthrie, John T. Johnston, Jr., Louis D . Kacalieff.

Chapter funds: $150 Foster scholarship and $150 Elsea scholarship, for worthy members of the chapter.

Chapter paper: The Scratches, quarterly.

West Virginia University District VII

Beta Psi 1900

419. Edwin William Crooks, Jr., '42 M A., 1011 Quincy St., Parkersburg, W.Va.

422. George Morgan Eckley, Jr., '44 M.D., Harper Rd ., Beckley, W .Va. Inactive.

423. Arch Hupp Bullard, Jr., '44 M.D., West Alexander, Pa Inactive.

Morgantown, W.Va. 225 Belmar Ave.

425. Francis Eugene Hornbrook, '43 M.D., 635 Maple Ave., New Martinsville, W.Va. Inactive.


426. James Donald Ezell, Spec., 1027 Valley Rd. , Charleston, W .Va. Left college.

427. Harold Dean Burgess, '42 B.S., Helen, W.Va. Inactive.

433. Richard Lee Davisson, '42 A.B., 342 Pearl St., Grafton, W.Va. Left college.

437. Elmer Helsley Dodson, '42 LL.B., 5322 Virginia Ave., Charleston, W Va

438. James Glenn Collier, '44 LL.B., 4 Parke La., Kermit, W .Va. Inactive.

443. George Stewart Sharp, '44 LL.B., Marlinton, W.Va. Inactive.

446. Franklin George Wade, '43 M .D ., 726 Commerce St., Wellsburg, W .Va. Inactive.

448. James Samuel Leggett, Jr., '42 A.B ., 1526 Quarrier St., Charleston, W .Va. Inactive.

449. Charles Owen Hardman, '42 A.B., 209 Beauty St., Spencer, W.Va.

450. James Robert Shingleton, '42 A.B , 1405 Quarrier St., Charleston, W.Va

451. Herbert Hill Rothwell, '42 B.S.M .E., Jefferson St., Lewisb1,1rg, W.Va.

453. Howard Troy Phillips, Jr., '42 A B , Hawthorne Ct , Wheeling, W Va.

456. Willard Edward Moore, '42 B.S.M.E., 973 Washburn St., Clarksburg, W.Va.

457 Earle Walton Reiley, Jr., '43, B.S.Ch.E., Peterstown, W.Va

459. Ellsworth Rudesill Clark, '42 A.B., 314 Jefferson, St., Charleston, W.Va. Inactive.

460. Paul Fegan Storck, '42 A.B., 935 Yankee St., Wellsburg, W .Va. Tre asure r

461. Leonard King Johnson, '43 A B., Tazewell, Va V i ce President, Rushi ng Ch ai rman.

463. Edward Ellis Smith, '43 A.B., 631 19th St., Parkersburg, W.Va . Pre sident.

465. Guy Ed Morris, Jr., '43 A B., 437 Holden Ave , Clarksburg, W Va.

467. Norman Wigginton Laughlin, '43 A.B., 1019 Gladden St., Fairmont, W.Va.

468 William Oliver Barnard, Jr , '43 B S.M.E., 565 Price St., Morgantown, W.Va

469. George Keith Gorrell, '42 A B.; 417 Stanley Ave., Clarksburg, W Va.

470. Paul Ross Muffiy, '43 B.S.M.E., 648 Madigan Ave. , Morgantown, W.Va.

472. Fred Earle Wright, Jr., '43 A.B., Spencer, W.Va. Left college.

475. William Ross Keyser, Jr., '43 A B., 15 Broad St , Welch, W Va

476. John Smith Scott, Jr., '43 A.B., 745 Commerce St., Wellsburg, W.Va .

479. James Elwood Coombs, '43 A.B , 200 Wilson Ave , Morgantown, W.Va. Left coll ege.

482. Thomas Wesley Jackson, '43 A B , 17 Laurel Ave., Wheeling, W Va

485. Walter Franklin Rollins, '43 B.S.B.A., 501 17th St., Kenova, W .Va.

486. Richard Conrad Spangler, Jr., '43 A.B., Box 514, Williamson, W.Va.

488. Benjamin Morris Leeper, '44 A B., 825 Quincy St., Parkersburg, W.Va

489. Harry Teter Linger, '44 A .B., 412 Grove Ave., Clarksburg, W .Va.

490. Ralph Raymond Wallace, Jr., '44 A.B , Box 104, Nitro, W Va.

491. Fredrick Gerow Stansbury, '44 A B , Glen Daniels, W.Va

492. William Reed Holstein, '44 A.B., Box 302, Spring Hill, W.Va.

493. Robert Edwin Muffiy, '44 B S Ch.E., 648 Madigan Ave , Morgantown , W Va 494. Robert Dawson Lyon, '44 B.S M E , 24 Rockledge Rd., Wheeling, W.Va. 495. Earl Eugene Corum, '44 B S , 611 Baltimore St., Huntington, W.Va. 496. Wilson Brinkley Davis, '44 B.S.M E., 336 Demain Ave , Morgantown, W Va.

497. John Benford Wade, '44 A B , 506 5th St., Fairmont, W.Va 498. Eugene Thomas Storck, '44 B.S.M.E., 935 Yankee St., Wellsburg, W.Va. Left college. 499 Richard Hugh Tabor, '43 B.S., 3903 MacCorkle Ave., Charleston, W Va. 501. William Elonzo Ely, Jr., '4 4 A.B , 1817 Avery St , Parkersburg, W Va. 503. Steven Blackmore Thompson, '44 B.S.Ph., 900 Market St., Parkersburg, W.Va.

504. David Lee Springston, '44 B.S.Ch.E., 511 Fairmont Ave., Fairmont, W .Va. Left college.

506. William Edgar Lawton, Jr. , '43 A B., 826 Main St., Mt. Hope, W Va

507. Jackson Boyleston Browning, '43 B.S Ch E , 860 Stratton St., Logan, W.Va

508. Joseph Webster Roberts, '44 A.B., 500 7th St., Moundsville, W.Va Secr etm·y

509. William Lewis Tabscott, Jr., '44 B.S.P E., Lewisburg, W.Va. Left college

510. Billie Mag ann Barker, '43 B.S.M.E., 224 Nighbert Ave., Logan, W .Va.

511. Kenneth Leroy Hewitt, '44 A.B., 249 Grant Ave., Morgantown, W.Va.

512 Em il Eugene Fowler, '44 A.B , Pennsylvania Ave., Morgantown, W Va.

513. Denton Leboy Adams, '44 A.B. , 207 8th St , Parkersburg, W Va.

514. Joseph Harold Phelps, '45 A.B., 809Vz Market St., Parkersburg, W .Va.

515. Wiiiiam Manley Wyckoff, '45 B.S.E.E., Jo Harry St , Fairmont, W Va.

516. Herbert Andrew Reaves, '45 B.S E E , 825 N. Walker St , Princeton, W Va.

517. Joseph Emmett Walthall, Ill, '45 A.B., Main St., Athens, W.Va.

518. Jack Elvin Roomy, '45 B.S.E.E., 429 Stratton St., Logan, W.Va

519 Andrew Lewis Clark, '44 B S M E., 122 Church St., Beckley, W.Va

520. William Allan Phillips, '45 A B , Hawthorne Ct., Wheeling, W Va

521. William Quentin Barnette, '43 B.S., 1645 Clay Ave , Charleston, W.Va

522. James Stanley Heavner, '45 A B., 131 Waldeck St , Clarksburg, W Va

523. Druid Emmett Wheeler, Jr , '45 A B., 206 Buford Pl., Macon, Ga

524. Michael Judson Moore, '45 A.B., Affinity, W .Va.

525. James Arthur Frazier, '45 B.S.M.E., Nitro, W Va

526. William Earl Shingl eton, '45 A.B., 826 Coleman Ave. , Fairmont, W .Va.

527. Cornelius O ' Neil O ' Farrell, '45 B S.C.E., White Sulphur Springs, W.Va.

528. Fredrick Joshua Billings, '44 A B , 80 W High St., Tunkhannock, Pa.


529. Charles Lee Stafford, '45 A.B., 320 Walnut St., Grafton, W.Va.

530. Mike Kelly, '45 A.B., 2108 Dudley Ave., Parkersburg, W.Va.

531. Sylvester Rich, II, '45 A.B , 346 E. Main St., Bradford, Pa.

Nos. 508-511, initiated Nov. 30, 1941; Nos 512-531, initiated Mar 22, 1942.

Rushing season: Sept 11-20, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Edwin W. Crooks, Jr. College activities: Mountain (senior), J. D onald Ezell, Arch H. Bullard; Sphinx (junior), 1; Fi Batar Cappar (mock), 10; Interfraternity council, 2; Student athletic director, Willard E. Moore; Moonshitze, William R. Holstein, man. ed., Ellsworth R. Clark, bus. mgr.; Intramural mgr., Robert D. Lyon; Band, 3; Chorus, 4; Football, 5; Basketball, 4; Track, William E. Lawton, mgr., 1; Boxing, 2; La Tertulia Espanola, 4; II Circolo Italiano,' 1; Scabbard and Blade, 9; Kappa Mu Alpha, 3; Rowan Rifles, 13; Sigma Gamma Epsilon, 2; Alpha Psi Omega, 1; Chi Sigma Delta, 2; Delta Nu Tau, 3; Debate team, 1; Alpha "Epsilon Delta, 3; Lettermen's club, Quentin Barnette, pres., 4. Chapter award: 1942 Central West Virginia alumni association scholarship award for the highest average in pledge class, ]. Harold Phelps.

Chapter paper: Beta Psi Breeze, aonually.

Whitman College Gamma Zeta District XXI 1916

376. Storrs Bernard Clough, '41 A.B., 232 Ave. G, Snohomish, Wash.

395. Howard Rowao Carroll, '43 A.B., R.F.D. 1, Stanwood, Wash.

398. Edward Randle McMillan, '42 A.B., 6717 12th Ave., Seattle, Wash.

Walla Walla, Wash. 925 Isaacs Ave.

405. Richard Paddock Davenport, '43 A.B., 1208 W. 9th Ave., Spokaoe, Wash. Se cretary.

407. James Brownlleld Haines, '42 A B., 1410 11th W., Seattle, Wash.

41 0. Gordon Hayes Scribner, '42 A.B., Snoqualmie, Wash.

411. Robert Neil Waters, '43 A.B., Box 50, Quartzsite, Ariz.

413. George Francis Christiansen, Jr., '43 A.B., Stevenson, Wash.

414. John Harvey Foster, '42 A.B., 2524 11th Ave. W., Seattle, Wash.

416. Edgar Hurtig Johnson, '43 A.B., 3631 Meridian Ave., Seattle, Wash. Left college.

420. Jack Dare Saad, '43 A.B., 2615 43rd Ave W., Seattle, Wash. President.

422. Lyle Elton Shrader, '43 A B., Blaine, Wash. Left college.

426. Dean Caldwell Yedica, '43 A.B., 24 Fruitlaod St., Kennewick, Wash.

42 7. Donald Loren Altenburg, '44 A.B., 6851 30th N.E., Seattle, Wash. Left college.

429. Lewis Rodney Johnson, '43 A.B., 3525 N.E. Hassalow, Portland, Oreg. Treasurer.

432. Phyl R Payne, '43 A.B., 3424 Colby Ave., Everett, Wash.

433. Leo Forrest Richter, '43 A.B., 602 36th Ave., Seattle, Wash.

434. Francis Frederic Batfaoy, '44 A.B., 503 Juniper, Walla Walla, Wash.

435. Alfred Hammer Clise, '43 A B., 1039 39th Ave. N., Seattle, Wash

436. Robert Lesly Gay, '44 A.B., 3231 Grand Ave., Everett, Wash.

437. Benjamin Edwin Gordon, '44 A B., 715 12th Ave., Seattle, Wash.

438. Donald Ross Kaoe, '44 A.B., 828 Grand Ave., Everett, Wash.

439. James Richard Kenyon, '44 A.B., 14 Merriam St., Walla Walla, Wash.

440. Walter Lawrence Kubley, '44 A.B., 630 Water St., Ketchikan, Alaska. Left college.

441. Robert Gile Randlett, '44 A.B., 402 lOth Ave. W., Kirklaod, Wash.

442. Jack Oden Robinson, '44 A B., 105 N. Spokane St., Walla Walla, Wash.

443. Wallace Milner Smith, '44 A.B., 2104 8th Ave., Spokane, Wash.

444. Paul Robert White, '44 A.B , Box 886, Mason City, Wash. Rushing Chairman.

445. Stanley Eugene McGough, '43 A B., Cashmere, Wash.

446 Donald Archie Gilliam, '44 A.B., 20 W. Poplar, Walla Walla, Wash.

447. Thomas Garlough Johnson, '44 A.B., 4511 Beverly Crescent, Vancouver, B.C.

448 William Clayton Lawrence, '44 A.B., 1109 Grand Ave., Everett, Wash.

449. James Dio Meikle, '44 A.B., 1144 Sierra Dr., Turlock, Calif.

450 Willis Junior Taylor, '44 A.B., 615 Kennewick, Kennewick, Wash.

451. Alfred Donald Abshire, '45 A.B., 3838 N.E. 35th Ave., Portland, Oreg.

452. James Gray Edmiston, '45 A.B., 535 5th Ave., Kalispell, Mont

453. John Ward Fearey, '45 A.B., 3813 N.E. 21st, Portlaod, Oreg.

454. Paul Wayne Gray, '45 A.B., Lawtonwood, Seattle, Wash.

455. Ross Ramsey Harcus, '45 A.B., 820 Grand Ave., Everett, Wash.

456. Robert Hugh Hurlow, '45 A.B., 515 N. Cushman, Tacoma, Wash.

457. Charles Lee Hyndman, '45 A.B., 716 4th St., Hoquiam, Wash.

458. Richard Hobart Laman, Jr., '45 A.B., 4204 N.E. 25th Ave., Portlaod, Oreg.

459. Robert Evans Mercer, '45 A.B., 2337 N.E. 32nd Ct., Portland, Oreg.

460. Homer Gordon Miller, '45 A.B., 420 S. 2nd, Walla Walla Wash.

461. William Lyall Pollock , '45 A B., 3828 S W. 34th, Seattle, Wash.

462 William Mollyneaux Scott, '45 A.B., 4829 E. 41st Seattle Wash.

463. Charles Renwick Trzcinski, '45 A.B., 17 S. Stacy, Miles dty, Mont.

540 B E T A T H E T A P I f 0 r A P R IL '

No. 445, initiated Apr. 16, 1941; Nos 446-450, initiated Oct 18, 1941; Nos. 451 -463, initiated Mar. 2, 1942

Rushing season : Sept 23-26, 1942.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Robert N . Waters, Pledge Joseph DeMaris. College activities: Order of Waiilatpu (senior), Robert N. Waters; Sophomore class, Paul R. White, secy.; Interfraternity council, Jack D. Saad, pres.; Pioneer, 2; W aiilatpu (annual), Richard P Davenport, ed., 4; Delta Sigma Rho, Gordon H. Scribner, pres., 1 ; Debate, 5 ; Dramatic club, 3; Whitman Knights, 2; Lyman house (freshman dorm.), Robert E. Mercer, secy.; "W" club, 6; Football, 3; Tennis, 2; Track, 2; Baseball, 1; Basketball, 1. Chapter paper: Gamma Zet a Letter, monthly.

Williams College

District II



288. Williams Nelson Bagley, Jr., '42 A B., 29 Hugh St., West Hartford, Conn.

Williamstown, Mass.

Stetson Ct.

290. John Boyleston, III, '42 A.B., 1491 Edgewood Rd., Lake Forest, Ill. Vice President, Rushing Chairman.

291. George Cochrane Bryan, '42 A.B ., 727 S. Washington St., Hinsdale, Ill

292. Arthur Whitfield Culberson, '42 A.B., 39 Olyphant Dr., Morristown, N.J.

294. Franklin Cornelius Ellis, Jr., '42 A B., 286 Willard Ave., Staten Island, N Y.

295. William Henry Heyman, '42 A.B., 2676 Berkshire Rd., Cleveland, Ohio

296. Warren George Hunke, '42 A.B., 51 2nd St., Weehawken, N.J.

297 Daniel Raymond Jones, '43 A.B., 908 Farragut Pl., Joliet, Ill.

298. Donald Forbes McGill, '42 A.B., 170 Elm St., New Rochelle, N .Y 299. Rowan Albert Wakefield, '42 A.B., Sheffield, Mass. Preside nt . 301. Robert Sydney Cleaver, '42 A B., Brewster, N .Y.

302. Malcolm David Clark, '43 A.B., 4638 Fremont Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Secretary.

303. Harold Benjamin Duke, Jr., '43 A.B., 3152 Pinegrove Ave., Chicago, Ill. 304. Leonard Kimball Eaton, '43 A.B., 2638 Irving Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.

John Ross Huff, '43 A.B., 4221 E. Lake Harriet Blvd., Minneapolis, Minn. Left college.

Henry Story McKown, '43 A.B., 265 Milburn St.., Rochester, N .Y.

Duncan Bassett Murphy, Jr., '43 A.B., 199 N. Oxford St., Hartford, Conn. Left college. 309. Joseph Mapes Sizoo, '43 A.B., 935 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. Left college.

310 Bradford Newell Smith, '43 A B , 67 Lincoln ANe., Rutland, Vt. 313. Robert Norman Branson, '43 A.B., 741 Ardmore, Grand Rapids, Mich

Herbert Wilson Bell, Jr , '44 A.B., Dorchester Rd., Darien, Conn

. Bernard Carter Boykin, '43 A .B., Ruxton, Baltimore County, Md.

George Garlmd Donald, '44 A.B., Wellesley Farms, Mass

317. Donald Lovett Fuchs, '44 A.B., 80 Mountain Ave., Summit, N.J. T reasurer.

George Hugh Huston, III, '44 A.B., 159 Wellington St., Springfield, Mass.

Harvey Chase Jewett, III, '44 A.B., 1206 N. Main St., .Aberdeen, S.Dak.

James Michelson, '44 A.B., Apt. SH, 520 E. 86th St., New York, N.Y.

Claude Seymour Reebie, '44 A.B., 66 Fox La., Winnetka, Ill.

John Andrew Wenstrand, '44 .A.B., 108 E. 1st St., Hinsdale, Ill.

327. Richard Wayne Shriner, '43 .A B., 9 Pierce Rd., Wellesley Hills, Mass.

328. Bruce Denham Alexander, '45 A B., 140 Humboldt St., Denver, Colo.

329. Carlton Reaver Appleby, '45 A.B., 119 Armsley Sq., Ontario, Calif.

330. Jay Selleck Buckley, Jr., '45 A B., 73 Cottage Grove Ave., Ansonia, Conn.

331. Richard Gilder Cholmeley-Jones, II , '45 A.B., Hillspoint Rd., Westport, Conn.

332. Howard Saunier Dodd, Jr., '45 A.B., 133 Forest Ave., Glen Ridge, N.J.

333. Leston Laycock Ha ven<J, '45 A.B., Bridgehampton, L.I., N.Y.

334. Emmet Boulton He.rndon, '45 A.B., c/o Mrs. Ellen B. Herndon, Occidental College, Los Angeles, Calif.

335. Elbert Hall Loughran, '45 A.B., Hurley, N Y.

336. Albert Barry McGill,lr., '45 A.B., 170 Elm St., New Rochelle, N .Y.

337. Ed·ward Gilpin Murp y, '45 A.B., N. 199 Oxford St., Hartford, Conn

338. John Henry Ohler, '45 A.B., 57 Orchard St., Jamaica Plain, Mass.

339. Elliott Edmond Stearn'!, Jr ., '45 A.B., 18910 S. Woodland Rd., Shaker Heights, Ohio.

340. Munro Hubbard Steel, '45 A.B., 660 Irving Park Rd., Chicago, Ill.

No 327, initiated Nov. 28, 1941; Nos 328-340, initiated Feb. 21, 1942.

Rushing season: June 26-July 3, 1942.

College activities : Sketch, Warren Hunke, mgn ed., 1; Purple Cow, 3; WMS (radio station), 2 ; Gul (year book), Malcolm Clark, ed.-in-chief, 2; Cap and Bells, Warren Hunke, secy., 6; Record. 2!

John Miller Royal, '44 A.B., 2354 Magnolia Dr., Harrisburg, Pa.
George Frederick Schmid, Jr., '44 A.B ., 152 Montclair .Ave., Montclair, N.J.
Guilford Lawson Spencer, ll, '44 A.B., 15 .Arnold Rd., Wellesley Hills, Mass
. Thomas Slavin Walsh, '44 .A.B., 3601 Connecticut Ave. N.W., Washington, D .C.

Gargoyle (senior), Warren Hunke, George Bryan; Purple Key (mgr. org.), 1; Student activities council, 2; Undergraduate council, Malcolm Clark; Purple Knights, 3; Band, Donald Fuchs, pres., 8; Glee club, Warren Hunke, pres., 2; Chapel choir, 2; Adelphic union, Thomas Walsh, secy.; Lecture com., 2; Football, 2; Basketball, 2; Ski team, 2; Wrestling, 2; Cross country, 1; Swimming, 2; Track, 2; Lacrosse, 1; Hockey, 2.

Chapter funds: $4,500 in hands of alumni.

Chapter cups: George Slade Reed scholarship cup, Guilford Spencer; William Howe Collins scholarship cup, Robert Branson.

District XV 1873 Madison, Wis. 622 Mendota Ct.

University of Wisconsin Alpha Pi

655 Richard Clark Smith, '36 Grad. , 1005 Sanborn St., Jefferson, Wis. Inactive.

689. James Joseph Wall, '43 E.E., 414 Franklin St., Wausau, Wis . Inactive.

706. Frank Charles Conrad, '41 B.A., 6428 W. National Ave., West Allis, Wis. Resident House Counselor.

708. William Henry Wenzel, '42 Ph.B., 1102 Bellerive Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Chairman

709. William Allison Sumner, '41 B A., 2316 Chamberlain Ave., Madison, Wis Left college.

711. Robert Alfred Hayden, '42 B.A., 2510 Prairie Ave , Evanston, Ill.

712. Leonard Helminiak, '42 B A., 1977 S. Layton Blvd., Milwaukee, Wis.

714. Robert Earl Lochen, '42 M.&M.E., 2928 N. 46th St., Milwaukee, Wis.

715. George Louis Struck, '42 B.S., Route 1, Milwaukee, Wis.

718. Benoni Orrin Reynolds, IV, '42 Ph.B., Lake Shore Dr., Lake Geneva, Wis.

720. John Carrol Wickhem, '43 B.A , 716 Edgewood Ave., Madison, Wis.

721. Howard Busch Woodside, '43 B.A., 19 Franklin St., Portage, Wis. Vice President.

722. Russell Charles Sauers, '41 B.S., 925 Hackett St., Beloit, Wis.

723 . Robert Charles Buehner, '43 B.A., 8139 Aberdeen Ct., Wauwatosa, Wis. Treasurer.

724. Kenneth Hugo Gruenwald, '41 M.E., 4933 Newhall St , Milwaukee, Wis Left college.

725. Robert Delap Heilman, '42 B.A., 627 Sheldon St., Richland Center, Wis. Inactive.

726. Robert Fred Johnston, '42 Ph.B., 2204 E. Webster PI., Milwaukee, Wis.

727 Philip James Charley, '43 M.E , 1602 Ferry St., LaCrosse, Wis.

730. Chester Erich Paetsch, '43 B.S , 917 Linden Ave., Waukesha, Wis.

731. Philip Burch Korst, Jr., '42 B.A., 209 Clark St., Janesville, Wis.

732. Charles Henry Leinenkugel, '4 3 Pre-Med, 428 Roosevelt Dr., Eau Claire, Wis Left college.

733. Howard Edmund Voit, '42 B.A., 1108 Kavanaugh Pl., Milwaukee, Wis.

734. Henry Augustus Peters, '43 Pre-Med., 224 Lake Rd , Oconomowoc, Wis.

735 Arthur Dalman, '43 B.A., 174 E. 9th St., Fond duLac, Wis. Inactive

737. David Charles Tausche, '41 B.S., 2106 N. 53rd St., Milwaukee, Wis. Graduated.

738. John Vinto11 Gilmour, '44 Ph.B , 515 Barry Ave., Chicago, Ill.

739. Charles Ludwig Doerrer, '44 B.S., 319 Sinclair Pl., Westfield, N.J Left college.

740 William Bernard Heckenkamp, '44 M.E., 306 Hyslip Ave., Westfield, N.J.

741. Timothy Brown, Jr. , '44 B.A., 655 Farwell Dr., Maple Bluff, Madison, Wis.

742. Robert Charles Morbeck, '44 Ch E., 602 Edgewood Ave., Madison, Wis.

743. Richard John Gould (X), '44 B.A., 924 Chicago St., Green Bay, Wis

744. Frank Joseph Winter, Jr. (B A), '42 B.S., 1000 N. Elizabeth Ave., St. Louis, Mo.

745. john Barclay Francis (r IT). '43 B.S., 305 Jefferson Ave., Janesville, Wis President.

746. Reynold Horace Rusch, '44 Ph B., 146 15th St., Fond du J,ac, Wis. Left college.

747. William Fulton Schafer, '44 Ch.E., 419 E. Dudley Ave., Westfield, N.J

748. Karl Brunsell Sumner, '44 A.E., 2316 Chamberlain Ave., Madison, Wis. Left college.

749 Jerome Thomas Donahue, '42 Ch.E., 238 4th St., Fond duLac, Wis.

750. John Charles Robertshaw, '4 3 B.S., 212 W. Emmett St., Portage, Wis.

751. Lancelot George Getty Glasson, '44 Pre-Med., Sunrise Camp, Minocqua, Wis. Secretary.

752. James Nicol McGruer, '44 M .E., 2416 Gregory St., Madison, Wis. Left college.

753 Hugh Samuel Bo11ar, Jr. (A P), '43 B A., 916 N. lOth St., Manitowoc, Wis.

Nos. 737-742, initiated Apr. 17, 1941; Nos. 743-745, affiliated Sept. 29, 1941; Nos. 746-752, initiated Nov 29, 1941; No. 753, affiliated Jan. 12, 1942.

Ru.rhing season: Sept. 20-25, 1942 (tentative)

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Kappa Phi, Philip B. Korst, Jr.; Beta Gamma Sigma, Philip B. Korst, Jr.; Phi Eta Sigma, John Wickem, Howard B. Woodside, Philip B. Korst, Jr., Philip

J. Charley, Henry A. Peters, Timothy Brown, Jr.

College activities: Student board, B. 0. Reynolds; Daily Cardinal, 3; Octopus, 1; Basketball, Lancelot G. G . Gl asson, mgr., 2; Iron Cross, 1; Scabbard and Blade, 1; A.I.Ch.E., 3; Polygon, 5; Sigma Delta Chi, 1; Junior prom. com., 3; Military ball, 2 chm.; Defense com., 2; Pi Mu Epsilon, 1; Interfraternity council, 2.

Chapter paper: Alpha Pi lot, quarterly.


Thomas Owen Moore, '44 A.B., 628 47th St., Bellaire, Ohio.

556 Oscar Allen M ans field , '44 A.B., 330 S Clairmont Ave., Springfield, Ohio.

557. Michael Louis Vlahos, '44 A.B., 56 W . Perrin Ave., Springfield, Ohio.

558. Warren Addison Trimble, '44 A.B , 136 Vermont Ave. S.W., Warren, Ohio

559. James Louis Carve/as, '45 A.B., 282 Custer Ave., Youngstown, Ohio. Rushing Ch airman

560. Stanley George Coffelt, '45 A.B., 336 Dickenson Ave., Van Wert, Ohio.

Nos. 556-557, initiated Oct. 19, 1941; Nos. 558-560, initiated Feb 22, 1942

Rushing season: Sept. 10-30, 1942.

College activities: Blue Key (senior), F Ray Schueller, Chester E. Quick ; Freshman class, James L. Carvelas, pres.; Sophomore class, Thomas 0. Moore, vice pres.; Witt, Charles W. Meager, bus. mgr., Pledge Donald ·E. Stilwell, ed., 3; Torch, F. Ray Schueller, bus. mgr., 1; Witten berger (yearbook), Samuel J , Sachs, bus. mgr., 1; Tennis, William H. Coombs, capt.; Track, 1; Baseball, 1; Football, 4; Basketball, 1; Rifle team, 2; "W" club, 2; Boost Wittenberg assn ., 3; Interfraternity council, 2 ; Shifters, 3; Pi Delta Epsilon, 4; Theta Alpha Pi, 1; Intramural mgrs , 3; Choir, 1; Debate, 1; Dramatics, 3; Y.M.C.A., 3; Interfraternity prom. com., F. Ray Scheuller, chm.

St. Louis, Mo. 1486. John Fabian Clark, '42 A.B., 1130 Vine St., Murray, Utah. 1488 James Bond Dealy, Jr., '42 A.B., 84 Highland St., West Newton, Mass 1489. James Aiken Fisher, '42 A.B., 1740 Beechwood Rd ., Pittsburgh, Pa. 1491. Edgar Toll Glass, Jr., '42 A.B., Sunset Farm, West Hartford, Conn. 1494 William Harvey, '42 A.B., 301 W. Carroll St. , Macomb, Ill.

. Melvin Linthicum Hawley, '42 A.B., 515 Warwick Rd., Kenilworth, Ill.

1497. Bradley Nichols Hunt, '42 A.B., 255 Crestwood Rd., Fairfield, Conn

1498. Edwin Charles McDonald, Jr., '42 A.B., 12 Sunnybrae Pl., Bronxville, N, Y. 1499 Richard Meredith Moore, '42 A B , 369 Humboldt St., Denver, Colo.

1500. John Clark Ripley, '42 A B , Edgewood Ave., Smithtown Br., L.I., N.Y.

1501. John Stanley Walker, '42 A.B., 3579 Washington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.

1502 Robert Charles White, '42 A.B., Pineacre, Niles, Mich.

1503. Bruce Middleton Steere, '42 A.B , 120 Clarke Ave., Palm Beach, Fla.

1504. Edward Hazard Sieber (T), '41 A.B., 400 Clark Ave., Kirkwood, Mo., Graduated

1505. Oliver Morgan Barres, Jr., '43 A.B., 942 Linden St , Bethlehem, Pa.

1506. Joseph Bulkley Blackburn, '43 A.B., 180 Gilpin St., Denver, Colo.

1507. David Mills Boffey, '43 A.B., 130 Ocean Blvd ., Atlantic Highla':lds, N J.

1508. Frederick William Burns, Jr., '43 A.B. , 1471 Beacon St., Brookline, Mass

1509. Robert Ohmart Corley, '43 A.B., 4 Ridge Crest Rd., Hamden, Conn.

1510. Meade David Detweiler, III, '43 A.B , Ten Acres, Bowmansdale, Pa President, T reasurer, Rushing Ch airman.

1512. Stanley Gray Dunwiddie, Jr., '43 A B , 429 N. Jackson St., Janesville, Wis.

THE CHAPTERS IN 1942 543 Wittenberg College Alpha Gamm a District X 1867 Springfield, Ohio 625 Woodlawn Ave 535 Charles William Meager, '42 A B., 118 Summit Ave , Wadsworth, Ohio. 537. Frank Raymond Schueller, '42 B.S.Ed , 5109 Stewart Rd ., Cincinnati, Ohio. President. 538. William Howard Coombs, '42 A.B., 253 Custer Ave., Youngstown, Ohio. Treasurer. 540. Richard Thornton Hauer, '43 A.B., 3619 Brentwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Secret ary. 541. Chester Eugene Quick, '42 A.B., 309 Bellaire Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Left college. 546. Thomas Shearer Dyke, '42 A.B., R.F.D. 1, Elyria, Ohio. 547. Paul Francis Cropper, Jr., '42 A.B ., 468 W 3rd St., Mansfield, Ohio. 550. John RoberJ: McClaran, '43 B.S., 2923 Southern Blvd ., Youngstown, Ohio. 551. Samuel Joseph Sachs, '43 B.S., 101 Elmwood Ave., Newark, Ohio. 552. Robert Frank Tuttle, '42 A.B ., 457 E Northern Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Vice President 553 Laurel Eugene Bandy, '44 A.B ., R F.D. 1, Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Left college ' 554.
Yale University Phi Chi New Haven, Conn. District II 1892 204 York St. 1464 Walter Almer Barrows, IV, '42
B., Orchard Way, St. Davids, Pa 1465.
'42 A.B.,
277 Park Ave , New York, N Y 1470. Philip Walden David Farley, '42 A B , 130 E. 67th St., New York, N.Y. 1473. William Anthony Gamble, '42 A.B., 24 Everit St., New Haven, Conn. 1476. Robert Paul Masland, Jr., '42 A B., 355 Graham St., Carlisle, Pa 1478. William Percival Powning, '42 A B , 597 Whalley Ave., New Haven, Conn 1480. William Dickson Seidler, '42 A B., 16 Plymouth St., Montclair, N.J _ 1481. Thomas William Ford, '42 A.B., 547 Wick Ave., Youngstown, Ohio. 1482. James Thomas Shea, '42 A.B., 8 Walnut St., Nanticoke, Pa 1483. James Robert Welch, '42 A.B., 18 Rose Hill Ave , New Rochelle, N.Y 1484. Robert James Montgomery Wilson, '42 A.B., Pickwick Arms Hotel, Greenwich, Conn. 1485. Rene August Chouteau, '42 A B., 26 Vandeventer St.,
William Roy Battey,
144 Overlook Cir., New Rochelle, N.Y.
Robert Lind Brush, '42 A.B.,


Bruce Charles Hammerschmidt, '43 A.B., 1101 Riverside Dr., South Bend, Ind Vice President.

Walker Peterson Holloway, '43 A.B., Kenwood Pl., Wheeling, W.Va.

James Madison Kemper, Jr., '43 A.B., 1231 W . 57th St., Kansas City, Mo.

James Harold King, Jr., '43 A.B., 20 Bradford Rd., Scarsdale, N.Y.

William Clarence Kurtz, Jr., '43 A.B., 1259 Gunnison Ave., Grand Junction, Colo.

Joseph Allen Lee, Jr , '43 A.B., Deer Park, Greenwich, Conn. Third Officer.

Richard Cunningham Noyes, '43 A.B., 132 Canner St., New Haven, Conn. Secretary.

George Klindt Ramsey, '43 A.B., 834 Marquette St., Davenport, Iowa.

Frank Clinton Rogers, Jr., '43 A.B., 47 Axtel Dr., Scarsdale, N.Y.

Arthur Addison Seeligson, Jr., '43 A.B , 825 Contour Dr., San Antonio, Texas •

Earl Prates Slick, '43 A.B., 327 W. 18th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Left college.

Ralph Stuart Smith, '43 A.B., 207 Park Ave., New York, N.Y.

William Scott Snead, Jr., '43 A :B. , 403 Claremont, Montclair, N.J.

William Stuart Squire, '43 A.B., 83 E. Genesee St , Skaneateles, N.Y.

Jack Aldrich Stroube, '43 A.B., 1200 Park Ave , Corsicana, Texas.

Edward Judson Waite, II, '43 A B., 5 Park St., Adams, N.Y.

Arthur Collins Williams, '43 A.B. , 31 Hodge Rd., Princeton, N.J.

Samuel Beardsley, '43 A.B., 1012 Park Ave., Utica, N.Y.

Edward Perkins Clark, II, '43 A.B., 26 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn, N.Y.

David Ferguson, Jr , '43 A.B., 70 Washington Ave., Garden City, L.I , N.Y.

Leo Richard Johnson, '43 A B., 3162 Bainbridge Ave., New York, N.Y.

Richard Sims Thomas Marsh, '43 A.B., 3515 Lowell St., Washington, D.C.

Donal Peter Anthony McDonnell, '43 A.B., Pecksland Rd ., Greenwich, Conn.

Ward Miller, '43 A.B., 63 North St., Greenwich, Conn.

Charles Morgan Perry, '43 A.B., 240 St. Ronan St., New Haven, Conn.

George Rowe, Jr., '43 A.B., 12 Overton Rd., Ossining, N Y.

David Malcolm Saunders, '43 A.B., 143 Poplar Ave., Flushing, L.I., N.Y.

Clyde Richard Scott, '43 A.B., 5516 Garfield St., Kansas City, Mo.

Edwin Cunnington Town, Jr., '43 A.B., 200 N. Narbeth Ave., Narbeth, Pa.

John Cullen Weadock, '43 A.B., 81 Brookside Dr., Greenwich, Conn.

James Herbert Boughton, '43 A.B., Two Rivers Farm, Westport, Conn.

Douglas McKenzie Smith, '43 A.B., 514 Bendermere Ave., Interlaken, N.J.

Frederick Aley Allan, '44 A.B., 10 Highland Ave., Montclair, N.J.

Robert Case Bennett, '44 A.B., 2700 Prairie Ave., Highland Park, Ill.

Rufus Bradford Burnham, Jr., '44 A.B., Casa Caprona Apts , Fort Pierce, Fla.

Martin Burns Clark, '44 A.B., 1203 Redondo Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.

Thomas Carlow Clifford, '44 A.B., Red Apple Orchards, Shipman, Va

Willard Howard Cobb, Jr., '44 A.B., 111 Osborn Rd., Rye, N.Y.

John Cornelius Coughlin, Jr., '44 A.B., 16 Lawrence Rd., Swampscott, Mass.

Ronald Sears Davis, '44 A.B., 11 Otsego Rd., Worcester, Mass.

Marion Clarence Dietrich, Jr., '44 A.B., 854 Caledonia Ave., Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

Talton Higbee Embry, Jr., '44 A.B., 2570 Madison Rd , Cincinnati, Ohio.

Sherwood Ha yes Finley, '44 A B., West Hartford, Vt.

Austen Henry Furse, Jr., '44 A.B., 1315 S. Adams St., Ft. Worth, Texas.

Edward Givens Goodspeed, '44 A.B., Greenfield Hill, Fairfield, Conn

Prank Johnson Hightower, '44 A.B , 1500 Drury La., Oklahoma City, Okla.

Neal Duncanlvey, Jr., '44 A.B., Villanova, Pa.

Hewette Elwell Joyce, Jr., '44 A.B., 30 E. Wheelock St., Hanover, N.H.

Irwin Hamilton Kramer, '44 A.B. , 228 W. 47th St., New York, N.Y.

David Kruidenier, Jr., '44 A.B.,. 520 43rd St., Des Moines, Iowa.

Richard Carlisle Long, II, '44 A.B., 7227 Pennsylvania Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Burke Marsh all, '44 A.B., 1007 Hillside Ave., Plainfield, N.J.

James Joseph McTernan, Jr., '44 A.B., 56 Walnut St., West Haven, Conn.

Charles Francis Robbins, Ill, '44 A.B., Llewellyn Park, West Orange, N.J.

Samuel Locke Sawyer, '44 A B., 1249 W. 58th St., Kansas City, Mo.

Charles Newton Schenck, III, '44 A B., 77 Chestnut St., Englewood, N.J.

John Mitchell Seidler, '44 A.B.., 16 Plymouth St., Montclair, N.J.

Donald Graham Stewart, '44 A.B., 257 Ocean Dr. W., Stamford, Conn.

Burton G Tremaine, II, '44 A.B., 2730 Chesterton Rd., Cleveland, Ohio.

Charles McCullough Weis, '44 A.B., 13 Buckingham St., Rochester, N.Y.

James Allen Whitmore, Jr., '44 A.B., R.F.D. 1, Little Valley, N.Y.

John Hu g h Bolton , Jr. , '44 A.B., 144 Hill St., Whitinsville, Mass

George Allen Buffum, '44 A B., 674 Ventura St., Pasadena, Calif.

D avid Lyman Buttolph, '44 A.B., 18 Wilson St., Hartsdale, N.Y.

Alfred McClure Clark, Jr., '44 A.B., 133 Gypsy La., Youngstown, Ohio.

Walter Plato Goodman, '44 A.B., Manursing Island, Rye, N.Y.

Brewster Ball Hanson, '44 A.B , 215 Hawthorne Rd., Hopkins, Minn.

David E v erett Leavenwo.rth, '44 A.B., 204 19th St. N.W., Canton, Ohio.

Raymond Norwood Plank, '44 A.B., Wayzata, Minn.

544 1513. 1514. 1515. 1516. 1517. 1518. 1519. 1520. 1521. 1522. 1523 1524. 1525. 1526. 1527. 1528. 1529. 1530. 1531. 1533. 1535. 1540. 1541. 1542. 1543. 1544 1545. 1546. 1547. 1548. 1549. 1550. 1551. 1552. 1553. 1554. 1555. 1556. 1557. 1558. 1559. 1560. 1561. 1562. 1563. 1564. 1565. 1566. 1567. 1568. 1569. 1570.
1571. 1572. 1573 1574. 1575. 1576. 1577. 1578. 1579. 1580. 1581. 1582 1583. 1584. 1585. 1586. 1587.


1588. John Goodman Sloneker, '44 A.B., New London Pike, Hamilton, Ohio. 1589. Edwin Charles Steffen , Jr., '44 A.B., f4 Fairoaks Estate, Clayton, Mo. 1590. Boetius Henry Sulli van, Jr., '44 A.B., 356 Wellington Ave., Chicago, Ill.

NoTE concerning Yale chapter roll: Nos. 1503-1543 were incorrectly reported in the 1941 report, and are correctly stated in the present report. Not previously reported: No. 1503, initiated Nov. 5, 1939; No. 1504, affiliated Sept. 27, 1940; No. 1523, initiated Oct. 24, 1940. Correct roll numbers for initiates reported last year are as stated above: Nos. 1505-1529, initiated Oct. 24, 1940; Nos. 1530-1535 and Nos 1540-1548, initiated Feb. 26, 1941; Nos. 1536-1539, numbers not assigned; Nos. 1549-1550, initiated Mar. 11, 1941.

Initiated since last report: Nos. 1551-1579, initiated Nov. 5, 1941; Nos. 1580-1590, initiated Mar. 5, 1942.

Rushing season: Varies, but usually between Oct. 10-26 and Feb. 17-25 of each year.

Members of honorary scholastic societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Rene A. Chouteau, John S. Walker. College activities: Skull and Bones (senior), Rene A. Chouteau, John S. Walker; Scroll and Key (senior), Robert P. Masland; Yale News, 4; Yale Record, 1 ; WOCD (radio station), Edward P. Clark, pres., 4; Yale History (yearbook), James A. Fisher, chm ; Naval society, 2; Cannon and Castle (R.O.T.C.), 1; Junior prom. com., 2; 1941 senior prom. com., Carl 0 Dunbar, chm., Robert E Keating, treas.; Interfraternity council, Meade D . Detweiler, III, sec.; Yale community council, 7; Political union, 5; C.A.A. (flying), 4; Glee club, 1; Yale Dramat, Robert L. Brush, bus. mgr., 7; Football, 7; Baseball, 2; Basketball, 1; Track, 3; Crew, 1; Tennis, 1; University tennis tournament, Hewette E. Joyce, Jr., runner-up; Swimming, 2, Robert C. Bennett, freshman capt.; Wrestling, 1; Golf, 2; Boxing, 2 ; Lacrosse, 2 ; Hockey, Marion C. Dietrich, J.V mgr.

Chapter cup: James T. Brown cup for all-around efficiency, not awarded in 1941.

The Yale Betas on the Cover

The splendid cover picture came to us from Richard C. Noyes, '43 , Phi Chi Chapter Secretary during the past year. At the piano in the Chapter House is President Sherwood Finley, '44 Standing, left to right, are Hewette Joyce, '44; David M. Boffey, '43; Cullen Weadock, '43, and Donal McDonnell, '43.

Preliminary Convention Announcement

The 103rd General Convention will be held August 25 through August 28 at the Lookout Mountain Hotel, Lookout Mountain, Tennessee. The rates, American plan, will be $8.00 per day single, $7.00 double, and $5.50 triple. Full details will be given in the May issue.

The Centenary Film

The Fraternity has made arrangements with the Castle Film Co. for the use of the Centenary motion picture at a cost of $2.50 per booking. The cost covers the shipment, with inspection and repairs on the film. The film is available in 16 mm., both sound and silent Communicate direct with the Castle Film Co., R.C.A. Building, Rockefeller Center, New York, N.Y. (G. HERBERT SMITH, General Secretary)


The Beta T beta Pi Fraternity

Founded at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio

August 8, 1839


"Of ever honored memory."

jOHN REILY KNOX, 1839; May 20, 1820-February 7, 1898.

SAMUEL TAYLOR MARSHALL, 1840; February 26, 1812-June 13 , 1895.

DAVID LINTON, 1839; January 30, 1815-August 10, 1889.

)AMES GEORGE SMITH, 1840; August 10, 1819-September 16, 1849.

CHARLES HENRY HARDIN, 1841; July 15, 1820-)uly 29, 1892.

jOHN Hon DUNCAN, 1840; July 7, 1820-May 27, 1896.

MICHAEL CLARKSON RYAN, 1839 ; April 23, 1820-0ctober 23, 1861.

THOMAS BOSTON GORDON, 1840; February 4, 1816-January 25, 1891.


The Board of Trustees:

1939-1942. William W. D awson, Robert H. Frazier.

1940-1943. James L. Gavin, Walter Holt

1941-1944. G Herbert Smith, Bertram W. Bennett.


WILLIAM W. DAWSON, Ohio Wesleyan ' 14, School of Law, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.

Vice Presidents:

ROBERT H. FRAZIER, North Carolina '19, Banner Bldg., Greensboro, N.C.

WALTER HOLT, Den ison '13, 151 Potrero Ave., San Francisco, Calif.

BERTRAM W. BENNETT, Knox '20, c/o Caspers Tin Plate Co., 4100 W. 42nd Place, Chicago, Ill

G eneritl Treasurer:

)AMES L. GAVIN, D ePauw '96, Hume-Mansur Bldg., Indianapo li s, Ind.

Auistant Ge neral Treasurer: FRANK G. ENSIGN, Beloit '00, P O. Box 1758, Boise, Idaho.

G enera l Secretary:

G HERBERT SMITH, DePauw '27, Administration Bldg., Greencastle, Ind.

Alumni Counselor: SUMTER D MARKS, JR. , T u lane 'I4, United Fruit Bldg., New Orleans, La.

Schol arshi p Commiuioner: A. RAY WARNOCK, Illin ois '05 , State Pa

Dire cto r of Special Visitation: LT. CoL. CLIFFORD C. GREGG, Cincinnati 17, c/o Field Museum of Natural H istory, Chtcago, 111. Rushin g Commiuion er: \l(;'M. CRAMP SCHEETZ, ]R., Pennsyl vania '34, Box 95, Cynwyd, Pa

Editor, B;;Ta: 9;;ra Oi

GORDON S. SMYTH, Pennsylvania '18, 6334 Greene St., Germantown, Pa.


A thletic Editor: GEORGE H. CASEY, B owdoin '19, 4 ·Mountain View Park Rd., Cape Elizabeth, Me.

GEORGE M. CHANDL ER, Michif{an '98, The Army War College, Washington, D.C.

Trustees of the Baird Fund:

)AMES L. GAVIN, DePauw '96, Hume-Mansur Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind.

WALTER L FLORY, Denison '03, Gua rdia n Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio

A.). G. PRlEST, Idaho '18, 2 Rector St., New York, N.Y.

TraHtf!es of the Founders' Fund:

}AMES L. GAVIN, D ePauw '96, Hume-Mansur Bldg , Indianapolis, Ind.

]. HAROLD RYAN, Yale '08, 4515 River Rd ., Toledo, Ohio.

}OHN L. BAKER, Miami '04, c/o Fire Association, 40 1 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa

Tlo, Ad.,isory Council of Former Trustees:

HAROLD). BAILY, Amherst '08, 32 Liberty St., New York, N.Y.

CoL. H. SHERIDAN BAKETEL, D artmouth '95, 155 VanWagenen Ave., Jersey City, N.J.

}UNIUS E. BEAL, Michif{an '82, Ann Arbor, Mich.

}OHN A BLAIR, Wabash '93, 267 N. Main St., Chambersburg, Pa.



WILLIS BoUGHTON, Michi!(an '81, 280 E. 21st St., Brooklyn, N.Y.

GEO. M. CHANDLER, Michi!(an '98, The Army War College, Washington, D C.

DuNLAP C. CLARK, Chicago '17, c/o American National Bank, Kalamazoo, Mich.

MORRIS R. EBERSOLE, Cincinnati '98, 1730 N. Gardner St., Hollywood, Calif.

FRANK G. ENSIGN, Beloit '00, P.O Box 1758, Boise, Idaho.

WILLIAM L. GRAVES, Ohio State '93, 28 Northmoor Rd., Columbus, Ohio.

LT CoL. CLIFFORD C. GREGG, Cincinnati' 17, c/o Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Ill.

STANLEY E. GUNNISON, St. Lawrence '99, Hawthorne Gardens, Mamaroneck, N.Y.

CHARLES B. GUTELIUS, Indiana '05, 911 Underwriters Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind

CAMPBELL ]. McDIARMID, Cincinnati '93, 5 Clark St., Wyoming, Cincinnati, Ohio.

H. WALTON MITCHELL, Pennsyl van ia State '90, 1090 Devon Rd., Pittsburgh, Pa.

RoNALD F. MOIST, West Virginia '15, Clarksburg, W.Va.

STRATFORD L. MORTON, Washinl(ton '10, 1736 Arcade Bldg., St. Louis, Mo.

CLARENCE L. NEWTON, Wesleyan '02, 60 State St., Boston, Mass.

WARREN D. OAKES, DePauw '95, 5150 Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, Ind .

A ]. GusTIN PRIEST, Idaho '18, 2 Rector St., New York, N Y

GEORGE M. ROUDEBUSH, Denis·on ' 15, 915 Williamson Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio

.J. HAROLD RYAN, Yale '08, 4515 River Rd , Toledo, Ohio.

WILBUR H SIEBERT, Ohio State '88, 182 W. lOth Ave., Columbus, Ohio.

JOHN R. SIMPSON, Miami '99, 1 Wall St., New York, N.Y.

GORDON S. SMYTH, Pennsylvania '18, 6334 Greene St., Germantown, Pa

RoBERT M. THOMPSON, Minnesota '95, 923 Metropolitan Life Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.

CHARLES L. THORNBURG, Vanderbilt '81, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa

HENRY A. WILLIAMS, Wittenberl( '85, 1319 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio.

RoGER H: WOLCOTT, Yale '05, 2233 Ash St., Denver, Colo

OwEN D. YoUNG, St. Lawrence '94, Van Hornesville, N .Y.


I : Chief : GEORGE R. STRUCK, M.l.T. '34, 25 Beach Ave , Swampscott, Mass. Chapten: Bowdoin, Dartmouth, Maine Mass. Inst Tech

II: Chief: S. B L. PENROSE, ]R., Whitman '27, c/o Near East College Association, 50 W. 50th St., New York, N Y. Chapt er> : Amherst, Brown, Wesleyan, Williams, Yale

III: Chief: J. EDWARD McEvoY, SyracuJe '35, 365 W. Kennedy St., Syracuse, N.Y. Chapter!: Colgate, St. Lawren ce. Uni o n .

IV: Chi ef: NORMAN W. DAKIN, Centre ' 30, 34 McKinley St., Rochester, N Y. Chap/erJ: Cornell, Syracuse, Toronto.

V : Chief : HowARD A. LAW, ]R., Penmyl vania '35 65 Broadway, New York, N.Y. Chapter>: Columbia, Rutgers, Stevens.

VI: Chief : ENSIGN W. C. SCHEETZ, ]R., Penn1yl vania '34, Box 95, Cynwyd, Pa. ChapterJ: Dickinson Johns Hopkins, Lehigh, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania

VII: Chief: HARDIN R. HARMER, We11 VlrKir'ta 22, Shinnston, W.Va. ChapterJ: Carneg1e Tech, Washington & Jefferson, West Vugm.'a ,

VIII : Chief: RALPH L LINCOLN, DavtdJ o n 27, Vtrgtma '31, Marion, Va. Chapter!: Davidson, Duke, North Carolina, Virginia, Washington & Lee.,

IX: Chief: GEORGE M. BROWN, O_h to 31, 924 Un10n Commerce Bldg., Cleveland, Oh10 Chapter!: Case, Denison, Kenyon, Ohio, :Western

X: Chief: W. F. LovELESS, Den11on 25, c/o Oh10 Bell Telephone Co., Room 1310, 42 E Gay St., Columbus, Ohio. Chapter!: Ohio, Ohio State,

XIII: Chief: HoRACE H. Hun, Vanderbilt '06, 94 S. 3rd St., Memphis, Tenn. Chapter!: Florida, Georgia Tech, Mississippi, Tulane, Vanderbilt.

XIV: Chi ef: ORR GOODSON, Ne bra1ka '26, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Ill. Chapter!: Chicago, Illinois, Knox. Michigan.

XV: Chief: WARREN T. FIFER, NorthwtJtern '16, 1010 Linden Ave., Wilmette, Ill. ChapterI: Beloit, Lawrence, Northwestern. Wisconsin.

XVI: Chief: ]OHN WM. FORNEY, MinneJola '33, 4850 Drew Ave. S., Minneapolis. Minn. Chapter!: Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota.

XVII: Chief: WILLARD H. SEIFFERT, lo tva Stale '30, Old Dental Bldg., Iowa City, Iowa. ChapterJ: Iowa, Iowa State, Nebraska.

XVIII: Chief: ]BAN PAUL BRADSHAW, Mi11ouri '27, Lebanon, Mo. Chapter f.' Kansas State, Missouri, Washington (St. Louis) , westminster.

XIX: Chief: MAJOR LEE B. THOMPSON , F A., Oklahoma '25 , 323-4 Pope Ave., Ft. Leavenworth, Kan ChapterJ: Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, Texas.

XX: Chief: CHARLES W. SHELDON, }R., D env er '30, Capitol Life Bldg., Denver, Colo. ChapterI: Colorado, Colorado College, Colorado Mines, Denver, Utah.

XXI: Chief: L. THAD BYRNE, WaJhinl(ton State '25, N. 4214 Washington. Spokane, Wash. Chapter>: Idaho, Washington State, Whitman.

XXII: Chief: STANLEY R CHURCH, WaJhinl(lon Stale '31, c/o Secretary of State Salem, Oreg Chapter!: British Columbia, Oregon, Oregon State, UmveCSJty of Washington.

• B d f

XI: Chief: EDWARD M. BROWN, Miamt 31, Bldg , Cincinnati, Ohio. ChapterI: Centre, Cmcmnab, Miami.

XII: Chief: KERMIT W. ARNOLD, DePauw 37, oar o Trade Bldg. Indianapolis, Ind. Chapter!: DePauw, Hanover, Indiana, Purdue, Wabash.

XXIII: Chief: ELWOOD T STARBUC!<, Chical(o '23, 155 Montgomery St , San Francisco, Calif. Chapter! : California, California at Los Angeles, Stanford.


Important note for Chapter Secretaries

Changes in listing of Chapter Secretaries must be made through G Herbert Smith, Administration Bldg., Greencastle, Ind. . . .

Changes in listing of Chapte r Counselors and Alumnus Frnancral Advrsers must be made through Sumter D. Marks, Jr , United Fruit Bldg., New Orleans, La.

AMHERST (B I 1883) District II 68 Boltwood Ave., Amherst, Mass. Secr eta ry.: Andrew C. Bailey. Chapter Coumelor: Harry M. SISSon, c/o John K. Cloud, 24 Broad St., New York, N .Y. Alumnm Financial AdviJer: Rufus P. Cushman, 55 Irving Pl., Providence, R.I.

BELOIT (X 1860) District XV 810 College Ave., Beloit, Wis. Secretary: E. Hodgson. Chapter Coumelor: John G Martin,. 320 Sherman St., Rockford, Ill. AlumnuJ Fmanetal Adv11er: William H Hall, Church Blvd., Harvard, Ill.

BETHANY ('I' 1860) District VII

Cramblet & Ross Sts., Bethany, W.Va. Secretary: .Wtl·

Iiam ] Young. Chapt er Coumelor: To be appomted.

Alum nm Financia l AdviJer : Lucas B. Cochran, 6(iOI Alamo St., Clayton, Mo.

BOWDOIN (B 1900) District I

14 McKeen St., Brunswick, Maine Sec re tary: Laurence

H . Stone. Chapter Coumelor: John W. Tarbell,. Main St., Brockton, Mass. Alumnus Ftnanctal AdvtJer · George R. Gardner, 80 Orchard St., Auburn, Me.

BRITISH COLUMBIA (f 0 1936) District XXII

S ecretary: Donald M. Ross, 1108 Park Dr., Vancouver,

B C Chapter Coumelor : Dr. Gordon Burke, Medtcal

o"ental Bldg., Vancouver, B C. , Canada. Alumnus

Financial AdviJer: Dr. D. F. McCrtmmon, 705 Metro· politan Bldg., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

BROWN (K 1849) District II

41 George St. Providence, R.I. Secretary: Carroll E

Adams, Jr. Chapter Counselor: Harold B Tan.ner, Westminster St., Providence, R.I. Alumnm Fmancta

Adviser: Seth B Gifford, 15 Westmtnster St., Provt· dence, R.I.

CALIFORNIA (Q 1879) District XX!ll

2607 Hearst Ave., Berkeley, Calif. S ecr etar y: Geral i

F. Brush. Chapter CounJelor; Robert Bruce Walkup, c/o

Donahue, Richards & Hamlt n, of Bid!(. • Oakland , Calif. Alumnus Fmanctal Ad.vuer. Tom Ho·

gan 101 Ricardo Ave Ptedmont, Caltf.

AT Los (f N 1926) District XXIII

581 Gayley Ave. , Los Angeles , Calif. Secretary:

]. Thomas. Ch apte r Counselor: Arthur F Whee[/, 750 S. Orange Dr., Los Angeles Caltf. Alumnus. t ·

nancial Adviser: john F. Van Damm, 448 N. Sterra Bonita Los Angeles, Calif.

CARNEGii TncH (f I 1920) District VII

5549 Forbes St. , Pittsburgh, Pa. Secr etary: James A;r· thur Curry. Chapter CounJelor and Alumnus Fmancutl

Adviser: Clarence R. Dobson, 644 Mornson Dr., Short Hills, Pittsburgh Pa.

CASE (A K 1905) Di strict IX

2111 Abington Rd., Cleveland, Oh10. Secretary: George F. Sowers. Chapter Coumel or: T aylor M Boyd 20615

Balfour Rd., Warrensville Heights, Oh10. Alumnm

Financial Ad vise .: Howard Sage, 1857 E. 85th St., Cleveland, Oh1o

CENTR E (E 1848) Di strict XI

118 N. 5th St Danville, Ky. Se cretary:. Alex F Courtenay. Chapter Counselor: Enos S. Swam, Centre College, D anville, Ky Al u mnus Fin ancial Ad v iser: Madison ] Lee, c/o Kentucky School for the Deaf, Danville, Ky

CHICAGO (A P 1868) D istrict XIV

5737 University Ave., Chicago, Ill. S ecretary: Richard Lieber IV. Chapt er Co u nsel or: G. N. Kelly, 6747 S. Euclid Ave Chtcai(O, Ill. Alu m nus Financial Ad viser: John Mattmiller, 110 Lincoln Ave., Riverside, Ill.

CINCINNATI (B N 1890) District XI

2630 University Ct., Cincinnati Ohio. Secret ary : .James R. Fuller. Chapter Counselor: Robert Stauss, 316 Provident Bank Cincinnati. Ohio. Alumnus Financial Ad vis er: William P. Fosdick, c/ o Fosdick & Hilmer, Union Trust Bid!(., Cincinnati Ohio.

CoLGATE (B 9 1880) District III

80 Broad St., Hamilton, N.Y. Secretary : Carl A Kallgren. Jr. Chapter Counselor: Dr. Howa rd B. Jefferson Colgate University Hamilton, N.Y. Alumnus Ad viser: Robert W Gillson , Hamilton, N.Y.

COLORADO (B T 1900 ) Di strict XX

1111 Broadway, Bou lder, Colo. Se cretary : Robert B. Holmes Chapter Counse l or: ]ames Reid Shannon, 1329

E. 11th Ave. , Denver. Colo. Alumnus Financial Adviser: Christopher Bartlett, Boulder, Colo.

COLORADO COLLEGE (f A 1914) District XX

106 E San Rafael. Colorado Sprinl(s, Colo Secrttary: Richard W. Hughes. Chap t er Counsel or: Charles H arry

Blunt 8 S 25 th St Colorado Springs, Colo. Alumnus

Finan cia l Ad vis er: Russell De Fries, P O. Box 666, Colorado Sorings, Colo

COLORADO MINES (B <I> 1908) District XX

1701 Arapahoe St., Golden , Colo. S ecretarl: Tod d C.

Storer Chapter Counselor and Alumnus Fma ncia l Advistr: Prof. Clark B. Carpenter, 1809 Ford St., Golden , Colo.

COLUMAIA (A A 1881) D istrict V

550 W. !14th St., New York, N.Y. Secrttary: Edwin

T Long Chapttr Coun ul or: Rich ard H. Durham, 33 Monroe Pl., Brooklyn, N.Y. Alumnus Financial

Adviser: William R. Cowte, 600 W. lllth St., New York, N Y.

CoRNELL (B A 1879) District IV

100 Ridgewood Rd., Ithaca, N.Y. Secretary: Clyde Loughridge. Chapter Coumelor: Charles. E. Dykes, 225 S. Albany St., Ithaca, N.Y. Alumnus Ftnanctal Advuer:

R. W. Sailor, 113 E. Green St. , Ithaca, N.Y.

DARTMOUTH (A Q 1889) District I

Webster Ave., Hanover, N H Secretary: John C. Meleney. Chapter Counselor: Harold L. Webster, c/o Guaranty Trust Co , White Plains, N.Y. Alumnus

Financial Ad vise r: H. W Eldredge, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N H.

DAVIDSON (<I> A 1858) District VIII

Box 233, Davidson, N.C. Secretary: Crail( R Schmidt

Chapter Counselor: .John I. Smith, 96 Pendleton St., Greenville. S.C. Alumnus Financtal Adviser: R. S. Abernethy, Jr., Independence Bldg., Charlotte, N.C.

DENISON (A H 1868) District IX

Fraternity Row, Granville, Ohio. Secretary: John G. Rucker. Chapter Counselor: Robert F VanVoorhis, Goose Pond Rd., R F.D. 2, Newark, Ohio Alumnus

Financial Adviser: Robert Alexander, Gas & Electric

Bldg., N. Main St Dayton, Ohio

DENVER (A Z 1889) District XX

2060 S. Gayl ord St. , Denver, Colo. Secretary: C. Edwin Lenicheck Chapter Counselor: J. Ernest Mitchell, 2087

S. Clayton St., Denver, Colo Alumnus Financial Adviser: T S. Hayden, 1638 Welton St Denver, Colo

DEPAUW (A 1845) District XII

415 Anderson St., Greencastle, Ind Secretary: Allan

D. Vestal. Chapter Counselor and Alumnm Financial Adviser: Howell H. Brooks, Comptroller's Office. De· Pauw Univ., Greencastle, Ind

DICKINSON (A 1874) District VI

402 W. High St., Carlisle, Pa Secretary: Edwin E. Lippincott. Chapter Counselor : H. G. Van Riper, 132

Conway St., Carlisle, Pa Alumnus Financial Adviser: Reed B. Teitrick, 240 W. South St , Carlisle, Pa

DUKE (f P 1939) District VIII University Dormitories, Durham, N.C Secretary: Harvie Branscomb, Jr. Chapter Counselor: Kenneth W. Clark, c/ o School of Religion, Duke Univ., Durham, N.C. Alumnus Financial Adviser: Edgar F. Shannon, Jr., E-1 -B University Apts Durham, N.C.

FLORIDA (f ;;;: 1930) District XIII

135 1 W. Masonic St., Gainesville. Fla. Secrttary: G. Eugene Sebring. Chapter Counselor: Prof. H. P. Constance, c/ o University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. Alumnus Fin ancial Adviser: Klein H. Graham, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla

T ECH (f H 1917) District XIII

764 Fowler St. N.W., Atlanta, Ga. S ecretary: John E. Schott. Chapt er Cou nselor: Willis M. Everett, Jr., 401 -2 Connally Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Alumnus Fin a ncial Adviser: Phil B. Nacmore, 55 Park Circle N W At· lanta, Ga.

HANOVER (I 1853) District XII

10 Campus Dr., Hanover, Ind Secret ary: James L. Miller. Ch apter Coanselor: Gordon Ritter, River· side Dr Columbus, Ind Alumnw Financial Advistr: George C. Burkett, Jr., 2942 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind.

IDAHO (f r 1914) District XXI

727 Elm St., Moscow, Idaho. Secretary: Bruce A. Boyd. Chapter Counselor: Abe Goff, Moscow, Idaho. Alumnus Fin ancial Adviser: Dr. J. Harry Eiohouse, Moscow, Idaho

ILLINOIS P 1902) District XIV

202 E. Daniel St., Champaign, Ill. Secretary: Rich Anderson Chapter Counselo r and Alumnus Financial Adviser: Clarence J Roseberry, 1116 W. Charles St., Champaign, Ill.

INDIA NA (IT 1845) District XII

919 E. lOth St 1 Bloomington, Ind. Secretary: Richard J. Thornton. CbaPter Counstlor: David C. Wylie, c/o Bloomington Limestone Co Bloomington, Ind. Alum· mu Financial Adviser: Howard Alltop, c/o American United Life Insurance Co., 30 W. Fall Creek N. Dr., India napolis , Ind.

IOWA (A B 1866) District XVII

816 N. Dubuque St., Iowa City Iowa. Secrttary: Tom Davis Olin. Chapter Counselor: Robert E J,teino:w1 State University, Iowa Ctty, Iowa Alumnus. Ftnancta Adviser: William E. Morrison, First Capttol Nat'! Bank Bldg.. Iowa City, Iowa.

IOWA STATE (T 1905) District XVII

2120 Lincoln Way, Ames , Iowa Secretary: Edwin Covert. Chapttr Counstl or: Hiram A. Munn, Ames, Iowa Alumnus Financial Adviser: Willard H. Seiffert, Old Dental Bldg , Iowa City, Iowa.


jOHNS HOPKINS (A X 1877) District VI

2721 Charles St., Baltimore, Md. Secret ary: James E. Applegate. Chapter Counulor: George S. Robertson, Jr., 4623 Wilmslow Rd Baltimore. Md. Al11mnuJ Financial Adviur: Samuel Hopkins, 44 Warrenton Rd., Baltimore, Md.

KANSAS (A N 1872) District XVIII

1425 Tennessee St., Lawrence, Kans. S ecretary : John P Fletcher. Chapter Cormulor: Bruce C. Hurd, 224 Greenwood Ave., Topeka, Kans Fina nc ial Adviur: J. C. Nichols, Jr., 1214 Santa Fe Rd., Kansas City, Mo.

KANSAS STATE (f E 1914) District XVIII

500 Sunset Dr., Manhattan, Kans. S ecretary : John A. Mclain Chapter Coumelor : William Richard Kendall, 1628 Fairchild, Manhattan, Kans. Financia l

AdviJer: R. M. Seaton, The Seaton Publications, Manhattan, Kans

KENYON (B A 1879) District IX

South Leonard Hall, Gambier, Ohio. Secr etary: John R. Jewett, Jr. Chapter Coumelor: Raymond D. Cahall]

Ken yon Collep;e, Gambier, Ohio. Alumnu J Financia

AdviJer: R W. Brouse, 1000 M & T Bank Bldp;., Buffalo, N.Y.

KNOX (Z 1855) District XIV

304 S. Cedar St., Galesburg, Ill. Secretary: Howard Knotts, Jr. Chapter Cormulor: Abe Powelson, 159 S. Prairie St. , Galesburg, Ill. AlumnuJ Financial Adviur: Dr. David M. Delo, Knox College, Galesburg, Ill.

LAWRENCE (f II 1936) District XV

720 E. John St., Appleton , Wis. Secretary_: Albert K. Wickesberg. Chapter Coumelor: Elmer H . jennings, c/ o Thilmanl Pulp & Paper Co., Kaukauna, Wis. Alumnrn Financia Adviur: John P. Reeve, 229 S. Durkee St., Appleton , Wis.

LEHIGH (B X 1891) District VI

University Campus, Bethlehem, Pa. Secret ary: Paul L. Reiber, Jr. Chapter Coumelor: C. Cassard Kaesemeyer, 205 Wall St., Bethlehem, Pa. Alum nru Financial Adviler: A. J. Standing, 1318 Madison Ave., Bethlehem, Pa.

MAINE (B H 1879) District I College Ave., Orono, Maine. Secretary: W. B. Haskell, Jr. Chapter Counul or and Alumnrn Fin ancial Adviur : Frederick S. Youngs, University of Maine, Orono, Maine.

MASS. !NST. TECH. (B T 1913) District I

241 Kent St., Brookline, Mass. Secretary: Robert Peck. Chapter Counul or: George R. Struck, 25 Beach Ave., Swampscott, Mass. Alumnru Financial Adviur: W. Ratcliffe Waldo. 81 Arnold Rd., Wellesley, Mass.

MIAMI (A 1839) District XI

200 E. High St., Oxford, Ohio. Secretary: George T. Hill. Chapter Coumelor: John R. Simpson, No. 1 Wall St., New York N.Y A11fmnuJ Financial Adviur: Philip D. Shera, Oxford, OhiO.

MICHIGAN (A 1845) District XIV

604 S State St , Ann Arbor, Mich. Secr etary: Cha_rles

M. Boynton. Chapter Coumelor: John C. Spau ldmp;,

3456 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich Alumnru Financial Adviur: Handled by Ann Arbor Trust Co. , Homer

L. Heath, Sec. (Not a Beta), Ann Arbor, Mich.


1625 University Ave S.E., Mmneapolts , Mmn. S ec retary: John L. Townley. Chapter Coumelor: R. M.

Thompson, 923 Metropolitan Bldg., Minneapo!ts. Minn. Alumnru Frnanctal Advuer : George Benton,

2753 Fourth Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.

MISSISSIPPI (B B 1879) District XIII

Fraternity Row, University, Miss. Secretary: Thomas .J. Griffith , Jr. Chapter Counulor : John Fox, U'!tverstty of Mississippi , University, Mtss. Frnancral

Adviur: David Hughes, Oxford, Mtss.

MISSOURI (Z <I> 1890) District XVIII

520 College Ave. , Columbia, Mo. Secretary: _Lloyd E. Jones, Jr. Chapter Coumel or: A. H. Jr

!lA Kuhlman Ct., Columbia, Mo. Alumniii Frnanctal

Adviur: John H. Turner, P.O. Box 2275, Norman, Okla.

NEBRASKA (A T 1888) District XVII

1515 R St. , Lincoln, Neb. Secretary: Ketth L. .Howard. Chapter Counulor: Allen B. Beaumont, c/o Flfst Trust Co., Lincoln , Neb. Alumnrn Financial Adviur: Ted E. Barger, 555 National Bank of Commerce Bldg., Lincoln , Neb.

NoRTH CAROLINA (H 1852) District VIII

114 Columbia St., Chapel Htll , N C. Secretary: George E. Matthews. Chapter Cotmulor: Lawrence E. Watt, Wachovia Bank & Trust Co., Charlotte, N.C. Alu'!'-

nui Financial Adviur: John H. Anderson, Jr., Bank Bldg., Raleigh , N.C., and ActlVltles Auditor of the Univ. of N C., Chapel Htll, N.C.

NORTH DAKOTA (f K 1922) District XVI

2600 University Ave , Grand Forks, N Dak. Secretary: Edward K. Lander. Chapter Counulor: Walter C. Weaver, 1224 Belmont Rd. , Grand Forks, N.Dak. AlumnuJ Financial Adviur: Thomas Thorliefson, 316 N. 16th St., Grand Forks, N.D.

NoRTHWESTERN (P 1873) District XV

North Campus, Evanston, Ill. Secretary: John K. SJ?iller. Chapter Counulor: Lloyd Norlin, Beta Theta

Pt House. Evanston, Ill. AlumnuJ Financial Adviur: Glenn Miller, 1596 Oak St., Evanston, Ill.

OHIO (B K 1841) District X

23 S. Congress St., Athens, Ohio. Secretary: Robert L. Queisser, III. Chapter Coumtlor: Harold E. Wise, E. State and Evans Sts., Athens, Ohio. Alumnru Financial AdviJer: Roland Jones, c/o Home Telephone Co , Athens, Ohio

OHIO STATE (8 6 1885) District X

165 15th Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Secretary : John L. Hutson. Chapter Coumelor: George D Shellabarger, 346 W South St., Worthinp;ton, Ohio. Alumnui Financial Adviur: Charles J. Kurtz, Jr., 538 E. Town St., Columbus, Ohio.

OHIO WESLEYAN (8 1853) District IX

54 W. Lincoln Ave., Delaware, Ohio. Secrttary: Robert Brenttinger. Chapter Coumelor: Fred 0 . Burkhalter, Bulkley Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. AlrmznuJ Financial Adviur: Robert E. Watson, Delaware, Ohio.

OKLAHOMA (f <I> 1907) District XIX

800 Chautauqua Ave., Norman , Okla Se cretary: Robert W. King. Chapter Counulor: Walter W. Kraft. University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. AlumnuJ Financial Advhtr: John F. Sharp, 2618 First Nat'! Bank, Oklahoma City, Okla.

OKLAHOMA STATE (f A 1923) District XIX

1207 College Ave , Stillwater, Okla. Secretary: Willi am E. Payne. Chapter Coumelor: Millard G. Kratz, School of Commerce, Oklahoma State College, Still· water Okla. AlumnuJ Financial AdviJer: Robert Donald sOil, c/ o Donaldson Manning Lumber Co., Still· water, Okla.

OREGON (B P 1909) District XXII

1009 Patterson St., Eugene, Oreg. Secretary: Richard F. Igl. Ch ap ter Counu lor and AlumnuJ Financial AdviJer: J. Lawrence Woodworth, 1145 E. 21st St., Eugene, Oreg

OREGON STATE (f M 1923) District XXII

330 N. 9th St. , Corvallis, Oreg Secretary: John Pugh. Chapter Counulor: Dan W. Poling, c/o Oregon State College, Corvallis, Oreg. Alumnrn Fi na -:cial Adviur: AI Oliver, Oregon State College, Corval!ts, Oreg.

PENNSYLVANIA (<!> 1880) District VI

3529 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. Secretary: Edward 0. McHenry, Jr. Chapter Coumel or: Norman J. 9reef!e, 1606 Walnut St. , Philadelphia, Pa. Alumnru Frnanctal Adviur: To be appointed.

PENNSYLVANIA STATE (A T 1888) District VI College Campus, State College, Pa. Secretary: James Milholland, jr. Chapter Co11melor: Burke M. Hermann, Boalsburg, Pa. Alumnrn Financial AdviJer: Edward I. Brown , State College, Pa.

PURDUE (B M 1903) Distri ct XII

150 Littleton St., West Lafayette, Ind. Secretary: W. L. Morgan. Chapter Counulor and AlumnuJ Financial Ad· viler: Ralph M. O 'Haver, Lafayette, Ind.

RUTGERS (B f 1879) District V

50 Union St., New Brunswtck, N.J Secretary: Wtlltam H. Bowne. Chapter Coumelor: Dr. W. Russell Greenwood, 118 Somerset St , New Brunswick, N.J. AlumniiJ Financial AdviJer: Douglas M. Hicks, Nat' l Bank of N J. Bldg., New Brunswick. N.J.

ST. LAWRENCE (B Z 1879) District III

University Ave., Canton, N.Y. Secretary: Austm K. Pink. Chapter Co unu l or : Atwood Manley, c/o St. Lawrence Plaindealtr, Canton, N.Y AlumnuJ Frnan· cia! Adviur: to be appointed.

SOUTH DAKOTA (f A 1912) District XVI

221 E. Main St., Vermilion , S.Dak. Secretary: Wm

T. F. Paul. Ch ap t er Co11melor: Morris A. Chaney, c/o Thompson Co. Inc., Verf':lillion, S.Dak. AlumnuJ Financial to be appomted.

STANFORD (A :!: 1894) District XXIII

557 Lasuen St., Palo Alto, Calif. Secr etary: Robert S. Mostow. Chapter Coumelor: Donald A. Hampton, c/o Provident Mutual Life Ins Co._, 111 Sutter St., San Francisco, Calif. Alum11,111 Frnancral Harlow


Rothert, c/o Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro, 225 Bush St., San Francisco, Calif.

STEVENS ( 1879) District V

812 Castle Point Ter., Hoboken, N.J Secr eta ry: Lawrence W. Egan Chapter Counselor: Howard L. 706 Grove Ave., Grantwood, N .] A/umnru Frnancta

Adviur: Thomas H O 'Gorman, 51 Chambers St., New York, N.Y

SYRACUSE (B E 1889 ) District IV

711 Comstock Ave , Syracuse, N.Y. Secretary: Robert G. Hitchings. Chapter Counselor: ]. Edward McEvoy, 365 W. Kennedy St., Syracuse, N.Y. Alumnru Fi11ancial

AdviJer: B. Church Loveland, First Trust & Deposit Co., Syracuse, N.Y.

TEXAS (B 0 1886) District XIX

1801 Lavaca, Austin, Tex. Secretary: H. P. Hodge{ Jr. Chapter Counulor: H H Power, Dept. of Petro eum

Engmeering, University of Texas. Alumnus Financial Ad viser: Robert F. Smithers, 2004'12 Guadalupe, Austin , Tex.

TORONTO (9 Z 1906) District IV

126 St George St., Toronto, Ont. Secretary: James B. Lillico. Chapter Counse l or and Alumnw Fman cia l ,Advisu: Dr. Beverly Hannah, 170 St. George St., Toronto, Ont.. Canada.

TULANE (B Z 1908) District XIII

1040 Audubon St., New Orleans, La. Secretary: Gordon 0. Ewin Chapter Counselor: Charles G. Smither, 1646 Canal Bank Bldg., New Orleans, La Alumnus

Financial Advise r: Arthur C. McGuirk, 320 Cherokee St., New Orleans, La.

UNION (N 1881) District III

21 Union Ave. Schenectady N.Y. Secretary: Walter

W. Hochuli. Chapter Counselor: Ralston B. Reid , 1068

Wendall Ave., Schenect>dy, N.Y. Alumnus Financial

Ad vi se r: Clifton Vrooman, 216 Union Ave , Schenectady, N.Y

UTAH (r B 1913) District XX

D3 S 13th East, Salt Lake City, Utah. Secretary:

C. Ray Varley. Chapter Counselor and Alumnus

Financial Adviser: Elton W. Pace, c/o Lee, Pace and Turpin, P O. Box 655, Salt Lake City, Utah.

VANDERBILT (B A 1884) District XIII

210 24th Ave. S., Nashville, Tenn. Se cretary: John W. Hall, Jr. Chapter Counselor: Samuel Y. Caldwell, Kirkwood Ave., N ashville , Tenn. Alumnus Financ ht l t Adt•iser: Frank I. Cherry, Nashville Trust Bldg., Nashville, Tenn.

VIRGINIA (0 1855) District VIII

Rugby Rd., Charlottesville, Va. Secretary : J. M. Harrison. Chap ter Cou11selor and Alumnus Financial Adviser: Charles Venable Minor, Court Square Bldg., Charlottesville, Va.

WABASH (T 1846) District XII

513 W. Wabash Ave., Craw fordsville, Ind. Secretary: D onald Kirkhoffer. Chapter Counselor and Alumnus

Financial Adviser: Robert B. McCain , Ben Hur Life Association, Crawfordsville, Ind.


University Campus, St. Louis, Mo. Secretary: Robert Carpenter. Chapter Counselor: Robert Newton, c/o Washington University, St. Lou is, Mo. Alumnus Financial Adt,iser: Joseph Hausladen, 4537 Shenandoah Ave., St. Louis, Mo.

WASHINGTON (SEATTLE) (B fl 1901) District XXII

1617 E. 47th St., Seattle, W ash. Se cretary: James L. Currier. Chapter Counselor: T. R. Faragher, 1st Ave. Branch, Peoples National Bank, 801 First Ave., Seattle,


Wash. Alumnus Financial Adviser: Charles F. Frankland, Pacific Nat'! Bank, Seattle, Wash.

WASHINGTON STATE (r 9 1920) District XXI

704 Linden Ave., Pullman, Wash. Secretary: D avid M. Morgan. Chapter Counselor and Alumnus financial Advuer: Howard Math any, Dept. of MathematiCS, State College of Washington , Pullman, Wash

WASHINGTON & jEFFERSON (r 1842) District VII

166 S. Wade Ave , Washington, Pa Secretary: Noel A. Calhoun, Jr. Chapter Counselor: David W. Craft, Washington Trust Bldg., Washington, Pa. Alumnus Financial Adviser: George H. Warrick, Jr., 232 E. Hallam Ave., Washington, Pa.

WASHINGTON & LEE (A P 1856) Di strict VIII

101 N. Jefferson St. , Lexington, Va. Secret ary: Hous_ton M. Kimbrough. Chapter Counselor: D. Allen PeniCk, Lexington, Va. Alumnus Financial Adviser: Sam Rayder, Rockbridge National Bank, Lexington, Va.

WESLEYAN (M E 1890) District li

184 High St., Middletown, Conn Secretary : Frank W. Long. Chapter Counselor and Alumnus Financial Adviser: Charles E. Butler, Babson Park, Mass.

WESTERN RESERVE (B 1841) District IX

11255 Bellflower Rd , Cleveland, Ohio Secretary: Robert Carman. Chapter Counse l or: Norman Cornell, 3693 Townly Rd., Shaker Heights, Ohio Alumnus cial Adviser: G. Fred Martin, 1731 Wymore Ave., Cleveland Heights, Ohio.


502 Westminster Ave., Fulton, Mo. Secretary: Clifford F. Zell, Jr. ChaPter Counselor: Robert B. Gurthrie, McCredie, Mo. Alumnus Financial Adviser: Fred Bell Montgomery, East 5th St., Fulton, Mo.

WEST VIRGINIA (B 'i' 1900) District Vll

225 Belmar Ave., Morgantown, W Va. Secretary: Joseph W. Roberts Chapter Counselor: William 0. Barnard, Morgantown , W Va. Alumnus Financial Adviser: Richard Earl Davis, Morgantown, W Va.

WHITMAN (r Z 1916) District XXI

925 Isaacs Ave., Walla Walla, Wash. Secretary: Richard P. Davenport. Chapter Counselo r : Chester Maxey, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash . Alumnus Fi11ancial Adviser: William F. Howard, 402 S. 1st St , Walla Walla , Wash .

WiLLIAMS (Z 1847) District II

Stetson Ct., Williamstown, Mass. Secretary: Malcolm D. Clark. Chapter Counselor: George S Read, 707 Highland Ave., Fall River, Mass. Alumnus Financial Adviser: C. Eugene Webb, 160 Elmwood Ave., Newark, N.J.

WISCONSIN (A II 1873) District XV

622 Mendota Ct., Madison, Wis. Secretary: Lan'ce George G. Glasson. Chapter Counselor and Alumnus Financial Adviser: I. G. Brader, 554 W. D oty St., Madison, Wis.

WITTENBERG (A r 1867) District X


625 Woodlawn Ave., Springfield, Ohio Secret«ry: Richard T. Hauer. Chapter Counselor: Norman W. Aslakson, 835 E Cecil St., Springfield, Ohio. Alumnus Financia l Adviser: Russell I. Ulery, c/o 1st National Bank & Trust Co., Springfield, Ohio.

YALE (<I> X 1892) District li

204 York St., New Haven, Conn. Secretary: Richard C. Noyes. Chapter Counselor: Robert Stone Oliver, 35 Roger Rd , Westville Station. New Haven, Conn Alumnu s Fi11ancial Adviser: Theodore Babbitt, 401 Humphrey St., New Haven, Conn.


Birmingham-Sprigg C. Ebbert, 321 Brown-Marks Bldg.


Pho enix- Ed ward Bringhurst, 35 W. Jefferson St.

BRAZIL : Rio dt janeiro-Howard W. Ad ams, Caixa Postal 883.


Vancouver-Jack H. Harvey, 3768 W 1st Ave. Dinners on second Mondays at Beta Theta Pi House at 6:30P.M.


Long Beach-\Yiarren D. Lamport, 1012 Farmers & Merchants Bank Bldg. Los A11gele.r-A. R. Anderson 618 Olympic Blvd. Telephone, Prospect 6061. University Club, Wednesdays at noon.

Pasadtna-Carl C. Curtis, secretary, 2666 Lincoln Ave., Altadena; Wcllslake D. Morse, treasurer, 338 E. Green St., Pasadena. Tuesdays, 12:15 P.M., University Club, 175 N. Oakland Ave.

San Diego-Frank D. Morgans, 4338 N Talmadge

Dr. Dinners on first Tuesday of each month at University Club at 6:30 P.M.

San Francisco-Donald A. Hampton , Ill Sutter Luncheons every Thursday noon, Fraternity Club, Palace Hotel (second floor).


Colorado Springs-Edward G. Thomas, 1819 N. Royer St.

Denver--Luncheons every Wednesday at the Denver Dry Goods Co. tea room. P11eblo-Samuel T. Jones, Jr., P.O. Box 192


Hartford-Barent B. Barhydt, 25 Montclair Dr., West



Washington-Ralph B. Miller, secretary. Luncheon, last Thursday of month, 12:30; Earle Restaurant. See B eta Theta Pi in telephone directory.




Gainesville-Klein H. Graham, University of Florida.

MiamJ-john W. Prunty, 830 Seybold Bldg.

Miami Beach-A. L. Reynolds, president

Tampa-Thomas E Gray, 1002 1st National Bank

Bldg. Meeting place: Maas Brothers Tavern. 12:0

P.M., second and fourth Thursday during summer months, second Thursday only during winter months.


Atlanta-Gilbert H. Boggs, Jr., 733 Williams St N.W. Luncheons every first Wednesday noon at Daffodil Tea Room.


Honolulu-W. Tip Davis, Jr., 222 Merchant St. Lunch· eon, third Tuesday, University Club.


Boise-Garson Kahn. Luncheons, second Wednesday of each month at Hotel Boise

Twin Falls-Joseph H. Blandford, Twin Falls Bank & Trust Co. Bldg.


Champaign-Urbana-Wallace M. Mulliken, Imperial Bldg., 201 N. Walnut St., Champaign.

Chicago-Secretary, George Gibbs, 561 Surf St. Weekly luncheons, Thursday, 12:15 P.M., Harding's Grill, Fair Store, Dearborn & Adams Sts.

Maine Township-Lewis P. Sale, 422 Lake Ave .• Park Ridge.

Moline-( See Davenport Iowa).

Peoria-C. V. O'Hern, Jr.. 1103 Lehmann Bldg Dinners, last Friday, Creve Coeur Club. Rock Island-(See Davenport, Iowa).

Sprin gfield- R. A. Thomas, 1528 Park Ave. Luncheons , first Tuesday each month, noon , St Nicholas Hotel.


Evansville-]. C. Hutchinson. Old Nat'! Bank Bldg. Fort Wayne-]. 0. Gilbert, c/o O 'Rourke & Co., Lincoln Bank Bldg

Gary-Alexander C. Pendleton, Suite 938, 500 Broadway.

Indianapolis-Kermit W. Arnold1 Secretary, Board ol Trade Bldg. Luncheon, every Tnursday, Canary Cottage on the Circle.


Martinsville-S. H Byram, 465 E. Harrison St. , Monthly dinners, last Saturday


Cedar Rapids-Tom Crabbe, president. Davenport-]. U. Nichols, c/o Chamber of Commerce Siou x City-


Arkansas City-

Emporia-Samuel Mellinger, 924 Congress St. Luncheons , second and fourth Mondays.

Manhallan-Richard Seaton.

Wichita-Alfred M. Campbell, 3 Beacon Bldg. Luncheon every Friday, Innis Tea Room.


Louis ville-Paul ]. Hughes, c/o The Louis ville Times. Meetings, third Friday of each month , 8 P.M., Kentucky Hotel.


New Orleans-John Legier, American Bank Bldg.


Baltimore-Lawrence C. Chambers, 2721 N. Charles St Older alumni meet for luncheon, Thursdays at I P.M Emerson Hotel, cost $1.00; younger alumni lunch Saturdays at 1 P.M., Johns Hopkins Faculty Club, cost SOc.


Bo st on-Fred E. Lukens , Army Base, Boston, Mass. Luncheons, 12:30 P.M., Thursdavs from October th rough April, Dinty Moore's Hickory House, 611 Washmgton St. Fall River-John D. Wallace, 236 Montgomery St. Springfield-Lawrence R. Flint, 84 Elmwood Ave., Longmeadow.

A. Heath, 19308 Snowden St Telephone--University 3-3226. Luncheons, Wednesdays at 12:30 P.M., University Club, 1411 E Jefferson Ave. Grand Rapids-Luncheon, Fridays, Rowe Hotel.


Duluth-Otto M. Olsen, 421 Bradley Bldg. Minneap olis-G. B Benton, c/o Minneapolts-Honeywell Regulator Co. Lunch!'on every Wednesday at 12:0 p M Donaldson's Gnll Room, 6th and Ntcollet Sts. si P•ui-Thomas D Rishworth, Station KSTP, Hotel St. Paul. Luncheon, first Tuesday, Hotel St. Paul.


Fulton-Wallace I. Bowers, c/o Dept. of Liquor Control, Jefferson City. Regular meetings, third Thursday of each month.

Jefferson City-Wallace I. Bowers. Dept. of Liquor Control. Luncheons, second Wednesday, Missouri Hotel.

] optin-W M. Repplinger, c/o joplin Ice Cream Co. Meetings every first Monday at Maxwell's, 532 Joplin Ave

Kansas City-Arthur P. Burris, 421 Dwight Bldg. Tuesday, 12:0 P.M., University Club, Room J

Mexico-Maurice R. Kemp, 306 S. Jefferson St. St. ]ouph-Frank P Crum, Corby Bldg. St. Louis-Gupton A. Vogt, 625 Westwood Dr., Webster Groves. Luncheon, Tuesdays, 12:15 P.M., Busy Bee Tea Room, 7th St. between Locust and St Charles Sts., second floor.


P Wilson, 1928 "E" St

Omaha--William H. Thomas, 938 First National Bank Bldg.


Reno-Charles E. Basso, 30 Hilp Bldg.

NEW JERSEY: Lackawanna Beta Club-Charles Minogue, 604 Central Ave., East Orange.


Albuquerque-]. B Herndon, Jr., Hilton Hotel.


Albany-Charles E. Lochner, 71 S. Lake Ave.

Buffalo-John G. Henry, 137 Shepard Ave., Kenmore, N Y.

Lun cheons every Wednesday noon, Hotel Lafayette. Canton-Joseph C. Ellsworth, secretary.

New York-Russell E. Ragan, 146-38 Georgia Rd., Flushing. Mond ay luncheons at 12 :30 P.M., Columbia Universtty Club, 4 W. 43rd St., Telephone, Pennsylvania 6-2900.

Rochester-Jos. R. Jones, 321 Bonnie Brae Ave. Luncheons every Monday noon at Hotel Rochester.

S yracuse-Henry H. Bruce, 106 Avondale Pl. White Plains-Charles Everett Moore, 11 Court St.


Charlolle-B. T. Crayton, Addison Apts. Luncheons each Thursday at I P.M at Thacker's Restaurant.

Greensboro-Robert H. Frazier, Banner Bldg


Akron-B. L McBee, 57 E. Market St. Monday luncheons at noon at the Y.W .C.A Cant o n-Carl F. Duerr, Mellett Bldg. Luncheons, Fridays, 12:00 M., Courtland Hotel.

Cincinnati-Robert Stauss, 314 Provident Bank Bldg. Luncheons each Tuesday at 12 :30 P.M. in the Gibson Rathskeller

Cleveland-D. ]. LaPorte, 900 Nation al City Bank Bldg. Telephone-Cherry 1397. Luncheons each Wednesday noon at Fisher-Rohr's, 1111 Chester Ave.

Columbus-W. E. MacDonald, Jr , 237 1 Berwick Blvd., Apt. C. Luncheons each Friday at noon, University Club, 40 S. 3rd St.

Dayton-Robert C. Alexander, 610 Harries Bldg. Richland County-Burl 0. Purdy, 27 2nd St., Shelby, Ohio. Sprin gfie ld-Geor ge F. McCleary, 9·10 New- Zimmerman Bldg. Luncheons every Friday noon at the Heaume Hotel.

Toledo-Dorman E. Richardson. 509-10 Gardner Bldg., phone Main 5181. Luncheon, Wednesday, 12:15 P.M., Early 'American Room, LaSalle and Koch's, 8th Floor, Adams and Huron Sts.

Y oun gs town-R. B Collins, 1330 Bryson St. Luncheons every third Friday_. Elks Club, B9ardman St. Zanesville-J ohn B. Phtlltps, Lash SeniOr Htgh School.

OKLAHOMA : Enid-Max W. Minton.

Guthrie-Fred W. Green , John H Beland.

Muskogee-Preston W. Jones, Box 1445. Luncheons at noon on first Tuesday.

Oklahoma City-jack H Shoot, 3321 Walker St

Tulsa-Prof. Robert M. Little, Tulsa Untverstty.


Toronto-Beverly Hannah , M.D., Medical Arts Bldg.

OREGON: McDonald , Castle Theater. Luncheons, Wednesdays.

Port land-Luncheons each Wednesday noon tn the small dining room on the lOth floor of Meier & Frank's



l.Mzerne and Lackawanna CounfiuHarriJburgOxford-Paul F. Grim, Ware Apts., Locust St. Philadelphia-Albert A. Ware, 1330 Vine St. Lunch· eons, Thursdays at 1 P.M., Kugler's Restaurant, Wide· ner Bldg., 1333 Chestnut St. Pillsburgh-C. R. Dobson, 644 Morrison Dr., Lehigh 8177-J, or c/o Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., Court 7400 Luncheons, Mondays at noon, William Peon Ho· tel Grill.

RHODB IsLAND: C. Andrews, 106 Walnut St. E.

SOUTH CAROLINA: Greenville-John I. Smith, 96 Pendleton St.

SoUTH DAKOTA: Sioux Faiii-Kenneth Guenthner, c/o Daily ArguJ· Leader. Vtrmillion-

TENNESSEE: NaJhvilleMemphiJ-W. I. Rosamond, Jr., 1898 Oliver St Luncheons each Monday noon, private dining room, fifth Boor, Gerber's Store.

TEXAS : DallaJ--Charles B. <;:arpenter1 551 Federal Bldg Informal luncheon each Saturaay, 12:30 P.M., Dallas AthletiC Club, to whtch all Betas are cordially invited. P. Markle, 3202 Avenue P. Hou1ton-H. R. Smith, 2810 Gulf Bldg. San Antonio-Willis Storm, Milam Bldg.


UTAH: Salt Lake City-Dr John Z. Brown, Jr., 1007 Medical Arts Bldg. Luncheon, Thursdays, 12:00 M., University Club, 136 E. South Temple St.

VIRGINIA : LynchburgNorfolk-Benjamin B. Burroughs, National Bank of Commerce Bldg.


Sea/lie-Gordon W. McKinstry, c/o Steam Supply & Rubber Co., 12 3 Jackson St. Dinner, third Wednesday every month, Coflege Club, 6th Ave. & Spring St., 6:15 P.M.

Spokane-Laverne Rhodes, c/o Cowles Publishing Co. Meetings, last Thursday each month, 6:15 P M., Des· sect Hotel.

Tacoma-Merrill Bennett, 1116 N Cedar St. Dinner every third Friday, 6 :30 P.M., University Club. Walla Walla-]. H. Shubert, 17 N. Second St. Dinner, first Friday after the lOth of each month, 6:1 5 P.M., Beta House. Y akima-L. H. Parkhurst.


Central-John G. Davisson, Weston.

Char/ elton-Joe W. Savage, c/o West Virginia State Medical Association McDowell County-H. Kermit Hunter, Welch. Wheeling-Harold H. Bycott, 420 Wheeling Steel Bldg.


Appleton-John P. Reeve, 229 S Durkee St. B eloit-L. Waldo Thompson , c/o Gardner Machine Co. Milwaukee-Milwacd F. Froberg, c/o Milwaukee Uni· versity School, 2033 E. Hartford Ave. Luncheons, first Saturday of each month.

Change of Address

GORDON S. SMYTH 6334 Greene Street, Germantown, Pennsylvania DEAR BROTHER: Please send the Beta Magazine to Name Street City ..... . .. . ......... . .. . . . .. .. .. . ...... • ....... .. . .. .. State .. . .... ....... .... .. ... . Chapter • Year ....•...... Baird Fund Certificate Number • Chapter Roll Number 0 The address as you have it now is not correct. Please change as above. My old address was: 0 This is a new Life Subscription. My check for $10.00 is enclosed. Please enroll me as a member of the Baird Fund.


EVERY chapter is eligible to compete for the North Dakota Award for the "best chapter publication," provided all editorial work on the paper is done by active undergraduate members Up to twenty-five per cent of the material included may be represented by contributions from alumni.

Competing chapters may submit any one issue produced during the college year. Each paper entered must have cost less than $75.00 in editorial and publishing expense. If a paper, it must contain not less than three or more than five columns per page, and must run not more than six pages ; and if a magazine, it must not have more than twenty pages.

Magazines and newspapers are to be considered in the same competing class. They are to be judged from the point; of view of general rushing value, creation and maintenance of alumni interest, journalistic excellence from the standpoint of newswriting, editing, head lines, general makeup and feature interest.

All entries are to be made in duplicate, and are to be accompanied by an account of publication expenses . Entries must be in the hands of Go rdon S. Smyth, 6334 Gre ene St., Germantown, Pa., not later than June 26.

In the past, the North Dakota Award has been won by Colorado Mines (1933), Missouri (1935), Nebraska (1936), Pennsylvania (1939), Iowa State (1940) and DePauw (1934, 1937, 1938, 1941).

B T '29

Beta Professional Men

Rate for professional cards-$2.00 per annum



G eneral Axent Provident Mutual Life Ins Co. One Eleven Sutter, San Francisco

A II '13


lA wyer Title Ins Bldg., Los Angeles



Couns elor at LAw

Equitable Building Denver, Colo

District of Columbia


443 7 Reservoir Road Washington , D.C

<I> X


Ch art ered Life Und erwriter Manager, Guardian Life Insurance Company 11 01 Vermont Ave. N.W. Washington, D.C.

Idaho X

Frank G. Ensign


Frederick G. Ensign


409-411 McCarty Bldg. Boise. Idaho



Wi lli am E Gavin

James L. Gavin

GAVIN & GAVIN LAw O ffices 1012 Hume-Mansur Bldg., Indianapolis Kentucky

Joseph D . Harkins, Sr., E '04; Q '06

Joseph D. Harkins, Jr., II. "34

Walter S. Harkins, II. '38


Harkins Law Office Building Prestonsburg, Ky.




Attorney at Law

60 State St. Boston, Mass.

B T '22



Attorney at Law

Trade Marks 77 Franklin Street

Copyrights Boston


A '97


Attorney and Counselor at lAw

3456 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich A


c/o Cole·Mason Agencies 1300 Union Guardian Bldg. Detroit. Michigan Cadillac 2300

<I> X '13

PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE Co. 600 Griswold St., Detroit


FRANK L. KLINGBEIL State Manag er Ordinary Dept AN


Attorney at LAw

915-17 Grand Avenue Temple Bldg. Telephone Main 5744 Kansas City Mo.

z <I>


Attorney at LAw

Boatmen 's Bank Bldg.


New Jersey

CHARLES D. MINOGUE Minogue & Company

I ns uran ce 604 Central Avenue

St. 'Louis ORange 5·5400 East Orange, N J.

B e



Beta Professional Men New York Ohio B I A
}. BAILY 32 Liberty Street NEW YORK
THOMAS T. OYLER Attorney at Law
Patents, trademarks, copyrights United States and Foreign 233 Broadway New York City ME '94 First National Bank Bldg. Cincinnati, Ohio Pennsylvaaia r
Attorney at Law
M W ARJJCK I numtnce II West 42nd St New York City 233·4 Washington Trust Bldg. <I> X '28
Amsden-Connor-Mills Inc. General I nJurance and Bondi 69 Broad St. Main 4324 Rochester, N.Y. BETA THETA PI SHINGLES The Chas. H. Elliott Co. The Largest College EngraYing House in the World 17th Street and Lehigh Ave., PHILADELPHIA, PA. By Appointment OFFICIAL ENGRAVERS OF SHINGLES TO BETA THETA PI The House of Elliott hae been engaged continuouoly in the production of Stationery for the American Fraternitieo oiace 1171 Washington, Pa.


BALFOUR BLUE BOOK will be sent on request, giving complete catalogues of Badges, Rings, Novelties, Favors, Medals, Stationery, and other fraternity equipment appreciated by College Men

General Treasurer Gavin Says:

Purchasing from Balfour you receive badges and jewelry of guaranteed quality, manufactured according to specifications of Beta Theta Pi at a cost less than otherwise you would be compelled to pay for merchandi<e of unchecked workmanship, from materials not subject to our rigid tests Furthermore, you respect the obligation of a solemn contract made by Beta Theta Pi.

Buy Beta Jewelry From L. G. BALFOUR COMPANY





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