Betclic Group Recipe Book

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Cultural Diversity RECIPE BOOK 2021

“ W h a t a b e t t e r way t o c e l e b rat e C u l tu ra l D i ve r s it y Day t han wit h food ! We h a ve ro und e d up s ome re c ip e s th a t c e l e b ra te t he b e aut y and fun, of c u l tu ra l d i ve rs i t y t hroug h d e l ic ious food a n d d i s h e s f rom around t he worl d – al l p re p a re d b y our d ive rs e workforc e of n a ti on a l i ti e s wit hin Be t c l ic Group ! T o b e u se d wit hout mod e rat ion. ”


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LAMINGTONS b y C a l l u m H e nshal l ( i O S D e ve l o p e r)

In g redient s: FOR THE SPONGE CAKE - 70 grams plain flour or all-purpose flour - 35 grams corn flour or cornstarch - 4 grams baking powder - 3 large eggs, room temperature - 50 grams caster sugar - 30 mL milk - 15 grams butter CHOCOLATE ICING - 40 grams cocoa powder - 250 grams icing or powdered sugar - 30 grams unsalted butter, melted - 120 mL milk - 120 grams shredded coconut

Me thod: 1. Preheat oven to 180 C (350 F) standard / 160 C (320 F) fan assisted. Grease and line an 8-inch baking square tin with baking paper. Lightly grease the inside of the paper with a little butter as well.

2. Sift flour, corn flour and baking powder twice into a large mixing bowl. Set aside. 3. In a separate mixing bowl, add eggs and start to beat using an electric whisk. Once the eggs start to go thick and foamy, add sugar, one tablespoon at a time. 4. Continue to beat the eggs until they are thick and voluminous – this can take 5-8 minutes. You will know the eggs are ready, when you can draw the number 8 on top and it stays for 1-2 seconds. 5. Meanwhile, add milk and butter to a small microwavesafe bowl and heat for 30 seconds or until butter is melted. Leave to cool slightly.

7. Add mixture to prepared cake tin. Bake for 20-23 minutes or until cake gently springs back when lightly touched on top. Leave to cool completely. 8. To make the chocolate icing, sift cocoa powder and icing sugar. Add melted butter and milk and stir until chocolate is smooth. 9. Cut sponge cake into 12 squares. Carefully and quickly dip each piece of cake into chocolate, let the extra chocolate dip off and then cover in coconut. Transfer to a cake rack to dry. 10. Repeat with remaining cake squares.

6. When the eggs are ready, gently add the sifted flour mixture, pour butter mixture down the side of the bowl, and gently fold until flour is just combined. Do not over mix or you will mix all the air out of the eggs.



MARILLENKNÖDE AP R ICO T D UMP L ING S S TE W b y M on i k a B e re r ( F i na n ci al A n aly st)

In g redient s:

Meth od :

FOR THE DUMPLINGS - 300 grams low-fat quark (“Topfen”) - 200 grams cake flour (type 405) - 60 grams butter, at room temperature - 8 grams vanilla sugar - 1 egg - A pinch of salt - Zest of half a lemon (replace with one spoon of Rum if chocolate is used) - 10 small apricots (strawberries, plums, Mozart balls or any chocolate of choice will work just as well. Make sure to use fruit that is not too watery) - 10 sugar cubes (can be left out for fruit without stones or replaced with a piece of chocolate, nougat, or Marzipan)

1. Separate the egg.

FOR THE GARNISH - 100 grams breadcrumbs - 100 grams butter (alternatively you may use ground nuts or almonds without the butter) - Cinnamon powder - Icing sugar


2. Mix the softened butter with the vanilla sugar, the egg yolk, lemon zest (or Rum) and a small pinch of salt until creamed through. Stir in the quark and flour. 3. Beat the egg white until firm and work it into the dough. Cover the bowl with clingfilm or plastic wrap and leave in a cool place to rest for approx. 30 minutes. 4. Remove the stones from the apricots and place a sugar cube in their place. 5. On a floured work surface, shape the dough into a roll of approx. 5 cm thickness. Cut off slices and gently press these flat between the hands. 6. Place the apricot into the dough, press the dough around it, and seal well. Apply some flour or corn starch to the hands, form dumplings, and place on a floured board. Make sure the surface is smooth and there are no cracks left, so the water can’t break up the dough.

7. Bring a generous amount of slightly salted water to a boil in a large saucepan (the water should be enough to cover the dumplings plus an inch on top). 8. Turn down the heat, place the apricot dumplings in the water, and allow to simmer gently for 10 – 13 minutes or until they are swimming at the surface. Stir carefully from time to time to prevent the dumplings from sticking to one another. 9. While the dumplings are simmering, prepare the garnish. Melt the butter in a pan, add the breadcrumbs, flavour with cinnamon, and fry until golden yellow in colour. 10. Take off the heat and add a generous quantity of sugar. Carefully remove the cooked dumplings from the water and roll in the prepared sugared breadcrumbs. 11. Arrange and dust with icing sugar.


WATERZOOÏ by Manon Meert ( T r a in e e )

In g redient s:

Meth od :

- 1 chicken - 2 leeks - 6 carrots - 1 celery - 1 onion - 1 bouquet garni (a classic herb mixture used for preparing stocks or soups) - 2 egg yolks - Cream - Parsley - Potatoes

1. Brown the chicken for 10 minutes with salt and pepper in a saucepan. 2. Make a vegetable broth with 1 leek, 2 carrots, 1 celery, 1 onion with cloves, 1 bouquet garni, and cover with water. Simmer for 30 minutes on low heat. After 30 minutes, filter the vegetable broth. 3. Cut 1 leek and 4 carrots and add them to the broth. Keep some of the broth aside to cook your potatoes. 4. Cut the chicken and put it back in the saucepan on high heat for 10 minutes. 5. Thicken the sauce with 2 egg yolks and some cream. 6. Add some parsley and serve the chicken in the sauce with the vegetables and some potatoes.



BRIGADEIRO ON THE PLATE b y G a b r i e l Z i g i at t i ( O utb o u n d C al l Age n t ( In te rn ati ona l))

In g redient s: - 1 can sweetened condensed milk - 1 tablespoon margarine - 7 tablespoons of chocolate powder

Me thod: 1. In a deep pot, place the condensed milk, the butter and the chocolate powder. Cook over medium heat, stirring continuously until the brigadeiro starts to pull away from the pan. 2. Smear a fine layer of butter on a plate and spread the brigadeiro to cool it down. 3. The brigadeiro is now ready. It can be eaten with a spoon or you can roll it into small balls and cover it with granulated chocolate. You can also decorate with some chocolate sprinkles.


BRIGAD EI RO T RUF FL E Ing re d i e nt s : - 1 tablespoon chocolate powder - 1 tablespoon of Nutella - Half a can of condensed milk - 1 teaspoon vanilla extract - 1 tablespoon butter

Meth od : 1. In a pan, place all the ingredients and bring to low heat, stirring constantly until a uniform cream is formed and it comes off the pan; Wait for it to cool down. 2. Grease your hands with butter. Take 1 teaspoon of the dough and make brigadeiros, then spread them over the chocolate powder.



b y H e r n a n d o Mont oy a Ol i ve ros ( R e s e ar ch & D eve l opme n t En gi n eer)

In g redient s:

Meth od :

- 21 grams of oil - 2 stalks (30 grams) of long onion finely chopped - 2 ripe tomatoes (240 grams) without skin and finely chopped - 1 envelope of MAGGI RIB BROTH Crumbled (9 g) - 750 mL water - 250 grams red ball beans soaked from the night before - 125 grams lean ground beef - 250 grams cooked white rice - 125 grams of crispy bacon cut into 4 servings - 4 previously cooked and browned cocktail-type chorizos - 4 fried eggs - 1 avocado cut into 4 portions - 4 small round arepas (optional) - 4 slices of fried ripe banana

1. Prepare the beans. Heat a tablespoon of oil in a pressure cooker for 3 minutes over medium heat; Add the onion, tomato, and the MAGGI envelope Crumbled, stir to integrate well. Finally cook for 2 minutes or until the tomato releases its juices. 2. Add the three cups of water and the beans. Cover the pot and cook for 30 minutes. 3. After the cooking time, remove the pot from the heat, remove the air carefully before uncovering. Return to the heat again and cook the beans until they thicken. You should continue stirring from time to time.

5. Prepare the pork rinds, by adding 2 cups of water and the bacon, cut into pieces in a saucepan with a high bottom. Cover the pot and simmer for 20 minutes or until the bacon is cooked through and crisp. Remove from heat and leave them on absorbent paper to remove excess fat. 6. Prepare the chorizos by adding two tablespoons of water and the sausages in a small frying pan. Bring to medium heat until the chorizos are golden brown. 7. In a grill or skillet over medium heat you should put the arepas and brown on both sides.

4. Prepare the ground beef by heating the remaining oil in a skillet for 3 minutes over medium heat. Add the meat and stir with a spoon, you must cook for 5 minutes or until well cooked.



MIKATE BANANE BEIGNET b y M a r l a i n e L efouob a ( L e gal C o u n s e l)

In g redient s:

Meth od s :

- 3 or 4 ripe bananas - 7grams of yeast - 10 cl of water - 1 pinch of salt - 300grams of flour - 100grams of white sugar - 1 bottle of frying oil / sunflower oil - 1 tea spoon of vanilla sugar

1. Mix the bananas in a container or blender. 2. In a glass, pour the baker’s yeast into the 10 cl of warm water. 3. Mix the flour, salt, white sugar and vanilla sugar in a large bowl. Add the water and yeast mixture. Add the bananas (previously mixed). Work it into a dough. The dough must be soft but not liquidy, if it is too liquid do not hesitate to add a little bit of flour. Let it stand for 1 hour. 4. Heat the oil until it gets very hot. Once the oil is hot, take a little portion of the mixture and form it into a small ball, and pour it into the simmering oil. 5. Take out the mikate from the pan when it is gold / light brown. Then place them in a dish with absorbent paper. Let it cool off and enjoy!




b y Ba r bor a Be z z i na (Operational Risk and Compliance Specialist)

In g redient s:

Meth od s :

- 2 eggs - 350grams all purpose flour - 150grams ground almonds - 260grams icing sugar - 1 spoon of vanilla sugar - 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon of salt - 250grams unsalted butter - Lemon zest from 1 lemon - Favorite jam - Chocolate for decoration (optional)

1. Mix all the dry ingredients together.

7. Store in a paper box or plastic container in the fridge. If you have some extra cookies, you can even freeze them.

2. Add eggs and grated butter (butter must be cold) and continue to work it in a dough. Knead the dough until smooth (it will take a couple of minutes, do it by hand). Place the dough in the fridge for at least 24 hours. 3. When ready to bake, separate the dough into 4 pieces and roll it flat approximately 3 mm thick. 4. Cut into shapes and bake for 8-10 min (or until golden) on 1800C. 5. Allow the baked biscuits to cool down. 6. Put your favourite jam on one of the biscuits (approximately 1 teaspoon) and stick together with another biscuit (with no jam on).




b y L u i s Ja s s e r Fe l i z P e r e z ( F i na n ci al A n aly st)

In g redient s:

Meth od :


1. Heat a pan with vegetable oil on medium heat. You need enough oil like if you were frying French fries. You want the plantains submerged in the oil.

- Green plantains (not yellow, make sure they are entirely green, otherwise would taste sweet) - White cheese (cheese for grill) - Vegetable OilTostonera, plate, or glass cup (to smash them)

2. Cut the ends off your plantains and peel the skin off by making a slice across with a knife. Slice into thick pieces. Carefully add your sliced plantains to your hot oil. 3. Cook each side for a minute. Once both sides have been fried, remove your plantains on to a plate with a paper towel on it. 4. Flatten your tostones using a tostonera or a cup. Add your now tostón back into the hot oil one at a time. 5. Fry for about 30 seconds on each side to seal in the crispiness. Remove your tostones from the oil once again on to a plate with


a paper towel, so that it absorbs the oil. HOW TO MAKE CHEESY TOSTONES: 1. Heat a pan on the stove to medium heat. 2. Add a slice of Milk Queso Fresco on one tostón and add a second tostón on the cheese. Like you’re making a sandwich. 3. Cook on one side and then flip over, until cheese melts and is soft. Serve with a side of the garlic mojo, ketchup or mayonnaise, (or just plain).


LIHAMAKARONILAATIKKO M EAT - M ACA RO NI CA S S E RO L E b y M i k a L a h t i ne n (Business Project Manager)

In g redient s:

Meth od :

- 400 grams macaroni - 400 grams minced meat - 1 onion - 1-2 teaspoon salt - 1/3 teaspoon white pepper - 1 Teaspoon paprika spice - 3 eggs - 7 mL milk

1. Cook the macaroni as instructed on their package. 2. Cut the onion to small pieces and fry the onion together with the minced meat in a pan.

5. Heat your oven to 2000C and put the oven dish in the oven for 1 hour. Near the end you may add grated cheese on top to give a little extra flavour.

3. Mix the eggs and milk together in a bowl. You can add the spices either to the minced meat once it is ready or in the egg and milk mix (I prefer to put them in the egg and milk mix, so the spices spread out more evenly). 4. Run around an oven dish with butter to make sure that the macaroni doesn´t stick to it. Pour the macaroni and minced meat in the oven dish. Pour the egg and milk mix in the oven dish. Mix it all so you have a good spread of meat and macaroni everywhere. Make sure the liquid covers completely the top, otherwise the top of your casserole will be crispy and lightly burned.



CHOUQUETTES CHOUX PASTRY b y Th om a s De st r e b e c q ( S y s te m En g i n ee r)

In g redient s:

Meth od :


1. Put the water, butter, sugar, salt into a pan and bring to boil.

- 70 grams - 31 grams butter - 0.8 grams salt - 0.8 grams sugar - 40 grams flour - 71 grams eggs - Some sugar for sprinkling (optional) FOR CHANTILLY CREAM: - 150 grams liquid cream - 15 grams icing sugar - 62 grams mascarpone

2. When it is boiling, put the pan aside and pour the flour into the pan, in one time. Stir it, then put it back on the fire, at low intensity and dry out the pastry until it is smooth and it does not grip the pan anymore. 3. Put the pastry into a bowl and pour the eggs one by one and stir. 4. Now set up the choux on a baking sheet and sprinkle some pearl sugar. 5. Bake at 1800 for around 20 minutes (watch the color they get). Let it cool, then do a little hole in it. 6. For the Chantilly cream, put all the ingredients into a mixer and or a bowl and whip it until it is solid. Now you can fill the choux with your Chantilly cream!




by Maria Kazilieri (Operational Risk & Compliance Specialist)

In g redient s:


give it a more intense flavor.


- 300 grams bucatini pasta - 2 eggs - 200 grams feta cheese - 1/2 bunch parsley, finely chopped - 30 mL olive oil - Thyme, finely chopped

3. Add the ground meat. Break it up with a wooden spoon and brown for 4-5 minutes. At this point you may need to add another 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

- 4 tablespoons olive oil - 1 tablespoon granulated sugar - 2 onions, finely chopped - Thyme, fresh - 1 clove of garlic, finely chopped - 2 tablespoons tomato paste - 750 grams ground beef - 100 mL red wine - 400 grams canned tomatoes - 1 teaspoon cinnamon - 2 beef bouillon cubes - 2 bay leaves - 1/2 bunch parsley FOR THE BÉCHAMEL SAUCE: - 100 grams butter - 100 grams all-purpose flour - 1 liter milk - Salt - Pepper - 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg - 100 grams gruyere cheese, grated - 3 egg yolks

TO ASSEMBLE: - 50 grams gruyere cheese, grated

Meth od : FOR THE GROUND MEAT: 1. Place a pan over high heat. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil, the finely chopped onions, 1 tablespoon granulated sugar and finely chopped thyme. 2. Sauté for 3-4 minutes, until the onions caramelize nicely. Add the garlic and continue to sauté. Add the tomato paste and sauté for at least 2 minutes. It is important to sauté the tomato paste to

4. Add the wine and let the alcohol evaporate. 5. Add the canned tomatoes, cinnamon, sugar, bouillon cubes and bay leaves. Turn the heat down to low and simmer for 10-20 minutes, until the sauce reduces, and the ground meat is cooked. When ready, remove from heat. Discard the bay leaves and set aside until needed. FOR THE PASTA: 6. Add the pasta to a pot full of salted water. Boil 1-2 minutes less than the instructions on the box. They need to be al dente because they will cook further in the oven, so do not overcook.


7. Brush a baking pan with olive oil. 8. When the pasta is ready, drain and spread in the baking pan. Add the 2 eggs, lightly beaten, a generous amount of thyme, parsley and crumbled feta cheese. Season to taste and set aside until needed. FOR THE BÉCHAMEL SAUCE: 9. Heat the butter in a pot over medium heat. As soon as it melts (do not let it burn), add the flour. Beat with a hand whisk and sauté the flour for a few minutes. Scrape down the sides of the pot to release any flour, so it doesn’t burn. 10. Add the milk, in small batches, whisking continuously so that no lumps form in the mixture. The mixture will be quite thick at first. You need to be persistent and patient. As you add more and more of the milk, you will see how the béchamel sauce will start to become nice and creamy. 11. When the béchamel sauce starts to thicken, you have to be very careful not to let it burn on the bottom. Whisk continuously to avoid this. 12. When ready, remove from heat and add salt, pepper, nutmeg and all of the grated gruyere, apart from 1 tablespoon which will be added at the end of the


recipe. 13. To complete, add the 3 egg yolks and whisk to incorporate. Set aside until needed. TO ASSEMBLE: 14. Preheat oven to 180* C (350* F) Fan- assisted. 15. Bring back the baking pan containing the pasta mixture. To the ground meat, add a ladleful of the béchamel sauce. Mix until completely incorporated. The béchamel sauce will make the ground meat mixture hold together better when serving. 16. Spread the ground meat mixture over the pasta in the baking pan. Pour the remaining béchamel sauce over the ground meat. Last, sprinkle the reserved grated gruyere over the top. You can also add some small cubes of butter. 17. Bake for 40 minutes or until the béchamel turns golden brown.



AKA KUHIN, ÖHÖN, CSERÁSZKAUP HANDABAKÁRÉ b y Ist va n K a pi t any ( Ma r k e t i n g an d Con te n t Coordi n a tor)

In g redient s: - 1 smoked Hungarian bacon (any bacon will do) - 2 cups of lard (vegetable oil or animal fat) - 2 spoons ground red pepper/paprika powder. - 2-3 cloves of garlic - 450 grams onion - 1.8 kilograms potatoes - 900 grams pasta (Hungarian lebbencs or very thin lasagna sheets) large squares, broken up. - 1-2 peppers - 2-3 tomatoes - salt - spices (cumin, oregano, and thyme would be considered to be authentic)

Me thod: 1. With some large bacon cubes, fry the onions (could be finely chopped, but sliced onion ensures a bit more rustic texture) in oil/ fat until they are translucent and then add paprika powder (mild to sweet). Be careful because the paprika powder gets bitter when fried so remove the pot from the heat while you are stirring the paprika powder. Furthermore, you can pour some salt on the onion before frying, so it can be melted more easily. 2. Add some water then sauté the onion/paprika mix for about 5-10 minutes, until it gets nicely soft and almost

caramelized. After a while, the onion will be almost unrecognizable in texture, but they do add an amazing flavor and thickness and the red paprika powder will be fully dissolved in the lard/ onion mix. You can use a bigger amount of paprika and onion. 3. Add the peeled, sliced potatoes to the mix, then add enough water to cover the potatoes. The less liquid we have in the cauldron, the more often we need to stir (or shake) in order to avoid burning. 4. On medium flame, cook until it is halfway cooked, then add the sliced garlic, white/black pepper powder (or any other spice you like) and sliced pepper and tomatoes (or any other ingredients: spinach, mushroom, sliced smoked sausage. Let simmer. 5. When testing the broth, it might seem a bit too salty and spicy, but this is as desired. The pasta will eventually soak up the water, and the flavors will spread evenly through the dish. 6. There’s a trick that could make your dish a bit tastier: fry or roast the pasta separately a bit before you add it to the dish. Gently lay the broken-up pieces of lebbencs pasta (or very thin

lasagna sheets) on the top. 7. Cook, stir and shake until potatoes and pasta are soft and water absorbed. The dense meal will “sniffle” after a while, that’s a good sign that you are doing well. Traditionally, shepherds neither stirred nor shaken, but turned it over the kettle 32 times by moving the kettle in a special way. They counted the turns by stacking the 32 Hungarian cards one by one onto each other. When the cards ran out, slambuc was done. Slambuc is a heavy meal, meant to sustain the shepherds. When traditionally cooked in a cauldron outdoors, cooking time is two to three hours. But on a kitchen stove, it’s around 45 minutes. Like many Hungarian recipes, it is easy, cheap, and delicious. 8. Serve with pickled or hot chilli paprika, a shot of pálinka (before) and a glass of red wine . Legend has it that its first name, “öhöm,” was derived when someone asked a shepherd who just finished cooking and tasted his food whether it was ready. The shepherd, with the hot bite in his mouth, could only utter: öhöm (slurred version of yes, sort of ‘uh-huh’ hence the alternative name of the dish - öhön).



KHORESH-E FESENJAN by M a h s h i d Sp ange nb e r g ( S e rvi ce M an ag e r)

I n g r edient s:

Meth od :

- 1 kilogram chicken - 2 onions - 3 cloves garlic - 200 grams walnut - 2 pinches nutmeg - 2 pinches cinnamon - 1 pinch saffron - 1 LIME - 2 teaspoons sugar - 150mL Pomegranate molasses - salt & pepper to taste - A few pomegranate arils for decoration

1. Sauté the onion in oil. When it becomes translucent, add the garlic, cinnamon and nutmeg. Sauté without burning for 2 minutes 2. Cover and simmer gently for 30 minutes, watching and adding a little water if necessary: the sauce should be rather thick, but being sweet, it sticks quickly. So take care to stir well 3. Then add the chicken and cook over low heat and covered for about 40 minutes (watch that it does not stick and add water if it becomes too dry). 4. Halfway through cooking, add the juice of a lime 5. Before serving, sprinkle the stew with pomegranate seeds and serve the Fesenjan with basmati rice.



IRISH WHEATHEN BREAD b y Da m i a n Connol l y ( R e s e ar ch & D eve l opme n t En gi n eer)

In g redient s:

Meth od :

- 340grams plain flour - 230grams wheaten flour - A pinch of salt - 1 teaspoon baking soda (5 grams) - 1 tablespoon brown sugar (12.5 grams) - 450mL buttermilk - 2 medium eggs - Cooking oil

1. Pre-heat the oven to 2000C (fan-assisted). 2. Grease a 23cm (9in) heavy cake tin with some cooking oil. 3. Mix all the dry ingredients in a large bowl. 4. Beat the eggs and add to the buttermilk. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and add the buttermilk-and-egg mixture.

oven temperature to 1800C and bake for a further 3035 minutes, or until the base of the bread sounds hollow when lightly tapped. Place on a wire tray to cool.

Tips: If you do not have buttermilk, you can either use a mixture of plain yoghurt and milk (3/4 yoghurt, 1/4 milk), or make some buttermilk substitute with 500mL milk and 2 tablespoons (30mL) of lemon juice/white vinegar. Stir and let sit for 5 minutes.

5. Mix well with a large spoon until a soft dough form. Add more buttermilk if necessary; but the dough should not be too wet. 6. Place the dough into the greased baking tin. Shake some flour over the dough and gently shape the bread in the tin. 7. Cut a cross in the center using a knife. 8. Bake at 2000C for 15 minutes, then reduce the



AUBERGINE PARMIGIANA by M a r t i n a M a z z ar i ( O ffi ce M an ag er)

In g redient s:

Meth od :

- 1 kilogram aubergines - 500 mL tomato sauce - 50 grams parmesan cheese - 300 grams mozzarella - 1 egg - Basil - Salt - Olive Oil - Sunflower Oil

1. Cook the tomato sauce with 1 clove of garlic, olive oil, salt. Once the tomato sauce is cooked, turn off the flame and add just a little bit of sugar to the tomato sauce if too bitter and a couple of basil leaves. 2. Wash the aubergines, remove the top and bottom parts and cut them in thin slices. Dry the aubergines with a clean cloth and once each slice is dry, start deep frying them in hot oil (sunflower oil). Turn each slice on both sides till the aubergine becomes golden. Once each slice is ready, place it on a plate with some kitchen paper to get the excessive oil dried. At this stage a bit of salt will need to be added to the aubergines. 3. Slice the mozzarella and once aubergine, tomato sauce and mozzarella


are ready you can start assembling your parmigiana. Place a thin layer of tomato sauce in an oven pan, then a layer of aubergines and another thin layer of tomato sauce. Cover with some grated Parmesan and place thin slices of mozzarella. Repeat the same process to create more layers until you finish all the ingredients and close it with a layer of aubergines, tomato sauce and Parmesan. 4. Whisk an egg and put it on the parmigiana to create a crunchy top. 5. Preheat the oven and cook your parmigiana at 1800C, for 30 minutes or until the top will be golden. Let it cool before serving it.



b y K e s t u t i s K e r as (Consultant Marketing, Trading & Client Risk Management)

In g redient s:

M ethod :

- 1 litre of kefir - 2 medium-sized pickled beets - 2 medium-sized cucumbers - 1 large handful chopped onion greens - 1 handful chopped dill - 2 hard boiled eggs - 8 small boiled potatoes with a peel - salt

1. Pour kefir into a large bowl. 2. Cut the beetroots into very small stripes. Put in a bowl together with kefir. 3. Peel the cucumbers and cut it into thin, narrow strips. Put together in a bowl with kefir. 4. Put dill and onion greens into a bowl with kefir. Mix the soup, add salt to taste. 5. Peel the eggs, cut into several pieces and put them on each bowl with cold beet soup before serving. Serve with boiled or baked potatoes.



HERB AL PORK RIBS SOUP A. K. A B AK K UT TE H b y J ia Ye t T a m ( U S Sp or t s Tr ade r)

In g redient s:

briefly. Remove and set aside.

- 1 kilogram pork ribs - 2 big bones to add more flavour to the stock (optional) - 6 cloves garlics

2. Next add the big bones to a pot of boiling water and blanch for 15 seconds. Remove and set aside.

H e r b s a n d Sp i c e s:

3. Discard the water.

- 25 grams Solomon’s Seal (plant) - 3 to 4 slices Angelica (root) - 12 grams Chinese licorice - 5-8 grams Sichuan lovage rhizome (herb) - 2 pieces of 1-inch Cinnamon - 4 slices Astragalus root slices - 4 pieces star anise - 8 grams Codonopsis Root - 10 grams wolfberries


S eas oni ng :

6. Add in the bag of spice mixture and simmer it for about 20 minutes over low heat with the lid on. This will allow the flavours of the herbs to infuse into the water.

- Salt (adjust to taste) - 2 tablespoons black soya sauce (adjust to taste) - 1 tablespoon light soya sauce (adjust to taste)

Me thod: PREPARATION OF THE RIBS AND BIG BONES 1. Add the ribs into a pot of boiling water and blanch briefly. Remove and set aside.


4. Rinse all the herbs and spices, except the wolfberries, then put them into a muslin bag (if you are using it). 5. In a large pot, add about 10 cups of water and bring it to a boil.

7. Add in the seasoning, salt, light and dark soya sauce. Adjust according to your taste and if you prefer a darker coloured soup add more dark soya sauce. 8. Add pork bones, pork ribs and garlic. Bring to a boil again, then set it to a

low flame and continue to simmer with the lid on for 30 minutes. 9. Check if you need more boiling water. Add water if necessary. Occasionally use a ladle or small wired sieve to remove any scum or blood clots on the surface of the soup. This helps to keep the soup clear. 10. Then add in the Chinese mushrooms and simmer for another 50 minutes. 11. During the last 10 minutes of cooking, you can scoop some soup into another small pot to cook the fried bean curd and enoki. Add the wolfberries into the big pot of soup. 12. Serve the Bak Kut Teh with chunks of you tiao and a few Iceberg lettuce leaves, if you like. To spice up this dish, you can make a dip with some chopped garlic, chilli, light & dark soya sauce, and sesame oil.



TRA D ITIO NA L M ALTE S E R A B B IT S TE W b y G e or g e Bu ge j a ( S y s te m A cco u n tan t Assi stan t)

I n g redient s: - 1 whole rabbit (Chopped to your liking) - 3 spoons olive oil - 100 grams unsalted butter - 3 spoons rabbit seasoning - salt and pepper to taste - 2 onions (diced) - 2 Gloves Garlic (fine) - 100 grams basil (fine) - 300 grams carrot (diced) - 100 grams peas - 400 grams fresh tomatoes (diced) - 1/2 Litre Marsala wine - 1 bottle (25cl) Milk Stout {Beer type, eg: Guinness,} - 25 grams tomato paste - 500 grams tomato pulp

M e thod: 1. In a large pot put 1 spoon of olive oil and 50 grams of unsalted butter, after it starts smoking add the garlic and the rabbit. Add rabbit seasoning to taste and fry until rabbit is seared from all sides (this prevents meat juices from evaporating while simmering).

2. After rabbit is slightly browned remove from pot, add the remainder of the olive oil and the butter and bring to smoke again. Add the onions and basil and fry until the onion is golden. 3. Add the tomato paste for color and mix, then add the carrots, peas and fresh tomatoes.

7. Check periodically and asses the rabbit, after the recommended timeframe you should be left with a soft and flavorful rabbit that debones with ease and melts in your mouth. This stew is traditionally served with either Spaghetti or French fries.

4. After everything is slightly fried and colored add the wine and beer in order to de-glaze the pot and release all the flavors that we have so far. 5. Bring to a boil and add the tomato pulp and bring to a boil again. The reason the tomato pulp is added after the other liquids is, that since the other liquids are alcoholic, all the alcohol would have need to evaporate before inserting the remaining ingredients. 6. Add the rabbit, bring to a boil, reduce heat right away and simmer covered for 1-2 hours.




b y M oh a m m e d Al ae Laamal t ( D ig i t al A d s E xe c u ti ve )

In g redient s: - 600 grams of stewing beef - 1 onion - 5 potatoes - 4 carrots - 2 courgettes - 1 red pepper - 1 candied lemon - Salt to taste - Pepper to taste - Cumin to taste - Parsley to taste - Safran to taste - Olives (for decoration on top)

Me thod: 1. We start by cutting an onion into rings and putting in the tagine. 2. Then we put one or two slices of meat (beef for this one) on very low fire below the tagine. 3. Mix these spices (Ginger, salt, cumin, pepper, parsley, Safran “colorant”) with 1/2 cup of water in a bowl.


4. Add your mix to the tagine by spreading it and then start preparing the vegetables. 5. In this tagine we have Carrots, potatoes, courgettes (zucchini), mild red pepper or chilli pepper, candied lemon, olives. (You can add or take out vegetables according to your taste) Cut all vegetables to decorate the tagine, you may cut them in different shapes. You may also add some olive oil, if wanted, on top) 6. Cook the tagine for around 30 or 45 minutes on low fire (always keep an eye on the sauce ) briefly. Remove and set aside.


ERWTENSOEP b y M a u r i c e K r ab b e nd am ( B ra n d s O p e r a ti on s Ex e c u ti ve )

In g redient s: - As much water as fits your biggest pot - 500 grams of dried green split peas - 750 grams of pork chops - 2 bouillons cubes (vegetable or pork) - 1 celeriac (peeled and cubed) - 2 to 3 carrots (peeled and sliced) - 2 potatoes (peeled and cubed) - 2 Rookworsten. A traditional Dutch smoked sausage. If you can’t get this, use another smoked sausage of frankfurter for example - Salt, to taste - Pepper, to taste - Dried celery leaf, to taste - A dash of chili pepper - 1 baguette

Me thod: 1. Find the biggest pot you have. Boil the pork chops for an hour and a half on low fire.

2. In the meantime, cut/slice up the celeriac, potatoes and carrots. 3. Take the meat out of the water, pull it into small pieces and remove all bones. Don’t throw away the water you boiled it in! 4. In the water you used for the meat, add all the vegetables plus the (washed) split peas. Add more water to fill most of the pot. Also add the bouillon cubes. Bring it to a boil. Start stirring. 5. Add the meat. Stir more. 6. Some people rush the next part, but I personally prefer to slow cook my erwtensoep. Let it cook on low fire for at least four hours. The vegetables and meat will dissolve quite a bit. Very important: you have to stir every few minutes! Especially as the peas start to dissolve, the soup becomes thicker and tends to stick to the bottom of the

pot. You have to keep things moving to avoid disaster. So stir, add salt and pepper to your taste. 7. Throw in some dried celery once or twice. Feel free to add more water from time to time if you think the thickness is getting out of hand. 8. In the last hour or so, add a dash of chili pepper to the soup for that extra special touch. 9. Towards the end, slice up the sausage and stir it into the soup. Serve the soup in a cup or bowl with some sliced baguette on the side. If the soup seems too thick, just add some water to the cup.

Tips: Ertwensoep tastes even better the next day! Extra tip: Since you made a big pot, freeze the remainder in airtight boxes. You’ll have some very easy meals stored that way.




POLISH STUFFED CABBAGE ROLLS WITH TOMATO SAUCE b y K a ro l i n a L ukasi nska ( C us tom e r S e r v i c e Age n t)

In g redient s: FOR STUFFED CABBAGE ROLLS: - 1 head white cabbage or savoy cabbage - 800 grams minced meat pork - 1 large onion - 2 tablespoon oil - 3 garlic cloves - 1/2 cup (100 grams) cooked rice - cooked ‘al dente’ - 1 tablespoon dried marjoram - 1 litre chicken stock - Salt, to season - Ground black pepper, to season FOR TOMATO SAUCE: - 30 grams butter - 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour - 250 mL stock - remaining from cooking Gołąbki / Gołąbki juices; or meat stock - 500 grams tomato passata / purée - 1 tablespoon tomato paste / concentrate - a pinch of sugar - salt, to season - ground black pepper, to season


- 1 tablespoon tomato paste / concentrate - a pinch of sugar - salt, to season - ground black pepper, to season

Meth od : FOR STUFFED CABBAGE ROLLS: 1. Wash the cabbage under running water. Even though the inside is usually clean (the outer leaves protect the inside). Remove the tough outer leaves and discard them. Separate the inner leaves and wash them under running water. 2. Cut out the stalk from the head. 3. Grab a large cooking pot, large enough for the whole cabbage head to fit. Pour water in and bring it to boil. Add a solid pinch of salt and sugar and stir. 4. Blanch the cabbage head in the boiling water,

core side down. After a few minutes (2-3), the leaves should peel off easily. If not - cook it for a few more minutes. 5. Remove cabbage to a baking tray but keep the water in the pot. 6. Set ten best leaves (largest, unbroken) aside. Using a paring knife, cut the main ‘vein’ out from each cabbage leaf and trim from the bottom with a knife. 7. Peel an onion and dice it finely. Finely chop the garlic with a knife. 8. Heat up a tablespoon or two of oil, add in chopped onion. When it turns golden, add chopped garlic and fry for another 1-2 minutes. Set aside to cool. 9. In a large bowl, combine the ground meat, cooked rice, a tablespoon marjoram, and cooled down onion/ garlic.

10. Season with salt and pepper, mix thoroughly - no special tools are necessary, you can use your hands. This mass will be our stuffing. 11. Lay the cabbage leaf flat. Place about 1/4 cup of meat mixture in the center of a cabbage leaf. Gather the edges of the cabbage inwards and roll it tightly. Continue until you have 10 decent-sized rolls. 12. Line the bottom of the large cooking pot with some of the remaining pre-cooked leaves - this prevents the dish from burning.

cabbage rolls. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat. 18: Pour in 2 cups of tomato passata/purée and add a tablespoon of tomato paste. Bring to a boil yet again, then reduce the heat to a minimum. 19: Season with salt and ground pepper. If the tomatoes are too acidic, add a pinch of sugar to balance the flavours. Continue cooking until you reach a desired thickness.

13. Place the cabbage rolls in the pot, in layers, one on top of another. Cover with a layer of remaining leaves. 14. Pour the stock in. Cook on a medium heat, covered for about 40-50 minutes until the cabbage is tender. Not every cabbage is the same, you’ll have to check how soft it is as you go. 15. When the cabbage rolls are nearly done, let’s make the tomato sauce. FOR TOMATO SAUCE: 16. Melt the butter in a saucepan. When melted, add in the flour. Whisk together and cook for a bit until it gains some colour. 17. Pour in around a cup (250 mL) of the stock that got made from cooking the



POLVO À LAGAREIRO b y A n dr e i a P e i xot o Rua ( K e y A cco u n t Man age r)

In g redient s:

Meth od :

- 1 kilogram small potatoes (to roast with skin) - 100 gram coarse salt - 100 gram water - 1 octopus cut into big pieces (approximately 1 kilogram) - 1 onion - 6 garlic cloves - 20 grams coriander - 200 grams olive oil

1. Pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. 2. Place in an oven tray the potatoes washed and the salt. Mix well and bake for 40 minutes. 3. In a big dish add the octopus and the onion and boil it in 5L of water. 4. Boil for 40 minutes, until it’s tender. Verify this by sticking a fork through the thickest tentacles. Season with salt and let it cool in the water itself. 5. Separate the head from the tentacles, reserving them in a baking dish. 6. Chop the garlic and the coriander, mix it with the olive oil and sauté for 5 minutes. 7. Remove the excess salt from the potatoes. Place


them around the octopus, drizzle with the sauté mixture and bake for 15 minutes.



RO MANIA N E AS TE R B RE A D b y M a r i a - A l i n a Cor d os ( C us tom e r S e r v i c e Di re c tor)

In g redient s:

Meth od :

FOR THE BREAD DOUGH: - 120 grams bread flour - 1 cup lukewarm milk - 2 teaspoons dry yeast - 60 grams bread flour - 56 grams melted butter - 1 egg - 100 grams sugar - 1 teaspoon salt - 1 teaspoon vanilla extract - 360 grams bread flour - 1/4 cup sunflower oil - 1 tablespoon milk, if needed

1. In a mixing bowl add 1 cup of flour, 1 cup of lukewarm milk and 2 teaspoons of dry yeast. Stir to combine. Sprinkle 1/2 cup of flour on top and leave at room temperature for 10-15 minutes until the mixture increases in volume and the flour on top is cracked.

FOR CHEESE FILLING: - 1 cup ricotta/cream cheese/ farmers cheese - 2 eggs - 1/3 cup powder sugar - few drops of vanilla extract/ lemon extract/rum extract whatever you prefer - lemon zest (optional) - 1/2 cup raisins - 2 tablespoons honey + few drops of milk for brushing

2. With the dough hook on, add the melted butter, egg, sugar, vanilla extract, salt and slowly start adding the remaining 3 cups of flour until it’s all incorporated. 3. With the mixer on low speed, keep mixing, slowly pouring the 1/4 cup of oil. 4. When all the oil is added the dough should be smooth and elastic. 5. Place the dough in a buttered bowl, cover with plastic wrap and leave at room temperature until doubled in volume. Should be around 2 hours. 6. When the dough is risen, divide the dough in four

pieces. Take one piece and roll it out in a 10 inch circle. Place it on the bottom of a well buttered 10 inch springform. The remaining three pieces shape them in thing ropes, about 3 feet long each. 7. Braid them and gently place them in the springform pan, braiding the ends together to form a sealed circle. Cover and let rise for another 40 minutes. 8. In the meantime, heat the oven to 375F and make the cheese filling. In a mixing bowl add the cheese, eggs, sugar, raisins, vanilla exact and lemon zest if using. Stir to combine. Pour the cheese filling in the middle of the braided circle and bake for 15 minutes at 375F. 9. Without opening the oven door, lower the oven temperature to 325F and bake for 45 more minutes, or until the crust is deep brown (it’s not burned, the high amount of sugar gives it the brown color) and the aroma takes over the kitchen. Let cool completely. Just before serving, brush it with honey mixed with few drops of milk.




TRA DITIO NA L RU SS IA N CA B BA G E S O UP by Max Filkin ( Hea d of E u ro Sport)

In g redient s: - 2,5 litre beef stock - 1/2 small cabbage chopped and shredded - 3 medium potatoes cubed in small pieces - 1 large onions - 1 carrot grated (medium size) - 1 bay leaf - 1 small red pepper diced capsicum - Chopped bunch of dill, garlic chives and cloves for garnish - Sunflower oil - Sour cream

Me thod: 1. Add cabbage, potatoes and bay leaf to the beef stock and cook until potatoes are cooked (about 15 minutes). 2. While the soup is simmering, heat 3 tablespoons of oil in a frying pan. Fry chopped


onions and grated carrots until they are starting to brown. 3. Add the red pepper and garlic cloves and fry for two more minutes.

4. Add this fried mixture to the soup when potato is cooked and simmer for about 8-10 minutes. 5. Add dill, garlic chives and leave soup for 10-15 minutes to rest. Serve with sour cream and rye bread

T ips: This recipe tastes even better when you add a small jar of sauerkraut cabbage. Instead of beef stock can be used fish stock or mix beef and mushroom stock. This adds extra sourness which works perfectly.



S TUFFE D S AU E K R AUT L E AVE S b y M i l os Jova novi c (Consultant Marketing, Trading & Client Risk Management)

In g redient s:

Meth od :

- 1 kilogram minced pork - 1 cup of rice - 2 onions, medium-sized - 1 small carrot - 1 clove of garlic - few pieces of dried, smoked pork (bacon works) - salt and pepper to taste - 2 whole pickled cabbages (sauerkraut) - bay leaf

THE FILLING: 1. Chop the onion, garlic and carrot finely, then stir-fry them in lard (or oil, although, traditional Serbian recipes will always use lard) until onion turns golden.

FOR THE GRAVY: - small amount of lard or vegetable oil (lard is preferred) - 1 tablespoon white flour - 1 tablespoon ground pepper (sweet)

2. Rinse the rice and add it to the fry. 3. Finally, once rice soaks up a bit of fat, add the mince meat. Season it with salt and pepper and fry until well done. THE CABBAGE: 4. Split the cabbage by leaf. I appreciate whole heads of pickled cabbage are not easy to find pickled abroad, but Serbian stores might have them and Malta has plenty. Worst, check with expats – they are bound to have some! 5. Boil the leaves just slightly to soften them up, and remove the thickened parts (the root).

6. Lay down the leaves and stuff them with the filling mixture you prepared in step 1. Fill every leaf evenly, then roll. THE BAKING: 7. Ideally, one can use earthenware for this. Of course, any other kind of deep dish which is ovenproof any rate, lay down a layer of cabbage leaves as a base. 8. Gently place a layer of rolls, and add smoked meat between layers. 9. Cover the layers of rolls with cabbage leaves, then pour water into the pot until the rolls are submerged. Add bay leaf into the water. 10. Place the closed dish into the preheated oven – use a higher temperature (220250 Degrees Celsius) until water starts boiling. Once it is brought to a boil, lower the temperature to 190 degrees and let it simmer for three to four hours. Don’t overdo it as leaves might decompose.


11. Once rolls are baked, take them out and add the gravy. FINAL TOUCHES 12. Heat up some lard in a pan, then add flour. 13. Once flour becomes golden, take the pan off the fire and mix in ground pepper. Make sure you don’t fry the pepper in as it turns bitter over heat. 14. Pour the mixture over rolls, then bring the roll dish back to the oven for another half hour. Sarma is a festive dish served over religious holidays, especially during wintertime. It is a staple of patron saint celebrations, as well as Christmas and New Year festivities. But you don’t need to wait for any holidays to start – we typically start asking for it as soon as the weather turns cold. It can be also made with a vegetarian filling for the fasting season, as tradition holds that forty days to Christmas you’re only to eat food of non-animal origin (which is considered “fasting” in Orthodox faith). It is a quintessential Serbian dish, if not even “truly” Serbian in origin, as we borrowed the concept of stuffed cabbage leaves from the Greeks and the Turks (who stuff vine leaves or kale leaves). However, using pickled cabbage leaves is something uniquely Serbian.


Some sarma stereotypes which are (mostly) true are that a good sarma is made only by one’s grandmother (as elderly women here typically don’t go to work and tend to the household, therefore, they have time enough to prepare this), and that sarma is best consumed in the days after it’s prepared (which is strangely true – it can be reheated for another week with proper refrigeration, and “delay” adds more flavour).



b y Da vor i n St evanovi c ( Hea d of I ce - H oc k e y )

In g redient s:

Meth od :

FOR THE DOUGH: - 500 grams white flour - 25 grams fresh yeast - 80 grams butter - 3 egg yolks - 60 grams sugar - 025 mL milk - 10 grams vanilla sugar - 10 grams salt - 0,02 dL rum - Lemon zest

FOR THE DOUGH: 1. Prepare yeast by mixing it into lukewarm milk (a third of it), sugar and a spoon of flour. Keep it lukewarm and let the yeast do its magic.

FOR THE FILLING: - 500 grams walnuts (fine ground) - 50 grams ground cookies - 100 grams sour cream - 130 mL cream - 200 grams sugar - 30mL rum - 1 egg yolk - 1 egg white - 10 grams vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon freshly ground coffee - Cinnamon - Ground cloves - Lemon zest - Pinch of salt

2. Mix salt into the flour. 3. Melt the butter and add sugar, vanilla sugar, rum and lemon zest. 4. Mix yeast into the flour; all ingredients should always be lukewarm. Add butter mixture incrementally and keep mixing with a wooden spoon (it will not be solid enough for hand). No need to spend too much time here. 5. Dust the desktop with some (strong) flour and empty the bowl onto it. It’s time for kneading the dough for 5 minutes or until you are happy with the result – it should not stick to the surface or your hands.

Let the dough rise in a covered flour-dusted bowl you used before until it reaches double volume. FOR THE FILLING: 6. Pour boiled cream into the walnuts, add sugar and mix well. Add all the “spices”: cinnamon, cloves, lemon zest, coffee, vanilla sugar, rum and mix again. 7. Add egg yolk and salt and keep mixing. At this point the filling is still quite solid, but this changes once sour cream is added. The filling is not supposed to be runny as this could negatively impact texture of potica, creating air spaces inside while having burnt outside. 8. Once dough is ready, put it onto flour-dusted table cloth and use a roller (and hands in the corners) to create a rectangle. Howyou will know what size to do by improvising (if you are not using the traditional potica model. If you do use


the traditional “poticnica” then the shorter side of the rectangle should measure roughly twice the diameter of the model. Poticnica is made out of clay and has a hole in the centre. Cover the inside of the model with melted butter. 9. Add grounded cookies into the filling and mix well. The last ingredient is the egg white, which requires one last – gentle – mix.

10. Time to spread the filling over the dough surface. Leave at least 5 cm uncovered on one of the shorter sides. The height of dough and filling will be approximately the same, however baking it will turn this ratio to dough’s side. 11. Start rolling from the covered short side, the goal is to roll it as many times as possible. The more times you are able to roll it, the better, especially as it shouldn’t have much air inside. During rolling make sure that the length of the cake doesn’t get longer as you are getting towards the end. 12. Measure the length again and if you are using the correct model, cut off the sides so that only twice the diameter is left. If not, improvise. Wet the surface you have just cut the side from, so that it sticks to the other side once you put it


into the model. 13. Use wooden stick to create holes across entire surface of the cake. It’s important to push the stick all the way to the bottom, so that air can leave the insides. Let it rise for 45 minutes and pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees. Baking time should be around 45 minutes, during which it is not advised to use the fan, just top and bottom heater.

14. Let it cool a bit, before dusting with ground sugar.


THE TUNISIAN FRICASSEE b y Wa s s i m T r i me c he ( D eve l op e r )

In g redient s:

Meth od :

FOR THE DOUGH: - 4 cups all-purpose flour - 1 egg - 3 tablespoon olive oil - 1 teaspoon salt - 1 teaspoon sugar - 1 tablespoon yeast - 10 to 11 oz warm water - Vegetable or canola oil for frying the Fricassee

1. Start preparing the dough. Put yeast and sugar in a small bowl and add about 2 oz warm water. Let the yeast proof for few minutes.

FOR THE FILLING: - 2 cans Tuna in oil - 4 boiled eggs - 1 cup Black olives - 6 greens onions - 2 large potatoes - 1/4 cup capers - Salt to taste - Olive oil - Harissa

2. In the bowl of a stand mixer with the dough attachment, put flour, salt, olive oil, egg and yeast mixture. 3. Mix everything while adding warm water gradually. 4. Check on the dough from time to time if it needs more water. I added about 11 oz water in this recipe 5. The dough should be soft and a little sticky. 6. Oil your hand with olive oil and gather the dough into a ball. Make sure to slightly coat the dough with olive oil so that it won’t be sticky.

and let rise for 1 to 2 hours or until doubled in volume. 8. Dump the dough on a floured working board. 9. Deflate with hands then use a rolling pin to flatten the dough into about 1/8 inch thickness (you may need to divide the dough in half and flatten 1 half at the time). 10. Use a round cookie cutter and cut out the dough into discs. 11. You can simply cut out the dough into small pieces and form small balls then flatten each ball with a rolling pin or just your hands.

12. Take each cut out disc and gently stretch it to form an oval shape. 13. Place the oval shaped pieces of dough on a kitchen towel.

7. Cover with plastic wrap


14. Cover with another kitchen towel and let rise for about 20 minutes. 15. Fry the oval shaped pieces of dough in both sides. You may need to through hot oil on them with a spoon to help them fry evenly. 16. Drain. 17. Using a knife, cut the Fricasse on one side lenghthwise and set aside. 18. Cook the potatoes in a slightly salted water. 19. Use a potatoe masher or a fork and mash the potatoes (I prefer my potatoes mashed but you can just dice them). 20. Add salt to taste. Add olive oil, about 2 to 4 tablespoons (you can add more if you like). Set aside. 21. Cut the boiled eggs into small pieces, Set aside. 22. Chop the green onions. Set aside. 23. Start assembling the Fricassee. 24. Put harissa inside the Fricassee and fill with about 1 tablespoon mashed potatoes, 1 tablespoon eggs, some onions, 1 tablespoon Tuna, few capers and add black olives. You can add more harissa on top.



CHIP BARM b y C hr i s t o p h e Ri c har d s ( Mo ti o n d e s i g n e r)

In g redient s:

Meth od :

- Bread Roll (can be substituted by 2 slices of white bread) - Hot chunky chips - Salted butter - Malt vinegar

1. Make sure you have a good layer of butter on each slice of bread 2. Place a heaping layer of hot chips on the buttered side of a piece of bread. 3. Add plenty of salt and drizzle with malt vinegar. 4. Squish the sandwich down



BACON - WRAPPED JALAPEGÑO POPPERS b y R ob i n K a n at z ar ( R e s e ar ch & D eve l opme n t En gi n eer)

In g redient s:

Meth od :

- Slices of bacon - Philadelphia cream cheese - Jalapeño peppers - Optional: toothpicks

1. Cut the jalapeño peppers in half length-wise. 2. Remove the seeds from the jalapeños. 3. Fill the halves of jalapeños with cream cheese. 4. Wrap the halves of jalapeños in a strip of bacon. (Use toothpicks to hold the bacon in place if necessary.) 5. Put the jalapeños on a baking pan and cook them in the oven for 15 minutes at 1900C



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