Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem! Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you prosper.” Psalm 122:6
by Dr. Ritch Boerckel
December 2012
for the peace of Jerusalem? 2. What does it mean to pray for the peace of Jerusalem?
As the bus climbed to the crest of Mt Scopus just north of the city of Jerusalem, the weary travelers in our tour group began to sing, “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Lift up your gates and sing; Hosanna in the highest, Hosanna to your King.” We experienced chills as we looked down across the deep Kidron Valley to gaze upon this precious city where so much of God’s plan for man’s redemption took place. The city felt so peaceful as we entered it that night. Quiet. Calm. Beautiful. Little could we predict that in less than two weeks from our group’s first glimpse of the Holy City on November 3, rockets from Gaza would be fired to harm the people of this city.
Why pray for the peace of Jerusalem? The short answer is because God tells us to! Yet God does not give us commands that have no meaning. Jerusalem is precious to God because He chose this city for His saving purposes. We remember that God ordained for King David to build the capital of Israel here where the government for His people would reside. God then ordained for Solomon to build God’s Temple here and for this city to be the place of His localized presence for His people to come and worship Him. Here the Ark of the Covenant would find a home and sacrifices of atonement would be made for those who believed in Him. Even more, Jerusalem is the city where David’s greater During our trip to Jerusalem we talked about Son, Jesus, would be dedicated in the Temple the command in Psalm 122 to “Pray for the as a baby, then as a man teach upon the steps peace of Jerusalem.” I think about this leading up to the Temple and ultimately be command even more now that we have tried, condemned, crucified, buried and returned to the US and have followed the resurrected. In this city, the Holy Spirit first reports of violent aggression against the descended upon the apostles gathered for people of Israel by the Hamas terrorists who prayer to begin the New Testament church. control Gaza. Here, Peter preached his first sermon and 3000 The call to pray for the peace of Jerusalem stirs people repented of their sins and believed the up two questions in our minds: 1. Why pray Gospel. Even now, God continues to fashion a
(Continued on page 2)
Cont’d on page 2
Over the Coffee Cup
Christmas Office Hours Children’s Ministry
2 3
Youth Group News
Engage 2013 Missions
3 4
S. Africa Resources Update Make Disciples
4 5
The Gospel Institute
December Calendar Birthdays/Anniversaries
6 7
Men’s Basketball
Ommen Anniversary PrimeTime
8 8
Christmas Services Advent Resources
8 8
Rummel Baby Shower
Reality Check Ladies Event
Ladies Studies
No Regrets Men’s Conf.
Evangelism Explosion
A Community Christmas
FFH in Concert
Issue 974
Page 2 Continued from page 1 - Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem
future in His redemption plan for this city. On this past trip to Jerusalem I looked upon the walls of the Old City from the Mount of Olives, and I thought of Jesus’ promise to return to this very spot to establish His rule and peace throughout the world. One day the King of Kings will come again and establish His throne over all the earth. Why pray for Jerusalem? Because God chose this city to be the place from which His salvation plan would be announced and completed! When we pray for the peace of Jerusalem we are drawing near to God’s heart and toward His Gospel message! What does it mean to pray for the peace of Jerusalem? I believe that praying for the peace of Jerusalem entails three specific ideas: That the physical city of Jerusalem will experience God’s shalom. We pray that the city and her inhabitants will be blessed by God with physical protection, just governance, friendly relationships between the Palestinians and Jews living there, economic prosperity and spiritual renewal.
That Jerusalem will receive the peace that the Gospel offers. We pray that the people of Jerusalem will be reconciled to God and find peace with Him. Such peace with God only comes through faith in God’s Messiah. He alone can forgive the sins that separate us from God. We pray that God’s message of good news will not be hindered by opposition, but will have doors opened for its reconciling power to be unleashed! That the Messiah will come soon to establish lasting peace. We pray for the return of the King of Peace. Jesus was born a King, yet He was not accepted as King in His first advent. God’s plan to establish His Son on the throne awaits a future day of completion. Only when Jesus is seated on His throne will true peace prevail. Notice that God indicates a blessing upon those who pray for Jerusalem’s peace: “Those who love you may prosper.” I believe Genesis 12:3 is still true: those who bless Israel will be blessed by God. So let us heed God’s command this Christmas season and pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Over the Coffee Cup
by Char Wallen
What are your plans for Christmas? How should we celebrate His birthday? First, let Him know how much you love Him, and share your love for Him with others. How can you let Jesus know you love Him? Find a quiet, cozy corner, sit down, and tell Him. This is what I told Him: Jesus I’m so glad You came To earth, a babe so long ago. Grew up to be a lad of joy, The Bible tells me it is so! Then You shared your love with all, As on this earth You walked, Teaching all to understand, As to all You talked, Proclaiming sinners must believe, To know God’s perfect plan, Sharing God’s great message, Always from man to man.
Then I know You came to give, Your life that I might be, Even as I trust You, Home for all eternity! Now at this Christmas Season, Let’s all pause with hearts sincere, Thank You, precious Jesus, For Your love both far and near. And as we think on You This blessed Christmas day, Help us remember all You gave, To point to us the Way! Yes, to Life Eternal,
As we trust and with You dwell, That this will be our Christmas joy, As You our hearts do fill, With joy and peace and comfort, As we take Your hand, And we’ll have a blessed Christmas, As on Your promises we stand! Thank You, Jesus! Happy Birthday!
The church office will be closed December 24, 25, 31 and January 1. F OUT O E OFFIC
Office Hours for December 26—28 are 9am-1pm. You can contact the office at:
In the event of an urgent need, you can reach the pastor on-call by calling the church office at 692-1755. When prompted, leave a message on extension 9. The system will contact a pastor and you will receive a call back. Have a safe and blessed Christmas season!
Issue 974
Sunday School
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Pastor Kevin
In December we focus on our Christmas study of ―The King is Born.‖ Jerry Sanderson Can you serve one Wednesday a month during AWANA in Nursery? Serving in Nursery during AWANA allows parents to be leaders in AWANA helping children learn God’s Word. We have had several of our helpers having babies themselves and so we have these great opportunities once a month from 6:15 until 8pm on Wednesdays. See Jerry Sanderson for more information. No AWANA on Dec 26 or January 2.
The Scriptures covered in December are: 02 Matthew 1:1–25 The King Is Born 09 Matthew 2:1–12 The King Is Adored 16 Matthew 2:13–23 The King is Preserved 23 *No Sunday School Due to Christmas 30 *No Sunday School Due to New Year’s **Please note there is no Sunday School December 23 or 30; however we will continue with our Children’s Church ministry during the 11:00am hour (second service). Parent Cards: Digging Deeper into the Truths of God’s Word Parent Cards are available to you to help drive these truths home. These cards summarize the weekly lessons from Sunday School and Children’s Church, and include discussion questions and related family activities to enjoy together. We want to help you fill your homes with conversations about God and the Scriptures! Parent Cards are sent home with the children on the first Sunday of each month. You may also download current Parent Cards from our Children’s Ministry webpage or pick them up from our Children’s Ministry Registration Desk anytime.
Sr. High: December is here and soon we will be celebrating our Savior’s birth. It is an exciting time of faith, family, and festivities. This month we will be having a Christmas Café on Wednesday, December 12 during our normal youth group time. In addition to fun Christmas decorations, we will have Christmas snacks and a Christmas themed talent show. All youth that plan to participate must register with me by Wednesday, December 5 so I can approve their Christmas skit, talent, or song. I am looking forward to enjoying the evening with everyone and am planning to share a Christmas song of my own. This month we will also be enjoying our monthly time at the Barn on Saturday, December 29. It has been a blessing to have this time of fellowship every month and this time especially might be a perfect time to share and enjoy many of the new presents you may receive for Christmas. So please feel free to bring any new board games or fun gadgets in addition to the usual snacks for a time of fun Christmas fellowship and spiritual friendship. Thank you as always for reading. Then on December 31 we will have a New Year’s Eve celebration at church at 8:30pm. Watch for more details about this. I hope your December finds you well and leaves you with a stronger hope in our Savior. Dan Wilton
Engage — Encouraging young people to confidently communicate and defend the Gospel The apologetics competition is open to young men or women from 7th through 12th grade, and the preaching competition is open to young men only from 9th through 12th grade. February 9, 2013
Check the Bethany website and download your copy of the rules and brochure. Contact Dan Wilton ( for details.
Issue 974
Page 4
Missions in December Thank you for your contributions toward our Christmas gifts for our missionaries. to our missionaries
May you and your families have a safe and blessed Christmas this year. The Missions Committee NURTURE Preparation for missions work
Are you interested in shortterm or full-time missions service? Would you like to pray more effectively for our missionaries? Sign up for the Missions Prayer Newsletter, which is distributed electronically each month (except during the summer). Visit the Bethany website and subscribe to the missions e-mail.
We would like to hear about your heart to serve and help you take the right steps to get to the missions field. We have a Nurture Program designed to help you prepare as well. Please contact Joel Taylor at 361-7958 or to hear more about this vital program. -The Missions Committee
UPDATE: HELP PACK PASTOR JOEL’S BAGS FOR SOUTH AFRICA Thank you for your generous donations to our missionaries the Beakleys and to Christ Seminary in South Africa! Pastor Joel was able to take over 100 books with him to help the Beakleys’ ministry in South Africa. We also collected over $800 for luggage fare and extra resources. We were humbled by the generosity of the church body and thankful for your faithfulness in ministering with us!
Uganda ShortTerm Missions Trip Date: April 13-28, 2013 Location: Gulu Uganda Project: 1. Host a training summit for Hope Alive! student leaders. Most of these student leaders are high school age and this leadership summit will help the student leaders become lights for Jesus in their churches and community. The team will be training the student leaders in the area of biblical leadership principles. 2. Design and build a power inverter/generator system to provide reliable backup power to office computers. 3. Build a covered Saturday club meeting area 4. Help with a normal Saturday club meeting Contact Steve or Carol Hornbrook to express your interest and ask any questions.,
Want to learn more about the Uganda trip? Join us for an informational meeting on Sunday, December 16 in the Sr. High Room at 12:30pm.
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Issue 974
Called to Go and Make Disciples! Kevin Sauder, Pastor of Christian Education Matt Morgan, Pastor of Evangelism/Discipleship And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” God has saved us and commissioned us as ―fishers of men‖ (Matt 4:19). We’ve all been commissioned together to go and make disciples of all people in the authority and presence of Christ. But let’s be honest… this is difficult for most of us. We are fearful. We are scared of rejection. We don’t want to give up the comfort of our own security, our own culture, our own ways. We want to avoid conflict, and want others to like us. In the midst of this holiday season let’s believe in the authority of Christ. We know His Gospel is mighty and able to save. The Holy Spirit empowers the message and regenerates the souls of our loved ones as we share. Jesus is the King of Kings, and has authority over all nature and nations, disease and demons, sin and death, and every person who has ever lived. That’s what compels us to obey His command. We share. We show. We teach. We go. All to make disciples – followers of Jesus Christ – who in turn will go and share with others for the glory and praise of our Lord and Savior Jesus. So in the midst of all your holiday get-togethers this month – depend on the presence of Christ. Our salvation was not based on our adequacy, and neither is our charge. Together, let’s trust in who God is, and what He is able to do in and through us. Let’s experience the power of His presence as we hope in the promise of His return for us! Our Adult Discipleship Ministries are designed to equip and strengthen every believer in both the doctrine and community of the Gospel. These ministries exist to strengthen both our understanding of God’s Gospel and our participation together in the fellowship of the Gospel:
Attend one of our 14 classes on Sunday Mornings from 9:45 – 10:45am. We encourage every regular attender to be an active member in an ABC class!
Sign-up online to join a small group at Under the Ministries tab select “Ministries” then “Small Groups.” Please contact the church office for more information anytime!
Benefit from a personal one-on-one mentoring relationship. Contact the church office or sign-up at Under the Ministries tab select “Ministries” then “Discipleship.”
Great joy awaits all who connect to the life of God by participating in these adult discipleship ministries at Bethany! Get connected today to be strengthened yet more in your ―fishing for men!‖ Registration for the spring semester at the Gospel Institute is now open! Look for registration forms at the Welcome Center, or register online at The spring semester runs January 21–April 8. Classes are from 6:00–9:00 PM at the Bethany Community Center at 7229 N. Knoxville Ave. in Peoria. Spring 2013 courses offered are: Systematic Theology II with Pastor Art Georges (Systematic Theology I is not required.) A Historical Survey of the Scriptures with Pastor Matt Morgan Cost is only $60 per semester, although scholarships are available upon request, and awards will be determined by need. For more information, visit or contact Abby Pfeiffer by email at or by calling 692-1755. Enrollment space is limited so sign up today!
December 2012 Sun
1 9:00am Christmas Choir & Orchestra Tech Rehearsal
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School
7:00pm Men’s Basketball
9:00am Men’s Bible Study Ladies Bible Studies 12:20pm GriefShare 6:15pm GriefShare
5:00pm Family Meal 6:15pm Awana Youth Group Mom Squad Prayer Room Open 7:30pm Youth Parent Prayer ACC Dress Rehearsal
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 6:00pm ACC at Living Hope
6:00pm Advent Service 7:00pm Men’s Basketball
9:00am Men’s Bible Study Ladies Bible Studies 12:20pm GriefShare 6:15pm GriefShare
5:00pm Family Meal 6:15pm Awana Youth Christmas Café Mom Squad Prayer Room Open 7:30pm Youth Parent Prayer
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 12:30pm Uganda Mtg. 7:00pm FFH Concert (tickets required)
11:00am PrimeTime
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services
Office Closed
Office Closed
No ABCs, Sunday School, or Evening Service
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services
Office Closed
No ABCs, Sunday School, or Evening Service
8:30pm—12:15am Sr. High New Years Eve Party
7:00pm A Community Christmas at Five Points Washington
2:00pm & 6:00pm A Community Christmas at Bethany
Office Open 9:00am-1:00pm
Office Open 9:00am-1:00pm
Office Open 9:00am-1:00pm
Youth Group
Mom Squad Prayer Room Open 7:30pm Youth Parent Prayer
7:00pm Men’s Basketball
5:00pm Family Meal 6:15pm Awana
6:00pm Advent Service
6:00pm Christmas Eve Service
Merry Christmas!
No Wednesday Evening Activities
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -
Jacob Anderton Ashley Corder Isaiah Evans Benjamin Inman Drew Kieser Sally Lawrence-Knapp TJ Moore James Tomlinson Phil Wolfe Roger & Carol Koehler Ellery Brock Belle Brown Jeanne Ellison Dennis Emerson Janis Hapke Joel Park Daegan Severns Gene Howell Paul Mathes Lindsay Musselman Jonathan Walberg David Williams Sydney Wieland Ezra Blair Ritch Boerckel Jill DelinskiMario Garcia Emelia Moorman Ruth Palmer Joy Siebenborn Dave & Carol Clark David & Sharon Weiss Tom Bauman Bethany Bryant Caleb Ham Larry Kreeger Timothy Noar Mark Burnham Joe Hapke Lydia Zimmerman Rich & Diane Noar Jill Birkholz-Luan Brooke Hermann Elizabeth Hofmann Michelle Weidner Linda Wyckoff Alexander Boerckel Brenda Schwenk Brianna Wichael Gerry & Elsie Traenkenschuh Jim Deutsch Beverly Jackson Sarah Noar Lexia Rowley Ruth Christmas Sarah Dremann Joshua Fay Noah Powell Hannah Queen
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 -
Mike & Sally Rice Ralph & LaVerne Turner Riley McRaven Ed & Jill Luan Dan & Sharie Cain Jim & Lori Cochran Dave & Michelle Weidner Kim Benedict John Brock Nathan Button Sara Deets Karen Sanderson Marv & Mary Sauder Luke Dobra Jack Nelson Kelli Christenberry Elise Haroldson Jay Hufnagel Robyn Morris Elizabeth Schellenberg MaryBeth Smith Steve Clore Tanner Graham Treyven Haroldson Steve Hornbrook Sandy Simmons Autumn Hale Brittany Klaus Steve McRaven Grace Sturhan Jessica Taylor Paul & Linda Slopak Pam Duncan Barbara Stratton Bev Weed Tom & Jodee Bauman Mark & Mary Ellison Jack & Diane Mason Bill & Martie Scott Willy Bonnell Gary Lawson Marty Roth Dan Byerly Mindy Byerly Sue Crain Ryan Yergler Ritch & Kimberly Boerckel Jim & Sue Crain John & Patricia Hadley Tom & Jackie Holtz Ron & Dianna Fouts Bev & Tom Weed Abigail Akright Kristi DeBacker Holly Deutsch Livie Herman Shawn Mason
21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 -
Kris McClelland Tyler Sass Jim Swezey Ryan Vance Chris Wichael Charles Faw Ellyn Liu Joel Showalter Marilyn Showalter Marci Johnson Josiah Kern Danny Schell Jennifer Tracy Bob & Sharon Bloompott Jim & Christine Ommen Brooke Langley John Smith Marisa Weech Bradley Wichael Joshua Zhen Joellyn Doty Curtis Powers Steve Shultz Ray & Deloris Isaacs Doug & Faye Talbot Dan Heinz Bruce Wyckoff Larry & Laurie Crossett Michael & Cherlyn Lied Cara Christenberry Sarah Dobra Holly Zimmerman Barb & Eric Nielsen Sara DeBacker Ethan Freckleton Nellie Hawkins Jill Phillips Carol Tracy Greg & Lynn Carps Steve & Ruth Ann Clore Ishor & Laxmi Dhakal Steve & Kitty Yanko Becky Freckleton Pat Goben Rita Grebner Kathryn Guymon John Hadley William Jacobs Virginia Lane Lynda Oakes John & Denice Patroff Joel & Amber Taylor Christopher Moore Jeremiah Siebenthal Micaiah & Erin Wilmoth
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Issue 974
Schedule of Christmas Services All men college-age and older are invited to play basketball on Monday nights from 7-9pm. Contact Grant Hannah ( or Gary Stoller ( for details.
A Community Christmas
December 7-9—Various locations/times (Tickets required. See back page for details.)
Advent Communion Services—6pm
Monday, December 10 — The Hope of the King Monday, December 17 — The Heart of the King (No childcare for these services.)
Sunday, December 23—Worship Services 8:15am—Nursery through Age 3 No Sunday School or ABCs 11:00am—Nursery through Age 2 and Children’s Church Age 3-Sixth Grade
Christmas Eve Service—6pm
Monday, December 24 — The Humility of the King (Childcare through age 4.)
Celebrating the Birth of Christ Resource Table For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11 Check out select resources available in our Church Resource Center to help you and your family celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
PrimeTime Fellowship Monday, December 17 at 11:00am ♫ Music by Bethany Musicians ♫ ♫ Lunch prepared by Chef Lyall ♫ RSVP by calling the office at 692-1755. Cost is $5 All Seniors age 50+ are welcome to attend.
We will conclude the current session of GriefShare on December 18. Our topics this month are as follows: Dec 4 Top Twenty Lessons of Grief Dec 11 Heaven Dec 18 Conclusion Fellowship Watch your worship bulletin for details about the next session of GriefShare. Contact Dave or Marilynn Perry at 579-2408 for details.
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Issue 974 Kelli Rummel Saturday, January 5, 2013 at 10:00am Peter and Kelli are expecting a baby boy in February. They are registered at Babies R Us and Target.
Men’s Conference
REAL LIFE TESTIMONIES | WORSHIP With Speakers: Kenny Luck, James MacDonald, Steve Sonderman, Dan Seaborn, Vince D’Acchioli, Plus Break-Out Speakers Register online now for Reality Check 2013 at
Register 5 guys and get $5 at
Cost: $15, Lunch included
Cost of the event is $5 and childcare is available for $5/child. ($15/family max. for the event.) Contact Kelly Walenta at for details.
Ladies Spring Bible Studies begin on January 15 Starting December 16, informational brochures with the Bible studies offered, book costs, teachers, and class dates will be available at a table in the foyer. You may register on-line ( or at the table in the foyer. Books will be available for purchase and pickup beginning January 1. Childcare is provided for all daytime Bible Studies at no charge. Please be sure to indicate your childcare needs when you register for your Bible Study!
Prayer Room Open On Wednesday evenings when there is no First Prayer, the Prayer Room will be open from 6:30-8:00pm for a time of self-led prayer. We invite you to drop in as you are able and come and go as you please. Prayer sheets will be available. (There is no First Prayer this month.)
Tickets available from the church office or at
Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Ln. Edwards, IL
Save the Date for these events at Bethany Valentines Banquet Friday, February 15, 2013
Bethany Valentine Couple’s Conference Saturday, February 16, 2013
Evangelism Explosion Do you struggle to convey the eternal quality of life that can only be found in Jesus Christ? If you desire to present this Good News but are uncertain how to make it happen, join us for eleven weeks this spring as we learn to engage others with the message of the Gospel in Evangelism Explosion. The spring semester begins on Sunday, Feb. 24. Please contact Matt Morgan by phone (692-1755) or by email ( if you would like to participate.
A Community Christmas
Tickets $10 each available from the church office.
Invite your friends and family!
Lifesong for Orphans presents FFH with special guests from Zambia. Support orphan ministry while enjoying a unique performance celebrating the birth of our King! A love offering will be taken during the concert and 100% will go towards orphan care!
Saturday, December 8 at Bethany Baptist Church 2:00pm and 6:00pm FREE Tickets are required for each performance. They will be available at the Welcome Center, the office (692-1755) or online.
Online $11.80 each
December 16 7:00pm Bethany Baptist
For more information visit A Community Christmas will also be held: Dec. 7 at 7pm at Five Points, Washington Dec. 9 at 6pm at Living Hope Community Church, Bartonville
Return Service Requested
Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528