Bethany Baptist Church exists to glorify God by proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and preparing His people to worship Him forever.
Ask for the Ancient Paths Dr. Ritch Boerckel
Senior Pastor
In This Issue: 2 3 4
Bethany Fall Festival Missions Over the Coffee Cup First Prayer Grace & Peace Parent’s Night PrimeTime Missions Services 5 Women’s Ministries Knowing Christ Radio Biblical Counseling Conference 6 September Calendar 7 Birthdays & Anniversaries 8 The Gospel Institute Trewyn Good News Club Music Ministry 9 Children’s Ministry 10 Open Hearts Open Homes Sr. High Youth 11 Small Groups Resource Center GriefShare 12 Fall Festival
Many of our high school graduates have begun classes at a college or trade school or begun their journey directly into the marketplace. What an exciting time of life! I recently wrote a letter to these high school graduates that I share with you now in hopes that you may pass it on to a young adult for their encouragement. Please pray diligently for the young men and women that God has included in your life. The battle against the devil, the world and the flesh is strong. Thank God that He is stronger yet! Dear Graduate, Congratulations on your graduation from high school! I rejoice with you in your past accomplishments and pray for your future. I pray for God to be very real and very wonderful to you. It is through knowing Him that we find sense in the disorder of this world, joy in the brokenness, and direction in the chaos. You have some great decisions ahead of you as you seek to carve out a life. You will have more freedom than you have ever had and more opportunity for doing both good and evil. May God give you wisdom to know which path leads
to life and grace to choose to walk on that path. Some of you are about to begin college life, while others have already entered the marketplace. I am praying for you as you seek to advance God’s reputation in a world that does not know how great He is. One verse that I hope encourages you in the years ahead is from the prophet Jeremiah: Thus says the LORD: “Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.” (Jeremiah 6:16) This world is full of paths and you will have to choose from the myriad of options in front of you. Many of those paths will look lush, fun and pleasing. God’s counsel is to ask for the “ancient paths.” This counsel contradicts with your nature. Your fleshly nature will be drawn to the paths that are new, exciting, pleasant or attractive in appearance. The key element of a path is not its surface, its landscape or its views, but the key element of a path is where it leads you. God reminds us of four key truths in this passage from Jeremiah. Continued on page 2
“Paths” cont’d from page 1 1. God calls you to ask for the ancient paths. You will not find the ancient paths unless you ask for them and seek after them. The world around you hides them from your sight. Only those who seek God’s paths will find them. Only those who ask for God’s ways will be given such wisdom. So begin each day asking for the ancient paths. God will direct you! Know that God’s map to these ancient paths is His Word and God’s guide is the Holy Spirit. God reveals in His Word that the path is really a Person: God’s own Son. He will be found by those who seek after Him. So as you ask for the ancient paths, search the Scriptures and depend upon God’s Spirit to give you light and look for Jesus. 2. God describes the ancient path. God describes the ancient paths as “where the good way is.” Jesus will never lead you into harmful ends. The devil knows that, but he is crafty. He does not want you to desire the ancient paths and so he does two things. First, he masks the goodness of the ancient paths so as to make them despised and rejected. He will tempt you to question whether God’s paths really do lead to life. Second, he decorates the new paths so as to make them loved and embraced. He will tempt you to think that other paths are wonderful and wise. Please remember how God describes the ancient paths! Those who say the ancient paths are not good profess to be wiser than God. 3. God commands you to walk on the ancient path. Of course, it is not enough to know about the ancient paths or even to agree with them. Paths only lead to life if we walk in them. Obedience to God is key to everything. God does not call you to walk alone. He is with you. He has also given you His church so that you walk with others on this path. I urge you to commit your lives to a local church and walk on God’s ancient paths with others of faith. You will need the body of Christ to obey God’s command to faithfully walk on the ancient paths. 4. God promises that you will find rest on the ancient path. There is no rest like soul rest. A rest that quiets your heart when life gets hard. And life will be hard. You will endure trials and difficulties of all kinds. God only knows the difficulties that await you. This truth need not bring worry or anxiety. God promises rest for our souls as we walk the ancient paths. What a sweet gift soul rest is! This gift is yours as you walk the ancient paths! Listen to Jesus’ promise in Matthew 11:28-29: Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Remember God loves you. Please send me your prayer requests as you have needs. My email is I want to pray for you. My heart is always open to you to talk or pray together. Much love in Christ, Pastor Ritch
4 Annual Bethany Fall Festival th
Saturday, September 21 1:00-4:00pm We are excited to announce the 4th Annual Fall Festival!! As in prior years, the purpose of this festival is not for our own families to come and have a good time (although we hope they will by inviting someone or serving!). Rather the purpose of this event is for our church family to reach out and serve our friends and neighbors with a fun, family-friendly event that will portray God’s love and encourage a positive witness for Bethany Baptist Church in our community. Our hope is that this annual event will deepen our relationships with our neighbors so that when the Lord works on their hearts about their eternal destiny, or marriage, or parenting, or other counseling need, they will think about coming to Bethany, and we might have greater opportunity to share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. This Festival is possible because various ministries and discipleship groups in the church eagerly volunteer to "take ownership" of different aspects of this outreach. Activities may include food, music, games, bounce houses, face painting, hay rack rides, group games, antique cars, contests, activities, and more! If your group (ABC class, Youth, Choir, MOPS Table, Small Group, Nursery Team, etc.) desires to serve together in this event this year, please contact Kari Rabenhorst ( Start praying now about who God might have you invite to this event, or how you might want to serve our neighbors in this fun, familyfriendly afternoon!
Global Outreach
Steve Hornbrook, Missions GO Minister
For at least a couple of centuries, English-speaking Christians around the world have referred to their efforts to complete the Great Commission articulated in Matthew 28:18-20 and in four other NT passages as “Missions.” However, this term is also commonly used for military or political undertakings. Outside the church, this second use is the more common sense of the word, and outside of our country it is a sense that is easily associated with Americans. We have chosen to begin intentionally changing the way we communicate by using Global Outreach instead of Missions. This does not reflect any change in the objectives or scope of what we have traditionally called “Missions” at Bethany Baptist Church. It is meant to affect both our written and verbal communications. We will often shorten “Global Outreach” to “GO,” so for example: Pastor Steve’s job title is changing to GOMinister, the Missions Committee is now the GO-Team, Missionaries are GO-Partners (or GO-Workers) and our ABC Missionary Partners are GO-Coordinators. And coming up October 13—20 is our GO-Conference! While God is immutable, our application of His will for our lives changes a lot. At our GO-Conference we will be talking about a lot more change than just the words we use. Several of our GO-Partners will also be talking about how God is changing their ministry focus.
Bill & Gloria Bagley
Bill and Gloria Bagley will be sharing how their ministry is changing as their church in Preston, Idaho, matures from a mission to an independent church.
Paul and Becky Beck will be talking about how God has led them away from the international school in the Philippines for a season to be close to aging parents and representing WorldVenture on campuses in the US.
Brian & Jennifer Entner
Brian and Jenny Entner will be joining our fall conference for the first time, but they will be updating us regarding a transition from CEF to a new local ministry to families across the river in Sunnyland.
John and Esther Waldrop will be back to share with us how God is leading them to pastor in an international church in Istanbul as they leave behind a growing contingent of their children to study in the US.
Marty & Denise Shaw
Paul & Becky Beck
Pablo & Judi Perez
Pablo and Judi Perez are back too, to fill in details about their transition from TNT with Leadership Resources International in Mexico to leadership discipleship in Pablo’s home country of Ecuador.
Cheri Geise will update us up on how she serves as a nurse and teacher in the ever-changing challenge of Cote d'Ivoir, West Africa.
Cheri Geise
Amanda Knussman returns as a fulltime GO-Partner that we sent to Indianapolis to share what God is doing on college campuses there. Amanda Knussman
Ray and Marge Tallman have updates to share regarding training leaders and encouraging leadership training around the globe.
Ray & Marge Tallman
John & Esther Waldrop
Marty and Denise Shaw will be giving an update on how God has led them back to the US to serve as a vice president of WorldVenture and oversee the ministries of GO-workers all over the globe.
Larry & Marletta Hemphill
Larry Hemphill wants to help us understand how God has been leading he and Marletta in ministry to international students in Colorado, and how their family has been changing.
What in the world is God doing? He is doing a lot, and we will get to hear a small portion of it in this year’s GO-Conference! Mark your calendars, plan to be with us – you won’t want to miss it!
First Prayer Wednesday, September 4 6:30pm in the Prayer Room Join us as we set aside time for focused prayer as a church family. Nursery and childcare provided.
There have now been 44 years during which I have had coffee with you as we shared ―Over the Coffee Cup‖ together. I can’t believe that I am already that old! The column may be 44, but I will be 90 in October! As I look back on my life, I recall many different episodes; let me share these with you, with thanks to my Lord. I was born in the Swedish American Hospital in Rockford, Illinois, on my parent’s seventh wedding anniversary. That’s two pluses: born Swedish, and as an anniversary gift to them. I grew up in a Christian home and started Sunday School at age two. I cried every Sunday as I thought that my mother had abandoned me. She told me that if I cried once more, she would give me something to cry about. I knew that meant a spanking! My chair was across from a picture of Jesus holding a little lamb. My thoughts were: ―If I keep my eyes on Jesus, all will be fine!‖ I did, and the crying was no more. That was a good lesson learned! After graduating from high school, I went on to junior college, graduated, and had three more years of medical training to become a registered nurse. I had worked one year at the hospital when I met a surgery patient named Lowell Wallen. A year later, we met again, and things became serious, leading to marriage on September 2, 1949. This will be 64 years this month! I wonder how he put up with me so long. He is Swedish also, so that explains a lot. God is so good and I praise His Name! God gave us two sons, one in Wheaton with his wife, and one in heaven. We presently have a grandson and a granddaughter. They are both Christians, praise God! I look forward to spending eternity in heaven with Jesus and family. Do you have that assurance?
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people. I Timothy 2:1
Grace and Peace Parent’s Night Out Friday, September 13 6:30-8:30pm Parents of children with special needs are invited to bring their children (all children with special needs and their siblings) to church for two hours of Christ-centered fun, while the parents get a free ―Night Out‖ on their own. Please sign up in advance by visiting Then click on Ministries / Children / Grace and Peace and open the registration form in the documents folder on the right.
PrimeTime Fellowship All those age 50 and up are invited to join us for a time of fellowship. We are working on details for a Peoria Historical Society Tour this month. Watch you worship bulletin for details.
Mission Services This Month South Side Mission 1127 S. Laramie Street, Peoria September 15 at 6pm Peoria Rescue Mission 601 SW Adams Street, Peoria September 16 and 19 at 7:30pm Contact Jon Baumann at 303-5656 for further details.
LIVING PROOF Women’s Bus Trip to Springfield, IL October 25-26
Tim & Kristin are expecting a baby girl. Registered at: and Babies R Us.
Packages range from $106-$175. For details, contact Kelly at 339-9542.
Women Helping Women September 16 at 7pm Contact: Nicole Pepper Phone: 683-1181
Hats of Hope
Work Nights
September 17 at 6pm Contact: Holly Miller Phone: 648-1693
Saturday, September 14 at 6:30pm Women’s Event featuring spa treatments and speaker, Markie Castle. Guests welcome! Free tickets are available at the Welcome Center at church.
Ladies Fall Bible Studies Begin September 3 Brochures with all the details are available at the table in the church lobby. Details are also available online at Tuesday Mornings at 9:00am Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy (Beth Moore video study) First Place 4 Health: Giving Christ Control God's Answers For Relationships and Passions: 1 Corinthians (Kay Arthur NISS) Jeremiah Part II (ch. 25-52) - When God's Judgment Finally Comes (Kay Arthur PUP) Infant Loss Support Group (GriefShare) Childcare is available for Tuesday Afternoons at 12:30pm Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy (Beth Moore) Tuesday Evenings at 6:30pm Philippians: Turning Toward Joy (David Jeremiah)
Introducing “Knowing Christ Radio” program We are excited to announce that as of September 1, the name of Pastor Ritch’s radio program has changed to ―Knowing Christ Radio.‖ The music has been updated, and Scott Krus has agreed to serve as the program announcer. These changes are all being made as part of an expansion of our radio ministry. We thank God for helping us to move the program to a national audience, and would ask you to pray for the spread of God’s message throughout the country. We also thank our partners at WBNH Radio for their help in making this possible. They will continue to be our flagship station, and we are thankful for the great relationship we have with them as we serve Christ together.
children up to 12 years of age during morning studies. We do not provide childcare during afternoon or evening classes. To ensure adequate staffing, please sign up for childcare when you register.
Women’s Ministries
Kristin Hoyt Baby Shower September 28 at 10am
Biblical Counseling Training Conference “Equipping You For Christ-Centered Counseling” February 9–14, 2014 at Faith Baptist Church, Lafayette, IN One of the major benefits of this conference is that your own life will be impacted in your personal walk with Christ. The speakers are chosen for this very purpose. Stuart Scott, Elyse Fitzpatrick, Brad Bigney, and many more will share how God has grown them to be more Christ-centered in their lives and in their ministry to others. Visit or contact Melody Lewis in the church office at 692-1755 or for more information.
September 2013 Sun
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School Church Membership Class
Labor Day
9:00am Men’s Bible Study 9:00am, 12:30pm, & 6:30pm Ladies Bible Studies
6:15pm Youth Group Awana Begins 6:30pm First Prayer 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School Church Membership Class
7:00pm Men’s Basketball
9:00am Men’s Bible Study 9:00am, 12:30pm, & 6:30pm Ladies Bible Studies
5:00pm Family Meal 6:15pm Youth Group Awana Prayer Room Open 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 6:00pm SSM Service
7:00pm Women Helping Women Work Night
9:00am Men’s Bible Study 9:00am, 12:30pm, & 6:30pm Ladies Bible Studies 6:00pm Hats of Hope Work Night
5:00pm Family Meal 6:15pm Youth Group Awana Prayer Room Open 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Orphan Care Bible Study
7:00pm Men’s Basketball
9:00am Men’s Bible Study 9:00am, 12:30pm, & 6:30pm Ladies Bible Studies
5:00pm Family Meal 6:15pm Youth Group Awana Prayer Room Open 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Orphan Care Bible Study 12:30pm Newcomer’s Lunch
7:00pm Men’s Basketball
Church Office Closed
Men’s Basketball 7:30pm PRM Service
9:00am MOPS
11:00am Roger Koehler Memorial Service
6:30-8:30pm Special Needs Date Night
6:30pm Girls Night Out: First Came Love
21 1:00-4:00pm Fall Festival
9:00am MOPS
9:00am A Community Christmas Rehearsal 10:00am Kristin Hoyt Baby Shower
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -
Abby Gallup Wes Kieser Janet Weber JF & Linda Shaner Dwight Grant Will Pepper David Rumbold Mike Van Atta Clayton Walenta Dave & Kerri Schellenberg Mike & Brenda Van Atta Lowell & Char Wallen Drea Gallagher Linda McCoy Phil Sceggel Jacob Weidner Janeen Campbell Benjamin McClelland Tammy Post Debbie Thurman Jared & Kimberly French Jeff Borden Stephanie Rumbold Joel Taylor Mark & Joellyn Doty Tom & Ruth Palmer Janea Beakley John Bennett Micah Borop Alex Bryant Ryan Dietz Jared French Kim Good Kaiya Hintz Garrett Hoyle Ashley Locher Julie Walin Kayla Hoerr Mikayla Lindahl Matthew Moorman Joy Koch Val Wichael Joyce Fraley Nicole Habeger Doug Magnuson Lucinda Vaughn Adilyn White Timothy Wilson Dee Benway Benjamin Eisenmann Micah Good Janis Hauptly Molly Park
9 10
Danna Smith Autumn Stoller Ron & Deanna Musselman Karina Davis Dianna Fouts Cora Grimaldi Dorothy Magnuson Alexis Taylor Jacob Warfield Josh & Heather Benway Dan & Abby Pfeiffer Jackson Boerckel Terry Clark Andrea Hamm Carol Howard Maria Kieser Nicole Powell Kiana Lin Kevin Sauder Summer Schopp Roger Waugh David & Stephanie Fisher Curtis DeBacker Sharon Nelson Karen Oberlander Ariya Plattner Scott Schepke Diana Weber Neil Schopp Barry & Cathy Heisey Jamie Borden Savannah Boyd Mike Falatko Katie Harms Joshua Haywood Daniel Hoerr Jacob Nicoll Dan & Kayla Hoerr Steve & Julie Walin Quincy Boone Anna Jolliff Tracey LaValle Jerod Nerad Kelli Rummel Chassi Scholl Rachel Weech Sarah Barley Chip Noar Nathan Dowd Sarah Esslinger Jenny Schick Cheyenh Smith Ann Stef Marvin Streitmatter
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 -
Michael Campbell Cheryl Jensen Wilfred Staniforth Olivia Stoller Lydia Wichael Ron & Roxanne Penick Andrew Bryant Catherine Malone Ron Musselman Stephanie Pinkney John Strawn Sharon Weiss Melody Zhen Tom & Georgia Wilkinson Doug Bireline Chelsea Dozard Jack Meuth Tate Schick Joshua Schrepfer Mike & Carol Bricker Ryne Daum Cole Fisher Joel Taylor Sarah Krikke Grace Lonergan Gage Schroeder Mike & Dawn Hintz Gabe Conner Kadin Good Aaron Hapke Amanda Henderlong Evelyn Herron Mark Hoerr Craig Janssen Cindy Nadenbush Josiah Good Hannah Rosete Janet Senecal Robert Singer Karen Waibel Emma Whitney Eric & Nancie Ham Zachary Benefield Linda Bohde Craig Colwell Hailee Dozard Naomi Hoerr Cohlson Stoller Kyle & Jane Scholl Colton Anderson Daniel Boerckel Brad Hougham Rachel Lindahl Michael Stevenor
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 -
Amelia Hofmann Tristan Reeves Korinne Talbot Grace Walenta Evan Walin Mark & Vicky Jolliff Brian & Kendra Showalter Art Bloompott Helen Barngrover Samuel Britten Cheryl Higgs Rick Hrivnak Tim Hutton Ben Roth Frieda Schellenberg Deena Benson Amy Myers Scarlett Lee Peggy Powers Caren Ramsay Kyce Walton Jeff & JoAnn Brush Jed & Julie Stuber Don Schmidt Heather Schopp Sadie Shepherd Gerry & Sally Greb Andy & Linda Hamilton Leah Barber Jason Coulter Emily Green Jersey Hoerr Nathan Marquette Jack Penick Travis Penick Bill Scott Julie Teubel Lisa Warfield Baxter & Billie Fite Matt & Amy Morgan Adam Byerly Ryan Deets Luke Gonzalez Jeremiah Noar Isabelle Perkins Beth Theobald Sandy Wiele Greg & Stephanie Catey
The enrollment deadline for The Gospel Institute is quickly approaching! Register for the Fall 2013 semester by Friday, September 13. Classes begin Monday, September 16, at 6:00pm at the Knoxville Community Center. The three-hour classes will be held weekly on Mondays until December 9. The Peoria Gospel Institute aims to make the pursuit of God in the Gospel our passion. Through the rigorous study of God's character as revealed in Scripture and displayed throughout history, we will learn to engage the world. Registration is available right now! You can register online at or in the Bethany Baptist Church office. The Fall 2013 semester courses are: Systematic Theology I with Pastor Ritch Boerckel Bible Study Methods with Pastor Jason Alligood from Fellowship Bible Church Cost is only $60 per semester; scholarships are available upon request, and awards will be determined by need. For more information, visit or email Abby Pfeiffer at Enrollment space is limited so sign up today!
Trewyn Good News Club This fall brings another opportunity for our church to serve in the Good News Club Ministry that we have been part of for several years. We are excited to share Christ’s love with children and staff at Trewyn School again this year and to see how God will continue to use the people of our church to share His love with our community. Starting Tuesday, September 24, from 2:30–4:00pm, we will begin having weekly Good News Clubs at Trewyn in the school cafeteria. This ministry is a great opportunity to teach, nurture and challenge these children with the truth of God’s Word. You can also be involved with Trewyn ministries by serving meals for the teachers, adopting a teacher to encourage throughout the year, and praying for the ministry when you sign up for the weekly email. Just as Jesus commissioned disciples, we declare, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” If God is leading you to join the Trewyn team, please contact Abby Pfeiffer in the church office or by email at
Music Ministry Opportunities Christmas Choir and Orchestra
Join the Orchestra!
Teen Choir
There is still time to join the choir and orchestra for Christmas! “A Community Christmas” will be presented December 6-8. Christmas Choir rehearsals are Wednesday evenings at 8:30pm and Christmas Orchestra rehearsals are on Sunday afternoons at 4pm. See Pastor Fred or Kari Rabenhorst for details.
The Bethany orchestra rehearses on Sunday afternoons from 4:00 to 5:30pm. The orchestra accompanies the choir on some Sunday mornings and rehearses for “A Community Christmas.” For details, contact Peter or Kelli Rummel at
All teens are invited to join! Teen Choir will begin meeting on Sunday, September 15 at 4:07pm in the Choir Room.
Join the Choir! Regular choir rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings at 7:45pm. We will rehearse our fall music from 7:45 to 8:30pm and then work on Christmas music from 8:30 to 9:15pm. Now is a great time to join regular choir, Christmas choir or both!
Contact Pastor Fred for more information.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Children’s Choir A new Children’s Choir semester will begin on Sunday, September 15 with a kickoff! Children’s Choir will meet on Sundays from 4:00 to 5:15pm. Children’s Choir will include learning basic music theory as well as preparing for the Christmas Children’s Musical “iHope Christmas” to be presented on Sunday, December 15!
Praise the Lord! Psalm 150:6 692-1755
Children’s Ministry Wendy Kirkpatrick September lessons from Sunday School (SS) and Children’s Church (CC): 09/01 SS: Jesus Christ Is Born, Matthew 1 CC: Solomon’s Sin Divided the Kingdom, I Kings 11-12 09/08 SS: Jesus Is Worshipped, Matthew 2 CC: Poetry & Wisdom, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes 09/15 SS: John Prepares the Way for the Lord, Matt. 3:1-12 CC: Israel’s History of Evil Kings, 1 Kings 16 09/22 SS: John Baptizes Jesus, Matthew 3:13-17 CC: Elijah Confronted Evil Ahab, I Kings 18 09/29 SS: Satan Tempts Jesus, Matthew 4:1-11 CC: Elijah Ran From Jezebel, I Kings 19
Opportunities Nursery and Children’s Church have several ministry opportunities available. Will you pray about caring for our youngest attenders? If you feel like the Lord is leading you to joyfully serve in children’s ministry or nursery, please contact Wendy Kirkpatrick at
AWANA and Family Meals AWANA is our mid-week Bible memorization program for children age 3 through 6th grade. Children meet each Wednesday from 6:15 to 8:00pm to memorize Scripture, play games, and listen to a Bible story. AWANA begins on September 4 and ends in April. Be sure to register your children at Spread the word and bring a friend!
Children’s Ministry Theming Project Update Have you noticed that construction has begun in our Children’s Ministry? With the skillful creativity of local artists Dave and Betty Webster, and in grateful partnership with Answers in Genesis® and their Creation Museum (, we are transforming the main hallway of our Children’s Ministry Wing into a compelling display of the biblical Gospel! Each wall will visually highlight different aspects of the 7 C’s of Biblical History to the glory of our great God: Creation Corruption Catastrophe Confusion Christ Cross Consummation Screen technology will accompany the design of each of the murals in order to keep the theming relevant, dynamic and engaging to both children and parents. Bethany’s children’s ministry theme is “World Changers.” The theme of World Changers is rooted in the truth that God alone is able to change the world, and the only hope for changing us and our world is the Gospel. Thus our children’s ministry theming highlights children sharing these 7-C’s of the Gospel with their friends as they seek to live for Jesus Christ as “World Changers.” We appreciate your patience with the construction in this wing over the next several months. Please pray with us as we continue working with our artists and creative team members to make this space as compelling and attractive for the Gospel as we can.
Family Meals will start on September 11 and will be offered from 5:00 to 5:45pm, with a suggested donation of $3 per person.
Open Hearts, Open Homes – Orphan Care Ministry Open Hearts, Open Homes Ministry would like you to consider joining us for two great opportunities to learn more about the Lord’s desire for the body of Christ to care for orphans.
Orphan Care Bible Study Sundays at 11am September 22 through October 27
A Passion for the Fatherless 2013 October 11-12, 2013 at Bethany Baptist Church
This study will be led by Jerry Sanderson and is for anyone interested in learning what Scripture has to say about caring for orphans. A desire to foster or adopt is not a requirement for this study. We will also be using Daniel Bennett’s A Passion for the Fatherless to help us better understand the theology and the practical application of orphan care.
A Passion for the Fatherless 2013 is a
For questions contact: Jerry Sanderson, Amy Park,
conference designed to equip you and our local church to care more effectively for the orphan. Pastors and authors Dr. Daniel Bennett, Dr. Rick Morton, and Dr. Tony Merida will serve as keynote speakers and discuss the Biblical foundation of orphan care ministry and the centrality of the local church in meeting the needs of the fatherless. Joined by other experienced ministry leaders, they will cover important topics such as God and the Orphan, Funding an Orphan Care Ministry, Adoption, Foster Care, and Post-Adoption Support in a variety of practical breakout sessions. Childcare is available and lunch will be provided. The cost of the conference is only $12. For more information and to register, please visit
To keep up with other Open Hearts, Open Homes Ministry happenings check out the ministry blog at:
Sr. High Youth Back to school! As we cruise into a rhythm for the new semester, we would draw your attention to three events. September 4 will be a Small Group Focus evening. We will be devoting that entire evening to focus on small group relationships. Please plan on prioritizing this evening for relationships. We invite parents to step in afterward to meet your youth’s small group leader. These Small Group Focus evenings will occur once a month. They will be great times to connect with other youth and your small group leader for prayer and encouragement. Saturday September 14 will be a Sr. High game night at the old Knoxville campus. We will be playing Bigger/Better—an exciting scavenger-hunt type competition along with other fun activities. Please plan to join us for this evening of fun! On September 28 from 6-9pm, The Barn is back! This great fellowship time for Sr. High youth occurs on the last Saturday of every month. We meet at the Unsicker’s Triple U Barn off of Grange Hall Rd. in Dunlap. Please join us for an informal time of food, fun, and friendship. We enjoy snacks, board games, Frisbee, and more. For questions regarding details, directions, and other events, please send us an email or give us a call. Our door is open to you all. We are excited to be a part of your lives and excited for all that the Lord has in store for our group this year. Josh Beakley,
Dan Wilton,
Resource Center
On your mark, get set, GROW! Most of our small groups are starting the week of September 8th, so check your calendar and get ready to have a great time together! We are praying for God to receive much glory as our hearts are filled with the joy of being part of these biblical communities between now and May 2014. Benefit from the Study Guides. Small group guides corresponding to the sermon are emailed each week to your small group leader, for them to pass along to you in advance of Sunday’s message. Extra small group study guides are also available at the Welcome Center each week for your convenience. We invite you to prayerfully consider these questions each week as they help to incline your heart to God’s wonderful Word. New Small Groups Continue to Form! It’s not too late for everyone to get plugged in and benefit from being part of a small group this term. If you are not yet in a small group, please visit our small group ministry page at where you can review current small groups and sign-up online! Always feel free to talk with others who may be interested in forming a group with you, and pray that God would put you in the right group for this term. In the event that the available groups are not workable for you, please email Pastor Kevin ( or call the church office as we are committed to helping everyone get connected to the blessings of small groups at Bethany.
You can now search the Bethany Library anytime online. With upgraded software you can now access the library’s catalog from your home computer or smart phone. Search for titles in the Resources to Borrow library by going to Bethany’s home page –> Ministries –> Resource Center –> Resources to Borrow –> click on catalog link or bookmark the following website opac/bbce/index.html#menuHome. Once you have accessed the webpage search by title, author, or subject for your favorite book. If the title is also available in our Resources to Own Center it will state this in the upper right hand corner of your search results. New titles continue to be added to the collection. The library now has over 3000 titles including books, CD’s and DVD’s. The system is easy to use so give it a try the next time you are looking for a good book to read. For more information or for help using the system contact Jane Scholl, Church Librarian, at
And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Acts 2:42
GriefShare Where has summer disappeared to? Fun times are always preferred to the hard events of life. However, facing difficult times and allowing God to work in our lives can be handled much more easily if we face them with others who are experiencing the same sorrow or disappointment. That is what GriefShare is all about. Walk through your grief with others who are journeying in the same ill-fitting shoes that you are wearing. The heartache and grief after losing a loved one is inevitable—but the journey does not have to be traveled alone. GriefShare will begin a new 13-week session on Tuesday, September 3, with groups meeting at 12:20pm and 6:15pm. Come and give us a two or three week trial. Contact Dave or Marilynn Perry at 579-2408 or Chuck Hill at 682-8166 for details.
Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528
4th Annual
Bethany Fall Festival September 21, 2013 1:00-4:00pm Invite a friend for this outdoor community outreach event which will be held on our property. Your friends will enjoy free food, bounce houses, and lots of fun fall activities. See article on page 2 to find out how you can be involved. For more information contact Kari Rabenhorst ( in the church office at 692-1755.