Annual Report 2013

Page 1

30 Years On

– Read All About It!

Contents 1 Introduction 2

1983 - 2013


Chairman’s introduction


An interview with the Chief Executive


Our services


Seaton Project, Aberdeen


Passing the Baton


Spotlight on a Bethany Support Worker


Homelessness stats

20 Volunteering 22

Emma’s story


Emergency resettlement services


Kenny’s story


Craig’s story


Bethany finances



38 Events 40

Donation form


Leaving a lasting legacy

44 Thanks

Bethany 2012-13 Annual Report

For homeless people, a newspaper is more than yesterday’s news. It’s also a pillow, a mattress and a blanket. It’s the difference between being warm, cold, wet or dry. Yesterday’s news. Re-used. Refuge. This is the 2013 Bethany Christian Trust Annual Report. Read all about it.



30 years of tackling homelessness Bethany Christian Trust was founded in 1983 by Rev Alan Berry MBE. Alan was a church minister in Leith, Edinburgh who was moved by the plight of the many homeless and vulnerable people who turned up at his church door in need of food, shelter and money. Alan felt challenged not just to talk about his faith inside the four walls of a church but also to demonstrate what he believed in practical ways in his local community. Bethany is a place mentioned in the Bible. It was a place of rest. It was also the place where Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, and back to life. It seemed an appropriate name to represent the process of transformation we want to see in people’s lives as they escape the trap of homelessness and start living life to the full. From early beginnings, with one 12-bed hostel and 1 staff member in Leith, Bethany’s staff team of almost 200 works with over 5,000 people every year across 14 local authorities in Scotland. We support some of the most marginalised and excluded people and address a wide range of different needs. From street work to resettlement and tenancy support, educational opportunities and work placements, Bethany works to tackle homelessness and prevent repeat homelessness. We are grateful to have supported tens of thousands of people over the past 30 years. We are thankful for each and every story of transformation and hope in which Bethany has played a part. With your continued support and encouragement, we look forward to helping many more people over the next 30 years and seeing Scotland change for good. Our Mission: to relieve the suffering and meet the long-term needs of homeless and vulnerable people Our Vision: through Christian love in action, homelessness will be reduced and vulnerable people empowered to live independently within society.

Bethany 2012-13 Annual Report



Bethany 2012-13 Annual Report


Chairman’s introduction Welcome to our 2012/13 annual report. Once again we have much to be thankful for, to celebrate and to share with you. This year, the newspaper style gives us another great opportunity to share news stories and celebrate an amazing 30 years of Bethany Christian Trust. A series of events have allowed us to give thanks to God for guidance and direction, to raise substantial funds for the work in support of vulnerable and needy people and to mark the sterling and sacrificial commitment of Rev Alan Berry as he stands down from the Board of the Trust after 30 years’ service to Bethany as Founder, Chief Executive and Board Member. We are delighted that he will continue as Honorary President performing a valuable ambassadorial role for the Trust. We also have news of the development of new services in more parts of Scotland than ever before as we seek to be innovative in reaching out in partnership with others to give hope and a future to homeless people and increasingly to those at risk of becoming so. And of course, critical to all we do, we will share the news of the continuing fantastic commitment of staff, the continuing dedicated and energetic involvement of volunteers in a wide variety of roles and the continuing generous giving of faithful supporters. We take nothing for granted. We are grateful for so much that is given selflessly to make our work possible. We look to the future, aware that there is much still to be achieved but believing that in God’s strength - not our own - we can keep on achieving great things. Robert Gordon, CB Chairman


An interview with the Chief Executive Looking back over the last year, how have things been going at Bethany? Do you have any highlights or challenges you’d like to tell us about?

How do you see the future? What will homeless and vulnerable people be looking for from an organisation like Bethany?

The highlight of the last year for me has been the way in which God has blessed us through our amazing staff and volunteer teams. Changes to the welfare system have presented challenges to the vulnerable people who rely on us for support. Despite this, our people have been fantastic; going the extra mile, adapting existing services and launching new ones at short notice so we can continue to help thousands of people across Scotland.

Homeless and vulnerable people often need support to address the issues that could lead to them losing their home. If that support is not available from friends and family in their local community, people look for it in organisations like Bethany. Our heart’s desire is for a future where Bethany is not needed any more, because Scottish communities are places where vulnerable people are cared for, loved and supported by those living around them. Until that happens we will continue to offer the highest standard of support that we can to as many people as we can.

Having sufficient resources is important for any charity. What is being done to make sure Bethany’s work can continue into the future? Unfortunately the demand for the life-changing work that Bethany does is increasing year by year. We desperately need to turn that increase into a decrease. To do that we constantly need the help of organisations, churches, local authorities and individuals to partner with us. We need people to share their time, their prayers and their finances to support projects and services that bring transformational change to the lives of individuals and communities and tackle the root causes of homelessness. What are the greatest needs you see in the lives of the people that Bethany supports day to day? How is Bethany meeting these needs? The main reason people give for becoming homeless is relationship breakdown. People become homeless for the want of caring and supportive relationships around them. Bethany is seeking to address the root causes of homelessness by engaging with companies, churches, councils and charities to offer projects that change the way in which vulnerable people are looked upon and cared for in our communities. Projects like Passing the Baton, Community Education and Inspiring Leith all help people to become active and valued members of their local community with enough support to prevent them becoming homeless.

As Chief Executive, what’s the one thing you’d like to say to Bethany’s supporters, volunteers and partners? Work with us. To truly tackle homelessness in Scotland we need to work together across all sectors of society; private, public, faith, voluntary and community to transform the way in which vulnerable people are cared for in our communities. Work with us to transform the lives of vulnerable people in your community, to revitalise your community and make it a caring and compassionate place to live, where love, grace, mercy and compassion characterise how we relate to vulnerable people. Help us to change Scotland for good Iain Gordon, CEO

Bethany 2012-13 Annual Report


Our services

We provide shelter, and a lot more besides: • Practical support and advice for rough sleepers • Emergency accommodation • Residential addiction support • Support for young people • Resettlement and visiting support • Furniture and household items • Essential employment skills • Opportunities to build social networks • Support for older people 1. Aberdeen 2. Aberdeenshire 3. Methil 4. Dumfries 5. Dundee 6. Dunfermline 7. Edinburgh 8. Falkirk 9. Glasgow 10. Inverness 11. Perth 12. Stirling 13. Dumbarton 14. Bathgate






12 13 9

6 14






Seaton Project, Aberdeen

The Seaton Community Project is a new drop-in service known as “Connect@theHut” in the Community Centre in Seaton, Aberdeen; a district classed as a “regeneration area” by Aberdeen City Council. The area is characterised by high levels of unemployment, deprivation and family breakdown. Isolation is not uncommon with a number of residents in the area struggling with loneliness and lack of social networks. The aim of the Seaton Community Project, in partnership with the Seaton Community Church, is to revitalise the community and allow local people to build up links and networks in the surrounding area. Since its launch in December 2012, the project has provided opportunities for local people to get to know one another and to connect with other services and agencies working to create better life chances for the whole community. The project is open to anyone in the Seaton area who would like to get to know their neighbours and become more involved in the community. We have been delighted to see a broad range of people making use of the project including lone parents with young families, older people and formerly homeless men who have just moved into the area. We are also exploring other groups we could support as we continue to meet the needs of the local community. The Trussell Trust Foodbank started in 2013 continues to grow and develop through Seaton Community Church and as benefit changes begin to take effect the need continues to increase. The drop-in is very popular and we know some service users consider it the highlight of their week. The opportunity to get out of the house, catch up with friends and meet new people has given people confidence and a base to work from in developing their own interests and activities. Service users find the project helpful when they are struggling or in need of support, telling us they have always left with the courage to keep going despite their struggles. We are able to offer guidance, practical support and give them the knowledge they need about where and how to access specific support services.

Ali Elder, one of our support workers explains the benefits of the project: “It has been great seeing service users help each other and build the community together. Everyone is quick to welcome a new user of the service into the group and it is great to see them take the initiative. It’s also great to see service users become passionate about new activities and groups that have been presented to them at the project. We had a speaker from a gardening group who came and a number of the service users were really passionate about that and started doing some gardening themselves.” One service user explains how she felt about the support she received through the Seaton Community Project: “I was so pleased to have my flat redecorated by volunteers from Peter Vardy Limited. My flat had quite a lot of damage to the walls and roof, so when I heard about the opportunity I was very excited about it. I moved out for 3 days so they could do the painting without it affecting my asthma, an idea that one of the decorators had. When I went to my flat after it was done, I loved it! They had papered my hallway and a bedroom and painted my kitchen, living room, another bedroom and painted the hallway and bedroom. I was so excited to see everything - I loved it so much. They had changed all of my door handles, put coving on my living room ceiling, I got new door handles on my wardrobe door, I got beading around my flooring, they put flooring in my kitchen, I now have a square bowl on my dining table with very nice potpourri in it. I now feel at home in my flat and love just sitting looking at my walls and ceiling, I love it and would like to thank all of the decorators who changed my flat and in turn changed my life. I smile a lot more now so thank you!!!”

The Seaton project opened its doors in December 2012 and in 4 months welcomed 29 individuals a total of 161 times.

Bethany has services in the 2 most deprived areas of the city; Tillydrone and Seaton.

Operating in Aberdeen since 2008 Bethany now works in partnership with churches, volunteers, Police Scotland, the City Council and local companies to support over 300 people each year.

Bethany 2012-13 Annual Report


“ I love it and would like to thank all of the decorators who changed my flat and in turn changed my life.�


Bethany 2012-13 Annual Report


We expanded our community presence in 12/13 by opening our 10th Bethany shop on George Street, Aberdeen.


Bethany 2012-13 Annual Report


Passing the Baton

Passing the Baton Glasgow has a team of 22 befriending volunteers including one person who received befriending support herself and felt she wanted to help others overcome situations similar to hers.

We now work in partnership with over 30 churches to provide our befriending service in 12 Local Authorities across Scotland. We have maintained a 99% resettlement rate and saved taxpayers at least £2.8 million.

This year we expanded our services in Edinburgh & Aberdeen. With our new Passing the Baton for Older People service, we are now able to offer support to older people who are isolated in their homes and communities.

We are really pleased to see our Passing the Baton services now in full swing and supporting people in the West of Scotland. Passing the Baton for families is delivered in partnership with the Findlay Family Network for single parent families. It offers befriending, hit squads to make homes more welcoming and social events where people can make new connections. Findlay Family Network works with volunteers who are disclosed and trained to work with children. Overall 22 volunteers give time and energy to make all this possible. Families come in all shapes and sizes and while the average family feels the stresses and strains of life, the people we support often have many issues to overcome. Trying to raise children on a low income, in poor quality housing and without the help of a supportive wider family is a real challenge. The befriending service has been running since April 2012. It makes a huge difference in people’s lives. Users of the service have benefited from authentic relationships with people who care – not because they are paid to care, but just because they want to care. Children have enjoyed taking part in activities. Families have been strengthened and kept together. Parents have grown in confidence to achieve personal goals. Befriending is just one way that we can stop homelessness before it happens. As our work develops, we are finding more and more ways to help people avoid the pain of losing their home. Befriending is a real commitment but a great pleasure. There’s nothing complicated about making friends, spending time together and learning new things. There is, however, real evidence of the powerful effects. Communities are stronger, individuals more confident and families grow as a result. If you’ve never given time to anything like this, why not give it a go?


Spotlight on a Bethany Support Worker Catherine Sawyers works in Bethany’s Edinburgh Visiting Support service; which is part of the Gateway Consortium; a partnership consisting of Bethany, the Rock Trust, Move On, the Salvation Army and Fresh Start. The Consortium has been supporting people through housing crisis since 2009, with a view to moving on to settled accommodation, and preventing those who are in tenancies from becoming homeless. “I first came to work at Bethany as a volunteer in 2003. I had recently completed my honours degree at Edinburgh University but due to family commitments I could not work full time. I wanted to do something worthwhile with the time I did have so I approached Bethany and began working a couple of afternoons a week in Community Education. This was very rewarding work and I was inspired by the staff who really led by example. I am now employed as a Support Worker. Like most jobs it can be challenging and stressful but at the same time it is meaningful and purposeful. I love the opportunity to work in an environment where I can work with people and things that are important to me. My job allows me to reflect my faith and personal values. I use the skills, training and experience I’ve gained to help people which is important to me.


For me, the best part in a day has to be the moment when people find their own inner strength and no longer need support. I feel very privileged when someone trusts me and feels able to share their sorrow and despair, then to help them escape it. I feel humbled by what people overcome. I recently bumped into someone I used to support; this person had suffered greatly and had some harrowing experiences. They had been very isolated. When I saw them again recently they were smiling and had confidence, their children are doing well and they all looked healthy and happy. The hardest part of the job is recognising that you can’t help everyone and that can be really heart-breaking. Sometimes people are not ready to receive support especially if addiction is an issue. It’s hard to back off and allow someone to continue living in a harmful way. People’s choices have to be respected and when they come back asking for help we are ready to get alongside them and do what we can. There have been lots of highlights over my time at Bethany; mostly to do with supporting service users and I’ve also had the pleasure of working with some great people. Currently I’m part of a team that is very supportive of each other, encouraging each other in faith and in work which is very special. We all face similar things day to day and we all work towards the transformation of lives. It’s a great team to be part of, especially when we can see the level of impact we are having across so many lives.”

Bethany 2012-13 Annual Report


Catherine Sawyers,

Bethany Christian Trust

Bethany Support worker.

Head Office, Bonnington Road,

(Image 1)

Edinburgh (Image 2)



Bethany 2012-13 Annual Report


Two thirds of individuals report increasing problems with substance misuse after becoming homeless5. Bethany Christian Centre offers a dedicated recovery programme in a residential setting. In 2012/13 50% of its residents moved on positively from addictions and homelessness. This is the highest number achieved in the Centre’s 21 year history.

Our charity shops generated a profit of ÂŁ238,133 in 2012/13.

Inspiring Leith blossomed this year. The community group took part in many different activities including a gardening project, community fundraising and the unveiling of the People’s Map of Leith.

Bethany is the only charity in Scotland working with homeless people that has its own dedicated Community Education Team. In 2012/13 1,164 people in Edinburgh and 1,928 people across Scotland, accessed our Community Education drop-ins and found support to gain and sustain accommodation, build friendships, access formal training, secure employment and become active participants in their local community.


Drugs - Homeless Link - 2013


39,827 households in Scotland made 1 homeless applications in 2012/13 . As of 31 March 2013 10,471 households 1 were living in temporary accommodation . A total of 4,884 children were living 1 in temporary accommodation . 48% of homeless applications are made 1 by someone under the age of 30 . In 2011/12 there were 710,000 people in Scotland living in relative poverty; this included 140,000 pensioners and 150,000 2 children . Every 36 minutes someone 3 in Scotland faces losing their home . 1/3 of unemployed young people 4 fear they will never get a job .

Bethany 2012-13 Annual Report


Homeless people are 13 times more likely to be victims of 5 violence . 76% of Scottish benefit claimants say they will struggle to claim their benefits 6 online . The under occupation supplement or ‘bedroom tax’ will affect around 90,000 social 7 tenants in Scotland . 49% of all 8 people over the age of 75 live alone . Relationship breakdown is still the major cause of homelessness 1 in Scotland .

1. O peration of the Homeless Persons Legislation in Scotland: 2012-13 – The Scottish Government – July 2013

2. Poverty and Income Inequality Scotland: 2011-12 – The Scottish Government – June 2013

3. Shelter Scotland - 2013

4. N EETS Survey, University and College Union – July 2013

5. Crisis – 2013

6. Citizens Advice Bureau – May 2013

7. T he Homelessness Monitor – Crisis – December 2012

8. Key Stats on Older People – Age UK – June 2013


Volunteering Without the commitment of our volunteers, much of our work would not be possible. Volunteers come from all walks of life, span a huge age range and give time, energy and encouragement to enrich the lives of our service users and our staff too. There were almost 44,000 volunteer hours given to Bethany in the year 2012 to 2013. Here are a just a few snapshots of the contribution volunteers made.

3 Befriending

Service Users


Over 140 volunteers from 32

Current and former service users

It’s not just the participants

churches across Scotland gave

helped in practical roles in our

themselves who make our

a massive 22,464 volunteer hours

Homemaker showroom and in

events so special. Over 100

to support service users to live

our contact centre at head office.

people worked behind the scenes

independently. Befriending is a

Other service users volunteer

to make our events safe and fun

real commitment, week in week

regularly in our drop-ins and raise

to take part in, offering anything

out, and is of huge benefit to

money through sponsored events

from a few hours to whole days to

individuals and our communities.

to give back to Bethany’s work.

do their bit to bring in vital funds.

(Image 3)

1 Bethany Shops


Across Bethany’s 10 shops, a

Across our drop-ins in Aberdeen,

total of 24,357 hours were given to

Dumfries, Dundee, Edinburgh

help us raise almost a quarter of a

and Fife there were 83 regular

million pounds for our charitable

volunteers who provided a smiling

activities. The time given equates

face and a warm welcome for

to around 14 full-time staff posts.

service users. Drop-in volunteers

(Image 2)

help with a range of practical tasks and contribute in areas like

Overseas Volunteers came from as far afield as France, Russia and the USA.

creative arts, life skills and the use of IT to enhance job prospects. (Image 1)

14 overseas volunteers undertook extended placements ranging

Corporate support

from 12 weeks to a full academic

Last year saw unprecedented

year in Bethany’s frontline

support from companies and

projects and in head office

organisations. Over 50 companies

and contributed over 6,600

and staff teams took part in

hours last year alone.

Hit Squads to decorate new homes, competed against each

Street work 750 volunteers from 43 church teams supported the Care Van

other in our Apprentice style shop challenge and took part in our events.

and supplied hot drinks, bread rolls and clothing. 72 church teams, with over 700 volunteers supported the work of the Care Shelter in Edinburgh to provide a safe place, a warm meal and advice as how to move on from rough sleeping.


Bethany 2012-13 Annual Report


Caring Christmas Trees Around 250 volunteers braved freezing temperatures to give out Caring Christmas Trees at numerous locations from East Lothian to Aberdeen in aid of Bethany’s life-saving winter projects. Many are regular volunteers who support our work year in and year out. (Image 4)



Emma’s story

I grew up with 2 parents who drank and liked to fight. I started smoking weed aged 12. My dad and big sister smoked weed at home so I just copied what I saw. Between the ages of 12 and 15 I had a joint every day before I went to school. I left school aged 15 after completing my Standard Grades and got a job and went to college to study Sports Science. Once I started working, my life-style changed. I got into clubbing and would go out with friends at the weekends and started taking speed and ecstasy. I took speed at home just so I could get things done around the house. My sister was using heroin and I tried to help her to stop, but I didn’t realise then that you can’t help someone unless they want to stop themself. I was introduced to heroin in my early 20s. I smoked it the first time and didn’t touch it again until years later when a friend of my sister got me to inject. I thought he was a friend but he was an addict and I think he just saw pound signs when he saw me. He started feeding me bit by bit. At first I didn’t take it every day but it ended up becoming a daily habit. Before long I had to steal to pay for it. At the height of my addiction it was costing £80 a day. I would steal from chemist shops; expensive cosmetics and stuff like that and sell it on. Sometimes I got caught. I have a string of fines I’m still trying to pay off. Being addicted to heroin was a nightmare. Every night you went to sleep knowing that the next day you would have to get up and steal just to feed your habit. I managed to come off it a couple of times using “street methadone” but I always went back. I moved out of my parents’ home when I was 17 and had a flat with my partner. We both took heroin but we wanted to stop. We tried to get help from the Community Drug Problem Service several times. Tragically, 3 years ago my partner took his own life, just before we were able to start a support programme. I was devastated. It was a total shock. He told me he was going to do it, but I didn’t believe him. We had both taken drugs and he said he was going out to see one of the neighbours. I came down the stairs later on and found him hanging outside the front door. It was awful. I watched him being pronounced dead right in front of me.

I was a mess. I moved back to my parents’ place for a while but my parents were functioning alcoholics and couldn’t help me. I moved back to my flat but everything there reminded me of my partner. I tried to get back to college and was on a methadone programme, but I kept taking drugs. I couldn’t cope. In the end, I made myself homeless. I let someone stash drugs in my house; subconsciously, I think I knew it was the only way to make myself leave there. With £2,000 worth of heroin in my flat I knew I couldn’t go back or I would get caught by the police. I couch-surfed for about 2 months and tried to get alternative accommodation but the council couldn’t rehouse me because I’d left my tenancy voluntarily. By the end of October, I ended up having to sleep rough for a couple of nights. I didn’t feel safe but the time I started rough sleeping coincided with the opening of the Care Shelter so I was really lucky. They were really nice people at the church shelter. It was scary to sleep there among strangers on my own but I only stayed 2 or 3 nights and one of the support staff helped me get a place in Bethany House. It’s brilliant here. I’ve been in other hostels but this is the best one I’ve stayed in. The staff are good. I know if I ever need anything I can go and speak to them. It’s the first time I’ve ever been willing to seek out support. I’m not used to asking for help but I just clicked with the staff here. I meet my support worker once a week and we go over everything; housing issues, addiction issues, other problems. I’m on a Methadone reduction programme and hoping to go to Teen Challenge rehabilitation centre in 6 weeks’ time. Depending on how it goes, there might be a job there at the end of it for me. Eventually, I’d like to go back to college and get a job, but I don’t want to count my chickens before they hatch. I can’t wait to be in rehab and off methadone; I don’t like swapping one drug for another. I’ve realised that if you want to come off drugs you have to be really self-motivated. Nobody will do it for you. I think Bethany is a really good organisation. I’m surprised there aren’t more faith-based organisations. I think having a faith makes a huge difference. The fact that so many of the staff are ex-users themselves means that they know what it’s like too. If I hadn’t come to Bethany I know I would be in real trouble now.

Ruth [pictured], one of our staff

21% of 15 year olds in Scotland

based in Leith, works to support

have reported using drugs4.

4 Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use

many people who are homeless

Drug users are 7 times more

Survey (SALSUS) National

or vulnerable.

likely to be homeless than the

Report – NHS Scotland – 2010

general population5 5 Drugs - Homeless Link - 2013

Bethany 2012-13 Annual Report



Emergency resettlement services 2,190 of homeless applications in Scotland were repeat applications. Passing the Baton is established in 12 Local Authorities and, with the help of over 140 volunteers, are supporting people to successfully sustain tenancies and reduce the rates of repeat homelessness.

7.9% of the working age population in Scotland are unemployed - Our Bethany Shops offer volunteering opportunities to people who want to gain vital skills which will lead them to paid employment.

2,484 households received

Bethany House provided

essential items to turn empty

accommodation to 136 homeless

houses into homes, with over

people in 2012/13. Each person

400 tonnes of furniture diverted

received individual support from a

from landfill.

key worker as well as undertaking tasks aimed at helping them develop independent living skills.

Bethany 2012-13 Annual Report



Kenny’s story

I was 17 years old when I moved into Kharis Court. I was on edge and nervous because I’d stayed at another place in West Lothian and it hadn’t worked out and they’d asked me to leave. I’d heard Kharis Court was small with a family atmosphere but you don’t know what’s going to happen until you get in there. As usual I started pushing the boundaries and testing people’s limits. The staff weren’t fazed though, and stood their ground. They were really patient with me. They explained that the rules were there to make the place safe; I know that they had my best interests at heart. I realised that if I behaved the way I had done at other hostels I would be chucked out. Eventually, the staff got through to me; that it was ok to ask for help and I did settle down and my attitude began to change. I’d been caught up in quite a violent lifestyle for so long that I didn’t really know where to start. They didn’t make me tackle everything at once. We went through things bit by bit. After a while I was able to move out of the main part of the hostel into the shared flat which was attached. I couldn’t believe that I had actually successfully completed my time in a residential unit. I felt more independent. I was doing so well that they dropped my keyworker support hours right back. I was offered a flat by the local authority and I moved into that with support from the Kharis Court Visiting Support Service. I’ve been a tenant there for over 18 months now. There have been ups and downs but I know how to get help now. Staff are still there to help me deal with any problems I’m facing. I just became a father to a healthy baby boy. I popped in to Kharis Court with my son. When I was there I realised how much I had changed. Without that place, I wouldn’t be where I am now. I’ve still got my flat with my partner and my son. I’m going to put everything I learnt into practice and be the best father I can possibly be.

14 young men struggling with

78% of all Kharis Court residents

homelessness and isolation

moved on positively in 2012/13.

received support in our purposebuilt hostel and attended resettlement classes to help them gain greater independence.

Bethany 2012-13 Annual Report



Approximately 4,750 homeless applications were made by people aged 16-19. 1

Our visiting support team in West Lothian provided 3,522 support hours to 18 young men and women aged 16-21. Each service user is encouraged to learn vital skills which will help them to sustain a tenancy and reduce their risk of experiencing homelessness.


Operation of the Homeless Persons Legislations in Scotland: 2012-13 – The Scottish Government – July 2013


Craig’s story

I came to Bethany from a rehab in Dumfries. I was willing to change my lifestyle, but didn’t know how that was going to pan out for me. I was scared and often fearful of my life without drugs or drink. When I met the project manager I instantly liked him, which helped. He believed in me. I was very anxious about things, especially the future. From what I can remember, I was quite unpredictable. My moods were very up and down. I could be upbeat about things and then the slightest thing would send me off drinking and taking drugs. Even getting a bill through the door would send me off track. These were normal things people do on a daily basis, but I didn’t see myself as normal. I was a drug addict. I would go missing for up to a week at a time. I remember being quite irresponsible. When I came to Bethany Supported Housing Service in Dumfries I got cleaned up and my outward appearance changed, but nothing more. My attitude towards routines, like paying the bills and other responsibilities had to change. With the help of the staff at Bethany, I was well on my way. They helped me realise that life is there - you just have to take hold of it for yourself. I never felt condemned or useless, but I felt empowered by their belief in me.

3 years have passed between getting support and what I am doing now. I have been working for Bethany since January 2013. My role is Drop-in Co-ordinator in Dumfries. I support the volunteers and of course the service users. My job is to link everything together and make the Drop-in work. We make toasties and cups of tea and coffee and sit down with service users and listen to their needs. I am able to understand and assess situations and can then pass referrals to other agencies if needed and offer understanding to the volunteers. Because of my past, I feel I can help people with their future. My own life has changed so much. It may seem simple to others but I see it as a privilege that I can pay bills and responsibly manage my money now. I know if I need to I can ask my mum for a loan of money and the first thing she will say is “how much do you need?” and not “what’s it for?” I love my life now, I love doing my job. Like anyone, I can’t predict where my life is going to go, but I do know that my passion now is to make a difference to vulnerable people’s lives.

Bethany 2012-13 Annual Report



Services in Dumfries

In 2012/13, 366 men and women attended the Dumfries drop-in with over 2,200 visits to use the service.

4,715 hours of support were given to 19 people to empower them to sustain their tenancy.

Bethany 2012-13 Annual Report


‘ Craig is a great support. He has been in our situation so he can relate to what we are going through. Without him and the drop-in I would have probably killed myself.’ Drop-in service user


Bethany 2012-13 Annual Report



Bethany finances

Operational I ncome 2012/13


A. Fundraising £1,221,759

B. R etail & Trading £1,417,036 A


C. Charitable activities £3,123,698

Total £5,762,493






0 Operating Expenditure 2012/13

A. Fundraising £451,524

B. R etail & Trading £1,216,606

C. Charitable Purposes C


D. Governance £46,696

Total £5,781,040



Bethany 2012-13 Annual Report

Supported Housing Dumfries received a score of three 5s out of 6 for the quality of its service, staff and management from the Care Inspectorate. / Housing Support Fife received the top-rated score of 6 for its quality of care and support and its quality of staffing. / Rev Alan Berry MBE was nominated and shortlisted for the SCVO Charity Champion Award 2013. / Healthy Working Lives Silver was awarded to Bethany’s Head Office with a Bronze award for our hostels.


We received support from more than 50 companies throughout Scotland.


Events Anyone can change Scotland for good. Where will you make a difference?

This year we held our first ever national Big Sleepout, with our overnight fundraiser taking place in 5 towns and cities across Scotland at the same time. The weather was the harshest we’ve ever had on the night of the Sleepout with snow and strong winds providing a stark reminder of the realities that rough sleepers face on a daily basis throughout the winter. It was humbling that despite this brutal weather, over 225 of our fantastic supporters were willing to face the elements and bed down outside to sleep rough and raise money for people in need.

Homelessness are only a tiny fraction of the fundraising activities that supporters have been engaging in to help stop homelessness. Numerous big-hearted individuals have organised their own events and undertaken sponsored challenges to raise money to help homeless people: Esther organised her own Stop for Tea for friends and neighbours. Sandy did a sponsored cycle the distance from Edinburgh to Newcastle on an exercise bike in one of our shops. Gavin ran the Edinburgh Marathon, and many others did individual challenges to raise money.

Participants came from all walks of life to take part: individuals, corporate teams, youth groups and church groups with a breadth of life experience ranging from a septuagenarian from South Queensferry to our youngest participant, Callum Cormack in Aberdeen who was just 6 years old. We were very impressed Callum managed to raise over £700! He explained to us why he wanted to take part: ‘There was a big storm outside one night and my mummy said how lucky we were to be inside. Then I said, “Mummy, what about people who are homeless and have to stay outside?” Then I asked how we could help them and so mummy had a look on the internet and we found the Bethany Big Sleepout.’

We have been delighted that a number of companies have been taking their corporate social responsibility seriously and have offered time, money and resources to transform lives. Opportunities can be tailored to any workplace: Lloyds TSB and RBS both provided DIY hit-squads to refurbish dilapidated flats as part of their “Make a Difference” day. Staff from the Department for Work and Pensions in Kirkcaldy undertook our charity Apprentice Challenge increasing sales in our Kirkcaldy shop and raising awareness of the problem of homelessness. Teams from Peter Vardy Ltd kindly cooked and served Sunday lunch to the men staying at Bethany Christian Centre, provided DIY hit squads and Tesco bank hosted a “clothes swap and beauty event” for staff, friends and families.

Thanks to the outstanding commitment from everyone who took part, and their sponsors, a whopping £37,000 was raised towards the work of Bethany across Scotland. This money will help to fund our front line services which reach out to vulnerable individuals who are in desperate need and facing the reality of rough-sleeping. Our other Bethany-led fundraising events such as the Cyclo-Sportive, Walk for Homelessness and Abseil for

Please get in touch if you have an idea that you would like to make happen to help Bethany meet the needs of homeless people. Email or call 0131 561 8925.

See overleaf for a giving form if you would like to donate now.

Bethany 2012-13 Annual Report

Bethany’s first ‘Dare to Abseil’ event was a great success raising over £12,000



A little goes a long way.

Every penny that you donate to Bethany provides much needed services for homeless and vulnerable people. Below is a guide to show the difference your gift makes. £30 will provide one person one night’s stay at our Care Shelter.

How you can help

Pray We really value your prayers as we seek to support homeless and vulnerable people across Scotland. Please get in touch if you would like to receive our regular News Updates and Prayer Diary by post or email to help you pray. You can also get these online via our website.

Title First Name Surname Address

Postcode Telephone Email Gift Aid Declaration: I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount

£115 will pay for a week’s visiting support to help a family settle in their new community.

£140 would pay for the Aberdeen or Dumfries drop in for one week.

£185 will pay the service charge for a homeless person’s emergency accommodation at Bethany House.

£250 would pay for 8 men and women to attend the Dunfermline drop-in for one day.

£353 would pay for an active lifestyle programme for a year for 1 resident.

£450 will pay for a week’s support at Bethany Christian Centre to help a service user overcome addiction.

of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 that I gave up to 5 April 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give on or after 6 April 2008. ( please tick) Yes



Please tick if you require an acknowledgement (Add your email address above) For donations via Self-Assessment Tax returns quote charity code VAA10BG. I want to support Bethany with a regular donation of £ Every (please tick):




Date of First Payment (DDMMYYYY)

Give Your financial gifts and donations of goods to our shops provide essential funds to allow us to support homeless and vulnerable people. All single donations, regular gifts and legacies support this vital work. Get Involved If you can offer your time or skills to help Bethany we would love to talk to you. We welcome involvement from individuals, companies, churches and community groups. As well as taking part in Bethany public fundraising events, or organising your own mini-fundraiser, we have a range of volunteering opportunities. Whether you are interested in frontline service provision or offering your professional expertise, if you like office work or want to volunteer in our shops, or if you want to help distribute Caring Christmas Trees, we have something for everyone. Please talk to us to find out how you can get involved. Stay up to date with our latest news and help spread the word.

Bank/Building Society Account Number Branch Sort Code Account Name Name of your Bank or Building Society

Sign up to our e-news bulletins or request updates by post. You can sign up via our website

Branch Address Postcode This cancels any existing Standing Order I have (to account number 01443009 or 00146403) – Y/N* (*delete as appropriate).

Follow us on Twitter @_BethanyCT

Like us on Facebook

To the manager: (Bank/Building Society), please pay Bank of Scotland, 13 Newkirkgate, Edinburgh EH6 6AD the amount stated above as I have indicated until further notice, for the credit of Bethany Christian Trust (Account number: 01443009, Sort Code: 800271) Account Holder’s Signature Date I want to support Bethany with a single donation of £ By *Cheque/Postal Order/Visa/MasterCard/CAF (*delete as appropriate) Please make cheques/postal orders payable to “Bethany Christian Trust’ Card No Issue No

Expiry Date

Valid From

Security Code

Cardholder’s Signature Date Please return to: Bethany Christian Trust, 65 Bonnington Road, Edinburgh, EH6 5JQ.

Bethany would not be what it is today without the goodwill and support of our many thousands of generous supporters praying and giving of their time, money and resources to help. Thank you for partnering with us as we seek to transform the lives of those in need across Scotland. We look forward to being in contact in the coming months as we work together to transform lives and revitalise communities and change Scotland for good.

Bethany 2012-13 Annual Report

Leaving a lasting legacy‌

Bethany, like many charities, relies on the legacies left by supporters to help us in our work to support the many individuals who are homeless or vulnerable. This year one of the legacies left to us was from Miss Jean Young. We wanted to take the opportunity to highlight her generosity in leaving a legacy and also to say thank you to her friends and family who also generously suggested Bethany Christian Trust as the recipient of the collection at her funeral. Miss Young was born and brought up in the North East of England and worked in Scotland for much of her working life. Her faith was important to her from an early age and was to be her guide for the rest of her life, informing all of her actions and interactions as a teacher, administrator, Guide leader, neighbour, friend and church member. Her friends say she was dedicated to her family and described her as an articulate, creative and thoughtful person and it is her thoughtfulness which we would like to give thanks for and honour. Our 30th anniversary marks a generation of changed lives and now, thanks to the generous gifts left to us by Miss Young and others, we are in a position to look ahead to address the issues facing the next generation of Scotland’s vulnerable people, giving them hope and a future. If you are interested in leaving a gift in your Will to Bethany, please email or call 0131 561 8922 We would like to acknowledge the following legacies received this year and to give our thanks to the friends and families of those who left us a legacy: Mr Maurice W Ewart Mrs Mina Y C Gladwell Miss Muriel E Rudd Mrs Helena K Stevenson Miss Jean Young We would also like to pay tribute to those whose lives prompted generous donations in their memory: Miss P Marjory Cheyne Mr Frank Finnegan Mr Shaun McCawley Mrs Jean L Geddes Dr Alexander J Keay Miss Jean Young



Bethany 2012-13 Annual Report



Looking back, it’s plain to see how much has been achieved since our humble beginnings in 1983. Bethany Christian Trust would like to acknowledge all of the loyal supporters who have bequeathed money and the hundreds of individuals and churches who have supported our work so graciously during the past 30 years. We are sincerely grateful. So with this in mind we invite you to join us in looking forward to the future.

Thanks to all the Companies, Organisations, Trusts and Grants who have supported Bethany in 2012-2013.

Bethany 2012-13 Annual Report

28:19 Fund 172nd Pentland Scouts Aberdeen City Council Aberdeen City Reshaping Care for Older People (RCOP) Change Fund Aberdeenshire Council Aberdeen Lions Club Aberdeen Solicitors’ Property Centre Aberdeenshire Alcohol and Drugs Partnership Alpha Scotland Anderson Strathern Anthropologie AON ARR Craib Transport Ltd Asda Halbeath Astor of Hever Trust AstraZeneca Plc Auldgirth Hall Committee Aviagen Charities Committee Baillie Gifford Balfour+Manson LLP Bank of Scotland Foundation Beeslack Community School BEN-Motor & Allied Trades Benevlolent Trust Bethesda Charitable Trust Fund Blackrock BNY MELLON Asset Servicing Bonaly Primary School Bosch Rexroth Limited BP Exploration Buckstone Primary School Burrows Charitable Trust C & W Assets Ltd C L N Trust Capital Charitable Trust Capital Solutions Cardrona Charitable Trust Caring for Ex-Offenders Carrick Knowe Primary School Castle Cairn Insurance Brokers Challenge Trust Challenger Children’s Fund Charles White Ltd Charnwood Trust Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland Christian Care for the Homeless, Dumfries Christian Concern Fife Citizens Advice Bureau City Cabs (Edinburgh) Ltd City of Edinburgh Council Courant Fund for Children Costco Craig Group Ltd Craigmount High School Cruden Foundation Ltd Curves Department of Work & Pensions Kirkcaldy Dickson Minto W.S. Dr Guthrie’s Association Dumfries & Galloway Council Dunedin Canmore Housing Association Dunfermline Sports and Social Club Eaton Fund for Artists, Nurses & Gentlewomen ECAS Edinburgh Bacon Company Edinburgh City Hotel Edinburgh Royal Infirmary Edinburgh University Christian Union Edinburgh University Music Society Erskine Cunningham Hill Trust, Edinburgh Ernst & Young Esmée Fairbairn Foundation Eteaket Eyeline Media Faiths in Scotland Community Action Fund Family Action Fettes College Fife Council Fife Health and Wellbeing Alliance Fords the Bakers Fox Covert Primary School Friends of Lorne Primary School Garfield Weston Foundation Gillies Family Trust Gracemount Primary School Grace Dieu Charitable Trust Grampian Police Grays School of Art Greenside Place Trust, St Andrews Hannah Trust Heinz, Anna and Carol Kroch Foundation Hospitality Action Hostels for the Homeless HSBC Holdings Plc

Illuminate Band Inchture Primary School Independence at Home Innovative Change Fund Inspiring Scotland Jabil Circuit Ltd J K Young Endowment Fund Jobcentre Plus Karabag Hill Ltd Karis Property Ltd Support Key Trust Kirkcaldy & Levenmouth Local Mental Health Partnership Kirkcaldy Soroptimists Kirkcudbright Primary School Kola’a Trust KPMG Lafarge Laggan Consulting Ltd Laing O’Rourke Landmark Hotel Dundee Laurence Winram Photography Lawson Foundation Leeds Building Society Charitable Foundation Leith Benevolent Association Levering Charitable Trust Liberton High School Life Trust Limited Light Writing Photography Lloyds TSB Loretto School Lorne Primary School Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue Service Mamre Charitable Trust Marks & Spencer Dunfermline Maureen Crooks Wheelchair Fund Mazars McDonald’s Chesser McLay, Murray & Spens Medical Centres Scotland Mentorn Media Merkland Tank Ltd Metaswitch Networks Michael & Shirley Hunt Charitable Trust Michael J Crawford Partnership Midlothian Council Mid-Scotland Evangelical Choir Mirdel Bequest Charitable Trust Miss Agnes H Hunter’s Trust Morgan Law Partnership Muirhouse Housing Association Murrayburn Primary School Newby Trust Ltd NHS Dumfries and Galloway NHS Fife NHS Health Scotland North Merchiston Club Old Farm Court Social Club Oxgangs Primary School Pampered Chef Peacocks Visual Arts Aberdeen Peckham’s Aberdeen Pencaitland Primary School Peter Vardy Ltd Points of Light Ponton House Trust Praise Gathering Prestonlodge High School Pret a Manger PriceWaterhouseCoopers Prison Fellowship Professional Classes Aid Council Prospect Bank Special School Prospect Community Housing R L Glasspool Charity Trust R S Autobits Redhall Primary School Retail Trust Richard F Mackay Ltd Robert Gordon’s College Rotech Royal Bank of Scotland Royal College of Nursing Royal Mile Primary School SACRO Sandisk Santander UK Foundation Limited Sciennes Primary School SCORO Solutions Scotmid Scotinform Ltd Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations Scottish Gas

Scottish Government Scottish and Southern Energy Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Seaton Primary School Selex ES Senior Service (Edinburgh) Limited Shell Fife NGL Plant Shorehill Charitable Trust Shortbread House Simpson & Marwick Solicitors Society of Recorder Players Sodexo South Parks Primary School Glenrothes Spree Publications SSAFA St Crispin’s Special School Starbucks Stauros Ltd STEAK Edinburgh Stenhouse Primary School Stenton Primary School Step Out Walking Group Steria UK Ltd Stockbridge Primary School Stonehaven Craft Group Stoneyburn Primary School Tesco Bank Teviot Creative Thain’s Bakery The 29th May 1961 Charitable Trust The Alfred Haines Charitable Trust The Anber Fund The Castansa Trust The Crerar Hotels Trust The Exodun Charitable Trust The Gilcomston Trust The Henry Smith Charity The Hope Trust The Hugh Fraser Foundation The J W Laing Trust The James Inglis Trust The John M Archer Charitable Trust The John Wilson Robert Christie Bequest Fund The League of the Helping Hand The Lighthouse Benevolent Fund The Mary Leishman Foundation The Mary Strand Trust The Matthew Trust The Maxlin Foundation The MacLennan Charitable Trust The Maple Trust The N Smith Charitable Settlement The Nancie Massey Charitable Trust The Netherdale Trust The North British Distillery Company Ltd The Plum Trust The Riada Trust The Robert Gordon University The Roy Miller Charitable Trust The Shalimar Trust The Souter Charitable Trust The Straitened Circumstances Fund The Tay Charitable Trust The Tekoa Trust The Peter Vardy Foundation The Verden Sykes Trust The Wishart Family Trust The Word Studio Thomson Gray Partnership Torosay SWRI Trailblazers Teachers Trinity Academy Troup, Bywaters & Anders Tulip Charitable Trust Universities Retired Staff Association University of Aberdeen Viewfield Gallery Limited Virgin Money Waitrose Walter Scott & Partners Ltd Watson Search Partners Limited West Lothian Council Wester Hailes Jobcentre Westminster Almshouses Foundation Whitdale Primary School William Purves Funeral Directors Wm Stephen (Bakers) Ltd Wood Group Management Services Wright & Co YMCA Edinburgh



Registered Office


65 Bonnington Road

Rev Jeremy Balfour

Edinburgh EH6 5JQ

Rev Alan O Berry MBE (Honorary President) - Retired as a trustee April 2013

T: 0131 561 8930

Norman S M Berry

F: 0131 561 8902

Robert Gordon CB (Chairman)


Colin G Smith (Honorary Treasurer)

Iain Smith (Deputy Chair) Sarah Stanger

Furniture Uplift

Angela Stormont

T: 0131 561 8904 Chief Executive: Bethany House

Iain C Gordon

(Out of hours emergency contact) T: 0131 561 8911


F: 0131 554 8423

Balfour & Manson LLP 54-66 Frederick Street

Aberdeen Office

Edinburgh EH12 1LS

T: 01224 647677 Bankers: Methil Office

Bank of Scotland

T: 01333 305367

Community Banking 2nd Floor

Kharis Court, Bathgate

St Andrew Square

T: 01506 634395

Edinburgh EH2 2YR

Glasgow Office


T: 0141 332 0020

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Edinburgh EH3 7PH

T: 01387 259400

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