4 Bethany Beginnings: The Faith of Five Families
8 Embracing God’s Heart for the Lost – Our 75 Year Vision Journey
11 Bethany Timeline
“People Are Waiting for Us” Exponential Growth in West Africa
ith strong determination, one of our board members held up a world map with red dots representing unreached people groups in dozens of countries throughout Africa, the Middle East, and South and East Asia, “Look at all the red places. This is where the church is not. If we don’t focus here, we will not finish the task!”
Fall 2020
Bethany Beginnings: The Faith of Five Families Embracing God’s Heart for the Lost – Our 75 Year Vision Journey
Bethany Timeline
Miraculous Protection and Provision
“People Are Waiting for Us”
Bethany Alumni That God Has Used Mightily
Bethany Global University
Bethany Gateways
Bethany Gateways Partners
Vision for the Future
The Legacy Society
Bethany International Ministry Impact Report
There has never been so much opportunity along with so much opposition to reaching “all nations” with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the next 2-3 years, there will be missionaries engaging every people group. By 2033, at the current pace of translation, every language will have a significant portion of Scripture. The global effort to train evangelists, disciple-makers and church planters in every country is accelerating. Soon there will be a church presence within walking distance of every person on planet Earth. God has uniquely positioned Bethany International for this day and time. Over the past decade, our network of mission partners has exploded in numbers, especially in training nationals for missions. It’s not about us. It’s about what Jesus is doing through anyone who is willing to go!
Where It All Began In 1945, the world’s population was 2.4 billion. Coming out of World War II, European and North American missionaries were stirred by a global awareness. They packed their belongings in barrels and spent weeks traveling to the field by ship. It was in these times that five families were compelled to live out their faith in radical ways. This group of young Christians encountered the living Christ in personal relationship. They left cultural religion behind, tasted the sweetness of knowing Christ, and abandoned all to walk with Him wherever that might take them. They believed God would use them to “train, send and support 100 new missionaries.” They opened a missionary training institute which later became Bethany Global University, a sending agency that became Bethany Gateways, and a variety of Great Commission business endeavors, most of which became ministries in their own right. In this 75th Anniversary edition of the coMission magazine, as you read of God’s faithfulness through the decades, I believe your faith will be stirred to trust God today. We are building on the foundation of those who have gone before us. I am so grateful that the God of Bethany’s founding generation is powerfully at work today, calling us afresh to live with eternity’s values in view.
President: Dan Brokke Editor: Holly Ward Designer: Abigail Metcalf
God Has Done Mighty Things
6820 Auto Club Road, Suite M Bloomington, MN 55438-2849 Telephone: 952-944-2121 Email: bethany@bethanyinternational.org Website: bethanyinternational.org
By God’s strength, the original goal of sending 100 missionaries was reached in 1974. Today, that number has swelled to more than 1,000 missionaries who were prepared at Bethany Global University and have served with at least 87 mission agencies in 69 countries. Another 2,000
Bethany alumni have founded, led, and served in many Christian ministries; or have lived as intercessors, mission mobilizers, and active Christians in their respective churches and businesses across America. Not only has Bethany trained individual missionaries, but we have assisted in launching Bible and mission training schools in Brazil, Mexico, Puerto Rico, France, Singapore, Nigeria, Kenya, Cambodia, Nepal, Myanmar, India, Ghana, Indonesia, Senegal, Vietnam, the Philippines, and many other countries. We are captivated by a vision for a world where there are no more unreached people; a world filled with worshipers of every language; a world where churches everywhere are a transforming presence in their own and neighboring cultures. Bethany International’s mission is to “take the Church to where it is not and help others do the same.”
A Day and a Message That Will Not Be Forgotten On December 16, 2014, I sat with Halvard Strand, the last living member of the five founding couples of Bethany. I thanked him for an obedient life through which millions of lives had been impacted – only heaven will reveal how many have come to know Jesus as their Savior and Lord. We talked about Bethany’s global family that grew out of simple obedience and faith. Little did I know that this was the last time I would see Halvard. Before we left, he leaned forward slightly and in a barely audible voice said, “Dig with the shovel in your hands. God will do the rest!” Four days later on December 20, 2014, Halvard went to his heavenly reward. I have told this story repeatedly because it so simply states what God asks of us: do what we can, don’t hesitate, and trust Him for results. As we awaken to God’s heart for the lost, the vast need of those who have no access to the Gospel is revealed. God calls us to do something about it. I pray that your heart will be stirred to join God on His mission.
Daniel H. Brokke President of Bethany International, Bloomington, Minnesota
Mission Statement Take the church to where it is not ...and help others do the same. 3
Bethany Beginnings: The Faith of Five Families By Dan Brokke and George Foster “THEY DETERMINED TO “DO WHAT THEY COULD DO”
he morning of January 4, 1920, Adolf Hegre walked his daughter to the railroad station. She boarded the train to visit relatives in another town. On his way back to the farm, Adolph was struck and killed, leaving his wife, three daughters and one son, Theodore, who was not yet 12 years old. Young Ted assumed the heavy chores and before long had to drop out of school. After moving to Minneapolis with his family, he progressed in business, but he did not continue in the faith that he had learned as a child. Yet, he felt that something was missing in his life.
God Prepares a Man for His Work and a Work for His Man.
While attending evangelistic meetings, Ted shared, “For the first time I understood God’s estimate of sin and discovered that I was hopelessly lost. But thanks to God, Jesus Christ was revealed as the Savior of sinners and I accepted him as my Savior.” After a while, though, Ted’s satisfaction dwindled and he came to the conclusion that his experience did not measure up to the level of Christian living he found in Scripture.
“Surrender all that you are, and have,
One Sunday, Ted approached a faithful mentor. Ted confessed he could not sing: “Every Day with Jesus Is Sweeter Than the Day Before.” His mentor hung his head and replied, “Ted. I’m no more
to God, for deliverance and assurance
and ever will have, and your own will besides. Get up from you knees believing that God has received your surrender,” said Andrew Murray. Ted believed in his heart, and gave thanks suddenly came to his heart.
satisfied than you are.” Disappointed, Ted prayed, “God, there must be more to the Christian life than I have!” In his anguish, Ted felt the Holy Spirit calling his attention to the book “Absolute Surrender” by Andrew Murray. He had attempted to surrender before – with no lasting results. Still, he read on until he came to the suggestion, “Get down on your knees before God and surrender all that you are, and have, and ever will have, and your own will besides.” He argued with God until he came to the words, “Get up from your knees believing that God has received your surrender.” At that moment, Ted believed in his heart, yielded himself wholly to God, and gave thanks to God for deliverance from sin and the assurance that suddenly came to his heart. Ted began a prayerful study of Scripture to learn more about victorious Christian living, which led to “The Three Aspects of the Cross”: 1. Christ was crucified for us as our substitute – Jesus took our place and received our punishment. 2. Christ was crucified as us our representative – Jesus defeated the power of sin and death over humanity. 3. Christ was crucified in us as our indweller – Jesus daily enables us to walk in victory by the abiding presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
The Mission to Reach All Peoples While attending a mission conference, Ted and his friend, Earnest Dahle, were challenged to pray for all people, everywhere. Wondering what else he was to do, something spoke powerfully to Ted: Jesus’ words to the woman who, just before His death, took expensive perfumed oil and anointed Him. Many criticized her extravagant act of love, but Jesus commended her, saying, “She did what she could.” (Mark 14:8a, 9). The phrase “She did what she could” was liberating to him. He couldn’t do everything, but he could do something, and it would count for the Kingdom. Ted soon felt that God had called him into full-time service. He held a Bible study Sunday afternoons in his home, resulting in spiritual and numerical growth. They recognized that Christ had supreme claim to their lives, time, possessions—everything. They earnestly sought God before making a decision to start a new church, and then, on April 16, 1943, 16 adults became charter members of Bethany Chapel. Under Pastor Hegre’s leadership, the congregation experienced initial growth, but after a while it leveled off at around 35 members. Ted became discouraged. So one Sunday afternoon, he asked God to fill him with the Holy Spirit. “That afternoon, God met me in a new way and from that point on the church began to grow.”
Bethany Beginnings: A Vision to Train, Send and Support 100 Missionaries Ted was alone praying one Sunday afternoon in 1944 when God challenged him that Bethany Chapel was to send out missionaries. The number that came to mind was 100! He embraced that number but wondered how the congregation would respond. To his amazement, the congregation embraced the vision as an order from God. The vision for missions grew as visiting Worldwide Evangelization Crusade (WEC) missionaries spoke at Bethany Chapel sharing their experiences. The congregation began to understand Christ’s challenge: “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Matthew 16:24). They saw that a major reason for the large numbers of un-evangelized peoples in the world was that Christians knew so little of renouncing everything and consequently were not true disciples. To avoid falling into the same error, they met to study, pray, and discuss ways to give all they had to God and His work.
They knew that all believers are called to evangelize the world, and they were trying to discern where they fit. Their discussion inevitably turned to economic issues. How could they invest a larger portion of their earnings in missionary work? Someone suggested living together in one house with shared meals, as a means of saving time and money in order to prepare for missionary service. As five couples tried to visualize what it would be like, they were thrilled, curious, and excited. But some of them had second thoughts. During those days of questioning, one couple remained firm in their conviction. They said unswervingly, “We believe this is of the Lord.” Within a short time, all five couples thought it through and agreed: “We know it is the Lord’s will.” This was a spontaneous work of the Holy Spirit in their hearts. On June 21, 1945, Rich and Carol Dahlen, Ted and Lucile Hegre, Morry and Bettye Johnson, Duane and Virg Lovestrand, and Halvard and Helen Strand became charter members of Bethany Fellowship. They sold their homes and on October 1, 1945, moved into Bethany House.
“We believe this is of the Lord. Count us in!” These five couples were ordinary people who caught a vision that became a passion and set the course of their lives.”
Ordinary People With an Extraordinary Commitment These five couples were ordinary people who caught a vision that became a passion and set the course of their lives. They did not fit the profile of religious fanatics out to prove that they were right and everyone else was wrong. They just knew there was a job to do that required sacrificial dedication and a united effort to make it happen. They knew they could accomplish more together than they would alone. Together, they were determined to “do what they could do”– not calling attention to themselves, but to God and His Kingdom. No obstacle would be too great, no battle too hard. They had God, and they also had each other. REMEMBERING I would not trade that matchless love revealed at Calvary, Where Jesus shed His precious blood, an offering for me. A revelation of God’s plan to set the captive free. I would not trade with any man, it means so much to me. I would not trade the constant peace that dwells within my breast, A peace serene with full release that gives me rest, sweet rest. Though Satan’s darts at me are hurled, I cannot anxious be. I would not trade for all the world, it means so much to me! I would not trade this lasting joy for any worldly pleasure.
“No matter who we are, where we are, or what our abilities are, we have been offered the privilege of working with God. We are called to be workers together with God in His great
For joy is strength, thus says the Word, and this I highly treasure. I praise the Lord for this today, this joy beyond all measure. I would not trade, let come what may; it means so much to me. —By Rich Dahlen
program of rescue and recovery - the evangelization of the world.” —Ted Hegre, Founder, Bethany International
Embracing God’s Heart for the Lost — Our 75 Year Vision Journey by Dan Brokke
hen God placed the number “100” on Ted Hegre’s heart one Sunday afternoon in late 1944, it was much more than a simple goal. It was setting a direction! He and his small congregation embraced this challenge as “from God,” but wondered how to achieve it. Believing God’s call is a crucial first step. Then comes feeding that vision!
Vision to Train, Send and Support 100 Missionaries The congregation’s vision for missions grew as missionaries shared stories of
indigenous people becoming Christians by the power of the Gospel, and being freed from evil spirits. Their imagination and passion was fueled, and they began discussing how to accomplish this vision. After the original five families adopted the goal to train, send and support 100 missionaries, many individuals and families soon joined them. Buying a farm, they built new residences, ministry and manufacturing facilities. They also began producing and selling products to support missions. This growing community began what would become the Bethany
Fellowship Missionary Training Center. They supported it by producing and selling camping trailers and electric grills (lefse plates), publishing and printing millions of books, and starting a mission sending agency. When God speaks and we follow, the Holy Spirit works in amazing ways. Thirty years after Ted’s word from God, Stan and Marianne Harder traveled to Mexico as Bethany’s 99th and 100th missionaries. The original vision to train, send and support 100 missionaries was fulfilled! But God’s work had only just begun, and soon a new question arose among the thriving community: “What’s next?” With still much work to be done, there was no question that we should “keep doing what we’re doing.” But more was needed.
Seeking God for New Vision Over the next 15 years, Bethany Fellowship Missions fielded more missionaries than ever before. Bethany College of Missions was vibrant, and Bethany House Publishers (BHP) emerged as a dynamic visionary Christian publishing house. In 1988, a group of Bethany leaders under the leadership of Alec Brooks, the second President of Bethany, set aside time for a prayer and planning retreat. A fresh goal materialized – Vision 2000: Target 3-2-1. By the year 2000 Bethany was to: • Plant 300 new churches
Send 200 missionaries
Penetrate 10 unreached people groups (UPGs).
This vision was compelling to the mission and college teams at Bethany. However, God was doing even more through this committed Bethany community. BHP, having published millions of books, was now a leader in Christian publishing. In essence, there was a dual ministry at Bethany Fellowship – global missions and Christian publishing. So, while Bethany pursued Vision 2000: Target 3-2-1 – through mission training and sending – there was a simultaneous pursuit of excellence in publishing Christian books. BHP’s work continued to financially support our overarching mission calling. My father, Harold Brokke, and Paul Strand, son of one of the five founding families, served as presidents during the 1990s, as tremendous mission advance took place leading up to the close of the 20th century. Many workers were placed among UPGs in the Caucuses, Europe, Middle East, Central Asia, and South East Asia. Furthermore, we developed a dynamic partnership of national mission leaders from several countries called GlobeServe.
GO100 and Field5000 – Building a Global Mission Force In 2002, at a GlobeServe gathering, Bethany’s fifth president, Dave Hicks, presented the GO100 idea of launching 100 missionary training schools worldwide within 10 years – perhaps a new expression of the original “train, send and support 100 missionaries” goal. Once again, this was seen as a “vision from God” by our Bethany team and GlobeServe partners. In 2006, I was asked to serve as President of Bethany and had the joy of see-
ing God do amazing things. We opened 122 mission training schools exceeding our GO100 goal in six years! We followed this with our Field 5,000 initiative which sought to send 5,000 workers within five years from the growing network of GlobeServe mission schools and partners. God moved and this goal was achieved in only three years’ time – fielding 8,600 workers. In 2011, shortly after we adopted our new mission statement, “Taking the church to where it is not and helping others do the same,” I began my involvement with Finishing the Task (FTT). The mission of FTT is “to see every people group in the world engaged with an indigenously led church planting movement.” Jesus gripped my heart with the fact that there are whole people groups with virtually no Gospel witness and very few, if any workers!
Engage500: Prioritizing the Unengaged and Underengaged In June 2014, we introduced the FTT unengaged people group lists to members of the GlobeServe Network. We asked them to identify and consider engaging these unengaged and under-engaged people groups within their home countries. They initially hesitated out of fear of passing by unsaved people where they were already working to prioritize unengaged peoples, but God began working on their hearts. Less than a year later, everything changed. During a GlobeServe leadership meeting in Batam, Indonesia, members unanimously agreed that we should send workers to 500 UPGs by the end of 2020. God moved in each member’s heart highlighting the injustice of people groups who still had no access to the Gospel. We called this initiative Engage500. The following year in Phenom Penh, Cambodia, GlobeServe’s leadership embraced prioritizing people
groups with less than a 0.5% Christian presence – especially the unengaged. This was only possible with God’s power – it simply couldn’t be reached on our own. On May 7, 2020, we confirmed that church planting teams are now engaged among 503 unreached people groups in 70 countries – including many people groups that were once unengaged. This marks the completion of our Engage500 goal, and takes us to the next step of faith – to see dynamic church planting movements occur among these people groups.
The Hope of the Gospel Advancing Like Never Before
It’s been 75 years of total commitment to missions, and this is only the beginning! As Bethany Executive Vice President, Tim Freeman, affirms: “The Engage500 goal changed our course. It unlocked a compelling vision for multiplying passionate disciples and flourishing churches among unreached peoples.” Our 7 Stages of Effective Engagement clarifies the Great Commission task allowing us to track each of our 503 unreached people groups, identify which stage they are in, and assess what we need to do to help them reach the next stage of mission advancement. Imagine this prophetic picture of the body of Christ: from across the world, God’s people are working in concert to answer Jesus’s prayer, in John 17, that
“we would be one as He and the Father are one” – showing the world that Jesus is the Savior of the world. The hope of the Gospel is advancing like never before. Let this sink in: Now, more than any other time in history, we can see the day when every people group will have believers, every village or neighborhood a church, and Scriptures available in every language. “And this Gospel of the Kingdom will proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). Our heart’s cry is the fulfillment of Habakkuk 2:14: “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” We are beginning to see the day that our Christian fathers longed for!
Bethany Timeline by Dan Brokke
he Bethany story over the past 75 years is a journey marked by people, events, stories and milestones – more that we can possibly convey. Each individual’s story intertwines with the stories of many others. The next six pages present a spread for each 25 years. The first spread is 27 years, because we begin our story in 1943 with the founding of Bethany Chapel. Out of this small congregation came the five families who founded Bethany Fellowship, Inc. on June 21, 1945, and moved into Bethany House on October 1, 1945.
students wholeheartedly engaged to initially “train, send and support 100 missionaries,” and then to go far beyond that initial vision to make Jesus known around the world. Bethany International continues to serve by the grace of God through the selfless service of every person who has been part of Bethany. To each of you I say, “Thank you!” God has empowered, delivered and preserved us to continue to “take the church to where it is not and help others do the same.” May you be encouraged in your walk of obedience and faith!
I’m struck by the faith and dedication required all along the way. Hundreds of staff and thousands of
Picture of “Bethany House”
Rocking horse one of wood products made for the home.
1946: May 23, 57 acre farm purchased in Bloomington, MN.
1946: December, the first two missionaries, are sent out under WEC to Africa supported by the church: Marie (Bakken) Pessoa and Valborg Esping.
1943: April 16, Palm Sunday, Bethany Chapel is founded in a newly purchased chapel at 57th St and Nicollet Ave. in Minneapolis. Ted Hegre is installed as the founding Pastor.
1950s: Production of wood products, lefse plates, and camping trailers to support mission training and sending. Bethany Crusader House Trailers (1949)
1946 1944
1950 1947
1945: June 21, Bethany Fellowship, Inc is established
1944: January 1, Ted Hegre shares a vision to send and support 100 missionaries from the church. The congregation accepts this “impossible” challenge.
1945: Five families sell their homes, pool their resources, and organize Bethany Fellowship to train, send, and support 100 missionaries.
1947: Construction of “Long House,” the second building begins in Bloomington.
1948 1948: June 18, Bethany Fellowship headquarters and residents, now about 100 people, move to the Bloomington campus. Blaisedale Ave. residence is sold. Inside of the Bethany Fellowship Chapel with “Live with Eternity’s Values in View” Banner
1948: October, Bethany Fellowship Missionary Training Center opens in Bloomington, Minnesota and a print shop begins.
First class photo
1956: Fall, 74 students enrolled in Bethany Fellowship Missionary Training Center. 1956: Bethany Fellowship publishes first book, The Changing Climate by Arthur Bloomfield. 1956: Bethany experiences a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
1956 1956 1956: Arial view of campus – showing beginning of building 1,000 seat auditorium.
1958: May, Lois Finsaas dies in India. The first alumnus and supported missionary to die on the mission field.
1963: Mission is established. Brazil is the first field, and growth leads to multiple ministry bases.
1968: Establishment of Christian bookstores and schools begins throughout Caribbean and Central America.
1963 1960
1960: Five books published, including Why Revival Tarries by Leonard Ravenhill. Publishing efforts grow into Bethany House Publishers.
1968 1966
1966: New 32,000 sq. ft. education building constructed
1969: The Fellowship mourns seven members killed in a tornado at Bethany’s retreat center in Northern Minnesota.
1960s: The annual Summer Victorious Life Conference was always an important event. Ted spoke to a full auditorium.
Helen Wallen of printing press
Stan and Marianne Harder 100th missionaries
1971: Indonesia becomes first mission field in Asia.
1974: Initial goal to train, send, and support 100 missionaries is reached.
1971 1972
1972: Bethany’s new vocational manufacturing building for camping trailers was completed.
1980 1979 1979: Enrollment at Bethany College of Missions grows to 258.
Class of 1980
1979: By the end of 1979, Love Comes Softly by Janette Oke was published opening the door to a new category called adult Christian fiction.
1980: The Christian Family by Larry Christenson published in 1970 reaches 1.25 million copies by 1980.
1981: First mission team focused on church planting is sent to the Philippines.
1984: October, Alec Brooks is elected the second President.
1991: December, Alec Brooks is awarded a one-year sabbatical and Harold Brokke is named President.
1984: October, Bethany founder, Pastor Ted Hegre, dies in Singapore at 76.
1984 1986
1986: Missionaries begin serving in Europe, the Balkans, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia.
1995: June 28 – July 2, All Alumni Reunion celebrating the 50th anniversary of Bethany. A total of 1,100 attend the reunion (alumni and families).
1995 1994
1994: April 8, Harold Brokke retires.
1995 1995: July, GlobeServe, a fellowship of international mission training and sending partnerships, is formed with Bethany’s guidance.
1994: May, Paul Strand is elected the fourth President.
Mission Field Directors 1986 Back Row from L to R: Stan Harder (Mexico); Arsenio Eniego (Mindoro, Philippines); Alec Brooks (Bethany’s President); Tim Freeman (Isabela, Philippines); Ed DePree (Puerto Rico); Larry Darby (Colonel Fabriciano, Brazil) Front Row: Grayling Trees (France); Paul Sunde (Japan); George Foster (Belo Horizonte, Brazil); Paul Strand (Indonesia); Rich Craven (Altonia, Brazil)
2006: June 12, Dan Brokke appointed sixth President of Bethany International and Board commits to rebuild Bethany: grow college, develop team, redesign financial model, and clarify vision.
David Hicks and Tan Kok Beng (CEO of BIU – Singapore)
2002: GlobeServe and Bethany launch GO100 to start 100 new mission schools globally.
2006: April 21, Board believes the whole campus should not be sold, but is willing to sell unused portions of the property.
2006 2002 2001
2001: February, David Hicks is elected the fifth President.
2010: February, Bethany College of Missions accepted as an applicant for accreditation through the Association for Biblical Higher Education.
2010 2003 2003: Bethany House Publishers is sold to Baker Book House.
2008 2008: June, completion of GO100 vision is celebrated in Nairobi Kenya. 120 schools were started in 6 years.
2011 2011 February: “Take the church to where it is not and help others do the same” is adopted as new mission statement.
2013 Bethany College of Missions is renamed to Bethany Global University (BGU).
2015: March, GlobeServe adopts the Engage500 goal – seeing an additional 231 new unreached people groups engaged with the Gospel bringing the total to 500 unreached people groups served by 2020.
2013 2014 2014: June, the Field 5,000 goal is met at the GlobeServe Triennial held recognizing the fielding 8,000 workers during a 5 year period.
2019: BGU enrollment reaches 360, including a record 130 interns at Bethany Gateways locations and 45 graduate students.
2016 2016: February, BGU is granted initial accreditation by the Association for Biblical Higher Education.
2020 2020: May 7, Engage500 goal is achieved as church planting teams have been placed among 503 unreached people groups. 2020: June 21, Bethany International celebrates 75th anniversary since its founding on June 21, 1945.
Miraculous Protection and Provision by Dan Brokke
A Testimony of God’s Faithfulness to a New Generation
n early April 2006, on a conference call Bethany’s largest donor laid out a plan to sell the campus to a national home builder and to invest the proceeds to provide ongoing ministry funding. The donor had already given more than $1 million to Bethany for investment into a special “invitation only” high-yield fund. Then he gave an ultimatum, “Sell the whole campus, all 62 acres, and we will help you in every aspect of the sale and relocation. But, if not, our help will cease.” There was silence. I confessed, “I don’t think I can make this kind of decision on a phone call.” A follow-up meeting at Bethany was set for April 21. On April 21, following my youngest son’s first baseball game, I called while driving to the Denver International Airport to fly to Minneapolis. The Board had already concluded we should not sell the
whole campus. Non-strategic portions could be sold. Then they shocked me.
Five strategic priorities emerged as critical to moving forward:
The Board Chair asked if I would consider serving as Interim President of Bethany. After a few questions about why and what this would mean, I simply said, “I need to call my wife!” It was clear to us that I should serve in this way.
Grow the college.
Clarify direction.
Redesign financial model.
Strengthen our team.
Sell portions of campus to provide cash.
My responsibilities began Monday, the 23rd. That first afternoon we met with the donor and told him we would not sell the whole campus. As threatened, all help was ended. A week later the first portion of invested funds was returned. A month later the remaining funds from the Bethany House Publishers sale were returned. These $2 million dollars were the only funds available to move forward. At that time, Bethany was losing about $150-200,000 per month. Only 52 people were living on the campus. All of the dorms were shuttered and most apartments were not in use.
God, Did You Do This? A few weeks later, I began a planning discussion by putting two words on a white board: Training and Sending. We then proceeded to list the many supporting elements that had been part of Bethany’s long history – on campus community, publishing and printing, a thriving student body, a strong church on campus, other businesses, etc. I began to erase those which had either radically changed or were no longer part of Bethany. When finished, all of the supporting elements were gone. This question entered my mind, “God, did you
do this?” Everything had changed. During the next two years, we reduced expenses, gained modest growth of the college, leased some of the campus, and pursued selling unused portions of the campus. Our beginning cash was running out and our credit line was used up. Then the financial crash at the end of 2008 caused real estate values to plummet. In early 2009, the FBI uncovered that the high-yield fund our donor had invited us to join was in fact a Ponzi scheme. We would have lost everything – the campus and the cash from the proposed sale of the campus. God had truly had delivered us from evil.
Fervent Prayer and Miracles This was a season of deep crisis and desperate prayers. From January 2009 through June 2010, we gained a new appreciation for the prayer,
“Give us this day our daily bread.” God provided what we needed to keep the lights on. Then on July 2, 2010, Presbyterian Homes purchased 10.89 acres for the development of senior housing facilities. This occurred at just the right time. Sale of this underused portion of our campus provided funding for legacy and pension obligations, and rebuilding Bethany College of Missions/Bethany Global University (BGU). In 2011, another 15 acres were sold to a national home builder. Then, on July 30, 2014, we sold a building on the final day the cash was needed to secure funding related to accessing Title IV funds for students and strengthening our position to eventually gain accreditation for BGU in 2016. Through God’s strengthening of our team, we saw a three-fold increase in enrollment at BGU over the next four years. As mission effectiveness in-
creased, foundations and donors increased support for Bethany’s work on campus and around the world. We are so grateful for all who financially stood with us during difficult days and continue to partner with us. These few accounts are an inadequate testimony of all that God did. His deliverance and provision has strengthened our faith to trust Him for what is to come. “Greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire— may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed”(I Peter 1:6-7). There is only one good explanation for Bethany being here today: Jehovah-Jireh! God continues to miraculously protect and provide.
am was shocked. He couldn’t shake it. “People are waiting for us.”
Sam was raised in a loving Christian home in Eastern Ghana. On a trip to visit his grandfather in a Ghanaian village, 12 year old Sam was introduced to a world that he didn’t know existed. His father told him there was no church in the village for them to visit that Sunday. “My heart was instantly broken. I kept fighting the thought of not being able to go to church.” Right then, he challenged his father to take him out to the streets to share the love of God. His father answered, “Son, you are only 12 years old. Wait until you grow up.
By Sam Dunya, Bethany
Sam Dunya, has
Gateways Missionary
served as a missionary in Ghana for 25 years. He has seen thousands of Muslims come to Christ. Most recently, Sam and his team of missionaries are being welcomed with wide open arms into villages of unreached Muslim people groups. Sam is seeing a church planting movement sweep across villages, cities, and countries. Like never before, the Gospel is penetrating West Africa.
When you grow up, you can come back and bring the church to the people.” That moment, Sam felt the calling on his life to missions – taking the church to where it’s not. “My father’s words never left me. Every Sunday, I still think about the 12 year old somewhere in the world that doesn’t have a church to go to. People are waiting for us to bring the church and the message of the Gospel to them.” It’s the modern era, but half of the world is still shrouded in darkness. Bethany International’s vision and heartbeat is to reach those who don’t have a church or believer to share the Gospel with them. We want to run the Gospel to those waiting for someone… anyone… to share the saving news of Jesus Christ.
The Beginning of a Powerful Partnership. Even in the heart of ministry, Sam had a deep and urgent desire to receive focused missions training. After completing a four year degree in business administration, Sam joined the first ever YWAM (Youth With a Mission) Discipleship Training Program in the country of Ghana for six months. Right after, Sam served with Mercy Ships on the Anastasias for two years.
U.S. It was a crucial time where he built important relationships. “I have two fathers: my father who is 93 years old and Harold Brokke who is now in heaven… Every time Pastor Brokke comes to mind, tears come to my eyes. He was a rock and an example to me. Harold Brokke told me, ‘Sam, God is going to do great things. Stay humble.’” Upon graduation, Sam had many offers to stay in the U.S., but his dad’s words kept coming back to him. He knew that he had to return to Ghana to fulfill what had been in his heart since he was 12 years old. “I came to the U.S. to be equipped, learn more about missions, and to connect with front line missionaries. I’m not called to the U.S. but to Africa.”
We’re Coming! In December 1995, Sam returned to Ghana with his wife, nine month old daughter, little support, and no place to stay. “We had a vision that was bigger than money. We knew that God was bigger.” From the beginning of Sam’s ministry, God showed Himself faithful. Sam received a call from a cousin who
offered to give him a hotel with nine rooms. In June 1996, the Lord told Sam to start a Bible school in his new home. Everything he learned from BGU served as the curriculum. In the first year, Sam trained nine students and together they started nine churches. The students caught the vision of taking the church to where it’s not. Right now, Sam’s vision is to reach West Africa. In West Africa alone, there are 502 unreached people groups – over 168 million people. “These people are waiting for us. I want to see men and women raised up and deployed to all of West Africa’s unreached people groups.” “Sometimes I go back into my room and say, ‘God, is this real?’” For the past three to four years, the Lord has given Sam and his ministry team favor in the sight of Muslim chiefs. They’ve seen Muslim chiefs on the forefront of the mission field – welcoming them into their villages. God is turning things around. God is using the very people that were so resistant to the Gospel to open the door to the unreached. “Most of the success that we
It was on the Anastasias that God made a way for Sam to hear about Bethany. Sam met a Bethany alumnus who told him about BGU. As he was weighing what school to attend, his heart landed on Bethany. “I wanted the best training possible. I went with Bethany because of its focus on missions. At Bethany, missions isn’t a program or an addition to the school. Missions is it for us. Bethany exists for mission.” Bethany was Sam’s introduction to the
have had in Northern Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Ivory Coast has been in Muslim communities.” Sam and his team are working among 15 unreached people groups in West Africa in countries like Liberia, Ivory Coast, Togo, Burkina Faso, and Ghana. They are planning to move into Gambia next. This year, they want to start 70 new
churches, plant 1,200 house churches, raise 3,600 disciples, and send 24 missionaries to at least five West African countries. Sam has what he calls a “2027 vision:” to plant 700 churches, see 1 million people come to Jesus in Ghana, and 500,000 people come to Jesus in the surrounding countries in West Africa. His ultimate goal is to raise men and women equipped and able to disciple others, plant churches that are sustainable and reproducible, and ultimately to see exponential growth in West Africa, the African continent, and the rest of the
world. Africa is a massive continent, but the Lord is doing a new thing! What Sam is seeing in Africa is what Bethany is working to see all over the world. Our partners are committing to not only making disciples, but to cultivating reproducible disciples and churches that see rapid discipleship. This is the vision of missions for the future. Our goal is not small – we want to see the entire world covered with the glory of God. We want to build up churches and disciples who won’t stay silent or stay put knowing there are people waiting for us!
Bethany Alumni That God Has Used Mightily By Randy Dirks PhD, Vice President for Advancement Steve Bundy (Class of 1992) As Senior Vice President at the Joni and Friends International Disability Center, I can’t imagine leading our international efforts into 25 countries without my time at Bethany. My greatest joy was meeting my precious wife Melissa at Bethany, then launching our marriage as short-term missionaries in Slovenia in 1992. As we prepared for long-term missions, God redirected us through the birth of my first son, Caleb, who was born with multiple disabilities. God ordained that I lead a ministry to multiple unreached people groups through serving the least, the last, and the lost. Having just completed my second term on the Board of Bethany International, I can say that Bethany is just as committed to developing its students today as it ever has been. its students today as ever has been.
Pat and Joan Krayer (Class of 1982) Bethany’s missiological focus on reaching unreached peoples shaped our perspective and, eventually, our careers. In 1974, Ralph Winter developed the notion of reaching unreached peoples, then in 1978 Bethany introduced the concept of the unreached in our classes. From 19842012, we served in Pakistan and Afghanistan. In 2013, Pat assumed the role that he holds today: Executive Director for the U.S. office of Interserve – an international organization that focuses on the unreached peoples of Asia and the Arab
world. For the past four years, Joan has been serving as Director of People Services for Interserve’s international office.
Diane Littleton (Class of 1976) Jeff and I came to Bethany after serving a four year term on the mission field. During our time overseas, we came faceto-face with the stark reality of our own brokenness. At Bethany, we learned the “overcoming life of Christ” and how to “walk in the Spirit.” Bethany prepared Diane for a life of ministry. Diane was one of the “original residents” of the YWAM University of the Nations in Kona, Hawaii. She worked as a secretary to Darlene Cunningham then, for a short while, Loren Cunningham. She also sat under Jack Winter as he pioneered the Father Heart message to the body of Christ. In 2019, Diane moved back to the U.S. after serving in Asia for 50 years.
Kayla Stock (Class of 2015 and Current Gateways Missionary to the Middle East)
name’s sake. This led me to serve my 16-month internship in Thailand – a place I never “had a heart for.” God gave me a passion for the Thai people and I served almost seven years there, sharing His love with the sexually exploited and the imprisoned. Last year, I transitioned to the Middle East – leaving the Buddhist world for the Muslim world. My time at Bethany has equipped me with the tools I need. I am working to make Jesus known with a small Christian medical Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) amongst a large unreached people group. It’s not easy, but I know Jesus is worth it.
Paul McKaughan (Class of 1963) After graduating from Bethany in 1963, Paul and Joanne sailed to Brazil where they served as missionaries for 14 years. In Brazil, Paul collaborated with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, helped start a Bible school, and planted numerous churches. From 1977-1987, Paul led Mission to the World (MTW). Under his leadership, MTW formulated plans to start new presbyteries around the world and to train, equip, and empower native Christians to step into leadership. In 1989, Paul was appointed President of the Evangelical Fellowship of Mission Agencies (today Missio Nexus) where he served for 15 years. Dr. Paul McKaughan went to Heaven on December 31, 2018.
eAt Bethany, I found an even deeper relationship with Jesus and was equipped for the task of crossing cultures for His
By David Hasz, Executive Vice President and Provost
Heritage of Training Missionaries
working, he became self-educated through personal study of great books, reading the Word of God, and life experience. He desired to help people like him, who felt called to missions but lacked the finances and opportunity to receive formal training.
This vision of training missionaries grew out of Ted Hegre’s own journey. After eighth grade, Ted’s father died, forcing him to join the workforce to financially support his family. Although Ted was
In October, 1948, the first class of seven young men and three young women enrolled as students at Bethany Fellowship Missionary Training Center. Ted Hegre was the principal instructor, along with Harold Brokke, a recent graduate of St. Olaf College. The entrance requirements stated that a student must be: 1) born again, 2) called to missionary service, and 3) a high school graduate. The entrance fee was $50, known as “seal money,” signi-
rom the beginning, Bethany’s aim has been to live victoriously in Jesus Christ and to take the Gospel to the entire world. Initially, the five original families had planned on going to another country to serve as missionaries, but God was not releasing them to go. Instead, these families believed that He called them to train, send, and support missionaries.
fying that God was placing His seal on each new student.
Be strong in Christ-like character and resolve.
our mission agency, along with 87 other well-known organizations such as:
Bethany students were taught the great doctrines of the Old and New Testament, given internship opportunities to learn how to present the Gospel, and were allowed to share in the vocational work program with Bethany staff. This was in line with the “three-fold preparation” philosophy of the school (The Head, The Feet, and The Hands).
Do missions competently in another culture.
Interserve International
Mercy Ships
Campus Crusade/CRU
Operation Mobilization
Voice of the Martyrs
Youth for Christ
Youth with A Mission (YWAM)
In 1985, the school was renamed Bethany School of Missions and later Bethany College of Missions. In 2013, it was decided to rename the college once again to better encompass our passion for the entire world; this name was and continues to be Bethany Global University. What has not changed is our 75 years of commitment to missions and reaching the unreached.
Building on a Sure Foundation: Bethany Global University (BGU) Bethany Global University (BGU) is now a four-year accredited mission college for men and women committed to fulltime missionary service. We are solely focused on preparing students while providing hands-on missions experience. Within a supportive community of missionaries and experienced faculty, BGU’s three-fold educational philosophy has developed from the original “three-fold preparation” to: Know biblical, theological, and intercultural principles.
Along with a required major in Bible and Theology, students choose a second major; they are able to choose from: Intercultural Ministry Studies, Transformational Entrepreneurship in Missions, or Education in Missions. Master’s degrees are also available in Intercultural Studies, Leadership, and Education. Between BGU’s practical work training program and scholarships, we cover each student’s tuition, so graduates can go right to the mission field without the excessive burden of debt. Every year, Bethany gives more than $2 million in student scholarships. What truly sets BGU apart from other mission colleges is the unique opportunity of missionary immersion training. Students are on campus for their freshman and sophomore years. For their entire junior year and half of their senior year, a full 16 months, students live abroad to serve alongside Bethany missionaries. Their immersion training includes learning the language, studying the region’s culture and religion, and becoming deeply involved in missions, all while continuing their four-year degree online.
The Global Impact of Our Alumni Our alumni have made a significant global impact over the decades and continue to do so today. Our graduates have served with Bethany Gateways,
Training Future Generations BGU’s enrollment has grown from 111 to 350 students in the past five years, providing a growing pipeline of mission catalysts. Using BGU’s training philosophy as a model, we’ve helped establish 303 other mission training schools internationally. The conviction that drives us is the original vision of the founding families to train, send, and support a growing force to reach the unreached. Our world is changing at an accelerating rate. Building on the strengths of our past and the vision that God has given us for the future, we recognize that meeting the training needs of new generations flows out of a heart willing to lay down one’s life for the sake of those who have not yet heard.
by Dan Germo, Vice President and International Director of Bethany Gateways
he abandoned farmhouse stood on the prairie as a reminder of a time long past, the remnant of a family dream. One can imagine a farmer and his wife more than a century ago standing in this yet untouched spot, with a sense of hope and determination, saying, “This is where we will build our home, raise our children, and make a living off of this land.” Now, with the passing of generations all that remains is an overgrown farmyard and worn-out empty buildings. Was this failure? Was the dream wrong? Of course, each abandoned farm site has its own story; but, I don’t see failure when I look at these abandoned farms. I see hope lived out as a family was raised,
fed by the crops they grew. The fulfilment of the parents’ dream then opened the door for the sons and daughters to pursue their own dreams, which is evidenced by their descendants being spread through the regions and beyond.
ployed across Brazil, the region and even the world. In fact, Brazil has moved from being the mission field to truly being a major contributor to world evangelization. The Lord allowed Bethany to play a part in that transformation.
In similar fashion, I think of Altonia deep in the jungles of southern Brazil where Bethany Gateways was born in 1963. The perseverance and determination of the founders is truly remarkable and inspirational, which can be seen in the new book, by Nedra Dugan, Living for Eternity. However, just a few weeks ago, a decision was made in Brazil to close the property and sell it. Failure? No. While in operation, generations of Brazilian workers were trained and de-
Today, Bethany Gateways exists because of the pioneers who persevered. I salute Rich and Karen Craven, Willie and Thelma Harder, Paul and Joanne McKaughan, and the many who followed them to Brazil, for answering their call as true pioneers of the Gospel! Altonia’s founding led to the starting of Bethany Gateways, which then opened the door for many workers from America to dream and follow God’s call all around the world.
Launch – Others will join a team to be launched from those existing teams to a make disciples in nearby areas, among the same or even newly engaged UPGs.
Partner – Some will be immersed in the local initiative of one of our African, Asian or Latin American partners taking the church to where it is not.
Pioneer – A new generation of pioneers will rise up to join or form church planting teams to new regions, such as in North Africa, Middle East or Central Asia where Bethany Gateways teams do not currently exist.
We honor our heritage by not only standing in awe as we look back, but by straining towards the future with continued purpose and determination. Amazingly, more missionaries will be sent by Bethany Gateways in the next five years than in the first 25 years of Bethany’s history. The need is greater than ever before. The world population in 1963 when Gateways started was approximately 3.2 billion people, compared to the current 7.8 billion. Now consider that a significant portion of the billions born since were born into people groups still with no access to the Gospel, places where there is no knowledge of God nor His glory.
Today, I scan the globe to see Bethany Gateways workers living new dreams, but with the same perseverance, commitment, and the same ultimate cause, of the founding generation. From Latin America, to East and West Africa, Europe, the Balkans and the Caucuses, and across Asia, our workers have one thing in common: they are committed to taking the Church taken to where it is not. Our workers are directly engaging individuals and communities from 75 unreached people groups (UPGs) from across these regions. Our call will drive us beyond where we currently are to now pioneer our way into Central Asia, North Africa and the Middle East.
Bethany Gateways is right at the front end of a growth surge, due to our strategic integration with Bethany Global University. From March – September 2020, we will field 18 new long-term workers, all going out to take the church to where it is not. Signs indicate that this is just the beginning
Beginning from Altonia and now to the rest of the world, we press on with one purpose: to take the church to where it is not, so that in every place and among every people group, God’s name will be glorified. Join us as we press ahead!
of growth! New recruits will be sent to Reinforce, Launch, Partner or Pioneer! •
Reinforce – They will join an existing Gateways team in Africa, Europe, the Caucuses, or across Asia to strengthen or expand their initiatives among an unreached people group.
By Tim Freeman, Executive Vice President for Bethany International
olomon Akalu and his young family struggled to plant churches in the Ethiopian province of Bale. Resistance to the Gospel from the Muslim population was fierce, and the Akalu family lacked financial support. Their health suffered. They lost a child to disease. Ministry in Bale seemed hopeless and their work futile. Fortunately, that’s not the end of Solomon’s story! Solomon enrolled in a new missions training school that Bethany helped develop in
partnership with his denomination, the Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church (Kale Heywet means “Word of Life”). Solomon’s prayer life, his relationship with Jesus and his outlook on ministry dramatically changed. After several years in missions, Solomon received special training from Bethany to equip him to start six mobile missionary training schools. He has now trained hundreds of church planters, and his graduates are successfully planting churches among unreached Muslim people groups. The province of Bale, where
Solomon experienced such ministry frustration years ago, has seen many leave Islam, be discipled and join thriving churches. These, in turn, are planting even more churches among other unreached Muslim tribes in Ethiopia. Helping “Solomons” become effective in ministry is what we do at Bethany Gateways Partners (GWP).
Fruit Bearing Fruit bearing takes time. In our case
In 1995 Bethany with national partners came together in an association that Bethany formed what was known as Globeserve, an association of missionary training and sending entities focused on UPGs. 28
it began with a challenge 30 years ago. Several Brazilians asked to join Bethany as cross-cultural missionaries. Instead of bringing them into a North American mission agency, we became an “empowering mission” to encourage the development of new missionary training and sending ministries across the globe. Bethany in Brazil started its own mission agency that now has 65 missionaries serving among 11 UPGs. Although Bethany has partnered with others in ministry since our founding in 1945, it was 25 years ago in 1995 that six of our fields came together to form what’s known as GlobeServe, an association of missionary training and sending entities focused on UPGs. GlobeServe ensures that each partner has its own identity but that all share the same purpose, “to take the church to where it’s not, and to help others do the same.”
Our Vision The first GWP/GlobeServe goal, GO100, audaciously sought to begin 100 missionary training schools around the globe. Within five years, 122 missionary training schools were started. Most focused on “near-culture missions” where Asians were planting churches among Asians and Africans among Africans. In the three years that followed, 8,606
workers were trained and fielded to minister primarily among the unreached. Every year we continue to see thousands of workers trained and fielded through GlobeServe missionary training schools. These schools were launched by faith, often with only a small amount of seed money and no promise of monthly support. One school, started in Indonesia by a “Paul” who then entrusted the new school to his “Timothy,” had so little money that their students frequently fasted and prayed just to get food on the table. They learned to trust God for supply. This one school has trained and sent workers throughout Indonesia, with graduates serving among 26 UPGs. Twelve of these had 0.0% Christians, but that is now changing! By the end of 2014, Bethany partners were working in 269 UPGs. This led to GWP/GlobeServe’s present goal, Engage500, to field church planting teams among a total of 500 UPGs. After years of focused effort, we have exceeded our goal with 503 UPGs now engaged. Bethany’s partnership now extends to workers in more than 70 countries. We assist our partners with vision/purpose, relationship-building, and training. It’s when these three elements are in place that financial support for projects is most effective.
A New Goal Engage500 is complete, but the Great Commission of Jesus, which is to disciple people from every tribe, language and kindred, cannot be fulfilled without seeing large movements of people coming to Christ and discipled. God is challenging Bethany to a new goal: seeing movements take place among the unreached. Several movements are already taking place within GWP/ GlobeServe, at times with hundreds of new churches being birthed per year in previously unreached people groups. We plan to build on this success so that multiplication takes place among many of the 503 engaged UPGs that Bethany and its partners serve among. Through 75 years of Bethany’s commitment to missions and 25 years of partnering through GWP/GlobeServe, we continue to prioritize our mission, “to take the Church to where it is not and to help others do the same.” We are excited about what the future holds!
There is a grave spiritual injustice – so many live with no access to the Gospel. To address this injustice of access, we each have a role to play. Where spiritual darkness has covered peoples and places, we push forward into new territory with the love of Christ. God has enabled us, along with national partners, to place church planting teams among 503 unreached people groups (UPGs). Almost half of the UPGs are less than 1/10th of 1% Christian and many are at 0.0% Christian. But this is just the beginning. “Addition-based” efforts will not do, multiplication empowered by the Holy Spirit is needed to truly impact these profoundly UPGs. We are training leaders and frontline workers for an exponential increase of evangelism, disciple-making, and church planting.
Our Goal: Catalyze Movements Where the Church is Not By God’s grace in the past 5 five years we saw 172,000 new believers and 5,900 new churches established. We will see an acceleration of new believers and new churches established among UPGs. Multiplication of new disciples and churches becomes church planting movements. The following exponential goals and strategies will catalyze movements among the unreached: •
Equip 400 mission training schools with the resources for exponential impact.
Mentor and coach workers who apply exponential movement principles.
235,000 new disciples and believers.
17,000 total new churches established.
100 new church planting movements will be catalyzed among UPGs.
By engaging exponentially, we are trusting God to see 100 new move-
ments in the next six years. These 100 new church planting movements among profoundly unreached people groups will each see at least 1,000 disciples come to Christ, and 100 churches planted. We call this Godsized goal MOVE100. Our research team is assessing the progress of movements and the competencies of the most effective catalytic leaders of movements. The foundational research and training being laid now have staggering growth implications.
Working Together to Fulfill God’s Mandate God’s mandate is to bring the Gospel to the most spiritually impoverished peoples. This work is only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives. God has entrusted Bethany with mission training and sending experience and competence over these past 75 years. Our commitment is to faithfully bring the Gospel to to unreached peoples and places. This task is too important to be done alone. It needs all of us working together.
The Legacy Society By Randy Dirks PhD, Vice President for Advancement Russ Solheim
Bill Reimer Bill Reimer often repeated to me when we would meet, “My passion is to see the Gospel come to the poorest of the poor and the unreached peoples of the world.”
Since 2005, Bill and Dolores supported many of Bethany’s projects through their family foundation. In India, Bill and Dolores made the vision of one of Bethany’s long-time national partners a reality – building facility to train missionaries to bring the Gospel to the unreached. On May 17, 2020, Bill went home to be with the Lord. We are grateful for the legacy that Bill has now left to us – to be a faithful steward of all that the Lord gives to us.
Russ came to Bethany during its early years and used his skills to create products that supported the ministry. He chose to include Bethany in his estate so that in his going home to the Lord, he could leave behind a gift that would enable the work of the ministry to grow. An estate gift is often the largest contribution that people can make to the ministry of their choice. By including Bethany in his will, people who have never heard of Christ will hear the Gospel for the first time.
Bethany International
Ministry Impact Report Bethany International Year End Financial Report This report provides an overview and accountability regarding how financial resources were utilized to accomplish ministries of Bethany International.
For the year ended June 30, 2020 REVENUE AND SUPPORT Ministry Contributions Tuition and Student Revenues Rental Revenues Other
Preliminary (in 000s) $8,809 $3,421 $1,024 $1,830
Total Operating Revenues
235,000 new believers 17,000 new churches
Student Revenues Rental Revenues Other income
Bethany Gateways
$4,355 $3,033 $3,794 $1,462
Gateway Partners Training Ministry Ministry Community/ Rental
$589 $958
Total Operating Expenses
Tuition and
ANALYSIS OF OPERATING EXPENSES Program Expenses Bethany Gateways (international) Gateway Partners (international) Training Ministry (USA) Ministry Community/Rental Supporting Services Fundraising General & Administrative
Over the next 5 years we are trusting the Lord for the following:
Fundraising General & Administration
40,000 35,000
15,000 10,000 0
300 0 2015
Leola Leetch From an early age, Leola had a heart for missions. After completing college, she married Don Leetch. Don and Leola were introduced to Bethany through an article written by Leonard Ravenhill.
They fell in love with Bethany’s vision and mission of reaching the world for Christ. In 2016, Leola invested in an annuity with Bethany International. Investing in an annuity financially has blessed both her and Bethany. First, Leola receives a steady income stream through the annuity. Second, a portion of the annuity funds immediately goes to spreading the Gospel and more people coming to Christ. Leola’s gift to Bethany is resulting in her missions’ vision becoming an important part of her legacy.
If you would like to learn more about how you can remember Bethany in your will through a trust or other means, please contact Dr. Randy Dirks who can assist you in the process. You can reach him at randy.dirks@bethfel.org or by phone at (952) 996-1388.
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Catch Our 75th Anniversary Virtual Event (viewable beginning October 1st at 7pm)
The Psalmist gives us moments to lament and moments to celebrate. In Psalm 115:1, He tells us: “Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory, for the sake of Your steadfast love and Your Faithfulness!” On October 1 at 7:00 p.m. CDT, Bethany will be hosting a LIVE streaming event to give glory to the Lord for what he has done in our first 75 years, and what He is doing today and for the years to come. Please join us, and invite all your friends and family to watch this special moment. Here is the link to watch the virtual event: bethanyinternational.org/75th/broadcast/
EARN YOUR DEGREE WHILE DOING MISSIONS You can reach the lost now while you prepare for a lifetime of impact
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Spend 16 months studying overseas Learn how to learn new languages quickly Study within a missions-minded community Save money through our tuition-paid program And much more
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