4 minute read

From the President


The spirit of Bethany permeates

Every new school year is special, but this past fall has been an unusually remarkable time on the Bethany campus. It was a poignant experience this past August seeing our students again for the first days of the academic year. Catching glimpses of them chatting with friends, going to chapel, and exploring new territory with Bethany professors joyfully replaced the previous six months of looking across a pandemic-shuttered campus. And while I was overjoyed for the return of these students, I couldn’t help but think of last spring’s seniors who were forced to leave the campus in March without saying goodbye. So, we eagerly look forward to providing the Class of 2020 a proper graduation celebration, God-willing, when the situation allows.

We fully understand that the events of this world are making these times stress-filled and perhaps tenuous. And while 2020-21 may not provide a full academic year in the traditional sense for Bethany, we are grateful for the opportunities that abound when a small, Christ-centered community of young people care for one another, and place the health of their neighbor first as they adjust the ways they move and interact in a world still coping with a pandemic.

This year, Bethany students are accepting and respecting the many rules and regulations on campus, both the guidelines suggested by the State of Minnesota, and those we’ve implemented as an institution with the goal of mitigating the effects of the COVID-19 virus. Students made these adjustments in a charged environment at a time when arguments were heightened during a contentious national election. Similar to society as a whole, there are a variety of perspectives regarding the virus and politics on the campus. But, the value of a liberal arts education at Bethany is alive in these varied perspectives and lifted by the blessing of living in a land of personal and religious liberties where we are free to worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The pandemic isn’t the only concern students are bringing to campus this fall. Today’s college students are grappling with the pain associated with racism in America. As our College Chaplain Don Moldstad said in a video message following the events in Minneapolis, “Our hearts ache at the senseless tragedy of the death of George Floyd.” Bethany is blessed to have diverse multiculturalism on campus and embraces this as an important part of the liberal arts experience. Enriching educational experiences are often the result of meaningful dialogue between people with different perspectives. As Christian brothers and sisters, we must work together reaching deeper into our hearts and God’s grace to discover greater understanding and new ways to truly love one another.

Bethany is one of only a few colleges that acknowledges the Bible as the inspired Word of God. It is also a place where students can openly affirm their Christian beliefs in honest dialogue with students of different faith backgrounds. This conversation happens in a setting where caring professors guide discussions covering diverse perspectives. It is a good thing to see this beautiful variety of young people, that our Lord created, interact at Bethany in a manner that will elevate their abilities to serve the Lord throughout their lives.

This spirit of open dialogue, caring mentorship, and true collaboration is the basis for Bethany’s current recruitment messaging. Perhaps you’ve noticed the slogan Bethany.Values.My Spirit. in admissions materials and on recent advertising. This campaign deliberately echoes our students’ perceptions of their Bethany experiences—A time when their intellectual spirits are encouraged by professors who know them personally and value collaboration—A moment when their creative and imaginative spirit in music, the visual arts, oration, and writing is nourished and inspired by an environment that fosters discovery— And a season when the athlete’s competitive spirit is fed by coaches who guide and mentor while taking them both to individual and team accomplishments never before experienced. These are the inspiring stories our students are sharing with us, bolstering our confidence that the Spirit is alive and well in the scholars, artists, and athletes attending Bethany Lutheran College.

A Bethany education is built on engaging students with their Savior, Jesus—The One Thing Needful. Because of His sacrifice for us, we can live with a renewed Spirit that motivates and guides our every moment. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 3:16, “Do you not know that you yourselves are God’s temple, and that God’s Spirit lives in you?” We pray that our students at Bethany, through the discerning lens of Truth found in God’s Word, learn to wisely navigate the uncertain times that we live in, and that they find shelter among fellow Christians and in the foundation of what our Savior has done for us so that we may be filled with a loving Spirit.

I am grateful to serve at this special college, and I am thankful for your ongoing support for the Spirit of Bethany.

Photo by David Norris

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