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The Bond of Bethany’s People

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from our ALUMNI

from our ALUMNI

Typical for any school year, this past fall Bethany hosted several significant events that brought many guests to campus. Among them, over the course of one November week, the College hosted the WELS West Regional Choral Fest that brought students from ten Lutheran high schools, along with many families and friends, to campus, and then the following day hosted a site visit team from our accreditation agency. An outcome stemming from these events was that hundreds of people – perhaps a thousand – had the opportunity to spend time on our campus for the very first time. Among the many comments received were that Bethany’s campus and facilities are outstanding.

Bethany has certainly been blessed by God with a beautiful campus and excellent facilities, and we do hear these positive comments frequently. But when alumni and friends are asked what’s special about Bethany, what is mentioned most frequently is the faculty, staff, and friends they were mentored by and interacted with while enjoying their time on campus, and by the bond of Christian faith that united them. The focus of this issue of the Bethany Magazine is about just that—Bethany’s people. Through the articles shared you’ll read many stories about these special people whose important work and lives are being blessed by our Lord at BLC and beyond.

God is blessing this special college through the people connected to this place including our talented students and Bethany alumni throughout the world. When I reflect on the countless blessings we have here at Bethany, foremost in my mind are the gifts and talents He’s given to those who labor on her behalf. I marvel at the team God has assembled at Bethany for the purpose of carrying out our mission and His purpose.

The unique abilities of our faculty and staff shine through our student body. When I see Bethany through our students, I’m also amazed by their wide-ranging and exceptional abilities, by their values and character traits, and by their ever-maturing faith that continues to grow on this Christ-centered campus.

And while I stand in admiration of the contributions our faculty and staff make to Bethany and our students’ achievements, I witness these same traits exemplified in our alumni who take their Bethany education focused on our Savior into their homes, communities, workplaces, and churches.

We also realize these special gifts are part of an imperfect world that will not last forever. Ultimately, what we have in common at Bethany is a zeal for proclaiming the Truth found through the One Thing Needful—that through Jesus’ perfect life and innocent suffering and death on our behalf we have confidence that by faith our eternal futures are secure. And it is Jesus’ model of servant leadership that inspires our faculty and staff to dedicate their time, gifts, and talents in service to their Savior and to our students and constituents.

It’s such a joy and privilege to serve at Bethany Lutheran College, and to witness the unceasing dedication and support for our mission, students, alumni, and most importantly the love for our Savior, Jesus, while thanking Him for His love for us every day.

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