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Classmates from left: Lois (Weigand) Gleason, Jodi (Johnson) Kuball, Cyndy (Skaff) Cohen, Jodi (Sladek) Love, Kim (Patterson) Studanski, Jackie (Tiegs) Maechtle. (Submitted photos)
Classmates gather yearly to support and strengthen relationships
Lifelong friendships are special. At Bethany, we talk about enduring friendships often, even mentioning these lasting relationships formed on campus in promotional material. And many have your own stories about special bonds formed at Bethany. These extraordinary friendships are a wonderful add-on benefit of attending a residential college.
Nearly 35 years ago, in what was then known simply as the Women's Dorm, six freshmen women - Cyndy (Skaff) Cohen, Jackie (Tiegs) Maechtle, Jodi (Johnson) Kuball, Jodi (Sladek) Love, Kim (Patterson) Studanski, and Lois (Weigand) Gleason began a lifelong journey of friendship. "We met on our very first day at Bethany…and truly, instantly became friends. I'd hang out daily with Jackie and next-door dormmate Lois, as well as Jodi, Jodi, and Kim whose room was across the hall," said Cohen.
Maechtle explained, "It was dorm life more than anything else that brought me to the friendships I made with the girls. I am sure we had some classes together and participated in a few common activities, but I don't remember that as much as the camaraderie and innocent dorm shenanigans that we shared."
And after two years (Bethany was a junior college in 1988) on campus sharing many experiences, events, and escapades, the friendship formed years ago remains a very special sisterhood today. The extraordinary friendship amongst the six was perhaps strengthened by the common experiences they shared as freshmen in college for the first time—and how they supported and encouraged each other at a unique turning point in their lives.
Cohen explained, "We met at such a formidable time in our lives. We learned how to live independently from our families together. We leaned on each other as we were figuring it out. While we are unique individuals, we share many of the same values and we have deep trust in each other and most importantly, our common belief that the Mighty Fortress is Our God truly binds us together."
Gleason added, "My friends and roommates were so great—we had this sense of kinship—we were all together on this journey into adulthood." "We studied, we talked, we supported each other during a time in all our lives when we were figuring out who we really were, said Maechtle. We were girls then who have since become women. My Bethany Girls, as I still call them, are my inner circle, some of the most trusted friends I know. I love them like sisters!"
So, at a time when it would have been easy to go their separate ways, lose touch, and move onto new adventures and experiences, the bond that was first formed in the fall of 1986 has grown stronger with time. Even as the six spread out and attended different schools to earn their bachelor's degrees, the women found ways to keep in touch as they moved throughout the Upper Midwest and beyond. "Cyndy and I lived with each other the summer after Bethany before we went to our next colleges. She and I visited Lois and Jackie in Milwaukee every summer after that," explained Kuball.
She also said that each of the women, independently, found time to meet with one or two of the group and even traveled across the country to visit Love who had moved to the State of Oregon. "I think we all stayed in touch through Christmas letters and some of us met up at a couple reunions."

Dressed for Halloween from left: Lois (Weigand) Gleason, classmate Deb (Leverenz) Goeldi, Cyndy (Skaff) Cohen, and Jodi (Johnson) Kuball.

The group celebrated their 50th birthdays in 2017.

Masking up in 2020.
And while the six communicated often during the first decade-and-a-half past their time at Bethany, the group's get togethers have become considerably more frequent and timely beginning in 2002.
At the nudging of one member of the group, all six agreed to meet for a weekend at the Marvin M. Schwan Retreat and Conference Center which was a property in Northern Wisconsin owned by Bethany. And while the Center is now under different ownership, the location has been the host site for the group for the past nineteen years.
So, how did the idea for the reunion weekend come about? "Jodi [Kuball] had the idea. It wasn't for an annual event at the time, it just turned out that way. Jodi has been our organizer every year since!" explained Love.
Cohen concurred, "I believe it was Jodi Kuball who floated us the idea. She is typically the one who corrals us all."
Gleason and Maechtle weren't quite sure but their stories corroborate.
Gleason said,"I don't even remember. My guess would be Jodi Kuball. She's the most organized!"
And Maechtle concurred, "We talked about it after an official reunion on campus and Jodi did some research about where to stay. We ended up booking two cabins for a weekend that next summer. And the rest is history," said Maechtle.
And for Kuball, she humbly confirmed the group's collective commendation, and takes ownership for the idea of the annual tradition. "I think the idea to start an annual ‘Girls' Weekend' was mine. Maybe? That's probably why I continue to be the ‘designated one' each year to keep planning and making the reservations!"

Group photo from 2013

Group photo from 2005
The pages of this magazine don't have nearly enough room to do justice telling the full story of these six Bethany alumnae's adventures together throughout the years, but Love's account provides a detailed picture of how the group spends the special weekends together. "When the weather is nice, we spend a lot of time kayaking, canoeing, or floating. We always play cards, games, dominoes, listen to music, share life updates, and give and get support from each other. Turning 40 and 50, one baby shower, and one bridal shower were the big parties. And we eat. Our snack table rivals the weekend meals, and the fridge is bursting. We just spend the time together, relaxing, laughing, sharing our lives."
Gleason confirmed, "We always have lots of laughter, some tears, and way too much food!"
And with the exception of a very few circumstances where a member of the group had to miss the gathering, the six have made it to every reunion. Studanski said, "I think everyone has been at every reunion. Jodi [Love] has traveled from Oregon every year to attend and hasn't missed a single year."
Cohen said the event has become more than just a reunion. It's something they all want (and need) to attend. "The most important aspect of our weekend together is just being with each other. Listening and learning from each other's experiences throughout the year; praying for each other; and supporting, encouraging, and sharing advice with each other."
When asked if she thinks the event will continue indefinitely, the answer was immediate. "Absolutely! I need these amazing women in my life and greatly value the uninterrupted time with them over the extended weekend!"
Maechtle concurred, "Yes, forever! We will be little old ladies and still have our Bethany Girls Weekend!"
It's a special bond these six alumnae share, and it's emblematic of so many other Bethany friendships throughout the years. Kuball, the instigator and planner, also says the event will go on as long as possible. "We will absolutely do this as long as we are physically able! We have so far all been blessed with good health and plan to continue to grow old with each other! It is definitely a highlight of our year. I think I can say that for all of us our Bethany friendships are among the most enduring because they are founded on our faith. It's been so rewarding to see our friendships grow deeper over the years. We pray for each other all through the year. We have a trust and loyalty that is beyond compare and almost thirty-five years strong."

Top: Grillmaster Cyndy Cohen in 2009.

Left: The group in 2010 with baby Zach—their only male guest to attend a reunion weekend.