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From our Alumni
Michael Sponberg (‘61) is well and still living in North Mankato, Minn. He sends greetings to all his Bethany classmates and looks forward to seeing many of them when they gather together this October for Fall Festival/ Homecoming Weekend.

Michael Butterfield (‘66)
(ABOVE) Former Bethany Admissions Director and Soccer Coach Michael Butterfield (‘66) visited the Bethany campus in April 2021. During his visit, Mike was presented with a painting from the 1973 soccer team that placed third in the nation. The painting was done by alumnus Scott Eckberg (‘75) - a member of the ‘73 team. The painting was completed in memory of Mike's wife, the sainted Vicki (‘67 Hougan) Butterfield. She passed away in 2020. Within the landscape piece, there are some hidden images with special meaning for Bethany and the ‘73 soccer team. The team had hoped to gather together to present the painting to Mike in person, but COVID restrictions did not allow for such a meeting. Bethany's Manager of Alumni Relations Jake Krier made the presentation to Butterfield on behalf of the team.
Rev. Ken Mellon ('78, '84 Seminary) retired after serving 36 years as an Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS pastor). He, and his wife Carol, have moved back to Mankato.
Keith (‘09) and Monica (‘08 Bowerman) Peterson are celebrating their thirteenth wedding anniversary in August 2021. Monica received her degree in English and Keith in sociology from Bethany. The couple have lived in Walker, Minnesota, near Leech Lake for the past three years. Monica is the office receptionist and circulation manager for the Pilot Independent Newspaper. Keith is a licensed social worker for Cass County Health, Human, and Veteran Services. Both Monica and Keith are active at their church, Immanuel Lutheran (LCMS), in Walker. Monica is a member of the Immanuel Lutheran LWML group, and Keith is chairman of the Board of Education for Immanuel Lutheran School and on the tech committee. The couple enjoy the small-town setting and activities in Walker and the surrounding areas of Bemidji, Brainerd, and Duluth.

ABOVE: John (’09) and DeeDee Dvorak welcomed Ada Grace into the world on June 24, 2021. Ada joins her big brother Mason (nearly two and a half years). Last summer 2020, John left his sales role at the Minnesota Vikings and is now serving at St. Croix Lutheran Academy (West St. Paul, Minnesota) as Assistant Director of Mission Advancement.

(ABOVE) Alannah (‘19 Menk) and Mike (‘15) Lendt welcomed their first child, Nathan to the world in January 2021.

(ABOVE) Jonah (‘16) and Sarah (‘16 Rehbein) Menough are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Amelia Rose. Amelia was born on March 5, 2021, in Mankato weighing in at 6 lbs. 2 oz.

(ABOVE) Katherine (Caflisch '16) and Douglas Totten praise God for the gift of one another as they were united in marriage on May 1, 2021. The newlyweds will make their home in Indianapolis where Doug is a medical resident and Katherine is pursuing a career in microbiology.

(ABOVE) Ryan Kastenschmidt (‘17) and Danielle Vetter (‘16) were united in marriage on August 8, 2020.
Kristina Carpenter (‘17) graduated from her graduate program at Hamline University in May 2021 with a master's in fine arts (MFA) in creative writing with an emphasis on fiction.
Allison Jentges (‘19) began a new position as a distribution supervisor for nVent Hoffman, an electrical enclosures company based in Anoka, Minn.
Deaths – Alumni, Regents, Faculty and Staff
Donald Anderson ('49) passed away on May 16, 2021
Donald Bauer ('50) passed away on March 25, 2021
Marjory Koenen (Pralle '53) passed away on May 18, 2021
Norman Theiste ('53) passed away on June 27, 2021
Melvin Fadness ('58) passed away on February 27, 2021
Loren Clobes ('66) passed away on March 12, 2021
Bernard Koskovich ('67) passed away on May 25, 2021
Cynthia Stubenvoll (Beise '72) passed away on February 2, 2021
Jerrold Dalke ('75) passed away on May 10, 2021
Timothy Reuter ('76) passed away on March 13, 2021
Kris Lecy ('79) passed away on March 31, 2021
Wendy Folven (Schumacher ‘79) passed away on April, 20, 2021
Gail Blilie (Lillo Curran '89) passed away on May 28, 2021
Mark Speerschneider ('99) passed away on June 21, 2020
Amun Bordain ('08) passed away on June 4, 2021
Correction: The May 2021 issue of Bethany Magazine listed an alumna's passing incorrectly. The listing should have stated, Maren Marie Ring (‘54 Preus) passed away on November 5, 2020.