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According to AOL Ruth Sabath Rosenthal
According to AOL
Dear sister i just sent you an e-mail & according to Aol:
“Your Message Has Been Sent!” It’s been 1 month 5 days minus 9 hours since you died & if by some blesséd event you do receive the transmission please please send me a sign somehow not only confirming this but that you actually read it & believe my compassion & forgive the annoyance i conveyed in what turned out to be your final days.
It’s now 72 hours since i e-mailed you & Aol just notified me by e-mail that you didn’t receive my message:
MAILER-DAEMOM Undelivered Mail Returned To Sender
followed by a scramble of ChArAcTeRS & SyMbOLs — tHe sUBJeCT LiNe oF mY mESsAGe iN thaT jUmbLE —hAD Aol bEEN aBLE tO LoCAtE yOuiN ThE vASt uNiVERSe yOu pRoBaBLy wOuLD hAvE deLeTeD mY e-MAiL uNReAD aNYwAY fOr iN mY heArT oF hEaRTs i BeLiEve yOu ArE gOinG oUT oF yOuR wAY tO aVoiD SeNdiNg mE a SigN oF aNY KiNd & i mUse wHaT wOuLD bE iF yOu sEE i GrAPPLe WitH gRieF & gUiLT NonSTOP
Ruth Sabath Rosenthal