1 minute read
Photograph of malecón statue, the stargazer Charles Leggett
Photograph of malecón statue, the stargazer whose binoculars have fused with his face
The azure thins, bleeds to blood orange cuddling couple in silhouette boundaries blurred of clouds a bird drifting down
Allons three cheers for flawless posture peerless votary let fall whatthee befuddles what muddles still that starry
heaven’s sprawled rune horizon incising your shadow-shawled waist where would-be hands resign assignment and surely should
Your lens can only linger on fingers gelled to gemcan raining rice on a languorous lion augur-cocaine
awaited and prayed upon weighed on the scales (i have scanned there too friend and found)—it only can hone what there will wend
Who chafes to change the azimuth who has a hand so strange range o range us in azure thinned pure to blood-rust orange
—Puerto Vallarta, 2006
Charles Leggett
(Previously published by: Barnwood Press, Automatic Pilot, isacoustic)