1 minute read
Confirm humanity Christopher M James
Confirm Humanity
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Again!? I have to type in a crude barcode of twig letters, to prolong my shelf life on this poetry site.
But like something prodded, I’m back in the blanket bogs of the Maumturk Mountains wrestling my wheel into bends for a late poetry reading. Drizzle around has drenched rushes and moor grass into pastel, mist has so clouded the land sheep barely stain into it, mountains are rubbed out, like elementary school mistakes.
The road is demented by turns, I’m an inpatient in padded air. A junction yawns abruptly: I hesitate, feeling called again to feed a cuckoo. Still, an idea hooks into the space like sheep’s fleece on a wire; a tip-off of an unlikely verse crosses before me, mist to mist, ruminant yet to turn its head.
So, I’ll click the self-fulfilling prophecy. Human then but with wadding. Contents may have settled in transit.
Christopher M James